HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200424March PGA.pdf Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 April 24, 2020 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of March 2020. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34472 issued in the Company’s Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-19-06). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of March, commodity costs were higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $428,262. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $271,442. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $676,120 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $378,640 for a total rebate balance of $599,158 (including interest). Per Order No. 34472, the Company has included a Quarterly Commodity WACOG Forecast update in this PGA Monthly Activity Report as Attachment A for the period April 2020 – March 2021. Due to its confidential nature, it will be sent via overnight mail. If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at kaylene.schultz@avistacorp.com or (509) 495-2482. Thank you! Sincerely, /S/Kaylene Schultz Kaylene Schultz Regulatory Affairs Manager Regulatory Affairs Enclosures RECEIVED 2020 April 24,AM10:53 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Explanation: To record the monthly deferral of unrecovered commodity and demand costs related to WA and ID. Also to record the amortization of recoverable costs for WA and ID. Seq. Co. FERC Ser. Jur. S.I.Debit Comment 150 001 431600 - INTEREST EXPENSE ENERGY DEFERRALS GD ID DL 4.99 0.00 ID Amort CORR 160 001 191000 - RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AMORTIZED GD WA DL 278.92 0.00 WA Amort CORR 170 001 419600 - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD WA DL 0.00 278.92 WA Amort CORR Totals:1,403,038.69 1,403,038.69 Prepared by Keri Meister Reviewed by Approved for Entry Corporate Accounting use Only Date Date Page 2 of 2 Avista Corporation Journal Entry Journal: Team: Type: Category: Currency: 431-D&A WA/ID Last Saved by: Submitted by: Approved by: Keri Meister Keri Meister Printed 04/03/2020 at 3:07 PM Last Update: 04/03/2020 3:05 PM Approval Requested: 04/03/2020 3:07 PM Resource Accounting C DJ USD Effective Date: 202003 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 ID PGA March 2020 1 of 13 Seq. Co. FERC Ser. Jur. S.I.Debit Comment 10 001 431600 - INTEREST EXPENSE ENERGY DEFERRALS GD WA DL 9,517.81 0.00 Interest 20 001 191010 - CURR UNRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD WA DL 0.00 728,396.61 Deferral 30 001 805120 - DEFER CURRENT UNRECOVERED GAS COSTS GD WA DL 0.00 Deferral Expense 40 001 419600 - INTEREST ON ENERGY DEFERRALS GD WA DL 0.00 2,507.95 Interest 50 001 191000 - RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AMORTIZED GD WA DL 0.00 135,535.26 Amortization 70 001 431600 - INTEREST EXPENSE ENERGY DEFERRALS GD ID DL 1,255.46 0.00 Interest 80 001 191010 - CURR UNRECOV PGA DEFERRED GD ID DL 0.00 Deferral 90 001 805120 - DEFER CURRENT UNRECOVERED GAS COSTS GD ID DL 0.00 156,819.90 Deferral Expense 100 001 431600 - INTEREST EXPENSE ENERGY DEFERRALS GD ID DL 1,311.94 0.00 Interest 110 001 191000 - RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AMORTIZED GD ID DL 0.00 Amortization 120 001 805110 - AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD ID DL 0.00 378,640.06 Amortization Expense 130 001 805110 - AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS GD ID DL 855.00 0.00 ID Amort CORR 140 001 191000 - RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AMORTIZED GD ID DL 0.00 859.99 ID Amort CORR Page 1 of 2 Avista Corporation Journal Entry Journal: Team: Type: Category: Currency: 431-D&A WA/ID Last Saved by: Submitted by: Approved by: Keri Meister Keri Meister Printed 04/03/2020 at 3:07 PM Last Update: 04/03/2020 3:05 PM Approval Requested: 04/03/2020 3:07 PM Resource Accounting C DJ USD Effective Date: 202003 ID PGA March 2020 2 of 13 Avista Cor . D&A WA/ID Mana er Review Data In ut Validation Si n‐off/Date Verify that total amounts agree to the underlying detail on attached system  reports, noting any exceptions. [source data accuracy and completeness] Agreed WA/ID Gas Costs Worksheet to detail. Noted that the jurisdiction is  AN and that service is GD. KM Attach relevant screen shots of system reports, ensuring that the necessary  parameters are appropriately displayed. [parameters accuracy and  Checked necessary parameters are appropriately displayed. KM Agree total amount(s) to relevant journal entries in the GL. [source data  accurac  and com leteness Agreed amounts from GLE to journal. KM Validate that check totals equal $0 or variances are immaterial (note all  variances). [report logic accuracy and completeness] Check totals equal $0. KM When rolling forward the document, ensure that all formulas are updated  a ro riatel . Confirmed that formulas have been rolled forward correctly. KM Data In ut Validation Si n‐off/Date Review system parameters to ensure that the appropriate filters are used.  [parameters accurac  and com leteness Noted that March data was used in all calculations.   IM Agree the system report screen shots to the system export data in the report.  [source data accuracy and completeness] Agreed amounts from appropriate Nucleus reports into the deferral  calculation worksheet.  Agreed revenue volumes from reports into deferral  Verify that total amounts agree to the underlying detail on attached  reports.  [source data accurac  and com leteness Totals tie to WA/ID Gas Costs JE worksheets.  Totals agree to deferral  calculations within the s readsheet. IM Validate that check totals equal $0 or are immaterial, as noted above. [source  data accurac  and com leteness Check totals are all $0. IM S readsheet Lo ic Validation Si n‐off/Date Review report to ensure that any assumption and/or threshold for investigation  used in the document are a ro riate. [com leteness Noted that March data was used in all calculations.   IM Spot check formulas to ensure that they have been appropriately rolled forward  and use the a ro riate in uts. [accurac IM Review explanations for all items to ensure appropriateness, and that all  relevant considerations have been sufficientl  documented. IM Review all comments left b  re arer.IM Ensure all comments/uestions resolved on a timel  basis.IM NOTE: ANY COMMENT OR QUESTION SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED BELOW Comment/Question Res onse Follow‐U Most checking to underlying support is performed on the gas cost journal. Note a minor interest correction for WA/ID related to amortization. Preparer Checklist Reviewer Checklist ID PGA March 2020 3 of 13 202003-202012 WA-ID Deferral & Amort Mar 4/3/20203:13 PM Washington/Idaho Gas Costs 202003 202003 Total Demand Demand Commodity Commodity System Allocated to Allocated to Allocated to Allocated to Demand (Transportation) Costs Expense Calculation Cost Washington Idaho Washington Idaho NWP Fixed 3,621,735.46 25,725.64 68.68%31.32%69.57%30.43% (2,265,180.23) 1,382,280.87$ Total Current Demand Costs (excluding refund)2,251,525.13$ 1,546,347.46$ 705,177.67$ 210,567.21 8,850.21 Total Commodity Costs to be Allocated 5,262,986.09 3,661,459.42 1,601,526.67 (2,848.33) Imbalance Cost Washington (5,743.18) (5,743.18) Current Month Estimate 216,569.09$ Imbalance Cost Idaho 423,683.98 423,683.98 182,827.50 Total Commodity Costs before refund 5,680,926.89$ 3,655,716.24$ 2,025,210.65$ - 182,827.50$ Total 7,932,452.02$ 1,546,347.46$ 705,177.67$ 3,655,716.24$ 2,025,210.65$ 398,208.81 check - - - - 398,208.81$ Balance Sheet PGA PGA PGA Balance Sheet PGA PGA PGA100,999.18$ Def Rev Calc Volumes Rate Revenue Def Rev Calc Volumes Rate Revenue 5,215.53 Questar Total 5,215.53$ DEMAND DEMAND - Schedule 101 16,716,589 0.09651 1,613,318.00 Schedule 101 7,773,497 0.09295 722,546.55 - Schedule 102 20,495 0.09651 1,977.97 Schedule 111 2,732,609 0.09295 253,996.01 - Schedule 111 6,588,074 0.08727 574,941.22 Schedule 112 828 0.09295 76.96 - Schedule 112 14,942 0.08727 1,303.99 Schedule 121 NA - Counterparty Invoice Total - Schedule 121 135,456 0.08727 11,821.25 Schedule 122 NA - Total Demand 10,506,934 976,619.52$ - Schedule 131 0 0.05591 - 10,506,934 0.09295 Total Demand Costs from Purchase Journals 804001/804002 GD AN 2,286,100.98$ Schedule 132 118,162 0.05591 6,606.44 - check (34,575.85) Schedule 146 3,149,805 0.00054 1,700.89 Total Demand Costs to be Allocated 2,251,525.13$ Total Demand 27,173,363 2,249,181.90$ 27,173,363 0.08277 Commodity Purchases (Natural Gas)- check 804000 GD AN 8,030,050.85 COMMODITY COMMODITY Misc 804000 GD AN Schedule 101 16,716,589 0.15284 2,554,963.46 Schedule 101 7,773,497 0.15199 1,181,493.81 811000 GD AN (21,973.12) Schedule 102 20,495 0.15284 3,132.46 Schedule 111 2,732,609 0.15199 415,329.24 804600 GD AN 1,011,648.33 Schedule 111 6,588,074 0.15284 1,006,921.23 Schedule 112 828 0.15199 125.85 804010 GD AN 8,984.95 Schedule 112 14,942 0.15284 2,283.74 Schedule 121 0 0.15199 - 804730 GD AN 765,529.58 Schedule 121 135,456 0.15284 20,703.10 Schedule 122 0 0.15199 - Total Commodity Costs from Purchase Journals 9,794,240.59$ Schedule 122 429,840 0.15284 65,696.75 Schedule 131 0 0.15199 - 808100/808200 GD AN 1,860,061.43 Schedule 131 0 0.15284 - Schedule 132 0 0.15199 - Total Commodity 10,506,934 1,596,948.90$ Total Commodity 24,023,558 3,671,760.60$ 10,506,934 0.15199 804017 GD AN 22,333.57 24,023,558 0.15284 - check 804017 GD AN 4,166.11 34,575.85 Washington Washington Idaho Idaho Merchandise Processing Fee - DJ467 804018 GD AN 5,284.72 Deferral Calculation Commodity Demand Commodity Demand