HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190913Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 9917 Street Address for Express Mail: 472W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702.5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORB THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RECEIVED 2019StP l3 Al{ll: l5 tt 1,,' lA:il ilU r'UjLl{r' l'i ll; I T lr:$ CfiMl.'{lS$lON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA TO MODIFY SCHEDULES 131,132, 146, AND 182 AND TO ADD SCHEDULE 181 IN ORDER TO CLARIFY PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO INTERRUPTIBLE AND TRANSPORTATION CUSTOMERS AND UPDATE ITS CURTAILMENT PROCESS CASE NO. AVU.G.19-05 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On August 14,2019, Avista ("Avista" or "Company") submitted Tariff Advice No. 19-01-G ("Tariff Advice"), requesting to modify its Schedules l3l, 132,146, and 182, plus create a Schedule 181. The Company proposed to: 1) clarify the curtailment process and order if a curtailment event occurs; and2) increase the curtailment penalty from $l per therm to $10 per therm for customers who have their service curtailed but continue to use gas. Because the Company's proposed Tariff Advice would increase the curtailment penalty from $1 per therm to $10 per therm, Staff recommended that the public have the opportunity to comment on the proposed increase. Order No. 34430 converted the Tariff Advice into an 1STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 13,2019 Application to be processed by Modified Procedure, suspended the Company's proposed effective date, and established public comment and Company reply deadlines. STAFF REVIEW Staff reviewed the Company's proposal to establish a new schedule, Schedule 181- Natural Gas Transportation Service Terms and Conditions, revise language in Schedules 131 and 132-Interruptible Service to ensure consistency with the language from Schedule 181, change the name of Schedule 182 to "Plan for Natural Gas Curtailment," and move language from Schedule 146 to Schedule 181 to eliminate redundancy. The Company's proposed tariff modifications are designed to clarify provisions that apply to Interruptible and Transportation customers, and the curtailment processes for all natural gas customers. Staff believes that language in Schedul e 182 makes curtailment prioritiesl clear and concise and should prevent confusion about the order curtailment would be implemented if necessary. Staff believes the proposed changes will not affect base rates paid by customers. Following the October 9,2018 rupture of a natural gas transmission pipeline located north of Prince George B.C., the Company activated its emergency operations plan due to a shortage of natural gas. The Company deployed its curtailment procedures and a number of customers were curtailed. Two days later, on October 11,2018, curtailments were lifted for all customers. After the event, the Company analyzed its emergency response and plans to identify and address process and communication improvement opportunities. Staff appreciates the approach used by the Company to learn from this emergency event and initiate improvements. In its Customer Notification Letter, the Company stated that; "The proposed penalty is consistent with other utilities in the Region and is intended to motivate customers to quickly curtail their usage of natural gas, if necessary." Staff examined curtailment penalties of other natural gas companies and determined that a variety of methods are used to determine curtailment penalty rates. Some companies use a formula based methodology which adds a multiplier to supply basin gas prices at a given point in time. Other companies use a fixed-per-therm penalty methodology similar to Avista's. Staff I The order of curtailment in the Company's proposed Tariff 182 is as follows: l) Schedule 146-transportation of customer-owned gas; 2) Schedule I I I and I l2-Larye General Service customers; 3) Schedule l0l-General Service customers; and 4) Essential Human Needs customers. 2STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 13,2019 believes that fixed-per-therm penalties are easier to deploy and provide customers greater transparency in understanding consequences of noncompliance to curtailment. In examination of curtailment penalties for other natural gas companies, Staff found per therm rates from $ I to $20. Staff found multiple companies with a $10 per therm penalty and believes that the Company's proposed penalty rate of $10 per therm is reasonable. Staff believes that penalties can be used to financially motivate curtailment action if set at a high enough level. Conversely, when penalties are low or insufficient, customers may not choose to curtail consumption and accept the financial consequences of a penalty. Staff believes that it would be beneficial for the Company to confirm that affected Interruptible and Transportation customers are aware of the proposed changes and have had an opportunity to validate curtailment procedures and contact information with the Company prior to implementation, if approved. Staff also reviewed ldaho Code $$ 6l-531 through 6l-531to determine if the Company's proposals fall under the Commission's statutory authority. Staff believes that the Company's proposed changes are not limited by or inconsistent with Idaho Code. CUSTOMER NOTICE AND PRESS RELEASE The Company included a customer letter with its Application. Appendix A. The purpose of the letter was to inform customers about the Company's proposal to update its tariffs and why the changes are needed. On August 27,2019, the letter was mailed to affected Interruptible and Transportation customers, providing them a reasonable opportunity to file comments with the Commission by the September 19,2019 deadline. As of September 12,2019, no customer comments have been filed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission approve the Company's Application and accept Tariffs submitted with Advice No. AVU-19-01-G. Staff recommends that the Company contact each affected customer (Transportation Schedule 146 and Intemrptible Schedules 131 and 132), verify receipt of curtailment penalty change information, and validate emergency contact information. 3STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER I3,20I9 Respectfully submitted this l3t( day of September 20rg. Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Kevin Keyt Kathy Stockton Curtis Thaden i :umisc/comments/avug1 9. 5dhkskkls comments 4STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 13,2019 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 13TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU-G-19-05, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LINDA GERVAIS MGR REGULATORY POLICY AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE W A 99220-3727 E-MAIL: linda.eeruais@avistacorp.com avistadockets@avistacorp. com -b,r)CocstatuT"Evl- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE