HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200407Petition.pdfj,issra Avista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 RECEIVED 2020 April TAMIl:57 IDAHO PABLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVU-G-20-02 Apil7,2020 Diane Hanian, Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 11331W. ChindenBlvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, D 83714 Via Electronic Mail: diane.hanian@puc.idaho. eov RE:IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETTTION FORAPPROVAL OF A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION AND AVISTA CORPORATION Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is Avista's Petition for Approval of a Settlement Agreement between Clearwater Paper and Avista Corporation. Given current back office limitations related to the COVID 19 pandemic, Avista is only able to provide this frling in electonic format. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to Michael Andrea at (509) 495-2564 or michael.andrea@avistacorp.com and Patrick Ehrbar at (509) 495-8620 or patrick. ehrbar@ avistacorp. com. Sincerely, /s/ Patrick Ehrbar Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Terry Borden, Clearwater Paper Corporation Malisa Maynard, Clearwater Paper Corporation Cc: Michael G. Andrea (ISB No. 8308) Senior Counsel Avista Corporation l4l I East Mission, MSC-I7 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: (509)495-25@ Facsimile: (509) 495-5690 RECEIVED 2020 April TAM|l:57 IDAHO PABLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PT]BLIC UTILITIES COMN4ISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION AND AVISTA CORPORATION CASE NO. AV[J-G,2O.OL Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure 53, Avista Corporation ("Avista" or "Company") petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of a Settlement Agreement with Clearwater Paper ("Clearwater") that resolves a disputed penalty that arose under Avista's Idaho Natural Gas Tariff ("Tariff'). The Settlement Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A. This Settlement Agreement fully and finally resolves all issues associated with any entitlement penalties that were or could have been levied by Avista against Clearwater for exceeding its nominated natural gas volumes during the period between February 7,2019 and March 4,2019. During the period February 7,2019 to March 4,2019, the penalties for Clearwater's unauthorized volumes during overrun entitlements were calculated tobe$926,202 ("penalty"). As discussed herein, under the unique circumstances that gave rise to the Penalty, the full penalty amount was unduly burdensome. Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, Avista and Page - I AVISTA coRPoRATIoN's PETITIoN FoR APpRovAL oF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ) ) ) ) ) Clearwater agreed to settle the Penalty for a total of $500,000. Clearwater has authorized Avista to represent that Clearwater supports this Petition. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Avista Corporation 1141 E. Mission Ave., MSC 17 P.O.Box3727 Spokane, WA99220-3727 (s0e) 49s-2564 michael. andr ea@av istacorp. com Patrick D. Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave, MSC 27 P.O.Box3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509)495-8620 Patrick. Ehrbar@avistacorp. com I. Clearwater Paper's Special Contract with Avista Based on Clearwater's unique ability to bypass Avista's distribution facilities and take service directly from Northwest Pipeline, Avista and Clearwater entered into a special contract ("Contract").1 The initial term of the Contract was l0 years ending November 30, 2016, and continuing in effect from year-to-year thereafter unless canceled twelve-months prior by written notice by either party. The Contract remains in effect today. Pursuant to section 7 of the Contract, Clearwater shall be responsible for imbalance charges or penalties as set forth in Avista's tariff. As noted in subsection 1l of the Contract, "lncorporated Terms", except as provided in the I See Case No. AVLI-G-07-01 Page - 2 AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Contract, all terms and conditions set forth in Avista's Tariffare incorporated in the Agreement. Accordingly, the terms set forth in the Tariffare applicable to Clearwater. II. Wholesale Natural Gas Prices and Entitlements On October 9,2018,the Enbridge-owned West Coast Pipeline experienced a rupture which greatly reduced natural gas flows to the Sumas natural gas trading hub for the entire 2018-2019 winter time period. That rupture, coupled with Jackson Prairie system maintenance and outages, resulted in unusually high prices and volatility at Sumas. In the February and March 2019 timeframe, Northwest Pipeline, the main interstate pipeline that transports natural gas from Sumas south along the I-5 corridor and east to the Rocky Mountains, issued certain entitlement notices requiring shippers on their pipeline to stay within a certain percentage of their nominated natural gas supplies. Avista, for its part, issued the same entitlement notice to those customers on Avista's distribution system who purchase their own natural gas, and procure their own natural gas transportation. Clearwater is one of those "transportation" customers. ln spite of these notifications from Avista, and without passing judgement as to why, Clearwater exceeded its nominated natural gas volumes eight times between February 7,2019 and March 4,2019. Those eight exceedances, pursuant to the Company's tariff, led to the issuance of entitlement penalties. The average price for natural gas at various non-Sumas trading hubs during those exceedances was $6.46 per dekatherm. The average price at Sumas, however, was $35.98 per dekatherm, including a high price of $159.27 per dekatherm (or $15.93 per therm). As set forth in Idaho Schedule l46,the entitlement penalty was the greater of $10 per dekatherm or 150% of the highest price basin. Given that the price of natural gas at Sumas exceeded $10 per dekatherm, the *l50oh of the highest price basin" became the penalty. Ultimately, using that penalty methodology Page - 3 AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and the volumes that exceeded the nominations, the resulting penalty for Clearwater is $926,202. In Avista's (and Clearwater's) view, that level of penalty may be unduly burdensome. Despite the regional supply constaints, and entitlements put on Avista by Northwest Pipeline, Avista at no time was forced to buy more natural gas to make up for the natural gas Clearwater used in excess of the various entitlements. As such there was no financial harm to any of Avista's core customers, nor was Avista penalized by Northwest Pipeline. III. Commission Approval of a Request for Limited Waiver of Schedule 146 of Avista's Tariff On November 14,2019, Avista petitioned the Commission to grant a limited waiver of certain penalty provisions in Schedule 146 of Avista's tariff, seeking authorization to enter into settlement discussions with Clearwater. On February 7,2020, the Commission approved Avista's Petition in OrderNo. 34549 (Case No. AVU-G-19-08) We approve a limited waiver of Schedule 146's penalty provisions, understanding that the Company will negotiate with Clearwater to establish a less burdensome psnalty. This limited waiver does not authorize the Company to forgive the penalty or to negotiate a nominal penalty. Clearwater agreed to follow Schedule 146 and failed to do so. Under different circumstances, Clearwater's exceedances could have subjected Avista to entitlement penalties from Northwest Pipeline. Entitlement orders are designed for circumstances like the Enbridge pipeline rupture, and such orders need meaningful teeth. We approve the limited waiver here for one reason-no one appears to have been harmed by Clearwater's exceedances. Avista was not penalized byNorthwest Pipeline, and no other transportation customers appear to have been harmed. Considering these facts, we find it fair, just, and reasonable to waive the penalty provisions in Schedule 146 to allow the Company to negotiate a less burdensome penalty. IV. Settlement between Avista and Clearwater On February 21,2020, and again on March 2,2020, Avista and Clearwater representatives met to discuss a potential settlement related to the entitlement penalty. Understanding the Commission's directives that the penalty should be (l) less burdensome, (2) not zero or nominal Page - 4 AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT in nature, and (3) that the penalty should have "meaningful teeth", Avista and Clearwater agreed to a $500,000 penalty, a reduced level from $926,202 as calculated pursuant to Avista's Commission approved tariff, The agreed-upon penalty strikes a reasonable balance whereby the penalty is still a sizeable amount at $500,000 and provides meaningful teeth, but at the same time is not so high that the penalty is unduly burdensome. The agreed-upon penalty is large enough to deter future entitlement violations. Finally, Avista has reviewed the circumstances that gave rise to Clearwater's Penalty. Under the circumstances that