HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230327Comments (6)_6.pdfFrom:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, March 24, 2023 7:01:00 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Rick Bogar Submission Time: Mar 23 2023 6:29PMEmail: rick.bogar@outlook.com Telephone: 208-660-3749Address: 7385 Calamonte ln Coeur d Alene , ID 83815 Name of Utility Company: Avista Case ID: AVU-E-23-01 Comment: "To whom it may concern, I am writing in regards to the Avista asking for a rate increase. Avista just raised my rates this fall that was a total surprise. This rate nearly doubled my monthly payment during the winter. I am on a fixed income and can’t sustain an increase in my future bills. Avista needs to look within their agency to see where and how the can make cuts to better their budgets. Avista needs to start an investment fund that they can withdraw from to cover their future costs instead of passing on those costs to the public. I don’t see any advancements in helping me deal with their increased costs. Myself and many others do not want this increase. Too many other economic factors have increased for everyone I.e gas, food and inflation over the past. Please take into consideration everything and everyone before you make any decisions. Sincerely Rick Bogar" ------ TO:Idaho Public Utilities Commissionsoitex20-3070204 ÛI ÍFROM:Kathleen A.Marcus 970 West Orchard Avenue Hayden,ID.83835-9788 208-772-1837 or 208-659-1447 SUBJECT:Case Numbers AVU-E-23-01and AVU-G-23-Ol DATE 23 March 2023 Avista Utilities has been the providerof electricity and natural gas for the entire time I've resided at myhomeinHayden(it will be 32 years in August).Avista's services have always been reliable andreasonablypriced.However,now that I am retired from a city planning career,my public employmentretirementincomeismodest(my husband died in 2019 and his Social Security left with him).Coveringthebasicsgetsmoredifficultasthemodestannualcostoflivingadjustmentnevercomesclosetocoveringtheincreasingcostsofgoodsandservices. Avista's rates went up last fall,so it is concerning that they are seeking additional increases so quickly.Iknowitwillcostalotforacoupleofmonthsinthesummerheattokeepthehousebelow78°during thedayand75°at night.I am more concerned with keeping the house warm during the rest of the year.I havehadtomakesignificantchangesinthelastfewmonthsinordertocopewiththewinterheatingbill!Thefollowingchartshowsmyhome's natural gas usage during the winter months for 2020-21 and 2021-22,theaveragecostduringthosetwowinterperiods,the 2022-23 costs,and the percentage increases for 2022-23fromtheaverageofthetwopriorwintercycles: Season Nov.$Dec.$Jan.$Feb.$Mar.$ 2020-21 73.76 115.04 121.82 132.36 119.342021-22 72.63 104.82 160.64 138.05 128.01 Average 73.30 109.93 141.23 135.20 123.68 2022-23 91.77 211.51 211.51 156.63 165.44 %Up +25.4 +92.4 +49.8 +15.9 +33.8 To afford the increase natural gas costs,I lowered the thermostat settings three times,raised it back a bitonce,and added a small electric heater near the thermostat to keep the furnace from coming on:from 71°day/69°night down to 69°day/67°night,from 69°day/67°night down to 67°day/65°night,from 67°day/65°night down to 65°day/63°night,back up to 67°day/65°night because lower settings were toocold.To handle 67°day/65°night,l am always in a long sleeve sweater or sweatshirt or fleece top plus askivest,jeans,heavy socks and shoes/boots.If it is really frigid outside,l leave my parka on all dayindoors.Also,most window coverings are closed during the winter and also during the hottest summerperiods. My health has suffered this past winter and I need help from Avista to afford to keep moderatelycomfortable.I'm sure that many other seniors have similar affordability issues.Thank you for listening tomyconcerns. SP O K A N E WA '9 9 0 - 23 MA R 2O 2 3 PM 4 L aa v a o - o o 7 4 li n n h u n P h u d i l l % 4 " l u l u W a d u Wh b l W RECElVED ENM27 AN10:16 umc of A /¿A ¿Esotimemerdt'a d7 CCL maÁ c a-As (Á-Ay (az m At a s .ly le i eÂALAM¿d A uæ aadZÒE. JadØk&C C>A Ce CL CCC LALV C L ¿LL '11 Lo i s Wa r r e n AN E «A me 11 7 E Pa r k Av e Ke l l o g g , ID 83 8 3 7 2 20 2 3 PM 4 iL 83 7 2 0 - 0 0 7 4 li l l fi l " i l n ½ l l r N N 10 1 ' u From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 2:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Lawrence Fury Submission Time: Mar 25 2023 1:26PM Email: fury_larry@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-304-6382 Address: 1107 Church Street Sandpoint, ID 83864 Name of U�lity Company: AVISta Case ID: AVU-E-23-01 Comment: "I have just learned today, March 25, 2023 of AVISTA's applica�on with the Idaho PUC to increase residen�al electric rates by 15.3% beginning 9/1/23 along with a basic monthly charge increase from 8% to 15 %. Then another 4.7% rate increase on 9/1/24 for an addi�onal 4.7% with another base level increase from $5 to $20. I urge the you, the IPUC to either turn this down or drama�cally scale back what AVISTA wants. During the current situa�on with already high infla�on na�onally, where I live in Sandpoint, rents and property taxes have and are increasing drama�cally already having the effect of pricing most of those who either have to make a living here or are on a fixed incomes to make some�mes, dras�c decisions to keep a roof over their heads and pay the other ever increasing costs with only small increases in our incomes. While repairs and upgrades are o�en necessary, raising the rates to this degree to compensate AVISTA investors is just too much to ask those of us already struggling. I am semi and hope by this fall to fully re�re all the while my landlady is wan�ng to raise my rent by 30%. I have applied for, but have yet to receive any firm date on obtaining Housing rental assistance because of this. Also my average power bill for my 750 sq.� apartment the last four months has been over $150. This rate increase also starts just as the cold season is beginning this fall, increasing the bill even more. My new average monthly bill if this full amount is granted would be about: $177+ and by next year: $185+ a month. Please either refuse or greatly reduce the amount of any rate increases for residen�al customers. -Thank You" ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] ------------------------------------------ From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Midge Marcy-Brennan Submission Time: Mar 25 2023 2:16PM Email: Midgemb@outlook.com Telephone: 208-661-0206 Address: 2008 W. Honeysuckle Avenue Hayden, ID 83835 Name of U�lity Company: Avista Case ID: AVU-E-32-01 Comment: "We have lived in at this address 30 years. Our electric/gas u�lity bill raised horribly about two years ago...And now you want to raise another 20%? How unconscionable!!!!! We are re�red and infla�on is ea�ng up our reserves. We must move to more environmentally friendly, sustainable sources if that would help. Fossil fuels are not the answer. But to have another 20% on top of the huge bill now would take 25% of my social security monthly amount. Inconceivable!!! Unbelievable!!! Unreasonable!! PLEASE reconsider." ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] --------------------------------------- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 4:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Richard Grant Submission Time: Mar 27 2023 2:13PM Email: rgrant1164@outlook.com Telephone: 208-553-0853 Address: 28507 Morning Glory Ln Culdesac, ID 83524 Name of U�lity Company: Avista Case ID: AVU-E-23-01 Comment: "Hello I would like to comment on AVISTA’s rate hike. We have been on AVISTA (Washington water power) since 1950 These are hard �mes for everyone, food costs, fuel, housing it’s hard for families to make ends meet. Our 1500 sq. �. all electric house runs 1400 to 1500kw per month. Their 900 kw avg. must be with gas heat. To keep this short, and for your considera�on this is my es�mated increase. $130/ mo. X. 20%. =. $26 increase electric rate Base rate House $7. - $20=. $13 inc. Base rate Pump. $7. - $20=. $13 inc —————— $52 monthly increase My current bill is $130 + $52 =. @ $180 Why do they need a $13 / meter ( base increase) and a 20% rate increase on electricity? Fed. Gov’t and insurance companies have surely picked up the disaster responses. I can see a small increase, but $50/ mo is a litle steep. Thanks for your �me Richard " ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on]