HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004Annual Report.pdf~ .. . FERC FORM No. 2I3Q (02-04) INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING FERC FORMS 2, 2-A and 3- GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose Form 2 is an annual regulatory support requirement under 18 CFR 260.1 for major interstate natural gas companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Form 2-A is an annual regulatory support requirement under 18 CFR 260.2 for nonmajor interstate natural gas companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Form 3-0 is a quarterly regulatory support requirement which supplements Forms 2 and 2A under 18 CFR 260.300. These reports are also considered to be a non-confidential public use forms. II.Who Must Submit Each Major natural gas company which meets the filing requirements of 18 CFR 260.1 must file Form 2. Each Nonmajor natural gas company must submit Form 2-A as prescribed in 18 CFR Part 260.2. Each Major and Nonmajor natural gas company must submit Form 3-0 as prescribed in 18 CFR Part 260.300. Note: Major means having combined gas transported or stored for a fee exceeding 50 million Mcf in each of the three previous calendar years. Nonmajor means having total gas sales or volume transactions exceeding 200,000 Mcf in each of the three previous calendar years. III. What and Where to Submit (a) Submit Forms 2, 2-A and 3-electronically through the Form 2/3-0 Submission Software. Retain one copy of each report for your files. (b) Respondents may submit the Corporate Officer Certification electronically, or file/mail an original signed Corporate Officer Certification to: Chief Accountant Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 FirstStreet, NE Washington, DC 20426 (c) Submit, immediately upon publication, four (4) copies of the latest annual report to stockholders and any annual financial or statistical report regularly prepared and distributed to bondholders, security analysts, or industry associations. (Do not include monthly and quarterly reports. Indicate by checking the appropriate box on Form 2, Page 3, List of Schedules, if the reports to stockholders will be submitted or if no annual report to stockholders is prepared.) Mail these reports to the address in III(c) above. (d) For the Annual CPA certification, submit with the original submission, or within 30 days after the filing date for Form 2 or 2-A, a letter or report (not applicable to respondents classified as Class C or Class 0 prior to January 1, 1984): (I) Contain a paragraph attesting to the conformity, in all material respects, of the schedules listed below with the Commission s applicable Uniform Systems of Accounts (including applicable notes relating thereto and the Chief Accountant's published accounting releases), and (ii) be signed by independent certified public accountants or an independent accountant certified or licensed by a regulatory authority of a State subdivision of the U. S. (See 18 CFR 158.10-158.12 for specific qualifications. licensed public or other political Reference Comparative Balance Sheet Statement of Income Statement of Retained Earnings Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements Reference Schedules Paces 110-113 114-117 118-119 120-121 122-123 Insert the Letter or report immediately following the cover sheet. When submitting after the filing date for this form, send the letter or report to the Chief Accountant at the address indicated at III (b). Use the following form for the letter or report unless unusual circumstances or conditions, explained in the letter or report, demand that it be varied. insert parenthetical phrases only when exceptions are reported. In connection with our regular examination of the financial statements of for the year ended on which we have reported separately under date of We have also reviewed schedules of FERC Form No. 2/2A for the year filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, for conformity in all material respects with the requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases. our review for this purpose included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Based on our review, in our opinion the accompanying schedules identified in the preceding paragraph (except as noted below) conform in all material respects with the accounting requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases. State in the letter or report, which , if any, of the pages above do not conform to the Commission s requirements. Describe the discrepancies that exist (e) Federal, State and Local Governments and other authorized users may obtain additional blank copies to meet their requirements free of charge from: Public Reference and Files Maintenance Branch, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE. Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426 (202).502-8371 IV. When to Submit: Submit Form 2 according to the filing dates contained in section 18 CFR 260.1 of the Commission s regulations. Submit Form 2-A according to the filing dates contained in section 18 CPR 260.2 of the Commissions regulations. Submit Form 3-Q according to the filing dates contained in section 18 CFR 260.300 of the Commission s regulations. Where to Send Comments on Public Reporting Burden. The public reporting burden for the Form 2 collection of information is estimated to average 1,570 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources , gathering and maintaining the data-needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The public reporting burden for the Form 2A collection of information is estimated to average 115 hours per response. The public reporting burden for the Form 3- collection of information is estimated to average 150 hours per response. Send comments regarding these burden estimates or any aspect of these collections of information , including suggestions for reducing burden, to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Mr. Michael Miller, ED-30); and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). No person shall be subject to any penalty if any collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.C. 3512 (a)). . . GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Prepare all reports in conformity with the Uniform System of Accounts (18 CFR 101) (U.S. of A.). Interpret all accounting words and phrases in accordance with the U. S. of A. Enter in whole numbers (dollars or Dth) only, except where otherwise noted. (Enter cents for averages and figures per unit where cents are important. The truncating of cents is allowed except on the four basic financial statements where rounding is required.) The amounts shown on all supporting pages must agree with the amounts entered on the statements that they support. When applying thresholds to determine significance for reporting purposes, use for balance sheet accounts the balances at the end of the current reporting period, and use for statement of income accounts the current year s year to date amounts. II. III Complete each question fully and accurately, even if it has been answered in a previous report. Enter the word IINone where it truly and completely states the fact. IV.For any page(s) that is not applicable to the respondent, omit the page(s) and enter IINA,II IINONE II or IINot Applicable in column (d) on the List of Schedules, pages 2 and 3. Enter the month, day, and year for all dates. Use customary abbreviations. The "Date of Report" included in the header of each page is to be completed only for resubmissions (see VII. below). Generally, except for certain schedules, all numbers, whether they are expected to be debits or credits, must be reported as positive. Numbers having a sign that is different from the expected sign must be reported by enclosing the numbers in parentheses. VI. VII For any resubmissions, submit the electronic filing using the Form 2/3-0 software and send a letter identifying which pages in the form have been revised. Send the letter to the Office of the Secretary. VIII.Footnote and further explain accounts or pages as necessary. IXI.Do not make references to reports of previous periods/years or to other reports in lieu of required entries, except as specifically authorized. Wherever (schedule) pages refer to figures from a previous period/year, the figures reported must be based upon those shown by the report of the previous period/year, or an appropriate explanation given as to why the different figures were used. XI.Report all gas volumes in MMBtu and Dth. DEFINITIONS Btu oer cubic foot - The total heating value, expressed in Btu, produced by the combustion, at constant pressure, of the amount of the gas which would occupy a volume of 1 cubic foot at a temperature of 60oF if saturated with water vapor and under a pressure equivalent to that of 30oF, and under standard gravitational force (980.665 em. per see) with air of the same temperature and pressure as the gas, when the products of combustion are cooled to the initial temperature of gas and air when the water formed by combustion is condensed to the liquid state (called gross heating value or total heating value. II. Commission Authorization -- The authorization of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any other Commission. Name the commission whose authorization was obtained and give date of the authorization. III.Dekatherm - A unit of heating value equivalent to 10 therms or 1,000,000 Btu. IV. Respondent - The person, corporation, licensee, agency, authority, or other legal entity or instrumentality on whose behalf the report is made. 111 EXCERPTS FROM THE LA W (Natural Gas Act, 15 V.C. 717-717w) Sec. 10(a). Every natural-gas company shall file with the Commission such annual and other periodic or special reports as the Commission may by rules and regulations or order prescribe as necessary or appropriate to assist the Commission in the proper administration of this act. The Commission may prescribe the manner and form in which such reports shall be made and require from such natural-gas companies specific answers to all questions upon which the Commission may need information. The Commission may require that such reports include, among other things, full information as to assets and liabilities, capitalization, investment and reduction thereof, gross receipts, interest dues and paid, depreciation, amortization, and other reserves, cost of facilities, costs of maintenance and operation of facilities for the production, transportation, delivery, use, or sale of natural gas, costs of renewal and replacement of such facilities, transportation, delivery, use and sale of natural gas... Section 16. The Commission shall have power to perform all and any acts, and to prescribe, issue, make, amend, and rescind such orders, rules, and regulations as it may find necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this act. Among other things, such rules and regulations may define accounting, technical, and trade terms used in this act; and may prescribe the form or forms of all statements declarations, applications, and reports to be filed with the Commission, the information which they shall contain, and time within they shall be filed... General Penalties Sec. 21(b). Any person who willfully and knowingly violates any rule, regulation, restriction, condition, or order made or imposed by the Commission under authority of this act, shall, in addition to any other penalties provided by law, be punished upon conviction thereof by a fine of not exceeding $500 for each and every day during which such offense occurs. FERC FORM NO. 1/3.Q: REPORT OF MAJOR ELECTRIC UTiliTIES. liCENSEES AND OTHER IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact Legal Name of Respondent Avista Corporation 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (if name changed during year) 02 Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 / / 04 Address of Principal Office at End of Period (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, W A, 99202 05 Name of Contact Person M. K. Malquist 07 Address of Contact Person (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, W A, 99202 08 Telephone of Contact Person,/ncluding 09 This Report Is Area Code (1) 00 An Original (509) 495-4171 06 Title of Contact Person Senior VP, CFO and Treasurer (2) D A Resubmission 1 0 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04/25/2005 ANNUAL CORPORATE OFFICER CERTIFICATION The undersigned officer certifies that: I have examined this report and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief all statements of fact contained in this report are correct statements of the business affairs of the respondent and the financial statements, and other financial information contained in this report, conform in all material respects to the Uniform System of Accounts. 01 Name 03 SignatureM. K. Malquist02 Title ///~//~4 Senior VP, CFO and Treasurer f/ V (,4/(", IF -U 04/25/2005 Title 18, U.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person to knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. 04 Date Signed (Mo, Da, Yr) FERC FORM NO.. (REV. 02-04)Page This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This Report Is: (1 ) IX) An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04/25/2005 Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 GENERAL INFORMATION. 1 . Provide name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account and address of office where the general corporate books are kept, and address of office where any other corporate books of account are kept, if different from that where the general corporate books are kept. M. K. Malquist, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 1411 B. Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99202 2. Provide the name of the State under the laws of which respondent is incorporated, and date of incorporation. If incorporated under a special law, give reference to such law. If not incorporated, state that fact and give the type of organization and the date organized. State of Washington, Incorporated March 15, 1889 3. If at any time during the year the property of respondent was held by a receiver or trustee, give (a) name of receiver or trustee, (b) date such receiver or trustee took possession , (c) the authority by which the receivership or trusteeship was created, and (d) date when possession by receiver or trustee ceased. Not Applicable 4. State the classes or utility and other services furnished by respondent during the year in each State in which the respondent operated. Electric service in the states of Washington, Idaho and Montana . Natural gas service in the states of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California 5. Have you engaged as the principal accountant to audit your financial statements an accountant who is not the principal accountant for your previous year s certified financial statements? (1) 0 Yes...Enter the date when such independent accountant was initially engaged: (2) IX) No FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-87)PAGE 101 Name of Respondent This ~rt Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) D A Resubmission 04/25/2005 CI JRPORA TIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. If control ceased prior to end of year, give particulars (details) in a footnote. 2. If control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any intermediaries involved. 3. If control was held jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact in a footnote and name the other interests. Definitions 1. See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary. 3. Indirect control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary which exercises direct control. 4. Joint control is that in which neither interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where thevoting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. Line Name of Company Controlled Kind of Business Percent Voting Footnote No.Stock Owned Ref.(a)(b)(c)(d) Avista Capital, Inc.Parent company to the 100 Company's subsidiaries. Avista Advantage, Inc.Provider of utility bill 100 Subsidiary of processing, payment and Avista Capital information services to multi site customers in North Amer. Avista Communications, Inc.Telecommunications 100 Currently inactive Subsidiary of Avista Capital Avista Development, Inc.Nonoperating company which 100 Subsidiary of maintains an investment Avista Ventures portfolio of real estate and other investments. Avista Energy, Inc.Wholesale electricity and 99.Subsidiary of natural gas trading,marketing Avista Capital and resource management. Avista Laboratories, Inc.Holds a cost based investment 100 '...... ... . in a fuel cell technology company. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED.12-96)Page 103 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of ReJ)ort Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/Q4(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 CORPORATIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. If control ceased prior to end of year, give particulars (details) in a footnote. 2. If control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any intermediaries involved. 3. If control was held jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact in a footnote and name the other interests. Definitions 1. See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary.3. Indirect control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary which exercises direct control. 4. Joint control is that in which neither interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. Line Name of Company Controlled Kind of Business Percent Voting Footnote No.Stock Owned Ref.(a)(b)(c)(d) Avista Power, LLC Owns non-regulated generation 100 Subsidiary of assets.Avista Capital Avista Services, Inc.No longer operating.100 Dissolved in 2/2004 Avista Turbine Power, Inc.Receives assignments of 100 Subsidiary of purchase power agreements.Avista Power Avista Rathdrum, LLC Owns 49 percent of Rathdrum 100 Subsidiary of Power, LLC Avista Power Avista Ventures, Inc.Invests in emerging business.100 Subsidiary of Parent of Avista Development Avista Capital and Pentzer Corporation Pentzer Corporation Parent company of Advanced 100 Subsidiary of Manufacturing and Avista Ventures Development. Advanced Manufacturing and Development, Inc.Performs custom sheet metal Subsidiary of manufacturing of electronic Pentzer Corporation enclosures, parts and systems for the computer, telecom and medical industries. AM&D also has a wood products division that provides FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 103. Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 CI JRPORA TIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. If control ceased prior to end of year, give particulars (details) in a footnote. 2. If control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any intermediaries involved. 3. If control was held jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact in a footnote and name the other interests. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 Definitions 1. See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary.3. Indirect control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary which exercises direct control. 4. Joint control is that in which neither interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. Line No. Name of Company Controlled Kind of Business (a)(b) Percent Voting Stock Owned (c) Footnote Ref. (d) complete fabrication and turnkey assembly for arcade games, kiosks, store fixtures and displays. Avista Receivables Corporation Acquires and sells accounts receivable of Avista Corp. 100 Avista Energy Canada, Ltd.A wholly owned subsidiary of Avista Energy, Inc. that provides natural gas service 100 Subsidiary of Avista Energy to approximately 250 individual customers in British Columbia, Canada 16 Rathdrum Power, LLC Developed and owns an electric generation asset. ..'..'.\. ..ii. . .,. ::i 19 Coyote Springs 2, LLC Developed and owns an electric generation asset. I . 1;;. ", . 22 WP Funding LP Owns an electric generation asset. Controlled pursuant to FIN 46. 25 Spokane Energy, LLC Marketing of energy.100 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 103. Name of Respondent This f!Jort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 )RPORA TIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. If control ceased prior to end of year, give particulars (details) in a footnote. 2. If control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any intermediaries involved. 3. If control was held jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact in a footnote and name the other interests. Definitions 1. See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary. 3. Indirect control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary which exercises direct control. 4. Joint control is that in which neither interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. Line Name of Company Controlled Kind of Business Percent Voting Footnote No.Stock Owned Ref.(a)(b)(c)(d) Avista Capital I An affiliated business trust 100 Currently inactive. formed by the Company.Will be dissolved Issued Pref. Trust Securities in 2005. Avista Capital II An affiliated business trust 100 formed by the Company. Issued Pref. Trust Securities AVA Capital Trust III An affiliated business trust 100 formed by the Company. Issued Pref. Trust Securities Steam Plant Square, LLC Commercial office and retail Subsidiary of leasing.Avista Development Courtyard Office Center Commercial office and retail 100 Subsidiary of leasing.Avista Development L&S The Highlands, Ltd.Low income housing Subsidiary of Avista Development L&S Chewelah Meadows, Ltd.Low income housing Subsidiary of Avista Development L&S The Falls, Ltd.Low income housing Subsidiary of Avista Development Homestead Limited Partnership Low income housing Subsidiary of Avista Development FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 103. Name or Respondent This ort Is:Date or Report Year of Report (1 ) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista C~rp.(2) ~ A Resubmission 04/25/2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 Security Holders and Voting Powers 1. Give the names and addresses of the 10 security holders of the respondent who, at the date of the latest closing of the stock book or compilation of list of stockholders of the respondent, prior to the end of the year, had the highest voting powers in the respondent, and state the number of votes that each could cast on that date if a meeting were held. If any such holder held in trust, give in a footnote the known particulars of the trust (whether voting trust, etc.), duration oftru~t, and principal holders of beneficiary interests in the trust. If the company did not close the stock book or did not compile a list of stockholders within one year prior to the end of the year, or if since it compiled the previous list of stockholders, some other class of security has become vested with voting rights, then show such 10 security holders as of the close of the year. Arrange the names of the security holders in the order of voting power, commencing with the highest. Show in column (a) the titles of officers and directors included in such list of 10 security holders. 2. If any security other than stock carries voting rights, explain in a supplemental statement how such security became vested with voting rights and give other important details concerning the voting rights of such security. State whether voting rights are actual or contingent; if contingent, describe the contingency. 3. If any class or issue of security has any special privileges in the election of directors, trustees or managers, or in the determination of corporate action by any method, explain briefly in a footnote. 4. Furnish details concerning any options, warrants, or rights outstanding at the end of the year for others to purchase securities of the respondent or any securities or other assets owned by the respondent, including prices, expiration dates, and other material information relating to exercise of the options, warrants or rights. Specify the amount of such securities or assets any officer, director, associated company, or any of the 10 largest security holders is entitled to purchase. This instruction is inapplicable to convertible securities or to any securities substantially all of which are outstanding in the hands of the general public where the options, warrants, or rights were issued prorata basis. 1. Give date of the latest closing of the 2. State the total number of votes cast at the latest general 3. Give the date and place of such stock book prior to end of year, and in a meeting prior to the end of year for election of directors of meeting: footnote, state the purpose of such closing:the respondent and number of such votes cast by proxy. November 24, 2004 to pay the Total:793,705 May 13, 2004 December 15, 2004 dividend.By Proxy:793 705 Spokane, Washington VOTING SECURITIES 4. Number of votes as of (date): 11/24/2004 .....me Name (Title) and Address of Security Holder Total Votes Common Stock Preferred Stock Other No.(a)(b)(c)(d)(e) TOTAL votes of all voting securities 48,357 871 357,871 TOTAL number of security holders 211 16,211 TOTAL votes of security holders listed below 282 002 282 002 DBH Properties LP - Coeur d'Alene, ill 646 646 Margaret Ann Brosnan TR U/ A - Independence, OH 000 000 Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. - Houston, TX 028 30,028 Gladys L. Rikerd - Spokane, W A 671 26,671 Kay Kobayashi - Los Angeles, CA 092 092 Ernest C. Gosnay Jr. & Marie K. Gosney TRS U/ 011 011 Dated 08/18/1998 - Spokane, W A Robert Eugene Young - Washougal, W A 000 000 Edmund M. Reeck, TR U/A - Dated 06/16/1998 Salem, OR 15,962 962 Henry P. Savage & Mildred Savage IT TEN - Kellogg, ill 15,000 000 Thomas A Lowe & Kathleen B. Lowe IT TEN 592 592 Satellite Beach, FL FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-87)Page 107 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This Report Is:(1) An Original (2) 0 A Resubmission IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE QUARTERIYEAR Give particulars (details) concerning the matters indicated below. Make the statements explicit and precise, and number them in accordance with the inquiries. Each inquiry should be answered. Enter "none, " " not applicable," or "NA" where applicable. information which answers an inquiry is given elsewhere in the report, make a reference to the schedule in which it appears. 1. Changes in and important additions to franchise rights: Describe the actual consideration given therefore and state from whom thefranchise rights were acquired. If acquired without the payment of consideration, state that fact. 2. Acquisition of ownership in other companies by reorganization, merger, or consolidation with other companies: Give names companies involved, particulars concerning the transactions, name of the Commission authorizing the transaction, and reference to Commission authorization. 3. Purchase or sale of an operating unit or system: Give a brief description of the property, and of the transactions relating thereto and reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. Give date journal entries called for by the Uniform System of Accounts were submitted to the Commission. 4. Important leaseholds (other than leaseholds for natural gas lands) that have been acquired or given, assigned or surrendered: Give effective dates, lengths of terms, names of parties, rents, and other condition. State name of Commission authorizing lease and give reference to such authorization. 5. Important extension or reduction of transmission or distribution system: State territory added or relinquished and date operations began or ceased and give reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. State also the approximate number of customers added or lost and approximate annual revenues of each class of service. Each natural gas company must also state major new continuing sources of gas made available to it from purchases, development, purchase contract or otherwise, giving location and approximate total gas volumes available, period of contracts, and other parties to any such arrangements, etc. 6. Obligations incurred as a result of issuance of securities or assumption of liabilities or guarantees including issuance of short-term debt and commercial paper having a maturity of one year or less. Give reference to FERC or State Commission authorization, as appropriate, and the amount of obligation or guarantee. 7. Changes in articles of incorporation or amendments to charter: Explain the nature and purpose of such changes or amendments. 8. State the estimated annual effect and nature of any important wage scale changes during the year. 9. State briefly the status of any materially important legal proceedings pending at the end of the year, and the results of any such proceedings culminated during the year. 10. Describe briefly any materially important transactions of the respondent not disclosed elsewhere in this report in which an officer director, security holder reported on Page 106, voting trustee, associated company or known associate of any of these persons was a party or in which any such person had a material interest. 11. (Reserved. 12. If the important changes during the year relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to stockholders are applicable in every respect and furnish the data required by Instructions 1 to 11 above, such notes may be included on this page. 13. Describe fully any changes in officers, directors, major security holders and voting powers of the respondent that may have occurred during the reporting period. 14. In the event that the respondent participates in a cash management program(s) and its proprietary capital ratio is less than 30 percent please describe the significant events or transactions causing the proprietary capital ratio to be less than 30 percent, and the extent to which the respondent has amounts loaned or money advanced to its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies through a cash management program(s). Additionally, please describe plans, if any to regain at least a 30 percent proprietary ratio. Date of Report 04/25/2005 Year/Period of Report End of 2004/Q4 PAGE 108 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SEE PAGE 109 FOR REQUIRED INFORMATION. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 108 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE aUARTERlYEAR (Continued) 1 . None2 . None3 . None4 . None5. None6 . In April 2004, the Company issued Junior Subordinated Debt Securities, with a principal amount of $61.9 million toAVA Capital Trust III, a business trust. Concurrently, AVA Capital Trust III issued $60.0 million of Preferred Trust Securities to third parties and $1.9 million of Common Trust Securities to the Company. The issuance was approved by the following state commission orders: WUTC (Washington) docket UE-040329 Order No.1; IPUC (Idaho) case A VU-04-01 Order No. 29447; OPUC (Oregon) UF 4202 Order No. 04 162; CPUC (California) application 00-04-011 decision 00-06-064; and Montana Commission docket 6690 Order No. 4535. The Company used the proceeds from the Junior Subordinated Debt Securities to redeem $61.9 million of7.875 percent Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures, Series A, originally issued in .1997 to A vista Capital I, a business trust. A vistaCapital I used these proceeds to redeem $60.0 million of Preferred Trust Securities issued to third parties and $1.9 million of Common Trust Securities issued to the Company. Reference is made to Note 11 of Notes to Financial Statements, page 123 of this Report. In November 2004, the Company issued $90.0 million of 5.45 percent First Mortgage Bonds due in 2019. TheCompany used the proceeds to repay a portion of the borrowings outstanding under its committed line of credit. This debt was issued under a registration statement filed on Form S-3 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The issuance was approved by the following state commission orders: WUTC (Washington) docket UE-031 031 Order No.1; IPUC (Idaho) case A VU-03-3 Order No.29266; OPUC (Oregon) docket UF-4198 Order No. 03-347; CPUC (California) application 00-04-011 decision 00-06-064; and Montana Commission docket 6690 Order No. 4535. Reference is made to Note 10 of Notes to Financial Statements, page 123 of thisReport. On May 6, 2004, the Company amended its committed line of credit with various banks to increase the available amount to $350.0 million from $245.0 million and extend the expiration date to May 5 2005. On December 17 2004, the Company entered into a five-year committed line of credit with various banks in the amount of $350.0 million with an expiration date of December 16 2009. This committed line of credit replaced a $350.0 million committed line of credit with a 364-day term that had an expiration date of May 5 2005. Reference is made to Note 12 of Notes to Financial Statements, page 123 of this Report. In December 2004, the Company issued $172.6 million of non-transferable First Mortgage Bonds (Collateral Bonds) under its Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of June 1, 1939, as amended and supplemented (Mortgage), in order to provide the benefit of the lien of the Mortgage to secure its obligations with respect to previously issued and outstanding unsecured debt securities including $88.9 million of its Medium Term Notes, Series C and the municipal bond insurance policies insuring $83.7 million of Pollution Control Revenue Bonds issued for the benefit of the Company by the City ofForsytb, Montana. The Collateral Bonds were issued in order to suspend certain negative covenants, which had limited the Company s ability to issue additional secured debt. The issuance was approved by the following state commission orders: WUTC (Washington) dockets UE-971300 and UE-011475 Order No.2; IPUC (Idaho) case A VU-04-3 Order No. 29643; OPUC (Oregon) dockets UF-4153(1), UF-4185(1) and UF-4079(1) Order No. 04-689; CPUC (California) application 00-04-011 decision 00-06-064; and Montana Commission docket 6690 Order No. 4535. Reference is made to Note 10 of Notes to Financial Statements, page 123 of this Report.7. No changes in articles of incorporation or amendments to charter. The Bylaws of Avista Corporation were amended on August 13 2004. The amendments include the addition of Section 11 of Article II, which provides specific procedures forshareholders to propose business to be brought before the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The amendments also include the addition of the following sentences to Section 2 of Article III: No person may be elected or re-elected as a director if at the time of their election or re-election, such person shall have attained the age of seventy (70) years. Any director who attains such age while in office shall retire from the Board of Directors effective at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders held in the year in which their then current term expires, and any such director shall not be nominated or re-elected as a director. Additionally, Section 15 of Article III was deleted from the Bylaws of A vista Corporation, which previously stated: Directors who are eventy (70) years of age or more shall retire from the Board effective at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders held in I FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE OUARTERNEAR (Continued) the year in which their term expires, and any such Director shall not be nominated for election at such Annual Meeting. The foregoing shall be effective in 1988 and thereafter as to any Director who is seventy (70) years of age or more during the year in which his or her term expires.8. Average annual wage increases were 2.7% during 2004 for non-exempt personnel. Annual wage increases were 3.4% for exempt employees (including officers) during 2004. Bargaining unit employees were granted increases of 3.5% during 2004.9. Reference is made to Note 21 of Notes to Financial Statements, page 123 of this Report.10. None11. Reserved12. See Notes to Financial Statements at Page 123 of this Report.13. In February 2004, D.A. Brukardt, Vice President and Treasurer, resigned. M.K. Malquist was named Treasurer in February 2004. In January 2004, T.L. Syms, Vice President and Assistant to the Chairman, retired. In February 2004, D.J. Meyer was named Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs. D.J. Meyer was previously Senior Vice President and General Counsel. Don Kopczynski was named Vice President in May 2004. Michael L. Noel was elected as a director in 2004.14. Proprietary capital is not less than 30 percent. I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-96)Page 109. This Report Is: Date of Report (1) (XI An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) D A Resubmission 04/25/2005 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS) Current Year End of QuarterlYear Balance (c) Name of Respondent Avista Corporation Line No.Title of Account (a) UTILITY PLANT Ref. Page No. (b) Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 Prior Year End Balance 12/31 (d) --'-'--------.. . . .. .. ... ...... 200-201 631 344,033 544 618,721 200-201 895,113 49,615,389 681,239,146 594,234 110 200-201 928,445,545 886 846,714 752 793,601 707 387 396 202-203 202-203 752 793,601 707 387 396 122 ---... .. . .. . .. .... 272 992 135,292 13,403,000 256,786,600 264 833 118,011 13,403 000 255 904,488 Utility Plant (101-106,114) Construction Work in Progress (107) TOTAL Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 2 and 3) (Less) Accum. Provo for Depr. Amort. Depl. (108, 110, 111, 115) Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of line 4 less 5) Nuclear Fuel in Process of Ref., Conv.,Enrich., and Fab. (120. Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies-Stock Account (120. Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor (120. Spent Nuclear Fuel (120. Nuclear Fuel Under Capital Leases (120. (Less) Accum. Provo for Amort. of Nucl. Fuel Assemblies (120. Net Nuclear Fuel (Enter Total of lines 7-11 less 12) Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 6 and 13) Utility Plant Adjustments (116) Gas Stored Underground - Noncurrent (117) OTHER PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS Nonutility Property (121) (Less) Accum. Provo for Depr. and Amort. (122) Investments in Associated Companies (123) Investment in Subsidiary Companies (123. (For Cost of Account 123., See Footnote Page 224, line 42) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances Other Investments (124) Sinking Funds (125) Depreciation Fund (126) Amortization Fund - Federal (127) Other Special Funds (128) Special Funds (Non Major Only) (129) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Assets (175) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Assets - Hedges (176) TOTAL Other Property and Investments (Lines 18-21 and 23-31) CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS Cash and Working Funds (Non-major Only) (130) Cash (131) Special Deposits (132-134) Working Fund (135) Temporary Cash Investments (136) Notes Receivable (141) Customer Accounts Receivable (142) Other Accounts Receivable (143) (Less) Accum. Provo for Uncollectible Acct.-Credit (144) Notes Receivable from Associated Companies (145) Accounts Receivable from Assoc. Companies (146) Fuel Stock (151) Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed (152) Residuals (Elec) and Extracted Products (153) Plant Materials and Operating Supplies (154) Merchandise (155) Other Materials and Supplies (156) Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (157) Allowances (158.1 and 158. 224-225 228-229 227 227 227 227 227 227 202-203/227 228-229 . ." ..... ... .......... . . .. .. . 182 363 246 110 55,824,772 386,580,545 335,128 16,429,928 516,248 365 735,614 .------ ---.- 239,043 572 613 495,365 699 209 153,770 067 151 4,433,112 810,071 000,000 610 682 049 604 867,767 136,438 577 122 143,327 45,726 942 175,943 281 537 40,018 082 10,855 395,349 522 082 FERC FORM NO.2 (REV. 12-03)Page 110 Name of Respondent A vista Corporation This Report Is: Date of Report (1 ) (ZI An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) D A Resubmission 04/25/2005 End of COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS)Continued) Current Year End of QuarterlYear Balance (c) Year/Period of Report 2004/04 Prior Year End Balance 12/31 (d) Line No.Ref. Page No. (b) Title of Account (a) (Less) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances Stores Expense Undistributed (163) Gas Stored Underground - Current (164. Liquefied Natural Gas Stored and Held for Processing (164.164. Prepayments (165) Advances for Gas (166-167) Interest and Dividends Receivable (171) Rents Receivable (172) Accrued Utility Revenues (173) Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets (174) Derivative Instrument Assets (175) (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Assets (175) Derivative Instrument Assets - Hedges (176) (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Assets - Hedges (176 Total Current and Accrued Assets (Lines 34 through 66) DEFERRED DEBITS Unamortized Debt Expenses (181) Extraordinary Property Losses (182. Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (182. Other Regulatory Assets (182. Prelim. Survey and Investigation Charges (Electric) (183) Preliminary Natural Gas Survey and Investigation Charges 183. Other Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges (183. Clearing Accounts (184) Temporary Facilities (185) Miscellaneous Deferred Debits (186) Def. Losses from Disposition of Utility PIt. (187) Research, Devel. and Demonstration Expend. (188) Unamortized Loss on Reaquired Debt (189) Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (190) Unrecovered Purchased Gas Costs (191) Total Deferred Debits (lines 69 through 83) TOTAL ASSETS (lines 14-16,, 67, and 84) 16,858,709 20,113,211 230 230 232 231 982 032 239,863,731 084,058 12,156,159 728,989 510,244 233 242,169 083,253 352-353 554,021 28,712,173 234 50,892,673 34,222 386 28,639,755 15,352 084 428,982,406 438 013,241 709,777 595 645,755,525 62,610 268,257 724 434 899 276 19,493 391 040 82,082 66,023,684 55,824,772 141,421 043 -496,415 176,453 640,745 092,491 961 459,233 610,557 39,499,770 516,248 134 619,274 227 . . .... .......... .... . .. .. ,.. .. .... .... FERC FORM NO.2 (REV. 12-03)Page 111 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (mo, dB, yr) (2)A Rresubmission 04/25/2005 end of 2004/04 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS) Line Current Year Prior Year No.Ref.End of OuarterNear End Balance Title of Account Page No.Balance 12/31 (a)(b)(c)(d) PROPRIETARY CAPITAL Common Stock Issued (201)250-251 629,055,981 626,787 347 Preferred Stock Issued (204)250-251 Capital Stock Subscribed (202, 205)252 Stock Liability for Conversion (203, 206)252 Premium on Capital Stock (207)252 Other Paid-In Capital (208-211)253 Installments Received on Capital Stock (212)252 (Less) Discount on Capital Stock (213)254 (Less) Capital Stock Expense (214)254 10,676,498 10,949 795 Retained Earnings (215, 215., 216)118-119 91,642,291 854,919 Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Earnings (216.118-119 211,690 022,832 (Less) Reaquired Capital Stock (217)250-251 Noncorporate Proprietorship (Non-major only) (218) Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (219)122(a)(b)21,157 918 355,089 Total Proprietary Capital (lines 2 through 15)753,075,546 752 360,214 LONG-TERM DEBT Bonds (221)256-257 521 300,000 431,300,000 (Less) Reaquired Bonds (222)256-257 Advances from Associated Companies (223)256-257 114,803,000 114 836,826 Other Long-Term Debt (224)256-257 497,427 068 576,532 661 Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt (225) (Less) Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt-Debit (226)608,182 994,486 Total Long-Term Debt (lines 18 through 23)131 921 886 120,675 001 OTHER NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Obligations Under Capital Leases - Noncurrent (227)028,272 807 168 Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance (228. Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damages (228.188,972 299,994 Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits (228.754,150 897 551 Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions (228. Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds (229) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Liabilities Long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Liabilities - Hedges 39,971 987 060 110 Asset Retirement Obligations (230)190,714 659 307 Total Other Noncurrent Liabilities (lines 26 through 34)90,134 095 73,724 130 CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES Notes Payable (231) Accounts Payable (232)444 650 421,782 Notes Payable to Associated Companies (233) Accounts Payable to Associated Companies (234)909,608 19,845,113 Customer Deposits (235)286,185 4,452,327 Taxes Accrued (236)262-263 313,430 241,055 Interest Accrued (237)18,632,069 18,484,237 Dividends Declared (238) Matured Long-Term Debt (239) FERC FORM NO.2 (rev. 12-03)Page 112 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1)An Original (mo, da, yr) (2)A Rresubmission 04/25/2005 end of 2004/Q4 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDIT~ntinued) Line Current Year Prior Year No.Ref.End of QuarterlY ear End Balance Title of Account Page No.Balance 12/31 (a)(b)(c)(d) Matured Interest (240) Tax Collections Payable (241)736 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities (242)15,927,496 275 405 Obligations Under Capital Leases-Current (243)946,251 633 401 Derivative Instrument Liabilities (244) (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Liabilities Derivative Instrument Liabilities - Hedges (245)45,684 937 36,057,271 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Liabilities-Hedges 39,971,987 33,060 110 Total Current and Accrued Liabilities (lines 37 through 53)133,174,375 132 350,481 DEFERRED CREDITS Customer Advances for Construction (252)937,286 978,187 Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (255)266-267 570,960 620,268 Deferred Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant (256) Other Deferred Credits (253)269 33,121,416 008,549 Other Regulatory Liabilities (254)278 34,700,436 13,027,706 Unamortized Gain on Reaquired Debt (257)225 371 696,571 Accum. Deferred Income Taxes-Accel. Amort.(281)272-277 Accum. Deferred Income Taxes-Other Property (282)293,535,925 265,021,296 Accum. Deferred Income Taxes-Other (283)234 380,299 248,293,122 Total Deferred Credits (lines 56 through 64)601,471,693 566,645,699 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER EQUITY (lines 16,35,54 and 65)709,777 595 645,755,525 FERC FORM NO.2 (rev. 12-03)Page 113 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENT OF INCOME 1. Enter in column (e) operations for the reporting quarter and in column (f) the operations for the same three month period for the prior year. 2. Report in Column (g) year to date amounts for electric utility function; in column (i) the year to date amounts for gas utility, and in (k) the year to date amounts for the other utility function for the current quarter/year. 3. Report in Column (h) year to date amounts for electric utility function; in column 0) the year to date amounts for gas utility, and in (I) the year to date amounts for the other utility function for the previous quarter/year. 4. If additional columns are needed place them in a footnote. Line Total Total Current 3 Months Prior 3 Months No.Current Year to Prior Year to Ended Ended (Ref.Date Balance for Date Balance for Quarterly Only Quarterly Only Title of Account Page No.QuarterlY ear QuarterlY ear No 4th Quarter No 4th Quarter (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(ij UTILITY OPERATING INCOME Operating Revenues (400)300-301 000,167,839 929,400,226 Operating Expenses Operation Expenses (401)320-323 706,876,899 628,688.576 Maintenance Expenses (402)320-323 34,361,705 30,395.326 Depreciation Expense (403)336-337 65,095,728 65.752,096 Depreciation Expense for Asset Retirement Costs (403.336-337 Amort. & Depl. of Utility Plant (404-405)336-337 682.080 151.368 Amort. of Utility Plant Acq. Adj. (406)336-337 99,066 99.048 Amort. Property Losses. Unrecov Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (407)733 693 Amort. of Conversion Expenses (407) Regulatory Debits (407.230,801 218,244 (Less) Regulatory Credits (407.12.638.745 10,449,403 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes (408.262-263 66,293,271 60,791,111 Income Taxes - Federal (409.262-263 019.926 22,613,266 - Other (409.262-263 302.010 282,899 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes (410.234, 272-277 17,792,760 291,061 (Less) Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Cr. (411.234, 272-277 013,788 678.097 Investment Tax Credit Adj. - Net (411.266 -49,308 -49,308 (Less) Gains from Disp. of Utility Plant (411. Losses from Disp. of Utility Plant (411.7) (Less) Gains from Disposition of Allowances (411. Losses from Disposition of Allowances (411.9) Accretion Expense (411.10) TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 24)887.046,672 808,102,494 Net Util Oper Inc (Enter Tot line 2 less 25) Carry to Pg117,line 27 113,121.167 121 297.732 FERC FORM No.(REV. 02-04)Page 114 Name of Respondent This (!)ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) D A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR (Continued) ELECTRIC UTILITY GAS UTILITY OTHER UTILITY Current Year to Date Previous Year to Date Current Year to Date Previous Year to Date Current Year to Date Previous Year to Date Line (in dollars)(in dollars)(in dollars)(in dollars)(in dollars)(in dollars)No. (g) (h) (i) (k) (I) 447,578,339 406,888 146 259,298,560 221,800,430 28,475,946 25,258,364 885,759 136,962 50,720,406 50,578,273 375,322 15,173,823 708,236 790,075 973,844 361,293 99,066 99,048 733 693 230 801 218,244 12,638,745 10,449,403 46,434,772 43,903,386 19,858 499 16,887 725 13,754,983 25,776,211 735,057 162,945 135,937 972,732 166,073 310,167 664,355 172,553 10,128,405 118,508 939,086 554,927 702 123,170 -49 308 -49,308 584,988,476 546,430,765 302,058,196 261 671,729 94,686,037 105,680,685 18,435,130 15,617 047 FERC FORM No.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 115 Name of Respondent A vista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR (continued) TOTALLine No. Title of Account (a) (Ref. Page No. (b) 27 Net Utility Operating Income (Camed forward from page 114) 28 Other Income and Deductions 29 Other Income 30 Nonutilty Operating Income 31 Revenues From Merchandising, Jobbing and Contract Work (415) 32 (Less) Costs and Exp. of Merchandising, Job. & Contract Work (416) 33 Revenues From Nonutility Operations (417) 34 (Less) Expenses of Nonutility Operations (417. 35 Nonoperating Rental Income (418) 36 Equity in Earnings of Subsidiary Companies (418. 37 Interest and Dividend Income (419) 38 Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction (419. 39 Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income (421) 40 Gain on Disposition of Property (421.1) 41 TOTAL Other Income (Enter Total of lines 31 thru 40) 42 Other Income Deductions 43 Loss on Disposition of Property (421.2) 44 Miscellaneous Amortization (425) 45 Donations (426. 46 Life Insurance (426. 47 Penalties (426. 48 Exp. for Certain Civic, Political & Related Activities (426.4) 49 Other Deductions (426. 50 TOTAL Other Income Deductions (Total of lines 43 thru 49) 51 Taxes Applic. to Other Income and Deductions 52 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes (408. 53 Income Taxes-Federal (409. 54 Income Taxes-Other (409. 55 Provision for Deferred Inc. Taxes (410. 56 (Less) Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Cr. (411. 57 Investment Tax Credit Adj.Net (411. 58 (Less) Investment Tax Credits (420) 59 TOTAL Taxes on Other Income and Deductions (Total of lines 52-58) 60 Net Other Income and Deductions (Total of lines 41, 50, 59) 61 Interest Charges 62 Interest on Long-Term Debt (427) 63 Amort. of Debt Disc. and Expense (428) 64 Amortization of Loss on Reaquired Debt (428. 65 (Less) Amort of Premium on Debt-Credit (429) 66 (Less) Amortization of Gain on Reaquired Debt-Credit (429. 67 Interest on Debt to Assoc. Companies (430) 68 Other Interest Expense (431) 69 (Less) Allowance for Borrowed Funds Used During Construction-Cr. (432) 70 Net Interest Charges (Total of lines 62 thru 69) 71 Income Before Extraordinary Items (Total of lines 27,60 and 70) 72 Extraordinary Items 73 Extraordinary Income (434) 74 (Less) Extraordinary Deductions (435) 75 Net Extraordinary Items (Total of line 73 less line 74) 76 Income Taxes-Federal and Other (409. 77 Extraordinary Items After Taxes (line 75 less line 76) 78 Net Income (Total of line 71 and 77) 119 340 340 262-263 262-263 262-263 234, 272-277 234, 272-277 340 340 262-263 Current Year (c) 113,121,167 Previous Year (d) 121,297,732 Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 rior on s Ended Quarterly Only No 4th Quarter (ij -----::.:-..;:.:,.::.:;;.::.. .::.:c.::. ,.. C':::::: ::.:::.:;;:,:;;:::' c:, :::.:,...~.:: :,;:c:c::::.::::::c::::...; ::::=:::; ~n .:C,C::' ~::;:"::::::::'. ':::::;'C::;;::' :::' :C'::':'c;"'::::::::::::, ::;.;;:::=::;' ,c::. :.::::.::::::;::,.. .. , , .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. 22,042 650 220,086 704 381,428 10,586,797 885,496 424,383 15,024,622 789 17,014 130 609,187 -4,377 156,784 12,050,635 853,013 89,613 20,555,154 ---, . .. .. .. .. .... . 276 323,416 512,357 1,426,086 10,038 859,247 224 942 357,362 282 852 323,416 466,094 336,171 29,978 816,842 270,939 5,466,336I . . .. .. . . .'., .. "..... ..... .... . 41,313 797,319 373,290 040,980 133,706 -627,384 294,644 97,503 129,828 -481,773 968,974 -66,775 326,645 12,762,173 ------ ---..-- ------,-- -~---,--. .. .. .. .. .. . 73,356,536 689,417 611,956 782,104 389,246 567,308 86,261,951 35,153,860 81,021,259 907,423 064,380 1,480,337 320,268 238,014 89,555,653 504,252 ---. .:. '. .. ... .. .,. n. . .. .. . 35,153,860 504,252 FERC FORM NO.Page 117(REV. 02-04) This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS 1. Do not report Lines 49-53 on the quarterly version. 2. Report all changes in appropriated retained earnings, unappropriated retained earnings, year to date, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary earnings for the year. 3. Each credit and debit during the year should be identified as to the retained earnings account in which recorded (Accounts 433, 436 - 439 inclusive). Show the contra primary account affected in column (b) 4. State the purpose and amount of each reservation or appropriation of retained earnings. 5. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings, reflecting adjustments to the opening balance of retained earnings. Follow by credit, then debit items in that order. 6. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. 7. Show separately the State and Federal income tax effect of items shown in account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings. 8. Explain in a footnote the basis for determining the amount reserved or appropriated. If such reservation or appropriation is to be recurrent, state the number and annual amounts to be reserved or appropriated as well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. 9. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this statement, include them on pages 122-123. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 Line No. Item (a) UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 216) 1 Balance-Beginning of Period 2 Changes 3 Adjustments to Retained Earnings (Account 439) 5 Stock Options Exercised 6 ESOP and other adjustment 7 Dividends received from Subsidiaries 9 TOTAL Credits to Retained Earnings (Acet. 439) 15 TOTAL Debits to Retained Earnings (Acct. 439) 16 Balance Transferred from I ncome (Account 433 less Account 418.1 ) 17 Appropriations of Retained Earnings (Acct. 436) 22 TOTAL Appropriations of Retained Earnings (Acct. 436) 23 Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock (Account 437) 29 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock (Acct. 437) 30 Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Account 438) 36 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Acct. 438) 37 Transfers from Acet 216., Unapprop. Undistrib. Subsidiary Earnings 38 Balance - End of Period (Total 1,15,16,22,29,36,37) APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 215) Contra Primary ccount Affected (b) Current QuarterN ear Year to Date Balance Previous QuarterNear Year to Date Balance -- ~.-"',,:' 80,306 7 58,838 O -408,940 155,137 499 315 144 553) 170,109 990.037 245,512 10,015,593 . ----.-- -- r-- ~---- ------ 772,432 35.347,468 ------- --- . --------'---- 155,438) . ... . ' .1 . . . .. ... .' ... ....... .. . ... ... .... .. ..... .. ... .. .. 155,438) 923 827 ( 23,633,569) .............".=............... 923,827 693 255 90,094,170 ( 23.633.569) 894,719 80.306,798 FERC FORM NO.(REV. 02-04)Page 118 Name of Respondent A vista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS 1. Do not report Lines 49-53 on the quarterly version. 2. Report all changes in appropriated retained earnings, unappropriated retained earnings, year to date, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary earnings for the year. 3. Each credit and debit during the year should be identified as to the retained earnings account in which recorded (Accounts 433, 436 - 439 inclusive). Show the contra primary account affected in column (b) 4. State the purpose and amount of each reservation or appropriation of retained earnings. 5. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings, reflecting adjustments to the opening balance of retained earnings. Follow by credit, then debit items in that order. 6. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. 7. Show separately the State and Federal income tax effect of items shown in account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings. 8. Explain in a footnote the basis for determining the amount reserved or appropriated. If such reservation or appropriation is to be recurrent, state the number and annual amounts to be reserved or appropriated as well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. 9. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this statement, include them on pages 122-123. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/Q4 Line No. 45 TOTAL Appropriated Retained Earnings (Account 215) APPROP. RETAINED EARNINGS - AMORT. Reserve, Federal (Account 215. 46 TOTAL Approp. Retained Earnings-Amort. Reserve. Federal (Acet. 215. 47 TOTAL Approp. Retained Earnings (Acct. 215. 215.1) (Total 45,46) 48 TOTAL Retained Earnings (Acct. 215, 215.1, 216) (Total 38, 47) (216. UNAPPROPRIATED UNDISTRIBUTED SUBSIDIARY EARNINGS (Account Report only on an Annual Basis, no Quarterly 49 Balance-Beginning of Year (Debit or Credit) 50 Equity in Earnings for Year (Credit) (Account 418. 51 (Less) Dividends Received (Debit) 52 Subsidiary expense in Account 417. 53 Balance-End of Year (Total lines 49 thru 52) Contra Primary ccount Affected (b) Current QuarterN ear Year to Date Balance (c) 548,121 Item (a) 548,121 Previous QuarterN ear Year to Date Balance (d) 548.121 r-- ~ --------------- 548,121 - I---- --~._-----_._-;--..... .'..'............ . 548,121 642 291 022 832 381,428 2,499.315 693,255 211 690 548.121 81,854,919 65,750,804 156.784 990,037 894,719) 022,832 FERC FORM NO.Page 119(REV. 02-04) Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 (1) Codes to be used:(a) Net Proceeds or Payments;(b)Bonds, debentures and other long-tenn debt; (c) Include commercial paper, and (d) Identify separately such items asinvestments, fixed assets, intangibles, etc. (2) Infonnation about noncash investing and financing activities must be provided in the Notes to the Financial statements. Also provide a reconciliation between "Cash and CashEquivalents at End of Period" with related amounts on the Balance Sheet. (3) Operating Activities - Other. Include gains and losses pertaining to operating activities only. Gains and losses pertaining to investing and financing activities should be reported in those activities. Show in the Notes to the Financials the amounts of interest paid (net of amount capitalized) and income taxes paid. (4) Investing Activities: Include at Other (line 31) net cash outflow to acquire other companies. Provide a reconciliation of assets acquired with liabilities assumed in the Notes to the Financial Statements. Do not include on this statement the dollar amount of leases capitalized per the USofA General Instruction 20; instead provide a reconciliation of the dollar amount of leases capitalized with the plant cost. Line No. Description (See Instruction No.1 for Explanation of Codes)Current Year to Date QuarterlY ear (b) Previous Year to Date QuarterlYear (c)(a) 1 Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities: 2 Net Income (Line 78(c) on page 117) 3 Noncash Charges (Credits) to Income: Depreciation and Depletion 5 Power and natural gas deferrals 6 Amortization of debt expense 7 Amortization of investment in exchange power 8 Deferred Income Taxes (Net) 9 Investment Tax Credit Adjustment (Net) 10 Net (Increase) Decrease in Receivables 11 Net (Increase) Decrease in Inventory 12 Net (Increase) Decrease in Allowances Inventory 13 Net Increase (Decrease) in Payables and Accrued Expenses 14 Net (Increase) Decrease in Other Regulatory Assets 15 Net Increase (Decrease) in Other Regulatory Liabilities 16 (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction 17 (Less) Undistributed Earnings from Subsidiary Companies 18 Other (provide details in footnote): 19 ESOP dividends 20 Allowance for uncollectible receivables 21 Other non-current assets and liabilities 22 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities (Total 2 thru 21) 24 Cash Flows from Investment Activities: 25 Construction and Acquisition of Plant (including land): 26 Gross Additions to Utility Plant (less nuclear fuel) 27 Gross Additions to Nuclear Fuel 28 Gross Additions to Common Utility Plant 29 Gross Additions to Nonutility Plant 30 (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction 31 Other (provide details in footnote): 32 Deposits for utility plant acquisition 34 Cash Outflows for Plant (Total of lines 26 thru 33) 36 Acquisition of Other Noncurrent Assets (d) 37 Proceeds from Disposal of Noncurrent Assets (d) 39 Investments in and Advances to Assoc. and Subsidiary Companies 40 Contributions and Advances from Assoc. and Subsidiary Companies 41 Disposition of Investments in (and Advances to) 42 Associated and Subsidiary Companies 44 Purchase of Investment Securities (a) 45 Proceeds from Sales of Investment Securities (a) 871,141 037,057 301 374 2,450 004 917 518 -49,308 751 148 609,238 73,998 819 535 312 971,803 450,004 38,791 463 -49,308 650,796 433 204,745 008,005 2,401 353 452 804 381,428 11,615,102 143,775 528,534 640,532 124 535,814 167 229 630,827 334 617 192 697 156,784 803,240 167 506 -407 128 849,925 144 510,439 116,391 951 105,617 593 581 511 000 000 121 391,951 106,199 104m .mmmm.mmmommmmommo.mmmmmmmmmmm .mmmm . 0 mmmo mommmmommm 477 634 482 872 615 571 499,315 344 568 990,036-. .mmmm mOmmm.... mmmmmmm.o. m. .m. .mm rm mmm mmm.mmmmmm mmm .m FERC FORM NO.2 (ED.12-96)Page 120 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is:(1) ~An Original(2) A Resubmission STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04/25/2005 Year/Period of Report End of 2004/Q4 (1) Codes to be used:(a) Net Proceeds or Payments;(b)Bonds, debentures and other long-tenn debt; (c) Include commercial paper, and (d) Identify separately such items as investments, fixed assets, intangibles, etc. (2) Information about noncash investing and financing activities must be provided in the Notes to the Financial statements. Also provide a reconciliation between .Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period. with related amounts on the Balance Sheet. (3) Operating Activities - Other. Include gains and losses pertaining to operating activities only. Gains and losses pertaining to investing and financing activities should be reported in those activities. Show in the Notes to the Financials the amounts of interest paid (net of amount capitalized) and income taxes paid. (4) Investing Activities: Include at Other (line 31) net cash outflow to acquire other companies. Provide a reconciliation of assets acquired with liabilities assumed in the Notes to the Financial Statements. Do not include on this statement the dollar amount of leases capitalized per the USofA General Instruction 20; instead provide a reconciliation of the dollar amount of leases capitalized with the plant cost. Line No. Description (See Instruction No.1 for Explanation of Codes) (a) Current Year to Date QuarterN ear (b) Previous Year to Date QuarterN ear (c) 46 Loans Made or Purchased 47 Collections on Loans 49 Net (Increase) Decrease in Receivables 50 Net (Increase) Decrease in Inventory 51 Net (Increase) Decrease in Allowances Held for Speculation 52 Net Increase (Decrease) in Payables and Accrued Expenses 53 Other (provide details in footnote): 54 Changes in other property and investments 55 Gain on disposition of property 56 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities 57 Total of lines 34 thru 55) 59 Cash Flows.from Financing Activities: 60 Proceeds from Issuance of: 61 Long-Term Debt (b) 62 Preferred Stock 63 Common Stock 64 Other (provide details in footnote): 65 Long-term debt to affiliated trusts 66 Net Increase in Short-Term Debt (c) 67 Other (provide details in footnote): 68 Cash received in interest rate swap agreement 70 Cash Provided by Outside Sources (Total 61 thru 69) 72 Payments for Retirement of: 73 Long-term Debt (b) 74 Preferred Stock 75 Common Stock 76 Long-term debt to affiliated trusts 77 Premiums paid for the repurchase of long-term debt 78 Net Decrease in Short-Term Debt (c) 79 Long-term debt and short-term borrowing issuance costs 80 Dividends on Preferred Stock 81 Dividends on Common Stock 82 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities 83 (Total of lines 70 thru 81) 85 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 86 (Total of lines 22,57 and 83) 88 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period 90 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of period 616,550 73,000 775 1,435,673 -424 383 848,976 89,760,600 795,250 061 241 775 591 856,000 50,000,000 125,000 155 802,841 98,570,841 . .'. '... .. r--~--~-~ 66,186 722 124 033,279 750,000 574,266 61,856,000 710,409 709,769 12,000,000 148,807 2,429,756 155,438 912,464 23,633,569n.......... ............................ ....................... ....... .n.... .,............. .nn ....... ........ ...........n......... .................. ........... ................. 23,761,561 55,965,236 955,531 584 011 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 121 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This Report Is:(1) An Original(2) 0 A Resubmission NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Use the space below for important notes regarding the Balance Sheet, Statement of Income for the year, Statement of Retained Earnings for the year, and Statement of Cash Flows, or any account thereof. Classify the notes according to each basic statement providing a subheading for each statement except where a note is applicable to more than one statement. 2. Furnish particulars (details) as to any significant contingent assets or liabilities existing at end of year, including a brief explanation of any action initiated by the Internal Revenue Service involving possible assessment of additional income taxes of material amount, or of a claim for refund of income taxes of a material amount initiated by the utility. Give also a brief explanation of any dividends in arrears on cumulative preferred stock. 3. For Account 116, Utility Plant Adjustments, explain the origin of such amount, debits and credits during the year, and plan of disposition contemplated, giving references to Cormmission orders or other authorizations respecting classification of amounts as plant adjustments and requirements as to disposition thereof. 4. Where Accounts 189, Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt, and 257, Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, are not used, give an explanation, providing the rate treatment given these items. See General Instruction 17 of the Uniform System of Accounts. 5. Give a concise explanation of any retained earnings restrictions and state the amount of retained earnings affected by such restrictions. 6. If the notes to financial statements relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are applicable and furnish the data required by instructions above and on pages 114-121 , such notes may be included herein. 7. For the 3Q disclosures, respondent must provide in the notes sufficient disclosures so as to make the interim information not misleading. Disclosures which would substantially duplicate the disclosures contained in the most recent FERC Annual Report may be omitted. 8. For the 3Q disclosures, the disclosures shall be provided where events subsequent to the end of the most recent year have occurred which have a material effect on the respondent. Respondent must include in the notes significant changes since the most recently completed year in such items as: accounting principles and practices; estimates inherent in the preparation of the financial statements; status of long-term contracts; capitalization including significant new borrowings or modifications of existing financing agreements; and changes resulting from business combinations or dispositions. However were material contingencies exist, the disclosure of such matters shall be provided even though a significant change since year end may not have occurred. 9. Finally, if the notes to the financial statements relating to the respondent appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are applicable and furnish the data required by the above instructions, such notes may be included herein. Date of Report 04/25/2005 Year/Period of Report End of 2004/Q4 PAGE 122 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SEE PAGE 123 FOR REQUIRED INFORMATION. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 122 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Nature of Business Avista Corporation (Avista Corp. or the Company) is an energy company engaged in the generation, transmission and distribution of energy. Avista Corp. generates, transmits and distributes electricity in parts of eastern Washington and northern Idaho. In addition A vista Corp. has electric generating facilities in western Montana and northern Oregon. A vista Corp. also provides natural gas distribution service in parts of eastern Washington, northern Idaho, northeast and southwest Oregon and in the South Lake Tahoe region of California. In July 2004, the Company entered into an agreement to sell its South Lake Tahoe natural gas distribution properties (see Note 23 for further information), which is subject to regulatory approval. Avista Capital, a wholly owned subsidiary of A vista Corp., is the parent company of the subsidiary companies in the non-utility business segments. The Company s operations are exposed to risks including, but not limited to, the price and supply of purchased power, fuel and natural gas, regulatory recovery of power and natural gas costs and capital investments, streamflow and weather conditions, the effects of changes in legislative and governmental regulations, changes in regulatory requirements, availability of generation facilities competition, technology and availability of funding. Also, like other utilities, the Company s facilities and operations may be exposed to terrorism risks or other malicious acts. In addition, the energy business exposes the Company to the fInancial, liquidity, credit and commodity price risks associated with wholesale purchases and sales. Basis of Reporting The fInancial statements include the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Company. As required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Connnission (FERC), the Company accounts for its investment in majority-owned subsidiaries on the equity method rather than consolidating the assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses of these subsidiaries, as required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The accompanying fInancial statements include the Company s proportionate share of utility plant and related operations resulting from its interests in jointly owned plants (See Note 6). In addition, under the requirements of the FERC, there are differences from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America in the presentation of (I) current portions of long-term debt, short-term borrowings, and preferred stock, (2) assets and liabilities for cost of removal of assets (3) assets held for sale, and (4) regulatory assets and liabilities. Use of Estimates The preparation of the fmancial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect amounts reported in the fmancial statements. Significant estimates include determining unbilled revenues, the market value of derivative assets and liabilities, pension and other postretirement benefit plan obligations, contingent liabilities and recoverability of regulatory assets. Changes in these estimates and assumptions are considered reasonably possible and may have a material effect on the fInancial statements and thus actual results could differ from the amounts reported and disclosed herein. System of Accounts The accounting records of the Companys utility operations are maintained in accordance with the uniform system of accounts prescribed by the FERC and adopted by the appropriate state regulatory connnissions. Regulation The Company is subject to state regulation in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and California. The Company is also subject to federal regulation by the FERC. Operating Revenues Operating revenues for A vista Corp. related to the sale of energy are generally recorded when service is rendered or energy is delivered to customers. The determination of the energy sales to individual customers is based on the reading of their meters, which occurs on a systematic basis throughout the month. At the end of each calendar month, the amount of energy delivered to customers since the date of the last meter reading is estimated and the corresponding unbilled revenue is estimated and recorded. Accounts receivable includes unbilled energy revenues of$13.0 million (net of $48.9 million ofunbilledreceivables sold) and $9.0 million (net I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) of $47.0 million of unbilled receivables sold) as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. See Note 3 for information withrespect to the sale of accounts receivable. Advertising Expenses The Company expenses advertising costs as incurred. Advertising expenses totaled $1.7 million, $1.3 million and $1.2 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Taxes other than income taxes Taxes other than income taxes include state excise taxes, city occupational and franchise taxes, real and personal property taxes and certain other taxes not based on net income. These taxes are generally based on revenues or the value of property. Utility related taxes collected from customers are recorded as both operating revenue and expense and totaled $35.0 million, $31.7 million and $33. million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Income Taxes The Company and its eligible subsidiaries file consolidated federal income tax returns. Subsidiaries are charged or credited with the tax effects of their operations on a stand-alone basis. The Company s federal income tax returns were examined with all issues resolved, and all payments made, through the 2000 return. The Internal Revenue Service is currently examining the Company s 2001 2002 and 2003 federal income tax returns. The Company accounts for income taxes under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 109 , " Accounting for Income Taxes." Under SFAS No. 109, a deferred tax asset or liability is determined based on the enacted tax rates that will be in effect when the differences between the fInancial statement carrying amounts and tax basis of existing assets and liabilities are expected to be reported in the Company s consolidated income tax returns. The deferred tax expense for the period is equal to the net change in the deferred tax asset and liability accounts from the beginning to the end of the period. The effect on deferred taxes of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date. Deferred tax liabilities and regulatory assets have been established for tax benefits flowed through to customers as prescribed by the respective regulatory conunissions. Stock-Based Compensation The Company follows the disclosure only provisions of SFAS No. 123 , " Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation.Accordingly, employee stock options are accounted for under Accounting Principle Board Opinion (APB) No. 25 , " Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees." Stock options are granted at exercise prices not less than the fair value of common stock on the date of grant. UnderAPB No. 25, no compensation expense is recognized pursuant to the Company s stock option plans. See Note 2 with respect to the revision of SF AS No. 123, which will result in the recognition of compensation expense beginning in the third quarter of 2005. If compensation expense for the Company s stock option plans were determined consistent with SF AS No. 123, net income and earnings per common share would have been the following pro forma amounts for the years ended December 31 2004 2003 2002 $35 154 $44 504 $31 307 033 186 051lliJl! $0.$0.$0. $0.$0.$0.54 $0.$0.$0. $0.$0.$0. Net income (dollars in thousands): As reported Deduct: Total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under the fair value method for all awards, net of tax Pro forma Basic earnings per common share: As reported Pro forma Diluted earnings per common share: As reported Pro forma Earnings Per Common Share Basic earnings per conunon share is computed by dividing income available for common stock by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings per common share is calculated by dividing income available for common I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) stock by diluted weighted average common shares outstanding during the period, including common stock equivalent shares outstanding using the treasury stock method, unless such shares are anti-dilutive. Common stock equivalent shares include shares issuable upon exercise of stock options, contingently issuable shares and restricted stock. See Note 19 for earnings per common share calculations. Cash and Cash Equivalents For the purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, the Company considers all temporary investments with a maturity when purchased of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents include cash deposits from counterparties. Special Deposits Special deposits represent $0.6 million of restricted cash related to Avista Corp.'s interest rate swap agreements. See Note 13 for further information with respect to Avista Corp.s interest rate swap agreements. Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts The Company maintains an accumulated provision for uncollectible accounts to provide for estimated and potential losses on accounts receivable. The Company detennines the allowance for customer accounts receivable based on historical write-offs as compared to accounts receivable and operating revenues. Additionally, the Company establishes specific allowances for certain individual accounts. The following table documents the activity in the accumulated provision for uncollectible accounts during the years ended December 31 (dollars in thousands): Accumulated provision as of the beginning of the year Additions expensed during the year Net deductions Accumulated provision as of the end of the year 2004 281 195 (2.666) 2003 689 762 (2.J70) 2002 950 392 (3.653 Materials and supplies, fuel stock and natural gas stored Inventories of materials and supplies, fuel stock and natural gas stored are recorded at the lower of cost or market, primarily using the average cost method. Utility Plant The cost of additions to utility plant, including an allowance for funds used during construction and replacements of units of property and improvements, is capitalized. Costs of depreciable units of property retired plus costs of removal less salvage are charged to accumulated depreciation. Allowance for Funds Used During Construction The Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) represents the cost of both the debt and equity funds used to fmance utility plant additions during the construction period. In accordance with the uniform system of accounts prescribed by regulatory authorities, AFUDC is capitalized as a part of the cost of utility plant and the debt related portion is credited currently as a non-cash item in the Statements of Income. The Company generally is permitted, under established regulatory rate practices, to recover the capitalized AFUDC, and a fair return thereon, through its inclusion in rate base and the provision for depreciation after the related utility plant is placed in service. Cash inflow related to AFUDC generally does not occur until the related utility plant is placed in service and included in rate base. The effective AFUDC rate was 9.72 percent for 2004, 2003 and the second half of 2002 and 9.03 percent for the fIrst half of 2002. The Companys AFUDC rates do not exceed the maximum allowable rates as detennined in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities. Depreciation For utility operations, depreciation expense is estimated by a method of depreciation accounting utilizing unit rates for generation plants and composite rates for other utility plant. Such rates are designed to provide for retirements of properties at the expiration of their service lives. The rates for hydroelectric plants include annuity and interest components, in which the interest component is 9 percent. For utility operations, the ratio of depreciation provisions to average depreciable property was 2.92 percent in 2004, 2. I FERC FORM NO.2 _ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) percent in 2003 and 2.92 percent in 2002. The average service lives for the following broad categories of utility property are: electric thermal production - 30 years; hydroelectric production - 77 years; electric transmission - 43 years; electric distribution - 47 years; and natural gas distribution property - 35 years. The Company recovers certain asset retirement costs through rates charged to customers as a portion of its depreciation expense. These costs do not represent legal or contractual obligations. Regulatory Deferred Charges and Credits The Company prepares its fmancial statements in accordance with the provisions of SF AS No. 71 , " Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation." The Company prepares its fmancial statements in accordance with SF AS No. 71 because (i) the Company s rates for regulated services are established by or subject to approval by an independent third-party regulator; (ii) theregulated rates are designed to recover the Company s cost of providing the regulated services; and (iii) in view of demand for the regulated services and the level of competition, it is reasonable to assume that rates can be charged to and collected from customers at levels that will recover the Company s costs. SF AS No. 71 requires the Company to reflect the impact of regulatory decisions in its fmancial statements. SFAS No. 71 requires that certain costs and/or obligations (such as incurred power and natural gas costs not currently recovered through rates, but expected to be recovered in the future) are reflected as deferred charges on the Balance Sheets. These costs and/or obligations are not reflected in the statement of income until the period during which matching revenues are recognized. If at some point in the future the Company determines that it no longer meets the criteria for continued application of SFAS No. 71 with respect to all or a portion of the Company s regulated operations, the Company could be required to write-off its regulatory assets. The Company could also be precluded from the future deferral of costs not recovered through rates at the time such costs are incurred, even if the Company expected to recover such costs in the future. The Company s primary regulatory assets include power and natural gas deferrals (see "Power Cost Deferrals and Recovery Mechanisms" and "Natural Gas Cost Deferrals and Recovery Mechanisms" below for further information), investment in exchange power, regulatory asset for deferred income taxes, unamortized debt expense, demand side management programs, conservation programs and the provision for postretirement benefits. Regulatory assets that are not currently included in rate base, being recovered in current rates or earning a return (accruing interest), totaled $3.2 million as of December 31 2004. Regulatory liabilities include utility plant retirement costs. Deferred credits include, among other items, regulatory liabilities created when the Centralia Power Plant was sold, regulatory liabilities offsetting net energy commodity derivative assets (see Note 4 for further information) and the gain on the general office building sale/leaseback, which is being amortized over the life of the lease. Investment in Exchange Power-Net The investment in exchange power represents the Company s previous investment in Washington Public Power Supply System Project 3 (WNP-3), a nuclear project that was terminated prior to completion. Under a settlement agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration in 1985, Avista Corp. began receiving power in 1987, for a 32.year period, related to its investment in WNP- Through a settlement agreement with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) in the Washington jurisdiction, A vista Corp. is amortizing the recoverable portion of its investment in WNP-3 (recorded as investment in exchange power) over a 32.5 year period beginning in 1987. For the Idaho jurisdiction, Avista Corp. has fully amortized the recoverable portion of its investment in exchange power. Investment in Exchange Power-Net is included in Other Investments on the Balance Sheets. Unamortized Debt Expense and Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt Unamortized debt expense and Unamortized loss on reacquired debt includes debt issuance costs that are amortized over the life of the related debt, as well as premiums paid to repurchase debt, which are amortized over the average remaining maturity of outstanding debt in accordance with regulatory accounting practices under SFAS No. 71. These costs are recovered through retail rates as a component of interest expense. Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), WUTC and Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) approved Avista Corp. Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism in 1999. The mechanism eliminated the majority of natural gas procurement operations within Avista Corp. and placed responsibility for natural gas procurement operations with Avista Energy, Inc. (A vista Energy), the I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Company s non-regulated subsidiary. The ownership of the natural gas assets remains with Avista Corp.; however, the assets have been managed by A vista Energy through an Agency Agreement. A vista Corp. has continued to manage natural gas procurement for its California operations, which the Company has entered into an agreement to sell (see Note 23). In the fIrst quarter of 2002, the IPUC and the OPUC approved the continuation of the Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism and related Agency Agreement through March 31 2005. In February 2004, the WUTC ordered that the Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism and related Agency Agreement be terminated for Washington customers and ordered A vista Corp. to file a transition plan to move management of these functions back into Avista Corp. In April 2004, the WUTC approved Avista Corp.s transition plan, which provides for the movement of these functions back into Avista Corp. to be completed by March 31 2005. Effective April 1, 2005, the Company will also be moving these functions from A vista Energy to A vista Corp. for Idaho and Oregon natural gas customers with the expiration of the current agreements. Power Cost Deferrals and Recovery Mechanisms A vista Corp. defers the recognition in the income statement of certain power supply costs as approved by the WUTC. Deferred power supply costs are recorded as a deferred charge on the Balance Sheets for future review and the opportunity for recovery through retail rates. The power supply costs deferred include certain differences between actual power supply costs incurred by A vista Corp. and the costs included in base retail rates. This difference in power supply costs primarily results from changes in short-term wholesale market prices, changes in the level of hydroelectric generation and changes in the level of thermal generation (including changes in fuel prices). A vista Corp. accrues interest on deferred power costs in the Washington jurisdiction at a rate, which is adjusted semi-annually, of 8.4 percent as of December 31 2004. Total deferred power costs for Washington customers were $113.2 million and $125. million as of December 31 2004 and 2003, respectively. In Washington, the Energy Recovery Mechanism (ERM) allows A vista Corp. to increase or decrease electric rates periodically with WUTC approval to reflect changes in power supply costs. The ERM provides for A vista Corp. to incur the cost of, or receive the benefit from, the first $9.0 million in annual power supply costs above or below the amount included in base retail rates. Under the ERM, 90 percent of annual power supply costs exceeding or below the initial $9 .0 million are deferred for future surcharge or rebate to A vista Corp.s customers. The remaining 10 percent of power supply costs are an expense of, or benefit to, the Company. Under the ERM, A vista Corp. makes an annual filing to provide the opportunity for the WUTC and other interested parties to review the prudence of and audit the ERM deferred power cost transactions for the prior calendar year. The ERM provides for a 90-day review period for the filing; however, the period may be extended by agreement of the parties or by WUTC order. In August 2004, the WUTC issued an order, which approved the recovery of$22.8 million of deferred power costs incurred in 2003. A vista Corp. has a power cost adjustment (PCA) mechanism in Idaho that allows it to modify electric rates periodically with IPUC approval. Under the PCA mechanism, A vista Corp. defers 90 percent of the difference between certain actual net power supply expenses and the authorized level of net power supply expense approved in the last Idaho general rate case. A vista Corp. accrues interest on deferred power costs in the Idaho jurisdiction at a rate, which is adjusted annually, of 1.0 percent on current year deferrals and 3.0 percent on carryover balances as of December 31 , 2004. In October 2004, the IPUC issued its fmal order with respect to general electric and natural gas rate cases filed by A vista Corp. in Idaho. The fmal order required A vista Corp. to write off a total of $12.0 million (recorded as operation expenses in the Statements of Income) of certain deferred power costs, including associated accrued interest, related to natural gas contracts entered into by A vista Corp. to provide fuel for its generating facilities. The IPUC authorized the recovery of the remaining deferred power costs over a two-year period through a PCA rate surcharge to customers. Total deferred power costs for Idaho customers were $9.5 million and $30.3 millionas of December 31 2004 and 2003, respectively. Natural Gas Cost Deferrals and Recovery Mechanisms Under established regulatory practices in each respective state, A vista Corp. is allowed to adjust its natural gas rates periodically (with regulatory approval) to reflect increases or decreases in the cost of natural gas purchased. Differences between actual natural gas costs and the natural gas costs already included in retail rates are deferred and charged or credited to expense when regulators approve inclusion of the cost changes in rates. Total deferred natural gas costs were $28.6 million and $15.4 million as of December 31 2004 and 2003, respectively. Reclassifications Certain prior period amounts were reclassified to conform to current statement format. These reclassifications were made for I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88) Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) comparative purposes and to conform to changes in accounting standards and have not affected previously reported total net income or stockholders' equity. NOTE 2. NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS In May 2003, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SF AS No. 150 , " Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Both Liabilities and Equity." This statement requires the Company to classify certain fInancial instruments as liabilities that have historically been classified as equity. This statement requires the Company to classify as a liability financial instruments that are subject to mandatory redemption at a specified or determinable date or upon an event that is certain to occur. This statement was effective for fInancial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003, and otherwise was effective at the beginning of the fIrst interim period beginning after June 15, 2003. The restatement of fmancial statements for prior periods was not permitted. The adoption of this statement required the Company to classify preferred stock subject to mandatory redemption as a liability (included in long-term debt) on the Balance Sheets. The adoption of this statement also required the Company to classify preferred stock dividends subsequent to July 1, 2003 as interest expense in the Statements of Income. In January 2003 , the FASB issued Interpretation No. 46 , " Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities " which was revised in December 2003 (collectively referred to as FIN 46). In general, a variable interest entity does not have equity investors with voting rights or it has equity investors that do not provide sufficient fmancial resources for the entity to support its activities. Variable interest entities are commonly referred to as special purpose entities or off-balance sheet structures; however, FIN 46 applies to a broader group ofentities. FIN 46 requires a variable interest entity to be consolidated by the primary beneficiary of that entity. The primary beneficiary is subject to a majority of the risk of loss from the variable interest entity's activities or it is entitled to receive a majority of the entity' residual returns. FIN 46 also requires disclosure of variable interest entities that a company is not required to consolidate but in which it has a significant variable interest. The consolidation requirements of FIN 46 applied immediately to variable interest entities created after January 31, 2003 and applied to certain existing variable interest entities for the fIrst fiscal year or interim period ending after December 15, 2003. Application for all other types of entities was required for periods ending after March 15, 2004. FIN 46 resulted in the Company no longer including the capital trusts formed for the purpose of issuing preferred trust securities in its fmancial statements for the period ended December 31 , 2003 and thereafter. The capital trusts are considered variable interest entities under the provisions of FIN 46. As Avista Corp. is not the primary beneficiary, these entities are no longer included in Avista Corp.'s fInancial statements. The sole assets of the capital trusts are $113.4 million of junior subordinated deferrable interest debentures of A vista Corp. and the deconsolidation of these entities resulted in these debentures being reflected on the Balance Sheets as advances from associated companies. Interest on debt to associated companies in the Statements of Income represents interest expense on these debentures. See Note 7 for a discussion of a F ASB Staff Position with respect to postretirement medical benefit obligations. In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation " which supersedes APB No. 25 and its related implementation guidance. This statement establishes standards for the accounting for transactions in which the Company exchanges its equity instruments for goods or services with a primary focus on transactions in which the Company obtains employee services in share-based payment transactions. The statement requires that the compensation cost relating to share-based payment transactions be recognized in fInancial statements based on the fair value of the equity or liability instruments issued. The Company will be required to implement the provisions of this statement beginning in the third quarter of 2005. The Company expects to record compensation expense (net of tax) of approximately $0.5 million in 2005 and $0.3 million in 2006 related to the periodic vesting of stock options granted to employees in prior years. As the Company is not currently granting stock options to employees, the prospective provisions of this statement are not expected to have a material effect on the Company s future fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. NOTE 3. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SALE A vista Receivables Corp. (ARC) is a wholly owned, bankruptcy-remote subsidiary of the Company formed for the purpose ofacquiring or purchasing interests in certain accounts receivable, both billed and unbilled, of the Company. On May 29, 2002, ARC the Company and a third-party fmancial institution entered into a three-year agreement whereby ARC can sell without recourse, on a revolving basis, up to $100.0 million of those receivables. In April 2004, the revolving amount available for sale was reduced to I FERC FORM NO.2 JED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) $85.0 million. ARC is obligated to pay fees that approximate the purchasers cost of issuing commercial paper equal in value to the interests in receivables sold. The amount of such fees is included in operating expenses of the Company. As of December 31 , 2004 and 2003, $72.0 million in accounts receivables were sold under this revolving agreement. NOTE 4. UTILITY ENERGY COMMODITY DERIVATIVE ASSETS AND LIABILITIES SF AS No. 133 , " Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities " as amended by SF AS No. 138 and SF AS No. 149 establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments, including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts, and for hedging activities. It requires the recording of all derivatives as either assets or liabilities on the balance sheet measured at estimated fair value and the recognition of the unrealized gains and losses. In certain dermed conditions, a derivative may be specifically designated as a hedge for a particular exposure. The accounting for derivatives depends on the intended use of the derivatives and the resulting designation. A vista Corp. enters into forward contracts to purchase or sell energy. Under these forward contracts, A vista Corp. commits to purchase or sell a specified amount of energy at a specified time, or during a specified period, in the future. Certain of these forward contracts are considered derivative instruments. A vista Corp. also records derivative commodity assets and liabilities for over-the-counter and exchange-traded derivative instruments as well as certain long-term contracts. These contracts are entered into as part of Avista Corp.s management of its loads and resources as discussed in Note 5. In conjunction with the issuance of SFAS No. 133, the WUTC and the IPUC issued accounting orders authorizing Avista Corp. to offset any derivative assets or liabilities with a regulatory asset or liability. This accounting treatment is intended to defer the recognition of mark-to-market gains and losses on energy commodity transactions until the period of settlement. The order provides for A vista Corp. to not recognize the unrealized gain or loss on utility derivative commodity instruments in the Statements of Income. Realized gains or losses are recognized in the period of settlement, subject to approval for recovery through retail rates. Realized gains and losses, subject to regulatory approval, result in adjustments to retail rates through purchased gas cost adjustments, the ERM and the PCA mechanism. Prior to the adoption of SFAS No. 149 on July 1, 2003, Avista Corp. elected the normal purchases and sales exception for substantially all of its contracts for both capacity and energy under SFAS No. 133. As such, Avista Corp. was not required to record these contracts as derivative commodity assets and liabilities. Under SFAS No. 149, substantially all new forward contracts to purchase or sell power and natural gas used for generation, which were entered into on or after July 1 2003, are recorded as assets or liabilities at market value with an offsetting regulatory asset or liability. Contracts that are not considered derivatives under SF AS No. 133 are generally accounted for at cost until they are settled or realized, unless there is a decline in the fair value of the contract that is determined to be other than temporary. Utility energy commodity derivatives consisted of the following as of December 31 (dollars in thousands) : Current utility energy commodity derivative asset Current utility energy commodity derivative liability Non-current utility energy commodity derivative asset Non-current utility energy commodity derivative liability Net regulatory liability 2004 $10 199 713 55,825 33,490 821 2003 983 997 517 060 443 The offsetting net regulatory liability is included in other regulatory liabilities on the Balance Sheets. NOTE S. ENERGY COMMODITY TRADING The Company s is exposed to risks relating to, but not limited to, changes in certain commodity prices, interest rates and counterparty performance. In order to manage the various risks relating to these exposures, A vista Corp. utilizes derivative instruments, such as forwards, futures, swaps and options. A vista Corp. uses a variety of techniques to manage risks for their energy resources and wholesale energy market activities. The Company has risk management policies and procedures to manage these risks, both qualitative and quantitative. The Company s Risk Management Committee establishes the Company s risk management policies and procedures and monitors compliance. The Risk Management Committee is comprised of certain Company officers and other individuals and is overseen by the Audit Committee of the Company s Board of Directors. I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FI NANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) A vista Corp. engages in an ongoing process of resource optimization, which involves the pursuit of economic resources to serve load obligations and using existing resources to capture available economic value. A vista Corp. sells and purchases wholesale electric capacity and energy to and from utilities and other entities as part of the process of acquiring resources to serve its retail and wholesale load obligations. These transactions range from a term as short as one hour up to long-term contracts that extend beyond one year. Avista Corp. makes continuing projections of (I) future retail and wholesale loads based on, among other things, forward estimates of factors such as customer usage and weather as well as historical data and contract terms and (2) resource availability based on, among other things, estimates of streamflows, generating unit availability, historic and forward market information and experience. On the basis of these continuing projections, Avista Corp. makes purchases and sales of energy on an annual, quarterly, monthly, daily and hourly basis to match expected resources to expected energy requirements. Resource optimization also includes transactions such as purchasing fuel to run thermal generation and, when economic, selling fuel and substituting electric wholesale market purchases for the operation of Avista Corp.s own resources, as well as other wholesale transactions to capture the value of available generation and transmission resources. This optimization process includes entering into fInancial and physical hedging transactions as a means of managing risks. A vista Corp. manages the impact of fluctuations in electric energy prices by measuring and controlling the volume of energy imbalance between projected loads and resources and through the use of derivative commodity instruments for hedging purposes. Load/resource imbalances within a rolling 18-month planning horizon are compared against established volumetric guidelines and management determines the timing and specific actions to manage the imbalances. Management also assesses available resource decisions and actions that are appropriate for longer-term planning periods. A vista Energy is responsible for the daily management of natural gas supplies to meet the requirements of Avista Corp.s customers in the states of Washington, Idaho and Oregon. In February 2004, the WUTC ordered that these functions be moved back to A vista Corp. for Washington customers, and in April 2004, the WUTC approved Avista Corp.'s transition plan to move these functions back into Avista Corp. by March 31 2005. Effective April I, 2005 the Company will also be moving these functions back to A vista Corp. for Idaho and Oregon customers with the expiration of current agreements. As part of the transition plan, Avista Corp. has begun procuring natural gas for load service. This procurement process includes entering into fInancial and physical hedging transactions as a means of managing risks. See description of Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism in Note I for further information. Avista Corp. has continued to manage natural gas procurement for its California operations, which the Company has entered into an agreement to sell (see Note 23 for further information). Market Risk Market risk is, in general, the risk of fluctuation in the market price of the commodity being traded and is influenced primarily by supply and demand. Market risk includes the fluctuation in the market price of associated derivative commodity instruments. Market risk is influenced to the extent that the performance or nonperformance by market participants of their contractual obligations and commitments affect the supply of, or demand for, the commodity. The Company manages the market risks inherent in its activities according to risk policies established by the Company s Risk Management Committee. Credit Risk Credit risk relates to the risk of loss that A vista Corp. would incur as a result of non-performance by counterparties of their contractual obligations to deliver energy or make fmancial settlements. A vista Corp. often extends credit to counterparties and customers. Credit risk includes the risk that a counterparty may default due to circumstances relating directly to it and the risk that a counterparty may default due to circumstances that relate to other market participants that have a direct or indirect relationship with such counterparty. Should a counterparty, customer or supplier fail to perfonn, Avista Corp. may be required to replace existing contracts with contracts at then-current market prices or to honor the underlying commitment. A vista Corp. seeks to mitigate credit risk by applying specific eligibility criteria to existing and prospective counterparties and by actively monitoring current credit exposures. These policies include an evaluation of the fmancial condition and credit ratings of counterparties, collateral requirements or other credit enhancements, such as letters of credit or parent company guarantees, and the use of standardized agreements that allow for the netting or offsetting of positive and negative exposures associated with a single counterparty. Credit risk also involves the exposure that counterparties perceive related to the ability of A vista Corp. to perform deliveries and settlement under physical and fmancial energy contracts. These counterparties may seek assurances of performance in the form of letters of credit, prepayment or cash deposits. In periods of price volatility, the level of exposure can change significantly, with the result that sudden and significant demands may be made against the Company s capital resource reserves (credit facilities and cash). A vista Corp. actively monitors the exposure to possible collateral calls and take steps to minimize capital requirements. I FERC FORM NO.. (ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmlssion 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Other Operating Risks In addition to conunodity price risk, Avista Corp.s conunodity positions are subject to operational and event risks including, among others, increases in load demand, transmission or transport disruptions, fuel quality specifications, changes in regulatory requirements forced outages at generating plants and disruptions to information systems and other administrative tools required for normal operations. A vista Corp. also has exposure to weather conditions and natural disasters that can cause physical damage to property, requiring repairs to restore utility service. The emergence of terrorism threats, both domestic and foreign, is a risk to the entire utility industry, including A vista Corp. Potential disruptions to operations or destruction of facilities from terrorism or other malicious acts are not readily determinable. The Company has taken various steps to mitigate terrorism risks and to prepare contingency plans in the event that its facilities are targeted. NOTE 6. JOINTLY OWNED ELECTRIC FACILITIES As of December 31 , 2004, the Company had a 50 percent ownership interest in a combined cycle natural gas-fIred turbine power plant the Coyote Springs 2 Generation Plant (Coyote Springs 2) located in north-central Oregon, which was placed into operation in 2003. The Companys share of related fuel costs as well as operating and maintenance expenses for plant in service are included in the corresponding accounts in the Statements of Income. The Company s share of utility plant for Coyote Springs 2 was $108.8 million and accumulated depreciation was $6.7 million as of December 31 , 2004. In January 2005, the Company acquired the remaining 50 percent ownership interest in Coyote Springs 2 at a price of $62.5 million. See Note 24 for further information. The Company has a 15 percent ownership interest in a twin-unit coal-fired generating facility, the Colstrip Generating Project (Colstrip) located in southeastern Montana, and provides fmancing for its ownership interest in the project. The Company s share of related fuel costs as well as operating and maintenance expenses for plant in service are included in the corresponding accounts in the Statements of Income. The Company s share of utility plant for Colstrip was $320.2 million and accumulated depreciation was $172.4 million as of December 31 2004. NOTE 7. PENSION PLANS AND OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFIT PLANS The Company has a deemed benefit pension plan covering substantially all of its regular full-time employees at Avista Corp. and Avista Energy. Individual benefits under this plan are based upon the employee s years of service and average compensation as specified in the plan. The Company s funding policy is to contribute at least the minimum amounts that are required to be funded under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, but not more than the maximum amounts that are currently deductible for income tax purposes. The Company made $15 million in cash contributions to the pension plan in 2004 and $12 million in each of 2003 and 2002. The Company expects to contribute approximately $15 million to the pension plan in 2005. The Finance Committee of the Company s Board of Directors establishes investment policies, objectives and strategies to seek optimum return for the pension plan, while also keeping with the assumption of prudent risk and the Finance Committee s composite return objectives. The Finance Committee reviews and approves changes to the investment policy. The Company has contracted with an investment manager who is responsible for managing the individual investment managers. The investment managers performance and related individual fund performance is periodically reviewed by the Finance Committee to ensure compliance with investment policy objectives and strategies. Pension plan assets are invested primarily in marketable debt and equity securities. Pension plan assets may also be invested in real estate and other investments, including hedge funds and venture capital funds. In seeking to obtain the desired return to fund the pension plan, the Finance Committee has established investment allocation percentages by asset classes as indicated in the table below. The assumed long-term rate of return on plan assets is based on past performance and economic forecasts for the types of investments held by the plan. The fair value of pension plan assets invested in debt and equity securities was based primarily on market prices. The fair value of pension plan assets invested in real estate was determined based on three basic approaches: (1) current cost of reproducing a property less deterioration and functional economic obsolescence (2) capitalization of the property's net earnings power; and (3) value indicated by recent sales of comparable properties in the market. The fair value of plan assets was determined as of December 31, 2004 and 2003. As of December 31 , 2004 and 2003, the pension plan had assets with a fair value that was less than the present value of the accumulated benefit obligation under the plan. In 2004, the pension plan funding deficit increased as compared to the end of 2003 and I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) as such the Company increased the additional minimum liability for the unfunded accumulated benefit obligation by $9.2 million and reduced the intangible asset by $0.7 million (representing the amount of unrecognized prior service cost) related to the pension plan. This resulted in a charge to other comprehensive income of $6.4 million, net of taxes of $3.5 million for 2004. In 2003, the pension plan funding deficit decreased as compared to the end of 2002 and as such the Company reduced the additional minimum liability for the unfunded accumulated benefit obligation by $15.5 million and the intangible asset by $0.6 million (representing the amount of unrecognized prior service cost) related to the pension plan. This resulted in an increase to other comprehensive income of $9. million, net of taxes of $5.2 million for 2003. In 2002, the Company recorded an additional minimum liability for the unfunded accumulated benefit obligation of $33.4 million and an intangible asset of $6.4 million (representing the amount of unrecognized prior service cost) related to the pension plan. This resulted in a charge to other comprehensive income of $17.6 million, net of taxes of $9.4 million for 2002. The Company also has a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) that provides additional pension benefits to executive officers of the Company. The SERP is intended to provide benefits to executive officers whose benefits under the pension plan are reduced due to the application of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the deferral of salary under deferred compensation plans. The Company recorded an additional minimum liability for the unfunded accumulated benefit obligation of $1. million, $0.3 million and $0.7 million related to the SERP for 2004 2003 and 2002, respectively. This resulted in a charge to other comprehensive income of$I.2 million, $0.2 million and $0.5 million, net of tax, for 2004 2003 and 2002, respectively. The Company expects that benefit payments under the pension plan and the SERP will total $14.1 million, $14.0 million, $15. million, $15.5 million and $16.2 million in 2005 2006 2007 2008 and 2009, respectively. For the ensuing five years (2010 through 2014), the Company expects that benefit payments under the pension plan and the SERP will total $102.4 million. The Company provides certain health care and life insurance benefits for substantially all of its retired employees. The Company accrues the estimated cost of postretirement benefit obligations during the years that employees provide services. The Company elected to amortize the transition obligation of$34.5 million over a period of twenty years, beginning in 1993. In 2004, the Company recognized the effect of an amendment to the cost-sharing policy, which limits the employer portion of the premium for all retirees. This amendment reduced the accumulated benefit obligation by $4.3 million. The Company expects that benefit payments under the postretirement benefit plan will be $3.1 million, $3.1 million, $3.1 million, $3.0 million and $3.0 million in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. For the ensuing five years (2010 through 2014), the Company expects that benefit payments under the postretirement benefit plan will total $14.5 million. The Company uses a December 31 measurement date for its pension and postretirement plans. The following table sets forth the pension and postretirement plan disclosures as of December 31 , 2004 and 2003 and the components of net periodic benefit costs for the years ended December 31 2004 2003 and 2002 (dollars in thousands): Pension Benefits Other Benefits 2004 2003 2004 2003 Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation as of beginning of year $265 790 $238,385 $39 185 $29 062 Service cost 914 806 480 482 Interest cost 406 705 019 477 Plan amendment 263) Actuarial loss (gain)737 18,046 464)973 Benefits paid (13,309)(13 226)(3,042)741) Expenses paid (800)(926)----ill)(6~ Benefit obligation as of end of year 5. 79Q Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets as of beginning of year $167 962 $136 125 $14 587 $11 301 Actual return on plan assets 816 129 882 282 Employer contributions 15,000 000 964 785 Benefits paid (12 399)(12 366)524)713) Expenses paid (926)-ID)----1QID Fair value of plan assets as of end of year ~ 67. I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Pension Benefits2004 2003 $(99 159) $(97 828) 73,604 71 695058 5 712-ill2) ..lLlli) (20 996) (22 006) Q.l.J..ill (2 0 . 0 81) Funded status Unrecognized net actuarial loss Unrecognized prior service cost Unrecognized net transition obligation/( asset) Accrued benefit cost Additional minimum liability Accrued benefit liability Accumulated pension benefit obligation Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation: For retirees For fully eligible employees For other participants Weighted-average asset allocations as of December Equity securities 63 %Debt securities 26%Real estate Other Target asset allocations as of December Equity securities Debt securities Real estate Other Weighted Average Assumptions as of December 31 Discount rate for benefit obligation Discount rate for annual expense Expected long-tenn return on plan assets Rate of compensation increase (1) Medical cost trend pre-age 65 - initial Medical cost trend pre-age 65 - ultimate Ultimate medical cost trend year pre-age 65 Medical cost trend post-age 65 - initial Medical cost trend post-age 65 - ultimate Ultimate medical cost trend year post-age 65 54-68% 22-28% 13% 75% 25% 00% 84% 64% 25% 54-68% 22-28% 13% 25% 75% 00% 00% Other Benefits2004 2003 $(15,006) $(24 598)009 9 455 041 956 809 334 $18 914 $26 073 672 $5,427 282 685 64%59% 36%41% 52- 72% 28-48% 75%25% 25%75% 00%00% 00%00% 00%00% 2009 2007 00%00% 00%00% 2008 2007 (1) In 2004, changed to an age-based scale ranging from 2.50 percent to 8.00 percent. 2004 2003 2002 2004 2003 2002 Components of net periodic benefit cost: Service cost $ 8,914 $ 7 806 $ 6,734 $ 480 $ 482 $ 304 Interest cost 16,406 15,705 15,119 019 2,4 77 184 Expected return on plan assets (13,436)(10,862)(12 311)106)(842)064) Transition (asset)/obligation recognition 086)086)(1,086)505 979 256 Amortization of prior service cost 654 653 831 ~et loss recognition 3.447 896 1.021 245 405 Net periodic benefit cost 1LUll Assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for the health care plans. A one-percentage-point increase in the assumed health care cost trend rate for each year would increase the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation as of December 31, 2004 by $2.3 million and the service and interest cost by $0.2 million. A one-percentage-point decrease in the assumed health care cost trend rate for each year would decrease the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation as I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) of December 31 2004 by $2.0 million and the service and interest cost by $0.2 million. In December 2003 , the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (2003 Medicare Act) was signed into law. The 2003 Medicare Act expanded Medicare to include, for the first time, coverage for prescription drugs. In May 2004, the FASB issued Staff Position No. 106- , " Accounting and Disclosure Requirements Related to the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003." The Company implemented the 2003 Medicare Act and the related F ASB Staff Position in 2004, which reduced the accumulated benefit obligation by $2.7 million as of December 31, 2004 and the 2004 postretirement benefit expense by less than $0.1 million. The Company has a salary deferral 401 (k) plan (Employee Investment Plan) that is a defined contribution plan and covers substantially all employees. Employees can make contributions to their respective accounts in the Employee Investment Plan on a pre-tax basis up to the maximum amount permitted by law. The Company matches a portion of the salary deferred by each participant according to the schedule in the Employee Investment Plan. Employer matching contributions of $3.9 million, $3.6 million and $3.4 million were expensed in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The Company has an Executive Deferral Plan. This plan allows executive officers and other key employees the opportunity to defer until the earlier of their retirement, termination, disability or death, up to 75 percent of their base salary and/or up to 100 percent of their incentive cash payments. Deferred compensation funds are held by the Company in a Rabbi Trust. As of December 31, 2004 and 2003, there were deferred compensation assets of $11.5 million included in other special funds and corresponding deferred compensation liabilities of $11.5 million included in other deferred credits on the Balance Sheets. NOTE 8. ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES As of December 31 2004 and 2003, the Company had net regulatory assets of$123.2 million and $131.8 million, respectively, related to the probable recovery of certain deferred tax liabilities from customers through future rates. Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for fmancial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes and tax credit carryforwards. The realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the ability to generate taxable income in future periods. The Company evaluated available evidence supporting the realization of its deferred tax assets and determined it is more likely than not that deferred tax assets will be realized. NOTE 9. ENERGY PURCHASE CONTRACTS Avista Corp. has contracts related to the purchase of fuel for thermal generation, natural gas and hydroelectric power. The termination dates of the contracts range from one month to the year 2044. A vista Corp. also has various agreements for the purchase, sale or exchange of electric energy with other utilities, cogenerators, small power producers and government agencies. Total expenses for power purchased, natural gas purchased, fuel for generation and other fuel costs, which are included in operation expenses in the Statements of Income, were $482.2 million, $464.1 million and $382.4 million in 2004 2003 and 2002, respectively. The following table details Avista Corp.s future contractual commitments for power resources (including transmission contracts) and natural gas resources (including transportation contracts) (dollars in thousands): 2005 Power resources $142 656 Natural gas resources 127.108 Total ~269.764 2006 $92 507 50.073 2007 $95 523 55.457 2008 $95 981 45.173 2009 $96 542 39.808 Thereafter Total $353 128 $876 337 396.403 714.022 All of the energy purchase contracts were entered into as part of Avista Corp.s obligation to serve its retail natural gas and electric customers' energy requirements. As a result, these costs are generally recovered either through base retail rates or adjustments to retail rates as part of the power and natural gas cost deferral and recovery mechanisms. I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) In addition, A vista Corp. has operational agreements, settlements and other contractual obligations with respect to its generation, transmission and distribution facilities. The expenses associated with these agreements are reflected as operation expenses and maintenance expenses in the Statements of Income. The following table details future contractual commitments with respect to these agreements (dollars in thousands): Contractual obligations A vista Corp. has fIXed contracts with certain Public Utility Districts (PUD) to purchase portions of the output of certain generatingfacilities. Although A vista Corp. has no investment in the PUD generating facilities, the fIXed contracts obligate A vista Corp. to pay certain minimum amounts (based in part on the debt service requirements of the PUD) whether or not the facility is operating. The cost of power obtained under the contracts, including payments made when a facility is not operating, is included in operation expenses in the Statements of Income. Expenses under these PUD contracts were $7.3 million, $8.5 million and $7.8 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Information as of December 31, 2004, pertaining to these PUD contracts is summarized in the following table (dollars in thousands): anv s Current Share of Debt Expira- Kilowatt Annual Service Bonds tion 1;ill Costs Costs (J)Outstanqing ate Chelan County PUD: Rocky Reach Project 000 848 $990 $ 2 952 2011 Douglas County PUD: Wells Project 000 079 528 015 2018 Grant County PUD: Priest Rapids Project 000 868 795 961 2040 Wanapum Project 75.000 522 056 888 2040 Totals !2LQQQ Wl1 (1) The annual costs will change in proportion to the percentage of output allocated to Avista Corp. in a particular year. Amounts represent the operating costs for the year 2004. Debt service costs are included in annual costs. The estimated aggregate amounts of required minimum payments (A vista Corp. ' s share of existing debt service costs) under these PUD contracts are as follows (dollars in thousands): Minimum payments 2005 2006 $2.957 2007 255 2008 $:UJ 5 2009 Thereafter Total $)6.665 In addition, Avista Corp. will be required to pay its proportionate share of the variable operating expenses of these projects. I FERC FORM NO.2 _ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 10. BONDS AND OTHER LONG-TERM DEBT The following details the interest rate and maturity dates of bonds and other long-term debt outstanding as of December 31 (dollars in thousands) : MaturityYear Description2005 Secured Medium-Term Notes2006 Secured Medium-Term Notes2007 First Mortgage Bonds2007 Secured Medium-Term Notes (1)2008 Secured Medium-Term Notes (1)2010 Secured Medium-Term Notes (1)2012 Secured Medium-Term Notes2013 First Mortgage Bonds 2018 Secured Medium-Term Notes 2019 First Mortgage Bonds (2) 2023 Secured Medium-Term Notes2028 Secured Medium-Term Notes (1)2032 Pollution Control Bonds (1)2034 Pollution Control Bonds (1) Total secured debt 2004 Unsecured Medium-Term Notes 2006 Unsecured Medium-Term Notes2007 Unsecured Mediwn- Term Notes (1) 2008 Unsecured Senior Notes2008 Unsecured Mediwn-TermNotes (1)2010 Unsecured Medium-Term Notes (1)2022 Unsecured Medium-Term Notes2023 Unsecured Medium-Term Notes2023 Pollution Control Bonds 2028 Unsecured Medium-Term Notes (1)2032 Pollution Control Bonds (1) 2034 Pollution Control Bonds (1) Total unsecured debt Committed line of credit Preferred stock Total bonds and other long-term debt Interest Rate 6.39%-68% 89%-90% 75% 99% 06%-95% 67%-02% 7.37% 13% 26%-7.45% 5.45% 18%-54% 6.37% 00% 13% 7.42% 14% 99%-94% 75% 06% 02% 15% 99% 00% 6.37% 00% 13% 2004 $ 29 500 000 150 000 13,850 45,000 000 000 000 500 000 500 000 700 17.000 606.050 000 000 280 827 000 000 100 314.927 68.000 29.750 2003 $ 29 500 000 150 000 000 000 000 000 500 500 343.500 500 000 850 317 683 000 000 000 000 100 000 700 17.000 552.833 80.000 31.500 (1) In December 2004, the Company issued $172.6 million of non-transferable First Mortgage Bonds (Collateral Bonds) under its Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of June 1 , 1939, as amended and supplemented (Mortgage), in order to provide the benefit of the lien of the Mortgage to secure its obligations with respect to previously issued and outstanding unsecured debt securities including $88.9 million of its Medium Term Notes, Series C and the municipal bond insurance policies insuring $83.7 million of Pollution Control Revenue Bonds issued for the benefit of the Company by the City of Forsyth, Montana. The Collateral Bonds were issued in order to suspend certain negative covenants, which had limited the Company s ability to issue additional secured debt.(2) In November 2004, the Company issued $90.0 million of 5.45 percent First Mortgage Bonds due in 2019. The Company used the proceeds to repay a portion of the borrowings outstanding under its committed line of credit. I FERC FORM NO.Page 123.ED. 12- Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) The following table details future long-term debt maturities, not including the committed line of credit or preferred stock (dollars in thousands) : Year Debt maturities In September 1999, $83.7 million of Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (Avista Corporation Colstrip Project), Series 1999A due 2032 and Series 1999B due 2034 were issued by the City of Forsyth, Montana. The proceeds of the bonds were utilized to refund the $66.7 million of 7.13 percent First Mortgage Bonds due 2013 and the $17.0 million of 7.40 percent First Mortgage Bonds due 2016. The Series 1999A and Series 1999B Bonds are backed by an insurance policy issued by AMBAC Assurance Corporation. In January 2002, the interest rate on the bonds was fixed for a period of seven years at a rate of 5.00 percent for Series 1999A and 5. percent for Series 1999B. As described above, in December 2004, the Company secured these .obligations through the issuance of First Mortgage Bonds. During 2004, the Company repurchased $36.6 million of9.75 percent Senior Notes scheduled to mature in 2008. In accordance with regulatory accounting practices, the total net premiwn on the repurchase of debt of $6.7 million will be amortized over the average remaining maturity of outstanding debt. In January and February 2005, the Company repurchased the following debt securities: $5.0 million of Secured Mediwn-Term Notes scheduled to mature in 2018; $11.0 million of Secured Mediwn-Term Notes scheduled to mature in 2023; $5.0 million Unsecured Mediwn-Term Notes scheduled to mature in 2022; and $5.0 million of Unsecured Mediwn-Term Notes scheduled to mature in 2023. In April 2004, the Company filed an amended registration statement on Form S-3 with the Securities and Exchange Connnission, which would allow for the issuance of up to $349.6 million of securities (either debt or common stock). This filing amended and combined three previous registration statements filed by the Company. As of December 31, 2004, the Company had remaining availability of$259.6 million under this registration statement. Substantially all utility properties owned by the Company are subject to the lien of the Company s various mortgage indentures. The Mortgage and Deed of Trust securing the Company s First Mortgage Bonds (including Secured Mediwn-Term Notes) contains limitations on the amount of First Mortgage Bonds, which may be issued based on, among other things, a 70 percent debt-to-collateral ratio, and/or retired First Mortgage Bonds, and a 2 to 1 net eanrings to First Mortgage Bond interest ratio. As of December 31, 2004 the Company could issue $400.0 million of additional First Mortgage Bonds under the Mortgage and Deed of Trust. See Note 12 for information regarding First Mortgage Bonds issued to secure the Company s obligations under a $350.0 million committed line of credit. NOTE 11. AnV ANCES FROM ASSOCIATED COMPANIES In April 2004, the Company issued Junior Subordinated Debt Securities, with a. principal amount of $61.9 million to AVA Capital Trust III, an affiliated business trust formed by the Company. Concurrently, AVA Capital Trust III issued $60.0 million of Preferred Trust Securities to third parties and $1.9 million of Common Trust Securities to the Company. All of these securities have a fixed interest rate of 6.50 percent for five years (through March 31 2009). Subsequent to the initial five-year fixed rate period, the securities will either have a new fIXed rate or an adjustable rate. These debt securities may be redeemed by the Company on or after March 31 2009 and will mature on April 1 , 2034. The Company used the proceeds from the Junior Subordinated Debt Securities to redeem $61.9 million of 7.875 percent Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures, Series A, originally issued in 1997 to A vista Capital I, an affiliated business trust formed by the Company. Avista Capital I used these proceeds to redeem $60.0 million of Preferred Trust Securities issued to third parties and $1.9 million of Common Trust Securities issued to the Company. In 1997, the Company issued Floating Rate Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures, Series B, with a principal amount of $51.5 million to A vista Capital II, an affiliated business trust formed by the Company. A vista Capital II issued $50.0 million of Preferred Trust Securities with a floating distribution rate of LffiOR plus 0.875 percent, calculated and reset quarterly. The annual distribution rate paid during 2004 ranged from 1.995 percent to 3.275 percent. As of December 31 2004, the annual distribution rate I FERC FORM NO.2 JED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) was 3.275 percent. Concurrent with the issuance of the Preferred Trust Securities, A vista Capital II issued $1.5 million of Common Trust Securities to the Company. These debt securities may be redeemed at the option of A vista Capital II on or after June 1 , 2007 and mature on June 1 2037; however, this is limited by an agreement under the Company s 9.75 percent Senior Notes that mature in 2008. In December 2000, the Company purchased $10.0 million of these Preferred Trust Securities. The Company has guaranteed the payment of distributions on, and redemption price and liquidation amount with respect to, the Preferred Trust Securities to the extent that AVA Capital Trust III and A vista Capital II have funds available for such payments from the respective debt securities. Upon maturity or prior redemption of such debt securities, the Preferred Trust Securities will be mandatorily redeemed. As discussed in Note 2, FIN 46 results in the Company no longer including these capital trusts in its fmancial statements as of December 31 , 2003 and thereafter. NOTE 12. COMMITTED LINE OF CREDIT On December 17, 2004, the Company entered into a five-year committed line of credit with various banks in the amount of $350. million with an expiration date of December 16, 2009. This committed line of credit replaced a $350.0 million committed line of credit with a 364-day term that had an expiration date of May 5 2005. The Company can request the issuance of up to $150.0 million in letters of credit under the committed line of credit. As of December 31 2004 and 2003, there were $32.8 million and $10.7 million in letters of credit outstanding, respectively. The committed line of credit is secured by $350.0 million of non-transferable First Mortgage Bonds of the Company issued to the agent bank. Such First Mortgage Bonds would only become due and payable in the event, and then only to the extent, that the Company defaults on its obligations under the conunitted line of credit. The committed line of credit agreement contains customary covenants and default provisions, including covenants not to permit the ratio of "consolidated total debt" to "consolidated total capitalization" of A vista Corp. to be greater than 70 percent at the end of anyfiscal quarter. As of December 31, 2004, the Company was in compliance with this covenant with a ratio of 59.9 percent. The committed line of credit also has a covenant requiring the ratio of "earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization" to interest expense" of A vista Corp. for the twelve-month period ending December 31, 2004 to be greater than 1.6 to 1. As of December 2004, the Company was in compliance with this covenant with a ratio of2.27 to 1. Balances and interest rates of bank borrowings under the Company s revolving committed lines of credit were as follows as of and for the years ended December 31 (dollars in thousands): Balance outstanding at end of period Maximum balance outstanding during the period Average balance outstanding during the period Average interest rate during the period Average interest rate at end of period 2004 $68 000 170 000 858 14% 2003 $80 000 000 034 99% 2002 $30 000 000 027 59% 3.39 NOTE 13. INTEREST RATE SWAP AGREEMENTS In July, August and December 2004, A vista Corp. entered into three forward-starting interest rate swap agreements, totaling $200. million, to manage the risk that changes in interest rates may affect the amount of future interest payments. These interest rate swap agreements relate to the anticipated issuances of debt to fund debt that matures in 2007 and 2008. Under the terms of these agreements, the value of the interest rate swaps are detennined based upon A vista Corp. paying a fIXed rate and receiving a variable rate based on LffiOR for a tenn of seven years beginning in 2007 and a tenn of ten years beginning in 2008. The interest rate swap agreements provide for mandatory cash settlement of these contracts in 2008 and 2009. These interest rate swap agreements are considered hedges against fluctuations in future cash flows associated with changes in interest rates in accordance with SF AS No. 133. As of December 31 , 2004, A vista Corp. had a derivative liability of $6.5 million. An unrealized loss of $4.2 million (net of taxes of $2.million) was recorded in other comprehensive loss for 2004, which is reflected as component of accumulated other comprehensive loss on the Balance Sheets. The Company may request regulatory accounting orders to defer the impact of unrealized gains and losses. If such accounting orders were obtained, the Company would record a regulatory asset or liability, which would eliminate the effect of any unrealized gains and losses on these interest rate swap agreements in other comprehensive income (loss). If regulatory accounting orders are not obtained prior to the mandatory cash settlements in 2008 and 2009, the amount included in I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) accumulated other comprehensive income or loss at the cash settlement date will be reclassified to unamortized debt expense in accordance with regulatory accounting practices under SFAS No. 71. This gain or loss will be amortized over the remaining life of the forecasted debt issued. NOTE 14. LEASES The Company has multiple lease arrangements involving various assets, with minimum terms ranging from one to forty-five years. The Company s most significant leased asset is the corporate office building. Certain lease arrangements require the Company, upon the occurrence of specified events, to purchase the leased assets. The Company s management believes the likelihood of the occurrence of the specified events under which the Company could be required to purchase the leased assets is remote. Rental expense under operating leases for 2004 2003 and 2002 was $12.0 million, $13.4 million and $18.4 million, respectively. Future minimum lease payments required under operating leases having initial or remaining noncancelable lease terms in excess of one year as of December 31 2004 were as follows (dollars in thousands): Year ending December 31: Minimum payments required The payments under capital leases are $1.1 million in each of 2005 and 2006, $1.0 million in each of 2007 and 2008, and $0.1 million in 2009. Equipment under capital leases totaled $5.3 million and $3.9 million as of December 31 2004 and 2003, respectively. The associated accumulated depreciation totaled $0.5 million and $0.2 million as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. NOTE 15. GUARANTEES The Company has guaranteed the payment of distributions on, and redemption price and liquidation amount with respect to, the Preferred Trust Securities issued by its affiliates, A VA Capital Trust III and A vista Capital II, to the extent that these entities have funds available for such payments from the respective debt securities. Avista Power, LLC (Avista Power), a subsidiary of Avista Capital, through its equity investment in Rathdrum Power LLC, is a 49 percent owner of the Lancaster Project, which commenced commercial operation in September 2001. Commencing with commercial operations, all of the output from the Lancaster Project is contracted to Avista Energy, a subsidiary of Avista Capital, through 2026 under a power purchase agreement. A vista Corp. has guaranteed the power purchase agreement with respect to the performance of Avista Energy. NOTE 16. PREFERRED STOCK-CUMULATIVE (SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REDEMPTION) In September 2004, the Company made a mandatory redemption of 17 500 shares of preferred stock for $1.75 million. In March 2003 the Company repurchased 17 500 shares of preferred stock for $1.6 million, satisfying its redemption requirement for 2003. September 2002, the Company made a mandatory redemption of 17 500 shares of preferred stock for $1.75 million. On September 15 2005 and 2006, the Company must redeem 17 500 shares at $100 per share plus accumulated dividends through a mandatory sinking fund. As such, redemption requirements are $1.75 million in each of the years 2005 and 2006. The remaining shares must be redeemed on September 15, 2007. The Company has the right to redeem an additional 17 500 shares on each September 15 redemption date; however, this right is limited by an agreement under the Company s 9.75 percent Senior Notes that mature in 2008. Upon involuntary liquidation, all preferred stock will be entitled to $100 per share plus accrued dividends. As discussed in Note 2, the Company adopted SFAS No. 150 effective July 1, 2003. The adoption of this statement requires the Company to classify preferred stock subject to mandatory redemption as liabilities and preferred stock dividends as interest expense. The restatement of prior periods was not permitted. I FERC FORM NO.JED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 17. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The carrying values of cash, special deposits, working funds, temporary cash investments, accounts and notes receivable, accounts payable, capital leases and the committed line of credit are reasonable estimates of their fair values. Derivative assets and liabilities are reported at estimated fair value on the Balance Sheets. The fair value of the Companys secured and unsecured debt as of December 31 2004 and 2003 was estimated to be $998.7 million, or 108 percent of the carrying value of $921.0 million, and $1 012.7 million, or 112 percent of the carrying value of $896.3 million respectively. The fair value of the Companys mandatorily redeemable preferred stock as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 was estimated to be $32.0 million, or 107 percent of the carrying value of $29.8 million, and $29.9 million, or 95 percent of the carrying value of $31.5 million, respectively. The fair value of the Company s long-term debt to affiliated trusts (included in advances to associated companies) as of December 31 2004 and 2003 was estimated to be $108.3 million, or 98 percent of the carrying value of $110.0 million, and $99.5 million, or 90 percent of the carrying value of $110.0 million, respectively. The carrying value as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 does not include $3.4 million of debt that is considered common equity by the affiliated trusts. These estimates were primarily based on available market information. NOTE 18. COMMON STOCK In April 1990, the Company sold 1 000 000 shares of its common stock to the Trustee of the Investment and Employee Stock Ownership Plan for Employees of the Company (Plan) for the benefit of the participants and beneficiaries of the Plan. In payment for the shares of common stock, the Trustee issued a promissory note payable to the Company in the amount of $14.1 million. Dividends paid on the stock held by the Trustee, plus Company contributions to the Plan, if any, are used by the Trustee to make interest and principal payments on the promissory note. The balance of the promissory note receivable from the Trustee was $0.5 million as of December 31, 2004. The shares of common stock are allocated to the accounts of participants in the Plan as the note is repaid. During 2004, 2003 and 2002, the cost recorded for the Plan was $6.2 million, $6.9 million and $6.0 million, respectively. Interest on the note payable to the Company, cash and stock contributions to the Plan and dividends on the shares held by the Trustee was $0.2 million $1.7 million and less than $0.1 million, respectively during 2004. Interest on the note payable to the Company, cash and stock contributions to the Plan and dividends on the shares held by the Trustee was $0.3 million, $1.7 million and $0.1 million, respectively during 2003. Interest on the note payable to the Company, cash and stock contributions to the Plan and dividends on the shares held by the Trustee was $0.5 million, $1.6 million and $0.1 million, respectively during2002. In November 1999, the Company adopted a shareholder rights plan pursuant to which holders of common stock outstanding on February 15, 1999, or issued thereafter, were granted one preferred share purchase right (Right) on each outstanding share of common stock. Each Right, initially evidenced by and traded with the shares of common stock, entitles the registered holder to purchase one one-hundredth of a share of preferred stock of the Company, without par value, at a purchase price of $70, subject to certain adjustments, regulatory approval and other specified conditions. The Rights will be exercisable only if a person or group acquires 10 percent or more of the outstanding shares of common stock or commences a tender or exchange offer, the consummation of which would result in the beneficial ownership by a person or group of 10 percent or more of the outstanding shares of common stock. Upon any such acquisition, each Right will entitle its holder to purchase, at the purchase price, that number of shares of common stock or preferred stock of the Company (or, in the case of a merger of the Company into another person or group, common stock of the acquiring person or group) that has a market value at that time equal to twice the purchase price. In no event will the Rights be exercisable by a person that has acquired 10 percent or more of the Company s common stock. The Rights may be redeemed, at a redemption price of$O.Ol per Right, by the Board of Directors of the Company at any time until any person or group has acquired 10 percent or more of the common stock. The Rights expire on March 31 2009. This plan replaced a similar shareholder rights plan that expired in February 2000. The Company has a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan under which the Company s shareholders may automatically reinvest their dividends and make optional cash payments for the purchase of the Company s common stock at current market value. From March 2000 through May 2003, the Company issued shares of its common stock to the Employee Investment Plan rather than having the Plan purchase shares of common stock on the open market. In the fourth quarter of 2000, the Company also began issuing new shares of common stock for the Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan. I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) The payment of dividends on common stock is restricted by provisions of certain covenants applicable to preferred stock and long-term debt contained in the Company s Articles of Incorporation and various mortgage indentures. Covenants under the Company s 9.75 percent Senior Notes that mature in 2008 limit the Company s ability to increase its common stock cash dividend to no more than 5 percent over the previous quarter. NOTE 19. EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE The following table presents the computation of basic and diluted earnings per common share for the years ended December 31 (in thousands, except per share amounts): Numerator: Income from continuing operations Loss from discontinued operations Net income before cumulative effect of accounting change Cumulative effect of accounting change Net income Deduct: Preferred stock dividend requirements Income available for common stock Denominator: Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding-basic Effect of dilutive securities: Restricted stock Contingent stock Stock options Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding-diluted Earnings per common share, basic: Earnings per common share from continuing operations Loss per common share from discontinued operations Earnings per common share before cumulative effect of accounting change Loss per common share from cumulative effect of accounting change Total earnings per common share, basic Earnings per common share, diluted: Earnings per common share from continuing operations Loss per common share from discontinued operations Earnings per common share before cumulative effect of accounting change Loss per common share from cumulative effect of accounting change Total earnings per common share, diluted 2004 2003 2002 $35 614 $50 643 $42 174 !Q,ll2l 614 694 455 Q..J.2ID HJm 154 504 307 125 2.402 400 232 823 $0. (!lli1 (0.09) $0. $0. (!lli1 (0.09) $0. Total stock options outstanding that were not included in the calculation of diluted earnings per common share were 730 100 306 200 and 1 445 890 for 2004 2003 and 2002, respectively. These stock options were excluded from the calculation because they were antidilutive based on the fact that the exercise price of the stock options was higher than the average market price of A vista Corp. common stock during the respective period. I FERC FORM NO.2 JED.12- 209 244 277 154 $0.$1.03 !Q.JID (O.Oil (0.03) $0.$0. $0.$1.02 !Q.JID (O.Oil (0.03) $0.$0. Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Oat Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 20. STOCK COMPENSATION PLANS In 1998, the Company adopted and shareholders approved an incentive compensation plan, the Long-Term Incentive Plan (1998 Plan). Under the 1998 Plan, certain key employees, directors and officers of the Company and its subsidiaries may be granted stock options, stock appreciation rights, stock awards (including restricted stock) and other stock-based awards and dividend equivalent rights. The Company has available a maximum of 2.5 million shares of its common stock for grant under the 1998 Plan. Beginning in 2000, non-employee directors began receiving options under this plan. The Company is requesting shareholder approval of an additional 1.0 million shares under the 1998 Plan at the May 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. In 2000, the Company adopted a Non-Officer Employee Long-Term Incentive Plan (2000 Plan), which was not required to be approved by shareholders. The provisions of the 2000 Plan are essentially the same as those under the 1998 Plan, except for the exclusion of directors and executive officers of the Company. The Company has available a maximum of 2.5 million shares of its common stock for grant under the 2000 Plan. The Board of Directors has determined that it is no longer in the Company s best interest to issue stock options under the 1998 Plan and the 2000 Plan. Other forms of compensation are in place including the issuance of performance shares to certain officers and other key employees. The Company has accounted for stock based compensation using APB No. 25, which requires the recognition of compensation expense on the excess, if any, of the market price of the stock at the date of grant over the exercise price of the option. As the exercise price for options granted under the 1998 Plan and the 2000 Plan was equal to the market price at the date of grant, there was no compensation expense recorded by the Company. Currently, SPAS No. 123 requires the disclosure of pro forma net income and earnings per common share had the Company adopted the fair value method of accounting for stock options. Under this statement, the fair value of stock-based awards is calculated with option pricing models. These models require the use of subjective assumptions including stock price volatility, dividend yield, risk-free interest rate and expected time to exercise. The fair value of options is estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. See Note 1 for disclosure of pro forma net income and earnings per common share. In December 2004, the FASB issued SPAS No. 123R , which supersedes APB No. 25 and its related implementation guidance. The statement requires that the compensation cost relating to share-based payment transactions be recognized in fmancial statements based on the fair value of the equity or liability instruments issued effective beginning in the third quarter of2005. See Note 2 for further information. In 2004, the Company granted 152 700 performance shares, all of which are still outstanding as of December 31, 2004, to certain officers and other key employees under the 1998 Plan and the 2000 Plan. In 2003, the Company granted 162 600 performance shares (153 914 outstanding as of December 31 , 2004) to certain officers and other key employees under the 1998 Plan and the 2000 Plan. The performance shares will be payable at the Company s option in either cash or common. stock three years from the date of grant. The amount of cash paid or common stock issued will range from 0 to 150 percent of the performance shares granted depending on the change in the value of the Company s common stock relative to an external benchmark. Shares of common stock issued from the exercise of stock options under the 1998 Plan and the 2000 Plan are acquired on the open market. As of December 31 , 2004, there were 1.9 million shares available for future stock grants under the 1998 Plan and the 2000 Plan. The following summarizes stock options activity under the 1998 Plan and the 2000 Plan for the years ended December 31:2004 2003 2002 Number of shares under stock options: Options outstanding at beginning of year Options granted Options exercised Options canceled Options outstanding at end of year 481 886 684 350 440 475 000 569 800 (99,138)(37,439) 550)(325.925) !J 9 775 Page 123. Options exercisable at end of year I FERC FORM NO.2 _(ED. 12-88) Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmisslon 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 2004 2003 2002 $12.41 $10. $13.$11.43 $18.46 $17.$19. $15.58 $15.$15. $16.$17.$18. $ - $ 4.30 $ 3.43 17%25%-4.96% 37.10%47.13% 87%61% Weighted average exercise price: Options granted Options exercised Options canceled Options outstanding at end of year Options exercisable at end of year Weighted average fair value of options granted during the year Principal assumptions used in applying the Black-Scholes model: Risk-free interest rate Expected life, in years Expected volatility Expected dividend yield Information with respect to options outstanding and options exercisable as of December 31, 2004 was as follows: Range of Exercise Prices $10.17-$11.68 $11.69-$14. $14.62-$17. $17.54-$20.45 $20.46-$23.38 $26.30-$28.4 7 Total Number of Shares 494 623 616 875 490 600 271 100 432 800 26.200 Non-Employee Director Stock Plan Options OutstandingWeighted WeightedAverage AverageExercise Remainingprice Lif in ears $10.26 7. 11.82 6. 17.15 4. 18.73 3. 22.56 5.27.39 5. $15.58 5. Options :axercisaQI Weighted Average Exercise price $10. 11. 17. 18. 22. 27.39 $16. Number ffihares 238 073 450 625 478 100 270 850 432 800 26.200 In 1996, the Company adopted and shareholders approved the Non-Employee Director Stock Plan (1996 Director Plan). Under the 1996 Director Plan, directors who are not employees of the Company receive two-thirds of their annual retainer in A vista Corp. common stock. The common stock is acquired on the open market. The Company has available a maximum of 150 000 shares of its common stock under the 1996 Director Plan and there were 65 553 shares available for future compensation to non-employee directors as of December 31 2004. In February 2005, the Board of Directors elected to tenninate the 1996 Director Plan. With the tennination of the 1996 Director Plan, directors may elect each year to receive their annual retainer in cash, in common stock, or in a combination of both cash and common stock. NOTE 21. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES In the course of its business the Company becomes involved in various claims, controversies, disputes and other contingent matters including the items described in this Note. Some of these claims, controversies, disputes and other contingent matters involve litigation or other contested proceedings. With respect to these proceedings, the Company intends to vigorously protect and defend its interests and pursue its rights. However, no assurance can be given as to the ultimate outcome of any particular matter. In addition to issues specifically identified in this Note and with respect to matters that affect the regulated utility operations, the Company intends to seek, to the extent appropriate, regulatory approval of recovery of incurred costs through the ratemaking process. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Inquiry On April 19, 2004, the FERC issued an order approving the contested Agreement in Resolution of Section 206 Proceeding (Agreement in Resolution) reached by Avista Corp., Avista Energy and the FERC's Trial Staff with respect to an investigation into the activities of I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Avista Corp. and Avista Energy in western energy markets during 2000 and 2001. In the Agreement in Resolution, the FERC Trial Staff stated that its investigation found: (1) no evidence that any executives or employees of A vista Corp. or A vista Energy knowingly engaged in or facilitated any improper trading strategy; (2) no evidence that Avista Corp. or Avista Energy engaged in any efforts to manipulate the western energy markets during 2000 and 2001; and (3) that Avista Corp. and Avista Energy did not withhold relevant information from the FERC's inquiry into the western energy markets for 2000 and 2001. As part of the Agreement in Resolution, A vista Corp. agreed to improve its system of taping energy trading conversations and its account settlement process. A vista Corp. and A vista Energy agreed to maintain an annual training program on the applicable FERC Code of Conduct for all employees engaged in the trading of electric energy and capacity. The Agreement in Resolution provides no remedial measures against Avista Corp. or Avista Energy and imposes no monetary remedies or penalties, and does not relinquish or modify Avista Energy s or Avista Corp. market-based rate authority. On May 19, 2004, the City of Tacoma and California Parties (the Office of the Attorney General, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and the California Electricity Oversight Board, filing jointly) filed requests for rehearing with respect to the FERC's April 19, 2004 order. On September 28 2004, the State of Montana filed a motion to intervene in these proceedings citing evidence of alleged market manipulation by Avista Corp. and Avista Energy. The FERC's rulings on the rehearing requests and the State of Montana s motion to intervene are still pending. Based on the FERC's order approving the Agreement in Resolution, the Company does not expect that this proceeding will have any material effect on its fmancial condition results of operations or cash flows. Class Action Securities Litigation On September 27 2002, Ronald R. Wambolt filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington against A vista Corp., Thomas M. Matthews, the former Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Gary G. Ely, the current Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, and Jon E. Eliassen, the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company. In October and November 2002, Gail West Michael Atlas and Peter Arnone filed similar class action lawsuits in the same court against the same parties. On February 3, 2003, the court issued an order consolidating the complaints under the name "In re Avista Corp. Securities Litigation," and on February 7, 2003 appointed the lead plaintiff and co-lead counsel. On August 19, 2003, the plaintiffs filed their consolidated amended class action complaint in the same court against the same parties. In their complaint, the plaintiffs continue to assert violations of the federal securities laws in connection with alleged misstatements and omissions of material fact pursuant to Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The plaintiffs allege that the Company did not have adequate risk management processes procedures and controls. The plaintiffs further allege that the Company engaged in unlawful energy trading practices and allegedly manipulated western power markets. The plaintiffs assert that alleged misstatements and omissions regarding these matters were made in the Company s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other information made publicly available by the Company, including press releases. The class action complaint asserts claims on behalf of all persons who purchased, converted exchanged or otherwise acquired the Company s common stock during the period between November 23, 1999 and August 13, 2002. The Company filed a motion to dismiss this complaint in October 2003 and the plaintiffs filed an answer to this motion in January 2004. Arguments before the Court on the motion were held on March 19, 2004. On Apri115, 2004, the Court called for additional briefmg on what effect, if any, the FERC proceedings (see "Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Inquiry" above) have on this case. On July 30, 2004, the Court denied the Companys motion to dismiss this complaint, holding, among other things, that the FERC proceedings may ultimately have some evidentiary value relevant to the disclosure issues raised in this case, but they do not preclude the resolution of those issues by the Court. In November 2004, the Company filed its answer to the complaint denying the plaintiffs allegations. Because the resolution of this lawsuit remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that this lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. California Refund Proceeding In July 2001, the FERC initiated a proceeding to determine if refunds should be owed and, if so, the amounts of such refunds for sales during the period from October 2, 2000 to June 20, 2001 in the California power market. The order provides that any refunds owed could be offset against unpaid energy debts due to the same party. Interested parties have contested pricing determinants and other matters since the proceeding started. The CanSO and the CaIPX prepared revised values for the affected power transactions and they are preparing additional iterations of revised prices and terms as directed by the FERC. The results of these calculations are likely to be appealed to the FERC and federal courts. In March 2003, the FERC issued an order that addressed issues related to the California refund proceedings, setting forth proposed retroactive pricing standards. The CanSO has estimated that it will fmalize the initial I FERC FORM NO.2 JED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) calculation of the respective receivable/payable balances by the end of the fIrst quarter of 2005, unless a further extension is granted. Many of the numerous orders that FERC has issued in the California refund proceedings are now on appeal before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. In March 2004, the Ninth Circuit consolidated most of these appeals. The now consolidated appeals remain in abeyance pursuant to an August 2002 Ninth Circuit order directing the FERC to allow parties to file additional evidence on market manipulation. Because the resolution of the California refund proceeding remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company management, the Company does not expect that the California refund proceeding will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates. of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Pacific Northwest Refund Proceeding In July 2001 , the FERC initiated a preliminary evidentiary hearing to develop a factual record as to whether prices for spot market sales in the Pacific Northwest between December 25, 2000 to June 20, 2001 were just and reasonable. During the hearing, Avista Corp. and Avista Energy vigorously opposed claims that Pacific Northwest markets were dysfunctional, that rates for spot market sales were unjust and unreasonable and that the imposition of refunds would be appropriate. In September 2001, the FERC's Administrative Law Judge presiding over the evidentiary hearing issued a decision favorable to the Company s position and reconunended that the FERC not order refunds and instead dismiss the entire proceeding. In June 2003, the FERC tenninated the Pacific Northwest refund proceedings, after fmding that the equities do not justify the imposition of refunds. In November 2003, the FERC affmned its order. Seven petitions for review, including one flied by Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (Puget), are now pending before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Opening briefs were filed on January 14 2005. Puget's brief is directed to the procedural flaws in the underlying docket. Puget argues that because its complaint was withdrawn as a matter of law in July 2001 , the FERC erred in relying on it to serve as the basis to initiate the preliminary investigation into whether refunds for individually negotiated bilateral transactions in the Pacific Northwest were appropriate. On February 14, 2005, intervening parties, including Avista Energy and Avista Utilities filed in support of Puget. Briefmg is expected to be completed in the fIrst half of 2005. Because the resolution of the Pacific Northwest refund proceeding remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that the Pacific Northwest refund proceeding will have a material adverse effect on its fInancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. California Attorney General Complaint In March 2002, the Attorney General of the State of California (California AG) filed a complaint with the FERC against certain specific companies (not including Avista Corp. or its subsidiaries) and "all other public utility sellers" in California. The complaint alleges that sellers with market-based rates have violated their tariffs by not filing with the FERC transaction-specific information about all of their sales and purchases at market-based rates. As a result, the California AG contends that all past sales should be subject to refund if found to be above just and reasonable levels. In May 2002, the FERC issued an order denying the claim to issue refunds. In July 2002, the California AG requested a rehearing on the FERC order, which request was denied in September 2002. Subsequently, the California AG filed a Petition for Review of the FERC's decision with the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. In September 2004, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the FERC's market-based rate authority, but remanded the case back to the FERC in order to determine whether transactional reporting under this authority was adequate, and what remedies would be appropriate for those not in compliance. In October 2004, A vista Energy joined with others in seeking rehearing of the Court's decision to remand the case back to the FERC for further proceedings. The Ninth Circuit has yet to rule on the request for rehearing. Based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that this matter will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should occur, could be significant. Port of Seattle Complaint In May 2003, a complaint was originally filed by the Port of Seattle in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington against numerous companies, including A vista Corp., A vista Energy and A vista Power (collectively the A vista defendants), seeking compensatory and treble damages for alleged violations of the Sherman Act and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act by transmitting, via wire conununications, false information intended to increase the price of power knowing that others would rely upon. such information. The complaint alleged that the defendants and others knowingly devised and I FERC FORM NO.2 JED.12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) attempted to devise a scheme to defraud and to obtain money and property from electricity customers throughout the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), by means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations and promises. The alleged purpose of the scheme was to artificially increase the price that the defendants received for their electricity and ancillary services, to receive payments for services they did not provide and to manipulate the price of electricity throughout the WECC. In August 2003, the A vista defendants filed a motion to dismiss this complaint. A transfer order was granted, which moved this case to the United States District Court for the Southern District of California to consolidate it with other pending actions. Arguments with respect to the motions to dismiss filed by the Avista defendants and other defendants were heard on March 26,2004. On May 12, 2004, the United States District Court for the Southern District of California granted motions to dismiss filed by the A vista defendants, as well as other defendants, with respect to this complaint. The Court dismissed the complaint because it determined that it was without jurisdiction to hear the plaintiffs claims, based on, among other things, the exclusive jurisdiction of the FERC and the flied-rate doctrine. On May , 2004, the Port of Seattle filed an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Because the resolution this lawsuit remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that this lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount ofa liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Wah Chang Complaint On May 5, 2004, Wah Chang, a division of TDY Industries, Inc. (a subsidiary of Allegheny Technologies, Inc.), filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon against numerous companies, including A vista Corp., A vista Energy and A vista Power. The complaint seeks compensatory and treble damages for alleged violations of the Sherman Act, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, as well as violations of Oregon state law. According to the complaint, from September 1997 to September 2002, the plaintiff purchased electricity from PacifiCorp pursuant to a contract that was indexed to the spot wholesale market price of electricity. The plaintiff alleges that the defendants, acting in concert among themselves and/or with Emon Corporation and certain affiliates thereof (collectively, Emon) and others, engaged in a scheme to defraud electricity customers by transmitting false market information in interstate commerce in order to artificially increase the price of electricity provided by them, to receive payment for services not provided by them and to otherwise manipulate the market price of electricity, and by executing wash trades and other forms of market manipulation techniques and sham transactions. The plaintiff also alleges that the defendants acting in concert among themselves and/or with Emon and others, engaged in numerous practices involving the generation, purchase sale, exchange, scheduling and/or transmission of electricity with the purpose and effect of causing a shortage (or the appearance of a shortage) in the generation of electricity and congestion (or the appearance of congestion) in the transmission of electricity, with the ultimate purpose and effect of artificially and illegally fIXing and raising the price of electricity in California and throughout the Pacific Northwest. As a result of the defendants' alleged conduct , the plaintiff allegedly suffered damages of not less than $30 million through the payment of higher electricity prices. In September 2004, this case was transferred to the United States District Court for the Southern District of California for consolidation with other pending actions. In October 2004, the A vista defendants joined with other defendants in filing a joint motion to dismiss the complaint. In February 2005, the Court dismissed the complaint because it determined that it was without jurisdiction to hear the plaintiffs complaint, based on, among other things, the exclusive jurisdiction of the FERC and the filed-rate doctrine. The Court's decision is subject to appeal. Because the resolution of this lawsuit remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that this lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. City of Tacoma Complaint On June 7, 2004, the City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Light Division, a Washington municipal corporation (Tacoma Power), filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington against over fifty companies including Avista Corp., Avista Energy and Avista Power. According to the complaint, Tacoma Power distributes electricity to customers in Tacoma, and Pierce County, Washington, generates electricity at several facilities in western Washington and purchases power under supply contracts and in the Northwest spot market. Tacoma Power s complaint seeks compensatory and treble damages from alleged violations of the Sherman Act. Tacoma Power alleges that the defendants, acting in concert, engaged in a pattern of activities that had the purpose and effect of creating the impressions that the demand for power was higher, the supply of power was lower, or both, than was in fact the case. This allegedly resulted in an artificial increase of the prices paid for power sold in California and elsewhere in the western United States during the period from May 2000 through the end of 2001. Due to the alleged unlawful conduct of the defendants, Tacoma Power allegedly paid an amount estimated to be $175.0 million in excess of what it would have I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmlssion 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) paid in the absence of such alleged conduct. In September 2004, this case was transferred to the United States District Court for the Southern District of California for consolidation with other pending actions. In February 2005, the Court granted the defendants motion to dismiss this complaint for similar reasons to those expressed by the Court in the Wah Chang complaint described above. The Court's decision is subject to appeal. Because the resolution of this lawsuit remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company management, the Company does not expect that this lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount ofa liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Public Utility District No.1 of Snohomish County On November 5, 2004, Public Utility District No.1 of Snohomish County flied a Petition For a Writ of Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court, requesting the Court to consider whether the flied rate doctrine applies for market-based rates so as to preempt state law antitrust and consumer fraud actions based upon alleged fraud and manipulation of electricity markets operated under market-based rate tariffs. This petition seeks review of the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on September 10, 2004, which held that the filed rate doctrine and field and conflict preemptions bar such actions. Seventeen states have urged the United States Supreme Court to grant the petition. On February 22, 2005, the Court invited the Solicitor General to provide the Court with the views of the United States. Although, this case does not directly involve A vista Corp. and its subsidiaries, the outcome could have a bearing on pending litigation and regulatory proceedings affecting A vista Corp. and its subsidiaries discussed above. State of Montana Proceedings On June 30, 2003, the Attorney General of the State of Montana (Montana AG) filed a complaint in the Montana District Court on behalf of the people of Montana and the Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc. against numerous companies, including A vista Corp. The complaint alleges that the companies illegally manipulated western electric and natural gas markets in 2000 and 2001. This case was subsequently moved to the United States District Court for the District of Montana; however, it has since been remanded back to the Montana District Court. No further action has been made with respect to this complaint. The Montana AG also petitioned the Montana Public Service Commission (MPSC) to fme public utilities $1 000 a day for each day it fmds they engaged in alleged "deceptive, fraudulent, anticompetitive or abusive practices" and order refunds when consumers were forced to pay more than just and reasonable rates. On February 12, 2004, the MPSC issued an order initiating investigation of the Montana retail eJectricity market for the purpose of determining whether there is evidence of unlawful manipulation of that market. The Montana AG has requested specific information from A vista Energy and A vista Corp. regarding their transactions within the State of Montana during the period from January 1, 2000 through December 31 , 2001. Because the resolution of these proceedings remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that these proceedings will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Montana Public School Trust Fund Lawsuit In October 2003, a lawsuit was filed by Richard Dolan and Denise Hayman in the United States District Court for the District of Montana against all private owners of hydroelectric dams in Montana, including A vista Corp. The lawsuit alleges that the hydroelectric facilities are located on state-owned riverbeds and the owners have never paid compensation to the state s public school trust fund. The lawsuit requests lease payments dating back to the construction of the respective dams and also requests damages for trespassing and unjust enrichment. An Amended Complaint adding Great Falls Elementary School District No.1 and Great Falls High School District lA was filed on January 16, 2004. On February 2, 2004, the Company filed its motion to dismiss this lawsuit; PacifiCorp and PPL Montana, as the other named defendants also filed a motion to dismiss, or joined therein. On May 10, 2004, the Montana AG filed a complaint on behalf of the state to join in this lawsuit to allegedly protect and preserve state lands/school trust lands from use without compensation. On July 19, 2004, the defendants (including Avista Corp.) flied a motion to dismiss the Montana AG's complaint. On September 29, 2004, the Court granted the motion to dismiss filed with respect to plaintiffs Richard Dolan, Denise Hayman and the school districts. However, the motion to dismiss the Montana AG's complaint was denied, citing, among other things, that the FERC does not have exclusive jurisdiction over this matter. On November 12, 2004, the defendants I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88) Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Oat Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) (including A vista Corp.) filed a petition for declaratory relief in Montana State Court requesting the resolution of the controversy that the plaintiffs raised in federal court. On November 24 2004, the Montana AG flied an answer, counterclaim and motion for summary judgment. The defendants have filed responses to the Montana AG's motion for summary judgment. The Montana State Court has not scheduled a hearing on the motions. Subsequently, in response to the motions of the defendants, the federal magistrate judge on January 19, 2005, filed recommendations that the federal court order on the merits be vacated based on lack of jurisdiction of the Court. Because the resolution of this lawsuit remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that this lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on its fInancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Colstrip Generating Project Complaint In May 2003, various parties (all of which are residents or businesses of Co Is trip, Montana) filed a consolidated complaint against the owners of the Colstrip Generating Project (Colstrip) in Montana District Court. Avista Corp. owns a 15 percent interest in Units 3 & 4 of Colstrip. The plaintiffs allege damages to buildings as a result of rising ground water, as well as damages from contaminated waters leaking from the lakes and ponds of Colstrip. The plaintiffs are seeking punitive damages, an order by the court to remove the lakes and ponds and the forfeiture of all profits earned from the generation of Colstrip. The Company intends to work with the other owners of Colstrip in defense of this complaint. Because the resolution of this lawsuit remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company management, the Company does not expect that this lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Environmental Protection Agency Administrative Compliance Order In December 2003, PPL Montana, LLC, as operator of Colstrip, received an Administrative Compliance Order (ACO) from the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) pursuant to the Clean Air Act (CAA). The ACO alleges that Colstrip Units 3 & 4 have been in violation of the CAA permit at Colstrip since 1980. The permit required Colstrip to submit for review and approval by the EP A an analysis and proposal for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides to address visibility concerns if, and when, EP A promulgates Best Available Retrofit Technology requirements for nitrogen oxide emissions. The EPA is asserting that regulations. it promulgated in 1980 triggered this requirement. A vista Corp. and PPL Montana, LLC believe that the ACO is unfounded and PPL Montana, LLC is discussing the matter with the EP A. The ACO does not expressly seek penalties, and it is unclear at this time what, if any, additional control technology the EP A may consider to be required. Accordingly, the costs to install any additional controls for nitrogen oxides if required, cannot be estimated at this time. In addition, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (Montana DEQ) is questioning whether the permit limits for sulfur dioxide emissions from Colstrip Units 3 & 4 are too high under provisions of the CAA that limit allowable emissions from sources built after 1978. The owners of Colstrip are engaged in settlement negotiations on these matters with the EP A, the Montana DEQ and the Northern Cheyenne Tribe. Because the resolution of this issue remains uncertain legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent, if any, of the Company s liability. However, based on information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that this issue will have a material adverse effect on its fInancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Colstrip Royalty Claim The Western Energy Company (WECO) supplies coal to the owners of Colstrip Units 3 & 4 under a Coal Supply Agreement and a Transportation Agreement. The Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the United States Department of the Interior issued an order to WECO to pay additional royalties concerning coal delivered to Colstrip Units 3 & 4 via the conveyor belt (approximately 4.46 miles long) that is subject to reimbursement for certain costs under the Transportation Agreement. The owners of Co Is trip Units 3 & 4 take delivery of the coal at the western end (beginning) of the conveyor belt. The order asserts that additional royalties are owed MMS as a result of WECO not paying royalties in connection with revenue received by WECO from the owners of Colstrip Units 3 & 4 under the Transportation Agreement during the period October 1 , 1991 through December 31 , 2001. WECO has appealed the order and the appeal process could take up to five years to resolve. The owners of Colstrip Units 3 & 4 are monitoring the appeal process between WECO and MMS. WECO has indicated to the owners of Colstrip Units 3 & 4 that if WECO is unsuccessful in the appeal process, WECO will seek I FERC FORM NO. . ( ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) reimbursement of any royalty payments by passing these costs through the Coal Supply Agreement. The owners of Colstrip Units 3 & 4 advised WECO that their position would be that these claims are not allowable costs per the Coal Supply Agreement nor the Transportation Agreement in the event the owners of Colstrip Units 3 & 4 were invoiced for these claims. Because the resolution of this issue remains uncertain, legal counsel cannot express an opinion on the extent; if any, of the Company s liability. However, basedon information currently known to the Company s management, the Company does not expect that this issue will have a material adverse effect on its fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. Hamilton Street Bridge Site A portion of the Hamilton Street Bridge Site in Spokane, Washington (including a former coal gasification plant site that operated for approximately 60 years until 1948) was acquired by the Company through a merger in 1958. The Company no longer owns the property. In January 1999, the Company received notice from the State of Washington s Department of Ecology (DOE) that it had been designated as a potentially liable party (PLP) with respect to any hazardous substances located on this site, stemming from the Company s past ownership of the former gas plant site. In its notice, the DOE stated that it intended to complete an on-going remedial investigation of this site, complete a feasibility study to determine the most effective means of halting or controlling future releases of substances from the site, and to implement appropriate remedial measures. The Company responded to the DOE acknowledging its listing as a PLP, but requested that additional parties also be listed as PLPs. In the spring of 1999, the DOE named two other parties as additional PLPs. The DOE, the Company and another PLP, Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Co. (BNSF) signed an Agreed Order in March 2000 that provided for the completion of a remedial investigation and a feasibility study. The work to be performed under the Agreed Order includes three major technical parts: completion of the remedial investigation; performance of a focused feasibility study; and implementation of an interim groundwater monitoring plan. During the second quarter of 2000, the Company received comments from the DOE on its initial remedial investigation, and then submitted another draft of the remedial investigation, which was accepted as fmal by the DOE. After responding to comments from the DOE, the feasibility study was accepted by the DOE during the fourth quarter of 2000. After receiving input from the Company and the other PLPs, the fmal Cleanup Action Plan (CAP) was issued by the DOE in August 2001. In September 2001, the DOE issued an initial draft Consent Decree for the PLPs to review. During the fIrst quarter of 2002, the Company and BNSF signed a cost sharing agreement. In September 2002, the Company, BNSF and the DOE fmalized the Consent Decree to implement the CAP. The third PLP has indicated it will not sign the Consent Decree. It is currently estimated that the Company s share of the costs will be less than $1.0 million. The Engineering and Design Report for the CAP was submitted to the DOE in January 2003 and approved by the DOE in May 2003. Work under the CAP commenced during the second quarter of 2003. In September 2004, a Site Preparation Agreement was reached with the third PLP with respect to the logistics of the CAP. Under this agreement, the third PLP will have the site preparation completed by mid-2005 and work under the CAP will be completed by late 2005. Lake Coeur d'Alene In July 1998, the United States District Court for the District of Idaho issued its rIDding that the Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Idaho (Tribe) owns, among other things, portions of the bed and banks of Lake Coeur d' Alene (Lake) lying within the current boundaries of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation. This action had been brought by the United States on behalf of the Tribe against the state of Idaho. The Company was not a party to this action. The United States District Court decision was affIrmed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The United States Supreme Court affmned this decision in June 2001. This will result in, among other things the Company being liable to the Tribe for compensation for the use of reservation lands under Section 10(e) of the Federal Power Act. The Company s Post Falls Hydroelectric Generating Station (Post Falls), a facility constructed in 1906 with a present capability of 18 , utilizes a dam on the Spokane River downstream of the Lake which controls the water level in the Lake for portions of the year (including portions of the lakebed owned by the Tribe). The Company has other hydroelectric facilities on the Spokane River downstream of Post Falls, but these facilities do not affect the water level in the Lake. The Company and the Tribe are engaged in discussions with respect to past and future compensation (which may include interest) for use of the portions of the bed and banks of the Lake, which are owned by the Tribe. If the parties cannot agree on the amount of compensation, the matter could result in litigation. The Company cannot predict the amount of compensation that it will ultimately payor the tenns of such payment. However, the Company intends to seek recovery of any amounts paid through the rate making process. I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Spokane River Relicensing The Company operates six hydroelectric plants on the Spokane River, and five of these (Long Lake, Nine Mile, Upper Falls, Monroe Street and Post Falls) are under one FERC license and referred to herein as the Spokane River Project. The sixth, Little Falls, is operated under separate Congressional authority and is not licensed by the FERC. The license for the Spokane River Project expires in August 2007; the Company filed a Notice of Intent to Relicense in July 2002. The formal consultation process involving planning and information gathering with stakeholder groups has been underway since that time. The Company s goal is to develop with the stakeholders a comprehensive and cost-effective settlement agreement to be filed as part of the Company s license application to the FERC in July 2005. The Company provided a Draft License Application for public comment in February 2005. The Company intends to seek recovery of relicensing costs through the rate making process. Clark Fork Settlement Agreement Dissolved atmospheric gas levels exceed state of Idaho and federal water quality standards downstream of the Cabinet Gorge Hydroelectric Generating Project (Cabinet Gorge) during periods when excess river flows must be diverted over the spillway. Under the terms of the Clark Fork Settlement Agreement, the Company developed an abatement and mitigation strategy with the other signatories to the agreement and submitted the Gas Supersaturation Control Program (GSCP) in December 2002 for review and approval to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In February 2004, the Idaho DEQ and the u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved the GSCP. In January 2005, the FERC issued an order approving the GSCP. The GSCP provides for the opening and modification of one and, potentially, both of the two existing diversion tunnels built when Cabinet Gorge was originally constructed. Streamflows would be diverted to the tunnels when these flows are in excess of turbine capacity. The cost of modifying the fITst tunnel is currently preliminarily estimated to be $38 million (including AFUDC and inflation) and would be incurred between 2004 and 2010, with the majority of these costs being incurred in 2007 through 2009. The second tunnel would be modified only after evaluation of the performance of the fITst tunnel and such modifications would commence no later than 10 years following the completion of the fITst tunnel. It is currently preliminarily estimated that the costs to modify the second tunnel would be $26 million (including AFUDC and inflation). As part of the GSCP, the Company provides $0.5 million annually as mitigation for aquatic resources that might be adversely affected by high dissolved gas levels. Mitigation funds will continue until the modification of the second tunnel commences or if the second tunnel is not modified to an agreed upon point in time commensurate with the biological effects of high dissolved gas levels. The Company intends to seek recovery of the costs for the modification of Cabinet Gorge and the mitigation payments through the rate making process. The operating license for the Clark Fork Project describes the approach to restore bull trout populations in the project areas. Using the concept of adaptive management and working closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Company is evaluating the feasibility of fish passage. The results of these studies will help the Company and other parties determine the best use of funds toward continuing fish passage efforts or other fish population enhancement measures. Other Contingencies In the normal course of business, the Company has various other legal claims and contingent matters outstanding. The Company believes that any ultimate liability arising from these actions will not have a material adverse impact on the Company s fmancial condition, results of operations or cash flows. It is possible that a change could occur in the Company s estimates of the probability or amount of a liability being incurred. Such a change, should it occur, could be significant. The Company routinely assesses, based on in-depth studies, expert analyses and legal reviews, its contingencies, obligations and commitments for remediation of contaminated sites, including assessments of ranges and probabilities of recoveries from other responsible parties who have and have not agreed to a settlement and recoveries from insurance carriers. The Companys policy is to accrue and charge to current expense identified exposures related to environmental remediation sites based on estimates of investigation, cleanup and monitoring costs to be incurred. The Company has potential liabilities under the Federal Endangered Species Act for species of fish that have either already been added to the endangered species list, been listed as "threatened" or been petitioned for listing. Thus far, measures adopted and implemented have had minimal impact on the Company. Under the federal licenses for its hydroelectric projects, the Company is obligated to protect its property rights, including water rights. The State of Montana is examining the status of all water right claims within state boundaries. Claims within the Clark Fork River I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88) Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) basin could potentially adversely affect the energy production of the Company s Cabinet Gorge and Noxon Rapids hydroelectric facilities. The Company is participating in this extensive adjudication process, which is unlikely to be concluded in the foreseeable future. The Company must be in compliance with requirements under the Clean Air Act Amendments at the Colstrip thermal generating plant in which the Company maintains an ownership interest. The anticipated share of costs at Colstrip is not expected to have a major economic impact on the Company. As of December 31 , 2004, the Company s collective bargaining agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers represented approximately 50 percent of all A vista Corp. employees. The current agreement with the local union representing the majority (approximately 90 percent) of the bargaining unit employees expires on March 25 , 2005. A local agreement in the South Lake Tahoe area, which represents 5 employees, also expires on March 25, 2005. Two local agreements in Oregon, which cover approximately 50 employees, will expire on March 31 , 2005. Another local agreement in Oregon is not up for negotiations until 2007. Negotiations are currently ongoing with respect to the labor agreements that expire in March 2005. NOTE 22. INFORMATION SERVICES CONTRACTS The Company has information services contracts that expire between 2006 and 2012. Total payments under these contracts were $12. million, $12.0 million and $9.7 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The majority of these costs are included in administrative and general expenses in the Statements of Income. Minimmn contractual obligations under the Company s information services contracts are approximately $12.4 million in 2005, $12.1 million in 2006 and $10.8 million per year from 2007 through 2012. The most significant of these contracts provides for increases due to changes in the cost of living index and further provides flexibility in the annual obligation from year-to-year subject to a three-year true-up cycle. NOTE 23. DISPOSITION OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE PROPERTIES In July 2004, A vista Corp. reached an agreement to sell its South Lake Tahoe natural gas distribution properties to Southwest Gas Corporation as part of Avista Corp.s strategy to focus on its business in the northwestern United States. The agreed upon cash purchase price for the properties is approximately $15 million, subject to closing adjustments. In February 2005, a CPUC Administrative Law Judge issued a draft order, subject to comment, that authorizes the proposed purchase and sale agreement under the terms of a settlement agreement among the parties to the CPUC proceedings. The agreement is subject to customary closing conditions, as well as regulatory review and approval by the CPUC. Final approval of the transaction has been placed on the CPUC' meeting agenda for possible action on March 17, 2005. The Company expects the sale to be completed in the rust half of 2005. As of December 31 2004, Avista Corp. serviced approximately 18 750 customers (or 6 percent of total natural gas customers) in the South Lake Tahoe region. Total revenues for 2004 from the South Lake Tahoe region were approximately $20.3 million (or 6 percent of total natural gas revenues) and approximately 22.1 million therms were delivered (or 4 percent of total therms delivered) to South Lake Tahoe customers. NOTE 24. ACQUISITION OF REMAINING INTEREST IN COYOTE SPRINGS 2 In January 2005, Avista Corp. completed the acquisition of Mirant OregonLLC's 50 percent ownership interest in Coyote Springs 2 at a price of $62.5 million. Mirant Oregon LLC acquired an indirect 50 percent ownership interest in Coyote Springs 2 from the Company during construction in 2001. I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 123. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 25. SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION Cash paid for interest Cash paid for income taxes 2004 $79 380 054 320 684 2003 $84 644 701 475 767 Non-cash fInancing and investing activities: Tranfer of Coyote Springs 2 from subsidiary Equipment acquired under capital leases Unfunded accumulated benefit obligation Intangible asset related to pension plan Unrealized loss on interest rate swap 365 083 (11 022 184) (653 660) (6,482 354) 106 766 034 106 109 198,410 (653 659) Other Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Loss from IPUC order deferred power costs Loss from IPUC order utility plant Increase in special deposits Change in other current assets 959 115 457 249 (572 613) 228 649)803 240 I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88)Page 123. This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENTS OF ACCUMULATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, AND HEDGING ACTIVITIES 1. Report in columns (b),(c),(d) and (e) the amounts of accumulated other comprehensive income items, on a net-of-tax basis, where appropriate. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/Q4 2. Report in columns (f) and (g) the amounts of other categories of other cash flow hedges. 3. For each category of hedges that have been accounted for as "fair value hedges , report the accounts affected and the related amounts in a footnote. Line No. Item Unrealized Gains and Losses on Available- for-Sale Securities (b) Minimum Pension Liability adjustment (net amount) (c) Foreign Currency Hedges Other Adjustments (a) 1 Balance of Account 219 at Beginning of Preceding QuarterNear 2 Preceding QuarterNear Reclassification from Account 219 to Net Income 3 Preceding QuarterNear Changes in Fair Value 4 Total (lines 2 and 3) 5 Balance of Account 219 at End of Preceding QuarterNear / Beginning of 6 Current QuarterNear Reclassifications from Account 219 to Net Income 7 Current QuarterNear Changes in Fair Value 8 Total (Jines 6 and 7) 9 Balance of Account 219 at End of Current QuarterNear (d)(e) 18,809 177) 9,454 088 9,454,088 355 089) 589 299) 589,299) 16,944 388) FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 06-02)Page 122a Name of Respondent This ~ort Is: Date of Report Year/Period of ReportAvista Corporation (1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) End of 2004/04(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 STATEMENTS OF ACCUMULATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, AND HEDGING ACTIVITIES Other Cash Flow Line Hedges No.Interest Rate Swaps (f) 213 530) 213 530) 213 530) Other Cash Flow Hedges (Specify) Totals for each category of items recorded in Account 219 (h) ( 18 809,177) (g) 9,454 088 9,454,088 355,089) 802 829) 11,802 829) 157 918) FERC FORM NO.2 (NEW 06-02)Page 122b Net Income (Carried Forward from Page 117, Line 72) Total Comprehensive Income (i) (j) Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date or Report Year of Report (1)~An Original (Mo Yr) A vista Corporation (2) DA Resubmission April 2005 Dec.2004 SUMMARY UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PR OVISI ONS FOR EPRECIA TI ON,AMORTIZATION AND EPLETI 0 N Line Item Total Electric No. (a)(b)(c) UTILITY PLAM Service Plant in Service (Classified)599 493 023 032 356 785 Property Under Capital Leases 270 937 Plant Purchased Sold Completed Construction not Classified Experimental Plant Unclassified TOTAL (Enter Total of lines tbru 604 763 960 032 356 785 Leased Others Held for Future Use Construction Work in Progress 895 113 456 293 Acquisition Adiustments 580 073 TOTAL Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines tbru 12 681 239 146 070 813 078 Accum.Prov.for DePT.Amort.Depl.928 445 545 692 153 884 Net Utility Plant (Enter total of line less 14)752 793 601 378 659 194 DETAIL ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR EPRECIA TI ON AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Service: Depreciation 899,493 717 681 488 277 Amort.and Depl.of Producing N at.Gas Land and Land Rights mmmmlll!llllllllilllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIII!IIII!IIIII Amort.Other Utility Plant 304 781 665 607 TOTAL Service (Enter Total of lines tbru 21)910 798 498 692 153 884 Leased Others illll!IIIIIIII!IIIIIIII!lllllllllilllllllllllllllllll!Illilllllllllllll:lmllllllllllllllllll!III!11111111111111111!11!11!11111!lllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll:1 Depreciation Amortization and Depletion TOTAL Leased Others (Enter Total of lines and 25) Held for Future Use IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I1IIIilllllllllmllllllllllllmll!IIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIII!1!IIIII!IIII:III!IIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Depreciation Amortization TOTAL Held for Future Use (En t.Tot.of lines and 29) Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas)111111111111111111111111111111!lllllIlllllllillll!lllm!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I Amort.of Plant Acquisition Adiustment 647 047 TOTAL Accumulated Provisions (Should agree with line above) (Enter Total of lines and 32)928 445 545 692 153 884 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 200 Name of Respondent A vista Corporation This R~rt Is: Date 0 Report(1) 129 An Original (2) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Year 0 Report Dec. 31 2004 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION (Continued) Gas Other (Specify)Other (Specify)Other (Specify)Common Line No. 503 773,459 365,491 362 779 905 446 268 225 818 804 087 029 509,449 577 580 505 138 950 620 016 580 073 537 339 039 212 782 212 324 556 827 647 047 212 782 212 509 449 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 201 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Ds, Yr) Year Ending Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries in column (c).to the prescribed accounts. Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentative 2. In addition to Account 101, Gas Plant in Service (Classified), distributions of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if the this page and the next include Account 102, Gas Plant Purchased respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have or Sold, Account 103, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified, and not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified-Gas. in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an 3. Include in column (c) and (d), as appropriate, corrections of estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account for additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. accumulated depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parenthesis credit adjustments of plant accounts to reversals of tentative distributions of prior year s unclassified indicate the negative effect of such accounts. retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the account 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d). Line No. Account INTANGIBLE PLANT Balance at Beginning of Year Additions 301 Or anization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Miscellaneous Intan ible Plant 592. 184 365. TOTAL Manufactured Gas Production Plant Entertotal of lines 8- PRODUCTS EXTRACTION PLANT 628. 65,344.945. 72,973.944. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 204 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year Ending Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101,102,103, AND 106 Continued including the reversals of the prior years tentative account and show in column (f) only the offset to the debits or credits to distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the primary account classifications. above instructions and the texts of Account 101 and 106 will 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in avoid serious omissions of respondent's reported amount for this account and if substantial in amount submit a suplementaryplant actually in service at end of year. statement showing subaccount classification of such plant 6. Show in column (f) reclassifications or transfers within conforming to the requirements of these pages. utility plant accounts. include also in column (f) the additions 8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes or reductions of primary account classifications arising from in Account 102, state the property purchased or sold, name of distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102. In vendor or purchaser, and date of transaction. If proposed journal showing the clearance of Account 102, include in column (e) entries have been filed with the Commission as required by the the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for Uniform System of Accounts, give date of such filing. depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc. Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line No. 592. 587 852.96,640.862,506.48 Page 205 628.34 00 00 00 00 00 00 289.65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74,917.99 00 00 00 00 00 00 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96) Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 346 Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment 347 Other Equipment TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 28 thru 35) TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 36) Manufactured Gas Production Plant (Submit Supplementary Statement)72,973.944. TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 and 38)72,973.944. NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT Underground Storage Plant 350.1 Land 412,611. 350.2 Rights-of-Way 23,874. 351 Structures and Improvements 063,699. 352 Wells 757,699.947. 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Rights 254 354. 352.2 Reservoirs 203 330.47 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 121 926. 353 Lines 823,422. 354 Compressor Station EQuipment 934,085.82,836. 355 MeasurinQ and ReQulatinQ EQuipment 153,964. 356 Purification EQuipment 403,712. 357 Other Equipment 644,493.173. TOTAL Underground Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 42 thru 53)18,797,174.90,957. Other Storage Plant 360 Land and Land Rights 361 Structures and Improvements 362 Gas Holders 363 Purification EQuipment 363.1 liQuefaction EQuipment 363.2 VaporizinQ EQuipment 363.3 Compressor EQuipment 363.4 Measuring and ReQulatinQ EQuipment 363.5 Other Equipment TOTAL Other Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 64) Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant 364.1 Land and Land Rights 364.2 Structures and Improvements 364.3 LNG ProcessinQ Terminal EQuipment 364.4 LNG Transporation EQuipment 364.5 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 364.6 Compressor Station Equipment 364.7 Communications Equipment 364.8 Other EQuipment TOTAL Base Load LiQ Nat'l Gas, Terminal and Processing Plant (lines 67-7 TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of lines 54 65 and 7~18,797,174.90,957. TRANSMISSION PLANT 365.1 Land and Land RiQhts 365.2 Rights-of-Way 366 Structures and Improvements FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 206 Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X1 An Original (Mo, DB, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e) (g) No. 74,917. 74,917. 412 611. 23,874. 063,699. 747.713,899. 254,354. 203,330.47 121,926. 823,422. 23,123.993,799. 153,964. 00 403,712. 651,666. 67,870.18,820,261. 870.18,820,261. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 207 Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Ds, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101 , 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 367 Mains 368 Compressor Station Equipment 369 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 370 Communications Equipment 371 Other Equipment TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Totals of lines 78 thru 85) DISTRIBUTION PLANT 374 Land and Land Rights 113,895.(484.51) 375 Structures and Improvements 628,124.172. 376 Mains 225,816,742.763,902. 377 Compressor Station Equipment 378 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-General 377,497.206,151. 379 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-City Gate 831,540.98,883. 380 Services 162,816,596.040,822. 381 Meters 327,430.494,929. 382 Meter Installations 00 383 House Regulators 384 House Regulator Installations 385 Industrial Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 588,312.366,812. 100 386 Other Property on Customers' Premises 101 386 Other Equipment 539. 102 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Totals of lines 88 thru 101)449 500,678.41 20,977,190. 103 GENERAL PLANT 104 389 Land and Land Rights 330,820. 105 390 Structures and Improvements 309,692.73,685. 106 391 Office Furniture and Equipment 685. 107 392 Transportation Equipment 988,671 .125,847. 108 393 Stores Equipment 83,972.20,449. 109 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment.386,575.119,555. 110 395 Laboratory Equipment 906,600.272.40 111 396 Power Operated Equipment 492 803.803,070. 112 397 Communication Equipment 621,137.45,993. 113 398 Miscellaneous Equipment 34,471. 114 Subtotal (Enter Totals of lines 104 thru 113)13,164,429.193,874.47 115 399 Other Tangible Property 116 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Totals of lines 114 and 115)13,164,429.193,874.47 117 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106)484,721,213.40 23,433,319. 118 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instruction 8) 119 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instruction 8) 120 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified 121 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service (Enter Totals of lines 117 thru 120)484,721,213.433,319. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 208 Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X1 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e) (g) No. 113,411 . 221.248.640,323. 163,695.43 621.234 417 570. 115.(255,544.88)313,989. 224.146,801.43 058,001. 407,879.171,449,538. 346,383.(9,554.99)53,466,421. 860.747.955,012. 100 539.101.102 103 330,820.104 951.14 381,426.105 685.106 70,773.043,745.107 526.100 895.108 257 164.248,966.109 847.909,025.110 295,873.111 54,853.(491.27)611,785.112 831.32,640.113 392,947.(491.27)14,964 865.114 115 392,947.(491.14,964 865.116 005,050.(10,533.505,138,949.117 118 119 120 005,050.(10,533.25)505,138,949.121 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 209 Name of Respondent This report is: Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Ds, Yr) ) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 CONSTRUCTION WORK IN PROGRESS-GAS (ACCOUNT 107) 1. Report below descriptions and balances at end of year of and Demonstration (see Account 107 of the Uniform System of projects in process of construction (Account 107). Accounts). 2. Show items relating to "research, development, and 3. Minor projects (less than $1,000,000) may be grouped. demonstration" projects last, under a caption Research Avista Corp. Line Description of ProjectNo. STATE OF WASHINGTON Minor Projects (27) Under $1,000,000 STATE OF IDAHO 12 Minor Projects (15) Under $1,000,000 21 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 23 Minor Projects (0) under $1 000,000 26 COMMON-OR/CA/W A/ID 28 Minor Projects (4) under $1,000,000 45 TOTAL Construction Work in Progress-Gas (Account 1 07) (b) Estimated Additional Cost of Project (c) 753,278.343,421. 271,687.69,537. STATE OF OREGON Install AMR in Oregon Minor Projects (28) Under $1 000,000 175,273. 1 ,905,609. 348,726. 369,717. 514,167.406,552.47 620,017.537 954. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 216 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report ( 1 ) An Original (Mo Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)0 A Resubffilssion Apri125, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION OF GAS UTILITY PLANT (Account 119) 1. Explain in footnote any important adjustments the respondent has a significant amount of plant retired at during year.year end which has not been recorded andlor classified to 2. Explain in a footnote any difference between the amount the various reserve functional classifications, make for book cost of plant retired, line 11, column (c), and that preliminary closing entries to tentatively functionalize the reported for gas plant in service, pages 204-209, column (d),book cost of the plant retired. In addition, include all costs excluding retirements of non-depreciable property.included in retirement work in progress at year end in the 3. The provisions of Account 108 in the Unifonn System appropriate functional classifications. of Accounts require that retirements of depreciable plant 4. Show separately mterest credits under a sinking fund be recorded when such plant is removed from service. If or similar method of depreciation accounting. Section A. Balances and Chane:es Durine: Year Line Item Total Gas Plant in Gas Plant Held Gas Plant Leased No.(c+d+e)Service for Future Use to Others (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Billance Be~mnm~ of Year 181,170,101 181,170,101 Depreciation Provisions for Year, Char~ed to (403) Depreciation Expense 14,264 210 264 210 (413) Exp. of Gas PIt. Leas. to Others Transportation Expenses-Clearin~216 636 216 636 Other Clearin~ Accounts Other Accounts (Specify): Transfer to common (transporation clear) TOTAL Depree. Prov. for Year 14,480 846 480 846 (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 8) Net Char~es for Plant Retired: Book Cost of Plant Retired 417 198)(1,417 198) Cost of Removal (222 967)(222 967) Salvae:e (Credit)951 951 TOTAL Net Chrgs. for Plant Ret.634 214)(1,634 214) (Enter Total oflines 11 thru 13) Other Debit or Credit Items (Describe) Balance End of Year (Enter Total oflines 1 , 14, 15, and 16)194 016 733 194 016,733 Section B. Billances at End of Year Accordme: to Functional Classifications Production-Manufactured Gas (69,041)(69,041) Prod. and Gatherin~-Natura1 Gas Products Extraction-Natural Gas Underground Gas Stora~e 394,257 394 257 Other Stora~e Plant Base Load LNG Tenn and Proc. PIt. Transmission Distribution 177,996 005 177 996 005 General 695 512 695 512 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 18 194 016 733 194 016 733 thru 26) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87)Page 219 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report 181 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS STORED (ACCOUNT 117., 117., 117., 117.164.164., AND 164. If durring the year adjustments were made to the stored gas inventory State in a footnote the basis of segregation of inventory between reported in columns (d), (f), (g), and (h) (such as to correct cumulative current and noncurrent protions. Also state in a footnote the inaccuracies of gas measurements), explain in a footnote the reason for method used to report storage (I.e. fixed asset method or the adjustments, the Dth and dollar amount of adjustment, and account inventory method). charged or credited. 2 Report in column (e) all encroachments during the year upon the volumes designated as base gas, column (b), and system balancing gas, column ( c ), and gas property recordable in the plant accounts. (Account (Account Noncurrent (Account Current LNG LNG Line Description 117.117.(Account 117.117.(Account 164.(Account 164.(Account 164.Total No.(a)(b)(e)(d)(e) (q) (h)(i) Balance at Beoinnino of Year 176 476 633 667 810,143 Gas Delivered to Storage 597,183 338 195 935,378 Gas Withdrawn from Storaoe 12,505,403 237,996 12,743,399 Other Debits and Credits 433 433) Balance at End of Year 268 255 724 433 992,688 Dth 750,097 277,054 027 151 Amount Per Dekatherm $5.2959 $2.6148 $4.9294 State basis of segregation of inventory between current and noncurrent portions: Current portion is gas expected to be sold within a 24 month period. All other gas is considered non-current. FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-96)Page 220 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES (Account 123. 1. Report below investments in Accounts 123.1, investments in Subsidiary Companies. 2. Provide a subheading for each company and List there under the information called for below. Sub - TOTAL by company and give a TOTAL in columns (e),(f),(g) and (h) (a) Investment in Securities - List and describe each security owned. For bonds give also principal amount, date of issue, maturity and interest rate. (b) Investment Advances - Report separately the amounts of loans or investment advances which are subject to repayment, but which are not subject to current settlement. With respect to each advance show whether the advance isa note or open account. List each note giving date of issuance, maturity date, and specifying whether note is a renewal. 3. Report separately the equity in undistributed subsidiary earnings since acquisition. The TOTAL in column (e) should equal the amount entered for Account 418. Description of Investment Date Acquired Date Of Amount of Investment at No.(b)l~rity Beginning of Year (a)(d) Avista Capital - Common Stock 1997 184 251,609 Avista Capital- Equity in Earnings 71,652 879 Dividends from Subsidiary (Avista Capital) ITotal Cost of Account 123.1 $TOTAL 255,904,488 FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-89)Page 224 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES (Account 123.1) (Continued) 4. For any securities, notes, or accounts that were pledged designate such securities, notes, or accounts in a footnote, and state the name of pledgee and purpose of the pledge. 5. If Commission approval was required for any advance made or security acquired, designate such fact in a footnote and give name of Commission, date of authorization, and case or docket number. 6. Report column (f) interest and dividend revenues form investments, including such revenues form securities disposed of during the year. 7. In column (h) report for each investment disposed of during the year, the gain or loss represented by the difference between cost of the investment (or the other amount at which carried in the books of account if difference from cost) and the selling price thereof, not including interest adjustment includible in column (f). 8. Report on Line 42, column (a) the TOTAL cost of Account 123. Equity In Subsidiary Revenues for Year Amount of InvesbTIent at Gain or Loss from Investment LineEarnin~s of Year End rJ)Year DiSP~~fd of No.(f) 184,251,609 381,428 75,034 306 2,499,315 2,499,315 381,428 499 315 256,786,600 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 225 Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 2004 PREP A YMENTS (ACCOUNT 165) 1. Report below the particulars (details) on each prepayment. Line Nature of Prepayment Balance at End of No.Year(in dollars) (a)(b) Prepaid Insurance 720,995 Prepaid Rents Prepaid Taxes Prepaid Interest Miscellaneous Prepayments 246,430 TOTAL 967,425 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 230 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 OTHER REGULATORY ASSETS (Account 182. 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for concE!rning other regulatory assets, including rate order docket number, if applicable.2. Minor items (5% of the Balance in Account 182.3 at end of period, or amounts less than $50,000 which ever is less), may be grouped by classes. 3. For Regulatory Assets being amortized, show period of amortization. Line Description and Purpose of Balance at Debits CREDITS Balance at end ofNo.Other Regulatory Assets Beginning of Written oft Dunng Wntten oft Dunng CUITent QuarterlYear CUITent the QuarterlYear the Period QuarterlY ear Account Charged Amount (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) FAS 106 - Accounting for Post Retirement 254,768 926.472,752 782,016 Benefits, other than Pensions (182.30) 182.30 Amort period 1996-2012 FAS 109 - Acctng for Income Taxes Util Prop 132097,287 283.17,630,630 123,466,657 (182.31 & 182.32) WA ERM Deferral Balance (182.35)Power Supp 99,774,940 655,027 186.102,429,967 WA Amortization (182.36)974,754 557.307,296 667,458 182.36 Amort period 2004-2006 Hamilton Street Bridge - WA (182.39,028)125.676 407.125,676 Hamilton Street Bridge -ID (182.39 038)105,300 407.105,300 BPA RES Exchange (182.45, 028)195.192 254.195,192 BPA RES Exchange AIR (182.45. 098)679,445 254.45 679,445 BPA RES Exchange o int Rec (182.46,028)30,267 419.30,267 BPA RES Exchange o int Rec (182.46,038)278 419.078 200 FAS 143-ARO Reg Asset (182.76)436,329)549,979 230.113,650 Oregon DSM Long-Term Reg Asset (182.80)632,736)various 208,065 -840,801 Workers Comp (182.83)688,889 671,996 242.360,885 TOTAL 239,863,731 877 002 11,758,701 231.982 032 FERC FORM NO.(REV. 02-04)Page 232 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 MISCELLANEOUS DEFFERED DEBITS (Account 186) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for conc~rning miscellaneous deferred debits. 2. For any deferred debit being amortized, show period of amortization in column (a) 3. Minor item (1 % of the Balance at End of Year for Account 186 or amounts less than $50,000, whichever is less) may be grouped byclasses. Line Description of Miscellaneous Balance at Debits CREDITS Balance at No.Deferred Debits Beginning of Year ~(:count Amount End of YearChar~ed(a)(b)(c)(e)(f)Regulatory Deferrals - W A Colstrip Common Fac.571 320 539 679 406 110,999 WA Accrued Power Def 139 007 139 007 WA Deferred Power Costs 791 372 013 674 10,777 698WA ERM YTD Company Band 000 000 000,000WA ERM YTD Contra Account 000 000 000,000 Regulatory Deferrals - ID ID Deferred New Generation 736,944 184 236 552 708 Colstrip Common Fac.211 544 144 098 406 355,642Idaho Accrued PCA Def 596,258 596 258 I D Deferred Power 338,083 850,010 var.86,188 093 ID Accumulated Surcharge Am 649,481 557 23,040 185 76,689 666 CS2 Levelized Return 161 747 161 747 Payroll Accrual 909,178 var.919 898 989,280 Payroll Loading Clearing 677 798 677 798 PPP Surcharge 454,349 454 349 Misc Error Suspense 353 016 var.328,028 988 WPI-ID Terminated Elec Pur.391 997 555 391 997 Unamortized AIR Sale 241 146 144 336 96,810 Intangible Pension Asset 712 151 228.653 660 058,491 Nez Perce Settlement 207,659 557 214 202 445 Centralia Mine Env Balance 572 324 021 578,345 DES Contract Amortization 25,372 556 25,372 Metro-Sunset 115KV TE 114 581 159,108 273,689CS2 Purchase 101 095 101 095 UPRR Permit Con v 331 370 258 331 628 Ortho Business Activity 136 054 137 719 665 Canadian GST Tax 13,117 039,727 var.052 844 Nez Perce Forest Nez Perce Permit Conversion 38,983 503 53,486 Electric Network Misc Work Orders 0::$50,000 278 541 101 353 379,894 Subsidiary Billings 894 860 441 254 var.336,114 Misc. Work in Progress Deferred Regt.ifatory -C-omm. Expenses (See pages 350 - 351) TOTAL 083,253 242,169 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-94)Page 233 Name of Respondent This (!)ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 MISCELLANEOUS DEFFERED DEBITS (Account 186) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for conc~rning miscellaneous deferred debits. 2. For any deferred debit being amortized, show period of amortization in column (a) 3. Minor item (1 % of the Balance at End of Year for Account 186 or amounts less than $50,000, whichever is less) may be grouped by classes. Line Description of Miscellaneous Balance at Debits CREDITS Balance at No.Deferred Debits Beginning of Year ~~count Amount End of YearChar~ed(a)(b)(c)(e)(f) Conservation Enhanced Low Income Wzn 600 600 Oregon Gas Comm Consvt 177 675 184,707 032 Oregon Shower Head 107 134 777 908 174,911 Oregon Common Gas Eft 163,978 590 188 568 WPNG HE Wtr Htrs-Oregon 286,496 837 276 659 WPNG HE Furnaces 028,309 298,337 326,646 WPNG CA RES UI-56,066 724 var.658 WPNG OR Res Low 171 746 173 105 908 344 851 Regulatory-Sched 67 197 350 908 33,066 164 284 Reg-Water Heat Conv 033 287 908 152 358 880 929 Reg-SpacelWater Con 061 613 908 704 560 357 053 Reg-Elec Commllnd 663,417 908 116,375 547 042 Reg-Gas Wzn Res 032 724 908 153,145 879,579 Reg-UI EleclGas 348 471 908 738 298,733 Reg-Elec Manuf Home 284 794 908 48,984 235,810 Reg-Comm/lnd Gas 116,220 908 19,599 96,621 Reg-Gas Res Appl Ef 1 ,402 436 908 208,179 194 257 Reg-Gas Res Showerhead 564 908 047 517 Reg Elect Res Wzn 234 908 643 41,591 Reg UI Elec Wzn 81,841 908 099 742 Reg Elec Res Shwr 20,802 908 802 Reg C/I Elec Fuel 195 213 908 221 160,992 Reg Gas AE. Wtr 111,154 908 130 024 Reg Low Income Gas Wzn 337 567 908 56,634 280,933 Care - California 55,207 940 733 Consv. & Renewable Disco 199,787 336 332 536,119 Sand point DSR - PPL 740,353 908 113,387 626 966 Gas Plant Hamilton Street Bridge Site 693 var.53,693 Electric Plant Post Falls No Channel Study Port Of Seattle 507 243 750 Easy Pay Billing CS 137 889 357 532 Lake CDA Issues 603 105 262 408 865 513 Shareholder Lawsuit 2002 211 186 755 069 966 255 Misc. Work in Progress I Deferred Regulatory Comm. Expenses (See pages 350 - 351) TOTAL 86,083 253 51,242,169 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-94)Page 233. A vista Corp This R~rt Is:(1) ~ An Original (2) A Resubmission Date of Report (M, D, April 25, 2004 Year of ReportName of Respondent Dec. 31, 2004 ACCUMULA TED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (ACCOUNT 190) (a) 2. At Other (Specify), include deferrals relating to other income and deductions. 3. At lines 4 and 6, add rows as necessary to report all data.. Number the additional rows in sequence 01,02, etc. and 6.01, 6.02, etc. Balance at CHANGES DURING YEAR gjnnin Amounts Amountsill ~ar D~~ ro C~~ Account 410.Account 411.1(c) (d) 1. Report the information called for below concerning the respondent s accounting for deferred income taxes. Line No. Account Subdivisions Account 190 Electric Gas 11,330,752 832,996) 658,136 203,870 301,697 (229,448) Other (Define) 497,756 24,724 630 862,006 (241,052) 072,249 831,982 Total (Total of lines 2 thru 4) Other (S ec ' ) TOTAL Account 190 (Total of lines 5 thru 6) Classification of TOTAL Federal Income Tax 10 State Income Tax 11 Local Income Tax Common 34,222,386 620,954 34,222,386 620,954 2,904,231 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-98)Page 234 A vista Corp This Report Is: (1)~An Original (2)DA Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25, 2004 Year of ReportName of Respondent Dec. 31, 2004 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (ACCOUNT 190) (Continued) 4. If more space is needed, use separate pages as required. 5. In the space provided below, identify by amount and classification, significant items for which deferred taxes are being provided. Indicate insignificant amounts listed under "Other. CHANGES DURING YEARAmounts Amounts Debited to Credited to Account 410.Account 411.2 (e) ADJUSTMENTS Debits to 190 Credits to 190 Balance at End of Year Line No. Amount Amount 26,556 11,818,604 (3,580,092) 3 0 3. 0 4. 0 4. 8,238,512 31,165,316 6 410,035 086,545 6. 1,992,265 6. 50,892,673 50,892,673 254.26,556 (892,145) 83,038 680,714 186.268,824 236.410,035 219.086,545 various 992,265 763,752 11,765,404 763,752 11,765,404 26,556(474,031) (418,114) (892,145)26,556 FERC FORM NO.2 (12-98)Page 235 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 CAPITAL STOCKS (Account 201 and 204) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, distinguishing separate series of any general class. Show separate totals for common and preferred stock. If information to meet the stock exchange reporting requirement outlined in column (a) is available from the SEC 10-K Report Form filing, a specific reference to report form (Le., year and company title) may be reported in column (a) provided the fiscal years for both the 10-K report and this report are compatible. 2. Entries in column (b) should represent the number of shares authorized by the articles of incorporation as amended to end of year. Line Class and Series of Stock and Number of shares Par or Stated Call Price at No.Name of Stock Series Authorized by Charter Value per share End of Year (a)(b)(c)(d) Account 201 - Common Stock Issued No Par Value 200 000 000 TOTAL COM 200,000 000 Account 204 - Preferred Stock Issued 000,000 Cumulative TOTAL PRE 10,000,000 FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-91)Page 250 Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/Q4(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 CAPITAL STOCKS (Account 201 and 204) (Continued) 3. Give particulars (details) concerning shares of any class and series of stock authorized to be issued by a regulatory commission which have not yet been issued. 4. The identification of each class of preferred stock should show the dividend rate and whether the dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative. 5. State in a footnote if any capital stock which has been nominally issued is nominally outstanding at end of year. Give particulars (details) in column (a) of any nominally issued capital stock, reacquired stock, or stock in sinking and other funds which is pledged, stating name of pledgee and purposes of pledge. OUTSTANDING PER BALANCE SHEET HELD BY RESPONDENT Line(Total amount outstanding without reduction AS REACQUIRED STOCK (Account 217)IN SINKING AND OTHER FUNDS No.for amounts held by respondent) Shares Amount Shares ~pst Shares Amount(e)(f) (g) (h)(i) (j) 471 511 629,055,981 48,4 71 511 629,055 981 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-88)Page 251 Name of Respondent This (!)ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 CAPITAL STOCK EXPENSE (Account 214) 1. Report the balance at end of the year of discount on capital stock for each class and series of capital stock. 2. If any change occurred during the year in the balance in respect to any class or series of stock, attach a statement giving particulars (details) of the change. State the reason for any charge-off of capital stock expense and specify the account charged. Une Class and Senes of Stock Balance at End or year No.(a)(b) Common Stock - Public Issue 822 732 Shares issued under provisions of Respondant's Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan 442,145 Shares issued under provisions of Respondant's Employee Stock Purchase Plan 839 Common Stock - 401 215,137 Common Stock - Periodic Offering Program (POP)599,768 $6.95 Preferred Stock, Series K 334 005 Common Stock Split 187 872 22 TOTAL 10,676,498 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87)Page 254b This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 LONG-TERM DEBT (Account 221 222 223 and 224) 1. Report by balance sheet account the particulars (details) concerning long-term debt included in Accounts 221 , Bonds, 222 Reacquired Bonds, 223, Advances from Associated Companies, and 224, Other long-Term Debt. 2. In column (a), for new issues, give Commission authorization numbers and dates. 3. For bonds assumed by the respondent, include in column (a) the name of the issuing company as well as a description of the bonds. 4. For advances from Associated Companies, report separately advances on notes and advances on open accounts. Designate demand notes as such. Include in column (a) names of associated companies from which advances were received. 5. For receivers, certificates, show in column (a) the name of the court -and date of court order under which such certificates were issued. 6. In column (b) show the principal amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 7. In column (c) show the expense, premium or discount with respect to the amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 8. For column (c) the total expenses should be listed first for each issuance, then the amount of premium (in parentheses) or discount. Indicate the premium or discount with a notation, such as (P) or (D). The expenses, premium or discount should not be netted. 9. Furnish in a footnote particulars (details) regarding the treatment of unamortized debt expense , premium or discount associated with issues redeemed during the year. Also, give in a footnote the date of the Commission s authorization of treatment other than as specified by the Uniform System of Accounts. Line Class and Series of Obligation, Coupon Rate Principal Amount Total expense, No.(For new issue, give commission Authorization numbers and dates)Of Debt issued Premium or Discount (a)(b)(c) Acet. 221 - Bonds: Secured Medium Term Notes $1 062,550,000 873,850,000 937 218 (Premium)50,220 Pollution Control Revenue Bonds: 6% Series due 2023 100,000 345 385 Colstrip 1999A due 2032 66,700,000 182 462 (Premium)334 000 Colstrip 1999B due 2034 000,000 565,288 (Premium)340,000 SUBTOTAL 961 650,000 306 133 Acct. 222 - Reacquired Bonds Acct. 223 - Advances from Associated Companies-A. Advantage $800k; A. Energy $600k 1,400,000 Long Term Debt to Affiliated Trusts-AVA Capital Trust III 856,000 518 278 Long Term Debt to Affiliated Trusts-Avista Capital I 547 000 633,783 Acct. 224 - Other Long-term Debt Series K Preferred Stock 000,000 089,391 Notes Payable - Banks (local) $350,000,000 578,000 Commercial Paper Unsecured Senior Notes 400,000,000 128,000 (Discount)716 000 Medium Term Notes $1 000,000,000 683,000,000 071 295 (Premium)70,000 Long Term Curent Notes Payable to Various Parties TOTAL 194,453,000 40,970,880 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 256 Name of Respondent This (!Jort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 LONG-TERM DEBT (Account 221 222 223 and 224) (Continued) 10. Identify separate undisposed amounts applicable to issues which were redeemed in prior years. 11. Explain any debits and credits other than debited to Account 428, Amortization and Expense, or credited to Account 429, Premium on Debt - Credit. 12. In a footnote, give explanatory (details) for Accounts 223 and 224 of net changes during the year. With respect to long-termadvances, show for each company: (a) principal advanced during year, (b) interest added to principal amount, and (c) principle repaid during year. Give Commission authorization numbers and dates. 13. If the respondent has pledged any of its long-term debt securities give particulars (details) in a footnote including name of pledgee and purpose of the pledge. 14. If the respondent has any long-term debt securities which have been nominally issued and are nominally outstanding at end of year, describe such securities in a footnote. 15. If interest expense was incurred during the year on any obligations retired or reacquired before end of year, include such interest expense in column (i). Explain in a footnote any difference between the total of column (i) and the total of Account 427, interest on Long-Term Debt and Account 430, Interest on Debt to Associated Companies. 16. Give particulars (details) concerning any long-term debt authorized by a regulatory commission but not yet issued. AMORTIZATION PERIOD U4tSlandm LineNominal Date Date of (Total amount outstan ing without Interest for Year No.of Issue Maturity Date From Date To reduction for amounts held by Amount (d)(e)(f) (g) reSP?~dent) (i) 522,350 000 25,034,806 12/18/1984 12/01/2014 12/18/1984 12/01/2023 100,000 246,000 9/01/1999 10/01/2032 9/01/1999 10/01/2032 700,000 335,000 9/01/1999 3/01/2034 9/01/1999 3/01/2034 000 000 871 250 610,150,000 29,487,056 1,400,000 4/5/2004 4/1/2034 4/30/2004 3/31/2034 856,000 565,447 06/03/1997 06/01/2037 06/30/1997 5/31/2037 51,547,000 156,745 9/15/1992 9/15/2007 9/15/1992 9/15/2007 29,750,000 158,844 12/17/2004 12/16/2009 12/13/2004 12/16/2009 000,000 100,138 4/03/2001 6/01/2008 4/03/2001 6/01/2008 280,827,068 29,218,173 30,000 000 10,511 208 133 530,068 79,197,611 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 257 Name of Respondent This (!Jort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 RECONCILIATION OF REP( RTED NET INCOME WITH TAXABLE INCOME FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 1. Report the reconciliation of reported net income for the year with taxable income used in computing Federal income tax accruals and show computation of such tax accruals. Include in the reconciliation, as far as practicable, the same detail as furnished on Schedule M-1 of the tax return for the year. Submit a reconciliation even though there is no taxable income for the year. Indicate clearly the nature of each reconciling amount.2. If the utility is a member of a group which files a consolidated Federal tax return, reconcile reported net income with taxable net income as if a separate return were to be field, indicating, however, intercompany amounts to be eliminated in such a consolidated return. State names of groupmember, tax assigned to each group member, and basis of allocation, assignment, or sharing of the consolidated tax among the group members. 3. A substitute page, designed to meet a particular need of a company, may be used as Long as the data is consistent and meets the requirements of the above instructions. For electronic reporting purposes complete Line 27 and provide the substitute Page in the context of a footnote. Line Particulars (uetalls)AmountNo.(a)(b) Net Income for the Year (Page 117) Taxable Income Not Reported on Books 775,591 Deductions Recorded on Books Not Deducted for Return 73,032 236 Federal Income Tax 443,955 Deferred Income Tax 11,686,245 Investment Tax Credit -49,308 Income Recorded on Books Not Included in Return 26,298,516 Equity in Sub Earnings (income) / Loss 381,428 Deductions on Return Not Charged Against Book Income 91,161 094 Federal Tax Net Income 63,798,573 Show Computation of Tax: 63,798,573 x .35 = 22 329 501 329,501 Settlement of prior year tax returns and adjustment of tax reserves affecting deferred taxes 13,522 764 Settlement of prior year tax returns and adjustment of tax reserves affecting current taxes 362 782 Tax 5,443,955 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 261 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR 1. Give particulars (details) of the combined prepaid and accrued tax accounts and show the total taxes charged to operations and other accounts during the year. Do not include gasoline and other sales taxes which have been charged to the accounts to which the taxed material was charged. If the actual, or estimated amounts of such taxes are know, show the amounts in a footnote and designate whether estimated or actual amounts. 2. Include on this page, taxes paid during the year and charged direct to final accounts, (not charged to prepaid or accrued taxes. Enter the amounts in both columns (d) and (e). The balancing of this page is not affected by the inclusion of these taxes. 3. Include in column (d) taxes charged during the year, taxes charged to operations and other accounts through (a) accruals credited to taxes accrued, (b)amounts credited to proportions of prepaid taxes chargeable to current year, and (c) taxes paid and charged direct to operations or accounts other than accrued and prepaid tax accounts. 4. List the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that the total tax for each State and subdivision can readily be ascertained. L..me Kind of Tax BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR C1axes ~~~ Adjust-argeNo.(See instruction 5). axes Accru~9 prepal~ Taxes ~~g ~~g ments(Account 236)(Include In Account 165)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) 1 FEDERAL: 2 Income Tax (1989-1996)587,439 587 439 3 Income Tax (1998)912 37,912 Income Tax (1999)19,890 973,468 953,578 5 Income Tax (2000)120 811 120,811 6 Income Tax (2001)53,215,684 290,816 506,500 7 Income Tax (2002)49,041 157 253,144 -47 788 014 8 Income Tax (2003)664,448 051 662 000 000 21,716,110 9 Income Tax (2004)20,701 721 079,974 082,044 Unemployment Ins 2003 FICA (2003)601 601 FICA (2004)813,066 813,066 Retained Earnings-ESOP 147 005 147,005 Retained Earnings-ESOP -419,065 419,065 Retained Eamings-ESOP 141,026 141 026 Retained 139 205 139 205 Retained 221 742 221,742 Retained 395,319 068,043 Total Federal 430,847 16,523,245 13,919,572 096,486 STATE OF WASHINGTON: Property Tax (2000 & Prior)466,176 96,474 562,650 Property Tax (2001)614 305 259 362,872 Property Tax (2002)143 282 425 Property Tax (2003)948,000 935 655 008,694 Property Tax (2004)10,319,313 313 Excise Tax (2001)329,416 329,416 Excise Tax (2002)645 877 400,680 097 172 Excise Tax (2003)171 529 424 485 693,186 097 172 Excise Tax (2004)141 427 968,502 Gas Surcharge 697 114 29,043 Motor Vehicle (2004)807 807 Total Washington 12,496 830 26,866,252 26,703,545 201,203 STATE OF IDAHO: Income Tax (1997-2000)981,138 Income Tax (2001)085,967 Income Tax (2002)749,501 593,571 Income Tax (2003)277 503 269,842 Income Tax (2004)752,406 318,000 515,383 TOTAL 241 055 84,514 505 76,881 762 560,368 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 262 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/Q4(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR (Continued) 5. If any tax (exclude Federal and State income taxes)- covers more then one year, show the required information separately for each tax year, identifying the year in column (a). 6. Enter all adjustments of the accrued and prepaid tax accounts in column (f) and explain each adjustment in a foot- note. Designate debit adjustments by parentheses. 7. Do not include on this page entries with respect to deferred income taxes or taxes collected through payroll deductions or otherwise pending transmittal of such taxes to the taxing authority. 8. Report in columns (i) through (I) how the taxes were distributed. Report in column (I) only the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 409.pertaining to electric operations. Report in column (I) the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 109.1 pertaining to other utility departments and amounts charged to Accounts 408.2 and 409.2. Also shown in column (I) the taxes charged to utility plant or other balance sheet accounts. 9. For any tax apportioned to more than one utility department or account, state in a footnote the basis (necessity) of apportioning such tax. BALANCE AT END OF YEAR DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED Line(Taxes accrued Prepaid Taxes Electric Extraordinary Items Adjustments to Ket.Other No.Acco~nt 236)(Inc!. in Account 165)(Account 408., 409.(Account 409.Earnings (Account 439)(h)(i) (j) (k)(I) 290,816 253 144 223,675 827 987 460 297 10,113,885 10,587 836 601 813,066 1,463,362 395 319 923,659 890,210 633,035 723 250 364,409 59,151 127 845 651 672 210 263,445 319,000 047 310 272 002 349,255 19,839 50,614 400,680 69,869 494 355 172,926 747 417 394 010 13,373 49,114 807 458,336 840,514 025,738 981 138 085,967 343,072 547,345 80,977 292 643 459,763 313,430 029,969 29,528,594 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 263 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR 1. Give particulars (details) of the combined prepaid and accrued tax accounts and show the total taxes charged to operations and other accounts during the year. Do not include gasoline and other sales taxes which have been charged to the accounts to which the taxed material was charged. If the actual, or estimated amounts of such taxes are know, show the amounts in a footnote and designate whether estimated or actual amounts. 2. Include on this page, taxes paid during the year and charged direct to final accounts, (not charged to prepaid or accrued taxes. Enter the amounts in both columns (d) and (e). The balancing of this page is not affected by the inclusion of these taxes. 3. Include in column (d) taxes charged during the year, taxes charged to operations and other accounts through (a) accruals credited to taxes accrued, (b)amounts credited to proportions of prepaid taxes chargeable to current year, and (c) taxes paid and charged direct to operations or accounts other than accrued and prepaid tax accounts. 4. List the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that the total tax for each State and subdivision can readily be ascertained. ...me Kind of Tax BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR c1~xes d ~~~ Adjust-argeNo.(See instruction 5)1 axes Accru~~~repatd Taxes ~~?g ~ring ments(Account 236)(Include In Account 165)ear(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) Property Tax (2000 & Prior)251 556 129,180 122 377 Property Tax (2001)106,786 106,739 Property Tax (2002)067 848 781 Property Tax (2003)703,492 701 088 Property Tax (2004)397 952 707 555 Excise Tax (2000)056 057 Excise Tax (2001)54,473 36,092 381 Excise Tax (2002)751 751 Excise Tax (2003)863 875 140,428 131,441 Excise Tax (2004)655 27,401 11,009 Motor Vehicle Ins. (2004)744 744 Irrigation Credits (2002)730 311 Irrigation Credits (2003)160 KWH Tax (2003)66,004 104 -44 900 KWH Tax (2004)280,457 302 477 900 Franchise Tax (2002)82,585 82,585 Franchise Tax (2003)730,394 691,460 692,408 Franchise Tax (2004) 072,235 125 248 549,245 Totalldaho 013,757 600,716 168 182 149 STATE OF MONTANA: Income Tax (1996-2000)615,757 Income Tax (2001)186,912 Income Tax (2002)988 Income Tax (2003)316 Income Tax (2004)410,403 239,000 Property Tax (1999)086 086 Property Tax (2000)-46,114 35,270 Property Tax (2001)454 165,534 Property Tax (2002)514 -41 ,356 Property Tax (2003)064 468 528 064,424 Property Tax (2004)858 000 3,432 987 Unemployment Ins (2004) KWH Tax (2003)235 173 235 204 KWH Tax (2004)011,003 829,590 Motor Vehicle (2004)869 869 Consumer Council Tax 1,452 400 954 Public Commission Tax Total Montana 757 100 294 243 812 055 994 TOTAL 241,055 84,514 505 76,881,762 560,368 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 262. Name of Respondent This (!Jort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR (Continued) 5. If any tax (exclude Federal and State income taxes)-covers more then one year, show the required information separately for each tax year identifying the year in column (a). 6. Enter all adjustments of the accrued and prepaid tax accounts in column (f) and explain each adjustment in a foot- note. Designate debit adjustments by parentheses. 7. Do not include on this page entries with respect to deferred income taxes or taxes collected through payroll deductions or otherwise pending transmittal of such taxes to the taxing authority. 8. Report in columns (i) through (I) how the taxes were distributed. Report in column (I) only the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 409.pertaining to electric operations. Report in column (I) the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 109.1 pertaining to other utility departments andamounts charged to Accounts 408.2 and 409.2. Also shown in column (I) the taxes charged to utility plant or other balance sheet accounts. 9. For any tax apportioned to more than one utility department or account, state in a footnote the basis (necessity) of apportioning such tax. BALANCE AT END OF YEAR DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED Line (Taxes accrued Prepaid Taxes Electric Extraordinary Items AaJustments to Ket.Other No.Acco~nt 236)(Inc!. in Account 165)(Account 408., 409.(Account 409.Earnings (Account 439)(h)(i)(k)(I) 062 111,118 -435 106,350 143 706 2,404 690,396 591,451 806,501 057 33,676 416 751 334 210 737 815 840 744 041 160 22,881 280,457 268,657 397 741 972 155 100,080 527,438 193,301 407,416 615,757 186,912 69,988 316 171,403 390 603 19,800 384 166,988 35,843 572 528 425,014 864 817 817 181 383 011 003 869 994 400 335,283 276,391 17 ,852 313,430 55,029,969.29,528,594 FERC FORM NO.2, (ED. 12-96)Page 263. Name of Respondent This (!)ort Is:Date of Report Year/Periodof Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR 1. Give particulars (details) of the combined prepaid and accrued tax accounts and show the total taxes charged to operations and other accounts during the year. Do not include gasoline and other sales taxes which have been charged to the accounts to which the taxed material was charged. If the actual, or estimated amounts of such taxes are know, show the amounts in a footnote and designate whether estimated or actual amounts. 2. Include on this page, taxes paid during the year and charged direct to final accounts, (not charged to prepaid or accrued taxes. Enter the amounts in both columns (d) and (e). The balancing of this page is not affected by the inclusion of these taxes. 3. Include in column (d) taxes charged during the year, taxes charged to operations and other accounts through (a) accruals credited to taxes accrued, (b)amounts credited to proportions of prepaid taxes chargeable to current year, and (c) taxes paid and charged direct to operations or accounts other than accrued and prepaid tax accounts. 4. List the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that the total tax for each State and subdivision can readily be ascertained. L..lne Kind of Tax BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR c1axes d ~~~ Adjust-argeNo.(See instruction 5)""(axes Accru~~~repai.d Taxes ~~g ~ring ments(Account 236)(Include In Account 165)ear(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) STATE OF OREGON: Income Tax (1999 & Older)214 635 578 Income Tax (2000)158,916 Income Tax (2001)854,485 740 Income Tax (2002)216,117 131,680 Income Tax (2003)20,153 137 989 72,851 Income Tax (2004)171 001 85,000 59,006 Property Tax (1999-2000)55,143 55,144 Property Tax (2001)20,499 20,499 Proprty Tax (2002)60,055 60,055 Property Tax (2003)254 350 428,762 15,588 Property Tax (2004)697 517 277,044 Motor Vehicle (2004) Busn Energy Tax Credit -414 235 16,786 Busn Energy Tax Credit 34,244 Busn Energy Tax Credit 55,790 Busn Energy Tax Credit 63,885 851 Busn Energy Tax Credit -44 059 Franchise Tax (2002)115 964 115,964 Franchise Tax (2003)214 906 597 121 382 216 Franchise Tax (2004)329,162 028,445 507,402 Total Oregon 270,471 583,124 717,363 85,014 STATE OF CALIFORNIA: Income Tax (1996-2000)158,423 Income Tax (2001)142,429 Income Tax 2002 26,863 Income Tax 2003 058 Income Tax 2004 34,200 59,983 15,158 Property Tax (1999)128,479 128,479 Property Tax (2000-2001)1,452 906 358 Property Tax (2002)350 354 Property Tax (2003)265 57,270 Property Tax (2004)60,766 112,064 Excise Tax (1999-2000)163 Excise Tax (2001) Excise Tax (2004)343 Franchise Tax (2002)557 747 557,747 Franchise Tax (2003)847 336 922 557,747 TOTAL 241,055 84,514 505 76,881 762 560 368 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 262. Name of Respondent This f!Jort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR (Continued) 5. If any tax (exclude Federal and State income taxes)- covers more then one year, show the required information separately for each tax yearidentifying the year in column (a). 6. Enter all adjustments of the accrued and prepaid tax accounts in column (f) and explain each adjustment in a foot- note. Designate debit adjustments by parentheses. 7. Do not include on this page entries with respect to deferred income taxes or taxes collected through payroll deductions or otherwise pending transmittal of such taxes to the taxing authority. 