HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210330February PGA Report.pdfAvista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 | *_"" .--.i \ i I i''l -j; . (-- i .1.-,.j,.,1,, lv;:-:; to(,rw {^" "l ,".,ix.ft tu}c3 TlD -,.&, r,.fi! & (.B} fl'i"i,;-) i ir",; fi.1 r"-i March 30,2021 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise,Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of February 2021. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34825 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjusfinent filing (Case No. AVU-G-20-04} This report is being filed in elechonic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of February, commodity costs were higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral inthe amount of $1,587,015. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate defenal in the amount of $600,400. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a surcharge of $657,534 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $529,939 for a total surcharge balance of $2,700,474 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact Marcus Garbarino via email at marcus.qarbarino@,avistacom.com or via telephone at (509) 495-2567. Thank you! Sincerely, lSlJoeMill,el Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Regulatory Affairs Enclosures Avistr Corporetion Journal Entry ID PGA Febuary 2021 Pag6 I of 8 Printed 03/05/2021 at 2:04 PM Joumal: 43I-D&A WA,/ID Tem: Rcsoue Amuting Type: C Category: DJ Cmency: USD Lat Sav€d by: Submitt€d by: Approved by: Keri Meister Kai Meister Effcctive Date: 202102 Last Update: 03/05 12021 2:02 PM Approval Requested: 03/0512021 2:04 PM Scq. Co FERC Scn Jur. S.I.Dcbit Crcdit Comcnt t0 001 43I6OO.INTERESTDGENSEENERGY GD DEFERRAIS 19IOIO - CURR I.INRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD 8O5I2O. DEFER CURRENT I,]NRECOVERED GAS GD COSTS 419600 - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOOO.RECOVERABLEGAS COSTS GD AMORTIzED 8O5IIO - AMORTZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD 419600 - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD I9IOIO - C{JRR UNRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD 805 I2O . DEFER CURRENT UNRECOVERED GAS GD COSTS 419600 . INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD l9lOOO.RECOVERABLEGASCOSTS GD AMORT]7FD 805 I IO . AMORTZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD WA DL 78.38 t,941,283.15 0.00 0.00 155,747.65 0.00 0.00 986,751.23 0.00 0.00 s31,966.41 0.00 3,615,8i27.42 0.00 Intcrest 0.00 Defenal 1,9 4 1,362. l3 Deferal Expense 4,483.96 Interest 0.00 Amortization 15 1,263.69 Ammtization Expense 136.74 htcrcst 0.00 Dcfcnal 986,614.49 Defeml Expense 2,027.90 Intcrest 0.00 Amortiation 529,938.51 Amortiztion Expose 3,65,421.42 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 WA WA WA WA DL DL DL DL WA ID ID ID