HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012Annual Report.pdfl4 i I I :F.!ER•. POW so. 13Q (02.04) I !AhA I 01 IARTFRI YIANI'JIIAI RFPORT OF MAJOR NATIIRAI r.AS COMPANIES IDENTIFICATION 01 E'xact'Legal Name of Respondent Year/Period of Report Intermountain Gas Company End of 20121Q4 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (If name changed during year) 04 Address of Principal Office at End of Year (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 555 S. Cole Road, Boise, ID 83709 05 Name of Contact Person 06 Title of Contact Person Mark Chiles VP, Controller, Asst. Treas. & Asst. Sec 07 Address of Contact Person (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 555 S. Cole Road, Boise, ID 83709 08 Telephone of Contact Person, Including Area Code This Report Is: 10 Date of Report (1)An Original (Mb, Da, Yr) 208-377-6124 (2)[]A Resubmission 12/31/2012 ANNUAL CORPORATE OFFICER CERTIFICATION The undersigned officer certifies that: I have examined this report and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief all statements of fact contained in this report are correct statements of the business affairs of the respondent and the financial statements, and other financial information contained in this report, conform in all material respects to the Uniform System of Accounts. 11 Name 12 Title Mark A. Chiles VP, Controller, Asst. Treas. & Asst. Sec 13 Signature 14 Date Signed 1/ Title 18, U.S.C. 1001, makes it acrime for any -person knowingly -and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. Page 1 I I I I . -- __ á - - -- J r .•Wit f' -- - --- _&___ ---- 4•••-...4.• - ORM No. ZREV1247 Page 2 FWC FORM NO 2 (REV 12O1) Page 3 - I I I I Otiainal ISM j End of F ?i riiiru 1 ___• ____ .. ci 011 - UI ---. ci. ci.-. -- FORM NO. 2.i296 Page 102 1.See the Uniform System of AC*,nts for a definition of control. 2.Direct control is with that which is *)Jlcised out interposition of an 3.Indirect control is that which hirasad by the interpoition of an in .i*&rcises 4.Joint control is that in which 8WWWQWdtMOROWWVCDnW or:IiUt ttie cOflsent Of the other, as whets the ioting control i equally divided b ntwo holders, Qr . party holds ita_r Over the other. Joint control may exist biiI greement ol understardii .*.two or more p(jtE together h c4fltral within the meaning of the delinLtion of control W. he Uni**fl System of Accounts,nVolm of the relatñie voting riits of each party. Name of Company Corkofied Type of Comrol rG Kind of Business PenL Votl Fadillft I StockOwned ____ (c (d) le) 1 NA F ivot use - FCFORM:2(12a96 Page 103 I 13 InImMouritalaIGo Company a •. . • • . - I. . a . P P P. - •. • • . P 4 1- 5 P • IS U 5.-I P 1 • . At I timber Of W*W"A To tat, a a . - I . . •.* • . - . p 5 p •. . - I • - - S I .•_ . . :51 t.... S . • . • - -P .' . I .1 P5 I . - I I•S 15 - . ! 4, Number •pp -: La - -- - -, -- PIRC FOOMM 2 (12-96) Page 107 iili Ni3t I I P€RCFORM WO. 2(REVO644 Page 110 - Page in 1 Name of Respondent Dateøf Rót Year/Period of Intermountain Gas Company I, • Aessission (Mo, Da, TD) 12/311202 End of 20124 Cnparat1ve BaJan $h.4UabW$1s 404dw Credits) Line TR*otAq=W ROpMOM Current Year Prior ,r No. Page WAl*W End of QualerFYear 1 2 Qowmon S *1sued 01 250-251 1 1543*) 3 !re*Ii,Z04) 250-251 0 0 4 c ISDckSir42b2 2O8 252 0 0 5 SOthb*ykWc0nVerSOfl O& 206J 252 0 0 - 8 ir S totXk 252 *1O$4 18 7D2O r 253 541 183541 8 IMRelv1taal Stook (212) 252 0 F9 (Le*CQIWeC*alStOCk (213) 254 0 0 10 (L sr S*p 214k 254 1,741 1077741 216 118-119 10897941 68975698 12 lii i 4ibSryEarnmgs(2161) . gio 118-119 0 0 - 13 (Lds4 R qulted Capa1 Sto (Z1) 250-251 0 0 14 117 0 I5 TOTAPhjySI(ThWof*kZthru 14) 902*885 1 88.296,642 •16. kONSIERM T .......... E BofS221) 256-257 3f*865' *sC9O92' 18 2-2$7 0 0 19 J 1 Mvancesbom xIetedomparnes (223) 286257 0 0 - 20 *Lo4rem Debt224 255-257 0 8,100,000 ii 1iMmo1zed Premiwn on Long-Term Debt (225) 258 259 0 0 es) Unemcdbed C*sMiflton Lona-TBrm [*Or (226) 258-259 0 0 TALLat%g.TetmDtçrOtaLff1me 11 thai 23) 26363533 397*5 r Pr.voifOrPcop 2*1) 0 a 29 Acc**ntedPtov1sIOn Ot P*nSkfllS and Benet$ (22&3) __________ 104*98fl O9LO61 30 A oere1flgPvflS 228 S ActtenudPtReteRe*lf*tSt2* 0 FERCR*M NOR.