HomeMy WebLinkAbout30425.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date April 7, 2009 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IMPLEMENTING MEASURES TO CONSERVE TELEPHONE NUMBERS IN THE 208 AREA CODE ERRATA ORDER NO. 30425 CASE NO. GNR-07- On September 13, 2007, IPUC Order No. 30425 was issued by this Commission. The following change(s) should be made to that Order: Page 4, Paragraph 1: READS: Applicable carriers will biennially report their number resource utilization/forecast (NRUF) data at the 1 000-block level for rate centers marked as Mandatory Pooling (designated as M or M*) by NeuStar. Rural incumbent local exchange companies are only required to report NRUF data at the 1 000-block level once they have received a request for LNP. Although paging companies are exempt from pooling requirements, we encourage them to participate on a voluntary basis and they should continue to biennially report NRUF data at the NXX level for all rate centers in the 208 area code. SHOULD READ: Applicable carriers will semi-annually report their number resource utilization/forecast (NRUF) data at the 1 000-block level for rate centers marked as Mandatory Pooling (designated as M or M*) by NeuStar. Rural incumbent local exchange companies are only required to report NRUF data at the 1 000-block level once they have received a request for LNP. Although paging companies are exempt from pooling requirements, we encourage them to participate on a voluntary basis and they should continue to semi-annually report NRUF data at the NXX level for all rate centers in the 208 area code. DATED at Boise, Idaho this 7-tk day of April 2009. ~L~le D. Jewell Commission Secretary bIs/O:GNR- T -07 -- errata Office of the Secretary Service Date September 13 2007 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IMPLEMENTING MEASURES TO CONSERVE TELEPHONE NUMBERS IN THE 208 AREA CODE ORDER NO. 30425 CASE NO. GNR-07- In early 2007 the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NeuStar) informally notified the Commission that Idaho s "208" area code would run out of telephone numbers (i. , " exhaust") in the second quarter of 2010. NeuStar is appointed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to manage the assignment and exhaustion of telephone area codes in North America. On March 29 2007, this Commission petitioned the FCC for authority to implement measures designed to postpone the exhaustion of our 208 area code by conserving and optimizing telephone numbers. In particular, the Commission sought authority to implement mandatory 1 000-block number "pooling" to extend the life of the 208 area code. In an Order issued August 24, 2007, the FCC delegated authority to the Idaho Commission to implement mandatory number pooling.l Accordingly, on its own Motion, the Commission orders that all applicable communications carriers implement 1 ,OOO-block number pooling. BACKGROUND Historically telephone numbers were assigned to telephone companies in blocks of 000 numbers. For example, each telephone exchange code such as 334-xxxx within the 208 area code (208-334-xxxx) contains 10 000 telephone numbers (334-0000 through 334-9999). With the proliferation of wireless telephones, new competitive telephone companies paging/messaging devices and Voice over Internet Providers (VoIP), the demand for new telephone numbers in most area codes has significantly increased in recent years. Petition of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for Delegated Authority to Implement Number Conservation Mea:;;ures WC Docket No. 07-118, DA 07-3728 (Aug. 24, 2007). (The FCC Order 2 In October 2000, NeuStar advised the Commission that our single area code would reach exhaustion in the fall of 2003. In August 2001, the Commission determined that before the area code became exhausted, it would be appropriate to divide Idaho into three area code regions. The southwestern region would retain the 208 area code while the northern and southeastern regions would each receive new area codes. Order No. 28902 at 12-16. As explained in greater detail below, the Commission implemented measures in 2002 that postponed the depletion of the area code and the need for new area codes. ORDER NO. 30425 To slow the demand for new telephone numbers and to conserve unused telephone numbers, the FCC in 2000 discontinued the assignment of 10 000-blocks of numbers and instituted 1 ,OOO-block number "pooling" for most carriers in the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the United States. In the Matter of Numbering Resource Optimization First Report and Order 15 F.R. 7574 (2000); Fourth Report and Order, 18 F.R. 12472 at 'if 5 (June 18, 2003). Pooling is a numbering conservation measure in which the 10,000 numbers in a NXX prefix are divided into 10 sequential blocks of 1 000 numbers and allocated to different carriers (or different switches) within a rate center. FCC Order at n. Although Boise was not one of the largest 100 metropolitan areas, the Commission requested and the FCC approved mandatory pooling for the Boise metropolitan area in early 2002. Order Nos. 28902 and 28981. Pooling in the Boise metropolitan area delayed the projected exhaust date for the 208 area code from the third quarter of 2003 to the projected second quarter of 2010. See supra note 2. While pooling conserved telephone numbers in the Boise area, carriers in other parts of Idaho were still permitted to request telephone numbers in 000-blocks. THE POOLING PETITION The proliferation of other carriers and types of communications in both the urban and rural areas of Idaho has undermined our numbering conservation efforts. During the 18 months ending July 2007, NeuStar had assigned 26 NXXs (260 000 telephone numbers) in Idaho. Consequently, on March 29 2007, the Commission requested authority from the FCC to expand mandatory pooling beyond the nine rate centers in the Boise metropolitan area. In its Petition, the Commission asserted that there were special circumstances which justified the delegation of authority to implement mandatory 1 000-block pooling. The Commission noted that all but one of the wireline carriers in Idaho are able to provide local number portability (LNP).3 LNP was mandated by the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 as a means to initially promote competition between incumbent telecommunications carriers and new/other carriers. 