HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210924August PGA Report.pdf.Sirtsta Avista Corp. 141 I East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 September 24,2021 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise,Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of August 2021. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34825 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjusfrnent filing (Case No. AVU-G-20-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of August, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $352,262. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge defemal in the amount of $477,060. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and dernand) is a surcharge of $2,063,637 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $81,413 for a total surcharge balance of $3,735,577 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact Marcus Garbarino via email at marcus.sarbarino@avistacorp.com or via telephone at (509) 495-2567. Thank you! Sincerely, /S/JaeFlillel Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Regulatory Affairs Enclosures IO PGA Augusl 202'l Ps96 1 ot 7 Printcd 09/04/2021 8t 8:42 AMAr&r Coraontion Jourel Entry Joumd: 431-DkAWA/ID Tcm: Rcsorcc Accouting Typc: C C.tcgsy: DJ Crmcncy USD Sco. Cc FERC Laa Savcd by: Subnitted bgr Approvcd b5r Scr. Jua S.L Kai Meists Ksi Mcists Efrcctivc Datc: 202108 Lrst Up&tc: 09/0412021 8:41 lw.l Approval Requestc.d: 09104D021 8:41 ANI Dcbit Crcdit Comt 40 50 60 70 80 90 t0 20 30 001 001 001 001 001 0.00 412,861.18 0.00 0.00 21,964.03 0.00 0.00 126,464.76 0.00 0.00 84,489.29 0.00 6,,5,779.t6 00t 001 00t 001 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS (iD I9IOIO . CI,JRR T]NRECOV POA DEFERRED GD 8O5I2O. DETER CI.]RRENT I,JNRECOVERED GAS GD COSTS 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRAIS GD IgIOOO.RECOVERABLEGASCOSTS GD AIvtORTZED 805 I IO . AMORTM RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD 419600. INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD 19IOIO - CURR I.INRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD tO5 I2O . DEFER CURRENT I'NRECOVERED GAS GD cosTs 4I%OO - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD IgIOOO.RECOVERABLEGAS COSIS GD AMORTZED 8O5IIO. AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD DL DL DL WA WA WA DL DL WA DL WA DL WA DL ID DL ID DL ID DL 10,876.52 Intmct 0.00 Dcfcrd 401,985.16 Dcftrral Expcnsc 5,423.86 lntcrcst 0.00 Amatization 16,540. l7 Amatiztion E:+osc 1,666.31 htffGrt 0.00 Dcfcrral 124,798.15 Dcfcrral Expcnsc 3,076.'19 Intmst 0.00 Amtrtiztion 8 1,412.80 Amtrtiatim E tprns€ 615,779,6 t00 001 I t0 001 ID ID 120 001 Explanatim: To rccd thc mothly dcfcrral ofuccovmd modity tnd dcmard cods rclatcd to l1/A ond ID. Algo to rcocd thc amstiatio ofrccovcrablc coetg fuWAmd ID. ID DL Totdr: Pagc I of2 IDPgA Aord20al Pre 2ol, killad 09m,l40rl rt tir02 AItiAs&r CotDorrdoD Jlrrsl f,rtit Jourd 43r.D&AWAflD TGa: BrmrooAemdngrlpe e C*goqr DJ tuiroJl: USD Ird&nc.lt!4 Suhilbd!y: A1;lmndbt: Xcil&is.