*6O4) Page 113 1 Q6 ot Respondent This iTs ! J ... Year/Pi*idR4 '. troor ntan Gas Company (1 ) Gfgna (Ma: (2) QA Resubmisston •• ',MUM 8ternentO eii M coiumn (e) the baiance forts aaue three monULpeflod for the Prior Year Rh% in coiumn tte quarter to date an4n$ for gas uWity, and n Q) the quW& to date an W rUflOf; In cdurnn Q) I1qUa4eItO dateamousts for gas uty and in M tI qwffft IodateaMI b ... _Is. . . .. • . ! N!*UP L1 O n Utflfl'1I1ar manner to a iiiese oØmns (dWIat 43 above wat 1Oand 4O7 I m epçe 122 VOW di1IW ri(uads ofanter amff*ped to WMIMSMIS . ot acbye&efle*bd Pie 01$ ts1oCh the ti. m c9eS ad1t whltha*fect the right* tytoetabrAffieretenues on*I Nrga pwche IT m onn*n*l palmde made or received during the year eç1 sernentof any rate pmceethng aftiftlosiow edbc dayc(Pteadjua*meots made to Dalance he axense accounts . afNIewk g ,epa.t* s thtSarnent 9 .nm nces iy *page 122 M* IWO122i mc9.afr *$iü anghOdSm e4QtheYe *sd fJS, IkIuthng the basIS Of frffiO5B flI* Aiio. e2pprcpfl* 14 E*pate nafoalnoe Ith*pous a Wsaues edfies*otn thtp*ted n pv tepci* WiftwCWWWO uunyde* U.ppmt Me mt On $Ormaton inaote to 1kh*du Thie of Account Rren Tc4. Tcta CabiThab ..MUM Page cur*T* Pr*yøte mb *dew N1oa Nøá* 2 uasC 300-301 3 - 4 _ 4O _ - MOW 0 I L %. 1 ow 7 ___ xAs ________________ L $yosts(4O71) 0 . 0 0 0 0 ______________________ _____ _ 10,1U%9t 0 14_______ _t037J4 I $*8 U - 4 - 1 iIIThJ rem _____+ Idl-r-R, --- - _ Ec. it*y EIc. Utility Gas UtiWry Gus UtiMy Othe Utiäty Other (Jitity OLJI* Pievious Current Prus irreM P,vous Year to fte VWjwftje Year to Date year to ate YeartoOd yowtobwo Line On dCS) (iflö) (in dcllars) (In dctIar) 4W1aI1) (g) 0) (in dollars) (k) 0 242.795,022 291,857,164 0 0 4 _____ 5 3,712,109 6 0 0 14A75.4Z i3668,980 C ________ 7 0 .............. . 8 0 0 11.5 95,857 •0 0 - LJi11 _J _II FE FORM NO 2 MW 0949) Page 1,15 1 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This page intentionally left blank of Respondent Th F.%Mij::Cte olRepott ______ (1 nOztgenal Yr) End of 2øl2/O4 .(2) klUmftftsion .-untwn as Company 1213112012 *I1IUnt of i*mI.rve Income and Ac 1. Report in columns (b) (c)and (a) the amounts mUt other com'ehensive income items, on a nett. basis, where appropriate. Report in columns (I) and (g) the amounts of o#Ww*Kjofts of other cash flow hedges. L FOmW !_.4 Sedges that have been accounted for as "fair value hedges", report the accounts affected and the ._.,,. amMunts in a footnote. Minimum Pension Foff€ Ott AN-Lem on flabilky He Item (net amount) GWAON (c) (d) (e) YOW .... •..... _______________ ________________ _______________ _______________ -.. MIN WFW Ui*3 Pt*dg J I R&d I FERC F( ...2 (NEW Page 117W ê4øme Of: Respondent . j Th ort k Date 2:2ot2 End at 2o42R4 I statOfne,tQtRebn.tiEarn1n 1 m*d*d*IgS d pi subsIdy muird year 2 eaniis aoun *u$83 436439 nduse) owe conk plfl . .... . 4 $ aenn amsqi F*wbI te debit tee 5 re Worm o(q)6tolst - - c4á _ Le ftft Aeug"WhOd iai lwbab !..... Abu a) I N - I - )E$GS I To L *de4 i_ I 415 Wml ioe __ 13 2 9 - W-M - - - .. _ 7 -- A _ 1jThLAin' n4i) _ Aim i. .. .... ,..: . . . - I - I 1_ . ...: I_-rAi I 7O$91!M1 1 APoPR1A1D AWIn215j ! • .------ . - .-'. -. ..- 16 . . __' ....- - I . I •:• ___ UERAL (AGt : I 1 - t8 t4and1 __ AM . ______________ .1• 26 I I I I I FERC FORM NO 2 (REV %4)4) Page $48.t19 .. . - . .. .::.. .. ' •1 I I L 112 Endot__ SMrnofltcffi .. . .. I 1) östobe a) Net PQCIS4I ctheccenn debt, c) ecmial paper and (d) I e*4K flS**ffl*TI Wiitç b ØdIU N•tFat... stte'T *o provide a recotion cn asii aMcash Equa IdP*th Gd amots an OBnceSheeL I Ind9Øi d ke opatnigW$y 43a*IfldbSSeS anàfin bsitd tho;; $hDN NOStOthØ Fk'j91janaouots dpad O*bOWtcaP**ed*ndS Ad *dUãMOTtWt 28)netI*Sh autflow to atqwe ot cnpas Protde aI1Of iàd* I 1nve assI_ the $QtStOThG Fna uci* this stateme*thedUar amOIdftS *itid O# GuW non 2O provide aeconon ofthe d ImU4flSmes capulad wdh Me rant c* Line (See tnnxrfor pin of codes) Y.: Pisr a I (a Quar 4aterfYear 1 a T *4 1 Ak69f[ : 397$9O7 I ' .... - . -- 4 - •.:•••-- — .: . 1 ... ."" - •.•..1!81 A I 1 $' M 5T52t5 53625 — .-. :. f •N!-I- - . - fi 97O354 ( t95349 ... . . _____________________________ i59•I t 1L NdOncw cteei . H Øus Pa a uuedE4*ns wu ( 535O - I 639181 1 ii— M M QS r i hbes ( 6,552,105 nsucbOn I ! ...k !_ I 17 hSø in) OJtC I - r I L -. .r.: iOdinPkudnd) I T. : .-N- _ LJ1 3 I (__38) I cøUbMsnAa*c I -L 36 _ I FERC FORM NO 2REV*O 120 POIC.FORM NO. 2 (REV 06.04) Page 120a - wI11 = r AM I 0 $ne of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report 1fs!Peno4 of Repoit I (1)A An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) fl GS Company (2)- A ResubmisslOr. 