HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013Annual Report.pdfTHIS FILING IS Item 1: E] An lnitial (Original) OR tr Resubmission No. _ Submission Form 2 Approved OMB No.1902-0028 (Expires 1013112014) Form 3-Q Approved OMB No.1902-0205 (Expires 0513112014) q ,\,EF-F {tf c- %A'rn:; = i-ri(niti c)(')- r$ rrlf1 ' ':i*5 -o "!;*-) 3 ;'ii an.:- ; {_i,7; cf\j c) I I t T I T I I T I I I I I I T I I These reports are mandatory under the Natural Gas Act, Sections 10(a), and 16 and 18 CFR Parts 260.1 and 260.300. Failure to report may result in criminal fines, civil penalties, and other sanctions as provided by law. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does not consider these reports to be of a confideritial nature. lwo FERC FINANCIAL REPORT FERC FORM No. 2= Annual Report of Major Natural Gas Companies and Supplemental Form 3-Q: Quarterly Financial Report KlafXW NO@@(M/E Exact Legal Name of Respondent (Company) lntermountain Gas Company Year/Period of Report End of 20131Q4 FERC FORM No.2/3Q (02-04) t I T I T I t I t I I I T I T I I t I I I I T T I I I I T I I T I l t t T I QUARTERLY/ANNUAL REPORT OF MAJOR NATURAL GAS GOMPANIES IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact Legal Name of Respondent lntsrmountaln Gas Company Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/Q4 03 Prevlous Name and Dato of Changa (lf name changed duilng year) 04 Address of Prlncipal Office at End 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, lD 83709 of Year (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 05 Name of Contact Person Mark Chiles 06 Tltle of Contact Person Vlce Presldent, Controller, Asst. Sec/Tr 07 Address of Contact Person (Street, Clty,. Stat€, Zlp Code) 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, lD 83709 08 Telephone of Contact Person, lncluding Area Code 208-377-6124 This Report ls: (1) [lAn orisinal (2') !A Resubmisslon 10 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1U3112013 ANNUAL CORPORATE OFFICER CERTIFICATION The undersigned offlcer certifles thal I have examined thls report and to the best of my knowledge, lnformation, and belief all statements of fact contained ln thls report are correct statements of the business affalrs of the respondent and the financial statements, and other flnancial lnformatlon contained in this report, conform in all material respects to the Uniform System of Accounts. 11 Name Mark Chiles '12 Title Vice President, Controller, Asst. SedTr 13 Signature YUl,r _(Le t- p,"*., 14 Date Signed;;.-= - 9-te-rat4 Title 18, U.S.C. 1001, makes it a crime for any person knowlngly and willingly to make to any Agenry or Department of the United States any false, fictitlous or fraudulent statoments as to any matter withln its jurisdictlon. FERC FORM NO.2/3Q (02-04)Page 1 Thls page intentionally left blank. T I I I I T T t I I t t t I T t I T T Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) []Rn originat(2) l--lA Resubmlssion Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 1A31t2013 YeailPenoo ot Kepor End of 2013/Q4 Llst of Schedules (Natural Gas Company) Enter in column (d) the terms "none," "not applicable," or "NA" as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the responses are "none," "not applicable," or "NA." Line No. Title of Schedule (a) Reference Page No. (b) Date Revlsed (c) Remarts (d) GENERAL CoRPORATE lNFoRMATlotl ANo FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 Genenal lnformation 101 2 Gontolover Respondot 102 3 Corponations Controlled by R$pondent 103 4 Searity Holden and Voting Porers 107 5 lmportant Changss Durlng he Year 108 6 Comparatlvo Balance Sheet 't 10-1 13 7 Statement of lncome for the Year 114-116 8 Statementof Accumulated Comprehensfue lncome and Hedglng Actlvltles 117 I Statement of Retalned Eamings for the Year 1 18-1't I 10 Statemenb of Cash Flows 120-121 11 Notes io Flnanclal Statements 't22 BALANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (Assets and Other Debiis) 12 Summary of Utllity Plant and Accumulated Provislons for Depreclaton, Amorllzatlon, and Depletlon 200-201 13 Gas Plant in Servico 204-209 't4 Gas Property and Capaclty Leased from Others 212 15 Gas Property and Capaclty Leased to Others 213 16 Gas Phnt Held for Future Use 214 17 Conslruction Work ln Progress-Gas 216 18 Non-Tnadlffonal Rate Treatrnent Afforded New Prolects 217 19 General Descriptlon of Construction Overhead Procedure 218 20 Accumulated Provision for Depreciaton of Gas Utility Plant 219 21 Gas Stored 220 22 lnvestments 222-223 23 lnveslments ln Subsidlary Companles 224-225 24 Prepayments 230 25 Extnaordlnary Property Losses 230 2d Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Sfudy Costs 230 27 Olher Regulatory Assels 232 28 Mlscellaneous Defened Deblts 233 29 Accumulated Defened lncome Taxes 234-235 BALANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (Llabllltes and other Credlls) 30 CaplhlStock 250-251 31 Capital Stock Subscribed, Capital Stock Liabllity for Conversion, Premium on Capital Stock, and lnstallmenb Recelved on Capltal Stock 252 32 Other PaldJn Capital 253 33 Dlscount on Capltal Stock 254 34 Capital Stock Expense 254 35 Securltles lssued orAssumed and Securltles Refunded or Retked Durlng the Year 255 36 Long-Term Debt 256-257 37 Unamortlzed Debt Expense, Premlum, and Dlscount on Long-Term Debt 268.259 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 2 Llst of SchEdules (Natural Gas Company) (contlnued) Enter in column (d) the terms "none," "not applicable," or "NA" as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the responses are "none," "not applicable," or "NA." Llne No. Tltle of Schedule (a) Reference Page No. (b) Date Revlsed (c) Remarks (d) 38 Unamorllzed Loss and Galn on Reaqulred Debt 260 39 Reconclllation of Reported Net lncome wlth Taxable lncome for Fedsral lncome Taxes 261 40 Taxes Accrued, Prepaid, and Charged Durlng Year 262-263 41 Mlscellaneous Cunent and Accrued Llabllltles 268 42 Other Defened Credlts 269 43 Accumulated Dsferred lncome Taxes-Other Property 274-275 44 Accumuhted Defened lnmme Taxes-Other 276-277 45 Other Regulatory Llablllties 278 INCOME ACCOUNT SUPPORTING SCHEDULES 46 Monthly Quantity & Revenue Data by Rate &hedule 299 47 Gas Openatlng Revenues 300-301 48 Revenues lrom Transportatlon of Gas of 0lhers Through Gathering Facillties 302-303 49 Revenues hom Transportatlon of Gas of Others Through Transmission Facllltles 304-305 50 Revenues from Storage Gas of Olhers 306-307 51 Other Gas Revenues 308 52 Dlscounted Rate Servlces and Negotated Rate Services 313 53 Gas Operation and Malnlenance Expenses 317-325 54 Exchange and lmbalance TransacUons 328 55 Gas Used in Utility Operatlons 331 56 Transmlsslon and Compresslon of Gas by Others 332 57 Olher Gas Supply Expenses 334 58 Miscallaneous General Expenses-Gas 335 59 Depreciatlon, Depletion, and Amortizatlon of Gas Plant '336-338 60 Partlculars Conceming Certain lncome Deduction and lnterest Charges Acounts 340 COMMON SECTION 61 Regulatory Commission Expenses 350-351 62 Employee Penslons and Benelits (Account 926)352 63 DlstrlbuUon of Salaries and Wages 354-355 64 Charges for Outside Professional and Other Consultative Services 357 65 Transactlons wih Assoclated (Afflllated) Companies 358 GAS PLANT STATISTICAL DATA 66 Compressor Stations 508-509 67 Gas Storage Projects s12-513 68 Transmisslon Llnes 514 69 Transmisslon System Peak Dellverles 518 70 Auxillary Peaklng Fadlities 51S 71 Gas Account-Natural Gas 520 72 Shipper Supplied Gas for the Cunent Quarter 521 73 System Map 522 74 Footnote Reference 551 75 Footnote Text 552 7A Stockholde/s Reports (check approprlate box) tr tr Four copies will be submitted No annual report to stockholders ls prepared Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn Orlgtnat (2J llA Resubmlssion Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3',U2013 Year/Period of End of 2013/Q4 I I I t I I I T T I I T I I T I T T tFERC FORM NO. 2 (REV t2-07)Page 3 T l I I t t t I T I t I T T T I I t I Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company tnts KeDon ts;(1) fiRn orlslnat(2) l--lA Resubmlsslon uale 0I KeDon(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3112013 Yea/Peflod of Repoi End of 2013/Q4 General lnformatlon where any other corporate books of account are kept, lf difierent from that where the general corporate books are kept, Mark Chlles Vice Presldent, Controller, Asst. Seoretary, Asst, Treasur€r lnmrporated, state that fact and glve the type of opanlzallon and the date oqanlzed. State of ldaho - October 12, 1950 lhe authority by whlch lhe recetvershlp or trusteeshlp was created, and (d) date when possesslon by recelver or lrustee ceased. N/A 4. State lhe classes of utllty and other servlcts furnlshed by respondent durlng the year ln each State ln whlch the respondent operated. The respondent ls a publlc utillty dedlcated to provldlng high quality service through purchase, distributlon, transportation and sale of natural gas to residentlal, commercial and industrlal customers thmugh out Southern ldaho. i, Have you engaged as lhe princlpal accountant to audit your fnanclal statements an accountant who ls not the princlpal accountant tor your previous yea/s certllled financlal statements? (1) [ Yes... Enter the date when such independent accountant was initlally engaged: (2) El No FERC FORM NO.2 (12-s6)Page 101 Control Over Respondent 1. Report in column (a) the names of all corporations, partnerships, business trusts, and similar organizations that directly, indirectly, or jointly held control (see page 103 for definition of control) over the respondent at the end of the year. lf control is in a holding company organizatlon, report in a footnote the chain of organization. 2. lf control is held by trustees, state in a footnote the names of trustees, the names of beneficiaries for whom the trust is maintained, and the purpose of the trust. 3. ln column (b) designate type of control over the respondent. Report an "M" if the company is the main parent or controlling company having ultimate control over the respondent. Otherwise, report a "D" for direct, an "1" for indirect, or a "J" for joint control. Company Name (a) Prairie lntermountain Energy Holding (PIEH), LLC MDU Energy Capltal, LLC (MDUED) MDU Resources Group, lnc. (MDUR) Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) SRn originat Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 T I T I I T T I I I I I I I t I t I I (2). nA Resubmission FERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 102 T I I I I t I I I I t T t I I I I t I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company lhls KeDon ls:(1) fien orlginal(2) l-lA Resubmlsslon uate or Keoon(Mo, Da, Yi) 't2t31t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Corporatlons Controlled by Respondent 1. Report below the names of all corporaiions, business lrusts, and similar organizalions, controlled directly or indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. lf control ceased prior to end of year, glve particulais (details) in a footnote. 2. lf control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state ln a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any intermediaries involved, 3. lf control was held jointly with one or more other lnterests, Btate the fact ln a footnote and name the other interEsts. 4. ln column (b) deslgnate type of control of the respondent as "D" for direct, an "1" for indirect, or a "J" for jolnt control. DEFINITIONS 't. See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary. 3. lndirect control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary that exercises direct control, 4. Joint control is that in which neither interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning.of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of oach party. Line No. Name of Cornpany Controlled (a) Type of Control (b) Kind of Business (c) Percent Voting Stock Owned (d) Footnote Reference (e) 1 NA Not used 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I '10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 103 Securlty Holders and Voting Powers 1. Give the names and addresses of the 10 security holders of the respgndent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respondent, prior to the end of the year, had the highest voting powers in the respondent, and state the number of votes that each could cast on that date if a meeting were held. lf any such holder held in trust, give in a footnote the known particulars of the trust (whether voting trust, etc.), duration of trust, and principal holders of beneficiary interests in the trust. lf the company did not close the stock book or did not compile a list of stockholders within one year prior to the end of the year, or if since it compiled the previous llst of stockholders, some other class of security has become vested with voting rights, then show such 10 security holders as of the close of the year. Arrange the names of the security holders in the order of voting power, commencing with the highest. Show in column (a) the titles of oflicers and directors included in such list of 10 security holders. 2. ll any security other than stock carries voting rights, explain in a supplemental statement how such security became vested with voting rights and give other important details concerning the voting rights of such security. State whether voting rights are actual or contingent; if contingent, describe the contingency. 3. lf any class or issue of security has any special privileges in the election of directors, trustees or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method, explain briefly in a footnote. 4. Furnish.details concerning any options, warrants, or rights outstanding at the end of the year for others lo purchase securities of the respondent or any securities or other assets owned by the respondent, including prices, expiration dates, and other material information relating to exercise of the options, warrants, or rights. Specify the amount of such securities or assels any officer, director, associated company, or any of the 10 largest security holders is entitled to purchase. This instruction is inapplicable to convertible securities or to any securities substantially all of which are outstanding in the hands of the general public where the options, warrants, 1. Give date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to end of year, and, ln a footnote, state the purpose of such closing: 2. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting prior to the end of year for election of directors.of the respondent and number of such votes cast by proxy. Total: By Proxy: Give the date and place of such meeting: Line No. Name (Title) and Address of Security Holder (a'l VOTING SECURITIES 4, Number of votes as of (date): Total Votes (b) Common Stock (c) Preferred Stock 1d) Other (e) R TOTAL votes of all voting securitles 1,513,06(1,513,06C 6 TOTAL number of security holders 1 1 7 TOTAL votes of securlty holders llsted below 1,513,06(1,513,06C I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) []An orisinal(2) [-lA Resubmisslon Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12t31t2013 t I I I t T t I t I I I I I I t I I IFERC FORM NO.2 ({2-e6)Page 107 T T t t I I t I I I t t I I I I I t 1_ 2. 3. 4. 5. b. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. None NA None None None None None Not significant None NA Revenue increased $10.3M or 4.15% due to purchased gas adjustment None NA Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Repofi is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report 2013tQ4 lmportant Chanqes Durinq the Quarter/Year Give details the matters indicated below. Make the statements explicit and precise, and number.them in accordance with the inquiries. Answer each inquiry. Enter "none" or "not applicable" where applicable. lf the answer is given elsewhere in the report, refer to the schedule in which it appears. 1 . Changes in and important additions to franchise rights: Describe the actual consideration and state from whom the franchise rights were acquired. lf the franchise rights were acquired without the payment of consideration, state that fact. ts 2. Acquisition of ownership in other companies by reorganization, merger, or consolidation with other compinies: Give names of companies involved, pariiculars concerning the transactions, name of the Commission'authorizing the transaction, and reference to Commission authorization. 3. Purchase or sale of an operating unit or system: Briefly describe the property, and the related transactions, and cite Commission authorization, if any was required. Give date journal entries called for by Uniform System of Accounts were submitted to the Commission. 4. lmportant leaseholds (other than leaseholds for natural gas lands) that have been acquired or given, assigned or surrendered: Give effective lengths of terms, names of parties, rents, and other conditions. State name of Commission authorizing lease and give reference to such authorization. 5. lmportant extension or reduction of transmission or distribution system; State territory added or relinquished and date operations began or ceased and cite Commission authorization, if any was required, State also the approximate number of customers added or lost and approximate annual revenues of each class of service. Each natural gas company must also state major new continuing sources of gas made available to it from purchases, development, purchase contract or otherwise, giving location and approximate total gas volumes available, period of contracts, and other parties to any such arrangements, etc. 6. Obligations incurred or assumed by respondent as guarantor for the performance by another of any agreeinent or obligation, including ordinary commercial paper maturing on demand or not later than one year afier date of issue: State on betialf of whom the obligation was assumedandamountoftheobligation. CiteCommissionauthorizationif anywasrequired. 7. Changes in articles of incorporation or amendments to charter: Explain the nature and purpose of such changes or amendments. 8. State the estimated annual effect and nature of any important wage scale changes during the year. 9, State briefly the status of any materially important legal proceedings pending at the end of the year, and'the results of any such proceedings culminated during the year. 10. Describe briefly any materially important transactions of the respondent not disclosed elsewhere in this report in which an officer, director, security holder, voting trustee, associated company or known associate of any of these persons was a party or in which any such persoh had a material interest. 'l 1. Estimated increase or decrease in annual revenues caused by important rate changes: State effective date and approximate amount of increase or decrease for each revenue classification, State the number of customers affected. 12. Describe fully any changes in officers, directors, major security holders and voting powers of the respondent that may have occuned during the reporting period. 13. ln the event that the respondent participates in a cash management program(s) and its proprietary c-apital ratio is less than 30 percent please describe the significant events or transactions causing the proprietary capital ratio to be less than 3O percent, and the extent to which the respondent has amounts loaned or money advanced to its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies through a cash management program(s). Additionally, please describe plans, if any to regain at least a 30 percent proprietary ratio. FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)1 08.1 I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Report ls:(1) ElAn Original(2) [lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t3112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2b13lQ4 Comparative Balance Sheet (Assets and Other Debits) Ltne No. Title of Account (a) Reference Page Number (b) Current Year End of Quarterffear Balance (c) Prior Year End Balance 't2t31 (d) 1 UTILITY PLANT 2 Utility Plant (1 01 -1 06, 1 14)200-201 502,'t55,629 482,940.302 3 Construction Work in Progress (107)200-201 23,989,384 20,734,063 4 TOTAL Utiliiy Plant (Total of lines 2 and 3)200-201 526,145,013 503,674,365 5 (Less) Accum. Provision for Depr., Amort., Depl. (108, 111,115)283,934,849 274,267,829 6 Net Utility Plant (Total of line 4 less 5)242,210,164 229,406,536 7 Nuclear Fuel (120.1 thru 120.4, and 120.6)0 0 8 (Less) Accum. Provision for Amort., of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies (120.5)0 0 9 Nuclear Fuel (Total of line 7 less 8)0 0 0 Net Utility Plant (fotal of lines 6 and 9)242,2',t0,164 229,406,536 1 Utility Plant Adjustments (1 '16)122 0 0 2 Gas Stored-Base Gas (117.1)220 0 0 3 System Balancing Gas (117.2)220 0 0 4 Gas Stored in Reservoirs and Pipelines-Noncurrent (1'17.3)220 0 0 5 Gas Owed to System Gas (1 17.4)220 0 0 OTHER PROPER.TY AND INVESTMENTS 17 Nonutility Property (121)2,115 2,830 18 (Less) Accum. Provision for Depreciation and Amortization (122)2,115 2,830 19 lnvestments in Associated Companies (123)222-223 0 0 20 lnvestments in Subsidiary Companies (123.1)224-225 0 0 21 (Fo1 Cost of Account 1 23.1 See Footnote Page 224, line 4O) 22 Noncurieint Portion of Allowances 0 0 23 Other lnvestments (1 24)222-223 17,120 0 24 Sinking Funds (125)0 0 25 Depreciation Fund (126)0 0 zo Amortization Fund - Federal (127)0 0 27 Other Special Funds (128)0 0 28 Lohg-Term Portion of Derivative Assets (175)0 0 29 Long-Term Portion of Derivative Assets - Hedges (176)0 0 30 TOTAL Other Property and lnvestments (Total of lines 17-20,22-29)17,120 0 31 CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS 32 Cash (13"1)0 0 33 Special Deposits (132-1 34)0 0 34 Working Funds (135)2,0s0 2,050 35 Temporary Cash lnvestments (136)222-223 772,968 557.478 36 Notes Receivable (141)0 0 37 Customer Accounts Receivable (142)21,775,377 976,263 38 Other Accounts Receivable (1 43)583,695 36,812 39 (Less) Accum. Provision for Uncollectible Accounts . Credit (144)443,789 228,592 40 Notes Receivable from Associated Companies (145)0 0 41 Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies (145)371,028 336,1 87 42 Fuel Stock ('151)0 0 43 Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed (152)0 0 I I I T I I I I T I I T I I t I t I tFERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 06.04)Page 110 T T I I t I T T I I I I t T T I I I T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Report Is:(1) EAn orisinal(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of ReDort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3'12013 Year/Period of Report End of !01 3/Qz! Comparative Balance Sheet (Assets and Other Debits)(contlnued) Line No. Title of Account (a) Reference Page Number (b) Current Year End of Quarter/Year Balance (c) Prior Year End Balance 12t31 (d) 44 Residuals (EIec) and Extracted Products (Gas) (153)0 0 45 Plant Materials and Operating Supplies (154)2,546,823 2,1 83,970 46 Merchandise (155)0 0 47 Other Materials and Supplies (156)0 0 48 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (157)0 0 49 Allowances (158.1 and 158,2)0 0 50 (Less) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances 0 0 51 Stores Expense Undistributed (1 63)0 0 52 Gas Stored Underground-Current ('l 64.1)220 206,934 0 53 Liquefied Natural Gas Stored and Held for Processing (164.2 thru 164.3)220 4,886,538 4,693.788 54 Prepayments (165)230 737,402 593,'t70 55 Advances for Gas ('166 thru 167)0 0 56 lnterest and Dividends Receivable ('171)0 0 57 Rents Receivable (172\0 0 58 Accrued Utility Revenues (173)25,464,326 22,969,463 59 Miscellaneous Cunent and Accrued Assets (174)0 0 60 Derivative lnstrument Assets (1 75)0 0 6'l (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Assets (175)0 0 62 Derivative lnstrument Assets - Hedges (176)0 0 63 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Assests - Hedges (176)0 0 64 TOTAL Cunent and Accrued Assets (Total of lines 32 thru 63)56,903,352 32,1 20,589 65 DEFERRED DEBITS 66 Unamortized Debt Expense (181)270,202 85,291 67 Extraordinary Property Losses (1 82.1)230 0 0 68 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (182.2)230 0 0 59 Other Regulatory Assets ('182.3)232 8,853,375 15,525,896 70 Preliminary Survey and lnvestigation Charges (Electric)(1 83)0 0 71 Preliminary Survey and lnvestigation Charges (Gas)(183.1 and 183.2)0 0 72 Clearing Accounts (1 84)0 0 73 Temporary Facilities ('1 85)0 0 74 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits (1 86)233 1,973,705 999,083 75 Deferred Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant (187)0 0 76 Research, Development, and Demonstration Expend. (188)0 0 77 Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt (189)340,457 412,673 78 Accumulated Defened lncome Taxes (190)234-235 76,657 0 79 Unrecovered Purchased Gas Costs (191)( 15,229,983)( 15,437,51 6) 80 TOTAL Deferred Debits (total of lines 66 thru 79)( 3,715,s87)1,585,427 81 TOTAL Assets and Other Debits (rotal of lines 10-15,30,64,and 80)295,415,049 263,112,552 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-04)Page 1'11 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Report ls:(1) E]An Orisinal(2) [-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Period of Repor End of 2013/Q4 Comparative Balance Sheet (Liabilities and Other Credits) Line No. Title of Account (a) Reference Page Number (b) Current Year End of Quarterl/ear Balance Prior Year End Balance 12131 (d) I PROPRlETARY CAPITAL 2 Common Stock lssued (201)250-251 1 ,5'13,060 1 ,513,060 3 Preferred Stock lssued (204)250-251 0 0 4 Capital Stock S ubscribed (202, 205)252 0 0 5 Stock Liability for Conversion (203,206)252 0 0 o Premium on Capital Stock (207)252 18,702,084 18,702,084 7 Other Paid-ln Capital (208-211)253 1 83,541 183,541 I Installments Received on Capital Stock (212)252 0 0 9 (Less) Discount on Capital Stock (2'13)254 0 0 10 (Less) Capital Stock Expense (214)2s4 1,077,741 1,077,741 1',!Retained Earnings (215, 21 5.1, 216)118-119 74,847,788 70,897,941 12 Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Earnings (216.1)1 1 8-1 't9 0 0 13 (Less) Reacquired Capital Stock (217)250-251 0 0 14 Accumulated Other Comprehensive lncome (2'19)117 0 0 15 TOTAL Proprietary Capital Clotal of lines 2 thru 14)94,168,732 90,218,885 16 LONG TERM DEBT 17 Bonds (221)256-257 76,363,638 31,636,365 18 (Less) Reacquired Bonds (222)256-257 0 0 19 Advances from Associated Companies (223)256-257 0 0 20 Other Long-Term Debl (224)256-257 3,000,000 0 21 Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt (225)258-259 0 0 22 (Less) Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt-Dr (226)258-259 0 0 23 (Less) Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 5,272,727 5,272,727 24 I TOTAL Long-Term Debt (Total of lines 17 thru 23)74,090,911 .26,353,638 25 OTHER NONCURRENT LIABILITIES 26 Obligations Under Capital Leases-Noncurent (227)0 0 27 Accumulated Provision for Property lnsurance (228.1)0 0 28 Accumulated Provision for lnjuries and Damages (228.2)61,000 91,000 29 Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits (228.3)0 10,499,950 30 Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions (228.4)0 0 31 Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds (229)0 0 Page 112 I T I I I I I T T I I T t I I I t T T t I I I T t T I I I I T t I t t I T I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Report ls:(1) ElAn original(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12131t2013 Year/Period of Repod End of 2013/Q4 Comparative Balance Sheet (Liabilities and Other Credlts)(continued) Llne No. Title of Account (a) Reference Page Number . (b) Current Year End of QuarterfYear Balance Prior Year End Balance 1A31 (d) 32 Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Llabilities 0 0 33 Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Liabilities - Hedges 0 0 34 Asset Retirement Obligations (230)0 0 35 TOTAL Other Noncurrent Liabilities fiotal of lines 26 thru 34)61,000 10,590,950 Jb CURRENT AND ACGRUED LIABILITIES 37 Current Poriion of Long-Term Debt 5,272,727 5,272,727 38 Notes Payable (231)0 26,200,000 39 Accounts Payable (232)36,1 53,1 84 35,283,558 40 Notes Payable to Associated Companles (233)0 0 41 Accounis Payable to Associated Companies (234)1,227,378 1,092,992 42 Customer Deposits (235)1,048,203 '1,171,904 43 Taxes Accrued (236)262-263 10,125,297 5,042,228 44 lnterest Accrued (237)891 ,161 649,125 45 Dividends Declared (238)2,670,000 0 46 Matured Long-Term Debt (239),0 0 47 Matured lnterest (240)0 0 48 Tax Collections Payable (241)29,611 35,053 49 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabllities (242)268 4,048,270 3,187,001 50 Obligaticins Under Capital Leases-Current (243)0 0 5'l Derivative lnstrument Liabilities (244)0 0 52 (Less) Long-Term Po(ion of Derivative lnstrument Liabilities n 0 EI Derivative lnstrument Liabilities - Hedges (245)0 0 54 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Liabilities - Hedges 0 0 55 TOTAL Current and Accrued Liabilities fl'otal of lines 37 thru 54)61,465,831 77,934,588 56 DEFERRED CREDITS 57 Customer Advances for Construction (252)7,017,165 7,068,570 58 Accumulated Defened lnvestment Tax Credits (255)4,862,386 4,958,380 59 Deferred Gains from Disposition of Utiliiy Plant (256)0 0 60 Other Deferred Credits (253)269 8,962,482 2,657,270 6t Other Regulatory Liabilities (254)278 5,746,2s7 7,549,998 62 Unamortized Gain on Reacquirod Debt (257)260 0 0 63 Accumulated Defened lncome Taxes - Accelerated Amorlization (281)0 0 64 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Other Property (282)50,576,485 35,462,618 65 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes - Other (283)( 11,536,201)307,655 ob TOTAL Deferred Credits (Totat df lines 57 thru 65)65,628,574 58,004,491 67 TOTAL Liabilities and Other Credits (Iotal of lines 15,24,35,55,and 66)295,415,049 263,112,552 FERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 06-04)Page 1'|.3 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Report ls:(1) [An original(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 't2t31t20't3 YearlPeriod of Reporl End of 2013/Q4 Statement of lncome lQuarterly I t. Enter in column (d) the balance for the reporting quarter and in column (e) the balance for the same three month period for lhe prior year. lother utility function ior the cunent year quarter. lother utility function for the prior year quarler, J4. lf additional columns are needed place them in a footnote. I I lAnnual or.Quarlerly, lf applicable 15. Do not report fourth quarter data in columns (e) and (D 16. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenues and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility columnin a similar manner to a utility department. Spread the amount(s) over lines 2 thru 26 as appropriate. lnclude these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 7. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating Income, in the same manner as accounts 412 and 413 above. 8. Report data for lines 8, 1 0 and 1 1 for Natural Gas companies using accounts 404.1, 404.2, 404.3, 407 .1 and 407 .2. 9. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the statement of income for any account thereof. 10. Give concise explanations conceming unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material'amount may need to be made to the utilitys customers or which may result in material refund to the utlllty with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year effecled the gross revenues or costs to which the respect to powet or gas purchases. recelved or costs incuned for power or gas purches, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accounts. 1 2. lf any notes appearing in the reporl to stokholders are applicable to the Statement of lncome, such notes may be included at page 1 22. 1 3. Enter on page 122 a concise explanation of only those changes in accounling mehods made during the year which had an effect on net income, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. Also, give the appropriate dollar effect of such changes. 1 4. Explaln in a footnote if the previous year's/quarteds figures are different from that reported in prior reports. Title.of Account Line (a) No. Reference . Page Number (b) Total CunenlYear to Date Balance for Quarterffear (c) Total Prior Year to Date Balanco . for Quarter/Year (d) Currenl Three Months Ended Quarlerly 0nly No Fourth Quarler G) Prior'llrEe Months Ended Ouarlerly 0nly No Fourth Ouarter (0 1 JTILTTY OPEMTING INCOME 2 3as Operating Revenues (400)30G301 280,610,252 242,795,022 u e )perating Expenses 4 Operation Expenses (401 )317-325 223,n5,58t 't95,2s9,709 0 5 Maintenance Expenses (402)317-325 3,972,82.3,918,n6 0 6 Deprecialion Expense (403)33&338 15,21 6,54r 14,475,4n n 0 Deprecialion Expense for Asset Retirement Costs (403.1)336-338 0 0 I Amorlizallon and Dspletion of Utility Plant (4011-405)336-338 200,18i 1 18,539 0 I Amortization of Utility Plant Acu. Adjustrnent (406)33&338 0 0 '10 Amorl. of Prop. Losses, Unrecovered Plant ad Reg. SMy Costs (407.1)0 0 11 Amortization of Conversion Expenses (407.2)0 0 12 Regulatory Debits (407.3)0 0 13 (Less) Regulatory Credits (407,4)0 0 14 Taxes Other than lncome Taxes (408.1)262-263 1 1,586,59{10,'1M,681 0 15 lncome Taxes-Federal (409. I )%2-263 4,303,86;( 1,037,941)0 16 lncome Taxes-Other (409. 1)282-263 1,105,86'379,515 0 't7 Provision of Defered lncome Taxes (410.1)2U-235 8,658,99 10,u5,472 0 18 (Less) Provislon for Defened lncomE Taxes-Credll (41 1.,l)23+235 5,298,721 4,593,036 0 19 lnvestment Tax Credit Adjustrnent-Net (41 1.4)95,995 1 19,392 0 20 (Less) Gains ftom Dispmition of Utility Plant (411.6)0 0 2'l Losses from Disposilion ofUtility Plant (411.7)0 0 22 (Less) Gains from Disposition ofAllowances (411.8)0 0 23 Losses from Dlsposition ofAllowances (4.l 1,9)0 0 24 Accretlon Expense (41 1.'l 0)0 U 25 TOTAL Utlity Operating Expenses (Total oflines 4 thru 24)263.425.73 229.090.007 0 26 Net Ulility Operating lncome ffotal of lines 2 less 25) (Carry fonvard to page 1 16, ne 27)17,184,52 I 3,705,015 0 T I T I Page '114 I t I T T I t T I I T I T T T I I T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) []Rn orisinat (2) .[-lA Resubmission UAIE OT KEDON (Mo, Da, Yi) 12J31t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Statement of lncome Line No. Elec. Utility Current Year to Date (in dollars) (s) Elec. Utility Previous Year to Date (in dollars) (h) Gas Utility Cunent Year to Date (in dollars) (i) Gas Utility Previous Year to Date (in dollars) (i) Other Utility Current . Year lo Date (in dollars) (k) Other Utility Previous Year to Date (in dollars) 0) 2 0 0 260,610,252 242.795,0U 0 0 4 0 0 n3,n5,586 19s,259,709 0 0 5 0 0 3,972,827 3,918,226 0 0 6 0 0 1s,216,s40 14,475,420 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 200,183 118,539 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 11,s86,s96 10,104,681 0 0 15 0 0 4,303,867 1,037,941)0 0 16 0 0 '1,10s,862 379,545 0 0 17 0 0 8,6s8,991 10,34s,472 0 0 18 0 0 5.298,726 4,593,036 0 0 19 0 0 95,995)1 19,392 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 2'.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 263,42s,731 229,0S0,007 0 0 zo 0 0 17,184,521 13,705,015 0 0 FERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 06-04)Page 115 Statement of lncome(continued) Line No. Title ofAccount Rebrence Page Number (a) o) Tohl Total CunentYearlo PriorYearbDateDateBdam Bdance br ouarlerffear for Quarterffear G) (d) CunentThree Mon$s Ended Ouarledy Only M Fourlh Quadar G) Prior Three lvlonths Ended Quadaly Ooly l\lo Fourh Quarter 0 27 Net Utility Operaling lncorc (Canied fonrad from page I 14)17,1M,52'13,705,0'15 0 28 )T}IER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 29 )ther lncoms 30 Nonutility Operating Inconr 31 Revenues form Merchandising, Jobbing and Conbact Work (415)0 32 (Less) Cosb and Expanse of lr,lerchandising, Job & Contrrct Work (416)0 0 33 Revenues tom ltlonutility Operatlons (417)2g 414 0 34 (Less) Expenses of Nonu0lity Opemtions (417.1)0 0 35 Nonoperating Rental lncome (418)0 0 36 Equity in Ernings of Subldiay Companies (418.1)1'19 0 0 37 lnterest and Dividend lncore (41 9)0 0 38 AllowancE for Olher Funds Used During Construction (19.1)723,9s9 0 3S Miscellaneous Nonoperating lnc,ome (421)3s,02 34,848 0 40 Gain on Disposllion of Properiy (421.1)0 0 41 TOTAL Other Income fiotal of llnes 31 hru 40)35,30 759,D1 0 42 )her lncome Deductions 43 Loss on Dispsltion of Property (42'1.2)0 0 0 44 Miscellanaous Amortization (425)0 0 45 Donalions (426.1)340 173,59r 2s4,256 0 0 46 Llfe lnsurance (426.2)0 0 47 Penalties (426.3)s00 0 0 48 Expenditures for Certain Clvic, Political and Related Activilies (426.4)72,U 111,157 0 0 49 Oher Doduclions (4m.5)1,731 5,n5 0 0 50 TOTAL Other lncorne Deductions fiotal of lin6s 13 hru 49)340 251,17t 371,'t88 0 0 51 axes Appllc. to Oher lncorB and Deductions 52 Taxes Olhar than lncome Taxes (408.2)262-m3 0 0 53 lncome Tues-Fedaal (409.2)262-263 ffi,248 1n,075 0 0 54 lnconn Taxes-Other (,109.2)262-263 15,974 31,470 0 0 55 Provlslon br Defened lncome Taxes (410,2)234.235 0 0 56 (Less) Provislon for Defered lncome Taxes-Credit (41 1.2)23+235 0 0 0 57 lnveslment Tax Crcdit Adjustrnents-Net (41 'l.5)0 0 0 58 (Less) lnvestmentTa( Credits (420)0 0 59 TOTAL Taes on OthEr lrrome and Deductions (Iotal of lines 52-58)82,2n 9s,600 0 60 Net Other lncome and Deductons ftotal of llnes 41, 50, 59)( 133,646 292,433 0 6'l ITEREST CMRGES 62 lnterast on Long-Torm D6bt (427)3,036,411 e689,781 0 53 Armrlizaton of Debt Disc. and Expense (428)25&259 121,94.128,094 0 64 Amortkation of Loss on Reacquhed Debt (428.1)72,21t 72,216 0 65 (Less) Amortization of Premium on Debt4redit (429)25&259 0 0 66 (Less) Amorlization ofGdn on Reaquired Debt-Cradlt (429.1)0 0 67 lntelBst on Dsbt to Associaled Companies (430)340 0 0 68 Other lnterest Expense (4ll)340 67,84i 85,963 0 69 (Less) Allowance for Bonowed Funds Used Durlng Conskuction-Credit (432)487,50,394,303 0 70 Nel lnterost Chaqes flotal of lines 62 hru 69)e8r8,e1:2,581.751 0 71 lncome Bsbro Ext erdinary ltems (Iotalof lines 27,60 and 70)14231,96 1 1,41 5,697 0 72 XTRAORDIMRY TIEMS 73 Extraodinary lncome (434)0 0 74 (Less) Extraodlnary Deductions (tli5)0 0 75 Net Exfaordlmry ltems flolal of lirc 73 bss line 74)0 0 76 lncome TarEs-Federd and Olher (,O9,3)262-263 0 0 77 Extraordinary ltems aner Taxes flotal of line 75 less line 76)0 0 78 Net lncome (Iotal of lines 71 and I/)14,231,96 1 1,415,697 0 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company ThiS (1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 't2131t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 T T T T I I T T T I I T T I T t I T TFERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 06-04)Page 116 I T I I T I rhis page intentionally left blank..I T T I T I T I T t T T T 1, Report in columns (b) (c) and (e) the amounts of accumulated other comprehensive lncome items, on a net-of-tax basis, where approprlate. 2. Report ln columns (0 and (g) the amounts of other categories of other cash flour hedges. 3. For each category of hedges that have been accounted for as "fairvalue hedges", report the accounts affected and the related amounts ln a footnote. Item (a) Unreallzed Gains and Losses on avallabl+for-sale securitles (b) Mlnimum Pension llabllilty AdJustnent (net amount) (c) Forelgn Currency Hedges (d) Other Adjustnenb (e) Balance of Acount 219 at Beglnnlng of Precedlng Year Precedlng Quarterffear to Date Reclasstlicallons from Account 219 to Net lncome Precedlng Quarterfiear to Date Changes in Falr Value Total (llnes 2 and 3) Balance ol Amount 219 at Beglnnlng of Cunent Year Cunenl Quarterffear to Date Reclassifications from Account 2'19 to Net lncome Cunent Quarterffear to Date Changes ln Falr Value Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn Orlginat(2) n A Resubmission uate ot Kepon (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 YeailHenoo or Kepon End of 2013/Q4 t T T I I I T T T t I T T I T t I T TFERC FORM NO. 2 (NEW 06-02)Page 117 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]en original (2) ;-1A Resubmission uate ol KeDon(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3',v2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2d13/o4 Sfatemenf of Accumulated Comorehenslve lncome and Hedoino Activitieslcontinuedl Line No. Other Cash Flow Hadges lnterest Rate Swaps (f) Other Cash Flow Hedges (lnsert Category) (s) Totals for each category of Items recorded in Account 219 (h) Net Income (Carled Fonruard from Page 1 '16, Llne 78) (i) Total Comprehenslve Income 0) 1 2 ,4 b 7 1 lr=*. F.RM No. 2 (NEW 06-02)Page 117a Name of Respondent I This Re Intermountain Gas company | (1) EItzt T ort ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12131t2013 YearPenoo oI Kepon End of 2013/Q4 Statement of Retained Earnings 1. Report all changes in appropriated retained eamings, unappropriated retained earnings, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary eamings for lhe year. affected in column (b), 3, State the purpose and amount for each reserualion or appropriation of retained eamings. 5. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. Line No. Item (a) Contra Primary Account Affected (b) Cunent Ouarter Year to Date Balance (c) Previous Quarter Year to Date Balance (d) UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS Balance-Beginning of Period 70,897,941 68,975,697 2 Changes (ldentify by prescribed retained eamings accounts) 2 Adiusbnents to Relalned Eaminqs nccount 439) 4 TOTAL Credits to Retained Eamings (Account 439) (foohote delails)14,231,963 11,415,697 5 TOTAL Deblts to Retalned Eaminqs (Account 439) (footnote details)42,116 13,453 b Balance Transfened lrom lncome (Acct 433 less Acct 418.'l) 7 Aoorooriations of Retained Eamlnos fAccounl 436) 8 TOTAL Appropriations of Retained Earnings (Account 436) (footnote details) 9 Dividends Declared-Prefered Stock (Account 437) 10 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Prefened Stock (Account 437) (footnote details) 11 Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Account 438) 12 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Account 438) (footnote details)10,240,000 9,480,000 13 Iransfers from Ac,count 216,1, Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidlary Earnings 14 Balance-End ofPeriod (Total ofllnes 1,4,5,6,8, 10,12, and 13)74.847.788 70,897,941 15 APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 21 5) 16 TOTAL Appropriated Retained Eaminss (Acrount 215) (footnote details) -. tt APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS-AMORTIZATION RESERVE, FEDERAL (Accounl 18 TOTALAppropriated Retained Eaminqs-Amortization Reserve, Federal (Account E 19 TOTALApDropriated Retained Eaminqs (Accounts 215,215.1) fiotalof lines - 20 TOTALRetainedEarnings(Acc0un1s215,215,1,216) (Total oflines14andl - 74,847,788 70,897,941 21 UNAPPROPRIATED UNDISTRIBUTED SUBSIDIARY EARNINGS (Account 216.'l ) Report only on an Annual Basis no Quarterly 22 Balance-Beginning ofYear (Debit or Credit)E 23 Equity in Eamings for Year (Credit) (Account 418.1) 24 (Less) Dividends Received (Debit) 25 Other Chanses (Explain) 26 Balance-End of Year t T T T T I T T T T t I I T t I t T TFERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 06-04)Page 118-119 I T t T T I T I I I T I t I I t I t T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn orrginat(2) l-]A Resubmlssion Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yi) 12t31t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 29l3lQl Statement of Cash Flows (1) Godes to be used:(a) Net Proceeds or Payments;(b)Bonds, debentures and other long-term debt (c) lnclude commercial paper; and (d) ldentify separately such items as investments, flxed assets, lntanglbles, etc. (2) lnformation about noncash investing and flnancing activities must be provided in the Notes to the Financial statements, Also provide a reconciliation between "Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period" with related amounts on the Balance Sheet. (3) Operating Activities - Other: lnclude gains and losses pertaining to operatlng actlvitles only. Gains and losses pertainlng to investing and flnanclng actlvities should be r€ported ln those actlvltlos, Show ln th€ Not6s to the Flnanclals the amounts of lnterest pald (net of amount capltallzed) and lncome taxcs paid. (4) lnvesting Actlvltles: lnclude at Other (line 25) nat cash outflow to acqulre othor oompanles. Provlde a reconclllatlon of asEets acquhed wlth llablllties assumad ln lhE Notee to tha Flnanclal Statemente, Do not lnoluds on thls statemont the dollar amount ol lEages capltallzod pot th€ USoIA Generel lnstrucllon 20i lnstead provlde a reconclllatlon of the dollar amount of leeses capltallzed wlth the plant cost. Line No. Description (See lnstructions for explanation of codes)Current Year to Date Quarterffear Previous Year to Date Ouarterl/ear(a) 1 Net Cash Flow from Operatlng Activities 2 Net lncome (Line 78(c) on page 't16)14,231,964 11,415,697 3 Noncash Charges (Credlts) to lncome: 4 Depreciation and Depletlon 15,4',t6,723 14,593,959 5 Amortizaton of (Speclfr) (footnote detalls) D Defenedlncome Taxes (Net)3,360,266 5,752,435 7 lnvestrndnt Tax CrBdit Adjustments (Net)(95,995)119,392 I Net (lncrbase) Deoease in Recelvables ( 19,271,232)11,970,354 I Net (lncrease) Decrease in lnventory ( 762,537)15,935 10 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Allowances lnventory 11 Net lncrease (Decrease) ln Payables and Accrued Expenses 12,503,627 ( 5,633,506) 12 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Olher Regulatory Assets 13 Net lncrease (Decrease) ln Other Regulatory Llabilites ( 207,533)( 9,408,300) 14 (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used During Constructhn 723,959 15 (Less) Undistributed Eamlngs from Subsidlary Companles 16 Other (footnote details): 1t Net Cash Provided by (Used in) 0penallng Activltles 18 (Total of Llnes 2 thru 16)25,175,283 28J02,A07 19 20 Cash Flows from lnveslrnent Activilies: 21 Conslructlon and Acquisitlon of Plant (lncluding land): 22 Gross Addltlons to Utillty Plant (less nuclear fuel)( 39,177,177)( 29,489,196) 23 Gross Additlons to Nuclear Fuel 24 Gross AddiUons to Common Utllity Plant 25 Gross Addltons to Nonutlllty Plant 20 (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used Durlng Construcllon 27 Other (footnote details): 28 Cash Oufflows for Plant (Total of llnes2?hru27\( 3e,177,177).( 29,489,196) 29 30 Acqulsitlon of Other Noncunent Assets (d) 31 Proceeds from Dlsposal of NoncunentAsseb (d)277,231 (38) 32 33 lnvestrnents ln and Advances to Assoc. and Subsidiary Companies 34 Contdbutions and Advances from Assoc. and Subsldiary Companles 35 Dlsposltlon of lnvestrnenb ln (and Advances to) 36 Associated and Subqidiary Companles 37 38 Purchase of lnvestrnent Securities (a)( 17J20) 39 Proceeds from Sales of lnvestment Securitles (a) FERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 06-04)Page 't20 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company Thls Reoort ls:(1) ERn oagtnat(2) [-lA Resubmission Date of ReDort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12t31t2013 Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/Q4 Statement of Cash Flows (contlnued) Llne No. Description (See lnstructions for explanation of codes) (a) Current Year to Date QuarterfYear Previous Year to Date' QuarterfYear 40 Loans Made or Purchassd 41 Collections on Loans 42 43 Net (lncrease) Decrease ln Receivables 44 Net (lncrease) Decrease ln lnventory 45 Net (lncrease) Decrease ln Allowances Held for Speculation 46 Net lncrease (Decrease) in Payables and Accrued Expenses 47 Oher (footnote detalls): 48 Net Cash Provlded by (Used ln) lnvesting Actlvities 49 (Total of llnes 28 thru 47)( 38,917,066)( 29,489,234) 50 51 Cash Flows fom Flnancing Activitiesl 52 Proceeds from lssuance of: 53 Long-Term Debt (b) 54 Preferred Stock 55 Common Stock 56 Olher (lootnote detalls): 57 Net lncrease in Short-term Debt (c) 58 Other (footnote detalls): 59 Cash Provlded by Outslde Sources fotal of lines 53 thru 58) 60 61 Payments for Retlrement of: 62 Long-Term De$t (b)44,727,273 ( 5,272,727) 63 Preferred Stock 64 pommon Stock 65 Other (footnote details): 66 Net Decrease ln Short-Term Debt (c)( 23,200,000)18,100,000 67 68 Dfuldends on Prefened Stock 69 Dlvidends on Common Slock ( 7,570,000)( 11,770,000) 70 Net Cash Provided by (Used ln) Financing Aclivlties 71 (Total of lines 59 lhru 69)13,957,273 1,057 ,273 72 73 Net lncrease (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalenb 74 (Total of line 18, 49 and 71)215,490 ( 32s,954) 75 76 Cash and Cash Equlvalents at Beglnning of Perlod 559,528 889,482 77 78 Cash and Cash Equlvalents at End of Period 775,018 559,528 I I T I I I T T t t I t T t I I T T tFERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 06-04)Page 120a T T I I T I I I t t T I I t T t T I T 1. Provide important disclosures regarding tho Balance Sheet, Statement of lncome for the Year, Statement for the and Statement of Cash Flow, or any account thereof, Classify the disclosures according to each flnancial statement, providing a subheadlng for each statemont except where a disclosure is applicable to more than one statemdnt. The disclosures must be on the same subject matters and the same level of detail that would be requlred if thri respondent issued general purpose flnanclal statements to the publlc or shareholders. 2. Furnish details as to any significant contlngent ass€ts or liabllities existlng at year end, and briefly explain any action initiated by the lnternal Revenue Service involvlng possible assessment of additional lncome taxes of material amount, or a claim for refund of income taxes of a material amount inltiated by the utility.' Also, briefly explain any dividends in anears on cumulative preferred stock. 3. Furnish detalls on the respondent's pension plans, post-retirement benefits,other than pensions (PBOP) plans, and post-employment benofit plahs as required by instruction no. 1 and, in addition, disclose for each individual plan the cunent yea/s casir contributlons. Furnish details on the accountlng for the plans and any changes in the method of acQounting for them. lnclude detalls on the accounting for transltion obllgations c assets, gains or losses, the amounts deferred and the expected recovery perlods. Also, disclose any currbnt year's plan or trust curtallments, terminations, transfers, or reversions of assets. Entities that participate in multiemployer postretirement benefit plans (e.9. parent company sponsored pension plans) disclose ln additloh to the roquirdd dlsblosures for the consolldated plan, (1) the amount of cost recognized in the respondent's financial statements for each plan for the peri0d presented, and (2) the basis for determlhing the respondent's share'of ihe total plan costs. 4. Furnish details on the respondenli asset retirement obllgations (ARO) as required by instruction no, 1 and,'in addition, disclose the recovered through rates to settle such obligations. ldenti$ any mechanism or account in which recovered funds are being placed (1.e. trust funds, lnsurance policies, surety bonds). Furnish details on the accoqntlng for the asset retirement obligations and any chanles ln the measurament or method of accountlng for the obligations. lnclude detalls on [he accounting for seftlement of the obligatlons and any gains or losses expected or lncurred on the settlement. 