HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009Annual Report.pdf... . Item 1:00 An Initial (Original) . ... . .. Submission.. . i................................. . Form 2 ApPrQved . OMS No; 1902..0028 . (Expires 6/301011) Form 3-:Approved ' OMEl NO,1902-0205 (Explres,1131f2012) THIS FILING IS . . OR 0 Resubmission No; _ FERCFINANCIALREPORT F.ERC FORM No. 2: Annual Re.portof Major Natural Gas Companies and SLlpplemental Form3-Q: Quarteriy Financial Report X-Nt'-(5 co.. .. Thes reort are mandatory under the Natural Gas Act, Secton10(a), and 16 and 18 CFR Part 260.1 and260.300.Failure to repo may result in crminal fines. tivil penalties, and other sancions as provied by law, The Fedral Energy Regulatory . Commission does not consider these report to be of a confential nature. Exact Legàl Name of Respondent (Company) !ntermountain Gas Company .. QUARTERLY/ANNUAL REPORT OF MAJOR NATURAL GAS COMPANIES.......................................... FERC FORM NO. 2/3Q (02..04) Page 1 IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact legal Name of Respondent Year/Period of Report Intermuntain Gas Company End of 2oo9J 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (If name changed during year) 04 Address of Printipal Ofce at End of Year (Stret, CIy, State, Zip Code) 555 S. Cole Rd Boise, 10 83709 05 Name of Contact Person 06 TIle of Contat Persn Sco Madison VP .. Controller & CAO 07 Addres of Contact Person (Steet, City, Stae, Zip Code) 555 S. Cole Rd Boise, 10 83709 08 Telephone of Contact Peron, Including Area Code This Report Is:iODate of Report (1)OOAn Original (Mo,Da, Yr)208-n-e105 (2)OA Resubmission 121112009 ANNUAL CORPORATE OFFICER CERTFICATION The undersigned offcer certifis that: I hav examined this report and to the best of my knowldge, informaton, and belief all statements of fact contained in this report are corrct statents of the business affirs of the repondent and the financial statements, and other financial information contained in this report conform in all matl respec to the Unifrm System of Accunts. G , J 11 Name ). ~V 12 Title Sco Madison .VP - Contoller & CAO 13 Signature .~.. IIJ~J- 14 Date Signed-/I Title 18, U.S.C. i'B01, makes It a crme for any person knowingly and willngiyto make to any Agency or Deartent of the United Sttes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements as to any matter within Its juridiction. FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 2 ................'............................ Name of Respondent This~rtIS:Date of Rep.0rt YearlPerlod of Repoi1 Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) FiA Rebmlslon 121112009 End of 2009/04 Ust of Schedules (Natural Gas Company) Enter in column (d) the tenns "none: "not applicable," or "NA" as appropriae, whre no infonnation or amounts have been reprtd for certin pages. Omit pages where the reponses are "none," "not applicable," or "NA." Tit of Scule Referenc Date Revis Rema Une Page No. No.(a)(b)(e)(d) GENERAL CORPOTE INFORTION AND FINCIAL STATEMENTS 1 Genl Informti 101 2 Con Ov Respoden 102 3 Corpti Con by Resden 103 4 Seority Holders and Voting Poers 107 5 Importnt Changes During the Year 108 6 Compar Balanc Sheet 110-113 7 Siant of Income for the Yea 114-116 8 Stteent of Accmulated Comprensi Incme an Heding Acit 117 9 State of Retain Eamlngs for th Year 118-119 10 Stents of Cash Flo 120-121 11 Not to Final St 122 BALANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (As and Ot Deit) 12 Sumar of Uti Plnt and Accmu Prviio fo Depr, Amon. an Deti 200201 13 Ga Plant in Serv 204-209 14 Gas Prope and Capaci Le frm Otrs 212 15 Ga Prpe and caac lea to Ot 213 16 Gas Plant Held for Futre Use 214 17 Conscl Work in Proie 216 18 Non-Traitnal Ra TrentAffrd New Proje 217 19 Ge Deption of Co Overhead Prore 218 20 Accmulate Provi for Deprfln of Gas Uti Plnt 219 21 Ga Stre 220 22 Inves 222-223 23 Invent in Subsiary Companies 224-225 24 Prepayments 230 25 Exordinar Prope Loss 230 26 Unieer Plat and Regulatory St Co 230 27 Oth Regulary Asts 232 28 MIllaneous Deferr Debits 233 29 Accmulat Deferr Income Taxes 234-235 BANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (Liabilites and Oter Cre) 30 Capi St 250-251 31 Capil St Subsaibed, Capital Stock Llabirit for Conversion, Prium on Capil Stck and Insllmts Recived on Capitl Stock 252 "" 32 Oter Paid.in Capil 253 ," , 33 Disnt on Capitl St 254 34 Capital Sb: Expe 254 35 Secriies isd or Asume and Seri Refudèd or Retired During th Year 255 36 Long.Term Debt 25-257 37 Unamorze Debt Exense, Prum, and Diunt on Long.Term Debt 258-259 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07) Name of Respondent .Thls~rtIS:Date of Report YearlPeri of Repor1 Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) End of 200/04(2) OA Resubmisslon 121112009 List of Schedules (Natural Gaa Company) (continued) Enter In column (d) the terms "none," "not applicable," or "NAn as appropriate, where no Infoation or amounts have been reported for certin pages. Omit pages where the responses are "none," "not applicable," or "NA." Tl rI Scule Refe Date Revi Remark Line Page No. No.(a)(b)(c)(d) 38 Unamo Lo and Gain on Reacquire Det 260 39 Reocill of Report Net inco wi Taxbl Inc fo Fedra Inco Taxes 261 40 Taxes Acc, Prepaid, and Chiged Duri Year 262-263 41 Millane Cumint an Acced Uabili 268 42 Oter Defe Cr 269 43 Accmulate Defene Inc Taxes-er Pr 274-275 44 Accmulate Deen Inco Taxer 276.277 45 Olher Regula Llabl/es 278 INCOM ACCOUNT SUPPOTING SCHEDULES 46 Monthly Qunti & Revenue Data by Rate SCule 299 47 Ga Opng Revenue 3()301 48 Revenues frm Transpoti of Gas of Oter Through Galhng Fac 302.303 49 Reveue fr Transportn of Gas of Oth Through Transmssion Faclit 30305 50 Revenues frm Strae Ga of Oter 306-7 51 Olher Gas Revenues 308 52 Disunte Rate Se and Negoti Rat Seivic 313 53 Gas OpeUon and Maintenance Expese 317-325 54 Excnge and Imbalance Transacl 328 55 Gas Use in Utiit Opeti 331 56 Transis and Comprn of Ga by 0I 332 57 Othr Gas Supply Expense 33 58 Misclas General ExpeesGa 335 59 Depreon, Depletin, and Amorzaon of Ga Plant 338 60 Partlars Concing Certn Income Deduc and Intere Chaies Accunts 34 COMMON SECTiON 61 Reulatory Commin Expense 35351 62 Employe Pensions and Benfi (Accnt 926)352 63 Dlsbibutin of Salaries and Wages 354-355 64 Chaies fo Oue Professnal and OIr Coulttie 8e 357 65 Trasa wi Assote (Affliate) Copanies 358 GAS PLANT STATISTICAL DATA 66 Compr Staons 508-509 67 Gas St Project 512-513 68 Transmission Lines 514 69 Transmissio Systm Peak Deliveries 518 70 Auxi Peking Facilites 519 71 Gas Act-Natura Gas 520 72 Shipper Suppied Ga for th Curnt Quart 521 73 System Map 522 74 Foo Refre 551 75 Fooot Tex 552 76 Stoholder's Report (chec appropriate bo) o Four copies win be submitted o No annual report to stolders is prepare Page 3 .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company. . 1. Proe na and ti of ofl having cu of th generl corpra bo of acnt and addr of off whre the generl Cll8e boks are kept and addre of of . where any oter corate books of accunt ar ke if difnt frm tht where the gen corprate bo are kept. · Scott Madison . Vice Preident- Controller and CAO................. . 4. Sta Ui clases of utlit and othr seNfce fumishe by repondent during the year in ea State In whi the rent oprated. . The respondent is a public utilty dedicate to providing high quality service through purcase, distrbuion, transportation and sale of natural gas to . residential, commercal and industrial customers through out Southern Idaho......... . 5. Have you engaged as the pricipal accntant to audit your fiancial steme an accntnt wh Is not the pricipal accuntnt fo your previs yeats cert lIanclal . sttements?...... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) This ~ort Is: (1) l.An Original (2) FiA Resubmlsslon Genera Infrmaton Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 Year/Perid of Reporl Endof ~ 2. Provi th name of the State undr the la of whic repondent is Inra an date of incrprati. If incrpte under a spal la. giv referenc to such la. If no inæd, sta that fact and giv th tye of oianlzti and the date oiganiz. Stae of Idaho - October 12, 1950 3. if at an time during th year the prpe of repoen was hel by a re or trst, give (a) name of rer or tr. (b) da such re or trst tok poson, (c) the auor by which the reivrship or trp wa aete, and (d) date whe po by reiv or tr ce. Not applicable (1) 0 Yes,.. Enter the date when such Independent accountant was initally engaged: (2) ~ No Page 101 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 102 ............................................ Name of Respondent Thia~rtls:Dateof~ort YearlPeriod of Report Inteountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo,Da, r) (2) Fi A Resubmison 1211/200 End of 20004 Conol OVer Repondent 1. Report In column (a) the names of all corporations, parterships, business trusts, and similar organiztions that direcy, Indirectly, or jointly held control (see page 103 for definition of control) over th respondent at the end of the year. If control Is In a holding company organiztion, report In a footnote the chain of organizaion. 2. If control Is held by trstes, state In a fotnote the nams of trustees, the names of benefçlars for whom the trt Is maintained, and the purpe of the trst. 3. In column (b) designate type of control over th respondent. Report an "M" If the company Is the main parent or controlling company having ultmate control over the respondent. oter, repor a "0" for direc, an "I" for indirect, or a "J" for joint control. Une Company Name Type of Control State of Percent Voting No.Incorporation Stock Owned (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 Prairi Intermountain Energy HoldIng (PIEH), LLC 0 DE 100.00 2 MDU Energy Capital, lLC (MDUED)I DE 100.00 3 MDU Resourcs Group, Inc. (MDUR)M DE 100.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report YearlPeriod of Report Intrmountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (M, Da, Yr) (2) riA Resubmission 121112009 End of 2009ta Corporaons Contrlled by Respondent 1. Report below the names of all corations, business truts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or indirecy by respondent at any time during the year. If control ceased prior to end of year, give partculars (details) In a footnote. 2. If contr was by other means than a direc holding of voting rights, state In a footnote the manner in which contrl was held, naming any intermediaries involved. 3. If contrl was hel~ jointly with one or more other interests, stte the fact in a fotnote and name the other interests. 4. In column (b) designate tye of contrl of the respondent as "0" for dire, an "I" for indirect, or a "J" for joint control.--. -- DEFINITIONS 1. See the Uniform System of Accunt for a defnition of cotrol. 2. Dire control is that which is exercsed without interpositon of an intermediary. 3. Indirect control Is that which is exercised by the Interpsitn of an Intermediary that exercses direct control. 4. Joint control is that In which neither interest can effecively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting contrl Is equally divided betwen tw holders, or each part holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or undersanding between tw or moe partes who together have control within the meaning of the deniton of contrl in the Uniform System of Accunts, regardless of the relatie voting rights of each part. Line Name of Company Controlled Type of Control Kind of Business Percnt Voting Fooot No.Stoc Owed Reference (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 NONE Not used 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Page 103 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12~96)Page 107 ............................................ Name of Respondent This~rtIS:Date of Report YearlPeri of Repon Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Orinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmission 1211/200 End of 2009104 security Holders and Votng Powrs 1. Give the names and addresses of the 10 secri holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholde of the respondent, prior to the end of the year, had the highest voting powers In the respondent, and state the number of votes that each could cast on that date If a meeting were held. If any such holder held in trust, give In a footnote the known partculars of the trust (whether voting trust, etc.), duration of trst, and principal holders of benefary interests in the trust. If the company did not close the stock book or did not compile a list of stockholders within one year prior to the end of the year, or if since it compiled the previous list of stocholder, some other class of se has become vested with voting rights, then show.such 10 securi holders as of the close of the year. Arnge the names of th security holders In the order of voting por, commen~ng with the highest. Show In Column (a) the titles of offcers and direcor Included In such list of 10 security holders. 2. If any securit oter than stoc cames voting rights, explain In a supplemental statement how such securit became vested with voting rights and give other importnt details conceing the vong rights of such secri. Stte whether voting rights are actual or contngent; If contingent, describe th contingency. 3. If any class or issue of security has any specl prileges in the election of directors, trstees or managers, or In the determination of corporate action by any method, explain briefly In a footnote. 4. Furnish details concerning any options, warrnts, or rights outstanding at the end of the year for others to purchase securites of the respondent or any secrities or other assets owned by the respondent, including prices, expiration dates, and other material information relating to exrcise of the options, warrnts, or rights. Specify the amount of such securities or assets any offcer, director, associated company, or any of the 10 largest secri holders Is entitled to purchase. This Instructon Is inapplicable to convertble securities or to any securities substantially all of which are outstanding In the hands of the general public where the options, warrnts, 1. Giv date of the latest closing of the stoc 2. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general 3. Give the date and place of book prior to end of year, and, In a fotnoe, state meting prior to the end of year for election ofdireors of the such meeting: the purpse of such Closing:repondent and numbe of such votes cast by prox. Tot: By Pro VOTING SECURITIES 4. Number of votes as of (date): line Name (Tit) and Address of Total Votes Common Stock Preferr Stock Other No.Securi Holder (al (b)(c)Cd)(el 5 TOTAL vo of all voting se 1,513,060 1,513,060 6 TOTAL numbe of sel' ho 1 1 7 TOTAL votes of secl' holdlS li be 1,513,06 1,513,06 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ............................................ Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Peri of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Intermuntain Gas Company (2) A Resubmission 1211/2009 2004 ImpOrtnt Changes During tt. Quart.ar Give detils concerning the mattrs indicate below. Make the statements explitit and prese, and number them In accordnce with the inquiries. Answer each inquiry. Enter "none" or "not applicable" where applicable. If th answr is given elsewhere in the report, refer to the schedule in which it appears. 1. Changes In and importnt additions to franchise rights: Desce the actual consideration and state from whom the frchise right were acquired. If the frnchis rights were acquired wihout the payment of consideration, state that fact 2. Acquisition of owership In other companies by rerganiztion, merger, or consolidation with other companies: Give nam of copanies invoived, particulars concerning the trnsactions, name of the Commtssion authoriing the transaction, and ~fere to Commission authorition. 3. Purchase or sale of an operating unit or system: Briefly descbe the propert, and the relate transactions, and cite Comission authorition, if any was reuire. Give date joumal entries calle for by Unifrm System of Accounts were submited to the Commission. 4. Importnt leaseholds (other than leaseholds for natural gas lands) that have been acquired or given, assigned or surrdere: Giv efeciv dates, lengths of terms, names of partes, rets, and other conditions. State name of Commission autoring lease and give reerenc to such authorition. 5. Importnt extension or reduction of transmission or distributon system: State terrory added or relinquished and date operations bean or cese and cie Commission authorition, if any wa require. State also the approximate number of customers added or lost and approximate annual reenues of each class of servce. Each natural gas copany must also stae major new continuing sourc of gas made available to it fr purcas, development, purcase contract or otherwise, givng location and approximate total gas volumes available, period of contrcts, and other parties to any such arrngements, etc. 6. Obligations Incurred or assumed by respondent as guarantor for the performance by another of any agrement or obligtin, including ordinary commercial paper maturing on demand or not later than one year afer date of Issue: State on behalf of whm the obligation was assumed and amount of the obligation. Cite Commission authoriatn if any was require. 7. Changes In artices of incorporation or amendments to chartr: Expialn th nature and purpose of such changes or amendments. 8. State the estimated annual effct and nature of any impoant wage scale changes during the year. 9. State briefy the status of any matrially Importnt leal proedings pending at the end of the year, and th reults of any such prodings culminated during the year. 10. Descr briefly any materially Importnt transactons of the respondent not disclosed elsehere In this report in whic an offcer, direor, securi holcr, voting trstee, assocated company or kno\W assocte of any of these persons was a part or In which any such persn had a material interest. 11. Estimated incrase or decrease in annual revenues caused by important rate changes: Stte efve date and approate amount of incrase or decrease for each revenue classification. State the number of customers affcted. 12. Describe fully any changes In offcers, directors, major security holders and voting poers of the respondent that may have ocurr during the reporting period. 13. In the event that the repondent partcipates In a cash management proram(s) and It propritary capitl ratio Is les than 30 percnt piease describe the signifint events or trnsactions causing the propritar capitl ratio to be less than 30 percent, and th exent to which the respondent has amounts loaned or money advance to its parent, subsidiary, or affliated companies through a cash management program(s). Additionally, pleas describe plans, if any to reain at least a 30 percent proprietary ratio. 1. None 2.0n October 1,2008, the MDU Energy Capita, LLC ("Company") acuid Intermounta The aggregate purchase price of Intermountai was approxitely $328 millon, includig $240 millon of cash, $86 millon of- outstadig indebtedness and other working capital adjustments. Based on the Company's allocation of Interounta's purchase price, approxiately $175 millon was allocated to goodwill. The Intermounta acquisition was accounted for as purchase business combinations. For valuation purses, fair value of a reguated business is generaly inteipreted to be rate base and thus falls under regulatory accountig. Therefore, upon consumation of the trasaction, Intermountain's assets and liabilties that ar par of rate base retaed their pre-acquisition value and any difference from the purhase price wa accounted for as goodwill, which is not included in rate base. A memoradum of uncerstanding related to ths aquisition was agreed to by the Idao Public Utilities Commssion and the Company. 3. None 4. None S. None 6. None 7. None 8. Not sigificant 9. None I FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) 108.1 I FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)108,2 ............................................ Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) Intermountain Gas Company (2) A Resubmlsslon 12111209 209/04 Imøortnt Chana.. Durlna th QuartlYear 10.N/A 11. Revenue decreased $72,429,000 due to Puchased Ga Adjustment. 12. New direcors: David L. Goodin, Terry D. Hildestad, Paul K. Sandness, Doran N. Schwart 13. N/A .Date of ReP.rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 1211/2009 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2009/Q4 . Name of Respondent . Intermountain Gas Company · Line . No.. . 1 . 2 . : . 5 . 6 . 7. 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 22 . 23 . 24.25 . 26 27 . 28.29.30 31.32 . 33.34.35 41.42.43... . FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-04) This ~ort Is: (1) leAn Original (2) A Resubmisslon ComparaUve Balance Sheet (Asset and oter Debits) Tl of Accunt Reference' Currnt Year End of Page Number QuarterlYear Balance (c) (a)(b) Prir Year End Balance 1211 (d) UTLITY PLAT Utilit Plant (101-106, 114) Constrcton Wor In Progress (107) TOTAL Utilit Plant (Total of lines 2 and 3) (less)Accm. Prvision for Depr., Amort., Depl. (108,111,115) Net Utlit Plant (Total of line 4 less 5) Nuciear Fuel (120.1 thru 120.4, and 120.6) (Less) Accum. Provision for Amort, of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies (120.5) Nuclear Fuel (Total of line 7 less 8) Net Utlity Plant (Total of lines 6 and 9) Utilty Plant Adjustmnts (116) Gas Store-Base Gas (117.1) System Balancing Gas (117.2) Gas Store in Reservoirs and Pipelines-Noncurrnt (117.3) Gas Owd to Sysem Gas (117.4) OTHER PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS Nonutili Propert (121) (Less) Acm. Prvision for Depreation and Amortiztion (122) Investments in Associated Companies (123) Investmnts in Subsidiary Companies (123.1) (For Cost of Account 123.1 See Footnote Page 224, line 40) Noncurrnt Porton of Allowances Other Investment (124) Sinking Funds (125) Depretiatlon Fund (126) Amorttion Fund - Federal (127) Other Special Funds (128) Long-Term Portn of Deriative Assets (175) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Assets - Hedges (176) TOTAL Other Property and Investments (Total of lines 17-20, 22-29) CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS Cash (131) Spetal Deposit (132-134) Working Funds (135) Temporary Cash Investment (136) Notes Recivable (141) Custmer Accounts Receivable (142) Other Accunts Receivable (143) (Less) Accum. Provision for Uncollectible Accunts - Creit (144) Notes Recivable fro Associated Companies (145) Accounts Receivable from Assotiatd Companies (146) Fuel Stock (151) Fuel Sto Expenses Undistributed (152) 200-201 200-201 200-201 122 220 220 220 220 222-223 224-225 222-22 431,50,286 7,031,69 438,535,985 241,34,385 197,189,600 o o o 197,189,600 o o o o o 421,938,151 680,487 422,618,638 228,758,888 193,859,750 o o o 193,859,750 1,465,945 o o o o 3,081 3,081 o o 3,081 3,081 o o o o o o o o o o o o 21,300 o o o o o o 21,~00-- - ~ -~- ----- r - -- - - 0 0 0 0 2,670 4,750 222.223 1,215,476 1,262,487 0 61,130 18,880,480 1,851,659) 8,469,821 136,617 1,23,589 972,616 0 0 556,94 5,328) 0 0 0 0 110Page FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-()Page 111 .........i.:.1....'