HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001Annual Report.pdfI T I I T T I I T T T I T I I I I I Check appropriate box: o Original signed form n Conformed copy Exact Legal Name of Respondent (Company) INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FERC FORM NO.2: ANNUAL REPORT OF MAJOR NATURAL GAS COMPANIES This report is mandatory under the Natural Gas Act, Sections 10(a) and 16, and 18 CFR 260.1. Failure to report may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does not consider this report to be of a confidential nature. Form Approved OMB No. 1902-0028 (Expires 113112002) Year of Report September 30, 2001 I FERC FORM NO.2 (1-99) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING THE FERC FORM NO. 2 I T t I t I I T I t I I t I I I I I I lt. GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose This form is designed to collect financial and operational information from major interstate natural gas companies subject to the lurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. This report is a nonconfidential public use form. Who Must Submit Each Maior naturat gas company which meets the filing requirements of 18 CFR 260.1 must submit this form. NOTE: Major means having combined gas transpofted or stored for a fee exceeding 5O million Dth in each of the 3 previous calendar years. What and Where to Submit (a) Submit the electronic medium in accordance with the procedures specified in 18 CFR 5 385.2O11 and an original and four (4) copies of this form to: Office of the Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20426 Retain one copy of this report for your files. (b) Submit immediately upon publication, four (4! copies of the latest annual report to stockholders and any annualfinancial or statistical report regularly prepared and distributed to bondholders, security analysts, or industry associations. (Do not include monthly and quarterly repons. lndicate by checking the appropriate box on page 3, List of Schedules, if the repofts to stockholders will be submitted or if no annual report to stockholders is prepared.) Mailthese reports to: Chief Accountant Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington, OC 20426 (cl For the CPA certification, submit with the original submission of this form, a letter or repoft (not applicable to respondents classified as Class C or Class D prior to January 1, 1984) prepared in conformity with current standards of reporting which will: (a) contain a paragraph attesting to the conformity, in all material respects, of the schedules listed below with the Commission's applicable Uniform System of Accounts (including applicable notes relating thereto and the Chief Accountant's published accounting releasesl, and I[. FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-961 Page a vt. vil. I T t t a I T T I t I I t I I I t I a xt- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Prepare this report in conformity with the Uniform Systems of Accounts (18 CFR 2O1)(U.S. of A.). tnterpret alt accounting words and phrases in accordance with the U.S. of A. Enter in whole numbers (dollars or Dth) only, except where otherwise noted. (Enter cents for averages and figures per unit where cents are important.) The truncating of cents is allowed except on the four basic financial statements where rounding to dollars is required. The amounts shown on all supporting pages must agree with the amounts entered on the statements that they support. When applying thresholds to determine significance for reporting purposes, use for balance sheet accounts the balances at the end of the current repofting year, and use the current year amounts for statement of income accounts. Complete each question fully and accurately, even if it has been answered in a previous annual report. Enter the word "None" where it truly and completely states the fact. For any page(s) that is not applicable to the respondent, either (a) Enter the words 'Not Applicable" on the particular page(s), or(b) Omit the page(s) and enter 'NA," 'NONE," or 'Not Applicable' in column (d) on the List of Schedules, pages 2 and 3. Enter the month, day, and year for all dates. Use customary abbreviations. The 'Date of Report" at the top of each page is applicable only to resubmissions (see Vll. below). lndicate negative amounts (such as decreases) by enclosing the figures in parentheses ( ). When making revisions, resubmit the electronic medium and only those pages that have been changed from the original submission. Submit the same number of copies as required for filing the form. lnclude with the resubmission the ldentification and Attestation, page 1. Mail dated resubmissions to: Chief Accountant Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Washington, OC 2o426 Provide a supplemental statement further explaining accounts or pages as necessary. Attach the supplemental statement (8 112 by 1 1 inch size) to the page being supplemented. Provide the appropriate identification information, including the title(s) of the page and the page number supplemented. Do not make references to reports of previous years or to other repofts in lieu of required entries, except as specif ically authorized. Wherever (schedulel pages refer to figures from a previous year, the figures repofted must be based upon those shown by the annual report of the previous year, or an appropriate explanation given as to why the different figures were used. Report all gas volumes in MMBIU and Dth. Respondents may submit computer printed schedules (reduced to 8 112x11l instead of the schedules in the FERC Form 2 if they are in substantially the same format. Report footnotes on pages 551 and 552. Sort data on page 551 by page number. Sort data on page 552 by footnote number. The page number component of the footnote reference is the first page of a schedule whether it is a single page schedule or a multi-page schedule. Even if a footnote appears on a later page o{ a multi-page schedule the footnote will only reference the first page of the schedule. The first page of a multi-page schedule now becomes a proxy for the entire schedule. For example, Gas Plant in Service ranges across pages 204 through 2O9. A footnote on page 2O7 would contain a page reference of 2O4. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-961 Page aii T t I I T I T t t t t I T I T t t I I FERC FORM NO.2: ANNUAL REPORT OF MAJOR NATUML GAS COMPANIES IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact Legal Name Respondent lntermountain Gas Company )2 Year of Report September 30, 2000 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (lf name changed during year) None 04 Address of Principal Office at End of Year (Street, City, State, Zip Code) P.O. Box 7608 : 555 S. Cole Road, Boise, ldaho 83707 05 Name of Contract Person Scott Madison 06 Title of Contract Person Controller 07 Address of Contact Person (Street, City, State, Zip Code) P.O. Box 7608 : 555 S. Cole Road, Boise, ldaho 83707 08 Telephone of Contact Person, lncluding Area Code 208-377-6000 09 This Report ls: (1) * An Original (2) a Resubmission 10 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April30,2001 ATTESTATION The undersigned offic,er certifies that he/she has examined the accompanying report; that to the best of his/her knowledge, information, and belief, all statements of fact contained in the accompanying report are true and the accompanying report is a correct statement of the business and affairs of the above named respondent in respect to each and every matter set forth therein during the period from and includino October 1 to includino Seotember 30 of the vear of the reoort. 11 Name Scott Madison 12 Title Controller 13Sisnature /il/ - 14 Date Signed April30, 2001 Title 18, U.S.C.IOO1, makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agenry or Department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. FERC FORM 2 (12-96) Page 1 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report is: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmissior Date of Report Year of Reporl 09/30/01 LIST OF SCHEOULES (Natural Gas Company) Enter in column (d) the terms "none" "not applicable," or "NA" as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the responses are "none," "not applicable," or "NA." Title of Schedule /a) Date Revised (c) Reference Page No. (b) Remarks Line No. 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Jb JI GENERAL CORPORATE INFORMATION AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS General lnformation Control Over Respondent Corporations Controlled by Respondent Security Holders and Voting Powers lmportant Changes During the Year Comparative Balance Sheet Statement of lncome for the Year Statement of Retained Eamings for the Year Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements BALANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (Assets and Other Debts) Summary of Utility Plant and Accumulated Provisions for Depreciation Amortization, and Depletion Gas Plant in Service Gas property and Capacity Leased from Others Gas Property and Capacity Leased to Others Gas Plant Held for Future Use Construction Work in Progress-Gas General Description of Construction Overhead Procedure Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Gas Utility Plant Gas Stored lnvestments lnvestments in Subsidiary Companies Prepayments Extraordinary Property Losses Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs Other Regulatory Assets Miscellaneous Defened Debits Accumulated Defened lncome Taxes BALANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES (Liabilities and Other Credits) Capital Stock Capital Stock Subscribed, Capital Stock Liability for Conversion, Premium on Capital Stock, and lnstallments Received on Capital Stock Other Paid-in Capital Discount on Capital Stock Capital Stock Expense Securities issued orAssumed and Securities Refunded or Retired During the year Long-Term Debit Unamortized Debt Expense, Premium, and Oiscount on Long-Term Debt Unamortized Loss and Gain on Reacquired Debt Reconciliatron of Reoorted Net lncome with Taxable lncome for Federal lncome Taxe: 101 102 103 107 108 110-113 1 14-1 t6 118-119 120-121 ,t22 200-201 204-209 212 213 214 216 218 219 220 222-223 224-225 230 230 230 232 233 234-235 250-251 252 253 254 254 255 256-257 258-259 260 261 T T T t t I I I T FERC FORM 2 (12-96\Page2 t I t T t I T I I I I I I t I I T t I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report is: ('l)'An Original(2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 LIST OF SCHEDULES lNalural Gas Comoanv'l (Continued) Enter in column (d) the terms "none" "not applicable," or "l'lA" as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit paoes where the responses are "none," 'not applicable,' or'NA." Line No. Title of Scfiedule (el Reference Page No. (b) Date Revised {c) Remarks {d) 38 39 40 41 42 43 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 44 45 6 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 BAI.ANCE SHEET SUPPORTING SCHEDULES ( Liabilities and Other Credits) (Continued) Taxes Accrued, Prepaid, and Charged During Year Miscellaneous Cunent and Accrued Liabilities Other Defened Credits Accumulated Defened lncome Taxes-Other Property AcqJmulated Oefened lncome Taxes-Other Other Regulatory Liabilities INCOME ACCOUNT SUPPORTING SCHEDULES Gas Operating Revenues Revenues from Transportation of Gas of Others Through Gathering Facilities Revenues from Transportation of Gas of Others Through Transmission Facilities Revenues ftom Storage Gas of Olhers Other Gas Revenues Gas Operation and Maintenance Expenses Exchange and lmbalance Transac{ions Gas Used in Utility Operations Transmission and Compression of Gas by Others Other Gas Supply E4penses Miscellaneous General Expenses-Gas Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization of Gas Plant Particulars Conceming Certain lncome Deduction and lnterest Charge Accounts COMMON SECTION Regulatory Commission Expenses Distribution of Salaries and Wages Charges for Outside Professional and Other Consultative Services GAS PI.ANT STATISTICAL OATA Compressor Stations Gas Storage Projecls Transmission Lines Transmission System Peak Deliveries Auxiliary Peaking Facilities Gas Account-Natural Gas S)4stem Map Footnote Reference Footnote Text Stockholders' Reports (check appropriate box) Four Copies will be submitted No annual report to stockholders is prepared 262-263 268 269 274-275 279-277 278 300-301 302-303 304-305 306-307 308 317-325 328 331 332 334 335 336-338 340 350-351 354-355 357 508-509 512-513 514 518 519 520 522 551 552 FERC FROM 2 (12-96)Page 3 Next page is 101 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report is: (1) * An Original 3. lf at any time during the year the property of respondent was held by a receiver or trustee, give (a) name of receiver trustee, 9b) date such receiver or trustee took possession, @ the authority by which the receivership or was created, and (d) date when possession by receiver or trustee ceased. GENEML INFORMA 1. Provide name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account and address of office where general corporate books are kept and address of office where any other corporate books of account are kept, if from that where the general corporate books are kept. K. Lebens Vice President - Finance and Administraton, Treasurer .O. Box 7608 ; 555 S. Cole Road Boise, ldaho 83707 2. Provide the name of the state under the laws of wtrich respondent is incorporated and date of incorporation.. lf incorporated under a special law, give reference to such law. lf not incorporated, state that fact and five the type of organization and the date organized. State of ldaho - Oclober 12, 1950 State the classes of utillty and other services furnished by respondent during the year in each State in which respondent operated. respondent is a public utility dedicated to providing high quality gas service through purchase, distribution, and sale of natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers throughout Southern ldaho. 5. Have you engaged as the principal accountant to audit your financial statements an ac@untant who is not the principal accountant for your previous year's certified financial statements. (1) t ] Yes... Enter the date when such independent accountant was initially engaged: (2) [x ] No FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 101 t t l I I I I I I I I 3 I T t I I I I t I I t t I t T I I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) 'An Original I2l A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT 1. ReportinColumn(a)thenamesofall corporations, 3. lncolumn(b)designatetypeofcontrol overthe partnerships, business trusts, and similar organizations that respondent. Report an 'M" if the company is the main parent directly, indirectly, or jointly held control (see page 103 or controlling company having ultimate control over the for deftnition of control) over the respondent at the end respondent. Otherwise, report a 'D" for direct, and "1" for of the )rear. lf control is in a holding company organization, indirect, or a "J" for joint control. report in a footnote the chain of organization. 2. lf control is held by trustees, state in a footnote the names of trustees, the names of beneficiaries for whom the trust is maintained. and the oumose of the trust Line No. Company Name lAl Type of control /hl State of lncorporation I(:I Percent Voting Stock O,vnedInt 1 lntermountain lndustries, lnc.{olding company ldaho 100% 4 5 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)PAGE 102 r\ame or Kesponoenl INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY rnrs Keport rs: il)'An Original 12) An Resubmission Date ol Report Year oI Hepon 09/30/01 CORPORATIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar oryanizations, controlled direclly or indiredly by respondent at any time during the year. lf control ceased prior to end of year, give particulars (details) in a footnote. 2. lf control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in whictr control was held, naming any intermediaries involved. 3. lf control was held jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact in a footnote and name the other interests. 4. ln column (b) deslgnate type of control of the respondent as "D" for dired, an "l" for indirect, or a "J" for joint control. DEFINIIIONS 1. See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Died'. control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary. 3. lndired control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary whicfr exercises dired control. 4. Joint control is that in whicfr neither interest can effedively control or dired action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. !tne \o. Name of Company Controlled {a) Type of Control (b'l Kind of Business {c) Percent Voting Stock O,trned(d) Footnote Reference (e) !OT APPLICABLE. a ! I T I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I IFERC FROM NO.2 (12-96)Page 103 Next Page is 107 I t T T I T t t T t I I t I I t T t t Name oI Kesponoent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY I nts Kepofi rs: (1)'An Original(2) A Resubmission Date ot Report rear or xeporI 09/30/01 SECURIry HOLDERS AND VOTING POWERS 1. Give the names and addresses of the 1 0 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respondent, prior to the end of the )€ar, had the highest voting powers in the respondent, and state the number of votes that each could cast on that date if a meeting were held. lf any such holder held in trust, give in a footnote the known particrrlars of the trust (Whether voting trust, etc.), duration of trust and principal holders of beneficiary interest in the trust. lf the stock hook was not closed or a list of stockholders was compiled within one year prior to the end of lhe year, or if since the previous compilation of a list of stockholders, some other class of seorrity has become vested with voting rights, then show such 10 security holders as of the dose of the year. Arrange the names of the security holders in the order of voting power, commencing with the highest. Show in column (a) the titles of officers and directors included in such list of 10 security holders. 2. lf any security other than stock canies voting right explain in a supplemental statement the circumstances wherebv such security become vested with voting rights and give other important particulars (details) con@rning the voting rights of such security. State whether voting rights are actual or contingent; if contingent, describe the contingency. 3. lf any class or issue of security has any special privileges in the election of direclors, trustees or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method, explain briefly in a footnote. 4. Furnish particulars (details) conceming any options, wanants, or rights outstanding at the end of the year for others to purchase securities of the respondent or any securities or other assets oi/ned by the respondent, induding prices, expiration dates, and other material information relating to exercise of the options, wanants, or rights. Specify the amount of such seqrrities or assets so entitled to be purchased by any officer, director, associated company, or any of the ten largest security holders. This instrudion is inapplicable to convertible securities or to any securities substantially all of which are outstanding in the hand of the general public where the options, wanants. or riohts were issued on a Drorata basis. 1. Give date of the latest closing of the stock book prior to en of year, and state the purpose of such closing: Z. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general meeting prior to the end of year for elec{ion of directors of the respondent and number of such votes cast by prory. lotal: 3v Pro)o: 3. Give the date and place of such meeting. Line No. Name (title) and Address of Security Holder /el 4. VL, I IN(, DtrIVU}(I I IE,D Number of votes as of (date): Total Votes /hl Common Stock (c) Preferred Stock {d) Other /e) 5 IOTAL votes of all votino securities 1.513.060 1.513.060 6 I-OTAL number of security holders 1 7 I-OTAL votes of security holders listed below 1 ,51 3,060 1.513.060 8 9 't0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Voting power of Ten (1 0) Largesl Security Holder lntermountain lndustries, lnc. P.O. Box 7608 Boise, ldaho 83707 Voting Power of Directors and Officers Direclors - None Officers - None 1,513,060 1,513,060 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Page 107 r\ame or KesPonoenl INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY rnrs Kepon ls: i1) - An Original 12) A Resubmission Jate ot Repon Year ol Hepon 09/30/0'l IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR Give details concerning lhe matters indicated below. Make the statements explicit and precise, and number them in accordance with the inquiries. Each inquiry should be answered. Enter "none" or "not applicable" where applicable. lf the answer is given elsewhere in the report, refer to the schedule in which it appears. 1. Changes in and important additions to franchise rights: Describe the actual consideration given therefor and state from whom the franchise rights were acquired. lf the ftanchise rights were acquired without the payment of consideration, state the fact. 2. Acquisition of ownership in other companies by reorganization, merger, or consolidation with other companies: Give names of companies involved, particulars conceming the transaclions, name of the Commission authorizing the trans- action, and reference to Commission authorization. 3. Purchase or sale of an operating unit or system: Briefly describe the property, and the related transactions and cite Commission authorization, if any was required. Give date joumal entries called for by Uniform System of Accounts were submitted lo lhe Commission. 4. lmportant leaseholds (other than leaseholds for natural gas lands) that have been acquired or given, assigned or sunendered: Give effeciive dates, lengths of lerms, names of parties, rents, and other conditions. State name of Commis- sion authorizing lease and give referencc lo such authoriza- tion. 5. lmportant extension or reduction of transmission or distribution system: State tenitory added or relinquished and date operations began or ceased and give reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. State also the approximate number of customers added or lost and ap- proximate annual revenues ofeach class ofservice. Each na- tural gas company must also state major new continuing sour- ces of gas made available to it from purchases, development, purchase contract or otherwise, giving location and approximate total gas volumes available, period of contracts, and other parties to any such anangements, etc. 6. Obligations incurred or assumed by respondent as guarantor for the performance by another of any agreement or obligation, including ordinary commercial paper maturing on demand or not later than one year after date of issue: State on behalf of whom the obligation was assumed and amount of the obligation. Cite Commission authorization of any was required. 7. Changes in articles of incorporation or amendments to charter: Explain the nature and purpose ofsuch changes or amendments. 8. State the estimated annual effect and nature of any important wage scale changes during the year. 9. State briefly the status of any materially important legal proceedings pending at the end of the year, and the results of any such proceedings culminated during the year. 10. Describe briefly any materially important transactions of the respondent not disclosed elsewhere in this report in which an officer, director, security holder, voting trustee, associated company or known associate of any of these persons was a party or in which any such person had a material interest. 'l 1. Estimated increase or decrease in annual revenues caused by important rate changes: State effective date and approximate amount of increase or decrease for each revenue classification. State the number of customers affected. 1. None2. None3. None4. None5. None6. None7. None8. None 9. None 10. None 1 1. All customers were efiected by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's authorization of the following price changes: Effective Date: July 1,2000 AnnualizedRevenuelncrease: $36,400,000 I I T I t I I I I T I I I t I I T I IFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 108 Next Page is 110 Name oi Kespondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY I nrs Hepon rs: il ) 'An Original :2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year ot Repon 09/30/0'l COMPARATIVE BAI.ANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS) Line No. Tifle of Account (a) l(CI. Page No. /b) oalanoe aI End of current Year(c) Earanoe aI End of Previous Year (d). UTILITY PLANT' 2 ufliw Ptant (101-106. 114 zt)t)-zo1 298,550,E70 2u6,9/1.43ti 3 constructron wofl< rn Prooress IU'200-201 33(748 143 4 TOTAL Utilitv Plant (Enter Total of lines 2 ancl :zoo-201 296,661 ,516 287 14.940 5 tLess) Accum. Frovtston . ror uepr. ,{moII. Lrl lUt 111.ztJu-2(J1 152.975.881 (141,570,15: 6 Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of line 4 less t 14!737 14:544.785 I Nuclear Fuel (120.1-120.4. 120.€ 6 (Less) Accum. Provision . forAmort. of Nuclear. Fuel Assemblies. (120.t I Net Nudear Fuel =nter Total of lane 7 less t IU Net utrlrty Plant (hnter I otal ot lrnes o ano !145.905.737 145,544,78t Utilitv Plant Adiustments 122 1.465.945 1.40C.V4C 12 Gas Stored-Base Gas 117.1 zzt) 13 System tsalanqnq Gas 11.2 220 14 Gas Stored in Reservoirs and Papelines - Noncurrenl 117.4 220 t5 Gas Owned to svstem Gas 117.4 zzt) 1t,- OTHER PR,QPbF( I Y ANL' INVES IMEN I5 - 17 Nonutiliv Prope'ty. (d'21 )14 10,262 1E (Lessl A@um. ProvEiron . tor ueDr. ano Amofltzauon 122 1 19 Investments rn Assocaatecl comoanies 127 222-223 20 lnvestment in Subsidiary Companies (123.1 224-225 21 (For Cost of Account 1 23. 1. See Footnote Paoe 224. hne 4( 22 Noncunent Portton of Allowances 23 Other lnvestments 124 222-223 24 soectal Funds (125-12S 259.237 251.505 25 I (, I AL 9tner Propeny & lnvestments ( I otal or ltnes I / - z[259,23t 251,505 26 ' CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS 2l uash (131 63 28 Special Deposits 1 5Z-154 29 WorKno Funds (13t €)84 t22 3o I emoorary Cash lnvestments 136 222-223 804 502 727.516 31 NOtes Kecervable I41 125,000 1Z5,OO0 32 Customer Accounts Receivable 142 I tu,YUl I V,J.+J 33 other Accounts Receivable 143 1.414 851 )64.249 :J4 (Less) Accum. Provtston. lor uncollectrble Acct.-ureoI 14t 1,O02 fJc 525,O0C 35 Notes Receivable from Associated Companies (14: 36 ACCOUnTS F(ecelvaote rom ASSOC. Uompanres (r40'J26 EE.1 09 37 36 Fuel Stock Expense Ulrdistiibuted (152) 39 Residuals (Elec) and Extracted Products (Gas) (153) 40 Plant Material iml dmtirnSr rnnlia-s (i 54)I J,O.lY J94.55/f 41 Mercnandtse (154 42 ulner Matenal and suoDlies r5€ 43 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale 44 {lowances (15E.1 and 158.2) 45 Noncurrent Portion of Allowances 46 Stores Expense Undistributed 16: 4t 3as Stored Underoround - Cunent I b4.220 46 lquetred Natural Gas stored and Held tor Processrnq to.+.2 Inru torl.a 220 567.926 2.560.441 49 ments (ltt:230 823,660 555,U / 50 qdvances for Gas 166 thru 167 229 5l nterest and ulvlclends Ftecetvable ,l 2E1 23,76( 52 Rents Receavable 53 Accrueo utttttY t(evenues I7: 54 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets (174 55 I O IAL Curent and Accrued Assets otal ol ltnes z/ thru 54 8.025.625 5 933.24E FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 110 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY End of Previous Year FERC FROM #2 (ED 12-96)Page 111 I I t T t T I I T I I I T T T I I t t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Date of Report (1) 'An Original /2) A Resubmission Year of Report nq/1n/nl COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS) lne Vo. Title of Account Ial Ref. Page No. (hl Balance at End of Current Year (c) Balance At End of Previous Year (d) . PROPRIETARY CAPITAL' 2 Common Stock lssued (201)250-251 1 -513.060 1.513,060 3 Prefened Stock lssued (2()4)250-251 4 Capital Stock Subscribed Q02.2051 252 E Stock Liabilitv for Conversion (203. 206)252 6 Premium on Capital Stock (207)252 15.703.150 15.703.'t50 7 Other Paid-ln Caoital QO8-211 253 183.541 't 83.541 8 lnslallments Received on Caoital Stock (212)252 o lLess) discount on caDital stock 254 't0 (Less) Caoital Siock Exoense (214)254 fi.o77.741 fi.o77.741 1 Retained Eaminos e15. 21 5.1. 2161 118-119 53.5A7129 51.980.996 12 UnaooroDriated Undistributed Subsidiarv Eaminos (216.1 1't8-119 13 {Less) Reacouired Caoital Stock (217)250-2s'l 11 TOTAL Proprietary Caoital (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 13)69.909,139 68.303.006 15 . LONG.TERM DEBT' 16 Bonds {221 256-257 58_000.o00 58.000.000 17 (Less) Reacquired Bonds (222)256-2s7 18 Advances ftom Associated Comoanies (223)256-257 19 Other Lono-Term Oebl e24l 256-257 0 20 Unamorlized Premium on Lono-Term Debt (225)258-259 21 (Less) Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt-Dr. (226)258-259 22 (Less) Cunent Portion of Lono-Term Debt 23 TOTAL Lono-Term Debt {Enler Tolal of lines '16 thru 22)58.000.000 58.000.000 21 . OTHER NONCURRENT LIABILITIES' 25 Oblioations Under Caoital Leases - Noncunent (227) 26 Accumulated Provision for Prooertv lnsurance (228.'l) 27 Accumulated Provision for lniuries and Oamaqes (228.2) 28 Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits (228.3)662.074 654.974 29 Accnmulated Miscellaneous Ooeratinq Provisions (228.4) 30 Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds (229) 31 TOTAL Other Noncunent Liab. (Enter Total of lines 25 thru 30)662.074 654,974 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96) PAGE 112 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY lhis Report ls: il) . An Original'2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report o9/30/01 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS) (Continued) Line No. Title of Account {a} Ref. Page No. rbl Balance at End of Cunent Year tc) Balance at End of Previous Year l.l'l 32 . CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES' 33 Current Portion of Lono-Term DebtuNotes Pavable (231)26.000.000 12.000.000 35 Accounts Pavable (232)17.103.712 15.194.669 36 Notes Payable to Associated Comoanies (233) 37 Accounts Pavable to Associated ComDanies (234)2.319.046 1.676.036 38 Customer Deoosits (235)361.694 168.536 39 Taxes Accrued (236)262-263 (4.110.3601 (521.538) 40 lnterest Accrued {237)225.746 194.393 41 Dividends Declared (238'l 42 Matured Lonq-Term Debt (239) 43 Matured lnterest (240) 14 Tax Collec'tions Peveble (2/1.11 45 Miscellaneous Cunent and Accrued Liabilities (242)268 46 Oblioations Under Caoital Leases-Cunent (243) 17 TOTAL Cunent & Accrued Liab. (Enter Total of lines 33 thru 46)4'1.899.839 28.712.096 48 . DEFERRED CREDITS' 49 Customer Advances for Construction (252)2.593.946 2.191.372 50 Accumulated Defened lnvestment Tax Credits (255)4.453.408 4.773.158 51 Deferred Gains ftom Disoosilion of Utilitu Plant (256) 52 Other Defened Credits (253)269 5.514.711 5.492.863 53 Other Reoulatorv Liabilities {254)278 54 Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt (257)260 55 Accumulated Defened lncome Taxes (281-283)274-277 21.338.4U 14.671.850 56 TOTAL Deferred Credits (Enter Total of lines 49 thru 55)33.900.499 27.129.243 57 TOTAL Liabilities & Other Credits (Enter Total of lines 14 23.31.47. and 55)204.37 t .550 183.099.319 I I T I I I t t T I I I I I I I t t T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)PAGE 113 I T T t T t I I I t T I T t t I t I I Name of Respondenl INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) 'An Original (2) A Resubmissior Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for ac@unts 412 and 4't3. Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility column (ij) in a similar manner to a utility department. Spread the amount(s) over lines 02 thru 24 as appropriate. lnclude these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating lncome, in the same manner as accounts 412 and 413 above. 3. Report data for lines 7, 9 and 1 0 for Natural Gas companies using accounts 4U1, 4U.2, 404.3, 407.1 and 407.2. Line No. Account {a) (Ref.) Page No. /h\ TOTAL Cunent Year /el Previous Year (d) 1 , UTILITY OPEMTING INCOME' 2 Operatinq Revenues (400)30G301 2't4.917.373 137.909.111 3 Ooeratino Exoenses 4 Operatinq Expenses (401) & Sub. Fin. F.p. (416)317-325 173.959.955 103.376.804 5 Maintenance Ercenses (402)317-325 2.567.941 2.203.299 6 DeDreciation Ercense {4031 336-338 1 1 .796.151 11.010_611 7 Arnort. & Depl. of Utility Plant (404-405)336-338 26,033 26,033 I Amort. of Utilitv PlantAco. Adi. (406)336-338 I Amort. of Prooertv Losses. Unrecovered Plant and Reoulatorv Studv Costs (407) 10 Amort. of Conversion El<penses (407) '11 Reoulatorv Debits (407.3) 12 (Less) Requlatory Credits (407.4) 13 Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes (408.1)262-263 8.246.708 6.251.166 14 lncome Taxes - Federal (409.1)262-263 238,949 (944.5021 15 - Other (409.1)262-263 51.837 e27.240\ 16 Provision for Defened lnc. Taxes (410.1)234-235 30,595,888 13,532,088 17 (Less) Provision for Defened lncome Taxes-Ct. (411.1 23r'.-235 e5.893.732'8.251.731 18 lnvestrnent Tax Credit Adi. - Net (41'1.4)(319.750'(331.0251 19 (Less) Gains from Disp. of Utility Plant (41 1.6) 20 Losses from Diso. of Utilitv Plant (411.7) 21 (Less) Gains from Disoosition of Allowances (41 1 .8) 22 Losses from Disposition of Allowances (411.9) 23 TOTAL Utilitv ODeratinq Ercenses (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 22)201.263.581 126.645.503 24 Net Utilitv Ooeratino lncrme {Enter Total of line 2 13.647.792 11.263.608 less 23) (Canv fomard to oaoe 116. line 25) FERC FROM 2 (REVTSED 12-96)Page 1 14 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission Oate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR (Continued) {. Explain in a footnote ifthe previous yeal's figures are lifferent from those reported in prior reports. 5. lf the @lumns are insufficient for reporting additional utility departrnents, supply the appropriate account titles, lines 2 to 23, and report the information in the blank space on page 122 or in a suDDlemental statemenl. ELECTRIC UTILITY GAS UTILIW OTHER UTILITY Cunent Year Ial Previous Year ,ft Cunent Year lol Previous Year /hl Cunent Year (il Previous Year {i) Line No. 214.917.373 137.909.111 2 173.959.955 103.376.804 4 2.fi7.il1 2.203.299 5 1 1 .796.151 11.010.611 6 26.033 26.033 7 8 I 0 1 2 8.246.708 6.251.166 3 238,949 (944.502)4 51.837 e27.240\5 30.59s,888 13.532.088 6 (25.893.7321 (8.251 .731)7 (319.7501 (331.025t 8 I 20 21 22 20't.269.581 126.645.503 23 13.d47.792 't 1.263.608 24 T I T I I t T I T I I I T I t I t T IFERC FROM NO.2 (REVTSED 12-96)Page 1 15 T I I I T t I I t I t I T I I I t I T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmissio Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR fContinuedl ine \o. Account /a) (Ref.) Page No. (bl TOTAL Cunent Year Ic) Previous Year rdt 25 Net Utility Operatino lncome (Canied fi,vd. from paoe '114)13.U7.792 11.263.608 26 . OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS' 27 Other lncome 28 Nonu{ilitv Ooeratino lncome 29 Rev. From Mercfiandisino. Jobbino & Contracl Work (415)846.047 30 (Less) Costs & Ero. of Merch..Job. & Contr. Work (4'16)(759.8121 3t Revenues From Nonutilitv ODerations (417)1,152 1.346 32 (Less) Ercenses of Nonutilitv Oo€rations (417.'l 328 782 33 Nonoperatinq Rental lncome (4'18) u Equity in Eaminos of Subsidiarv Comoanies (418.'l 119 35 lnterest and Dividend lncome (419)42.466 126,272 36 Allow. for Olher Funds Used Ourinq Construdion (419.1) 37 Miscellaneous Nonooeratino lncome (42't )132 4,759 38 Gain on Disoosition of Prooefu Q21.1 39 TOTAL Other lncome (Enter Total of lines 29 thru 38)130.9't4 133,159 40 Other lncome Deduc{ions 41 Loss on Disoosition of Prooertv (421.2) 42 Misellaneous Amortization (425) 43 Miscellaneous lncome Deduclions (426.1-426.5)340 210.422 't 55.793 44 TOTAL Other lnc. Dedudionsffotal of lines 41 thru 43)340 210.422 1s5,793 45 Taxes Applic. to Other lncome and Deduc{ions 46 Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes (408.2)262-263 56 65 47 lncome Taxes-Federal (409.2)262-263 Q6.942'4.O11 48 lncome Taxes-Olher (409-2)262-263 1.092 521 49 Provision for Defened lnc. Taxes {410.2)234-235 0 0 50 (Less) Provision for Defened lncome Taxes-Cr.(411.2)2U-235 5'l lnvestment Tax Credit Adi.-Net (41 1.5) 52 (Less) lnvestment Tax Credits (420) 53 TOTAL Taxes on Other lnc.& Dedud.fiotal of 46 thru 52)Q5.794 (3.425' 54 Net Other lnc. & Deduct. (Enler Total of lines 39.44.53)(53.714 (19.2091 55 , INTEREST CHARGES' 56 lnterest on Lonq-Term Debt (427)4,210,800 4,210,800 57 funort. of Debt Disc. and ExDense (428)258-259 1.608 1,608 58 Amort. of Loss on Reacquired Debt (428.1 72.2'.t6 72.216 59 (Less) Amort. of Premium on Debt4redit (429)258-259 60 (Less) Amort. of Gain on Reacquired Debt-Credit (429.'t) 61 lnlerest on Debt to Assoc. Comoanies (430)340 62 Other lnterest Emense {43'l)340 (283.596'(264.0691 63 (Less) Allow. for Bon. Funds Used Durino Constr.-Cr.(432)(13,081 (73,394 64 Net lnterest Charoes lEnter Total of lines 56 thru 63)3.987.947 3,947,161 65 lncome Before Extraord. ltems (Total of lines 25. 54 & 64)9,606,131 7.297.238 66 . EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS' 67 Extraordinarv lncome (434) 68 (Less) Extraordinarv Deduc{ions (435) 69 Net Extraord. llems(Enter Total of line 67 less line 68) 70 lncome Taxes-Federal and Other (409.3)262-263 71 Extraord. ltems After TaxesfTotal of line 69 less line 70) 72 Net lncome (Enter Total of lines 65 and 71)9,606,131 7.297.238 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 1 16 Next Page is '118 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Ihis Report ls: 11)'An Original 12) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR 1. Report all changes in appropriated retained eamings, unappropriated retained eamings, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary eamings for the year. 2. Each qedit and debit during the year should be identified as to the retained eamings account in which recorded (Accounts 433, 436-{39 indusive). Show the contra orimarv account affecled in column (b). 3. State the purpose and amount for each reservation or appropriation of retained eamings. 4. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained Eamings, reflec;ting adjustments to the opening balance of retained eamings. Follow by credit, then debit items, in that order. 5. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. Line No. Item (a) Contra Primary Account Affected thl Cunent Year Amount (in dollars) (c) Previous Year Amount (in Dollars) (d) UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (ACCOUNI 216) I Balance - Beoinnino of Year 51.980,996 49,683,758 2 Chanoes (ldentifv bv orescribed retained eaminqs accounts) 3 Adiustments to Retained Eaminss (Account 439) 3.01 Credit: 3.02 Credit: 3.03 Credit: 3.04 Credit: 3.05 Credit: 4 TOTAL Credits to Retained Eaminqs(Acct.439) (Total of lines 3.0'l thru 3.05) 4.01 Debit: 4.O2 Debit: 4.03 Debit: 4.O4 Debit: 4.05 Debit: 5 TOTAL Debits to Retained Eaminos(Acct.439) (Total of lines 4.01 thru 4.05) 6 Balance Transfened ftom lncome (Account 433 less Account 418.1)9,606,132 7.297.238 7 AoDroorialions of Retained Eaminos {Account 436) 7.01 7.O2 7.03 7.O4 I TOTAL Aoorooriations of Retained Eaminqs(Acct.436) (Lines 7.01 thru 7.(N) o Dividends Declared - Prefened Stock (Account 437) 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.()4 10 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock(Acc{.437) (Lines 9 thru 9.04) 11 Dividends Declared - Common Stock (Account 438)(8.000.000)(5,000,0001 1 t.01 1'.t.o2 11.03 11 .04 12 TOTAL Dividends Dectared4ommon Stock(Acct.438)(8.000,0001 (5.000.000' (Lines 11.01 thru 11.04) 13 Transfers from Acct.2l6.l.UnaDDrooriated Undistributed Subsidiarv Eaminqs 14 Balance-End of Year ffotal of lines 'l . 4. 5. 6. 8. 1 0. 12 and 13)53.587.'128 51.980.996 T I I I I I T T I I t I t T I T I T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 118 T I t T T T I T T T I I T t T I T I T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmissir I Date of Report I Year of Report 09/30/01 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR (CONtiNUEd) 5. Show separately the state and federal income tax effed of items shown in account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings. 7. Explain in a footnote the basis for determining the amount reserved or appropriated. lf such reservation or appropriation is to be req.rnent, state the number and annual amounts to be reserved or appropriated as well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. 8. At lines 3, 4, 7, 9, 1 1, and 15, add rows as necessary to report all data. Vvhen rows are added, the additional rorv numbers should follow in seouence. e.o.. 3.0't. 3.02. etc. Line Nn Item (a) Cunent Year Amount (in dollars) /h'l Previous Year Amount (in dollars) (c) APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (ACCOUNI 215) State balance and purpose of eadr appropriated retained eamings amount at end of year and give accounting entries for any applications of appropriated retained eamings during the year. 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.fi 15.05 15.06 't5.07 15.08 16 TOTAL Appropriated Retained Eamings (Account 21 5) \PPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS-AMORTIZATION RESERVE, FEDEML (Account State belorv the total amount set aside through appropriations of retained eamings, as of the end of the year, in compliance with the provisions of Federally granted hydroeledric projed licenses held by the respondent. lf any reduclions or cfianges other than lhe normal annual credits hereto have been made during the year, explain such items in a footnote. 115.1) 17 TOTAL Appropriated Retained Eamings-Amortization Reserve, Federal (Account 215.1) 18 TOTAL Appropriated Retained Eamings (Account 215, 215.1) (Enter total of lines 16 & 17) 19 TOTAL Retained Eamings (Account 215, 215.1,216) (Enter Total lines 14 & 18)53,587,128 51,980,996 UNAPPROPRIATED UNDISTRIBUTED SUBSIDIARY EARNINGS (Account 216.1) 20 Balance - Beqinninq of Year (Debit or Credit) 21 Equitv in Eaminos for Year (Credit) (Account 418.1) 22 (Less) Dividends Received (Debit) 23 Olher Chanoes (Exolain) ' 24 Balanoe - End of Year FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-e6)PAGE 119 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmil Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 1. lnformation aboul noncash investing and financing aciivities should be provided on page 122. Provide also on page 122 a reoonciliation between "Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Yea/'with related amounts on the balance sheet. 2. Under "Othe/' specify significant amounts and group olhers. 3. Operating Aciivities-Other: lndude gains and losses pertaining to operating aclivities only. Gains and losses pertaining to investing and fin- ancing activities should be reporled in those aclivities. Show on page122 the amounts of interest paid (net of amounts capitalized) and income taxes Daid. Line No. DESCRIPTION (See lnstructions for Explanation of Codes) {a) Current Year Amount (b) Previous Year Amount (c) 1 Net Cash Flow from Ooeratino Activities: 2 Net lncome (line72(c\ on oaoe 116)9.606,131 7.297.238 3 Noncash Charoes (Credits) to lncome: 4 Deoreciation and Deoletion 12.352.870 11.537.958 5 Amortization of (Specifv): (See paqe 123)99,857 99,857 5.01 5.02 o Defened lncome Taxes (Net)4.O28.7U 5.280.357 7 lnvestment Tax Credit Adiustments (Net)(319.750'(331.0251 8 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Receivables and Cost of Gas Delivered But Unbilled 1.140.760'.(1.241.300) 9 Net (lncrease) Decrease in lnventorv (726,971 2.212.705 10 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Allowances lnventory 11 Net lncrease (decrease) in Pavables. Accrued Exoenses and Prepavments @12,280'(1 .512.539) 't2 Net (lncrease) decrease in Other Reoulatorv Assets 13 Net lncrease {Decrease) in Other Reoulatorv Liabilities 14 (Less) Allowance for Funds Used Durino Construciion 0 0 15 (Less) Undistributed Eaminos from Subsidiarv Comoanies 16 Olher: Deferred Gas Costs (16.766.316',(15.48't.462) 16.0'l Other assets and liabilities 503,434 671.419 16.02 Net oain on disoosal of DroDertv 18 Net Cash Provided bv (Used in) Ooeratino AciMties (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 16)6.824.998 8.533.208 19 20 Cash Flo^rs from ln\restment Aclivi$es: 21 Construc{ion and Acouisition of Plant (includino land): 22 Gross Additions to Utility Plant (less nuclear fuel)(13,045,565 (18,809,733) 23 Gross Additions to Nuclear Fuel 24 Gross Additions to Common Utility Plant 25 Gross Additions to Nonutilitv Plant 26 (Less) Allowance for Funds Used Durino Construc{ion 0 0 27 Other: 27.O1 27.O2 28 Cash Outflows for Plant (Total of lines 221hru 271 (13,045,565'(18,809,7331 29 30 Acouisition of Other NonqJnent Assets (d) SDecial Funds 0.7321 (21.682' 31 Proceeds from Disposal of Nonorrent Assets (d) Fixed Assets Net of Cost of Removal 305,709 125,951 32 33 lnvestments in and Advances to Assoc. and Subsidiarv Comoanies 34 Contributions and Advances from Assoc. and Subsicliary Companies 35 Disoosition of lnvestments in (and Advances to) 35 Associaled and Subsidiarv Comoenies 37 38 Purchase of lnvestment Securities (a) 39 Proceeds from Sales of lnvestment Securities (a) T I T I t t t I T I t I T t I T I I tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)PAGE 120 T I I I T T T T I I I I T I I T T I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: ('l)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Continued) 4. lnvesting Aclivities 5. Codes used: lnclude at Other (line 27) net cash outflow to acquire other (a) Net proceeds or payments. companies. Provide a recondliation of assets acquired with (b) Bonds, debentures and other long-lerm debt. liabilities assumed ongage 122. (c) lnclude commercial paper. Do not indude on this statement the dollar amount of leases (d) ldentiry separately such items as investments, capitalized per USofA General lnstruc{ion 20; instead provide fixed assets, intangibles, etc. a reconciliation of the dollar amount of leases capitalized 6. Enter on page 122 clarifications and with the plant cost on page 122. explanations. 