1213i/212 2012/Q4 Nota to Finan*W Statements $ 11,904 155 420 87 (795) S 9,357 *1 4 ________ 'JY2LT an*"ft"pind in the Balooc*.Sbmts at December 3;1, 2012 and 2011, WeW dgWIOWI, if~A-p id. net pion IASW - Fait Ww of plan assets at bqonning of year Actual pin Ooss) on plan ~mmu • !:• 37 87 S EirA!)] EI1 Name ofgesponOW This Report is Date of Report EYe eriad of Report (1) X An Original (Ma, Da, Vt) any .L2)A Resubmission 12/31/2012 2012104 POS to Financial Statements Com[xli$fl. afuei (ào4k bc=M cost for the Company's other postretirement benefit plans for the years ftded. neumdw 31 wtreas foflows I1L - - 2012 2011 1 I - 2012 Health et'rend rate asumedxtr 7,5% 8.0% Health - 5.0% 5.0% Ycnwhhgttfwatetrendrateahicved 2017 2011 Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of RepQr :Yerfleriod of Rept • (1)An Original (Mo, Da, Vt). • $*rmountan, Gas Cpmpany (2) - A Resubmission 12131/2012 2012104. ', Financial Sutemtft rinvesMwa 1 a a perkdkuk review and - a a; :_ a SW 4. 904ftamts .. I I I I I Name of Respondent j Thiseport is: Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1). X M Original (Mo, Da. Yr) Intern unten Coo Company Resubmn 12/3112012 201.2104 L.:temefl Quoted Prices Significant in Active Other Significant Markets for Observable Observable Balance at Identical Assets Inputs F.. etuber 31, .. .-'- (hi thousands) Ca*equ:euts $ $ 205 $ $ 1tL*y SU11t1CS U$- Conva"ies 124 124 J.ne impstm ent, coiitret -- 7 -- 7,539 nW _ frw nt!cn m iPn'ests approximately 49 percent in ONAMMi kf large-cap U&. cosflpantes. I e 12 percent In mortgage-backed securlttez 11 percent In epw'ate bn# ..Aid 11 AV#" in Other h0WAWWW, The Company does not expect to contrute to its postretirernent benefit plans in 2011 The iillowin3 benelit payments, which reflect future service, as appropriate, and expected Medicate Part D subsidies am asUw: Other Postretirenient Medce Years Benefits Pat I) Subsity houswi 2013 $ 639 $5 14 646 5 2015 (3 4 2016 628 4 2017 63 4 OZ, 2,965 12 This page intentionally left blank. 1 FRC FORM: NO- 202-90 PaW 200 IiUP JI*:c,:lw1 -t _I1 ill - •.,_ h.h. .. ____ -.. mo CS - .LJL -- NJIMW liii IENG .,. y. I I 'I Pa*e 20 • ' l.a. . .._. -.... • .L -- -- IMEMETZ 1111111 - ThUfflll..11llfl..r LL- [ ]I1 ____ -_••- J_JD__iliLilhi 1ZJUUf L - £J IIIWL -- n' ______ .J... - - EN ME INK alK EMIL Stcuctures and___Improvitds ____________ __ Mains - -- 43,145104 ____ 20,436.COb - Cnmnrnssnr StaflnnFflulpfliont __________ _________ 1,724446 5532 commuMcationEqi 714.440 Other - Asset ta ME-2.1-1.4-1.smission PInt _______ ransmsssioi Plant Cr iter Totats of knes83 ttini 91) 46.352,129 20.519,877 PLANT :IBLrnON ______ Compressor Station Equipment _______ MeaSUrtflg and R .:Station Equipment-General - 4,633,673 - -1,796,513 Measuring and $tation Equipment-City Gate Services .. 128,627,258 -. - 2,854,278 ... Meters Meter Pna1alationS ____ 10,800,661 . 97,592 ............................. Eye amm bd&%miin I 148,I I Tl 1J FERC FORMt.2(i296) Paqe 209 I 1IIvwi- -. - IL itux MW4 of Respondent This YedPriod of Re.. lnteauountarn Gas Company El of 2012/Q4 Gas PyaiI. Capacity Leased oviiewrs 1. Report below the information called for concerning gas property and capacity leased from others for gas operations. 2 For all leases in which the average nL lease payment over the initial teim of the lease exceeds $500,00G, descr1:Ifl COlumn (0), It applicable; the property or capatyeaIQ. Designate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). Name of Lessor Description of Lease LPiyments for • Ctrrent Year No. (a) (b) (d) Gt. FORM NO 2 "MO. Page 213 I1 -- -- - - -. -__---__-. FM NO 212-96) Pa 213 : of Respondent . This Rort Is: [*e .. Year/Period of PAW 1untaGas .2 End of 2O14 (as Plant Hetdlor Futuro Use (ACCOUnt 105) i, ort separately each property held for future use at end of the year haft an ottginal coat of $1,000,000 or more. Gr* dØr cIftill of PropwVbw for future use. L FOr prOperty hawg en =WAl ce& of $1.00O 000 more previously used lfl utThty operations now heki fr futite tise *m COkKIIn ( hi addOfl OOtherà*J Wormatcn, Ow doe that utility use of such property was dscontinue the date the Qoginw cost wra trAMOOWto Account 105, DQkIf1d :DapI .bUs$ Balance at Line inUI* Ed of Yeat No. (d) 'r . .. .,. 