HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191217November PGA.pdfAvista Corp, l4l l East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 December 17 ,2019 U)C)y)o-2. State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission tl33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of November 2019. This infomration is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34472 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustnent filing (Case No. AVU-G-19-06). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of November, commodity costs were higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $83,791. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $396,090. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $312,559 (including interrst). The amount of amortization recorded for the monti is $393,315 for a total rebate balance of $2,304,748 (including hterest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at kaylcne. schuhz(rDavistacorp.corn or (5 09) 495 -2482. Thank you! Sincerely, Kayl Regulatory Affairs Analyst Regulatory Affairs Enclosures 7Jfil C)m?ma e (frnc) \.| --J. 5rO i,liqsra 00 a 6 eq,Fo t'=iYE E8p< Ft3 U .9 c UE c9 9b 6g Ic EF 8E8=5EEC &-E€<l'.i E!E:.i, E>a'! seE € [*>4 :EE .J €- ) F.l .D -- a F CErE ri (,(, && (D0 o€ori \ol,i e8 a 9 F (/ ::{ =g) ii :adN Qg :< t8 oo Lr,lc, LJ , e,7 =,) 6 U U s Ic!)!r oU &a ; c--;R _9ng E+;RE; ar ?. E.5P v!, 3;. r.Er! iEE .r > 8<., Q33i"aB - t.6' :ss.g5 : ,-- 6 =3'i dN z6 -c.E (l,; E 1 qo 9p ==(= r= Eg&&cc 8P EEc0(!e\ q o\- t t:,; F N'- o € 8 6 c o o E o c&"?Eoi .E-E? c!.(,.t€E EE88 S8d c'.od d\3 { cSs u. v E z-!g _E _b I bE iE E€ 6.\rO.aFo€ooroo .,i ei oi -.:-FG9-.1B*g€\F.\ ci r; ei e - !l E -,: -: -,: i -,t I J -,: J J ..,: i J -,;ooo606aoo66000 t3dci 6-o\ = 8X g .a 't IJ I.,/ (./ t,i IJ I., \,,J \J IJ \J \J 9 \J !,/ 69uaq3,,Eii E)i'v ,.\5= i r =H 2E6 fr i H- 96 Ei 6 , 9fr,_E iH ZiE;E EH E T;ET6 74 >. u Sf.2g 6 u 5:UE 3? 4 3 *a E2 n 3 = E?H 5.=., + 9H 6= t * 9e;i ):. ?. 7 - = t! !:? A 4 A tr !i a; 7 = ; E s; 2"?, ; * s 2r-"-=xHfEi=*i:E=7 2z = E E EE = =:5 E 22 EE E = Ee,d . '= . ,& '4 '= tF 3E e gu ; e? I eE 3 8U 9E e? I o s? E EE E= EE EE E E 5Et ocoooooooocc.ar\ot-€6N- I f !N Qr-; ! zi 'c E ; A; =E:3 -9Fo.X-or.9:xI 6iiUo;(.! 1El5, EEEE!lJ<oI U { - I 22 t2. I -E lixiE;a7asE EJ8f 4tlI. dU + oE >5-<<o€9-!Z = a -aUdUO= l.] n U!t sssSE ! Iqlr. IIIT ll' Ll -::i :Eio€::.8E: ITT iriil 1t{ I te6S Ei ,r,iiiiiii,ui IIlr[! rtt ! iIEi ![38 t a p ?3e sB9 rE8 +1 9S::: EEgBg .9 I oj ffiffiiiE 888 gg" 2r2rrt,!!!!!!! t t i.itEt 858oo.. !Et I iIIIIttEtt i a i r' "lelrIlr lsltJd IT 888:48 s8 IE::iE: Errrrtl;}T3;I e! Ir E4EI r! aI; IiiIIIIItrrtrttt Istr;Ei'iltll::H!8i rlflqF' 11'E!9::3!39i l;i*3lil;iI 38r8888ETIETq I rFli [" -sls EII1i [.. "t- ,rrrtrr tttttiitL lEg;i!!nIlEilitIIii;til 8 i 8888883;88;8 l! ol t: E!ErTI fl1IIltall 8{ Iooaooo ao oooolj,oo to ogtgriE Et E te! ilE"iIi i*riEIiil r'-\' 3 3tt F EEI!fi| .I z E i,i! ,l-, I[iIEI E IiI iI s, Ei !r !; iEiIiiE EE!IIiE fl: c l!