HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191031final_order_no_34472.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Dale October 31, 2019 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S APPLICATION TO CHANGE ITS NATURAL GAS RATES ANI) CHARGES (2019 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT) CASE NO. AVU-G-19.06 oRDER N(). 3.r.172 ) ) ) ) ) ) On August 23, 2019, Avista Corporation dba Avista Utitities filed its annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) Application. The PGA is a Commission-approved mechanism that adjusts ratcs up or down to reflect changes in Avista's costs to buy natural gas lrom suppliers- including changes in transportation, storage, and other related costs. Avisla defers these costs into its PGA account, and then passes them on to customers through an increase or decrease in rates. Avista states its proposal will increase rates lor an average residential or small commercial customer using 64 therms per month by $2.26 per month. Avista states it issued notice ol'this change via news release on August 23, 2019. Avista asked that its Application be processed by Modified Procedure, and that the new rates take effect November I , 201 9. On Septcmbcr 13,2019, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure setting an October 9, 2019 comment deadline, and an October 16,2019 reply deadline. Commission Staff filed wT itten comments. Avista did not lile reply comments. The Commission also received one customer comment. Now, based on the record, the Commission approves the Application as set forth below. THE APPLICATION Avista distributes natural gas in northern Idaho, eastem and central Washington, and southwestern and northeastern Oregon. In this PGA Application, Avista proposed to: (1)passany change in the estimated cost of natural gas lor thc next l2 months to customers (Tariff Schedute 150); and (2) revise the amortization rates to refund or collect the balancc ol deferred gas costs ( l'arifT Schedule I 55). Avista proposed to change its PGA rates fbr i1s customer classes as follows: ORDER NO. 34472 Scrvice Schcdulc No. Commodity Change per Therm (a) Demand Change per Therm (b) Total Sch. 150 Change (c=a+b) Amortization Change per Therm (d) Total Rate Change per Therm (e=c+d) Overall Percent Change Gelleral l0l xi(0.01697)s(0.00290)s(0.01987)$0.0s520 $0.03533 5.2E Lg. Ceneral 1 si(0.0r 697)$(0.00290)$(0.0198?)$0.05s20 $0.03s11 L9qc Lg. General l2 $(0.01697)!i(0.00290)$(0.01987)$$().0 r987)-2.6Vo lntcrruptible l3l $(0.01697)$$(0.01697)$$(0.0 r 697)-4.60k Transportation I46 $s $$0.00265 $0.00265 2.17c Avista's proposed changes to Schedules 150 and 155 and Avista's rates are further explained below. Schedule 150 The Tariff Schedule 150 portion ofthe PGA has two parts: the "commodity costs" and the "demand costs." Avista's "commodity costs" are the variable costs at which Avista buys natural gas. The weighted average cost of gas (WACOG) is an estimate of those costs. [n its Application, Avista estimated its commodity costs will decrease by $0.01 697 per therm, from the currently approved $0.17025 per therm, to $0.15328 per therm. To minimize exposure to potential rising gas costs, Avista diversifies how it procures natural gas. Avista's procurement strategy includes hedging and estimating the cost of index purchases using a 30-day historical average of forward prices for each supply basin. Avista's "demand costs" are primarily costs to transport gas on interstate pipelines to Avista's local distribution system and underground storage costs. Avista proposed a $0.00290 per therm decrease in the overall demand rate for customers on Schedules l0l, I I I, and I12. This reduction is caused by several factors, including the Canadian exchange rate, an updated demand forecast, and changes arising from federal tax reform for Gas Transmission Northwest. Schedule 155 Tariff Schedule 155 reflects the amortization of Avista's deferral account. With this Application, Avista proposed to increase the amortization rate for general and large general service customers by $0.05520 per therm. Avista explained this increase is largely due to volatile wholesale natural gas prices during the winter of 2018-2019, which was mostly caused by the West Coast Pipeline rupture in October 2018. ORDER NO. 34472 2 COMMENTS A. Staff Comments Staff reviewed Avista's Application and accompanying submissions and supports the Company's request. To assess the reasonableness of the proposed changes, Staff examined Avista's gas purchases for the year, its fixed price hedges, pipeline transportation and storage costs, and estimates of future commodity prices. Staff reviewed Avista's jurisdictional al.locations and the reasonableness of its Lost and Unaccounted for Gas volumes. Staff also verified that Avista's filing will not change Avista's earnings, and confirmed the proposed changes to Schedules 150 and 155 accurately capture Avista's demand and commodity costs. Staff recommended the Commission a) approve Avista's proposed Tariff Schedules 150 and 155, b) direct Avista to continue filing quarterly WACOG reports and monthly deferred cost reports with the Commission on an ongoing basis, and c) accept late-filed customer comments. To date, the Commission has received one customer comment, which was timely filed. B. Customer Comments The customer comment filed with the Commission recommended that it reject Avista's Application. The customer argued that there "is no justification" for the price increase because wholesale natural gas prices have steadily decreased over the past three years. While acknowledging the spike in wholesale prices caused by the West Coast Pipeline rupture in 2018, the customer argued the event could not have been so costly as to require a price increase for customers, particularly in light of steadily declining wholesale natural gas prices. COMMISSION FINDINGS AND DECISION The Commission has reviewed the record, including the Application and comments. Avista is a gas corporation and public utility, and the Commission has jurisdiction over it and the issues in this case under Title 6l of the Idaho Code, and more specifically, Idaho Code $$ 6l - 1 17, 61-129,6l-307,61-501, and 6l-502. The Commission must establish just, reasonable, and sufficient rates for utilities subject to its jurisdiction. Idaho Code $ 6l-502. Based on our review of the record, we find Avista's proposed commodity cost and demand cost rates in Schedule 150 reasonably capture Avista's costs. We thus find it fair,just, and reasonable to approve Avista's proposed Schedule 150. We further find the proposed $0.05520 per therm amortization rate increase for general and large general service customers is fair. just. and reasonable. The Commission acknowledges wholesale natural gas price decreases are reflected 3oRDER NO.34472 in the cost decreases in Schedule 150. The overall cost increase for residential and small commercial customers is due to amortization of the defenal account under Schedule 155. We therefore approve Schedule 155. We also find that quarterly WACOG reports and monthly defered cost reports provide useful information and assist Staff with determining whether to audit earlier than planned, and whether an interim filing might be needed. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Avista's Application to change its natural gas rates and charges is approved. Avista's proposed Tariff Schedules 150 and 155 are approved as filed, effective November l, 2019. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Avista continue filing quarterly WACOG reports and monthly deferred cost reports on an ongoing basis. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsiderati on. See ldaho Code 5 6l- 626. 4ORDER NO,34472 DONE by Order of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this day of October 201 9. P,,\[]I,PRESIDENT TINE RAPER, CO IONER ial" ERIC ANDER SON. COMMISSIONtsR A I]'F]ST Diane M. Flanian Commission Secretary 3/d 5ORDITR NO. 34472 I:\Lxs.lGAS\INT{-19-06\ordds\INTOl906 Fi..l Ehd@x