10 - rage 04 EM YeatlPeriodcfRePà i • AReSUbA* 13tI2O2 nd of • • poces$ of $ last, r Development, onstmn in • (c) 1J40M67 1 310 9L855 4 50V54 7,140 126,935 p cm 1.11i Im Em- 0 PORMI Z (NEW i2-01) Page 217 Name offtspandent This Report is: Date of ReCrt YPe.Odof Report (1)An O4igInaL (Moj DaYr) IntemIin Gas Company (2) - A Resubm1$S#O 12Ot 2012/Q4 Discription of Con*Vuction Ovibad Proedurp FERC FORM $O 2Row i2-€i) IE3 kThUfltaw, Gs Company End 0 204 I IVA fTh401 1M2,andi6U • I#Jft tha yei aiegs me WOW gas: *40imy.00armts (d Ot 00, ad1O suChas correct cumutadva Mwancies of smei) en k a f er flts the 0th S sfleunt Of adjUStMe* and account chiud credited 9-1.001.0 k COMM upon ft.vQww 4NOMW as Dase ga ceknnn f4 and system gas. cphnim (c) I and op bths 4ant.i __ i_ of inntobe: cuianaMeofligectf,onorts. Also, s1itemathcWote he nd teed to repot stOg:()e, method) I DesodpUon f Noncurrent uut LNG (Account (Account (Account (Account (now ccbunt Total ftelowit - 1 1171) 1172 1173 1174) 43 Page 210 jespondent This Root Is: . Date Of yexrWrw o ftiiff - (1) [JAnOm taIntwn Gas Company Re 12/31/2012 End of 2012/Q4 I ,Nestments (Account 123,124, and 1 1 Rxtbenwes1rts A i23hw IIAsodd Co*Iis. 124 Other Investffients and 16 Temporary Casb hwesftnents 2. o dea 4ateotma For 4iØu. F rCS *Ie*pxlde1trcquffed wa*n for resale puuana Pb1fØd of ftoftVhxW and saw otstodc. Vm mvesbnents may be group1biMI ddhAiu1i* . o a&,'amces thaa*:p.N ::...U3. :ktcies Nth mpodWOM WeaM show werthevanveisa note or open account Dufingar - 'FORM NA. 2 (12-96} 222 RC FORM 00i 2 (12-96) Page: 223 TRpát 1s Date ofoqt ft Yea henflountaIfl Gas Cornpaiiy t1 (Mo 2 End of _____ In.eInensI 1nub$ly øcmp.nI Ccuunt 12.1) rp 00 I Repctbewr3 n Ai21 vSt*y Con*n$. Sompa3ndean s(e), tf * t*g•a i*p amount 4$ae m1tcsk s cwmflft DbidnJoit t$ C teO afl# afld lef note is*e ;& Ru 1trn$ sh a Arnt4$8,1 Date Date of Acqud Maturity Une (a) () I I I I FERC FORM NO.2 02-96 Pane 224 ofRyt Ah hun1 __ of ____ Imestmert rn Account "tit4conthued 4 5 t mQn MdZ imesIi ø*4theyear. 7 the u*u whth At RÜNO* VANto) iWM 0404=odI5i. Amtflofbment Giort"ft Dsp4iØ No. () (f () I all Ba' a Un FORM NO. 2(12-96) Page 226 Nane o1Repondent .NS Report Is: Da9RqQrt Ye3:•:bdar P$O: Iflrrnountain Gas company ____ Pepaymeflt$ct 1 E mthnafyPropertyLs(Act 18Z1) Untecoverad Plant and R 1122) PREPAYMENTS (ACCOUNT 165) ( : at Enc No (a) . '1 . - I I FORM HO 2(1 2.96) Page 20a ij,ne Rscone,* Th fpth YPd E R$cit kGa (*} ( A R*øsston - J - End of 14 Pent*Acct iss Ex aordnary Pso,s,ty LU'(ACCt 1824% 1oved Pa*rd R gu yS*UJCOS (AcctI8fl - tontInued) EXTRAORNARY PROPERTY LOSSES (ACCOUNT 1124) Bceat Total LOsses 1004# MAO IdWW Amount Red En4€IYat ___ Arnunt - - (b) (c) (d) (e) 7 — J Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date Of YdePOrR84 Interrnountam Gas Company I I ayin.t(Acdi6E*aorthnary Property (Acot 1821), Unrecoye,idpta. RgsDIy. Ccøts (Acct 12) (continued) -. UP4RECOVEDPtANT AND REGULATORY S1IUDY COSTS (ACCOUNT 12) I*Ost Be*g Amount Dw*V$r EatdfYe otYear of Charges Dftytw • Amount tdata f *!W fw (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (1) (g) ___________ ___________ ___________ i-• . 22 I'' I _ 1 __iir ORM: NO. 2(12a Page 233 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name of Respondent This Report Is: YáierødOf RPók Intermountain Gas Company (2) (Mo: AcctmwIe4cW.rred Income 11S* (qiIJI$ 1. R $nnab cea for rdatened income t0ft. Z reported In the b"mhto4waW WO-of year tolawmigrOMM40AM edeweteprnent owisddonal recowse rates. ______________ ______________ AOMMOMM Batenceat CgesQu* Beginning Yr Line tA.41i+1 (a) .j••. --- 2 .(... . . aic . nr-nrt-r- ____ L TO 1O44frU . cor T .• , flI [.41;'&iI FERC FORM $0. 2(REV 4241} Page 25 I W Respondent This Rei Of or h*Pnountain Gas Company i: (1) (M J EndOf Capital $oCk(MCounL 201 and2O4 I Ihe details caRed for coommkig amoM and prefe#ed Show separaiefredmnion and t CAP*** Nacnsd9jsnge AhocizedbyChader perSle End of Year Line No. (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 4 S I FORM NO 2 (12.96) Patie 250 -;F7 IiE 777'9~777r 7 FORM 14O. 212484 Page 251 UI T L -- ILl :iii• -- I : I Ex t. I I I I RCFORM NO, 2(123.6) Pace 262 I I [as • MNO. 2 (1296) Page 266 Name of Respondent This Re ort s: Date (M0l*. YoarfPerIod oIott Intermountain Gas Company ub:ssion End Of unnom*d Debt Expense, Pge,nIumpd Discount on Lon?efl) Debt (Acoun 181.225 22) '1 uf& .