HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220526April 2022 PGA Report.pdf.J,,'istsra Avista Corp. 141 I East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 May 26,2022 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-4 Boise,Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of April 2022. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 35151 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AW-G-21-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month, commodity costs were higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharee defenal in the amount of $ I ,626, 161 . Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $98,190. The cumulative balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a surcharee of $7 ,797 ,308 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $ 13 1 ,678 for a total surcharse balance of $3,405,947 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact Marcus Garbarino via email at marcus.sarbarino@avistacorp.com or via telephone at (509) 495-2567. Thank you! Sincerely, lSlJovMillol Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Regulatory Affairs C) :.i * ,1.1 f! .'r i1:l:r (r) Iil r.l l1': Enclosures ID PGA Aplll2@,2 Pege 1 of7 Priated0510#}022 rt 2:32 PMAvlntr Corpontlon Jounel Dntry Jornal: 431-D&A WA/ID Tcam: RcsowccAccouting Tpe: C Catcgory: DJ Cmcncy USD Scq. Co IERC Lart Savcd by: Submittcd by Ap,proved by: Scn Jun S.L Kcri Mcistcr Kci Meistcr Eficctivc lhtc: 202204 last Up&t€: 05/04 12022 2:27 PM Approval Requslted: 05 l04t202Jl 2:31 PM Ihbir CEdit Connrnt DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 001 001 001 001 001 001 l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 001 001 001 4I95OO - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS I9IOIO - CURR I.'NRECOV PGA DEFERRED 8O5I2O. DEFER CTJRRENT I,JNRECOVERED GAS cosTs 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRAIS 19IOOO - RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AT\,IORTZED 805 I IO - AT{ORTEE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS 419600 - INTERESTON EMRGY DEFERRAIS I9IOIO . C1JRR UNRECOV PGA DEFERF.ED 8O5I2O - DEFER CI.'RRENT T'NRECOVERED GAS cosTs 4I95OO - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS I9IOOO -RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AI\,tORTUED 805 I IO . AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE CAS COSTS GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD GD WA WA WA WA WA WA ID ID ID ID ID ID DL Totr&: 0.00 3,t96,U2.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 401,637.r8 0.00 1,533,827. I I 0.00 0.00 0.00 t34,570.39 3p69,t77-lt 30,017.78 Intcrcst 0.00 Dcfcrral 3,866,82,t.95 Dcfcrnl E:pcmc 17,265.66 ht€rcrt 387,37 1.52 Amctization 0.00 Amatization E:psrsc 5,856.22 htcr€st 0.00 Dcftrral 1,527,n 0.89 Dcft rral Expcmc 2,t91.95 Intorcct l3 1,678.,14 Amatiztion 0.00 Anctizatim E:pensc s969.l77.11 100 001 ll0 00t t20 001 Erplanatim: To rccrd thc motily dcftrral ofurccovcrcd comodity and dcmand co*s rclatcd to WA md ID. Algo to rccffd tbc amqtiztim of rccovcrablc coots faWAandlD. Pagc I of2 ID PG^,*t{zUEl Fagr2o,T Pdfrod 05/04/2022 d2:32 PMAvh Corlorrrion Jorrarl Eltry JmaL 4ll-D&AWA/lD T60: no.lqfio.Aooorltrling. $pc: c CQuSr DJ Cunncy, USD LortSevdfu: $blriodby f,porrcdbtt Krri Motbtrr KEi lIaidd EftciveDdc: 2lX!2(X Lo* Updato: 05O4n A?2 22tl PM Anplvrlt R.qrDdGt A5l04l.z$n 2:3L PM Krrblo;A- il4nwz PnprrcdbyK*iM&tr D8tc Rcvicwcdby DrtB Approtcd for ElEy Ccpcue Aooouitirg ugo Onty Ildc ker,2cf2 ID PGA Aplil202,2 Pag6 3 of 7ftmrffi'-' ipa*r f,6nglE odolf,r-hd -*--n-tmIl-odHb Ia[.dlcrua@3f}ileflffbb.ffih...-atuxrrncffi.tr mxaccratfrergI.lmmInil*f,.*ctxfIqlDHm:mMmiruruMmltmqMmtmrs Man&o olx&ro{m ortMMM (DII 00 4rtmo{x6o{s oA&ou@ o,aG A,'TI0u ulhrtr*DCffii.O I0on{O (DDulhdmmo[aoDf-G.-.lb G ffi gtI $taQtn i3,tilr gr,rs!a ffi am ffi DOtg $D'|n- Gt,DX ffi m.ot.rmr3r.affi 'oasry I atar& lrr 0g z,iaMC ltrI O@ iQli!r-.......EE @!EaIr ffi56 t1l!,aI oalHaE A,E oatmtrt a5a, oaemt!2 0 @19.ffiit 0 m€l*tr M oaigEd tU.-ilmr -& |1qd!*lLLa,a a t.tr,r.Dl,!6,G'!t! aafiTIfiT- 2.U,arI7133t.t/g! ru!ffi16mro.ilillmlr2arars momoIp0[EEffi ffitX a OmlffitQ a o@rrry'--'ffi -F Ic* @mtr.ffirG 4,516 08.mflr 14,12 o&adfl2 taan oaMTSOo&4.ffitI o 08'-d .I,I-ro Er Gt[rata, @ TEEI 6ta_2r5.orasat da.$ I,E.@.6612,t{g4,G.6 mmU16illlffill2 moreom Itefi ID PGA Aqtll2022 Page 4 at7fd.nGrt rdr h.tlllo Orrnti.tn.{i3 ffitd lEtltt ! lmd 16tru1&n t*tout @ UPoAIE DATEMONIHLYTOALCIEr ENINY o,o M.ho 5,6.12 tH,S RttW USED tO C^LC Er ENInY caAD fmlirJi.hnEtalstttoht.?d lr.Ldnt*raa.ba Cdu hd h frl.lD fadr traia E'A imlal I litt-ltr_ad ffi_E2m lq12 121 111 lrtlD tnltilrnlol.m.ll I lt l2lr-2d 1-s86.99:1-68 l6m.m.lst rta_ri st-312x&c 10,11 I .'.rst2,5 l19r.0!t2.6'rl l19l2to-9!lt tl lrr,x! tail lmd I lrl-s.6a 88_602.52 102t51.85 r-ct aa!-r3r.rl [,I imil I rttr tt mrmtr 335.929J5 tac.l'-fi,'tuti r-ffid I nDlf luaqro 221 @DSO t a.x Ltro,iulzrw,i.m*l I tltortt-2t 107.m al qla.ai, s r&9 tottGtor!Lmrd I llt -1r2,G r1s2-261r1 af,ffii.A t-g lr ,mtrIl ant tmtd I t8a,.tnrT lt alt3ls a1lr:t7.28 ialt-3a6_il Lt4X tSrlm-is E,.1.0cal I LSra-s3s sst39r-25 112-650-il6 rod ,.tt-l,.-t lotI lmd I 22t7.g.rt 7.176923.73 (229.208.74 t_tit a LrrEr-i1 Eaz lffi! I tmstil l6a l?q {tl9rI6err lrlt:a a:1rt3r16ma:1rJt ,ct 2376.s13.93 a6s9.7S.E{arrt-rr tl|lra-D,aE tailrrtB ?St lm q7 1s27.70i,,37 s.oaztt a.Ll.arlem&16.9r.t2 253_475.7?416' m-9t1 I tf,tt aE,$x tEoa a2SErto'aa 1.626.160.73 tgA.1Sl..a s-Garit ,-r!r-xrl3 ffi 7.7t7.glr.53 ,-rlrror.Stw,-ir-ffi tt 7.79r$r.