HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200731June PGA.pdfjisrsra Avista Corp. l4l1 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-72'7 -9170 July 31, 2020 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l w. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of June 2020. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34472 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AW-G-I9-06). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of June, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PCA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $ 133,079. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $366,412. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $367,307 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $ l 18,280 for a total rebate balfice of 997 ,647 (including interest). Per Order No. 34472, the Company has included a confidential Quarterly Commodity WACOG Forecast update in this PGA Monthly Activity Report as Attachment A for the period November 2020 - October 2021, consistent with the most recent commodity WACOG forecast as filed in AVU-G-20-04. In accordance with Case No. GNR-U-20-01, Order No. 34602, which suspends the requirement to frle physical copies, it will be sent electronically with the monthly deferral report. If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at kaylene.schul avrstacom.com or (509) 495-2482. Thank you! Sincerely, /stKo,yle.npsclu.Lty Kaylene Schultz Regulatory Affairs Manager Regulatory Affairs :i+: * E,.::' F ltl a-J q, !i,,...,.1,.rt. JiF., + rfr:1 ll .'5tr*kt: o c+, x Enclosures 22 BTBIELdqq.lq--9.t.EEi..E.E_::E!!_-:!(!d g:i:9EE C<fcrla.lo\OOOhOC.i o or -i^i dc dn d i oi..rN:f-00= ora o-:!- -.i I o(f .: => a@ ;F F oU q,lIca Jr! ON caN]F :< (, E,)zti.l ,r.l xElF rr.l !,r,^tr;l (, (, El Fr o() E,] z FzEl4 Do LL] E1o -O .lo n c lloa 09 ..1 E Ao > I Q J oOLrld IJ,]NF&o A d IJ,]Eli.l oU &z) O ()&plzo,l g.l z lJ.) xElF '4 '4 -^r-vlza;J =i! 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TC Etr rlt Gr Ttutmlslon Nctlrr.l LLq $26.703.06 s.00 s.00 $3,692.67 926,703.06 tn,592 67 Gas T.anspoiation AN Dornhlon Emrg[ qu.tt r Plp.ll6., LLC Dor|llnlon Etorly qu6t r Plp.lln6, LLc Nof thrv6.t Plp.lh. corFr.dm tlorih$.t Plp.lh. corDorrton+aylrl, co.Dor.tion Norlhvr.t PlD.lh. corF .tlo.->cl.rt co.rnly PUD l{o. I l{orl,lvorl Pl!.lln. Co.Dor.lonoorrt. E.eray C.rk lnS An .lc. ILC l{orlhrtl Pl!.llneCo.Do.r{m+lcl R.!ourc.! l.c. l{dlhs.l FlFlln. CqF..doolPugsl S@nd En.rSy, loc. SFctr-. En.rgr. W.ico..t En.rg, lnc. Sp.rt En.rgr. W..!co..t Enrg, lnc. sFch. En.rlr - w..ico.n En..!y hc. Tc Endgy Footftllb Plp. U.6. Ltd. TC Enorgy Foo$llL Plp€ U.6. Ltd. TC En rgy G..Irilml.rloo l{ortlvv.tl LLC TC En.rgy Gr.l7j.ml$lon l{orlhw..! LLc+tGl R..oufc6 lnc, TC Enorly '.{rVA G.i T..nrmlr.lon Lld. TC En.rgy taOYA Grl T..n..rr.trm Ltd. ACCTSP ACCTSP ACCIGS TPORT ACCTGS s1,050.m $830 27 s3.504,905.29 (s1,432.982.841 ($408,723.00) (t116,77E.00) (1139,5,19.71) (i94,076.36) $14,614.00 ($8,9S3.71) $91,740.52 $?02.5e4.14 s?,99? 33 3154,417.02 ($2.756.43) $6,50363 3385,01964 $€30.27 (18,993 71, s2.997.33 $5.s03.63 TOTALS:s1.337.5e s2.160.264.27 12,161.601.79001.EOil001.GD.AN.DL $1,850.00 $38s,019 64 s3,504.905.29 It1,432,982 8,1) (s.408,723.00) ($116,778.@) ($139,549.71) ($s4,076.36) $14,614.00 $91,7ll,('.52 $202,584.14 $154,417 02 (s2.756.43) 00t.804002-Go-aN-DL TOTALS:s30,395.73 630,395.73 ID PGA June 2020 Tofg lwBnhgroMd.hoio 9m Jun.zO AN JP 4og lflieclims AN JP 4OA WlMrawdg !{''2IIO GD AN rorr0o GD at{ (3,978,028.73) 3,066.19 'rt4i00Eo aN 1,725.62 clry Blcn (aUESTAA) tnjedions Clay Ba{n (OUESTAA) Wlhd't ds t0!200 GD aN / oR toltoo GD aN /oR $IiaGlel'y B6tn OR JP 4O8 lniedions OR JP /lt}A wiIhdEEl! 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