HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220131December 2021 PGA Report.pdf./iusta Avista Corp. l4l I East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 January 31,2022 ;-'i ;rf ri'lrrl { i"l t'i i [:j c. -,:, ^, Ce) -", :li: m +." j State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-4 Boise,Idaho 837L4 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of December 2021. This information is submitted in compliance with OrderNumber 35151 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustnent filing (Case No. AW-G-21-04). This report is being filed in electonic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of December, commodity costs were higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $ 1,389,802. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $673,335. The cumulative balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a surcharge of $4,217,338 (including interest). The amount of amortizationrecorded forthe month is $224,310 for a total surcharge balance of $4,114,701(including interest). Per Order No. 34825, the Company has included a confidential Quarterly Commodity WACOG Forecast update in this PGA Monthly Activity Report as Attachment A for the period Jantary 2022 - December zlz2.liraccordance with Case No. GNR-U-20-01, Order No. 34602, which suspends the requirement to file physical copies, it will be sent electronically with the monthly deferral report. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact Marcus Garbarino via email at marcus.sarbarino@.avistacorp.com or via telephone at (509) 495-2567. Thank you! Sincerely, /s/JaeMill.ex Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Regulatory Affairs Enclosures ID PGA Docomber 2021 Pag6 I of7 hintcd 0l 106 DoXl 8t 12:04 PMAvistr Corpontlon Jourel Entry Jounral: 431-D&AWA,/ID Tem: Rceorce Aeounting Type: C Cat€gutr DJ Cmmcy USD Scq. Co, FERC Iast Saved by: Submitted by: Approved by: Stn Ju. S.L Kci Mcistcr Kai Meister Efrcctivc Datc: 202112 Irst Updatc:01/06/2022 12:00 PM Approval Requcsted: 01106D022 12:04 PM D.bit Crcdit Conmot 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 t0 001 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL Totir: 0.00 836,739.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 714,562.00 0.00 719,679.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 x27,830.60 ,5rqrlr.16 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOIO - CIJRR IJNRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD 805 I2O . DEFER CURRENT TJNRECOVERED GAS GDcosrs 4I95OO. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOOO.RECOVERABLEGASCOSTS GD AMORTIZED 805 I IO . AMORTZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOIO. CI,]RR TJNRECOV PGADEFERRED GD EO5I2O. DEFER CI.JRRENT TJNRECOVERED OAS GD cosTs 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRATS GD I9IOOO.RECOVERABLEGASCOSTS GD AMORTIZED tOSIIO. AMORTM RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD vrA WA WA WA WA WA ID ID ID ID ID ID 7,111.96 htcr€st 0.00 D€fcrral 829,627.97 Dcferal E:pensc 23,503.90 Intcrcst 710,958. l0 Amatizgtion 0.00 AmqtizdimE:pensc 3,213.24 htcr€st 0.00 Dcftrrsl 7 | 6,166.09 Dcfcrral Expasc 3,520.91 htcrcrt 224,309.69 Amortization 0.00 Amctizatim Expcnrc 2'5rqrlr.t6 100 001 ilo 00t t20 001 Erglmtim: To rcccd thc mmthly dcfcrral of unrccovcrcd cmmodity and dcmlnd costs r6lst6d ro WA and ID. Also to rccord thc amortizatior ofrccovcrablc costs fcWAmdID- Pagc I of2 IDPGA D.comD.r2@t P?fN2of7 Pddrd0U6tD2i}rt l2:(NPMAvlrtr Cotponthn Jounrl Eatry Jm.t /[3I-D&AWA/ID Tce nolowuc.nocodry Tlfo: C @uy DJ Cbrrnq': USD tdllrcdttl gubmierdbtl Apovodbtl KcriMcincr I(!ii Mcilt r EfiisivsDste: 202112 Ls Upde: 0l/061202 l2$0 lM Apprornl Rrqu.dcd: Ol/061292it l2O4 PM r{eaiV'du;A* uanoz2 Propurdbvlki Mcfutr Rcvicwdty Ih Det. rCenrqrcdfuEey Capcrtc Acoming urc otrly Drt Proe 2 of2 ID PGA O6comb€r 2021 Pag€ 3 ot 7w go,groilrD looalcoaTa tBtia gr,s,Ilo/q.@,s@ H ruffiHOlMVffiCURC!ldhbt re1 004w cDd -ffidtutdbM,ldffihdcs Nffi o@m0m7&tmga ot@mttl@.&g6D@st@ @lN@dil@AoflOA@{ilN@uilumolt NffiffiTru sru.Msffi@G s60ffinffim reu nl&l.msmiru{mEs bffidhh rdd[hbbb&dME'l.dH,Offimy ldffiftcd 5i@ @.Mslo @Dmmo.Mo5 ldMdcffi d H db lG afr'rLE#f,il {nfiaU,rfr4ala*,. railLolrrtrtrtil,r,/[a -rrfil3!*r,fl1,tirfi-,t afilaoraralll,tar,# aa,-Iff *6.6 t,a.r-.D e,m.lti7 9,ru ffi s-G 45519 a,2n,ga ilr.ilo ffi ldre fU'tuI ruaffild A,ruE FdMl@ 6(5r! FdffitIl e,E.g Fdffirl2 (-.6n NdMtI 0 Fdffit9 ta.g Fdlffil- !liz6 frldrdM-@ ff* ffilffirff A,7aqE Fdtffii@ q,lit Fdsffilll e,O,at FdMtt2 Gr,6) Fdffirli 0 Fdlllffilg lA,q FdIdcm-----EEIi6-r.s.ilo -M wa 10t10M 2?,iq@-n:Eiri5 lE70 ,.47.6rO12,160 tr@,@7.@(16,@S 2.A.eS5,tq.o&8869.@ roffitq lr,@,u 0.a&ffirii !.t1,6 q@B!#lt2 t!.1! q@.ditr o o-@Ml!-_-!__ o.@ldild l@1,,aD1bIM MiI_____-g_ 0ftr7'dd l@$--rtz@ I* -r-i-5raB 2.6 8.53 2 62S tr,o,f!.s,s1!.tg o Tr0r& ffiffilqlffilllMrl:lffiilr l07as7.13 12a 7a5,161E.g ofr1noNno.Nln@n md ID PGA Decomb€r 2(}21 Pege 4 sl 7 AUtt CorDootlor tut otld.lloqmilUntEJUrdrc D.f.rd Aourtltloto lnLct Dcmndrcmm ffiml 1.*9&1.A pnits,Ut AN UPoAIE OAIE AIONrHLY IO CALC IEf ENTBY O.@ dtc*s/bo ,2r:r.24 fqls Row usEo fo cALc tET ENIRY c,AD *rlfxlIt gflilroxtEn l6a ! laE 19tO10.GD.tD 19MM.GD.ID ll^*,*,rrrr.x l lu-rretttt ll tolrm Ldrohaf.ho Cmocn Dilid rr.Gl :ttlrf.bE HtArdtf ,@0t ,cl I l1iltrs,1)t n767?l@ iqq fi'I,5L79.I l5r9,a9r.95ltm2.ffi1 I lsE-aq7-s'r7a 2tt q l42s ,I lq'.,t tB dl lril ilrtlm'2.m61 I l81t_5ta-2t'!74.261.74 1771.U1_24 It-2aq-&l |a15.1te-rl 2@ma 2.mr6l I 1515.119.77 1L0-619-75 64.t75.7?t1-r!a-a!l lrsrr5r_2i 20G z6ral I lrstr3l.28'llm-ffi.6s'329.951-02 Ii.ljr.E l59r:ta.ttl ffi LO0,4 I ls09rB4.8t'1133.078.72'.366.a1137 116.2ll lt6r-!sr-oD,wt 2Gl I lt6r,30r.ol 1742.122.8',/t9O.251.2!,tm..cn ll!,rgg.tllW,ml I ,rctm fi,I?fi)il9'tql ffi lt m?mro155.9 2mm 2-mr6l I 20r-qtr-fl t)77 fi A9'tlq ,* m OB *ffir ffi10 2-m961 I 39s.766-ta lm-B_['12 117-q'm-x mim-il l0!0u zmr6l l (:i2s-7o7.:ia'711J27.1:'t2s1.oaa.1!l't1t9-aa ltarttB.fll ,g,tt zord I l!/l!Ii15.20 4:t8-861.80 unaa76.tt'OilD ltat3irl.dl 2@16 lrr33:t2Gd 166-652.6 ts12.t2r.13t t2l1-4,aa2tt2l7-fr MN l3;l9-2t .xl 1.586.903.68 t6ar-ilm.3Sl x*-Tt ca?.su.t6 ,O'E E7 S12 E lt{m, fl'Itqt ,toqal U{,DGfl 20roa 272.s*il m-m2_s2 lo2_251.ff ffi-E &-E_rlwaat?3r-7t aq-170.71 E3S-92e./46 l6t-50 I,-,,l.nwltg.it:ILa7 l2e.gto.zt'444-79S.&I 916.L Ltlo2jIr-21 ,ojit ,-:110121.21 rc7,2a3.33 518.31:L9!',-35i-52 tlE.t1r.G 2@tc tct tDc llq, t61 El inBrq 1.565.31 2.06:1.5i1531 2@10 1_t7a-2tq-s llt tr 2a,411 *{, t46 I Srtm15wbtsT.m3g ss8-391_x 112_6S.r 1_S2-Gl ,an.s9 ,@ut 22.r.9*7176321.71 1779.70r.aa1 ,.fi2-,.l-iasrl6A31 z,zxtz 3197.668.31 13&r,S1.54 1673.33S.'!tl ,27r.4 1217]3fn.6rri', Il9C'I'.GD.ID t316aD.GD.tD l.2tt 2a t9lo10-GD.lD 7t9_5r9-tl G12O-GD.ID ,13Gm ID PGA Oscomber 2021 Page 5 ot 7 AIUa Cooor.tlon slrb of ld.ho tEv.rrbLcBcoet Amorlts d AcEounts 19loo mr Erar htad t*. Amrd d.. otLhEtrta^ lltoii ttofO tr Lftrt / l{tCElffir.ird l.drnrtl-€Sdtqta tollrtlm fEtl'ta Amrt Sd.dliG Ul tlblm lrEtLb lffi Erhl&E ffi a(1lrilt.167-q 9.62.m o.om llxruE 1604101.s6TEM2.M ($ltarli 7.773.497 o.035(x 2X)-15513 7.7t7.&9 0_036fl q.attr!ItJ:lo:! @,155.57 (&.at [t5{.815 t@ )ri6a-dt-gal 7.7r7.528 o.o?m !l0lrag1 7 775 201 t103.016.*rca 2.M 1221fr753 1,755.365 63,29t39 1.S25.556 0.03604 54.s1.o4 t260.t, 124,47 ,@d 2.ffi t2a.frr3 1-094.7S3 o_0360{39lla.qo 1.12.1G o-o3&0-iUO-S 23-n s5.Gt-9' M 2.0(55,433.97 51,353.54 1-292.034 0.035(x 46.564.91 173.99 ,1i3.525.55 Mil ?1S.S2trS s.to3-3st o-m ffi-924-91 r@ol,2.00*325.707 {lls_a?l 7a1.6ta.tt 4.733.49 dcmted 326.O8S.00 2.224.119 DrG.at€d 83.79!r.m LSrrs9 1l!9.43.64 Lvl.fi L69,EaS frfi 1.4 2_tStlor-v,10-870.32S 0.037t2 aG-6m-tl 3-32S.S24 n.01717 ,m7.*,1fil1tg ZETB 1.flt LtuJA7a3,7.L5r.O37 255.5134 2.841316 0.03732 16-87.91 2-4Grt 3-dr!r50.G 2@r!1.m 1.32t12555 2.51A-275 o.037l2 g1s-o Lu1_fB o.o3732 tirrL5l 2rttt7 3_arat21.6 55,7,L.S1.m ta7aszt55 1,110.258 o.03732 alI:5.z,2.95.98 3Sta,6,7,7'frfi I ?.9agLn 1-033-761 o.B7t2 4tD.*qtl sW1-dt 3-6!ir-(8755 1.134.852 o.0l7r2 a2lo1.5 f.il2.627 o.or737 la.gtora 3.016.ag 3.7ls.S76L a).121.11 2,1T1.6 3t353!t {5415652,o,'I 1 a.3atlGJ2 t.773.l2t bdatad lmB.d 1Bm? lt5rtl.J2m1ll1.flrg +1,5JIJ2a 7-684.646 [l!t.175.5:2.193-749 t0.otlsl ,.6rs.72 4319.011.1:I -fr-;ri'f;t ir&-:856.1 . -IIfflIr trEa IIEEE -EE -rrr:ffirfr F-,F- I .r.ii..1; iEiilre.ffi' .lj- 'r-_ - I * [Xeftia!".}1,i', .;ffiir!.1,. I;-l ' l'84' -! |iiiEff#&,'.'.-,. ffifiI65r: .It: -j r,,i*dllrili .l i :-1. : tr-rtdit :. ...1 :-l :l.L:.1 ldgEi#r: ,l {hy+.iti;:i i:&E*lf .,i. i hPFr$.i' : i] 's#4,r::''..',-Ir? i5irj?r;!-. r:i.{ 4$1.-:11::!:: ,ri6.1;r;rL: 'i..i d!-d r--:t,1.1:.); 'Eq-t::irli..i i#jfE:-,:r-_, :tl;s{-{-i:'.|:; @l:i.:fi:tIal =:.ill,,ii';t::.!(t71,9n.5)(52,859,15).,5249' THIS ROW USEO TO CALC IET ENNY BcAA lntffi Am.t I@Uz UPDA|E DAIE MONIHLY TO CALC lET ENTRY ct o@.l6dlsho 4flv - rttcE (lrsro*t l91m.6D.lD I}Slto.GD,tD ',. r EEEE -.i'il',- E@E IO PGA Docambor 2021 Page 6 of 7ffiiLSeler Volumcr Sch.dule Summ.ry ror Commodity D.l:rf.l Flrm Flrm Firm lntemmtiHe lnt€mlPtiUe lnlemrptible Tolrl R.{.[ 8.f! ror cTl Transportalim TranEportation Tramportation Transport lion Total tnnrportr0on Tfrl.rh. Schrdulo Summrry ror D.m.nd Def.rrrl: Fim Firm Flrm Flm Firm Tot l Flrm SrLt 12,126,551 6,1/t9,868 8,9/05,046 2,7%,178 f 101 111 112 131 132 132J 146 117 159 t69 101 111 112 131 132 BllLd 9,'102,764 3,01I ,043 13,114 0 0 0 Unbllhd Unbllhd Net 1,612,760 6,E90,293 2,054,753 0 0 0 0 1 1,080,297 3,528,6EE 13,140 Notiry Ratos Dept if used 0 0 2,2n,$3 7,6.155110E 0 0 0 0 1,537 0 0 0 0 377,23E 10E,921 6,046,477 0 377,O72 108,E50 0 0 340,512 (36,560) 8,.tEg 0 0 17,339 0 0 3t0,678 117,1106,W,1n 0 6,532,636 ,E51 (28,071) 6,5{X,565 t!.t5a.l!7 a.aE6.7eo t.,aor.t37 2.7a7,l0f zr.Zt.rca 157185,522 9,N2,lil 3,011,0.13 13,14 0 0 W 0 4,612,760 6,890,293 2,277,533 t0E 0 0 0 ,537 517,6452,0t1,753 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Schcdule Summary for Gommodlty.nd Dcm.nd