*dtitUnamorttzed Debt Expse Unamodzed Premium on Long TeDebt and UnamortdO1C on Long -Term Debt, details of expense *eed 5Sdse1es 4mdeIit 2. 3.in w 1Cng*ndtndginally lssued. 4.1 1*;;:-:;amot of °° I ot Ppa Amount Tour MAW" AMWOOM of Debt Issued Lbe . DaFcom DateTh (a) (b) (C) I ienkbs 58000000 I 0W11998 OW1&O18 2 126,486 48/3112010 W3, Li . ________ 14 15 * IT ... ..__ -- . . .... ---...,.. ..: 24 mm Fl No. 2:1246 Page 268 1251 1- 126 WIN 28 r4 FOW NO~ 2 (42-W Paw 20 I Nato of Respondent This R,poii* Date of Report Yeer of R"" 4TQLN CONY jA!ubtson 31313 FOR FEDERAL_ TAXES I Repotth. condlidlcI!d *t Mi*bt. come used 2 f the ufly member of aWOUP **t4Ø In c of sucax accruals. return, reconcuireported n tincOm.. thfe*bI.nsthne r* the m as furnished on separate return were to be god, tnc$thg ho wit MWMwWtvy Wounta M4 o4th.tex iturn bl*j*mi 5.lt* Won0abon even thoUght there tube eflmnated in such a tonsolidated,rettip. SWIrMSWtd tEM Irto tumhta1acthrThee*r. I?iu$ ltbture of eadi rattoncing amount members, tax assigned to each group men _____ aasgnments or sharifl6 of consolidated tax Line ParuIacs (Detas) AmOiflt No (a) i 1i 11 4i56 3 4 .• .. a Rook Income Mai t - v ra*j 6Oi 633 28 show.cp.:.Ian*x: 29 30 Federal tttcabe tcome 31 32 33 Fi i itry rate 914i) 34 tM60MOM * 38 ,veat prr* Justments 36 cwerd fuel MCW tax credit 0 37 38 (910887 39 40 I Amount TamW income not Adans In aid . 23241O **dge in WWWftan 110932 3t411 CsRëcotded on Books not ftotoWftr Return 16liome 4804J44 0 Acorual . 9473 . - 4GqflyOridbusion plans Ur4PiC. . •0 Poi1*ts _______ 254256 Vac c74.803) (7,830) A.OItIOOfPMITh Iefinanced debt 72,216 OStSOr mtired debt 0 104,665 P'an 22,558 Lmbbgeene 111501 low 2,454 PMflh*Jr & Damages Accrual 91,000 41i46 bWA" Rev*W to gooks rot 4ncludW 1h ftm: M!f% INIM 0 Sub*kW . AFL equity 41*49 i Rturfl Not Charged Against Book income va1 deduction jjtIxver bt lofl iSl$3 aid diabgnn' Thd OwsloCø* 3456$7 Gas iMaW*cUØ oen ef&mon ofkeM 0 Z128845 I Pqp 204 A I r tor, - iIiIL L_._ CFORMNO:2REV 0417) Pa" 26U FORM NO. 2 (REV 12.07) Pane 2$3a • (MMthowtain 04t company 1. 06944be and report the mount of other mWeM and acenject liabfli#es at the end:of year. lag IM Ii IMMON 13 N EM MINE EM Ex UL _IF INS IIL - jJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NamO of Røspondent GAS COM ACCUMULATED DEFERRgD 1Owccncl the cespfldnrs for lift 10 to. am o& Lie kocount Su*dlvision$ This RapotiIs DateefRapG1 year Of Report (1)ArOft" En1,f ES OThER PRQI'TT (Acoount 2821 rI11 - defermIsrelatlng Ib ___ .Amoufl WO" Ow"TO cedltro Orybw • . j•i4.1 . Aci*411,1 .. • *255 :*71 *a45 -, 30,255911 0 . $,97,761 I NOTES Class of Property MthOd - Estimated Lives Moptn UII - Transmission DD Guideline. Life -22 years 1970 Transmission COSYD Guideline Class Life - 17,5 years 1971 'nsmIii ACRS 10 yon 1981 0DB 35 years 1970 bton DD!SYD _Mw Class Life -28 years 1911 ARS 15$* 1931 vhw6um MAIMS 20as adowen MAORS 15y -Pirn4F.ifl EO WS GUIdeIe Class Life -3 years 2012 1911 AWSPNOMWAM 3 tears 1981 fta4 s years 1987 .....E: Life -8years 1970 Oøae u&EDPWSYD 6djerm1Ss Life - I years 1971 Me AwMAft t F_ AM gig" 1981 Oth1U:& EMA:S 5 7 years 1i&yE St.& ImptMCRS 31.5,3ayors ______ Sikobb M Deferred Tax Amount Provided CIA sijo 202,624 (349,921) (122,516) _ book OnwOo4on (18,833,375) (5,893,784) ot$d1.Ofa*sós 110,932 38,840 t*Pa (16,493,644) (8774,816) I FEORM1a:2 12-96) "A PAPA Year ófRe*i 3. Mi *o a*1 pI date. Øfl SaP *dd .. nurn*iO 4.02 %I8.OL 8.02 oUsJ Line ____ End of Year No. AtUQi.* AAL2 No i .......... .i:. .. .... 4111 1221 0 83t88 41011 — 118 78+ 35A62 3 4 686,890 118781 36.452618 5 - - I - I**I .8 68*90 Lil M 354821418 9 1 . 10 --i L 11 . .. .. DPW PDOLS AMU t7o8Q 13,435 a,e3M28 14323.233 1091 SUM 13,t 334 1422,076 1992 145#1 480,886 lot 13,47293 1990 239,611 570,220 IUMM6 4684 414,750 734,180 N) 13,501,883 1ø5 133,463 97,680 *74*) 1352Lfl 86,990 9yiess t24D82) 1$A*O1 4W 2M$7 269,82 131*U72 1w 4U= swap lOGO mww 15$31 2000 2t7316 200,185 4Z84B t3,099138• 2001 4285 914,337 22 ASSOM 2002 1,777414 371,385 14,132 125L738 23 3,483,641 829,426 2T893 2,371,W 437,931 0M$1) 50i,15 9934-7 I7'E141 fl,42T,747 743$82 e9ooz ... 17,2*O 63L470 W.W .. 3,840,404 swma 18208W .Z1,81U14 2009 4698 4(74 2010 177,823 Iskm 2011 4^m (17,739) (70,8223 3O,285411 2012 7,761 192,945 (588,110) 35268 Dr..... .a..rpn.:.. .Lr. bet fives ..