HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220331February 2022 PGA Report.pdf./ittsta Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 :-lts-J jiJF)dI (-r] I',r1(:, lll.; lllIfe Ocr\March 31,2022 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-.4. Boise,Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of February 2022.1\is information is submitted in compliance with OrderNumber 35151 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustnent filing (Case No. AW-G-21-04). This report is being filed in electonic format only per approval from the filing center. For the mont[ commodity costs were higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $753,379. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $527,109. The cumulative balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a surcharge of $6,169,687 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $200,517 for a total surcharge balance of $3,686,630 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact Marcus Garbarino via email at marcus.earbarino(@.avistacorp.com or via telephone at (509) 495-2567. Thank you! Sincerely, lslJaeMiIlRl Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Regulatory Affairs Enclosures IO PGA Febnfiy 2022 PagE 1 of 10 hittad03l04l2022 at 9:02 AMAvlste Corpontlon Jounrl Entry Jormal: 431-D&AWA"/ID Tem: Rcsuncc Aeornting Tlpe: C Catcguy DJ Cuncnqr USD Sa. Cc FERC kst Savcd by: Submittod b5r Approved by: Sre Ju. S.L Kcri Mcictu Kcri Mcirts Efiectivc Datc: 202202 L:st Updatc:03/04/2022 t:58 AM Apprflsl R€questcd: 03104D022 9:02 ANI Ihbir Crcdit Commt l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 001 001 001 001 001 00t 001 001 001 ,119600 - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRAI.S GD I9IOIO - CI,]RR UNRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD 8O5I2O . DEFER CI,JRRENT I,JNRECOVERED GAS GD cosTs 4I%OO - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD IgIOOO.RECOVERABLEGAS COSTS GD AMORTZED 805 I IO . AMORTZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRAI.S GD I9IOIO. CI,JRR I,JNRECOV P(iA DEFERRED GD 8O5I2O - DEFER CURRENT I,JNRECOVERED GAS GD cosTs 4I!)600 - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD IgIOOO-RECOVERABLEGAS COSTS GD AMORTIZED 805 I IO - AMORTZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD I9IOIO. CI.JRR T]NRECOV PGADEFERRED GD 8O5I2O . DEFER CURRENT I,JNRECOVERED GAS GD cosTs WA WA WA WA WA WA ID DL WA DL WA DL 0.00 1,966,404.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 63 1,099.20 0.00 231,312.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 203,670.97 2.lt 0.00 t,0r2,4t932 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 19,022.99 htcrest 0.00 Deftrral 1,947,381.53 Dcfcrral Expcnsc 19,865.91 htcrest 611,233.29 Amrtizatim 0.00 Amtrtizatioo Exp€nsc 5,042.92 ht€rGst 0.00 Dcftnal 226,269.60 Dcfml Erecmc 3,154.43 htcrest 200,515.54 Amortiatim ID ID ID ID ID t00 001 t l0 001 t20 00r 130 00I 140 001 0.00 Amortiztim E:+asc 0.00 JmWAdcmndmtcm 2.1 I Jan WA dmand ratc cfir Totds:3'032.,1t932 Pagc I of2 ID PGA F.DnpyZu2 P.Cc 2 of t0 Plimd0g&4,/lf)nd9S2AIdAvlrtr Coryonihn Jom.t fury JmaL 431{&AWA/ID Tco: BcrmloAmorndng !rpc: C C*qc5t: IIJ Ctrrluqn tSD Erglod6: Torsccdttc odly&ecrl ofucco,sld omodityod dcnrd colrrdsd to {IA G.t lD. Abo !o rtcd 6. Eadrdic of tlc.llrStG oa!frWAa.lD. IrrtSleodbtl soH&db llplrmdttl f.ri Ilrcfurr K6iM.ic E&qircDAa:20t1102 Ll't Upiho: 03n{/ll02l 35t AIII Apfrov.l R.Sd.t 03,Ot204! rdn A,[d KodTtlo;A* il4t2on hqrcdbylkiU.aLr Dil. fcr,icmcdty I)et. fmwciSrEmyCcpco Acocmhgurc Only h PtgD2 of2 ,o,2o1 lI ID PGA Fobruary 2022 Pago 3 of 10 H]WO^@UmIWzWfu@Wfu lM& scrffiwoffiffiv RNECUR4g @ttOIN Iddfiodbffi!ldffiMC6b *cffi @&mowfmtrcmot@mtfl@4m@ar&.51@ OAouo{otNolxooa904@lNooaoN@AOA@{olN 5d-MM!tusPWWEa.ilrc[scre@c bffidtuMfdffirycdbhM OffiMy &ioGl@wD& op oo.Erdffi&6b H M hd db !6 2riroraE#Hrr o'lrrt,l.ItllEruf,$2,o,r!,rx.,!asLnar*ttdor nrlnato,rd,r{r01!.IlCI6,tf('Ifi4 vin& E!IIIOE# ds o8 1.Q.ro 9all@lt olt,s.@ ffi gft aza+a 4,m,,G (16,€5 r-t'Ir'5-rzxrm s.B.lr16.4&..@.61@ Tdre tEry.HI Mr- rc 0G. retrdM::=!EE EE!r6zI8 lffilt2 0 oareffiill 0 @19.|,rura 8,6 oare r,0n8rd",*_--zE-- ..!...I4,,8.8 -M lff 1@lt1tt2tlt!a *re r,G.a{4.7$.eG.?rts rma,gr*t,.4 a a61r? 4,€7,6&11.U8rt,B,07aosl,r7,6a tn,afi ffi8ffircltffir@!&ttl 0231'oa3reoala qaE o.@B0.68q0E o.ffo.GsIrr! Affil, a o.@BffitI I q@roua-ltllllF -?$!rr -* ffi19 O mddr;;;.6-rfuF--*-:If@'_m',8 -# sr{rIrra,L,Erra @ 2,m,tt!.os.or.oao ro,2a7.6t3.S,pt,E o 93.07107@ ta€,57 ffilil*tor3.|s111!d4rr2 ffiAffilqg#(tll q@ 0.@o.@ ID PGA February Pags 4 2022 of l0 ArltlaCoDoradolr $.raott hhoqfiartunncouaradlc D.'.rnl A!.oIlil t9toto lntdst lllmlt Ircmand+Cmn ocfrml ,5;rarLs, (5;27,1@.37) U, UPDAIE DAIE,/olilIlly m (AK tEI ENnY am dBckqho 1u2.92 lJt6 KNt U*O tO CALC tEf EfinV cDAo lE tilEt ilttvlloxmt6aLl f,cl* 191010.GD.tD 19tm.GD-to ll^^,*,r't.* | lrr,-rreb tt btxm Iaftah3LbE CmcaIrY Dmra l.rlt Ertrf*Dfadrhf| frt,tr ldxl I ,IB II' COI s6trm ,31?-ttl i?trBm Iti9rlTrdwl.ml I ,il tt? ml tsstm ,mmlsl rtr et it,G It!L.oa2.67t@r6r-Gl I car!u-t6 It9rm_4.1 ffi-tl lt -j*a 20toa 1cd I 2ZrSe6-6a 8A-602-ql io2llt1_t6 itG6a aea-rt -rt ,@L5 ,-aal I 1,,'J37-7r 80.1?o-rl ,:l!i329-a6 gCa-SO 3.dn Dff rffil I l&La21.a7 128"910.2it1 ,lll&rg5Ia 915.!a 131022t.21 'etfr,lffi| I iot ,lt 1?t.30Jl3r1 518312.9)Li6:Lla a$7.17L6 M r-ffi| I , Ct7 'Dff 1152 161 gl aflffin ,ffii,,mre*ff MA mral I lEpr-a,l_lrlrtt-13 llt.B7_2nl tt1.*-m t.tr-s t3ttm-r ,@.to 1-m!.1 I tsra-s35 sst3!ll_25 11r_5tat5 1l!l,-d ,-2ars_s 20lll Ld9al I 22a7.9,D tt?cs:rr.7a lzr9.2l,B2a1 2lora Lerr3'"at,r,'2 ,-dfrd I 3r9rJ58g 13tgrot54 1613.:t:ts.aal ,2t 2t a2l73n:B tdtg_ffisrrua2irst .6a 2316.grl-9t a.a,J|-rf !3!a3ta-xwssitt:t a.r 7Sri?e.ln as27-rfr9.q,t.il2-92 5.t6tlfr32 ffi 6tBB'{at&ffo W 5_lE_6t7-3'3-m_o-il ffi 6_fietarju 5-tdr_6t _iu ffi 6.160.64r.:u effie.6t7.:12 M'6.16!t.6E7.31 6.160.64r.:t2W61BE7l'6,ile.607.32w6-16-87:2 6-t& &, m MO efio.car32 6_tflrf,t t tEll 6.r.e9tt .:t2 5^lcett?12 M2 6.la9rt732 5.160.6t 32 ID PGA Feuuary 2022 Page 5 ol 10 Avbt Corporatlon St tc ot ld.ho Rcconnbla Grs Co3B Amortlzcd A6unt3 191000 }loltdr El.hr lnhrct iata Annud xl.r of LllE p6 FGA lEi 191O1o ru R.io.[r /Lrt.Cffit ialund lcdmLt LLE sd.dsh lorVotm Arcnlltr lmll Sdt duh 111 Volm Amrt BaL Arut lntaiEt Endr..b'll **Hn{Y z@lo:1.009r 1 6S r*S toag oot732 s1-r9 *!-tms o 03712 115_il-69 1-S{-ag 2.1C.$737 I I Zrfl.gr-$& ffifr 1m 71ca.n .97 torr0J2t 0.03732 ilos.680.!t lj,'.Srl o 0?732 t21-257 I N)27.n 2,7U),i174.38 I I L70,r7l,gt io, 2m1G 1.009{2,7uJ,474-8 zrarJta 1.0 l.o?q.m-45 L-7At1t 0 0f7t2 1r-ls-12 1Efr 0 037f2 9.15S-ts 2-65_43 3.323.8i25.SS I I tlztrAStt OJm1mt-323-8:16.55 2tL.'ta 0.03732 93-S2.Oil 1.ll.t17t 0.o3732 s3lal.61 2.8;t7-47 3-i174,521.55 I I L7{-E1.8l Io- 2@1(1ffi 1,474.52r.55 tatl.lt0 55,7[.99 t.1to5t 41,435.8 &1.m | 374 AL77 lN.7al o ot732 {.sE-s N.B o.o?712 Iffi36 ?.ffi.47 3.5s1-A7-S I I t-6'-Grta I!.G M 1m 3.651.087.56 t.tttr52 0 03732 '12-g)1.96 7il2tzt 0.03732 38.910.84 3.075.49 3,735,575,84 I I 3.r:!5,5r5.t3 I!fi 2e1C 1.00%889.421.47 7,177.85 4,527 ,tt5.L7 l.a['.t7 Izf,122.IJ6JII pro{ated 122,]U.3,&r5.35 &lum,1.ffi 4.il1.s-s2 a12t-ja 170 7q6 m lJt-s,i28.m6.m 1.nG.77 4,i186,'l(!.24 I I tla.5r'.m23 a-339-011.U I I .3lrti(rlt F!0, MD 1.ffi h &n1 1.m96 M 1 t_8ar-146.1!t0:arrtl 10.o1498)t153.5(X.52 tLt-74,I0.01498)l50-154.'l!3.154.rt3 3-586.529.59 I I llSr;!15.l:l tot as 2@203 3.565.529.59 N r ffi 62q.ss 3_ffi.ffi_59 I I M t-646-629.59 3-685.6rt.59 I Itu:n 3.545.529.59 3S6E5ql I e.ffi.629_59 3.686-629.59 I I ,0210 3-586-629.59 3,5E5,529,59 I I frz,c 1ffi6DSl I 1M-d9j9 3.686-629.59 I I 20211 3-645.529.59 3.6E5,529.s9 I I MU 3.686-629.59 I I (153,506.52)1s0,164.t45)3.154.13 THIS ROW USED TO GLC IEf ENTRY a 2T2:202 UPOATE DAIE MONTHLY fO ULC IN ENTRY lntercit lntarcst Amrt 0.@ ch*k sho CIJSIOMER TEFUilD rqlm.GD-tD G110-GD.ID Ac br pro raling - rsvoEs January unbillsd ID PGA Fobuary 2022 Page 6 of l0msrhiVolum.3 Sch.duL $mm.ry for Commodlty Dr(ur.l Fim Fim Firm lnt nuptiHo lnt6nuptiblo lntanuplibl€ Tran3portalion Tr.nrponetion Transpoil,elion Tmnsportation Tot ltnn3port.ton Toi.l.d.e Ech.dd. Summrrytor Damand Drtcml: Fim Flm Fim Fim Firm To.ll Flmr S.h. 1{.t UtibllLd '10,888,989 3,425,607 1,265 0 0 0 6,096,027 5,454,/069 (flr,558) 14,315,861 fiffili [Hilp Or8,4o3) - Tal rhr rorecelrrmthcild.. hlrtr?l5L rtr !clr{i.. 101 llt 112 131 '132 132J 't46 117 159 169 101 111 112 131 132 06,e45),506,594.683,439 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notify Rate8 Ooptifused 0 0 361,35'l 121,167 4,301,405 0 351,361 253,896 4,777,233 475,A25 374,94E (100,880) 4,670,353 t0.0t!.0!a lrttrta 7,s,sl1 Itttrail {a"2,trfi 1121,167 0 0 ,052 0 0 (87,465) (r3,41s) 0 0 263,836 111,O52 4,301,405 0 10,E6E,989 3,425,607 1,265 0 0 6,096,027 5,4521,469 (64r,558)10,217,131 3,3/,E,762 1,265 0 0 (76,E45),606,594,6E3,439 0 0 0 32J0000014,314,596 7,779,& 7,061,063 (718,403) t!tCa,,lt! 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 (718,403) (641,558) (76,845) 0 14,315,861 7,779,18 7,061,063 - ralnhe rorFGe]*rrr+ .rcllld6 m.nupdtL rd. mh.dd.. Schcdd. Summuy tor Commodlty rnd D.mrnd Aro?tlzr0on: Firm 101 10,888,989Fim 111 3,425,607lnlanupliblo l3'l 0 6,096,027 1,683,439 0 7,779,ffi 0 5,454,.169 r,606,504 0 7,061,063 0 10,247,431 3,3rt8,762 0 Nolily Relos Doptif us€d lnlsruptible lntenuptiblo Total Firm SdeE 112 t3t 132 Total lnterupublo Sahs Total Trmspod,.tion Sal$ (Schodule 146 -'169)Ch.cftohl.d.r H:V{atuEl Ge Accoundng\C.lend.r SIL.\WAID Calend.r sahi\2022 lD C.hrd.r S.hs VohlE Spocial amorllzation rata Itolutt . lor FcAcolrrmodtrye O.mrn l Amortzatoo Firm Firm 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,265 0 0 1,265 Annual lump sum amonizaton 0 Annual lump 8um amorlizaton0 Annual lump Bum amorlizrlion 0 14,315,86't (718,/t03) 0 13,597,458 o IO PGA Febuary 2022 Pags 7 ot 10 AVSr COipOmlON fE.tl.r tY2o2t tD floPcl- 150 lr.rd fD{b ord PoAfrc.rcz!r2 -D cmQ rdy R.mtcf TalPGACdl PGfficrmodlty ftElEeIn hmodrycd D.mndcd(c) (dl (.) lt) (s) (hl lb'cl [d.cl tdnl rfr.d llLd taoE sdEduL trd..lso(.1 {b} s uoq,s2S 4r,5 .,4,75a 0101 0111 01ljl sd.duh Tot.k il.s|ffi sddllb. (i) Tharhr J-Elxfl.dlffillEbdds Thdnr(o) (p) orG53 3 L0!t5,0:r6OSC' I ir17 I 4,624as6 D.ned R.tc fll reoo3 r,606Jtaollt 0!12 ,/ 7a.ta*,1.t* ,'L!l!a @ 2sroxs r11,Io I ,;t,t762s.r8ras 30e s l(lS 3,1a,s72 5 tr9sr?r Co.imodty Ratc (rt o@ o2@a o26La ,/ (nl(nl0) na naa23!U ConrmodltyLtc Oam.ndR.t.(c) (r) Corimddltu Cd Dcmnd Cd o09:bt 5 0.0920:! s - mw f4@odb(.f4rr (rl lp'ql ffi ru ma lhmnd Cd (r) lp'rl 0101 0111 0112 @s-lr!a,a]'lt n,.tn o.62cl s 0.20r.7,0,0920! s (1,229,9!15) nr (339,66r) D-nt0 -7,Tr'!t,6 (rJ60,662) s H:\}.lrud (h. AmhtingE s Grt lhh B.EdPcA R.r Ct trtcr\2022\02-2022_lD - PcA Rre Ch.Dg.r_Coi\,OTODITY oNLY xlrrPGA Id.lb t/,/ l-srJlLd Lturylritrd lotjomrt, 3 anonoltl ott2 a23,tE4 s :XE 9 trtr5o S Rml!il.d F.bu.y utrULd tdnh.d 0ltt 0812 1t4tm22 ,liststa O1OI . FIR},I AI{D GENERAL SER I 0l1l - FIRM-| ARGE GEN SERV 0112. FIRII.TARGE GEN SERV Ourdl-Totd RIDER 150 i RrDER r5O ] RIDER Ifl) 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o Revenue By Rate Schedule ID PGA February2022 Page 8 of 10 Data Source: Financial Reporting Data updated Daily -200 0 9 -200 3,544,492 LNe,U2 419 432 -88 7pm,62 4222,9ro', n4: 9,il3L776iIl 0 -5m Rftler 150 = PGA H#km Run DaE: Mar3,Xt22 ID PGA Fsbruary Page I 2022 of l0 2,95,17t 9 {+2lE a,rr$ s r4$t ,2n,rs , t,t rrs t !,s 3 Lato,to,,,t 'st I oro73 5ra3l !al5,att I,C,4,,* 50,66ln,*, 5U,Or5 560,Ll 53,',,2, ata,u! 5,!3rltt 5 6.r9t5a4 sts,5tr st"lrtrst st964,r5a t 2,1t9,52! s2p1t ]t It sslaa 5 7,9,n7 +n2,o3s t tlr,252a$1iltlsrrr. a6aIa6larsr l,2rt 7lo s z,tt9rsI l,!c2,rls$ r,a6aPl,I 5:UJra$ 163,510I r,a5a5 ror,4sg$ 33!,!at( l alttu u,85,lil 10r17,97t,2$t9 +rill,45t 332jI,1!O 2.StS,tSt 2,4,rO7 