.............................. Name of Respondent This 'r0rt Is:Date of Rep'ort YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Ga Company (1) An Orginal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Reubmislon 121112009 End of 2009/04 Comparae Balance Shet (Asts and Oter Debl)(contlnue) line TIle of Accunt Refrenc Currnt Year End of Prir Year No.Pag Number QuarterlYear Balance End Balance (c)1211 (a)(b)(d) 44 Reslcuals (E1e) and Extct Prouct (Gas) (153)0 0 45 Plant Materials and Operang Supplies (154)1,818,070 2,169,178 46 MerchaOOise (155)0 0 47 Other Materials and Supplies (156)0 0 48 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (157)0 0 49 Allowances (158.1 and 158.2)0 0 50 (less) Noncurrnt Portion of Allowances 0 0 51 Stores Expnse Undistribute (163)0 0 52 Gas Stored UOOerground-Curint (164.1)220 0 0 53 Liquefid Natural Gas Store and Helc for Prossing (164.2 thru 164.3)220 5,58,06 3,861,825 54 Prepayments (165)230 588,123 977,063 55 Advances for Gas (166 thru 167 0 0 56 Interest and Dividends Receivable (171)0 0 57 Rents Receivable (172)0 0 58 Acced Utilty Revenues (173)0 0 59 Miscellaneous Current and Accru Assets (174)0 0 60 Deriative Instrument Asse (175)0 0 61 (les) Long.Ten Portion of Detiv Instrument Asts (175)0 0 62 Derivative Instrument As. Hedges (176)0 0 63 (less) Long-Term Porton of Deritive Instment Asts - He (176)0 0 64 TOTAL Currnt and Accred Assets (Total of lines 32 thru 63)35,879,06 5,643,447 65 DEFERRED DEBITS 66 Unamortized Debt Expense (181)39,120 93,756 67 Exordinary Propert Loss (182.1)230 0 0 68 Unrevere Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (182.2)230 0 0 69 Other Regulatory Asets (182.3),232 0 0 70 Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges (Eleric)(183)0 0 71 Preliminary Survy aOO Investigation Charges (Gas)(183.1 aOO 183.2)0 0 72 Clearing Acunts (184)0 0 73 Temporary Facilities (185)0 0 74 Miscllaneous Deferr Debit (186)233 36,614,374 24,626,516 75 Deferre Losses from Disposition of Utlity Plant (187)0 0 76 Resarch, Development, and Demonstration ExOO. (188)0 0 77 Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt (189)629,321 719,591 78 Accumulated Deferrd Income Taxes (190)234-235 0 0 79 Unrecovere Purchased Gas Costs (191)(20,751,341 )0 80 TOTAL Deerre Debit (Total of lines 66 thru 79)16,531,474 25,439,863 81 TOTAL Asts and Oter Debits (Total of lines 10-15,30,64,aOO 60)249,600,139 226,430,305 .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company. . Line . No.. . 1 . 2 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . ~ . 9 . 10 . 11 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 17 . 18 . 19.20 . 21 31............ : FERC FOR NO.2 (R.06-Ð) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 12131/2Ò09 This ~ort Is: (1) ~An Original (2) A Resubmisslon Comparative Balance Sheet (liabilities and Oter Credits) Ti of Accunt Reference Page Number Currnt Year End of QuartrlYear Balance(a)(b) PROPRIETARY CAPITAL Common Stoc Issued (201) Prerr Stoc Issued (204) Capitl Stock Subscried (202, 205) Stock Liability for Conersion (203, 206) Preium on Capital Stock (207) Oter Paid-In Capital (208211) Instllments Receiv on Capital Stock (212) (Less) Discount on Capital Stock (213) (Les) Capitl Stock Exnse (214) Retained Eamlngs (215, 215.1, 216) Unapproprite UOOistted Subsidiary Eamings (216.1) (Less) Reacquired Capital Stock (217) Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (219) TOTAL Proprietary Caital (Total of lines 2 thru 14) . LONG TERM DEBT Bonds (221) (Less) Reacquire Bonds (222) Advance frm Assotated Companies (223) Oter long-Term Debt (224) Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt (225) (Less) Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt-Dr (226) (Less) Currnt Portion of Long-Term Debt TOTAL Long-Term Debt (Total ofilnes 17 thru 23)' OTHER NONCURRT LIABILITIES Obligations Under Caitl LeaseNoncurrnt (227) Accumulate Proion for Propert Insurance (228.1) Accmulated Provision for Injuris aOO Daages (228.2) Accumulatd Provision for Pensions and Benefls (228.3) Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions (228.4) Accumulate Provision for Rate Refunds (229) 250251 250-251 252 252 252 253 252 254 254 118-119 118-119 250251 117 1,513,060 o o o 18,703,150 183,541 o o 1,077,741 60,336,286 o o o 79,65,296 Year/Period of Report End of ~ Prior Year End Balance 12/1 (d) 1,513,06 o o o 15,703,150 183,541 o o 1,077,741 55,062,659 o o o 71,384,669 Page 112 256257 256257 256257 256-257 258-259 258259 42,181,819 o o o o o o 42,181,819 47,454,54 o o o o o o 47,454,546-~- r--- I o o o 2,059,951 o o o o o 7,819,364 o o FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-()Page 113 .......!.j .1 .1 .!.! e..1............................... Name of Respondnt Thls~rtIS:Date of Re~ort Year/Period of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) nA Resubmlsslon 121112009 EOOof ~ Comparae Balan Shet (LIabilites and Ot Crelt)(conue Une TIle of Acunt Refence Curnt Year Prior Year No.Page Number End of End Balance QuarterlYear 1211 (a)(b)Balance (d) 32 long- Term Porion of Deriati Instrment libilties 0 0 33 long- Term Portion of Derivativ Instrment Uabllit - Heges 0 0 34 Asset Retirement Obligtions (230)0 0 35 TOTAL Oter Noncurrnt Uabllt (Total of line 26 thru 34)7,819,36 2,059,951 36 CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITES 37 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt 5,272,727 5,272,727 38 Notes Payable (231)10,300,00 42,000,00 39 Accunts Payable (232)41,991,904 26,473,910 40 Note Payable to Associted Companies (23)0 0 41 Accunts Payable to Associated Companie (234)6,896,554 0 42 Customer Deposit (235)1,589,817 1,719,468 43 Taxs Accrued (236)262-263 5,389,427 (4,857,817) 44 Interest Accrued (237)988,077 172,492 45 Divdends Delared (238)2,000,00 0 46 Matured Long-Term Debt (239)0 0 47 Mature Interest (240)0 0 48 Tax Collections Payable (241)0 0 49 Miscellaneous Current and Acced liabilties (242)268 309,657 0 50 Obligations UOOer Capital Leases-urrnt (243)0 0 51 Deriative Instrment liabilities (244)0 0 52 (Less) long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Uabllties 0 0 53 Deriatie Instrment Liabilties - Hedges (245)0 0 54 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Deriative Instrment Liabilities - Hedges 0 0 55 TOTAL Current and Accred Uabilties (Total of lines 37 thru 54)74,738,163 70,780,780 56 DEFERRED CREDITS 57 Customer Advances for Constrction (252)4,985,239 4,852,302 58 Accumulated Derred Investment Tax Creits (255)4,822,799 6,839,0925 59 Deferre Galn~ from Disposition of Utilit Plant (256)0 0 60 Other Deferred Credit (253)269 9,924,492 8,116,721 61 Other Regulatory Liabilties (254)278 8,307,583 0 62 Unamortized Gain on Reacquire Debt (257)260 0 0 63 Accumulated Deferre Income Taxs - Acclerated Amortiztion (281)0 0 64 Accumulated Derrd Income Taxes - Other Property (282)23,882,484 21,053,974 65 Accumulated Deferre Income Tax - Oter (283)(6,720,100)(6,112,563) 66 TOTAL Deferr Credits (Total of lines 57 thru 65)45,202,497 34,750,359 67 TOTAL Liabilties and Other Credit (Total of lines 15,24,35,55,and 66)249,600,139 226,430,305 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-04) Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of ReP.rt YearlPeriod of Repor Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Ei A Resubmlsion 1211/2009 End of 2009/Q4 Stateent of Income Quarly 1. En In column (d) th balanc for the repong quartr and In column (e) th balanc for th same thre month peod for the pror year. 2. Reprt In colim (f) the quar to date amount fo ele utiit funcio; In column (h) the quartr to date amounts for ga utit, and In 0) the quartr to date amounts fo oter utity funcon for th curr yer quarter. 3. Report In con (g) the quartr to date amount for elec uUlit func; In coumn (Q th quaer to date amount for gas utilit. and In (k) the quart to date amount for othr utlit fuct fo the pri yer quart. 4, If adl columns are neeed place thm In a folnot. Annua or Quart, if appllceble 5. 00 not report fort quarter ~ In columns (e) and (f) 8. Rert amount fo acun 412 and 413, Revenues and Exnse from Utity Pla Lea to others, in aner utilit coumnln a simiar maner to a utlit depant. Spred the amount(s) over line 2 thiu 28 as appropte. Incude thes amount in coumns (c) and (ei totls, 7. Repo amount in acnt 414, Other Utlity Oprating Income, In th same maner as acnts 412 an 413 aboe. 8. Report daa for nnes 8, 10 and 11 for Natural Ga copanies using accunt 404.1, 40.2, 404.3, 407.1 and 407.2. 9. Us page 122 for Impont nos regarding th staement of Incme fo any acco thereof. 10, Give cocise exlanatis corning unse rate procng whre a coingenc exst such tht refund of a mat amount may ne to be made to the utilits custmers or whch may reslt In material rend to the utlit wi repect to por or gas purchass. Stte for ea year efec the gro revenues or cots to whic the contcy relates and th tax et tothr with an explanion of th major fars which alfee the right of th utlit to retain such reveue or rer amonts paid with resp to por or gas purcas. 11 Give cose exlaons concrning signif amunts of any rends made or receive during the yer reltng fr sent of ar ra proing affng revenue reed or costs incrr fo power or ga purch, and a summaiy of th adjustents mad to baance shee In. an expe acunt 12. If any nots appering In the repo to stokol are appliele to the Statem of Incoe, such no may be Included at pae 122. 13. Enr on page 122 a conis explanation of only th changs In accnting meods made during the year whic had an etr on ne Incoe, including th bais of alloons and apioment fr those used in th preceing year. Also, giv th approrite dollar ef of such changes. 14. Exlain In a fonote If the prvious year'quas liures ar diffrent frm th reprt In prior report. 15. If th coumns are Inslent fo reportng additonal utilit departents, suppl the appropri acunt tiles report th Infnnon in a fotnot to this scule. Tit d Accnt Re Tol Tol Cut Thre Pr Thre Pae Cu Year ti Pr Yea ti Da Mo En Mo En Nube Da Balan Baane Qu Only Quy On line (a) br QuarrlYear ii QilYea No FOU Qu No Fourt Qu No.(b)(c)(eI (e)(I) 1 UTI OPERATI INOME 2 Gas OpraUng Re (40 301 33,691,352,1X981 0 0 3 0p Ex 4 Op Ex (401)317-325 287,142 3067607 0 0 5 Maan Expees (402)317-3 2,94.9Z 2,76661 0 0 6 Deiati Ex (40)33 13.26,99 14,7,34 0 0 7 De Expese ror Ass Retire Cots (40.1)33 ~0 0 0 8 Amzati ai Dele d Utli Pt (40 338 54,78 4243 0 0 9 Amozati of UlDli Plt kA. Adt (40 3333 ~0 0 0 10 Amo of Pr Los, Unre Pl an Re. Study Co (40.1)~0 0 0 11 Amali of Coersio Exs (407.2)0 0 0 0 12 Reuial De (407.3)0 0 0 0 13 (Le) Re Cits (407.4)~0 0 0 14 Tax Oter than Inc Tax (408.1)26-26 11,912,55 11,75144 0 0 15 Inco TaxFedal (409.1).26.26 5,48,2 4,06 0 0 16 Inc Taxr (40.1)26-26 77,2 (51,04 0 0 17 Proion of Deferr Incme Tax (410.1)23235 6.325,22 27,76,207 0 0 18 (Les) Provi br Deferr Inc Taxit (411.1)23235 6.927.52~21,79,022 0 0 19 Inves Tax Creit Adjustmnt-Net (411.4)(4,489 (181,27)0 0 20 (Les) Gains fn Dispoit of UUIIl Plan (411.6)(0 0 0 21 Losse frm Dipotion ofUtilily Plan (411.7)(0 0 0 22 (Le) Gans fr Dispoiti of Alloances (411.8)(0 0 0 23 Lo fr Dispotion of Alce (411.9)C 0 0 0 24 Acon Exen (411,10)C 0 0 0 25 TOTAL Utilily Operating Expenses (Tot of line 4lfru 24)32.973,194 335.33 102 0 0 26 Net Ullll Oprang Inco (Tot of line 2 le 25 (Ca foar ti pa 116, line 27 14,718,38 16.66879 0 0 ,¡ Page 114 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-()Page 115 ............................................ Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of Report YearlPeriod of Report Intrmountain Gas Company'(1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) FiA Resubmlsslo 121311209 Endof ~ Statement of Income Elec. Utility Elec. Utilit Gas Utlit Gas Utlit Oter Utlit Oter Utiity Currnt Preious Currnt Preus Currnt Previous Year to Date Year to Date Year to Date Year to Date Year to Date Year to Date line (In dollarsJ (In dollars)(In dollars)(in dollars)(In dollar)No.(g)(h)(I (In dollars)(k)(n 0) 2 0 0 335,691,578 352,00,981 0 0 : 0 0 287,142,222 300,675,607 0 0 5 0 0 2,94,92 2,760,661 0 0 6 0 0 13,264,995 14,367,34 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 54,789 42,437 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 11,912,553 11,752,144 0 0 15 0 0 5,485,29 4,06 0 0 16 0 0 776,208 (51,046)0 0 17 0 0 6,325,23 27,765).7 0 0 18 0 0 6,927,524 21,797,022 0 0 19 0 0 (4,489)(181,2 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 32,97,194 335,338,102 0 0 26 0 0 14,718,384 16,662,879 0 0 . .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company... . line . No. . ~~ . 29 30 . 31 . 32 33 . 34 . 35 36 . 37.38 39.40 . 41 42.43 . :: .46.47 48.49.~.52.53 54.55.~ .58.59 60.61.62 63.64.65 66.67.68 69.70.71 72.73.74 75.76.~. : FERC FORM NO.2 (R 06) YearlPeriod of Report . End of 2009/04 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 This ~ort Is: (1) . ~An Original (2) A Resubrnislon Statement of Income(contlnued)Re TotPag Cint V.. toNumb Da Bat fo Quai.. (c) PiTh MoU1 End Qi Ony No Fo Qi (f TI of Accunt Curr ThrMo En Qu Only No Foll Qir (e) Tot Pr V.. to DalBafo Qi.. (eI(8)(b) oNe Ulill Operang In (Ca foai Ii pae 114) OTER INCOME AN DEDNS 0l Incme Noutil Operag Inc Reue fo Meanisng, JoIng ir Colr Wor (415) (Le) COLS and Expe of Meandisng, Jo & Contrac Wo (416) Reues fn Noutlt Ope (417) (l) Exes II Noullil Opni (417.1) Nong Reta Inc (418) Equity In Eaing of Subs Copaie (41a.l) Int and Divien Inc (419) Allo fo OUier Fun Us Dung Ca (419,1) Mislans Nonong Inc (421) Gan OI Dipoll of Pro (421.1) TOTAl Oth Inco (Tot offine 31 Uiiu 40 0U Inc Deucns Lo OI DIpoti of Pr (421.2) Misclan Amoat (42 Dons (426.1) Uf Insura (426.2 PenalU8 (426.3) Extu fo Qin CIic P~ an Re Acvl1es (426.4) OUer DeUo (42.5) TOTAl Othr Inco De (Tot ofln 43 Uiiu 49) ax Ap. to OUl Inc an Deii Tax Ot th Inco Tax (402) In TaxesFede (40.2) Inc Taxes.Qlher (40.2) Prisio lir Derr Inco Tax (410.2) (l) Pris fo Defed Inco TaxesCi (411.2) Invnt Tax Ci AdjuNe (411.5) (l) Invtmt Tax Creils (420 TOTAL Taxes on OUr inc an Deuctis (Tota of fine 52-5) Net 0I Inc and De (Tota of lines 41, 50, 59) INREST CHAES Interet on longTer De (42 Amortzaon of De Di. an Ex (42 Amoll of lo OI Reacuire De (4281) (Le) AmrtUOI of Prum on De-clt (42 (Less) Amrton of Gain OI Reacuir Debtlt (42.1) Interet on Debt to Assocat Compa (43) OUr Intere Expense (431) (l) Allo fo Borred Funds Use During Consllred (432) Net Intet Charg (T ola of tine 62 thiu 69) Inc Bef Exna Item (Tota of line '1,00 and 70) EXRDIN IT Exrdinar Inc (43 (less) Extraordnary Deuc (435) Net Exordinar Its (Tot of line 73 le li 74) Income Taxesedra and 0I (409,3) Exaoinar Items afer Tax (Tot of tine 75 le line 76) Net Inc (Total of lines 71 an 77 16,66 o14718I i I iI II I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 184)0 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 0 36731 0 0 0 0 0 12.65 0 0 0 0 0 49,85 0 0I i I i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 194,23 o 3,751 2682 10,712 23,52 34 41, 80,34 I I I 0 0 0 (6248)0 0 (1,99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,45)0 0 121,20)0 0 4,19485 0 0 43,709 0 0 72.216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 319,60 1,58490 0 0 52,78 9,118 0 0 4,09,09 5,88147 0 0 10,470,51 10,653522 0 0 26.26 262-263 262-263 23235 23235 25259 25259 340 34 I i I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26-263 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,70,51 10,653,52 0 0 Page 116 FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 06-02)Page 117 ............................................ Name of Respondent This (lort Is:Date of Rep.ort Year/Period of Report Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (M, Da, Yr)End of 2009104 (2) ¡=A Resubmisslon 12111200 Statement of Accumulat Comorehenslve Income and Hedalna Actiities 1. Report In columns (b) (c) and (e) the amounts of accumulated other comprehensive Income Items, on a net-o-ta basis, where appropriate. 2. Report in columns (I) and (g) the amounts of oter cateries of other cash flow hedes. 3. For each category of hedges that have been accunte for as "fIr value hedges", report the accunts affd and the related amounts In a footte. Unreliz Gain Minimum Pensi Forign Cur Ol Line and Loes on libililt Adjubn Hedes Adjuslmnl No.It avilabfr-6 (ne amunt)serl (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Balanc of Accnt 219 at Beinnbi of Pr Yea 2 Pring QuartrN ear to Da Recicns fr Acnt 219 to Net Income 3 Preing QuartrNear to Da Chaes in Fair Value 4 Tolal (Bes 2 and 3) 5 Bala of Accnt 219 at End of Preing OurNear 6 Balance of Accnt 219 at Beinning of Curr Yea 7 Curnt QuarterN ear to Da Recns fr Acnt 219 to Net Income 8 Currnt Quar ea to Da Changes In Fai Vale 9 Tot (Dnes 7 and 8) 10 Bance of Acct 219 at En of Cur QurtrlYear Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 Year/Period of Report End of 2009/04 (Q (g) Totals fo eac category of Itms reided In Acxunt 219 (h) Ne Inc (Cani Forward fr Page 116, lie 78) (I Totl Compreense Incme OlerCas Flo Hedes Intest Ralø Swaps OlhrCash Fl Hedes (Insrt caory) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 06-02).Page 117a UNAPPROPRIATED REAINED EARNING 1 BalaceBeinning of Peri 2 Changes (Identify by prebe retain eamlng accunts) 3 Adjutmnts to Ret EaIngs (Accnt 43) 4 TOTAL Creit to Retane Eamng (Acunt 43) (fo de) 5 TOT At Debit to Retine Earings (Accnt 43 (fo deil) 6 Balan Transf fr Incoe (Acc 43 le Ac 418.1) 7 Apprili of Retned Eamin (Accunt 436) 8 TOTAL Apprpritis of Retaed Eamins (Accnt 43) (fotnte deta) 9 Dividends DelarePrefed Sto (Accunt 437) 10 TOTAl Dividends Decre-Prefe St (Accunt 437) (footnte detail) 11 Dividends Dec-Conv Sto Accunt 438) 12 TOTAL Dividend Demon St (Accnt 43) (fo de) 13 Transfe from Acct 216.1, Unappro Undisbul SUry Eamin 14 Bacend of Peri (Tota of lines 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 13) 15 APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Accunt 215) 16 TOTAL Approprate Retined Eamin (Accunt 215) (fo detOs) 17 APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGs-MORTIZTlON RESERVE, FEDERAL (Accnt 18 TOTAL Appropriate Retined Eaming.Amorl Reseiv, Federl (Acnt 19 TOTAL Appropriate Reta Eamlngs (Accunt 215, 215.1) (Tot of lin 20 TOTAL Retaine Eamings (Accnt 215,215.1,216) (Total 01 Ones 14 and 1 21 UNAPPROPRIATED UNDISTRIBUTED SUBSIDIARY EANINGS (Accnt 216.1) Reprt only on an Annual Basis no Quartrl 22 BalanceBeginnin of Yea (Debit or Creit) 23 Equit in Eamings fo Year (Credit) (Accnt 418.1) 24 (Less) Dividends Reived (Debit) 25 Oter Changes (Explain) 26 Balancend of Year 4,66,133 236.023 10,470,517 10,65,522 ............................................ Namé of Respondent Intermountin Gas Company Date of ReP.rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPerlod of Report EOO of 2oo9/Q4 This ~ort Is: (1) IlAn Original (2) A Resubmission Sta of Retaine Eamlnga 1. Reprt all ch!1 in apprte reine eamings, unppro rein eamin, and unaprte unisbu subsiary earnings fo the year. 2. Each ciit and debit during the yearshold be Idenll as to the retane eamk1 accnt In whic reed (Acnt 43, 439Incuslv~ Show the co prmary accunt aff in column (b). 3. State th purpe and amont ro each rerv or approli of re earns. 4. List flt Acunt 439, Adjus to Reted earn, ie ad ti th op balanc of re eains. Follo by aeit thn debi itms, In lht order. 5. Sho dividends fo each clas an serl of capi slD (a)(b) Currnt Qur Year to Dat Balance (e) Pre Quart Year to Date Bala (d) line No. Item Cont PrmaryAct Aff __--~--~---_.._----- I----~- FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-04)Page 118-119 .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company......... . 1 . 2 . : . 5 . 6 . ~ . 9 . 10 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 19 . 20 . 21.22 31.32.33.: .36.37 38.39.. : FERC FORM NO.2 (R ß6i Cate of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 Year/Period of Report End of 20/04 This~rtls: (1) I!An Original (2) A Reubmlsslon Stament of Cash Flow (1) Codes to be use:(a) Net Proceeds or Payients;(b)Bonds, debentures aOO oter long-term debt; (c) Include commercial paper; and (d) Identfy separately such Itms as Investment, fid assets, Intangibles, etc. (2) Information about noncah Investing and financing activits must be provied in the Notes to the Financal statements. Also proid a renciiation betwen "Cash aOO Cash Equivalents at End of Perid" with related amounts on the Balance Sheet. (3) Oprating Activities. Other: Incude gains and losses pertining to operating acviies only. Gains and losse pertaining to invesing and financing activies should be rerted in those activities. Show in the Notes to the Flnancals the amounts of Interet paid (ne of amount capitaliz) aOO income tax paid. (4) Investing Activiies: Include at Other (line 25) net cash outow to acquire other companies. Provide a reconciation of assets acquired with liabilities assumed In the Notes to the Financial Statements. Do not Incude on this statement the dollar amount of leases caital per the USofA General Instruction 20; instead provide a renciliation of th dollar amount of leases capitliz with the plant cost. Line Description (See Instruction's for exlanation of cos) No. (a) Current Year to Date OuarterlYear Previous Year to Date OuartlYear Net Cash RaN fr Op AcUUe Net Inco (line 78(c) on pae 116) Nonc Chrges (Crell) ID Inme: Dereian and Depl Amon of (Spe) (ftn dells) Deerrd Incme Taxes (NeO Invsbnent Tax Cret Adjustnl (NeQ Net (Incrse) Dese In Recable Net (Irie) D8aln InvlDiy Net (Incrase) Dese In Allo InvenlDiy Net Incrase (De) in Payable and Aced Ex Net (Incrse) Dec in Oter Regulato Asset Net Ince (Decr) in Ot Regulato LlabiDties (les) Alloanc il OUer Fund Used During ConslJclon (Less) Undlsbut Earin fr SUbsidlaiy Copaies OUer (fooote dells): Net Cash Proidd by (Use in) Operag Acl (Tota of Lines 2 thru 16) 13,435,709 15,110,169 (602,301)5,968,000 (4,489)181,297) .c 8,393,318)11,675,510 (863,972)2,332,298 38,774,58 15,535,840) 2,577,949) Cash Flow frm Invent Actitis: Contrct and Acquistion of Plnt Qncluding land): Gro Additons ID Utlit Plant (l nuclear fueO Gro Additons to Nuclear Fuel Gro Addits to Como Uti Plant Gro Additns ID Nonublit Plant (Less) Allonce il OUer Fund Us Durig ConslJcton Oter (fooote det): Cash OuUls for Plant (Tota of line 2211ru 27) ( 16,393,654)( 19,121,121) 19,121,121) Acuisn of Other Noncurnt Asset (d) Pros frm Dissal of Noncurrnt Asels (d)140,695 291,860 Investmls in and Advance to Assc. and Subsidlaiy Companie Contrbuons and Adance fr Asoc. and Subsldlaiy Compaie Disposiion of Invels in (and Adnce to) Associat and Subsiaiy Comnies Purchase of Investmnt Securi (a) Proeds frm Sales of Investmnt seuries (a)21,500 Page 120 Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112009 YearlPerlod of Report End of 2oo9lQ4 ............................................ Line No. This~rtls: (1) ~An Oriinal (2) A Reubmlsslon Stament of Cash Flow (contnued Decrptin (se Instructions fo explanation of code) (a) Current Year to Date QuarterlYear Previous Year to Date QuarterlYear 40 Lo Made or Purcha 41 Coll on Loa 42 43 Net (Incre) De il Recivbl 44 Net (Incrse) De in Inventory 45 Net (Incr) Deas in Alkance Hel fo Speti 46 Net Inae (Deas) In Payable and Acced Exnse 47 Oter (foote detil): 48 Net Cash Proed by (Use In) In Ac: 49 (Tota of rin 28 thiu 47) 50 51 Cash Fl frm Financi Actit: 52 Proces frm Issuance of. 53 Long-Ter Debt (b) . 54 Preferr stk 55 Common stk 56 Oter (folnte detaOs): 57 Net Inae In Sho-t Det (e) 58 Oter (folnte detils): 59 Cah Pred by Outse Sorces (Totl of lines 53 thiu 58) 60 61 Paymls for Retmen of: 62 Long-Ter Debt (b) 63 Preferr Sto 64 Con St 65 Oter (fote details): 66 Net Dec in Shit Ter Det (e) 67 68 Divdends on Prerrd Stk 69 Didends on Common Stock 70 Net Cash Provided by (Use il) FÙlancing Actit 71 (Totai of lies 59 th 69) 72 73 Net lna (Decas) in Cah and cash Equivale 74 (Total of lie 18, 49 and 71) 75 76 Cah and Cas Equialen at Beinning of Perod n 78 Cas and Cash Equivalets at End of Perod, 472,727) 3,000,000 3,000,000 472,727) I-~~~ iI ' 31,472,727) 7,625,000)7,50,000) FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 06-04)Page 120a ............................................ Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) ~ An Original -(Mo, Da, Yr) Intermountain Gas Company C2) A Resubmission 1211/2009 2009/04 Not to Financial Statements 1. Provide importnt disclosures regarding the Balance Sheet, Statement of Incme for the Year, Statement of Retained Earnings for the Year, and Statement of Cash Flow, or any accunt thereof. Clasif the disclosures accrding to each fiancial statement, proing a subheading for eah statement except where a disclosure is applicable to more than one statement. The disclosures must be on the same subject matters and in the same level of detil that would be reuired If the respondent isued general purp financial statements to the public or shareholders. 