-iiltii i iIII AEIE 3f 8! g :t L! l3 li'd; l6lltlI :A !E rTI IE I t5 i; I ETI i; I B a t) 8. Irli !s i tiSs- ISEEl!sE 3l!! !tl E Erl] EE] BdiIt ta 8t Et :!3'F"rigIil Eil *8 ''3rEt8 trt :fr U TI EI i 6 I6 ,l i ia ,*"i,ts3glt Ii, f!! iir :E}iit-a ris II =!E' I E $ Er 2I I bl',-oE z !; EA I It - Ic tEE , eZdt 3 IE-t -Ei 3o *8 38 !eIt ti,t-'- si dJ t 9 t:igE E E H I tt.--1.--.le-1.-l--1,, I ta8E8: ! 8rtaa8 Iirlll t!! I I;;;::: :1i : Illisr8ssill!8I:rt,i.o..ar.ir li Itar rrrsgiEI ilIr ""l lsr! !': a IlfrrB!r!tl.sIiltr....lr..tt r: latF,r8laE.8lltt:'"t'1F"iI tg' sEssfrs I- Ittr: ssss6, Etiaa: t!_ti {? IEtt r3i8t!-r- rl .rt Irar, - rtsEl' tl;:it 'o!',!; t9; - {t.'6.. f*i i I![i:e:rs EF I(ErT::'I,* tiItli !il_It rI:a .a!:I l'iii'ill tlI I ttd d d Irllitaili!i!t; stta;i tl ttei:E l8t! 8 t ataF !lt srteltl"'"'i ! titi 8se6 a r8 B8sBErf""'tr! dr! f8ttl ?!Irai I .EaEl.l la s, .s t. rf t l( ! P 8 ,I:I br E z *8r8 ;l 8886898-. t tFt " t' ilttrl d ii,riillltlltg'l tI =(I -1 o oo-o-l B ,! G. I E sa .g c( ,E .g .E =EE(!}oocaL0. iii G6EtttccE ooo ooo E6E eoo E A6' aE-zYOo EFNbEE 'E<!OE 55 EE oolL tt.E't5 EE oo oo oo oo (,(,oooo =..Fooru-k9d.+JE<cdI,c?i!rEg uJ 5naoPto9EE 5.! A i :)z z J) lz2 og,F ot!:f, sq g ?^ FH P* lrJEP EB* fri'E e, +,Pdq = oo- Ei Hed6 E E,E-E!E ooooooo-co-o-t!o-EE'E'Et}'tt]taeatt cttcsc oooooo qqqqq9 600600oooooo (J(Joo Eo tttll,F 4ras <{ t--E!oq,=E1<b.z OO.66a =oIF6E =d ooooooaLt:.ato-o-o- EEEEE' EECECC oooooo ddciddc; ':lqqo9 6EEEE8 3=ooo(9oooooo I E, E E a oo-E,a I 3 o ct I 5 E o u,lF d.J aEutIIIIJoar2eOd6ez! -Fae<: =d v.uJFE lool!F oI). s .q a _qiret a E EI.:J ur Sl IE stbfrg EgEurE6l! sEI =H H 9i d =;.}t3FH FzllJtrEfo oz E .D 5 o o t ar o)96EI 3(,, gs; tta c o o o.E o I b- E z November 2019 5of28 lnteroffice Memorandum Rates and Tariff Administration DATE: 8t12119 TO: Jennifer Hossack, Resource Accounting FROM: Kaylen€ SchulE SUBJECT: s-Day Peak Allocator Attached is the latest consecutive S-Day Peak Firm Sales requirement analysis, This analysis develops the three-year average percentage of firm sales gas purchased and delivered for Washington and ldaho. The average is based on the maximum tirm sales requirements for five consecutive days for each of the past three heating seasons. The calculation method used was approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Docket No. U-89-3105. The following new percentages for Washangton and ldaho should be used effective November 1, 2019: Washington ldaho Total 68.68% 31 32Yo ,f100.00% lf you have any questions about this please call me at ext 2482 ,{,{llsta Corp November 2019 7 ol 28 Meister, Keri From: Sent: To: Cc Meister, Keri Monday, November 25. 