$ 8',-rsrlors ,D0sw,-rn.fir-ss tE-fsm7.r9r.:xi?.s ,-rar-ir-s M ,.rt .:JJr.ss 7-lir.gr.g tett ,p$rsi ,_r7-srtsrEu,.r9r-rr-ss L7'!n.il,tJ,6 l9toto-6_tD la,m6m - ID PGA Aptil2022 Pago 5 of 7 Arrtt Corro'.tbnmd5.lp LourtabL Gl. Co.t3 Amoilrad Alountr 191@0 l.lt.aa l0l h mbEdinhbutIrt AmrlrrrdLbE r.r taA fimlnota Tuat6r/lrlrOrhr rdi.a a.d.i.*l EG Arr td.aauluatx fn,t frb frt hE-*ahtBrsliflflla t-mr(2,16!.fir.g,torr0ra 0.03732 G.ms3 t-Dlt!o.o3732 t2alsr-r 2m7:n 2.m-a?a.tt lorS-E-43 a2l,tlt o-o122 17r.tit6l2 at!El3 ,-stra MI 1.G 3123r25.5t z,,,|',7a o.037J2 t1,9,@ 1,,,,jt o.or732 5lrat6l 2,,I,,.r.7 tITiLS2t-E ,@rr 1 ,sra-*\-r,t.!lar3i o.03712 3asr9-$ttlr tarse.r 1m-4,t-egLflrla t.q,*azsgl.$tt 910ta l.D75.at t rl55[L a_or-1x1,t.t.fr,127 121 tffi t70-7!t6.tr,@t t 1.ffi asttl6s2 artart2 DGEtEd trarat b6mted 128-086.0(,-t s-72 aIGao.ra al!-6'-tI ll,[,'f trtl..aa t52r5t-r!,silotl to.0149al&fr 3.t47.L5.13 1C,.7,'l t autt (l't,154!3,tsa.r(l t.6t5.6ilt.lt ,,45,419.8lttrllss,tSJUa.554 _:49!r,2rartB _:E4ES.t-aG..ar-c ,@Ew _:@,t-B-qrflmt-a6.tar.c tr6-tar-c @ l/Ettu.r t_G-aa7_d lJo5.Lr.c rMted crated troS-tar.c M'l-iE tar.G lrossaT.C ,:7-.t '. \ -. ,;{:an:.rs- - i.d-11,. ... . i . 1,,;;. :,i:!:ie.1,';'€'-:i li +:-,::t::it{ 1.' 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LFj,:.. -:i. ,: . r :t';.*il:j.d:il ." , -.--lr" r'.r;r1irt_::rl,i]!' ;.:..i"' -r .: i \:.:iJ--,- ';-l !s1L{i,iai*4tittirt141*.E;i! ir;+;.ra1,f:.*.,48r?:,1:*jjt$i1 i:?::fi?a--:' - - .it'A::;t#;.r :1.:*'#rtsiir:'i:ri r { ili.:: af:r'J. -n l-{i,.r.ii.,Jai;., -4E j i.t"fJ. rr-.:*rF,fi ?,r',.ii,rr.li*i.,lilS{}:r.s:.€{] €._'rii..i.r.a,{ti!zrraa-r,?:#:.1{1,:.:!--:.::l.i:t!:EAIE:liF;iw9EFi. ffiffi 41+*i :r-Tzq ig,i$ ^ -: -ffi IEEEUrlZrlTtllTOOISIIEEJTTIIIEEEIIIlrri$Il@ml IFrEern IEI=I r@EIl ltrF..rrl1IEEIELIErlTTIEI - I -:=7.EtrI;=rrn ItiTlEil'I!I@I@IIIIIIII A 2,,9',$ THIS ROW IJSEO TO CALC TEf ENIRY,c A I?B.llt3 I,jIIil UPOAfE DATE MONIHLY TO CALC IET ENIRY o@ ',.r*rtto htan t lntlrtrt Amt ,rrinEFril ID PGA Apil2022 Page 6 of 7ffiIlrfrvormro Como{rt t dvolum.. I {iffi 3ch.(lllh Aprfae ttarcht22 ,ptli,i,.2 twilr2l Toarl l{o4.3I D..crlptlon BlLd Unb[.d Unblld l{.t UnulLd Sch.(lrh Surmrry lor Commodlty D.ftr.l Fkm Fkrn Fkm h.nuptibL lnbmrpdUc lnbrrup0t,l Tranrpoddion Transportrtion Tranaportalion Tr.nrportdion Tdd tr.rEpod.