5. Provide a list of all environmental credits received during the reporting period. 6. Provide a summary of revenues and oxpenses for each tracked cost and special surcharge. 7. Where Account 189, Unamortlzed Loss on Reacqulred Debt, and 257, Unamortized Galn on Reacquired Dobt, are not used, give an xplanatlon, providing the rate treatment given these item. See General lnskuction 1 7 of the Unlform System of Accounts. Explain conclsely any retained earnings restrictions and State th6 amount of retained earnings affected by such restrlctions, Disclose details on any significant financial changes during the reporting year to the respondent or the respondent's consolidated group that affect tho respondent's gas pipeline operations, including: sales, transfers or mergers of affiliates, investments in new partnerships, sales gas pipeline facllities or the sale of ownership interests ln the gas pipeline to limited partnerships, lnvestments ln related industries (1.e., production, gathering), major plpeline investments, acquisitions by the parent corporation(s), and distributions of capital. 10. Explain conclsely unsettled rate proceedings where a contlngenoy exists such that the company may need to refund a material amount to the utility's customers or that the utility may receive a materlal refund with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year affocted the gross revenues or costs to which the contingency relates and the tax effects and explain the maJor factors that affect the rights of the utlllty to retain such revenues or to recover dmounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases. 11. Explain concisely signlflcant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year rosulting from settlement of any rate proceedlng affecting revenues received or costs incurred for power or gas purchases, and summarize the adjustments made to balance sheet, lncome, and expense accounts. 12. Explain concisely only those signlficant changes in accounting methods made during the year whlch had an effect on net income, includlng the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used ln the preceding year. Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes. ' 13. For the 3Q disclosures, respondent must provide ln the notes sufficient disclosures so as to mako the interim informatlon not misleading. Disclosures which would substantlally duplicate the dlsclosures contalned ln the most recent FERC Annual Report may be omltted. 14. For the 3Q dlsclosures, the disclosures shall be provided where events subsequent to the end of the most recent year have occuned which have a material effect on the respondent. Respondent must include ln the notes slgnificant bhanges since the most rccentlybompleted yoar ln such items as: accounting principles and practices; estimat€s inherent in the preparatlon of the financlal statements; status of long-term contracts; capitallzation lncluding slgnificant new borrowings or modifications of existing financing agreements; and changes resulting from buslness combinations or dlspositions. However wore.material contingencles.exlst, the disclosure of such matters shall be provided even though a slgnificant change since year end may not have occurred. 1 5. Finally, if the notes to the financial statoments relating to the.respondont appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are appllcable furnish the data required by the above instructlons, such notes may be lncluded heroln. NOTE 8 - EMPLOYEE BENEF'IT PLANS Pension and other postretirement benefit plnns The Company has a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan and other poshetirement benefit plans for certain eligible employees. Effective Octoher 1, 2003, Cascade amended the defined pension plan so that no new salaried participants will be added to the plan and no additional benefits will accrue for existing salaried participants, Effective January 1,2007,the defined pension plan was amended so no new operational union imployees would be added to the plan and eligible existing union participants would. accrue a benefit at an annual rate of $107 per year. Effective peptember 30,2012, Cascadeis pension service accrual credit for union omployees ceased. The Company's pension asseis are included in MDU'S master tuust. The Company uses a measurernent date of December 31 for all.of its pension and postretirement benefit plans. FERC FORM NO.2/3.Q 122,1 Name of Respondent lntermodntain Gas Company This Report is: (1) X An Origlnal (2) - A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report 2013/Q4 Noteg to Flnanclhl Statemente Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Companv This Report is: (1)X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1A31nOB Year/Period of Report 2013tQ4 Notes to Flnanclal Statements Effective January 1,2010, eligibility to reqeive retiree medical benefits was modifie( at Cascade and Intermountain. Current ernployees at Intermountain, and those hired before June 1,1992 at Cascade, who attained age 55 with 10 years of continuous service by Decernber 31, 2070, will be provided the current retiree medical insurance benefits or can.eleqt the new benefit, if desired, regdrdless of when they retire. A11 other cument employees must meet the new eligibility criteria of age 60 and 10 years of continuous service at the time they retire. These employees will be eligible for a specified company funded Retiree Reimbursement Account. Employees at Intermountain hired after December 31, 2009, and employees at Cascade hirecl after June 1, 7992, will not be eligible for retiree rnedical benefits. ln2Ol2,the Company modified healflr care coverage for certain retirees. Effective January l,2073,post-65 coverage is replaced by a fxed-dollar subsidy for"retirees and spouses to be used to purchase individual insurance through an exchange. Employer contributions and benefits paid in the preceding.table inclucle only those amounts contributed directly to, or paid directly fi'om, plan assets. Amounts recognized in regulatory assets (liabilities) in the above table are expected to be reflected in rates charged to customers over tirne. For mole information on regulatory assets (liabilities) see Note 3, Unrecognized pension actuarial losses in excess of 10 percent of the greater of the projected benefit obligation or the market-related value of assets was amortized on a straight-line basis over the average life expectancy of plan participants; The market-related value of assets is determined using a five-year average of assets. Weighted average assumptions used to determine benefit obligations at December 31 were as follows: . Pension Benefits Other Po stretirement B enefits I I T I I I T I T I T I T T I T I T I 2013 2012 2013 20t2 Discount rate Expected retum on plan assets 4.56,, 7.000h 3.68% 7.00% 4,490/0 6.00% 3.65% 6.00% Weighted average assumptions used to determine net periodic benefit cost for the years ended Decernber 31 were as follows: Pension Benefits Other Postretirement Benefits 2013 2012 2013 2072 Discount rate Expected return on plan assets 3,68"h .7,00,n/0 3.62% 7.75% 3.6;,5l,4 6.0a,h 4.12% 6.75% The expected rate ofretum on pension plan assets is based on the targeted asset allocation range of 60 percent to .70 percent equity securities and 30 percent to 40 percent fixed-income securities and the expected.rate of return from these asset categories. The expected rate of refurn on other postretirement assets is based on the targeted asset allocation range of 65 percent to 75 percent equity securities and 25 percent to 3 5 percent fixed-income securities and the expected rate'of refuin from these asset categories. The expected return on plan assets for FERC FORM NO. 2/s-Q (REV 12-07)122.2 Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Comoanv This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo,.Da, Yr) 't2t3112013 Year/Period of Report 2013/Q4 Notes to Flnanclal Statements other postretirement benefits refl ects insurance-related investment costs. Health care rate assumptions for the Company's othor postretirement benefit plans as of December 31 were as follows: 201s 2012 I I t I I t t T I t I I I I I I I T T Health care trend rate assumed for next year Health care cost trend rate - ultimate Year in which ultimate trend rate achieved 7,00 5,00h 2017 7.5% s.0% 20t7 The Company's other postretirement benefit plans include health cate benefits for certain retirees. The plans underlying these benefits may require contributions by the retiree clepending on such retiree's age and years'of service at retiremgnt or the date of retirement. The accounting for the health care plans anticipates futuue cost-sharing changes that are consistent with the Company's expressed intent to generally increase retiree contributions each year by the excess ofthe expected health care cost trend rate over six percent. The Company's pension assets are managed by 16 outsicle investment managers. The Company's other postretirement assets are managed by one outside investment manager. The Company's investment policy with respect to pension and other poshetirement assets is to make investments solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the plans and for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits accrued and defraying the reasonable expenses of administration. The Company shives to maintain investment diversification to assist in minimizing the risk of large losses. The Company's policy guidelines allow for investment of frmds in cash equivalents, fixed-income securities and equity securities. The guidelines prohibit investment in commodities and future contracts, equrty private placement, employer securities, leveraged or derivative securities, options, direct real estate inveshnents, precious metals, venture capital and limited partnerships. The guidelines also prohibit short selling and margin transactions. The Company's practice is to periodically review and rebalance asset categories based on its targeted asset allocation percentage policy. Fair value is defined as the price that woulcl be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement. date. The ASC establishes a hierarchy for grouping assets ancl liabilities, basecl on the significance of inputs. The estimated fair valtres of the Company's pension plan assets are detenninecl using the market approach. The carrying value of the pension plans' Level 1 and Level 2 cash equivalents approximates fair value and is determined using observable inputs in active markets or the net asset value of shares held at year end, which is determined using other observable inputs including pricing from outsicle sources. Units of this fund can be redeemed on a daily basis at their net asset value and have no redemption restrictions. The assets are invested in high quality, short-term instruments of domestic and foreign issuers. The estimated fair value of the.pension plans' Level 1 equity securities is based on the closing price reported on the active market on which the individual securities are traded. FERC FORM NO. 2'I.Q (REV,I The estimated fair value of the pension plans' Level 1 and Level 2 collective and mutual funds are based on the Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Companv This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 12t3',U2013 Year/Period of Report 2013/Q4 Notes to Flnanclal Statements net asset value of shares held at year end, based on either publishecl market quotations on active markets or other known sources including pricing from.outside sources. The estimated fair value of the pension plans' Level 2 corporate and municipal bonds is determined using other observable inputs, including benchmark yields, reported trades, brokery'deater quotes, bids, offers, future cash flows and other reference data. The estimated fair value of flre pension plans' Level 1 U.S. Treasury securities are valued based on quoted prices on an active matket. The estimated fair value of the pension plans'Level 2 U.S. Treasury securities are valued mainly using other observable inputs, including benchmark yields; reported trades, broker/dealer quotes, bids, offers, to be announced prices, future cash flows and other reference data. Some of these securities are valued using pricing from outside sources. Though the Company believes the methods used to estimate fair value are consistent with those used by other market participants, the use of other methods ot assumptions could result in a difterent estimate of fair value. For the years ended December 3t,2013 andZ}lZ,there were no transfers between Levels 1 and 2. The estimated fair values of the Company's other postretipement benefit plans' assets are determined using the market approach. The estimated fair value of the other posttetirement benefit plans' Levei 1 and Level 2 cash equivalents is valued at the net asset value of shares held at year end, based on published market quotations on active markets, or using other known sources including pricing from outside sources. Units of this fuird can be redeemed on a daily basis at their net asset value. and have no redemption restrictions. The assets are invested in high-quality, short-term money market instruments that consist of municipal obligations. The estimated fair value of the other postretirement benefit plans' Level 1 equity securities is based on the closing price reported on the active market on which the individual sebulities are traded. The bstimated fair value of the other postretirement benefit plans' Level 2 insruance contract is based on conhactual cash surrender values that are determined primarily by investments in managed separate accounts of the insurer. These amounts aplroximate fair value. The managed separate accounts are valued based on other observable inputs or corroborated market data. Though the Company believes the.methods used to estimate fair value are consistent with those used by other market participants, the use of other methods or assumptions could result in a different estimatp of fair value. For tlre years ended December 31,2013 and201,2, there were no tmnsfers between Levels I and2, FERC FORM NO. 2I3-Q (REV I '122.4 I I I T T t I T T t I I I t T T T T T I t I t T T I T I I I I T I T T I T I r. This page intentionally left blank. Name oI Kesponoenl lntermountain Gas Company I nts Keoon ls:(1) fiAn origtnal (21 llA Resubrnission uat{, IJt tat,putt(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t31t2013 I EatrrEltuu 9t nePuil. End of 2013/Q4 Summary of Utlllty Plant and Accumulated Provlslons for Depreciatlon, Amortization and Depletlon Llne No. Item (a) Total Company For the Current Quarter/Year 1 UTILITY PLANT 2 ln Service 3 Plant in Servlce (Classified)489,712,870 4 Property Under Capital Leases 5 Plant Purchased or Sold 6 Completed Construction not Classified 12,442,759 7 Experimental Plant Unclassifi ed 8 TOTAL Utility Plant (Iotal of lines 3 thru 7)502,1 55,629 I Leased to Others 10 Held for Future Use 11 Construction Work in Progress 23,989,384 12 Acquisitlon Adjustments 't3 TOTAL Utility Plant (Total of lines I thru 12)526,145,013 14.Accumulated Provisions for Depreciation, Amortization, & Depletion 283,934,849 15 Net Utilig Plant (Total of lines 13 and 14)242,210,164 16 DETAIL OF ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION 1,'7 ln Service: 18 Depreclation 282,615,108 19 Amortization and Depletion of Producing Natural Gas Land and Land Rights 20 Amortization of Underground Storage Land and Land Rights 1 ,319,741 21 Amortlzation of Other Utility Plant 22 TOTAL ln Servlce (Total of lines 18 thru 21)283,934,849 23 Leased to Others 24 Depreclatlon 25 Amortizatlon and Depletion 26 TOTAL Leased to Others (Total of lines 24 and25) 27 Held for Future Use 28 Depreclation 29 Amortization 30 TOTAL Held for Future Use (Total of lines 28 and 29) 31 Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) 32 Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adlustment 33 TOTALAccum. Provisions (Should agree with line 14 above)fl'otal of lines 22,26,30,31, and 32)283,934,849 I ! I I T T T I I T I I t I T I T T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 200 Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t2013 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company Summary of Utlllty Pla.nt and Accumulated Provlslons for Depreglation, Amortization and Depletlon (continued) Other (speclfy) (e) 242,210,164 282,615,1 08 1,319,741 201PaqeFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) I I I I I T I I . I I I I I I I I I I II Name ol Kespond6nt lntermountain Gas Company rnrs xepofi ts:(1) ffiAn Originat(2) l-lA Resubmisslon UAIB OI KEDON (Mo, Da, Yi) '1213'v2013 Yeaff].enoo oI Kepon End of 2el3&! Gas Plant ln Serulce (Accounts 101,102, '103, and 106) 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according to the prescribed accounts. 2. ln addition to Account 101 , Gas Plant in Service (Classified), this page and the next include Account 1 02, Gas Plant Purchased or Sold, Account 1 03, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified, and Account '106, Completed Constructlon Not Classlfied-Gas. 3. lnclude in column (c) and (d), as approprlate corrections of additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. 4, Enclose ln parenthesis credit adjustments of plant accounts to indicate the negaUve effect of such accounts. 5. Classlfy Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an estimated basls lf necessary, and include the entrles in column (c).Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals bf tentative distributlons of prlor year reported in column (b). Likewlse, if the respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include in column (d) a tentative distributlon of such retirements, on an estimated basis, with appropriate contra Bntry to the account for accumulated depreciation provision. lnclude also in column (d) reversals of tentative distributions of prior year's unclassifled retirements, Attach supplemental statement showinq the account distributions of th6se tentatlve classifications ln columns (c) and (d), -ine No. Account (a) Balance at Beglnning of Year th\ Additlons lnl I INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 301 Orqanization 2,506 3 302 Franchises and Consents 429,486 4 303 Miscellaneous lntanqible Plant 2,077,440 2,379,471 5 TOTAL lntangible Plant (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4)2,509,432 2,379,471 6 PRODUCTION PI.ANT 7 Natural.Gas Production and Gbtherino Plant I 325.1 Producing Lands I 325.2 Producino Leaseholds 10 325.3 Gas Rights 11 .325.4 Riohts-of-Wav 12 325,5 Other Land and Land Riohts 13 326 Gas Well Structures 14 327 Field Compressor Station Structures 't5 328 Field Measurino and Reoulatino Station Eouioment 16.329 Other Structures 17 330 Produclnq Gas Wells-Well Construction 18 331 Producing Gas Wells-Well Equipment 19 332 Field Lines 20 333 Field Compressor Station Equipment 21 334 Field Measurlng and Regulating Station Equlpment 22 335 Drilllno and Cleanino Eouioment 23 336 PurificatlonEquipment 24 337 Other Eouioment 25 338 Unsuccessful Exploration and Development Costs 26 339 Asset Retlrement Costs for Natural Gas Production and 27 TOTAL Production and Gathering Plant (Enter Total of lines 8 28 PRODUCTS EXTRACTION PLANT 29 340 Land and Land Rights 30 341 Structures and lmprovements 31 342 Extraction and Refining Equipment 32 343 Ploe Lines 33 344 Extracted Products Storage Equipment T T T I I I T I I T I I I T I T I T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 204 I I t I T I T T I I I t I I t T I I T Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company Thle Reoort ls:(1) fiRn ortstnal(2) l-lA Resubmisslon Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 143112013 YgailPeftoo ot Kepon End of 2013/Q4 Gas Plant ln Servlce (Accounts 101,'102,103, and 106) (contlnued) lncluding the reversals of the prior years tentative account dlstrlbutlons of these amounts. Careful observance of the above lnstructions and the texts of Account '10'l and 'l 06 wlll avoid serious omlssions of respondent's reported amount for plant actually ln service at end of year. 6. Show in column (f) reclassifications or hansfers within utility plant accounts. lnclude also in column (f) the additions or reductions of primary account classifications arising from distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 1 02. ln showlng the clearance of Account 102, lnclude in column (e) the amounts with respect to accumulated provislon for depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc,, and show in column (f) only the offiet to the debits or credits to primary account classiflcatlons. 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in this account and if substantial in amount submlt a supplementary statement showing subaccount classification of such plant conforming to the requlrements of these pages. 8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in Account 1 02, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor or purchaser, and date of transaction, lf proposed journal entries have been flled with the Commlssion as required by the Uniform System of Accounts, glve date of such filino. Line No. Retirements (d) Adjustments (e) Transfers (fl Balance at End of Year (o) 2 2,50€ 3 429,486 4 4,456,911 5 4,888,903 I I 10 1'.! 12 13 14 15 16 '17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page zOs Name oI Kesponoent lntermountain Gas Company I nts KeDon ts:(1) []Rn orisinat(2) l-lA Resubmission uate oI Keoon (Mo, Da, Yi)'12t31t2013 reailHenoo oI Kepon .End of 2013/Q4 Gas Plant in Service (Accounts 101 02, 103, and 1 06) (continued) Line No. Account /al Balance at Beginning of Year /h'l Additions /n) 34 345 CompressorEqulpment 35 346 Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment 36 947 Other Equipment 37 348 Asset Retirement Costs for Products Extraction Plant 38 TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 29 thru 37) 39 TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 27 and {0 Manufactured Gas Production Plant (Submit Supplementary 41 TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 39 and 40) 42 NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT 43 Underground Storage Plant 44 350.1 Land 45 350.2 Rights-of-Way 46 35'l Structures and Improvements 47 352 Wells 48 352.1 Storaoe Leaseholds and Riohts 49 352.2 Reservoirs 50 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 5'l 353 Lines 52 354 Compressor Station Equipment 53 355 Othqr Equipment 54 356 Purification Eouioment 55 357 Other Equipment 56 358 Asset Retirement Costs for Underoround Storaoe Plant 57 TOTAL Underground Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 44 thru 58 Other Storaoe Plant 59 360 Land and Land Rishts 292,588 60 361 Structures and lmprovements 4,012,957 52,068 61 362 Gas Holders 3,691,562 14,707 62 363 Purification Equipment 521,752 7,762 63 363.1 Liquefaction Equipment 2.184.736 439,035 64 363,2 Vaporizing Equipment 2,014,931 21,670 65 363.3 Comoressor Eouioment 2,871.424 66 363.4 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 113,399 67 363.5 Other Eouioment 1,094,077 68 363.6 Asset Retirement Costs for Other Storage Plant 69 TOTAL Other Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 58 thru 68)16,797,426 535,242 70 Base Load Llquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant t1 364.1 Land and Land Riqhts 72 364.2 Structures and lmprovements 73 364.3 LNG Processino Terminal Eouioment 74 364.4 LNG Transportation Equipment 75 364.5 Measurino and Reoulatino Eouioment 76 364.6 Compressor Station Equipment 77 364.7 Communications Equipment 78 364.8 Other Equipment 79 364.9 Asset Retirement Costs for Base Load Llouefied Natural Gas 80 TOTAL Base Load Liquefied Nat'l Gas, Terminaling and I I I T I t T I I I I T t T t t I T tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-s6)Page 206 I t T I t I T T t t t I I T I I I I T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company Thls ReDort ls:(1) fiAn original(2) [lA Resubmission Dat6 of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1431t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Plant in Servlce (Accounts 101, 102, 't03, and 106) (contlnued) Line No. Retirernents (d) AdJustments (e) Transfers {fl Balance at . End of Year (o) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5't 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 292,588 60 4.065.025 61 3,706,269 62 529,514 63 18,000 2,605,771 64 2,036,601 0c 2,871,424 66 113,399 67 1,094,077 68 69 18,000 '17,314,668 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 FERC FORM NO_ 2 t12-96t Name or Kesponoent lntermountain Gas Company I nts Keoon ts:(1) fiRn Originat(2) [-lA Resubmission uale or Keoon (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Iear/Fenoo oI Kepon End of 2013/Q4 Gas Plant in Servlce (Accounts {01,02, 103, and 106) (contlnued) -lne No. Account 1a'l Balance at Beginnlng of Year Ih\ Additions Ie) 81 TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of lines 57 16,797,426 535,242 82 TRANSMISSION PLAN 83 365.1 Land and Land Rights 84 365,2 Rishts-of-Way 768,927 4,976 85 366 Structures and lmprovements 77,152 86 367 Mains 63,569,580 5,536,571 87 368 ' Compressor Station Equipment 1,730,378 (1.e) 88 369 Measurino and Reoulatino Station Eouioment 89 370 CommunicationEquipment 714,440 90 371 Other Equipment 91 372 Asset Retirement Costs for Transmission Plant 92 TOTAL Transmisslon Plant (Enter Totals of lines 83 thru 91). 