( I&ri lroie Erftsiw lluc: 20210t ls Vpdco: O9l0anenl &41 AM epnemt ncq**oe orymz(x,l tsll AIr,t KenTfet;A,u 9t4nw1 Pi.Fldby K.d ltfti4d Rcricm'dby DTE Dimo A$Dror/cdftaE@yeorpre A€cdgdosu!. OaIy Dda hse2 of2 ID PGA August202l Pag€ 3 of 7ffi6H NG]l#ruDIRMUTVARNEqMRSg ir.MdftEdbCffitlyrdffiMbb ml ooff@ 60{ s6ffi ms0wlf&rrugr 6t@mltlo.& @A *6B]TmEErcd.MAdatuNruRreI.MS@ll,lruEGNIreMMWM oos{ *6EOUPRdmExI?m ODAONODA@sONosoflodOAoo{ 6ff MffiREWflMG .@rcuRffirc@s €pxmREoilffiiEsilv mEE .&UEffiEi.! &t@bttadhM Offim, rdffiyhb sr@ o.M51@ @Dmm@.w@.to i6 lldl0l'rt## a,sr,a.aqs..ttta,Drr,arao,(ml.flalt lgrcr:llrt0Brrafio1rl,)$,s!}lc.qr,qirurgailq(l'll!l a.0;E :a.;nl# &Ela 6.8 tah,rs nF7.ft !t.ts x.B m.i5.s ,,at g*,Glllr@,.q.&t.€!6 tdde 2.16-O5'cEI *:T I ffiM00mffitr 413 0M ffir{__-_.1B!ll q@.tdM 4.46aB&I*r ffiffitol z,ga q6o sdstff 0 olatd3ffitI {,4 OlfiO .,ruracmcat::llf :!:E!a.s.7t5 a.s{wItl&czSr z-i., 2,47,&,!lat,sl,t614,rc s.t:!:gE tllaI,U.t6tn2a u,roa,&r 1ro,8,wffil@ffittlffilt2 q1fi@ diat6,tr{ro mffil0l&lr&reffifil o,wqazGreore l.lsrll 0 q6?!ffil! 0 qrcram-TilF T-ItErT2Ua@IfuT &ld ro o dr6r4rom----EE-.-IF fflff.B l.rr,@ 1.0&47c,s 10!.fl.6s,gr7!.o.ci r.ts.@ rB,sr&14.at1qaflg 1::@ 1,q@f€,9 o cffiffilolffir118ffifl2 qtlsqrq4o[t40.rat4 cuow*101 M112 o@q@orc ID PGA Augult 2021 P.g. 4 of 7 ArlttacorF?adoo 3trbotldrho OmilUilEmd f6ADrftml Aoutlgllno lntrrcll Drmandtcomn DGirml (3sz26LU) ln(fr.l) UL UPilIE 04IE MONfHLY IO CAIC IET ENIRY a@ dccks/bo L6,&3' IH'S ROW USED fO CALC ET IN,nY cIAD 91010.GD-tD tglM.GD-ID I I ^*,,-,r,tt-t I lf"l-r.rcrr*. ll blttm rffi a.hp CormdlY oailnd lffi Eid[frhE tilordt Indtl ffi 2.0fi1 I l3;La.fi.t2 228.016.72 laa2.lss-361 lr32-r9t lqreSr_t6!w iffil I l579rg7.gnl 17i1211.9i1 lil2s-Zl3.r9l lL175-O1l lt3t5aa.21l 2@G 2-mxl I lmr g rr it2&251.75 1277.4,.t.U lLt55./.6l l6rett9.m 2@Oa zcl I 1676.a1q.fl ltaq 6lqrs m t7t ,l lLl94.tt9l fr58r5&xl 2@G 2.mral I llttt-a3a-2t 1170_1S.8 l2q s1 02 11 tTa,Itss! W 2.00ral I lsot-iiara l7a3-dra.77 :166.a11_a7 IG.TI ,5ff-dl ffi 2.m$ I fit6r3r.0 lu;2.xr:r-G 490-2St-29 E:L'.AI tlergerll ffi ,Bl I l19.tl9!r!1 1266..2g.SA a93-560.a5 155.$2Cr.932.9' ffi 2.ml I 20tsin.97 txt1.90Ir.at tl1S.239.(x) 'r'IL65 it!|5_?66"84 ,@oto 2-ooed I eetffix It? E tq 72,1 7.97 6m.73 1zr.Jor],l 2611 2oot6l I r3:rs-m7-r'71t_771 D l2t7 M 'q {t19.aal l!t31l5.201 ,o,X2 2.m9d I l!t3ra6.20 434361.80 u7e176.11 1272.81 ItfttBzm! 20td lffi-riu-6d 1tr 6S' m l<rr lrt tl lztta7 E,E.2l7.ml r@ro It29rtr-2d 1-q-sls lmm15 t4B 675!' S ffi 55r-s12.l5 at!