HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210224Avista Deferred Accounting Report.pdfAvista Corp. 141I EastMssion P.O. Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 -05 00 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 , .lr ...i t."ilf'r';,r,*, r^t! ,' 1-' Cf*i $"t" I fl;r {ritlru"r .rh "s {i} {*rtrS :\t. - February 24,2021 ',,.r1 -,-.:!r I ffiii.';,,& JanNoriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I1331 W. Chinden Blvd. Boise, ID 83714 Case No. GNR-U-20-03 (including Consolidated Case Nos. AVU-E-20-03 and AVU- G-20-03) - Avista COVID-l9 Deferrrcd Accounting Report - 2020 Supplemental DearMs. Noriyuki: Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities (Avista or the Company), hereby submits its Supplementalz0z0 COVID-I9 deferred accountingreport, perCommission OrderNo. 34718 of Case No. GNR-U-20-03 (including Consolidatod Case Nos. AVU-E-20-03 and AVU-G-2043) at pageT: . .. Any utihty deferring uncollectible bad debts related to the Emergency must also file a report with the Commission by December 31, 2020 detailing its current deferral amount and projections for additional deferrals if the utility is still suspending disconnections at the time of reporting. Per Commission Order, atpage I 0, utilities were granted authority to account forthe unanticipared, Emergency-related expenses due to the COVID-l9 public health emergency by booking the expenses as regulatoryassets (account 182.3) forpossible recovery through future rates, underflre following conditions: Each utility - must analyze the CARES Act NOL provision and apply any benefit to offsetting the deferral account created for Emergency-related expenses. The utilities must also account forthe decreases in expenses related to reducedemployee tavel and training etc. due to the stay-at-home order, with any reduction in these expenses being applied to offset lhe deferral accormt balance; may book incremental uncollectible bad debts incuned during the Emergency and stemming from the suspension of late payment fees and disconnections. In determining the incremental amounts to be booked to the regulatory asset utilities should use 2019 Re levels as theirbaseline - exceptAvista as described in Order 34718.r Any amounts above baseline levels may be booked in the regulatory asset account; may include in the regulatory asset account the 2019 level of late fees for the period trat late fees were waived, representing the revenue from late fees that would have otherwise been received ab sent the Emergency; may book any additional incremental O&M expenses related to the Emergency into the regulatory asset account; may hack costs related to reduced sales for customer classes that are not included in the FCA - if the utility has an FCA; must file a report with the Commission by December 3l ,2020 detailing the expenses deferred and any reduced sales revenues trackod; may not apply a carryingcharge to theirEmergency-related deferral accounts duringfte deferral period; and before any utility may recover expenses booked in the regulatory asset accourt they must come before the Commission for a prudencyreview of those expenses the utility seeks b recover. The Company submits this COVID-I9 Deferred Accounting2020Year-End Supplemental report to update year-end information following the guidance per Commission Order as discussed above. As summarized below, the Companyhas identified and/or deferredthe following direct costs and benefits associated with the COVID-I9 pandemic resulting in a net liability balance of $632A27 for Idaho electric and $37 1,248 for Idaho natural gas as of December 3 1, 2020. The followingtable provides a summary of the netbenefits as of December3l,2A0. The Company will continue to deferthe specific COVID-I9 deferredcosts and benefits as discussed below on a go-forward basis, impacting the net balances shown, and will update and reportthese Idahobalancesupon filingwiththe Commission foraprudencyreview ofthe netcosb or benefits the utility seeks to recover from or rebate to customers. I Per Orrder No. 347 I 8 Avista will be allowed to use the levels set in its most recent rate cases AVU-E-19{4 and AVU-G-I7-01. Page2 of 4 a a a a a a Idaho COVID Dcbnzl Summary as oIl2Bll202O Deferral Type IDE IDG Total Bad Debt Expense Term Loan Interest/Fees Other Direct COVID Costs Total182.3 Other Direct COVID Benefits CARES Act Tax Benefit "Iotal254 Total Ending Balance Owed Customers @12.31.2O20 1339,505 $ 15y',,426 I10,631 1,614,562 (636,878) (1,610,1 l1) (2246989) (817,7s9) $ (632,427\ S (371,248) $382,609 34470 29,432 446,511 (16ey'30) (ewze) $ 1,722,114 l9g,g96 140.063 2,061p73 (806,308) Q2s8.440\ G"0&J48\ $ (r.003.67s) Bad DebtExpense The Company's bad debt expense has significantly increased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. [n order to determine the incremental impact on bad debt expense, the Company compared the actualbaddebt expense incurredto the amounts set in eachof its jurisdiction'smost recent general rate cases. [n all instances, bad debt exceededthe levels built into customers' raEs. As of December 3l ,2020, actual bad debt expense incurred for Idaho has exceeded the amount authorized by $ 1,339,505 for Idaho electic and $3 82,609 for Idaho natural gas. Incremental bad debt expense is being deferred to account 1 82.3 Regulatory Assets. Short-Term Inferest/F ees In April 2020, the Company entered into a short-term credit agreement in the amount of $100 million to provide additional liquidity to the Company due to the pandemic. The incremental interest expense and loan fees associated with obtaining the term loan were arlralyzed. For Idaho, as short-term debt is excluded in the authorized capital stucture and d$t costs, actual costs of tre term loan, net of interest income, were calculated to be$164,426 forldaho electric and$34A70 for Idaho natural gas as of December 31, 2020 and were deferred to accountl8z.3 Regulatory Assets. Other Direct COVID Costs Other direct costs identified by the Company as of December 3I,2020 include those chargod directly to specific pandemic projects set up to capture costs incurred to protect the health and safety of utility employees, including personal protective equipment, janitorial services, cleaning supplies and additionalhardware/software andotherequipmentnot capitahzedto allow employees toworkfromhome. Idaho'sshareofthesedirectcostswascalculatedtobe$140,063(or$110,631 Idaho electic and $29,432 Idaho natural gas) and was deferred to account 182.3 Regulatory Assets. Other Direct COVID Benefits Other direct benefits (reductions in costs as a result of the pandemic) identifiedby the Company as of December 3 I , 2020 were identified as employee expenses related to travel and training due to COVID-I9 restictions as well a reduction in fleet fuel consumption at the beginning of the pandemic when crews were at limited capacity. Idaho's share of these direct benefits was calculated to be $806,308 (or $636,878 Idaho electric and $ 169,430 Idaho natural gas) and has been deferredto accourtZ54Other RegulatoryLiabilities, offsettingdefened expenses. CARES Act Tax Benefit As described in the Supplemental filing on May 1,2020 in Case No. GNR-U-20-03 (including Consolidated Case Nos. AVU-E-20-03 and AVU-G-20-03), the Company will receive a beneft from carrying back its 201 9 NOL to the five prior tax years. The benefit is approximately $ 7.9M on a system basis, or$ 1,610,1 11 allocated to Idaho electric and$648,329 allocated to Idahonatural gas. The Company filed the carry back form during Q4 2020 and recorded this benefit as an offset to COVID-19 deferral costs. Idaho's share of this benefithas beendeferredto account 254Old;ler Regulatory Liabilities. The Company filed several accounting method changes for tax purposes with its 2019 federal ux return. The IRS Tax Forms 3 1 15, Application for a Change in Accounting Method, were filed with the Commission on October 19,2020. The method changes provided a significant amount of Page3 of4 deductions thatresulted in a 2019 netoperating loss. Withoutthese method change deductiong the Company would not have recognized a net operating loss and would therefore not have received this benefit. The service allocations fromthese additional method change doductions are beingused to allocate the benefit. Late Pavment Fees/Reconnection Charges The Company's Idaho late fee revenues (electic and natural gas in total) have decreased approximately $337,000 fromMarchl,2020 through Decernber3 l,2020ascompared to the same period lri,2019. Due to revenue recognition accountingrules, the Company is tackingthese lab fees but will not record a deferral until revenue is recorded lrl,2021. In addition, reconnection charges are also being analyzed and a defe,rral determination will be made at a later date. Reduced Sales Revenues The Company does not plan to track or request recovery of costs related to reduced sales for customer classes that are not included in the FCA. As noted above, all pandemic related response increases and reductions in expenses and revenues will continue to be analyzedbeyondyear-end202D on a go-forward basis. As a result, additional adjustrnents to the deferral balances will be recorded for Idaho electric and Idaho natural gas in Account 182.3 Regulatory Assets for additional expenses ard254 Other Regulatory Liabilities for additional benefits to customers as necessary. The Company has not applied a carrying charge to its Emergency-related deferred 182.3 Regulatory Asset I 254 Other Regulatory Liabilities balances during the deferral period. And finally, in seeking recovery of Avista's net deferred expenses booked in account 1 82.3 Regulabry Asset / 254 Other Regulatory Liabilities, Avista will come before the Commission for a prudency review of its deferred expenses in a future proceeding. Please direct any questions regarding this report to me at 509-495-8601 or liz. andrews@,avistacorp. com. Sincerely, lsl Elizabeth Andrews Elizabeth Andrews Sr. Manager, Revenue Requirements Page4 of4