HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221026September 2022 PGA Report.pdf,iiststa Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 2022 October 26, Atr'I I l:03 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION October 26,2022 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise,Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of September 2022. This inforrration is submitted in compliance with Order Number 35151 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustnent filing (Case No. AVU-G-21-04). This report is being filed in elecffonic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month, commodity costs were lower than the enrbedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $850,057. Demand costs were hieher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharee deferral in the amount of $451,229. The cumulative balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a surcharee of $8,684,073 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $36,850 for a total surcharee balance of $3,185,313 (including interest). Per Order No. 35151, the Company has included a confidential Quarterly Commodity WACOG Forecast update in this PGA Monthly Activity Report as Attachment A for the period October 2022 - September 2023.In accordance with Case No. GNR-U-20-01, Order No. 34602, which suspends the requirement to file physical copies, it will be sent electronically with the monthly deferral report. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact Marcus Garbarino via email at marcus.earbarino@.avistacorp.com or via telephone at (509) 495-2567. Thank you! Sincerely, lSlJoel4ilLel Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Regulatory Affairs Enclosures ID PGA SeptBmb€r2022 Pags 'l of 7 kintcd 10106/2022 at I I :59 AMAvistr Corpontion Jouttnd Entry Jomal: 431-D&AWA,/ID Team: RcsourceArcouting Tpe: C Category: DJ Cunency: USD Scq. Co FERC La$t Saved by: Submitt€d by: Approved by: Scn Jun S.L Keri Mcistcr Ksi Mcister Dcbit Eff€ctire Drt€: 202209 L:st Up&te: 10106120221l:53 AM Appual Requested: 10/0612022 I l:58 AIvI Crcdit Comt l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 001 ll0 001 WA DL WA DL WA DL WA DL WA DL WA DL ID DL ID DL ID DL ID DL ID DL ID DL Totdr: 0.00 0.00 545,1 10.32 0.00 0.00 I 17,130. l9 0.00 0.00 398,827.61 0.00 0.00 36,850.41 r,D7,9rE 53 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOIO . CURR I,JNRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD 8O5I2O. DEFER CURRENT I,]NRECOVERED GAS GD COSTS 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOOO-RECOVERABLEGASCOSTS GD AMORTZED 805 I I O . AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOIO . CURR UNRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD 8O5I2O. DEFER CURRENT