7. At lines 5,16,27,47,56, 58, and 65, add rows as necessary to report all data. Number the extra rows in sequence, 5.01, 5.02, etc. Llne No. DESCRIPTION (See Instruc{ion No. 5 for Explanation of Codes)Cunent Year Amount (b) Previous Year Amount (c) 40 Loans Made or Purchased 41 Colledions on Loans 42 43 Net (increase) Decrease in Receivables 44 Net (increase) Decrease in lnventory 45 Net (increase) Decrease in Allowances Held for Soeculation 46 Net (increase) Decrease in Pavables and Accrued ExDenses 47 Other: t7.o1 47.02 t8 Net Cash Provided bv (Used in) lnvestino Activities {9 Ootal of lines 28 throuqh 47)fi2.747.588'(18.705.464', 50 51 Cash Flolvs ftom Financinq Aciivities: 52 Proceeds from lssuance of: 53 Lono-Term Debt (b)'t4.000.000 12.000.000 54 Prefened Stock, net of gain on reacquisition 55 Common Stock 56 Other: 56.01 57 Net lncrease in Short-Term Debt (c) 58 Other: 58.0'l 58.02 59 Cash Provided bv Outside Sources (Total of lines 53 throuqh 58)14.000.000 12.000.000 BO Pavments for Retirement of: 1 Lonq-Term Debt )z Prefened Stock. net of qain on reacquisition fJ Common Stock il Other: 35.01 )o Net Decrease in Shorl-Term Debt (c) i7 t8 Dividends on Prefened Stock 59 Dividends on Common Stock (8.000.0001 (5.000.000) 70 Net Cash Provicled bv (Used in) Financinq Aclivities 71 ffotal of lines 59 throuoh 69)6.O00.o00 7.000.000 72 73 Net lncrease (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 74 (Total oflines 18,49 and 71)77,410 Q.172.256', 75 76 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 733.340 3.905.595 77 78 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year 810,750 733,339 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)PAGE 121 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Ihis Report ls: :1)'An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Provide important disclosures regarding the Balance Sheet, Statement of lncome for the Year, Statement of Retained Eamings for the year, and Statement of Cash Flow, or any account thereof, Classiff the disdosures according to eacfi financial statement, providing a subheading for eacfi statement except where a disclosure is applicable to more than one statement. The disclosures must be on the same subjecl matters and in the same level of detail that would be required if the respondent issued general purpose financial statements to the public or shareholders. 2. Fumish details as to any significant contingent assets or liabilities eisting at year end, and briefly explain any adion initiated by the lntemal Revenue Service involving possible assessment of additional income taxes of material amount, or a claim for refund of income taxes of a material amount initiated by the utility. Also, briefly explain any dividends in arrears on cumulative preferred stock. 3. Fumish details on the respondent's pension plans, post-retirement benefits other than pensions (PBOP) plans, and post-employment benefit plans as required by instrudion no. q and, in adctition disdose for each individual plan the curent yea/s cash contributions. Fumish details on the accounting lor the plans and any cfranges in the method of accounting for them. lnclude details on the accounting for transition obligations or assets, gains or losses, the amounts defened and the expecled recovery periods. Also, disdose any curent yea/s plan or trust curtailments, terminations, transfers, or reversions of assets. 4. Where Account 189, Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt, and257, Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, are not used, give an explanation, providing the rate treatment given these item. See General lnstrudion 17 of the Uniform System of Accounts. 5. Explain concisely any retained eamings restridions and state the amount of retained eamings affeded by sucfi restriclions. 6. Disdose details on anysignificantfinancial changes during the reporting ),eartothe respondentorthe respondent's consolidated group that directly affed the respondents gas pipeline operations, induding: sales, transfers or mergers of affiliates, investments in neu/ partnerships, sales of gas pipeline facilities or the sale of orvnership inlerests in the gas pipeline to limited partnerships, investrnents in related industries (i.e., produc{ion, gathering), major pipeline investments, acquisitions by the parent corporations(s), and distributions of capital. '7. Explain concisely unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that the company may need to refund a material amount to the utilitys customers or that the utility may receive a material refund with respeci to power or gas purchases. State for eacfi year affecied the gross revenues or costs to which the contingency relates and the tax effecis and explain the major fadors that affect the rights of the utility to retain suctt revenues or to re@\rer amounts paid with respecl to power and gas purchases. 8 Explain concisely significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year resulting from setlement of any rate proceeding affecling revenues received or costs inaned for power or gas purcfiases, and summarize the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accounts. 9. Erplain concisely only those significant changes in accounting methods made during the year which has an effecl on net income, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. Also give the approximate dollar effed of such changes. l. Bdilcc Shst \ccilnE 186 Mi3c.llaneous Dofomd DsbiE md 253 06.r Dsforsd Crodits Tho Rsspondont follils llE Statm6nt of Fi1ancblAccoui?E Standard No. 109 C'SFAS 109'), whi:h rsqutes that the Respondsnt co.nput6 drfonBd ircorne taxEs on th€ ompody diffeEncas betwr th€ book basis and tax basit of ssets and liatlilities. O€ to lh3 ofieds of regulation on th€ Rsporid€nt, csrtain adjustrnsnts made to ,efff€d im taxs to r8ll€d the a@tlm cf SFAS 109 re, h trm, rcll€cted I a regulatory ass€il tr li$ility. Th6 Rsspond€nt has rscorded a defenBd r€gulattry ss6t of I 4,627,318 and a dsfened regulatqy liability of t 5,3m,689. Th6 r€gulatdy ass6t is reportEd h Mis@lhl1es Doftr€d D€bits ard the regulatqy liability is racorded h )ther Oefored Crodils L Ss Pag€ 108 d dislcuE cmtingonqy. T I I I T t I I T I I I t T I ! T I TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 122 T I I T t T T T t I t I T I I t T t I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY [his Report ls: ,1) ' An Original '2) A Resubmission Oate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3. PENSION PLANS & PBOP The Respondenl's Pension, Savings and Profit Sharing Plan is a delined contribution plan under lntemal Revenue Code 401(k) which covers substantially all of the employees of the Respondent, except those who are currently members of the collective bargaining unit and are covered under its separate pension plan. The Respondent contributes 6% of base pay into the participant's individual account. ln addition, the Respondent will match $1 of each $2 of pre-tax contributions made by the participant, up to 4% of the participants base pay. The Respondent's contribution to the Plan was $896,000. The Respondent provides medical benefits to its retired employees through participation in the lntermountain Gas Employee Benefit Trust ('the Trust'). Benefits provided through the Trust are funded primarily by the company and, lo a lesser degree, from premiums paid by the plan participants. Retirees participate in one of three plans. Certain past retirees receive medical and dental benefits while others receive only medical benefits. Both groups contribute a premium toward the cost of the coverage. Cunent retirees will receive medical benefits in retum for a premium until age 65 at which time they will re@ive a portion of the cost of a Medicare supplemenl and no other benefits. The Respondent accrues postretirement benefit costs, including retiree health care costs over each retiree's working life. For years prior to 1996, postretirement costs were recorded at the time the benefits were provided. Postretirement benerit costs incuned, but not accrued, prior to 1996 are being amortizedovera20yearperiod. AdiscountraleotT.TSo/owasadoptedefiecliveSeptember30,2000. Theinitial trendrateformedical costswasl0.0ol0, which is assumed to decrease ratably over the next ten years to 5.0ol0. A 1% increase in the trend rate for medical costs would have increased the September 30, 2001 benefit obligation by $969,000 and postretirment health care expense for the year by $1 35,000. The Respondent's policy is to fund its obligations for postretirement health care benefits in an amount equal to its book expense, to the extent tax advantaged. For the year the Respondent funded $462,000 into the Trust, from which it paid cunent year bene{its of $455,000. The values of the clnent year investments was $2,866,000, of which $2,485,000 was in unrealized losses. The trust invests funds not othenvise required to meet cunent benefits requirements in an investment fund, u,hich is composed primarily of U.S. based publicly traded stock. The Respondent assumes the long- term relum on assets invested in the plan rvill be approximately 8%. For the year ended September 30, 2001 the retum on assets invested in the Trust was approximately (46%), annualized. The componets of postretirement health care benefit obligation are: Accumulated postretirement health care obligation $ (7,445,000) Fair value of plan assets 2,866,000 Funded status ofthe plan $ (4,779,000) Accrued benefit cost recognized on the Balance Sheet $ 462,000 4. Not applicable 5. Statementof Retained Eamings Under the terms of the Senior Debentures ("Debentures), the Respondent's retained eamings are restricted as to the payment of cash dividends on common stock. At September 30, 2000,524,724,000 of the Respondent's retained eamings are available for the payment of dividends. 6. Not applicable 7. Not applicable 8. Not applicable 9. Not applicable Paoe'120. lnstruction 3 lnterest paid, net of amount capitaliz $ 5,539,000 lncome taxes paid $ 4,500,000 Page 123 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Next Page is 200 T I T I T T T I I t I I T T t T T T I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Ihis Repor| Date of Repr [1)'An Original 12) A Resubmission Year of Report 09/30/01 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION. AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Line No- Item (a) Total (b) ,|UTILITY PLANT 2 ln Service 3 Plant in Service (Classified)300,016,815 4 Prooertv Under Caoital Leases 5 Plant Purchased or Sold 6 Completed Construction not Classified 7 Experimental Plant Unclassified 8 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 7)300,016,815 9 Leased to Others 10 Held for Future Use 11 Construction Work in Prooress 330,748 12 Acquisition Adjustments 13 TOTAL Utilitv Plant Gnter Total of lines 8 thru 12)300.347.563 14 Accum. Prov. for Deor.. Amort.. & Deol.(152.975.881) 15 Net Utilitv Plant GnterTotalof line 13less 14)147.371.682 16 DETAIL OF ACCUMUI.ATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION 17 ln Service 18 Depreciation (152,444,145) 19 Amort. and Depl. of Producinq Natural Gas Land and Land Riqhts 20 Amort. of Underqround Storaqe Land and Land Riohts 21 Amort. of Other Utilitv Plant (531.736 22 TOTAL in Service (Enter Total of lines 18 thru 21)(152.975.881) 23 Leased to Others 24 Depreciation 25 Amortization and Depletion 26 TOTAL Leased to Others (Enter Total of lines 24 and25l 27 Held for Future Use 28 Deoreciation 29 Amortization 30 TOTAL Held for Future Use (Enter Total of lines 28 and 29) 31 Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) 32 Amort. of Plant Acquisition Adi. 33 TOTAL Accumulated Provisions (Should agree with line 14 above) (EnterTotalof lines 22,26,30,31 and 32)(152.975.881) FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 200 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 SUMIVIARY OF UTILITY PI-ANT AND ACCUMUI-ATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION (Continued) Electric (cl Gas td) Other (Specify) (e) Common (fl Line No. 300.016,815 3 4 5 6 7 300.016.815 8 9 10 330,748 11 12 300,347,563 13 fi52.975.881 14 147.371.682 15 (152.444.145 18 (531,736 21 (152,975,88'l 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 (152.975.8811 33 I I T I T T T t T T I I I T I T T I T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 201 Next Page 204 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS PI.ANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 101 . 102. 103 and 106) 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according to the presoibed accounts. 2. ln addition to Account 101 , Gas Plant in Service (Classified), this page and the next include Account 102, Gas Plant Purchased orSold; Account 103, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified; and Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified€as. 3. lndude in column (c) or (d), as appropriate, conec{ions of additions and retirements for the cunent or preceding year. 4. Enclose in parentheses credit adjustments of plant accounts to indicate the negative effect of such accounts. 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed a@ounts, on an estimated basis if necessary. and include the entries in column (c). Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentative distributions of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if the respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements wfrich have not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on a estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account for accumulated depreciation provision. lnclude also in column (d) reversals of tentative distributions of prior year of unclassified retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the account distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d). Iine No Account (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Additions (c) 2 301 Orqanization 2,506 3 302 Franchises and Consents 429.487 4 303 Miscellaneous lntanoible Plant 586.739 5 TOTAL lntanqible Plant 1.O18.732 8 325.1 Producinq Lands I 325.2 Producinq Leaseholds 10 325.3 Gas Riohts 11 325.4 Riohts-of-Wav 12 325.5 Other Land and Land Riohts 13 326 Gas Well Struclures 14 327 Field Compressor Station Structures 15 328 Field Meas. and Reo. Sta. Structures 16 329 Other Structures 17 330 Producinq Gas Wells-Well Construclion 18 331 Producinq Gas Wells-Well Equioment 19 332 Field Lines 20 333 Field Comoressor Station Eouioment 21 334 Field Meas. and Reo. Sta. Eouioment 22 335 Drillinq and Cleanino Eouioment 23 336 PurificationEquiomenl 24 337 Other Equipment 25 338 Unsuccessful Exploration & Devel. Costs 26 TOTAL Production and Gatherinq Planl 28 340 Land and Land Riqhts 29 341 Structures and lmprovements 30 U2 Extraction and Refininq Equiomenl 31 343 Pioe Lines 32 344 Extracted Produc{s Storaoe Eouioment 33 345 ComoressorEouioment I I t I T t T t I t I T I T I T I T TFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 204 I I T I T I T T I t I I T I t I I T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Ihis Report ls: il)- An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Report fear of Report osBo/o1 I GAS PLANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 101.1O2.103 and 06) (Continued) including the reversals of the prior years tentative account 7. For Accrunt 399, state the nature and use of plant included in the account distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the and if substantial in amount submit a supplementary statement showing above instructions and the texts ofAccount 101 and 106 substantial in amount submit a supplementary statement showing subaccount will avoid serious omissions of respondent's reported classification of such plant conforming to the requirements of these pages. amount for plant actually in service at end of year/ L For each amount comprising lhe reported balance and changes in 6. Show in column (0 reclassifications or transfers within Account 1 02, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor or purchaser, utility plant accounts. lnclude also in column (f) the additions and date of transaclion. lf proposed joumal entries have been filed with the or reduclions of primary acrount classifications arising from Commission as required by the Uniform System of Accounts, give date of such distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 't02. filing. ln showing the clearance of account 102, include in column (e) the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for depreciation, acquisition adjustments. etc., and show in column (f) only the offset to the debits or credits to primary account classifi cations. Retirements (d) Adjustments (e) Transfers (f) Balance at End ofYear Io) Line No. 2,506 2 429,487 3 586,739 4 1.018.732 5 I I 10 11 12 13 14 't5 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 FERC FROM 2 (12-96)Page 205 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Comoanv This Report ls: I Date of Repor (1) . An Original I(2) A Resubmission Year Ending 09130/01 GAS PTANT lN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101.102.103. AND 106) (Continued) Line No. Account (a) Balance at Beginning of Year Iht Additions (c) v 346 Gas Measurino and Reoulatino Eouioment 35 347 Other Eouioment 36 TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 28 thru 35) 37 TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 26 and 36) 38 Manufactured Gas Produclion Plant (Submit Supplementarv Statement) 39 TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 and 38) 40 NATURAL C,AS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT 41 Underqround Storaqe Plant 42 150.1 Land 43 150.2 Riohtsof-Wav M 151 Structures and lmprovements 45 152 Wells 46 152.1 Storaqe Leaseholds and Riqhts 47 152.2 Reservoirs 48 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 49 353 Lines 50 354 Comoressor Station Eouioment 51 355 Measurino and Reoulatino Eouioment 52 356 Purift cation Eouioment 53 357 Other Equipment 54 TOTAL Underground Storaqe Plant (Enter Total of lines 42 thru 53) 55 Other Storaoe Plant 56 360 land and Land Riohts 91.904 57 361 Struc{ures and lmprovements 643.084 58 362 Gas Holders 2.113.3U 59 363 Purification Equioment 521,753 60 363.'l Liouefaction Eouioment 888,760 6'l 363.2 Vaporizinq Equipment 939,888 62 363.3 Comoressor Eouioment 1,593,673 63 363.4 Measurino and Reoulatino Eouioment 25,724 64 363.5 Other Equioment 459.717 65 TOTAL Other Storaqe Plant (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 64)7.277.837 66 Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processinq Plant 67 364.1 Land and Land Riqhts 68 364.2 Struc'tures and lmorovements 69 364.3 LNG Processino Terminal Eouioment 70 364.4 LNG Transoortalion Eouioment 71 381.5 Measurino and Reoulatino Eouioment 72 364.6 Compressor Station Eouioment 73 364.7 Communications Equioment 74 3M.8 Other Eouioment 75 TOTAL Base Load Liquefied Nat'l Gas, Terminalinq and Processinq Plant (lines 67-74) 76 TOTAL Natl Gas Storaoe and Processino Plant ffotal of lines 54. 65 and 75) 77 TRANSMISSION PLANT 78 365.1 Land and Land Riohts 79 365.2 Riqhts-of-Wav 447,046 80 366 Struc{ures and lmprovements t T I I I t t I I T t T I I t T I T T FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-e6)Page 206 I T I T I I I I I T I I T T T I T T T I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls ('l) * An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 CIAS P|.ANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 101,102,103 and '106) (Continued) Retirements (d) Adjustnents (e) Transfers (fl Balance at End ofYear (o) Line No.u 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 il 9't.904 56 3,450 046.534 57 2.113.3U 58 521.753 59 888.760 60 939.888 61 475,241 2.068.914 62 25.724 63 459,717 64 7.756.528 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 153,012 600,058 79 0 80 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page207 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) " An Original (2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS PLANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 101, 102, 103 and 106) (Continued) Line No. Account (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Additions (c) 81 367 Mains 30,149J28 82 368 Compressor Station Equipment 1.965.570 83 369 Measurino and Req. Sta. Equipment 84 370 Communication Equipment 714,441 85 37'l Other Eouioment 86 TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Totals of lines 78 thru 8l 33,276,185 87 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 88 374 Land and Land Riqhts 275,029 89 375 Structures and lmorovements 18.864 90 376 Mains 99,405,939 8,767 91 377 Compressor Station Equipment 92 378 Measurino and Requlatino Station Equipment-General 3,106,008 93 379 Measurinq and Requlatinq Station Equipment-Citv Gate 94 380 Services 81,980.636 95 381 Meters 13,072,478 96 382 Meter lnstallations 6,440.066 97 383 House Reoulators 3,193,054 98 384 House Reoulator lnstallations 1.992.548 99 385 lndustrial Measurino and Reoulatinq Station Eouipment 6,776,388 '100 386 Other Propertv on Customers' Premises 101 387 Other Eouioment 102 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Total of lines 88 thru 101)216.261.010 8,767 103 GENERAL PLANT 104 389 Land and Land Riqhts 275.124 105 390 Structures and lmprovements 7,752,180 2,221 106 391 Office Fumiture and Equipment 10,649.604 107 392 Transoortation Eouipment 5,388,048 108 393 Stores Equipment 30.279 109 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment 2,491,179 110 395 Laboratory Equipment 2,380 111 396 Power Ooerated Eouioment 786,359 112 397 Communication Eouioment 3,201,733 113 398 Miscellaneous Eouioment 26,731 114 Subtotal (Enter Total of lines 104 thru 1 13)30,603,617 2,22'.1 115 399 Other Tanoible Prooertv 116 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Total of lines 114 thru 115)30,603,617 2,221 117 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106)288.437.381 10,988 118 Gas Plant Purchased (See lnstruction 8) 119 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See lnstruction 8)(1.465.945) 120 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified 121 TOTAL Gas Plant ln Service (Enter Total of lines '117 thru 286.971.436 10,988 T I I T t t I t T T I T I I I I t I T FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 208 T T T I T T I t I I I I T I I T I T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) * An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS PISNT IN SERVICE 01. 102. 103 and 106) (Continuec Retirements (d) Adjustments (e) Transfers (f) Balance at End of Year (o) Line No. 3,001 (36.s40)207,O41 30,316,628 81 1,965,570 82 0 83 714,441 84 0 85 3,001 (36,540)360,053.12 33,596,697 86 3,817 278,846 88 18,864 89 105,726 (316.425)3,452,321 102.444.876 90 91 2,204 95,482 3,199,286 92 93 18s,230 (83,469)4,739.749 86.451.687 94 19,030 (573)736.656 13,789,531 95 3,317 (40)186,184 6,622,893 96 2.520 ('16)216,601 3.407.119 97 1,204 (e)243.855 2,23s,190 98 95,655 (15,103)357,602 7.023,232 99 100 101 414,887 (415,634)10,032,267 225,471,523 102 275.124 104 9,957 7,764,358 105 6,283 1,075,292 1 1 ,718,613 '106 399,355 655,791 5.644.484 107 30,279 108 2,557 59,690 2,548,312 109 2,380 110 62.034 848,393 111 1 13,559 3,315,292 112 630 26,101 113 408,825 1,976,322 32.173.335 114 115 408,825 1.976.322 32,173,335 116 826.713 G52.174\300,016,815 117 118 (1,46s,945)119 120 826,713 G52.174\298,550,870 121 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 209 Next Page is 212 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY l'his Report ls: ,1) - An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS PROPERTYAND CAPACITY LEASED FROM OTHERS 1 . Report below the information called for conceming gas property and capacity leased from others for gas operations. 