66,860,477 5,541,528 93 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 94 374 Land and Land Rights 416,604 6,493 95 375 Structures and lmprovements 18,864 96 376 Mains 143,172,871 4,944,936 97 377 Compressor Station Equlpment 98 378 Measuring and Regulating Statlon Equlpment-General 6.370.122 636,684 99 379 Measurlnq and Requlatinq Station Equipment-Citv Gate 100 380 Services 131 ,130,294 5,212,771 t01 381 Meters 37,441,564 1,489,644 t02 382 . Meter lnstallations 10,880,999 196,875 t03 383 House Reoulators 5,309,899 459,907 04 384 House Regulator lnstallatlons 5,863,289.234,261 05 385 lndustrial Measurino and Requlatino Station Equipment 9,352,424 540,832 06 386 Other Property on Customers' Premises 07 387 Other Equipment 08 388 Asset Retirement Costs for Distribution Plant 09 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Total of lines 94 thru 108)349,956,930 13,722,403 10 GENEML PLANT 11 389 Land and Land Rights 2,126,487 229,O92 12 390 Structures and lmorovements 15,622,159 566,920 13 39'l Office Furniture and Equipment 13,920,053 320,383 14 392 TransoortationEouioment 6,590,234 1,061,254 15 393 Stores Equipment 11,378 16 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment 3,231,637 576,557 117 395 LaboratoryEquipment 18 396 Power Ooerated Eouioment 785,495 802,520 19 397 CommunicationEquipment 4,527,441 79,990 20 398 MiscellaneousEouioment 1,153 21 Subtotal (Enter Total of lines 111 thru 120)46,816,037 3,636,716 22 399 Other Tanoible Prooertv 23 399.1 Asset Retirement Costs for General Plant t24 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Total of lines 121, 122 and 1 23)46,816,037 3,636,716 125 TOTAL (Accounts 1 01 and 1 06)482,940,302 25,815,360 t26 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instruction 8) 27 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See lnstruction 8) 28 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassifled 29 TOTAL Gas Plant ln Service (Enter Total of lines 125 thru ',l28)482,940,302 25,815,360 I I t t t T t T T T I T I T t T T I TFERC FORM NO.2 (12.96)Page 208 I T T T T I T I T T I I I I I I I I I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) []Rn orisinat(2) l-lA Resubmisslon Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3112013 YearPefloo oI Hepon End of 2013/Q4 Gas Plant ln Service (Accounts 101,102,103, and 106) (contlnued) Llne No. Retlrements /d'l Adjustments (el Transfers (fl Balance at End of Year (o) 81 18,000 17,314,668 83 84 773,903 85 77,152 86 299,568 68,806,583 87 1,730,359 88 89 714,440 90 91 92 299,568 72,102,437 94 423,097 95 18,864 96 846,699 87,674)147,183,434 97 98 27104 6,979,702 99 00 228,334 87,674 136,202,405 01 163,381 38,767,827 t02 35,160 r,442,724 r03 10,588 5,759,218 r04 16,097 6,081,453 t05 51,563 9,841,693 106 107 08 109 1 ,378,916 362,300,417 111 2,355,579 112 28,531 16,'t 60,548 113 3,669,837 10,570,599 't14 635,853 7,015,635 15 849 10,529 16 1 80,832 30,041 3,657,403 17 18 274,088 30,041)1,283,886 19 1 13,559 4.493,872 120 1,153 i21 4,903,549 45,549.204 22 123 24 4,903,549 45,549,204 t25 6;600,033 502,1 55,629 26 127 128 129 6,600,033 502,'155,629 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 209 Namo of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company lnls KeDon ls:(1) []Rn oristnat(2) llA Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3112013 YeaflPgnoo ot i(epor End of 2013/Q4 Gas Property and Capaclty Leased from Others 1. 2. (c), i leport below the information called for concerning gas property and capacity leased from others for gas operations.ror all leases in which the average annual lease payment over the initial term of the lease exceeds $500,000, describe in column applicable: the property or capacity leased, Designate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). Line No, Na.me of Lessor (a)(b) Description of Lease (c) Lease Payments for Current Year (d) 1 Not Applicable 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total T T T I T T I I I I I t t T I I t I I FERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 212 t I I T T I I I t T T I I I I I I T t Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) finn ortginat(2) [--'lA Resubmlsslon Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 143112013 YeaTHenoo oI Kepor End of Pl4Q[ Gas Property and Capaclty Leased to Others 1. F descr 2. lt 3. I or all ledses ln whloh the average lease lncome over the lnitlal term of the leaae exceede $500,000 provldo ln column (c), a lptlon of each faclllty or leased capacity that ls classlfled as gas plant ln servlce, and ls leased to others for gas operatlons. r column (d) provide the lease payments received from others. )eslgnate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). Llne No. Name of Lessor (a)(b) Descrlption of Leasa (c) Lease Payments for Current Year (d) I Not Applicable 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 I 't0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total FERC FORM NO.2 (12.96)Page 213 Name ol Kesponoent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls: 1t1 ffinn origlnal(2) l--lA Resubmisslon Datd of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Repor End of 2013/Q4 Gas Plant Held for Future Use (Account 105) 1 . Report separately each property held for future use at end of the year having an original cost of $'t,000,000 or more. Group other items of property held for future use. 2. For property having an original cost of $1,000,000 or more previously used in utility operations, now held for future use, give in column (a), in addition to other required information, the date that utility use of such property was discontinued, and thd date the original cost was transfened to Account 105. Line No. Descrlptlon and Location of Property (a) Date Originally lncluded ln thls Amount (b) Date Expected to be Used in Utility Sewice (c) Balance at End ofYear (d) 1 Not Applicable 2 3 4 5 o 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 Total T I I t T T T I T t t T ,l I T I I I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 214 I T I T I t T t T t T t I t t I I t T Name ol ReBpondsnt lntermountaln Gas Company tntS RgDon t8:(1) [len ortglnat(2) l-lA Resubmisslon UAIO OI KEDON(Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t2013 YeailPoflod 0f Repor End of 2013/Q4 Constructlon Work ln Progress-Gas (Account 107) 1. Report below descriptions and balances at end of year of projects in process of construction (Account 107), 2. Show items relating to "research, development, and demonstration" projects last, under a caption Research, Development, and Demonstration (see Account 107 of the Uniform System of Accounts). 3. Minor projects (less than $1,000,000) may be grouped. Line No. Descriptlon of Project (a) Constructlon Work in Progress-Gas (Account 107) (b) Estimated Additional Cost of Project (c) 1 Dishibution Plant 389,1 34 867,262 2 General Plant 2,038,485 344,622 3 lntanglble Plant CIS & GIS Systems 19,858,020 2,740,960 4 5 LNG 1.703.745 '1,796,255 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 {5 Total 23,989,384 5,749,099 l rt I I I FERG FORM NO.2 (12.96)Paqe 216 lntermountain Gas Company Non-Traditlonal Rate Treatment Afforded New Projects pollry, 90 FERC P61,128 (2000); order clarifylng policy, 92 FERC P61,094 (2000) (Policy Statement), ln column a, llst lhe name of ttre facility granted non-lraditional.nate treatmenl 2, ln column b, list the CP Docket Number where lhe Commisslon authorized the facillty. 3, ln column c, Indicate the type of rate treatrnent approved by the Commlssion (e,9. lncremental, at risk) 4. ln mlumn d, llst the amount ln Account 101, Gas Plant in Servlce, associated wllh lhe facility. 5, ln mlumn e, list the amount ln Account 108, Accumulated Provlslon for Depreclatton of Gas UUlity Plant assoclated with the facility. CP Docket No. (b) Type of Rate Treatment (c) Gas Plant in Service (d) This Reoort ls:(1) finn orisinat Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 't2t31t20't3A Resubmission Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 I T t i I I I I T T I T I I a I I I TFERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-07)Page 217 I I I I t t I T t t I T I I I I I ! I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company 1213112013 Non-Tradltional Rate Treatment Afforded New ProJects (contlnued) Defened lnmme Taxes - Other Propedy; Account 283, Acatmulated Defened lnome Taxes - Other, assoclated wllh the faclllty. 7. ln column g, report the total amount lncluded ln the gas opentlons expense accounts dudng the year related to the faclllty (Account 401, Operation Expense). 8, ln mlumn h, report the total amount included ln lhe gas maintenance expense accounts durlng lhe year related to the facillty. 9. ln column l, report the amount of depreciatlon expense accrued on the faclllty durlng the year. 10, ln column J, llst any other expenses(lncludlng taxes) allocated to the faclllty, 11, ln column k, ropotl the lnclemental r€vonues aesoclated wllh the faclllty, 12, ldenllly lhe volumes recelved and used for any lncremental pro,lect thal has a separato fuol rat6 for that project, 13. Provlde thelotalamounts for each column, Accumulated Depreclatlon (e) Accumulated . Defened lncome Taxes 0 Operating Expense G) Maintenance Expense (h) Deprcclatlon Expense (|) lncremental Revenues (k) FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-O7l Page 217a Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Companv This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1431/2013 Year/Period of Report 2013/Q4 General Descrlotion of Constructlon Overhead Procedure . For the nature and extent ofwork, etc., the charges are lntended to cover, (b) the general procedure for determlnlng the amount capitalized, (c) the method of distribution to construction jobs, (d) whether dlfferent rates are applied to different types of construction, (e) basls of differentiatlon ln rates for different types of construction, and (f) whether the overhead ls directly or lndirectly asslgned.' 2. Show below the computation of allowance for funds used during construction rates, in accordance with the provislons of Gas Plant lnstructlons 3 (17) of the Uniform System of Accounts.' 3. Where e net-of-tax rate for bonowed funds is used, show the appropriate tax effect adjustment to the computations below ln a manner that clearly lndicates the amount of reduction in the gross rate for tax effects. INTERMOU NTAIN GAS COM PANY ALLOWANCE FOR FUNDS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION - AFUDC GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUfiION OVERHEAD PROCEDURE. PAGE 218 FY.13 FORM 2 This includes the net cost of borrowed funds used for construction purposes and a reasonable rate on other funds when so used, not to exceed the allowance computed in accordance with the formula prescribed in paragraph (a) below. No AFUDC charges shall be included in these accounts upon expenditures for construction projects which have been abandoned. (a) The formula and elements for the computation of the AFUDC shall be: T t I t I I I I I I I t T I T I t I t As = s(s/w)+ [{d(D/(D+p+c))} * t1-(s/w)}1 a1= [r-(s/w)] * t{p(p/(o+P+c))} + {c(c/(D+P+c))}l IF TI'{E FORMULA PRODUCES A NEGATIVE RESULT THEN USE PRIME RATE As - Gross allowance for borrowed funds used during construction rate At - Allowance for other funds used during construction rate As = 2.06% At = -3.48% Total= -7.42% $20,74L,32! 2.02% S3t,636,36s 7.26% so o.00% 90,218,885 14.8s% , $Ls,7sz;s7l S - Average short-term debt s - Short-term debt interest rate D - Long-term debt d - l-ong-term debt interest P - preferred stock p - preferred stock cost rate C - common equity c - common equity cost rate W - Average balance in construction in progress S= J- D- d- p= p- l^_L- !(= (b) The rates shall be determined annually. The balances for long-term debt, preferred stock and common equity shall betheactualbookbalancesasoftheendoftheprioryear. Thecostratesforlong-termdebtandpreferredstockshall- be the weighted average cost determined in the manner indicated in #154.63 of the Commission's Regulations under the Natural Gas Act, The cost rate for common equity shall be the rate granted common equity in the last rate FERC FORM NO.2 1 218.1 I t I T t I T t T I T t I t T T T Name. of Respondent lntermountain Gas Comoanv This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report 2013/Q4 General Descrlptlon of Constructlon Overhead Proceduie proceeding before the IPUC. lf such cost rate is not available, the average rate actually earned during the preceding three years shall be used. The short-term debt balances and related cost and the average balance for construction work in progress shall be estimated for the current year with appropriate adjustments as actual data becomes available. .#154.63 states that the weighted average cost per long-term debt and prefeired stock shall be the yield to maturity based on interest rates per loan and net loans outstanding and dividend rates per issue and net issues outstanding, respectively AVERAGE SHORT.TERM DEBT The computation of the short-term debt component is detailed below. Average short-term debt is the average of twelve months of averages of the outstanding credit line per the 2013 Plan. The average short-term debt rate is interestexpenseinthe2013Plandividedbytheaverageshort-termdebt. Thecommitmentfeeisnotincludedinthe computation. DATE MONTHL2l3th2 10t/3tlL3 2 021281t3 3o3l3uL3 4o4l30lt3 s0y3t/t3 606/30/t3 7o7l3t/13 Io8l37ll3 s 0e130/13 .10 7ol3tlt3 tL7rl30lt3 L272/31/t3. 13 TOTAL AVERAGE INTEREST BALANCE 26,200,000 26,996,162 24,6L0,382 15,622,741 11,825,181 t7,397,373 21,908,458 28,628,066 34,623,284 47,367,483 0 3,ggl,tz3 5,683,325 ITEM 2013 CAPITAL PLAN' LESS: OFFICE & TOOLS TRANSPORTATION HOUSE / INDUSTRIAL METERS TWO MONTH AVERAGE 25,598,081 25,803,272 20,!16,562 73,723,96! L4,61L,247 19,652,885 25,268,262 3L,625,675 40,992,383 23,680,741 L,990,562 4,932,224 248,895,855 20,741,32L 4L8,425 2.O2% AMOUNT 35,500,678 993,785 1,069,750 1,933,000 AVERAG E WORK.I N-PROGRESS The computation of the average work-in-progress is detailed below. lt is the sum of the 2013 capital expenditure program after deducting non-constructed assets such as office, transportation and tools equipment and house meters and regulators. FERC FORM NO,2 1 218,2 Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Gompanv This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) .12131t2013 Year/Period of Report 2013/Q4 General Descrlptlon of Constructlon Overhead Procedure CWIP TOTAL AVERAGE CWIP 31,505,143 !5,752,57t T I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I t DEBT AND PREFERRED BALANCES AND RATES . Common, debt and preferred balances used are from December 2OL2. The long-term debt rate is the yield to maturity rate reflected in Case INT-G-93-2. Common equity costs reflect the level approved in rates by the IPUC in Case 122. T I t t I I T t I I T I I I I I t t I Name 0t Rcspondent lntermountain Gas Company Thls Reoort ls:(1) ffinn orlstnat(21 l--'lA Reeubmlgolon Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3112013 YeailPeflocl of Repon End ol 20Lll&4 General Dosorlptlon ol Constructlon Overhead Procodurs (contlnued) COMPUTATION OF ALLOWANCE FOR FUNDS USEO DURINO CONSTRUCTION RATES 1. For llne (5), column (d) below, enter lhe rate ganted In tho last rate proceedlng. lf not avallable, use lhe average rate €amod durlng the precedlng 3 yearc, 2, ldentlfy, ln a footnote, the speclflc entlty used as lhe sourct loithe capltal sttucture flgures. 3, lndlcate, ln e footnote, lf the roponod rate of return ls one lhal has been approvgd ln a rate case, black box settlement nate, or an actual three-year average rate. 1, Components of Formula (Derlved from actual book balances and actual cost rates): Line No. Title (a) Amount (b) Gapitallzatlon Ratlon (percent) (c) Cost Rate Percentage (d) (1) Average Short-Term Debt S 20,741,321 (2) Short Term lnterest s 2.02 (3) Lono-Term Debt D 31,636,365 25.96 d 7,26 (4) Prefened Stock P p (5) Common Eoultv c 90,218,88s 74.04 c 14.85 (6) Tolal0aoitalizalion 142,596,571 (7) Average Constructlon Work ln Pr@ress Balance w 15,752,571 2. Gross Rate for Borrowed Funds s(S/W) + d[(D/(D+P+C) (1-(S/W))]2,02 3. Rate for Other Funds [1-(SA /)] [p(P/(D+P+C)) + o(C/(D+P+C))] 4-. Weighted Averaga Rato Actually Used for the Year:' a. Rate for Borrowed Funds - b. Rate for Other Funds - 2.06 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-071 Page 218a Accumulated Provlslon for Depreclatlon of Gas Utlllty Plant (Account 108) 1. Explain in a footnote any important adjustments during year. 2. Explain in a footnote any difference between the amount.for book cost of plant reiired, line 10, column (c), and that reported for gas plant in service, page 204-209! column (d), excluding retirements of nondepreciable property. 3. The provisions of Account 108 in the Uniform System of Accounts require that retirements of depreciable plant be recorded when such plant is removed from service. lf the respondent has a significant amount of plant retired at year end whlch has not been recorded and/or classified to the various reserve functional classificalions, make preliminary closing entries to tentatively functionalize the book cost of the plant retired. ln addition, include all costs included in retirement work in progress at year end in the appropriate functional clas6ifi cations. 4. Show separately interest credits under a sinking fund or similar method of depreciation accounting, 5. At lines 7 and 14, add rows as necessary to report all data. Additional rows should be numbered in sequence, e.9., 7.01 , 7.02, elc. Gas Plant Held for Future Use Sec,tion A. BALANCES AND CHANGES DURING YEAR Balance Beglnning of Year Depreclatlon Provisions lor Year, Charyed to (403.1) Depredation Expense for Asset Rellremenl Cosb (413) Expense of Gas Plant Leased to Othen Other Clearlng (Specify) (footnote detalls): TOTAL Deprec. Prov, lor Year ffotal of lines 3 thru 8) Net Charges for Plant Retked: Book Cost of Plant ReUred TOTAL Net Chrgs for Plant Ret, fiotal of llnes 12 thru 14) Other Deblt or Credlt ltems (Descrlbe) (footnote detalls): Book Cost of Asset Retirement Costs Balance End of Year (Tolal of llnes 1,10,15,16 and 18) Seclion B, BALANCES AT END OF YEAR ACCORDING T0 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS Base Load LNG Terminaling and Processing Plant TOTAL (Totalof llnes 21 thru 29) T I I I I I I I'l I I I T I I I I I I Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t31t2013 This Reoort ls:(1) ffiAn Originat A Resubmission Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company FERC FORM NO.2 (12.96)Page 219 Name ol HespQndent lntermouirtain Gas Company I nts Keoon ts:(1) Sm oasinat(2) l-lA Resubmlssion Date of Report I Year/Period of Report (Mo, Da, Yi) |tzg1nofi | End of 2013/Q4 Gas Stored (Accounts 117.1, 117 ,2, 117 ,3, 117 ,4, 164,1, 164,2t and 164.3) 1. lf durlng the year adjustments were made to the stored gas inventory reported in columns (d), (0, (g), and (h) (such as to correct cumulative inacouracies of gas measurements), explaln in a footnote the reason for the adjustments, the Dth and dollar amount of ad,lustment, and account charged or credlted. 2. Report ln column (e) all encroachments during the year upon th6 volumes deslgnated as base gas, column {b), and system balancing gas, column (c), Fnd gas property recordable in the plant accounts. 3. State ln a footnote the basis of segregation of lnventory between current and noncurrent portions. Also, state in a footndte the method used to report storage (i.e., fixed asset method or lnventory method). .lnr NO Description (a) (Account 117.1) (b) (Account 117.2) (c) Noncurrent (Account 117.3) (d) (Account 117.4) (e) Cu116rlt (Account 164.1) (0 LNG (Account 164,2) . (s) LNG . (Account 164.3) (h) ' Total o lalanct at Beginnlng of 24,76 4,820,20i 4,844,96( 2 ias Dollversd to Storege 1,500,57 1,500,57( 3 3as Wilhdravn ftun 1,4u,24 1,4U,211 4 )ther Doblts aod Crsdlt8 r82,16 182,161 5 ldance at End of Year 206,93 4,886,53 5,093,4?i 6 )th 53,98 1,468,5'l 1,522,5q 7 \mount Per Dth 3.832 t.321 3.315! I FERc FoRM No. 2 (REV 04-04)Page 220 lrivEstments (Account 123, 124, and 136) 1. Report below investmenb in Accounts 123, lnvestrnenb ln Assoclated Companles, 124, Other lnvestnents, and 136, Temporary Cash lnvestments. 2. Provlde a subheading lor each account and list lhereunder the informalion called for: Temporary Gash lnvestments; also may be grouped by classes. subjecttocunentrepaymentinAccountl45and146. Wlthrespecttoeachadvance,showwhethertheadvancslsanote6ropenaccount Llne No. Descrlption of lnvestment (a) t (b) Book Cost at Beglnnlng ofYear (lf book cost ls dlfferent from cost to resircndent glve cost to respondent ln a foohote and explaln difference) (c) Purchases or Addiiions During the Year (d) I Cash 557,478 2'15,490 2 SISP lnvestnents 17,120 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Nime ofiiei-5rondent lntermountain Gas Company This (1) (2) ls; An Original A Resubmisslon Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12t31i2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 T T t I T t I I T I I I I I I I I I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page.222 T t T T t t I T I I I T T T I I T I T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This ReDort Is:(1) fiRn original(2) l-lA Resubmission Data of ReDort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t2013 Year/Period of .Report End of 2013/Q4 lnvestments (Account 123,124, and t36) (contlnued) 3. Designate with an asterisk ln column (b) any securltles, notos or accounb that were pledged, and ln a fooinote state lhe name ol pledges and purpose of the pledge, number. 5, Report ln column (h) lnlerest and dlvldend revenueg from lnvestmanlg lncludlng such revanues lrom socurltles dlspoaed oi durlng lhe year, carled ln lhe books of account lf different from cost) and lhe selllng prlce lhereof, not lncludlng any dlvldend or interest adJustment lncludlble ln column (h), Line No. Sales or Other Disposltlons Durlng Year (e) Pdncipal Amount or No. of Shares at End of Year '(0 Book Cost at End of Year (lf book cost ls different from cost to respondent, give cost to respndent In a footnote and. explain dlfierence) (o) Revenues for Year h) Galn or Loss from lnvestment Disposed of (l) 1 772,968 2 't7,'120 3 4 5 b 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 223 lnvestments ln Subsldlary Companles (Account 123.1) 1. Report below lnvestments in Account 123.1, lnvestrnents in Subsidiary Companies. 2, Provlde a subheading for each ompany and list thereunder lhe inlormaton called for belorv. Sub-total by company and give a total in columns (e), (0, (g) and (h). (a) lnveslment ln Securl0es{lst and descrlbe each securlty owned. For bonds give also principal amount, date of issue, maturlty, and lnterost rate. to each advance show whether the advance is a note or open account, Llst each note glvlng date of issuance, maturity date, and specifylng whether note is a ronowal, 3. Reportseparatelytheequltylnundlstributedsubsidiaryeamingsslnceacqulsltion, Thetotal lncolumn(e) shouldequal lheamountenteredforAccount4lS.l, TOTAL Cost ofAccount 123.1 $TOTAL This Reoort ls:(1) ffiAn original Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 't2t31D413 Year/Penod ot l{eport End of 20'13/Q4 T T I I t T I I T T t T I I T I T I t Intermountain Gas Company (2)Resubmission FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 224 T I T I T I t I I T T T T I T I t I I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company Thls ReDort ls:(1) []en orlsinat(2) llA Resubmission uale or Kepon(Mo, Da, Yr) 1A31D013 Year/Period of Report End of 20'13/Q4 lnvestments in Subsldlary Companles (Account 123.1) (contlnued) 4. Deslgnate in a footnote, any securities, notes, or accounb lhat were pledged, and state the name of pledgee and purpose of the pledge. docket number. 6, Report ln column (f) interest and dlvldend revenues from lnvestments, lncludlng such revenues from securlties disposed of durlng lhe year. 7, lnmlumn(h) reportloreachlnvestmentdisposedofdurlngtheyear,thegalnorlossrepresentedbylhedlfferencebetweencostoflhelnvestment(ortheotheramountatwhlch canled ln the books of account lf dlllerent from cos$, and lhe selllng prlce thereof, not lncludlng interest adJustments lncludlble ln column (f). 8, Report on Llne 40, column (a) he total cost of Account 123,1. Llne No. Equity in Subsidlary Eamings forYear ' (e) Revenues forYear (0 Amount of lnvestment at End ofYear (s) Gain or Loss from lnvestment Disposed of (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 225 Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company lnts (1) (2) on ts: An Orlginal A Resubmission uate oI KeDort (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 It,at/reiluu ut t\gPurr End of 2013/Q4 Prepayments (Acct 165), Extraordlnary Property Losses (Acct 182.1), Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (Acct 182.2) PREPAYMENTS (ACCOUNT I 65) 1. Report below the particulars (details) on each prepayment. Line No. Nature of Payment (a) Balance at End of Year (in dollars) b) 'l Prepald lnsurance 183,869 2 Prepald Rents 3 Prepald Taxes 4 PreoaH lnterest 5 Miscellaneous Preoayments'553,533 6 TOTAL 737,402 T I T I I T I I I T I T T T t I I I IFERC FORM NO,2 (12-96)Page 230a T I I t I I T T T I T t I I I I I T T Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company Datc ol REoort(Mo, Da, Yi)' 1213112013 YoaflPanoo or K€pon End of 2013/a4 x Prepayments (Acct 1 65), Extraordlnary Property Losges (Acct 'l 82.'l ), Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (Acct t 82.2). (contlnued) EXTRAORD I NARY PROP E RTY LOSSES (AGG OU NT 182.11 Line No. Oescdption of Extraordinary Loss finclude the date of loss, the date of Commlsslon aulhorlzaton to use Account 182.1 and period of amortlzation (mo, yr, to mo, yr[ Add.rows as necessary to roport all data. (a) Balanco at Beginning ofYear (b) Total Amounl of Loss (c) Losses Recognked During Year (d) Written off Dudng Year Account Charged (e) Wrltten off Durlng Year Amount 0 Balance at End ofYear (s) 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 tE Total FERC FORM NO.2 (12-s6)Page Prepayments (Acct 155), Extraordlnary Property Losses (Acct'182.1), Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (Acct 182.2) (contlnued) UNRECOVERED PLANT AND REGULATORY STUDY COSTS (ACCOUNT 182,21 Line No. Desoipllon of Unrecovered Plant and Reguhtory Study Costs flnclude ln the descripthn of costs, lhe date of Commlsslon authorlzation to use Account 182.2 and perlod of annrilzaton (mo, yr, lo mo, yr)l Add rows as necessary to repo( all data, Number rolrc ln sequence beginnlng with the next row number after tlie last row number used for exlraordinary property losses. (a) Balance al Beglnning of Year (b) Tohl Amounl of Charges (c) Costs Recognized During Year (d) Wrlten off Dudng Year Account Chaqed (e) Wdtten off During Year Arnount (f) Balarice at End of Year b) 16 17 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 Total Name of R€spondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffiAn orisinal Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4(2) l-lA Resubmlssion Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12131t2013 I T I I I I T I T I ! I I T T I I t IFERC FORM NO. 2 (12.e6)Page T I I T I I T I I I T I T I I I I T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) finn orisinat(2t l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 'tu31t2013 Year/Period of Repor End of 2013/Q4 Other Regulatory Assets (Account 182.:,) 1. Report below the details called for conceming other regulatory assets which are created through the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies (and not includable in other accounts), 2. For regulatory assets being amortized, shorar period of amortization in column (a), 3, Minor items (5% of the Balance at End of Year for Account 182,3 or amounts less than $250,000, whichever is less) may be grouped by classes. 4. Report separately any 'Defened Regulatory Commission Expenses' that are also reprted on pages 350-351, Regulatory Commission Expenses, 5. Provide ln a footnote, for each line item, the regulatory citation where authorization for the regulatory asset has been granted (e,9. Commission Order, state commisslon order, court decision). Line No. Desoiption and Purpose of Other Regulatory Asseb (a) Balance at Beglnnlng Cunent Quarterffear (b) Debib G) Written off During Quarterffear Account Charged (d) Writlen off During Period Amount Recovered (e) Written off During Period Amount Deemed Unrecoverable 0 Balance at End ol Cunent Quarter/Year (s) 1 )efened Post Retirement 6,147,62 4187,101 Lm,52t 2 )efened Regulatory Tax Assel 9,078,n'2,485,42 6,59e851 3 4 5 6 7 I s 10 11 't2 't3 '14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 JO 37 38 39 t0 Total 15,52s,E9 6,672J21 0,853J7r FERC FORM NO.2/3Q (REV 12-07)Page 232 Miscellaneous Deferred Deblts (Account 186) 1. Report below the details called for conceming miscellaneous defered debits. 2. For any defened debit being amortizd, show period of amortization in column (a). 3. Minor items (less than $250,000) may be grouped by classes. Description of Miscellaneous Defened Debits Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This ReDort ls:(1) []Rn orisinal(2) llA Resubmission Date of ReDort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1431D013 t I I I I t I I t I I I T T I I T T TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-s5)Page 233 I T t I I T I I I T T T T T I . This page intentionally left blank. T T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This ReDort ls: I uale ot Kepon(1) ffiAn originat | (Mo' Da' Yi) (2\ FA Resubmission I tztsltzolt YeailPefloo oI Kepon End of 2013/Q4 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes (Account 190) 1. Repofi the lnformatldn called for below concernlng the respondents accounting for defened income taxes. 2. At Other (Specify), lnclude defenals relatlng to other lnmme and deductions. 3. Provide ln a footnote a summary of the type and amount of defened income taxes repohed in the beginningof-year and endof-year balances for defened income taxes that ihe respondent estimateg could be included in the developmelt oflurislic{onal recounse nates. Llne No. Account Subdivhlons (a) Balance at Beginnlng ofYear (b) Changes During Year Amounts Debited to Account 4'10.1 (c) Changes During Year Amounts Credlted to Acouni411.1 (d) 2 Electrlc 3.Gas 41,277 117,934 4 Other (Deflne) (footnote details) 5 Total(Total of llnes 2 hru 4)41,277 117,934 6 Other (Speclfy) (footnote details) 7 TOTAL Account 190 (Total of lines 5 thru 6)41,277 1 17,934 o Fdderal lnmme Tax 41,277 10 State lncome Tax 1 17,934 11 Local lncome Tax I T I I I t T I t I I I T I I I I I IFERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 12-07)Page 234 T T I I t I t I I I T T T I T t T T T Name of Rospondent i lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn originat(2\ [-lA Resubmlssion Date of Reoort (Mo, Qa, Yi) 1213112013 YeailPenod ot Repon End of 2013/Q4 Acoumulated Deferred lncome Taxea (Account 190) (contlnued) Llne No. Changes Durlng Year Amounts Debited to Account 410.2 (e) Changes Durlng Yoar Amounts Credlted to Account 41 1,2 (0 AdJustmonts Deblts Account No. (q) AdJustments DEblte Amount (h) AdJustments Credlts' Account No, (t) AdJustmsnts Crsdlts Amount 0) Balance at End ofYear (k) 2 3 76,657 4 5 76,657 6 7 76,657 I ( 41,2n) 10 1 1 7,934 11 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV.12-07)235 Capltal Stock (Accounts 201 and 204) TteJltleltffL,rmn (b) should represent the number ol shares authorized by the artictes of incorporaflon as amended to end of year. 3. GIve detalls mnceming shares of any clas and serles of stock authorized to be issued by a regulatory commlsion which have not yet been issued, Line No. Class and Serles of Stock and Name of Stock Exchange (a) Number of Shares Authorized by Charter (b) Par or Stated Valus per Share (c) Call Price al End ofYear (d) 1 Common stock 5,000,000 1.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 I s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 20 21 22 23' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3'l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company lnts HeDon rs:(1) fiAn original I EqlrrEllw vr r\sPvrl End of 2013/Q4 uatB ul nEDutt (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 T T I I I T I t T T I I I T t T T T t (2)Resubmission FERC FORM NO.2 (12.e6)Page 260 I I T T t I I T T I T I T T T I T T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) SRn ortstnat(2\ [-]A Resubmission uate ol KeDon (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Yeafll.enoo oI xepoft End of 2013/Q4 Capltal Stock (Accounts 201 and 204) 4. The identlfication of each class of preferred stock should show the dlvldend nate and whether the divldends are cumulative or noncumulaUve. 5. Stato in a footnote if any capital stock that has been nomlnally issued is nominally outstandlng at end of year. purpose of pledge, Line No. Outstanding per Bal, Sheel (tohl amt outstanding wlthout reduction for amts held by respondent) Shares (e) Outstanding per Bal, Sheet Amounl (0 Held by Respondent. As Reacquhed Stock (Acct 217) Shares (s) Held by Respondent As Reacqulred Stock (Acct 217) Cost (h) Held by Respondent ln Slnklng and Olher Funds Shares (i) Held by Respondent ln Slnklng and Olher Funds Amount 0) 1 1,513,060 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 J5 36 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 25'l Capltal Stock: Subscrlbed, Llabillty for Converslon, Premlum on, and lnstallments Recleved on (Accts 202, 203,205, 206, 207, and 2121 1. Show for each of the above accounts the amounts applying to each class and series of capital stock. 2. For Account 202, Common Stock Subscribed, and Account 205, Preferred Stock Subscribed, show the subscription price and the balance due on each class at the end of year. 3. Describe in a footnote the agreement and transactions under which.a conversion liability existed under Account 203, Common Stock Liability for Conversion, or Account 206, Preferred Stock Liability for Conversion, at the end of year. 4. For Premium on Account 207, Capital Stock, designate with an asterisk in column (b), any amounts representing the excess of consideration received over stated values of stocks without par value. Name of Account and Description of ltem (a) Account 207 - Premium on common stock Name ol Hesponoenl lntermountain Gas Company I II- (1) (2') vl I lo. An Original A Resubmission eurv vr . reFs r r(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t3112013 End of 20'13/Q4 t T I T I T I t T I I I T T T T T I TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 252 T T T t t I I I T T T I I T T I I T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fien origtnat Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3112013 Year/Period of End of 2013/Q4(2) [-lA Resubmission Other PaldJn Capltal {Accounts 208-211) 1. Report below the balance at the end of the year and the information specified below for the respective other paidJn capital accounts. Provide a subheading for each account and show a total for the account, as well as a total of all accounts for reconciliation with the balance sheet, page 112. Explain changes ryrade in any account during the year and give the accounting entries effecting such change (a) Donations Received from Stockholders (Account 208) - State amount and briefly explain the origin and purpose of each donation. (b) Reductlon ln Par or Stated Value of Capltal Stock (Acoount 209) - State amount and brlefly explaln the capltal changes that gave rlse to amounts reported under thls captlon lncludlng ldentlflcatlon wlth the cless and Berles of stock to whlch related, (e) Galn or Resale or Cancellation of Reacqulred Capital Stock (Aceount 210) - Report balaRee at bbglnnlnE of year, oedlts, deblts, and balance at end of year with a designation of the nature of each credit and debit identified by the class and series of stock io which related. (d) Miscellaneous Paid-tn Capital (Account 211) - Classify amounts included in this account according to captions that, together with brief explanations, diiclose the general nature of the transactions that gave rise to the reported amounts. Llne No. Item (a) Amount (b) Gain on reacquired stock 183,541 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 't5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Total 183,541 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 25t DtscouNT oN cAprTAL sTocK (AccouNT 213) '1. Report the balance at end of year of discount on capital stock for each class and series of capital stock, Use as many rows as necessary lo reprt all data. during the year and speclff the account charged. Line No. Class and Series of Stock (a) Balance at End ofYear (b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 TOTAL cAPITAL STOCK EXPENSE (ACCOUNT 214) 1, Reportlhe balance at end of year of capltal stock expenses for each class and series of capltal stock. Use as many rows as necessary to report all data. Number the rorrs ln . sequenceslartIngfromthelastrotivnumberusedforDisountonCapltalStockabove. of capital stock expense and speclfi the amount charged, Line No. Class and Sedes of Stock (a) Balance at End ofYear (b) 16 Common Stock 1,077 ,741 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TOTAL 1,077,741 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company lnls (1) (2\ ls: An Original A Resubmisslon ua(c ol tlt pur t(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t3112013 l Eal/ rgiluu ur nEyvr l End of 2013/Q4 T I ! T I T T T I I I t I T T T I I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 254 I T T T I I I T t I I I T T T I I T T I FERC FORM.NO. 2 (12-s6) 255.1 | Name of Respondent lntermounlain Gas Comoanv This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 12131t2013 Year/Period of Report 20131Q4 Securltles lssued or Assumed and Securltles REfunded or Retlred Durlnq the Year 1. Furnish a supplemental statement briefly describing security linanclng and refinancing transactions during the year and the accounting for te securities, dlscounts, premiums, expenses, and related gains or losses. ldentify as to Commission authorizatlon numbers and dates. 2. Provide detalls showing the full accounting for the total principal amount, par value, or stated value of each class and series of security issued, assumed, retired, or refunded and the accounting for premiums, dlscounts, expenses, and gains or losses relating to the securities. Set the facts of the accountlng clearly with regard to redemption premiums, unamortized discounts, expenses, and galn or losses relating to securities retired or refunded, including the accounting for such amounts carried in the respondent's accounts at the date of the refundlng or reflnancing transactlons with respect to securities previously refunded or rbtired. 3. lnclude in the identification of each class and series of security, as appropriate, the interest or dlvidend rate, nominal date of issuance, maturity dat6, aggregate prlncipal amount, par value or stated value, and ntmber of shares. Glve also the issuance of redemption price and name of the principal underwriting firm through which the security transactions were consummated. 4. Where the accountlng for amounts relating to securities refunded or retired is other than that specifled in General lnstruction 17 of the Uniform System of Accounts, cite the Commission authorization forthe different accounting and state the accounting method. 5. For sectirities assumed, give the name of the compiny for which the liability on the securltles was assumed as well as details of the transactions whereby the respondent undertook to pay obligations of another company. lf any unamortized discount, premiums, eipenses, and gains or losses were taken over onto the respondent's books, furnish details of these amounts wlth amounts relating to refunded securlties clearly earmarked. Year/Period of Report End of 2913/&[ Long-Term Debt (Accounts 22'1, 222, 223, and 224l- 1. Report by Balance Sheet Account lhe detalls concernlng long-lerm debt lncluded in Account 221, Bonds, 222, Reacqulred Bbnds, 223, Advances from Associated Companies, and 224, Other Long-Term Debt, 2. Eor bonds assumed by the respondent, lnclude in column (a) the name of tho issuing company as well as a descrlption of the bonds. 3, For Advances from Associated Companles, reporl separately advancqs on nbtes and advances on open accounts. Deslgnate demand notes as such, lnclude ln column (a) names of assoclated companies from whlch advances were recelved, 4, For recelvers' certiflcates, show in column (a) the name of the court and date of court order under whlch such certillcates wsre lssuod, Outstanding (Total bmount outstanding wlthout reductlon for amts held by respondent) (d) Class and Series of Obligation and Name of Stock Exchange Nomlnal Date of lssue (b) T T T I T T I I T I I I t I I I I T IFERC FORM NO.2.(12-96)Page 256 I t I T I I I I I I T t T T I I I I T Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company Thla Report lg:(1) Enn orlglnal(2) [-]A Reeubmlsslon Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Yoar/Porlod of Report End of 2013/Q4 Long-Term Debt (Accounts 221,222,223, and 2241 5, ln a supplomentalstalement, glvs 6xphnator detalls for Accounts 223 and 224 ol net dranges durlng lhe year, Wlth rospsct to long.torm advances, show for each companyl (a) prlnclpal advanced durlng yedr (b) lnterest Added.to prjnc'lpal amounl aM (c) prlnclpal repald durlng year, Glve Commlss]on authorlzaflon nu4bers and dales' 6. lt the respondont has pledged any of lts long-term debt seaty'tles, glve partlculars (detalls) ln a foolnote, lncludlng name tl:T il:i::ffillfrT:^tJ'Hr:flllecurrtos ua nave been nomrnary hsued and are nomtnatty ourstanotng at end ot year, descrtbe suci seilrlrlee tn a rootnote, difference between lhe tolal of column (f) and tre total Account 427, lnterest on Long-Term Debt and Account 430, lnterest on Dobt to Assoclated Companles. 9. Give detalls concerning any long-term debt authorized by a regulatory commisslon but not yet lssued. Line No. lnterest for Year Rate (ln oi) (e) lnterest'for Year Amount 0 Held [y Respondent Reacquhed Bonds (Acct 222) G) ' Held by Respondent Slnking and 0ther Funds (h) Redemplion Price ' per $100 at End ofYear (l) 1 7,260 2,185,15C 2 4,330 186,43C 3 4.080 175,667 4 2.'t01 .489,166 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 3,036,413 FERC FORM NO.2 ({2-961 Paqb 267 lntermountain Gas Company Unamortlzed Debt Expense, Premlum and Dlscount on Long-Term Debt (Accounts.181,225,226l 1 , Report under separate subheadlngs for Unamorllzed Debt Expense, Unamortized Premlum on Long-Term Debt and Unamorlized Dismunt on Long-Term Debt, details of expense, or discount applbable to each dass and series of long-lerm debt 2. Show premlum amounts by endoslng the figures ln parenthe5es. 3. ln coiumn (Uf show ttre principal amount of bonds oi other long-term debt or'rginalty lssued. 4, ln colum'n (c) show the expense, premlum or discount with respect to lhe amount of bonds or other long-term debt orlginally issued. (1) (2) ort ls: An Original A Resubmlssion Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t31t20',13 Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/Q4 I T T T T I I T T I I I T I t T T T IFERC FORM NO. 2 (12.s6)Page 158 I t T I I I I I I I T I I t T T T t T Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(:t) EAn origlnat(2) l-lA Resubmlssion Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t2013 Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/Q4 Unamortlzed Debt Expense, Premium and Dlscount on Long-Term Debt (Accounts 18'l', 225, 2261 the date of the Commlsslon's aulhodzation of lreatrnent other lhan as specifled by lhe Uniform System of Accounts. ' 6. .ldentify separately undisposed alirounts applicable to lssues which.were redeemed ih pribr yean. Debt-Ciedit. Llne No. Balance at Beginnlng o{ Year (n Deblts During Year b) Credlts Durlng Year (h) Balance at End of Year fl) 966 966 2 53,648 1,118 52,530 3 4 84,324 261,206 127,859 217,671 5 6. 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35' 36 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-s6)Page 269 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fien orisinat(2) l--lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Unamortlzed Loss and Galn on Reacquired Det (Accounts 189, 25'tl 1. Report under separate subheadings for Unamortized Loss and Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, details of gain and loss, including maturity date, on reacquisition applicable to each class and series of long-term debt. lf gain or loss resulted from a refunding transaction, lnclude also the maturity date of the new issue. 2. ln column (c) show the principal amount of bonds or other long-term debt reacquired. 3. ln column (d) show the nbt gain or net loss rbalized on each debt reacquisition as computed in accordance with General lnstruction 17 of the Uniform Systems of Accounts. 4. Show loss amounts by enclosing the figures in'parentheses. 5. Explain in a footnote any debits and credits other than amortization debited to Account 428.1, Amortization of Loss on Reacquired Debt, or credited lo Account 429.1, Amortization of Gain'on Reacquired Debt-Credit. Line No. Designatlon of Long-Term Debt (a) Date Reacquired . (b) ' Principal' of Debt Reacquired (c)' Net Gain or' Loss (d) Balance at Beginning of Year . (e) Balance at _ End ofYear (0 1 Fiat Mortgage bonds 2 Serles I 11/'16/1S89 4,241 3,505 3 Series J 1 1/16/1989 14,05'1 1,58( 4 Series K 1 1/1 6/1 989 7,84r 6,45t 5 Series L 1 1/1 6n 989 63,19r 52,15I 6 Series M 1 1 /1 6/1 989 238,49i 19,761 7 Senior Debentures'l 1/2009 09/27l'1993 50,29i 41,501 8 Senlor Debenhlres 10/2013 09/18/'1998 34,554 28,498 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 '0i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 I T I I I I I I T I I I I T I T T I TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) T t T T I I I . This page intentionally,left blank; T T I I I I I I I t I t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) X An Orlginal (2) A Resubmission Date of Report 3131t2014 Year Of Report End of 201 3/Q4 RECONCil.,IATION OF REPORTED NET INCOME WTH TAXABLE INCOME FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES '1. Roporl th3 r€conclllatlon of reportsd net lncomo for the year wlth taxeblg lncomB used ln computing Fedaral lncome Tax accruals 6nd Bhov, computatlon ol such tEx accruals. lnclud€ ln the reconciliallon, as faras practlcable, th8 same detall as fumlshed on Schedulo lvl-l of ths tax retum for the year. Submlt a reconclllatlon 6ven thought th6r6 ls no taxable lncomB for lho yoar. lndkate clearly lhs nature of each reconclllng amount. 2. lf tha utlllty ls a member of a group thal fllss consolldated Foderal tax rsturn, reconcllo roported net income wlth taxabl€ net lncome as lf a separata retum wer€ to b6 llled, lndlcatlng ho,vever, lntercompany amounts to b6 ollmlnated in such a consolldated retum. State names of group m6mb6rs, lax assigned to each group member, and basls of allocation, asslonmants, or sharlng of the consolldated tax amons th€ oroup mambers. Line No. Particulars (Details) (a) Amount (h) 1 Net lncome for lhe Year (Paoe 1 18)14,251,962 2 Reconcilino ltems for the Year 3 4 Taxable lncome Not Reoorted on Books 5 See detalls on Daq€ 261A 2.836.302 I 7 8 o Deductions Recorded on Books Not Deducted for Return 10 See details on Daoe 281A 7.553.903 11 12 13 14 lncome Recorded on Books Not lncluded in Return 15 See detalls on Daoe 261A (56.460' 16 17 18 19 Deductions on Return Not Charoad Aoainst Book lncome 20 See detalls on oaoa 281A 11_436.567 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 Federal Tax Net lncome 13.129.2002S Show Computation of Tax: 2e30 Federal taxable income 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 10 Federal taxes at statutory rate Environmental tax Prlor ysar provision adjustments Federal fuel excise tax credlt 13,'t29,200 4,55s,220 0 (357,601) 0 4,237,619 ========= I I T I T T I I I I T t I I T T T I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 26L I I T T I I t t I I T I T I t I T T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Thls Report ls: (1)xAn orisinat (2) A Resubmlsslon Date of Report 3t3112014 Y6ar of Report End of2013/Q4 RECONCILIATION OF REPORTED NET INCOME WITH TAXABLE INCOME FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Partlculare (Detalle) lal Amount tbl Taxabla lncome not Reporl€d on Books: Advances ln ald of congtructlon Net change ln unbilled rev€nue Contrlbutlons ln ald ot conslructlon Galn on Aseet Sales Deductlons Recorded on Books not Deducted for Retum: Federal income taxes lntangible plant amortlzation Workers Comp and FICA Accrual 50% meal disallowance 401 K Company Contrlbution Slock Dividend Plan Defeffed compensation plans Llne Pack Post retirement bonefts Charitable Contrlbutlons Vacatlon accrual Penalties Unlform capitallzatlon AmortizaUon of premium, reflnanced debt Amortlzatlon ol defened costs on rellrad debt Spouse travel State incoma taxee Supplemental RetlrEment Ptan Lobbylng expense Club duds Provision lnjurJes & Damages Accrual lncome Recorded on Books not lncluded ln Return: Medicare Part D Subsldy AFUDC equity AFUDC debt Deductions on Return Not Charged Against Book lncome Cost of removal deductlon Exce3s tax over book depreciation Bad debt chargeoffs, net provlslon Research and Development Costs Purchased Gas AdJustments lncentive award accrual Loan reflnance fee amortization Amortizatlon of lntangible assets Net Operatlng Loss (Carry forward) 1,065,2111 1,S26,080 | 146,011 I ___--------_t 2,838,302 I---------t--*l 7,68s,731 | 0l I4e,463 |73,3s3 |212,574 (77,220) (170,817) 0 (297,988) (1 83,01 1) 1 14,003 0 (57,7ss) 72,218 0 0 47,358 42,U3 73,516 2,5A7 _i:::Y =Iff:='i='= (8,200) 0 _.9:? ===(i:l'='l 27X,562 '10,027,457 (215,1 98) 2,1'14,956 0 (784,01 0) 0 0 0 11 ,436,587 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 261A Taxes Accrued, Prepald and Charged During Year, Dlstrlbution of Taxes Charged (Show utlllty dept where appllcable and acct charged) 1. Give details of the comblned prepald and accrued tax accounts and show lhe total taxes charged to operatlons and other accounts during the year, Do not include gasoline and lootnote and deslgnato whether estimated or actual amounts, 2. lnclude on thls page, taxes pald durlng the year and chared direct to fnal accounts, (not charged to prepald or accrued taxes), Enter the amounts in both olumns (d) and (e). The balanclng of thls page ls not affdcted by the inclusion of these taxes. 