47 V.C. ~ 251 (b)(2). In essence, LNP allows customers to switch to a different service provider without changing their telephone numbers. 47 U.C. ~ 153(30). In its Petition the Commission also reported that the utilization rate for 208 area code numbers is only 42.2%. Idaho Petition at 3. This low utilization rate creates concern that 3 Rural Telephone is not LNP-capable in all its rate centers. ORDER NO. 3042~. thousands of telephone numbers will be stranded in rural areas, thereby depleting numbering resources faster than warranted by competitive market conditions. THE FCC'S ORDER The FCC found that Idaho s Petition demonstrated "special circumstances justifying delegation of authority to require pooling.FCC Order at 'if 1. The FCC observed that 1 000- block pooling will delay the exhaust of the 208 area code but allow carriers with sufficient resources to meet their numbering needs. Id. at 'if 11. The FCC found that it "is most efficient and in the public interest to permit (Idaho) to implement mandatory pooling at this time.Id. Consistent with its Fourth Report and Order the FCC exempted rural carriers that are not LNP-capable from the mandatory pooling requirement. Id. at 'if 12. In addition to rural carriers that are not LNP-capable, the FCC exempts Tier III commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) providers that have not yet received a specific request for the provision of LNP from another carrier. Fourth Report and Order 18 F.R. 12472 at 'if 18. A Tier III wireless carrier has fewer than 500 000 subscribers. Id. at n.50. Even if Tier III providers (including paging companies) are exempt from the pooling requirements, we encourage them to participate in our number conservation measures by donating unused 1 000-blocks back to the pooling administrator, thereby furthering our numbering resource optimization goals. FINDINGS Consistent with our delegated authority from the FCC, the Commission directs that those rate centers in the 208 area code currently considered as "optional" or "excluded" will now become mandatory pooling rate centers and will be labeled as "Mandatory State" (M) rates centers. Rate centers that currently have only one service provider with numbering resources will be specifically labeled as "Mandatory State Single Service Provider" (M*). These M* rate centers will be considered as optional pooling rate centers until a second service provider receives numbering resources in the rate center. Once a second provider receives numbers, the designation for the specific rate center shall be changed to "M" and all non-paging carriers must participate in all aspects of pooling. With the exception of the rate centers labeled as "M*" and the single non-LNP rural carrier, all non-paging carriers with numbering resources in the 208 area code must evaluate their inventories of numbers and be prepared to return to the numbering pool unused 1 000-number blocks and blocks that have fewer than 10% of the numbers assigned. Such donation should ORDER NO. 30425 occur in accordance with the industry numbering committee 1 000-block number (NXX- pooling administration guidelines (A TIS-030066). On a prospective basis, all numbering resources will be assigned to the applicable carrier in 1 000-blocks based upon the timeline to be established by the pooling administrator. Applicable carriers will biennially report their number resource utilization/forecast (NRUF) data at the 1 000-block level for rate centers marked as Mandatory Pooling (designated as M or M*) by NeuStar. Rural incumbent local exchange companies are only required to report NRUF data at the 1 000-block level once they have received a request for LNP. Although paging companies are exempt from pooling requirements, we encourage them to participate on a voluntary basis and they should continue to biennially report NRUF data at the NXX level for all rate centers in the 208 area code. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that mandatory 1 000-block pooling be implemented in the 208 area code unless a rural carrier is not LNP-capable or an exempt Tier III CMRS provider. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that with the exception of the rate centers labeled as M*", all non-paging carriers with numbering resources in the 208 area code must evaluate their numbering resources and donate to the numbering resource pool unused 1 ,OOO-number blocks and 1 000-number blocks that have fewer than 10% of their numbers assigned. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all numbering resources will be assigned to the applicable carrier in 1 000-blocks based on the timeline to be established by the pooling administrator, NeuStar. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that applicable CarrIers shall file the necessary utilization reports with NeuStar and should attend industry meetings regarding 1 000-block number pooling in the 208 area code when scheduled by NeuStar. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this Case No. GNR-07-04 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this case. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code ~ 61- 626. ORDER NO. 30425 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this /3f-1- day of September 2007. ATTEST: i7E:ill~Je D. JewellCo ission Secretary bls/O:GNR- 07-04 dh ORDER NO. 30425 d~~ MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER