HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190823Decision Memo.pdfRE DECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: KEVIN KEYT DATE: ALIGUST 21,2019 Avt{- $- t't-o( AVISTA TARIFF ADVICE NO. I9-OI-G REVISION TO AVISTA'S TARIFF SERVICE SCHEDULE 27 BACKGROUND On August 14,2019, Avista ("Avista" or "Company") submitted Tariff Advice No. 1 9-01-G to revise Avista's Schedule 27 . The revised tariff would enable the Company to clarify provisions applicable to interruptible and transportation customers, and the curtailment processes for all natural gas customers. Avista requests an eff'ective date of September 27,2019, Following the October 9.2018 rupture of a nalural gas transmission pipeline owned and operated by Enbridge and located north of Prince George, 8.C., Avista activated its emergency operations plan. The plan rvas activated to address a shortage of natural gas and a number o1'the Company's custorrrers u'ere curtailed. All cuslomer curtailments were Iified two day's lollorving the rupture on October I l, 2018. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISIONS The Company analyzed its response to the event to address improvement and process opportunities and communication associated with curtailment procedures and tariffs. The proposed tariff revisions reflect the Company's effoft to clarify and streamline its' curtailment process. The proposed revisions do affect the curtailment process and associated penalty customers may be charged. Among the changes listed in the Company's submission is the increase of its curtailment penalty from $ I per therm to $10 per therm. DECISION MEMORANDUM -1-AUGUST 2I,2OI9 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the Company's proposed tariff changes, application, and Customer Notice. Staff believes the proposed changes will not affect base rates paid by customers. However, Staff believes that an opportunity for public input on the Company's request would be prudent and in the public interest. Staff recommends a comment deadline of September 13,2019 and a reply deadline of September I 8, 2019. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure, and Notice of Suspension of Tariff Advice that suspends the Company's Tariff Advice, converts the Tariff Advice into an Application with comments due on September 13,2019 and reply comments due September 18, 2019? Keyt Udmemos/Curtailment Decision Memo DECISION MEMORANDUM -2-AUGUST 21,2019