TNRECOVERED OAS GD COSTS 419600. INTEREST ON ENERCY DEFERRALS GD IgIOOO-RECOVERABLEGASCOSTS GD AMORTZED 8O5IIO. AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD 51,669.62 htcrest 493,440.70 D€ftrrd 0.00 Defenal Expmc 16,800.21 Intacst I 00,329.98 Amatization 0.00 Amutiztion Expense 7,396.74 htcrest 391,430.87 Defensl 0.00 Dcfenal Exp€nsc 2,667.56 hterest 34,182.85 Amctizetion 0.00 Ammtization Expense t,097,9tt.gt 120 001 E:rplanation: To rcwd the mmthly dcfcnal of uremvercd cmmodity md demd costs rclatcd to WA and ID. Also to rccord the mortizatim ofrecovsable costs ftrWAmdID. Pagc I of2 ID PGA S.picmUcranZF'[/r2d7 Ptitrtrd 10{16/2022 rt ll:19 AIr{Avh CtrpomdmJomrt Enry Jmrt 431.D&q,WA/ID Tce RorourooAeouing I)tpe: C Cqay DJ Ckmclr WD kaSnEdbt: Sutmadba Af'otcdbt4 KrriMoifrc KGri MGirlEr Ko^rttd*;a* k!0rodbuKciMdnr EftctfuaDo:2022(D Ir* Updac: lUUGn2Otl ll:53 AIr{ lee,sd nlqu.il.e fi MDL:D I 158 AIrd 10t6t12fi22 Ddc tuvifrodby Dat ffnmvodfufaery Ccpcto AooordguroOuly Drt. Prge 2 of2 H ID PGA S6ptsmb€r2022 Paga 3 of 7 xl{do@h@@remMAffi rc om@@aldMd -ffsdl{-bcffi,ldffiHb IqE-aHlE[6EIrmE -d.Mh..hatu mmom,&amUDalom6i@@@.@&Gto @ffosOAo{@Ao{@Ao{@AMuMMo{ OMOD ru61ruES [6EDnmdmEmruNEreMMmiac.msremlllmEsTEI@EffireWAMEEuffih.*bvddbM DlffiMy 6roGtorc @.wm@DldffirG6 i6 tCrart#E , .fi'Itat.,M.Ij,lI atti,cJtrtJ|r '.t.rll#ru.3$*rt;rtn'i'lt,drrrr'lr.'tr.a6.arrar.lIl.arffi ;ff o.s 6S t.&,a.rt a# !!.aB g.ff G,ru ,.65r asTtr u}.ot$r@,.s,&,sio Tdd4- ru'HI I mtffirq 1t.'tl 0mtffil@ arit oEE!ffilti t t x 0.68t#tt2 t a 0.68tffitll a 0G*lffi@ aafl oruMr.-__39,!!__ 0.@tdH tffi7@mIcu Mtlt 0 0Mrurg a.tT o.s il,esromr------trEF ]-TEffij-F -* 2,O!.t5l.$r2Z^s6,9 Mi@ Mtt2 ffi afllLB2F1147tt&ol,6r.a og0.reo!*0ff u21Ogf.dra7t7gm7a zitt-r+tEis rureot trrl 0.m.ffirrr rrlD 0.mffit!2 qlg o.@!ffiln a O.@M!! I O.mtdMTEIf,f -rtr:r!rIM ffiMrd 12a721 olsffiiti trt2,E 0.mllffilt2 O,A Olgt*i$ O OlsffirA_______..1q_ ole ldl!|''''''db Z@-m'....':![n!r -r TUE - TUEI tr{[r.Eiri.o.!aEi s,7.c4.tri@!,ru ID PGA SoptBmb€r2022 Psgo 4 of 7 AYlra GorDorrdoo $rt.otLa.l5 qI|rrrtlrfrrrcoUrr.dic D.l.r'.l filiilll0l0 ll^*,*,rua llr*.-r.reIt I I btttG lfhrh3 f*E GmnE&v oiiand hrd filrfabr6 mla{rtw,,-m961 I Itti3t2-col itG6.652.m 1512.123-til Dt ta,l':l9.21"OIw,,-mrd I Ill9rlrlol 1-s86.9313.68 1600.4{tr 35 r*-rt 66r.3tt 5 DB 1.00rd I 66751:l15 l19il.(D2.67l 1191.210.931 Itlt 27L',..l,orx rmxl l t 2*a mmrq,to, ?tl s ffim &8211 ,O'G 1.mral I &,jr.at s-17071 31< e2q6 sts aM lot-lmr6l I tta-421-4,12a.970.7al,4-ES.D 91eL rtrortlrl&o,l-oood I 13lorI':l 107.24333 st8-?12.9!),.lB2.32 t.tt7.trr-ostotr1.009d I lJt lr2tE (:t!i2.261.841 1Tr.6.8 L66631 2-63t06t1 m ,mxl I lmt l dt Lt 4:1533 (rm37.2$all.:186.:tO 1.1LL!r9 t.tt llstl ,otto rml I ltamti ss tql ?<rrz6ss L!O2S 22a7l,I,.r' ,dllr r-cl I ,.uatu*1a?6qr1 7A l))9 rM ?