- en a O4pQIPLBthOdO t* 'mput&ier tance methot a S eye**dmeUbd (a) tJ*L .............................. ..... 1ERC 1ORM NO 2.:(12,-96) Page 275 Nz*ØRespondent fl(.Aa4GM Owpow This Repoct Is; 1)M Original (2) AResubn1s$ion Pate of RGtt eWReP5It below concerning the 2. For Other, include deferrals relating to Qlher income anddØJ* deferred income taxes relating Line Account Subdivisions Balance at Beginning Of Year Pe coet41Qi) CCOPflt4111} (4 t,2*l_T oJ C I I I - I Ii!• _.._. •• ThV1Mp dfet$dflIeS fcr an tlm*'g dlfl wettspøfty -wes W,ved byth UCV*a ThO7 1 1wt ,uC OrNo. OL *Re ;notpIipdefred Stá t*I DdSdiU$k*POWIt ftUMOO page 27 endiIT - $A). Res 44ui*n*5 6:0 return a$ filed. 282. () R Øeet$usneat' cerd l!ASB 509 (d) qe .1FOR1TNO. 2 (126) Page 776 1 I -- I•L_ _JJ.J ____:'. - - win -- - Ripe 277 El lei, - - ---- Lim— - ------ This RIs, Date of.rt YeaWer*dàfRport b*wM"tem Oft Ofl* I rt j Resubmission 12/31/212 End of 2012/04 1 1. ra vit acwOW. The anxnesm ,JiI4lied data on suzeeiig. *. *sØandW..debØ$ups1eam pie6as. 3 O*COUflWS d by the pipeline dogft inssievenues m d columns (b) tt4 inludai Revenues* Revenues for R. Transition Transition G aAA Costs and Costs and Line orpay Take-orPa Ho. AmouM for AlMitibr Ampkfor Awaitiff Gurrent'ear 3 40stoP#i 4 -.4. ...-.. . • 4•1 --. . 10 *2 ** GOfO* woodotme ow I 4 SPmtE4 ftom Gas 14 t Ru IG Prot by mm 15 1fl%t1 • mw Pei= ________________ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ Am 19 S4t 21 I I I I I I FERC FORM NO. REV 12-07) Page 300 ik••• pCI . Gas Ccmpny - 4 sd i Other -- TLa Revenues CPO" OWN' NAOW.lsw RRAW Ru 221i7 88221445 4 f ______________ .1 :::-.-.-.-:-:--:- - 10 ....... 11 97$ 1 8258946 286 7Th 2413 548 . . - 17 . 18 ii- 240,0221 291 ••.:.•:. -. - _______________________ -----.---.. -- r---- -- ..-._t -------. FMW POW $O. 2 (REV 12-07) Page 301 I tespondent This Report Is DatfFi$ iItuntn Gas Conpny I 12/3)202 End of at Oft OOthe Through G ) 1. Rr$es dDth&gad ioteceiPt(1e.state in wthgasenr*4on system 2 .is. iVR*Atzed Snberepodad on page 308. Revenues for Revenues for .Revsi Transition: Transaction GR1dACA GRIiACA tine Costs and Costs and Take-or-Pay Take-or-pay Md ZsffiIeIpt Alfor Amount for Amount for Awnwr edwym Previous Year Cuflt Year . _______ (c) - •--. I r FFCORM NO 2i246 Page 302 I YRepot I Q(t ( OateR$ lflhuMain Gas C*ØV I I fl 1V 12012 Endof am" 3 CrR in d*ed hyth usethSs mn dI*IMh1. 4 "mom: 101-111 I'llm "Wow Une No. Aà$w Mm.. ArUntfr Amount for Amount for Awowto Qumdyw Prs Yea previomyear CUITent Year Puear 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 1$ 17 19 21 22 .-,.,--.- 23....... 24 II T11PI1 Page M I I H • • ___ ___ Ili -J EM - a -ii a El a EMS a EM E3 -= 17*,. FtFORM Nci2 (NEW iofl Paw 313 I- I-- I, _I I-- '--'1 I N FORM NO. 2t12.96 Pae 317 PRM NO. 2 f42-96 pan* 319 1I11II - _1 1 _ i-u I - I 1 tno of Respondefli is it is: Yea*e. intermountain 0 [ Ead of2Qiz OAS Operation aw Awwot • ! Amount for Amount for Current Year Previous year 195 o&a nta 62 7* Hbnpro* Well Drilling 01 0 - 83 - & • J__J• .. 79T AbdOndis W 0 0 198 OthEq** o a 55: .::: sopmentçroIofIios61 thru84) 5 yExpenses 7 Oçecau 68 v NUatWelOurases 0 '9 1 N*tur*tG sWJIjPurthases fntracompany Transfers 0 0 O B0't tUrtGa F1a14 Lj.Ptiiases 0 0 71 802 Natural Cpas 0 0 72 3 Nu$aT U*pu 0 L I- FERC RM P4GL 2112-96) Paae 320 This Report Is'.. Daté:CI..:... soune Gas Company 01% 'LQR (11 End of Z12/ 1 Gas opeofl d ; e*{conftnue Account Amount for Amount for NO Current Year Previous Year (a) b} (c lis nance 18 be Maintenance Suor and Engineering 6 Ill 831 MaIntenance a(Stna-Liras and Improvements6 0 lIlt 832 Maintenance offtowOrs and Wells 9 0 19 833 MaIntenance of Lines . 8 20 WOW11611INIMot Compres or Station Equipment 0 121 835 Majeeeof Stalnquipment 0 836 of Pi; E*pIItSITt I> 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equipm6t I;JiC jTC)TAL Maintenance (FOtalOf tines 11 t"ru 123) 01 125 St TOTAL Underiw.1d orje E :b (TOI of lines 114 and 124) 01 0 126 B. Other Slora9s expenses 127 Operation 8 840 Operation Supervision and Eteee*1r 129 841 OperatonLabor and Eiee 11U43 10 842Rents . O.. 131 842.1 Fuel 4521 185,002 132:1 8422 Pewer 67098 64 33 8424Gas40ses 8 , 0 134 TOTAL Op(04T,taI of 18*, lJthru 133) 470$1 6021 135 Maintenance - 36 .. 843.1 Maintenance Su and Engineenng 39*' . 