DL DL DL DL 100 il0 ID ID DL DL 120 ID DL Totds: Page I of2 Aviste Corpontlon Joumel Entry ID PGA Fsbruary 2021 Page 2 of 8 Printcd 03/05/2021 at 2:04 PM Joumat 43l-D&AWA/ID Tm: RcsrcAmnting T1,pc: C Catcgqa DJ Currncy USD Irst Sav6dby: Sutmifiedby: Approvcdby: Keri Meister Kri Meists Efrective Date: 202102 Irst Upd.t€: 03/0512021 2:02PM fuproral Requestcd: 0310512021 2:04 PM Erpluetim: To rcccd thc mmthly dcftrral ofwmvcrcd modity and dcmard costs rclatcd to WA and ID. Alrc to ltwd thc mortiztim of rccovcrablc costs fu WAand ID. Kca-72/orAt Prcpetcd by Kcri Mcictcr 3t5t2021 Datc Rcvicwcd by Dat€ Approvcd fc Entry Copmatc Amntingurc Only Dat€ Pasc 2 of2 ID PGA Fabruary 2O2'l Pag6 3 of 8 M102 x2107 pmdfiEffi)h M6*NRtu.M ToEl(.rddL{ R.@)rcEqymfrdIc Eryyfl VdhTCEliBmqffiRtu milkfrEdtrrcEmqFdbRdrc EmEy Fdt Vrtu*METdITCEmryW {^BSFb)BdrcErEvNry GASrbhrvrA*NryATdSr&W.&dtud8MWdV.ilh SFh TethhnErEMrFqdAll.dTd nd Fny {Fdt *.sftr Atslm Fkd fi@.trr6&R.h&cdil c{@p.ryhdeTd M.ryryIryftbottitldoTofl hrd 6.bhm ?uEh$uMk v.tulb cd chEd ro tudtiyto{hidhbbhAhd 6hdny PuGMs. (X.tod q.) tuden Erc[@ Hd!. Mturtle6Pfttubmftml B.'II Emr i,@.6.s I 3t.ia 6rc.lDU d2#a.H a,04.@.6 TdlCmd&md6(.xtui{ rtu) TdcoffiltdbhMlffiOdkl*tid Tdc.ffil!dhbE.tu 12,28,121.tues,s.e)(1e,2$.e)I tt,6,alx g,&,e1.s(a,m.e) ----------------I 7,S,131.q I 3.&,1S9 ts,ttts l&,a.e" gJDE 1al,mg m@^f,M@AN 1ls.&.a ShSodeB)trNllssfrr-D€7 811m@AN Oa,Se)1.@@aN (t10,5s)mio@AN n,smsar @ aN !.79.8.@IEEIMTMoAN 3.Di.&.31m@ANrmoaN 7.m.@.sr7@AN 275A8t@76OAN a3837ffi7@AN r.163!7,@.Smr8@AN 9,5S.W os,*z).ffi!@at tm.0.6t@.ls@@tDmGDw (2&,ffis)f:, m6D A4.A&\@--.---*@ TdhhU&q.cd 13,5,6S ^ - Td &bd &tststu.hv. lD EffiM Po.ly Dhhm-Ua$rofl r.d CffiIy co.b (ov.ffiyffi &1Wr Ncnd A Amd IMD-.+lvr-1.-- rHo s#d* 1@ stusiu 2r,6,5$.1$7,Q7,& qm0-@ z16,t7.n3,&S &r,519.74 EruD tqlrc'ffi!,s,s1.1& qawoffioo& 08,111.&p,@.$ 16.$111,67 06.S o-GsqM e,a12.n 3,*n sffibr3r o qG@sffiubr9_______________--.]l q6&Tdl!|lfu la.N1.il1 14.U.q1 -ffi 3.91,q7 qG. -tffiJi6-.E}EF' fcm* s,ls7,47,&ttt,67 o dt6ta7qldE7qlcr67qlq€7 otd67q16167 3,4ro,37.&5,@.* 1,210.$251t7,E& cqrcdrySM101 &M*112 101rc,s3,@,S1,ta 0 0,1614 0.16140.16140.16140.tat4 $7,62. 6M132 0rohl cmdtu---------'iiEiidii-.-.-rfid] r -tur ID PGA Fsbruary 2021 Page 4 ot I Avlata Corportlon Statc of Hsho curEntunmwadp6ADct ml A@unt l9l010 L587,O14.A (m,M3s)$6.74 THB BOW USED IO CALC ET ENIRY cDAB z0l,f,i' UPDAIE DA|E MON|HLY fO CALC JET ENrRY lnteregt Ocmand+Comm Deterral 0.m dwkdbo t91010.GD.tD t91m0.GD.tD Scjlnnlng blrno hirodhY D.mrd lffi Endlil B.hE I I mn-r ,r.. orllur.*r-rulI I rorglm lntaBt Ltt iilqdr Endhf 2m1 zryxl I laaa.ffi.s71 444.016.77 14a2.1Ss.351 t7s2.791 l57t.il97.9sl mlm2 2ml I ls79_497_9sl 774.211.94 1425.221.191 11.17S.011 t831.68,[.211 2@6t 2-m961 I 1831.68iL211 424.267.75 127L.447.4\(1.255.461 1675.179.?71 t7s 4s ,al2(nm4 2.oop,6l I 676.7L9.7:1\{149.619.751 @,475.73 (r.1!14.491 t?q qsl 0?l, ,to q7l lssS{sl2@m52.00/61 I 1758,458.281 (170,196.651 mffi rmql I lsstusl 1111 073 7?l t66 41r 37 Iffi-7Al It67-:l07-ml M'ztml I 1367-307_m1 l7a2 _1a2.Oa1 490_2st.2s 1122.OA {19.4!X}.A11 202m 2-ffi1 I 119-49!t-811 1266.28{.S81 493_560.43 1s6.90 207.932.97 20:!&t 2.0rl1 I 207.932.97 1227.fi1.A9)415.239.09 502.6 395,756.U mmt0 z.Ml I 395.766.U 182.798.151 72,737.97 6(D.73 325,70734 t1L\ Gtn\2020rr 2.00i61 I 1325.707.381 113,727.42 1257.048.191 (119.441 aa8.a61_ao (n7a a78.11:1277-.ll,1 4183_332-6012oz0TT2.00961 I (143,{46.20 l17q )1r rd2mrot1183.332.601 366,652.00 (512.323.1!l lzt?.17: 1 SA7 014 g l6m m t5'7* 7L 657_Sr.Ot,m1@ 1329,2t7.20'. 20toS 204100 2@105 2t 2tlt6 mffi 20loa 2lr210g ,02110 m2llt zl,'t72 t19m GD tD 1q5-7t t3t500.GD.tD r.91010.GD.tD 986.751.23 ms120.GD.tD 986.61i|.itg ID PGA February 2021 Pag€ 5 of I Avista Corporation Stete of ldaho Recoverable Gas Costs Amortized Accounts 191000 Month Endim lntaEat Ma Annual rder o{ b.lane p€r PGAf6h 191010 tar Reform / [a]te Cusomer R.fund Belimln8 Ealakc S.hedule 101 volumas Amofr Rata hon Sch€dule ,.11 Volum6 Amort ltat!amn EndiilBa,.nell t*MO'{IHLY RAmil ,l}rfr1 2.OA/.9,871.60O 0.03604 355,772.46 3,241,819 0.03604 117,053.56 (2,74.11 6tL.B 2g2007 2.00%9,0s2,000 176 714 0A 101 707 74 11 sq4 151 1981 a20 a?ll I lsTs-fl6-6 6-iq ri 2mme ) 60t 1981.a20-a2l 7.773.491 0.03604 280.1s6.83 2 732_609 0.036M 98.483-23 t1.320.8:(604-s01.59)l I (599lra3t 534:l.Zt 202001 ) oo%(504,501.5:5 024,136 0.03604 1E1,069.86 7,669,l&0.03604 s,155.67 (&6.{(3tr,O41.9I I t3*,729. 2 2.OOv.13& Gl q ) 757 6?A 0 03604 gg.fil.g1 1 ?2\ 20)o 03504 &.156.24 187 _la'1221.O27-53)l I nIJ-656-48 3$L05 2Mm 2 000/.t22t.o27.51 1.756.35S 0.03604 63,299.39 r.52S.555 0.03604 54,981.04 (259.81 (103.016.90)t I (97,6t5.9:5359.9' 202url 2.OU/"I103,O16.9(1,394,1t 0.03604 50,257.15 781,141 202ru 2_000/,l2!.u7_16\1 094 753 0.03604 3g.4S.S t 122.105 o 03504 40.M_6 75.11 ss.433.97 I I 60.82135 3.tt7.81 20200!2 0001 55.433.97 1.424.908 0 03604 51,353.58 1.292,O34 0.03604 46,564.91 173.99 153.526.55 I I 153,525,49 to.q 20m14 2.00v,153,525.55 5,103,3ss 0.036M !83,924.9r 2,385,498 0.036M 85,973.35 480.79 423,90s.60 I I 42r,905.s4 I aaol1 )3)5,1O1 3a (1,998.87)747.514 tl 8 733 854 126.085 m 2 224 419 81.799.m 1.S87.59 1.159.ms.il I I 1.1!i9.085-6i0 ro.c 2020u 2.Oov 1,159,G5.9 tola,211 3ao,/1 t.ao 1,1sr.378 ll/,649 m 2,y1.15 to.u 2m10,1_O1q 1.559.858.80 10,486,334 0 03732 391,349.98 3.1m,340 0.03732 115,7U.69 7,594.49 202LO2 1_OO'/,2,164,507.97 10 870 3?5 o 03732 05 5to 51 O 04.73)174 257 _95 7 027.%lstrffl aorl& 2021& pzroS 2021fi m2to1 2o21oC 2021G 20211( 202tt1 oro r.ted 2021'pro raled 405,680,53 124,257.98 2,027.90 THIS ROW USEO TA CAL( lEf ENTRY Bc 2O21O2 UPDATE DATE MONTHI f IO CAI ( ]TI TNI RI JET ENTRY: lnterest lnterest Amort 0.@ checks/bo tqlmn GD lD rot110GD tD tlqmn Go lD 2_027.n !11m GD tD lqlm GD lD 531.966.41 lo5110.GO.tD 529,938.51 ID PGA February 2021 Page 6 of 8 lwashington/ldaho/Oregon GaE Costs Feb-21 GL Account AN Nucleus Storage AN JP 408 lnjections AN JP 408 Withdrawals 8O82OO GD AN EOEIOO GD AN $ $3,115,249.75 Tota| AN JP 164100 GD AN $ $ $ 3,115,249.75 123,387.41Clay Basin (OUESTAA) lnjections E0E200 GD AN / OR Clay Basin (QUESTAA) Withdrawals 80E100 GD AN / OR Total Clay Basin OR JP 408 lnjections IG4IIsGDAA/OR $(23,387.441 OR JP 408 Withdrawals EOE2@ GD OR 8081@ GD OR $ $ Total OR JP Owned OR JP 403 lniections 164100 GD OR 808200 GD OR t OR JP 403 Withdrawals 80E100 GD OR $ Total Net Storage (lnJections)Mithdrawals $ 3,031,E52.31 NUCUT PURCHASES (GL Estimate Report) Commodity Purchases Fixed Demand and Capacity Releases Variable Demand (Transpon) Costs Hedge Activity Financial Settlements lntraco Purchase from Thermal Cochrane Credit 8O4MO GD AN ' OR S(MMI GDAN'OR 804M2 GD AN ' OR 8O4O1O GD AN ' OR 804600 GD AN ' OR EO473O GD AN ' OR SIIOOO GD AN ' OR lncludes Oracle entries lncludes Oracle entries $ $ $ $ 37,539.53 38,370.33 (910,3s5.25) 3,764,952.68 (84,540.021 lnformation from other joumals .Defened Costs: WA lmbalance from DJ 436 804000 GD WA $ (290,560.80) lD lmbalance from DJ 436 80lo00 GD lD $ (i40,230.92) OR lmbalance from DJ 436 E0.O00 GO OR $ - M ChemicalAccrual 80lo00 GD AN t 7,000.00 in Oracle GL GTN Odorization accrual NWNatural Odorization accrual Broker Fees DJ 471 Mizuho Joumal DJ 476 Wells Fargo Joumal DJ 476 Merchandise Processing Fee DJ 467 WA/ID/OR Sales for Resale Physical and Bookout -From GSALES Oeferred Exchange Revenue GST/HST Recon (Quarterly) DJ 437 Entitlement Penalty 804q,0 GD OR 804000 GD oR 804017 GD AN / OR 80/tol7 GD AN / OR 8OOI7 GD AN /OR 6O4O1E GD AN / OR '183000/'43600/4E3730 ( 27,532.30 4,929.37 1,145.39 9,360.99 17,3t3,U2.221 (375,000o0)49502E GD AN SOOOO GD AN / OR 495000 GD lD Totat Costs for Deferral including net gas costs la3600 GD AN / OR 483000 GD AN / OR 't83730 GD AN / OR lnput fr GLE Sales fr GLE Sales & Oracle entries fr GLE Sales Total from GLE $ 2?,085,631.s7 $ (22,08s,631.s7) Total - NUC (GD , ALL)i 22,085,631.57 $ (22,085,631.57) fl.tJ--ffi lTietoDere*atEntry H:NetuEl Gas Amunting\Gas Costsvo21 Gas CostsUo21 WA _ID_OR Gas CostsF€b 21 -AN !51202112:42 PM ID PGA February 2021 Page 7 of 8 Eafro SllGs volumss Consolld.ted Volum.6 I D*cdptlon Bllled UnblllGd Unbllled Nct Unblllod Schedub Summary for Commodlty Oetcrrrl : Fim Fim Firm lnterruptible lntarruptible lntenuptibl6 '101 1't1 112 131 132 132J 10,702,866 3,264,298 1,188 0 0 0 5,903,274 6,070,733 1,726,206 0 0 0 0 167,459 65,230 0 0 0 0 {o,sm.u5 6.r2t 52S,560,976 o o 0 0 1,188 0 Notify Rates Dept if used o 013,968,352 7,564,250 7,7S6,939 232,689 ffi Tot l.rL. lbr PcAim[HIEdgf.IrlrL lnclud.t lntffiupdblo rlt schcdubr Tmnsportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Total tlansportatlon 146 147 159 169 292.051 96,668 5,495,310 292,O6'.1 96,668 0 302,376 91,408 0 10,325 (5,260) 0 302,376 91,408 5,495,3 r000000 Totrl 3.1.t Schedulo Summ.ry tor Demand Dctan l: Firm Fim Firm Fim Firm Total Flmr S.lo. 't0'l '111 't12 13'l 't32 10,702,866 3,264,298 1,1 88 0 0 5,903,274 6,070,733 1,726,206 0 0 0 167,459 65,230 0 0 10,470,325 3,329,524 1,188 0 ,660,976 0 0 0 00'13,968,352 7,564,250 7,796,939 232,689 ffi 7oL1 ..L. 151 pCaffidafcnrl cxchrdG lntamrpdbl. rrt. rcho&rlc3 Schedul€ Summaryfor Commodlty and D.mrnd Amortlzrtlon: Fim 101 10,702,866 5,903,274 6,070,733 167,459 1.0,870,325Fim 111 3,264,29A 1,660,976 1,726,206 65,230 3,329,528lnterruptible 131 0 0 0 0 0 Notify Rates Dept if used lntgrruptible 132J 0 0 0 0 0 Specialamorlizationrate13,967,'164 7,564,250 7,796,939 232,6A9 14,199,Et3 VolumciorP6Acommodlty& Drmrnd AmorlErdon Firm Fim lnlerruptible 1',t2 131 132 88 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,'188 Annual lump sum amortizaiion0 Annual lump sum amortization 0 Annual lump sum amortization Total Firm Ssles Total lntonuptible Sales Total Transportation Sales (Schedule 146 - '169) Chck totrl nle3 1 3,968,352 0 7,564,250 0 7,796,939 0 232,689 14,201,O41 o0 H:WatuEl Ga3 A@ounting\Cal€ndar Sales\WAIO Calendar sal6s\2021 lD Cal€ndar Sal€s Vdurcs ID PGA Febuary 2021 Pag6 8 or 8 D&cilplton GL A@ont R.t Sch.duh Bdsethol Rai..iorR6uroA@untn! ht EtR.b.il& FERC N.tunl Gs lnt r.!t R.te Il UPOATED OUARTERLY hfl 6Jlferc.oov/enf orement-leayenlorcemenuinterest-Etes Updded for 0121 - DONE WASHINOTON DEFERRAL RATES: Commodty R.tc 191010 GD WA 191010 GD WA 101 - 132 O.bit 30.1 5264 t-I # Chaig6 Ennu.iy $0r f,GA filing ch.ng6 .nhu.ly with POt litng ch.ng6 .nru.Iy wih PGA ffng ch.nCE emmly wih PGA fling chrigd annuCly wih PGA tlno Cbm.d Rd*10'v1c2 '111t112 13ln321MN11A O.bit O.blt O.bit Ocbit $0.0s651 t0.@727 $0.05591 $0.000521 WASHilOTON AHORTEATION RATESI Commod*y a Oemard (Sch 155)191000 GO WA 10'v102 111 13',116 <Credif, <Cr.dlF <Crcd[D<Crdb (t0.@409) ($0.0r03s) chang@ .nnuelly wlth PGA fiilng ch.nga annudly wih PGA lilng chilCd .nnudly with PGA fhE ch.rg6 .nnudly with PGA flng30,00000 t0.00000 Jrnentsrure:C6toM Ocpoait Ratc ctBn06 ahnually p{rc.ld.ho.gd (Y..r 2021 Ordcr * 3zl€66)I UPoATEoANNUA|TY|NJANUARY Chcryl ncc& to know whrn thb changc6 (.mail.d Chcryl nN Etc 1.15-21) Cmmodlty Ratc (Withod GTI) Dcmand RltG 1S1010 GD tD 191010 GD tD 101 - a?2 101t111t112 Dcbiltuffi i0.151SS s0.09295 I il; Chang6 .nnudly with PGA filino CharBc.nnualt w'th PGAfittE I'AHO AilORNZATIOiI RATES: CmDodiry e O.maM (6oh 155),t910(x) GD tD ,t01 111 112 146 Dcbil Dcbit Dcbit Dcbit 10.03504 10.03604 t0.(xxDo t0.m000 Ch.hg6 anhuelly wilr PGA flirE Ch.rU6 .nhu.lly wfth PGA flimch.ng6 .nhu.fy *itr PGA fllrB chengB .nnu.lly rfitl PGA fling 02 ZI2l R.gul.tory lnfomalion Mon$ly Rcvi6w WA_ID PGA OGlrral-Arnorl tDnt21 1..31PM