2. For all leases in which the average annual lease payment over the initial term of the lease exceeds $500,000, describe in column (c), if applicable: the property or capacity leased. Designate associated comoanies with an asterisk in column (b). Line No. Name of Lessor (a)(b) Description of Lease (c) Lease Payments For Cunent Year (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3'l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 NOTAPPLICABLE 45 IOTAL I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I T T TFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page212 I T I T I I T T t I I I I T I T T I t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY l'his Report ls: i1)'An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Reporl Year of Reporl 0980/01 GAS PROPERTYAND CAPACITY LEASED TO OTHERS 1. For all leases in which the average lease income over the initial 2. ln column (d) provide the lease payments received from others. term of the lease exceeds $500,000 provide in column (c), a description of each facility or leased capacity that is classified 3. Designate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). as qas plant in service. and is leased to others for oas oDerations. Line No. Name Of Lessor (a)Ih'l Desoiption of Lease (c) Lease Payment For Cunent Year (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 lrororr.,.or.. 45 TOTAL FERC FROM NO.2 (12-96)Page 213 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS PI.ANT HELD FOR FUTURE USE (ACCOUNT 105) 1. Report separately each prope(y held for future use at end of the year having an original cost of $1,000,000 or more. Group other items of propery heE for further use/ 2. For property having an original cost of $1,000,000 or more previously used in utilig operations, now held for future use, give in column (a), in addition to other required information, the date that utility use of such property was discontinued, and the date the oriqinal cost was transfened to Account 105. Line No. Desoiption and Location of Property (a) Date Originally lncluded in this Account (b) Date Expected to be Used in Utility Service (c) Balance at End ofYear (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 NOT APPLICABLE 45 TOTAL T T I I t t T t I T I I t I t I T I TFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page214 Next Page is 216 I I T I ! T t T I I I I T t T I t I T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Ihis Report ls: 11) . An Original 12) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 SONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS-GAS (ACCOUNT 107) 1. Report below descriptions and balances at end of year of projects in process of construction (Account 107) 2. Show items relating to "research, development, and demonstration" proiects last, under a caption Research, and Demonstration (see Account 107 of the Uniform System of Accounts). 3. Minor projects (less than $1,000,000 may be qrouped. Line No. Desoiption of Projec{ (a) Construction Work in Progress-Gas (Account 107) 1b) Estimated Additional Cost of Project /e\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 20 2'l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33u 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 DISTRIBUTION PLANT Mains Reg Station - lndustrial Reg Station - General TRANSMISSION PLANT Mains Easments GENERAL PI.ANT Office Fumiture 24,488 10,692 7,974 56,576 5,062 225,956 158,022 5,004 8,76'l 83,4_24 74,2M 45 TOTAL 330,748 329,415 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 216 Next Page is 2'18 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION OVERHEAD PROCEDURE 1. Foreach construction overhead explain: (a) the nature and extent ofwork, etc., the overhead charges are intended to cover, (b) the general procedure for determining the amount capitalized, (c) the method of distribution to construction jobs, (d) whether different rates are applied to different gpes of construction, (e) basis of differentiation in rates for different types of construction, and (f) whether the overhead is directly or indirectly assigned. 2. Show below the computation of allowance for funds used during construction rates, in accordance with the provisions of Gas Plant lnstructions 3 (17) of the Uniform System of Accounts/ 3. Where a net-of-tax rate for borrowed funds is used, show the appropriate tax effect ad.justment to the computations below in a manner that clearly indicates the amount of reduction in the gross rate for tax effects. 1. (a), (b) - Engineering, supervision, administration, and equipment costs are charged directly to construction clearing accounts based on direct labor hours and dollars released to construction. 1. (c) - Using a standard rate schedule, these charges are cleared directly to the construction work in progress accounts from the construction daily time reports and contractors' invoices. 1. (d), (e) - Rates are the same '1. (Q - lndirectly assigned 3. Not applicable COMPUTATION OFALLOWANCE FOR FUNDS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION RATES For line 1(5), column (d) below, enter the rate granted in the last rate proceeding. lf such is not available, use the average rate earned during the orecedinq three vears. 1. Components of Formula (Derived from actual book balances and actual cost rates): Title Amount (b) Capitalization Ratio (Percent) (c) Cost Rate Percentage (d) 1)Averaoe Short-Term Debt 10.293.000 QI Short-Term Debt lnterest 3.95o/o (3)Averaqe Lonq-Term Debt 58.000.000 49.42o/o 7.260/o Q Preferred Stock 0 (5)Common Eouitv 69.909.'t38 50.58o/o 14.85o/o (6)Total Capitalization 138.202.138 100.00o/o 0l Averaoe Construction WIP 6,108,139 2. Gross Rate for Bonowed Funds s(SM) + d(D/D+P+C) (1-SM)4.40o/o 3. Rate for Other Funds t1-SM/l [p(P/D+P+C)+ c(C/D+P+C)l -5.56o/o 4.Weighted Average Rate Actually Used for the Year: a. Rate for Borrowed Funds - b. Rate for Other Funds - t t I T T I I T I I T I T I T I T T T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page218 -'l -160/o I I I I I I I I I t t T I I T I I I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A resubmission Date of Reporl Year of Repo( 09/30/01 ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION OF GAS UTILITY PLANT (ACCOUNt 108) 1 . Explain in a footnote any important adjustrnents during year. end whicfi has not been recorded and/or classified to the various reserve 2. Explain in a footnote any difference between the amount for book func*ional classifications, make preliminary closing entries to tentatively cost of plant retired, line 10, column (c), and that reported for gas fundionalize the book cost of the plant retired. ln addition, include all plant in service, page 204-209, column (d), exduding retirements costs included in retirement work in progress at year end in the appropriate ofnondepreciable property. funciional classificalions. 3. The provisions of Account 108 in the Uniform System of 4. Show separately interest credits under a sinking fund or similar method Accounts require that retirements of depreciable plant be of depreciation accounting. recordedwhensuchplantisremovedfromservice. lfthe 5. AtlinesTandl4,addrowsasnecessarytoreportall data. Additional respondent has a significant amount of plant retired at year rours should be numbered in sequence, e.9., 7.01 , 7.O2, etc. Line No- Section A. Balances and Changes During the Year Item {al Total (c+d+e) th) Gas Plant ln Service (c'l Gas Plant Held for Future Use (d) Gas Plant Leased to Others (el 1 Balance Beoinnino of Year 141.06/..452 141.064.452 2 DeDreciation Provisions for Year. Charoed to 3 (403) Depreciation Expense 11.796.151 1't.796.151 4 (413) E(D. of Gas Plant. Leas. to Others 5 TransDortation Exoenses-Clearino 486,667 486,667 o Other Clearino Accounts 70.o52 70.o52 7 Olher Accounts {SDecifu) : 7.01 I TOTAL Deorec. Prov. for Year (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 7)12.352.870 12.352.870 10 Book Cost of Plant Retired (829,8481 (829.848', 11 Cost of Removal (1 93.5521 (193.552', 12 Salvaqe (Credit)50.222 50.222 13 TOTAL Net Chros. for Plant Ret. (Enter Total of lines 1 1 thru 13)@73.177',,1.973.177 14 Other Debit or Cr. ltems (Describe): 14.0'l 15 Balance End of Year (Enter Total of lines 1 .8.13.14 )152.444.145 Seclion B. Balances at End of Year Accordinq to Functional Classilications 't6 Production-Manufactured Gas 17 Prod. and Gatherino-Natural Gas 18 Products Extraclion-Natural Gas 19 Underoround Gas Storaoe 20 Other Storaqe Planl 7.778.902 7,778,902 21 Base Load LNG Term. and Proc. Plant 22 Transmission 23.202.40'l 23.202.401 23 Distribution 't06,680,777 106.680.777 24 General 14.782.065 14.782.65 25 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 16 thru 24)152.41,t.145 152.4,t4.145 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Page 219 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report o9/30/ol GAS STORED (ACCOUNT 117 1 117 2. 1'17 .3 1'17.4. 164.'1. 164.2. and 164.3.) l. lf during the year adjustrnents rers mado to lhe storgd gas inventory rEported in columns (d), (0, (g), and (h) ( such as to corecl ormulativg inaccuraciEs of gas m€asurements), sxplain in E footnoot th€ r€ason for the adjustmsnts, thE Dth and dollar Emount of adiustment. and a@nt dEro6d or d6dited. 2. Report in column (e) all endoachmEnts during the year upon lh€ volumes designated as base gas,, column (b), and system balancing gas, column (cc), and gas property recordable in the plant ac@unts. 3. State in a footnote lhe basis of segregation of invsntory b€twsen qJnent and noncurent porlions. Also. state in a fmtnote the method us6d to reoort storaoe (1.E.. lix€d asset method or invsntorv m€thod). Linc No. Description /.'l (Account 1 17.1, rhl (Account 1 17.2) /el Noncunent (Account I 17.3) /d\ Account 117.4 /c\ Cunent (Account 164.1 1fl LNG Account 164.2 ldl LNG Account 164.3: thl Total /t\ 1 Jalance at Beoinnino of Year 2.560.447 2,560,447 2 las Deliverad to Storaoe 3.506_954 3.506.954 3 Gas \Mthdrawn from Storaoe Q.647.234 Q.647.2U 4 Other Debits and Credits 147.759 147,759 5 Balance at End of Yeer 3.567.926 3.420.168 6 Dth 983,949 983.949 7 {mount per Dth 0.27578 0.28769 T T I I I I T T I I I T T T I I I T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page22O Next Page is 222 I t I T T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: I Date of Report (1)'An Original I(2) A Resubmission Year of Reporl 09/30/01 INVESTMENTS (Accounts 123. 124. 1361 1. ReportbelowinvestmentsinAccounts,l23,lnvesgnentsin AssociatedCompanies,l24, (b) lnvestmentAdvances-Reportseparatelyforeachpersonor Other lnvestments, and 135, Temporary Cash lnvest nents. company the amounts of loans or investment advances lhat are properly 2. Providc a subheading for each account and list thereunder the information called for includable in Account I23. lnclude advances subiect to cunent (a) lnvestmentinSecurities-Listanddescribeeachsecurityowned,givingnameof repaymentinAccountl45and146. Withrespecttoeachadvance, issuer, date acquired and date of maturity. For bonds, also give principal amount, date ot show whether the advance is a note or open account. issue, maturity, and interest rate. For Capital slock (induding capital stock of respondent reac4uired under a definite plan for resale pursuant to authorization by the Board of Directors, and induded in Account 124, Other lnvestments state number of shares, class, and series of Etock. Minor investments may be group€d by da$es. lnvestmant induded in Account 136, Temporary Cash lnvest nents, also may be grouped by dasses. Line No. Description of lnvestmenl (a)(b) Book Cost at Beginning of Year (lf book cost is different from cost to respondent, give cost to respondent in a footnote and explain difference.) Ic) Purchases or Additions During Year (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 't0 11 't2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Account 136 Revolving lnvestment - First Security Bank of ldaho and US Bank 727,516 406,721,200 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 NOTE: A/C 1 23 is analyzed on pages 224 and 225 of this report. T I I T I I t T T T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page222 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Rep{Year of Report I 09/30/0'l INVESTMENTS (Account 123. 124.'1 36) (Continued) List each note, giving date of issuance, maturity date, and specifying whether note is a renewal. Designate any advances due from officers, directors, stock- holders, or employees. 3. Designate with an asterisk in column (b) any securities, notes or accounts that were pledged, and in a footnote state the name of pledges and purpose of the pledge. 4. lf Commission approval was required for any advance made or security acquired, designate such fact in a footnote and give name of Commission, date of authorization. and case or docket number. 5. Report in column (h) interest and dividend revenues from investments including such revenues from securities disposed of during the year. 6. ln column (i) report for each investment disposed of during the year the gain or loss represented by the difference between cost of the investment (or the other amount at which canied in the books of account if different from cost) and the selling price thereof, not including any dividend or interest adjustment includible in column (h). Sales or Other Dispositions During Year Principal Amount or No. ofShares at End of Year Book Cost at End of Year (lf book cost is different from cost to respondent, give cost to respondent in a footnote and explain difference.) (o) Revenues for Year (h) Gain of Loss from lnvestmenl Disposed of Line No. (406.644.114 804,602 804.602 33,1 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 't8 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 I T T t I T T T t T t T T I I I T T IFERC FORM NO,2 (12-96)Page223 I I T I t I I T I t I t T I T I I T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 0940/01 INVESTMENTS lN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES (Acct 1 23.1 ) 1. Report below investment in Account 123.1, lnvestments in Subsidiary Companies. (b) lnvestment Advances - Repod separately the amounts of loans or investment advances which are subject to repayment, but which are 2. Provide a subheading for each company and list thereunder the not subjecl to current settlement. With respect to each advance show information called for below. Sub-total by company and give a total whether the advance is a note or open account. List each note giving in columns (e), (0, (S) and (h).date of issuance, maturity date, and specifying whether note is a renewal. (a) lnvestment in Securities - List and describe each security owned3. Report separately the equity in undistributed subsidiary eamings since For bonds give also principal amount, date of issue, maturi$, and acquisition. The total in column (e) should equal the amount entered for interest rate.Account 418.1. Line No. Description of lnvestment (a\ Date Acquired (b) Date of Maturity (c) Amount of investment at Beginning of Year (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NOTAPPLICABLE TOTAL Cost ofAccount 123.1 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 224 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report ls: i'l)'An Original 12) A Resubmission Date of Report I Year of RePort I 09/30/01 I INVESTMENTS lN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES (Acct 123.1) (Continued) 4. Designate in footnote, any securities, notes, or accounts that 7. ln column (h) report for each investment were pledged, and state the name of pledgee and purpose of the disposed of during the year, the gain or losspledge. represented by the difference between cost of the 5. lf Commission approval was required for any advance investment (or the other amount at which carried made or security acquired, designate such fact in a footnote in the books of the account if different from cost) and give name of Commission, date of authorization, and and the selling price thereof, not including interest case or docket number. adjustment includible in column (0. 6. Report column (f) interest and dividend revenues from 8. Report on Line 40, column (a) the total cost of investments, including such revenues from securities disposed Account 123.1. of durinq the vear. Equity in Subsidiary Earnings for Year (e) Revenues for Year (f) Amount of lnvestment at End of Year {o) Gain or Loss from lnvestment Disposed of (h) Line No. NOTAPPLICABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 T I I I t T t I I T T T I I T I t t T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page225 Next page is 230 ! T I I T I T I T t I T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY I hts Repon ls: (1) 'An Original(2) A Resubmission Oate of Report Year ot Report 09/30/01 PREPAYMENTS (Account 165) 1 eport below the Darticulars (details) on each prepayment. -ine {o. Nature of Prepayment (a) Balance at End of Year (ln Dollars) /b'l 1 Prepaid lnsurance 380.804 2 Preoaid Rents 0 3 Preoaid Postaoe Meter 63.524 4 Prepaid lnterest 0 5 l\riscellaneous PreDavmenG 379.352 6 TOTAL 823,680 EXTRAORDINARY PROPERW LOSSES (Account 182..I Ltne No. D€scrhtion of Exfaordinary Lo$ (lnclude lhe date of loss, the date of Commission authorization Balance at Beginning of Year (h) Total Amount of Loss lc'l Losses Recognized Ouring Year Idt WRITTEN OFF DURING \/FAA Ealance at End of Year (ol to use Account 182.1 and period of amortizalion (mo, yr. to mo. yr). Add rows as necessary to report all data. 1r'l Account Charged (e) Amount (f) II 10 11 12 13 14 15 NOTAPPLICABLE TOTAL UNRECOVEREO PLANT AND REGULATORY STI cosTs (182.2) Line No. Description of Unrecovered Phnt and Regulatory Study Costs (include in the descriplion of costs, lhe date of Commission authorization lo use Balance at Beginning of Year (bl Total Amount of Charges lc\ Costs Recognized During Year l.ll WRITTEN OFF OURING YEAR Balance at End of Year lol Account 182.2 and period of amortization lmo, yr, to mo. yr). Add rms as necessary to repo rll dala. Number rows in sequence beginning ,vith th€ nexl tow number after the last row number br extraordinary property losses. l^\ Account Charged /e'l Amount /fl 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 )q NOTAPPLICAELE 26 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 230 Next page is 232 Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Comoanv lhis Report is: il)'An Original '2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year ending 09/30/01 OTHER REGULATORY ASSETS (ACCOUNT 182.3) 1. Report below the details called for conceming 3. Minor items (5% of the Balance at other regulatory assets which are created through End of Year for Account 1 82.3 or amounts the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies less than $250,000, whichever is less) (and not includable in other accounts). may be grouped by classes. 2. For regulatory assets being amortized, show 4. Report separately any "Defened period of amortization in column (a). Regulatory Commission Expense" that are also reported on pages 350-351, Regulatory Commission Expenses. Line No. Desaiption and Purpose of Other Regulatory Assets /r\ Balance at 3eginning of Year (hl Debits (c) WRITTEN OFF DURING YEAR Balance at End of Year {fl Account Charged 1d) Amounl (e) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 TOTAL ! t I T T T t I T I I T I I I I I I T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 232 I T I I t t T I T T I I I I I t I T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original f2l A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 MISCELLANEOUS DEFERRED OEBITS (Account 186) 1. Report below the details called for conceming miscellaneous 2. For any defened debit being amortized, show period of Jefened debits. amortization in column (a). 3. Minor items (less than $250,000) may be grouped by classes. Line No. Description of Miscellaneous Defened Debit lal Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Debits Ic.l CREDITS Balance at End of Year 1fl Account Charged /rrl Amount {al 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Cost of Gas Delivered but Unbilled Net Cumulative Deferred Gas Costs to be Refunded or Recovered net of Refunds to Customers Defened Tax Regulatory Asset 1.407.906 24,552,105 2,625,841 140,601 2,001,477 401.805 401.905 400.490 419.095 't6,743,523 (56,101) 55,494 1,s48,507 41,295,021 4,627,318 39 Misc. Work in Prooress 40 TOTAL 28.585_852 2.'t42.O78 402 16.742.916 47,470,846 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 233 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 9/30/01 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (Account 190) 1. Report the information called for below conceming the respondent's accounting for deferrred income taxes. 2. At Other (Specify), include deferrals relating to other income and deductions. 3. At lines 4 and 6, add rows as necessary to report all data. Number the addditional rows in sequence 4.01, 4.02, elc. and 6.01 , 6.02, etc. Line No. CHANGES DURING YEAR Account Subdivisions Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Amounts Debiled Account 410.1 (c) Amounts Credited Account 41 1.1 (d)(a) 2 Electric 3 Gas 3.01 Unfunded Future lncome Tax Expense 0 0 4 Other @efine) 5 Total fiotal of lines 2 thru 4)0 0 0 6 Cther Specify) 6.0'l Cther 6.02 7 Iotal Account 190 fiotal of lines 5 thru 6.?)0 0 0 9 sederal lncome Tax 0 0 10 State lncome Tax 11 Local lncome Tax NOTES Descriotion Federal Deferred Taxes Provided Amortization of Deferred "Unfunded Future lncome Tax Expense" t I I T I I I I I I T I T I I T I T T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page234 I T I I T T I T I T T I t t T T I T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 9/30/0'l ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (Account 190) (Continued) 4. lf more space is needed, use separate pages as required.5. ln the space provided below, identiry by amount and classification, significant items for which defened taxes are being provided. lndicate insignificant amounts listed under "Othe/'. CHANGES DURING YEAR ADJUSTMENTS Amounts Debited Account 410.2 (e) Amounts Credited Account 41 1.2 {ft DEBITS CREDITS Balance at End of Year (k) Line No. Acct No. (o) Amount (h) Acct No. fi) Amount fi) 2 3 3.01 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 6.01 6.02 0 0 0 0 0 7 9 10 11 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 235 Next page is 250 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: ('l) 'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Reporl 09/30/01 CAPITAL STOCK (Accounts 201 and 2M) 1. Report below the details called for conceming common and authorized by the articles of incorporation as amended to end prefened stock at end oflrear, distinguishing separate series of ofyear. any general dass. Show separate totals for common and 3. Give details conceming shares of any dass and series of prefened stock. stock authorized to be issued by a regulatory commission 2. Entries in column (b) should reoresent the number of shares whicfi have not vet been issued. Une No. Class and Series of Stock and Name of Stock Exchange (al Number of Shares Authorized by Charter tbl Par or Stated Value Per Share /c) Call Price at End of Year (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 't2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 COMMON STOCK 5,000,000 $1.00 I I I T I I I I I I I t T t T I I I T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 250 I I I T T t t I T I T T T I t t t T I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COIVIPANY this Report ls: ll)'An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09a0/01 CAPITAL STOCK (Accounts 201 and 2O4 (Continued) 4. The identification ofeach dass ofprefened stock should show the dividend rate and whether the dividends are qJmulative or nonqjmulative. 5. State in a footnote if any capital stock which has been nominallv issued is nominallv outstandino at end of vear. 6. Give particulars (details) in column (a) of any nominally issued capital stock, reacquired stock, or stock in sinking and other funds which is pledged, stating name of pledge and purpose of pledge. OUTSTANDING PER BALANCE SHEET HELD BY RESPONDENT Line No. Total amount outstendhg without reduclion for amounls held oy responoent) | Amount(e) Ln AS REACOUIRED STOCK (Account 217)IN SINKING AND OTHER FUNDS Shares {o) Cosl (h) Shares rit Amount Iil 1,513,060 1.513.060 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 251 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) ' An Original (2) A Resubmission )ate Of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIBED, CAPITAL STOCK LIABILITY FOR CONVERSION, PREMIUM ON CAPITAL STOCK, AND INSTALLMENTS RECEIVED ON CAPITAL STOCK (Accounts 202 and 205. 203 and 206. 207 .2121 1 . Show for each of the above accounts the amounG applying to each class and conversion liability existed under Account 203, Common Stock Liability for Conversion. series of captial stock. or Account 206, Prefened Stock Liability for Convercion, at the end of year. 2. For Account 202, Common Stock Subscribed, and Account 205, Prefened 4. For Premium on Account 207, Capital Stock, designate wiih an asterisk in column Stock Subscribed, show lhe subscription price and the balance due on each (b), any amounts representing lhe excess of consideration received over stated values class at the end of year. of stocks without par value. 3. Describe in a footnote the agreement and transac{ons underwhich a Line No Name of Account and Description of ltem /a'l lhl Number of Shares 1el Amount (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 't1 12 13 14 't5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NC207 - Premium on Common Stock 1,513,060 15,703.150 TOTAL 1,513.060 $ 15,703,150 T I T t T I I I I T t I I I t I t T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page252 T I t I t I I I T I t I T t T T t I t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 OTHER PAlD.lN CAPITAL (Accounts 208-211, inc.) 1. Report below the balance at the end of the year and the information specified below for the respeclive other paid-in capital accounts. Provide a subheading for each account and show a total for the account, as well as total oI all accounts for recrnciliation with balance sheet, page 112. Explain changes made in any account during the year and give the accounting entries effecting such change. (a) Donations Received from Stockholders (Account 208)-State amount and give a brief explanation of the origin and purpose of each donation. (b) Reduclion in Par or Stated Value of Capital Stock (Account 209)-State amount and give brief explanation of the capital changes which gave rise to amounts reported under this caption including identification with the class and series of stock to which related. (c) Gain on Resale or Cancellation of Reacquired Capital Stock (Account 21 oFReport balance at beginning of year, credits, debits, and balance at end of year with a designation of the nature of each credit and debit identilied by the class and series of stock to which related. (d) Miscellaneous Paid-ln Capital (Account 211)- Classify amounts included in this account according to captions which, together with brief explanations, disclose the general nature of the transactions which gave rise to the reported amounts. Line No Item (a) Amount (b) 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 t8 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33u 35 36 37 38 39 NC 210 - Gain on Reacquired Preferred Shares Balance at beginning of the year 183,541 40 TOTAL 183.541 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 253 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 DISCOUNT ON CAPITAL STOCK (ACCOUNI 213) 1. Report the balance at end of year of discount on capital stock for to any class or series of stock, attach a statement giving details eachclassandseriesofcapital stock. Useasmanyrowsas ofthechange. Statethereasonforanycharge-offduring the year necessary to report all data. and speciry the account charged. 2. ll any change occuned during the year in the balance with respect _lne \,1o. Class and Series of Stock (a) Balance at End of Year (b) ,t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 't0 11 12 't3 14 15 l.-_-Nor APPLTCAB LE----l CAPITAL STOCK EXPENSE (Account 214) 1 . Report the balance at end of year of capital stock expenses for each the change. State the reason for any charge-off of capital stock class and series of capital stock. Use as many rows as necessary to expense and specify the account charged. report all data. Number the rows in sequence starting from the last row number used for Discount on Capital Stock above. 2. ll any change occurred during the year in the balance with respect to any class or series of stock, attach a statement giving details of -ine \o. Class and Series of Stock h\ Balance at End of Year thl 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Common Stock 1.077 ,741 29 TOTAL 1.077 ,741 t T T T I I T T t t I T T I T T T T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page254 T I I t T I I t I I T I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/0'l SECURITIES ISSUED OR ASSUMED ANO SECURITIES REFUNDED OR RETIRED DURING THE YEAR 1. Fumish I supplemental statemenl briefly describing security financing and refinancing transaclions during the year and the accounting Ior the securities, discounts, premiums, expenses, and related gains or losses. ldentify as to Commission authorization numbers and dates. 2. Prcvide details showing th€ full accountlng for lhe total pdncipal amount, par value, or stated value of each class and series of security issued, assumed, retired, or refunded and lhe accounting for premiums, dascount, expsnses, and gains or losses relating to the securities. Set forth the facts of the accounting clearly with regard to rcdemption premiums, unamortized discounts, expenses, and gain or losses relalng to securities retired or refunded, including lhe accounting for such amounts canied in lhe respondent's accounts at the date of the refunding or refinancing transactions with respect to securities previously refunded or retired. 3. lnclude in the identification of each class and series of security, as appropriate, the intercst or dividend rate, nominal date of issuance, maturity date, aggregate , principal amount, Par value or stated value, and number of shares. Give also lhe issuance of redemption price and name of the principal underwriting firm through which the security transactions were consummated. 4. Wh€re the accounting for amounts relating to securities refunded or retired is other than that specmed in General lnstruction 17 of the Uniform System of Accounts, cite the Commission authorization for the different accounting and state the accounting method. 5. For securities assumed, give the name of the company for which the liability on lhe securities was assumed as well as details of the transactions whereby the respondent undertook to pay obligations of another company. lf any unamortized discount, premiums, expenses, and gains or losses were taken over onto the respondent's books, fumish details of these amounts with amounts relating to refund s6curities clearlv earmarked. No applicable transactions FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 255 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY l'his Report ls: ll) - An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 LONG TERM DEBT (Accounts 221.222. 223. and 224\ 1. Report by balance sheet Account the particulars (details) conceming long-term debt induded in Accounts 221, Bonds, 222, Reacquired Bonds, 223, Advances from Associated Companies, and 224, Other Long-Term Debt. 2. For bonds assumed by the respondent, include in column (a) the name of the issuing company as well as a description of the bonds. 3. Foradvances ftom Associated Companies, report separately advances on notes and advances on open accounts. Designate demand notes as such. lnclude in column (a) names of associated companies from which advances were received. 4. For receivers'certificates, show in column (a) the name of the court and date of court order under which sucfr certificates were issued. Line No. Class and Series of Obligation and Name of Stock Excfiange Nominal Date of lssue (b) Date of Maturity (c) Outstanding Clotal amount outstanding with- out redudion for amounts held by respondent) (dr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 't6 17 18 't9 20 2'.| 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ACCT 221 Senior Debentures ACCT 231 Long-term Revolving line of Credit Long-lerm Revolving line of Credit Sep-98 Dec-00 May-O1 Sep-I8 Dec{5 May-02 58.000.000 25,000,000 1,000,000 40 TOTAL I I T I t I T I T I T I I I I T I I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 256 t t T I T I T I T t T I t I T t T I t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 5. ln a supplemental statement give explanatory details for Accounls 223 and 224 nominally issued and are nominally outstanding at end of year, net cfianges during the year. with respect to long-term advances, shofl for each describe such securities in a footnote. (a) principal advanced during year (b) interest added to principal amount, 8. lf interest expense was incuned during the year on any obligations (c) principal repaid during year. Give Commission aulhorization numbers and retired or reacquired before end of year, include such interest expense in column (0. Explain in a footnote any difference between lf the respondent has pledged any of its long-term debt securiues, give particulars the total of column (D and the total of Account 427, lnterest on in a footnote, including name ot the pledgee and purpose of the pledge. Long-Term Debt and Account 430, lnterest on Debt to Associated 7. tf the respondent has any long-term securities which have been Companies. 9. Give particulaE (details) concerning any long-term debt a reoulatory commission but not vet issued Redemption Price Per $100 at End of Year Reacquired Bonds ( cr,t222) Sinking and Other Funds 4.210.800 depending on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page257 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)-An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year Of Report 09/30/01 UNAMORTIZED DEBT EXPENSE, PREMIUM AND DISCOUNT ON LONG-TERM DEBT (Accounts 181,225,226) 1. Report under separate subheadings for Unamortized Debt 3. ln column (b) show the principal amount of bonds or other long{erm Expenses, Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt and debt originally issued. Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt, details of expense, 4. ln column (c) show the expense, premium or discount with respecl to premium or discount applicable to each class and series of the amount of bonds or other long{erm debt originally issued. long term debt. 2. Show oremium amounts bv enctosino the fioures in oarentheses. line No. Designation of Long-Term Debt (a\ Principal Amount of Debt lssued (ht Total Expense, Premium or Discount (c) AMORTIZATION PERIOD Date From (d) Date To (e't 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Senior Debentures (lssued 9/98)58,000,000 24,137 1 998 2018 t T I I t t T I T I I I I I I I t I tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)page 258 t I I t T t I t T t I t T I I T T t t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original(2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 UNAIvIORTIZED DEBT EXPENSE. PREMIUM AND DISCOUNT ON LONG-TERM DEBT (Accounts 181 .225.226) (Coni ) 5. Fumish in a footnote particulars (details) regarding the treatment of unamortized debt expense, premium or discount associated with issues redeemed during the year. Also, give in a footnote the date of the Commission's authorization of treatment other than as specified by the Uniform System ofAccounts. 6. ldentiry separately undisposed amounts applicable to issues which were redeemed in prior years. 7. Explain any debits and credits other than amortization debited to Account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense, or credited to Account 429, Amortization of Premium on Debt - Credit. Balance at Beginning of Year (fl Debits During Year /o) Credits During Year (ht Balance at End ofYear (i) Line No. 20,664 (1,608)19,056 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33u 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 259 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 UNAMORTIZED LOSS AND GAIN ON REACQUIRED DEBT (Accounts 189, 257) l. Report under separate subheadings tor Unamortized Loss and Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, detrails of gain and loss, including maturity date, on eacquisition applicable to each class and series of long-term debt. lf gain lr loss resulted from a refunding transaction, include also the maturity date )f the new issue. 2. ln column (c) show the principal amount of bonds or other long-tem Jebt reacquired. 3. ln column (d) show the net gain or net loss realized on each debt reacquisition as computed in accordance with General lnstruction 17 ofthe Uniform Systems ofAccounts. 4. Sho,v loss amounts by enclosing the tigures in parentheses. 5. Explain in a footnote any debits and credits other than amortization debited to Account 428.1, Amortization of Loss on Reacquired Debt, or credited to Account 429.1, Amortization of Gain on Reacquired Debt-Credit -ine !o. Desoiption of Long-Term Debt {a) Date Reacquired (b) Principal of Debt Reacquired (c) Net Gain or Net Loss (d) Balance at Beginning of Year {e\ Balance at End of Year (fl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 JO 37 38 39 40 First Mortgage Bonds Series I Series J Series K Series L Series M Senior Debentures 1 1/2009 Senior Debentures'10/2013 1 1/16/89 1 1/16/89 1 1/16/89 1 1/16/89 1 1/16/89 09t27193 09/18/98 2,400,000 2,720,000 1,530,000 6,250,000 13,250,000 28,000,000 38,000,000 24,543 81,480 45,877 364,616 1,377,434 234,155 120,il7 13,363 44,334 24,900 198,436 749,763 158,048 108,475 12,619 41,862 23,508 187,397 708.027 149,251 102,439 92,150,000 2,248,652 1,297,319 1,225,103 I I I I T I T t I T I T T I I T I T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 260 I t I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Repo( ls: ('l)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year Of Report 9/30/0't RECONCILIATION OF REPORTED NET INCOME WITH TAXABLE INCOME FOR FEDEML INCOME TAXES '1. Report the reconciliation of reported net income for the year with taxable income used n computing Federal lncome Tax accruals and show computation of such tax accruals. ndude in the reconciliatjon, as far as practicable, the same detail as furnished on Schedule M-1 of the tax retum for the year. Submit a reconciliation even thoughl there s no taxable income for the year. lndicate clearly the nature of each reconciling amount. 2. lf the utility is a member of a group that files consolidated Federal tax retum, reconcile reported net income with taxable net income as if a separate retum were to be filed, indicating however, intercompany amounts to be eliminated in such a consolidated retum. State names of group members, tax assigned to each group member, and basis of allocation, assionments. or sharinq of the consolidated tax amono the orouD members. Line No. Particulars (Details) (al Amount (b) 1 Net lncome for the Year (Page 1'16)9.606.131 2 Reconcilino ltems for the Year 3 4 Taxable lncome Not Reported on Books 5 See details on oaoe 261A 20,113 t) 7 8 I Deductions Recorded on Books Not Deducted for Return 10 See details on oaoe 2614 5.716.957 11 12 13 14 lncome Recorded on Books Not lncluded in Retum 15 See details on paqe 261A 0 16 17 18 19 Deductions on Retum Not Charqed Aqainst Book lncome 20 See details on paqe 261A 15.731.821 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Federal Tax Net lncome (388,620 28 Show Computation of Tax: ' 29 30 Federal taxable income 31 3233 Federal taxes al statutory rate34 Environmental tax35 Prior year provision adjustments36 Prior year audit adjustments 37 38 39 40 (388,620) (1 21 ,394) 0 333,401 212.007 I T t I FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 261 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 9/30/01 RECONCILIATION OF REPORTED NET INCOME WITH TAXABLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) INCOME Particulars (Details) (a) Amount (b) Taxable lncome not Reported on Books: Advances in aid of construction Net change in unbilled revenue Contributions in aid of construction Gain on Asset Sales 353,429 (1,696,425) 1,363,109 0 20.113 ========= 4,757,629 7,623 20 68,097 166,460 376,1 87 630,942 7,100 (11,000) 12,462 0 (308,865) 66,180 6,036 3,393 (1 10,286) (6,3e6) 39,093 12,282 5.7't6,957 Deductions Recorded on Books not Deducted for Retum: Federal income taxes lntangible plant amortization Business gifts 500/6 meal disallowance Life insurance premiums Defened compensation plans Supplemental retirement plan Post retirement benefits Rebate program amortization, net rebates issued Vacation accrual Accrued benefit costs Uniform capitalization Amo(ization of premium, refinanced debt Amortization of deferred costs on retired debt Spouse travel State income taxes Pension accrual Lobbying expense Club dues lncome Recorded on Books not lncluded in Return: Deduc{ions on Retum Not Charged Against Book lncome Cost of removal deduction Excess tax over book depreciation Clean fuel vehicle deduction Bad debt chargeoffs, net provision Gas delivered but unbilled Purchased Gas Adjustments lncentive award accrual reversal Transportation contract settlement Amortization of intangible assets 193,552 108,042 34,000 (477,638) (910,602) 16,766,316 10,'t 1 I 0 8,040 15,731 ,821 I I I I T I I I T I T t I I I I I T tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-e6)Page 261A T Name of Respondent ntermountain Gas Comoanv This Report ls; (1)'An Original f2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report 9/30/01 TAXES ACCRUED. PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING THE YEAR 1. Gave details of the combined prepaid and accrued tax accounts and shoiv the total taxes charged to operations and other accounts during lhe year. do not include gasoline and other sales taxes which have been charged to the accounts to wlrich the taxed material was charged. lf lhe actual or estimated amounts of such taxes are known, show the amounts n a footnote and designate wlrether estimated or aclual amounts. 2. lndude on this page, taxes paid during the year and charged darecl to final accounts, (not charged to prepaid or accrued taxes). Enter the rmounts in both columns (d) and (e). The balancing ofthis page is not effected be the inclusion of these taxes. 3. lnclude in column (d) taxes charged during the year, taxes charged to operations and other accounts through (a) accruals credited to taxes accrued, (b) amounts credited to the portion of prepaid taxes charged to cunent year, and (c) taxes paid and charged direct to operetions or accounts olher than accrued and prepaid tax accounts. 4. List the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that the total tax for each State and subdivision can readilv be ascertained. Line No. Kind of Tax (See lnstruction 5) BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR Taxes Accruod /h\ Prepaid Taxes /cl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 Unemployment - Federal State FICA City Franchises Property Sales - 5% Use - 5olo Road - Federal State lncome - Federal State 1,263 2,UO 73,540 1,265,253 1,559,718 84 6,445 812 (8,051) (3,602,881) 179,439 15 TOTAL (521.538 DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGEO (Show utilitv deoartrnent where aoolicable and amunl charoed 'l Line No. Electric (Account 408.1, 409.1) 1i\ Gas (Account 408.1, 409.1) /i'l Other Utlity Oepartments (Accounts 408.1, 409.1) (k'l Other lncome and Oeduclions (Accounts 408.2, 409.2) fl) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 12 't3 11 Unemployment - Federal State FICA City Franchises Property Sales - 50/6 Use - 57o Road - Federal State lncome - Federal State 39,484 1, t66,569 5,000,655 2,040,000 238,949 51,837 56 (26,942:. 1.092 15 rOTAL 8-537./194 Q5.794 I t T T T T FERC FROM 2 (12-96)Page262 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year Of Report 9/30/01 TAXESACCRUED. PREPAIDAND CHARGED DURING THE YEAR (CONtiNUEd) 5. lf any tax (exclude Federal and state income taxes) covers more than one year, identiry the year in column (a). 6. Enter all adjustments of the accrued and prepaid tax accounts in column (D and explain each adjustment in a footnote. Oesignate debit adiustments by parentheses. 7. Do not include on this page entries with resped to defened income taxes or taxes collected through payroll deductions or other- wise pending transmittal of such taxes to the taxinS authority. 8. Show in columns (i) thru (p) how the taxed accounts were distributed. Show both the utility depart nent and number of account charged. For taxes charged to utility plant, show the number of the appropriate balance sheet plant account or subac@unt. 9. For any tax apportioned to more than one utility department or account, state in a footnote the basis (necessity) of apportioning such tax. 10. ltems under $250,000 may be grouped. Taxes Charged During Year (d) Taxes Paid During Year lel Adjustments (f) BALANCE AT END OF YEAR Line No. Taxes Accrued (Account 236) Prepaid Taxes (lncl. in Account 165) /h1 21,576 17,908 1,251 ,200 5,000,655 2,040,000 3,055 66,411 3,081 0 212,007 52.929 21,846 17,738 1,167 ,24'.1 4,U5,312 2,125,857 2.755 67,659 3.120 6,767 2,500,000 2,000,000 (a)65( 993 3,010 1 58,1 49 1,920,596 1,473,861 385 5,1 97 773 (14,818: (5,890,874: (1,767,632| '| 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 1l 12 13 14 8,668,823 12.258,295 3.410 (4.110.360'0 15 DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED (Sho$, utilitv deoartmenl where aoDlicable and account charoed.) Extraordinary ltems (Account 409.3) Iml Other Utility Operating lncome (4cc1. 408.1, 409.1) Adjustment to Retained Eamings (Account 439) Other lnl Line No. (a) Amounts transfened to affiliated companies. 0 84,631 3,000 66,411 3,081 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 '13 14 157.123 15 T I I t I t T I t T I T T T I T I T T FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Pge 263 Next Page is 268 T t T t T I t I T I T I T t I t T I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) -An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 MISCELTANEOUS CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES (Account 242) 1. Describe and report the amount of other cunent and accrued liabilities at the end of year. 2. Minor items (less than $250,000) may be grouped under appropriate title. Line No. Item (a) Balance at End of Year rh) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 't6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 20 40 41 42 43 44 l-NoT APPLICABLE-.--I 45 TOTAL FERC FORM 2 (REVTSED 12-96)Page 268 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report ls: il) 'An Original i2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 OTHER DEFERRED CREDITS (Account 253) '1. Report below the details called for concerning other 3. Minor items (less than $250,000) may be grouped by deferred credits. classes. 2. For any deferred credit being amortized, show the period of amortization. Line No. Description of Other Defened Credits (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) DEBITS Credits (e) Balance at End of Year (fl CONTRA Account (c) Amount (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Deferred Tax Regulatory Liability Miscellaneous Deferred Liabilities 5,263,641 229,222 37,048 (15,200) 5,300,689 214,022 45 TOTAL 5,492,863 0 0 21.848 5,5',t4,711 t T I T I T I I t T T T T I I t I I IFERC FORM 2 (ED 12-96)Page 269 Next page is 274 t t T T T I I I I I I I T I I T T T I 1. Report the information called for below conceming the respondents accountng for income taxes to accelerated amortization. 2. For Other, include defenals relating to other income and deductions Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmissio Date of Report Year of Report 9/30/01 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER PROPERry (Account 282'l -ine \o. ccount Subdivisions (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) CHANGES DURING YEAR Amounts Debited To Account 410.1 le) Amounts Credited To Account 41 1.1 /dl I Account 282 2 Electric 3 Gas 13,099,542 423,005 914,337 4 Other (Define) 5 TOTAL €nter Total of lines 2 thru 4)13 0SS 542 423.005 914.337 6 Other (Soecifo) Leased Appliance Program (404) 5.01 5.02 7 TOTAL Account 282 (Enter Total of lines 5 thru 8)'t 3.099.138 423.005 914,337 I Classification of TOTAL I Federal lncome Tax 13.099.218 423,005 914.337 10 State lncome Tax (801 11 Local lncome Tax Class of Property Method NOTES Estimated Lives Adoption Date Transmission DOB Transmission DDB/SYD Transmission ACRS Transmission MACRS Distribution DDB Guideline Lile - 22 years Guideline Class Life - 17.5 years 10 years 1 5 years Guideline Life - 35 years Guideline Class Life - 28 years 1 5 years 20 years Guideline Class Life - 3 years 3 years 5 years GuidelineLife-Syears Guideline Class Life - 7 years 5 years 5, 7 years 15, 18 &'19 years 31.5, 39 years Schedul;e M Deferred Tax Amount Provided 1 970 1971 1 981 1987 1970 1971 1981 1987 1971 1981 1987 1970 1971 1981 1987 1 981 1 987 Distribution Distribution Distribution DDB/SYO ACRS MACRS Transportation EquiPDB Transportation EquiACRS Transportation EquiptACRS OfiiceFumiture&EODB Office Fumiture & E ODB/SYD Office Fumiture & EACRS Office Fumiture & E MACRS Structures & lmprovACRS Struciures & lmprovMACRS Description ctAc Cost of removal Excess tax over book depreciation Gain(Loss) on sale of assets Clean fuel vehicle deduction 1,363,109 651,805 (193,552) (92,552) (108,u2) (51,663) (34,000) (16,258) 1,027,515 491,332 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page274 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report lYear of Report I 9/30/01 ACCUMULATED DEFERREO INCOME TAXES - OTHER PROPERTY (Account 282) 3. Add rows as necessary to report all date. When rows are added, the additional row numbers should follow in sequence, 4.01,4.02 and 6.0'l, 6.02 etc. Use seDarate oaoes as reouired. CHANGES DURING YEAR ADJUSTMENTS Balance at End of Year {k) Line No. Amounts Debited To Account 4't0.2 {e) Amounts Credited To Account 4't 1.2 (fl Debits Credits Acct. No. (o) Amount rh) Acct. No. (i) Amount fi) 2 410.110 (a)1.514.258 411.110 (a) 283.110 (b) 2,279,486 0 11,842,982 3 4 1.514.258 2.279.486 11.842.982 5 (,404 6 6.01 6.02 1.514.258 2.279.486 11.842.578 7 't.514.258 2.279.486 't 1.842.658 o (80t 10 11 Annual Tax Deferrals: Annual Defenal Year 1970-79 1 980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1 988 1989 1990 1991 1992 I 993 '| 994 1995 1996 1997 1998 't999 Credits 5,724,399 1,140,786 846,209 646,441 730,198 828,686 894,675 950,508 1,007,391 489,060 145,107 1,t4.895 51,356 145,291 239,617 414,750 't 33,463 86,999 199,775 485,922 153,687 Debits 683,882 337,262 284,333 22,148 350,426 251,433 372,745 445,949 487,5U 256,934 45,280 99,652 137,077 480,886 670,220 734,180 97,680 97,625 2U,997 630,120 155,312 200,185 914,337 (Dr) Crry 4,849.190 (15,145) (320,285) (5,563) 49,796 (6,303) (32,522\ (107,962) 2,710 (810) 33,964 10,812 313,46s (e,042) (13,741) (24,082) (269,s23) (59,519) 50,729 42,348 (765,228\ Balance 5,040,517 5,844,041 11,255,'.t07 1 1,864,255 11,923,742 12,495,432 13,067,1 58 13,565,414 14.052,699 't 4, t 76,863 14,279,400 14,323,833 14,272,076 13,947,293 13,830,15s 13,50't,683 13,523,725 13,489,017 13,134,272 12,930,555 12,979,659 13,099,138 11,842,578 2000 277,316 2001 423,005 Defened taxes are provided for the difference between book lives on a composite method and lax lives computed either on a declining balance method, a sum-of-the years digits method, or an ACRS method. (a) Represents adjustments to the retum as filed. (b) Represents amounts transferred to Acct. 283. T t I I t I t I T I I T I T I I I I IFERC FORM NO 2. (12-96)Page 275 I I I I T I T I T T I I t I T I T I T The Respondent provides defered income taxes in this account tor all timing differences between book and tax accounting which are not direclly related to property. This accounting was approved by the IPUC in Order No. 1 1507. Beginning in 1983, pursuant to IPUCOrderNo. lTT0l,lheRespondentdoesnotprovidefordefenedStateincometaxesonitsutilityoperations. For1998,the items on page 277 generated defened tax provisions in this account (see page 26 lA). (a) Represents ad,ustments to the retum as ftled. (b) Represents amounts tranfened from Accl. 282. (c) Represents adjustment to record FASB 1 09. 't. Report the information called for below conceming the respondents accounting for defened income taxes relating 2. For Other, include deferrals relating to other income and deductions. Advances in aid of construction of oas delivered but unbilled to TOTAL (Acct 283) fiotal of lines 3 thru FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page276 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report is: '1) 'An Original '2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report 9/30/01 ACCUMUIATED DEFERREO INCOME TAXES - OTHER (Account 283) (Continued) 3. Provide ina footnote explanations for pages 276 and 277 . amounts relating to insignificant items listed under Other. lnclude 4. Add additional rows as necessary to report all data. When rows are added, the additional row numbers should follow in sequence, 4.01 , 4.02 and 6.01 , 6.02 etc. Use separate pages as redt tircal CHANGES OURING YEAR ADJUSTMENTS Debits Credits Balance at End of Year (kt Line No. Amounts Debited (Account 410.2) lel Amounts Credited (Acrrunt 41 1.2) /fl Acct. No. lol Amount rh'l Acct. No. 1il Amount (il 1 2 282.160 (a.b)197.266 (1.027.9691 3 17,380 4 411.110 h 90.999 /428.777\5 n.551.874 6 411.110 (a 0 o17.738\,7 411 1'.t0 h 24,281 (253.4561 8 (35.0001 I 411 1'10 h 305.227 51 2.963 10 |2-0751 11 37.368 12 411 110 (al 30 411 110 (al 704,647 (1.094.437)'t3 12.662 250 14 86.770 15 325.U7 16 17 14.431.831 '18 410.110 h'19.370 121.026 19 411 110 (al 1.472 (97.920)20 400 21 411 110 (al 14!Q2.1A5\22 33.507 23 357 24 (1 1 8.457)25 (1 9.064 26 e8.724)27 653.539 5.600 & 2s3.600 (cl (4.887.267)28 86.600 & 253.600 (c 1.340.354 29.465 4.213.900 29 2.613.168 766.293 9.495.857 30 31 2_613.1 68 766,293 9,495,857 32 33 Description Advances in aid of construc{ion Amortization of intangibles Accrued vacation Defened compensation plans Supplemental retirement plan Post retirement benefi ts Cost of gas delivered but unbilled IBNR benelit claims Unbilled revenue lncenfve awards Defened cost on relinanced debt Refinance costs Transportation contract settlement Purchased gas adjustments Bad debt provisions Uniform capitalization Pension accrual Rebate program Schedule M Amount (3s3,429) 8,040 (12,462) (28s,166) (7'17,s62) (/,100) (s10,602) 1,696,425 10,1 1 1 (6,036) (66,1 80) 16,766,316 (477,638) 308,865 6,396 11,000 1 5,966.578 Decned rglg:lroyiggq (1 23,700) 2,814 (4,s61) (101,208) (251,286) (2,485) (318,71 1) 0 593,749 3,539 (2,113) (23,164) 0 5,868.211 320,794 108,1 03 2,238 3,850 6.076.270 I T T I t I I I T t I t t I I T T I tFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page277 I I I T I I I I I I I I t t T T I T t Name of Respondent INTERMOIJNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 OTHER REGUI.ATORY LIABILITIES (ACCOUNT 254) 1. Rcport bclolfl the deteils called for conceming other regulatory liabilities which are created lhrough the Etemaking actions of regulatory agencies (and not indudablc in other amounts). 2. For regulatory liabilities being amortized, show period of amortization in column (a). 3. Minor items (5016 of the Bahnce at End of Year for Account 254 or amounts less than $250,000. whichever is l6ss) mav be orouped bv classes. -ine {o. Description and Purpose of Other Rcgulatory Liabilities /al Balance st Beginning of Year ,b'l DFEITS Credits te'l galanc€ at End of Year /f) Account Crediled fcl Amount Id) 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 11 't5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 11 NOT APPLICABLE 45 TOTAL FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page278 Next Page is 300 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report ls: '1)'An Original'2) A Resubmission Date of Report fear of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPEMTING REVENUES (ACCOUNT 4OO) 1 . Report below natural gas operating revenues for each prescribed account total. The amounts must be :onsistent with the detailed data on succeeding pages. 2. Revenue in columns (b) and (c) include transition :osts from uostream Dioelines. 3. Other revenues in columns (0 and (g) include reservation charges received by the pipeline plus usage charges, less revenues reflecled in columns (b) through (e). lnclude in columns (0 and (g) revenues for Accounts 480495. Line No. Title of Account REVENUES for Transition Costs REVENUES FOR GRI and ACA Amount for Curent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) Amount for Cunent Year (d) Amount for Previous Year (e) 1 480-484 Sales 2 {85 lntracompany Transfers 3 487 Forfeited Discounls 4 488 Miscellaneous Service Revenues 5 489.'l Revenues from Transpo(ation of Gas of Others Through Gathering Facilities b 489.2 Revenues from Transportation of Gas of Others Throuqh Transmission 7 489.3 Revenues from Transportation of Gas of Others throuoh Distribution Facilities 8 489.4 Revenues kom Storinq Gas of Others o 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. from Natural Gas 10 {91 Revenues from Natural Gas Proc. By Sthers 11 {92 lncidental Gasoline and Oil Sales 12 493 Rent ftom Gas ProDertv 13 {94 lnterdepartmental Rents 14 {95 Other Gas Revenues 15 Subtotal: 16 {96 (Less) Provision for Rate Refunds 17 TOTAL I T T T T I I I T T I I I I I t I I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 300 T t T T T t I I I T T I T I T I T T I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) ' An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (ACCOUNT 400) (Continued) {. lf increases or decreases from previous year arc 6. Report the revenue from transportation services that 1ot derived from previously reported ftgures, explain are bundled with storage services as transportation rny inconsistencies in a footnote. service revenue. 5. On Page 108, include information on major changes Juring the year, new service, and important rate ncreases or decreases OTHER REVENUES TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES DEKATHERM OF NATURAL GAS- Line No. Amount for Current Year (f) Amount for Previous Year (o'l Amount for Cunent Year {h) Amount for Previous Year fi) Amount for Cunent Year /il Amount for Previous Year (kt 197.625.766 122.324.279 't97.625.766 122.324.279 26.190.302 22.508.717 1 2 3 6.458.990 4.234.831 6.458.990 4.234.831 4 5 6 10.830.428 11.U4.440 10.830.428 11.344.440 26.064.320 27.076.031 7 8 9 10 11 2.325 (2.325)2.325 e325',,12 13 (1 361 7.886 ('t36'7.886 14 214.917.373 137.909.'t 11 214.917.373 137.909.1 1 1 15 16 214.917.373 137.909.111 214.917.373 137.909.1 1 1 17 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 301 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) An Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 REVENUES FROM TRANSPORT TION OF GAS OF OTHERS THROUGH GATHERING FACILITIES (ACCOUNT 489.1 1. Report revenues and Dth of gas delivered through gathering 2. Revenues for penalties including penalties for facilities by zone or receipt (1.e. state in which gas enters unauthorized ovemJns must be reported on page 308. resDondent's svstem) Line No. Rate Schedule and Zone of Receipt REVENUES for Transition costs and Takeof-Pav REVENUES FOR GRI and ACA Amount for Cunent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) Amount for Cunent Year (dl Amount for Previous Year (e) I 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 't8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOT APPLICABLE I T T T T I I I T t T I t I t I T I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Page 302 I T t I I T t t I t T I ! T T T I I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Ihis Report ls: l1)'An Original 12) A Resubmissior Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 REVENUES FROM TRANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS THROUGH GATHERING FACILITIES (continued) 3. Other Revenues in columns (f) and (g) indude reservation charges 4. Delivered Dth of gas must not be adjusted for discounting. received by the pipeline plus usage cfrarges, less revenues refleded in columns (b) throuoh (e). OTHER REVENUES TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES DEKATHERM OF NATURAL GAS Amount for Cunent Year {fl Amount for Previous Year (o) Amount for Cunent Year ft) Amount for Previous Year fi) Amount for Cunent Year fi) Amount for Previous Year (k) Line No. NOT APPLICABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 303 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report is: ,1)' An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Repor Year of Report 09/30/01 REVENUES FROM TRANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS THROUGH TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (ACCOUNT 489.2) 1. Report revenues and Dth o, gas delivered by Zone of Delivery 3. Other Revenues in columns (0 and (g) include reservation by Rate Schedule. Total by Zone of Delivery and for all zones. charge received by the pipeline plus usage charges for lfrespondent does not have separate zones, provide totals by rate transportation and hub services, less revenues reflected schedule. in columns (b) through (e). 2. Revenues for penalties including penalties for unauthorized overuns must be reDorted on oaoe 308. Line No. Zone of Delivery, Rate Schedule la\ REVENUES for Transition Costs and Take-or-Pav REVENUES FOR GRI and ACA Amount for Cunent Year /h\ Amount for Previous Year /nl Amount for Current Year (d) Amount for Previous Year (e) 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 I o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOTAPPLICABLE I I T T I t I I T I T I I T I T I T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-S6)Page 304 T T T T I T I T I T T I t I T T T T t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY lhis Report ls: ,1)'An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/0'l REVENUES FROM TRANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS THROUGH TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (CONTINUED) 4. Delivered Dth of gas must not be adjusted for discounting. 5. Each incremental rate schedule and each individually certificated rate schedule must be seDaratelv reoorted. 6. Where transportation services are bundled with storage services, report total revenues but only transportation Dth. OTHER REVENUES TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE DEKATHERM OF NATUML GAS Amount for Cunent Years (ft Amount for Previous Year /al Amount for Cunent Years /t {t Amount for Previous Year ,n Amount for Cunent Years tJ) Amount for Previous Year Ito Line No- NOTAPPLICABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 't0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 't8 19 20 21 22 23 24 )q FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 305 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report is: (1)' An Original (2) A Resubmissiol Date of Report Year Ending o9/30/01 REVENUES FROM STORING GAS OF OTHER {ACCOUNT 489.4) 1 . Report revenue and Elth o f gas withdrawn from storage by Rate Schedule and in total. 2. Revenues for penalties including penalties for unauthorized overuns must be reoorted on oaoe 308. 3. Other revenues in columns (f) anO (g) include reservation charges, deliverability charges, injection and withdrawal charges, injec{ion and withdrawal charges, less revenues reflected in columns (b) throuoh (e). Line No. Rate Schedule /a'l REVENUES for Transition Costs and Take-or-Pay REVENUES FOR GRI and ACA Amount for Cunent Year /ht Amount for Previous Year 1.1 Amount for Current Year Id\ Amount for Previous Year /el 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOT APPLICABLE T I T T T 'T I I T T t t T I T I T T T FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 306 I I I l T I I T T ! t t I I I T I T I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Ihis report is: il)'An Original '21 A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 REVENUES FROM STORING GAS OF OTHER (ACCOUNT 489.4) (ContinuEd) t. Dth of gas withdrawn from storage must not be rdiusied for discountino. 5. \A/here transportation services are bundled with storage services, report only Oth withdrawn from storage. OTHER REVENUES TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES DEKATHERM OF NATURAL GAS Line No. Amount for Cunent Year /F\\ Amount for Previous Year (ol Amount for Cunent Year ,hl Amount for Previous Year It) Amount for Cunent Year (J) Amount for Previous Year {K} NOT APPLICABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 307 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 OTHER GAS REVENUES (ACCOUNT 495) 1. For transactions with annual revenues of $250,000 or more describe, for each transaction, commissions on sales of distributions of gas of other, compensation for minor or incidental services provided for other, penalties, prolit or loss on sales of material and supplies, sales of steam, water, or eledricity, miscellaneous royalties, revenues from dehydration, other processing of gas of others, and gains on settlements of imbalance receivables. Separately report revenues from cash-out penalties. Line No.Desuiption of Transadion /:l Revenues (in dollars) (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7II 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NOT APPLICABLE 25 TOTAL I T t I T I I I I T t I I T I I T I T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 308 Next page is 317 I t I I I I I I I t I I I t T t T I T Name of Respondent NTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Repo(Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 1. Report operation and maintenance expenses. lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in lootnotes 2. Provide in footnotes the source of the index used to determine the price for gas supplied by shiooers as reflected on line 74. Line No. Account {a) Amount for Current Year (b) Amount for Previous Year {cl 1 1. PRODUCTIONEXPENSES 2 A. Manufactured Gas Production 3 Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement) 4 B. Natural Gas Produclion 5 B1. Natural Gas Production and Gatherinq 6 Ooeration 7 750 Ooeration Suoervision and enoineerinq I 751 Production Maos and Records I T52GasWell Expenses 10 753 Field Lines Expenses 11 754 Field comDressor Station Expenses 't2 755 Field compressor Station Fuel and Power 13 756 Field measurino and Requlatino Station ExDenses 14 757 Purification Exoenses NOT APPLICABLE 15 758 Gas Well Rovalties 16 758 Other Exoenses 17 760 Rents 18 TOTAL Ooeration (Total of line 7 thru 17) 19 Maintenance 20 761 Maintenance suoervision and Enoineerinq 21 762 Maintenance of Structures and imorovements 22 763 Maintenance of Producino Gas Wells 23 764 Maintenance of field Lines 24 765 Maintenance of Field compressor Station Equipment 25 766 Maintenance of Field Measurinq and Reoulatinq Station Equipment 26 767 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 27 768 Maintenance of Drillino and Cleaninq EouiDment 28 769 Maintenance of Other Eouioment 29 TOTAL Maintenance Ootal of lines 20 thru 28) 30 IOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gatherinq (Total of lines 't 8 thru 29) FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 317 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY [his Report ls: il)*AnOriginal'2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Line No. Account {a) Amount for Cunent Year {b) Amount for Previous Year {cl 31 82. Products Extraction 32 3oeration 33 770 Ooeration Suoervision and Enoineerinou771 Ooeration Labor 35 772 Gas Shrinkaoe 36 773 Fuel 37 774 Power 38 775 Materials 3q 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses 40 777 Gas Processed by Others 41 778 Rovalties on Products Extracted 42 779 Marketino Exoenses 43 780 Products ourchased for Resale 44 781 Variation in Produc.ts lnventorv 45 (Less) 782 Extracled Producls used bv the Utilitv-Credit NOl APPLICABLE 46 783 Rents 47 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 33 thru 46) 48 Maintenance 49 784 Maintenance supervision and Enqineerina 50 785 Maintenance of Structures and lmDrovements 51 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refinino Eouioment 52 787 Maintenance of Pioe Lines 53 788 Maintenance of Extracted oroducts Storaoe Eouioment 54 789 Maintenance of compressor Equipment 55 790 Maintenance of Gas Measurino and Reoulatino Eouioment 56 791 Maintenance of Other Eouipment q7 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 49 thru 56) 58 TOTAL Products Extraction fiotal of lines 47 and 57) I I I T I I T I I I I t I t I T I t IFERC FORM NO, 2 (12-96)Page 318 T T I I T I I I I I I I t I T t T I T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls; (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES {Continued) Iine No. Account (a) Amount for Cunent Year Ih'l Amount for Previous Year a.) 59 C. Exploration and Development 60 )peration 61 /95 Delay Rentals 62 796 Nonoroductive well Drillino 63 797 Abandoned Leases &t 798 Other Exoloration 65 TOTAL Exoloration and DeveloDment ffotal of lins 61 thru 64) 66 D. Other Gas Suoolv Exoenses 67 Operation 68 800 Natural Gas well Head Purchases 69 800.1 natural Gas Well head Purchases. lntracomDanv Transfers 70 BO't Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 71 B02 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Purchases 72 803 Natural Gas Transmission Line Purchases 73 904 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 161_136.279 86,742.566 74 304.1 Liquefied natural Gas Purchases 75 305 Other Gas Purchases (18.248.508)'t1.752.996) 76 :Less) 805.1 Purchases Gas cost Adiustments 77 TOTAL Purchased Gas (Total of lines 68 thru 76)142.887.771 74.989.570 78 806 Exchanoe Gas 79 Purchased Gas Exoenses 80 807.1 Well Exoense-Purchased Gas 81 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measurine Stations 82 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measurinq Stations 83 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Exoenses 84 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Exoenses 85 TOTAL Purchased Gas Exoenses ffotal of lines 80 thru 84) FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 319 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: lDate of Renort (1) - An Original I /2'l A Flacr rhmiceinn Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPEMTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Line No. Account /al Amount for Current Year (h\ Amount for Previous Year Icl 85 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Storaoe-Debit 2.647.234 319.797 87 tLess) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storaqe-Credit (3.506.954)(302.945' 88 309.'l Withdrawals of Liquefield Natural Gas for Processinq-Debit 89 lLess) 809.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processino-Credit 90 3as used in Utilitv Operation-Credit 91 110 Gas Used for comDressor Station Fuel-Credit 0.448\(3.3s1 92 311 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit 93 3'12 Gas Used for Other Utilitv Ooerations-Credit G79.329\{55.891 94 TOTAL Gas Used in Utilitv Ooerations-Credit fiotal of lines 91 thru 93)(486.777\$9.242', 95 113 Other Gas Suoolv Exoenses 96 I-OTAL Other Gas Supply Exp. ffotal of lines 77. 78, 85, 86. Thru 89. 94. 95)141.541.273 142.845.381 97 TOTAL Produc{ion Expenses (Total of lines 3, 30, 58. 