0 137 8432 Maintenance of Structures 44,423 44,340 138 843.3 MaIntenance of Gas HoP 0 0 139 .4 t ed Puri •InM 4AW I 1,19 140 -- 84 ....... Ma1'- 01 Liquefathon Equtt 44440 197,904 41 . . . -----.----------.-...-.-.--.- 843 6MaIn Vaponzing Eqiupment 1T 46*4L 47531 47 8437 Maintenanceof Compressor Equipment *440 *43 843.8 Maintenance of Measuring end Regulating Equipment 0 0 144 843.9 Maintenance of OthgtEqsjtnen .t *267 14.830 145 TOTAL Mainted1Ce (Total Sl im $36 thru 144 771O 3*253 toW -- U ••1 9OO274 FORM NO. 2 M-9611 Pane 32i J1 - •1 1 - ERC FORM NO 2(12-98) page 322 e•ondent Ift ftwiv Date :*! Intmointaui Gas Company nonII Resubmission ° - Gas Operation andi EXpenSeOnthUS Une AN00for Amo*'*r No. Cu*tYeai *e*TSIr b) : - --.. rM 34-PFJN$ Jig ..• .-. IN 850 OperatIon Ntbn *d Engineering 336 457 ii.. a& ii..- 3411 82 - mmurn Sys%m E*lIs ... ..... JfL.f 7Z7 - feMn kAr ,4 41L lQg 0 o 0 74,45 - a o 0 a - a o a 0 . 0 18 148210 0 o - 0 133,752 73,078 o o o 180,990 180 o 314,742 263184 OtAol f U725t -0 0 0 o 0 FM NO 2 (t2) Page 323 I I .o .R:*t HarneRi T• . •T• • :j: I - Gas Q 1 - - of__ I Line Accunt MICs4ft for U No. elmayear Prv1øus ydar, (a) (b) (c) $74 W"%rdft*ftERJWW am Wd RVWWog8ta1on ftqaOAqenersl 43991 i42OV4 I rio $16 a dfeg VngSMon *IIdU$rt 'al a 0 11 81? Me3suig d ReguIa94g Saø* Eens.s4*G*s Check Station 0 0 1 878 Metnd tsReilM$eS 33 ,20U83 I 8 fl* I 88 Eents Z3M14 227" it. 1 TThLonofI$thru215) 129243 1176C I SupefvErneerm9 2*950 18 886 Mawenance of*funes arni 1movement _____________ I 066.6?2 0 Mn1Men*OfMflS 1,19T5313 I '21 — 888 --r 925 0 889 Ma* manceofMasunng ** i3145 I I sn Eq*m3aI 45$ 891 Man aflcootM and Reg Stot Eqmp-(*y Gate Check Station 0 0 I 2& - 26 892.M1ntenanafSandces £68986 89 832 476.415 898 Ma1flnance of sand House yuiators 474013 Z71 894 MàiancaOfieEqment 0 0 I nes2*thiv2 _____________ z 29 V LU EenSe* $* of hnet 216 ätd 228) i&a7821O 14845O&4 FEW FORM NO, 2 326 ' I 14OW—of Respondent This Report i (t [AriOUai ateF..t (Mo*Y} Year! InIm*ain Gas Company $sion 12/311212 End of 2O14 Ga 1. :tb€jJ otC rUiIflg ft year ounts 810, ft aid 81Z I po chINmadee apProPat ope -otheraccu41y kmn(c)1he ft ow - w -- *t!las 809offt NakI Gas Una AaMA ARMuf1tof AMAMW AwAof No asUei Credit .:. 0th (indoars) (d) !_ 10 uflb f*-Gdit 3 4 . • ftotoww" Po" OR ~Ow 7 21 • ________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _-u-— - I I I I I -I 2412 Page 331 IJ II FERC FO $ø 2(12-96) pap 3S2: :o No. 2(12-96) Page 334 I I ti 12. •••,. eItnr EbLJ :FORM00.2(12-96) Paqe •3 PERCFORMNO2(i2-96) Page 336 -I I ffa: :"7rl rLOIVTIFFE,13~~ EERFORMNO2(i296) Page 338 I FERC FORM NO 2(124) Page 340 Name of Respondent '.ROort Is: Date of Ropott YearJPft IntermountainCas Company (]M Otigina pA smision (MO, Oa, Yr) 1/20 End of 2O124 offnon E$(AC!t21 I RepC.l of wmwyawmwn expens icigd4ut1U* anent year m lavbs y arsbá1g anutzed) relattng to formal cases beffiN _____ orSeS b a 2 wereasqessed by a gulato body orware owise ned byte utlPt _ -. Line flC(or mission Msessedby Expenses number, and a Regulato Ot O!lecase) Commission Utility •Yr - (a) (b) . (r) (d) (a) I Idaho Public Utlihes Comm annual fee 631,267 --w 'r-i•. -, I tfi t V.. . 10 11 12 13 14 '15 18 17 18 20 22. 25 Total 631,267 I RCFM NOV. 2'i2) Paa. • I DOSU ftffts consntse on I IwINa ps Lii t **MW 5. c.aw• I 6 -I 1 E.iii Boom kAdW WON mope "TW. I : Cowin *ftTO *Te Amount EndfT DVK"W AOMOOL Apo" IM-3 A*nt I - 4 lz I •-..____ ____ ____ ____ .. ____ _____ 16 I I 2t.. 12" ...... ......................... I.•••: FERt FORM NO 2 (1296) Page 361 NnwofRespondein TbisRe rtls: DateoThp Year/Period of nountainGas j 2O4 Employee Pe*)* dflts (cflt9 1. Roit below the items contained i n Account 928, Employee Pensions and Seneft. I I Lino Expense Amount - LM i----- 4",271 8 S i - 279 10 sGsnt I SerG 80 uufotr - .- OID I -- I I .. . FERC. FORM: NO.2 OIEW 141J pap 30 . - øRi4E T. .V VV [fr••• I Mema! I I CIbHt*wi S1IaFS.ndWagQS I C -aWI$ManIRIMm IPWdIL so, rM i1ø*bed bbrU 1 b woo .. 75OtThOZ etc. . V . p_ sod I tJi OirectPa by cm : • Total .: • Disbufion . a) I • . . I $ . I J I -S'- V •VV 5 - M w4 Rioli 0 ,00. V .V.VV 3 - _ I M.!!VVVV V VVVV VVV . . . . . . ......... . ......... .. . . . !V1L _*,V I •tVVL. Vt•VVVVJV 16 rAt Mncet hieSt2lhIU t5J I 19 s4*nd13 TAUfland 1Thcu 24) 1 I 1os LW d(fiIiated) companies shouki be exck4ed from this schedule and berexted on Page 358, • spondent This Report Isc Date of Yeariperiod lnVhountain Gas Company DA!1. 