3. lnclude ln mlumn (d) taxes charged during lhe year, taxes ctarged lo openations and other accounts through (a) accrals credited to tdxes accred, (b) amounts credited to the portion of prepald taxes charged to runent year, and (c) taxes pairi and charged dhect to operations or accounb other lhan accrued and prepaid tax accounts, 4. Llsl the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner lhat the total tax for each State and subdMsion can readily be ascertalned. Line No. Klnd of Tax (See lnstruc0on 5) (a) Balance at Beg. ofYear Taxes Accrued (b) Ealance at Beg, ofYear Prepald Taxes (c) 1 Unemployment - Federal 968 2 Unemnlovment - State 7,800 3 FICA 90,321 4 CIU Franchises'3,471,145 5 Property 1,441,345 6 Sales .6%6S 7 Use - 6%10,41( I lnmme - Federal 49,4581 I lncome - State 69,621 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 TOTAL 5.042,227 I T T I I T I T I I T I I I I T I I T This (1) t2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date ot Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12t31t2013 YeaflHenoo or Kepon End of 2013/Q4 Name of lntermountain Gas Company FERC FORM NO, 2 (REV 12-07)Page 262a I I T I T I I I T I I I I I T T t T T Name oI HeSponqcnt lntermountaln Gas Company I nt6 K6DOn tt:(1) fiRn Ortstnat(2\ l-lA Reeubmlsglon uatg 0t KgDon(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Yeaflrenoq oI Kgpon End of 208144 Taxes Accrued, Prepald and Charged Durlng Year, Dlstrlbutlon of Taxos Charged (Show utlllty dept where appllcable and acct charged) (contlnued) 5. ll any tax (exclude Federal and State lncome taxes) overs mom lhan one year, show lhe requlred lnfotmatlon separately for each tax year, ldenllfilng lhe year ln ctlumn (a), 6. Enter all adjustmenls of ttre accrued and prepald tax accounts in column (l) and exphln each adjuslment ln a footnote. Des[nate deblt ad,lustrnents by parenlheses. auhorig. 8, Show ln columns (l) thru (p) hor lhe taxes accounb wers dlsMbuted. Show both the uUlity department and number of account dargod. For taxes darged to utlllty plan[ shor the number of lhe approprlate balance sheet plant account or subaccount 9. For any tax apporlioned to more than one ulllity departnent or account, state ln a foolnote the basis (necesslty) of apprllonlng such tax. 10. ltoms under $250,000 may be grouped. 11, Report ln column (q) he appllcable effecllve state lncome tax rate. Line No. Taxes Charged Durlng Year (d) Taxes Pald During Year (e) Adjustmenh (0 Balance at End ofYear Taxes Accrued (Account 236) (s) Balance at End ofYear Prepald Tues (lncluded ln Acct 165) (h) 1 13,753 10,348 4,373 2 61,985 64,236 5,549 3 1,637,861 1,s89,557 138,625 4 6,927,268 5,970,948 4.427,46s. 5 3,067,498 2,989,189 91 s)1,518,739 b 3,559 3,285 343 7 231,24i 262,481 20,818) 8 4,237,619 610,828 3,s77,333 o 1,089.888 685,821 473,688 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 TOTAL 11,270,878 12,186,693 e15)10,125,297 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-071 Page 283a Taxes Accrued, Prepald and Charged During Year, Distribution of TaxEs Charged (Show utlllty dept where appllcable and acct charged) 1. Give details of the combined prepald and accrued tax accounts and show he total taxes charged to openations and other accounts durlng the year, Do not include gasoline and sales taxes whlch have been charged to be accounts to which the taxed materlal was charged. lf the acfual or estimated amounb of such taxes are known, show lhe amounts ln a rchote and deslgnate whether estlmated or aclual amounts. 2. lnclude on thls page, taxes pald during the year and charged dkect to fnal accounts, (not charged to prepald or acerued taxes). Enter the amounls in both olumns (d) and (e), The ol thls page is not affected by the lncluslon of these taxes. 3, lnclude ln column (d) taxes charged durlng the yea( taxes charged lo operatlons and oher accounls lhrough (a) accrals credited to taxes acuued, (b) amounts credited to the portion of prepaid taxes chaqed to cunent yeal and (c) lues paid and charged direct to opera0ons or accounls olher lhan accrued and prepaid tax accounb. 4, Llst lhe aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that lhe total tax for each State and subdivbion can readlly be ascertained. DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED (Show utility department where applicable and account charged.) Electric (Account 408.1, 40e.1) (t) Gas (Account 408,1, 40e.1) (j) Other Ullllty DepL (Account 408.1, 409,1 ) (k) Other lncome and Deductions (Account 408.2, 409,2) 0) Thls (1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Penod ot Keport End of 2013/Q4 T I T t T T I I T I t I I I T I T I IFERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 12-07)Page. 262b I T T T T t t I T I t I t I T t I I T Taxes Accrued, Prepald and Charged Durlng Year, Distributlon of Taxes Charged (Show utlllty dept where applicable and acct charged) (contlnued) 5, lf any tax (exclude Federal and State lncome taxes) covers more than one year, shoil lhe requlred lnformation separatoly for eadr tax year, ldentlflng the year in column (a). 6, Enter all adJustrnents ol the accrusd and prepaid tax amounts ln column (l) and exphln each adJustment in a footnote. Deslgnate deblt adJustments by parentieses. authotity. number of the appropdate balance sheet plani account or subaccount. 9, For any tax apportoned to more lhan one utllty department or account, state ln a footnote the basls (necesslty) of apprtlonlng such tax. 1 0, ltems under $250,000 may be gmuped, 11, Report ln column (q) lhe appllcable offectlve state lncome tax rate. DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED (Show utility department where applicable and account charged.) State/Local lnmme Tax Rate (q) Extraordinary ltems (Account 409.3) (m) Other U0lity Opn. lncome (Account 408,1, 40e.1) (n) AdJustment to Ret. Earnlngs (Account 439) (o) Name of lntermountain Gas Company This (1) (2\ ls: An Original A Resubmisslon Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 12131t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 201 3/Q4 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-071 Page 263b Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Llabllltles (Account 242) 1. Describe and report the amount of other cunent and accrued liabilities at the end of year. 2. Minor items (less than $250,000) may.be grouped under appropriate title. Item (a) Accrued incentive 1,281,237 Accrued wages Accrued benefits Accrued vacation Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:('i) fiRn originat Year/Period of End of 2013/Q4(2)Resubmisslon Date of Reoort (Mo, Da; Yi) 12131t2013 I T T I T T t t T I I T T I T T T I IPage 268FERC FORM NO. 2 ({2-s6) t T T I T T T T I I T t T T t T T I I ; Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffiRn origtnat(2\ l-lA Resubmisslon Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi)' 12t31120',t3 Year/Perlod of Repor End of 2013/Q4 Other Deferred. Credlts (Accour t 263) 1, 2, 3. Report below the detalls callod for concemlng other deferred credlts, For any defered credlt belng amortlzed, show the perlod of amortlzatlon, Minor items (less than $250,000) may be grodped by classes, Line No.Description of Other Deferred Credils (a) Balance at Beglnning ofYear (b) Debit Conlra Account (c) Deblt 'Amount (d) Credlts (e) Balancs at End ofYear (0 1 Defened Comp plan 1,995,75i 170,81r 1,824,939 2 Deferred Other 20,07s 20,075 3 Deferred lntercompariy 661,513 269,75t 391,754 4 Officers SERP 6]25,714 6,725,714 5 6 7 I I 10 11 't2 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 t6 Total 2,657,270 440,577 6,745,79(8,962,492 trtrD^ tr.-\D[n Nn , '{r_oAl Fana ?69 Name of Respondont INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Thls Report ls: ('l) l An Original (2) A Resubmlssion Date of Report ' s13112014 Year of Report End of 20'13/O4 A0CUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER PROPERW (Account 282) 1, Report the lnformstlon callod for bslow concemlng th6 respondenfs accountlng for dofarred lrcoma taxss relallno to Drooerlv not sublet to acceleratsd amortlzatlon. 2. For Other, lnclude defenals relating 10 other lncorna and deductlons. -lne tlo. Account Subdivlslons fa) Balance at Beglnnlng of Year ft!) CHANGES DURING YEAR Amounts Debited To Account 4 1 0.1 (el Amounts Credlted To Account 41 1.1 (dl 1 Account 282 2 Elechlc 3 Gas 35,462,618 5,58,l,518 1,818,908 4 Other (Deftne) 5 TOTAL (EnterTotal of lines 2 thru 4)35.482.61 8 5.501.518 1.816.998 6 Other (Spsclfy) Leased Appliance Program 6.01 s.02 TOTAL Account 282 (Ent€r Total of llnes 5 thru 6)35,482,018 5,561,518 I .816.998 I Classiflcatlon of TOTAL Federal lncome Tax 35,462.818 5.581 ,518 1.816,998 10 State lncome Tax 11 Local lncome Tax NOTES Class of Properly Estlmated Llves ilty::::. 1 970 1971 1981 1 S87 1 970 1971 1 981 1 987 411112005 2012 '1e71 1981 I 987 1 970 1971 1 981 1987 1 981 't 987 Transmlsslon DDB Transmlselon DDB/SYD Transmlssion ACRS Transmlsslon MACRSDlstrlbutlon DDBDlstrlbutlon DDB/SYDDlstrlbutlon ACRSDlstrlbutlon MACRSDislributlon MACRS Dlstrlbutlon MACRS Transportatlon Equlpr DDB Transportation Equlpr ACRS Transportailon Equlpr MACRS Office Furniture & Eq DDB Offlce Fumiture & Eqr DDB/SYD Offlce Furnilure & Eqt ACRS Offic€ Furnlture & Eqr MACRS Structures & lmprover ACRS Structures & lmprover MACRS ::"j'::: R&D ctAc Cost of removal Excess tax over book depreciation Galn(Loss) on sale of assets Lino Pack AFUDC Guideline Llfe. 22 y6arg Guldellne Class Life - 17,6 years 1 0 y6ars 1 5 yearg Guldellne Lifa - 35 years Guldellne Class Llfe - 28 years 1 5 years 20 years 15 years 20 years Guldeline Class Llfe - 3 years 3 years 5 years GuldBlineLife-Syears Guldeline Class Llle - 7 years 5 years 5, 7 years 16, 18 & l9years 31.5, 39 years Schedule M Deferred TaxAmount Provided (2,114,e56) (t40,234t 1,626,080 569,505 (273,362) (ss,740) (10.027,457) (3,511,e30) 145,01 1 50,787 (48,280) (16,e02) a;;;;,*.) ;;:;;;; T T t T T t I t T T t I I I I T I T T FERC EORM NO. 2 (].2-96)Page 214 I T ! T T I I T I T T t T I T I T T T FERC FORM NO 2, (L2_961 Nam€ of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhlB Report ls: ll) X An Orlglnal '2) A Resubmlsslon Date of Reporl sBl12014 Year of Report End of 2013/O4 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES. OTHER PROPERry |Account 282I l, Addrow8asn0c68lerytonportsll data. Wh€nrow8qroadded, lheaddltlonal rownumborsshouldfollowlnlequonce,4,01,4.02and8,01,8.026ta, Uge separate Deoes as reoulred. CIIANGES DURING YEAR AOJUSTMENTS Balance at End ofYear rk) Llne No. Amounts Deblted To Account 41 0.2 {e) Amounts Credlted To Account 41'1.2 lfl Deblte Credlts Acct. No. Io) Amount ah) AccL No. fll Amount dt 2 4111.1221 (a) 1823 & 2s40 (a) 2830 (b) 0 3,061 0 4101.1221 (a) 1823&2s40 (a) 2830 (b) 175,041 429,544 5.999,240 45,808,302 3 4 3.061 8.804.225 45,808,302 5 6 6.01 6.02 3,061 8,80d.,22s I 45,808,302 Lg I3.061 6.604.225 45.808.302 't0 't1 Annual Tax Defsnals: Year '1970-90 1 991 1SS2 1 993 '1994 1 995 1 996 1 997 1 998 1 999 2000 2001 2002. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20't3 Annual D€f6nalCredits Debits13,548,355 3,637,628' 51,356 137,077145,291 480,8862ss,6t7 a70,220414,750 734,180133,463 97,68086,999 97,825199,775 284,957485,922 630,120153,887 155,312277,J18 200,185423,00s s14,337 1,777 ,814 371,3853,403,641 529,4262,371,054 437,93'l501,156 909,347743,552 6S3,903837,470 152,5013,840,404 325,633'2,886,119 464,8931,977,523 169,7854,535,57e (17,73e\5,967,761 192,9451,816,998 5,581,s18 Dr Cr Adlustments 4,413,106 33,964 10,812 313,465 (e,042) (a,74't) (24,082] (26e,523) (5e,51 s) 50,729 42,348 (765,228) 14,732 27,493 (85,431) (77,a41) (204,77a) (66,746) (1 52,039) 407,084 83, t S3 0o,822) (568,10e) 6,601,1 64 Balance 14,323,833 14,272,078 13,947,293 1 3,830,1 55 13,501,883 13,523,725 13,489,017 13J54,272 12,930,555 12,97S,659 1 3,099,1 38 11,842,678 13,263,739 18,'t65,847 1 8,01 3,579 't7,427,747 1'1,273,015 17,891,242 21,053,974 23,582,484 25,773,415 30,255,S1 1 35,462,618 45.808,302 Defened taxes are provided for thB differencs between book lives on a composite method and tax llves computed either on a decllnlng balanca method, a sum-of-the yoars dlglts method, or an ACRS m6thod. (a) Represents adjustments to the retum as flled. (b) Represents amounls transfened from Acct. 283. Page 275 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report lsl (l)XAnOriginal (2) A R€submission Date of Report 3131114 Year of Report End of 2013/Q4 1. Report the information called for below conceming the respondent's accounting for defened lncome taxes rslating to amounts recorded in Account 283. 2. For Other, include defenals relating to other income and deductions. Line No. Account Subdivisions (a) Balance at Beginnlng of Year /h'l CHANGES DURING YEAR Amounts Debited (Account 410.1) lel Amounts Credited (Account 4'l'1.1) (dl 1 Account 283 Gas Accrued 401k Penslon 1 00.981 173.689 4 Bad debt orovision (80.0071 171.423 247,142 Charitable Conhibutlons (88.9901 64.054 0 6 Contlnoencv Ressrve (31,850)10,500 0 7 Advances in eld of constructlon Q.478.184',1 92,838 565,662 I Deferred compensatlon plans (635,4661 93.6'15 33.829 I State lnvestmont tax credlt 0 0 10 Fes 158 R6o Ass6t 2,256.669 0 1.645.854 11 lncentive awards h12.061 228.715 496,1 1 I 12 lntercomoanv Defened Credil (231.529'173,s72 0 13 Medlcare Part D Subsidy (1 3,6s01 0 0 14 Accrued FICA (9,81 g',15,821 30,929 1 Restricted Stock (3.901'0 0 't6 Post retirement beneflls (1,235,287 1.319.045 10.446 't7 Purchased oas adiustments 0 0 18 Suoolemental rellrement olan (2.667.s04 266,747 26.572 19 Refinancs costs 144.435 0 25.276 2A Uniform caoltallzatlon $20,204',,20,228 0 21 Accrued vacation.(338.2301 33.009 72.5O9 22 Research and D€velooment 4.768.182 0 0 23 Amortizalion of inlanoibles 0 0 24 Unbilled revenue 0 0 2l Defened costs on refinanced debt 0 0 2e Pension 0 0 21 State purchase gas adiuslments & State SERP n43.222 36,825 0 2t Federal reoulatory oross-uD (2,598,468 0 0 29 State r6oulatorv oross-uD 4,126.741 0 0 30 Net operating loss 0 0 31 TOTAI (Acct 283) (Total of lines 3 thru 30)307.655 2,72s,573 3,328,227 32 Classification of TOTAL 33 Federal lncome Tax 450.877 2.688.748 3.328.227 34 Sate lncome Tax 043,222"36,825 0 The Respondent provides doferred lncome taxes in this account for all timing differences between book and tax accounting which aro not dlroctly related to property. This accounting was approved by th6 IPUC in Order No. 11507. Beginning in 1983, pursuant to IPUC Order No. '17701 , the Respondent does not provide for deferrad State income taxes on its utility operations rvith the exception ofpurchasegasadjustmenttimlngitems. For2012,lheitemsonpage277 generateddeferredtaxprovisionsinthlsaccount (seepage26'lA). (a) Represents adJustments to the return as filed. (b) Represents amounts tranferred to Acct. 282. (c) Represents adjustment to record FASB 1 09. T T ! I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t T FERC rORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 276 I I I T T I I T T I I t I T I I I I T Namo of Rsspondenl INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhl6 Reporl ls: '1) x An Original '2) A Rasubmlsslon Dat6 of Report 3t31114 Y6ar of Roport End of 2013/Q4 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TMES - OTHER (Account 283) (Contlnued) 3. ProvldB ln a footnote exphnallons for pagos 276 and 277. amounts relaung to lnslgnificant ltemg llsted under Other, lncludo 4, Add additional ro11,3 as neco8sary to report all data. Wh6n rows are addcd, th€ additional rownumber8shouldfollowinsequenqo,4.01,4.02and6.01,6.02etc. Useseparatopagesas requlred. CHANGES DURING YEAR ADJUSTMENTS Deblts Credits Balance at End of Year rkl Llne No. Amounls Deblted (Account 410.2) 1e'l Amounts Cr€dited (Account 41 1.2) rn Acct. No. ld\ Amount {h\ Acct. No. /n Amount fi\ 1 2 1823 & 2540 (c 1 9.443 410 (al 1,567 {90.5841 3 1823 & 2540 35,465 (1 90,791 I 4 410 (B'24,936 0 5 1823 & 2540 (c 4.875 e6.225'6 1823 & 2540 (c'650,955 (3.501.963 7 411 (a) & 1623&2540 (cl 169.309 (744.980',8 1823 & 2540 (cl 3,720.490 (3.720,499',I 1823 & 2540 139,51 0 750,525 10 823 & 2540 (cl 66,641 (466.106 11 823 & 2540 (cl 13,234 r/1.'lsl 12 823 & 2540 (c'3.117 ('16,787 13 823 & 2540 (c'0.194 (33.321 14 1823 &2540 (c'891 Q.792',,15 410 (a) & 1823&2540 (c:'!23.564 1 96.870 16 17 1823 & 2540 (cl 442,705 410 (.1,658 (2,868,s7(18 1823 & 2540 (cl 27.208 146.367 19 1823 & 2540 (cl 64.498 410 (al 17.488 (346.986'20 410 (a) & 1823&2540 tcl 81.091 410 (e 22,976 (436,2451 21 282 (b:4.768.182 22 23 24 25 2e 411 (a 4,737 111.134 27 282 (b 1,1 65,830 1823 & 2540 (c)3.764.2s8 0 28 242 (b'4"633.41 1 1823 & 2540 (cl 706,670 29 30 16,071,077 4,829.875 (1 1.536,201 31 32 16.066.340 4.829.875 11.425.067 33 4,737 (11'1,1341 34 Doecrlption Accrued 4olk penslon Bad dcbt provisiong Charitabla Contributions ConUngency Resarve Advances ln aid of consttuction Defened compensatlon plans State lnvastment tax crodlt FAS 158 RogulatoryAsset lncontlve awards lntercompany Defened Credlts Madlcare Part D Subsldy Accruad FICA . Restricted Stock Post retlrement beneflts Purchased gas adjustmonts SERP accrual Raflnanco costg Uniform capitalizatlon Accruod vacatlon Resoarch and oevolopment Defensd cost on reflnanced dobt Net operatlng loss Gross Timlng DlIf (212,574) (21 s,1 e8) 183,0.11 30,000 (1,065,21 1) 170,817 (9,582) (4,701,868) (764,010) 495,920 (49,453) e,zoo,ess 723,039 (72,218) 57,795 (1 14,003) D€ferrsd Tax68 Provlded (1,804,680) Q2,7oe) (75,31 s) 64,054 10,500 (372,824) 59,786,0 (1,645,654) (267,404) 173.572 0 (17,308) 0 1,308,599 0 277,000 (25,27s) 20,228 (3e,eoo) 0 0 0 -------16or..6s4t EERC FoRM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 211 Name or xesponoenr lntermountaln Gas Company (1) t(2) l- Port rs: lAn Original lA Resubmisslon uatB oI xepon I r€'arrr€floo oI r(epor(Mo, Da, Yi) |12tstt2o13 | sno ot 201s/o4 Other Regulatory Llabllltles (Account 254 1,R includ 2. Fr 3,M 4.P comm aport below the details called for concernlng other regulatory liabilities which are created through the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies (and not lble in other amounts), r regulatory liabilities being amortized, show period of amorlization in column (a), inor items (5% of the Balance at End of Year for Account 254 or amounts less than $250,000, whichever ls less) may be grouped by classes, ovide ln a foolnote, for each line item, the regulatory citation where lhe respondent was dlrected to refund lhe regulatory llability (e,9, Commission Order, slate ission order, court decision), -inr No Descdptlon and Purpose of Other Regulatory Llabllltles (a) Balance at Beginnlng of Cunent Quarterffear (b) Wdtten off durlng Quarter/Perlod Account Credited (c) Written off Durlng Perlod Amoirnt Refunded' . (d) Written off Durlng Perlod Amount Deemed Non-Refundable (e) Credlts (0 'Balance at End of Cunent Quarlerffear (s) 1 )eferred Tax Reg Liab 7.549.9!)2,318,508 5,231,49C 2 )ostretirement 5t4.76i 514.767 3 4 5 b 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total 7,549,99r 2,318,50t 5,l1,707 5.710,2s7 T T t T T I I T T T t I I t I T I T tFERC FORM NO. 2/3Q (REV 12-07)Page T I T t ! I I T T T T I I I I T t T T This page intentionally left blank. Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiAn original Gas Operatlng Revenues 1, Report below nahrral gas operatlng revenues for each prescribed account total. The amouhls must be Gtnsistent with the detalled data on succeedlng pages, 2. Revenues ln columns (b) and (c) lnclude transltion costs from upsheam pipellnes, (0 and (g) revenues for Actounts 480-495, Revenues for Transition Costs and Tak+orfay Amount for 0urrent Year Revenues for Transltion Costs and Take-or-Pay Amount for Previous Year Amount for Previous Yoal 481 Commercial and lndusfial Sales 482 Oher Sales to Public Aulhoritles 489.1 Revenues from Transportation of Gas of Olhers Through Gatherlng Facilltles 489.2 Revenues from Transportatlon of Gas of Others Through Transmission Facllitles 489.3 Revenues from Transportation of Gas of Others Through Distribution Faclllties 489,4 Revenu6s hom Storing Gas of Others 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nalural Gas 491 RevenuesfromNatural Gas Proc, byOthers 492 lncidental Gasoline and Oil Sales 493 Rent kom Gas Property 496 (Less) Provislon for Rate Refunds of Report End of 2013/Q4 T T I I T I I T T T I I I t I I I T IFERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-071 I T T t I I I I I T t I I T T T I t T lntermountaln Gas Company Date of Reoort. (Mo, De, Yi)' 1213112013 Gag Operatlnq Revenues 4. ll lncreases or decreases from prevlous year are not dedved lrom previously reported figures, erplaln any inconsistencles ln a footnote. 5. on Page 1 08, include inlormation on major changes during lhe year, new servlce, and important rate lncreases or decreages, 6, Report the revonue lrom transportatlon servlcos lhat are bundled wllh storage servlces as lransportatlon ssrvlce revenue, Amount for CunentYear 0 Amount for Previous Year (s) Total 0poratlng Revenuee Amountfor CurentYear (h) Total Operatlng Revenuea Amount for Previous Year (i) Dekatherm of NaturalOas Amount for Cunent Year (,) Dekatherm of NaturelGds Amount for Previous Year (k) FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-O7I Paqe 301 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffinn originat(2) l-lA Resubmission Revenues from Transporatlon of Gas of Others Through Gatherlng Facllltles (I,ccount 489.1) 1. Report revenues and Dth of gas dellvered through gatherlng facilities by zone bf recelpt (1.e, state ln whlch gas enters respondents system), 2. Revenues for penaltles lncluding penaltles for unaulhorized overruns must be reported on page 308. Llne No. Rate Schedule and Zone of Recelpt (a'l Revenues for Transition . Costs and Takeorfay Amount for CunentYear ft) Revenues for Tnansactlon Costs aM Takeor-Pay Amountfor Prevlous Year (c) Revenues for GRI and ACA Amount for Cunent Year (d) Revenues for GRI and ACA Amount for CunentYear (d) 1 Not applicable 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ddib of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 I I T t T I I T I T I I T I T I I T IFERC FORM NO. 2 ({2-96)Page 302 T I t t I T I I I t T I I I I T ! T I lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffien ortgtnal Revenuee fiom Transporatlon of Gas of Othere Through Gatherlng Facllltles (Account 489.1) 3, Olhor RsvenuEs ln columns (l) and (g) lnclude reservallon darges rocolved by lhe plpellne plus usage charges, lesa revenues rsflected ln mlumns (b)through (e), 4. Dellvered Dlh of gas must not be adtusted for dlscountlng, Dekatherm of Nalural Gas Amount for Previous Yedr Total Operatlng Revenues Amount for Cunent Year Total Operatlng Revenues Amount for Previous Year FERC FORM NO.2 ({2-96) Name of Rospondent lntarmountaln Gas Company Revenues from Transportatlon of Gas of Others Through Transmlsslon Facllltles (Account 489.2) 1, Report revenues and Dth of gas dellvered by Zone of Delfuery by Rate Schedule. Total by Zone of Dellvery and for all zones. lf respondent does not have ssparate zones, provlde totals by rate schedule. 2., Revenues for penalties includlng ponalties for unaulhorlzed overruns must be reporled on page 308. 3. Other Revenues in mlumns (f) and (g) include reservatlon charges recelved by the plpellne plus usage charges for transportation and hub sorvicos, less revenues reflected in columns (b) throuoh (e). Revenues for Transition Cosls and Take-or-Pay Amount for CunentYear Revenues for Transltlcin Cosis and Tak+or-Pay Amount for Previous Year Reyenues for GRI and ACA Amount for Cunent Year Revenues for GRI and ACA Amount for Previous Year I I I T I I I T I I t T t I T t t I T This (1) (2) ort ls: An Origlnal A Resubmlssion Date of Reoorl (Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 FERC FORM NO. 2 ({2-e6)Page 304 I T T T T T I I T t T t I I T T T T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) .EAn orlginal (21 flA Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/O4 Revenues from Transportatlon of Gas of Others Through Transmlsslon Facllltles (Account 489.2) 4. Dellvered Dih of gas must not be adJusted for dlsmunting, . 5, Each lncremental rate schedule and each lndividually certiflcated rate schedule must bo separately reported. 6. Where kansportation serulcos are bundled wlth Storage servicqs, report total revenuos but only transportation Dth, Line No. Ottier Revenues Amount for Current Year (f) Other Revenues Amountfor Previous Year (o) Total 0peratlng Revenues Amount for CurentYear {hl Total 0penatlng Revenues. Amount for Prevlous Year fl) Dekalherm of Natural Gas Amount for CurentYear il) Dekalherm of Natural Gas Amount lor Prevlous Year ft) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B I 10 't1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FERC FORM NO.2 ({2-96)Paoe 305 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) SRn orlginat(2\ l-lA Resubmlsslon Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3'1t2013 Year/Period of R€port End of 2013/Q4 Revenqes from Storlng Gas of Others (Account 489.4) 1. Report revenues and Dth ol gas wlthdrawn lrom stonage by Rate Schedule and ln total. 2. Revenues for penaltles lndudlng penallies for unaulhorized overruns must be reported on page 308. Line No, Rate Schedule {al Revenues for Transltion Cosls.and Take-orfay Amount for CunentYsar' tb) Revenues for Transacton Costs and Takeor-Pay Amount for Prevlous Year (cl Revenues for GRI and ACA Amount for Cunent Year (dl Revenues for GRI and ACA Amountfor Prevlous Year (e) 1 Not applieable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 't3 14 '15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 t t I t I I T I t t I I t I I I T t TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 306 T T t T t I t I t I T I T I I I I t T Name of Respondent lntormountain Gas Company I nls HeDon.ls:(1) ERn orisinat(2\ l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/Q4 Revenues from Storlng Gas of Others (Account 489.4) 4. Dth of gas wlthdrawn from storage must not be adjusted for dlscounting. 