8. Report in columns (i) through (I) how the taxes were distributed. Report in column (I) only the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 409.pertaining to electric operations. Report in column (I) the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 109.1 pertaining to other utility departments andamounts charged to Accounts 408.2 and 409.2. Also shown in column (I) the taxes charged to utility plant or other balance sheet accounts. 9. For any tax apportioned to more than one utility department or account, state in a footnote the basis (necessity) of apportioning such tax. BALANCE AT END OF YEAR DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED Line(Taxes accrued Prepaid Taxes Electric Extraordinary Items AdjUstments to Ke!.Other No.Acco~nt 236)(Inc!. in Account 165)(Account 408.1, 409.(Account 409.Earnings (Account 439)(h)(i)(k)(I) 215,213 158,916 853 745 740 347,797 291 995 21,740 149 261 190 000 835,496 593,266 579 527 60,321 637 195 -431,020 244 790 966 -44 059 793,315 329,162 -489 724 917 557 709 625 158,423 142,429 26,863 17,058 -40,941 200 906 354 57,270 51,297 60,766 163 343 343 159,977 313,430 55,029,969 29,528,594 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 263. Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/Q4(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR 1. Give particulars (details) of the combined prepaid and accrued tax accounts and show the total taxes charged to operations and other accounts during the year. Do not include gasoline and other sales taxes which have been charged to the accounts to which the taxed material was charged. If the actual, or estimated amounts of such taxes are know, show the amounts in a footnote and designate whether estimated or actual amounts. 2. Include on this page, taxes paid during the year and charged direct to final accounts, (not charged to prepaid or accrued taxes. Enter the amounts in both columns (d) and (e). The balancing of this page is not affected by the inclusion of these taxes. 3. Include in column (d) taxes charged during the year, taxes charged to operations and other accounts through (a) accruals credited to taxes accrued, (b)amounts credited to proportions of prepaid taxes chargeable to current year, and (c) taxes paid and charged direct to operations or accounts other than accrued and prepaid tax accounts. 4. list the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that the total tax for each State and subdivision can readily be ascertained. ... Kind of Tax BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR ~~xes ~~~ Adjust-C argedNo.(See instruction 5)1: axes Accru~~~repatC1 1 axes ~~g ~~g ments(Account 236)(Include In Account 165)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) 1 Franchise Tax (2004)406,036 720 California PUC Tax 137 California Use Tax 309 241 Total California 596 751 549 664 509 930 138 279 STATE OF ARIZONA: 7 Income Tax (2001)127 700 650 Total Arizona 127 700 650 COUNTY & MUNICIPAL Occupation 192,123 17,091,937 16,051 010 216 527 Forrest Fire Protection Greenacres Irrigation City of Spokane PBIA 858 612 W A Dept of Natural Spokane Utility Tax 205 767 Columbia Irrigation 136 Misc.104,408 736 Total County 087 062 17,097 961 16,051 765 216 527 TOTAL 241,055 84,514,505 881,762 560 368 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 262. Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR (Continued) 5. If any tax (exclude Federal and State income taxes)- covers more then one year, show the required information separately for each tax year, identifying the year in column (a). 6. Enter all adjustments of the accrued and prepaid tax accounts in column (f) and explain each adjustment in a foot- note. Designate debit adjustmentsby parentheses. 7. Do not include on this page entries with respect to deferred income taxes or taxes collected through payroll deductions or otherwise pending transmittal of such taxes to the taxing authority. 8. Report in columns (i) through (I) how the taxes were distributed. Report in column (I) only the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 409.pertaining to electric operations. Report in column (I) the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 109.1 pertaining to other utility departments andamounts charged to Accounts 408.2 and 409.2. Also shown in column (I) the taxes charged to utility plant or other balance sheet accounts. 9. For any tax apportioned to more than one utility department or account, state in a footnote the basis (necessity) of apportioning such tax. BALANCE AT END OF YEAR DISTRIBUTION OF TAXES CHARGED Line(Taxes accrued Prepaid Taxes Electric Extraordinary Items Adjustments to Ke!.Other No.Acco~nt 236)(Inc!. in Account 165)(Account 408., 409.(Account 409.Earnings (Account 439)(h)(i)(k)(I) 405,316 406 036 137 068 309 498 205 309 548,355 179 700 179 700 016,522 891 757 200 179 470 972 767 136 105,144 18,930 666 916,730 910,687 187 273 11,313,430 55,029,969 29,528,594 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 263. Name of Respondent This (!Jort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 ACCUMULA ED DEFERRED INVESTMENT TAX REDITS (Account 255) Report below information applicable to Account 255. Where appropriate, segregate the balances and transactions by utility and non utility operations. Explain by footnote any correction adjustments to the account balance shown in column (g).lnclude in column (i) the average period over which the tax credits are amortized. ILine Account Balance at Beginning Deferred for Year AllocatiOns to AdjustmentsNo.SUbd lx~sions of Year Current Year's Income(c) (d) (e) (f) 1 Electric Utility 23% 34% 47% 510% 8 TOTAL 9 Other (List separately and show 3%,4%,7%, 10% and TOTAL) Gas Propertry (10%)620,268 1411.30a TOTAL PROPERTY 620 268 49,30S FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 266 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/25/2005 ACCUMULATED 0~FERRED INVESTMENT TAX CRED TS (Account 255) (continued) Balance at End Avera~e Period ADJUSTMENT EXPLANATION Lineof Year of AI ocation No.to Income 570 960 570,960 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 267 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) (2g An on gin (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)0 A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 MISCELLANEOUS CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABll..ITIES (Account 242) 1. Describe and report the amount of other current and 2. Minor items (less than $100,000) may be groupedaccrued liabilities at the end of year.under approprate title. Balance atLineItemEnd of YearNo. (a)(b) Forest Use Permits 242.182 081 R. Hanson Settlement 242.550 Hamilton St. Bridge (Gas Plant) Accrual 242.756,591 Audit Expense Accrual 242.64,650 FERC Administrative Fee Accrual 242.30,242.582 000 Non-monetary Power Exchange 242.75,450 Payroll Equalization 242.10,773,355 Demand Side Mgmt Tariff Rider 242.72,73,(1,566,560) ESOP 401-K Plan 242.297 Low Income Energy Assistance 242.76 & 242.503,700 California Commission Fee 242.900 OR Gas Limited Income (LIRAP) 242.597 Workers Compensation Reg Liab 242.360,885 TOTAL 15,927,496 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 268 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 OTHER DEFFERED CREDITS (Account 253) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for concerning ~ther deferred credits. 2. For any deferred credit being amortized, show the period of amortization. 3. Minor items (5% of the Balance End of Year for Account 253 or amounts less than $10,000, whichever is greater) may be grouped by classes.Line Description and Other Balance at DEBITS Balance atNo. Deferred Credits Beginning of Year Contra Amount Credits End of Year Account(c) Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 (a) Unearned Interest - Customer wiring & conversions 253. CIT Oper Lease 253.09, 9/2006 10 BPA C&RD Receipts 253. 12 Trust Fund - Centralia 253. 14 Rathdrum Refund 253. 15 Amort =25 years, through 1/2020 17 Supplemental Executive 18 Retirement Plan 253. 24 ID Clark Fork Relicensing 253. 26 Deferred Compo 253.91, 28 FAS5 Mark to Market 253. 30 Amort Unbilled Revenue Add-ons 31 253. (b)(f)(d)(e) 352 419 352 664 664 Deferred Revenue Prepayment - Pacific Walla Walla/Enterprise Amort = 19 yrs 253. 546 456 372 42,174 108 011 931 39,277 734 65,880 various 427,950850 460,980 893,089 287 621 896,423 543,976 822 510,154 13,201 395 903,761 145 634 15,443,268 Gain on Sale and leaseback of Building (Amortization period is 25 years) 253.85 & 253. 091 648 261,456 830,192 -417 543 516,424 513,261 -420,706 206,789 366 951 286,412 126,250 261 406 688 590 427 184 918 048 079,331 161 283 47 TOTAL 008 549 39,775,190 38,888 057 33,121,416 FERC FORM NO.2-. (ED. 12-94)Page 269 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 ACCUMULATED DEFFERED INCOME TAXES - OTHER PROPERTY (Account 282) 1. Report the information called for below concerning the respondent's accounting for deferred income taxes rating to property not subject to accelerated amortization 2. For other (Specify),include deferrals relating to other income and deductions. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 Line No. CHANGES DURING YEARAccountBalance at Beginning of Year (a)(b) Amounts Debited to Account 410. (c) Amounts Credited to Account 411. (d) 1 Account 282 2 Electric 3 Gas 4 General Common 198 857 057 903,080 865,985 262 626,122 395,174 624,230 103,878 874 409 602,5175 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4) 6 Non-operating 9 TOTAL Account 282 (Enter Total of lines 5 thru 10 Classification of TOTAL 11 Federal Income Tax 265 021,296 602 517 12 State Income Tax 13 Local Income Tax 257 655,753 365,543 720,325 882,192 NOTES :ERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 274 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER PROPERTY (Account 282) (Continued) 3. Use footnotes as required. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 CHANGES DURING YEAR Amounts Debited Amounts Credited to Account 410.to Account 411. ADJUSTMENTS (h) Credits Account Debited (i) Amount Balance at End of Year Line No. Debits (e)(f) Account Credited (g) Amount (k) 217,481, 55,006 16,740, 289,228, 315, 876, 884 293,535, NOTES (Continued) , FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 275 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 ACCUMULATED DEFFERED INCOME TAXES - OTHER (Account 283) 1. Report the information called for below concerning the respondent's accounting for deferred income taxes relating to amounts recorded in Account 283. 2. For other (Specify),include deferrals relating to other income and deductions. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Line No. Account 1 Account 283 2 Electric Electric 117,437,849 55,256,109 9 TOTAL Electric (Total of lines 3 thru 8) 10 Gas 11 Gas 490,222 484,383 17 TOTAL Gas (Total of lines 11 thru 16) 18 Other 490,222 127 365,050 248,293,121 2,484,383 49,003,485 768,24119 TOTAL (Acct 283)(Enter Total of lines 9, 17 and 18) 20 Classification of TOTAL 21 Federal Income Tax 22 State Income Tax 23 Local Income Tax NOTES FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 276 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER (Account 283) (Continued) 3. Provide in the space below explanations for Page 276 and 277. Include amounts relating to insignificant items listed under Other. 4. Use footnotes as required. Year/Period of Report End of 2004/04 CHANGES DURING YEAR Amounts Debited Amounts Credited to Account 410.to Account 411. ADJ USTMENTS Debits Balance at End of Year (k) 425 292 182.899,835 707 197 2,425,292 899,835 707 197 499 016,104 499 2,466,791 244,746 10,144 581 016,104 164,656,998 234,380 299 182.31, NOTES (Continued) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 277 Line No. Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report Avista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/04(2) DA Resubmission 04/25/2005 OTHER REGULATORY LIABILITIES (Account 254) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for conc~rning other regulatory liabilities, including rate order docket number, if applicable. 2. Minor items (5% of the Balance in Account 254 at end of period, or amounts less than $50,000 which ever is less),may be grouped by classes. 3. For Regulatory Liabilities being amortized, show period of amortization. Balance at Begining DEBITS Balance at End Line Description and Purpose of of Current of Current No.Other Regulatory Liabilities OuarterlYear Account Amount Credits QuarterlY earCredited (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) Centralia Sale 254.11, 028 & 038 674.973 407.163,222 237,252 749,003 FAS109-Acctg for Income Taxes 254.334,020 190.26,556 307,464 Nez Perce - Regulatory Liability 254.880,436 186.80,557.22,008 858,428 BPA Residential Exchange 254.45, 028 407.566,823 808.024 241,201 BPA Residential Exchange 254.45, 038 16,333 407.274,436 977,788 719,685 BPA Residential Exchange 254.45, 098 679,445 182.679,445 BPA Residential Exchange 254.46, 028 431.10 554 554 Mark to Mid FAS133 - Reg Liab 254.442,499 176.74,245.325,341,924 348,720,526 26,821,101 TOTAL 13,027 706 340,074,414 361,747,144 700,436 FERC FORM NO.(REV 02-04)Page 278 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1) l29 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corporation (2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues for each prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in total. 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any mixture of natural and manufactured gas. 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on the basis of meter, in addition to the number of flat rate ac- counts; except that where separate meter readings are added for billing purposes, one customer should be counted Year of Report Dec. 31, 2004 for each group of meters added. The average number of customers means the average of twelve figures at the close of each month. 4. Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf (14.73 psia at 60 degrees F). If billings are on a therm basis, give the Btu con- tents of the gas sold and the sales converted to Mct. 5. If increases or decreases from previous year (col- umns (c), (e) and (g), are not derived from previously Line No. Title of Account OPERATING REVENUES Amount for Amount for Year Previous Year GAS SERVICE REVENUES 480 Residential Sales 481 Commercial and Industrial Sales Small or Comm. See Instr. 6 Lar e or Ind. See Instr. 6 (482 Other Sales to Public Authorities 484 Interde artmental Sales TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 483 Sales for Resale10 TOTAL Nat. Gas Service Revenues11 Revenues from Manufactured Gas12 TOTAL Gas Service Revenues13 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES14 485 Intracom an Transfers15 487 Forfeited Discounts16 488 Misc. Service Revenues17 489 Rev. from Trans. of Gas of Others 18 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nat. Gas19 491 Rev.from Nat. Gas Proc. b Others20 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales21 493 Rent from Gas Pro ert22 494 Interde artmental Rents23 495 Other Gas Revenues24 TOTAL Other 0 eratin Revenues25 TOTAL Gas 0 eratin Revenues26 Less 496 Provision for Rate Refunds27 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of Provision for Refunds 28 Dis. Type Sales by States (Incl. Main Line Sales to Resid. and Comm. Custrs. 29 Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main Line Sales to Pub. Authorities 30 Sales for Resale 31 Other Sales to Pub. Auth. Local Dist. Onl 32 Interde artmental Sales 33 TOTAL Same as Line 10, Columns b and d 362 706 309,009,894 152 110 309,162 004 280,063 187 511 15,060 848,688 331 322 320,493,326 320,493,326 299,224,467 9,422 721 152 110 362 706 309,162 004 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 300 348,901 265,271 339 279,638 265,550,977 223,829 539,920 974 051 11,737 800 277 288,777 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is: (1) l29 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report Avista Corporation (2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) (Continued) reported figures, explain any inconsistencies in a foot- note. 6. Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481 , may be classified according to the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or Industrial) regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200,000 Mcf per year or approximately 800 Mcf per day of normal requirements. (See Account 481 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification in a footnote. 7. See page 108, Important Changes During Year, for important new territory added and important rate increases or decreases. Quantity for Year THERMS OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity for Previous Year AVG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTRS. PER MO. Number for Line Number for Year Previous Year No. 479,230 338,301 092 2 305,000 338,606,092 517,438 333,840,139 675,000 334,515,139 300,805 300,805 37 292 722 292 723 NOTES Quantities of natural gas expressed in therms: to convert thermsto MCF, divide therms by a BTU factor of 10. (1) Includes $4 627 958 unbilled revenues. (2) Includes(361 ,680) therms relating to unbilled revenues. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 301 DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES 1. Report in total for each State, sales by classes of serv- line sales to industrial consumers; these should be reported ice. Report main line sales to residential and commercial on page 306, Field and Main Line Industrial Sales of consumers in total by States. Do not include field and main Natural Gas. Total Residential, Commerical and IndustrialOperating Revenues Therms (Total of (d), (ij and (h)) (Total of (e), (g) and (i)) (b) (c) 145,687 195 164,587,612 58,755,770 67 066,720 83,757 885 84,177,703 20,446,338 21 989,827 Name of Respondent This Report Is: Date of Report (1)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmission April 25, 2005Avista Corp. Line No. Names of State (a) State of Washington State of Idaho State of Oregon State of California 308,647,188 337 821,862Totals FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 302 Year of Report Dec. 31,2004 Residential Operating Revenues (d) 91,341 542 273,915 206,457 14,648,203 194,470,117 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)~ An Original (Mo, Os, Yr) Avista Corp.(2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 DISTRIBUTION TYPE SALES BY STATES (Continued) 2. Provide totals for sales within each State.the components of mixed gas, Le., whether natural and oil 3. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed, or any refinery gases, natural and coke oven gases, etc., and specify mixture of natural and manufactured gas. State in a footnote the appproximate percentage of natural gas in the mixture. Residential (Continued)Commerical Industrial Therms Operating Revenues Therms Operating Revenues Therms Line No. (e)(f)(0)(h)(i) 98,040,965 060,026 62,146,078 285,627 4,400,569 40,813,093 19,895,903 149,097 585,952 104 530 129,971 28,000,286 30,278,920 551,142 768,812 15,712,234 798,135 277 593 201 696,263 104 754 350 122 851 688 9,422 721 13,273,911 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 303 Name of Respondent This R iIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubnussion April 25. 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous year is not derived from previous Iv reported furores, explain in footnotes. Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 1. PRODUCTION EXPENSES A. Manufactured Gas Production Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement) . . B. Natural Gas Production B I. Natural Gas Production and Gatherin~ Operation 750 Operation Supervision and En~ineerin~ 751 Production Maps and Records 752 Gas Wells Expenses 753 Field Lines Expenses 754 Field Compressor Station Expenses 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power 756 Field Measurin~ and Regulatin~ Station Expenses 757 Purification Expenses 758 Gas Well Royalties 759 Other Expenses 760 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 7 thru 17) Maintenance . . d ,:.. ,.. 761 Maintenance Supervision and En~ineerin~ 762 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 763 Maintenance of Producing Gas Wells 764 Maintenance of Field Lines 765 Maintenance of Field Compressor Station EQuipment 766 Maintenance of Field Meas. and Re~. Sta. EQuipment 767 Maintenance of Purification Eauipment 768 Maintenance of Drilling and Cleaning Eauipment 769 Maintenance of Other Eauipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28) TOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gatherin~ (Total of lines 18 and 29) B2. Products Extraction !:'::.. . Operation 770 Operation Supervision and Engineering 771 Operation Labor 772 Gas Shrinkage 773 Fuel 774 Power 775 Materials 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses 777 Gas Processed by Others 778 Royalties on Products Extracted 779 Marketing Expenses 780 Products Purchased for Resale 781 Variation in Products Inventory (Less) 782 Extracted Products Used by the Utility-Credit 783 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of Lines 33 thru 46) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 320 Name of Respondent This R l&jort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo. Va. Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 3 I. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount CulTent Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) B2. Products Extraction (Continued)I.. Maintenance 784 Maintenance Supervision and Ene:ineerine: 785 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refinine: Equipment 787 Maintenance of Pipe Lines 788 Maintenance of Extracted Products Storae:e Equipment 789 Maintenance of Compressor Equipment 790 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Reg. Equipment 791 Maintenance of Other Equipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 49 thru 56) TOTAL Products Extraction (Enter Total of lines 47 and 57) C. Exploration and Development Operation ,..' . 795 Delay Rentals 796 Nonproductive Well Drilling 797 Abandoned Leases 798 Other Exploration TOTAL Exploration and Development (Enter Total of lines 61 thru 64) D. Other Gas Supply Expenses Operation :C/. ' :. .:.. 800 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases, Intracompany Transfers 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Pruchases 803 Natural Gas Transmission Line Purchases 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 217.925,718 189,992,110 804.1 LiQuefied Natural Gas Purchases 805 Other Gas Purchases (4,070,037)(9.237,733) (Less) 805.1 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments .:. . c TOTAL Purchased Gas (Enter Total of lines 67 to 76)213,855,681 180,754,377 806 Exchange Gas Purchased Gas Expenses .,:.:., c.,. '... .. :. 807.1 Well Expenses-Purchased Gas 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measurine: Stations 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measurine: Stations 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Expenses 328,577 318,297 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Expenses TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses (Enter Total of lines 80 thru 84)328,577 318,297 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Storae:e-Debit (Less) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storae:e-Credit (83,689)(76,888) 809.1 Withdrawals of LiQuefied Natural Gas for Processine:-Debit (Less) 809.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processine:-Credit Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit ....:':.. ... 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel-Credit 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit 8 I 2 Gas used for Other Utility Operations-Credit TOTAL Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit (Total of lines 91 thru 93) 813 Other Gas Supply Expenses 404,814 319.069 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Exp (Total of lines 77,78,85,86 thru 89,95)214,505,383 181,314,855 TOTAL Production Expenses (Enter Total of lines 3,30,58,65, and 96)214,505,383 181,314,855 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 321 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 3 I. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE. TERMINALING AND V;,: ,.....' '...... . PROCESSING EXPENSES A. Underground Storae:e Exoenses 100 Operation . ,. .,.... ."" ,.. 101 814 Ooeration Supervision and Ene:ineerine:15.828 15.153 102 815 Maps and Records 103 816 Wells Expenses 104 817 Lines Expense 105 818 Compressor Station Exoenses 106 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 107 820 Measurine: and Ree:ulatine: Station Exoenses 108 821 Purification Expenses 109 822 Exploration and Development 110 823 Gas Losses III 824 Other Expenses 334.655 228.242 112 825 Storage Well Royalties 113 826 Rents 114 TOTALOoeration (Enter Total of lines 101 thru 113)350,483 243.395 115 Maintenance '..:. . 116 830 Maintenance Supervision and Ene:ineerine: 117 831 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 118 832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 120 834 Maintenance of Compressor Station Eauipment 121 835 Maintenance of Measurine: and Ree:ulatine: Station EQuipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Eauipment 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equipment 171.691 220.501 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 116 thru 123)171,691 220.50 I 125 TOTAL Undere:round Storae:e Expenses (Total of lines 114 and 124)522.174 463.896 126 B. Other Storae:e Expenses .,.,,'. .. ' . d 127 Operation . . 128 840 Operation Supervision and Ene:ineering 129 841 Operation Labor and Expenses 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Power 133 842.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 128 thru 133) 135 Maintenance 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervision and Ene:ineerine: 137 843.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purification Eauipment 140 843.5 Maintenance of LiQuefaction Equipment 141 843.6 Maintenance of Vaporizing Equipment 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compressor Eauipment 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measurine: and Ree:ulatine: EQuipment 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other Eauipment 145 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 136 thru 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storae:e Expenses (Enter Total of lines 134 and 145) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 322 Name of Respondent This R iIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubnussion April 25, 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 147 C. Liauefied Natural Gas Tenninaling and Processing Expenses 148 Operation 149 844.1 Operation Supervision and Engineering 150 844.2 LNG Processine: Tenninal Labor and Expenses 151 844.3 Liauefaction Processine: Labor and Expenses 152 844.4 Liauefaction Transportation Labor and Expenses 153 844.5 Measuring and Regulating Labor and Expenses 154 844.6 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 155 844.7 Communication Svstem Expenses 156 844.8 Svstem Control and Load Dispatching 157 845.1 Fuel 158 845.2 Power 159 845.3 Rents 160 845.4 Demumu~e Chare:es 161 (Less) 845.5 Wharfae:e ReceiPts-Credit 162 845.6 Processing Liauefied or Vaporized Gas by Others 163 846.1 Gas Losses 164 846.2 Other Exoenses 165 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 149 thru 164) 166 Maintenance :.. 167 847.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processing Terminal EQuipment 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation EQuipment 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Eauipment 172 847.6 Miantenance of Compressor Station EQuipment 173 847.7 Maintenance of Communication EQuipment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other Eauinment 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflines 167 thru 174) 176 TOTAL Liauefied Nat Gas Terminaling and Processing Exp (Lines 165 & 175) 177 TOTAL Natural Gas storae:e (Enter Total of lines 125, 146, and 176)522,174 463.896 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES I.: . .:,.. : ,. :/:'::". . 179 Operation H:;, . .. " 180 850 Operation Supervision and Engineering 181 851 System Control and Load Dispatching 182 852 Communication Svstem Exnenses 183 853 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 184 854 Gas for Compressor Station Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Expenses 187 857 Measuring and Re2Ulatine: Station Expenses 188 858 Transmission and Compression of Gas by Others 189 859 Other Expenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 180 thru 190) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 323 Name of Respondent This R lIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) An Original (Mo. Da. Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) '.."..."...' ' :'r 192 Maintenance I:i" :. . I . . .. , 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measurin~ and Re~. Station Equipment 198 866 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 199 867 Maintenance of Other Equipment 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 193 thru 199) 201 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Enter Total of lines 191 and 200) 202 4. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervision and Engineering 928,100 913,244 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 226 3,413 206 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 207 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 208 874 Mains and Services Expenses 993,801 945,577 209 875 Measurin~ and Regulatin~ Station Expenses-General 87,741 66,970 210 876 Measurin~ and Regulatin~ Station Expenses-Industrial 973 638 211 877 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-City Gate Check Station 112,188 102,072 212 878 Meter and House Regulator Expenses 592,238 1,491,133 213 879 Customer Installations Expenses 951,323 777,084 214 880 Other Expenses 713,864 536,942 215 881 Rents 161 19,500 216 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 204 thru 215)9,404,163 856,573 217 Maintenance ."':... :..::), '.,:.. ,,: 218 885 Maintenance Supervision and EQ1~ineerine:113,811 57,543 219 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 776 695 220 887 Maintenance of Mains 640,131 028,496 221 888 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 222 889 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Sta. I quip.General 395,207 446,691 223 890 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Sta. I quip.Industrial 215,084 176,714 224 891 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Sta. I quip.City Gate Check Station 52,473 41,310 225 892 Maintenance of Services 320,696 532,764 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Regulators 711,130 557,024 227 894 Maintenance of Other Equipment 68,916 19,619 228 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 218 thru 227)520,224 861,856 229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 216 and 228)13,924,387 12,718,429 230 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES ::, .. . 231 Operation 232 901 Supervision 81,506 72,694 233 902 Meter Reading Expenses 076,492 000,754 234 903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 247,929 821,781 235 904 Uncollectible Accounts 440,131 753,587 236 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 417,106 429,906 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses (Enter Total of lines 232 thru 236)10,263,164 078,722 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 324 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmisslon April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Amount for Amount for Line Amount Cucrent Year Previous Year No.fa)(b)(c) 238 6. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES ... 239 Operation I.. 240 907 Supervision 241 908 Customer Assistance Exoenses 293,430 718,098 242 909 Infonnational and Instructional Exoenses 168,574 104,533 243 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Infonnational Expenses 55, 101 47,014 244 TOTAL Customer Service and Infonnation Exoenses (Lines 240thru 243)517,105 869,645 245 7. SALES EXPENSES 246 Operation 247 911 Supervision 23,836 248 912 Demonstratine: and Selline: Expenses 695,836 654,164 249 913 Advertisine: Exoenses 106,417 190,041 250 9 I 6 Miscellaneous Sales Exoenses 517 52,253 251 TOTAL Sales Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 247 thru 250)811,770 920,294 252 8. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES ,c; "" 253 Ooeration :;.:.::, ." ,. ::,. ',. ' 254 920 Administrative and General Salaries 143,730 840,466 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 333,303 267,359 256 (Less) (922) Administrative Exoenses Transfecred-Cr.597 (5,727) 257 923 Outside Services Emoloved 250,858 986,197 258 924 Property Insurance 290,984 367,023 259 925 Injuries and Damages 1,469,382 968,396 260 926 Emoloyee Pensions and Benefits 666,794 615,880 261 927 Franchise Reauirements 262 928 Regulartorv Commission Exoenses 294 935 365,580 263 (Less) (929) Duplicate Charges-Cr. 264 930.1 General Advertising Expenses 265 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expenses 258,529 936,072 266 931 Rents 743,385 175,701 267 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 254 thru 266)18,446,303 17,516,947 268 Maintenance .: ... ..,'. ... .,.:. .. ... 269 935 Maintenance of General Plant 193,844 054,604 270 TOTAL Administrative and General Exo (Total of lines 267 and 269)19,640,147 18,571,55 I 271 TOTAL Gas O. and M. Exo (Lines 97,177,201,229,237.244 251,and 270)265,184,130 226,937,392 NUMBER OF GAS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES 1. The data on number of employees should be reported construction employees in a foonote. for the payroll period ending nearest to October 31, or 3. The number of employees assignable to the gas any payroll period ending 60 days before or after Octo-department from joint function of combination utilities ber 31.may be detennined by estimate, on the basis of employee 2. If the respondent's payroll for the reporting period equivalents.Show the estimated number of equivalent includes any special constrction personnel, include such employees attributed to the gas department from joint employees on line 3, and show the number of such special functions. Payroll Period Ended (Date)December 31, 2004 Total Regular Full-Time Emoloyees 332 Total Part-Time and Temporary Employees allocation of General Emoloyees Total Emoloyees 368 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 325 Name of Respondent A vista Corporation This ~ort Is: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25, 2005 Year of Report Dec. 31 , 2004 Other Gas Supply Expenses (Account 813) 1 Report other gas supply expenses by descriptive titles that and losses on settlements of imbalances and gas lossesclearly indicate the nature of such expenses. Show not associated with storage separately. Indicate the maintenance expenses, revaluation of functional classification and purpose of property to which monthly encroachments recorded in Account 117.4 any expenses relate. List separately items of $250,000 or more. Line No. Description (a) Amount (in Dollars) (b) 1 Gas Resource Management Labor Transportation Misc. Other Expenses (Phone Bills, Professional Services, Gas Reports, Travel, Etc. 174,894 804 22,713 Canadian Regulatory Affairs Labor Misc. Other Expenses (Phone Bills, Professional Services, Gas Reports, Travel, Etc. 49,632 24,112 Send Out Modeling Maintenance Fees 8 FERC Gas Case Labor Misc. Other Expenses (Phone Bills, Professional Services, Postage, Etc. 52,624 79,051 10 Departmental Administration 20 TOTAL 404,814 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-96)Page 334 Name of Respondent This report is: (1) (X)An Original Avista Corp. Date of Report (Mo, Oa, Yr) (2) ( ) A Resubmiss April 25, 2005 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2004 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSES (Account 930.2) (Gas) 1. Provide the information requested below on miscellaneous 2. For Other Expenses, show the (a) purpose, (b) recipient and (c) amount of suchgeneral expenses. items. List separately amounts of $250,000 or more however, amounts less than $250,000 may be grouped if the number of items of so grouped is shown. Publishing and Distributing Information and Reports to Stockholders; Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Acent Fees and Expenses, and Other Expenses of Servicing Outstandina Securities of the ResDondent Other Expenses 47 Other Miscellaneous General Labor (0930.26-28)48 93027 52 TOTAL Line No. Industry Association Dues (0930.25) Experimental and General Research Expenses a. Gas Research Institute (GRI) b. Other Description (a) Directors Fees and Expenses (0930.27) R. JOHN TAYLOR DAVID A CLACK JOHN F KELLY JESSIE J KNIGHT JR ERIK J ANDERSON ROY LEWIS EIGUREN LURA J POWELL MICHAEL L NOEL KRISTIANNE BLAKE JACK W GUST A VEL WAllO Rei 336 9,470 764 822 441 366 140 170 11,720 157 Total Miscellaneous General Expenses (0930.20) Labor 5 Items Under $5000 Cash Book Journal Transfers Total Community Relations (0930.22) Labor 172 Items Under $5000 Total Educational - Informational (0930.23) Labor 4 Items Under $5000 Other Miscellaneous General Expenses (0930.29) Labor 9 Items Under $5000 Total FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 335 WAllO Exp 760 011 153 499 471 75,386 ORICA Rei 098 656 325 371 658 621 510 508 762 552 ORICA Exp 374 497 245 232 112 37,061 530 117 089 261 746 140,057 24,685 073 33,795 Amount (b) 256,079 399,764 12,527 14,257 11 ,223 701 11 ,200 11,215 11 ,394 14,381 17,482 709 224 715 37,057 122,394 663 23,991 694 024 33,795 234 288 :1/ Name of Respondent This R iRJrt Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corporation (2)A Resubmission Apri125, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 DEPRECIATION, DEPLETION, AND AMORTIZATION OF GAS PLANT (Accounts 403, 404.1, 404., 404.404.405) (Except Amortization of ACQuisition Adiustments) Report in Section A the. amounts of depreciation between the report years (1971, 1974 and every fifth year expense depletion and amortization for the accounts in-thereafter). dicated and classified according to the plant functional Report column (b) all depreciable plant balances to groups shown.which rates are applied and show a composite total.(If Report all available infonnation called for in Sec-more desirable report by plant account,subaccount or tion B for the report year 1971, 1974 and every fifth year functional classifications other than those pre-pnnted in thereafter.Report only annual changes m the intervals column (a).Indicate at the bottom Section the Section A. S of Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Charges Amortization and Deple-Amortization of Under- Line Depreciation tion of Producing Natural ground Storage, Land No.Functional Classification Expense Gas Land and Land Land Rights and Misc. (Account 403)Rights (Account 404.Intang (Account 404. (a)(b)(c)(d) Intangible plant 958 Prodution plant, manufactured gas 543 Production and gathering plant natural gas Products extraction plant Undergound gas storage plant 429 790 Other storage plant Base load LNG tenninating and processing plant TransITIlssion plant Distribution plant 382,219 General plant 469,276 Common General plant-Allocated 92,493 :Ii!:! j~!:! j:!:!~! m m m m j:!:!:!:!~!~! m:!:: Wi ji! ~i ~i iijj j ii Hi!:i:1 j :ij:!:I~!~!:!:! ji! Hi:! W!:! j j j i! i! ~i:!:j ii i! im!:i i! j:! Hi~! j:! j i! j:: i!:!~! j :i:m:!~!:!:!):! j j:!:!:1 i! j j:!:!:! TOTAL 375 321 958 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 336 Name of Respondent This R ~rrt Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubnussion April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 DEPRECIATION, DEPLETION, AND AMORTIZATION OF GAS PLANT (Accounts 403, 404.1, 404.2, 404.3, 404., 405) (Except Amortization of Acquistion Adjustments) (Continued) manner in which column (b) balances are obtained.depreciation charges, show at the bottom of Section B average balances, state the method of averaging used.any revisions made to estimated gas reserves. For column (c) report available infonnation for each plant If provisions for deprciation were made during the functional classification listed in column (a). If composite year in addition to depreciation provided by application depreciation accounting is used.Report available infor-of reported rates, state at the bottom of Section B the mati on called for in columns (b) and (c) on this basis.amounts and nature of the provisions and the plant items Where the unit-of-production method is used to detennine to which related. Section A. . y of Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Charges Amortization of Amortization of Other Limited-tenn Leasehold Amortization of Total Line Gas Plant Improvements Other Gas Plant (b to g)Functional Classification No. (Account 404.(Account 404.(Account 405) and 404.75) (e)(/l)(h)(a) 269,641 275 599 Intan~ible plant 543 Prodution plant, manufactured gas Production and gathering plant natural gas Products extraction plant 429 790 Under~ound ~as storage plant Other stora~e plant Base load LNG tenninating and processing plant TransmIssion plant 382 219 Distribution plant 210 522,486 General plant 327 643 317 390 !:! ~!~i~ij~i .i:i:!:!:i:l:i:Wi:i~i :!:!:!~j~1 ~i:i:i:! ~i.j :i:ij~!~i~!:!~!:i:I:!:!737 526 Common general plant-Allocated 597 284 370 600 349,163 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 337 Name of Respondent This ptlrt Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) complete Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 Depreciable Applied Line Functional Classification:Plant Base Depr. Rate(s) No.(Thousands)(percent) ((; (b) (1)(c) JJnd rgr nd...Qas Stora Ejant: (2) 350 05% 351 064 1.75% 352 731 12% 352.209 20% 352.1 (Leasehold Improvements)254 22% 352.122 2.43% 353 823 1.97% 354 964 61% 355 154 76% 356 404 04% 357 648 74% Total 396 Production - Manufactured Gas: 2305 80% 2311 1.80% Total Distribution Plant: 375.634 24% 376 230 117 33% 378 346 1.90% 379 945 2.46% 380 167 133 78% 381 397 1.97% 385 772 51% 387 5.40% Total 459 344 524 00% eral Plant: 390.329 30% 390.00% 391.1 30% 392 516 393 2.43% 394 318 72% 395 908 07% 396 894 397 616 11% 398 15% Total 734 Total Depreciable Gas Plant 494 064 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 338- This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) (X)An Origin (Mo, DB, Yr) Avista Corp.(2) ( ) A Resubn April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 Particulars Concerning Certain Income Deduction and Interest Charges Accounts Report the information specified below, in the order given, for the respective income deduction and interest charges accounts.(a) Miscellaneous Amortization (Account 425) - Describe the nature of items included in this account, the contra account charged, the total of amortization charges for the year, and the period of amortization. (b) Miscellaneous Income Deductions-Report the nature, payee, and amount of other income deductions for the year as required by Accounts 426. Donations; 426., Life Insurance; 426.3, Penalties; 426., Expenditures for Certain Civic, Political and Related Activities; and 426., Other Deductions, of the Uniform System of Accounts. Amounts of less the $250,000 may be grouped by classes within the above accounts. (c) Interest on Debt to Associated Companies (Account 430)-For each associated company that incurred interest on debt during the year, indicate the amount and interest rate respectively for (a) advances on notes, (b) advances on open account, (c) notes payable, (d) accounts payable and (e) other debt, and total interest. Explain the nature of other debt on which interest was incurred during the year. Line Description Amount No.(a)(b) Acct. 425.00 - MISCELLANEOUS AMORTIZATIONS Gas plant acquisition adj. Applicable to purchase of CP National OreQon & California distribution system. Contra account 115.00.323,416 Total - 425. Acct. 426.10 - DONATIONS EI Dorado County (Project Share)15,000 Donation of Microturbine to Oregon Institute of Technology 1 08,856 Spokane Neighborhood Action (Project Share)200,000 Valley Vision 15,000 Items Under $15,000 173,501 Total 426.512 357 Acct. 426.20 - LIFE INSURANCE Officers Life 126,078 SERP 300,008 Total 426.1 ,426,086 Acct. 426.30 - PENALTIES All Items Under $10,000 10,038 Total 426.10,038 Acct. 426.40 - EXPENDITURES FOR CERTAIN CIVIC, POLITICAL AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Legal Services 389 Items Under $50,000 761,858 Total 426.40 859,247 Acct. 426.50 - OTHER DEDUCTIONS Other 215 Write-off of utility plant pursuant to IPUC order 2,457 249 Kettle Falls Reserve Amortization (228,480 Executive Deferred Compensation 788,973 Cash Reduction for PG E Monetization 88,125 Accelerated vesting of stock options 117 860 Total 426.224 942 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87)Page 340 Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) (X)An Origin (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2) ( ) A Resubn April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 Particulars Concerning Certain Income Deduction and Interest Charges Accounts Report the information specified below, in the order given, for the respective income deduction and interest charges accounts.(a) Miscellaneous Amortization (Account 425) - Describe the nature of items included in this account, the contra account charged, the total of amortization charges for the year, and the period of amortization. (b) Miscellaneous Income Deductions-Report the nature, payee, and amount of other income deductions for the year as required by Accounts 426. Donations; 426., Life Insurance; 426.3, Penalties; 426., Expenditures for Certain Civic, Political and Related Activities; and 426.5, Other Deductions, of the Uniform System of Accounts. Amounts of less the $250,000 may be grouped by classes within the above accounts. (c) Interest on Debt to Associated Companies (Account 430)-For each associated company that incurred interest on debt during the year, indicate the amount and interest rate respectively for (a) advances on notes, (b) advances on open account, (c) notes payable, (d) accounts payable and (e) other debt, and total interest. Explain the nature of other debt on which interest was incurred during the year. Line Description Amount No.(a)(b) Acct. 430.00 - INTEREST ON DEBT TO ASSOC. COMPANIES Avista Capital I (long-term debt) (interest rate of 7.875) (redeemed in April 2004)596,650 Avista Capital II (long-term debt) (variable rate ranged from 1.995 to 3.275 percent)214 648 AVA Capital Trust III (interest rate of 6.5 percent)970,806 Total 430.782 104 Acct. 431.00 - OTHER INTEREST EXPENSE Customer Deposits (47,790 Interest, Purchased Gas Adjustments (109,294) Interest on BPA residential exchange program 48,168 Capital lease interest 205,523 Interest on DSM Program Liability 217 293 Misc. Interest 20,375 Executive Deferred Compensation 54,971 Total 431.00 389,246 . FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-87)Page 340. Name of Respondent This (!Jort Is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report A vista Corporation (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)End of 2004/Q4(2) n A Resubmission 04/25/2005 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPEN 1. Report particulars (details) of regulatory commission expenses incurred during the current year (or incurred in previous years, if being amortized) relating to format cases before a regulatory body, or cases in which such a body was a party. 2. Report in columns (b) and (c), only the current year's expenses that are not deferred and the current year s amortization of amounts deferred in previous years. Line Description Assessed by Expenses Total . u~terreC1 No.(Furnish name of regulatory commission or body the Regulatory Expense for In Account Commission Current Year 18;2.docket or case number and a description of the case)Utility (b) + (c)Beginning 0 Year(a)(b)(c)(d)(e) FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Charges include annual fee and license fees the Spokane River Project, and the Cabinet Gorge Project and Noxon Rapids Project.267 927 958 295,885 WASHINGTON UTILITIES & TRANSPORTATION Includes annual fee and Electric Dockets #s: 42179,42095,42084,42072 42074 41876,41795, 41792 41785 41770,41712,41675,41355,41264 41222 41203,41083,41067 41020,40995,40868, 40845,40843,40786,40785,40663,40611,40594, 40587,40583,40472,40416,40379,40338,40329, 40252,40035,31905,30751,30598,31303 615,831 345,596 961,427 Gas - Docket #s:42252,42198,42180,421 03,42070, 41877,41865 41791,41786,41784,41771,41676, 41599,41515,41514 41488,41375,41356,41265, 41,223,41202,41021,41019,40869 40844,40803, 40787,40595,40588,40482,40482,40473,40417, 40380 40156,40036,32148 31361,30829 30599 258,236 273,489 531,725 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Includes annual fee & Electric Dockets#s:AVU- 04-04-04-04-04-05,04-06,03- Advice #s:ADV 04-01-E through 04-06- General Electric Docket # GNR-04-406,600 378,011 784,611 Gas - Docket #s: AVU-G 04-01, 04-02 & 03- Advice #s:ADV 04-01-G through 04-05-G RU L-04-0 1 , AVU-04-01,04-02,04-125,850 177 746 303,596 OREGON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Docket #s: LC 35, UF 4185 Misc Advice #s: 04-03-G, UG-159, UM1162,UM1165 UF4202,UF4207,UF4209,UM1115 202,045 127,977 330,022 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Rulemaking:98-026,047 10-001 04-01-006 Resolutions:M-4813, E-3254 Decisions: 01-05-033,01-07-026,01-08-065 02-10-040,02-12-011 04-08-010 Advice #s: UG907G1: C-59-60-61- 62-G, C-63-G, C-64-G, C-65-G, C-66-15,343 114,249 129,592 TOTAL 891 832 1 ,445,026 336,858 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 350 Name of Respondent Avista Corporation Year/Period of Report End of 2004/Q4 This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) A Resubmission 04/25/2005 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) 3. Show in column (k) any expenses incurred in prior years which are being amortized. List in column (a) the period of amortization.4. List in column (f), (g), and (h) expenses incurred during year which were charged currently to income, plant, or other accounts. 5. Minor items (less than $25 000) may be grouped. EXPENSES INCURRED DURING YEAR CURRENTLY CHARGED TOepartment f'Jo(f) (g) (h) AMORTIZED DURING YEAR Deferred to Account 182. (i) Contra Account Amount (k) Deferred inAccount 182. End of Year (I) Line No. Electric 0928 961,427 Electric 0928 295,885 Gas 1928 531,725 Electric 0928 784 611 Gas 1928 303,596 Gas 2928 330 022 Gas 2928 129,592 -----.---- ----------. 336 858 ----------- FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 351 Name of Respondent This R lKJrt Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmlssion April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 DISTRIBUTION OF SALARIES AND WAGES Report below the distribution of total salaries and wages appropriate lines and columns provided. In determining this for the year.Segregate amounts originally charged to clear-segregation of salaries and wages originally charged to clear- ing accounts to Utility Departments, Construction, Plant ing accounts, a method of approximation giving substantially Removals, and Other Accounts, and enter such amounts in the correct results may be used. Allocation of Line Direct Payroll Payroll Charged No.Classification Distribution for Clearing Total Accounts (a)(b)(c)(d) Electric , . Operation ..... i lIiln", 'itProduction030,689 " ' TransmissIOn 950,369 Distribution 073,062 Customer Accounts 225,363 Customer Service and Informational 96,243 Sales 677,811 Administrative and General 10,727,392 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 3 tbeu 9)780 929 Maintenance ii;:i:; Production 185,117 Transmission 1 ,033,429 il, : , Distribution 176,837 II,li!;!Administrative and General 836,990 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 12 tbeu 15)232 373 Total Operation and Maintenance : , Production (Enter Total of lines 3 and 12)215,806 Transmission (Enter Total of lines 4 and 13)983,798 \i' Distribution (Enter Total of lines 5 and 14)10,249 899 Customer Accounts (Transcribe from line 6)225,363 Customer Service and Information (Transcribe from line 7)96,243 Sales (Transcribe from line 8)677,811 illW " "., Administrative and General (Enter Total of lines 9 and 15)564,382 " , TOTAL Oper. and Maint. (Total of lines 18 thru 24)43,013,302 523,089 536,391 Gas ill!j ill Iii. ;i,'iilll ',Operation i' " i:;, Production - Manufactured Gas , " ii' Production - Natural Gas (Including Expl. and Dev. . ill! " "",., , Other Gas Supply 416,719 " ,' Storage, LNG Terminaling and Processing TransmIssion i,ii, ,','Distribution 705,855 ' " Customer Accounts 4,434,307 Customer Service and Informational 166,729 Sales 443,391 ,';'" Administrative and General 4,470,031 T' ii" TOT AL Operation (Enter Total of lines 28 tbeu 37)15,637 032 ill; ; "' ::i,Maintenance " 'j;, ,. ' Production - Manufactured Gas Production - Natural Gas Other Gas Supply it: ,j' Storage, LNG Terminaling and Processing TransmIssion Distribution 243,553 Ill! Administrative and General 309,646 i,.. ' ..TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 40 tbeu 46)553,199 "" " , FERC FORM NO.(ED 12-88)Page 354 Name of Respondent This R~rt Is:(1) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report A vista Corp.Dec. 31, 2004(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Line No. DISTRIBUTION OF SALARIES AND WAGES (Continued) A llocation of Payroll Charged for Clearing Accounts (e) Total Direct Payroll DistributionClassification (a) Gas (Continued)48 Total 0 eration and Maintenance49 Production - Manufactured Gas (Enter Total of lines 28 and 40)50 Production - Natural Gas (Including Expl. and Dev.) (Total of lines 29 and 41)51 Other Gas Su I (Enter Total of lines 30 and 42)52 Storage, LNG, Terminaling and Processing (Total of lines 31 and 43)53 Transmission (Enter Total of lines 32 and 44)54 Distribution (Enter Total of lines 33 and 45)55 Customer Accounts (Transcribe from line 34)56 Customer Service and Informational (Transcribe from line 35)57 Sales (Transcribe from line 36)58 Administrative and General (Enter Total of lines 37 and 46)59 TOTAL 0 eration and Maint. (Total of lines 49 thru 58)60 Other Utilit De artments 61 0 eration and Maintenance62 TOTAL All Utilit De t. (Total of lines 25,59, and 61)63 Utilit Plant64 Construction (B Utilit De artments)65 Electric Plant66 Gas Plant67 Other68 TOTAL Construction (Enter Total of lines 65 thru 67) 69 Plant Removal (B Utilit De artment)70 Electric Plant71 Gas Plant72 Other73 TOTAL Plant Removal (Enter Total of lines 70 thru 72)74 Other Accounts (Specify):75 Stores Expense (163)76 Unamortized debt expense (181)77 Preliminary Survey and Investigation (183)78 Small Tool Expense (184)79 Miscellaneous Defen-ed Debits (186)80 Capital Stock Expense (214) 81 Merchandising Expenses (416) 82 Non-operating Expenses (417) 83 Expenditures of Certain Civic, Political and Related84 Activities (426) 85 Purchase and Stores Expense (980)86 Transportation Expense (981)87 Cafeteria Expense - Labor (984)88 Spokane Central Operating Facility Expense (985)89 Clark Fork Relicensing (987) 96 TOTAL Other Accounts 97 TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 949,408 4,434 307 166 729 443,391 779,677 18,190,231 103,393 936,445 790,627 (15,500)775,127 243 243 27,597 27,597 757 134 52,891 24,886,682 19,364 24,906,046 725,454 12,589 738,043 208,513 281 209,794 614,699 (1,581 195)33,504 530,429 ( I ,506,588)23,841 764 901 (759 770)131 385,697 (385,696) 155 729 121 063,693 154 637)26,001,092 121,063,693 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 355 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report Year Ending (Mo, Oa, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 CHARGES FOR OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER CONSULTATIVE SERVICES 1. Report the information specified below for all charges made during the year any kind, or individual (other than for services as an employee or for included in any account (including plant accounts) for outside consultative and payments made for medical and related services) amounting to other professional services. These services include rate, management more than $250,000, including payments for legislative services, construction, engineering, research, financial, valuation, legal , accounting, except those which should be reported in Account 426.4 purchasing, advertising, labor relations, and public relations, rendered for the Expenditures for Certain Civic, Political and Related Activities. respondent under written or oral arrangement, for which aggregate payments were (a) Name of person or organization rendering services. made during the year to any corporation partnership, organization of (b) Total charges for the year. 2. Designate associated companies with an asterisk in column (b). Line No. Delinea Corporation Deloitte & Touche LLP Dewey Ballantine LLP Dorsey & Whitney LLP Entrix Inc Golder Associates Inc Heller Ehrman White &... Marsh Oracle Corporation10 Paine Hamblen Coffin Brooke 11 Van Ness Feldman Description (a) Amount (in dollars) (c)(b) 238,371 869,133 160,743 692,5a3 542,442 847 259 072 382 557 212 489,431 129,020 348,561 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 358 (Next page is 512) This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent A vista Corporation This ~ort Is:(1) ~ An Original (2) D A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Oa, Yr) Year of Report April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS STORAGE PROJECTS 1. Report injections and withdrawals of gas for all storage projects used by respondent. STORAGE OPERATIONS in Dth 1 Gas Delivered to Stora e Janua Februa March 5 A ril 6 Ma June Jul Au ust 1 0 Se tember 11 October 12 November 13 December 14 TOTAL Enter Total of Lines 2 Thru 13 15 Gas Withdrawn from Stora e 16 Janua 17 Februa 18 March 19 A ril 20 Ma 21 June 22 Jul 23 Au ust 24 Se tember 25 October 26 November 27 December 28 TOTAL Enter Total of Lines 16 Thru 27 31 Note: 33 Injections and withdrawals are based on Agency Agreement and State Benchmark Filings. 34 Agent manages storage facility and uses it as needed to meet Company requirements. 35 Scheduled injections/withdrawals are used to determine payment arrangements only. Gas Belonging to Respondent (Dth) (b) Gas Belonging to Others (Dth) Total Amount (Dth) Item Lin No. 19,502 400,422 626,574 640,000 640,000 300,000 626,498 19,502 400,422 626,574 640,000 640,000 300,000 626,498 983,214 702 598 125 996 735 069 119 031 551 257 512 572,349 556,299 983,214 702,598 125 996 735 069 119 031 551 257 512 572,349 556,299 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-96)Page 512 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:(1) ~ An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report A vista Corporation (2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31. 2004 GAS STORAGE PROJECTS Continued 1. On Line 4. enter the total storage capacity certificated by FERC. 2. Report total amount in Dth or other unit as applicable on lines 2.. 7. If uantit is converted from Mcf to Dth. rovide conversion factor in a footnote. Item Total Amount Lin No. 690,097 035,107 725,204 51.742,663 286,719 Janua 5, 2004 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-96)Page 513 Name of Respondent A vista Corp. line No. Kind of Material This ~ort Is:(1) An Original (2) D A Resubmission TRANSMISSION MAINS Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of Report (a) Steel Coated Steel Coated April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 723,360 26,400 TOTALS * Show separately and identify lines held under a title other than full ownership. Diameter Pipe, Inches (b) Show particulars Called for Concerning Transmission Mains Total Length in Use Beginning Year, Feet (c) Laid During Year, Feet (d) Taken up or Total Length Abandoned During in Use EndYear, Feet of Year. Feet (e) (f) Over 4" through 1 4" or Less FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-87)Page 514 723.360 21, 1205280 744,480 Avista Corp. This ~ort Is:(1) An Original (2) D A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year of ReportName of Respondent April25,2005 Dec. 31 2004 DISTRIBUTION MAINS Show articulars Called for Concernin Distribution Mains Total Length in Taken up or Total Length ine Kind of Material Diameter of Use" Beginning of Laid During Abandoned Durin in Use End No.Pipe, Inches Year, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet of Year, Feet The Washin ton Water Power S stem Steel Wrapped Less than 21\013,920 280 008,640 Steel Wrapped 2" to 41\874,400 874,400 Steel Wrapped 411 to 81\145,760 145,760 Steel Wrapped 8" to 12"163,680 163,680 Steel Wrapped Over 12"800 800 The WP Natural Gas S stem Steel Wrapped Less than 2"120,480 280 115,200 Steel Wrapped 2" to 411 897,600 897,600 10 Steel Wrapped 41\ to 81\612,480 280 617 760 11 Steel Wrapped 8'1 to 12'1 15,840 15,840 12 Steel Wrapped Over 12" 13 The Washinaton Water Power System Plastic Less than 2"968,640 427,680 10,396,320 Plastic 211 to 4'1 038,080 100,320 138,400 Plastic 41\ to 81\448,800 15,840 464,640 17 Plastic 8" to 12" 18 Plastic Over 1211 19 The WP Natural Gas S stem 20 Plastic Less than 2"920,960 242 880 163,840 Plastic 21\ to 797,280 26,400 823,680 22 Plastic 41\ to 58,080 58,080 23 Plastic 811 to 12'1 24 Plastic Over 12" TOTALS 128,800 818,400 10,560 936,640 Note: WP Natural Gas laid pipe is net of retirements. FERC FORM NO.Page 514- Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) (K) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 SERVICE PIPES GAS Show the particulars called for concerning the line service pipe in possession of the respondent at the close of the year. Number at Number ~umber Remove Number Average Line Type Diameter Beginning Added or Abandoned at Close Length No.in Inches of Year During Year During Year of Year in Feet (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (g) Washington Water Power System Steel Wrapped l' or Less 60,132 198 59,934 Not Steel Wrapped 1 II thru 2"122 110 Available Steel Wrapped 2" thru 4" Steel Wrapped 4" thru 8" Steel Wrapped Over 8" WP Natural Gas System Steel Wrapped l' or Less 39,889 39,924 Steel Wrapped 111 thru 2"583 500 Steel Wrapped 2" thru 4" Steel Wrapped 4" thru 811 Steel Wrapped Over 8" Washington Water Power System Plastic l' or Less 122,534 765 128,299 Plastic 1" thru 211 774 839 Plastic 2" thru 4" Plastic 4" thru 8" Plastic Over 8" WP Natural Gas System Plastic 11 or Less 70,263 107 73,370 Plastic 1'1 thru 2"1 ,437 401 838 Plastic 2" thru 4" Plastic 4" thru 8" Plastic Over 8" TOTALS 297 001 385 307 306,079 FERC FORM NO.Page 514- Name of Respondent This R rKIort Is: Date of R~port Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 CUSTOMER'S METERS Owned Line Size Type Make Capacity Beginning Added Retired Owned No.of Year During Year During Year End of Year (a)(b)(e)(d)(e)(f) (g) (h) Detailed information not available. TOTAL 316,060 15,655 911 327,804 FERC FORM NO.Page 514- Name of Respondent A vista Corporation This ~ort Is:(1) ~ An Original (2) 0 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25, 2005 Year of Report Dec. 31 2004 AUXILIARY PEAKING FACILITIES 1. Report below auxiliary facilities of the respondent for meeting seasonal peak demands on the respondent's system, such as underground storage projects, liquefied petroleum installations, gas liquefaction plants, oil gas sets, etc. 2. For column (c), for underground storage projects, report the delivery capacity on February 1 of the heating season overlapping the year-end for which this report is submitted. For other facilities, report the rated maximum daily delivery capacities. 