WA/ID Off System Revenue 483000/483600/483730 (6,108,177.00) 495028 GD AN (375,000.00) Total Deferral Expenses from above 3,655,716.24$ 1,546,347.46$ 2,025,210.65$ 705,177.67$ 7,932,452.02$ Total Commodity Costs to be Allocated 5,262,986.09$ PGA Deferral Revenue from above (3,671,760.60)$ (2,249,181.90)$ (1,596,948.90)$ (976,619.52)$ (8,494,510.92)$ 495000 GD ID 426,202.00 Adjustments -$ -$ -$ -$ Amount to be Deferred (16,044.36)$ (702,834.44)$ 428,261.75$ (271,441.84)$ (562,058.90) 804000 GD ID (2,518.02) (overcollected)/undercollected WA Total (718,878.80)ID Total 156,819.90Total Deferred Commodity Costs 5,680,926.89$ (rebate)/surcharge 7,932,452.02$ JET Entry Total from DJ 430 Gas Costs 7,932,452.02 1,401,899.78 1,401,899.78 Check - - 1,138.91 1,138.91 CORRECTIONS ADDED TO JE WASHINGTON IDAHO ID PGA March 2020 4 of 13 Avista Corporation State of Idaho Current Unrecovered PGA Deferral Account 191010 Month Interest Annual xfer of Beginning GL WAND MONTHLY 1.00%(6,125,449.78) 56,200.22 (609,657.34) (5,335.15) (6,684,242.05) (6,684,242.05) - 2.00%- (6,684,242.05) 407,415.81 (536,507.43) (11,247.98) (6,824,581.65) (6,824,581.65) - 2.00%- (6,824,581.65) 3,563,602.23 (828,898.61) (9,095.38) (4,098,973.41) (4,098,973.42) (0.01) 2.00%- (4,098,973.41) 5,047,939.70 (346,692.04) (2,913.92) 599,360.32 789,092.39 189,732.07 2.00%- 599,360.32 (8,499.01) 69,093.07 1,049.43 661,003.81 851,052.10 190,048.29 2.00%- 661,003.81 (1,365,573.06) 348,255.29 253.91 (356,060.04) 445,395.99 801,456.03 2.00%- (356,060.04) (888,662.73) 427,567.10 (977.68) (818,133.36) (627,451.05) 190,682.31 2.00%- (818,133.36) (1,093,822.85) 462,417.90 (1,889.73) (1,451,428.04) (1,260,427.92) 191,000.12 2.00%- (1,451,428.04) (1,126,286.47) 453,357.86 (2,979.82) (2,127,336.46) (1,936,018.01) 191,318.45 2.00%- (2,127,336.46) (1,440,487.55) 341,938.73 (4,461.02) (3,230,346.30) (3,230,345.43) 0.87 2.00%- (3,230,346.30) (309,177.36) (138,176.97) (5,756.71) (3,683,457.34) (3,683,455.59) 1.75 2.00%3,683,457.34 - 83,790.86 (396,089.71) (260.25) (312,559.09) (312,558.21) 0.88 xferred 201807-201910 per PGA 2.00%- (312,559.09) 354,033.40 (365,550.30) (530.53) (324,606.52) (324,606.52) 0.00 2.00%- (324,606.52) 228,016.72 (482,155.36) (752.79) (579,497.95) (579,497.95) (0.00) 2.00%- (579,497.95) 174,211.94 (425,223.19) (1,175.01) (831,684.21) (831,684.21) 0.00 2.00%- (831,684.21) 428,261.75 (271,441.84) (1,255.46) (676,119.77) (831,684.21) (155,564.44) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - (676,119.77) - 428,261.75 (271,441.84) (1,255.46) THIS ROW USED TO CALC JET ENTRY D A B C 202003 UPDATE DATE MONTHLY TO CALC JET ENTRY JET ENTRY:DR CR Interest Income 419600.GD.ID C Interest Expense 431600.GD.ID 1,255.46 C Demand+Comm Def 191010.GD.ID 155,564.44 A+B+C Deferral Expense 805120.GD.ID 156,819.90 (A+B) 0.00 check s/b 0 Mar tab inadvertantly had plugged cells instead of calculated. Discovered and fixed in Sept ID PGA March 2020 5 of 13 Avista Corporation State of Idaho Recoverable Gas Costs Amortized Accounts 191000 Month Interest Annual xfer of balance per PGA Tax Reform / Beginning Schedule 101 Schedule 111 GL WAND MONTHLY 1.00%- 22,339.58 (6,302,763.03) 10,111,460 pro-rated 918,955.00 3,074,476 pro-rated 