2012134 (AttlUatedjC 1.Report befl*tm to more than $250OO(L 2.$m i &a::d ; .:bO goXts an servk*samouthng to $250000ortess. on an albcation pmss, explain In a footnote the basjotthel...: Mod* AMW DesciiplIon of the.Gøod or SeMce Name of Mandated/Affiliated Company eftwor (Or Cmdbd N) (b) 8 9 10 - F __ $ 2 ______________ I I I EERC FM 2 (NEW 12-07) Page 368 This page intentionally left blank. Nan Oispondeflt This Report t: Date Vear/PerodófRap Intern Gas Company I R b*The slactim wwftwwfva. avow" Nowlietift III I 111111 6".049ft, *60W W "amp OF. -1 sit" Z staNens amu pduca tta dkNn M ownership S in acm* nane rx*isç ii of tespood and pna Number of _____ unds PbntCst No. StOtIOr (b) (c) (d) 2 Transmission Compressor StI: 3 *i Compressor Station • - - FERC FORM MM (REV 127) Page 508 609 aø (Loi AU) ZON $Q4.OL I or AI . .. 9L1. wo IOU Id i$PP . ON Swaim JIOL dWO 0*IIO3 I iourl pqØp Wo thes: O1PSdAh rn sq i • L: . I Jo pu I - I UkJUeN 0. • * ____________________1•1 I ' T11 lfIiTlI KE Kai III iliL - an an to 1 - cm 1L im - Ex ER EN Em iI -- UL - I Isom Ni.otWespondent Thts R !t 1* Dafè Ye/Perkd flI IfltOuflain Gas Company )12 End of I 1 R tysJe 1 llad M. of B*trlI55IDfl system cip*ted itatuCdof year sa 'Jc &i*psje E a kne or Was 140.01 0- aq:Oftn thereof t lb ___ * Uni Of IuupofLiies No, (a) (c) 1 T'.pi 27400 r I iT ___________ ___ 15 3.1 II •_.. . . "m Mom Na2i246j Page 614 L 'iIt.[J • in MR an ILl ____ E11UUIT .T Ev®rm, WIN LL flUiIII[III1IIIL_ MR EAR -'°'---• 4 ... — — L aaMc I*.naa -- ii*ua • -. zLmIJ r — -- 1fluIlliJIIPL - - - ...Hr:.JUti :1 1l - --- — — - —.------. fliof Respondent TW fort Js: Date Vear!PeOf:po *tsrmountain Gas Company J h End of IyP*iIgcil tIoMbm eba pe*demands on the s(ørage protect, hquefIed peetnfl gas Febivaty I of the heang se ther-e$ter.wthism $ allft t Cost of anyplant used josfly wsti an facility ftb**lLi*e 12 of Urufonn System of Accounts. um Jof Type of Ddhft ___ ____ Line facility d*s) TV i 10 WNW I 00 - gas B T.tWTT' --. 1 I I I I FMC H 196 Page 519 I Name of Respondent - - Inteimountain Gas Ci1juun I 1 Eisi ii Ddii I I Wt*. aitl • • wuIII1w • • ______ for - I - Line 'L I Name of S 2 I(3ASCEIVE0 I 5 EGaOieRec*,edforT 6 I 1 Gas14øsRec.Iv.d1orC ! jGasoIOIhersReceivedtP 10 4GasRcaivedaslntaances I 12 jGWthdra*onlSI 13 1GasR.kedfrom$ I !4 ..1ReCdT0m 16 ToI(To ctJ; 17 cuvER I 20 jpsast#Ct I !flJ1O D*Ibted1 Con 23 IGolheisDelvemdforP 24I C I I GDredas1*$ 26 ID. of 6 Othask 2 IOUaGsDevdto I 29 jte and Gas M Ij:.M1ec: tetbe Re Fet *Arnowd tern (FeRCFewrtd 212A Wb Bit, EncAøtoDth (a) fb) I •. . •. F--- IF- - Page $20 1 âxIthWiihN frk&èi&6 bVA' ,.-- ..--.- -. .,.,-...-'•'•'4 ..— ..• . .- —•—---., • I I ?-iWiThL rTW J11cWM*I - 3 .brni*d MI r i'.- . 5 M*fl l t kcdtim - --- I I I Ecdi* ii 'A Roto $UPPUEØ GAS 3M0 14 PhJE52O • • I • • Gai MV! . . . .. ..... ... I • • • • Is MSUROTDWVERESA$DADVO1HER pfl PAGE • • 19. • • - • • • • •• 21 • le x • ASLOSTMW W1Ac$fTED FOR 32P 52O I __ __ __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • :• ........... I.,. - - -- ---- ------- I 5 __________ ... ......... ... .. ....... . ....... ... FFRC POW Nov ? I4(REVlSO211) _ . E-• I - n IIILU4'~. air Li 751 :i -- - EX ill Ex - Lai -- C Nfl fa r This (1) -9-4 m1v ::: .. • :•.• 'F .::..:: . SSód r to Qti . ... ms. • . HE - ' L'ct7 _- nit Th flCff it M %b ,. .. .. :........... 4 AW ON . - . . . . . l_. . .. ..... _ , I Month2 * Ih2 Item D;o4diC*a vd-ø-4Re Reiu1$eR* 1 - (a) Oth% 1 PAGESZO) I I ft I I__ _ • • . •:.::::ii:;.:: - :: 1 : i . . I .. . .. - i ........ . . . : . * ...w. *suFaRoflDatwsA$D PAGEF 16 t? ONN 18 gk 1 GU9dF t MSLWOFoRE*pAGE* iftalm * $ 1o*tAndUM*IedFor ________ _______ _______ ____ FER.iO. 2 t3O.(.VISEDO24Ii) •• - DI wlr- 13 I cl IH g r' -- I iifl?i - I I I —I I 1 •1 __ - -. -. U - w,t &LA.. Elli I t. I - I - --.---I _ I I I I. Il Lum __ J111 Emil -- I ttit fl24f P'rn I VoDthN I -- -- z. LW - -- - c FOR* P4O2?$ORE,.EDO24t} Page 521c-M1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w rw1w II%J £ i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N Wli -. -- IL - ERO FOJ:NMI 1 30 (REVISED 0211) Pà90 $21ç03 - - - - - - - - - - - mm - - mm mm 06f RespOftdoOt 0 PJLØ I!CHUM FEUHORN iiLEY BELLEVUE fr4 ST. *XTH014Y BASALT Ini : This page intentionally left blank. I