2. Furnish details as to any signifcant contingent assets or liabilites exsting at year end, and brifl explain any action Initiated by the Intemal Revenue service Involvng posible asssment of additional Income taxes of material amount, or a claim for refund of income taxes of a material amount initiated by the utilit. Als, brief explain any divdends In arrears on cumulativ preferred stock. 3. Fumish details on the respondent's pension plans, post-retirement benefits other than pensions (PBOP) plans, and pot-employment benet plans as reuired by Instruction no. 1 and, in addition, disclos for each IOOivdual plan the currnt year's cash contributions. Fumish details on the accounting for the plans and any changes In the method of accunting for them. Include details on the accounting for transiion obligations 0 asts, gains or losss, the amounts deferrd and the expected recovery periods. Alo, disose any currnt year's plan or trust curtilments, terinations, transfrs, or revrsions of assets. Entities that partcipate in multiemloyer postretirement benefit plans (e.g. parent company sponsored pension plans) discse In addition to the required disclosures for the cosolidated plan, (1) the amount of cot reconized in the respndent's financial statements for each plan for the period presente, and (2) the basis for deterining the respondent's share of the total pl costs. 4. Fumlsh details on the respondent's asst retirement obligations (ARO) as reuire by instructn no. 1 and, In addition, disclos the amounts revered through rates to sette such obligations. Ident any mechanism or accunt in which revered funds are being placed (I.e. trust funds, insurance policies, surety bonds). Fumish details on the accunting for the asset retirement obligations and any changes In the measurement or method of accunting for the obrigations. Include detaiis on the accunting for settement of the obligations and any gains or losses expected or inrre on the settlement. 5. Provide a list of all environmental credits reciv during the reportg period. 6. Provide a summary of revnues and expnses for each tracked co and spetial surcharge. 7. Where Account 189, Unamortzed Loss on Reacquire Debt, and 257, Unamorted Gain on Reacquire Debt, are not used, giv an exianatlon, providing the rate treatment given these Item. see Generai Instruction 17 of the Unifrm Sytem of Accunts. 8. Explain concisely any retained earnings restrictions aOO state the amount of retained eamings affected by such restons. 9. Disclse detils on any signifcant financal changes during the reportng year to the respondent or the respondent's consolidated group that direly affect the respondent's gas pipeline operations, i.ncludlng: sales, transfers or mergers of affliates, investments in new partnerships, sales of gas pipeline facilities or the sale of ownership Interests in the gas pipeline to limited partnerships, investment In related industries (I.e., prouction, gathering), major pipeline investments, acquisitions by the parent corpration(s), and distributions of capital. 10. Explain concisely unsettled rate proceedings where ~ contingency exists such that the company may need to refnd a material amount to the utiltys customers or that the utilit may receive a material refund wih respect to por or gas purchases. State for each year affeced the gros revenues or costs to whic the contingency relates aOO the ta eff and exlain the major factors that affect the rihts of the utilty to retain such revenues or to recover amount paid wi respect to powr and gas purchases. 11. Explain conciely signifcant amounts of any refunds made" or receivd during the year resultng frm settlement of any rate proeding affecting revenues received or cost Incurr for power or gaa purchases, and summarie the adjustment made to balance shet, Income, aOO exense accunts. 12. Explain conciely only thos signifnt changes In accounting methods made durig the year which had an effct on net Income, includin the basis of allocaions and apportionments from those use In the preceding year. Also give the approximate dollar eff of such changes. 13. For the 3Q disclosures, respondent must provie In the notes suffcient dissures so as to make the Interim Information not misleading. Diclosures which would substantially duplicate the disclosures contained In the most rent FERC Annual Report may be omited. 14. For the 3Q disclosures, the disclosures shall be provided where events subsequent to the end of the most recent year have occurrd which have a material effect on the repondent. Respondent must include in the notes slgnificnt changes since the most recently copleted year in such items as: accunting principles and practices; estimates inherent In the preparation of the finantial statements; status of long-term contract; capitaiization including significant new borrings or modifcations of existing financing agreements; and changes reulting frm business combinations or dispositions. However were material contingencies exist, the disclosure of such matters shall be provied even though a signifcant change since year end may not have ocurred, . 15. Finally, if the notes to the financial statements relating to the respoOOent appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are applicable and fumish the data required by the above instructions, such notes may be included herein. 3. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS The Company ha other posttiment benefit plan for cert eligible employees. The Company uses a meaurement date of December 31 for all of its postrtirement benefit plans. Effective Janua 1,2010, eligibilty to receive retiree medical benefits was modified at Intermountain. Cuent employees at Intermountain who attn age 55 with 10 years of contiuous servce by December 31, 2010, wi be provided the cuent retiee medical insurce benefits or can elect tle new benefit, if desired, regardless of when they retire. All other curnt employees must meet the new eligibilty critera of age 60 and 10 years of continuous service at the time they reti. These employees will be eligible for a specified company fuded Retiee Reimbursement Account. Employees at Intermounta hi afer December 31, 2009 will not be eligible for retiree medcal benefits. I FERC FORM NO. 213-0 (REV 12.07)122.1 Chage in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation at begig of yea Sece cost Interest cost Plan parcipants' contrbutons Amendments Actual (gai) loss Acquisiton Benefits paid Benefit obligation at end of ye Chage in net pla asse: Fair value of plan asset at begi of yea Actal gai (loss) on pla asets Employer contnDution Plan parcipants' contnDutons Acquisition Benefits paid Fai value of net pla asset at end of yea Funded st - under Amounts reogn in the Consolidated Balce Sheets at December 31: Oter liabilties (noncurent)$ (3,991) $ (3,991) $ (8,264 ) $ (8,264 ) ..,.......................................... Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, 08, Yr) Intermountain Gas Comøany I (2) A Resubmission 12111200 2009lQ4 Not to Financal Statets Chages in the benefit obligation and plan assets for the yea ended Decmber 31, 2009 and 2008, respetively and amounts reogned in the Consolidated Balance Sheet at Deember 31, 2009 and 2008, were as follows: Oter Posttient Benefits 2009 2008 (In thousands) $22,707 $12,272 468 116 1,375 882 482 404 (2,919) 1,668 379 9,872 (2,021)(1,218) 21,760 22,707 14,443 12,936 4,174 (5,625) 691 134 482 404 7,812 (2,021)(1,218) 17,769 14,443 $ (3,991)$(8,264) Net amount recognd Amounts recogn in reguatory asset (liabilties) consist of: Actuaral loss Pnor serce crt Total $12,373 (8,502) $ 3,871 $15,304 (8,355) $ 6,949 Employer contrbutions and benefits pad in the above table include only those amounts contrbuted ditly to, or paid diectly from, plan assets. Amounts recogned in reguatory assets (liabilties) in the above table are expcted to be reflected in rates chaged to customer over tie. Components of net perodic benefit cost for the other postretement benefit plan for the year ended December 31 were as follows: Other Postrtiement Benefits 2009 2008 I FERC FORM NO. 213.0 (REV 12-07)122,2 ....... . Components of net perio~c benefit cost Servce cost . Interest cost Expected retu on assets . Amorttion of pror s.erce credit . Recognzed net actal loss Net perodic beefit cos . Other chages in pla assets and benefit . obligaons recogn in reguator asets (liabilties): . Net loss (gain) . Pror servce crt Amortaton of actual loss . Amortzaon of prior servce crdit . Tota reognze in regutory assets (liilties) Tota reognized in net perodic benefit cost and . regulatory assets (labilties).......................... Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Perioc of Report (1) ~ An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) Intermountain Gas Company I (2) A Resubmlssion 1211/2009 2Q0/Q4 Note. to Financial Statement (In thousands) $ 468 1,375 (88) (2,772) 1,309 (504) $116 882 (1,025) (2,772) 812 0,987) (1,622)7,029 (2,919) (1,39)(812) 2,772 2,772 (3,078)8,989 $(3,52)$ 7,002 The estimated net loss and prior servce credt for the other postretirement benefit plans tht will be amortzed from reguatory assets (liabilties) into net periodic benefit cost in 2010 are $1.0 millon and $3.1 millon, respectively. Weighted avere assumptions used to determne benefit obligations at December 31 were as follows: Other Postretiement Benefits 2009 2008 Discount rate 5.75%6.25% Weighted average assumptions used to determe net perodic benefit cost for the yeas ended December 31 were as follows: Other Posttiement Benefits2009 2008 Discount rate Expected retu on plan assets 6.25% 7.73% 6.60% 7.70% The expected rate of retu on plan assets is based on the tageted asset allocation of 70 percent equity securties and 30 percent fixed-income securties and the expected rate of retu from these asset categories. The expected ret on plan assets for other postrtiment benefits reflects insuce-related investment costs. Health care rate assuptions for the Company's other postretiment benefit plan as of December 31 were as follows: 2009 2008 Health care trnd rate assumed for next yea I FERC FORM NO. 213-Q (REV 12-07) 8.50% 122.3 8.00/0-9.0% Effect on total of service an interst cost components Effect on postetirement benefit obligation $120 $1,818 $(97) $(1,457) ............................................ Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Intermountain Gas Company (2) A Resubmlssion 12111200 20Q4 Notes to Financial Stamen Heath care cost trend rate - ultiate Yea in which ultite trnd rate achieved 5.0% 2017 5.0% 2014-2017 The Company's other posttiment benefit plan include heath ca benefits for cer employees. The plan underlying these benefits may require contrbutons by the employee depending on such employee's age and year of service at retirement or the date of retiement. The accountig for the heath care plan anticipates futue cost-sharg changes that are consistt with the Company's expressed intet to generay increase retiee contrbutions each year by the excess of the expected heath cae cost trnd rate over 6 percent. Assued health cae cost trnd rates may have a signficant effect on the amounts rerted for the heath car plan. A one percentae point chage in the assumed health care cost trnd rates would have had the followig effects at December 31, 2009: 1 Percentge 1 Percntae Point Incr Point Decreas (In thousands) The Compay's other posttirment assets are maged by one outide investent maner. The Company's investment policy with respect to other postetirement assets is to mae investents solely in the interest of the parcipants and beneficiaes of th plan and for the exclusive purose of providing benefits accrued and defryig the reaonable expnss of ac,strtion. The Compay strves to maita investment diverification to assist in miming the risk of lare losses. The Company's policy gudelies allow for investment of fuds in cas equivalents, fixed-income securties and equity securties. The gudelines prohibit investment in commodities and futue contrcts, equity private placement, employer securties, leveraged or derivative securties, options, dict real estte investments, precious metas, ventu capita and limited parerships. The gudelines also prohibit short selling and margi trsactons. The Companýs pratice is to periodically review and rebalance asset categories based on its tageted asset alocation percentage policy. The Company does not expect to contrbute to its. defied benefit penion plan in 2010. The Company expcts to contrbute approxitely $1.3 millon to its postetiment benefit plan in 2010. 2010 2011 2012 2013 The followig benefit payments, which reflect futue serce, as appropriate, are expeed to be paid: Other PostretiementYear Benefits (In thousands) $1,524 1,590 1,671 1,749 I FERC FORM NO. 213-Q (RV 12.07)122.4 ...... . 2014 . . 2015.20.19.................................... Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) Intermountain Gas Company 1(2) . A Resubmission 12111200 200/Q4 Note to Financial Statement 1,790 9,030 I FERC FORM NO. 21.Q (REV 12-07)122,5 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 200 ............................................ Name OJ ~esponaeß1 Inis~ßls: tt~~ g~~~~ß yearlPenoa Of Repon Intrmountain Gas Company (1) X An Oriinal (2) ¡= A Resubmisslon 1211/2009 End of 2010 Summary of Utility Plant and Accumulated Provisions for Depriaton, Amortzaton and Depletion line Item Totl Company No.(a)For the CUrrent QuarterlYear 1 UTILITY PlAT 2 In Servce 3 Plant in Service (Classifed)431,50,286 4 Propert Under Capital leass 5 Plant Purchased or Sold 6 Completed Constrction nol Clasifed 7 Experimental Plant Uncassifed 8 TOTAL Utlit Plant (Total of lines 3 thru 7)431,504,286 9 leased to Others 10 Held for Future Use 11 Construction Work in Prores 7,031,699 12 Acquisition Adjustments 13 TOTAL Utilit Plant (Total of lines 8 thru 12)43,535,985 14 Accumulated Provisions for Depreciation, Amorization, & Depletion 240,50~,1 03 15 Net Utiit Plant (Total of lines 13 and 14)198,027,882 16 DETAIL OF ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION 17 In Service: 18 Depretiatlon 19 Amorttion and Depleion of Proucing Natral Gas land and Land Rights 20 Amortiztion of UOOerground Storage land and land Rights 838,282 21 Amortizion of Other Utilit Plant 22 TOTAL In Serice (Total of lines 18 thru 21)838,282 23 Leased to Others 24 Depreciation 25 Amortation and Depletion 26 TOTAL Leased to Others (Total of lines 24 and 25) 27 Held for Future Use 28 Depreciation 29 Amortizion 30 TOTAL Held for Future Use (Total of lines 28 and 29) 31 Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) 32 Amortization of Plant Acquisition Adjustment 33 TOTAL Accum. Proisions (Should agree with line 14 above)(Total of lines 22,26, 30. 31, and 32)838,282 .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company.. . line . No... . 3 . 4 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 17 . 18 . 19 25.26.27.: .30.3 .~........... : FERC FORM NO.2 (12..96) This ~rt Is: Date of Report (1) IlAn Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 121112009 End of 200/04 Summary of Utllty Plant and Accumulate ProviIons for DeprecIation, Amorttion and Depltion (continued) YearlPeriod of Report Electric (c) Gas (d) Oter (speif) (e) Common (f)I Ii -~--~~ e____~ I 431,504,286 431,50,286 7,031,699 438,535,985 240,50,103 198,027,882 -- - ----- - ---- -- --- - Page 201 1 INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 301 Organization 3 30 Franchis and Consents 4 303 Miscellaneous Intaib Plant 5 TOTAL Intangible Plant (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4) 6 PRODUCTION PLANT 7 Natural Gas Production aOO Gathering Piant 8 325.1 Producing lands 9 325.2 Producing Leaeholds 10 325.3 Gas Rights 11 325.4 Rights-Way 12 325.5 Other Land and Land Rights 13 326 Gas Well Structures 14 327 Field Compressor Staton Strcture 15 328 Field Measuring and Regulatig Station Equipment 16 329 Other Structure 17 33 Proucing Gas WellsWell Constructon 18 331 Proucing Gas Wells-Well Equipment 19 332 Fieid lines 20 33 Field Compressor Station Equipment 21 33 Field Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 22 33 Drillng and Clening Equipment 23 33 Purification Equipment 24 337 Other Equipment 25 33 Unsuccsful Exploran and Development Costs 26 339 Aset Retirement Costs for Natural Gas Production and 27 TOTAL Proucton and Gathering Plant (Entr Totl of lines 8 28 PRODUCTS EXCTION PLAT 29 340 Land and LaOO Rights 30 341 Structures and Improvements 31 342 Extraction and Refining Equipment 32 343 Pipe lines 33 344 Extracted Product Storage Equipment 2,50 429,487 84,84 1,276,842 178,776 178,776 ............................................ s ~rt s: (1) ~An Oriinal (2) A Resubmisslon Gas Plant In Service (Account 101,102,103, and 106) 1. Report belo the original co of gas plant In serv accrding to the prebe accounts. 2. In addition to Accunt 101, Gas Plant In Serv (Classifed), this page and the next Include Account 102, Gas Plant Purcased or Sold, Account 103, Exprimental Gas Plant Unclssif, and Accunt 106, Comple Constrct Not Clssif-Gas. 3. Include In column (c) and (d), as approprte corrions of addits and rereents fo th currnt or preing year. 4. Enclos in parenthesis crit adjustments of plant accunts to Indicte th negativ effct of such accunts. 5. Clasif Accunt 108 accrding to pre accunts, on an . estimate basis If neceary; and Include th entries In column (c).Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversls of tentative distributions of prior year reported In column (b). likewie, if the respoOOent has a signifcant amount of plant retiments which have not ben classifed to primary accunts at the end of the year, Include In column (d) a tentative diSrlbutlon of such retirements, on an estimated basis, with appropriate contr entry to the account for accumulated deprcition provision. Include also In column (d) reversls of tentative distrbutions of prior year's unclassifie retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the accunt distributions of these tentative classifictions in columns (c) and (d),Accunt Balanc at Beinning of Year b End of 2009/04 line No. Aditions a ~ ---~~~ ~ - -~---~ I ~~ I r- ~--~ I - ---~- --- FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 204 .Name of Respondent . Intermountain Gas Company........ . Une No...... . 8 . 190 . 11 . 12 13 . 14 . 15 16 . 17.18 19.20.21 22.23.24 25.26.27 28.29.~ .32.33........ . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96). This ~rt Is: Date of Report (1) IlAn Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmlsslon 121112009 Gas Plant In Serice (Accounts 101, 102, 103, and 108) (conUnued) Including the reversals of the prior years tentative accunt distrbutions of thes amunts. Careful observnce of the above Instructons and the tex of Accunt 101 and 106 will avoid serious omissions of respondent's reported amount for plant actally In service at end of year. 6. Show In column (f) reclassifcations or trnsfers wiin utilit plant accunt. Include also In column (f) the additons or reuctns of primary account clasifcaons arising from distribution of amounts Initally recordd In Accunt 102. In showng the clrance of Account 102, Include in coumn (e) the amounts wih respect to accumulated provision for depreation, acquisiton adjustents, etc., and show In column (f) only the offt to the debits or crdit to primary accunt clacation. 7. For Accunt 399, state the nature and use of plant Included In this accnt and if substntial In amount submit a supplementary statement showng subaccunt classifcation of such plant conforming to the reuirements of the pages. 8. For each amount compriing the report balance and changes In Account 102, state the propert purchase or sold, name of vendor or purchaser, and date of transacton. If proposed journal entries have been filed wi the Commission as reuire by the Unifrm System of Accunts, give date of such filing. YearlPriod of Report End of 20/04 Retirements Adjustment Transfrs Balance at EOO of Year () -~ 1-- i ---------~---¡-~~- -( ( 220) 220) 2,506 429,487 1,023,405 1,455,398 -- ~-- ---- -- i- -- -I II i Page 205 c ............................................ esponden Inteountain Gas Company ate epor (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmlsslon 1213112009 Gas Plant In Servce (Account 101, 102, 103, and 106) (cotinued)Accunt Balance at Beinning of Yeara b End of 2OQ4 Une No. Addltns 34 345 Compressor Equ~ment 35 346 Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment 36 347 Other Equipment ~ 34 Asset Retirement Cots for Produc Exracton Plant 38 TOTAL Proucts Extction Plant (Enter Totl of lines 29 thru 37) 39 TOTAL Natural Gas Producon Plant (Enter Totl of Une 27 and 40 Manufacture Gas Proudion Plant (Submit Supplementary 41 TOTAL Prouction Plant (Enter Total of lines 39 and 40) 42 NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT 43 Underground Storage Plant 44 350.1 land 45 350.2 Rlghts.of.Way 46 351 Structures and Improvements 47 352 Wells 48 352.1 Storage leaseholds and Rights 49 352.2 Reservirs 50 352.3 Non-rerable Natural Gas 51 353 lines 52 354 Compressr Station Equipment 53 355 Other Equipment 54 35 PurifICion Equipment 55 357 Other Equipment 56 35 Asset Retirement Costs for Underground Storage Plant 57 TOTAL UndergrouOO Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 44 thru 58 Other Storage Plant 59 360 Land and Land Rights 60 361 Structure and Improvements 61 362 Gas Holders 62 363 Puricaion Equipment 63 36.1 Liquefacton Equipment 64 363.2 Vaporing Equipment 65 363.3 Compressor Equipment 66 363.4 Measuring. and Regulating Equipment ~ 363.5 Other Equipment 68 363.6 Asset Retirement Costs for Other Storage Plant 69 TOT At Otr Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 58 thru 68) 70 Base load Liuefied Natural Gas Terminaling aOO Proessing Plant 71 364.1 Land and Land Rights 72 364.2 Structures and Improements 73 364.3 LNG Prossing Terminal Equipment 74 364.4 LNG Transporttin Equipment 75 364.5 Measuring and Regulatng Equipent 76 36,6 Compresor Station Equipment IT 364.7 Communications Equipment 78 36.8 Oter Equipment 79 364.9 Aset Retirement Costs for Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas 60 TOTAl Base Load Liquefied Natl Gas, Terminaling and -~-~ ---- ~ ~-~-- -- ~ ---- , ~ --~~- -- -- - r------~ - -~ i 292,588 2,031,213 256,685 3,691,562 1,356,238 964,656 83,782 2,014,931 1,626,354 404,288 61,803 51,595 1,115,374 13,154,719 1,547,35 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 206 .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company. · line . No. . 34 . 35 36 . 37 . 38 39 . 40 . 41 4 . 4 . ~ . 46. : . 49. : . 52 . = . 55 . 56 57 . 5. : . 61 62 . 63 . 64.: . 67 68 . 69 . 70.71 72.73.74 75.76 . ~~.79.80..... : FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-9) Retirements This '30rt Is: Date of Rep.ort (1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmlsslon 12131/2009 Gas Plant In Service (Accounts 101,102,103, and 108) (continued) Adjustments Transfers Year/Peri of Report End of ~ Balance at End of Year d e f) =- ~ _____ I _ ____ _ _ __ ___ _ r_____'-_____~_~______ , -- i J ¡- 292,588 2,287,898 3,691,562 (834,485)521,753 75,00 (15,000)1,709,438 2,014,931 840,782 2,871,424 113,398 30,000 8,703 1,094,On 105,000 14,597,06 Page 207 line No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 ~ 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 ............................................ s ~rtls: (1) ~An Oriinal (2) A Resubmlsslon 12131/2009 Gas Pla In Servce (Accounts 101, 102,103, and 108) (contnueAcunt Balance at Beginning of Year b FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) a TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of line 57, TRANSMISSION PLAN 365.1 Land and land Rights 365.2 Rights-Way 366 Structures aOO Improvements 367 Mains 36 Compresor Station Equipment 369 Measuring and Regulatng Station Equipment 370 Communication Equipment 371 Other Equipment 372 Asset Reirement Costs for Transmission Plant TOTAL Transmission Plant (El'er Totals of lines 83 thru 91) DISTRIBUTION PLANT 374 land and land Rights 375 Structure and Improvements 376 Mains 3n CClmpressor Station Equipment 378 Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-General 379 Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-City Gate 38 Services 381 Meters 382 Meter Installatins 38 House Regulators 38 House Regulator Installations 385 Industral Measuring and Regulating Staton Equipment 386 Other Propert on Customers' Premise 387 Other Equipment 38 Asset Retirement Costs for Distrbution Plant TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Totl of lines 94 thru 108) GENERAL PLANT 389 Land and Land Rights 390 Structure and Improvements 391 Offce Furniture and Equipment 392 Transportation Equipment 393 Stores Equipment 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment. 395 Laboratory Equipment 396 Powr Operated Equipment 397 Communication Equipment 398 Miscellaneous Equipment Subtotal (Enter Tota of lines 111 thru 120) 399 Oter Tangible Propert 399.1 Asset Retirement Costs for General Plant TOTAL General Plant (Enter Total of lines 121, 122 and 123) TOTAL (Accunts 101 and 106) Gas Plant Purcased (See Instructon 8) (Less) Gas Plant Sold (Se Instructon 8) Exerimental Gas Plant Unclassifed TOTAL Gas Plant In Servce (Enter Total of lines 125 thru 128) End of ~ Additions c 13,154,719 1,547,35~- -- ~ -~ - I 623,714 77,152 41,786,911 218,911 714,440 43,202,217 218,911---- --- - -- ---- 376,467 11,422 18,86 136,232,949 2,771,281 4,155,909 465,002 122,319,041 3,129,929 35,416,698 651,254 10,566,223 119,00 4,789,740 100,274 5,013,210 151,921 8,614,341 392,323 327,503,442 7,792,410-- --- I -~ ----~I 775,124 9,613,961 15,408,305 5,783,694 20,098 2,402,554 104,273 2,310,644 505,346 234,29 923,788 3,338,198 1,153 38,266,875 237,159 384,243 3,775,961 38,266,875 423,404,095 3,775,961 13,513,408 1,46,945 ,---------- 421,938,150 13,513,408 Page 208 .. Name of RespoOOent . Intermountain Gas Company. . line No. . 81 . 8. : . 85 86 . 87 . 88 89.90.91 . :2 .94.:.97.: .100.101 102.103 108.109 1 .111.112.113 114 .115 .116 117 .118 .119 120 .121 122 .123 .124 125 Retireents This ~rt Is: Date of Rep.ort (1) ~An Orlglnai (MO, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 1211/2009 Ga Plant In Service (Accounts 101,102, 103, and 108) (continued)Adjustmnts Transfrs . YearlPeriod of Report End of 2009/04 Balance at End of Year d e --- ------- - ---- ----~ - ----- - - ---i I105,000 14.597,069 1,187 623,714 77,152 42,004,635 714,440 . 1,187 43.419,941,-- --- -- - -- --i I 387,889 18,864 144,807 403,553)138,455,870 72.593 38,196)4,510,122 332.637 69,537)125,04,796 108,927 35,959,025 24,815 10,660,412 1,867 4,888,147 760 5,164.371 177,190 5,324 8,834,798 ~- --- -- --~I - --863,596 505,962)333,926,294 5,000 2,845,608 263,449 3,601 355,155 775,124 9,713,234 14,873,341 6,025,591 16,497 2,281,695 136,995 327,44 1,023,952 3,394,997 1,153 38,105,5843,937,252 D~--3,937,252 4907,035 506,182) 38,105,584 431,504,286 .127 128 .129 1,465,945 4,907,035 506,182)430,038,341.... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 209 Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company Date of Rep.ort (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Repo End of 2009/04 ............................................ This~rtls: (1) IlAn Oriinal (2) A Resubmision Gas Propert and Capacity Lea frm oters 1. Report belo the informaton called for concrning gas propert and capaci leased frm others for gas opetions. 2. For all leases In which the average annual lease payment over the initial term of the lease excees $500,00. descrbe in column (c), if applicable: the propert or capacit leased. Designate associated companies with an asterisk In column (b). Name of Lessor *Decrpton of lease Une No.(a)(b)(c) Lese Payments for Current Year (d) 1 Not applicble 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total 1-- - - - --- - ---- - - - - - --I FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 212 .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company..... . line No.. . 1 Not applicable 2 . 3 . 4 5 . 6 . 7. : . 10 . 11 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 16 . 17 . 18 19 . 20 . 21 22 . 23 . 24.25 26.27 . ~: . 30.31.: . 34 43.44 .45 Total.. . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) This ~ort Is: (1) ~An Oriinal (2) A Resubmlssion Gas Propert and Capacit Lesed to Others 1. For all leases In which the average lease Income over the Inital term of the lease exceds $50,000 provide in column (c), a descrption of each facil!ty or leased capacity that Is classified as gas plant in servce, and Is leased to others for gas operations. 2. In column (d) provide the lease payments received from oter. 3. Designate assocated companies with an astersk In column (b). Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeri of Repo End of ~ Name of Lesr *Descrtion of Lease (a)(b)(e) lease Payments for Current Year (d) I - - -- - -- - ---- - -- I Page 213 Une No. Deptin and Locti ofPloperl (a) Dale Orinaly Inclued in this Acnt (b) Dat Expe to be Use In UtIl Se (e) Balance at End of Year (d) ............................................ Name of RespoOOent Intermountin Gas Company Date of ReP.rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Repo End of 2009/94 ThIs '!on Is: (1) I!An OriInal (2) A ResubmlssJon Ga Plant Held for Future Use (Accnt 105) 1. Report separately each proper held for Mure use at end of the year having an original cost of $1,000,000 or more. Group other Items of propert held for future use. 2. For propert havng an .original cost of $1,000,00 or more prevously use In utlity operations, now held fo future use, give In column (a), in addition to other require information, tle date that utlit use of such propert was discontinued. and the date the original cost was transferrd to Accunt 105. 1 Not applible 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 24 25. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total 1--------- - I FERC FORM NO.2 (12..96)Page 214 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Rep.ort YearlPeriod of.Repor1 Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmisslon 121112009 End of 200104 Constrcton Work In Pro..-Gas (Account 107) 1. Report below descnptions and balances at end of year of project in procss of costrction (Account 107). 2. Show items relating to Nresearch, development, and demonstrationN projects last, under a caption Research, Development, and Demonstration (see Accunt 107 of the Uniform System of Accunts). 3. Minor projec (less than $1,000,00) may be grouped. Constction Work In Estiated Additional Line Deption of Project Proress Cost of Project No.(Accunt 107) (a)(b)(c) 1 Distrbutin Plant . 2 Mains 20,116 1,449 3 Reg Statin. Industrial 12,562 20,363 4 Reg Sttion. Geeral 5,421 4,929 5 Structure & Improvements 259,263 4,975,737 6 Offce 6,767,84 527,69 7 Other (33,507) 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 -. 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total 7,031,699 5,530,172 Page 216 Date of Report (Mo, Da, yt) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Report ............................................ Name of Respondent Intermountin Gas Company This~rtI8: (1) IlAn Oriinal (2) A Remlsslon Non. Traditional Rat Trebnent Aforded New Projec 1. Th Conlsion's Ceite Poli Sttet prdes a lh reen fo ex pi pi ne pi Is lhat lhe pi mus be pi to ficill supp th proje wiou iely on subsldlzll fr li exng culome Se ce of New Inte Naliial Gas Pie Fac 88 FERC P61,2 (199); orer clrifying poic, 90 FERC P61,128 (200); orer clri poic, 92 FERC P61,09 (20) (Pol Stment. In colun a, lis th na of the fa ginte noonl iate treaent 2. In column b, list th CP Do Num wh li Coimon auth lhe faDl. 3. In coumn Co indicte th type of ra trt appovd by the Comi (e.g. Inla at ri 4. In colum d, Dst th amont In Acnt 101, Gas Plt in Se, aste wi the facl. 5. In coumn e, lis the amount in Act 108, Acculate Pro for Deiaall of Gas Ut Plnt. aste wll li facili. EOO of 200/Q4 Name of Facl line No. (a) 1 Not appicble 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Total CP Dot No. Typ of RateTreat Ga Plat In Ser (b)(e)(d) r - --- - --- --- ,o FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-07)Page 217 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-07) Name of Respondent This Wor Is:Date of R~ort Year/Period of Report Intennountaln Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo,Da, r) (2) F'A Resubmlsslon 121112009 End of 20004 Non- Traditional Ra Treatent Affrded New Projects (contnued) 6. In column f,lls the amnt in Ac 190, Acculat Defe Inc Tax; Acnt 281, Accmulate Defe Inc Tax - Acclete Amll Pr Accunt 282, Accumulate Defe inc Taxes - Ot Prop Accnt 28, Accmulate Defer inc Taxes - Otr, asste wi th fac. 7. In coumn g, rert il Iol amunt ìiud in th gas opllns ex acc dui1 th yer rete kl the faclit (Aunt 401, Opialin Expe). 8. In coumn h, I8 th tola amnt inud in th gas maintenanc axpense acnts during the year rela to the facilit. 9. In column I, rert th amount of depreti expens ac on the faci dui1 the year. 10. In coum J,Is any other expeserilng ta) allote to th falit. 11. In cokimn k, re the incmela reenues aste wi the facl. 12. Identfy the voume re and us for any Inla prje that has a sepaiale fuel iafe fo th prje 13. Proe the tol amouts fo each colu. Accmulate Acamulte Opeti Matenance Depre Oth Incrmela Depriati Deferr Ex Expens Exense Exen RevuelineIncoeQncNo.Taxes taes) Je)(R (g)(h)(I 0)(k) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Paae 217a (1) Avere ShorTem Debt (2) ShorTer Intet (3) lonTer Deb (4) Pre Sto (5) Comon Equily (6) Tot C8pili (7 Averge Consl Woi In Prre Bala 2. Gross Rate for Borr Funds s(SI + cl(O(O+P+)) (1-(SI)) 0 47,45,00 P C 78,753.00 149.n3.667 W 3,925,5 0.47 7.2 ............................................ Name of Repondent Intermountain Gas Copay This ~ort Is: Date of Report (1) ~An Orinal (Me, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmislon 121311200 General Desripton of Constrcton Overhead Proure (cotinued) YearlPeri of Report End of ~ COMPUTATION OF Al,LOWANE FOR FUNDS USED DURING COSTUCTON RATES 1. For One (5), column (d) be, ent th ra gi in th la ra Pr0. If no avilbl, us th av ia earn dug Ihe preing 3 years. 2. Ide, in a fotnote, th sp enll us as th sourc for th capil stciii fQre. 3. Indi. in a fotnote, if th niort rate of rem Is one th has be appio In a rate ca bI-b setU rate, or an aci thyear avge ra. 1. Components of Formula (Derive from acual boo banc and acal cot rate):TiU Amunt line No.(a)(b) C8pilll Ratn (percnt) (e) Co Rat Perctae (d) 0.53 c 14.85_L---- i 3. Rate for Other Funds (1-SI) (p(P/(D+P+C)) + c(CI(D+P+C)) 4. Weighted Average Rate Acally Use for the Year: a. Rate for Borro Funds - b. Rate for Other FuOOs - FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 218a .. Name of Respondent . Intermountain Gas Company....... . line . No. . 1 . 2 . ~ . 5 . 6 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 11 . 12 . 13 . ~: . 16 . 17 18 . 19. . 21 . 22 . ~~ . 25 . ~ . 28.:......... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) YearlPeriod of RepoThis ~ort Is: Date of Rel"rt (1) L2An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 1213112009 Accumulated Provision for DepreIaton of Gas UtilIty Plant (Account 108) 1. Exlain in a fotnote any Importnt adjustments during year. 2. Explain in a footnote any diffrence between the amount for book cot of plant retired, line 10, column (c), and that reported for gas plant In servce, page 204209, column (d), excluding retirements of nondepreciable prope. 3. The provisions of Account 108 In the Uniform System of Accunts require that retirements of depreable plant be record~ when such plant Is removed from servce. If the respondent has a signifcant amount of plant retired at year end which has not been recorded and/or classified to the various reserve functonal classificaions, make preliminary closing entries to tentatively functonalize the book cost of the plant retired. In addition, Include all costs Included in retirement work In progres at year end in the appropriate funålonal classificaions. 4. Show separately Interest credits under a sinking fund or similar method of depreciation accounting. 5. At lines 7 and 14, add ro as necessry to report all data. Aditional rows should be numbere In ~equence, e.g., 7.01, 7.02, etc. Item Total Gas Plant In Gas Plant Held Gas Plant Leased(c++e) Service for Future Use to Otrs. (b (c) (d) (e)a Sec A. BALACES AND CHAGES DURING YEAR Balnce Beinning of Year Deprciati Prolsns for Year, Chaiged to (403) Depre Expense (40.1) Dereti Expense fo As Retrent Costs (413) Exense of Gas Plnt Le to Oters Traspotion Expenses. Cleg Otr Clering Accunls Otr Clearing (Spefy) (folnote detil): TOTAl Depr Proo fo Year (Total of6ne3 thru 8) Net Chaiges fo Plant Retre: Book Co of Plant Retire Co of Removl Salve (Creit TOTAL Net Chigs fo Plant Ret (Total of lines 12 thru 14) Ot Deb or Crit Items (Desri) (fo1n detail): ( 4,401,647) ( 265,078) ( 124,38) ( 4,542,342) Endof ~ ( 4,401,647) ( 265,078) ( 124,38) ( 4,52,342) Bo Cos of Ast Retreme COLS Balance End of Yea (Totl of lies 1,10,15,16 and 18) Se B. BALANCES AT END OF YE ACCORDING TO FUNCTION CLASSIFICATIONS Proucton-Mnufactre Gas Proucon an Gathring-Natral Gas Proue Ex-Natural Gas Undround Gas Strage Other Storae Plant Bas Load LNG Tenlnaling and Prosing Plant Transmissin Disbut General TOTAL (Total of Ones 21 thru 29) 240,50,103 9,032,708 30,767,986 182,692,080 18,015,329 240,508,103 240,508,103 9,032,708 30,767,986 182,692,08 18,015,329 240,508,103 Page 219 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 04-04)Page 220 ..... ~ ~. = =.....:........................... Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of Reøort YurlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Copany (1) An Oriinal (M, Da, Yr) (2) nA Resubmlslon 12111209 End of 2009/04 Gas Store (Accóunt 117.1,117.2,117.3,117.4,184.1,184.2, and 184.3) 1. If during the year adjustments were made to the store gas Invtory rert in columns (d), (t), (g), and (h) (such as to corr cumulative Inaccuraties of gas measurements), explain In a footnote the re for the adjustnts, th DI and dollar amount of adjustment, and accunt charged or creited. 2. Report In column (e) all encrchments during the year upon the vomes desinated as ba gas, column (b), and sym balancing gas, column (c), and gas propert reordble In the plant accunt. 3. State in a fotnote the basis of segreatIon of Inventory ben currnt and noncurrnt portions. Also, state In a fotnote the metho use to repo stoge (I.e., fied asset methd or Inventory method). .JIl Descron Noncurrnt Current lNG lNG No (Accunt (Accunt (Aunt (Acunt (Acunt (Accunt (Aount Total 117.1)117.2)117.3)117.4)164.1)164.2)164.3) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(t)(g)(h)(i) 1 Baan al Balnnln of 3,76,40 3,768.40 2 Ga De to St 413,68 413,681 3 Ga Wilhra fr 591,51 59,518 ..Oter De an Cnlls 1,9949 1.993,498 5 Baan at En of Yea 5,5ll 5,065 6 Dl 1,62,71 1.27,711 7 Mi Pe Dl 3.43 3.430 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 222 ............................................ Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of ReP.rt YearlPerlod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinl (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmisslon 121112009 End of 2009lO - Invnt (Accunt 123,124, and 138) 1. Report be Inimnt in Accunts 123, Invetm In As Conie, 124, Oter Invnt, and 136, Tempory Cah Inven. 2. Provie a subheading fo each acnt and lit therde the inn calle for: (a) Invent In. Seil.ust and desa eac seilty owed, giv nae of is, dat acqui and date of matu. For bos, al giv pilncl amt date of isse, maluty, and Intest ra. For capital st (iclding capital sÐc of repond reui under a defit pln for re puniant to autoilUon by th BoR! of Dir, and Inud in Accunt 124, Oter Invtmts) sta numbe of share clas, and se of sto Mino In ma be gro by cl. invnts Incl In Accunt 136, Te~ry Cash Invetm, al may be grope by cl. (b) Invtmnt Advnceport separate fo ea person or amny th amnt of lo 01 In adan th ar prerl incldable In Accunt 123. Inclde ad subj to currt repaym in Accnt 145 an 146. Wi repe to each ad sho wh th ad Is a no or open acnt De d Invnt Bok Co at Bein of Year Puitas or line (I bo co Is dieret fr Additns.cot to repont giv cot to Dur th YearNo.reponnt in a fool an explain differnc) (a)(b)(e)(d) 1 Cash 725,852 574,377,895 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 . 39 40 .......................................... · FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96). Name of Respondent This mort Is:Date of Report YearlPeriod of Report Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Resubmlslon 1211/2009 End of 200104 Inveents (Account 123,124, and 136) (continued) lit each not, givg date of is, mati dal, and sp wher no Is a renel. Denal any advan due fi ol d1re, ito or empls. 3. Deignate wi an aile In coumn (b) any seriti no or accnl lht were pl, and In a foe slte th name of ples and purp of th pl. 4. If Comm approval was reuire for an advance ma or seri acuird, dellnate suc fact In a footn and ci Comn, dat of aiitl, and ca or dot numbe. 5. Rep In comn (h) Inter and dien reenue fr inv Includ II reue frm seil dispo of during th ye. 6. In column (~ report for eac Inveslment dispo of during ui year th gai or lo repienle by th diffnc be cot of th invest (or th oter amunt at whic ca In th boks of acaunt If difiet frm con and th seßl pr Iheie, no indin any diven or Inte adjust inudible in column (h). Sa or 0I Principal Amunt or Bok Cos at End of Year Reven for Gain or loi fr Dispoitons No. of Shar at Of bo cot Is diffnt fr cot Year InvetLineDuring Year End of Yea to reent, give co to Dispo ofNo.reonden In a fote and exin differce) (e)(~(g)(h)(I 1 573,888,271 1,215,476 543 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2J 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Page 223 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 224 ......... e¡ .1.1 i .1.1. .1...'......................... Name of Respondent Thls~rtIS:Date of Rei:ort Year/Period of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo. Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmlsslon 1211/2009 End of 2009/04 Inv.stmnt In Subsidiary Companl.. (Accunt 123.1) 1. Reprt belo Innts In Act 123.1, Inv in Subs Comie. 2. Pre a subhing for each company and Ba thnd th InfonnUo call fo be. Sub- by company and giv a to in comns (e), (f), (g) and (h). (a) Inwt In Securiliis and debe each seri owed. For bos giv als prpal amou da of Isue, mari, and inre ra. (b) Inv Advance. Reprt sepaly the amunl of lo rx Ines adnc wh ai subjec to repament bu whic are no subjec to cu sel8ement Wit repe to ea adnca sh whth th ad Is a no or opn acun li ea no giv da of Isnce ma dale, and speing whr note is a renewl. 3. Reprt separately the equit in un subsid eamlng sinc acqn. Th to In comn (e) shuld equa the amount ent fo Accunt 418.1. Deptn of Invt Dat Dale of Amunt of Une Aculr Mari Inves at No.Beginning of Year (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 Not applible 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 '! 38 39 40 TOTAL Cost of Accunt 123.1 $TOTAL ............................................ FERC FORM NO.2 (12..96) Name of Respondent This~rtIS:Date of R~ort YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo,Da, r) (2) FiA Resubmisslon 121112009 End of 20/04 Investents In Subsidiary Companies (Account 123.1) (c~ntnued) 4. Denate in a fote any seriti, notes, or accunts Utat were pleded, and sta Ute na of plee and purp of Ute ple. 5. If Comisi apprl was reuire for any advanc mae or secri acuire, designat su fa in a foote and give name of Comin, da of autortion, an ca or dot numbr. 6. Reor in coumn (R intest an divend revenues fr inveents, incding suc reues fr serles dispo of during Ute yer. 7. in column (h) repo for each intmnt dispoed of duri Ute year, th gain or lo repiete by Ute diernc beee cot of Ute intment (or th oUer amont at whic ca in Ute bos of accnt If difrent frm coQ, and Ute se pi Uterf, no incing InlB adjent inude In coumn (R. 8. Report on Line 40, colun (a) Ute Iol cot of Accnt 123.1. Equit in Subidiary Revue fo Year Amnt of Invest Gain or Los frm Eamin for Year at End of Yea InvestlineDispo of No. (e)(R (g)(h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Page 225 Page 230a ...............:.1 .: e,.......................... Name of Repondent Thls~rtIS:Date of Rep.0rt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubisn 121112009 EOO of 200Q4 Prepayent (Acet 165), Extrordinary Prope Loses (Acet 182.1), Unre Plant and Regula Study Cost (Aect 182.) PREPAYMENTS (ACCOUNT 165) 1. Report below the particulars (details) on each preayment. Na dPat Bace at End Une dYear No.(In dolars) (a)(b) 1 Prepaid Insuranc 159.397 2 Preid Rents 3 Preid Taxes 4 Preid Intrest 5 Mislaneous Prpayme 428,726 6 TOTAL 58,123 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12..96) Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Rep.0rt YearlPerid of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmlssioil 12111200 Endof ~ Prepayents (Acct 185), Extordinary Prope Losses (Acet 182.1), Unreovere Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (Acct 182.2) (contnue) EXTRAORDINARY PROPERTY LOSSES (ACCOUNT 182.1) Detin of Exrdlnry Lo IJ tha Balanc at Total Lo Wrlenotf Writt off Balance at Une date of Jo. th dat of Coion BeInnin Amount Recniz During Year During Year End of Year No.authritin to us Accnt 182.1 an pe of of Year of Lo During Year amti (mo. yr, to mo, yr)) Ad ro as Accunt Amnt ness to re all dala.Char (a)(b)(e)(d)(a)(Q (g) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Totl Page 23Gb Page 230c ............................................ Name of Respondent.This mort Is:Date of R~ort YearlPeriod of Report Intemountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo,Da, r) (2) 'OA Resubmisslon 121112009 End of 2009!4 Prepayments (Act 165), Extrordinary Propert Losses (Ac 182.1), Unreovered Plant and.Regulatory Study Costs (Acct 182.2) (connued) UNRECOVERED PLANT AND REGULATORY STUDY COSTS (ACCOUNT 182.2) Depln of Unre Plant and Regul Balanc at Totl CO Wriof Wrinof Balance at SUl Co (Include in 1Ie dept fA CO Beinning Amot Recniz DuiYea DumgYear End of Year lIe da of Convn aut lD us of Yea of Cha DurlYear Line Accun 182.2 and pe fA amoUo (mo, No.yr, lD mo, yr)) Add ro as ne to rert Acct Amont aD dal. Numbr ro Ùl seuenc beinni Charg wI lIe nex ro number aft th last ro numb use for exnary prpe lo. (a)(b)(e)(d)(e)(I)(9) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Totl FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) .......................................... : FERC FORM NO. 2/ (RE lM7) Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Me, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmisslon 121112009 End of 2009104 Oter Regulator Aset (Account 182.3) 1. Repo belo the details caled for concing oter reulator assets which are created through th raemang dons of reulatory agncies (and not Inudable In oter acnts). 2. For reulato asse being amze, show pe of amrtzaon In coumn (a). 3. Minor Items (5% of th Baiance at End of Year fo Accnt 182.3 or amunts les than $250,00, whicever Is less) may be grupe by classe. 