65. and 96)141.541.213 142.8/.5.381 98 2. NATURAL GAS STOMGE. TERMINALING AND PROCESSING EXPENSES 99 A. Underqround Storaqe Expenses 100 )oeration 101 814 Ooeration Suoervision and Enoineerino 102 815 Maos and Records 103 816 Wells Exoenses 1U 817 Lines Exoense 105 818 comoressor Stalion Exoenses 106 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 107 820 Measurinq and Requlatino Slation Exoenses 108 321 Purification Expenses 109 822 Exoloration and Development 110 823 Gas Losses 111 324 Other Expenses 112 325 Storaoe Well Rovalties 113 326 Rents 114 TOTAL Ooeration (Total of lines of 101 thru 1 13) t t I I t t t t t I T I t I I I T t tFERC FORM NO. (12-96)Page 320 T t t T I I T I ! T T I I I I I T I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) -An Original {2) A Resubmission Date of Repor Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPEMTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Line No. Account (a) Amount for Current Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 115 Maintenance 116 830 Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 117 831 Maintenance of Struc'tures and lmorovements 't 18 832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 120 834 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 121 835 Maintenance of Measurinq and Requlatinq Station Equipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Equioment 123 837 Maintenance of Other Eouioment 124 TOTAL Maintenance ffotal of lines 'l 16 thru 123) 125 TOTAL Underqround Storaqe Expenses (Total of lines 114 and 124\ 126 B. Other Storaqe Expenses 127 Cperation 128 840 Ooeration Suoervision and Enqineerinq 46,372 33.535 129 341 Ooeration Labor and Exoenses 138,271 1 't0.896 130 342 Rents 131 942.1 Fuel 413.752 20.336 132 942.2Power 59.184 42.680 133 142.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Ooeration (Total of lines 128 thru 133)657,580 207,447 135 Maintenance 136 143.1 Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 15.476 28.809 137 143.2 Maintenance of Struc{ures and lmorovements 't5.990 36.581 138 M3.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 5.902 799 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 57.626 2.203 '140 843.5 Maintenance of Liquefaclion Equipment 90,788 722 141 843.6 Maintenance of vaporizinq Equipment 20.582 11.422 142 843.7 Maintenance of Comoressor Equioment 35.203 19,415 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measurino and Requlatinq Equipment 1.020 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other Eouioment 1 .163 1.656 145 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 136 thru 144)243.751 102.007 146 TOTAL Other Storaqe Expenses (Total of lines 134 and 145)901,330 309.454 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 321 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) ' An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 cAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Line No. Account (a) Amount for Current Year (b) Amount for Previous Year /c) 147 C. Liquefied Natural Gas Teminalinq and Processinq Expenses 148 Operatino 149 M4.1 Ooeration Suoervision and Enqineerino 150 9/t4.2 LNG Processino Terminal Labor and Expenses 151 844.3 Liquefaclion Processinq Labor and Exoenses 152 844.4 Liouefaction Transoortation Labor and Exoenses 153 844.5 Measurino and Reoulatino Labor and Exoenses 154 844-6 Comoressor Station Labor and Exoenses '155 344.7 communication Svstem Expenses 156 344.8 System control and Load dispatchinq 157 M5.1 Fuel 158 145.2 Power 159 345.3 Rents 160 345.4 Demurraoe Charoes 161 :less) 845.5 Wharfaoe Receiots-Credit 162 M5.6 Precessino liouefield or Vaoorized Gas bv Others 163 M6.1 Gas Losses lAn 346.2 Other Expenses 165 TOTAL Ooeration (Total of lines 149 thru 164) 166 Maintenance 167 847.1 Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and lmorovements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processino Termian Eouioment 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transoortation Eouioment 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measurino and Reoulatino Eouioment 172 847.6 Maintenance of comoressor Station Eouioment 173 847.7 Maintenance of communication Eouioment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other Eouioment 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 167 thru 174) 176 TOTAL Liquefied Nat Gas Terminalinq and Proc Exp (Total of lines 165 and 75) 17?TOTAL Natural Gas Storaqe ffotal of lines 125. 146. and 176)901.330 309,454 I l T I I I T I ! I t t t I T t I t tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page322 T T t t I T T ! T T t I T I t I T I I NAME OF RESPONDENT INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls; (1) 'An Original 1?\ A Fleer rhmiscinn )ate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS OPEMTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) !ine No. Account tal Amount for Cunent Year /h\ Amount for Previous Year /c\ 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 179 Ooeratino 180 850 Ooeration suoervision and enoineerino 62,605 63,125 18't 851 svstem control and Load disoatchino 1'.t2.637 110,676 182 852 communication svstem Exoenses 17.714 24.546 183 853 compressor Station Labor and Expenses 75.1 80 81.430 184 854 Gas for Comoressor Station fuel 7.448 3.351 185 355 Oher Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Exoenses 42,469 51,793 187 857 Measurino and Reoulatino Station Exoenses 188 858 Transmission and comoresion of Gas bv Others 189 359 Other Expenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation fiotal of lines '180 thru 190)318.053 33/..921 192 Maintenance 193 361 Maintenance Suoervision andenqineerinq 194 362 Maintenance of Struc'tures and lmorovements 195 363 Maintenance of Mains 38.611 18.O74 195 364 Maintenance of compressor Station Equipment 434 19,13'l 't97 165 Maintenance of Measurinq and Requlatino Station Equipment 198 866 Maintenance of cpmmunication Equipment 155.402 142 8A9 199 867 Maintenance of Other Eouioment 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 193 thru 199)194.447 180.054 201 TOTAL Transmission Exoenses fiotal of lines 191 and 200)512.500 514.975 202 4. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 203 Ooeration 204 870 Operation Suoervision and Enqineerinq 1.792j04 't .763,1 78 205 871 Distribution Load disoatchinq 206 372 Comoressor Station Labor and Exoenses 207 873 Comoressor Station Fuel and Power FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 323 t I I T I I T ! I I T I T I I I T I t Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report ' 09/30/01 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Line No. Account 1a) Amount for Current Year /h\ Amount for Previous Year 208 374 Mains and services Exoenses 1 .039.1 95 't.031.238 209 875 Measurino and Reoulatino Station Exoenses-General 51.581 63_710 210 876 Measurinq and Reoulatina Station ExoensesJndustrial 1,104 1,149 211 877 Measurino and Reoulatino Station ExDenses-Citv Gas Check Station 212 378 Meter and House Reoulator Exoenses 475.325 471,954 213 379 Customer lnstallations Expenses 2.724.573 2.606.836 214 880 Other Expenses 508.860 510.637 215 881 Rents 165,285 155.861 216 TOTAL Ooeration fiotal of lines 204 thru 215)6.768.027 6_631 .136 217 Maintenance 218 885 Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 65.048 67,252 219 886 Maintenance of Struc{ures and lmorovements 220 387 Maintenance of Mains 713,2U 675.3s8 221 388 Maintenance of Comoressor Station Eouioment 222 889 Maintenance of Measurino and Reoulatino Station Eouioment-General 106.984 149.088 223 890 Maintenance of Meas. And Req. Station Equioment-lndustrial 322,402 280.865 224 891 Maintenance of Meas. And Req. Station Equio-Citv Gate Check Station 225 892 Maintenance of Services 628.977 5'.\2.410 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Reoulators 287.159 225.525 227 894 Maintenance of Other Eouioment 224 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 218 thru 227\2.123_804 1 .910.498 229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Total of lines 216 and 2281 8.89't _831 8.54t.634 230 5. CUSTOMERACCOUNTS EXPENSES 231 Ooeration 232 901 Suoervision 58.923 57.529 233 902 Meter Readinq Expenses 't.376.108 1.308.265 234 903 Customer Records and collection Expenses 3.'t58.033 2,900,709 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Page324 T t t t T t T t I T T I t I I t T I I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report oq/30/ol GAS OPEMTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) Line No. Account (a) Amount for Cunent Year (h'r Amount for Previous Year /el 235 904 Uncolleclible Accounts 2.396.837 817.678 236 105 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts ExDenses (Total of lines 232 thru 236)6,989,902 5.410.743 238 6. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORIUATION EXPENSES 239 Coeration 240 107 Supervision 57 241 108 Customer Assistance Expenses 93.917 143_677 242 109 lnformational and lnstructional Expenses 243 ]10 Miscellaneous customer Service and lnformational Expenses 244 I-OTAL Customer Service and lnformation Expenses fiotal of lines 240 thru 243)93,917 143.734 245 7. SALES EXPENSES 246 Coerations 247 91 1 Suoervision 248 )12 Demonstratinq and Sellino Expenses 1.476.270 1.572.391 249 913 Advertisinq Exoenses 244.208 310.026 250 916 Miscellaneous Sales ExDenses 251 TOTAL Sales Exoenses ffotal of lines 247 thru 250)1.720.478 1.882.417 252 8. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 253 Operation 254 920 Administrative and General Salaries 6.10't 464 5.091 .951 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 2,529,236 2.270.000 256 [Less) 922 Administrative ExDenses Transferred-Credil (275.819:(1 99.225) 257 923 Outside Services Emploved 't.359,570 984.737 258 924 Prooertv lnsurance 162.854 125.889 259 925 lniuries and Damaoes 452.212 590.019 250 126 Fmnlavca Fensians and Ranefiis 4.590.970 4.702.231 261 927 Franchise Reouirements 262 928 Requlatorv Commission Expenses 401,581 329,987 263 iLess) 929 Duolicate charoes-Credit 2U ]30.1 General Advertisino Exoenses 265 130.2 Miscellaneous General Exoenses 448.655 276.774 266 131 Rents 267 TOTAL Operation (Total of lines 254 thru 266)15.870.724 14.172.363 268 Vlaintenance 269 135 Maintenance of General Plant 5.539 10,738 270 TOTAL Administrative and General Expenses ffotal of lines 267 and 269)15.876.2U 1 4.1 83.1 01 271 I'OTAL Gas O&M Exoenses (Total of lines'176.527.496 173.4il.578 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 325 Next page is 328 \AME OF RESPONDENT NTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) * An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 EXCHANGE AND IMBAI-ANCE TMNSACTIONS I . Report below details by zone and rate schedule concerning 2. lf respondent does not have separate the gas quantities and related dollar amount of imbalances zones, provide totals by rate schedule. associated with system balancing and no-notice service. Also, Minor excfiange transactions (less than report certificated natural gas exchange transactions during the 100,000 Dth) may be grouped. year. Provide subtotals for imbalance and no-notice quantities for exchanoes. Line No. ZonelRate Schedule (a) Gas Received frnm Olhcre Gas Delivered lo Others Amount (b) Dth lc) Amount (d) Dth (el 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 't0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NOTAPPLICABLE 25 I I I t T t T ! I T I T T I I t T I IFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 328 Next Page 331 T I I I T T I I T T I I I I I t I t T Name of Respondent lntermountain Gas Comoanv This Report ls: (l)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS USED IN UTILITY OPEMTIONS 1. Report velow details of credits during the year to Accounts 8'10 811. and E12. 2. ll any natural gas was used by the respondent for which a charge was not made to the appropriate operating expense or other ac@unt. List separately in column (c) the Dth of gas used, omitting entries in column (d). -ine tlo. Purpose of Which Gas Was Used Account Charged {b) Natural Gas Manufac{ured Gas Gas Used Dth (c) Amount of Credit (d) Gas Used Dth lel Amount ol Credit rfl I 810 Gas used for Compressor Station Fuel - Cr 854 2.054 7.448 2 811 Gas used for Produc{s Extrac{lon - Cr 3 Gas Shrinkage and Other Usage in Respondent's Own Proc. 4 Gas Shrinkage, Etc. for Respondent's Gas Processed by Others 5 812 Gas used for Other util. Oprs - Cr (Rpt sep. for each prin. use. Group minor uses) 6 7 Fuel - Storaoe Dlant ooerations u2 105.457 413.752 8 Other Exoenses 880 7,006 24.160 9 Office Suoolies and Exoense 921 10.435 40.757 10 Operation Suoervision & Enoineerinq 870 196 660 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL 125,148 479,329 Page 331FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report is: (1) ' An Original (2) A Resubmissior Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 TMNSMISSION ANO COMPRESSION OF GAS BY OTHERS (ACCOUNT 858) 1. Report below details conceming gas transported or compressed for respondent by others equalling more than 1,000,000 Dth and amounts of payments for such services during the year. Minor items (less than 1,000,000) Dth may be grouped. Also, include in column (c) amounts paid as transition costs to an upstream pipeline. 2. ln column (a) give name of companies, points ofdelivery and receipt ofgas. Designate points of delivery and receipt so that they can be identified readily on a map of respondent's pipeline system. 3. Designate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). Line No. Name of Company and Description of Service Performed (a)(h'l Amount of Payment (in dollars) {c) Dth of Gas Delivered {d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2',! 22 23 24 NOT APPLICABLE 25 rOTAL I T t I T T t I t t I I I T I I I T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 332 Next page is 334 T T I I I I T I I T t I T I t T I t I Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY lhis Report ls: :1) ' An Original '21 A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 OTHER GAS SUPPLY EXPENSES {Account 813) 1. Report other gas supply expenses by desoiptive tiUes that cleady indicate the nature of such expenses. Show maintenance expenses, revaluation of monthly encroachments recorded in Account 117.4, and losses on settlements of imbalances and gas losses not associated with storage separately. lndicate the funclional classification and purpose of property to which any expenses relate. List separately items of $250,000 of more Line No Description (a) Amount (in dollars) (b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 NOTAPPLICABLE 25 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)PAGE 334 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report ls:'1)'An Original '2) A Resubmission Date Of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 MISCELI.ANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSES (Account 930.2) (Gas) 1. Provide the information requested below on miscellaneous general expenses. 2. For Other Expenses, show the (a) purpose, (b) recipient and (c) amount of such items. List separately amounts of $250,000 may be grouped if the number of items of so grouped is shown. Line No. Description /.1 Amount (in dollars) (b) 1 lndustry association dues 42.362 2 ExDerimental and oeneral research exDenses 3 Publishing and distributing information and reports to stockholders; trustee, registrar, and transfer agent fees and expenses, and other expenses of servicing outstanding securities of the resoondent 4 Other expenses (items of $5,000 or more must be listed separately in this column showing the (1) purpose, (2) recipient and (3) amount ol such items. Amounts of less than $5,000 may be grouped by classes if the number of items so grouped is shown) 5 Direc{ors' fees. retirement. and exDenses 380,607 6 Chamber of Commerce dues and related expenses 21.726 7 Commitment fees 3,785 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL 448,480 I I T I t t I I T t T I I I I T t I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 335 T I I I T I t t T T I I T t t T I T I 1. Report in Section A the amounts of depreciation expense, depletion and amortization for the accounts indicated and classified according to the plant functional groups shown. 2. Repod in Seciion B, column (b) all depreciable or amortizable 2. Report in Section B, column (b) all depreciable or amortizable plant balances to which rates are applied and show a composi total. (lf more desirable, report by plant account, suba@ount o funciional classifications other than those pre-printed in column (a). lndicate in a footnote the manner in which column (b) bala are obtained. This Report ls: (1)'An Original DEPRECIATION,404.1 .404.2.404 Sedion A. Summarv of and Amortization Depreciation Expense (Account 403) Depletion of Produo ing Natural Gas Land and Land Rights (Account 404.1) Amortization of Underground Storage Land and Land Rights (Account 404.2) Base load LNG terminating and I 1 .796.151 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 336 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Repo( ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 DEPRECIATION, DEPLETION, AND AMORTIZATION OF GAS PI-{NT ( Accounts 403, 404.1,404.2,404.3, 405) (Except Amortization of Acquisition Adiustments) (Continued) lf aveage balances are used, state the method of averaging used. For column (c) report available information for each plant funclional classification listed in column (a). lf composite depreciation accounting is used, report available information called for in columns (b) and (c) on this basis. Where the unit-of-produclion method is used to determine depreciation charges, show in a footnote any revisions made to estimated gas reserves. 3. lf provisions for depreciation were made during the year in addition to depreciation provided by application of reported rates, state in a footnote the amounts and nature of the provisions and the plant items to which related. Sedion A. Summarv of Deoreciation. Depletion. and Amortization Charqes Amortization of Other Limited-Term Gas Plant (Account 404.3) 1e) Amortization of Other Gas Plant (Account 405) Tfl Total (o) Functional Classifi cation Ial Line No. 26,033 26,033 lntanoible olant 1 0 Produclion olant. manufaciured oas 2 Production and gathering plant, natural qas 3 0 Produds extraction plant 4 0 Underqround qas storaqe Dlant 5 81.678 Other storaoe olant 6 Base load LNG terminating and nrocnssina nlant 7 1,',t76,237 Transmission olant 8 8,696,508 Diskibution plant o 1,8r''1,729 General plant 't0 0 Common plant-qas 11 26,033 11.822.1U TOTAL 12 I I T I T I t T I I I I T t I t T T IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 337 T I T T I I T T T T T I T I t I I T T Name of Respondenl INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY lhis Report ls: i1) 'An Original '2) A Resubmission Date Of Reporl Year of Report 09/30/01 DEPRECIATION. DEPLETION. AND AMORTIZATION OF GAS PI-{NT (Continued) 1. Add rows as necessary to completely report all data. Number the additional rows in sequence as 2.01. 2.02,3.01,3.02, etc. Section B. Fac{ors Used in Estimatino Deoreciation Charoes Line No.Funclional Classification (a) Depreciation Plant Base (thousands) (h\ Applied Depr. Rate(s) (Percent) Ic) 1 Production and Gathering Plant 2 Offshore 3 Onshore 4 Underground Gas Storage Plant 5 Transmission Plant 6 Offshore 7 Onshore 8 General Plant 9 10 'tl 12 13 14 15 Notes to Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization of Gas Plant lnstruction 2 - Composite depreciation accounting is followed using an annual rate of 3.94% for the period October 1, 1997 to September 30, 1998. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 338 Next Page is 340 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 PARTICULARS CONCERNING CERTAIN INCOME DEOUCTIONS AND INTEREST CHARGES ACCOUNTS Report the information specified below, in the order given, for the respective income deduction and interest charges accounts. (a) Miscellaneous Amortization (Account 425)- Oescribe the nature of items included in this account, the contra account charged, the total amortization charges for the year, and lhe period of amorlization. (b) Miscellaneous lncome Deductions-Report the nature, payee, and amount of other income deductions ,or the year as required by Accounts 426.1, Donations; 426.2,Lite lnsurance; 426.3, Penalties; 426.4, Expend- itures for Certain Civic, Political and Related Activities; and 426.5, Other Deductions, of the Uniform System ofAccounts. Amounts ofless than $250,000 may be grouped by classes within the above accounts. (c) lnterest on Debt to Associated Companies (Account 430)-For each associated company to which interest on debt was incurred during the year, indicate the amount and interest rate respectively for (a) advances on notes, (b) advances on open account, (c) notes payable, (d) accounts payable, and (e) other debt, and total interest. Explain the nature of other debt on which interest was incuned during the year. (d) Other lnterest Expense (Account 431)-Report parti- culars (details) including the amount and interest rate for other interest charoes incuned durino the vear. Line No- Item l^\ Amount /ht 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5l 33 34 35 Account 426.1 Donations did not exceed $250,000 to any one beneficiary Account 426.4 Expenditures for civic, political, and related activities All under $250,000 Account 426.5 Other deductions All under $250,000 Account 431 Customer deposits - interest rale'. 3o/o Level pay balances - interest rale'. 4o/o Short-term bank loans - interest rate: prime rate Defened compensation for Board of Directors - interest rate: prime rate Defened Compensation for Executives & Key Managers - interest rate: Defened gas interest income Miscellaneous pnme 191,798 191,798 5,987 12,637 13,958 60,965 1,009,667 95,908 190,251 (1,657,015 2.660 (283.s961 t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I T T I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96) Page 340 Next page is 350 I I T T I I T I I \,lame of Respondent NTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) 'An Original 1r\ A Aacr rhmiccian Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES (Account 928) 1. Report belo\,\, details of regulatory commission expenses incurred during the cunent year (or in previous years, if being amortized) relating to formal cases before a regulatory body, or cases in qrhiah crrah . h^r{v rMe 6 har+w 2. ln column (b) and (c), indicate whether the expenses were asgessed by a regulatory body or were otherwise incuned by ihe utilig. Line No. Description ( Fumish name of regulatory commission or body the docket number, and a description of the case.) l^l Assessed by Regulatory Commission thl Expenses of Utility Total Expenses to Date I.ll Defened in Account 182.3 at Beginning of Year te) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 17 't8 19 20 21 22 23 ,A ldaho Public Utilities Commission IPUC - annual fee (Contra account charged 165.090)Yes No 12.153 12,153 25 rOTAL FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 350 Name of Respondent NTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) 'An Original (2.l A Resuhmission Date of Report Year of Report os/30/01 3. Show in column (k) any expenses incurred in prior years that are 5. List in column (0, (g), and (h) expenses incuned being amortized. List in column (a) the period of amortization. during year which were charges cunently to income, 4. ldentiry separately all annual charge adjustments (ACA). plant, or other accounts. 