2019 3:28 PM Schultz, Kaylene Brandon, Ann€tte RE: Rate Review - NovemberSubject: , .- . The PGA rates themselves look fine;yut I was confused by the direction (positives and negatives) thin8s were Boing rctative tti f tre-8alancestreermFait" on the "wA_lD PGA oeferral-Amorl" tab. lt might be helpfulto change the Balance Sheet lmpact for the WA amortization rates to a Credit (cells 019:D22) and delete the comment in cell D19. Same goes for changing the demand amortiuation rate B/S impact on the OR rates. Let me know your thoughts on this. Good catches! I neglected to update the "Balance Sheet lmpact" columns prior to sending to you. All is updated now. Thank you, Keri From: Schultz, Kaylene Sent: Monday, November 25, 2019 3:20 PM To: Meister, Keri <Keri.Meister@avistacorp.com> Cc: Brandon, Ann€tte <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com> Subl€ct: RE: Rate Review - November Hi Keri, Just a friendly reminder, the WA amortization rate is a surcharS€ this yeer, while the lD amortization rate remains in the rebate direction. They will be goint in opposite directions, which hopefully doesn't end up too confusing. Let me know if you need anything else Have a wonderful ThanksgivinB, Kaylenc Schultz, Regulatory Affairs Analyst 1411 E Hission AvG MSC-27, Spokanr, WA, 99202 ? 509.495.2482 www.myavista.com raodont. pLata notty lha !€ndcr and dcbf tnla a.nail trolt! your lraI.m Thtot you From: Meister, Keri Sent: Monday, November 25, 2019 12:34 PM To: Schultz, Kaylene <Kavlene.Schultz@avistacoro.com> Cc: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon l)istsra Subiect: Rate Review - November (Oavistacoro.com> I November 2019 8of28 Please review the attached rates review workbook for November 2019. I updated all the rates as discussed in our meeting this morning. Thanks I Keri rod M.lster lAY,SIA Ut.t IlEs Resource Accounting Anolyst I MSC 7 PO Box 3727 lSpokone, wA 99220 Di.ect 509.,f95.2102 | to,' 509.777.5217 karl.malJtcreovltlocoro-com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents orthB email rnessage and any atlachmrnts ara intcnd€d solely for lh8 addrcssas(s) end may conlsin confidcntisl and/o. privil€gGd intomation and may b€ Egally prolected from dBclosurG. lf you 8ro not the intended recipisnt of this msslagB or sn agsnl o, th€ inteoded rscident, or i, thia m6sage har b€€n addGlsrd to you in enor. pl€sse lmmrdi8t€ly alert the sender by 6ply ernail rnd thrn dclgte this m6$age and any rttachments. 2 November 20,l9 9of28 Ga3 cortr l{ov.19 Iucloua Sioraga AN JP 408 InFrronr AN JP 40E Wlhda*.sls t06200 0D at{ 106t00 Go Ax tI {3,037.s84.32) 2,f5f ,48t.35 15/t100 GO AN I (200.120-96) Clay Basn (QUESTM) hj.ct'on! Ch, B.6in {OUESTM) W,lM6w.lt 808200 GO Ait / OR 808100 00 atl / oR t 3 1266,258-3rl 60!,061.93 Tot l Ctay Eeoo ta,alr5 OD ^AIOR 3 244,m1.62 OR JP .108 lnj.ctons oR JP a06 Wrhd6r€h t08200 co oR10&00Gooi 3t Iolsl OR JP Own€d ltrt't00 GD oR I ! 