HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191107Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO.9917 Street Address for Exprcss Mai[: I133I W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 837I4 Attomey lbr the Commission StafT BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMMENTS OI'THE COMMISSION STAFF BACKGROIJND On July 1,2019, Avista Corporation ("Company" or "Avista") applied to the Commission seeking an extension of its electric and natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment C'FCA) mechanisms through March 31,2025. Application at 1. With its Application, the Company also requested the Commission's approval to alter the first deferral period of the proposed FCA extension so the Company can better align future deferral periods with rate adjustments . Id. The Company additionally requested authority to implement an annual true-up as part of its FCA deferred revenue calculations and to extend its quarterly FCA reporting deadline. Id. Avista STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 7,20I9 F.:CEIVED ,t i i::'j -7 Pt'l l: 07 -: _l l,' ,0i,ii'ilssl0N IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE EXTENSION OF'ITS ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISMS. COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Auomey General, and in response to the Notice of Application and Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 34387 on August l, 2019, in Case No. AVU-E- I 9-06lAVU-G- 19-03, submits the following comments. ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU.E,-I9-06/ AVU-G-19-03 I requested that its Application be processed using Modified Procedure with a proposed eflective date ofJanuary 1,2020. Id. at2,8. History of Avista's FCA The FCA is a rate adjustment mechanism designed to break the link between the amount ofenergy a utility sells and the revenue it collects to recover fixed costsl of providing service, thus decoupling the utility's revenues from sales. This decoupling is intended to remove a utility's disincentive to pursue cnergy efficiency savings. The Commission approved Avista's FCA as a three-year pilot program, as part of the approved settlement ofAvista's 2015 general rate casc. .See OrderNo.33437. This Orderalso set forth how the FCA mechanism u'orks, including: trcatment olexisting versus new customers, quarterly reporting, annual filings, interest, accounting. and 3% rate increase cap. 1d at 10. On June 15, 2018, the Commission approved an addendum to the settlement stipulation approved in Order No. 33437, which extended the term ofthe Company's FCA lbr an additional ycar. See Order No. 34085. Pursuant to the addendum to the settlement stipulation, the Company. Commission Staff, and interested parties met on March 27 ,2019 to review the efl'ectiveness of the FCA mechanism. In the present case, the Company proposes to extend its electric and natural gas FCA mechanisms through March 3l ,2025 and has committed to atlending a workshop with Commission Staffand interested parties befbre June 30,2024. to discuss the future of its electric and natural gas FCA mechanisms. 1rl at 4. I Fixed costs are a utility's costs to provide service that do not vary with cnergy use, output, or production, for example, infrastructure and customer service costs. )NOVEMBER 7,20I9 Staff Concerns Raised in Previous FCA Proceedings The FCA goes beyond its staled lunction of removing a utility's disincentive to pursue cnergy efficiency savings. StalThas statcd in past comments that while Avista's FCA is cffcctive at shielding utility revenues lrom the reduction in sales produced by energy efficiency, the mechanism also removes much ofthe Company's lixed cost risk ol'reduced sales attributable to many other Iactors. 'l'hese factors include wcathcr, cconomic cyclcs. improvcd building codes and standards, improved appliance standards, and behavioral responses to higher electric bills. S'I'AI. I-' COMM t.,N'I'S Addressing the risk associated vvith fixed cost recovery has value fiom llre Company's standpoint because it stabilizes revenue and may lower capital costs. Staff has stated that customers should share in the benefits of lower capital costs. Staff has also stated in past comments rclated to Idaho Power's FCA that its mechanism provides for recovery ofcosts without verification that these costs are incurred. The same concem applies to Avista's FCA. This means that unlike the Pow'er Cost Adjustment ('PCA') mechanisms in place fbr both Avista and ldaho Powcr, recovery olcosts in the FCA are not trued up to actual costs. Staffs concem regarding Avista's FCA is somewhat mitigaled because Avista has filed two electric general rate cases and one natural gas rate case since the implementation of its FCA. These frequent filings have provided iur opportunity for periodic review ofthe Company's capital expenditures. STAFF REVIEW Staff recommends the Commission approve Avista's request lbr the extension of its elcctric and natural gas FCA mechanisms through March 31,2025. Additionally, Staff recommends the Commission approve the Company's request to: (l) alter the first defenal period of the proposed FCA extension so the Company can better align future deferral periods with rate adjustments, (2) implement an annual truc-up as part of its FCA del-erred revenue calculations, and (3) extend its quarterly FCA reporting deadline. Stafls recommendation is based on its review olthe Company's Application, the testimony of Company witness Mr. Patrick Ehrbar, and the attachments thereto. Although Staff has concems with several aspects of the FCA, StafT supporls the extension primarily because it helps remove a utility's disincentive to pursue energy efficiency savings. Acquiring cost- elfective energy efficiency is an important part of lcast-cost, least-risk integrated resource planning. As mentioned above, the FCA removes much of the risk offixed cost recovery through adjustments that help stabilize utility revenuc. l"or exanrple, ifa cool summer results in lower sales and insufficient rcvenue to cover fixcd cost estimates, a subsequent FCA surcharge helps make up the shortfall. Revenue stabilization reduccs financial risk and can help reduce the Company's cost of equity. Lower equity costs benefit Avista, and if passed on to customers, help mitigate customer ratc increases. lf Avista's proposed FCA is approved. Staflmay consider -)S'|AFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 7. 