279,615.00 (4,752.90) (5,108,945.93) (5,115,802.91) (6,856.98) 2.00%- 1,780.95 (5,107,164.98) 9,766,779 0.09092 887,995.55 3,268,684 0.08676 283,591.02 (7,535.62) (3,943,114.03) (3,951,751.96) (8,637.93) 2.00%- (8,638.80) (3,951,752.83) 11,758,433 0.09092 1,069,076.73 3,777,850 0.08676 327,766.27 (5,422.22) (2,560,332.06) (2,560,331.18) 0.88 2.00%- - (2,560,332.06) 8,099,837 0.09092 736,437.18 2,821,506 0.08676 244,793.86 (3,449.53) (1,582,550.55) (1,582,549.67) 0.88 2.00%- - (1,582,550.55) 4,435,648 0.09092 403,289.12 1,909,235 0.08676 165,645.23 (2,163.47) (1,015,779.67) (1,015,778.80) 0.87 2.00%- (22,687.40) (1,038,467.07) 2,161,977 0.09092 196,566.95 1,184,622 0.08676 102,777.80 (1,481.32) (740,603.64) (740,602.77) 0.87 2.00%- - (740,603.64) 1,473,042 0.09092 133,928.98 1,108,394 0.08676 96,164.26 (1,042.60) (511,553.00) (511,552.12) 0.88 2.00%- - (511,553.00) 1,139,474 0.09092 103,600.98 1,142,095 0.08676 99,088.16 (683.68) (309,547.54) (309,546.66) 0.88 2.00%- - (309,547.54) 1,084,584 0.09092 98,610.38 1,156,521 0.08676 100,339.76 (350.12) (110,947.52) (110,946.64) 0.88 2.00%- - (110,947.52) 1,844,462 0.09092 167,698.49 1,464,015 0.08676 127,017.94 60.68 183,829.59 183,830.47 0.88 2.00%- - 183,829.59 6,421,594 0.09092 583,851.33 2,348,763 0.08676 203,778.68 962.74 972,422.33 972,423.22 0.89 2.00%(3,683,457.34) 17,131.87 (2,693,903.14) 8,684,696 pro-rated 300,322.00 2,760,681 pro-rated 92,138.00 (4,162.79) (2,305,605.93) (2,304,747.58) 858.35 2.00%- - (2,305,605.93) 9,118,426 pro-rated 329,342.64 2,798,527 pro-rated 101,814.00 (3,483.38) (1,877,932.67) (1,877,075.53) 857.14 2.00%- - (1,877,932.67) 9,871,600 0.03604 355,772.46 3,247,879 0.03604 117,053.56 (2,735.87) (1,407,842.51) (1,406,983.95) 858.56 2.00%- - (1,407,842.51) 9,052,000 0.03604 326,234.08 2,971,899 0.03604 107,107.24 (1,985.29) (976,486.48) (975,626.49) 859.99 2.00%- - (976,486.48) 7,773,497 0.03604 280,156.83 2,732,609 0.03604 98,483.23 (1,311.94) (599,158.36) (975,626.49) (376,468.13) - - (599,158.36) - - - (599,158.36) - - (599,158.36) - - - (599,158.36) - - (599,158.36) - - - (599,158.36) - - (599,158.36) - - - (599,158.36) - - (599,158.36) - - - (599,158.36) - - (599,158.36) - - - (599,158.36) - - (599,158.36) - - - (599,158.36) (599,158.36) pro-rated pro-rated - (599,158.36) - - (599,158.36) pro-rated pro-rated - (599,158.36) - 280,156.83 98,483.23 (1,311.94) THIS ROW USED TO CALC JET ENTRY C A A B 202003 UPDATE DATE MONTHLY TO CALC JET ENTRY JET ENTRY:DR CR Interest Income 419600.GD.ID B Interest Expense 431600.GD.ID 1,311.94 (B) Amortization 191000.GD.ID 377,328.12 A+B Amort Expense 805110.GD.ID 378,640.06 A 0.00 check s/b 0 When calculating prorations, included $855 schedule 146 amort in error - schedule 146 does not apply to Idaho Amort Corrected in 202003 ID PGA March 2020 6 of 13 04/02/20 1Page: 202003Accounting Month: Print Date: arpgasbyglest NUCUTDatabase: Gas by GL Account - Estimate ALLDirection: ALLStrategy: GDService Code: ANJurisdiction: ALLDeal Type: ALLCounter Party: NDeal Number Exclusions: 04:54:56 PM YExclude Intra-Co Heat Rate: GD PURCHASE 001-804001-GD-AN-DL 001-804002-GD-AN-DL TOTALS: TOTALS: ($41,514.60) Gas Transportation AN Variable Transport Charges AN Dominion