5 OR JP 403 lnllclbns OR JP a03 wlthd€w.l! 808200 GDOR EOE,IOO GD OR Total OR JP Leased 't64100 6D oR 5 Total .t StoEg€ (lnJec onl,/wlthdrrwals 3 t33,3r3.3at XUCUT PURCH 3E3 (OL E.lk t R.port) Commocy PurEhaaaa Fn d O.ln d ,ld C+acn, Rdc.a.r VariattL Ocrnsd (rran'pon) Co.E !Ldg. Advity Fin..EC SdbnEnl! hlraco Purchaac ,tom Thcmel Cochr6ne C'.dit 80,4000 G0 Ax / oR lt)aoo,t Go ar{ / oR 60,.002 GD Al{ / OR lo{10 Goan i oR 80a500 GD At{ r oR 80a730 GD At{ l OR t'|r000 GDAN / oR r2,aN4,007.6r 2,2tt,,t1-ei 4,747.O5,17,442.* (420,3t6.781 I .,xt,tot.C2 12!,0.0.r51 1 /./, lntorrn.laon kom othor Journal! -O€r.nEd Costs: wA lmb€bn.. nrm DJ 436 lO lmb.l.nc.lrcln DJ 436 OR lmbc cr troltl OJ 438 M Charnlcd A.E Uel BEkar Faca OJ a71 MEuno Jourtit DJ 476 Wrtr Fargo Jouh.l DJ 475 t ..chrndlaa ftoar.sine Faa OJ a67 WAnO/Ofi SC!! tor R.aCr Phyric.lrrd Eooto{i from GSALES Daltiad Exchang! Rwrnue GST/HSI Ft con (Ou.nrdy) DJ 137 WA/IO Buy/Sol Trrlport.ton R.co\r.rf palr lhrougn Entu.m.d Panaly 80'rao0 CD tYA 3 E0ir0O0 GO lO ! t04000 6D oR tlo$00 Go Arl t l0a0t, oo Ar{, oR t l0a0t7 Go All / oR t 30,1017GOAllrOR 3 t0a01t Goalr roR t 481000rat3600/{t!730 ( 34e5021GOAit 3 80ao00 Go at{roR t !04001 Go ait 3 rt5ooo 6D at{ I --rufrifr v'. (tl,0tal.62) !/ ?,ooo.oo Y. 10,c2a.0 r' ,t2fr7 " 5t76.82 . /t,letar', t /attJr5.o3l -,/ (37r,OOO,0o' - (8,5,lll.2ll r' Totil Co.ts ior Ocfaraal includlng net gaa coats Tie to D.fr.r.l Entry .T3EOO GD AT / OR 4E3000 GO AN / OR {43730 G0 AN / OR tIt t2,tll:2 hpd kGLE Sal€B e,e7,4,5a2201 lnpd rr GLE Sal.s 14,507,641.15) lnpul rr GLE Selca (7,489,385.03' Joumall1(l0 Eni,y Dr Ct.D,.Cr. 804700.6O.AN1OR (aookoutdolkrrforSEC Reponing)5 t t 80a711.GO.Afl / OR {Boolout doll.6 lor SEC R.portrnc,I s 3 s 2147a522ZZlcla lAI?n on FX tor 2 months out)5 $t t 'l82l7a CO AA lol€.r lilltl on FX tor 2 month. out)t s s 3 Tolal oiher Adt I t 3 t roul f,om GLE Tot l - UC (GD /ALLI I 15,748.427 15 S i15,748,427.15) s 15.74A.427.15 4 115.74J..27.161 H,!!.ruc G5 a.furllr6aa co't!€ori wA lo G.. co$flov 19 - AN .^ry X AHvrsra Gas by GL Account - Estimate November 2019 10 of 28 Accountlng Month: 20191t Oiroclioni ALL Scrvlc. Codg; Go Str.tggy: ALL Juriidiction: AN Oe.lTyp.: ALL Counto, Pa.ty: ALL Exclude lnlra{o Hoat R6te: Y Ooal Numbar Exclualone: N PRIOR PERDEAL VOLUMETYPE mttBTU CURRENT VOLUME I'MBTU (cREOtO OEBrr COUNTERPARTY PRIOR PERIOO CURRENT MONTH TOTAL usD PURCHASE Transporiation AN oMhb. Errcy (lr..tr Pb.!m. LlC t{od*.t llp.{.. Coryo..{on xorirE .r Ap.hr corpo.dirnrarl.L c..Frd.n |.dih'r.t Plp.rt C.Do..lbn-{r.rt C..rnly PUO lb. r iao.itfirl PiF*x Corrmlb.-JooL EmrW lrt.the ^r..lc. lLC xo.$r.r PlFL Crro..tLr-tcl R..ou.r.r l*. ACCTSP IPORT TPfiI TPORI 'PORT s750.6? 43,tr4.539.59!3.!'ra !3t a9 (tl,l3li.lz1.Ut) (5a00.t a.50, (sfi7.09e@, (sial.r30?