5. Where lransportallon services are bundled wlth storage servlces, report only Dth wllhdnawn lrom storage. Llne No. Other Rgvenues Amounl for CunentYear (fl 0ther Revonues Amountlor Prevlous Year {o} Total 0peratlng Rovenues Amountfor CunentYear ft) Total 0peratlng Revenues Amount for Prevlous Yaar fl) Dskatherm of Nalural Gas Amount for CunentYear fl) Dekatherm of Natural Gas Amount for Previous Year ft) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 EEE.i En E f,n [t.-t , ,,{ t- oal D6^a Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This ReDort ls:(1) fiAn originat(2) [-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Period of Repofl End of 2013/Q4 Other Gas Revenues (Account 495) Report below transactions of $250,000 or more included in Account 495, Other Gas Revenues. Group all transactions below $250,000 in one amount and provide the number of items. Llne No. Description of Transaction (a) Amount (in dollars) (b) 1 Sommisslons on Sale or Dlstributlon of Gas of Othens 2 lompensation for Minor or lncldental Services Provlded lor Olhers 3 Profit or Loss on Sale of Material and Supplles not Ordinarlly Purchased for Resals 4 Sales ol Stream, Water, or Electdcity, lndudlng Sales or Transfers to Other Deparlments 5 vliscellaneous Royaltes 6 levenues lrom Dehydratlon and Other Processlng of Gas of Others except as provlded for ln the lnstructions to Account49S 7 levenues for Rlght and/or Beneflts Received from Others which are Realized Thmugh Research, Development, and Demonstnalion Ventures B 3alns on Settlements of lmbalance Receivables and Payables I levenueg from Penallies eamed Pursuant lo Tariff Provlsions, including Penaltes Assoclated wlth Cash-out Setllements 10 Revenues from Shlpper Supplled Gas 11 Other revenues (Specify): 12 NOT APPLICABLE 't3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3S Tstal 0 T I t t I I T I T I t I T t I I T T tFERC FORM NO. 2 (12.96)Page 308 T I T I T I I I T I T I I t I T I I T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) SAn originat(2) llA Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t2013 YeailPenod ol h(epor End of 2013/Q4 Dlscounted Rate Servlces and Noootlated Rate Servlces '1. ln column b, report the revenues from discounted rate services. 2. ln column c, report the volumes of discounted rate servlces. 3. ln column d, reprt lhe revenues from negotiated rate services. 4, ln column e, report the volumes of negotiated rate servicbs. Line No.Account (a) Discounted Rate Services Revenue (b) Dlscounted Rate Servlces Volumes (c) Negotlated Rate Services Revenue (d) Negotialed Rate Servlces Volumes (e) Account 489.1, Revenues from transportatlon of gas of others through gathering facilities. 2 Account 489.2, Revenues from transportation of gas of others through transmission facilities. 3 Account489.4, Revenues from storing gas ofothers. 4 Account495, Other gas revenues. 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total EEErri trnl,li litrl , rNtrW i2-O7\Paoe 313 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn Original(2) f-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t3112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Operatlon and Malntenance Expenses Line No. Account (a) #Hii':N (b) Amount for - Previous Year (c) . I ,I . PRODUCTION EXPENSES 2 A. Manufactured Gas Production 3 Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement)0 0 4 B. Natural Gas Production 5 81. Natural Gas Production and Gathering 6 Operation 7 750 Operatlon Supervision and Engineering 0 0 8 751 Production Maps and Records 0 0 I 752 Gas Well Expenses 0 0 10 753 Field Llnes Expenses 0 0 11 754 Field Compressor Station Expenses 0 0 12 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power 0 0 13 756 Field Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 0 0 14 757 Puriflcation Expenses 0 0 15 758 Gas Well Royalties 0 0 16 759 Other Expensas 0 0 't7 760 Rents 0 0 18 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 7 thru 17)0 0 19 Maintenance 20 761 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering '0 0 21 762 Maintenance of Structures and lmprovements 0 0 22 763 Maintenance of Producing Gas Wells 0 0 23 764 Maintenance of Field Lines 0 0 24 765 Maintonance of Field Compre'ssor Station Equipment 0 0 25 766 Maintenance of Field Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment'0 0 26 767 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 0 0 27 768 Maintenance of Drilling and Cleaning Equipment 0 0 28 769 Maintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 29 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 20 thru 28)0 0 30 TOTA.L Natural Gas Production and Gathering (l'otal of lines 18 and 29)0 0 t T t T I I T I I t I I T I T t T T T317FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page T T T T T I T T I t I t T I t T T I T Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Corqpany Thls ReDort 16:(1) flnn ortgtnat(2) l-lA Resubmlssion Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yh) 12t31t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Operatlon and Malntenance Expenses(contlnued)', Llne No. Aooount (a) I Amount for Current Year (b) Amount for Prevlous Year (c) 31 82. Products Extraction 32 Operation 33 770 Operation Supervision and Engineering 0 ,0 34 771 Operation Labor 0 0 35 772 Gas Shrinkage 0 0 36 773 Fuel 0 0 37 774 Power 0 0 38 775 Materials 0 0 39 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses 0 0 40 777 Gas Processed by Others 0 0 41 778 Royalties on Products Extracted 0 0 42 779 Marketing Expbnses 0 0 43 780 Products Purchased for Resale 0 0 44 781 Variation in Products lnventory 0 0 45 (Less) 782 Extracted Products Used by the Utility-Credit 0 0 46 783 Rents 0 0 47 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 33 thru 46)0 0 48 Maintenance 49 784 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 0 0 50 785 Malntenance of Structures and lmprovements 0 0 51 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refinlng Equipment 0 0 52 787 Maintenance of Pipe Lines 0 0 53 788 Maintenance of Extracted Froducts Storage Equlpment 0 0 54 789 Maintenance of Compressor Equipment 0 0 55 790 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment 0 0 56 791 Maintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 57 TOTAL Maintenanco (Total of linos 49 thru 56)0 0 58 TOTAL Products Extraction Clotal of lines 47 and 57)0 0 rr^ i ra^ Aat Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiAn original(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t31t20'.13 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Operatlon and Malntenance Expenses(contlr rued) Line No. Account (a) Amount for Current Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 59 C. Exploration and Development 60 Operatlon 61 795 Delay Rentals 0 0 62 796 Nonproductive Well Drilling 0 0 63 797 Abandoned Leases 0 0 64 798 Other Exploration 0 0 65 TOTAL Exploration and Development (Total of lines 61 thru 64)0 0 66 D. Other Gas Supply Expenses 67 Operation 68 800 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 0 0 69 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases, lntracompany Transfers 0 '0 70 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 0 0 71 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Purchases 0 0 72 803 Natural Gas Transmission Llne Purchases 0 0 73 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases '187,587,892 157,948,480 74 804.1 Liquefied Natural Gas Purchases 0 0 75 805 Other Gas Purchases 0 0 76 (Less) 805.'l Purchases Gas Cost Adjustments 2,522,155 ( 944,573) 77 TOTAL Purchased Gas (Iotal of lines 68 thru 76)185,065,737 158,893,053 78 806 Exchange Gas 0 0 79 Purchased Gas Expenses 80 807.1 Well Expense-Purchased Gas 0 0 81 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 0 0 82 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 0 0 83 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculatlons Expenses 0 0 84 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Expenses 0 0 85 TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses (Iotal of lines B0 thru 84)0 0 I I I T t I t I T I I t T T T t T t IFERC FORM NO. 2 ({2-e6)Page 319 T I T t I I I I t T T t ! I T t t I I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fien originat(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Operation and Malntefiance Expenses(contlnued) Line No. Account. (a) Amount for Cunent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 86 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Storage-Debit 685,278 303,438 87 (Less) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit 382,537 650,201 88 809.1 Withdrawals of Liquefled Natural Gas for Processing-Debit 0 0 89 (Less) 809.2 Deliverles of Natural.Gas for Processing-Credit 0 0 90 Gas used in Utility Operation-Credit 91 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel-Credit 0 0 92 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit 0 0 93 812 Gas Used for Other Utility Operations-Credit 0 0 94 TOTAL Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit Ootal of lines 91 thru 93)0 0 95 813 OtherGas Supply Expenses 4,886 1,390 96 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Exp. (Total of lines 77,78,85,86 thru 89,94,95)185.373.364 158,547,680 97 TOTAL Production Expenses (Total of lines 3, 30, 58, 65, and 96)185,373,364 158,547,680 98 2. NATURAL GAS STOMGE. TERMINALING AND PROCESSING EXPENSES 99 A. Underground Storage Expenses 100 Operation 101 814 Operation Supervlsion and Engineering 0 0 102 815 Maps and Records 0 0 103 816 Wells Expenses 0 0 104 817 Lines Expense 0 0 105 81 8 Compressor Station Expenses 0 0 106 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 0 0 107 820 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 0 0 108 821 Purification Expenses 0 0 '109 822 Exploration and Development 0 0 110 823 Gas Losses 0 0 111 824 Other Expenses 0 0 112 825 Storage Well Royalties 0 0 113 826 Rents 0 0 t14 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines of 101 thru 1 1 3)0 0 trEDn Enput tilrr , /4r_qA\Pana t2O Name of Respondept lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) frRn originat(2) l-lA Resubmission Gas Operatlon and Malntenance Expenses(contlnued) Llne No. Account (a) Amount for Curront Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) t15 Maintenance 116 830 Malntenance Supervision and Engineering 0 0 117 831 Maintenance of Structures and lmprovements 0 0 118 832 Malntenance of Reservolrs and Wells 0 0 'l1e 833 Malntenance of Lines 0 0 120 834 Malntenance of Compressor Station Equipment 0 0 121 835 Maintenance of Measurlhg and Regulating Station Equipment 0 0 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 0 0 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 'l 1 6 thru 123)0 0 125 TOTAL Underground Storage Expenses (Total of llnes 1 14 and 124)0 0 126 B, Other Storage Expenses 127 Operation 128 840 Operation Supervlslon and Engineering 2,803 6,762 129 841 Operation Labor and Expenses 416,581 392,000 130 842 Rents 0 0 131 842.1 Fuel 56,510 4,521 132 842.2 Power 79,970 67,098 133 842.3 Gas Losses 0 0 134 TOTAL Operatlon (total of lines 128 thru '133)555,864 470,381 135 Maintenance 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervislon and Engineering 1,948 394 137 843.2 Malntenance of Structures 42,807 44,423 38 843,3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 673 0 39 843.4 Maintenance of Puriflcation Equlpment 0 4,247 140 843.5 Malntenance of Liquefaction Equipment 124,616 444,086 141 843.6 Maintenance of Vaporizing Equipment 55,196 46,545 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compressor Equipment 80,683 29,748 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulatlng Equipment 0 0 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other. Equipment 97,720 38,267 145 TOTAL Malntenance (Total of lines 136 thru 144)'403,643 607,710 146 TOTAL Other Storage Expenses Ootal of lines 134 and 145)959,507 1,078,091 12t31t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi)I T T I T T T I I t I I I I T I T I TFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-e6)Page 321 I T T T T I T I I T I I I I T t T t T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) filen ortsinat(2) l--lA Resubmisslon Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112A13 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Operatlon and Malntenance Expenses(conth rued) Line No. Account (a) Amount for Current Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 147 C. Llquefied Natural Gas Terminallng and Processing Expenses 148 Operation 149 844,1 Operatlon Supervlslon and Englnaerlng 0'0 150 844.2 LNG Processing Termlnal Labor and Expenses 0 0 151 844.3 Liquefaction Processing Labor and Expenses (0 0 152 844.4 LiQuefaction Transportation Labor and Expenses 0 0 1s3 844.5 Measuring and Regulatlng Labor and Expenses 0 0 154 844,6 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 0 0 15s 844.7 Communication System Expenses 0 0 156 844.8 System Control and Load Dispatchipg 0 0 157 845.1 Fuel 0 0 158 . 845.2 Power 0 0 159 845.3 Rents 0 0 180 845.4 Demurrage Charges 0 0 161 (less) 845.5 Wharfage Regeipts-Credit 0 0 162 845.6 Processing Liquefied or Vaporized Gas by Others .0 0 163 846.1 Gas Losses 0 0 164 846.2 Other Expenses 0 0 165 TOTAL Operation fiotal of lines 149 thru 164)0 0 t66 Malntenance 167 847.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 0 0 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and ]mprovements 0 0 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processing Terminal Equipment 0 0 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation Equipment 0 0 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and ReSjulating Equipment 0 0 172 847.6 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 0 0 173 847.7 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 0 0 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 '175 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 167 thru 174)0 0 176 TOTAL Liquefied Nat Gas Terminaling and Proc Exp (Total of lines 165 and 175)0 0 177 TOTAL Natural Gas Storage (Total of lines 125, 146, and 176)959,507 '1,078,09'l FERC FORM NO.2 {12-96)Paqe 322 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) finn orisinat(2) l-lA Resubmission Di (lv Gas Operatlon and Maintenance Expenses(contlnued) Line No, Account (a) Amount for Cunent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 179 Operation 180 850 Operation Supervision and Engineering 0 336 181 851 System Control and Load Dispatching 0 63,349 182 852 Communication System Expenses 20,215 37,217 183 853 Compressor Statlon Labor and Expenses 33,084 I,024 184 854 Gas for Compressor Station Fuel 0 0 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Statlons 0 0 186 856 Mains Expenses 69,1 80 74,453 187 857 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 0 0 188 858 Transmission and Compression of Gas by Others 0 0 189 859 Other Expenses 0 0 190 860 Rents 0 0 191 TOTAL Operation fl'otal of lines lB0 thru 190)122,479 184,379 192 Maintenance 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 0 0 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and lmprovements 0 0 1S5 863 Maintenance of Mains 108,484 133,752 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 0 0 t97 865 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Statlon Equipment 0 0 198 866 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 210,007 180,990 199 867 Maintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 193 thru 199)318,491 314,742 201 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Iotal of lines 191 and 200)440,970 499,121 202 4. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervislon and Engineering 2,343,886 2,397,254 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 35,265 0 206 872 Compressor Statlon Labor and Expenses 0 0 tol 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 0 0 Da, Yi) 't213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 20'13/Q4 I T I t t t t T T I I I I I T t I T IFERG FORM NO, 2 ({2-s6)Page 323 I T T I T t I T T T I I I I T I T T t Name of Respondent lntsrmountaln Gas Company Thls Report ls: . (1). ElA|r Qrlslnel(2)'f-'1A Resubmlssion Dato of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t2013 Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/44 Gas Operatlon and Malntenance Expensee(contlnued) Llne No. Account (l) Amount lor Current Year (b) Amount for Prevlous Year (o) 208 874 Mains and Servibes Expenses 2,653,€60 2,442,959 209 875 Maasurlng and Regulatlng Statlon Expenses"General 128,688 139,917 2't0 876 Measuring and Regulating Station ExpensesJndustrial 0 0 211 877 Measurlng and Regulating Statlon Expenses-City Gas Check Station 0 0 212 878 Meter and House Regulator Expenqes ( 152,374)33,303 213 879 Customer lnstallations Expenses .6,350,144 5,861,364 214 880 Other Expenses 2.240.143 1,874,327 215 881 Rents 228,181 233,414 216 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 204 thru 215)13,827,693 12,982,437 217 ' Malntenance 218 BB5 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 196,905 239,950 219 886 Maintenance of Structuros and lmprovements .0 0 220 887 Maintenance of Malns 1 ,154,332 1,066,672 221 888 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equlpment 0 925 222 889 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-General 210,852 93,1 92 223 890 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg, Station Equipnient-lndustrlal . 485,739 451,975 224 891 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Station Equip-Clty Gate Chock Statlon 0 0 225 892 Maintenance of Services 604,679 668,986 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Regulators 598,186 474,073 227 894 Maintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 128 TOTAL Maintenance (.total of llnes 2'18 thru.227)3,250,693 2,995,773 t29 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (l'otal of line.s 216 and 228) ..17,078,386 15,978,210 230 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 231 Operation )-32 901 Supervision 11d,77e 104,421 233 902 Meter Reading Expenses 582,853 578,370 234 903 Customer Records and Collectlon Expenses 6,859,033 7,153,962 trtrDn EnP['t Nn , ,42-qAl Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company I nts Keoon ls:(1) []An orisinal(2) l-lA Resubmlssion Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Perlod of Report End of 201!lQl Gas Operatlon and Malntenance Expenses(contlnued) Line No. Acoount (a) Ainount for Cunent Year' (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 135 904 Uncollectible Accounts 1,129,384 779,939 236 905 Mlscellaneous Customdr Accounts Expenses 0 0 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Exponses (l'otal of llnes 232 thru 236)8,682,049 8,616,692 238 6. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 239 Operation 240 907 Supervision 0 0 241 908 CustomerAssistance Expenses 161,723 95,914 't42 909 lnformational and lnstructional Expenses 0 0 243 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and lnformational Expenses 0 0 244 TOTAL Customer Service and lnformation Expenses (fotal of llnes 240 thru 243)161,723 95,914 t45 7. SALES EXPENSES 246 Operation 247 911 Supervislon 0 0 4.48 912 Demonshating and Selllng Expenses 984,1 09 795,162 149 913 Advertlsing Expenses 98,625 213,700 150 916 Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 0 0 251 TOTAL Sales Expenses (l'otal of lines 247 thru 250)1,082J34 1,008,862 252 B. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENEML EXPENSES 253 Operation 254 920 Adminlstrative and General Salaries 6,057,063 5,509,735 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 3,233,843 3,404,152 256 (Less) 922 Administrative Expenses.Transfered-Credit 0 0 257 923 Outslde Services Employed 1,268,636 1,035,112 258 924 Property lnsurance 204,818 155,'t33 159 925 lnjuries and Damages . 583,384 793,610 260 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 729,424 588,999 261 927 Franchise Requirements 0 0 262 928 Regulatory Commiesion Expenses 593,1 54 631,267 263 (Less) 929 Dupllcate Charges-Credit 0 0 264 930. 1 General Advertlsing Expenses 141,290 75,034 265 930.2Miscellaneous General Expenses 521,274 501,786 266 931 Rents 636,794 649,789 267 TOTAL Operation (Iotal of lines 254 thru 266)13,969,680 13,344,615 268 Maintenance 269 932 Malntenance of General Plant 0 0 270 TOTAL Administrative and General Expenses (total of lines 267 and 269)13,969,680 1 3,344,615 271 TOTAL Gas O&M Expenses (Total of lines 97,177,201,229,237,244,251 , and 270)227,748,413 1 99,1 69,1 85 T T T I t I I T t I I I t I I T I I IFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-s6)Page 326 I I T I t I I I t T T I T I T T t t I Name of Respondent lntormountaln Gas Company tntg Kopon ts:(1) ERn Orlslnat (2) . nA Resubmlsslon Dato of ReDort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Porlod of Reporl End of 2013/Q4 Exchange and lmbalance Transactions 1, Report below details by zone and rate schedule concerning the gas quantlties and related dollar amount of imbalances associated with system balancing and nonotice servlce, Also, report cgrtiflcated natural gas exchange transactlons during the year. Provide subtotals for imbalance and no-notice quanlities for exchanges. lf respndent does not have separate zones, provide totals by'ratg schedule, Minor exchange transactions (lesS than 100,000 Dth) may be grouped. Llne No. Zone/Rate Schedule (a) Gas Recelved lrom Others Amounl (b) Gas Received from Others Dth (c) Gas Delfuered to Others Amount (d) Gas Delfuered to Others Drh (e) 1 Not Appllcable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 't4 15 16 17 '18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total 0 0 0 EtrPT: FNRM NN "{2.qAI Pane 328 lntermountain Gas Company Gas Used ln 1, Report belov detalls of credils during the year to Acmunh 810, 81 1, and 81 2. 2. lf any natural gas was used by lhe rospondent for whlch a chaqe was not made to he approp, fiate operatng expense or other acmunt lbt sepanately ln column (c) the Dlh of gas used, omltting entrles ln column (d), Purpose forWhhh Gas Was ljsed Natural Gas ' Gas Used Dth Natural Gas Amount of' Credit (ln dollars) Natural Gas Amount of Credll (in dollars) Natural Gas Amount of Credlt (in dollars) 810 Gas Used for Comoressor Station Fuel - Credit 81'l Gas Used lor Products Exlractlon - Credlt Gas Shrlnkage and Other Usage in Respondents Gas Shrinkage, etc. for Respondents Gas 812 Gas Used for Other Utllity Openatlons - Credit (Report separately for each princlpal usri, Group (1) (2) Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t2013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 I I T T T I I T T I T t I T T T T t tFERC FORM NO. 2 ({2-96)Page 331 I I I I T I I I I I T I T I T T ! t I Nams of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company lnts Heoon ls:(1) $Rn origlnal(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Transmission and Compresslon of Gas by Others (Account 858) year. Minor items (less than 1,000,000) Dlh may be grouped, Also, lnclude ln column (c) amounts pald as transltlon costs to an upslream plpellne, pipeline system. 3, Deslgnate assoclated companles wlth an asterlsk ln column (b), Line No. Name of Company and Descrip$on of Service Performed (a)(b) Amount of Payment (ln dollars) (c) Dth of Gas Dellvered (d) 1 Not Aoolicable 2 3 4 5 6 7 B I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total FERC FORM NO.2 (12-s6)Page 332 Name ot Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fien originat(2) nA Resubmlsslon Date of Report I Year/Period of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) I 12l31tZO1S I End of 2013/Q4 Other Gas Supply Expenses (Account 813) to whlch any expenses relate, Llst separately ltems of $250,000 or more. Line No. Description (a) Amount (ln dollars) (b) NotAoolhable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I T T I IFERC FORM NO.2 ({2-96)Page 334 I I T T T t I I t T I I t I I T T T I Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) []Rn oastnat(2\ l--lA Resubmission uate oI Ke00n(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Mlscellaneous General Expenses (Account 930.2) 1. Provlde the lnformation requested bolow on mlscellaneous general expenses. 