^l ,fr,I to.lr ttu,,Lm96l I :lrlrttt.tt 1-:lBlxot_ga r673-la3-iaa1 t-2tt2a a217tt .GA W l.ri, ltr-6 , 1?5 5r1 91 l6tqffisl L^n 3eilt l[,o&5_9ll_tra-m 7St-?74_q7 lE2r 16 171 5_m.c2 6_18.6ir-t2 1167.260.951lE206.fie.68?.t2 255-475.73 5-lrlll 626i,t$.aaWSrSitrltra1.05,160.73 lgt lar.&u 5165.22 7.lttf ]JIrss t@r6 ,rrua3 qt2&$707 @ t2 6t 3t tqttlrt W t.gaa..ti.7a 62_114-53 427 _a\7.74 ,rs?-g 9_g1A-B @,9Lltrata-63 lgs1-lltl.a3!s{l.206.14 ,rcS3t triit-044.92W9..:t9ll'Lt2 (869.,t48.65)498.1ia5.91 ,.?,l..n 9$7S16.t ,@C e oxs te ltsosml 451.228.E)7.#.71 t.5taorl.5:t M tg-m-1,tgm9,orlt t.6L-dzt-3t tilm-s &i2 t.5ta.or2.52 ttta.oz!.s2 45r"2t?9 7,195.74 rHtS ROW USEO fO CALC tEf ENIRY cDA, ,,IIIT' UPDAIE OAIE MONTHLV fO CALC IET ENTBY If8filY! il Cr ht.d lnt!r6t Damndrc!6n o!toml o.@ dGckfio E.?tY?O 19toio.GD-tD 191M.GD.ID ID PGA Sodemb€r2022 PagB 5 of 7 Avbt CoIPo'rtlon srrh ot ld.lro f.cou.r.blc Gr Costs Amortb.d AG6mB Itl000 ffirldr f*!dtr a.rrrt Lbd ItLrol fdm lffilt M Ita.ul ld.m kttr Aml d.r!at-Err'. tqtr rlt0lo Irt ftm/lla:Odm rdul.,AEt hrt*lnhf-E Mfr Lmgr 1-6SO.lti8.l totaarra 0.03732 391-:!49.9t !-toiLa ItB_roa.B t-sg-& 1,(D'2"15459r.97 tcJroJat {ct.5to5t I,,'IT'o.(B732 l:24257.g 2m7.n 2-76,.74.:tt,,,IGff &'tGrlDgLdt.oTsr6era Lr,.tlt 0.03732 t -rii532 lrra:at 5tatt3l 2-6-A tl,sz.@ lN:ff,0.ct732 tttalsl 2.831.47 3.47452r-55nt-atlrlo l5-7A-SruLO9r1.57a.ilt-T't.st.,tt 0.037t2 :tas79-$gLra o-G73i'tars6-ii5 tml at50L95 t,.r,,;t 0.0:r732 leg1ot4 3.Sr6.ilg 1.r35575t4,orn I Lm-1fr.17 l.fiN 117 t2)2,111.6 3rt5J5 t70.796-m l2a-ffi-mro,.t!1.(D9r as81lo552 a',aar,,,oro-rated t.lat..o,Dm.rded a.7n.7,a_Gam.2a rlsllt:I ,.6ts.7,astglrll.rt 433-01Lrl t0.o14slIE,.lj 1.01 tttr,,flra.gmrlt.rtrtr to.01498l {50.15t.4D1.mt 3tt .146,13 tarfr,tt 3,815 {o.o14981 t99.lL3CWl.m l.st .Cilss2 araarta I,,,,.IA lL_rss.2Alg to.0l4s)1-G ,#st78 arl'.EE.9sa.+t.77t 3 125.56.:I 2-,,,2.21 ft22:n51 ffi I r t2r.2$-5t tratg lar.Br- (0.01498) lnotaq!_gry1u.28t60 &frtl02r 1.00',279]..9-25 I,tt rattfrot Bt-ata lo_olasl trl.s5-[2-r!t_5,t-2$rt7.ol M 1 t-2faslli la?a lo o1t*l lnffit: &2t 3-rt63t3-q)t-1ts-3ll.m D,c6tad 3.1l:'3Lr,mfr2t)3.1as.3u.m orGEted lE 6r.u)4867.5 IHIS ROW USED fO CALC ET ENIRY EcA id,zll' UPDAfE DA|E NIONTHLY TO CALC ]ET ENTRY O@ clFclt/bo ^ lflD.GD.ID rElilI@jD - ID PGA Ssplemb€r2022 Page 6 of 7 ffif,srrrvorrmc Co0.olld.t d Voluma. I Effiffif sch.dd. S.pt mD.rrZl Augusu22 8.phmb.rr22 s.pr.mb.rA2 Tot l lrlot 3I D..crfpdon B[.d UnD[.d Unil.d N.f Ur$Ld sch.