3. For column (d), include or exclude (as appropriate) the cost of any plant used jointly with another facility on the basis of predominant use, unless the auxiliary peaking facility is a separate plant as contemplated by general instruction 12 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Location of Facility Type of Facility Maximum Daily Delivery Capacity of Facility. Dth Was Facility OperatedCost on Day of Highestof Transmission PeakFacility Delivery? (In dollars)Line No. (a)(b)(c)(d) Yes (e)(f) Chehalis, Washington Chehalis, Washington 10 Plymouth, Washington 14 Plymouth, Washington 18 Lovelock, Nevada 23 Notes: Undergound Natural Gas Storage Field Washington & Idaho Supply 126,670 18,820,261 Undergound Natural Gas Storage Field Oregon Supply 26,540 ' '.. "i,\d,. Liquified Natural Gas Storage Tanks Washington & Idaho Supply 220,000 ~4~(;~~~(tI~~*':Wi~ Liquified Natural Gas Storage Tanks Oregon Supply 192,000 Liquified Natural Gas Storage Tanks California Supply 65,350 ~:, ;(~)i" (1) The full cost of the facility is reported on line 2. (2) Respondent is a participant in the facilities, not an owner and is charged a fee for demand deliverability and capacity. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-96)Page 519 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corporation A Resubmlssion April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS ACCOUNT - NATURAL GAS The purpose of this schedule is to account for the quality or intrastate facilities and which the reporting pipeline received of natural gas received and delivered by the respondent.through gathering facilities or intrastate facilities. but not through any Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of the interstate portion of the reporting pipeline, and (3) the gathering mixture of natural and manufactured gas.line quanities that were not destined for interstate market or that were Enter in column ( c ) the Dth as reported in the not transported through any interstate portion of the reporting schedules indicated for the items of receipts and pipeline. deliveries.7 Also indicate in a footnote (1) the system supply quanitities of gas Indicated in a footnote the quantities of bundled sales that are stored by the reporting pipeline, during the reporting year and and transportation gas and specify the line on which also reported as sales, transportation, and compression volumes by such quantities are listed.the reporting pipeline during the same reporting year, (2) the system If the respondent operates two or more systems which supply quantities of gas that are stored by the reporting pipeline during are not interconnected, submit separate pages for this the reporting year which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or purpose. Use copies of pages 520.transport in a future reporting year, and (3) contract storage Also indicate by footnote the quantities of gas not subject quanitities. to Commission regulation which did not incur FERC 8 Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field sales that are regulatory costs by showing (1) the local distribution included in both the company s total sales figure and the company's volumes another jurisdictional pipeline delivered to the total transportation figure. Add additional rows as necessary to local distribution company portion of the reporting report all data, numbered 14.01, 14.02, etc. pipeline (2) the quanties the reporting pipeline transported or sold through its local distribution facilities 01 NAME OF SYSTEM Line Ref. No.Item Page No.Amount of Dth (1) (a)(b)(c) GAS RECEIVED Gas Purchases (Accounts 800-805)34,331,608 Gas of Others Received for Gathering (Account 489.303 Gas of Others Received for Transmission (489.305 15,697,754 Gas of Others Received for Distribution (Account 489.301 Gas of Others Received for Contract Storaae (Account 489.4)307 Exchanaed Gas Received from Others (Account 806)328 Gas Received as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Receipts pf Respondent's Gas Transported by Others (Account 858)332 Other Gas Withdrawn from Storaae (Explain) Gas Received from Shippers as compressor Station Fuel Gas Received from Shippers as Lost and Unaccounted for Other Receipts (Specify): Total Receipts (Total lines 3 thru 14.50,029,362 GAS DELIVERED Gas Sales (Accounts 480 - 484)33,830,110 Deliveries of Gas Gathered for Others (Account 489.303 Deliveries of Gas Transported for Others (Account 489.305 15,697 754 Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others (Account 489.301 Deliveries of Contract Storage Gas (Account 489.4)307 Exchange Gas Delivered to Others (Account 806)328 Gas Delivered as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Deliveries of Gas to Others for Transportation (Account 858)332 Other Gas Delivered to Storage (Explain Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel 509 Other Deliveries (Specify): Sales for Resale 30,500 Total Deliveries (Total lines 17 thru 27.49,558,364 GAS UNACCOUNTED FOR Production System Losses Gathering System Losses Transmission System Losses Distribution System Losses 470,998 Storage System Losses Other Losses (Specify) Total Unaccounted For (Total lines 30 thru 35)470,998 Total Deliveries & Unaccounted For (Total lines 28 thru 36)50,029,362 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 520 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 FOOTNOTE DATA 'Schedule Page: 103 Line No.25 Column: d Subsidiary of Avista Capital. In 2003, assets previously held by Avista Laboratories, Inc. were aquired by ReliOn, Inc. (formerly AVLB, Inc.Avista Labs investment in ReliOn, Inc. is accounted for under the cost method. ISchedule Page: 103.Line No.16 Column: d 51% owned by Cogentrix Energy, Inc., which is owned by the Goldman Sach Group, Inc.Avista Corp. 's interest is owned by Avista Rathdrum, LLC. ISchedule Page: 103.Line No.19 Column: d 50% owned by Mirant Americas Development, Inc. ownership interest in January 2005. Avista Corp. purchased Mirant' s 50% I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-87) Page 450. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Me, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubm ission 04/25/2005 2004/04 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Pa e: 261 Line No.Column: b Schedule M - Worksheet for Input / Allocations / Calculations ADFIT = 190. BP A C&RD Receipts Contributions in aid of Construction (DJ710) Utility Code 0 Contributions in aid of Construction (DJ710) Utility Code Contributions in Aid of Construction -- OR (DJ710) Contributions in Aid of Construction -- CA (DJ710) Customer Uncollectibles -- Sales for Resale (144.61) Customer Uncollectibles (all 144 accts not included in WPNG or Electric direct) Customer Uncollectibles (144.98) BETC Interest 419.68 Perm Diff Transportation Tax Depreciation capitalized (45%) Transportation Tax Depreciation Capitalized Taxable income (capital) not on books YTD Form 1 Code 14,945,253 395 100 300 000 500 000 000 000 619 900 (91 364) 715 997 200 040 775,591 351 117 860 396 250 427 905 925 970) 077 708 634 238 714 929 (33 828) 391 997 450 004 250 572 788 560 194,424 187 711 566 736 113 388 440 000 360 638 (238 028) 269 825 178 617 646 010 112 100 365 569 (39 276) 491 756) 507 472) 288 000 618 085 320 168 984 Hamilton Street Bridge Severance / Stock Options - Accelerated Vesting SERP-Supplemental Exec Retire Plan - 9253. Non-monetary Purchased Power - 9242., 9174. Amortization of Centralia Gain Book Depr-Electric (Utility Code 0, 7 & 9) Book Depr-Gas (Utility Code 1 & 8) Book Deprec (Utility Code 2) Rathdrum Turbine Sales Tax Refund -- Check by 9/2005 if principal sib addition Wood Power Inc. Buyout (186.85 FIN) Investment Exchange Power - WNP 3 F ASB 1 06-Def Amort-Postretirement Benefits - W A EL See Worksheet F ASB 1 06-Def Amort-Postretirement Benefits - ill EL See Worksheet F ASB 1 06-Def Amort-Postretirement Benefits - W A Gas See Worksheet Redemption Expense Amortization - PCB'(Paul Kimball) DSM -- Electric Program Amortization RJ300 DSM -- Gas Program Amortization RJ300 DSM -- Electric Program Amortization Sandpoint RJ300 Political Contributions Paid Time Off Equalization Sale/Lease General Office Bldg (9005 9985.00 ) Airplane Lease Payments CSS Hardware Lease - Principal Only CSS Software Lease - Principal Only EGMA Hardware & Software Lease - Principal Only WMS Software Lease - Principal Only CIT Operating Lease FASI06 Current Retiree Med accrual (30387926.20 B02) * (67% O&M) non-op DJ285 Redemption Expense Amortization - 189.86 & 257.00 except PCB's are directly assigned Meal Disallowances Trans Book Depreciation (57.61% --0 & M) GCT SCH M 12 Transportation Book Depreciation (90.63%) Preferred Dividend Requirement I FERC FORM NO.2 JED. 12- DJKJl thru 2004 A88 Page 450. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 FOOTNOTE DATA Expenses recorded on books not allowed for tax return Injury & Damages - 9228., 21 (2841092521) - Elec DJ262 Injury & Damages - 9228., 22 (2841192521) - Gas DJ262 Injury & Damages (228.20/228.28/2841292521) Kettle Falls Nonoperating 426.53 RJKFR 11/18 Gain on General Office Bldg - Elec 09800051 931900 ED AN RJBLD 12/2011 Gain on General Office Bldg - Elec 09800051 931900 GD AN 12/2011 Clark Fork PME'DJPME Nez Perce Settlement 925422 -- WA RJ213 Nez Perce settlement 918680 -- ill RJ213 FASB 87 - 9228.32 (9291 7926.20 B02) * (67% O&M) DJ285 (Includes Retirement Pay) Deferred Compensation Accrual- 9253. W A & ill Unbilled Revenue Add-ons -- Electric W A & ill Unbilled Revenue Add-ons -- Gas Boulder Disallowance PCA Write down (IPUC Order Oct 2004) WA Deferred Power Costs - change in 182.35, 186., 186., GLMO18 & DJ702 W A Deferred Power Costs - Interest DJ702 Idaho PCA - change in 182.37, 186.38, 186.39, GLM 019 & DJ050 Idaho PCA - Interest DJ050 Deferred Gas - W A DJ266 W A Deferred Gas Costs - Interest DJ266 Deferred Gas - ill DJ266 ill Deferred Gas Costs - Interest DJ266 Deferred Gas - OR Resource Accounting OR Deferred Gas - Interest Deferred Gas - CA Resource Accounting CA Deferred Gas - Interest WPNG DSM - OR OR DSM - Interest PGE Monetization (Contract + Contract Amort from Spokane Energy, LLC Income StInt) AFUDC Elec ~1-(8%/9.72%) AFUDC Gas ~1-(8%/9.72%) AFUDC -- GCT, SCH M 02 (1-(8%/9.72%)) Officers' Life Insurance (27899426.2X) Perm Diff Income recorded on books not required for tax return RJBLD 9191 9191 BP A Residential Exchange -- W A & ill W A & ill DSM Tariff Rider -- Electric W A & ill DSM Tariff Rider -- Gas Removal/Salvage - Electric Removal/Salvage - W AfID Gas Removal/Salvage - OR/CA Gas Basic American Foods-Non-Utility 9122. ***Tax Depreciation - Basic American Foods -- Non-Utility Engineering Overheads - Electric ***Tax Depreciation - Electric ***Tax Depreciation - Rathdrum Turbine Engineering Overheads - Gas ***Tax Depreciation - Gas 73,032,239 (822) 744 (123 945) (227 265) (196 092) (65 364) 163) (22 008) 212 319 397 330 644 970 392 190 892 338 249 906 056 675,699 358 534) 758 089 (520 155) 356 154) (83,429) (3,496 169) (85 740) 050 629) (770 815) 825 (49 834) (223 413) 612 537 852 (517 563) (10 886) (8,653) (630 513) 26,298,517 174 090 248 376 152 543 204 388 (79 154) (162 632) 788 (12 786) 906 904) (64 397,456) 486,895) 095 240) (12 639 934) I FERC FORM NO.Page 450.ED. 12- Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 FOOTNOTE DATA ***Tax Depreciation - Sandpoint Acquisition Adjustment Engineering Overheads - OR *** Tax Depreciation - Common *** Tax Depreciation - OR *** Tax Depreciation - CA ***Tax Amortization: WPNG Acquisition - OR ***Tax Amortization: WPNG Acquisition - CA WPNG Acquisition OR - Book (425.68) WPNG Acquisition CA - Book (425.78) (458 114) (794 280) (621 792) 069 022) (643,510) (768 683) (135 297) 117 260 206 160 (91,161,094) I FERC FORM NO.ED. 12-Page 450. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 FOOTNOTE DATA ISchedule Page: 274 Line No.Column: k A 2004 Bonus Depreciation Adjustment is being reflected in the 2004 10-K. This adjustment will be recorded in the General Ledger 3/31/05. Pages 274 and 275 have been revised to inc 1 ude thi s adj us tmen t . I FERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-87)Page 450. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year/Period of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission 04/25/2005 2004/04 FOOTNOTE DATA 'Schedule Page: 276 Line No.Column: PGE Monetization has been reclassed from Electric 410 to Non-operating 410 in the amount of $41,724,683. I FERC FORM NO.2 JED.12-87)Page 450. 2004 Form State Supplements This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1) l29 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Wash in ton Year of Report A vista Corp (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2004April 25, 2005 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility column (i,o) in a similar manner to a utility depart- ment. Spread the amount(s) over lines 01 thru 20 as ap- propriate. Include these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating Income, in the same manner as accounts 412 and413 above. 3. Report data for lines 7,9, and 10 for Natural Gas com- panies using accounts 404.1, 404.2, 404.3, 407., and 407. 4. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the state- ment of income or an account thereof. Line No. Account (a) (Ref. Page No. (b) 300-301 320-325 320-325 336-338 336-338 336-338 262.,263 262-263 262-263 234 272-277 234,272-277 266 5. Give concise explanations concerning unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amount may need to be made to the utility' customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the con- tingency relates. and the tax effects together with an expIa- tion of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases. 6. Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year TOTAL Current Year Previous Year $367,871,095 $390,472,489 (1) 16,257,718 $13,471,205 (1) $37 716,369 $39,116,652 $5,599,495 $5,734 887 $31,691 $31 740 ($3,736)($2,418) 168,551 $159,376 $7,459,555 $6,148,479 $49,416,932 $46,743,095 (2) $8,004,703 $15,001,845 $5,807,668 ($2 029,717) $30,624 $30,624 483,380,307 502 520,051 $85,224,415 $34,902,191 (1) Revised information to be conistent with data reported on State of Washington referenced pages (2) Previous year balances did not include Washington State B&O and Excise taxes. Prior year balances have been revised. FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96)Page 114 tate 0 as me:ton Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp (2)A Resubmisslon April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR resulting from settlement of any rate proceeding affecting had an effect on net income, including the basis of allocations revenues received or costs incurred for power or gas pur-and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. chases, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes. sheet, income, and expense accounts.9. Explain in a foonoteif the previous year's figures are If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are different from that reported in prior reports. applicable to this Statement of Income, such notes may be at-10. If the columns are insufficient for reporting additional tached at page 122.utility departments, supply the appropriate account titles, lines Enter on page 122 a consise explanation of only those 1 to 19, and report the information in the blank space on page changes in accounting methods made during the year which 122 or in a supplemental statement. ELECTRIC UTILITY GAS UTILITY OTHER UTILITY Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Line No. (e)(f) ( ) (h)(i) $416,053,278 $398,534,451 $152,551,444 $138 887,791 ...L ..1... 244,444,072 262 744,416 123,427,023 127,728,073 13,514,339 11,232,097 743,379 239,108 32,273,958 33,118,653 5,442,411 997,999 214,442 291,883 385,053 443,004 31,691 31,740 (3,736)(2,418) 168,551 159,376 7,459,555 148,479 36,569,590 35,112,078 12,847,342 11,631,017 11,863,378 15,858,298 (3,858,675)(856,453) 008,276 (2,422 952)799,392 393,235 30,624 30,624 338,456,455 354 815,316 144,923,852 147,704,735 $77,596,823 $43,719,135 $7,627,592 ($8,816,944) fW FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96)Page 115 Avista Corp. State of Washin ton This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) ) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 Name of Respondent GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according to estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries in column (c).the prescribed accounts. Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentative 2. In addition to Account 101, Gas Plant in Service (Classified), this distributions of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if the page and the next include Account 102, Gas Plant Purchased or respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have Sold, Account 103, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified, and not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified-Gas. in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an 3. Include in column (c) and (d), as appropriate, corrections of estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account for additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. accumulated depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parenthesis credit adjustments of plant accounts to reversals of tentative distributions of prior year's unclassified indicate the negative effect of such accounts. retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the account 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d). Account INTANGIBLE PLANT Balance at Beginning of Year Additions 301 Or anization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Miscellaneous Intan ible Plant TOTAL Intan ible Plant Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4 PRODUCTION PLANT 218,724. 218,724. TOTAL Manuafactured Gas Production Plant Enter Total of lines 8 thru 24 PRODUCTS EXTRACTION PLANT FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 204 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Washin ton Year Ending Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 Continued including the reversals of the prior years tentative account and show in column (1) only the offset to the debits or credits to distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the primary account classifications. above instructions and the texts of Account 101 and 106 will 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in this avoid serious omissions of respondent's reported amount for account and if substantial in amount submit a suplementaryplant actually in service at end of year. statement showing subaccount classification of such plant 6. Show in column (1) reclassifications or transfers within utility conforming to the requirements of these pages. plant accounts. include also in column (1) the additions or 8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in reductions of primary account classifications arising from Account 102, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102. In or purchaser, and date of transaction. If proposed joumal entries showing the clearance of Account 102, include in column (e) have been filed with the Commission as required by the Uniform the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for System of Accounts, give date of such filing. depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc., Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line No. 218,724. 218,724. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 205 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Avista Corp.) A Resubmission State of Washinaton Date of Report Year Ending (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25,2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued)Line AccountNo. (a)34 346 Gas Measuring and Reaulating EQuipment35 347 Other EQuipment36 TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 28 thru 35)37 TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 26 and 36)38 Manufactured Gas Production Plant (Submit Supplementary Statement)39 TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 and 38)40 NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PlANT41 Underground Storage Plant 42 350.1 land 43 350.2 Rights-of-Way44 351 Structures and Improvements45 352 Wells 46 352.1 Storage leaseholds and Rights 47 352.2 Reservoirs 48 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas49 353 lines50 354 Compressor Station EQuipment51 355 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment52 356 Purification Eauipment53 357 Other Eauipment54 TOTAL Underground Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 42 thru 53)55 Other Storage Plant56 360 land and land Rights57 361 Structures and Improvements58 362 Gas Holders59 363 Purification EQuipment 60 363.1 liQuefaction EQuipment 61 363.2 Vaporizing EQuipment 62 363.3 Compressor Eauipment 63 363.4 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 64 363.5 Other Eauipment65 TOTAL Other Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 64)66 Base load liQuefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant 67 364.1 land and land Rights 68 364.2 Structures and Improvements 69 364.3 lNG Processing Terminal EQuipment 70 364.4 lNG TransPOration EQuipment 71 364.5 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 72 364.6 Compressor Station Eauipment 73 364.7 Communications EQuipment 74 364.8 Other Eauipment75 TOTAl Base load liq Nat'l Gas, Terminal and Processing Plant (lines 67-74)76 TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of lines 54,65 and 75)77 TRANSMISSION PLANT 78 365.1 land and land Rights 79 365.2 Rights-of-Way80 366 Structures and Improvements FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 206 Balance at Beginning of Year (b) 412,611. 23,874. 063,699. 757,699. 254,354. 203,330. 121,926. 823,422. 934,085. 153,964. 403,712. 644,493. 18,797 174. 18,797 174. Dec. 31, 2004 Additions (c) 947. 836. 173. 90,957.45 90,957. tate 0 as In010n Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e)(f)(0)No. 412,611. 23,874. 063,699. 747.713,899. 254,354. 203,330. 121,926. 823,422. 23,123.993,799. 153,964. 403,712. 651,666. 67,870.18,820,261. 67,870.18,820,261. fW h' t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 207 a eo as Ing1 on Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 367 Mains 368 Compressor Station EQuipment 369 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 370 Communications Equipment 371 Other Equipment TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Totals of lines 78 thru 85) DISTRIBUTION PLANT 374 Land and Land Rights 60,812.(484.51) 375 Structures and Improvements 340,589.740. 376 Mains 96,830,859.463,695. 377 Compressor Station Equipment 378 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-General 147,387.109 206.41 379 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment-City Gate 674,899.53,653. 380 Services 73,967,703.185,850. 381 Meters 22,130,931.022,027. 382 Meter . Installations 383 House Regulators 384 House Regulator Installations 385 Industrial Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 490,198.212,800. 100 386 Other Property on Customers' Premises 101 386 Other EQuipment 102 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Totals of lines 88 thru 101)197,643,381.052,491. 103 GENERAL PLANT 104 389 Land and Land Rights 105 390 Structures and Improvements 384,166.59,637. 106 391 Office Furniture and Equipment 107 392 Transportation Equipment 031,485.736,092. 108 393 Stores Equipment 23,687.20,449. 109 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment 733,421.871. 110 395 Laboratory Equipment 181,920. 111 396 Power Operated EQuipment 659,396.606,750. 112 397 Communication EQuipment 491,366.11,453. 113 398 Miscellaneous Equipment 114 Subtotal (Enter Totals of lines 104 thru 113)505,445.444,254. 115 399 Other Tangible Property 116 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Totals of lines 114 and 115)505,445.444,254. 117 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106)221,164,725.587,703. 118 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instruction 8) 119 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instruction 8) 120 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified 121 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service (Enter Totals of lines 117 thru 120)221,164,725.587,703. St t f W h' t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 208 aeo as Ing1 on Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line Cd)(e)(f) (g) No. 60,327. 221.(988.91)341,119. 22,094.40,875.100,313,336. 040.(26,868.00)221,684. 12,145.716,408. 87,979.77,065,574. 147,886.(3,236.53)23,001,836. 860.702,139. 100 101 283,227.782.205,422,427.102 103 104 443,803.105 106 970.755,607.107 44,137.108 15,028.728,264.109 743.181,177.110 266,147.111 (6,389.60)496,430.112 113 27,742.(6,389.60)915,567.114 115 742.(6,389.60)915,567.116 378,840.392.230,376,980.117 118 119 120 378,840.392.230,376,980.121 St t f W h' t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 209 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ate 0 ashington Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report lEI An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation 0 A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS STORED (ACCOUNT 117.117.117,117.4.164,164., AND 164. If durring the year adjustments were made to the stored gas inventory State in a footnote the basis of segregation of inventory between reported in columns (d), (f), (g), and (h) (such as to correct cumulative current and noncurrent protions. Also state in a footnote the inaccuracies of gas measurements), explain in a footnote the reason for method used to report storage (I.e. fixed asset method or the adjustments, the Dth and dollar amount of adjustment, and account inventory method). charged or credited. Report in column (e) all encroachments during the year upon the volumes designated as base gas, column (b), and system balancing gas, column ( c ), and gas property recordable in the plant accounts. (Account (Account Noncurrent (Account Current LNG LNG Line Description 117.117.(Account 117.117.4)(Account 164.(Account 164.(Account 164.Total No.'b)(c)fd)Ie)(f)(aJ Balance at Beginning of Year 807,527 129,522 937 049 Gas Delivered to StoraCle 553,358 553,358Gas Withdrawn from Storage 675,240 675,240 Other Debits and Credits Balance at End of Year 685 645 129 522 815,167 Dth 268,976 72,561 341 537 Amount Per Dekatherm $5.2685 $1.7850 $5.0801 State basis of segregation of inventory between current and noncurrent portions: Current portion is gas expected to be sold within a 24 month period. All other gas is considered non-current. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 220 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1) l29 An Original Date of Report (Mo. Da. Yr) State of Washington Year of Report A vista Corporation (2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues for each for each group of meters added. The average number of prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in tota customers means the average of twelve figures at the close 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of each month. mixture of natural and manufactured gas. 4. Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf (14.73 psia 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on at 60 degrees F). If billings are on a therm basis, give the Btu con- the basis of meter, in addition to the number of flat rate ac- tents of the gas sold and the sales converted to Mcf. counts; except that where separate meter readings a 5. If increases or decreases from previous year (col- added for billing purposes, one customer should be countel umns (c), (e) and (g), are not derived from previously Line No. Title of Account OPERATING REVENUES Amount for Amount for Year Previous Year(b (a) GAS SERVICE REVENUES 480 Residential Sales 481 Commercial and Industrial Sales Small or Comm.) (See Instr. 6) LarJe or Ind.) (See Instr. 6) 482 Other Sales to Public Authorities 484 Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 1(483 Sales for Resale10 TOTAL Nat. Gas Service Revenues11 Revenues from Manufactured Gas12 TOTAL Gas Service Revenues13 OTHt:H U, "'" l~ IINlj REVEI'"I~"14 485 Intracompany Transfers15 487 Forfeited Discounts16 488 Misc. Service Revenues17 489 Rev. from Trans. of Gas of Others18 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nat. Gas19 491 Rev. from Nat. Gas Proc. by Others20 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales21 493 Rent from Gas Property22 494 Interdepartmental Rents23 495 Other Gas Revenues24 TOTAL Other OperatinQ Revenues25 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues26 (Less) (496) Provision for Rate Refunds27 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of Provision for Refunds28 Dis. Type Sales by States (Incl. Main Line Sales to Resid. and Comm. Custrs. 29 Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main Line Sales to Pub. Authorities) 30 Sales for Resale 31 Other Sales to Pub. Auth. (Local Dist. Only)32 Interdepartmental Sales 33 TOTAL Same as Line 10, Columns (b and (d)) .::' 341 542 060,026 285,627 716,711 46,202 878 131 778 334 126 146,021 321 (1) 326,180 132 377,547 132 377 547146,021 321 146,021 321 132 377 547 12,239 561 997 (1' 154 550,505 955 887 530,123 152 551 ,444 152 551,444 950,585 510,244 138,887 791 142,401,568 285,627 ' ".': . ,t . . ." :., .." ., .: .,., 334 126 146,021 321 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 300 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1) l!9 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Washin ton Year of Report Avista Corporation (2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 t 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) (Continued) reported figures, explain any inconsistencies in a foot- note. 6. Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481 t may be classified according to the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or Industrial) regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200,000 Mcf per year or approximately 800 Mcf per day of normal requirements, (See Account 481 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification in a footnote. 7, See page 108, Important Changes During Year for important new territory added and important rate increases or decreases. THERMS OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity forQuantity for Year Previous Year AVG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTRS. PER MO. Number for Line Number for Year Previous Year No. 443,156 165,030,768 2 165,030,768 486,680 167 201 857 167 201 ,857 131 971 131 971 30 128,964 128,964 NOTES (1) Includes $1 813,022 unbilled revenues. (2) Includes (520,958) therms relating to unbilled revenues. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 301 State of Washington Name of Respondent This R~on Is:(l) ~ An Original Date of Report (Mo. Da. Yr) Year of Report A vista Coil'.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous year is not deri ved from oreviouslv reponed furores. explain in footnotes, Amount forLine Amount Current Year 1. PRODUCTION. EXPENSES A. Manufactured Gas Production Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement) B. Natural Gas Production B I. Natural Gas Production and Gatherin2 Operation 750 Operation Supervision and Ene:ineerine: 751 Production Maps and Records 752 Gas Wells Expenses10 753 Field Lines ExpensesII 754 Field Compressor Station Exoenses12 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power13 756 Field Measurinl't and Re2Ulatine: Station Exoenses14 757 Purification Exoenses15 758 Gas Well Rovalties16 759 Other Expenses17 760 Rents18 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 7 thru 17) 19 Maintenance20 761 Maintenance Supervision and Ene:ineerine:21 762 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements22 763 Maintenance of ProduCin2 Gas Wells23 764 Maintenance of Field Lines24 765 Maintenance of Field Compressor Station Eauipment25 766 Maintenance of Field Meas. and Ree:. Sta, Eauipment26 767 Maintenance of Purification EQuioment27 768 Maintenance of Drilling and Cleanin2 Eauipment28 769 Maintenance of Other Eauipment29 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28)30 TOTAL Naturc1l Gas Production and Gatherin2 Total of lines 18 and 29)31 B2. Products Extraction32 Operation33 770 Ooeration Supervision and Ene:ineerine:34 771 Operation Labor35 772 Gas Shrinkal'te36 773 Fuel37 774 Power38 775 Materials39 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses40 777 Gas Processed bv Others41 778 Rovalties on Products Extracted42 779 Marketine: Expenses43 780 Products Purchased for Resale44 781 Variation in Products Inventorv45 (Less) 782 Extracted Products Used bv the Utilitv-Credit46 783 Rents47 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of Lines 33 thru 46) Amount for Previous Year (c) ),~/ i;. '" .'.'\\.,," ."".. .",.' ;' .. .' . .".""""" I,. ;;;,., ''.. I., .. .. .. ;.".'...'. .:. , I.'. ....,.,..., ,':.::. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 320 State of Washington Name of Respondent This R rIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(l) X An Original (Mo. Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a) B2. Products Extraction (Continued) ...,' .").,,.. Maintenance . . ,, 784 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 785 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refining Equipment 787 Maintenance of Pioe Lines 788 Maintenance of Extracted Products Storage EQuipment 789 Maintenance of Compressor EQuipment 790 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Reg. Equipment 791 Maintenance of Other Equipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 49 thru 56) TOTAL Products Extraction (Enter Total of lines 47 and 57) C, Exploration and Development iic'.c" Operation .,.':'. x." ,,\.. '. . 795 Delay Rentals 796 Nonoroductive Well Drilling 797 Abandoned Leases 798 Other Exploration TOTAL Exploration and Development (Enter Total of lines 61 thru 64) D. Other Gas Supply Expenses :,.. i.;:' ' ..'.. Operation ;,. 800 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases, Intracompany Transfers 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Pruchases 803 Natural Gas Transmission Line Purchases 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 100,951,201 84,881,056 804.1 Liquefied Natural Gas Purchases 805 Other Gas Purchases (Less) 805.1 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments 24,376,80 I Ie;,.. TOTAL Purchased Gas (Enter Total of lines 67 to 76)100,951.201 109.257,856 806 Exchange Gas Purchased Gas Expenses ::. .. ., ,. 807.1 Well Expenses-Purchased Gas 807.2 Ooeration of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Expenses 147.609 91,854 807;5 Other Purchased Gas Expenses 39,390 TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses (Enter Total of lines 80 thru 84)147,609 131,244 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Storage-Debit (Less) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit 809.1 Withdrawals of Liauefied Natural Gas for Processing-Debit (Less) 809.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processing-Credit Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit ". :..:,...., 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel-Credit 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit 812 Gas used for Other Utility Operations-Credit TOTAL Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit (Total of lines 91 thru 93) 813 Other Gas Supply Expenses 181,026 127,420 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Exp (Total of lines 77,78,85,86 thru 89,94,95)101.279,836 109.516,520 TOTAL Production Expenses (Enter Total of lines 3.30,58,65, and 96)101,279,836 109,516.520 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 321 State of Washington Name of Respondent This R~rt Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da. Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERA nON AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount forLineAmountCurrent Year Previous Year No,fa)(b)fc) 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE, TERMINALING AND PROCESSING EXPENSES A. Underground Storage Expenses 100 Operation ;;'.:... . 101 814 Ooeration Supervision and Enl!ineering 11,542 (4,013 102 815 Maos and Records 103 816 Wells Exoenses 984104817 Lines Exoense 105 818 Compressor Station Expenses 58,007106819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 706107820 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 041 108 821 Purification Expenses 109 822 Exoloration and Development 110 823 Gas Losses III 824 Other Exoenses 244,030 63,344 112 825 Storage Well Rovalties 29,6071I3826 Rents (1 , 146)1I4 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 10 I thru 113)255,572 166,536lISMaintenance .. .. . II6 830 Maintenance Supervision and Enl!ineering 31,270II7831Maintenance of Structures and Imorovements 9721I8832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 30,8721I9833 Maintenance of Lines 507120834 Maintenance of Compressor Station EQuipment 66,968 121 835 Maintenance of Measuring and Rel!ulating Station EQuipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Eauioment 1.735123837 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 125,197 55,268124TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 116 thru 123)125,197 190,592 125 TOTAL Underground Storage Expenses (Total of lines 114 and 124)380,769 357,128 126 B. Other Storage Expenses ". ',,' .".,.., 127 Operation . ,. .:, . " I: . .,. 128 840 Ooeration Supervision and Engineering 129 841 Oneration Labor and Expenses 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Power 133 842.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Oneration (Enter Total of lines 128 thru 133) 135 Maintenance 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervision and Ene:ineering 137 843.2 Maintenance of Structures and Imorovements 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purification EQuipment 140 843.5 Maintenance of Liauefaction EQuipment 141 843.6 Maintenance of Vaporizinl! Eauioment 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compressor Eauioment 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measuring and Rel!ulating Eauipment 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 145 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 136 thru 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storage Expenses (Enter Total of lines 134 and 145) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 322 State of Washington Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo. Du. Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.fa)(b) (c) 147 C. LiQuefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processinjt Expenses .., 148 Operation ."" 149 844.1 Operation Suoervision and Ene:ineerine: 150 844.2 LNG Processing Terminal Labor and Exoenses 151 844.3 LiQuefaction Processine: Labor and Exoenses 152 844.4 LiQuefaction Transoortation Labor and Exoenses 153 844.5 Measuring and Regulating Labor and Expenses 154 844.6 Compressor Station Labor and Exoenses 155 844.7 Communication Svstem Exoenses 156 844.8 System Control and Load Disoatching 157 845.1 Fuel 158 845.2 Power 159 845.3 Rents 160 845.4 Demurrae:e Chare:es 161 (Less) 845.5 Wharfae:e Receiots-Credit 162 845.6 Processine: LiQuefied or Vaporized Gas bv Others 163 846,1 Gas Losses 164 846,2 Other Exoenses 165 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 149 thru 164) 166 Maintenance 167 847.1 Maintenance Suoervision and Engineering 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and Imorovements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processinjt Tenninal EQuioment 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation EQuipment 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and Re~lating EQuipment 172 847.6 Miantenance of Compressor Station EQuipment 173 847.7 Maintenance of Communication EQuioment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other EQuioment 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflines 167 thru 174) 176 TOTAL LiQuefied Nat Gas Tenninaling and Processing Exo (Lines 165 & 175) 177 TOTAL Natural Gas storage (Enter Total of lines 125, 146, and 176)380.769 357.128 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES I.. ...:. ,.."'. 179 Operation I.. . 180 850 Ooeration Suoervision and Engineerine: 181 851 System Control and Load Dispatching 182 852 Communication System Expenses 183 853 Compressor Station Labor and ExDenses 184 854 Gas for ComDressor Station Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Expenses 187 857 Measurine: and Re~lating Station Expenses 188 858 Transmission and Compression of Gas by Others 189 859 Other Exoenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 180 thru 190) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 323 State of Washington Name of Respondent This R lIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) ~':"".' 192 Maintenance h.;. .;' '.",.. ..::... ..... :. .. 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measuring and Reg. Station Equipment 198 866 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 199 867 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 193 thru 199) 201 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Enter Total of lines 191 and 200) 202 4, DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervision and Engineering 405,243 66,511 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 226 206 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 207 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 208 874 Mains and Services Expenses 1,422,873 398,678 209 875 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-General 52,835 32,822 210 876 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-Industrial 211 877 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses-City Gate Check Station 65,476 41,327 212 878 Meter and House Regulator Expenses 724,571 632,687 213 879 Customer Installations Expenses 561,901 586,872 214 880 Other Expenses 925,678 825,498 215 881 Rents 335 35.472 216 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 204 thru 215)165,686 619,867 217 Maintenance , "..".,'. 218 885 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 108 219 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 776 109 220 887 Maintenance of Mains 224,476 863,353 221 888 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 222 889 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Sta. ~uip.General 170,603 165.533 223 890 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Sta.~uip.Industrial 127,207 93,791 224 891 Maintenance of Meas. and Reg. Sta,~uip,City Gate Check Station 35,849 30,877 225 892 Maintenance of Services 53,298 143,752 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Regulators 336,170 234,476 227 894 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 228 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 218 thru 227)950,379 534 999 229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 216 and 228)116,065 154,866 230 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES ' ,... ..;... ... .. ;..;.;. .. . 231 Operation ::.;,;..,.. ..... . 232 901 Supervision 35,536 45,017 233 902 Meter Reading Expenses 008,161 907,643 234 903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 740,346 366,493 235 904 Uncollectible Accounts 701 ,549 651,640 236 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 228,564 330,494 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses (Enter Total of lines 232 thru 236)714,156 30 I ,287 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 324 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:(1) ~ An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp,A Resubmission April 25, 2005(2) GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for ear is not derived from State of Washington Year of Report December 31,2004 Amount (a) 6, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES Amount for Previous Year 082,180 79,610 37,198 198,988 143,937 35,965 71,920 251,822 Operations. Expense Maintenance Expense 366,342 65,737 374 436,453 828,248 042,254 847 1,462,026 137,385 648,917 306,111 531,725 616,166 807,347 376,332 667,803 044 135 126,170,402 123,427,023 743,379 126,170,402 513,517 016,636 129,967,181 127,728,073 239,107 129,967,181 NUMBER OF GAS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES l. The data on number of employees should be reported construction employees in a foonote. for the payroll period ending nearest to October 31, or 3, The number of employees assignable to the gas any payroll period ending 60 days before or after Octo-department from joint function of combination utilities ber 31.may be determined by estimate, on the basis of employee 2, If the respondent's payroll for the reporting period equivalents.Show the estimated number of equivalent includes any special conslrction persolmel, include such employees attributed to the gas department from joint employees on line 3, and show the number of such special functions. Payroll Period Ended (Date)December 31, 2004 Total Regular Full-Time Employees 153 Total Part-Time and Temporary Employees allocation of General Employees Total Employees 166 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 325 State of Washington Name of Respondent This ;OTt Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, fr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 TRANSMISSION MAINS Show particulars Called for Concerning Transmission Mains* Total Length in Taken up or Total Length Line Kind of Material Diameter of Use Beginning of Laid During Abandoned During in Use End No.Pipe, Inches Year, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet of Year, Feet (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(fJ Steel 4" or Less Steel 4" to 10"390,720 390,720 TOTALS 390,720 * Show separately and identify lines held under a title other than full ownership. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-87)Page 514 Name of Respondent Avista Corp. .... ine Kind of Material No. fa) Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Plastic Plastic 1 0 Plastic 11 Plastic 12 Plastic TOTALS FERC FORM NO. This ~ort Is:(1) 129 An Original (2) D A Resubmission DISTRIBUTION MAINS Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25, 2005 Show particulars Called for Concerning Distribution Mains Total Length in I Taken up Use Beginning of Laid During Abandoned Durinc Year, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet(c) (d) (e)382,400 5,280 1 ,272,480 813,120 158,400 52,800 Diameter Pipe, Inches fb) Less than 2" 2" to 4" 4" to 8" 811 to 12" Over 12" Less than 2" 2" to 4" 4" to 8" 811 to 12" Over 12" 961,120 939,840 195,360 13,775,520 . Page 514- 232 320 800 280 290,400 280 State of Washington Year of Report Dec. 31 2004 Total Length in Use End of Year, Feet (f) 377,120 1 ,272 480 813,120 158,400 52,800 193,440 992,640 200,640 060,640 aeo as InQ10n Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) (g) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2) AResubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 SERVICE PIPES GAS Show the particulars called for concerning the line service pipe in possession of the respondent at the close of Number at Number Jumber Remove Number Average Line Type Diameter Beginning Added or Abandoned at Close Length No.in Inches of Year During Yeal During Year of Year in Feet (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (g) Steel Wrapped 11 or Less 43,940 121 43,81 9 Not Steel Wrapped 111 thru 2"087 076 Available Steel Wrapped 2" thru 411 Steel Wrapped 411 thru 811 Steel Wrapped Over 811 Plastic or Less 78,776 213 989 Plastic 111 thru 211 618 679 Plastic 211 thru 411 Plastic 411 thru 811 Plastic Over 811 TOTALS 124 575 279 132 127,722 In 1996 40,000 111 services were dropped from the report. St t f W h' t FERC FORM NO.Page 514- .,..... Name of Respondent This R lRIort Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp. (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 CUSTOMER'S METERS Owned Line Size Type Make Capacity Beginning .Added Retired Owned No.of Year During Year During Year End of Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(R)(h) Detailed information not available. TOTAL 137,739 921 654 141,006 State of Washinoton FERC FORM NO.Page 514- State of WashinatonName of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (2S) An Original (Mo, Os, Yr) Avista Corporation A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS ACCOUNT - NA rURAL GAS The purpose of this schedule is to account for the quality or intrastate facilities and which the reporting pipeline received of natural gas received and delivered by the respondent.through gathering facilities or intrastate facilities, but not through any Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of the interstate portion of the reporting pipeline, and (3) the gathering mixture of natural and manufactured gas.line quanities that were not destined for interstate market or that were Enter in column ( c ) the Dth as reported in the not transported through any interstate portion of the reporting schedules indicated for the items of receipts and pipeline. deliveries,7 Also indicate in a footnote (1) the system supply quanitities of gas Indicated in a footnote the quantities of bundled sales that are stored by the reporting pipeline, during the reporting year and and transportation gas and specify the line on which also reported as sales, transportation, and compression volumes by such quantities are listed.the reporting pipeline during the same reporting year, (2) the system If the respondent operates two or more systems which supply quantities of gas that are stored by the reporting pipeline during are not interconnected, submit separate pages for this the reporting year which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or purpose. Use copies of pages 520.transport in a future reporting year, and (3) contract storage Also indicate by footnote the quantities of gas not subject quanitities. to Commission regulation which did not incur FERC 8 Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field sales that are regulatory costs by showing (1) the local distribution included in both the companys total sales figure and the company's volumes another jurisdictional pipeline delivered to the total transportation figure. Add additional rows as necessary to local distribution company portion of the reporting report all data, numbered 14., 14,02. etc. pipeline (2) the quanties the reporting pipeline transported or sold throuah its local distribution facilities 01 NAME OF SYSTEM Line Ref. No.Item Page No.Amount of Dth (1) (a)(b)(c) GAS RECEIVED Gas Purchases (Accounts 800-805)17,253,656Gas of Others Received for Gatherina (Account 489.303Gas of Others Received for Transmission (489.305 562 675Gas of Others Received for Distribution (Account 489.301 Gas of Others Received for Contract Storace (Account 489.4)307 Exchanaed Gas Received from Others (Account 806)328 Gas Received as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Receipts of Resoondent's Gas Transported by Others (Account 858)332Other Gas Withdrawn from Storace (Explain) Gas Received from Shippers as compressor Station Fuel Gas Received from Shippers as Lost and Unaccounted for Other Receipts (SpeciN): Total Receipts (Total lines 3 thru 14.816,331GAS UEDV t:ril::U Gas Sales (Accounts 480 - 484)16,503,077Deliveries of Gas Gathered for Others (Account 489.303Deliveries of Gas Transported for Others (Account 489.305 562,675Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others Account 489.301 Deliveries of Contract StoraQe Gas (Account 489.4)307 Exchanae Gas Delivered to Others (Account 806)328 Gas Delivered as Imbalances (Account 806)328Deliveries of Gas to Others for Transportation (Account 858)332 Other Gas Delivered to StoraQe (Explain) Gas Used for Comoressor Station Fuel 509 Other Deliveries (SoeciN): Sales for Resale Total Deliveries (Total lines 17 thru 27.22,065,752GAS 1II\Il1(~(Ylll"'III::U FOR Production System Losses GatherinQ System Losses Transmission System Losses Distribution System Losses 750,579Storage Svstem Losses Other Losses lSpeciN) Total Unaccounted ForlTotallines 30 thru 35)750,579 Total Deliveries & Unaccounted For (Total lines 28 thru 36)22,816,331 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 520 Data Request for Statistics Report - 2004 Line No GAS SERVICE REVENUES 13 THERMS OF GAS SOLD-TRANSPORTED 22 TOTAL THERMS OF GAS SOLD-TRANSPORTED 24 AVERAGE NUMBER OF GAS CUSTOMERS PER MONTH urre-n e-rJo.r e-r urre-n a-a. rJo.r e- RESIDENTIAL SALES COMMERCIAL SALES INDUSTRIAL SALES OTHER SALES SALES FOR RESALE TRANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS OTHER OPERATING REVENUES TOTAL GAS SERVICE REVENUES 194470117 104754350 9422721 362706 152110 8187511 3143811 166925006 90522719 7474713 348901 279638 8539920 3197880 91341542 51060026 3285627 334126 3561997 2968126 82716711 46202878 3131778 326180 3550505 2959739 RESIDENTIAL SALES COMMERCIAL SALES INDUSTRIAL SALES OTHER SALES SALES FOR RESALE TRANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS 201696263 122851688 13273911 479230 305000 156977535 198471049 122115272 12736380 517438 675000 155958628 98040965 62146078 4400569 443156 55626751 98644765 63204517 4865895 486680 49926204 RESIDENTIAL SALES COMMERCIAL SALES INDUSTRIAL SALES OTHER SALES SALES FOR RESALE TRANSPORTATION OF GAS OF OTHERS 268571 31886 311 261063 31312 310 118972 12811 160 116188 12583 163 33681120 327804 1027 32878560 316060 1020 14166240 141006 1027 14166240 137739 1020 GAS Data.xls Name of Respondent This R~rt Is: (1 ) l29 An Original Date of Report (Mo Da, Yr) State of Idaho Year of Report A vista Corp (2) A Resubmission Dec. 31 2004Apri125, 2005 ST A TEJvlENT OF INCOJvIE FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility column (i,k,m,o) in a similar manner t() a utility depart- ment Spread the amount(s) over lines 01 thm 20 as ap- propriate. Include these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amounts in account 414, OtherUtility Operating Income, in the same manner as accounts 412 and413 above. 3. Report data for lines 7 , and 10 for Natural Gas com- panies using accounts 404.1, 404.2, 404., 407.1, and 407. 4. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the state- ment of income or an account thereof. Line No. Account (a) FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96) (Ref. Page No. (b) 300-301 320-325 320-325 336-338 336-338 336-338 262-263 262-263 262-263 234 272-277 234 272-277 266 Page 114 5. Give concise explanations concemingunsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amount may need to be made to the utility customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the con- tingency relates and the tax effects together with an expIa- tion of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases. 6. Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year TOT AL Current Year Previous Year i:i:i:i:!:i:i):!'!:i :!:i:i:!:!:!:Wi ::1:i :1:1:1 :i:i:!:!:i :!:imi :I:m:i:!'!:i :m:i:i:!:! j:i:i:11:i:: :!:!wj:j:!:!:i Hti:!:mmn:m:m:imi';i:!:!jIi'j:!'i:i:imi:!:!:i:JiH!:iI!:!miW! jH:m1:!:! $251 031 104 $229 561 337 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1) (2g An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Idaho Year of Report A vista Corp (2) A Resubmission Apri125 2005 Dec. 31 2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR resulting from settlement of any rate proceeding affecting revenues received or costs incuIred for power or gas pur- chases, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accounts. 7. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this Statement of Income, such notes may be at- tached at page 122. 8. Enter on page 122 a consise explanation of only those changes in accounting methods made during the year which ELECTRIC UTILITY Current Year Previous Year had an effect on net income, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes. 9. Explain in a foonote if the previous year's figures are different from that reported in prior reports. 10. If the columns are insufficient for reporting additional utility departments, supply the appropriate account titles, lines 1 to 19, and report the infonnation in the blank space on page 122 or in a supplemental statement. GAS UTILITYCurrent Year Previous Year Line No. OTHER UTILITY Current Year Previous Year $191 336 472 $177 232 917 $59 694 632 FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96) $52 328 420 Page 115 Name of Respondent This Report Is: (1) I!I An Original A vista Corporation (2) 0 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Idaho Year of Report April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Line No. Item (a) UTILITY PLANT In Service Plant in Service (Classified) Pro ert Under Ca ital Leases Plant Purchased or Sold Com leted Construction not Classified Investment in Kettle Falls TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 7) Leased to Others 10 Held for Future Use 11 Construction Work in Pro ress 12 Ac uisition Ad'ustments13 TOTAL Utilit Plant (Enter Total of lines 8 thru 12) 14 Accum. Prov. for De r., Amort., & De 1. 15 Net Utili Plant (Enter total of line 13 less 14) DETAIL OF ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR16 DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION 17 In Service:18 De reciation19 Amort. and De 1. of Producin N at. Gas Land and Land Ri hts20 Accumulated De reciation - Kettle Falls21 Amort. of Other Utilit Plant22 TOTAL in Service (Enter Total of lines 18 thru 21) 23 Leased to Others24 De reciation25 Amortization and De letion26 TOTAL Leased to Others (Enter Total of lines 24 and 25) 27 Held for Future Use28 De reciation29 Amortization30 TOTAL Held for Future Use (Ent. Tot. of lines 28 and 29)31 Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas)32 Amort. of Plant Ac uisition Ad'ustment TOTAL Accumulated Provisions (Should agree with line 14 above) (Enter Total of lines 22, 26, 30, 31, and 32) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 200 Total Electric 627,558,748 665,704 524,688,555 629,224,452 524,688,555 961,688 638,186,140 638,186,140 668,138 533,356,693 533,356,693 Name of Respondent State of Idaho Year of ReportThis R~ort Is: (1) 129 An Original Date of Report A vista Corporation (2) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31,2004 SUMMAR Y OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION (Continued) Gas Other (Specify)Other (Specify)Other (Specify)Common 97,920,249 403,189 949,944 262,515 4 212,459 212,459 212,459 98,323,438 293,550 98,616,988 98,616,988 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-89)Page 201 Line No. Avista Corp. State of Idaho This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) ) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 Name of Respondent GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according to estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries in column (c).the prescribed accounts. Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentative 2. In addition to Account 1 01, Gas Plant in Service (Classified), this distributions of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if the page and the next include Account 102, Gas Plant Purchased or respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have Sold, Account 103, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified, and not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified-Gas. in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an 3. Include in column (c) and (d), as appropriate, corrections of estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the accountfor additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. accumulated depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parenthesis credit adjustments of plant accounts to reversals of tentative distributions of prior year's unclassifiedindicate the negative effect of such accounts. retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the account 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d). Account INTANGIBLE PLANT Balance at Beginning of Year Additions 301 Or anization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Miscellaneous Intan ible Plant TOTAL Intan ible Plant Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4 PRODUCTION PLANT 722. 722. TOTAL Manuafactured Gas Production Plant Enter Total of lines 8 thru 24 PRODUCTS EXTRACTION PLANT FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 204 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year Ending Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 Continued including the reversals of the prior years tentative account and show in column (1) only the offset to the debits or credits to distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the primary account classifications. above instructions and the texts of Account 101 and 106 will 7. For Account 399. state the nature and use of plant included in this avoid serious omissions of respondent's reported amount for account and if substantial in amount submit a suplementaryplant actually in service at end of year. statement showing subaccount classification of such plant 6. Show in column (1) reclassifications or transfers within utility conforming to the requirements of these pages. plant accounts. include also in column (1) the additions or 8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in reductions of primary account classifications arising from Account 102, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102. In or purchaser, and date of transaction. If proposed journal entries showing the clearance of Account 102, include in column (e) have been filed with the Commission as required by the Uniform the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for System of Accounts, give date of such filing. depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc., Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line No. 96.640.103,362;07 96,640.103,362. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 205 Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101,102,103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 346 Gas Measuring and Reaulating EQuipment 347 Other EQuipment TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 28 thru 35) TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 26 and 36) Manufactured Gas Production Plant (Submit Supplementary Statement) TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 and 38) NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT Underground Storage Plant 350.1 Land 350.2 Rights-of-Way 351 Structures and Improvements 352 Wells 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Riahts 352.2 Reservoirs 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 353 Lines 354 Compressor Station EQuipment 355 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 356 Purification EQuipment 357 Other EQuipment TOTAL Underground Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 42 thru 53) Other Storage Plant 360 Land and Land Rights 361 Structures and Improvements 362 Gas Holders 363 Purification EQuipment 363.1 liQuefaction EQuipment 363.2 Vaporizing EQuipment 363.3 Compressor EQuipment 363.4 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 363.5 Other EQuipment TOTAL Other Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 64) Base Load liQuefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant 364.1 Land and Land Rights 364.2 Structures and Improvements 364.3 LNG Processing Terminal EQuipment 364.4 LNG Transporation EQuipment 364.5 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 364.6 Compressor Station EQuipment 364.7 Communications EQuipment 364.8 Other EQuipment TOTAL Base Load Liq Nat'l Gas, Terminal and Processing Plant (lines 67-74) TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of lines 54,65 and 75) TRANSMISSION PLANT 365.1 Land and Land Rights 365.2 Rights-of-Way 366 Structures and Improvements State of Idaho FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 206 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Endin ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmlssion April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e)if)(0)No. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 207 Name of Respondent Avista Corp. This report is: ( X) An Original ) A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April25,2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Line No.81 367 Mains82 368 Compressor Station EQuipment83 369 Measuring and Regulating Equipment84 370 Communications EQuipment85 371 Other Equipment86 TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Totals of lines 78 thru 85)87 DISTRIBUTION PLANT88 374 Land and Land Rights89 375 Structures and Improvements90 376 Mains91 377 Compressor Station EQuipment92 378 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-General93 379 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-City Gate94 380 Services95 381 Meters96 382 Meter Installations97 383 House Regulators98 384 House Regulator Installations99 385 Industrial Measuring and Regulating Station EQuipment 1 00 386 Other Prooertv on Customers' Premises 101 386 Other EQuiDment102 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Totals of lines 88 thru 101)103 GENERAL PLANT 1 04 389 Land and Land Rights 1 05 390 Structures and ImDrovements 391 Office Furniture and EQuipment 1 07 392 Transportation EQuipment 1 08 393 Stores EQuipment 109 394 Tools, ShOD, and Garage Equipment 110 395 Laboratorv EQuiDment 111 396 Power Ooerated EauiDment 112 397 Communication EQuipment 113 398 Miscellaneous EQuipment114 Subtotal (Enter Totals of lines 104 thru 113) 115 399 Other Tangible Property116 TOTAL General PlantlEnter Totals of lines 114 and 115)117 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106)118 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instruction 8)119 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instruction 8)120 . Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified121 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service (Enter Totals of lines 117 thru 120) Account (a) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 208 Balance at Beginning of Year (b) 29,391. 109,876. 48,322,407. 298,067. 562,923. 34,151 812. 723,557. 413,026. 91,611,063. 306,363. 326,174. 59,330. 404,054. 261,664. 357,587. 357,587. 92,975,373. 92,975,373. State of Idaho Year Ending Dec. 31,2004 Additions (c) 771,863. 20,956. 816,441. 203,972. 67,940. 881,174. 267,523. 147. 196,320. 096. 479,087. 479,087. 360,261. 360,261. State of Idaho Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 ,2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101,102,103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e) (g) No. 29,391. 11,236.121,113. 37,295.46,780.50,103,756. 074.49 (228,676.88)084,272. 079.146,801.702,645. 33,915.36,934,337. 927,530. 747.481,714. 100 101.102 103 104 105 106 573,886.107 108 683.326,638.109 242.59,087.110 600,374.111 332.898.275,326.112 113 259.898.835,314.114 115 259.898.835,314.116 624.79,427.98,323,437.117 118 119 120 91,624.79,427.98,323,437.121 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 209 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (81 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation 0 A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS STORED (ACCOUNT,164.2, AND 164. If durring the year adjustments were made to the stored gas inventory State in a footnote the basis of segregation of inventory between reported in columns (d), (f), (g), and (h) (such as to correct cumulative current and noncurrent protions. Also state in a footnote the inaccuracies of gas measurements), explain in a footnote the reason for method used to report storage (I.e. fixed asset method or the adjustments, the Dth and dollar amount of adjustment, and account inventory method). charged or credited. 2 Report in column (e) all encroachments during the year upon the volumes designated as base gas, column (b), and system balancing gas, column ( c ), and gas property recordable in the plant accounts. (Account (Account Noncurrent (Account Current LNG LNG ine Description 117.117.(Account 117.117.(Account 164.(Account 164.(Account 164.Total No.(a)(b)(c)(d) (e)If)(a) (h)(i) Balance at BeQinninQ of Year 085,371 100 133,471 Gas Delivered to Storaae 613.395 613,395 Gas Withdrawn from Storaae 3,438,977 438 977 Other Debits and Credits Balance at End of Year 259,790 48,100 307,890 Dth 421,121 946 448,067 Amount Per Dekatherm $5.3661 $1.7850 $5.1508 State basis of segregation of inventory between current and noncurrent portions: Current portion is gas expected to be sold within a 24 month period. All other gas is considered non-current. State of Idaho FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 220 Name of Respondent This wort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues for each for each group of meters added.The average number of prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in total.customers means the average of twelve figures at the close 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of each month. mixture of natural and manufactured gas.4. Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf (14.73 psia 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on at 60 degrees F). If billings are on a therm basis, give the Btu con- the basis of meter, in addition to the number of flat rate ac-tents of the gas sold and the sales converted to Mcf. counts; except that where separate meter readings are 5. If increases decreases from previous year (col- added for billing purposes, one customer should be counted umns (c),(e)and (g), are not derived from previously OPERATING REVENUES Line Title of. Account Amount for No.Amount for Year Previous Year (a) GAS SERVICE REVENUES 480 Residential Sales 273,915 32 545,885 481 Commercial and Industrial Sales Small or Comm.) (See Instr. 6)19,895,903 17,432,929 Large or Ind.) (See Instr. 6)585,952 1 ,246,277 482 Other Sales to Public Authorities 484 Interdepartmental Sales 28,580 721TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 784 350 1(1 247,812(483 Sales for Resale TOTAL Nat. Gas Service Revenues 58,784 350 247 812 Revenues from Manufactured Gas TOTAL Gas Service Revenues 58,784 350 51 247,812 u I H~H U ....'.r 111\I\.j , ..... y...., ~.Jt::~ 485 Intracompany Transfers 487 Forfeited Discounts 488 Misc. Service Revenues 348 579489Rev. from Trans. of Gas of Others 902 934 (1)074 029490Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nat. Gas 491 Rev. from Nat. Gas Proc. by Others 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales 493 Rent from Gas Property 494 Interdepartmental Rents 495 Other (jas Revenues TOTAL Other Operating Revenues 910,282 080,608 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues 59,694 632 52,328,420 (Less) (496) Provision for Rate Refunds TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of 59,694 632 Provision for Refunds Dis. Type Sales by States (Incl. Main Line 169,818 Sales to Resid.and Comm. Custrs. Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main 585,952 Line Sales to Pub. Authorities) Sales for Resale Other Sales to Pub. Auth. (Local Dist. Only) .".. Interdepartmental Sales 28,580 TOTAL (Same as Line 10, Columns (b) and (d))58,784 350 State of Idaho FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 300 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is: (1) 129 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Idaho Year of Report Avista Corporation (2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) (Continued) reported figures, explain any inconsistencies in a foot- note, 6. Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481 , may be classified according to the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or Industrial) regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200,000 Mcf per year or approximately 800 Met per day of normal requirements, (See Account 481 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification in a footnote. 7. See page 108, Important Changes During Year tor important new territory added and important rate increases or decreases. THERMS OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity forQuantity for Year Previous Year AVG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTRS. PER MO. Number for Line Number for Year Previous Year No. 36,074 67,102 794 2 67,102 794 30,758 088,693 088,693 809 809 60,459 60,459 NOTES (1) Includes $893.742 unbilled revenues. (2) Includes (253 010) therms relating to unbilled revenues. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 301 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This R~rt Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da. Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous year is not deri ved from previously reported fi2Ures, explain in footnotes. Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 1. PRODUCTION EXPENSES I.... ... A. Manufactured Gas Production Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement)I'. B. Natural Gas Production B 1. Natural Gas Production and Gatherin2 Operation 750 Operation Supervision and En2ineerin2 751 Production Maos and Records 752 Gas Wells Expenses 753 Field Lines Expenses 754 Field Compressor Station Expenses 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power 756 Field Measurin2 and ReJZUlatin2 Station Expenses 757 Purification Expenses 758. Gas Well Rovalties 759 Other Exoenses 760 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 7 thru 17) Maintenance ('......".. ., . 761 Maintenance Supervision and En2ineerin2 762 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 763 Maintenance of Producin2 Gas Wells 764 Maintenance of Field Lines 765 Maintenance of Field Compressor Station EQuipment 766 Maintenance of Field Meas. and Re2. Sta. EQuipment 767 Maintenance of Purification EQuipment 768 Maintenance of Drillin2 and Cleanin2 EQuipment 769 Maintenance of Other EQuioment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28) TOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gatherin2 (Total of lines 18 and 29) B2. Products Extraction . ,.",...., Operation i.,. 770 Operation Supervision and En2ineerin2 771 Operation Labor 772 Gas Shrinka2e 773 Fuel 774 Power 775 Materials 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses 777 Gas Processed bv Others 778 Royalties on Products Extracted 779 Marketin2 Exoenses 780 Products Purchased for Resale 781 Variation in Products Inventory (Less) 782 Extracted Products Used by the Utility-Credit 783 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of Lines 33 thru 46) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 320 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This R lIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount CulTent Year Previous Year No,(a)(b)(c) B2. Products Extraction (Continued) ..,...... Maintenance 784 Maintenance Supervision and Ene:ineerine: 785 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refmine: EQuipment 787 Maintenance of Pipe Lines 788 Maintenance of Extracted Products Storae:e EQuipment 789 Maintenance of Compressor Equipment 790 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Reg. Equipment 791 Maintenance of Other EQuipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 49 thru 56) TOTAL Products Extraction (Enter Total of lines 47 and 57) C. Exploration and Development ,"!.. . Operation ,\\. ,::: i.. !::. 795 Delay Rentals 796 Nonproductive Well Drilling 797 Abandoned Leases 798 Other Exploration TOTAL Exploration and Development (Enter Total of lines 61 thru 64) D. Other Gas Supply Expenses 1"" (,:'. '" ," .,' : ' Operation : ., ... ,:' 8oo Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 8oo.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases, Intracompany Transfers 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Pruchases 803 Natural Gas Transmission Line Purchases 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 41,178,093 30,823,195 804.1 LiQuefied Natural Gas Purchases 805 Other Gas Purchases (Less) 805.1 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments 11,778,200 TOTAL Purchased Gas (Enter Total of lines 67 to 76)41,178,093 42,60 1,394 806 Exchange Gas Purchased Gas Expenses . .. 807.1 Well Expenses-Purchased Gas 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measurine: Stations 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Expenses 76,372 48,600 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Expenses 20,841 TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses (Enter Total of lines 80 thru 84)76,372 69,441 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from StoraJ:!;e-Debit (Less) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit 809.1 Withdrawals of Liquefied Natural Gas for ProcessinJ:!;-Debit (Less) 809.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processing-Credit Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit :.,.::. 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel-Credit 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit 812 Gas used for Other Utility Operations-Credit TOTAL Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit (Total of lines 91 thru 93) 813 Other Gas Supply Expenses 94,924 70,954 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Exp (Total of lines 77,78,85,86 thru 89,94,95)41,349 389 42,741,789 TOTAL Production Expenses (Enter Total of lines 3,30,58,65, and 96)41,349,389 42,741,789 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED 11-88)Page 321 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This R~rt Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo.. Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE, TERMINALING AND Ii;, .. .. .. .... " .. . PROCESSING EXPENSES ~~~~,.. ,,' '. A. Undenzround Stora2e Exoenses :.,.. '. . . :r':':. :'.. .;::" 100 Operation .".'. :.., . . 101 814 Operation Supervision and En2ineerin2 286 505 102 815 MaDs and Records 103 816 Wells ExDenses 745 104 817 Lines Expense 105 818 Compressor Station Expenses 21.761 106 819 ComDressor Station Fuel and Power 891 107 820 Measurinl! and Re2Ulatin2 Station Expenses 141 108 821 Purification ExDenses 109 822 ExDloration and DeveloDment 110 823 Gas Losses III 824 Other Expenses 90,625 23,763 112 825 Stora2e Well Royalties II, 113 826 Rents (430) 114 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 101 thru 113)62,475 115 Maintenance ' ',. ,'.. ,..:'. 116 830 Maintenance SuDervision and Engineering 11,730 117 831 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 740 118 832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 11,581 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 941 120 834 Maintenance of Compressor Station EQuipment 25,122 121 835 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station EQuipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Eauipment 651 123 837 Maintenance of Other EauiDment 46,494 20,733 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 116 thru 123)46,494 71,498 125 TOTAL Under2round Stora2e Expenses (Total of lines 114 and 124)141 ,405 133.973 126 B. Other Stora2e Expenses Ii.,.. . ,'.. . 127 ODeration Iii: ; .:\.. . 128 840 Operation SuDervision and Enl!ineering 129 841 Operation Labor and ExDenses 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Power 133 842.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 128 thru 133) 135 Maintenance 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervision and En2ineerin2 137 843.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purification I\auiDment 140 843.5 Maintenance of Liauefaction Eauipment 141 843.6 Maintenance of VaDorizinl! Eauipment 142 843,7 Maintenance of ComDressor ~uipment 143 843,8 Maintenance of Measurinl! and Re2ulatin2 Eauipment 144 843,9 Maintenance of Other Eauipment 145 TOTAL Maintenance (EIiterTotal oflines 136 thru 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storal!e Expenses (Enter Total of lines 134 and 145) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 322 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This R lIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo. Da. Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No,fa)(b)(c) 147 C. liQuefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Exoenses 148 Operation 149 844.1 Ooeration Suoervision and Engineering 150 844.2 LNG Processine Terminal Labor and Exoenses 151 844.3 liQuefaction Processine Labor and Exoenses 152 844.4 liQuefaction Transoortation Labor and Exoenses 153 844,5 Measuring and Regulating Labor and Expenses 154 844.6 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 155 844.7 Communication Svstem Exoenses 156 844.8 Svstem Control and Load Dispatching 157 845.1 Fuel 158 845.2 Power 159 845.3 Rents 160 845.4 Demurraee Charees 161 (Less) 845.5 Wharfaee Receipts-Credit 162 845.6 Processing liQuefied or Vaporized Gas by Others 163 846.1 Gas Losses 164 846.2 Other Exoenses 165 TOTAL ODeration renter Total oflines 149 thru 164) 166 Maintenance "".,...':,..."::.. .... 167 847.1 Maintenance Suoervision and Engineering 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processing Terminal Eauioment 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation Eauipment 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and Reeulating Eauipment 172 847.6 Miantenance of Comoressor Station EQuipment 173 847,7 Maintenance of Communication EQuipment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other Eauioment 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 167 thru 174) 176 TOTAL liQuefied Nat Gas Terminaline and Processine Exp (Lines 165 & 175) 177 TOTAL Natural Gas storaee (Enter Total of lines 125. 146. and 176)141,405 133.973 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES "..;:,:;. ,.. \ 179 Operation ;?". ,. 180 850 Ooeration Suoervision and Engineering 181 851 Svstem Control and Load Dispatching 182 852 Communication System Exoenses 183 853 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 184 854 Gas for Comoressor Station Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Exoenses 187 857 Measurine and Resrulatine Station Expenses 188 858 Transmission and Compression of Gas bv Others 189 859 Other Expenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL ODeration (Enter Total of lines 180 thru 190) FERC FORM NO.1 (ED 11-88)Page 323 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERA nON AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 3, TRANSMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) "... .", .'.'.'',.. ... , . 192 Maintenance ";''".. .", .;.. 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Enl!:ineerinl!: 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station Eauipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measurinl!: and ReI!, Station Eauipment 198 866 Maintenance of Communication Eauipment 199 867 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 193 thru 199) 201 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Enter Total of lines 191 and 200) 202 4. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES .'..". 203 Operation ' ."... '/,,,'.. .. .. 204 870 Operation Supervision and Enl!ineerinl!154,937 10 1 .939 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 206 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 207 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 208 874 Mains and Services Expenses 671,483 520.993 209 875 Measurinl! and Rel!ulatinl! Station Expenses-General 317 18.236 210 876 Measurinl!: and Re2\llatinl!: Station Expenses-Industrial 973 884 211 877 Measurinl!: and Re2\llatinl!: Station Expenses-Citv Gate Check Station 45,249 42,279 212 878 Meter and House Re2\llator Expenses 287,903 319,343 213 879 Customer Installations Expenses 315,521 300.896 214 880 Other Expenses 351,019 275,753 215 881 Rents 844 11,885 216 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 204 thru 215)846,246 593,207 217 Maintenance .;;.. ,. 218 885 Maintenance Supervision and En2ineerin2 424 219 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 1,468 220 887 Maintenance of Mains 246,437 97,677 221 888 Maintenance of Compressor Station EQuipment 222 889 Maintenance of Meas, and ReI!, Sta.:Ouip.General 61,026 761 223 890 Maintenance of Meas. and ReI!. Sta,:Ouip.lndustrial 49,373 31,249 224 891 Maintenance of Meas. and ReI!. Sta.Quip.Citv Gate Check Station 12,767 12,808 225 892 Maintenance of Services 57,220 38,736 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Re2\llators 171,210 159,260 227 894 Maintenance of Other Eauipment 228 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 218 thru 227)598,033 394,382 229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 216 and 228)2,444,279 987.589 230 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 231 Operation . " . 232 901 Supervision 17,104 21,071 233 902 Meter Reading Expenses 491,325 440,476 234 903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 354 541 136,726 235 904 Uncollectible Accounts 337,660 305,022 236 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 108,298 153,405 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses (Enter Total of lines 232 thru 236)308,928 056.700 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 324 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1) l29 An Original Date of Report (Mo. Da. Yr) Year of Report A vista Corp,(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Line No. 238 239 Operation 240 907 Supervision 241 908 Customer Assistance Expenses 242 909 Informational and Instructional Expenses 243 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Infonnational Expenses 244 TOTAL Customer Service and Infonnation Expenses (Lines 240 thru 243)245 7. SALES EXPENSES 246 Operation 247 911 Supervision 248 912 Demonstratine: and Selline: Expenses 249 913 Advertisine: Expenses 250 916 Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 251 TOTAL Sales Expenses CEnter Total of lines 247 thru 250)252 8. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 253 Operation 254 920 Administrative and General Salaries 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 256 (Less) (922) Administrative Expenses Transferred-Cr, 257 923 Outside Services Emploved 258 924 Property Insurance 259 925 Injuries and Damae:es 260 926 Emolovee Pensions and Benefits 261 927 Franchise Requirements 262 928 Regulartorv Commission Expenses 263 (Less) (929) Duplicate Chare:es-Cr, 264 930.1 General Advertisine: Expenses 265 930.2 Miscellaneous General Exoenses 266 931 Rents 267 TOTAL Ooeration CEnter Total of lines 254 thru 266) 268 Maintenance 269 935 Maintenance of General Plant 270 TOTAL Administrative and General Exp (Total of lines 267 and 269) 271 TOTAL Gas O. and M. Exp (Lines 97,177,20 I ,229,237,244,251 ,and 270) If the amount for Previous vear is not derived from previously reported fi~ures, explain in footnotes,Amount for Amount forCurrent Year Previous Year(b) (c) ,i,;::.i:" ' ,.. .: .. .. .:.. 514,541 479,545 38,139 16,834 17,903 33,665 570,583 530,044 :i, ,' ..".. .. .:,:.. , d . "'\ .. . 0 3,676 229,423 159,425 31,388 34 946105 16,672 262,916 214,718 Ji. . .:.. . I ':' ., . !H:""' !;,!:, ..... ,. ." . 263,147 1,008,409 473,022 430,291750 . (2 036) 665,630 678,94062,492 49,441 295,168 188,383141,458 83,750 303,596 241,411 538 281,788 230,404 368,226 443,968 852,777 3,353,500 , . Amount (a) 6, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES I . 291,628 144,405 51,221,905 218,654 572,154 51,236.967 NUMBER OF GAS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES 1. The data on number of employees should be reported construction employees in a foonote. for the payroll period ending nearest to October 31, or 3. The number of employees assignable to the gas any payroll period ending 60 days before or after Octo- department from joint function of combination utilitiesber 31, may be determined by estimate, on the basis of employee 2. If the respondent's payroll for the reporting period equivalents, Show the estimated number of equivalent includes any special constrction personnel, include such employees attributed to the gas department from joint em 10 ees on line 3, and show the number of such s ecial functions, I. Pa roll Period Ended ate) December 31,2004 2. Total Re lar Full-Time Em 10 ees 3. Total Part-Time and Tem 0 Em 10 ees allocation of General Em 10 ees 4. Total Em 10 ees FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 325 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This rKtort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 TRANSMISSION MAINS Show particulars Called for Concernin~ Transmission Mains Total Length in Taken up or Total Length .... ine Kind of Material Diameter of Use Beginning of Laid During Abandoned During in Use End No.Pipe, Inches Year, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet of Year, Feet (a)(b)(e)(d)(e)(f) None TOTALS * Show separately and identify lines held under a title other than full ownership. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-87)Page 514 Name of Respondent Line No. Avista Corp. Kind of Material (a) Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Plastic Plastic 1 0 Plastic 11 Plastic 12 Plastic TOTALS FERC FORM NO. This Report Is: (1) An Original (2) A Resubmission DISTRIBUTION MAINS Date of Report (Mo Da, Yr) April 25, 2005 Diameter of Pipe, Inches (b) Less than 2" 2" to 4" 4" to 8" 8" to 12" Over 12" Show Particulars Called for Concerning Distribution Mains Total Length in Use Beginning of Year, Feet (e) 631,520 601,920 332,640 280 Less than 2" 2" to 4" 4" to 8" 8" to 12" Over 12" 007,520 098,240 253,440 930,560 Page 514- Laid During Year, Feet (d) 195,360 47,520 10,560 253,440 Taken up or Abandoned Durin~ Year, Feet (e) State of Idaho Year of Report Dec. 31,2004 Total Length in Use End of Year, Feet (f) 631,520 601,920 332,640 280 202,880 145,760 264,000 184,000 State of Idaho Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)(8) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 SERVICE PIPES GAS Show the particulars called for concerning the line service pipe in possession of the respondent at the close of Number at Number ~umber Remove Number Average Line Type Diameter Beginning Added or Abandoned at Close Length No.in Inches of Year During Year During Year of Year in Feet (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (g) Steel Wrapped 11 or Less 16,192 16,115 Not Steel Wrapped 111 thru 211 Available Steel Wrapped 2" thru 4" Steel Wrapped 411 thru 8'1 Steel Wrapped Over 811 Plastic l' or Less 43,758 552 46,310 Plastic 111 thru 211 156 160 Plastic 211 thru 4" Plastic 411 thru 811 Plastic Over 8" TOTALS 60,149 556 62,621 FERC FORM NO.Page 514~B Name of Respondent This ril rt Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31,2004 CUSTOMER'S METERS Owned Line Size Type Make Capacity Beginning Added Retired Owned No.of Year During Year During Year End of Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(I) (g) (Iz) Detailed information not available. TOTAL 62,541 721 65,262 State of Idaho FERC FORM NO.Page 514- Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation A Resubmisslon April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS ACCOUNT - NATURAL GAS The purpose of this schedule is to account for the quality or intrastate facilities and which the reporting pipeline received of natural gas received and delivered by the respondent.through gathering facilities or intrastate facilities, but not through any Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of the interstate portion of the reporting pipeline, and (3) the gathering mixture of natural and manufactured gas.line quanities that were not destined for interstate market or that were Enter in column ( c ) the Dth as reported in the not transported through any interstate portion of the reporting schedules indicated for the items of receipts and pipeline. deliveries.7 Also indicate in a footnote (1) the system supply quanitities of gas Indicated in a footnote the quantities of bundled sales that are stored by the reporting pipeline, during the reporting year and and transportation gas and specify the line on which also reported as sales, transportation, and compression volumes by such quantities are listed.the reporting pipeline during the same reporting year, (2) the system If the respondent operates two or more systems which supply quantities of gas that are stored by the reporting pipeline during are not interconnected, submit separate pages for this the reporting year which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or purpose. Use copies of pages 520.transport in a future reporting year, and (3) contract storage Also indicate by footnote the quantities of gas not subject quanitities. to Commission regulation which did not incur FERC 8 Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field sales that are regulatory costs by showing (1) the local distribution included in both the companys total sales figure and the company volumes another jurisdictional pipeline delivered to the total transportation figure, Add additional rows as necessary to local distribution company portion of the reporting report all data, numbered 14.01, 14.02, etc. pipeline (2) the quanties the reporting pipeline transported or sold through its local distribution facilities 01 NAME OF SYSTEM Line Ref. No.Item Page No.Amount of Dth (1) (a)(b)(c) GAS RECEIVED Gas Purchases (Accounts 800-805)6,407,419 Gas of Others Received for Gathering (Account 489.303 Gas of Others Received for Transmission (489.305 028,087 Gas of Others Received for Distribution Account 489.301 Gas of Others Received for Contract Storage (Account 489.4)307 Exchanged Gas Received from Others (Account 806)328 Gas Received as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Receipts pf Respondent's Gas Transported bv Others (Account 858)332 Other Gas Withdrawn from Storace (Explain) Gas Received from Shippers as compressor Station Fuel Gas Received from Shippers as Lost and Unaccounted for Other Receipts (Specify): Total Receipts (Total lines 3 thru 14.11 ,435,506 GAS DELI'v L..' H::U Gas Sales (Accounts 480 - 484)710,280 Deliveries of Gas Gathered for Others (Account 489.303 Deliveries of Gas Transported for Others (Account 489.305 028,087 Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others Account 489.301 Deliveries of Contract Storage Gas (Account 489.4)307 Exchange Gas Delivered to Others (Account 806)328 Gas Delivered as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Deliveries of Gas to Others for Transportation (Account 858)332 Other Gas Delivered to Storage (Explain Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel 509 Other Deliveries (Specify): Sales for Resale Total Deliveries (Total lines 17 thru 27.11,738,367 GAS UI\I~r ~rnIII\JTED FOR Production System Losses Gathering System Losses Transmission System Losses Distribution System Losses (302 861 Storage System Losses Other Losses (SpeciN) Total Unaccounted For (Total lines 30 thru 35)(302,861 Total Deliveries & Unaccounted For (Total lines 28 thru 36)11 ,435,506 State of Idaho FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 520 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This R~rt Is: (1 ) I!J An on ginal Date of Report (Mo Da, Yr) State of Ore on Year of Report A vista Corp (2) D A Resubmission Apri125 2005 December 31, 2004 ST ATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amoWlts for accoWlts 412 and 413, Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility colunm (i,k.m,o) in a similar manner to a utility depart- ment. Spread the amount(s) over lines 01 t1nu 20 as ap- propriate. Include these amoWlts in colunms (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amoWlts in accoWlt 414, Other Utility Operating Income, in the same manner as accOWlts 412 and413 above. 3. Report data for1ines 7 , and 10 for Natural Gas com- panies using accoWlts 404., 404., 404,, 407., and 407. 4. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the stat~ ment of income or an accoWlt thereof. Line No. Account TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 18) Net Utility Operating Income (Enter Total of line 21ess 19) (CatTY forward to page 117 line 21) (Ref. Page No. 300-301 320-325 320-325 336-338 336-338 336-338 262-263 262-263 262-263 234 272-277 234 272-277 266 Note: (1) Infonnation other than operating revenue not available by state. FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96)Page 114 5. Give concise explanations concerning unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amoWlt may need to be made to the utility customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the con- tingency relates and the tax effects together with an expia- tion of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amoWlts paid with respect to power and gas purchases. 6. Give concise explanations concerning significant amoWlts of any refunds made or received during the year TOTAL Current Year Previous Year $87,412 761 $68 218,847 N arne of Respondent This R.9;ort Is: (1 ) (2g An Original Date of Report (Mo Da, Yr) State of Ore on Year of Report A vista Corp (2) D A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR resulting from settlement of any rate proceeding affecting revenues received or costs incurred for power or gas pur- chases, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accoWlts. 7. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this Statement of Income, such notes may be at- tached at page 122. 8. Enter on page 122 a consise explanation of only those changes in accOlmting methods made during the year which had an effect on net income, including the basis of allocations and apportiomnents from those used in the preceding. year, Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes, 9. Explain in a foonote if the previous year's figures are different from that reported in prior reports. 10. If the columns are insufficient for reporting additional utility departments, supply the appropriate account titles, lines 1 to 19, and report the infonnation in the blank. space on page 122 or in a supplemental statement. ELECTRIC UTILITY Cucrem Y e~ ft~IDUS Year GAS UTILITY Cucrent Y e~ ftevious Y e~ OTHER UTILITY Cucrent Y e~ ftevious Y e~Line No. $87,412 761 $68 218 847 FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96)Page 115 Avista Corp. State of Ore on This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) ) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 Name of Respondent GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101,102,103, AND 106 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according to estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries in column (c).the prescribed accounts. Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentative 2. In addition to Account 101, Gas Plant in Service (Classified), this distributions of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if the page and the next include Account 102 Gas Plant Purchased or respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have Sold, Account 103, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified, and not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified-Gas. in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an 3. Include in column (c) and (d), as appropriate, corrections of estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account for additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. accumulated depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parenthesis credit adjustments of plant accounts to reversals of tentative distributions of prior year's unclassifiedindicate the negative effect of such accounts. retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the account 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d). Account INTANGIBLE PLANT Balance at Beginning of Year Additions 301 O~ anization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Miscellaneous Intan ible Plant TOTAL Intan ible Plant Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4 PRODUCTION PLANT 735,152. 735,152. 628. 65,344.945. TOTAL Manuafactured Gas Production Plant Enter Total of lines 8 thru 24 PRODUCTS EXTRACTION PLANT 72,973.944. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 204 State of Ore on Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year Ending A vista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 Continued including the reversals of the prior years tentative account and show in column (1) only the offset to the debits or credits to distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the primary account classifications. above instructions and the texts of Account 101 and 106 will 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in this avoid serious omissions of respondent's reported amount for account and if substantial in amount submit a suplementaryplant actually in service at end of year. statement showing subaccount classification of such plant 6. Show in column (1) reclassifications or transfers within utility conforming to the requirements of these pages. plant accounts. include also in column (1) the additions or 8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in reductions of primary account classifications arising from Account 102, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102. In or purchaser, and date of transaction. If proposed joumal entries showing the clearance of Account 102, include in column (e) have been filed with the Commission as required by the Uniform the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for System of Accounts, give date of such filing. depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc., Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line No. 000.730,152. 000.730,152. 628. 67,289. 74,917. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 205 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Avista Corp.) A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued)Line AccountNo. (a)34 346 Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment35 347 Other Equipment36 TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 28 thru 35)37 TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 26 and 36)38 Manufactured Gas Production Plant (Submit Supplementary Statement)39 TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 and 38)40 NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT41 Underground Storage Plant 42 350.1 Land 43 350.2 Rights-of-Way44 351 Structures and Improvements45 352 Wells 46 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Rights 47 352.2 Reservoirs 48 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas49 353 Unes50 354 Compressor Station EQuipment51 355 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment52 356 Purification Equipment53 357 Other Equipment54 TOTAL Underground Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 42 thru 53)55 Other Storage Plant56 360 Land and Land Rights57 361 Structures and Improvements58 362 Gas Holders59 363 Purification Equipment 60 363.1 liquefaction Equipment 61 363.2 Vaporizing Equipment 62 363.3 Compressor Equipment 63 363.4 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 64 363.5 Other Equipment65 TOTAL Other Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 64)66 Base Load Liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant 67 364.1 Land and Land Rights 68 364.2 Structures and Improvements 69 364.3 LNG Processing Terminal EQuipment 70 364.4 LNG Transporation Equipment 71 364.5 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 72 364.6 Compressor Station Equipment 73 364.7 Communications Equipment 74 364.8 Other Equipment75 TOTAL Base Load Liq Nat'l Gas, Terminal and Processing Plant (lines 67-74)76 TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of lines 54,65 and 75)77 TRANSMISSION PLANT 78 365.1 Land and Land Rights 79 365.2 Rights-of-Way80 366 Structures.and Improvements FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 206 Balance at Beginning of Year (b) 973. 72,973. State of Oregon Year Ending Dec. 31, 2004 Additions (c) . 0. 944. 944. aeo regon Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e)(f) (g) No. 74,917. 917. St t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 207 aeo regon Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April25,2005 Dec. 31,2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 367 Mains 368 Compressor Station EQuipment 369 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 370 Communications Equipment 371 Other Equipment TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Totals of lines 78 thru 85) DISTRIBUTION PLANT 374 land and Land Rights 23,531. 375 Structures and Improvements 177,658.431. 376 Mains 70,477,854.500,094. 377 Compressor Station EQuipment 378 Measuring and Regulatina EQuipment-General 901,292.41 75,989. 379 Measuring and Regulatina EQuipment-City Gate 538,679.45,229. 380 Services 47,505,303.742,398. 381 Meters 19,965,205.235,644. 382 Meter Installations 383 House Regulators 384 House Regulator Installations 385 Industrial Measuring and Reaulatina Station EQuipment 667,050.86,071. 100 386 Other Property on Customers' Premises 101 387 Other Equipment 539. 102 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Totals of lines 88 thru 101)140,257,114.685,860. 103 GENERAL PLANT 104 389 Land and land Rights 952.44 105 390 Structures and Improvements 373,646.700. 106 391 Office Furniture and EQuipment 685. 107 392 Transportation Equipment 126,744.78,699. 108 393 Stores Equipment 59,673. 109 394 Tools, Shop, and Garaae EQuipment 734,878. 110 395 Laboratory EQuipment 289,357. 111 396 Power Operated Equipment 315. 112 397 Communication Equipment 116,215. 113 398 Miscellaneous Equipment 114 Subtotal (Enter Totals of lines 104 thru 113)723,468.87,399. 115 399 Other Tangible Property 116 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Totals of lines 114 and 115)723,468.87,399. 117 TOTAl (Accounts 101 and 106)143,788,709.775,204. 118 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instruction 8) 119 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instruction 8) 120 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified 121 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service (Enter Totals of lines 117 thru 120)143,788,709.775,204. St t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 208 ta e 0 regon Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e)(f) (g) No. 23,531. 178,090. 104 305.73,873,643. 977,281. 583,908. 285,984.49,961,717. 198,497.(6,318.46)20,996,034. 753,121.44 100 539.101.102 103 952.104 382,346.105 685.106 58,803.146,641.107 526.56,147.108 507.659,371.109 289,357.110 315.111 116,215.112 113 137 836.673,031.114 115 137 836.673,031.116 731,623.48 (6,318.46)150,825,971.117 118 119 120 731 623.48.(6,318.46)150,825,971.121 S t fO FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 209 This Page Intentionally Left Blank aeo regonName of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report f8I An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation 0 A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS STORED (ACCOUNT 117,, 117.2, 117., 117.4. 164., 164.2, AND 164. If durring the year adjustments were made to the stored gas inventory State in a footnote the basis of segregation of inventory between reported in columns (d), (f), (g), and (h) (such as to correct cumulative current and noncurrent protions. Also state in a footnote the inaccuracies of gas measurements), explain in a footnote the reason for method used to report storage (I.e. fixed asset method or the adjustments, the Dth and dollar amount of adjustment, and account inventory method). charged or credited. 2 Report in column (e) all encroachments during the year upon the volumes designated as base gas, column (b), and system balancing gas, column ( c ), and gas property recordable in the plant accounts. (Account (Account Noncurrent (Account Current LNG LNG ine Description 117.117.(Account 117.117.4)(Account 164.(Account 164.(Account 164.Total No.(a)(b)(el (d)(e)(f) (g) (h)(i)Balance at Beqinninq of Year 283,577 204 357 487 934 Gas Delivered to Storage 430 430 430,430 Gas Withdrawn from Storage 391 186 391,186 Other Debits and Credits Balance at End of Year 322,821 204 357 527 178 Dth 60,000 107 608 167,608 Amount Per Dekatherm $5.3804 $1.8991 $3.1453 State basis of segrega1ion of inventory between current and noncurrent portions: Current portion is gas expected to be sold within a 24 month period. All other gas is considered non-current. St t f 0 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 220 a e 0 regon Name of Respondent This R rMort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues for each for each group of meters added.The average number of prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in tot~ customers means the average of twelve figures at the close 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of each month. mixture of natural and manufactured gas.4. Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf (14.73 psia 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on at 60 degrees F). If billings are on a therm basis, give the Btu con- the basis of meter, in addition to the number of flat rate ac tents of the gas sold and the sales converted to Mcf. counts;except that where separate meter readings 5. If increases decreases from previous year (col- added for billing purposes, one customer should be counte umns (c),(e)and (g), are not derived from previously OPERATING REVENUES Line Title of Account Amount for No.Amount for Year Previous Year (a)(b)(e) :: '::. ..'..:. .... . GAS SERVICE REVENUES (480) Residential Sales 51 ,206,457 39,788,372 (481) Commercial and Industrial Sales Small (or Comm.) (See Instr. 6)28,000,286 662,420 Lar;;Je (or Ind.) (See Instr. 6)551 142 096,658 (482 Other Sales to Public Authorities /484 Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 83,757 885 547,450 \ 483) Sales for Resale TOTAL Nat. Gas Service Revenues 83,757 885 547,450 Revenues from Manufactured Gas TOTAL Gas Service Revenues 83,757 885 547,450OTHER U, "-.." IIN~ Ht=Vt=I\jUE:::~ 485 Intracompany Transfers 487 Forfeited Discounts 488 Misc. Service Revenues 104 716 69,845 489 Rev. from Trans. of Gas of Others 574 389 791 933 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nat. Gas 491 Rev. from Nat. Gas Proc. by Others 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales 493 Rent from Gas Property 060 494 Interdepartmental Rents 495 Other Gas Revenues (39,289)(190,381) TOTAL Other Operating Revenues 654 876 I 671 ,397 TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues 87,412 761 68,218,847 I(Less) (496) Provision for Rate Refunds TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of 87,412,761 ::.::::: .:::::::: Provision for Refunds . ., Dis. Type Sales by States (lncl. Main Line 79,206,743 Sales to Resid. and Comm. Custrs. Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main 551,142 Line Sales to Pub. Authorities) Sales for Resale Other Sales to Pub. Auth. (Local Dist. Only) Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL (Same as Line 10, Columns (b and (d))83,757,885 St t f 0 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 300 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is: (1) l2SJ An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Ore on Year of Report Avista Corporation (2) D A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2004April 25, 2005 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) (Continued) reported figures, explain any inconsistencies in a foot- note. 6, Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481 , may be classified according to the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or Industrial) regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200,000 Met per year or approximately 800 Mcf per day of normal requirements. (See Account 481 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification in a footnote, 7. See page 108, Important Changes During Year, for important new territory added and important rate increases or decreases, THERMS OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity forQuantity for Year Previous Year 177 703 2 177 703 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86) AVG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTRS. PER MO. Number for Line Number for Year Previous Year No. 506,529 506 529 87,447 87,447 892 8 892 NOTES (1) Includes $1,495 740 unbilled revenues, (2) Includes (191 235) therms relating to unbilled revenues, Page 301 State of Oregon Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(l ) An Original (Mo, Da. Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubffilssion April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous vear is not derived from previously reported fi~res, explain in footnotes, Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 1. PRODUCTION EXPENSES A, Manufactured Gas Production Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement) 8. Natural Gas Production 81, Natural Gas Production and Gathering . ,.;.,.:".::: . Operation 750 Operation Supervision and Eni!ineerini! 751 Production Maps and Records 752 Gas Wells Expenses 753 Field Lines Expenses 754 Field Compressor Station Expenses 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power 756 Field Measurini! and Re!!Ulating Station Expenses 757 Purification Expenses 758 Gas Well Royalties 759 Other Expenses 760 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 7 thru 17) Maintenance Y:.T ~CC~ ,:: .,.. ,. 761 Maintenance Supervision and Eni!ineerini! 762 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 763 Maintenance of Producini! Gas Wells 764 Maintenance of Field Lines 765 Maintenance of Field Compressor Station Equipment 766 Maintenance of Field Meas, and Reg, Sta. Equipment 767 Maintenance of Purification Eauipment 768 Maintenance of Drillini! and Cleanini! Eauipment 769 Maintenance of Other Eauipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28) TOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gatherini! (Total of lines 18 and 29) 82. Products Extraction -,- Operation . . :. . ' 770 Operation Supervision and Eni!ineerini! 771 Operation Labor 772 Gas Shrinkai!e 773 Fuel 774 Power 775 Materials 776 Operation Supplies and Expenses 777 Gas Processed by Others 778 Royalties on Products Extracted 779 Marketini! Expenses 780 Products Purchased for Resale 781 Variation in Products Inventory (Less) 782 Extracted Products Used by the Utility-Credit 783 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of Lines 33 thru 46) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 320 State of Oregon Name of Respondent This R~rt Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo. Da. Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31,2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) B2. Products Extraction (Continued)r:(i . / ...'.,.....,., Maintenance ". .. ., .,.. 784 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 785 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refining EQuipment 787 Maintenance of Pipe Lines 788 Maintenance of Extracted Products Storage Eauioment 789 Maintenance of Compressor Eauioment 790 Maintenance of Gas Measuring and Reg, EQuipment 791 Maintenance of Other EQuipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 49 thru 56) TOTAL Products Extraction (Enter Total of lines 47 and 57) C. Exploration and Develooment Operation . . 795 Delay Rentals 796 Nonproductive Well Drilling 797 Abandoned Leases 798 Other Exoloration TOTAL Exploration and Development (Enter Total of lines 61 thru 64) D. Other Gas Suoolv Exoenses ( . Operation I, . 800 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases. Intracompany Transfers 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Pruchases 803 Natural Gas Transmission Line Purchases 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 59,463,988 40,098,422 804.1 Liquefied Natural Gas Purchases 805 Other Gas Purchases (4,062.980)150,713 (Less) 805.1 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments 694,448 ../..''. ....'. . TOTAL Purchased Gas (Enter Total of lines 67 to 76)55,401,008 45,943,583 806 Exchange Gas Purchased Gas Expenses .'... ,. . 807.1 Well Expenses-Purchased Gas 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Expenses 88,839 60.917 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Expenses 26.123 TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses (Enter Total of lines 80 thru 84)88,839 87,040 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Storage-Debit (Less) 808.2 Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit 809.1 Withdrawals of Liquefied Natural Gas for Processing-Debit (Less) 809.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processing-Credit Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit . '. . 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel-Credit 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit 812 Gas used for Other Utility Operations-Credit TOTAL Gas Used in Utility Ooerations-Credit (Total of lines 91 thru 93) 813 Other Gas Supply Expenses 110,063 87,146 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Exp (Total of lines 77.78.85,86 thru 89,94.95)55,599.910 46,117.769 TOTAL Production Expenses (Enter Total of lines 3,30,58,65, and 96)55.599,910 46,117,769 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 321 State of Oregon Name of Respondent This R iIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE, TERMINALING AND PROCESSING EXPENSES A. Under~round Storage Exoenses 100 Operation 814 Operation Supervision and Engineering 102 815 Maps and Records 103 816 Wells Expenses 104 817 Lines Expense 105 818 Compressor Station Expenses 106 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 107 820 Measurin~ and Re,gulatin~ Station Exoenses 108 821 Purification Expenses 109 822 Exploration and Development 110 823 Gas Losses 111 824 Other Expenses 112 825 Storage Well Royalties 113 826 Rents 114 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 101 thm 113) 115 Maintenance :".\\...".,. .,.. 116 830 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 117 831 Maintenance of Structures and Imorovements 118 832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 120 834 Maintenance of Compressor Station Eauioment 121 835 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Eauipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification Eauioment 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equioment 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 116 thru 123) 125 TOTAL Under.ground Storage Expenses (Total of lines 114 and 124) 126 B. Other Storage Exoenses 127 Operation 128 840 Operation Supervision and Engineering 129 841 Operation Labor and Expenses 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Power 133 842.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 128 thm 133) 135 Maintenance .. .' ..".'..,.,:::.... 136 843.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 137 843,2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 139 843,4 Maintenance of Purification I~uipment 140 843.5 Maintenance of liquefaction Eauioment 141 843.6 Maintenance of Vaporizing EQuioment 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compressor ~uioment 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating EQuioment 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other Equioment 145 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflines 136 thru 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storage Expenses (Enter Total of lines 134 and 145) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 322 State of Oregon Name of Respondent This R~rt Is:Date of Report Year of Report(l) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 147 C. Liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Expenses ,:..".,..: .::,,'".": ., ., .. 148 Operation I . . . 149 844.1 Operation Supervision and Engineering 150 844.2 LNG Processing Tenninal Labor and Expenses 151 844.3 Liquefaction Processing Labor and Expenses 152 844.4 Liquefaction Transportation Labor and Expenses 153 844.5 Measuring and Regulating Labor and Expenses 154 844.6 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 155 844.7 Communication System Expenses 156 844.8 System Control and Load Dispatching 157 845,1 Fuel 158 845.2 Power 159 845.3 Rents 160 845.4 Demurrage Charges 161 (Less) 845,5 Wharfage Receipts-Credit 162 845,6 Processing Liquefied or Vaporized Gas by Others 163 846.1 Gas Losses 164 846.2 Other Expenses 165 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 149 thru 164) 166 Maintenance .". .. '.. . 167 847.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processing Tenninal EQuipment 170 847,4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation EQuipment 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 172 847.6 Miantenance of Compressor Station EQuipment 173 847.7 Maintenance of Communication EQuipment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflines 167 thru 174) 176 TOTAL Liquefied Nat Gas Tenninaling and Processing Exp (Lines 165 & 175) 177 TOTAL Natural Gas storage (Enter Total of lines 125, 146, and 176) 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES o;:;' ;:':. ., : .:' .'.. 179 Operation :'.. ,. . 180 850 Operation Supervision and Engineering 181 851 System Control and Load Dispatching 182 852 Communication System Expenses 183 853 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 184 854 Gas for Compressor Station Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Expenses 187 857 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 188 858 Transmission and Compression of Gas by Others 189 859 Other Expenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 180 thru 190) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 323 State of Oregon Name of Respondent This R iIDort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(I) X An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 3, TRANSMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) 192 Maintenance ...; ..'. 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and Em~ineerine: 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station EQuipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measurin~ and Re~. Station EQuipment 198 866 Maintenance of Communication EQuipment 777 199 867 Maintenance of Other Eauioment 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 193 thru 199)777 201 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Enter Total of lines 191 and 200)777 202 4, DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES .,. 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervision and En~ineerin~307,024 136,047 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 206 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 207 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 208 874 Mains and Services Exoenses 807,426 916,874 209 875 Measurin~ and Ree:ulatine: Station Expenses-General 17,589 348 210 876 Measurin~ and Ree:ulatine: Station Expenses-Industrial 211 877 Measurine: and Ree:ulatin~ Station Expenses-Citv Gate Check Station 986 238 212 878 Meter and House Ree:ulator Expenses 473,370 447,096 213 879 Customer Installations Exoenses 994 232 72\,700 214 880 Other Expenses 406,986 347,980 215 881 Rents 13,432 61,294 216 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 204 thru 215)0\7,073 639,652 217 Maintenance , ,.. 218 885 Maintenance Supervision and En~ineerin~106,058 33,94\ 219 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 220 887 Maintenance of Mains 160,270 340,165 221 888 Maintenance of Compressor Station EJuioment 222 889 Maintenance of Meas. and Re~. Sta. ECluio.General 155,135 133,65\ 223 890 Maintenance of Meas, and Re~. Sta. ECluip.Industrial 38,500 25,874 224 891 Maintenance of Meas, and Re~. Sta. E~uip.City Gate Check Station 857 884 225 892 Maintenance of Services \98,113 92,96\ 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Ree:u1ators 19\,655 123,943 227 894 Maintenance of Other Eauioment 65,339 29,44\ 228 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 218 thru 227)918,927 782,859 229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 216 and 228)936,000 3,422,511 230 5, CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 231 Operation 232 901 Supervision 23,798 18,437 233 902 Meter Readine: Exoenses 491,161 466,423 234 903 Customer Records and Collection Exoenses 816,144 617,268 235 904 Uncollectible Accounts 320,880 632,452 236 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 66,360 109,287 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses (Enter Total of lines 232 thru 236)718,343 843,867 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 324 State of Oregon Name of Respondent This R ooort Is: Date of Report Year of Report (1 ) An Original (Mo. Da. Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubnussion April 25, 2005 December 3 I. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported fi,gures, explain in footnotes, Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No,(a)(b)(c) 238 6. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES ..' 239 Operation :.. ..,. 240 907 Supervision 241 908 Customer Assistance Expenses 691,389 486,756 242 909 Infonnational and Instructional Expenses 49,003 34,353 243 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Infonnational Expenses 244 TOTAL Customer Service and Infonnation Expenses (Lines 240 thru 243)740,392 521,109 245 7. SALES EXPENSES ,. :::. . 246 Operation ......:;.:..:.' 247 911 Supervision 248 912 Demonstratin~ and Selling Expenses 100,071 94,327 249 913 Advertisin~ Expenses 657 250 916 Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 503 15,540 251 TOTAL Sales Expenses (Enter Total of lines 247 thru 250)110,231 109,867 252 8, ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES . .. .: . 253 Operation ,:.. :......;:. I:. 254 920 Administrative and Genercll Salaries 803,385 566,722 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 717,726 681.184 256 (Less) (922) Administrative Expenses Transferred-Cr, 257 923 Outside Services Employed 944 572 984,296 258 924 Property Insurance 80,064 68,155 259 925 Injuries and Damages 461,626 232,245 260 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 185,749 122,037 261 927 Franchise ReQuirements 262 928 Regulartorv Commission Expenses 330,022 405,783 263 (Less) (929) Duplicate Charges-Cr, 264 930.1 General Advertising Expenses 265 930.2 Miscellaneous General ExDenses 317,568 245,864 266 931 Rents 498,988 658,461 267 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 254 thru 266)339,700 964,746 268 Maintenance . .:;....: .,:.... . 269 935 Maintenance of General Plant 201,222 197,748 270 TOTAL Administrative and General EXD (Total of lines 267 and 269)540,922 162,494 271 TOTAL Gas O. and M. Exp (Lines 97,177,201,229,237,244 251,and 270)69,645,798 58,175,839 NUMBER OF GAS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES I, The data on number of employees should be reported construction employees in a foonote. for the payroll period ending nearest to October 31, or 3. The number of employees assignable to the gas any payroll period ending 60 days before or after Octo- department from joint function of combination utilitiesher 31. may be detennined by estimate, on the basis of employee 2, If the respondent's payroll for the reporting period equivalents. Show the estimated number of equivalent includes any special constrction personnel, include such employees attributed to the gas department from joint em 10 ees on line 3, and show the number of such s ecial functions. I, Pa roll Period Ended ate December 31, 2004 2. Total Re lar Full-Time Em 10 ees 3. Total Part-Time and Tem 0 Em 10 res allocation of Genercll Em 10 ees 4. Total Em 10 ees 129 152 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 325 tate of ree:on Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubnussion April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 TRANSMISSION MAINS Show particulars Called for Concerning Transmission Mains* Total Length in Taken up or Total Length dne Kind of Material Diameter of Use Beginning of Laid During Abandoned During in Use End No.Pipe, Inches Year, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet of Year, Feet (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Steel Coated Over 4" through 1 332,640 332,640 Steel Coated 4" or Less 26,400 5280 21, 120 TOTALS 359,040 353,760 * Show separately and identify lines held under a title other than full ownership. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-87)Page 514 Name of Respondent Avista Corp. L..ine Kind of Material No. (a) Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped This Report Is:(1) An Original (2) A Resubmission DISTRIBUTION MAINS Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25, 2005 State of Oregon Year of Report Dec. 31, 2004 Show Particulars Called for Concerning Distribution MainsTotal Length in I Taken up or Use Beginning of Laid During Abandoned Durin(Year, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet(c) (d) (e)724,480 5,280 828,960 422,400 15,840 Diameter of Pipe, Inches (b) Less than 2" 2" to 4" 4" to 8" 8" to 12" Over 12" Plastic Plastic 1 0 Plastic 11 Plastic 12 Plastic 19 Change in footage relects additions net of retirements. TOT ALS FERC FORM NO. Less than 2" 2" to 4" 4" to 8" 8" to 12" Over 12" 4,408,800 733,920 58,080 192,480 Page 514- 280 242,880 21 ,120 269,280 280 Total Length in Use End of Year, Feet (f) 719,200 828,960 427,680 15,840 651 680 755,040 58,080 9,456,480 aeo regon Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)0 A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 SERVICE PI PES GAS Show the particulars called for concernin~ the line service pipe in possession of the respondent at the close of the Number at Number umber Removed Number Average Line Type Diameter Beginning Added or Abandoned at Close length No.in Inches of Year During Year During Year of Year in Feet (a)fb)fe)(d)(e)(f) (g) Steel Wrapped 11 or Less . 32,082 32,123 Not Steel Wrapped 111 thru 2"556 473 Available Steel Wrapped 2" thru 4" Steel Wrapped 4" thru 8" Steel Wrapped Over 8" Plastic l' or less 62,022 915 64,937 Plastic 111 thru 2"1,419 401 820 Plastic 2" thru 411 Plastic 4" thru 8" Plastic Over 8" Number added is net of retirements TOTALS 96,179 358 99,452 St t f 0 FERC FORM NO.Page 514- State of Oreoon~F" Name of Respondent This R rRJOTt Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 CUSTOMER'S METERS Owned Line Size Type Make Capacity Begmning Added Retired Owned No.of Year During Year During Year End of Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(J!)(h) Detailed information not available. TOTAL 96,940 845 257 102,528 FERC FORM NO.Page 514- aeo recon Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation A Resubmisslon April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS ACCOUNT - NATURAL GAS The purpose of this schedule is to account for the quality or intrastate facilities and which the reporting pipeline received of natural gas received and delivered by the respondent.through gathering facilities or intrastate facilities, but not through any Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of the interstate portion of the reporting pipeline, and (3) the gathering mixture of natural and manufactured gas.line quanities that were not destined for interstate market or that were Enter in column ( c) the Dth as reported in the not transported through any interstate portion of the reporting schedules indicated for the items of receipts and pipeline. deliveries.7 Also indicate in a footnote (1) the system supply quanitities of gas Indicated in a footnote the quantities of bundled sales that are stored by the reporting pipeline, during the reporting year and and transportation gas and specify the line on which also reported as sales, transportation, and compression volumes by such quantities are listed.the reporting pipeline during the same reporting year, (2) the system If the respondent operates two or more systems which supply quantities of gas that are stored by the reporting pipeline during are not interconnected, submit separate pages for this the reporting year which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or purpose. Use copies of pages 520,transport in a future reporting year, and (3) contract storage Also indicate by footnote the quantities of gas not subject quanitities. to Commission regulation which did not incur FERC 8 Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field sales that are regulatory costs by showing (1) the local distribution included in both the company's total sales figure and the company volumes another jurisdictional pipeline delivered to the total transportation figure. Add additional rows as necessary to local distribution company portion of the reporting report all data, numbered 14.01, 14,02, etc. pipeline (2) the quanties the reporting pipeline transported or sold through its local distribution facilities 01 NAME OF SYSTEM Line Ref. No.Item Page No.Amount of Dth (1) (a)(b)(c) GAS RECEIVED Gas Purchases (Accounts 800-805)8,415,310 Gas of Others Received for Gatherinc (Account 489.303 Gas of Others Received for Transmission (489.305 017,422 Gas of Others Received for Distribution (Account 489.301 Gas of Others Received for Contract Storace (Account 489.307 Exchanced Gas Received from Others (Account 806)328 Gas Received as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Receipts pf Respondent's Gas Transported bv Others (Account 858)332 Other Gas Withdrawn from Storace (Explain) Gas Received from Shippers as compressor Station Fuel Gas Received from Shippers as Lost and Unaccounted for Other Receipts (Specify): Total Receipts (Total lines 3 thru 14.13,432 732 GAS DEL. Y '-lieU Gas Sales (Accounts 480 - 484)8,417,770 Deliveries of Gas Gathered for Others (Account 489.303 Deliveries of Gas Transported for Others (Account 489.305 017,422 Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others (Account 489.301 Deliveries of Contract Storage Gas (Account 489.307 Exchange Gas Delivered to Others (Account 806)328 Gas Delivered as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Deliveries of Gas to Others for Transportation (Account 858)332 Other Gas Delivered to Storage (Explain) Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel 509 Other Deliveries (Specify): Sales for Resale Total Deliveries (Total lines 17 thru 27.13,435,192 GAS UNAr:r:r 11 IN I eU FOR Production System Losses Gathering System Losses Transmission System Losses Distribution System Losses (2,460 Storace System Losses Other Losses (Specify) Total Unaccounted For (Total lines 30 thru 35)(2,460 Total Deliveries & Unaccounted For (Total lines 28 thru 36)13,432 732 St t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 520 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:(1) ~ An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of California Year of Report A vista Corp (2) D A Resubmission Apri125, 2005 Dec. 31 2004 ST ATEl\1ENT OF INCOl\1E FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility column (i,k,m..o) in a similar manner to a utility depart- ment. Spread the amount(s) over lines 01 thru 20 as ap- propriate. Include these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating Income, in the same manner as accounts 412 and413 above, 3. Report data for lines 7 , and 10 for Natural Gas com- panies using accounts 404., 404.2, 404., 407., and 407. 4. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the state- ment of income or an account thereof, line No. Account TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of lines 4 tbru 18) Net Utility Operating Income (Enter Total of line 21ess 19) (Carry forward to page 117 line 21) (Ref. Page No. 5. Give concise explanations concerning unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a. material amount may need to be made to the utility customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases, State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the con- tingency relates and the tax effects together with an expIa- tion of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases, 6, Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year TOT AL Current Year Previous Year Page 114 ! :i:!:!IiIi:i:i:!:i:! ;i:i:i:: :Wi li:!:!:i:!Ii Ii;!:!:!:!:!:::!:!:!:i:i:!:!:i:i:!:!:!:i:i :!:!:j:i1:!:J:H:!:i:!:!:i:m:iVIHi:Wj:Wi:!:itj:j:jI! :::!:i :i:j:j:j:ii:!Ii:!:!:!:!:W!:!:i:J:i:i:!:i:!IiIW!:;1 $20 682 299 $17 571 796 300-301 320-325 320-325 336-338 336-338 336-338 262-263 262-263 262-263 234 272-277 234 272-277 266 Note: (1) Infotmation other than operating revenue not available by state. FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96) Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1 ) l29 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of California Year of Report A vista Corp (2)A Resubmission Dec. 31, 2004April 25, 2005 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR resulting from settlement of any rate proceeding affecting revenues received or costs. incuJTed for power or gas pur- chases, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accounts. 7. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this Statement of Income, such notes may be at- tached at page 122. 8. Enter on page 122 a consise explanation of only those changes in accounting methods made during the year which ELECTRIC UTILITYCurrent Year Previous Year had an effect on net income, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year, Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes. 9. Explain in a foonote if the previous years figures are different from that reported in prior reports. 10. If the columns are insufficient for reporting additional utility departments, supply the appropriate account titles, lines 1 to 19, and report the information in the blank space on page 122 or in a supplemental statement. GAS UTILITYCurrent Year Previous Year Line No. OTHER UTll..ITY Current Year Previous Year $20 682 299 FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96) $17 571 796 Page 115 Avista Corp. State of California This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) ) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 Name of Respondent GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according to estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries in column (c).the prescribed accounts. Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentative 2. In addition to Account 101, Gas Plant in Service (Classified), this distributions of prior year reported in column (b). likewise, if the page and the next include Account 102 Gas Plant Purchased or respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have Sold, Account 103, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified, and not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified-Gas. in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an 3. Include in column (c) and (d), as appropriate, corrections of estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account for additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. accumulated depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parenthesis credit adjustments of plant accounts to reversals of tentative distributions of prior year's unclassifiedindicate the negative effect of such accounts. retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the account 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d). Account INTANGIBLE PLANT Balance at Beginning of Year Additions 301 Or anization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Miscellaneous Intan ible Plant TOTAL Intan ible Plant Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4 PRODUCTION PLANT 592. 592. TOTAL Manuafactured Gas Production Plant Enter Total of lines 8 thru 24 PRODUCTS EXTRACTION PLANT FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 204 State of California Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year Ending Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 Continued including the reversals of the prior years tentative account and show in column (1) only the offset to the debits or credits to distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the primary account classifications. above instructions and the texts of Account 101 and 106 will 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in this avoid serious omissions of respondentis reported amount for account and if substantial in amount submit a suplementaryplant actually in service at end of year. statement showing subaccount classification of such plant 6. Show in column (1) reclassifications or transfers within utility conforming to the requirements of these pages. plant accounts. include also in column (1) the additions or 8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in reductions of primary account classifications arising from Account 192, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102. In or purchaser, and date of transaction. If proposed journal entries showing the clearance of Account 102, include in column (e) have been filed with the Commission as required by the Uniform the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for System of Accounts, give date of such filing. depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc., Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line No. 592. 592. Page 205FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96) Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 346 Gas Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 347 Other EQuipment TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 28 thru 35) TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 26 and 36) Manufactured Gas Production Plant (Submit Supplementary Statement) TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 and 38) NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT Underground Storage Plant 350.1 Land 350,2 Rights-of-Way 351 Structures and Improvements 352 Wells 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Rights 352.2 Reservoirs 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 353 Lines 354 Compressor Station EQuipment 355 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 356 Purification EQuipment 357 Other EQuipment TOTAL Underground Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 42 thru 53) Other Storage Plant 360 Land and Land Rights 361 Structures and Improvements 362 Gas Holders 363 Purification EQuipment 363.1 liQuefaction EQuipment 363.2 Vaporizing EQuipment 363.3 Compressor EQuipment 363.4 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 363.5 Other EQuipment TOTAL Other Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 64) Base Load liQuefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant 364.1 Land and Land Rights 364.2 Structures and Improvements 364.3 LNG Processing Terminal EQuipment 364.4 LNG Transporation EQuipment 364.5 Measuring and Regulating EQuipment 364.6 Compressor Station EQuipment 364.7 Communications EQuipment 364.8 Other EQuipment TOTAL Base Load Liq Nat'l Gas, Terminal and Processing Plant (lines 67-74) TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of lines 54,65 and 75) TRANSMISSION PLANT 365.1 Land and Land Rights 365.2 Rights-of-Way 366 Structures and Improvements State of California FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 206 Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101 , 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e)(f) (g) No. State of California FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 207 Name of Respondent Avista Corp. This report is: ( X) An Original ) A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April 25, 2005 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Line No.81 367 Mains82 368 Compressor Station Equipment83 369 Measuring and Regulating Equipment84 370 Communications Equipment85 371 Other Equipment86 TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Totals of lines 78 thru 85)87 DISTRIBUTION PLANT88 374 Land and Land Rights89 375 Structures and Improvements90 376 Mains91 377 Compressor Station Equipment92 378 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-General93 379 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-City Gate94 380 Services95 381 Meters96 382 Meter Installations97 383 House Regulators98 384 House Regulator Installations99 385 Industrial Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment 1 00 386 Other Property on Customers' Premises 101 386 Other Equipment102 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Totals of lines 88 thru 101)103 GENERAL PLANT 104 389 Land and Land Rights 105 390 Structures and Improvements 106 391 Office Furniture and Equipment 1 07 392 Transportation Equipment 1 08 393 Stores Equipment 109 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment 110 395 Laboratory Equipment 111 396 Power Operated Equipment 112 397 Communication Equipment 113 398 Miscellaneous Equipment114 Subtotal (Enter Totals of lines 104 thru 113) 115 399 Other Tangible Property 116 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Totals of lines 114 and 115)117 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106)118 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instruction 8) 119 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instruction 8)120 Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified121 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service (Enter Totals of lines 117 thru 120 Account (a) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 208 Balance at Beginning of Year (b) 160. 10,098,586. 30,750. 55,039. 191,777. 507,735. 18,036. 19,902,084. 69,136. 189,942. 115,775. 611. 209,137. 33,109. 55,892. 21 ,548. 139. 698,292. 698,292. 20,601 ,969. 20,601,969. State of California Year Ending Dec. 31, 2004 Additions (c) 28,248. 296,131. 33,284. 357,663. 357,663. 357,663. Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e)(f)No. 160. 10,126,834. 30,750. 55,039. 7,487,908. 541,019. 18,036. 100 101 20,259,748.102 103 69,136.104 189,942.105 106 115,775.107 611.108 153,640.55,496.109 561.32,547.110 55,892.111 21,548.112 831.308.113 156,033.542 258.114 115 156 033.542,258.116 156,033.20,803,599.117 118 119 120 156,033.20,803,599.121 State of California FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 209 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report 181 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation 0 A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS STORED (ACCOUNT 117., 117., 117.3. 117.4, 164,1, 164.2, AND 164. If durring the year adjustments were made to the stored gas inventory State in a footnote the basis of segregation of inventory between reported in columns (d), (f), (g), and (h) (such as to correct cumulative current and noncurrent protions. Also state in a footnote the inaccuracies of gas measurements), explain in a footnote the reason for method used to report storage (I.e. fixed asset method or the adjustments, the Dth and dollar amount of adjustment, and account inventory method). charged or credited. 2 Report in column (e) all encroachments during the year upon the volumes designated as base gas, column (b), and system balancing gas, column ( c ), and gas property recordable in the plant accounts. (Account (Account Noncurrent (Account Current LNG LNG jt-ine Description 117.117.(Account 117.117.(Account 164.(Account 164.(Account 164.Total No.(a)(b)(e)(d)(e)(f)fa)fh)(i) Balance at BeClinninQ of Year 251 688 251,688 Gas Delivered to Storaae 338,195 338,195 Gas Withdrawn from Storage 237,996 237 996 Other Debits and Credits 433 433) Balance at End of Year 342,454 342,454 Dth 939 939 Amount Per Dekatherm $4.8965 $4.8965 State basis of segregation of inventory between current and noncurrent portions: Current portion IS gas expected to be sold within a 24 month period.All other gas is considered non-current. State of California FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 220 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues for each for each group of meters added.The average number of prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in total.customers means the average of twelve figures at the close 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of each month. mixture of natural and manufactured gas.4, Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf (14.73 psia 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on at 60 degrees F), If billings are on a therm basis, give the Btu con- the basis of meter, in addition to the number of flat rate ac-tents of the gas sold and the sales converted to Mcf. counts; except that where separate meter readings are 5. If increases decreases from previous year (col- added for billing purposes, one customer should be counted umns (c),(e)and (g), are not derived from previously OPERATING REVENUES Line Title of Account Amount for No.Amount for Year Previous Year (a)(b)(e) GAS SERVICE REVENUES I:. . .. .::'...:::. . (480) Residential Sales 648,203 874 038(481) Commercial and Industrial Sales : . Small (or Comm.) (See Instr. 6)798,135 224,492 Lar~e (or Ind.) (See Instr. 6) 482 Other Sales to Public Authorities 484 Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 20,446,338 17,098,530 1(483 Sales for Resale TOTAL Nat. Gas Service Revenues 20,446,338 098,530Revenues from Manufactured Gas TOTAL Gas Service Revenues 20,446,338 098,530U I Ht:.H U ~"" IIN~ Ht:.Vt:.NUt:.~ 485 Intracompany Transfers 487 Forfeited Discounts 488 Misc. Service Revenues 155,760 138,251489Rev. from Trans. of Gas of Others 148,191 123,453490Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nat. Gas 491 Rev. from Nat. Gas Proc. by Others 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales 493 Rent from Gas Property 494 Interdepartmental Rents 495 Other Gas Revenues (67,990)211,562TOTAL Other Operating Revenues 235,961 473,266TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues 682 299 571 796(Less) (496) Provision for Rate Refunds TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of 20,682,299 Provision for Refunds Dis. Type Sales by States (Incl. Main Line 20,446,338 : : Sales to Resid. and Comm. Custrs. : .::' Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main Line Sales to Pub. Authorities) Sales for Resale Other Sales to Pub. Auth. (Local Dist. Only) Interdepartmental Sales :::. TOTAL (Same as Line 10, Columns (b) and (d))20,446,338 ':. .. :...... .. . State of California FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 300 State of California Year of ReportName of Respondent This ~ort Is: (1) l!9 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) D A ResubmissionAvista Corporation April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) (Continued) reported figures, explain any inconsistencies in a foot- note. 6. Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481 , may be classified according to the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or Industrial) regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200,000 Mcf per year or approximately 800 Mcf per day of normal requirements, (See Account 481 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification in a footnote. 7. See page 108, Important Changes During Year, for important new territory added and important rate increases or decreases. THERMS OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity forQuantity for Year Previous Year AVG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTRS. PER MO. Number for Line Number for Year Previous Year No. 989 827 2 989 827 21,043,060 043,060 18,575 18,575 18,406 18,406 NOTES (1) Includes $425,454 unbilled revenues. (2) Includes 603 523 therms relating to unbilled revenues. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 301 State of California Name of Respondent This R l8iort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp,(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures. explain in footnotes. Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 1. PRODUCTION EXPENSES ... . d A. Manufactured Gas Production Manufactured Gas Production (Submit Supplemental Statement) B. Natural Gas Production B 1. Natural Gas Production and Gatherine: Operation 750 Operation Supervision and En.e:ineerin.e: 751 Production Maps and Records 752 Gas Wells Expenses 753 Field Lines Expenses 754 Field Compressor Station Expenses 755 Field Compressor Station Fuel and Power 756 Field Measuring and Regulatine: Station Expenses 757 Purification Expenses 758 Gas Well Royalties 759 Other Expenses 760 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 7 thru 17) Maintenance i,. ' .' ... . . 761 Maintenance Supervision and En.e:ineerin.e: 762 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 763 Maintenance of Producin.e: Gas Wells 764 Maintenance of Field Lines 765 Maintenance of Field Compressor Station Eauipment 766 Maintenance of Field Meas. and Re.e:o Sta. Eauipment767 Maintenance of Purification EQuipment 768 Maintenance of Drillin.e: and Cleanin.e: EQuipment 769 Maintenance of Other EQuipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28) TOTAL Natural Gas Production and Gatherinl! (Total of lines 18 and 29) B2. Products Extraction Operation 770 Operation Supervision and Ene:ineerin.e: 771 Operation Labor 772 Gas Shrinkage 773 Fuel 774 Power 775 Materials 776 Operation Supplies and Exnenses 777 Gas Processed by Others 778 Royalties on Products Extracted 779 Marketing Expenses 780 Products Purchased for Resale 781 Variation in Products Inventory (Less) 782 Extracted Products Used by the Utility-Credit 783 Rents TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of Lines 33 thru 46) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 320 State of California Name of Respondent This R~On Is:Date of Repon Year of Repot1(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(e) B2. Products Extraction (Continued)~c,- n :c-: . " Maintenance 784 Maintenance Supervision and En~ineerin~ 785 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 786 Maintenance of Extraction and Refinin~ EQuipment 787 Maintenance of Pine Lines 788 Maintenance of Extracted Products Storage Eauipment 789 Maintenance of Compressor EQuipment 790 Maintenance of Gas Measurin~ and ReI!:. EQuipment 791 Maintenance of Other EQuipment TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 49 thru 56) TOTAL Products Extraction (Enter Total of lines 47 and 57) C, Exploration and Development '3",. "., .". .':"",. 3'. :::: Operation . .. ., .. .,..' ":: 795 Delav Rentals 796 Nonproductive Well DriIlinl!: 797 Abandoned Leases 798 Other Exploration TOTAL Exploration and Development (Enter Total of lines 61 thru 64) D. Other Gas Supply Exoenses \~.::..::., :. 'OPeration ...'.:.. :.. .. . 800 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases 800.1 Natural Gas Well Head Purchases, Intracompany Transfers 801 Natural Gas Field Line Purchases 802 Natural Gas Gasoline Plant Outlet Pruchases 803 Natural Gas Trmsmission Line Purchases 804 Natural Gas City Gate Purchases 16,332,436 14,640,607 804.1 LiQuefied Natural Gas Purchases 805 Other Gas Purchases - 7 ,057 (Less) 805.1 Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments 379.804 TOTAL Purchased Gas (Enter Total of lines 67 to 76)16,325,379 15,020,411 806 Exchanl!:e Gas Purchased Gas Expenses ,':.. . . ':. .., ....':: ,. 807.1 Well Exoenses-Purchased Gas 807.2 Operation of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.3 Maintenance of Purchased Gas Measuring Stations 807.4 Purchased Gas Calculations Exoenses 15,757 II ,096 807.5 Other Purchased Gas Exoenses 759 TOTAL Purchased Gas Expenses (Enter Total of lines 80 thru 84)15,757 15,855 808.1 Gas Withdrawn from Stora~e-Debit (113,552) (Less) 808,2 Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit 83,689 181,476 809.1 Withdrawals of LiQuefied Natural Gas for Processing-Debit (Less) 809.2 Deliveries of Natural Gas for Processinl!:-Credit Gas Used in Utility Operations-Credit . , 810 Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel-Credit 811 Gas Used for Products Extraction-Credit 812 Gas used for Other Utili tv Ooerations-Credit TOTAL Gas Used in Utilitv OPerations-Credit (Total of lines 91 thru 93) 813 Other Gas Supply Exoenses 18,801 14,564 TOTAL Other Gas Supply Exp (Total of lines 77,78,85,86 thru 89,94,95)16,276,248 15,1l8,754 TOTAL Production Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 3,30,58,65, and 96)16,276,248 15,118,754 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 321 State of California Name of Respondent This R ooort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.fa)(b)(c) 2. NATURAL GAS STORAGE, TERMINALING AND ; .,. ,' .'.". PROCESSING EXPENSES A. Undere:round Storage Expenses , .::,;.,:.',...' 100 Operation ,.. 101 814 Operation Supervision and Engineerine: 102 815 Maps and Records 103 816 Wells Expenses 104 817 Lines Expense 105 818 Compressor Station Expenses 106 819 Compressor Station Fuel and Power 107 820 Measurine: and Ree:ulatine: Station Expenses 108 821 Purification Expenses 109 822 Exploration and Development 110 823 Gas Losses 111 824 Other Expenses 112 825 Storage Well Rovalties 113 826 Rents 114 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 101 thru 113) 115 Maintenance .,.. . 116 830 Maintenance Supervision and Ene:ineerine: 117 831 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 118 832 Maintenance of Reservoirs and Wells 119 833 Maintenance of Lines 120 834 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 121 835 Maintenance of Measurine: and Regulatine: Station Equipment 122 836 Maintenance of Purification EQuipment 123 837 Maintenance of Other Equipment 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 116 thru 123) 125 TOTAL Underground Storae:e Expenses (Total of lines 114 and 124) 126 B, Other Storage Expenses "..... '.'..,....:. ... .'..."..:.;':'.',.',. 127 Operation 128 840 Operation Supervision and Engineerine: 129 841 Operation Labor and Expenses 130 842 Rents 131 842.1 Fuel 132 842.2 Power 133 842.3 Gas Losses 134 TOTAL Operation renter Total of lines 128 thru 133) 135 Maintenance :... ,. .. .. 136 843.1 Maintenance Sunervision and Engineering 137 843,2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 138 843.3 Maintenance of Gas Holders 139 843.4 Maintenance of Purification Equipment 140 843.5 Maintenance of liQuefaction Equipment 141 843,6 Maintenance of Vaporizing EQuipment 142 843.7 Maintenance of Compressor EQuipment 143 843.8 Maintenance of Measurine: and Regulating EQuipment 144 843.9 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 145 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 136 thru 144) 146 TOTAL Other Storae:e Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 134 and 145) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 322 State of California Name of Respondent This R ooort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo. Da. Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25. 2005 December 31. 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 147 C. liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Expenses 148 Operation 149 844,1 Operation Supervision and Engineering 150 844,2 LNG Processing Terminal Labor and Expenses 151 844,3 Liquefaction Processing Labor and Expenses 152 844.4 Liquefaction Transportation Labor and Expenses 153 844.5 Measuring and Regulating Labor and Expenses 154 844,6 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 155 844,7 Communication System Expenses 156 844,8 System Control and Load Dispatching 157 845.1 Fuel 158 845.2 Power 159 845.3 Rents 160 845.4 Demurrage Charges 161 (Less) 845.5 Wharfage Receipts-Credit 162 845.6 Processing liquefied or Vaporized Gas by Others 163 846.1 Gas Losses 164 846.2 Other Expenses 165 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 149 thru 164) 166 Maintenance . .. ... , 167 847.1 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 168 847.2 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 169 847.3 Maintenance of LNG Processing Terminal Equipment 170 847.4 Maintenance of LNG Transportation Equipment 171 847.5 Maintenance of Measuring and Regulating Equipment 172 847.6 Miantenance of Compressor Station Equipment 173 847.7 Maintenance of Communication Equipment 174 847.8 Maintenance of Other Equipment 175 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 167 thru 174) 176 TOTAL Liquefied Nat Gas Terminaling and Processing Exp (Lines 165 & 175) 177 TOTAL Natural Gas storage (Enter Total of lines 125. 146, and 176) 178 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES ;'.' "'.....'."'.'.... .. .,," 179 Operation :",; .'....... . 180 850 Operation Supervision and Engineering 181 851 System Control and Load Dispatching 182 852 Communication System Expenses 183 853 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 184 854 Gas for Compressor Station Fuel 185 855 Other Fuel and Power for Compressor Stations 186 856 Mains Expenses 187 857 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses 188 858 Transmission and Compression of Gas by Others 189 859 Other Expenses 190 860 Rents 191 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 180 thru 190) FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 323 Name of Respondent Date of Report (Mo, Va, Yr) This R~rt Is:(1) i29 An Original A vista Corp.A Resubmission April 25, 2005(2) GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Year of Report December 31. 2004 State of California Line No. Amount for Amount forCurrent Year Previous Year(b) (c) . :.":,,,:,.;,..,. ..,':' ..:..:" .:., ,., '. ':.: .. .. ". ' Amount (a) 3. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) 192 Maintenance 193 861 Maintenance Supervision and En2ineerin2 194 862 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 195 863 Maintenance of Mains 196 864 Maintenance of Compressor Station Equipment 197 865 Maintenance of Measurinl! and ReI!. Station EQuipment 198 866 Maintenance of Communication EQuipment 199 867 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 200 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 193 thru 199) 20 I TOTAL TransmissIOn Expenses (Enter Total of lines 191 and 200)202 4. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 203 Operation 204 870 Operation Supervision and ED.I~ineerinl! 205 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 206 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 207 873 Compressor Station Fuel and Power208 874 Mains and Services Expenses209 875 Measuring and Re2Ulatinl! Station ExDenses-General 210 876 Measurinl! and Re2Ulatinl! Station Expenses-Industrial 211 877 Measurinl! and Re2Ulatin2 Station Expenses-City Gate Check Station 212 878 Meter and House Re2ulator Expenses213 879 Customer Installations Expenses 214 880 Other Expenses 215 881 Rents216 TOTAL ODeration (Enter Total of lines 204 thru 215) 217 Maintenance 218 885 Maintenance Supervision and Enl!ineerin2 219 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 220 887 Maintenance of Mains 221 888 Maintenance of Compressor Station 222 889 Maintenance of Meas. and ReI!. Sta. 223 890 Maintenance of Meas. and ReI!. Sta. 224 891 Maintenance of Meas, and Re2. Sta. 225 892 Maintenance of Services 226 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Regulators 227 894 Maintenance of Other EQuipment 228 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 218 thru 227)229 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 216 and 228)230 5, CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 231 Operation 232 901 Supervision233 902 Meter Reading Expenses 234 903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 235 904 Uncollectible Accounts 236 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses 237 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses (Enter Total of lines 232 thru 236) ;. . ::,. '. , .. .,. .' :.. , 60.896 92.019 4.449 106.394 79.669 30.181 550 375.158 :.::' ., ,.,.:;. 753 948 443 12.065 12.095 577 52.885 428.043 :. ,:,. .' .: .' .,:" 068 85.845 336.898 80.042 13.884 521.737 quipment :CuiD.General :Cuip.Industrial :Cuip.City Gate Check Station FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 324 .", 34,034 84.181 063 138.536 53,927 38.524 719 358.026 859 16.720 688 565 284 110 22.097 640 46.743 404.769 . . 034 81.892 305.300 157.849 23.671 572.746 State of California Name of Respondent This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo. Va, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 December 31, 2004 GAS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Amount for Amount for Line Amount Current Year Previous Year No.(a)(b)(c) 238 6. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES ...' 239 Operation 240 907 Supervision 241 908 Customer Assistance Expenses 320 196 242 909 Informational and Instructional Expenses 822 179 243 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Intormational Expenses 244 TOTAL Customer Service and Information Expenses (Lines 240 thru 243)142 375 245 7. SALES EXPENSES 246 Operation I,. ,. . 247 911 Supervision 248 912 Demonstratin~ and Sellin~ Expenses 249 913 Advertisin~ Expenses 635 250 916 Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 535 3,400 251 TOTAL Sales ExDenses (Enter Total of lines 247 thru 250)170 3,400 252 8, ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES I . . .: ........... L::253 ODeration r,y . . .....': ... .. . 254 920 Administrative and General Salaries 248,950 236,148 255 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 100,301 102,266 256 (Less) (922) Administrative Expenses Transferred-Cr, 257 923 Outside Services EmDloved 178,630 149,247 258 924 Property Insurance 11,043 10,352 259 925 Injuries and Damae:es 63,671 35,275 260 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 33,476 20,766 261 927 Franchise Requirements 262 928 Re~lartory Commission Expenses 129,592 105,491 263 (Less) (929) DuDlicate Char~es-Cr. 264 930.1 General Advertisine: Exoenses 265 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expenses 43,007 36,604 266 931 Rents 68,824 100,012 267 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 254 thru 266)877,494 796,161 268 Maintenance :/ ....,,; :" .. " . ",.... 269 935 Maintenance of General Plant 33,191 30,416 270 TOTAL Administrative and General Exp (Total of lines 267 and 269)910,685 826,5771 271 TOTAL Gas O. and M. Exp (Lines 97,177,201 ,229.237,244,25 I,and 270)18,146,025 16,931.620 NUMBER OF GAS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES I. The data on number of employees should be reported construction employees in a foonote. for the payroll period ending nearest to October 31, or 3. The number of employees assignable to the gas any payroll period ending 60 days before or after Octo-department from joint function of combination utilities ber 31.may be determined by estimate, on the basis of employee 2. If the respondents payroll for the reporting period equivalents. Show the estimated number of equivalent includes any special constrction personnel, include such employees attributed to the gas department from joint emolovees on line 3, and show the number of such special functions. Pavroll Period Ended (Date)December 31,2004 2. Total Regular Full-Time Employees 3. Total Part-Time and Temporary Employees allocation of General Employees 4. Total EmDlovees FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-88)Page 325 State of California Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 TRANSMISSION MAINS Show Particulars Called for Concerning Transmission Mains Total Length in Taken up or Total Length L...ine Kind of Material Diameter of Use Beginning of Laid During Abandoned During in Use End No.Pipe, Inches Year, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet of Year. Feet (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) None TOTALS * Show separately and identify lines held under a title other than full ownership. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED 12-87)Page 514 Name of Respondent A vista Corp. .... ine Kind of Material No. (a) Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped Steel Wrapped This Report Is:(1) ~ An Original (2) D A Resubmission DISTRIBUTION MAINS Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) April25,2005 Show Particulars Called for Concerning Distribution Mains Total Length in I Taken up Use Beginning of Laid During Abandoned DurinYear, Feet Year, Feet Year, Feet(e) (d) (e) Diameter of Pipe,lnches (b) Less than 2" 2'1 to 4" to 8" 8" to 12'1 Over 12" Plastic Plastic 1 0 Plastic 11 Plastic 12 Plastic 19 Change in footage reflects additions net of retirements. TOTALS FERC FORM NO. Less than 2'1 2" to 4" 4" to 8" 8" to 12" Over 12" 396,000 68,640 190,080 512 160 63,360 1 ,230,240 Page 514- 280 280 State of California Year of Report Dec. 31 , 2004 Total Length in Use End of Year, Feet (f) 396,000 68,640 190,080 512 160 68,640 235,520 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.(2) D A Resubmission April25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 SERVICE PIPES GAS Show the particulars called for concernin~ the line service pipe in possession of the respondent at the close of Number at Number umber Remove Number Average Line Type Diameter Beginning Added or Abandoned at Close Length No.in Inches of Year During Yeal During Year of Year in Feet (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (g) Steel Wrapped 11 or Less 807 801 Not Steel Wrapped 1" thru 2"Available Steel Wrapped 2'1 thru 4" Steel Wrapped 4" thru 8" Steel Wrapped Over 8" Plastic 11 or Less 241 192 8,433 Plastic 1" thru 2" Plastic 2" thru 4" . 11 Plastic 4" thru 8" Plastic Over 8" Number added is net of retirements. TOTALS 16,098 192 16,284 State of California FERC FORM NO.Page 514- Name of Respondent This R rKtort Is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.(2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31. 2004 CUSTOMER'S METERS Owned Line Size Type Make Capacity Beginmng Added Retired Owned No.of Year During Year During Year End of Year (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)efJ (.f!)(It) Detailed information not available. TOTAL 18,840 168 19,008 State of California FERC FORM NO.Page 514- Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report (2g An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) Avista Corporation A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS ACCOUNT - NATURAL GAS The purpose of this schedule is to account for the quality or intrastate facilities and which the reporting pipeline received of natural gas received and delivered by the respondent.through gathering facilities or intrastate facilities, but not through any Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of the interstate portion of the reporting pipeline, and (3) the gathering mixture of natural and manufactured gas.line quanities that were not destined for interstate market or that were Enter in column ( c ) the Dth as reported in the not transported through any interstate portion of the reporting schedules indicated for the items of receipts and pipeline. deliveries.7 Also indicate in a footnote (1) the system supply quanitities of gas Indicated in a footnote the quantities of bundled sales that are stored by the reporting pipeline, during the reporting year and and transportation gas and specify the line on which also reported as sales, transportation, and compression volumes by such quantities are listed.the reporting pipeline during the same reporting year, (2) the system If the respondent operates two or more systems which supply quantities of gas that are stored by the reporting pipeline during are not interconnected, submit separate pages for this the reporting year which the reporting pipeline intends to sell or purpose. Use copies of pages 520,transport in a future reporting year, and (3) contract storage Also indicate by footnote the quantities of gas not subject quanitities. to Commission regulation which did not incur FERC 8 Also indicate the volumes of pipeline production field sales that are regulatory costs by showing (1) the local distribution included in both the companys total sales figure and the company volumes another jurisdictional pipeline delivered to the total transportation figure. Add additional rows as necessary to local distribution company portion of the reporting report all data, numbered 14.01, 14.02, etc. pipeline (2) the quanties the reporting pipeline transported or sold through its local distribution facilities 01 NAME OF SYSTEM Line Ref. No.Item Page No.Amount of Dth (1) fa)fb)fc) GAS RECEIVED Gas Purchases (Accounts 800-805)255,223 Gas of Others Received for Gathering (Account 489.303 Gas of Others Received for Transmission (489.305 89,570 Gas of Others Received for Distribution (Account 489.301 Gas of Others Received for Contract Storace (Account 489.4)307 Exchanged Gas Received from Others (Account 806)328 Gas Received as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Receipts pf Respondent's Gas Transported bv Others (Account 858)332 Other Gas Withdrawn from Storace (Explain) Gas Received from Shippers as compressor Station Fuel Gas Received from Shippers as Lost and Unaccounted for Other Receipts (Specify): Total Receipts (Total lines 3 thru 14.344,793 GAS DELI'y a;;;;,rlt:U Gas SalesTAccounts 480 - 484)198,983 Deliveries of Gas Gathered for Others (Account 489.303 Deliveries of Gas Transported for Others (Account 489.305 89,570 Deliveries of Gas Distributed for Others (Account 489.301 Deliveries of Contract Storace Gas (Account 489.4)307 Exchance Gas Delivered to Others (Account 806)328 Gas Delivered as Imbalances (Account 806)328 Deliveries of Gas to Others for Transportation (Account 858)332 Other Gas Delivered to Storage (Explain) Gas Used for Compressor Station Fuel 509 Other Deliveries (Specify): Sales for Resale 30,500 Total Deliveries (Total lines 17 thru 27.319,053 GAS 11"'lar :r :r 11 1"-11 t:u FOR Production System Losses Gatherinc System Losses Transmission System Losses Distribution System Losses 25,740 Storace System Losses Other Losses (Specify) Total Unaccounted For (Total lines 30 thru 35)25,740 Total Deliveries & Unaccounted For (Total lines 28 thru 36)344,793 State of California FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 520 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Not Direct! Assi ed to States This R~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo Da, Yr) (2)A Resubmission Apri125, 2005 Dec. 31 2004 Name of Respondent A vista Corp STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility column (i,k,m,o) in a similar manner to a utility depart- ment. Spread the amount(s) over lines 01 thru 20 as ap- propriate. Include these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating Income, in the same manner as accounts 412 and413 above. 3. Report data for lines 7 and 10 for Natural Gas com- parnes using accounts 404.1, 404.2, 404., 407.1, and 407. 4. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the state- ment of income or an account thereof. Une No. Account (a) FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96) (Ref. Page No. (b) 300-301 320-325 320-325 336-338 336-338 336-338 262-263 262-263 262-263 234 272-277 234 272-277 266 Page 114 5. Give concise explanations concemingunsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amount may need to be made to the utility customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the con- tingency relates and the tax effects together with an expIa- tion of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases. 6. Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year TOTAL Current Year Previous Year i:i:imi:m:!I!'imi'!:!:i:! :i:!:j :i:!:!:i:!'i:i:I:!:!:i'!:imi:j :Wi:i:j:!:!mW!:i:ii! :m:i :i:i :i:!:JI'j:!t!mj'l:i:i :I:!:I'I:II II Ii:!:! :::Wi:i'! :i:::!:!t!I!:Wi:i:ii'!' /:j: if'j mwm:rn:::j :i'l $64 745 777 $72 075 587 SSU tates Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report (1)An Original (Mo Yr) A vista Corp (2)A Resubmission April 2005 Dec.2004 STATEMENT INCOME FOR THE YEAR resulting from settlement any rate proceeding affecting had an effect on net income including the basis of allocations revenues received costs incuJred for power gas pur-and apportionments from those used the preceding year, chases and summary the adjustments made to balance Also give the approximate dollar effect such changes. sheet, income,and expense accounts.Explain a foonote if the previous years figures are If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are different from that reported in prior reports. applicable this Statement of Income such notes may be at-10.If the columns are insufficIent for reporting additional tached at page 122.utility departments supply the appropriate account titles, lines Enter on page 122 a consise explanation of only those 19,and report the infonnation in the blank space on page changes accounting methods made during the year which 122 or in a supplemental statement ELECTRIC UTILITY GAS UTILITY OTHER UTILITY Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year line No. $64,593,587 $71,795 949 $152,190 ~79 638 j:!:i:::iH:W:i:J:i:j:i:::j:i :i:i:i1:i:i:i:i:i:i1:i:::i:i:i:j:i:j:iH1:i:i:i:i :i:i:j1:Ji'i:i:i:i:i1:ti:::i:ii:i :1:i:i :j:i:i1:i:!'i:j:i:i:i:i:Ji:j:i:j:::i:iHi'i:i:i:i:::i:i:i:i:j'j:i:j :i:I:I:i:::i:i::1'1:;:I'i:::i:: :i:i:j'Ji'i:i:j:i:i :i:: :jIi:i'i:j:j Ii:j :j:j:i:i:Wj:i:i:: :i:i:i'i:: :i:i:i:i:i:id:itj :i:::i1:i:i'i:i:j'i:i:i'j:i:i:i:iJ::j :i:i:1Hi:i:i:i:j:i'i:i:i::1:mi:i:i:j :i1:i:jmj:i:i :imj 'i:j:i:i'!:iH:i :i:i:Hi :iHHi:i :J::1:i:j:i::mi Wi :i'i:i:::i:imi1:i:i:i:j,i:j'i:i :::::::I:j:::l:::i:: $64 593 587 $71 795 949 $152 190 $279 638 N Dir ' ed FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96)Page 115 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Not Directl Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106 1. Report below the original cost of gas plant in service according to estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries in column (c).the prescribed accounts. Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentative 2. In addition to Account 1 01, Gas Plant in Service (Classified), this distributions of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if the page and the next include Account 102, Gas Plant Purchased or respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have Sold, Account 103, Experimental Gas Plant Unclassified, and not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified-Gas. in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an 3. Include in column (c) and (d), as appropriate, corrections of estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account for additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. accumulated depreciation provision. Include also in column (d) 4. Enclose in parenthesis credit adjustments of plant accounts to reversals of tentative distributions of prior year's unclassifiedindicate the negative effect of such accounts. retirements. Attach supplemental statement showing the account 5. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d). Account INTANGIBLE PLANT Balance at Beginning of Year Additions 301 O~ anization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Miscellaneous Intan ible Plant TOTAL Intan ible Plant Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4 PRODUCTION PLANT 223,765. 223,765. 169,353. 169,353. TOTAL Manuafactured Gas Production Plant Enter Total of lines 8 thru 24 PRODUCTS EXTRACTION PLANT FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 204 Name of Respondent This report is: ( X) An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Not Directl Assi ned to States Year Ending Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April25,2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE ACCOUNTS 101,102,103, AND 106 Continued including the reversals of the prior years tentative account and show in column (1) only the offset to the debits or credits to distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the primary account classifications. above instructions and the texts of Account 101 and 106 will 7. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in this avoid serious omissions of respondent's reported amount for account and if substantial in amount submit a suplementaryplant actually in service at end of year. statement showing subaccount classification of such plant 6. Show in column (1) reclassifications or transfers within utility conforming to the requirements of these pages. plant accounts. include also in column (1) the additions or 8. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in reductions of primary account classifications arising from Account 102, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102. In or purchaser, and date of transaction. If proposed joumal entries showing the clearance of Account 102, include in column (e) have been filed with the Commission as required by the Uniform the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for System of Accounts, give date of such filing. depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc., Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line No. 582,852.810,266. 582 852.810,266. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 205 Irec IY ssigne aes Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25,2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 346 Gas Measuring and Regulating Equipment 347 Other Equipment TOTAL Products Extraction Plant (Enter Total of lines 28 thru 35) TOTAL Natural Gas Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 26 and 36) Manufactured Gas Production Plant (Submit Supplementary Statement) TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 and 38) NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND PROCESSING PLANT Underground Storage Plant 350.1 Land 350.2 Rights-of-Way 351 Structures and Improvements 352 Wells 352.1 Storage Leaseholds and Rights 352.2 Reservoirs 352.3 Non-recoverable Natural Gas 353 Unes 354 Compressor Station Equipment 355 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 356 Purification Equipment 357 Other Equipment TOTAL Underground Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 42 thru 53) Other Storage Plant 360 Land and Land Rights 361 Structures and Improvements 362 Gas Holders 363 Purification Equipment 363.1 liquefaction Equipment 363.2 Vaporizing Equipment 363.3 Compressor Equipment 363.4 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 363.5 Other Equipment TOTAL Other Storage Plant (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 64) Base Load liquefied Natural Gas Terminaling and Processing Plant 364.1 Land and Land Rights 364.2 Structures and Improvements 364.3 LNG Processing Terminal Equipment 364.4 LNG Transporation Equipment 364.5 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 364.6 Compressor Station Equipment 364.7 Communications Equipment 364.8 Other Equipment TOTAL Base Load Uq Nat'l Gas, Terminal and Processing Plant (lines 67-74) TOTAL Nat'l Gas Storage and Processing Plant (Total of lines 54, 65 and 75) TRANSMISSION PLANT 365.1 Land and Land Rights 365.2 Rights-of-Way 366 Structures and Improvements N t D'tl A d t St t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 206 Not Directly Assianed to tates Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line (d)(e)(f)(a)No. FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 207 Not DirectlY SSigne to tates Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Balance at Line Account Beginning of Year Additions No.(a)(b)(c) 367 Mains 368 Comcressor Station Equipment 369 Measuring and Regulating Equipment 370 Communications Equipment 371 Other Equipment TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Totals of lines 78 thru 85) DISTRIBUTION PLANT 374 Land and Land Rights 375 Structures and Improvements 376 Mains 87,034. 377 Compressor Station Equipment 378 Measuring and Regulating Equipment-General 379 Measuring and Regulatina Equipment-City Gate 380 Services 381 Meters 382 Meter Installations 383 House Regulators 384 House Regulator Installations 385 Industrial Measurina and Reaulatina Station Equipment 100 386 Other Property on Customers' Premises 101 386 Other Equipment 102 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Totals of lines 88 thru 101)87,034. 103 GENERAL PLANT 104 389 Land and Land Rights 253,731. 105 390 Structures and Improvements 361,937.348. 106 391 Office Furniture and Equipment 107 392 Transportation Equipment 408,301.43,532. 108 393 Stores Equipment 109 394 Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment 382,963.102,536. 110 395 Laboratory Equipment 342,881.272. 111 396 Power Operated Equipment 368,144. 112 397 Communication Equipment 730,342.26,443. 113 398 Miscellaneous Equipment 31,332. 114 Subtotal (Enter Totals of lines 104 thru 113)879,635.183,133. 115 399 Other Tangible Property 116 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Totals of lines 114 and 115)879,635.183,133. 117 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106)190,435.352,486. 118 Gas Plant Purchased (See Instruction 8) 119 (Less) Gas Plant Sold (See Instruction " 120 Exoerimental Gas Plant Unclassified 121 TOTAL Gas Plant in Service (Enter Totals of lines 117 thru 120 190,435.352,486. I A FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 208 "'" IrectlY sslone tates Name of Respondent This report is:Date of Report Year Ending ( X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) A vista Corp.) A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31, 2004 GAS PLANT IN SERVICE (ACCOUNTS 101, 102, 103, AND 106) (Continued) Retirements Adjustments Transfers Balance at End of Year Line Cd)(e)(f)(0)No. (87,034.63) 100 101.102 103 253,731.89 104 951.365,333.105 106 451,834.107 108 303.479,197.109 299.346,854.110 368,144.111 521.702,264.112 31,332.113 075.998,693.114 115 64,075.998,693.116 646,927.(87,034.63)808,959.117 118 119 120 646,927.(87 034.63)808,959.121 I A dt S FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-96)Page 209 Irec IV sslQne a es Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Avista Corporation (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004 GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) 1. Report below natural gas operating revenues for each for each group of meters added.The average number of prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in total.customers means the average of twelve figures at the close 2. Natural gas means either natural gas unmixed or any of each month, mixture of natural and manufactured gas,4, Report quantities of natural gas sold in Mcf (14.73 psia 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on at 60 degrees F), If billings are on a therm basis, give the Btu con- the basis of meter, in addition to the number of flat rate ac-tents of the gas sold and the sales converted to Mcf. counts; except that where separate meter readings are 5, If increases decreases from previous year (col- added for billing purposes, one customer should be counted umns (c),(e)and (g), are not derived from previously OPERATING REVENUES Line Title of Account Amount for No.Amount for Year Previous Year (a) GAS SERVICE REVENUES 1(480) Residential Sales 1(481) Commercial and Industrial Sales Small (or Comm.) (See Instr. 6) Lar~e (or Ind.) (See Instr. 6) 482 Other Sales to Public Authorities 484 Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 1(483 Sales for Resale 152 110 279,638 TOTAL. Nat. Gas Service Revenues 152 110 279,638 Revenues from Manufactured Gas TOTAL Gas Service Revenues 152 110 279,638U I Ht::H U ...., ". IIN(j nt:: y ...., " Jt::t) 485 Intracompany Transfers 487 Forfeited Discounts 488 Misc. Service Revenues 489 Rev. from Trans. of Gas of Others 490 Sales of Prod. Ext. from Nat. Gas 491 Rev. from Nat. Gas Proc. by Others 492 Incidental Gasoline and Oil Sales 493 Rent from Gas Property 494 Interdepartmental Rents 495 Other Gas Revenues 285 TOTAL Other Operating Revenues TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues 152 190 279,638 I(Less) (496) Provision for Rate Refunds TOTAL Gas Operating Revenues Net of 152,190 :.::... Provision for Refunds Dis. Type Sales by States (Incl. Main Line Sales to Resid. and Comm. Custrs. :....... Main Line Industrial Sales (Incl. Main Line Sales to Pub. Authorities) ..' Sales for Resale 152,110 Other Sales to Pub. Auth. (Local Dist. Only) Interdepartmental Sales TOTAL (Same as Line 10, Columns (b) and (d))152 110 N t tl A d t St t FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 300 Name of Respondent Not Directl Assi ned to States This (gfort Is:Date of Report Year of Report(1) X An Original (Mo, Oa, Yr) (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31 , 2004Avista Corporation GAS OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) (Continued) reported figures, explain any inconsistencies in a foot- note. 6. Commercial and Industrial Sales, Account 481, may be classified according to the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or Industrial) regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 200,000 Met per year or approximately 800 Mcf per day of normal requirements. (See Account 481 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain basis of classification in a footnote. 7. See page 108, Important Changes During Year for important new territory added and important rate increases or decreases, THERMS OF NATURAL GAS SOLD Quantity forQuantity for Year Previous Year AVG. NO. OF NAT. GAS CUSTRS. PER MO. Number for Line Number for Year Previous Year No. 305,000 305,000 675,000 675,000 FERC FORM NO.2 (ED. 12-86)Page 301 Name of Respondent This R~rt Is: (1) t29 An Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Montana Year of Report A vista Corp (2)A Resubmission April 25, 2005 Dec. 31,2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility column (i,k,m,o) in a similar manner to a utility depart- ment Spread the amount(s) over lines 01 thru 20 as ap- propriate. Include these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating Income, in the same manner as accounts 412 and413 above. 3. Report data for lines 7,, and 10 for Natural Gas com- panies using accounts 404., 404,, 404., 407,1, and 407. 4. Use page 122 for important notes regarding the state- ment of income or an account thereof. Line No. Account (a) FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96) (Ref. Page No. 5. Give concise explanations concemingunsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amount may need to be made to the utility customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the con- tingency relates and the tax effects together with an expIa- tion of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases. 6. Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year TOTAL Current Year Previous Year 300-301 320-325 320-325 336-338 336-338 336-338 262-263 262-263 262-263 234 272-277 234 272-277 266 Page 114 i:i:i:iim:i:i:i:i:in::ii:!:::j:ii!:j'i'iii:!ii:i:iH:iii:i1:jH:!'iIiti:iij:!:i!:i'\:iiimi:::imi'I'j:i:imi:!:i:!:i:i:!'i:j:j:!:Wi'j:i'j:iri:i:i:j:i'j:Wi:i:j'i:::\i!ii:i:!:lj:i:ij:il:j:Jj'j:i:l:i1ii!:!Ii 691 177 $4,548 133 Name of Respondent This R~ort Is: (1 ) I!I An on gina1 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) State of Montana Year of Report Avista Corp (2)A Resubmission Apri125, 2005 Dec. 31 2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR resulting from settlement of any rate proceeding affecting revenues received or costs incuITed for power or gas pur- chases, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accounts. 7. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this Statement of Income, such notes may be at- tached at page 122. 8. Enter on page 122 a consise explanation of only those changes in accounting methods made during the year which had an effect on net income, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes. 9. Explain in a foonote if the previous year's figures are different from that reported in prior reports. 10. If the columns are insufficient for reporting additional utility departments, supply the appropriate account titles, lines 1 to 19, and report the information in the blank space on page 122 or in a supplemental statement. ELECTRIC UTILITYCurrent Year Previous Year GAS UTILITYCun-ent Year Previous Year OTHER UTILITY Current Year Previous Year Une No. 691 177 $4,548 133 FERC FORM NO.2 (REVISED 12-96)Page 115