$.032-6,119t.210.t3 t8r-t3 tt s*-g ,oroa )n*a 88,80252 102.251.t6 3(E59 6.rs7.rt 2@16 &.874 mlm71 lqqqr G 56:t-39 latrrtrTw,t9.a2l-4,128.910.22 4DtD at6 tt I ito2rl rlnnL310-24.21 10r-2433t s1a312-a!l 1.ts2s2 1_937-12_6,atc 1.93r,r,72.05 l3s2:61.84 1n jJ6o.19 L665-31 2.fi3.nl6.11 20lot 2me6*fi 2_(x3.4m.t1 2dlto 2-Ga-ml 2t 53.6:5.t1 2011t 2.G3-6t511 ?Gl6Ttl zBtlu 2.06:t.6353r zGt.6:t6-81 ID PGA August 2021 Pag6 5 ot 7 AvBta Corporatlon Strt of ld.ho Rsylr.blc G.s Costs Amo.tlrrd A@unts 191000 ilbndl E .rlr lrt d ht Amol rdar ol b.L@ pcr FGA frn !91010 Til icrm /Lrt C6tG RCft'nd Scalmha 8.bre Sdrdul. lol volre l,dh Sdtcduh ul volum Mt&Alid lnt 6 atsE MTTYm ,DM 2W t1.413.167.S 9,052,m0 0.03604 326-8,r.OB 2.911.499 0.03@4 1o7.tol.24 l1-994.1(aIrll8 IBO:7ffi (981 l0 91 sqll I llB-ilt ru w,0d ril.sl-591 s.o24.135 o.o30 0.03604 181.069t6 1 669 1A 0.03ffi 0.03604 60_1!5.67 5.Cl.ltC&fl 2@O(7W 61 2S 39 {911&1269 tl Iroq 016 sll I acr-c 3-5..t wi 202d 2.W 2_ffi 110?.016_ml 1.3q.7m 0.03&so.267.13 741 741 0.03m4 28.368.56 (106.171 25.71 124,4a7.3611 I (r9,1G'l{ ss.433.97 I I 50ral5 -gttrg. l-! IEG 2 0ry1 55,433.97 I 424 Sa 0 03@ 31.151.9 1 29? 014 o 03&69.91 173.S 0, ffix )w 153-526-55 5.103.355 0.036s 1&t.924.91 2_385_498 0.03604 85.973.35 &_x 423.905.50 I I {zL$l+Ef, r@oll 2.W,325.707 3A 11.998.8;747,5t4.LL 8,733,E54 2.W 1-1S9-08S.64 10_204.231 oro-rated 1&.7't7.fi 3.1S3_178 oro-rated 117.ilg.00 2.v7.t5 1.559.858.80 I I l.6tpr58.A tof, 10.486.334 0.03732 191.349.98 3.1m ?40 0.o3732 11S.7(x.69 1_594.49 too &|fr 1ffi 2-158.507.97 10.870.325 o.o3732 i1o5,6E0.53 3.329.528 0.03732 124,U7.X 2,OZ7.tX) zozlc 1.0091 2,7W474.*7 153 037 o1712 26 9S1 il ? Ml ar6 o o1732 1SOt7.S1 2.G a1 to.o ffifr 3-O75Sg-tS 4.146_418 o.o27)7 177.136.32 1.A26_242 o_03732 68.155.35 2.565.43 to- 2010!1.ffi 3,323,625.55 I 474.S21_5S 1,43,771 1 110 263 Ml6)1W 1.574-6,!l.71 1.033.761 0.03732 38,579.964291S 933.986 0.03712 34,856.35u910r 3,009.47 1 076 49 -l9g arartr m7 3 715.576-g ,o1lt 3.7?5.576.U ro-rated rro-rated 20211'3,735.575.& 3.73S-576.84 {0.0149t 12,s01.96 38910.4 c 3,076,49 THIS ROW USED TO ULC IEI INTRY 8 lnterest lnteret Amrl 202106 UPDAIE DA|T MONTHLY TO GLC )ET ENTRY IETEITnY: Oi Ci 0.(n checks/b0 ilovEMBln 191(m.GD.tD 805110.G0.rD IO PGA August 2021 PagE 0 ol 7 lfffiEerrvotumct Comdld:t.d Volum.3 I ffiilS Sch.dd. Argudr2r Julyr2l Algtl3i ll A{lr3t ll Totrl No{.3I O..crlf,Oon BU.d Utrbll.d UillLd il.t Uilil.d Sch.duh S{mm.ry ,or Commodity D.f.rnl : Firm Firm Firm lnlenuptlble lntonuptiUs lntonupfHe TranEportalion Transportaton Iransporlation Transportalion Tot ltrmpon tbn Toi.l..h. Sch.duL Summaryfor Damand D.t Eal: Firm Fim Fim Firm Firm fotul Fl.m S.1.. lnt6nuptibl€ Tolal Firm SalBs 3,590,604 474,078 325,152 (14/t,926) 3,r&15,678 a$!.32a 1,11.??t lJz.tto r00.t!t tttt?lt to'l fit 112 131 132 132J 146 117 159 169 101 fi1 112 13't 132 390,472 233,612 95,610 0 0 1,027,120 57a,868 686,300 111,432 1,138,852903,344 a22,7f5 562,05E 139,283 1,O12,A2742,55600042,5560 0 0 