{) t31,a36,92r t3.09.!ai (lrrr,rng .1{ 21 GD .#vrstl Gas by GL Account - Estimate November 20r9 11 ol 2A hO..: lro.tD 0!ta?:22 AlO.r.b.x MrCUIAccoualine Looir: zoltli o6clo.r: ALL SrrYl6cod.: OO Str t gy: ALLJurtrdlclion; At{ O..l Tt?.: ALL Counbr Partyr ALI Erclud. hlra-Co ll.lt Rata: Y Dad rr or E cluakt !: x PRIOR PERDEAL VOLUmETYPE IBTU (cREDfr) DEA]I PRIOR CURNENTPER'OD f,OI{TH CURREI{T voLur*E ttiMBTU rOTAL U6DCOU TERPARTY GO PURCHASE Vsrieble Tr.nsporl Chrrgot Al{ r-ar*nr{..Cd'ad..-r(-.r^rdttrrt Ct.tacdco,rrd..\ rrotard It rt. Co.N...d..t-tE i &u.rd l,|.rl . h.. lFCt'. tn lly . w..ac..a ln rEi h!. aF.t g.if, - i..5-l lrrli, h.. aF.t.rn ryy.1i..$ t trrrt ic IC l,lrfl f.lOrL Plr. Un . Ua. IClr:ldf.d- r'|t Lln.rl!. rc E-Dl e- tr-an..aran l(rlrrri UC TC Enitt Or tl!r.d.ar6l f,odral (!C+g i..dl,l- rtc" IC :n ty mY 6..rrrl.*hrtL. lC !r|-!' EYA C- I.rrr-.5r UL 'lFoir IFOEI TPOBI Acct3a ractSP I?IORT rcGros IPORI roRr A6CTOS l,oer ts9794!) i3ar 3 01) (t56.!tr a3) 6ra.t!a.05) t10r.Et!t az,2.,.t5 (lrJor.?r) (tt ,3L sroj 088 ta (t979{ (lr r 3o, l I l9.rt2 90 l?!0.r4..56 lg.7s2 m l?r,,s4.58 00 I 404001 -Go.AN.OL TOTALSI nhr roao02-Go-AN.DL TOTALS: 5.00 lta.3i t.o 3.O tarl r ,e tt,l.31 11,6i179 !t.-ar vtt T!2-ra Lc,?ar,6 t220,?49 75 1t'.247 (1r.9 12)(17.9 gr!,sa 2a gla 9!a28 ol,3go.7a) 42.2a2.l/2.2 12,23!,?!1.6! t3!,120.9tt gll,!?0.95- l tlodlh.i lh.rn. C.rraatlcr! llt 'E l Plldnt CorD.rrlor lr.ca Enr! . vr.d....r En rE, hc tCE .,t leaoil- ?iF U'5 ll.r. TC !r..!, O- lrrt.Fl..b. l{qtl't.t ILG Ic aEi, Oa tr.F.lxr.6 taarhr.d ll'C rPoit IPOflI IFOiI lccrSP IFOf,I I A3 8fl"8. 8S.d' \ GD I !1 =lc I R 8ls* sli ::l: 886<J fls EI !? T Eg EI E,I tlr! :{u ,a,HI -.} Il ; lt 7Y. stgt E flsaEl - H E E E z !l ,l ? EI J88 EE [\ la f. U _!il 5 )t- ii 9 q E = 1 ElE: iI -E- IfEi?g{s E IE E ?2 a li i_ .fEr:tra{rt i: r?i=EIa dB'd r d..' j E r.E: E z I fr=s a Et -EI BIg€ 6 E i6i it, o =*. x5xN ;EhE50<z ): l" * *rl 18 I IEl li n n 5l Iqa I HI!r Ia l::slsul l.i ii il-'fleIl!.s-ligt I s)lEEl"- l"--} a. lis flfi-l---l- t- fl'P=e!t,lu= t"" Y c 8D8tci ci B=3EI EIdl,ri -- !_ ,! E a I Et =- gtJrEtI I 3I:.s* €Ei89 q J. F. o.q ggcqoo EI El- =E E Ea F 3 -fx= J 3 6 ! !c2.? 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E !e !i,a e!ft a Ir.E 3 EIz t3fi48 aar8 IIii!i!tttttt I;Iriiiit!l ;griiiir$'' I : .r o.' i[ a ! :::- -: : 8., i,. ! 3 r: :: !Ii: i' : ! i ;:: .,r .t56e-": ; ; i$ -'-!i" !-. !{ i 5l: i:9:.: ! $. i i :i,- i:.i:iiE 3! t L ' 3i, i. :r : ,'-: t'..