(tuh Smrmrry ror Conuno{ilty D.ftml : Flm Fim Fim lntcnuptbla Inlcmptiblc lnt rudiuo Traruportldon Tr.n.portltion Traffiportalion Tranapoil.lim Totrltr.n ponrtlm Tdrrh. Ech.dd. $rmmrryro? Damrnd D.t l"rl: Firm Fim Firm Firm Fhm Toa.l Flrm S.L3 101fi1 112 r31 132 101 111 112 131 1,079,216 1,067,425 E7,757 0 0 208,373 148,130 3,337,'t78 0 '148,047 20E,373 6'16,052 572,088 0 0 0 288,227 l6E,O05 79,E54 115,327426,761 1,217,221 1,212,751 e7,757 0 Notify Rlt . Ocptif us.d o 2E€,p7 125,257 3,337,'t7E 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 132J00000 1a1666spq1fcrtm{ hdrxL. lllhrlfl$L rS. .drtd.. 3ch.dd. &mm.ry ior CommoCty and O.mrnd Anorda{on:Firm t0'1 1,079,216Fim ltl 't,067,426 lnt mpliuc 131 0 htsmjPtible 3,693,661 56,9Er 3,750,002 r.IGofo trlt.lfi l,,it,,u ailt.ttE arrt].ttE 1,079,2't6 1,067,/026 67.757 0 &,u7 126,761 0 1,247,221 1,2'.12,7530 Notify Rrtc8 Dopt if u!€d Atrolurrton 67,757 Annurl lump sum .mortiz.tion 0 Annual lrmp $m amodizeton0 Anrual lump sum emortizaton 2,527,731 o 122,E73l.26,257130 0 o 148, 146 117 159 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,tt8.l1356,503 w,u7 616,052 r68,m5 3200000 TotdolrftrP0AJrlrlril,ilGld.. Lta.illt0th nrb.ctrlS 0 0 115,927572,(,88426.781 0 0 o o ffi 0 757 0 0 67Firm Fim 1'12 131 t32 874,808 616,052 572,O88 0 1,1E6,140 0 r68,005 115,327 0 313,332 0 0 0lntonuptible Toirl Fim Sabr Totrl lntorrupliHe S.les TotalTr.nspo.totion SaLs (Sctudul. 146 - 169)Cll.clml.lh. H:\r{dnl G- Ac@r{iE\C*rd., S.16.\WAID C!bnd.. xbo\2ozl lO C.Lrdd S.L. VofulMrh 0 2,211,399 0 ID PGA Ssptember 2022 PegeT ol7 E OLI@6t tfrt lrid.ho.ll-.Ift FEiC N.ird O- H.d Rfr hbr Jrerc.ooy/Gntdcemnl-laoal,/enf orcamenuintcreakates f upaatcatorQ3'22.ooNE PNE\i(x,A PRE\'IOUS tEwUn,llt.oIOT DEFETTAL tAIEt: Colmdty R.b toi -tla tlo/zGoctilt .td?l\rnzl Ji{]U.H,,'-"T:i5f6-5f5rr - t0irtmItt/il2 i3r/tt2l,.At6 t0t/'t@ I t'l t3t t,.6 OGcyd. FO akrf .tfd 7.112 -WA Cmm{ry d{y WAPO l|e.lhclsit.r2! WAFOAfrtdh.fitr rt.l2iWAPOAfl,.ltd6lt.lrl W PC llie.{l.cXrII.l2l wAFOAtl!.Hslr.l2l wA FOA l*te .lhdt. I I.l,l D.mnd R.br rc,t0i00Dwa let0t0 GowA a0.ottc2 t0.0artt l0.0aaia0 t0.0oca l0.ocl13 30.0t7&l t0.0taa340.ffir t0.00010 80.0@t3a0.000 t0.00000 In.lilIOTOil AXOiIEAIOI{ RArEarComcdt, f D.m.rd (8.6 155)trto00GDwA il il; t010000 (ao.eoo6) (ao.@@) t0.0000 10.00000 T OL Acdrt t-*lr.Alb hbEt lrto L.a. anlloI{TllEtttarE:Cu6it . D.FatRrta d!oe- rBly Frcld$o.ga, (Y.r 2q22 fr{ a 352$)J ueolreo INNUAT-LY rN JANUARY Dll{OEBIALIAftI: Comdty R.b (Wittod GII) D.md Rar. teifi0 ('D D!rt0i00t tD PREVIOUS PiEI/Iq'S PRA/IOIJS EWNql|2G {21 8o2lrr-Zl F*'22-h^2, ',]l,,#nror - tuloulltntz 5o.olc&t to.orxr3 to.otro3 il Slliolxritzanoil taTEs: CollmnU a D.mid (Sch t55) oltcrd. POA ttte.iU 7.112 - L Comodt cly lLho cl, POA the .thrdv. e.t ,l trt@o 6D lo 10.03r!a 10.037r2 40.00000 10.00000 t0'lfit 112ls ffi8rfri ffififi:t m40.0000 t0.0000o lor00o040.00000 l0.00mo &.0000 lddE l&holflr L|dlo drydy !,f, o.fy PGA *le .fr..r,. D.i 2t FGA iIrC .fir.dv. t.l .2.| FoA flrle .frdw t.l 2l FGA fne .Itdv. e,i :t m220e Rcod.to.y hlbmtm Mdt{y Rdlilrlx ioIM&:A io2iaAlt