0 0 Notify Ratss Dopt if u8€d0000000000 1o61.15 3sjPoelrtrml, frlct d.r lnt r7l?du. rrb tcll.dla 390,472 83,606 1,116,526 0 E3,606 (r56,e30) 12pU 0 0 233,542 95,610 3,1 16,526 0 0 o 1,027,120 903,34,1 42,55 o 0 574,868 686,300 111,432 139,283 0 0 0 1ffiffiffiffi5562,058122, ,248,358,973,320 0 997,643 775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 997,643 250,71s ln 16131615s 6rrlefrm'1, .rcfud.a lna.rnIou. rrL .arrdd6 Sch.dul. Summrry for Conrmodlty rnd Dom.nd Anror(z.Son:Fim lol 1,027,420 574,86E 6E6,300 111i32 1,138,852Fim l r l 903,344 422,775 562,058 139,283 1,U2,627lnlorruplible 131 o 0 0 0 0 Notify Rates o6pt if us6dlntorruptible t32J 0 0 O 0 ospocialamortizstonreto1,930,764 997,643 '1,24E,356 250,715 aitl/0g VolursftrnoAcommoiltl D.m.nd Amolfaton Fim Firm 112 131 1e2 42,556 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 42,556 Annual lump 8um amortization0 Annual lump 8um amortizalion0 Annual lumparm amoilizetion 1,973,320 0 1,248,358 0 250,7'15 0 2,224,035 0Total lnlorruptible Sales Total Transportation Salss (Sdodula 1116 - 169) ch.ct lolrl..h. H:U,Ltur.l Gd A@nlirg\CC6d.r S.b.\WAID Cra.rdar 3.bs\2021 lD C.hnda S.h. Volllm ID PGA August 2021 Pego 7 of 7 Rrb Sch.dll Shxt GLAEout tf,Plct R.t r tor ht rt tRrb.Nob. WASHTIGIOiI I{IEREST RATE: FERC N.lural Gss lnblrd R.t https ://f erc. oov/enforemenl-l€oayenf orement/inteEst-rate s WAII{tr{GIOI{ DEFERRAL RATES;IIIffinau lffiRatcs wAsfl lilGToN AilORItZAIlOt{ RAIES: Cmmodity & Dcmand (Sch 155) 1011'toP. 111t112 131t132 146/126fi16 Drbit D.tit O.bn Dcbit 90.09651 to.N727 t0.05591 t0.o00tt <CEdlt> <Codit> <C6dil> <CFdit> PREVIOUS NoVlg.Oct2o TEIII' 1{ov'20Ocf2l t0.15284 (30.0010e) (go.o1o35) 30.0@00 30.(xxno $il Upo"t"d tor 03'21 - oONE Ch8ngrs .nnudly with PGA filino Chsno€3 armrdty wih PGA fling Chane€s mlany with PGA f ling Chg{c! .m.flywith PGAfLng Chanlps mdry wi$ PCr\ fi ling ChangGs ennuelly wilh PGA fling Chanoss ennually wifr PGA fling Ch.ng6E .nnually wih PGA fillng ChanCc! annu.lly wiu1 PGAflino 191010 GD WA l9r0t0 Go wA 191000 GD wA 101 - 132 Dobit 101t102 111 131 146 lffi ffi ffi 30.00000 t0.00000 TT*I*,GL Accounl Rrt Sch.dd. Ercthit hp.c't hlt.tRah.il6. DAHO INIEREGT RATE: Cuatomor Dcposit Ret6 ch.ne.r ennuelly prc.idaho.Cov (YEar 2021 tucr * 34866) TflET UPOITEOANNUALLYINJANUARY ChsngGs.nnudly wi0l PGA fdino Chmg6 snnudly wiul PGA liling Chang€r annuelly with PGA filing Chsngo! annually with PGA lllinC Changcs annually wilh PGA filing ChenCrE annudly wih PGAflinO 8l2aEO21 9:O2AM ffir lSlOr0 GO lD 191010 GD lD 101 - 132 101n11t112 Dcbn D.6it PREVIOUS NETNovlg-ocf2o ltov'2o.AuO'21ffiUuthout GTI) DAHO Af,ORIEAflOI{ RA?E3: Commodity & Dsmand (Sch 155)I9IOOO GD ID 101 1't 1 1'.12 146 D€bil Dobit Dobit Dcbit 50.03604 s0.03604 t0.00000 50.00000 ffi 10.00000 $.m000 06 2021 Roguletory Infometion Monhly R.vi*WA_ID PGA D6rml-Amort