Amortz.Oon:Fim ,l01 S,$2,7U Fi m lll 3,011,U3lntemJptiue 131 0lntenuptible 132J 0 Firm Flrm 112 131 132lntemrptibh Total Firm Sales Total lntenuptibl6 Sales Total Transportatlon Sdes (Schedule l.t6 - 169)Ch.cktotrl ..h. H:Watunl Ga3 A@unling\Cahndrr Sdrs\WAID Calrnd8r aaLrUo2l lD Calard.r S.h. VoEmrJdsx 0 Spocld amorttseton rat€12,413,807 6,149,86E 8,9t15,(x6 2,755,178 l5,20t,ett Volum.tbrPcAconmodltytD.m.nd Amodtsr0on 13,1114 Arnud lump sum amorlizetion0 Annud lump sum arnortzafon 0 Annud lump 6um armnizdon 12,426,951 0 6,r49,868 0 E,945,(x6 2,795,178 15,222,129 0 12,124,951 6,149,866 E,9.15,0tt6 2,755,178 /1,612,760 6,890,293 2,277,533 517,645 0 0 araludaa 11,660,297 3,528,68E0 NotryRatesDeptltusod 1(E 0 0 ,537 2,oil,753 0 0 3,14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID PGA O€camber 2021 PageT ol7 ffii OLA@unt R.t Sch.dd.lnt E.tRlhr Not6 FERC N.0rd GG lntsst Rlt httos://t€rc.@v/entqcment-lsal/€nforcemenyinlergst-rates WASHIilGTOil DEFERML RAIES: CmrEdityRd. Dmaaxl R8br WASHNGfol{ Af ORIE 1lOITI RAIES: Cmmodity& Dsrrd (S.fi 15O PREVIOUS Nd/1&Ocf20 PREVIOUS No/Z).Ocf21 NEWilcy2l.OcfZ! (*llIF upoateo tor 04'21 - DONE WA PGA ffrig .il.cds 11.1.21 WA PGA ffng .firctiv. 11.1.21 WA PGAfiIm dl-divc 11.1.21 WA PGA ffIng rfrlctr 11.1.21 WA PGAfiIno frcliv. 11.'1.21 WA PGA ff ng .fhcfv.'l 1.1.2'l WA PGAfling dilcf$ 11.1.21 WA PGA fling €fildirc ll.l.21 WA PGA fili7rg.ftrcdrc 11.1.21 t9t0l0GDwA t9t010GDwA 101 - 132 to.15264 00.0s651jo.@727 $0.05591 30.0@3r (to.o.o9) (t0.0'too5) t0.mo(x, s0.o0m0 !o.16167 50.09622 lo.(B&l5 00.(E6ao 00.oott IE tr tx to.00o00 10.00000 107t1d2 111t112 131t'132 146/1 t3 tsto(DcowA 1011'tc2 to.0@9 10.00013 00.00(m i0.00000 111 131 148 OLA@unt R.t Scft.dd.lil.rrai R.t 3 Not a DAHO NTEREST RATE: Csbmd lh?ocit R.i! droe.a andy Fnid*o.ed (Yr i,(r2l Ord-, 34866) IHTI UPDATEOANNUALLYINJANUARY PREVIOT,S PRB/IOUS NEW IDAHO DEFERRAL RATES: Cmmodity R.b (Without GII)DmadR.b DAHO AIORTEANOil RATEB: Cmmodty& Dfirnd (S.fi 15O t9't010 GD lo 191010 @ lD 10r - 132 1011111tl12 No/lCOcf2O Not'2GAuor2l S.D'2l.ocfzlffi l&ho or{y PGA filing .fi.clive 9.1.21 l&ho only PGA filho ofiG{vc 9.1.21 l&ho dly PGA filing.ff.divr 9.1.21 l&ho ody PGA fling dt€div.9.1.21 ldrho only PGA ffling .{t clivo 9.1.21 l&ho onay PGA filin! .tt crivr 9.1.21 llqiloD 9:5fJAll tst00o GD to 30.03732 $o.03732 80.00000 lo.dxxro 101 111 112 1,16 s0.03804 to.03004 00.00000 $.m(xro WLID PGA D.{bn*Amqr tffi 10.00000 30.00000 12 2(El Regrjlitry lniomdim Morihly Reviilrdu