HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201104Attachment D.pdfAVISTA TAX CHANGE DEFERRAL APPLICATION ATTACHMENT D Tax Change Deferral Application Tax Change Deferral Application ‐ Attachment D.xlsx Accounting Entries to Change from Normalization to Flow‐through  Tax Rate 21% DEPR EXPENSE FEDERAL  INCOME  TAXES TAXES  ACCRUED‐ FEDERAL DFIT EXPENSE ADFIT ‐ Plant ADFIT ‐ PLANT  EXCESS  DEFERRED REG LIAB ‐  PLANT  EXCESS  DEFERRED PLANT  EXCESS  DEFERRED  GROSS UP ADFIT ‐ Plant  Flow Through Reg Asset ‐  Plant Flow‐ Through Plant Flow‐ Through  Gross‐Up Deferral on  Plant Flow‐ Through Reg Liab ‐  Deferral on  Plant Flow  Through ADFIT ‐ Plant  Flow Through  Deferral DFIT EXPENSE 403000 409000 236000 410100 282900 282920 254900 190920 2829XX 1823XX 283XXX 4073XX 2543XX 190XXX 411100 12/31/19 Balances Adjusted for Strategic Review 106,209,323    (106,209,323)   21,541,471    (27,267,685)   5,726,214       Entry for 2020 tax basis adjustments 2020 Basis (15,795,935)   15,795,935  15,795,935      (15,795,935)      2020 Excess Book Depr. Over Tax Deprec.13,509,657         (2,837,028)       2,837,028          12/31/20 Balances 119,168,230    (119,168,230)   21,541,471    (27,267,685)   5,726,214       Entry to reclassify account balances to flow‐through in 2021 (119,168,230)   119,168,230    (21,541,471)   27,267,685    (5,726,214)     (97,626,759)     123,578,176  (25,951,417)   150,845,861  (150,845,861)   31,677,631    (31,677,631)    Entry for 2021 tax basis adjustments 2021 Basis (15,795,935)   15,795,935  (15,795,935)     19,994,854     (4,198,919)     19,994,854     (19,994,854)     4,198,919      (4,198,919)      2021 Excess Book Depr. Over Tax Deprec.13,509,657         2,837,028         (3,591,175)     754,147         (3,591,175)     3,591,175         (754,147)        754,147          ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐  12/31/21 Balances ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐  (110,585,666)   139,981,856  (29,396,190)   167,249,541  (167,249,541)   35,122,404    (35,122,404)    Note: This amounts used for this exhibit are for illustrative purposes, since actual amounts will change based on timing of approval by all three states. Page 1 of 3 Tax Change Deferral Application Tax Change Deferral Application ‐ Attachment D.xlsx FERC Acct. No FERC Acct. Description DR CR 409000 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 15,795,935          236000 TAXES ACCRUED‐FEDERAL 15,795,935          410100 DFIT EXPENSE DR 15,795,935          282900 ADFIT 15,795,935          Entry #1: To record 2020 IDD #5 and  meters 410100 DFIT EXPENSE DR 2,837,028             282900 ADFIT 2,837,028             Entry #2: To record 2020 tax benefit (due  to recording book depeciation on basis‐ adjustments) 410100 DFIT EXPENSE DR 119,168,230        282900 ADFIT 119,168,230        282920 ADFIT ‐ PLANT EXCESS DEFERRED 21,541,471          254900 REG LIAB ‐ PLANT EXCESS DEFERRED 27,267,685          190920 PLANT EXCESS DEFERRED GROSS UP 5,726,214             2829XX ADFIT ‐ Plant Flow Through 97,626,759          1823XX Reg Asset ‐ Plant Flow Through 123,578,176        283XXX Plant Flow Through Gross Up 25,951,417          4073XX Deferral on Plant Flow Through 150,845,861        2543XX Reg Liab ‐ Deferral on Plant Flow Through 150,845,861        190XXX DFIT ‐ Plant Flow Through Deferral 31,677,631          411100 DFIT EXPENSE CR 31,677,631          Entry #3: To record initial transfer of  deferred tax balances to flow‐through  method 409000 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 15,795,935          236000 TAXES ACCRUED‐FEDERAL 15,795,935          2829XX ADFIT ‐ Plant Flow Through 15,795,935          1823XX Reg Asset ‐ Plant Flow Through 19,994,854          283XXX Plant Flow Through Gross Up 4,198,919             4073XX Deferral on Plant Flow Through 19,994,854          2543XX Reg Liab ‐ Deferral on Plant Flow Through 19,994,854          190XXX DFIT ‐ Plant Flow Through Deferral 4,198,919             411100 DFIT EXPENSE CR 4,198,919             Entry #4: To record 2021 IDD #5 and  meters using flow‐through and deferral Page 2 of 3 Tax Change Deferral Application Tax Change Deferral Application ‐ Attachment D.xlsx FERC Acct. No FERC Acct. Description DR CR 2829XX ADFIT ‐ Plant Flow Through 2,837,028             1823XX Reg Asset ‐ Plant Flow Through 3,591,175             283XXX Plant Flow Through Gross Up 754,147               ‐  4073XX Deferral on Plant Flow Through 3,591,175             2543XX Reg Liab ‐ Deferral on Plant Flow Through 3,591,175             190XXX DFIT ‐ Plant Flow Through Deferral 754,147                411100 DFIT EXPENSE CR 754,147                Entry #5: To record 2021 tax benefit (due  to recording book depeciation on basis‐ adjustments) using flow‐through and  deferral 4073XX Deferral on Plant Flow Through 167,249,541        2543XX Reg Liab ‐ Deferral on Plant Flow Through 167,249,541        190XXX DFIT ‐ Plant Flow Through Deferral 35,122,404          411100 DFIT EXPENSE 35,122,404          Entry #6: To record rate‐year amortization  of deferred tax credits.  This entry shows  the amortization of the entire balance at  December 31, 2021 for illustrative  purposes. Note: This amounts used for this exhibit are for illustrative purposes, since actual amounts will change  based on timing of approval by all three states. Page 3 of 3