-i::1'- -_ -a- i. i: ! E :l ;:,i:i.: i ! I ac E6 8i:'a -.:' i J ;l ir$ November 2019 24 ol 28 Meister, Keri From: Sent: To: SubJect: Berg, Jenny Monday, December 9, 2019 10:00 AM Meister, Keri NEW Additional Entries on NSJ Keri, please book these instead. Thank you! TO BOOX: trom: Meister, Keri S€nt: Monday, December 9, 2019 9:40 AM fo: Berg, Jenny <Jenny.Berg@avistacorp.com> Sublect: RE: Additional Entries on NSJ Tha nks I From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 9:33 AM To: Meister, Keri <i I'1, : > Subject: Additional Entries on NSJ Hi Keri, Please book the following entries on your NsJ for the tax side - . TO BOOr: Thank you, Jenny Berg, l'ax Analystl{l I L MiJ6ion Ave MSC-29, spol.n . WA,99202 Ir 509.495.263t I F 509 777 557t 283330 GO 410tm Go 283330 GD 4101m GD 283330 GO 1to2@ z. 283330 cD .10200 22 ID rD WA WA rO z. WA a. 0ro 3,59r,70 0Ix, 25,@6,2 ooo 6rx, 000 57 A3 3,597.7O ollo 25,6{1642 oro 5I,O 0ro 5743 000 283330 GD 4101m GO 283330 GD 4toj.oo Go 289330 GO 4to2@ D. 2E3330 GD 4$2@4. rO r0 a. ooo 3,597.7O t5,606A2 0.00 o'.00 6,OO o,oo 57 A3 3,597.7O oro 000 2tm632 6r,0 000. 5743 - \o1,0 A I November 20'19 25 ot 28 Avista utilities State of ldaho Deferral Account 191010 Reconcilation Customer B Customer D 1.00587 Expense Revenue (8s5.51) (851.54) lt6,z7s.26l (16,370.80) 177,73t.871 (r7,232.441 10/37/19 Balance Commodity Demand ?YO to/3LlLe Defe rra I Deferrals lnterest Schedule 112 Customer A 0.00 0.00 (0.00)(o.oo) Customer B (22.64l.(10.12)(1.40)(8s5.61) Customer C 0.00 0.00 (o.oo)(0,00) Customer D (1,034.16)(462.18)(2s.84)(t6,275.26l. 0.00 0.00 Schedule 132 0.00 0.00 Customer E 0.00 0.00 (0.00)(0.00) 0.00 0.00 Commodity (Firm Customers f 01-1321 (308,120.56)(6,668.0u (4,151,535.34) 0.00 Demand Customerc (Sales 101-1111 1137,7O4.67\939.42 495,210.75 0.00 0.00 Reconciling ltem 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total (309,177.36)(138,176.97)(s,7ss.83)(3,683,4s6.46) 0.00 November 2019 26 ol28 Me Keri From: Sent: To: Cc: Subjcct Attachments: Brandon, Annette Monday, November 11,2019 1:15 PM Acord, Heather Bonfield, Shawn; Hydzik, Nicole; Meister, Keri; Schultz, Kaylene RE: Large Customer Refunds WA Large Customers.xlsx; Large Customers.xlsx Good afternoon! Attached you will find the large customer refunds for Washington and ldaho which should be credited this month.7;* Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions. Heather, Nicole and Shawn - the checks should be in the "revenue" column. Keri, the transfer will be in the "expense" column but we will review at our meeting with Carolyn next week. - Thank youl From: Acord, Heather Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 2:02 PM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com> Subject: RE: Large Customer Refunds Hi Annette- Are there any PGA adjustments for this year? Thanks ! From: Brandon, Annette S€nt: Thursday, November 01, 2018 3:04 PM To: Acord, Heather <Heathe .Acord@avistacorD.com>I Cc: Gonser, Gayle <Gavle.Gonser@avistacorp.com> Subiect: FW: Large Customer Refunds From: Brandon, Annette Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 10:15 AM To: Bryan, Catherine <Catherine.Brvan@avistacoro.com> Subiect: Large Customer Refunds