2019 proposing reductions to the Company's return on cquity to ensure these benefits are passed to customers. Despite Staff s conccms with the FCA, Staff supports Avista's request for an extension in this case because the Company has been open 1o refining the mechanism over time. For example, since implementation of the FCA, Avista has proposed several modifications that have been accepted by the Commission. Avista is proposing three additional modifications in this proceeding. Staff supports the extension of the FCA through March 31,2025, in part, bccausc of Avista's demonstratcd efforts to address and remedy stakeholdcrs' concerns with the FCA. Staffbelieves that the tkee modifications proposed by Avista will improve the functionality of the FCA and recommends Commission approval of each. First, the Company has proposed to alter the first deferral pcriod olthe proposed FCA extension period so the Company can better align tuture deferral periods with rate adjustments. Statfagrees with the Company that its proposal will reduce the lime belween the deferral period and the ef'fective date of any adjustment. Currently, the Company files its previous ycar's F'CA adjustments on or around June 30 following a l2-month del'enal period covering January I through December 31 of the previous year. FCA rates then become effective on October I (electric) and November I (natural gas). Under the Company's proposal, the deferral periods w'ill move forward by six months, which means that they will begin calculating the FCA defenal on July I rather than January l. To transition to del'erral periods beginning.Iuly l, 2019, the Company is proposing an eighteen- month deferral period (January 1,2020 through June 30, 2021) as the first deferral period if its Application is approved. Subsequent defenal periods will be l2 months and will run from July I through June 30 as discussed above. Because each deferral period will movc forward by six months, the Company is proposing that thc iiling dates move lrom June 30 to July 3 1 . Any rebate or surcharge will be implemented closer to thc def-erral period. Rates will continue to be eflective on October I (electric) and Novcmber I (natural gas). Staff views the reduction in lag time between the deferral period and the effectivc date as a beneficial modilication to the FCA mechanism. Placing a rate adjustment closer in time to the causc for the adjustment improves the transparency of rates. 1S'IAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBE.R 7. 20I9 Second, the Company proposed an annual true-up2 as part of its FCA def'erred revenue calculations. Staff supports this modification because the current deferred revenue calculation, based on the calculation of l2-monthly results, does not mathcmatically match the annual FCA revenue-per-customer result. The proposed true-up corrects this mismatch. StatTagrees with Avista's observation that the proposed change puts the actual results more on par with the derivation ofthe authorized iunounts (i.e.. authorized annual revenue-per-customer as compared to the sum of monthly revenue-per-customer). The Company provided an analysis showing there would have been a small impact if this change had bcen made during the pasl thee years of the FCA. Staff reviewed those results, described in the testimony of Mr. Ehrbar, and agrees with Avista's conclusion. Third, the Company has proposed to extend the quarterly FCA reporting deadline. Specifically, the Company proposes to modifu when it files its FCA quarterly rcpo(s with the Commission from 45 days to 60 days after the end ofeach quarter. Staffsupports this modification because it provides fbr a more careful review without impeding the timely implementation of rates. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission approve: 1. the Company's proposal to extend its electric and natural gas FCA mechanisms through March 3l,2025; 2. the Company's proposal to aller the first deferual period ofthe proposed FCA extension so the Company can better align future deferral periods with rate adjustments; 3. the Company's proposal to implement an annual true-up as part of its FCA deferred revenue calculations; 4. the Company's proposal to extend its quarterly FCA reporting deadline; and 5. revised tariffs to conform to the aforementioned Staff recommendations I through 4. 2 Staffclarifies that "true-up" in this case does not mean aligning to actual incurred costs, as it does in the PCA. ln this context, "true-up" means aligning to authorized levels ofrecovery. 5STAFII COMMEN I'S NOVEMBER 7.20I9 Additionally, Staff recommends that the Commission order the Company to attend a workshop with Commission Staff and interested parties before June 30,2024, to discuss the future of its electric and natural gas FCA mechanisms. Respectfully submitted this 1tL day of November 2019. Hardi Deputy Attomey General Technical Staff: Bentley Erdwurm .Iohan Kalala-Kasanda Yao Yin i iumisc:comments/avue l9.6,6vug I 9.3dhbejkyy commenls 6S'I'A I.' F CON,{ N{F,,N' I'S NOVEMBER 7, 2019 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I FIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 7Ih DAY OF NOVEMBER 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NOS. AVU-E-19-06/AVU.G.19.03, BY MAILING A COPY TI]EREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TII ST BOISE ID 83702 E-mail: botto@idahoconservation.org DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COLTNSEL AVISTA CORPORA'fION PO BOX 3727 SPoKANE WA99220-372',1 E-mail: david.meyer(alavistacorp.com SECREl-Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE PATRICK EHRBAR DIR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION POBOX3727 SPoKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: patrick.ehrbar@avistacorp.com avistadockets@avi stacoro.com