6. Minor items (less than $250,000) may be qrouoed. DURING AMORTIZED DURING YEAR Defened in Account 162.3 End ofYear /t'l Line No. CHARGED CURRENTLY TO Oefened to Account 1E2.3 In Contra Account /il Amounl tkl Department Ifl Account No. /dl Amounl /h\ Gas Gas 401.928 401.928 389,428 12.153 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 't4 15 16 't7 t8 't9 20 21 22 23 )n 25 T I t I I I t t I I I T t t I T T t T FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-s6)Page 351 Next page is 354 T I I t T I T I T T t I T T T I T T T Report below the distribution of total salaries and wages for the year. Segregate amounts originally charged to clearing accounts to Utility Departments, Construction, Plant Removals, and Other Accounts, and enter such amounts in the appropriate lines and columns provided. ln determining this segregation of sala- ries and wages originally charged to clearing accounts, a method of approximation giving substantially conect results results may be used. When reporting detail of other accounts,enter as many rows numbered with 74.01.74 This Report ls: (1)'An Original DISTRIBUTION OF SALARIES AND WAGES TOTAL Ooeration (Total of lines 3 thru TOTAL Maint. fTotal of lines '12 thru Production fTotal of lines 3 and 1 otal of lines 4 and 1 Distribution (Total of lines 5 and and General (Total of lines 9 and 1 TOTAL Ooer. and Maint. fiotal of lines 18 thru TOTAL Ooeration (Total of lines 28 thru TOTAL Maint. (Total of lines 40 thru FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)PAGE 354 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) t An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Repol Year of Report 09/30/01 DISTRIBUTION OF SALARIES AND WAGES LINE NO, Classification (a) Direct Payroll Distribution for Clearing Accounts {b) Allocation of Payroll Charge< for Clearing lAccounts I{c) I Total td) 48 r Grc /(16nlinile.l'l r 49 fotal ODeration and Maintenance 50 Production-Manufactured Gas (Lines 28 and 40) 51 Produc{ion-Natural Gas (lncludino Exol and Dev.) (lines 29 and 41 52 Other Gas Supply (Lines 30 and 42) 53 Storaoe. LNG Terminalino and Processino (Lines 31 and 42)144.720 54 Transmission (Lines 32 and 44)405,329 55 Distribution (Lines 33 and 45)5.991.964 56 Customer Accounts (Line 34)3.260,958 57 Customer Service and lnformational (Line 35)904.664 58 Sales (Line 36)1.193.751 59 Administrative and General (Lines 37 and 46)4.125.481 60 ' Other Utilitv Deoartments ' 61 Coeration and Maintenance 62 TOTAL All Utilitv Deot. (Total of lines 25. 59. and 61)4.125.481 63 't tilitv Plant' 64 3onstruction (By Utility Departments) 65 Electric Plant 66 Gas Plant 531,286 67 Other Same 68 TOTAL Construction (Total of lines 65 thru 67)531.286 AS 69 )lant Removal {Bv Utilitv Deoarlments) 70 Electric Plant (b) 7'l Gas Plant 49.987 72 Other 73 TOTAL Plant Removal (Total of lines 70 thru 72)49.987 74 Other Accounts (Soecifv) 74.O',l 74.02 lntercomDanv accounts receivable:8S_554 74.O3 74.O4 74.O5 74.06 74.07 74.08 74.O9 74.1 Other: 74.11 74.12 Non-utilitv oDeration & maintenance 42 74.13 Work authorization 324,058 74.14 M&Sstoreskeeper 144.675 74.15 74.16 468.775 74.17 74.18 74.19 75 TOTAL Other Accounts 558.329 76 TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 17.166.469 I I I T I I T I I I T I T t I T T T T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 355 Next Page is 357 T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) 'An Original (21 A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report nqrln/ol CHARGES FOR OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER CONSULTATIVE SERVICES 1. Rcport the information specmcd b€low tor all cfarges made during lhe year organization of any kind, or individual (olher than for services as any employee or ,or payments construction, engineering, rrseardt, tinancial, yaluation, legal, accounting, Certain Civic, Political 8nd Related Adivities. pnrcfiasing, adverlising, labor rclations, and public relations, rcndcred for (a) Name of person or organizdion redering s€rvices. the rEpondent under writlen or oral ariangement, for saich aggrsgate (b) Designate associatcd companies wilh an asterisk in column (b). oavmcnts v/ere madc durino lhe vrar lo anv corDoration. DartneBhio. Line No. Descdption 1'\lh) Amount (in dolla6) Icl Account Charged 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2E 29 30 31 32 33 34 ?( Name and Address of Person or Oroanization Renderino Service Descriotion of Service IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS - Copy and mail services DAS-CO of ldaho - Construclion services DAVCO Services lnc - Construction services Dresser-Rand - Repairs Eureka Construction & Excavating - Construc{ion services l(/ lnc - Construciion services Mels Locating Co - Line locating 322,098 4,383,670 1,400,895 467,757 1,136,732 1,003,359.67 308,1 10.00 401.923 107.956 1 07.956 107.557 107.956 107.956 401.870 T T I I T T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 357 Next page is 508 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) 'An Original (2) An Resubmission Date Of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 COMPRESSOR STATIONS 1. Report below details conceming compressor stations. Use the follovving subheadings: field compressor stations, producis e)draclion compressor stations, underground storage compressor stations, transmission compressor stations, distribution compressor stations, and other compressor stations. 2. For column (a), indicate the produciion areas where such stations are used. Group relatively small field compressor stations by produdion areas. Show the number of stations grouped. ldentiff any station held under a title other than full ownership. State in a footnote the name of owner or cGowner, the nature of respondent's title, and percent of ownership if iointlv owned. Line No. Name of Station and Location Number of Units al Station /h'l Certificate Horsepower for Each Station Plant Cost {rt) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 't2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Transmission Compressor Station: Fort Hall Compressor Station Bingham County, ldaho 1,368,321 T I t I ! I t I T I I t T I I T I T tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 508 I I t I T T T T I T T I T T T I t T T Name oI Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY l-his Report ls: l'l)'An Original 12) An Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 COMPRESSOR STATIONS (Continued) Designate any station that was not operated during the past year. State in a footnote whether the book cost of sucfi station has been retired in the books of account, or what disposition of the station and its book cosl are contemplated. Designate any compressor units in trans- mission compressor stations installed and put into opera- tion during the year and show in a footnote the size of eactr such unit, and the date each such unit was placed in operation. 3. For column (e), include the type of fuel or power, if other than natural gas and the other fuel or power. Ercenses (ExceDt deoreciation and taxes) Gas for Compressor Fuel in Dth /dl Operation Data Une No. Fuel or Power Ie) Other Tfl Total Compressor Hours of Operation During Year (h) No of Compressors Operated at Time of Station Peak /t) Date of Station Peak lil 7.448 75,180 2,OU 476 Feb.9,2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 't1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2',1 22 23 24 25 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 509 Next Page is 512 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS STORAGE PROJECTS Reoort ini cctions and withdrawals of qas for all storaqe Droiects used bv resDondent. Line No. llem 12\ Gas Belonging to Respondent (Dth) /hl Gas Belonging to Others (Drh) (c) Total Amount (d) STORAGE OPERATIONS (IN Dth) 1 Gas Delivered to Storaqe 2 Oc{ober 3 November 4 December 13_829 13.829 5 January 6 :ebruary 7 Vlarch 8 {Dril I Vlav 169.499 169,499 10 June 203.432 203.432 1 July 179.377 179.377 12 {uoust 213,019 213.019 13 September 204,315 204.315 14 Total (Enter Total of Lines 2 Thru 't 3)983,471 c 983.471 15 3as Withdra Sloraoe 16 f,clober 7.985 7.985 17 November 47.973 47.973 18 December 214.218 214.218 19 January 197.351 197.351 20 Februarv 539.873 539.873 21 March 215.145 215.145 22 April 6,883 6.883 23 l\rlay 11,660 11,660 24 June 2,945 2,945 25 July 726 726 26 August 291 291 27 September 28 Total (Enter Total of Lines '16 Thru 27)1,245,050 (1.245,050 t T T I I I T I T T T t T T T T T I T FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 512 t I I I T I T I I T T I t I T t I T T Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY fhis Report ls: il)'An Original '2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS STORAGE PROJECTS (Continued) 1 . On line 4, enter the total storage capacity certificated by FERC 2. Report total amount in Dth or other unit, as applicable on lines 2,3,4,7. lf quantity is converted from Mcf to Dth, provide conversion factor in a footnote. Line No. Item (a) Total Amount STORAGE OPERATIONS 1 Top or Workinq Gas End of Year 11.600.552 2 Cushion Gas (lncludinq Native Gas)23,600 3 Total Gas in Reservoir (Total of Line 1 and 2)11,624,152 4 Certificated Storaoe Caoacitv 5 Number of lniection - Withdrawal Wells 6 Number of Observation Wells 7 Maximum Day's Withdrawal from Storaqe 120,890 8 Date of Maximum Day's Withdrawal Jan. 29. 2001 9 LNG Terminal Comoanies (in Dth) 10 Number ofTanks 11 Capacity of Tanks 12 LNG Volume 13 Received at "Shio Rail"Received at "Ship Rail" 14 Transferred To Tanks 15 Withdrawn from Tanks 16 "Boil Off'Vaporization Loss ' Respondent owns and operates and LNG storage facility located near Nampa, ldaho and contracts for the use of a LNG facility owned and operated by Pipeline - West located near Plymouth, Washington. FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 513 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY lhis Report ls: i1)'An Original'2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 TMNSMISSION LINES 1. Report below, by state, the total miles of transmission lines of each transmission system operated by respondent at end of year. 2. Report separately any lines held under a title other than full ownership. Designate sucfi lines with an asterisk, in column (b) and in a footnote state lhe name of owner, or co-owner, nature of respondent's title, and percent ownership if iointly owned. 3. Report separately any line that was not operated during the past year. Enter in a footnote the details and state whether the book cost of such a line, or any portion thereof, has been retired in the books of account, or what disposition of the line and its book @sts are contemplated. 4. Report the number of miles of pipe to one decimal point. Line No. Designation (ldentifi cation) of Line or Group of Lines (al Ih) Total Miles of Pipe (c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 IDAHO: Transmission lines (includes inigation mains) Distribution and service lines 688.8 8,152.8 TOTAL 8.841.6 I I I I I I T t t T T T T I T T I T tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 514 Next page is 518 T T t T T I t T I I I I T T T T T T I \,lame of Respondent NTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmissior Oate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM PEAK DELIVERIES 1. Report below that total transmission system deliveries of gas (in DThe season's peak normally will be reached before the due date of this report, excluding deliveries to storage, for lhe period of system peak deliveriApril 30, which permits inclusion of the peak information required on this page. indicated below, during the 12 months embracing the heating seasonAdd rows as necessary to teport all data. Number additional rows 6.01, 6.02, etc. overlaDDino the vea/s end for which this report is submitted. Line No. Description fa) Oth of Gas Delivered to lnteBtate Pipelines rbl Dth of Gas Delivered to Others lcl Total (b) + (c) /d'l Egyigfii,#.itiir$:;aj::13::rir:r'"'ri'I.lrlxtl:iil:':r::r::rr'r',:rii:)rriii 2 y'olumes of Gas Transported 3 \,lo-Notice Transportation 4 Jlher Firm Transoorletion 224,202 5 nterruotible Transoortation 6 fther (Describe) 6.01 7 TOTAL 224.202 I y'olumes of oas Wthdrawn form Storaoe under Storage Contracts 9 Vo-Notice Storaoe 't0 )ther Firm Storaqe 50.382 11 nterruotible Storaoe 12 Other (Describe) 12.01 13 TOTAL 50,382 14 Other Ooerational Activities 15 Gas Wthdrawn from Storaoe for Svstem Ooerations 't6 Reduction in Line Pack 17 Other (Describe) 18 TOTAL 274.584 19 SECTION B: CoNSECUTIVE THREE-DAY PEAK OELIVERIES 20 Dates:l i i,l :27;00.,:1.28.00:1f.29.00 21 y'olumes of Gas Transoorted 22 No-Notice Transoortation 23 Cther fi rm TransDortation 705.447 24 nterruoUble Transoortation 25 Sther (Describe) 25.01 705.447 26 TOTAL 27 y'olumes of oas Wthdrawn form Storaqe under Storage Contracts 28 No-Notice Storaoe 29 Jther Firm Sloraoe 1 10.946 30 nterruotible Storaoe 31 Sther (Oescribe) 32 rOTAL 1 1 0,946 33 Cther Operauonal Activities 34 3as Wthdrawn from Storaqe for Svstem Operations 35 Reduction in Line Pack 36 f,ther (Describe) 37 rOTAL 816.393 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 518 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) 'An Original [2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 AUXILIARY PEAKING FACILITIES 1 . Report below auxiliary facilities of the respondent for meeting seasonal peak demands on the respondent's system, such as underground storage projects, liquefied petroleum gas installations, gas liquefac{ion plants, oil gas sets, etc. 2. For column (c) , for underground storage projects, report the delivery capacity on February 1 of the heating season overlapping the year-end for which this report is submitted. For other facilities. report the raled maximum daily delivery capacities. 3. For column (d), include or exclude (as appropriate) the cost of any plant used jointly with another facility on the basis of predominant use, unless the auxiliary peaking facility is a separate plant as contemplated by general instruction 12 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Line No. Location of Facility (a) Type of Facility aximum Daily Delivery Capacity of Facility Dth Cost of Facility (in dollars) Idl Was Facility Operated on Day of Highest Transmission Peak Deliverv? Yes /a'l No (f) 't 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 't4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 Nampa, ldaho NW1/4 Sec.31 T4N RlW. BM Plymouth, Washington Liquefied natural gas Liquetied natural gas 600,000 7,756.528 X 720.000 The Nampa, ldaho facility is owned and operated by the Respondent. The Plymouth, Washington LNG facility is operated by Northwest Pipeline Corporation. The Respondent owns inventory at both locations. I I T I T T T I I I T t T t T I t T tFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 519 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1) - An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 GAS ACCOUNT. NATURAL GAS 1. The purpose of this page is to account for the quan- tity of natural gas received and delivered by the respon- dent. 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any minure of natural and manufactured gas. 3. Enter in column (c) the Dth as reported in the schedules indicated for the items of receipts and deliveries. 4. lndicate in a footnote the quantities of bundled sales and transportation gas and specify the line on which such quantiues are listed. 5. lf lhe respondent operates two or more systems which are not interconnected, submit separate pages for this purpose. Use copies of pages 520. 6. Also indicate by footnote the quantities of gas not subject to Commission regulation which did not incur FERC regulatory costs by showing (1) the local distribu- tion volumes delivered to the local distribution-company portion of the reporting pipeline. (2) the quantities lhat the reporting pipeline transported or sold through its local distribution facilities or intrastate tacilities and which the reportino pioeline received throuoh oatherino facilities or or intrastate facilities, but not through any of the intrastate the intrastate portion ofthe reporting pipeline and, (3) the gathering line quantities which were not destined for interstate market or which were not transported through any intrastate portion of the reporting pipeline. 7. Also indicate by footnote (1 ) the system supply quantities of gas which are stored by the reporting pipeline during lhe reporting year and also reported as sales, transportation and compression volumes by the reporting pipeline during the same reporting yeat, (2) the system supply volumes of gas which are stored by the reporting pipeline during the report- ing year and which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or transport in future reporting year, and (3) contract storage volumes. 8. Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field sales which are included in both the company's totial sales figure and the company's total transportation figure. Add additional rows as necessary to report all data, numbered 14.01, 14.02, etc. 01 NAME OF SYSTEM Line No. Item Ref. Page No. (b)(a) Amount of Dth (c) 2 GAS RECEIVED 3 Gas Purchases {Accounts 800-805)26.509.369 4 Gas of Olhers Received for Gatherino (Account 489.1)303 5 Gas of Others for Transmission (Account 489.2)305 6 Gas of Others Received for distribution (Account 489.3)301 7 Gas of Othec Received ,or Contract Storaqe (Account 489.4)307 8 Exchanged Gas received from Others (Account 806)328 I Gas Received as lmbalances (Account 806)328 l0 Receiots of Resoondent's Gas Transoorted bv Others (Account 858)332 l1 Other Gas withdrawn from Storaoe (Exolain) 12 Gas Received from shioDers as comoressor Station Fuel 13 Gas Received from Shiooers as Lost and Unaccounted for 14 Other Receiots (Soecifv) Cltv Gate not under FERC rate schedule 25.417.447 't5 Total Receiots (Total of lines 4 thru 14?)51.926.816 16 GAS DELIVERED 17 Gas Sales (Accounts 480-484)51.454.622 18 Deliveries of Gas Gathered tor Others (Account 489.'l 303 19 Deliveries of Gas Transported for Others (Account 489.2)305 20 Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others (Account 489-3)301 21 Deliveries of Contracl Storaoe Gas (Account 489.4)307 22 Exchanoed Gas received from Others (Account 806)328 23 sas Delivered as lmbalances (Account 806)328 24 f,eliveries of Gas to Others for Transoortation (Account 858)332 25 f,ther Gas Delivered to Storaoe (ExDlain)983.472 26 3as Used for compressor Station Fuel 509 125.148 27 Jther Deliveries (Soecitul 16.766 28 Tolal f)eliveries (Tolal of lines 17 lhil 27?\52,580,008 29 GAS UNACCOUNTED FOR 30 )roduction Svstems Losses 31 3atherino system Losses 32 Transmission Svstem Losses 33 fistribution Svstem Losses (400.000) 34 Storaoe Svstem Losses 253 191 35 f,ther Losses (SDecifv) 36 fotal Unaccounted For (Total of lines 30 thru 35)1 46.809) 37 fotal Deliveries & Unaccounted for (Total of lines 28 and 36)52.433.199 T T T I T FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-96)Page 520 Next page is 522 Name of Respondent INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY This Report ls: (1)'An Original (2) A Resubmission )ate of Report Year of Report 09/30/01 SYSTEM MAPS 1. Furnish five copies of a system map (One with each filed copy of this (h) Normal direction of gas flow (indicatecl by arrows). report) of the facilities operated by the respondent for the production, (i) Size of pipe. gathering, transportation, and sale of natural gas. New maps need not O Location of products extraction plants, stabilization plants, be fumished if no important change has occurred in the facilities purification plants, recycling areas, etc. operated by the respondent since the date of the maps furnished O Location of products extraction plants, stabilization plants, with a previous yeafs annual report. ll however, maps are not purification plants, recycling areas, etc. fumished for this reason, reference should be made in the space (k) Principal communities receiving service through the respondents below to the yea/s annual report with which the maps were furnished. pipeline. 2. lndicate the following information on the maps: 3. ln addition, show on each map; graphic scale of the map; date of the (a) Transmission lines. facts the map purports to show; a legend giving all symbols and (b) lncremental facilities abbreviations used; designations of facilities leased to or from another (c) Location of gathering areas. company, giving name of such other company. (d) Location of zones and rate areas. 4. Maps not larger than 24 inches square are desired. lf necessary, (e) Location of storage fields. however, submit larger maps to show essential information. Fold (f) Location of natural gas fields. the maps to a size not larger then this report. Bind the maps to the report. (o) Location of compressor stations. SEE PAGE 522-A I I T I ! I T I I T t t ! I T T T I IFERC FORM NO.2 (12-96)Page 522 Next page is 551 t t I T T I T I T T t I =rsl sl zl slzt el EI EI =\\\ H Ea ES S T T I I I t T a!lMAlr GZ S* 5* sloosl :0 s $ \ S oo $*s-lS6-\-$sE: z $ $$ 3E+9S I E $d-) tst , 5aa A G.r{frn Accrued and prepaid taxes . . . 262-263 Accurnulated provision for depreciation of gas utality plant . 219 utility plant (summary! 2OO-2O1 Advance to associated companies . . . 222 Associated companies advances from 256advancesto ..222-223 control over respondent 1O2 corporations controlled by respondent 1O3investmentin ..... .222-223 service contracts charges 357Attestation 1 E:fff:lll"l :".T:"::1': :: :::::::::::: ::: :::: : ::: :::::::::::: :::::::.: ll3.11; Capital Stock ..250-251discount 254expense 254premiums 252reacquired 251subscribed 252 Cashflows,statementof ... .120-121 Changes -- important during the year l OBCompressorStations ..5O8-5Og Construction overhead procedures, general description of 218 work in progress -- other utility departments 2OO-2O1 Contracts, service charges 357 :rol corporations controlled by respondent 1O3 over respondent 1O2 security holders and voting powers 1O7CPACertification,thisreportform ........i Current and accrued liabilities, miscellaneous 268 Deferred credits, other 269 debits,miscellaneous.. 233 incometaxes,accumulated... ....234-235 income taxes, accumulated-other property . . 274-275 incometaxes,accumulated-other ..- 276-277 regulatoryexpenses ..350-351 Definitions,thisreportform. ...... iv Depletion amortization and depreciation of gas plant . 336-338 and amortization of producing natural gas land and land rights . . . 336-338 Depreciationgasplant ....336-338 gas plant in service 219 Discount on Capital Stock 254 Dividendappropriations... 118-119 Earnings, retained 1 18-1 19 Exchange and imbalance transactions 328 T T I T T T T I T T I I I I t T T T tFERC FORM NO. 2 (12-961 INDEX 1 t I I I T t T T T T T I t T T T I t T INDEX (Continued) Peak deliveries, transmission system, 518 P-aking facilities, auxiliary 519 t-gas construction work in progress 216heldforfutureuse.. ..... 214 leased from others 212 leased to others 213 Plant -Utilityaccumulatedprovisions(summary) .... ... 2OO-2O1 leased to others. income from . 213 Premium on capital stock . 252 Prepayments 23O Professional services, charges for . . 357 Property losses, extraordinary 23O Reacquired long-term debt . 256-257Receivers'certificate . . 256-257 Reconciliation of repofted net income with taxable income from Federal income taxes 261Regulatorycommissionexpenses ...350-351 Regulatory commission expenses - deferred 232 Retained earnings appropriated... 118-119 statementof .. 118-119unappropriated 1 18-1 19F ques from storing gas of others . . . 306-307 from transportation of gas through gathering facilities . . . . 3O2-3O3 from transportation of gas through transmission facilities 3O4-3O5 gas operating 3OO Salaries and wages. distribution of . . 354-355Sales . . 3OO-3O1 Securities disposedof duringyear ....222-223 holders and voting powers 1O7 investmentinassociatedcompanies ... ... 222-223investment.others ...222-223 issued or assumed during year . 255 refunded or retired during year . 255 registered on a national exchange 25o'-251, 256-257 Stock liability for conversion 252 Storage ol natural gas, underground 512-513revenues ....306-307 Taxes accrued and prepaid . . 262-263chargedduringtheyear ....262-263 on income, deferred -- accumulated . . . . 222-223,234-235 reconciliation of net income for 261 FERC FORM NO. 2 (12-961 INDEX 3