HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200107Comments.pdfMATTHUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BARNO. 10655 5stoN Street Address for Express Mail: I I331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 20I-A BOISE, ID 83714 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR LIMITED WAIVER OF PENALTY TERMS SET FORTH IN ITS NATURAL GAS TARIFF cAsE NO. AVU-G-I9-08 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and rhrough its attomey of record, Matt Hunter, Deputy Attomey General, and in response to the Notice of Petition and Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 34500 on December 4, 2019, in Case No. AVU-G-19-08, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On November 14,2019, Avista Corporation ("Avista" or "the Company") petitioned the Commission to grant a limited waiver of certain penalty provisions in Schedule 146 of Avista's tariff, and authorize settlement discussions between Clearwater Paper ("Clearwater") and Avista to resolve a disputed penalty that arose from Schedule 146. The Company explains it has a contract with Clearwater to provide Clearwater with natural gas transportation. Schedule 146 is incorporated into the contract. Schedule 146-Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Cas-provided the terms under which Avista provided natural gas transportation services to commercial and industrial customers with requirements exceeding 250,000 therms ofgas per year. Under Schedule 146, ) ) ) ) ) ) JANUARY 7,2020 RECEIVED , u2! JllH -7 Pl{ l: 38 Attomey lbr the Commission Staff 1STAFF COMMENTS Avista may issue an entitlement order prescribing a maximum amount of gas to be used by a customer per day. Cas used over the prescribed entitlement is subject to an entitlement penalty. Natural gas prices during the winterof20l8-2019 were volatile because ofthe Prinoe George Enbridge ("Enbridge") pipeline rupture on October 9,2018. The Company states that in February and March 2019, Northwest Pipeline-the main interstate pipeline that transports natural gas from Sumas south along the I-5 corridor and east to the Rocky Mountains-issued entitlement notices requiring shippers on its pipeline to stay within a certain percentage oftheir nominated natural gas supplies. In response to these notices, Avista issued entitlement notices to those customers on its distribution system that purchase their or,,n natural gas and procure their own natural gas transportation, of which Clearwaler is one. The Company states Clearwater exceeded its nominated natural gas volumes eight times between February 7,2019 and March 4, 2019. Avista issued entitlement penalties for the eight exceedances under Schedule 146. The entitlement penalty in Schedule 146 is calculated by the greater of $1.00 per therm or l50Yo ofthe highest midpoint price at one of a select number of natural gas trading hubs. Avista states that, while thc average natural gas price at various non- Sumas trading hubs during the exceedances was $0.65 per therm, the average price at Sumas during the same period was $3.59 per therm, with a high price of $ 15.93 per therm. Avista states the resulting entitlement penally against Clearwater is $926,202. Clearwater and Avista agree that the entitlement penalty is unduly burdensome. Avista states it was never forced to buy more natural gas to make up for excessive natural gas use by Clearwater. Avista notes "there was no financial harm to any of Avista's core customers, nor was Avista penalized by Northwest Pipeline." Avista states Clearwater wishes to engage in settlement negotiations to determinc whether and by what amount the entitlement penalty should be reduced. Avista cannot reduce a schedule-derived penalty without the Commission's authorization. Therelbre, the Company asks the Commission to grant a limited waiver of Schedule 146. If the Commission authorizes a limited waiver and Clearwater and Avista agree to a modified entitlement penalty, they will jointly file a settlement agreement with the Commission for approval or rejection. 2STAFF COMME,NTS JANIJARY 7, 2O2O STAFF ANALYSIS The Company is requesting the Commission's authorization to offer a limited waiver of tarifT entitlement penalty provisions under Schedule 146 for reasons described above and to allow Avista and Clearwater to enter into settlement negotiations to determine whether, and by what amount, the entitlemcnt penalty should be reduced. Through Staffs analysis ofthe mitigating circumstances surrounding the tarifT violations, Staff believes it is appropriate to authorize the limited waiver and allow the Company to enter into settlement negotiations. Staff also believes a penalty should be substantial enough to ensure compliance with future entitlement orders. Staff reviewed the Company's Application, Tariff Schcdule 146, Tariff Schedute 182. and production requests. Staff believes that: (l) the penalty of $926,202 calculated by the Company was correct; (2) Clearwater violated the entitlemenl terms defined in Tariff Schedule 146; arrd (3) the Company responded appropriately to pipeline restraints caused by the Enbridge pipeline rupture when it issued the entitlement order. The entitlement penalty in Schedule 146 is calculated by the greater of $1.00 per therm or l50o/o of the highest midpoint price at one of a select number of natural gas trading hubs. Because ofthe events surrounding the Enbridge pipeline rupture culminated in anomalous spikes in the price ol gas at Sumas, the penalty applied to Clearwater is unduly burdensome. The highest midpoint price at Sumas during the entitlement orders was $15.93 per therm while the average natural gas price at various non-Sumas trading hubs during the cxceedances was $0.65 per therm. Though the exceedance penalty was calculated correctly based on the terms of Schedule 146, it would be much less under most circumstances. To ensure that the Company's request is properly limited to Clearwater and should not apply to other Idaho Avista transportation customers, Staffverified Clearwater was the only transportation customer in Idaho that violated entitlement orders and incurred a penalty. Avista's other Idaho transportation customers who werc issued entitlement orders complied with those orders. Staff believes that if the Commission authorizes a limited waiver those Idaho transportation customers who may have been impacted by compliance with the issued entitlement orders should be given additional notice by Avista so they may determine if they want to file comments in the case requesting approval of the settlement agreement. In its Application, the Company stated that no core customers w'erc financially harmed nor was the Company penalized by Northwest Pipeline. Staff verified that during the Enbridge -)STAFF COMMENTS .IANUARY 7,2O2O pipeline event, the Company had a favorable cumulative imbalance on Northwest Pipeline and was able to accommodate the impact of Clearwater's overuns. Staff believes the Company responded appropriately in complying with Northwest Pipeline's entitlement request and therefore did not incur any penalties from the pipeline operator. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staffrecommends the Commission allow a limited waiver of the penalty terms in Gas Tariff Schedule 146 and allow parties to negotiate a possible penalty reduction. Staff also recommends the Company be required to file for Commission approval of any settlement agreement. Respectfully submitted this 114 day of January 2020. Matt Hunter Deputy Attomey General Technical Staff: Travis Culbertson Kevin Keyt i rumisc:comments/avug l9. Smhtnckk commenls 4STAFF COMMENl'S JANUARY 7,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS TTII DAY OF JANUARY 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU-G-I9.08, BY MAILINC A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: PATRICK EHRBAR DIRECTOR REGULATORY AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION POBOX3727 SPoKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: patrick.ehrb istacom.com SECRET CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE MICHAEL G ANDREA SENIOR COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: michael.andrea@avistacom.com