gave rise to Clearwater's Penalty, the agreed-upon penalty amount is appropriate. Importantly, Avista has determined that other customers were not harmed by Clearwater's entitlement violations. The turmoil in the natural gas markets that ultimately led to the entitlement penalty in itself resulted in significant burden to Clearwater as it relates to the cost of natural gas. Clearwater absorbed higher natural gas costs that exceeded $8 million during the same time period. Under the circumstances, imposing the full amount of the Penalty would be unduly burdensome. V. Communication to Avista's Idaho Transportation Customers In Order No. 34549, the Commission stated that "Additional notice of the settlement shall be given to Avista's Idaho tansportation customers by the date the settlement agreement is frled with the Commission." Simultaneous with the filing of this Settlement Agreement, Avista provided a copy of this Petition and Settlement to Avista's other Idaho transportation customers. A copy of that notice is Attached as Exhibit B. Page - 5 AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, Avista hereby roquests that the Commission approve the Settlement Agreement attached as Exhibit A. The Company requests that the matter be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules througb the use of wriuen comments. Dated at Spokane, Washingtonthis 7th dayof April2020. AVISTA CORPORATION By lslMichael G. Andrea Michael G. Andrea Senior Cormsel Page - 6 AVISTA COFOORATION'S PETIUON FOR APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Exhibit A S E'fI'LIt M IrINT AG RI,tIiM I,lN'f 'l'his Settlcntent Agreentent is cntercd into on April 2, 2020, betwcen Avista corporation("Avisla") and Cleatwater Papcr Corporation ("Clearwater")'(indivicluulty u .;nu,ty" uiacollcctively, lhe "Panies") to fully and finally iesolve all issues associate<l with ariy 6;iii,t"n "u,penalties llmt werc levied by Avista against clearwater for exceecling its nominar"a nui.,rut g.,volumes during the period between liebruary 7,2019 and March q,iotg (,.Entitlemcnt [ssue,,). I{ECITAI,S Wl IERIIAS, On october 9, 2019, the linbridgc-owned West Coast pipeline experienceda mpturc which greatly reduced natutal gas llows to the Sunras natural gas tr.aOing hub for theentire 2018-2Olg winrcr time periocl; wIIERIiAS, itt tltc liebruary and March 2019 timeframc, Northwest pipeline, issuedccrlain entitlement nolices rcquiring shippers on their pipeline to stay within a cefiain percentageof their norninated gas supplies; - WIIUREAS, as a t'esult ol'Nortltwest Pipelinc's entitlement rrotices, Avista issr.redentitlernent notices to those customers on Avista's clistriburion systenr, including Clearwater,u'lto purcltase their owlt natural gas ancl procure lheir own natumt gas transportation; WI{IIREAS, clearwatet'exceeded its nontinated natural gas volunres eight rimes betweenlrebruary 7 ,2019 alrcl Marcl't 4,2019 and, as a result, Avista issu-ed entitlementlenaities onClearwater in accordartce rvith the then-approved Schedule 146 of Avista's natriratgas tariff("Schedule 146"); WI{liRtlAS, uttder thc unique circutttstances that gave rise to Clearwater,s entitlernentpetlalties, Avis(a and (llearwater dcsired lo enter into settlenrent discussions to ensul' that theanrount of any penalty is appropriate to satis$ the intent of the entitlement penalties in Schedule146, but is nol undull, burdensonre or otherwise unjust and urueasonable; WIJDRIiAS, Avista filed a petition fol linrited waiver of the penalty terms set forth inScheclttlc t46 ("l'etition") witlt the ldaho Public t.ltilities Corrunission (..Commission") t'eqtrestittg a lirnitcd waiver of the prescribecl entillernent penalties in Schedule 146 and to allowAvisla lo crrgage in scttlenrent discussions with Clearwater lo resolve the disputed penaltyiutttlulll; wlllrltHAs, in Order No. 34549, the Conrmission approved Avista's petition to allowAvisla lo lrcgotiate a less burdensome penalty, provided thai any settlement that is reached shallbc sutrnittcrl to lhe Colrunission for approval. NOW't'lilrRDfORE, thc parties agree as follows: SIJ'ITLEMENT AGREEMENT Page I Nlk AGREEML1NI' I. Effectiv-e-Uglg, l'he Parties understand and agree that this Agreement is subject toapprovnl by the Cornrnission. T'he Agreement shalt be effective on the date first stated above or such other date cstablishcd by the Comltrission. 2' ElltillernettllgtoltJ. Avista catculated thc entitlement penalty again.st Clearwater for exceedirtg ils ttolninated nalural gas volumes during the period between l'ebruary 7,2019 and Marr:h 4,2019 under Schedule 146 to be $926,202 ("Original Penalty"). Clearwater and Avista agrce that, under tlte unique circumslarrces that existed at the time, the Original Penalty is unduly bttrdensotne. Notably, Avista was not forccd to buy more natural gas to make up for excessive natural gas ttsed by C)learwater, there was no financial harm to any of Avista's core custonters, and Avista was not penaliz.ed by Norlhrvcst Pipeline. Accordingly, the Parties agrce to reduce the Original Pcnalty such that thc tolal penalty that Clearwater will pay for the Entitlement Issue shall he $500,000 ("settlentent Amount"). 3' (lontntission Approval. The obligations of the Parties under this Agreernent are subject to Cornnlissiott approval in accordance with its lemrs and conditions and, upon such approval, tlte ordcr approving tltis Agrcenrcnt bcing upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of conrpetent iuri.sdiction. A. llpon executiott of this Agreenrent, Avista shall file this Agreement with the(lotttmission for approval. Clearwater will not oppose Avista's filing of this Agreement alrd Clearwater shall suppofl Avista's filing to the extent such support is rcasonably rcquested by Avista. Except as provided in section 3,8 of this Agrcenrent, neitfuer party slull appeal a Comnrission ot'der approving the Agreernent. If this Agrecment is challertged by any person not a party to the Agreement, each Party to this Agreement reserves the right to [ile teslimony, cl'oss-exatnine witnesses and put on sucli case as it deems applopriate to respond firlly to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorpotated in the seftlentettt terms embodied in this Agreenrent; provided, however, that all slatetnents tuade and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Agreeurenl shall be confidential. B. If the Cornmission rejects any parl or all of tlris Agreenrent or imposes arry additional ntaterial conditi<lns on approval of this Agreernent, each partyrcscrves thelight, upon written ttolicc to the other Party within l4 days of the date of such action by the (lonlmission, to withdrarv fronr this Agreernent. In such case, no Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the tcrms of this Agreernent, and each Party shall be entiiled to seek reconsideration of the Conlnrissiott'.s order, file testimony as it chooses, cross-cxamine witnesses, and do all otlrer tlriltgs necessary to put on srrch case as it deems appropriate. 4' Settlerttent Paynrent. Upon Conuuission approval of this Agreement, Avista will invoicc(llearwaler for the Settlentent Atnount. Clearwater shall pay the Seitlemcnt Amotrnt witSin 30days of the clate of such invoice. Cleatwater's payment of the Settlement Anrount shall fully audfinally resolve the Entitlernent Issue, l^kSE'TTLI]MEN'I' AGREEMENT Page2 * 5' \o Precetlcnt' 'l'he Parties agree that this.Agreenrent rcpresents a conrpromise of rhepositiorts ol'the l)nflies in this case ind is enterccl in-to by tn. pi.ii.s to resolve the Entitlernentlsstre''l'ltc Partir:s acknowtedge that rtre Entitlement rrru" i, u"rut on unique circumstances thatexistcd only for clearrvater's Entitlernent Issue. The Parlies undeuand aud agree that thisAgrcenteltt shall not establish a cou$e of dealing or otherwise-fovide *y pr.".Jrn, fo,addressing firture entitlcnrent penalties or any other penalties ttut ,nay be i,rpor"O ,nJ",Avista's tariff. 6. Confidentialitv: Resgvalion of Riglrts. Except to tlrc extenr necessary to support theapproval of this Agreemenl by the Cornmission, this Agreernent and all stateinents made andpositions laken in negoliatiorrs relating to this Agreenrent shall be confidentialan<t shall nor 6"adnrissiblc in evidence in this.o.t any other proceeding. In no event shall either party shall bebound, bcnefited or prejudiced by any posiiion asscrtid in the negotiation of this A-greenrent,except to tltc cxtenl expressly stated lterein. llris Ageement sha'il not be construedas a waiverof the righls of either.Pafly unless such rights arr expressly waived herein. No findings of fact orconclusions of law otlrcr than those statecl herein stratt Ue deemed to be implicit in thiJAgreerncnl. 7 ' ]'his Stipulation rnay be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart sha[constitute an original documenl. DA'IED this 2nd day of April, 2020. AVISI'A CORPORA]ION CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION il,A,^,Xk"A,* ?t By Miclrael Arrdrea Scnitlr (lounsel lbr Ayista Terry Borden Vice President of Procurernent for Cleanvater Paper Corporation SL-TTLEMEN 1' AGR UEMENT Page 3 il$(