3,1$,6! +s,l[,2,I.,stLr$tr tpra,14l artr05 6$,aa3cF.fi t!127t sI $ sI s s s( a,ttt a,t 2 3,Tr5 a,B) a,at 4,26 a23rts llfl,au)(t5u6l (tsr,Lr) 062,a691 l!r1n2l lt,l]6/,t) (rr3,t4rl (r7t 5561 apls,*t ,,c9,t27 Llu.22l l|tz!64 agl,/r32 am2,i {61,1t7 6.a,5eo t2,4,4,rzt to,rt6,l2t 1,ta\7t 4,0zlol t,71 ,@2,,arl,fit 2,U,@a ,p727t ott26 o2t3t o'25ra o22tt Oltl aolm o19rt o.2lot ttaiaarl a tah*(a2S.m9$ 3 SSUS 9.Da.G A016 Udltc SeolB.hc 6a Colt C.lodlbn (Fftml )t*-22 ,f'-?o MSZI,e2t lul22 A!a-22 *22 o+22 fEIt T.5: Coffiodty 026366 o.2l7l lAl-rlr.lmth6G[duDda.dtilortldful|-dGdln dund.!.dCoii.iodivWAaOG..L l8l- ud&d h.t8udprtrtrtunorlh.llllh3-do..dffi upd.dcomodtyw cocolc6.F.b-6 6n kn-tlFdEll.l TOIAT TT 0.m otaart salx o,G.' harr I of I ID PGA February 2022 Pag€ 10 of l0 ffi GL Accouilt Rri. Sch.duh lnbn t Rrt r Not a WAII{INGTON I]TTEFEST RAIE FERC tL[rd Gs hmtt tub http3://terc.qov/enfo@rent-leoauenforcmnuinterast-Etes WAI}IIIIGTON DCFERRAL RATEIS:ComdvR.lr O.mud Ratca WAAH'IGIO]{ AIORIZATOil RAIE3;Comdiv a D.rnnd (Sdr 155) PREIUIOUSi,lor2oocf2l IrIEWNoYzlOcfzl to't - 132 $0.15167 tlf;N 101t102 111t112 1311132 ra6/t 16 ro updsrcdfqol'22-DoNE WA PGAfing lircttu! 11.t.2'l WA PGA fling.tt dlvr 1 1.1.21 WA PGA fing.frrdiv. ll.l.21 WA PGA lllrg.ft ciivr 1 1.1.21W PGAffng.lhc{vc l l.l.21 WA PGA lUng rfi.diYc ll.l.2 l WA PGA flng.rl.clivs 11.1.21 WA PGA frline.fildiv. 1 1.1.21 WA PGA fifing rtLdiv! 11.'1.21 r0r010GowA 19t010GDWA lo.otE22 lo.oE835 lo.(E6ao t0.00054 t0.0069s t0.00013 $0.00000 E0.mofi) 't9l(xto Go wA 101t10t ffi tffi 10.0000{, 10.00000 fit 131 t/16 R.tntECLABount Sah.duh lil.nd R.t .tlld. IDATO INIERE8T RATE:C6bmr D.polil tulr dlmgca.nnudly prc.irrho.gov (Yu 2022 dd f 35246) itli UPoATEDANNUALLYTNJANUARY Dtl{ODETENML RAIEA:Cmdy R.tc (Wthout GTI) Df,md R.tc IDAHO Af, ORIZATOil RATES:Cmdly a Dmmd (Sch 155) r910r0 GD tD lgtoto GD tD PREVIOI'S PREVIOUS iIEU'tlorzlAtrgzl 6.p21#rf2 F.b'ZrN,j2,"iir'r;,ltffi 19t0oo Go tD 40.03732 t0.03732 10.00000 $.m000 ($0.0r4e8) (lo.o'r498) t0.(xxxto 101 111 112 l/16 rffi lG000m O{t t/d. FGAillni dt ct 2.1.21 -lD Comdlty mly lddro ody PG flng.{trctiv. 9.1.21 ld.fio orly PGA filing dlrdiv. 9.1.21 ld.ho ody PGA lilng .iltrciiv. 9.'1.21 lddo ooty PGA fiIng dLcdvr 9.1.2'l ld&o q*y FGAfllrg dLclivc 9.1.21 2ngi2oz2 1O:?0AM so-dxxro 10.00000 2021102 RrgrLlory lnfomElion irontfity RcvirwJdq W{lD PGA Drfml-A(sr