2, For Other Expenses, show the (a) purpose, (b) reclplent and (c) amount ot such ltems, List separately amounts of $250,000 or more howevor, amounts less than $250,000 nny be grouped if the number of items of so grouped ls showi. Line No, Descrlptlon (a) Amounl (ln dollars) (b) 1 lndustrv association dues.210,541 2 Experimental and general research expenses. a. Gas Research lnstitute (GRl) b. Other 3 Publishing and distributing information and reports to stockholders, trustee, registrar, and transfer agent fees and expenses, and other expenses of serviiing outstanding securities of the respondent 4 Other expenses 101,926 5 6 7 B I 10 11 12 't3 14 1s 't6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total 312,467 FtrRC FORM NO.2I,I2.C6I Paoe 335 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort Is:(1) filnn orisinat(2) llA ReSubmisslon Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12131t20',t3 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Depreclatlon, Depletlon and Amortlzatlon of 'Gas Plant (Accts 403,.404.1,404.2,404,3,405) (Except Amortlzatlon of Acqulsltlon Adlustments) 1 . Repoi ln Sectlon A tho amounts of depredation oxpenss, depletldn and amortizatlon for the accounts lndicated and classlfed according to the plant functional groups shown. rubaccount or functional classilications other lhan those pre-pdnted ln column (a). lndhate ln a lootnote the manner ln which column (b) balances are Sectlon A. Summary of Depreclatlon, Depletlon, and Amortlzation Charges Llne No.Functional Classifl cation (a) Depreclation Exponse (Account 403) (b) fuiortizaUon Expense for Asset Retirement Costs (Account 403.1) (c) Amortization and Depletlon of Producing Natural Gas Land and Land Rlghts (Account 404.1) (d) Amortizallon of Underground Stonage Land and Land Rlghts (Acmunt404.2) (e) 1 lntanglble plant 2 Productlon plant, manufactured gas 3 Productlon and gatherlng plant, natural gas 4 Products extractlon planl 5 Underground gas storage plant 6 0therstorage planl 518,626 7 Base load LNG termlnallng and processlng planl I Transmissbn plant 1,968,873 s Distribution plant 10,557,829 10 General plant 2,171,212 11 Common plant-gas 12 TOTAL 1s,216,540 T I t I T T I T I I I I I I t I I T tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 336 I T T I T t I I I t T T I I T I T T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company Thls ReDort ls:(1) [tRn ortstnat(2\ l-lA Resubmlsslon Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t3112013 Year/Perlod of Reporl End of 2013/Q4 Depreclatlon, Depletlon and Amortlzatlon of Gaa Plant (Accts 403,404.1,404,2,404,3,405) (Except Amortlzatlon ol Acqulsltlon Adlustments) (contlnued) depreclatlon charges, show ln a lootnote any revlslons made to estimated gas rosorves, provlslons and the plant items to which related. Sectlon A. Summary of Depreclatlon, Depletlon, and Amortlzatlon Charges Line No. Amortlzatlon of Olher Llmited-term Gas Plant (Account 404.3) (0 Amortizatlon ol OtherQas Plant (Acmunt 405) (s) Tolal (b to s) (h) Functional Classifi calion (a) 1 200,183 200,183 lntangible plant 2 Production plant, manufactured gas 3 Productlon and gatherlng plant, natural gas 4 Products extacllon plant 5 Underground gas storage plant 6 518,626 Other storage plant 7 Base load LNG termlnaling and processlng plant I 1,968,873 Transmisslon plant s 10,557,829 Dlstribution plant 10 2,171,212 General planl 11 Common plantgas 12 200,183 15,416,723 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12.36) Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn Orisinal(2) l-lA Resubmission uale ot Kepon(Mo, Da, Yr) 12t31t2013 'ear/Period of Report End of 20'13/&l Depreciatlon, Depletlon and Amortlzatlon of Gas Plant (Accts 403, 404.'l , 404,2, 404.X,405) (Except Amortlzatlon of Acqulsltlon Adlustmenti)' (continued) 4. Add rows as necossary to completely report all data. Number tlre additional rows ln sequencd as 2,01, 2.02, 3.01, 3.02, etc. Sectlon B. Factors Used ln Estlmatlng Depreclatlon Charges Llne No,Functional Classilication Ial Plant Bases (in thousands) h) Applled Depreclation orAmortzation Rates (percent) lc) 1 Productlon and Gatherinq Plant 2 Offshore (footnote delails) 3 Onshore (footnote detalls) 4 Undemr6und Gas Storaqe Plant (footnote details) 5 Transmlssion Plant 6 Offshore (footnote details) 7 Onshore (footnoto details) I General Plant (footnote details) I 10 11 12 13 14 15 I T t t T I T I I t I I t I T T T T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12.e6)Page 338 t T I t t I t I I t t I t I T I I T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn originat(2) l--lA Resubmission Date of Reoorl (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Perlod of Report End of 2013/Q4 Partlculars Concerning Certaln lncome Deductlons and lnterest Charges Accounts Report the information specilied below, ln the order given, for the respectfue lncome deductlon and lnterest charges actounts. perlod of amortlzatlon, may be grouped by classes withln the abovs accounls, (c) lnterest on Debt to Assoclated Companles (Account430)-For each associated company that lnuned interesl on debt during the year, lndlote the amount and interest rate whlch lnterest was lncuned during the year. (d) Other lnterest Expense (Account 431) - Report details including lhe arhount and interest nate for olher lnterest charges lncurred during ihe year. Line No. Item (a) Amount (b) 1 425 Mlsc Amortlzation - n/a 2 426,1 Charltable Donations 173,596 3 426.2 Life lnsurance - n/a 4 426.3 Penaltles 5 426.4 Clvic/Polltical 72,841 b 426.5 Other Deductlons 4,738 7 430 lnterest on Debt to Assoc Comoanles - n/a I 431: I Comoensaiion Plan-Exec 60,585 10 Customer Deposits 4,662 11 Deferred Gas Costs 1,734 12 Other lnterest 864 13 14 't5 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3'l 32 33 34 35 trtrRe FORM NO.2 tl 2-961 Paoe 340 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffiAn original(2) llA Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Regulatory Commlsslon Expenses Account 928) or cases in whlch such a body was a party. ' 2. ln column (b) and (c), lndicate whether the expenses were assessed by a regulatory body or were othenrvlse lncuned by the utility. Line No. Description (Furnish name of regulatory commisslon or body, the docket number, and a descrlptlon of lhe case.) Assessed by ,Regulatory Commlsslon (b) Expenses of Utllity (c) Total Expenses to Date (d) Deferred ln Account 102.3 at Boglnnlng ofYear {e) ldaho Public Utilties Comm - annual fee 593,154 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total 593,154 T I T I T I I I t T T I I t T t I T IFERC FORM NO. 2 (r2-96)Pagq 350 t t I T T I T I I t T I I I t t I T T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Compahy Thls Reoort ls: I Date of Reoort(1) ffiRn orisinat | (Mo, Da, Yi)(2\ l-lA Resubmission | 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Regulatory Commlsslon Expenses (Account 928) 3. 4, 5, 6, Show ln column (k) any expenses inouned in pdor years lhat are bslng amorllzsd, Llst ln column (a) th'e perlod of amortlzation, ldontlfy separatoly all annual charye adluetments (ACA), Llst ln column (l), (g), and (h) expensos lncuiled durlng year whloh were ehaqes cunently to lncoms, plant, or othet aocounts, Minor ltems (less than $250,000) may be grouped, Line No. Expenses lncured During Year Charged Cunently To Department (f) Expenses lncurred During Year Charged Currently To Account No. (o) Expenses lncured Durlng Year Charged Cunenlly To Amount hl Expenses lncuned During Year Defened to Account' 182,3 il) Amortlzed During Year Conha Account fl) Amortlzed During Yoar Amount 'ft) Deferred ln Account 182,3 End ofYear fll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 trtrErc FrlrtM Nn ? ,,tr-qAl Name of Respondent lntermountaln Gas Company This Reoort ls:(:l) fiRn original(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Repor End of 20131Q4 Employee Penslons and Benefits (Account 926) 1. Report below the. items contained in Account 926, Employee Pensions and Benefits. Line No, Expense (a) Amount (p) 1 )ensions - defined benelit plans 2 Pensions - olher 3 Post+ethement beneflts other than penslons (PBOP)253,302 4 Post- employment benefit plans 5 Other (Specify) 6 lafetyflralnlnq Materlals 6,747 7 /acatlon 163,145 I Alorkers Comp 6't3 I lonsultinq SeMces 573 10 ]olleoe Tuitiontsooks 18,612 11 Mlsc EE benefits 286,432 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 729,424 I T I I I I T I t T T t t I I I I T IFERC FORM NO. 2 (NEW 12-07)Page 35? I I T T T t T I I T T I T I t I I T I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This ReDort ls:(1) fiAn original (2) . l-.lA Resubmission Date of ReDort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Dlstrlbutlon of Salarles and Wages the partlcular operatlng funcllon(s) relating lo lhe expenses, reportlng delall ol olher accounts, enter as many rows as n€cessary numbered sequenUallystarting wlth 75,01, 75.02, etc, Line No. Chssllicatlon (a) Dkect Payroll . Dlstribution (b) PayrollBllled by Afliliated Companles (c) Allocatlon of Payroll Charged for Clearing Accounts (d) Total (e) 3 Producllon 4 Transmission 5 Distribution 6 Customer Accounts 7 Customer Service and lnformatlonal 8 Sales I Administralive and General 10 TOTAL Operatlon Ootal of llnes 3 thru 9) 12 Production 13 Transmission 14 Diskibution 15 Admlnistratlve and General 16 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 12 thru 15) 1B Production fiotal of lines 3 and 121 19 Transmission (Total of lines 4 and '13) 20 Distribution fiotal of lines 5 and 14 21 Customer Accounts (line 6) 22 Customer Sorvice and lnlormational fline 7'l 23 Sales (line 8l 24 Administrative and Gensral {Total of lines 9 and 15) 25 TOTAL Operation and Malntenance fiotal of lines 18 thru 24) 28 Production - Manufactured Gas 29 Production - Nalural Gas(lncluding Exploration and Development) 30 Other Gas Suoolv 3'l Storaqe, LNG Terminallno and Processlno 247,140 247,140 32 Transmission 33 Distribution 8,564,815 8,564,815 34 Customer Accounts 4,081,914 4:081,914 35 Customer Service and lnformational JO Sales 744,95'.1 744,9s1 37 Administratlve and General 4,6'15,457 731,456 5,346,913 3B TOTAL Oporatlon (Totalof lines 28 thru 37)18.2s4.27i 731,456 18,985,733 40 Production - Manufactured Gas 41 Poductlon - Natural Gas(lncludlng Exploration and Development) 42 Other Gas Suooly 43 Storage, LNG Terminallno and Processinq s0,'193 50,19: 44 Transmlssion 163,181 163,181 45 Dlstribuiion 1,398,68r 1,338,685 r.^ ^ ,hFl ,l6Fh\.h--^ aE u Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffinn orisinal(2) TIA Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Dlstrlbutlon of Salarles and Wages (continued) Line No. Classilicatlon 1a) . Dlrect Payroll Distribution (b) Payroll Billod by Affiliated Companies (c) Allocatlon ol Payroll Charged for Clearlng Accounts (d) Total (e) 46 Adminislrative and General 47 TOTAL Malntenance fiotal of lines 40 thru 46)1.612,059 1,612,059 4B Gas (Continued) 50 Production " Manufactured Gas (Total of lines 28 and 40) 51 Production - NaturalGas (lncluding Expl, and Dev.Xll. 29 and 41) 52 Other Gas Supply ffotal ol lines 30 and 42) 53 Storaqe. LNG Termlnalinq and Processlng (Totalof ll. 31 and 43)297,333 297,33: 54 Transmlsslon fiotal of lines 32 and 44)163,181 163,1 81 55 Distribution ffotal of llnes 33 and 451 9,963,50(9,963,500 56 Customer Accounts (Tolal of line 34)4,081,914 4,081,914 57 Customer Servico and lnformational (Total of llne 35) 58 Sales (Total of llne 36)744,951 744,951 59 Administrativa and General ffotal of lines 37 and 46)4,615,45i 73'1,456 5,346,913 60 Total Opention and Malntenance (Total of llnes 50 thru 59)19,866,336 731,456 20,597,792 62 Ooeratlon and Malntenance 63 TOTAL ALL UtiliU Dept, ffiotal of llnes 25, 60, and 62)19,866,336 731,456 20,597,792 65 Conshuction (By Utility Departments) 66 Electrlc Plant 67 Gas Plant 68 0ther 69 TOTAL Conslructlon fiotal of llnes 66 thru 68) 71 Electric Planl 72 Gas Plant 73 Other 74 TOTAL Plant Removal (Total of lines 71 thru 73) 75 Other Accounts (Soecifu) (footnote detailsl 76 TOTAL Other Accounb 77 TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 19,866,336 731,456 20,597,792 VearlPerioO riin'eport End of 2013/Q4 I T I I I I T I I t T t t I T t I T TFERC FORM NO,2 (REVISED)Pago 355 I t t I T I t I T T I T T t T I t T I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffRn orisinat Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 12i31t2013 Year/Period of Report Endof 2013/Q4 Charges for Outside Professional and Other Consultative Services except trose which should be reported in Account 426,4 Expendifures for Certain Civig Political and Rehted Activilies. (a) Name ol person or organizalion rendering seryices. (b) Total charges for lhe year. 2. Sum under a descripUon 'Othef, all of the aforementioned services amurnting to $250,000 or less. 3. Total under a descriptlon Total', the total of all of the aforementoned seMces. to the instructions for thal schedule. MOFFATT THOMAS BARRETT ROCK & FIELDS FERG FORM NO.2 (REVISED)Page ?57 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) ffien originat(2) llA Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Transactions with Associated (Affl llated) Companies 1. Reprt below the information callEd for conceming all gooils or servhes received from or provided to associaled (affiliated) companies amounting td more tran $250,000. 2. Sum under a descripiion 'Othef, all of lhe aforementioned goods and services amounting to $250,000 or less. 3. Total under a description Total, the total of all ol the aforementioned goods and services. 4. Where amounls billed to or received from lho associated (affiliated) mmpany.are based on an allocation process, explain in a footnote lhe basis of he allocaton. Line No. Description of the Good or Service (a) Name of Associated/Affi liated Company . (b) Account(s) Charged or Credited . (c) Amount Charged or Credited (d) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 Cash Collection Casaide Natural Gas 48518.4880:4880 123,909 22 Meter Repak Cascade Nalural Gas 48508.4880.4880 18,1 14 23 Bill Printlng Cascade Natural Gas 48580,4880.4880 196,400 24 25 to 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Jb 37 38 39 40 I T I I I T I I I t I I I I t T I I IFERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-071 Page 358 T T t T t T I I I I I I T I I I I T T This page intentionally left blank. Compressor Stations ompressor shtions, lransmlssion ompressor stalions, distibution compressor stations, and oher compressor shtons. 2. For column (a), indicate tre production areas where such stations are used. Group relatively small field mmpressor sbtions by producton areas. Show he number of statons ioinfly owned. Name of Station and Location Numberol Unib at Stalion (b) Certificated Honsepower for Each Station (c) Plant Cost (d) Jerome Compressor Station Name oI Kesponqent lntermountain Gas Company I nts (1) 12) orl ts: Ah Original Resubmission ua(e oI KeDon(Mo, Da, Yi) 12t31t2013 Yearrefloo or Kepofi End of 20'13/Q4 I I t I T I T I I T T I T I I T I T IFERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 508 T t t I t t I I I T T I I I t T t T t Compressor Stations of the station and ib book cost are mntemplated. Designate any compressor unib in transmission mmpressor stations installed and put into operation during he year and show in a foolnote each units size and the date he unilwas placed in operalion. Expenses (except . depreciation and . bxes) Fuel (e) Expenses (except deprecialion and bxes) 'Power 0 Expenses (except depreciaton and taxes) 0her (s) Operational Dab Total Compressor Hours of Operation During Year 0) Operatonal Dah Number of Compresson Openabd atTime of Station Peak (k) Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This (1) (21 ort ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End 6f 2013/e4 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 509 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) []Rn original(2) [-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Storage Projects 1. Report lnjectlons and withdrawals of gas for all storage projects used by respondenl Line No. Item (a) Gas Belonging to Respondent (Dth) (b) Gas Belonging to Others (Drh) (c) Total Amount (Dth) (d) 2 January 3 February 4 March 5 April o May 7 June '14,554 14,554 8 July 94,613 94,613 I August 159,104 159,104 10 September 45,s99 45,599 11 October 87,558 87,558 12 November 13 December 14 TOTAL fiotal of lines 2 lhru 13)401,428 401,428 16 January 9,246 9,246 17 February 6.729 6,729 18 Marcfr 7,886 7,886 19 April 7,753 7,763 20 May 6,861 6,86'l 21 June s,627 9,627 22 July 44,015 44,015 23 August 1 00,566 100,566 24 September 89,126 89,126 25 October 61,449 61,449 26 November 37,470 37,470 27 December 28 TOTAL (Total of lines.16 thru 27)380;738 380,738 I I T I I t I I t I T I I I T T I I TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 512- I I t I T I t I t I T I I I I T T T T Name of Respondent lniermountain Gas Company This Report ls:(1) E]An original(2) J-lA Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) '12131t2013 Year/Period of Reporl End of 2013/Q4 Gas Storage Projects 1. On line 4, enter lhe total storage capacity certilicated by FERC. 2 Report total amount in Dlh or ottrer unit, as applicable on lines 2, 3, 4, 7. lf quantity is converted from Mcf to Dth, provide onversion factor in a footnote. Line No. Item (a) Total Amounl (b) STORAGE OPEMTIONS 1 Top or Workinq Gas End of Year 10,755,932 MMBtu 2 Cushion Gas (lncludino Native Gas) 3 Total Gas in Reseruok (Total of line 1 and 2)10,755,932 MMBIU 4 Cerlifi cated Storage Capacity 5 Number of lniection - Withdrawal Wells 6 Number of Observation Wells 7 lvlaximum Days' Wihdnawal from Storaqe 95,647 MMBfu 8 Date of Maximum Days'Withdrawal 1?J0U2013 I LNG Termlnal Companies (in Dth) 10 Number of Tanks '11 Capacity of Tanks 12 Lj,lG Volume 13 Received at "Ship Rail' 14 Transfened to Tanks 15 Wihdrawn from Tanks 16 'Boil Off Vaporization Loss FERC FORM NO.2 (,l2-96).Page 513_ Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Compa ny This Reoort ls:(1) []en orisinal(2) l-lA Resubmisslon Date of.Report I Year/Period of Report (Mo, Da, Yi) I,t2t31t2o13 I End ot 2o13lQ4 Transmission Llnes 1 . Report bekry, by slate, the total miles of transmission lines of each triansmission system operated by respndent at end of year. nature of respondents lifle, and percent ownership ifjointly owned. relired in the books of amunt, or what disposition of the line and its book msb are contemplated, 4. Reportte number of miles of pipe to one decimal poinl Line No- Designalion (ldenf flcation) gf Line or Gmup of Lines (a)(b) Total Miles of Pipe (c) 1 Tnansmbsion Llnes fi,6n.10 2 Distribulion and service lines 289.80 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 1'.! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I I T I I t T I T T T I t I I T T T TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 514 I I t t I T T T I T T I T I I T T I I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Report ls:(1) E]An orlginat(2) [_lA Resubmission uate oI KeDon (Mo, Da, Yi) 'tu31t2l'.t3 'ear/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Transmission System Peak Deliveries prmib indusion of he peak information required on thb page. Add rows as necessary to rcprt all data. Number additional rows 6.01, 6.02, etc. Line No. Desoiplion Dh ol Gas Delivered to lnterstate Pipelines (b) Dth of Gas Delivered to Olhen (c) Total (b) + (c) (d) SECTION A: SINGLE DAY PEAK DELIVERIES 1 Date:1?8/13 2 Volumes of Gas Transoorted 3 No-Notice Tansportation 4 Other Firm Transoorlation 302,283 n2,283 5 Intenuptible Transportation 6 Oher Oescribel ffootrote detaih) I TOTAL 302,283 302,283 I Volumes of oas Wihdrawn form Sloraoe under Storaoe Contract I No-Notice Storage 10 Olher Firm Storaoe 26,667 26,667 't1 lntenuptible Storage 12 Other (Describe) (foohrote deiails) 13 TOTAL 26,667 26,667 14 OherOperationalAc{vities . 15 Gas Withdrawn from Storage forSystem Operations 16 Reduction in Line Pack 17 Other (Describe) (footnote details) 18 TOTAL 19 SECTION B; CONSECUTIVE THREE.DAY PEAK DELIVERIES 20 Dates: 128 - 1210 21 Volumes of Gas Tnansoorted n NoNotice Transoortaton 23 Olher Firm Transportalion 9't4,281 914,281 24 I nterruotlble Transoortaiion 25 Other (Describe) (footnote details) to TOTAL 914,281 914,281 n Volumes of Gas Withdnawn from Storage under Stonage Contact 28 No-Notice Storaoe 29 Other Firm Storaqe 52,965 52,965 30 lnterruptible Storaqe 31 Oher (Desuibe) (foolnote details) 32 TOTAL 52,965 52,965 33 Other Operational Activities 34 Gas Withdrawn from Storaoe for Svstem Ooeralions 35 Reduclion in Line Paclr 36 O,$er 0escribe) (foohole details) 37 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 518 Auxiliary Peaking Facllitles installations, gas liquefac{lon planb, oilgas sets, etc. 2. For column (c), for underground stonge projecb, report the delfuery capacity on February 1 of tre heating season overlapplng the year€nd for whictt hls report b submitted. For other facilities, report he rated maximum daily delivery capacilies. plant as ontemplated bygeneral insbuc0on 12 of he Uniform System of Accounb. NW 1/4 Sec.31 tnts KeDo[ ts:(1) fiRn originat Yeari,enoo oI Kepon End of 2013/Q4(2)Resubmission I T I t T I I I I t T I I I T T I T TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-95)Page 519 I T T t I I T T t I t I I I T t T T I Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Company This Reoort ls:(1) []Rn orisinal(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 12t3112013 Year/Period of Report End of 2013/Q4 Gas Account - Natural Gas 1. The purpose of this schedule is to account for the quantity of nafural gas roceived and delivered by lhe respndent. 2. Nalural gas means eilher nalural gas unmixed or any mixture of nalural and manufaclured gas. 3. Entsr.ln column (c) th6 ysar lo date Dth as reported ln the schedules indlcatEd for the ltems of recelpts ad deliveries, 4. Enler in column (d) lhe respective quailer's Dlh as reported in lhe sctrdules indicated for lhe ibms of rocsipts and delivedes. 5. lndicale in a footnole lhe quantities of bundled sdes and transphation gas ard speciff the llne on wtrlch such iluanlilias are listed, 6. lf lhe respondent operates lwo or rnore systems whkf are not interconnecled, submlt separda pages for lhis Purpose. wore nol hansporled lhrough any interstate porlion of fire reporting pipellne, 8. lndicate in a fmtnote lhe specilic gas prrdraio expenss accoun(s) and related lo which the aggregale volumes reprted on line No. 3 relate. reprling year, and (3) mnlract storage quantities. loolnoles, Line No. liem (a) Ref. Page No. oi (FERC Form Nos. a2-Al (b) Total Amount of Dth Year to Date (c) CunentThree Months Ended Amount of Dth Quarterly Only 0'l Name of System: 2 GAS RECEIVED 3 Gas Purchases (Accounts 800S05)35.588,414 4 Gas ol Othen Received for Gatherinq (Account 489.1)303 5 Gas of Others Received for Tnnsmission (Account 489,2)305 27.894.441 6 Gas of Olhen Remived for Distribution (Account489.3)301 7 Gas of Others Received for Contact Storage (Account 489.4)307 8 Gas of Others Received for Productior/Extaction/Processing {Account 490 and 491 ) o Exchanoed Gas Received fmm Others (Account 806)328 10 Gas Received as lmbalances (Account 806)328 90,291 11 Receiots of Resoondents Gas TransDorted bv Others (Account 858)332 283,231 l2 Other Gas Withdrawn from Storaqe (Exolain) 13 Gas Received hom Shippers as Compressor Station Fuel 14 Gas Received fiom Shiooers as Lost and Unaccounted for 1s Other Receipts (Specify) (footnote details) 16 Total Receipls ftotal of lines 3 thul5)63,675,80r 17 GAS DELIVERED 18 Gas Sales (Accounts 480484)35,194,95t 19 Delivedes of Gas Gathered for Others (Acmunt 489.1)303 20 Deliveties of Gas Transoorted for Olhers (Account 489.2)305 27,894,441 21 Deliveries of Gas Distdbuted for Others (Account 489.3)301 22 Deliverles of Contract Storaqe Gas (Account 489.4)307 23 Gas of Othen Delivered for Poduction/Extraction/Processins (Account 490 and 491) 24 Exctrange Gas Delivered to Others (Account 8Q6)328 25 Gas Delivered as lmbalances (Account 806)328 26 Deliveries of Gas to Ohen forTransportation (Account 858)332 27 Other Gas Delivered to Storaoe Gxplain)125,s01 28 Gas Used for ComDressor Station Fuel 50s 29 Olher Deliveries and Gas Used for Other Opentions 30 Total Deliveries fiolalof llnes 18 thru 29)63,214,90t 31 GAS LOSSES AND GAS UNACCOUNTED FOR 32 Gas Losses and Gas Unaccounted For 431,454 33 TOTALS 34 Total Delivedesi Gas Losses & Unaccounted For ffotal of llnes 30 and 32)63,646,36i FERC FORM NO. 2 (REV 01.1 1)Page 520 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Companv This Report is: (1) X An Original0\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr)' 12131t2013 Year/Period of Report 2013/Q4 Svstem Mans. I T T T I I I I I t T I I t T T T I I 1. Furnish five copies of a system map (one with each filed copy of this report) of the facilities operated by the respondent for the production, gathering, hansportation, and sale of natural gas. New maps need not be furnished if no important change has occured in the facilities operated by the respondent since the date of the, maps fumished with a previous yeafs annual report. lf, however, maps are not furnished for this reason, reference should be made in the space below to the year's annual report with which the maps were furnished.2. lndicate the following information on the maps: (a) Transmission lines. (b) lncremental facilities. (c) Location ofgathering areas. (d) Location ofzones and rate areas. (e) Location ofstorage fields.(f) Location of natural gas fields. (g) Location of compressor stations. (h) Normal direction of gas flow (indicated by.arrows).(i) Size of pipe. O Location of products extraction plants, stabilization plants, purification plants, recycling areas, etc. (k) Principal communities receiving service through the respondent's pipeline, 3. ln addition, show on each map: graphic scale of the map; date of the facts the map purports to show; a legend giving all symbols and abbreviations used; designations cjf facilities leased to or from another company, giving name of such other company. 4. Maps not larger than 24 inches square are desired. lf necessary, however, submit larger maps to show essential information. Fold the maps to a size not larger hen this report. Bind the maps to the report, 6'o..2 Eo.TD oov, o otl '.ffi .ffittl o .t)o at 6o€N Eo dE Q>,k -L.\'9 G l-{I'tnatuFul o. cEul =u!. o = z>oFlu(, iEo lr.ta ElA {o- =oo g) (5 Z -FZ Jo =CEuF>tu I=euF-0) a U){(5 J E3F<2 T I I T I T I T t I I T t I T T T T t zozE ozJ tr,F)!rF oo trlJ g.t gt l&oE o u,, u,,lJ)trlE F6! 33A -.9._/L _ %o* oz1ts aaIL uE ExlrlIE Eo (5fTh o Fz Fa Eulvtr o t-J o dt O) ,a{i o{ *F*Jq\ lrll,lJoEEIo ln4 E ECIIYJul E 4()g Irr tuJJ ahu,4o o z C' 9a<ofr*ztJZurE utoF ur=z o'EJ Tulc} [.n2 0 Ids d I()F o IoZo I-,6:6 Ii=d z I $EH E I.-=t! f;9fi s n =il= ts )JHT H =}ZV ? Ptll.o $ =4l =trt0EEIE =IIJ fF5oEio. =utz This page intentionally left blank.