Energy Questar Pipeline, LLC Dominion Energy Questar Pipeline, LLC Northwest Pipeline Corporation Northwest Pipeline Corporation-->Avista Corporation Northwest Pipeline Corporation-->Clark County PUD No. 1 Northwest Pipeline Corporation-->Duke Energy Marketing America LLC Northwest Pipeline Corporation-->IGI Resources Inc. Northwest Pipeline Corporation-->Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Spectra Energy - Westcoast Energy Inc. Spectra Energy - Westcoast Energy Inc. Spectra Energy - Westcoast Energy Inc. TC Energy Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. TC Energy Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. TC Energy Gas Transmission Northwest LLC TC Energy Gas Transmission Northwest LLC-->IGI Resources Inc. TC Energy NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. TC Energy NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Northwest Pipeline Corporation Spectra Energy - Westcoast Energy Inc. TC Energy Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. TC Energy Gas Transmission Northwest LLC $3,365.53 ($1,425.90) ($14,184.00) ($29,270.23) $1,850.00 $3,621,735.46 ($1,480,748.92) ($422,347.11) ($120,670.60) ($144,201.36) ($97,212.24) $9,237.80 $93,187.28 $197,011.50 $210,567.21 ($2,848.33) $427,479.04 $25,725.64 $.00 $.00 $8,850.21 ACCTSP ACCTSP TPORT TPORT TPORT TPORT TPORT TPORT ACCTSP ACCTGS TPORT TPORT ACCTGS TPORT TPORT TPORT ACCTGS TPORT TPORT TPORT TPORT $3,365.53 $1,850.00 $3,621,735.46 ($1,480,748.92) ($422,347.11) ($120,670.60) ($144,201.36) ($97,212.24) $9,237.80 ($1,425.90) $93,187.28 $197,011.50 ($14,184.00) $210,567.21 ($2,848.33) $427,479.04 ($29,270.23) $25,725.64 $8,850.21 CURRENT VOLUME MMBTU PRIOR PERIOD CURRENT MONTH DEAL TYPECOUNTERPARTY TOTAL USD (CREDIT) DEBITPRIOR PER VOLUME MMBTU ID PGA March 2020 7 of 13 H:\Natural Gas Accounting\Gas Costs\2020 Gas Costs\2020 WA _ID_OR Gas CostsMar 20 -AN only 4/3/20202:20 PM Washington/Idaho/Oregon Gas Costs Mar-20 GL Account AN Nucleus Storage AN JP 408 Injections 808200 GD AN (7,158.00)$ AN JP 408 Withdrawals 808100 GD AN 1,850,726.36$ Total AN JP 164100 GD AN 1,843,568.36$ Clay Basin (QUESTAA) Injections 808200 GD AN / OR (73,266.68)$ Clay Basin (QUESTAA) Withdrawals 808100 GD AN / OR 89,759.75$ Total Clay Basin 164115 GD AA / OR 16,493.07$ OR JP 408 Injections 808200 GD OR -$ OR JP 408 Withdrawals 808100 GD OR -$ Total OR JP Owned 164100 GD OR -$ OR JP 403 Injections 808200 GD OR -$ OR JP 403 Withdrawals 808100 GD OR -$ Total OR JP Leased 164100 GD OR -$ Total Net Storage (Injections)/Withdrawals 1,860,061.43$ NUCUT PURCHASES (GL Estimate Report) Commodity Purchases 804000 GD AN / OR 8,030,050.85$ Fixed Demand and Capacity Releases 804001 GD AN / OR 2,251,525.13$ Variable Demand (Transport) Costs 804002 GD AN / OR 34,575.85$ Hedge Activity 804010 GD AN / OR 8,984.95$ Financial Settlements 804600 GD AN / OR 1,011,648.33$ Intraco Purchase from Thermal 804730 GD AN / OR 765,529.58$ Cochrane Credit 811000 GD AN / OR (21,973.12)$ Information from other journals -Deferred Costs: WA Imbalance from DJ 436 804000 GD WA (5,743.18)$ ID Imbalance from DJ 436 804000 GD ID (2,518.02)$ OR Imbalance from DJ 436 804000 GD OR -$ M Chemical Accrual 804000 GD AN 