{on Tdd.d.. EchaduL Sumnraryttr Dmrnd D3ftl"ali Farm Firm Fim Fim Fim Totrl Flm 8rl.l r01 llr 112 131 192 t32J 1.16 117 159 169 t0lfit 112 131 132 6,675,601 2,307,806 15,177 0 0 0 2,87'0,189 916,232 0 0 0 0 2,861,803 (r2,386) 928,548 3,790,3517&,1213,99E,EE4E, 125,*2441,520 12,3r6 0 o 0 o 6,663,215 2,4m,fi2 15,177 0 Notily Rlt . Dept tt u.od 0 0 4,@9,73r (r6,13E) 3,803,593 1!.0a..ll tlrttLt a.2tarra ttaro0l l2rJit0t rcal reh ror Fcefoefrm,t,hcllb f,ta..rifatL rrf. lch.tt6 Totd rrhr ior FOArfrrrrng.rctd.. htrn?0ta. r&..{t.rfar (70) I 319,671 121,849 3,568,211 0 319,671 326,106 100,275 0 0 5,435 (2r,s73) 0 0 325,106 t@,276 3,56t,211 0 21,E49 6,675,60r 2,it07,eb 15,177 0 0 z,A71.JAg 916,242 0 0 0 2,661,t03 (r2,386)6,661t,215 2,320Jn 15,177 0 o 92E,54E 12,316 o o 0 0 o 0 Sch.dul! Sumn.ryfor Commodlty.nd D.mtrd Amordz.don:Firm lot 6,675,601Firm fil 2,307,806lnt6rruptible 131 0 lnt6mptuc lntorruplibls Tolsl Fim Selss 1't2 131 132 Total lntBmJptibh Sal€g Total TGnlpo.lalion Sales (Sdrodde 146 - 169)Ch.cltot l ..b3 H:\tldd G[ A@drling\CrLndr] &b.\WAID CrLnd.r eb.\2OZ lD C.bnd.r S.Lr Vollm 8,99E,EE4 3,790,.121 3,790,351 E,99E,EE4 3,790,t121 3,790,351 (70) - 6,663,215 2,320j220 Notify Rat68 Dspt f uscd FB Co.ilnoiltf D.ln nd lmortEa0olt 15,.177 Annual hmp sum.mortzrtion0 Annual lump sum amortizaton0 Annud lump sum.morlizrtion 8,998,814 o 2,E71,189 916,232 0 2,861,803 928,548 0 (12,386) 't2,316 0 Fim Firm 15,177 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 (70) 0 0 0 o0 ID PGA Apil2022 Pag67 ol7 RbOLAmut tCrdub hil*Rrbr l{o,b3 WAIItrIG'IOX WTENETT RATE:ln updarod ts 02'22 - mNE httos://terc.oov/anforcmnt-l6oauento@renuinlecst-ralos U,A]T{O!Oil TFENRIL RATET: PREVbT'8No/2ooclill tEwXclfillO.fi!2 ao.r6r67 llUICormdtyRrt IrmdRt t WADIilGTOI'I AIORf,IZA'NOil RAIES:Cormfly t Df,ud (6dt 15O r9t000GDwA 101t102 10111U) 111t112 r3r/132't46/fi6 gt.aa22 t0.ffi5 9,.06440 $.m05/t $.mGoelo.@13$.m$.m0 W PGA tlnf .fhc0v. 1l.l.2l WA POAfiTE dlctr tl.l2lWAPOAlh.fr.dir tl.lrlW PC mng.il.ctvr11.121W PG fft.i.ctlv. Il.l:l W PGA flng.lhcliv.i1.121 WAPG flred'.ctlv.Il.l2lw FG 'lre drdh.ll.l2'lW PG |IE.{l..fwil.l2l ,t910t0GDw t9tolo Go tvA tor - 132 1flt3l t46 t flnto.0000 t0.0000 flmh OLAEoud Rrt8Crdr&lltr[t Rrbr NoLr DIIIOilTTEITRATE Ct/.bmro.podl Rrt dEtgctf,udy FEld.ho.lpv (Ya 2ot2 Ordsl 352'L) DATO OEFERRAL RAIET: Comdly Rd. Wthoul GTI) D.,tnd Rat IOAHO ATORTZAIIOil RATE8:Coimdly t D.mod (6dr f 50 2o22o,t Rrgtllory lf,iof,n tim tibr0{y Rryiorf,tr r91010 GD lD rrr0ro GD lI) 101 - 1&l 1011111t112 PREVIO(S PREVIOIS tE5'tlorzcAulzl 6.p2rocfiEl F*'22N22ffi 10.0s732 to.8732 $.m000 00.00000 tffi30.0000 Il* UpoaTeoINNUALLYTNJANUARY Ott frd. FO lllng dlb.n2.rl2.Dcomodltyoly ld$o orly POA ftr.{t div. 9.121 ld.ho sly PO thc dLdtY! 9.'1.2t 5t3tiNl2 9:12 r.tl 191000 GD tD t0lfil 112 ta6 (0o.01/reE) (to.01/t9E) t0.0000010.00000 ao.ooooo WA-ID FGA OrLrrl,tursl