4. Reprt separel any "Defered Regulato Commissin Expense" that ar also reported on pa 350-31, Regulatory Commission Ex. 5. Prvide In a fotne, for each line Itm, the reulatory ciation wher autorition fo the reulatory ast has ben grnted (e.g. Commisn Orer, stae conssion orr, cort decsi). Une De and Pu of Balanc at De Wrln off During Wrindf Wri of Balaæ at End of No.Ot Regulto Asts Beilnin Qurl ea Durl Peri Durng Period Currt Cunt Accnt Amoun Rec Amo Deme Quartrl ear Qurt ear Ched Unrebl (a)(b)(e)(d)(e)(ij (g) 1 NA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Total Ð 0 I 0 Page 232 FERC FORM NO.2 (12.96)Page 233 ............................................ Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Repor1 Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Orinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Resubmlslon 121112009 End of 2009/04 Miscllaneous Deferr Debit (Account 188) 1. Report belaw the details caled fo coing miscllaneos defrr debits. 2. For any deer debt beng amo, show peri of amon In counv (a). 3. Minor item Qess than $2,00) may be grpe by class. line Deplion of MIllaneous Balanc at De Creits Crell Bance at No.De De Beginnin End of Year of Yea Acnt Amunt Ched (a)(bl (cl (d)(8)(n 1 Cost of gas delivere but unbille 3,051,985 3,051,985 2 Unbiled revenue 25,250,819 25,250.819 3 Net cummulatlve deferrd gas co 4 to be rended or revere ne of 5 refunds to customers (31,93,481)31,930,481 6 7 42,63,331 42,63,331 8 9 Derr Tax reulatory asset 4,27,608 4.617,189 8,84,797 10 11 Reg asst. post reirement 64,658 1,776,93 2,421,596 12 13 Fair value of hedging Instrments 5,987,09 5,901,178 85,920 14 15 Work autoritions in proce 9,317 2,615 6,702 16 Easemnts 4,54 4,54 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Miscellaneous Work In Progress 40 Total 24,62,516 63,5,967 51,592,109 36614,374 .Name of Respondnt . Intermountain Gas Company..... . line No.. · 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 9 . 10 . 11........................ : FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-4) This '!0rt Is: (1) ~An Original (2) A Resubmisslon Accumulated Deferre Income Taxes (Account 190) 1. Report Ui Infoli caUe for be concng Uie repodents acunting for defeir Ince taes. 2. At OIer (Spelf),lnclde defls relaiJ to oUier incoe and deducns. 3. Pride In a fool a summry of Uie lype and amunt of defeied ine ta rep in Ui belnn~-year and ei-year balance for defir In taes Uiat Ui resndent esate could be Inluded in Ui delome of Jurfdl reis raAccunt SubdMs Baan at Beinning olYear Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2009Q4 Chanes During Year Changes During Year (a) Amnt Deb/te to Acnt410.1 (e) Amunts Creite Ð Accnt 411.1 (d) Accunt 190 Elecl Gas Ot (Dne) (fote detDs) Tolal (1olal of fis 2 Uiiu 4) Ot (Speif) noo detals) TOTAL Acunt 190 (Tota ol lines 5 Uiiu 6) Clalllln ofTOT AL Federai Inc Tax stte inc Tax Lo Inco Tax Page 23 Name of RespoOOent Intermountain Gas Company This ~rt Is: Date of Report (1) ~An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmlsslon 1213112009 Accumulate Def Income Tax (Account 190) (coninued) Year/Peri of Report End of ~........:.'..! I.1 .11 .1 .1.: .' .'.......................... Chnges Dur Chaes Duri Adju Ad Adjusts Adjtmts Baiaat Year Year End of Year Une De Debi Creil CreitsNo.Amunts Debite Amnt Cre to Acnt410.2 to Accnt 411. (e), (t) FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 236 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent ThiS~IS:Date of Rei:rt YearlPerio of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo. Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmlsslon 121112009 Endof ~ Capitl Stok (Accounts 201 and 204) 1. Repo be ih details ca fo cocemin como and prefe st at end of year, dlulng separate se of an gen cl. Sho separa Ðtls (or comm and pre st 2. Enes In coumn (b) shuld rent ih numbe of share autri by lie art of Incoli as amede to end of year. 3. Give deils COing share of any ci and ses of sto autze to be isue by a reulaby comi whic have not ye ben isued. Cla and Series of Sto and Numbe of Shares Par or Stte Value CaHPilat Name of St Exchng Autze by Chart pe Share End of Year Line No. (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 Common sto 5,00,00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Page 250 FERC FORM NO.2 (12..96)Page 251 ............................................ Name of Respondent Thls~rtIS:Date of Report Year/Perl of Report Intermuntain Gas Company (1) An OriInal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) EiA Resubmlsn 1213112009 EOO of 2009/04 C8pilal Sto (Accounts 201 en 20) 4. The Idtln of ea cl of prer sk shld show th di ra an whe th dM 818 cu or noumue. 5. State in 8 fotnot If an capil skl lI ha be noinally Isue is noin outndin at end of year. 6. Giv pala (details) in coiumn (a) fA any nominall isue caitl st ieui st or st in sJ and ot fu whic is plged. stng na of pleee and purp of pled.. Outang pe Bal. Shee OUlstandi pe Bal.Held by Held by Hel by Held by line (lota am OUtsnding Shee Resndent Rendt Rest Respondent wl ieuc fo amls As Reacquli As Recquire In Sinng and In Sinki andNo.held by ret)St (A 217)Slo (Ac 217)OUlFunds Ot Fund Shar (e)Amunt Sh Cot Share Amount (Q . (g)(b)(i il 1 2 3 4 5 '6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Z7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 .......................................... : FERC FORM NO.2 (12-) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of RePrt YearlPerl of Repon Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (M, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmlsslon 121112009 End of 2009/04 Capital Stock: Subscribed, Liabilty for Conversion, Premium on, and Installment Recleved on (Acc 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, and 212) 1. Show for each ofthe above accounts the amounts applying to each class and series of capital stock. 2. For Accunt 202, Common Stock Subscribed, and Accunt 205, Preferred Stock Subscrbed, show the subscption price and the balance due on each class at the end of year. 3. Desabe in a footnote the agreement and trnsactons under which a conversion liabilty exsted under Accunt 203, Common Stoc Uabilty for Conversion, or Account 206, Preferrd Stock Uabillt for Conversion, at the end of year. 4. For Premium on Accunt 207, Capital Stoc, designate with an asterisk In column (b), any amounts representing the excess of consideraion received over stated values of stocks wiout par value. Name of Accunt and *Numbr Amount Une Descrption of Item of Shares No.(a)(b)(c)(d) 1 Acunt 207 . Preiu on common stock 18,703,150 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Totl 0 18,703,150 Page 252 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 253 ............ .¡ .1.:.i............................. Name of Respondent This~rtIS:Dale of ReP.rt YearlPerod of Repon Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Orinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) FiA Resubmlsslon 12111209 En of 2009Q4 Oter Pald"n Capita (Accounts 208-211) 1. Report below the balance at the end of the year and the Information speåed belo for the respe oter paid-In capital accunts. Provide a subheading for each account and show a total for the accnt, as well as a total of all accounts for recnciliation with the balance sheet, page 112. Explain changes made In any accunt during the yer and give the accounting entries effing such change. (a) Donations Recived from Stockholders (Accnt 208) - Ste amount and briefl exlain the origin and purpse of each donaton. (b) Reducton In Par or Staed Value of Capital Stoc (Acnt 209) - Ste amount and briefl explain the capial changes that gave rise to amounts reported under this caption Including Identification wih the class and series of stock to which related. (c) Gain or Resale or Cancellatn of Reacquired Capitl Stoc (Accunt 210) - Repor balance at beginning of year, credits, debits, and balance at end of year with a designation of the nature of each crdit and debit identified by the class and series of stock to which related. (d) Miscellaneous Paid-In Capital (Account 211) - Classify amounts include in this accunt accrding to captions that, together with bri explanations, disclose the general nature of the trnsactions that gave rise to the reported amounts. Line Item Amount No.(a)(b) 1 GAIN on REAQUIRED STOCK 183,541 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Total 183,541 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12.96) Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Rep.0rt Year/Period of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmission 12111209 End of2Q0904 DISCOUNT ON CArrAL STOCK (ACCOUNT 213) 1. Rep the balance at en of yer of discont on capil st for eac clss an seri of ca st Use as many lO as nece Ð repo aD da. 2. If an chane ocurr durng th year in th balace wit reec to any clss or se of st allch a stlement giv dels of th chnge. Stle th re fo an chaige-o duil th year and spe th accnt char. Cl and Se of St Balace at line End of Year No.(a)(b) 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TOTAL CAPrrAL STOCK EXENSE (ACCOUNT 214) 1. Rep the balanc at en of year of capita sto expenses for eac clss and se of cail st Use as many lO as neæai to re all dat. Numbe th ro in sece strlng fr the la ro numb us fo Discont on CaSto abe. 2. If any change ocrr duri the year in the balanc with repe to any clss or se of st alch a statement givin dela of th chnge. Sta the re fo any chaige-ff of capil st exp and sp the accunt chaied. Class and Ses of stk Balance at line End of Year No.(a)(b) 16 Commo Skl 1.0n,741 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 'Z 28 TOTAL 1.0n,741 Paae 25 I FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)255,1 ............................................ Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report YearlPeriod of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) Intermountan Gas Company I C2) A Resubmlsslon 12111200 "20004 Seri Issued or Asumed and Securies Refunded or Rered During th Year . 1. Fumlsh a supplementl statement briefly descbing securi fiancing and refinancing transactions during the year and the accunting for the securities, discounts, premiums, expnses, and relatd gains or losses. Identif as to Commission authorition numbers and dates. 2. Provide details showng the full accuntng for the total principal amount, par value, or stated value of each clss and series of securit issued, assumed, retired, or refuOOed and the accunting for premiums, discounts, exnses, and gains or losses relating to the securiies. Set forth the fact of the accunting clrly with regard to redemption premiums, unamorted discunt, expenses, and gain or losses relating to seuries retired or refunded, Including the accunting for such amounts carred In the repondents accunts at the dåte of th refunding or refiancing transactons with respet to securities previously refunded or retired. 3. Include In the Identition of each class and series of securi, as appropriate, the Interet or divdend rate, nominal date of Issuance, maturi date, aggregate princial amount, par value or stated value, and number of shares. Give also the Issuance of reption price and name of the principal underwring firm through whic th seri trnsactions were consummated. . 4. Where the accunting for amounts reatng to seri refunded or retired Is other than that specifd in General Instrction 17 of the Uniform System of Accounts, tie the Commision autoritin for the difrent accunting and state the accunting method. 5. For securities assumed, giv the name of the copany for which the liabilit on the securiies was assumed as well as details of the transactions whereby the respondent undertok to pay obligatins of another company. If any unamortized discount, preiums, expenses, and gains or toses were taken OYr onto the repondents bos, fumish details of these amounts with amount relatng to refunded securiies clearl earmarked. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 256 ............................................ Name of Respondent This (l0rt Is:Date of Rep'ort YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Copany (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) EiA Resublslon 121112009 End of 200Ð/Q4 Long.Ter Debt (Account 221,22,223, and 224) 1. Repor by Balace Sh Accnt th dela comlng Iote de Inude in Acnt 221, Bo, 222, Reacii Bonds 22, Advace fr As Coni, and 224, OtLo-Ten Debt 2. For bond assme by th rent tn In cown (a) th name r: th isin c: as we as a des of th bo 3. For Advance frm Aste Companie re sely adnc on nolB and ad on opn ac. Dena dem not as su. Inclde In comn (a) name of as copaie fr whic adance we re. 4. For relvei' certficelB, show in co (a) the nam of the cort and da of cour or IØde whic su ce we Is. Cla and Seri of Obi;aln and Nomina Da Date of OUng Line Nam of St Exange of Issue Mat (Tot amont No.ounding wiho reuctn fo am1 he by rendent) (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 Accnt 221 . Bond 0911811998 0911812018 47,454,54 2 3 Acnt 231 - Revolvng lii of Creit 121112000 101181010 10,300,000 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 TOTAL 57,754.546 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of Rep.0rt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, 08, Yr) (2) EiA Resubmisslon 121112009 End of 2009l Long-Term Debt (Accunts 221, 222, 223, and 224) 5. In a suppment sttet, giv explaiy details fo Accts 223 and 224 of net mange duri th yer. With repec to Iote adnce show fo ea company (a) pil advance duri yer (b) Intere aded to princial amont, and (c) prcipa re duri ye. Giv Commis authtion numb and daes 6. If the repoden has pl any of it Iog.te debt sei1, gi pala (de) In a foot, inclng name of the plee and purp of th plege. 7. If th repoent ha any long seri tht have ben nomiaDy Is and are nolnaDy out at end of year, de such sei1 In a fo. 8. If Intre expee wa Incurr durig th year on any obligaUos reUre or reacuire befo end of yer, Incl suc In expe In comn (~. Explain in a fo any diff beeen the tofa of coumn (~ and th tol Acnt 427, Int on Long Ter Debt an Accnt 43, Intt on Det to Asle Compaie 9. Give deil concing any Iongmi debt aulh by a reulaiy con but not yet isue. Inte for Inter fo Held by Held by RedempUon Pri Une Year Year Respodent Respoen pe $100 at No.End of Yea Rate Amt Reauir Bods Sinkig and (I %)(Acc222)OUrFunds (e)(~(g)(h)(a 1 7.26 3,716,35 2 3 23,213 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39~3,95,56 Page 257 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 258 ........... .1 =............................. Name of Respodent Thls~rtIS:Date of ReP.rt YearlPeriod of Report Intountain Gas Copany (1) An OriInal (Me, Da, Yi' (2) FiA Resubmlsslon 12131/2009 End of 200 Unaortze Debt Expens, PremIum and DIscount on LongTenn Debt (Accounts 181, 225,226) 1. Report under sera subh for Unamort Deb Ex, Unmo. Prem on LongTer De and Una DI on Lon Ten De deils of ex, premium or dlnt applicbl to eac clss and seif of Iongtenn debt 2. Show preum amots by enclog the fiure In parent 3. In column (b) show the pricipal amunt of bods or oter ionn de oilnally Ised. 4. In con (c) show the ex, prmium or dlsnt wi re to th amot of bo or oter lo-t debt orinally Isued. Designa of Pricipal Amount Total Exns Amli AmolIn Lo.Tenn Deb of Debt Isued Pieor Perd PerodlineDIuntNo. Date Fro Date To (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Senior debere 58,000,00 50,119 091811998 09118118 2 3 Lon-te reoling crit 40,347 1211125 081311210 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 .......................................... · FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96). . Name of Respondent This~rtIS:Date of Rep'ort YearlPerid of Report Intermountain Gas Copany (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) i"A Resubmlsslon 121311200 End of 2009/04 Unamort Debt Expense, Preium and Discount on Long- Tenn Debt (Account 181, 225, 226) 5. Fumls In a foot deil reardin Ol trtm of una debt exnse, prmium or dint as wil isue reme during the year. Al, give in a folnot Ol da of Ol Commisio's autli of trbn ot than as spe by th Unifonn Syte of Accnts. 6. Identi separaly undis am aplible to Is whic were reeeme In pri years. 7. Explain any debits and crit oth than arnrtli deb to Accnt 428, Am of De Disunt and Exns, or aelt to Acnt 429, Amotl of Preium onDere Bala at Debit Dug Creit Duri Banc at Une Beginin Year Yea En of Yea No.of Year (~(g)(h)(I 1 9,408 3,618 5,790 2 3 84,38 51,018 33,33 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 , 24 25 26 'Z 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 Page 259 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 260 ........... .¡ .1.:.:.,............................ Name of Respondent Thls~rtIS:Date of Rep'rt YearlPeriod of Repor1 Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) FiA Resubmlslon 121112009 End of 2009/04 Unamortd Lois and Gain on Reacquired Debt (Accunt 189, 257) 1. Report under separae subheadings for Unamortized L~ and Unamortzed Gain on Reacquire Debt, details of gain and loss, Including maturity date, on reacuisitin applicable to each class and series of long-term debt. If gain or loss resulted frm a refunding . transaction, include also the maturi date of the new issue. 2. In column (c) show the principal amount of bonds or other long-term debt reacquired. 3. In column (d) show the net gain or net loss realized on each debt reacquisition as compued In accrdance with General Instructon 17 of the Uniform Sytems of Accunts. 4. Show loss amounts by enclosing the figures in parentheses. 5. Explain in a footnote any debit and credits other than 'amortization debited to Accunt 428.1, Amortization of Loss on Reacquired Debt, or credited to Accunt 429.1, Amortization of Gain on Reacquire Debt-Credit. line Designation of Date PrintipaJ Net Gain or Balance at Balance at No.Long-Term Debt Reacquired of Debt Loss Beginning End of Year Reacquired of Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) 1 Ars Moage bo 2 Seri I 11/1611989 2.400,00 930 7,411 6,481 3 SerfesJ 11/1611989 2.720,00 3,09 24,558 21,468 4 SeK 11/1611989 1,530,00 1,740 13,764 12,024 5 Sei L 11/1611989 6,20,00 13,80 110,115 96,315 6 Sei1M 11/1611989 13,25,00 52,170 415,875 363,705 7 Seni Debenture 111200 09127/1993 28,00,000 10,995 87,680 76,685 8 Senior Debentures 101013 09/18/1998 38,00,00 7,54 60,187 52,642 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ............................................ Date of Repor Year Of ReportName of RespoOOent This Report Is: . (1) X An OriinalINTRMOUNAIN GA COMPAN 2 A Resublsslon 31112010 RECONCILIATION OF REPORTED NET INCME WITH TAXLE INCOME FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES '1. Report the recUIeUon of report net Inc for the yer wfth f8b1e Income uii 2. If the utity Ii a member of a group that mei COate Federet t8 in conipung Fed.. Incoe Tix accilI and sh computalln d iuch tix accali. reur, rincBe report nallncome wi tible nallncome ai if a Include In the rincIlitln, ai far.. pnible, the ume detl .. fumlshed on sereta rem were to be fl, Indicting however, intircmpany amounts SCedule M.1 of the tax reurn for th year. Submit a rincl!litlon ev thought there to be eliminated in such a coniolldte reum. Stiti namei d group II no tallb1e Incme for the yer. Indlcta clearl the nature of each rincHIn emount. members, t8 aiiigned to ea group member, and beils of a1ocUon, aislgnments, or iharing of th consoidated t8 among the rop membe. AmounLine No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 En of 200 Particulars (Details) a 10,470,517 . I. .' i;.. ....: -:; ~ ,1,,/ :¡.: . ". . . .¡:.:~ . ~.1 ': :....~M.... ")~:'~i Taxable Incme Not Re rted on Books See deails on a e 261A ':..'1: " ....: l ~:., '..¡ 999,095 Deuctions Reco on Books Not Deuced for Retm See detaRs on a e 261A f.J(:';t:~;':~rtl\i.',;l. jl.\..~\:t,'i;;: "f--I''i~'t,~: ~".':tJY;::i~,.L.t~ 5,054,220 Income Recrd on Books Not Included In Retum See details on a e 261A tf~~IiL~~~~:~ l~~~h~:i5~ 6,88 ¡,r v~.~-, ~ r~.-'f !~--:.J..... ~~~~~'~¡:"J..:..~l;,;'1.:~ ~ 663,638 Federal Tax Net Income Shw Computatin of Tax: * 17,180,58 Federal taxable inc 17,180,584--==== Federal taxes àt statutory rate Environmental tax Prior ~ pro~ion adju~menm Federal fuel excis tax credit 6,013,20 o (542,859) (701) 5,469,64 ======== FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 261 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 261 A .......; .1.i .1. :1.1..l .1. .:'.... e..................... Name of Repoen This Rep Is:Date of Report Year of Reprt (1) X An Orin INTERMOUNTAIN GAs COMPAN (2) A Reubmllon 31112010 End of 2004 RECONCIUAnON OF REPORTD NET INCOME WIH TAXLE INCOME FOR FEDERA INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED\ Partculars (Details)Amount (a\(b\ Taxable Incme not Repo on Bo: Adanceii In aid of constron 474,583 Net change In unbllI revenu 0 Contnbutlons In aid of cons 524,512 Gain on Asset Sales 0 999,095 ========- Deucons Recorded on Bo not Deuct for Return: Federal Incme ta 5,498,626 Intangible plant amortion (4,216) Workers Comp and FICA Accrual 17,695 50% meal disallownc 87,184 Political Exnse S,OO Stock Divend Plan (113,389) Defe compensetlon plans (202,781) Line Pack 205 Pot retirement beefi 375,037 IBNR Accrual (280,00) Vacation accrual (251,862) Penaltis 1,258 Unif capitaliation 34,622 Amoration of preium, renance debt 86,180 Amortion of deferr co on reire debt 6,036 Spouse tral 22 State incoe ta (645,617) Supplemental Retiremen Plan 106,011 lobbying expse 30,684 Club dues 14,525 5.05,220 ==--==== Ince Recrded on Books no Incuded In Retum: Medicare Part 0 Subsidy (6,886) Deucons on Retu Not Charged Agains Book Income Cost of reoval deducon 265,078 Exces ta over bok depration 7,40,540 Bad debt chrgeoff, net prosion 48,645 Gas deliver but unbilled 0 Purchase Gas Adjustment (8,385,996) Incentive award accl 5,095 Loan refnance fee amoron 0 Amoration of intngible assets 0 Net Operating Loss 0 -- (663,638)======= ............................................ NlIe or Respndt Thli Rep Ii;Date of Reprt Yea of Repo (1) X An Oral Intrmountln Gai Companv 2) A Resubmliiion 31112010 End of 2009104 TAXES ACCRUED PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING THE YEAR 1. Gav detRI.of the cobine pipal and ac te ac and ef be th Incluilon of the tal. 1h9 th to tal ched to opeatlii an otr acnt duri 3. Incl In coumn (d) ta charg durng th year, tàei th year. do not Include gaaoln and oth iilel ta which ha be chaged to Opetll and otr acnt throh (a) chrged to th acnt to which th tax material wal charged. If the acala cre to teei ac, (b) ai cnlt acal or eatlma amnti or iuch ta _Icow, al th amonts to th po of pre ta charged to curr yer, In a fo an denate whetr eitlte or act amots.and (c) ta paid an charg dir to opnl 01 2. Inc on thii page, taes pa during th yer and chrg dire to acnt ot thn accr an prpa te acnts. IInal accnt, (no chrg to prid 01 aced taea). Ent th 4. Ust th alirete of ea kind of te In luc manar amonts In bo coumna (d) an (e). The bancng of thll page II not th the to te fOl each Sta and iubdllo can reDv be aane. BACE AT BEGINNING OF YE Une Kid of Tax Taxei Preai No.(See lnatrct 5)Ac Taxei (a)(b)ec) 1 Uneployment - Federal 711 2 Sta 4,718 3 FIC 29 4 Cit Francil 3,324,92 5 Prort 1,533,118 6 Saea-5%253 7 Use-5%10,810 8 Road - Feder 0 9 Incme - Fed (8,295,978) 10 Sla (1,438,660) 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL /4,857,817) DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED (Show utlIt departt wh aøi and accnt chri,) Ol Utit Oter Inme Line Elecric Ga Departen and Dectons No.(Acunt 408,1, 40,1)(Acnt 408,1,409.1)(Aun 408.1,(Accts 408.2, 40.1)409.2) /1)m (kl m 1 Uneployment - Federal 21,711 2 Stte 51,517 3 FICA 1,534,065 0 4 Cit Fral_8,217,993 5 Proert 2,087,268 6 Saies-5%0 7 Use-5% 8 Road - Feder 9 Incme - Federl 5,48,294 (15,650) 10 Ste 776,208 118,338 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL 18.174,056 102.688 ÆRC FROM 2 (12-96)Page 262 FERC FOM NO.2 (12-96)Pge263 Next Page is 268 ............................................ Nam of Respondnt Th Reprt Is:Da of Re Year Of Rert (1) X An Oriina IINTRMUNTAIN GA COMANY I (2\ A Resbm 3111210 End of 2O TAX ACCRUED PREPAID AND CHAGED DURING THE YEA (C 5. If aoy tax (exud Feder an sta In ~ co mo 8. Sho In coum (I av (P) tith ta ac W8 thn on yur, ldntl the ye In coumn (a).distrbu. Sha bo th utlit depe an nulir of accnt 8. Enter all adjustts of the ac an prid ta accnt chrg. For ta chared to utlit plant, show th nu of In column (f) an expn each adsJm In a fotn.the appro bala sht plant acnt or subunt. . Deate debit adjusent by pantheses.9. For any ta appo to mo thn on utilit dertt or 7. Do not Include on this pa ens with repe to det act, stte In a fote th basis (neit) of apprting Ince taes or ta CòIJ through payi decUs or otr.su lax. wi peing trnsmil of su tas to the tang auri,10. It unde $250,00 may be grouped. BALANCE AT END OF YER Taxes Taxes Pai Charged Duri ~just Tax Ac Prid Tax LIne DunngYear Yea (Ant 236)(Incl. In No. Acunt 185 (dl (e)m (g)(h) 21,711 21,408 (c)(117)899 1 51,517 50,256 (c)(268)3,331 2 1,64,052 1,56,085 (a)&(c)2,762 84,019 3 8,217,993 8,36,437 (c) .2,00,177 5,188,656 4 2,087,268 2,089,205 (b)&(c)(48,182)1,071,019 5 104 104 (c)(229)24 8 135,34 133,593 (c)1,995 14,248 7 0 0 0 8 5,489,64 8,60,959 (c)&(d)9,040,978 (23,446)9 894,54 1,89,838 (c)&(d)1,5083 (7,320)10 11 12 13 14 18,525,889 20500884 5,36 5,389,428 0 15 DISTRIBUTIN OF TAXES CHARGED (Show uiiil departnt wh aiiicbie an acnt char.) Exlnai lles Ot utlit Adjustmnt to LIne (Accunt 409.3)Openg Income Retaned Eaings Othr No. (Acc 408.1,409.1)(Acunt 439) em)(n)(0)(0) 1 2 113,987 3 4 5 104 6 135,034 7 0 8 0 9 10 (a)Aced paroll 11 (b)Irrati rebae 12 (c)OcDe 08 shor pe 13 (d)Acru Severa & IntD8 settement 14 249,125 15 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent Thls~rtIS:Date of ReP.rt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Resubmlsslon 121112009 End of 2009f Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilties (Account 242) 1. Describe and report the amount of oUier current and accrued liabilites at the end of year. 2. Minor Items (less than $250,00) may be grouped under appropriate tile. Une Item Balance at No.End of Year (a)(b) 1 Currnt portion of post-retiment liabilit 309,65 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total 309,657 Page 268 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 269 ........,.'.....' .1.!, .¡.! .'.....,.................... Name of Repondent ThIs~rtIS:Date of Rep.ort Year/Period of Repon Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Reubmlsn 121112009 End of 2009/04 Otr Derr Credit (Accun 2&3) 1. Repo belo the deai caed fo coing oter de aeits. 2. For any deered crèdlt be am, show the peri of amn. 3. Mino Items (less than $25,00) ma be groped by cl. Line Bace at De De No.De of Ot Beginning Co Creil Bala at Demi Cril ofVear Ac Amont EndofVear (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(~ 1 Deferr Tax Regulatory lIab 8,000,476 1,924,016 9,924,49 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total 8,00,476 0 1,9,016 9,924,492 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN Lin No. ccunt Subdivisions 1 2 3 a Accont 282 Electc Gas 4 5 6 6.01 6.02 7 8 9' 10 11 TOTAL Accunt 282 Enter Total of lins 5 thru 8 Classcation of TOTAL Federal Income Tax Sta Income Tax Local Income Tax Class of Propert Meod Transmision DOB Transmission DDBISYD Transission ACRS Transmission MACRS Distrbution DDB Distriution DDBISYD DIstbution ACRS Distbuton MACRS Distrbuton MACRS Trånsporttion EquJ DOS Transportation EquJ ACRS Transportation Equl MARS Ofce Fumlture & E DOB Ofce Fumltre & E DOB/SYD Ofce Fumlture & E ACRS Of Fumiture & E MACRS ~ructus & Impro.. ACRS Structres & Impro.. MACRS Decrption CIAC Cos of removal Exces ta over bok depreation Gain(Loss) on sale of ass Line Pack NOTES Esate li Gude Li - 22 ye GuideH Class ure -17.5 years 10 years 15 years Guideline Li - 35 years Guideline Class Lif - 28 years 15 years 20 years 15 years Guideline Class Li - ,3 years 3 years 5 year Guldeßne Life - 8 yers Guideline Class Li - 7 years 5 years 5,7 years 15, 18 & 19 years 31.5,39 years SCedl;e M Deferr Tax Amowi Provided Date of Re Yea of Report .........:...'. .1i e¡.!i., .:. ."" .'.......e................ 524,512 177,783 (26,078) (8~,848) (7,403,540) (2,50,430) 205 69 (7,143,901) (2,421,426) End of 20094 Balai: at Beinnin of Year b CHANGES DURING YEA Amount Amounts Deited To Creited To Account 410.1 Acunt 411.1c d 21,053,974 46,693 2,88,119 21,053,974 o o o 21053974 464,693 2,886119 464693 2886119 :::1:'~~t\~~_ì~~:~~ì~~'~ ~ i~:lj' ~:~::~':~=:i~~ rt~:~:~::'.~~;2:~'~:~.:'~' ~.:iJ 21,053,974 46,693 2,886,119 Adoption Date 1970 1971 1981 1987 1970 1971 1981 1987 4/11/200 1971 1981 1987 1970 1971 1981 1987 1981 1987 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 274 ............................................ Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Rep Year of Repor (1) X An OrinalINTRMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 2 A Resulsalon 3/11210 En of 2oo9! ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES. OTHER PROPERTY Accunt 282 3.. Add ro as necessry to report all date. When ro are added, the additional ro number should follow In seuenc, 4.01, 4.02 and 6.01, 6.02 etc. Use se arate a es as ulre.CHAES DURING YEAR ADJUSTMENTSAmount Amount Debits Crits Balanc at LineDebited To Crdited To End of Year No.Accunt 410.2 Acunt 411.2 Acc. No. Ac. No. Amount 23,882,484410.110 (a)4,513 124,369 470,699 o 65,26 4 23,882,484 5 6 6.01 6.02 23,882,48 7 8 9 10 11 128,882 535,96 128,882 535,96 E~'-'~"'¡'- ':;~"~l ~-)' '.r"-!n~~'.:i~:"';n¡:i'" ....;...~,l;~d~l'. l'?..~ir*';T""" n; ~?~ ,...."w~f....~.. .' ... .....'!;~~J ~-~~, f' m',\I""""i-¡o .. 1' ~T:; ~)lqs.''f~~~: .......,.. ... in ....'"~!f.K.i.~.. ~7~. "re~~~~ &';¿.. ';l~_~~~~t:'l:.i~~~~:~~~~.JjL¡2.::112~~~ ~,~itt:~_i_~. ~~~.t~:~..~ti:.:~t1C,Jr:~:iciI~~~;~~d;(~'~L' ¿;:.:rti!~-i:tIi~Jj 128,882 535,966 23,882,48 Annual Ta Deerrls:Annual Deferl DrCr:w Creit Debits AdIUsment Balance 1970-90 13,548,355 3,637,628 4,413,106 14,323,833 1991 51,356 137,077 33,96 14,272,076 1992 145,291 480,888 10.812 13,947,293 1993 239,617 670,220 313,46 13,830,155 199 414,750 73,180 (9,042)13,501,883 1995 133,463 97,680 (13,741)13,523,725 1996 88,99 97,625 (24,082)13,489,017 1997 199,775 284,997 (269,523)13,134,272 199 485,92 630,120 (59,519)12,930,555 1999 153,687 155.312 50,729 12,979,659 200 277,316 200,185 42,34 13,09,138 2001 423,005 914,337 (785,228)11,842,578 2002 1,777,814 371,385 14,73 13,26,739 2003 3,403,641 529,426 27,893 16,165,847 200 2,371,09 437,931 (85,431)18,013,579 2005 501,156 90,347 (177,641)17,427,74720743,952 693,90 (204,776)17,273,019 2007 837,470 152,501 (66,746)17,891,242 200 3,640,40 325,633 (152,039)21,053,974 200 2,88,119 464,693 407,084 .23,882,484 Deferrd tas are provided for the diffrence betwn boo lives on a composite method and tax lives comp eitr on a decining balance method, a sum-of-the years digits meth, or an ACRS method. (a) Reprents adjustments to the retum as filed. (b) Reprets amont trnsferr to Acc. 283. c oc-Dec 08 shor ri 1 2 3 Page 275FERC FORM NO 2, (12-96) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 276 ............................................ Name of Respodent This Rep Is:Date of Report Year of Reprt (1) xAn Orlln INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 1(2) A Resubmlo 311/10 End of 204 1. Report the Inforti caUe for be concemlng the 2. For Otr, Inde deferrls nila to othr Inc and deductns. ni,pcndefs accontng fo deferr Income ta nilatlng to amounts rerded In Accunt 283. CHANGES DURING YEA Balanc at Line Acunt Subdivisns Beinning Amounts Amounts No.of Year Debit Creitd (Accunt 41 0.1)(Acunt 411.1) fa)(b)(c)Id) 1 Acunt 283 2 Gas 3 AdVance In aid of cotr 11,89830)243,181 n,057 4 Amorttion of Intanalble (83,389)25441 28,918 5 Aced vacation (420,943 83,531 171,883 8 Deferr comoensati Dlns (943,428 47,841 118814 7 SuaDlemental nitlrement alan 0 150984 10,331 8 Post nitlnimen benef (728,799 171149 1321031 9 IBNR benefi claims (98000 2450 100450 10 Cost of aas delivere but unbilled to custmers 949389 0 0 11 Intercmoanv Deferred Creit 0 0 32,430 12 Rate case costs 0 0 0 13 Unbllied reenue (1,807835)0 0 14 Incentive awards 0 0 1,783 15 De costs on niflanc debt 51,753 5,824 433 18 Refinanc cots 200103 21758 1874 17 Fas 158 Rea Ast 198,847 1,212,145 28,984 18 Purchase aas adjustments 3,482,272 2,712,031 0 19 Bad debt Drolslon 1340,418'494,967 511,993 20 Unifrm caiillzti (184,728'120,287 0 21 Acrued FICA 0 7,587 1,373 22 Pension accal 0 0 0 23 Stte Investmnt ta crelt (1,947,8811 0 0 24 Charible Coutins 0 0 0 25 State aurcase aas adJustments & net ooratlna loss 813.845 837,338 8,053 28 Contlnaencv Reserve 0 0 0 27 Line Dack Inventory 0 0 0 28 Fedral reUlatolV aros-up (5,258,819)0 274,939 29 Stte reauiatoiv aroSSUD 1,483.751 25,470 842774 30 Net ooeratlna loss 0 0 0 31 TOTAL (Ac 283) (Totl of Dnes 3thru 30)(8112,563 5981,722 3,528720 32 Classification of TOTAL 33 Federal Inme Tax 18,928,208)5,961,722 3,528,720 34 Sate Income Tax 813645 637,338 8,053 The Respondent provides deferred Income ta in this accnt for an timing diferences between boo and tax accunting which are not directly related to prop. This accunting was approved by the iPUC In Order No. 11507. Beginning In 1983, pursuant to (PUC Order No. 17701, the Resondent doe not provide for deferred State inco taes on It utilty oprations wih the except of purcase gas adjustment timing Items. For 2009, the Items on page 277 generated defer tax proisiOns In this accunt (se page 281A). (a) Represents adjustmnts to the return as filed. (b) Represents amount trnferr from Ac, 282, (c) Represents adjustment to rerd FASB 109. . (d) Reresents Oct-Dec 08 shor peri ........................'.................... Name of Respndet Thii Rep Ii:Date of Repo Year 01 Repo (1) X An Origlnll INTERMOUNTAIN GA COMPANY 2) A Reabmliiio 311/10 End 0I200 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXS. OTHER (Acnt 283l (Contlnuel 3. Provide Ina footnte explatlni for pal 278 and 2n. Indude 4. Ad additio ro as nery to repo aU dat. When !' are added, the addltInll amunll'retl to iiillgnmca Ilemi Bited un Othr.ri numti Mould fo In seuence, 4.01, 4.02 and 8.01,8.02 et. Un searae page ai l8ulre. ADJUSTMENTS CHANGES DURING YEA Debil Creits Amouts Amounts Baanal LIne Deite Creted End or Year No. (Açt 410.2)(Acnt 411.2) Aeç No Amt McNo.Amnt (el m (al (h)m m (kl 1 2 (dl 4,793 282 (b)124,389 (1,744,834)3 411.110 (a 1,957 410,110 (a)&Cd)11,028 (52,823 4 411.110 (a)&(d 11,344 (34,135 5 (d 18,452 (89090 8 (d 1,910,392 (2,051,04 7 411.110 (a)&d 1,189,95 410.110 (a 93,290 (875,58 8.9 (d 949,389 .10 32,430 11 .12 (d 1,807,63 .13 411.110 a 1,783 .14 d 129 45,28 15 d 5,021 174,998 18 (en 1,83073 .847,559 17 (d)750,241 -18 (d 109,418 (432,80 19 410.110 (a)&(dl 33,328 .l251,669 20 (d)538 410.110 (al 3,558 (3,174 21 -22 (d)1,947,881 0 23 411.110 (a)4,668 410,110 (a)4,668 -24 (d 441,378 (259,014\25 -28 411.110 (a)3,901 (3,90n 27 188,800 & 253,80 (c 15,458 98,80 & 253,800 (d 1,093,117 (3,904,0211 28 188,800 & 253.800 (c 4.123 ,800 & 253,800 (c)(d 496,628 2,793,560 29 -30.-5,424,104 7.249,569 (8,720,100)31 32.-5,424,104 7,249,569 (7,533,745)33 441,378 -(259,014)34 Descrption Scheule M Amunt Deferd Taxes Proded Advance In aid of costio (474,583)166,104 Amoriztin of Intngibles 4,216 (1,4n) Acrued vati 251,662 (88,152)Deeir copensa plns 202.781 (70!973) Post retirement benefts (375.037)(1,149,882) Intercpany Deer Creits -(32,430) IBNR bene clims 280,000 (98,000) Unbilled renue .0 Incente awards 5,095 (1,783) Defer cot on reanc debt (14,832)5,191 Refnan costs (57.38)20,084 FAS 158 Regulatory Asset 1,183,161 Acced FICA (17,695)6,194 Purchased gas adjusnts (8,385,996)2,712,031 Purchase gas adustmnt. State (8,3.85.996)63,33 Bad debt proisions 48,645 (17,026) Unifor capitlization (343,622)120,267 SERP accrual (106,011)140,653 Stte investmnt ta crit -0 Chariabl Contrbutis -0 Net operating loss -0 SERP.stte (6,053) (17,368,557)3,525,245 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 277 FERC FORM NO. 21Q (REV 12-07)Page 278 ............................................. I Name Or I"esponaent inis~n:is:n;:.~~s~n Tearlteno or I"pon Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (2) (JA Resubmlssion 12111200 End of 2009lO4 Oter Regulat Liabilites (Account 254) 1. Reprt beow the deils caled for coceing other ieulalory liabilites whic ar creaed through the raemaklng acs of regulato agencies (and not Includale In other amounts). 2. For regulatry lIabilties being amrt, show pe of amozaon In coum (a). 3. Minor Item (5% of th Bace at En of Year fo Acunt 25 or amnt les th $2,00, whicer Is les) may be groupe by classes. 4. Provide In a footnot, for eah line item, the relator cltaon wh the repodet wa dreed to rend th ieulator Ilabilhy (e.g. Commission Orer, state commission or, court deisn). Line Bala at Wrl of dur Wrl of Wilnof Bala at No.Deptn and Purp of Beginin of Ct During Peri Dug Peri Crell End of Currt Oter Regula Uabllit Curr Ac Amount Amount De QulY ear (a)Cuea Cre Rended Non-efndabl (Q (g) (b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Not applicable 2 3 4 . 5, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total 0 i 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 300 ............................................ Name of Respondnt Thls~rtIS:Date of Report YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Reubmlssion 121112009 End of 20091Q Ga Operatng Revenue 1. Repo be natural ga oprating ieue fo each pi ac to. Th amts mu be cons wI the detail dat on succin paes. 2. Revue in column (b) and (c) Inc trns c: fr uptram pipene. 3. Otr Reves in coumns (~ and (g) In retl chiges relv by th pip plus use chares, le revenue refl In coumns (b) throh (e). Incude In colu (~ an (g) reenues fo Acnt 4895. Reue fo Revue fo Revnues for Revnues forTraTraGRlanACAGRlandACA Co an Co and Une Tak-P Take-Pay No. TI of Accun Amt fo Amnt fo Amunt for Amunt for Cunt Yea Previ Year Currnt Year Preio Year (a)(b)(e)Cd)Ce) 1 480 Reidentil Sales 2 481 Come and Indusal sales 3 482 Oler saies to Publ Autrls 4 483 Sa for Resle 5 48 Interdepartnt Sales 6 485 Intcopany Transfers 7 487 Foreited Disnt 8 488 Millaneous Selc Revnue 9 489.1 Revenue fr Transpon of Ga of Ql Throh Gatng Faci 10 489.2 Revenues fr Traspo of Ga of OtrS Throh Transmissio Faciti 11 489.3 Revenues fr Traportion of Ga of Oters Throh Distiibuli Facl6l 12 489.4 Revenue fr Storing Ga of Oter 13 490 sale of Pro. Ex frm Natural Ga 14 491 Revnues frm Natura Gas Pro by Oters 15 492 Incental Gaoline and Oi Sa 16 493 Rent frm Ga Pro 17 494 Intertta Ren 18 49 Oter Gas Reveue 19 Subttal: 20 496 (Les) Proion fo Rate Refnd 21 TOTAL: .. Name of Respondent . Intermountain Gas Company..... .' LIne No... . 1 . 2 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 7 . 8 . 9 . 10. . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 19 . 20 . 21..............' . FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07) Date of Report (Me, Da, Yr) 12111209 YearlPeriod of Report Endof ~ This ~ort Is: (1) !.An Original (2) A Resubmlssion Gas Operating Revenues 4. If incr or dese fr prvis ye ar no deed fr pr re fiure ex any Inncl In a fooi 5. On Pag 108,lnud inforn on mar chage during ih yer, ne selc, an Imrtnt rate JnlUse or de. 6. Repo the renu fr trnsport serv Uit are bund \' sto se as trport servce reenue. OUir Revnue Otr Total Totl DekaØienn of Deka of Revues Operating Opti NatiiaGas Natu Ga Revnues Revenue Amount for Amont fo Amount for Amnt fo Amo fo Pre Yea Curri\ Year Pre Year Curt Year Prio Yea (9)(h)(l (j (I) 214,326,422 223,836,159 21,55,442 21,716,892 102,365,20 107,511,909 10,910,147 11,282193 AlTntfo Currt Year (I) 2,310,187 10,529,033 8,384,997 10,39,337 22,184,155 22,907,40 2,325 2,325 429 327,389,56 25,217 352,300,980 327,389,56 352,30,980 Page 301 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 302 ............................................ Name of Respondent This~rtls:Date of Rep.ort YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Reubmlssion 121112009 EOO of 20091Q4 Revenues fr Transporon of Ga of Others Through GlIerfng Facilit (Account 489.1) 1. Repoi18v8Ies an Dl of gas deD8l thh gathring fa by zo of ie (Ie. st In whlc ga entelS refs syll). 2. Revenu for penalti including pelt for unalhoil over mu be re on pae 30. Revenue fo Revues for Reves fo Revnue for Tl8nsl Tractn GRlandACA GRlanACA Une Cosand Coand No.Take-or-P Takr.pay Rate Scule an Zone of Recpt Amount for Amount for Amount for Amount for Currnt Year Pr Year Curr Year Currnt Yea (8)(b)(e)(d)(d) 1 Not applicble 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent Thls~rtIS:Date of ReP.rt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) F'A Resubmlsslon 121112009 EOOof ~ Revenues frm Transporatlon of Gas of Otrs Through Gathering Facilties (Account 489.1) 3. OUer Revenues In colu (~ and (9) Ine resen chaiges reiv by th pipee plu usge chaiges. les reenues rell In cons (b) through (e). 4. DeDvre Dth of ga mu not be adjus fo dis. Oter Otr Tota Tota Dekaerm of Deen of Revenues Reveues 9Jratlng Opting Natural Ga Natural Ga Une Revnues Reenues No. Amnt for Amount for Amountfo Amuntfo Amntfo Amount for . Curr Year Preio Year Currt Yea Prus Year Currt Year Pre Year (~(g)(h)G)(j (k) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 303 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 304 ............................................ Name of RespoOOent This oo0rt Is:Date of ReP.rt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) FiA Resubmlsslon 121112009 Endof.~ Revenue frm Traspotion of Gas of Oters Through Transmision Facilites (Account 489.2) 1. Rep reenu an DlI of ga de by zo of Delry by Rat SCed Toi by zo of De an fo an zo. If I8po do no ha sepa zoes, pio tols by ra schule. 2. Revue fo penalt includin pelØ fo unul GV mu be ie on pae 30. 3. oier Revenues In comns (0 and (g) Inde rerv chig ni by lI plp pl us chiges fo tr and hub se le reveue reec In columns (b) thh (e). Reveue fo Reves for Revnues for Revenue foTiaTianGRlanACAGRlandACA line Cosand Coand No.TaJæ-Py T~-Pay loe of Delivery, Rate Scule Amount for Amnt fo Amunt fo Amont fo Curnt Year Pre Year Currnt Year Preio Year (a)(b)(e)(d)(e) 1 Not applicble 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .......................................... : FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent Thls~rtIS:Date of Rep'ort YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmlssion 121112009 End of ~ Revenues from Transporttion of Gas of Oters Through Transmision Facilties (Account 489.2) 4. De DUl of ga mut no be ad fo disnt. 5. Each incmental rate scedle and ea indivuall cete rate scedle mus be sete rert. 6. Whre trns se are bundle wit strae se. re total reues bu only tr Dl. Ot OUler Totl Total Dethrm of Dekaer of Revenues Revnue Opti Opti Natural Gas Natra Gas line Revenues Reves No. Amont fo Amount for Amontfo Amnt fo Amont fo Amountfo Cur Year Preus Year Currt Yea Prvius Yea Currnt Year Preios Year (f)(g)(h)(I)(j (k) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 305 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 306 ......'.'.:i.' e!.:...:.'............................... Name of Respondent Thls~rtIS:Date of Report YearlPerlod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) n A Resubmlslon 12131/2009 En of 20Q904 Revenue fr Storing Gas of Oters (Account 489.4) 1. Repo reues and Dth of gas wlran fim strae by Ra SCul an In loL 2. Revenues fo penalti inudin penal fo unari CMS mus be re 0/ page 30. 3. Otr renues in comns (~and (g) in ie c1ai de dies in an witra c1ais. le renue re In column (b) through (e). Reue for Revues for Revnues fo Revnues fo Transn Transacln GRlandACA GRIand ACA line Co and Co an No.Ta~.pay Taker-Py Rate Scedule Amnt fo Amnt for Amount fo Amount fo Cuirt Year Previs Year CunentYear Prvi Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Not applicable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 .......................................... · FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96). Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Rep.ort Year/Period of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Ei A Resubmlsslon 121112009 End of ~ Reenues fro Storing Gas of Oter (Account 489.4) 4. Dl dgas wirawn frm sIrae must no be adjus fo dlsn~. 5. Wh irnsporttin se are bundle wl st seNi, rert only Dt widrawn fr stoe. Oter Oter Tot Toll DekUlenn of Dekaer of Revenues Revenues Operatng Oprang Natral Gas Nara Ga Une Revnues Revenues No, Amount for Amunt for Amunt fo Amnt for Amnt fo Amunt for Currnt Vea Preus Vear Currt Yea Prs Vea Curt Year Pre Vear (Q (g)(h)(R (j (k) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 307 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 308 ............................................ Name of Respondent This~rtIS:Date of ReJ)rt YearlPeriod of Reporl Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resbmlslo 1211/2009 EOO of 2009/04 Otr Gas Revenes (Acount 495) Report below transactions of $25,000 or more Included In Account 495. Other Gas Revenues. Group all trnsactons belo $250.00 In one amount and provide the number of Items. Un.Description of Transaction Amount No.(In dollars) (a)(b) 1 Commins on Sale or D11ibuln of Ga of Ot 2 Competin fo Minor or Incental Se Pr fo Oters 3 profit or lo on Sale of Matel and SuppUes not Orrily Purcased for Resle 4 Sales of Stram, Watar, or Elec, inii Sale or Transrs to Oter De 5 Mislaneus Royltes 6 Revenue frm Dehyrati and Ol Prong of Gas of Ot expt as pni fo In Uie lns to Ac 49 7 Revues fo Right and/or Bene Re fr OUrs whic ar Reaßz Throh Resea. Deloment and Demnstn Ventre 8 Gain on Seme of Imblance Recle and PayabJe 9 Reveue fr Penalt eamed Pimuant to Tail Proios, Incuding PenalU Assocte wI Cash-t SetUls 10 Revues fro Shipper Supplie Ga 11 Ot reenues (Spefy):429 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total 429 .......................................... : FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-07) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of RSlort YearlPeriod of Repor1 Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo,Da, r) (2) riA Resubmlsslon 1211/2009 End of 2QQ4 DiscOunte Rate Services and NegoUate Rat Servces 1. In column b. report the revenues fr discnted rate serces. 2. In column c, reprt th volumes of discnted rate serces. 3. In column d. reprt th revenues fro netiated rate servces. 4. In coumn 8, report the volumes of negated rae servce. Line Dis DIunl Neolte Negoll No.Acct Rate Seivces Rate Sece Ra Seivce Rate Se Rev Volume Revenue Vol (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Accunt 489.1, Revenues from trnsporttion of gas of oters th.rough gathering facilities. 2 Accunt 489.2, Revenues from trnsportion of gas of oters through transmissio facilities. 3 Accunt 489.4, Revenues from storing gas of others. 4 Accunt 495, Other gas revenues. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total Page 313 (a) Amount for Currnt Year (b) Amount fo Preious Year (c) ............................................ Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company Thls~ls: (1) IlAn Oriinl (2) A Resubmislon Ga Operaon and Maintnae Exes Accunt Date of Rep.ort (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeri of Report End of 2009/04 Une No. 1 1. PROOUCtlON EXPENSES 2 A. Manufactred Gas Production 3 Manufacure Gas Productn (Submit Supplementl Sttement) 4 B. Natural Gas Production 5 81. Natural Gas Production and Gathering 6 Operation 7 750 Operatl~n Supervision and Engineering 0 8 751 Production Maps and Records 0 9 752 Gas Well Exnses .0 10 753 Field lines Expnss 0 0 11 754 fild Compressor Station Exenses 0 0 12 755 Field Compressor Sttion Fuel and Por 0 0 13 756 Field Measuring and Regulating Staton Exnse 0 0 14 757 Purification Expnses 0 0 15 758 Gas Well Royalties 0 0 16 759 ~her Expnses 0 0 17 760 Rent 0 0 18 TOTAL Operaion (Total of lines 7 thru 17)0 0 19 Malntenanæ 20 761 Maintenance Supersion and Engineerig 0 0 21 762 Maintenance of Strctures and Improement 0 0 22 763 Maintenance of Producing Gas Wells 0 0 23 764 Maintenance of Field Lines 0 0 24 765 Maintenance of Field Compressor Sttion Equipment 0 0 25 766 Maintenance of Field Measuring and Regulatin Station Equipment 0 0 26 767 Maintenance of Purication Equipment 0 0 27 768 Maintenance of Drillng and Cleaning Equipment 0 0 28 769 Maintenance of Oter Equipment 0 0 29 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 20 thru 28)0 0 30 TOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gatherng (Total of lines 18 and 29)0 0 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 317 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of Rep.0rt YearlPeriod of Repor Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Ei A Resubmiaslon .1211/2009 End of 200/04 Gas Operaon and Maintenance Expenses(conUnued) line Accunt Amount for Amount for No.Currnt Year Previous Year (a)(b)(c) 31 B2. Products exracton 32 Operation 33 77 Operaton Supervision and Engineering 0 Ò 34 n1 Operation lar 0 0 35 n2 Gas Shrinkage 0 0 36 n3 Fuel 0 0 37 n4 Powr 0 0 38 n5 Materials 0 0 39 77 Opration Supplies and Expenses 0 0 40 m Gas Prossd by Others 0 0 41 778 Royalties on Product Extracted 0 0 42 n9 Marketing Expenses 0 0 43 780 Products Purchased for Resale 0 0 44 781 Variation in Product Inventory 0 0 45 (Less) 782 Exract Products Used by the Utility-Credit 0 0 46 783 Rents 0 0 47 TOTAL Operaton (Total of lines 33 thru 46)0 0 48 Maintenance 49 784 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 0 0 50 785 Maintenance of Structure and Improvements 0 0 51 786 Maintenance of Extction and Refning Equipment 0 0 52 787 Maintenance of Pipe Lines 0 0 53 788 Maintenance of Extract Product Storage Equipmnt 0 0 54 789 Maintenance of Compresor Equipment 0 0 55 79 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment 0 0 56 791 Maintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 57 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 49 thru 56)0 0 58 TOTAL Products Exction (Total of lines 47 and 57)0 0 Page 318 59" C. exploration and Develoent 60 Operaion 61 795 Delay Rentals 62 796 Nonproductive Well Drillng 63 797 Abandoned lease 64 798 Other Exloration 65 TOTAL Exloration aOO Deelopmnt (Total of lines 61 thru 64) 66 D. Other Gas Supply Exse 67 Operation 68 80 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 69 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases, Intrcompany Transfers 70 801 Natural Gas Field line Purcases 71 602 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outet Purcases 72 803 Natural Gas Transmissin Line Purcase 73 80 Natural Gas Cit Gate Purchases 74 804.1 Liquefied Natural Gas Purchase 75 805 Other Gas Purcases 76 (less) 805.1 Purchase Gas Cost Adjustments 77 TOTAL Purchased Gas (Totl of lines 68 thru 76) 78 806 Exchange Gas 79 Purchased Gas Expnse 80 607.1 Well Expenseurcase Gas 81 807.2 Operation of Purcase Gas Measuring Stations 82 807.3 Maintenance of Purchase Gas Measuring Sttions 83 807.4 Purchased Ga Calculatns Exense 84 807.5 Other Purchase Gas Exenses 85 TOTAL Purchase Gas Exnses (Total of lines 60 thru 84) o o o o o o 0' o o o ............................................ Name of Respondent Intermountain Ga Company This f! Is: (1) I!An Oriinal (2) A Resbmls Ga Operaon and Maintenance Expeseconnued)Accunt Amount for Currnt Year (b) Date of ReP.rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 12/112009 YearlPeriod of Report End of 209104 line No. (a) Amount for Preous Year (c) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 218,931,292 267,875,122 0 0 0 0 28,221,603)7,042,889 247,153,095 260,832,233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 319 .. Name of Respondent . Intermountain Gas Company . line e No.. . 86 . 87 . 88 . 89 90 . 91 . 92 . 93 . 94 . 95 e 96. 97 98 . 99 .100 . 101 . 102 . 103 .104 105 .106 e107 .108 .109 .110 .111 112 .113 . .114............ . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Report End of 200/04 This 'i0rt Is: (1) IlAn Original (2) A Resubmisslon Ga Operation and Maintenance Expesescontlnued)Accunt Amount for Currnt Year (b)(a) Amount fo Previous Year (c) 808.1 Gas WI.drawn fro Storage-Debit (Less) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storage-redit 80.1 Withdrawals of Liquefi Natural Gas for Processing-Debit (Less) 80.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Procesing-eredit Gas used In Utilit Operaion-erelt 810 Gas Used for Compressor Staton FueI-reit 811 Gas Used for Products Exction-erelt 426,335 445,535 o o 1,146,783 o o o Page 320 o o o o o 247,133,895 247,133,895 8,235 o 72,321 80,556 o 261,898,46 261,898,46 I-~ -------~---~ ~- --~ -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 812 Gas Used for Other Utilit Opetions-reit TOTAL Gas Used In Utility Operations-Credit (Total of lines 91 thru 93) 813 other Gas Supply Expenses TOTAL Oter Gas Supply Exp. (Total of lines 77,78,85,86 thru 89.94,95) TOTAL Production Expnses (Totl of lines 3, 30, 58, 65, and 96) 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE, TERMINAlING AND PROCESSING EXPENSES A. Underground Storage Expenses Operaton 814 Operation Supervision and Engineering 815 Maps and Recors 816 Wells Expenses 817 Lines Expense 818 Compresor Station Expenses 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Powr 820 Measuring and Regulating Staion Exnses 821 Puricatin Expenses 822 Exploraion and Development 823 Gas Losses 824 Oter Exnses 8~5 Storage Well Royaltes 826 Rents TOTAL Opraon (Total of lines of 101 thru 113) 115 Maintenance 116 830 Maintenance Supervsion and Engineering 117 831 Maintenance of Structre and Improvements 118 832 Maintenance of Reseoirs and Wells 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 120 834 Maintenance of Comprr Sttion Equipment 121 835 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equipment 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 116 thru 123) 125 TOTAL Underground Storge Exses (Total of lines 114 and 124) 126 B. Other Storage Exnses 127 Operation 128 840 Operation Supeisn and Engineerng 129 841 Opration Labor aOO Exse 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Powr 133 842.3 Gas Loss 134 TOTAL Operation (Total of line 128 thru 133) 135 Maintenance 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 137 843.2 Maintenance of Structure 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas "Holers 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purication Equipment 140 843,5 Maintenance of Liquefaction Equipmet 141 843,6 Maintenance of Vaporing Equipment 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compreor Equipmen 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Equipment 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other Equipment 145 TOTAL Maintenance (Total oflines 136 thru 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storage Exnses (Total of lines 134 and 145) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ............................................ Name of Respondent Intermountin Gas Company This ~ort Is: (1) .~An Oriinal (2) A Resbmlsn Gas Operation and Maintnance Expens(contlnue)Accunt Amount for Currnt Year (b) Date of Re~ort (Mo, Da, Yi' 12111200 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2009/04 line No. (a) Amount to Previous Year (c) -~-- ----- ~ 4,506 42,052 29,95~210,738 0 0 122,200 14,94 63,340 54,791 0 0 482,997 322,527 7,221 1,286 54,571 31,269 10,135 0 376 0 48,280 0 30,113 3,754 10,466 3,395 0 0 4,754 4,995 165,916 44,699 648,913 367,22 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 321 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of RespoOOent This ~ort Is:Date of R~ort Year/Period of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo,Da, r) (2) OA Resubmlsslon 1213112009 EOOof ~ Gas Operation and MaIntenance Expens(contnued) Une Accunt Amunt for Amount for No.Currnt Year Previous Year (a)(b)(c) 147 C. Uquefed Natural Gas Termlnaling and Prossing Exnses 148 Operation 149 844.1 Operaion SupervisIon and Engineering 0 0 150 84.2 LNG Processing Terminal Labor and Expenses 0 0 151 84.3 Liquefaction Procssing Labor and Exnses 0 0 152 844.4 Liquefaction Transporttion Labor and Exnses 0 0 153 844.5 Measring and Regulating Labor and Expenses 0 0 154 84.6 Compresr Station Labor and Exnses 0 0 155 844.7 Communication System Expnses 0 0 156 84.8 System Control and Load Dispatching 0 0 157 845.1 Fuel 0 0 158 845.2 Power 0 0 159 845,3 Rents 0 0 160 845.4 Demur'ge Chargs 0 0 161 (less) 84.5 Wharfge Receipts-reit 0 0 162 845.6 Procssing Liquefi or Vaporied Gas by Others 0 0 163 846.1 Gas Losss 0 0 164 84.2 Other Expnses 0 0 165 TOTAL Opration (Total of lines 149 thru 164)0 0 166 Maintenance 167 847.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 0 0 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 0 0 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Procssing Terminal Equipment 0 0 170 847.4 Maintenance of lNG Transportation Equipment 0 0 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Equipment 0 0 172 847.6 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 0 0 173 847.7 Maintenance of Communication Equipn:ent 0 0 174 847.8 Måintenance of Other Equipment 0 0 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 167 thru 174)0 0 176 TOTAL Liquefied Nat Gas Termlnallng and Proc Ex (Totl of lines 165 and 175)0 0 177 TOTAL Natural Gas Storage (Total of lines 125, 146, and 176)648,913 367,226 Page 322 1,988,698 o o 4,703) 2,012,351 o o o ........... .1.1 .!.:............................. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company This~rtls: (1) ~An Oriinal (2) A Resubmlsio Ga Opeon and Maintnance Expeconnued)Accunt Amunt for Currnt Year (b) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 1213112009 Year/Period of Report EOO of 2O9!04 line No. (a) Amount fo Previous Year (c) 178 3. TRSMISSION EXPENSES 179 Opêralon 180 850 Operatin Supervision and Engineering 181 851 System Control and load Dispatching 182 852 Communicatin System Exenss 183 853 Compreor Station labor and Expense 184 85 Gas for Compressr Sttion Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel aOO Pow for Compressr Sttions 1 s6 85 Mains Exense 187 857 Measurig and Regulatng.Station Exense 188 858 Transmission and Compresion of Gas by Oters 189 859 Other Exnses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 180 thru 190) 192 Maintenance 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Engineeng 194 862 Maintenance of Strcture and Improveents 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196. 864 Maintenance of Comprer Station Equipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measuring and Reulatng Sttion Equipment 198 86 Maintenance of Communicaion Equipmnt 199 867 Maintenance of Other Equipment 200 TOTAL Maintnance (Total of lines 193 thru 199) 201 TOTAL Transmission Exenses (Total of lines 191 and 200) 202 ,4. DISTRIBUTiON EXENSES 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervision and Engineering 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 206 872 Compressr Station labor and Exnse 207 873 Compressr Station Fuel and Power 96,726 94,385 78,680 7!,972 13,659 19,511 2,059 12,739 0 0 0 0 11,874 14,240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 202,998 218,847 0 0 0 0 26,193 22,003 0 0 0 0 141,146 159,045 0 0 167,339 181,04 370,337 399,895------ -- - - Ir --- ---- Ii FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 323 .. Name of Respondent . Intemountain Gas Company . line . No.. . 208 . 209 . 210 . 211 212 . 213 . 214 . 215 . 216 TOTAL Operetion (Total of Ones 204 thru 215) . 217 Maintnance . 218 . 219 220 . 221 .222 . 223 . 224 . 225 . 226 227 .228 .229 .230 .231 . 232 . 233 .234............. . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Date of Re¡:ort (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2Q Thls~rtls: (1) ~An Original (2) A Resubmisslon Gas Operation and Maintenance Expenss(contlnued)Account Amount for Currnt Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c)(a) 874 Mains and Servics Exenss 875 Measuring and Regulating Station Exense-General 876 Measuring aOO Regulating Stion Expenses-Industrial 877 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-it Gas Check Station 878 Meter and House Regulator Expenses 879 Customer Installations Exenses 880 Other Expnse 881 Rents 1,509,807 111,743 454 o 1,126,258 3,34,627 773,990 237,661 9,118,891 1,762,057 127,424 245 o 1,180,881 3,129,458 754,448 207,241 9,145,749 885 Maintenance Supeision and Engineering 886 Maintenance of Strcture and Improvements 887 Maintenance of Mains 156,928 o 778,547 o 118,101 258,405 o 896,470 401,631 o 2,610,082 11,755,831 95,476 o 819,016 o 161,644 250,076 o 86,627 342,779 o 2,532,618 11,651,50 888 Maintenance of Compressr Station Equipment 889 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment-General 890 Maintenance of Meas. aM Reg. Station Equipment-IOOustral 891 Maintenance of Meas. aOO Reg. Station EquipCity Gate Check Station 892 Maintenance of Servs 893 Maintenance of Meters' and House Regulators 894 Maintenance of Other Equipment TOTAL Maintenance (Totl of lines 218 thru 227) TOTAL Distribution Expnses (Total of lines 216 and 228) 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES --- -~ IOperaton 901 Supervn 902 Meter Reading Exense 903 Customer Records and Collecon Expenses 90,178 484,209 5,614,254 85,470 459,194 5,674,712 Page 324 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 , 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 , 268 269 270 271 ............................................ Name of Respondent Intermountin Gas Company Date of ReP.rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeri of Report En of 2009/04 This Il0rt Is: (1) Il An Orinal (2) A Reubmlslo Ga Operaon and Maintenanc Expe(connued)Accunt Amount for Currnt Year (b) Une No. Amunt for Prvious Year (c)(a) 90 Uncollectble Accnts 905 Miscllaneous Custoer Accunt Expenses TOTAL Customer Accunts Expnse (Total of lines 232 thru 236) 6. CUSTOMER SERVCE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES Operation 907 Supervision 908 Customer Asistnce Expenss 909 Informational and Insructon Expense 910 Miscellaneous Cuser Servce aOO Infrmatonal Expns TOTAL Customer Service and Information Expenses (Totl of lines 240 thru 243) 7. SALES EXENSES Operation 911 Supervision 912 Deonstrng aOO Sellng Exenses 913 Advertising Expenses 916 Miscellaneous Sale Expnses TOTAL Sales Expenses (Total of lines 247 thru 250) 8. ADMINISTRATIV AND GENERAL EXPENSES Operation 920 Administre and General Salaris 921 Ofce Supplies and Expenses (Les) 922 Adminisatie Expense Transfrr-Crelt 923 Outide Servic Employed 924 ,Propert Insurance 925 Injuries and Damages 926 Employee Pensions and Benef 927 Franchise Requiremets 928 Regulatory Commission Expenses (Less) 929 . Duplicate Chargesredit 930.1 General Advertising Expenses 930,2Miscellaneous General Exnses 931 Rents TOTAL Opration (Total of lines 254 thru 266) Maintenance 932 Maintenance of General Plant TOTAL Administtive and Generl Expenses (Total of lines 267 and 269) TOTAL Gas O&M Exenses (Total of lines 97,177,201,229,237,244,251, and 270) 1,968,232 o 8,156,873 1,557,107 o 7,776,483 22 0 92,789 103,311 0 0 0 0 92,811 103,311 o 954,378 93,392 o 1,047,770 o 1,274,539 106,358 o 1,380,897 7,258,291 7,151,381 4,24~,346 3,350,795 603,905 1,140,838 1,066,535 1,296,453 0 167,928 1,072,234 988,021 6,744,121 6,448,868 0 0 714,167 835,132 0 0 0 0 382,339 758,451 0 0 20,879,128 19,856,191- r--- ---- -- 585 20,879,713 290,086,143 2,297 19,858,488 303,436,269 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 325 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of Report YearlPerlod of Repor Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) FiA Reubmisslon 1211/200 EOOof ~ Exchang and Imbalance Tninsactlona 1. Rert beow detas by zone and rate schedule cocerning Uie gas quantiti an reate dollar amount of imbalan asated w1Ui system balancing and no-lce seice. Also, repo ceifcated natural ga exchange trnsacons during Uie year. Proe subttas for Imblæc and noot quantities for exchanges. If repondent do not have searte zone, prvie totals by rae schedule. Minor exchan trsactons (les than 100,00 D1h) ma be grope. Line Gas Reciv Ga Reciv Gas Delivre Ga Deie No.fr Oth frmOUIi 100l 10 0I Zoate SCedule Amnt Dl Amnt Dl (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 NOT APPLICABLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total 0 0 0 0 Page 328 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 331 ............................................ Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Rsrrt YearlPerlod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Me,Da, r) EOO of 20004(2) Fi A Resubmlsslon 121112009 Gas Us In Utility Options 1. Rep be deil of CI durlng ti yer to Accun1l810, 811, and 812. 2. If any natu gas was us by lh reen fo whic a åi was not ma to lh appropr opra exns or oler acct Øst se In column (e) lIe Dl of gas us, omng enlr In comn (d). Natia Gas Natral Gas Natural Gas Nat Gas line Puip for Whic Gas Was Use Acnt Amont of Amntof Amunt of No.Chared Gas Us Credit Creit Creit DI Qn dolla)Qn dors)(I dolla) (a)(b)(e)(d)(d)(d) 1 810 Gas Use fo Compr stn Fuel. Crit 2 811 Gas Us for Pruc Ex . Creit 3 Gas Shrnkae and Oler Usage In Resdents Ow Prossing 4 Gas Shmka, etc. fo Respodents GasPro by Ot 5 812 Ga Use for Oler Utlll Opns. Crit (Reeort sepaly fo ea prpa us. GRlp minor us.) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total .......................................... : FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of R~ort Year/Period of Report Intermountabi Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo,Da, r) (2) DA Resubmlssion 1213112009 End of æl Transmission and CompressIon of Gas by Oters (Account 868) 1. Repo belo del8s coin gas trsprt or compr fo repont by ot equalling mo than 1,00,00 Dl and amols of pemels fo sucl serv duri the yea. Minor Itms (ls Uln 1,00,000) Dth ma be group. AJ,lne in coum (c) amo paid as trslln cols k) an upstr pipene. 2. In coumn (a) giv nam of coie, pols of deliery and iept of gas. Designate ponls of CIIIv an ret so that they can be Idenlld readDy on a ma of repoents pipene sytem. 3. Deignate as copanies wll an astesk in comn (b). Amunt of DlofGaLiName of Copany and Descti of serv Penonn .Paymt Delivre No.(I dolars) (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 NOT APPCABLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 , 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Page 332 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 334 ............................................ Name of Respondent This (lort Ii:Date of Rep.ort YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gai Company (1) An Oriinl (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Reiubmlsiion 121112009 End of 2004 Oter Ga Supply Expens (Account 813) 1. Rep otr gas suppl exp by desti ti lhat ci Indic th natu of su exes. Sh rnanc ex revluat of molhly eneimen rerd in Acnt 117.4, and Io on settent of imlanc an gas. lo no as wi ste separaly. Indlc th ful classficn an pur of proer 10 whic any exen ni. LI sepately Itms of $25,00 CK mo. De Amnt Line (in dors) No.(a)(b) 1 NOT APPUCABL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Totl .......................................... : FERC FORM NO.2 (12-8) Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Rep.ort Year/Period of Report Interountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yi' (2) OA Resubmlssion 1211/2009 End of ~ Miscellaneous General Expense (Account 830.2) 1. Provie Ule informti reque beow on milaneos genera expns. 2. For Oter Exnses, show th (a) purp, (b) reie and (c) amount of such itms. li sera amonts of $250,00 or mo hoeve, amonts le Ulan $250,00 ma be gropelf lIe nuber of It of so gro Is sho. Deptln Amont Une (I dolJlS) No.(a)(b) 1 Industr associaton dues.~2 Experimental and gèneral researc expenses. a. Gas Reearch Institute (GRI) b. Other -.3 Publishing and distributng Information and repor to stockholders, trustee, reistar, and transfer agent fes and expenses, and other expnses of servicing outstanding seurites of the respondent 4 Other expenses 197,141 5 Director expenses 165,911 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total 38340 Page 335 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 336 ........ .¡.: .1.,... .¡............................... Name of Respondnt This (lort Is:Dat of Reprt YesrlPeriod of Report Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Orinal (Mo, Os, Yi' (2) OA Reubmlson 12131129 End of 2009104 Depreiaton, Deleton and Amortn of Gas Plant (Acet 403, 404.1, 404.2, 40.3, 406) (Except Amorttion of Acisiton Adustm) 1. Rep In Sen A th amunts of depr ex depl an ami1 fo1h acun In an clUi ac lD 1h plant funcna groups sh. 2. Reprt in Se B, coumn (b) all depl8le or amrt pl ba to wh rate n app an sh a cole to (If mo desirabl, raport by plnt acun sunt orfuncUl cliftions otrlhn li prnt in co (a). Ind In a fo th mane In whic coumn (b) bace are Section A. Summa of Dereon, Deplon, and Amorton CharesAmAmn an Amrtzan of Expns for Deti of Undround sme Line Depr Ast Proucng Natural Land and La No.Funal Clalfn Ex Retireent Ga Land and Lad Rights (Accunt 40)Co RIhts (Acnt 404.2) (Accnt (Acc 404.1) (a)(b)40.1)(c)(d)(e) 1 Intaible plant 2 Proucn plnt, manufcire gas 3 Prouc and gateing plant natral gas 4 Prouct excl plant 5 Undeigrond gas sfrae plt 6 Olr sfrage plan 367,011 7 Bas load LNG tennaBn and prng plnt 8 Transmisn plnt 1,2,358 9 Dlbuti pla 9,3,5 10 Gen plnt 2,,06 11 Commo p1nt-gas 12 TOTAL 13,2,99 .......................................... : FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of ReP.rt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An OrigInal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) fjA Resubmlssion 1211/2009 Endof ~ Depreciation, Depletion and Amorttion of Gas Plant (Acet 40, 401, 40.2, 404.3, 405) (Except Amorttion of Acquisiton Adjustments) (continued) obl. If averae baan are used, state th meUiod of averaing us. For coumn (c) re avIlabl Infomin fo each plant funal c1ssll lis in column (a). If copoite dere accunting is us, re availabl innn called for In columns (b) and (c) on Uils bas Whe th unit.oroue me is us to dennne depali chrges sh in a foot any revis made to esmate gas reas. 3. If prvis fo deprn were made during th year in addlUo Ð de prided by appßcan of ~ rate, st ki a fotnte th amnls and nature of th prons an th plant itms to whic rela. Secon A. Summary of Depreaton, Depleton, and Amortizon Charges Amoitn of Amolin of Ot Umlt.te Ot Ga Plat Tota line Ga Plant (Acun 405).(btog) No.(Accnt 404.3)FuncOl Classia (f)(g)(h)(a) 1 54,789 54,789 intngible plnt 2 Prucon plnt manufclre gas 3 Pron and gaUieing plant naral gas 4 Pro ~n plant 5 Underrond gas ste plnt 6 367,011 OIr strage plant 7 Base lod LNG tellg and proin plant 8 1,20,358 Trais plnt 9 9,38,55 DI plnt 10 2,,06 Gener pla 11 Comon plas 12 54,789 13,319,784 TOTAL Page 337 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 338 ............................................ Name of RespoOOent This 'Oor Is:Date of Report YearlPerlod of Repo Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) FiA Rebmlsio 12111200 End of 200Q4 Depreiation, Depletion and Amorttion of Ga Plant (Accta 403, 40.1, 40U, 404.3, 405) (Except Amoron of Acquisiton Adjus) (connued) 4. Ac lO as necry to comple repo aU da. Numbr th adal lO ki seue as 2.01, 2.02, 3.01, 3.02, etc Secion B. Factrs Use In estimang Depreiation Charge Apli De Una Plant Ba or Amitn Rate No.Funcna Clall (In lhsands)(perçt) (al b c 1 Prouctn and Gather Plat 2 Ofhore (fo detils) 3 Onshore (foobi detals) 4 Undergroun Gas Ste Plt (fo dells) 5 Tramis Plant 6 Ofore (fo details) 7 Onsor (fotnte details) 8 Gen Plant (foot detils) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respndent This~rtIS:Date of ReP.rt YearAPeriod of Report Intennountaln Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) n A Resubmlssion 121112009 End of 2O/Q4 Partculars Concerning Certin Income DeductIons and Interest Charges Accounts Rep th Inatn spe beJo,ln th orr giv, fo th repe Income deuc and Inte ches acunll. (a) M1celaeo Amlln (Accnt 425)-Des the nature of It incde in this acunt th co accnt charged, the tol d amon chs fo the yea, and the pe of amrtlin. (b) Misneous Incme Deducnseprt the natu, payee, and amot of oIer Inco deduct for th year as reuire by Acll 426.1, Doti 426.2, ute Innc; 426.3, Penall; 426.4, Exdits fo Cein Civi Polcal and Rel Ac; and 426.5. Otr Deucns, of the Unlfnn Sym of Acnl. Amunll of le than $250,000 may be gro by cl wiin Ihe abo acunll. (c) Intere on Debt to Ass Copani (Acct 430)-or each aste copany Ihat incrr intere on debt duri the ye, inicte th amount an interet ra reely for (a) adance on notes, (b) adnc on opn acnt, (c) not payable, (d) acunll payale, and (e) othr debt, and Iotal Inte Exlain Ihe nature of oth debt on whic Intere was incurr during th year. (d) OIer Intre Ex (Accnt 431) . Report detIls Including th amount and inte rate for otr Interet chrges incu dui the ye. Une Itm Amo No.(a)(b) 1 4261. Donatns 41,792 2 3 4263.3 Penall 1,258 4 5 426.4XX CI & Polit exns 32,193 6 7 4265.XX OIer 5,251 8 9 4310.XX Otr Intst 28 10 11 '4310.030 Bank Intest 238,213 12 13 4310.2110 Defer competi Execes & Ke Managers 81,3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Zl 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Page 340 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 350 ............................................ Name of Respondent This~rtIS:DateofR~rt YearlPeriod of Repor Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Orinal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Reubmlslon 121112009 EOO of 200910 Regulatry Comission Expenss (Acount 828) 1. Rert be detaRs of reulatory co exses inrr dur ih cut yer (or In pn yelS,lf be ani re to fo ca be a reulato bo, or ca In whic suc a boy wa a ~. 2. In colum (b) and (e), Indic whetr th expe were as by a reula bo or we otis inrr by the ut. Oell Derr in Una (Fumls na of reul co As by Ex Totl Accunt 182.3 No.or boy, Ule dot nu, an a Re of Ex at Beginnin de of the ca.)Co Ut to Da of Year (el (b)(e)(d)(e) 1 Idaho Public Utilties Comm - annual fee 714,167 2 3 i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total 714,167 ........................................... . FERC FORM_NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of ReJ)rt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Resubmlsslon 121112009 End of 200/Q4 Regulatory Commission Expenses (Account 928) 3. Show Íl column (k) any expese Inaired Íl prr years that are bein am. li in column (a) the pe of amolln. 4. Idnti separately aU annual charge adjuts (ACA). 5. Lis in column (~, (g), an (h) expenses Ílrr during yer whic we chrges cunt to Income, plant or oter acnt. 6. Minor ii (les thn $2,00) may be group. Expeses Expe Expens Ex Amo Amed Incrr inrr Incurr Inc During Year Duri Yea Une Duri Yea During Year Durng Year Duri Year Deferr In No.Chared Chared Charged Acun 182.3 Curen To CuminllTo CurrenllTo Defer to Cont Amount End of Year Accnt Acnt Deparbt Accunt No. Amont 1823 (~(g)(h)(I CD (k)(I 1 2 . 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 351 FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-07)Page 352 ............................................ Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Re~rt YearlP~riod of Report Intermountin Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo, Da, Yr)Enc of 2009104(2) Fi A Resubmission 121112009 Employee Pensions and Be (Acount 928) 1. Report below the Items contained in Accunt 926, Employee Pensions and Benefits. Une Exnse Amount No.(a)(b) 1 Pensios - defned bene plans 2 Pens - ot 90,143 3 Pos-rrent benets oth th pens (PB)1,507,456 4 Post. empyment benef plan 5 Oter (Spefy) 6 401 K 1,117,047 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Totl I 3,533,646 . .. Name of Respondent . Intermountain Gas Company..... . Line . No. . 1 . 2 . 3 4 . 5 . 6 7 . 8 . 1~ . 11 . 12 13 . 14 . 15 16 . 17 . 18 19 . 20 . ~ . 23 . 24 25.26 'Z . 28.29 30 . 31.32 37.38.39 40.41.42 43.44.45.. . FERC FORM NO.2 (RESED) Dat of ReP.rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of ReportThls~rtls: (1) I!An Original (2) A Resubmlsslon Distrbuton of Salaries and Wages Repo belo th disut of total salari and wages fo th yea. sereale amounts orinll ched to clri ac to Utiit Depanfs Co Plant Rem and OUer Acts, and enr such amon18 In th approle lies and c;umns pred. salari and waes bI to th Rendent by an allte copany mus be asne to th pacur opetig funcs) reting to th expens In detrminin this seretion of salari an wa orinally charg to clari accunt a meod of appxim givng subslly cone relt ma be used. Wh re detU of other accn18, enler as many ro as ne numbe seqenll strt wi 75.01, 75.02, etc Endof~ Classintin Payl SUIe by Aff Copaie Allon of Payrl Charedfo CI Accunts (d) TotDI PayrUDlti (a) Elec Opetion Prouctn Transmison Dlsbutin Cusme Accn18 Cusmer sarvlc and Infrml saies Admise and Gene TOTAL Operatin (Totl of lines 3 thiu 9) Mainteance Prouct Traisio Disbut Admiistie and Gener . TOTAL Mainlenanc (Total of lines 12 thiu 15) Totl Opetion and Maålteance Productn otl of lines 3 and 12) Transmison ot of On 4 and 13) Disbulln (Totl of line 5 and 14) Custoer Accunt line 6) Cusme Servic and Infatonal Olne 7) Sale (line 8) Administrve an Generl (Tot of lies 9 and 15) TOTAL Opon an Maintenanc (Total of lines 18 thiu 24) Gas Operation Prouct - Manufare Gas Prouctn - NabJra Galncuding Explortin an Development) Oter Gas Supply Storage. LNG TerminaUng and Proing Transmiion Distruton Cusmer Accunt Custome Service and Informatinal Sales . Administtie and General TOTAL Operati (Totl of line 28 th 37) Maintnanc Prouct - Manufaure Gas Prouct - NabJral Gas(lncludin Exploration and Depmnt) OUer Gas Suppl Storage, LNG Tennallng and Prog Transmiion Disbutn -----~ --- ---- I-~- ~--- r ~ ~-- I 173,793 171,161 7,148,84 4,09,164 173,793 171,161 7,148,845 4,093,164 725,451 5,665.96 17,9n,510 725,451 5,665,09 17,9n,510---~ -- ------ 24,219 136,767 1,510,951 24,219 136,767 1,510,951 Page 354 198,012 307.928 8.65,796 4,093,164 198,012 307,928 8,659,796 4,093,164 ............................................ Name of Respndent Intermountain Gas Copany This ~rt Is: . (1) l!An Orinal (2) A Resubmon Distrbuon of salares and Wages (contnue) Pay BIDI PayU by Afli . DI Companie Dat of Rep'rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Report End of 200/04 (a)(e) AIUoof Payll Charged fo Cleri Accunls (d) Totline Cia No. 46 Admlre and Genera 47 TOTAL Maintenc oll of Dne 40 lhni 46 48 Gas (Conued) 49 Totl Opti and Mainteanc 50 Proucn . Manufacre Gas (T ola of lins 28 an 40) 51 Prucin - Natura Gas (Including Ex and Dev.)PI. 29 and 41) 52 Oter Ga Supply (Total d Dne 30 and 42 53 Stge, LNG Tenninall an Pr (Totl d l31 an 43) 54 Transn (Tot of line 32 and 44) 55 DIbu (T ola of line 33 and 45) 5& Cus Accunt (Tota of line 34 57 Custo Serv and Infnal (Total of line 35) 58 Sele ola of Ii 36) 59 Administi and Generl otal of Does 37 and 46) 60 Tola Opetin an Maintenanc oll of lines 50 lhni 59) 61 Other Utility Depanls 62 Opetin and Maintenance 63 TOTAL Al Ublit Dept (Total of Une 25, 50, and 62) 64 Utili Pla 65 Consl (By Utili Derbls) 66 EIe Plant 61 Gas Plat 68 Otr 69 TOTAL Coct (Total of Iles 66lhni 68) 70 Plat Remoal (By Ubllty Dertnt) 71 Elee Plnt 72 Ga Plant 73 Otr 74 TOTAL Plat Remol (Toti of lines 71lhni 73) 75 Oter Acunt (Spe) (fotn deils 76 TOTAL Oter Accnt 77 TOTAL SALRIES AND WAGES (b)(e) 725,451 5,665,09 19,649,447 ~~-~- 19,649,447 19,649,447 FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED)Page 355 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of Rsrrt YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Oriinal (Mo,Da, r) (2) riA Resubmlsslon 1213112009 End of 20010 Charges for Outside Profesional and Oter Consulttive Services 1. Rep Ui InIoUo spe belo fo aD ches made du Ihe yer includ ki an acc (including plan acants) for oue coulttie and olher proion se. Thes seiviæ ine ra, managint cocl, engine, reea, financ, valualin,leal. accnli, purii, adving,labor relalb, and public relatI, rede for the rendan under wri or or arrngeint fo whic agreat pa were mae duri Ihe yer 10 an corprali partip, oranlz of any Idd. or Indivual (olher than for seiv as an emploee or fo paments mae fo meic an re seiv) amollg 10 more than $25.00, indi pats for leis sece. except thos whic should be rep In Acnt 426.4 Expeditre fo Cein CI PoUli and Rela Actes (a) Name of pe or orgizati rede sei. (b) Tot chrges for Ihe year. 2. Sum under a deptn "OIel", aU of the afinoned seiv amounlng to $250.00 or le. 3. Tot under a deption "T otar, the to of aø of th aforenUone serv. 4. Chrges fo oue priol and oter coulle seiviæ pred by as (dat) companIes should be exudd fr lhls scedul and be repo on Page 358. accin to Ui inson for that schedule DepUo Amnt line (In do) No.(a)(b) 1 No vendor;) $250,00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Page 357 (a)(b) Acunts) Charged or Creit (c) Amt Charged or Crell (d) ............................................ Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company This~rtIS: (1) ~An Oriinal (2) A Reabmlaion Transacton with Asociated (Affliate) Companies 1. Re belo th infoti calle fo cocein all goo or serv re fr or pRl ID as (affll copanie amunt ID mo than $2,00. 2. Sum under a descrti "OI, all ci th afment goos and se amont ID $2,00 or less. 3. Tot under a descrlpti "Tot, th to of au of th atil8Uoned goos an se 4. Whre amount bile ID or re fr the as (aflia) co are ba on an all pr, expl in a foot th basi of th allti. Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr)1211129 YearlPerid of Report End of 200 Une No. Depti of th Go or S8l Nam of AsdfAlIia Compa 1 Goos or Service Proded by AfI Compa 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Goo or Serice Proide for Affliate Compa 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 . 35 36 37 38 39 40 ~~---~-- , FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 12-07)Page 358 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07)Page 508 ............................................ Name of Respondent ThIS~IS:Date of Re¡:rt Year/Period of Repor Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmisslon 1213112009 End of 20004 Compreor Stations 1. Reprt be detRs conceing copreor sttins. Use the foll suin: fi co stas, 'p exn coor st undrond stge compor statins, trnsmisio compissor sttis, ditrti copror statins, an ot co sta 2. For con (a), indic the pio are whre such sta are us. Grp rely sm fi coso sls by pruc ares. Sho the numr of stns giup. Identi any stati held unde a ti oter than fuR owneip. St In a fo th name of Ower or cone, th nature of repodes ti and peia of owerip If Joll ow. Numbr of ceed Line Name of SIl/on an loc Unil at Horsr fo PtantCot No.Statin Ea Stati (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 2 Transmission Compresor Staon: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ........................................... . FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12.07) Name of Respondent This oo0rt Is:Date of Report YearlPerlod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An OrigInal (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) OA Resubmlsslon 121112009 End of 200/04 Compreor Staons Delgnale any stan Uiat wa no opte duilng Uie pat yea. Stle in a fole wheter Uie bok CXst of su stti ha ben re in the boks of acunt or what dJon of Uie st and li bo Clt are cotslate. Deignat any CXmpor unll In Jrnsmllo CXlnl8sor stti Intall and put Inb operan duilng th year and sho ål a fotn eac unils siz and Uie date th unit wa pld in operati. 3. For CXIi (e), incde th type of ful or power, If oUier thn natural gas. If tw ty of fu or poer are us, sh separale enli fo natura gas and th oIer fuel or po. Expenses (except Expens (exce Expeses (exce Opnal Data Operanal Data decitin and deprn and detin and Gas for EJ for Numbe of Dale of Une taes)ta)taes)Coprr Compre Tot Compior Comre Sttin No.Fuel In DU Staonln HoulS of Opti Opra atTun Peak Fuel Power OUer kWh Dur Year ofsi Pea (e)(f (g)(h)(1 (D (k)(I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 509 6,091 6,019 6,700 6,627 6,413 7,21 6,80 6,987 2,638 213 5,632 82,98 144,381 6,91 6,019 6,700 6,627 6,413 7,201 6,88 6,987 2,638 213 5,632 82,98 144,381 ............................................ Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Copany Thls~rtls: , (1) ~An Oriinal (2) A Resubmlsslon Gas Storage Projects 1. Report injeons an wils tl gas fo all st pr us by repond Date of Report (Mo. Da, Yr) 121112009 Year/Peri of Rep End of 20104 Ga Bein to Respodent (O) (b) Gas Beloing to0I (D) (e) Total Amunt (DI) Une II No. (a) STORAGE OPRATIONS (I Dth) 1 Gas Delivere to Strae 2 January 3 Febru 4 Marc 5 April 6 May 7 June 8 July 9 Auus 10 septber 11 OC 12 Novemb 13 Debe 14 TOTAL (Tot of line 2 th 13) 15 Gas Witdrawn fr Ste 16 January 17 FeblUary 18 Mar 19 Ap 20 21 June 22 July 23 Augus 24 Seber 25 Oc 26 November 27 December 28 TOTAL (Total of line 16lh 27) 85,730 85,730 85,734 85,734 85,m 85,m 113,076 113,076 164,793 164,79 35 35 53,46 535,46----~~-- I FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 512_ .. Name of Respondent Intermountain Gas Company. . 1. On lin 4, enter the tota ste ca cete by FERC. . 2. Repo total amot in Oth or oter unit as applicble on Rnes 2, 3, 4, 7. If quant Is cort fr Me to Df, pro coiilo factr In a foot.. . line . No. . 1 . 2. : . 5 . ~ . 8 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 13 . 14 . 15 16.......... .0............ : FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) This f!ort Is: (1) ll An Oriinal (2) A Resubmission Ga Stoge Prts Date of Re~rt (Mo, Da, Yr) 121112009 YearlPeriod of Repo End of 200 Item (a) Tot Amunt (b) STORAGE OPERATIONS To or Workng Ga End ofVear Cushi Ga (Incuding Natie Gas) Total Gas In Resrv (Totl of line 1 and 2) Certte Stoe Capa Numbr of Injen . Wildral Wei Numbe of O_ivalln Wells Maxmum Oa WIdral fr Storae Oall of Maxmum Days Wilhral LN Tennna Copanie (in Oth) Numbr of Tanks capaci of Tanks LNG Volume Reced at "Ship Ra T ra to Tanks Withdrawn fr Tan "Bol or Vapoll Loss 11,178,234 23,60 11,201,83 164,27121 I - --------- Page 513_ Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Penod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An OriInal (Moi Da, Yr) (2) Fi A Resubmlsslon 121112009 Endof ~ Transmission Une 1. Rep be, by sta,lh Io mD of trsmio li of ea trmis sys op by reen at en of yer. 2. Report sete any li he under a lI otr !h ruo oweilp. Deignat suc Ones wI an as in column (b) and in a i:ot st th name of owr, or coner, nare of reents li, and pe owneip If jo owed. 3. Reprt setely any On th wa not opra dur lh pa yea. Ent In a fo th de and st wh th bo co of suc a fine, or any pon ther, has be retl in th boks of acnt, or wh ~polU of the Une an li bo co ar cote 4. Report th number of mi of pipe to one demal po Designa (ldll).TotlMHe line of li or Group of l.of Pipe No.(a)(b)(c) 1 Tramision Une (iuding irati ma) 702.00 2 Disbun and servic fines 10,58.00 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 514 ............................................ .. Name of RespoOOent . Intermountain Gas Company.... . line . No.. . 1 . 2. : . 5 . ~ . 8 . 190 . 11 . 12 13 . 14 . 15 16 . 17 . 18 19 . 20 . ~ . 23 . 24 25 . 26 . ~ . 29.30 31 . 32 . 33 34 . 35 . 36 37........ . FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Date of ReP.rt (Mo, Da, Yr)121112 YearlPeriod of Report End of 200/04 This '!0rt Is: (1) ~An Original (2) A Resubmlsslon Transmission Sysem Peak Deliveries 1. Rep belat the tol trnsmion syte delver of gas (I Ol), excldin delier to store, for th peod of sym peak dellv inte be, during the 12 moth em the heali sen ovrlpp the yeas end fo which this repo Is submitd. Th se's pek noly wi be reach bef the due da of this re Apr 30, which pennil Incusion of the peak Infonn reui on th pae. Add ro as necry to rert an da. Number addl ro 6.01, 6.02, et Detin DthofGaDe to Interstate Pipennes (b)(d) OlofGas Dere to Oters (c) Tot (b) +(c) SECTiON A: SINGLE DAY PEA DEUVERIES Dat 121 Vo~me of Gas Tra Nooti Trartti Oter FI Transprtti Inteptibl Transprtti Otr (Oebe) (foote des) TOTAl Volume of gas Witdran fo St e under Stoe Contrel NoNoti Stoe Otr Finn Strae IntelTplile Ste Ot (Describe) (fo detaDs) TOTAL Other Operl Actvies Ga Witra from Ste for Syte Opetins Reductn in Lle Pack Ot (Desbe) (fotnte detaDs) TOTAL SECTION B: CONSECUTIVE THREE.DAY PEAK DEUVERIES Dams: 1~~1~1W09 Vo~me of Gas Transrt No-Noti Transpotion Oter FI Trapotin Int bi Transpn Oter (Debe)" (fote detDs) TOTAl Volu of Ga Witdrawn fro Storae unr Strae Contr NoNoti Ste Oter Finn Stoe Inteptble Storage Oter (Describe) (fotnote detils) TOTAL Ot Operatinal Acls Gas Witdran frm Storae for Sysm Operans Reducton in Line Pack Oter (Describe) (foote detils) TOTAL --~-~~- ~---- ---~~-~ --~-- I 25,30 256,306 25,306 25,30-- -~------ 102,833 102,83 102,83 10283I ~- --- I --=__=- ~-~ I_- i 72,95 723,95 723,95 72,950-- ~- ~i I 164,499 164,49 164,499 164,49¡ - - - -~ -- -- Page 518 Page 519 ............................................ Name of RespoOOent This ~ort Is:Date of ReP.YearlPeriod of Report Intermountain Gas Company (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yi" (2) OA Resubmission 121112009 End of 2009/04 Auxliary Peaking Facilit 1. Repo be auxiDiy faciUl of the repodent lor me sel pe demds on ih repots sym, suh as undero ste pr li pem ga kltall ga Rquen plats 01 gas sets etc 2. Fo comn (c), fo underod ste proec, repo ih deliveiy capa on Febiy 1 of ih heng seasn ovepping ih yea-end lor whic lh re Is submtt. For oIer fa, re the rate mamum da de capas. 3. For co (d), incud or exclude (as epproprlte) the co of any plat us jo wll aner fali on the basi of premiant us, unle the auiy peki facl Is a sete plt as cotepl by generaln 12 of the Unifnn Sym of Acnt. Max Dall Cosof Was Fac loti of Typ of De cacit Fac Op on Day line Fac Fac ofFacl Qn dolla)of Highe No.DI Traio Pea (a)(b)(c)(d)Dery 1 Nam Idaho Liquefi na ga 60,000 14,57,069 2 NW 1/4 Sec 31 3 T4nR1W.BM 4 5 Plyut, WA Lique natural gas 720,000 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) .. Name of Respondent . Intermountain Gas Company............ . Une No.. . 01 Name of System: 2 GAS RECEIVED . 3 Ga Purces (Accnts 800-5) . 4 Gas of OUrs Receiv for Gather (Acct 489.1) 5 Gas of Oters Receiv foTransmi Accunt489.2) . 6 Gas of OUrs Receive fo Dlsbut (Accunt 489.3) . 7 Gas of OUrs Recived for Contid e (Accnt 489.4) 8 ed Gas Recved fi OUrs Accnt 806) . 9 Gas Recived as Imbalace (Accnt 806) . 10 Recpt of Respenfs Ga Transport by Ot (Accnt 858) 11 ot Gas Witdra fr Strae (Expla) . 12 Gas Reced from Shippers as Comprr Sta Fuel . 13 Ga Recived from Shippe as Lot and Unacntd for 14 Oth Recipts (Spe) (fote detail) . 15 Tota Recipts (Total of Une 3 thiu 14) . 16 GAS DELNERED 17 Gas Sales (Accnt 48Q.84 . 18 Delivries of Ga Gatred for Oters (Accunt 489.1) . 19 DeUveries of Ga Transport fo Ot (Accnt 489.2) 20 Deliri of Ga Dlsbut fo Oters (Acunt 489.3) . 21 Delivris of Contct Storage Gas (Accunt 489.4) . 22 Exchnge Gas Deli to Others (Accunt 806) 23 Ga DeUvere as Imbalanc (Accunt 806) . 24 Delries of Gas to QIrs fo Transporttion (Accnt 85) . 25 Oth Ga Delivere to Stge (Explain) 26 Gas Used for Compresor Staon Fue . 27 Oter Deliv (Spe) (footnote deta) . 28 Totl DeUve otl ofUnes 17 thiu 27 29 GAS UNACCOUNTED FOR . 30 Proucton System Los . 31 Gathring Sym Los 32 Transmn Sysm Los . 33 Distrutn Syste Lo . 34 Store Sysm Los 35 OUr Los (Spe) (fotnote detail) . 36 Tota Unaunte Fo (Tota of Hnes 30 thiu 35 . 'S Tot Dees & Unacunted For (Tot of lies 28 and 36). . FERC FORM NO.2 (REV 12-07) Date of Rep.ort (Mo, Da, Yr)12/112 YearlPeriod of ReportThis ~ort Is: (1) I.An Original (2) A Resubmisslon Gas Account. Natural Gas 1. Th purp of ILLS schule Is 10 8Ct for th qu of na g.lIved an deiv by Ile re 2. Naga mew eller naWi ga unmi or ei ml of _re an manre ga. 3. En In can (e) lIe year 10 dal Dl . rø In th acle Indlcll ti lh iI of repI an de. 4. Enle In co (d) lh re quas DU . re In lh ac Indic ti lh ¡le of repI an dellv 5. Ind In a fo lh qu of bundle aa an Ir ga an spe lIe lin on whic suc qua arl8. 6. If lh respot op tw or lß syrn wh ar no intec sub sepa fo IIIa pi 7.lndlc by fo the quliUl of ga nosubj to Co re wh li no Inr FEC ie COts by sho (1) lh lo dl8 vol anth jucl pipene deiv kllh loal d1libu co po of lh ie pipein (2) th qu. tlth re pipene Iran or ao lhh its lo d1a1on faUIi or Inlr fall an whic lh re pipelin re throh ga falI or In fail, bu no th any of th Inte po of th li pipein an (3) lh gath lin qu th we no d.Une fo Inte ma or Ui we no ir IIroh ar Int pon of th re piine 8. Ind In a fo lh spe ga pw_ 8J acnls) an re ki wh lh agreat voume rø on In No 3181a 9. Ind in a fo (1) lh syte sup quantll of gas lIal are slo by th re pipene, dur th reng '/ an al re as sal,trpo an colo voume by th 18po pili during lh sam rert ye, (2 lh sy8l supp qullli of gas lh ar slo by th re plpein duri th re year whic lIe reng plpene Intes 10 88 or Ir in a Allu re year, an (3) coac ak ques. 10. Al In th volume of pipein prii ftsalesllat ar Inlu In boll lh cos to saes fiUl an th co's tolriiap fiure Ad adltallnf . ne 10 lhfo. End of 20004 (a) Ref. Page No. ofFERCFon Nos.2f-A (b) Tot Amount of Dt Year to Date (c) Curnt 3 moth End Amount of Qt Quart Only (d) Ite 32,281,945 30 30 301 307 328 328 332 22,184,155 397,980 144,381 55,00,461- ~-~ -- I 32,243,392 30 30 22,184,155 301 307 328 328 33 549,722 509 - I - - - -- - - -- --- - I 54,9n,2 139,698 139,698 55,116,967 Page 520 I FERC FORM NO.2 (REV. 12-96) 522.1 ............................................ Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) X An OrIginal (Mo, Da, Yr) Intrmountain Gas ComDanv (2) A Resubmisslon 121112009 20004 8vstemMaDS 1. Fumlsh five copies of a system map (one with each filed copy of this report) of the facilits oprate by the respondent for the prouctin, gathering, transportation, and sale of natural gas. New maps need no be furrlshed If no Importnt c1ange has ocurrd In the facilites opereted by the respondent since the date of the maps furnished wi a previous year's annual report. If, hower, maps are not furnishd for this reason, reference should be made in the space below to the year' annual report wlt which the maps were fumlshed. 2. Indicate the followfng Informatin on the maps: (a) Transmisson lines. (b) Incrental faciities. (c) location of gathering areas. (d) loction of zones aOO rate areas. (e) location of storage filds. (f) Loction of natural gas fields. (g) loction of comprer stations. (h) Normal direction of gas fiow (Indica by arr).(i) Size of pipe. . Q) location of product excton plants, stabilizio plants, purion plants, recycling areas, etc. (k) Principal communitis receivng servce through the repondens pipeline. 3. In addition, show on each map: graphic scale of the map; date of the fact the map purpor to show; a IegeOO givng all symbols and abbreviations used; designations of falites leased to or frm another company, givng name of such other copany. 4. Maps not largr than 24 inches square are desire. If necessary, howeer, submit larger maps to show essntial Information. Foid the maps to a size not larger then this report. Bind the maps to the rert .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , NA T U R A L G A S S i Y S T E M IN T E R M O U N T A I N G A S C O M P A N Y CA N A D I A N G A 'U A N B A S I N SU N VA L L E Y 'K E T C H U M I E L K O R N e, H A L E ~ ~n ~ c¡ ~ G O O D I N G BR U N E A U . CO N A i) S O D A S P R I N G I GE O R G E T O W N I . M O N T E L E R LE G E N D - W I L L I A M S P I P E L I N E - I N T E R O U N T A I N G A S C O . S E R V I C E L A T E L S . T O W N S S E R V E D B Y I N T M O U N T A I N G A S C O . e! I N T R M O U N T A I N G A C O . O F F l t ? S Sc a 2 5 M I L E I I Ma r h , 2 0 0 8