7,000.00$ Broker Fees DJ 471 804017 GD AN / OR 22,333.57$ Mizuho Journal DJ 476 804017 GD AN / OR 4,072.61$ Wells Fargo Journal DJ 476 804017 GD AN / OR 4,166.11$ Merchandise Processing Fee DJ 467 804018 GD AN / OR 5,284.72$ WA/ID/OR Sales for Resale Physical and Bookout -From GSALES 483000/483600/483730 G (6,108,177.00)$ Deferred Exchange Revenue 495028 GD AN (375,000.00)$ GST/HST Recon (Quarterly) DJ 437 804000 GD AN / OR 14,428.21$ WA/ID Buy/Sell Transportation Recovery- pass through 804001 GD AN -$ no longer credited as per Eric Scott Entitlement Penalty - Reverse Clearwater partial amount per agreement 495000 GD ID 426,202.00$ 483600 GD AN / OR (1,147,589.76)$ Input fr GLE Sales 483000 GD AN / OR (1,409,196.46)$ Input fr GLE Sales483730 GD AN / OR (3,551,390.78)$ Input fr GLE Sales (6,108,177.00) Journal # 430 Entry Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. 244745 ZZ ZZ (Clear MTM on FX for 2 months out)-$ -$ -$ -$ 182374 CD AA (Clear MTM on FX for 2 months out)-$ -$ -$ -$ Total Other Adj -$ -$ -$ -$ Total from GLE 13,940,403.00$ (13,940,403.00)$ Total - NUC (GD / ALL)13,940,403.00$ (13,940,403.00)$ Groome, Carolyn:Recorded a RED entry for March2020 month end. Need to manually reverse when credit is issued in Misc Bills ID PGA March 2020 8 of 13 H:\Natural Gas Accounting\Calendar Sales\WAID Calendar sales\2020 ID Calendar Sales Volumes Idaho Sales Volumes Consolidated Volumes March/20 Schedule March/20 February/20 March/20 March/20 Total NotesDescriptionBilledUnbilledUnbilledNet Unbilled Schedule Summary for Commodity Deferral :8,242,437 4,346,871 3,877,931 (468,940)7,773,4972,820,411 1,312,439 1,224,637 (87,802)2,732,609828000828000000000000000 Notify Rates Dept if used 0 0 0 0 000000 Total Retail Sales for GTI 11,063,676 5,659,310 5,102,568 (556,742)10,506,934 includes interruptible rate schedules Transportation 146 282,272 282,272 289,235 6,963 289,235 Transportation 147 143,196 143,196 153,460 10,264 153,460 Transportation 159 5,970,545 0 0 0 5,970,545 Transportation 169 0 0 0 0 0 Total transportation 6,396,013 425,468 442,695 17,227 6,413,240 Total sales 17,459,689 6,084,778 5,545,263 (539,515)16,920,174 Schedule Summary for Demand Deferral: Total Firm Sales 11,063,676 5,659,310 5,102,568 (556,742)10,506,934 Total sales for PGA demand deferral, excludes interruptible rate schedules Schedule Summary for Commodity and Demand Amortization: 11,062,848 5,659,310 5,102,568 (556,742)10,506,106 Firm 112 828 0 0 0 828 Annual lump sum amortization Firm 131 0 0 0 0 0 Annual lump sum amortization Interruptible 132 0 0 0 0 0 Annual lump sum amortization Total Firm Sales 11,063,676 Check total sales 17,459,689 6,084,778 5,545,263 (539,515)16,920,174 17,459,689 6,084,778 5,545,263 16,920,174 ID PGA March 2020 9 of 13 03 2020 Regulatory Information Monthly Review WA_ID PGA Deferral-Amort 4/3/2020 1:38 PM Description GL Account Rate Schedule Sheet Nov'18-Oct'19 FERC Natural Gas Interest Rate 4.96%UPDATED QUARTERLY http://www.ferc.gov/enforcement/acct-matts/interest-rates.asp Commodity Rate 191010 GD WA 101 - 132 Debit $0.17067 $0.15284 Changes annually with PGA filing Demand Rates 191010 GD WA 101 Debit $0.10239 $0.09651 Changes annually with PGA filing 102 Debit $0.10239 $0.09651 Changes annually with PGA filing 111/112 Debit $0.09239 $0.08727 Changes annually with PGA filing 121/122 Debit $0.09225 $0.08727 Changes annually with PGA filing 131/132 Debit $0.05950 $0.05591 Changes annually with PGA filing 146/126/116 Debit $0.00054 $0.00054 Changes annually with PGA filing Commodity & Demand (Sch 155)191000 GD WA 101 <Credit>$0.09166 ($0.00409)Changes annually with PGA filing 102 <Credit>$0.09166 ($0.00409)Changes annually with PGA filing 111 <Credit>$0.07625 ($0.01035)Changes annually with PGA filing 121 <Credit>$0.04780 ($0.01035)Changes annually with PGA filing 131 <Credit>$0.00000 $0.00000 Changes annually with PGA filing 146 <Credit>$0.00000 $0.00000 Changes annually with PGA filing Customer Deposit Rate changes annually 2.00%UPDATED ANNUALLY IN JANUARY Check IPUC website (Year 2020 Order # 34482) Commodity Rate (Without GTI)191010 GD ID 101 - 132 Debit $0.16886 $0.15199 Changes annually with PGA filing Demand Rate 191010 GD ID 101 - 112 Debit $0.09584 $0.09295 Changes annually with PGA filing Commodity & Demand (Sch 155)191000 GD ID 101 Debit $0.09092 $0.03604 Changes annually with PGA filing 111 Debit $0.08676 $0.03604 Changes annually with PGA filing 146 Debit $0.00263 $0.00000 Changes annually with PGA filing ID PGA March 2020 10 of 13 Idaho Amortization CORRECTION ENTERED 201911 201912 202001 202002 201911 201912 202001 202002 201911 201912 202001 202002 202003 805110.GD.ID (393,315.00) (431,154.00) (472,826.02) (433,341.32) (392,460.00) (431,154.00) (472,826.02) (433,341.32) 855.00 - - - 855.00 191000.GD.ID 389,152.93 427,672.05 470,091.58 431,357.46 388,297.22 427,670.62 470,090.15 431,356.03 (855.71) (1.43) (1.43) (1.43) (859.99) 431600.GD.ID 4,162.07 3,481.95 2,734.44 1,983.86 4,162.78 3,483.38 2,735.87 1,985.29 0.71 1.43 1.43 1.43 4.99 (0.00) (0.00) - 0.00 (0.00) (0.00) 0.00 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Washington Amortization Interest CORRECTION ENTERED 201911 201912 202001 202002 201911 201912 202001 202002 201911 201912 202001 202002 202003 805110.GD.WA 187,141.00 138,933.00 160,241.24 150,798.06 187,141.00 138,933.00 160,241.24 150,798.06 - - - - - 191000.GD.WA (181,985.69) (134,215.42) (156,522.84) (147,707.10) (181,710.32) (134,214.17) (156,521.69) (147,705.95) 275.37 1.25 1.15 1.15 278.92 419600.GD.WA (5,155.31) (4,717.58) (3,718.40) (3,090.96) (5,430.68) (4,718.83) (3,719.55) (3,092.11) (275.37) (1.25) (1.15) (1.15) (278.92) - (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) - (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) ORIGINALLY RECORDED SHOULD HAVE RECORDED CORRECTION NEEDED ORIGINALLY RECORDED SHOULD HAVE RECORDED CORRECTION NEEDED When calculating pro-rations in 201911, included $855.00 from Schedule 146 in error. Schedule 146 does not apply to Idaho Amortization. When calculating interest in 201911,the Large Customer Refund of $121,937.23 was calculated at 1/2 months interest in error. Should be treated same as the annual transfers for the PGA and get full months interest calculation. (current months amort is only amount that should be calculated at 1/2 months interest). ID PGA March 2020 11 of 13 ID PGA March 2020 12 of 13 ID PGA March 2020 13 of 13