Catherine, if approved the attached will be the large customer refunds. The last column (under the revenue conversion factor) is what will actually hit their bills. The other part is the expense for Resource Accounting. Would you mind taking a look at it for me to see if l've Biven all the details required? Seems like last year you wanted to actual account number and rate schedule, so I have summarized in that manner. Let me know what you think. 1 November 2019 27 ol28 lf it's fine if you could forward it onto whoever it needs to go to, I would appreciate it. Thanks so much! Annetle lrondon I AVISIA WLfitES Monoger ol Regulolory Afioi6lRegulotory Alloir5 '.Ir l4l I E. Misslon I Spokone, WA 992028 Direct509.495.4324ll - lo\ W.777.5054 E mollo: onnelle.brondonocvblocorp.com CONFIOENTIALITY NOTICET The contcnts ol tha8 6mail mcasag6 and any atlachments are intcnded sollly lor the addrcssre(s) ard may contain confidantial and/or privileged inrormation and may b6 legelly protected lrom disclo8ure. lf you arc not tha intcnded rccipicnt of thi! messege or an agent of the intonded rrcipient. o, it lhis m63age has been addres3ed to you in er.or, ploaso imrir€diately alsrt the sonder by.eply email and then delete this message ard any attachments. 2 November 2019 28 ol2E Meister, Keri From: Sent: To: Subjea: Schultz, Kaylene Friday, December 6, 2019 2:49 PM Meister, Keri RE: November WA/ID PGA Deferral Reports Hi Keri, I was looking over November's month end report. l'm not seeing the entries for the WA & lD large customer refunds. Am ljust missing them, fCf ' ./ Happy Fridayl Kaylene Schultz, Regulatory Affairs Analyst 1411 E Mission Ave MSC"27, Spokane, WA, 99202 P 509.495.2482 www.mvavista.com recipienl, plealc notify $e sanda and dalet6 lhis emarllrom your sysiein Thank you From: Meister, Keri Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 12;04 PM To: Pluth, leanne <Jeanne.Pluth@avistacorp.com>; Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com>; Schultz, Kaylene <Kaylene.Schultz@avistacorp.com> Subject: November WA/ID PGA Deferral Reports Attached are the wA/lD PGA deferral reports for November 2019. Thank you, Keri l(erl ,l^clsler lAvrsfA Unt,IrES Re5ource Accounling Anoly!l IMSC 7 !J PO Box 3727 | Spokone. WA 99220 E Dkecl 509.495.2!0?l - tox :,u9.777.5217 Er kerl.m.lrlar@ovklocorc.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The contents of this email me3sage and Eny stlachments are intended sol6ly tor the add.6s8!6(e) and mey conlain confid€ntiel and/or privileged intormation and may be legally protoded from disclosure lf ygu are not the intended recipient ol this message or an ag€nl of lhe intended recipient, or ifthis message h8s been addressed to you In errof. pleasc ammedialely olert the sendcr by .eply email and then delete lhis mesgage and any attachments 1 .{'ivtsr,a