HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211129Quarterly Report.pdf,jivsra Avista Corp. l4l I East Mission P.O.Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 November 29,2021 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd Bldg 8 Suite 201-4 Boise, lD 83714 RE: AW-E-19-06/AVU-G-I 9-03 Electic and Natural Gas Fixed CostAdjustnent Mechanism Ouarterly Report Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista's Electic and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjusfrnent Mechanism Quarterly Report. The report consists of spreadsheets showing the monthly nevenue deferral calculations for July, August, and September202l. Also included in the report are the monthly general ledger balances resulting from the deferral and amortization activity during the 3rd quarter of 2021. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to Tara Knox at (509) 4954325. Sincerely, lsl Joe Miller Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Enc. r.rl -,': fqr _'' t-. +'1\ a:' -'c,. C:} '\a,.,'l:ii *# fn",^. t\) fl). ;-l to rn i#,f-- .(_ #F$il :[ ffi:,ry& r,r{b,{"1 t\,,*"Bci Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adiustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 Avista Lltilities Electric Fixcd Cost Adjustmcnt Mcchenism (Ideho) Dcvelopment of Electric Defcrrels (12 Months Ended Junc 2022) AW-E-19-04 FCA Base - Rates Efrectivel2llt20l9 AW-E-2I-0I FCA Base - Retcs Efrective0910112021 Line Source JuL2l (a) Reridcntirl Group No Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (l)-(16) Page 3 (5) x (6) (3) - (le) (4) - (20) (2) - (2t\ Page I (10)x(ll) (E) - (e) {12) (7) - (13) (15) + (28) Rcv ConvFact* Customer Deposit Rate AvgBahncc Calc :((2e). (30), (32)) I 14.060 I tq.7 t0.272 $ I I .465.672 s 688,248 I14.220 99.03 5.447 s 9.6t0.225 s 68s 787 (k) I 14.331 71.120.t06 s 7 .252.227 s 689 130 3rd Qurrter 2021 Totel 742,614 290,065,E25 28,338,124 2,067,t 65 325,730 $50.76 $ 16,535,564 (i)(b) I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Exlstlns Castonars 5 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 6 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 7 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Actual Usage (kWhs) Load Change Adjustmcnt Rste (i/kwh) Variable Power Supply Revenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjustrnent Revenue Residential Revenue Per Customer Received Existing Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) Ncl,t Cuslomers Actual Customers New Since Test Year Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Reveoue Actual Usage (kwhs) Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kwh) Variable Power Supply Rwenue Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Residential Revenue Per Customer Received New Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) Total Residcntial Defcral - Surchrrge (Rcbab) Defqrrl- Rcvenrr Rclatcd Expcnscs Intercst on Deferral Monthly Rceidentiel Mernl Totdr 107,863 $54. I 8 $ 5,843,tt0 $ 107.E79 5,E78,863 109,988 $43.76 $ 4,812,821 E 9 l0 ll t2 t3 l4 l5 $ $ I 1,055,39t 652,942 I r 5,502,89e 0.02212 2.s54.924 7,847,525 s72.75 (2.003.645) 9,220,E01 653,741 94,943,155 0.02212 2, I 00,143 6,466,9t9 $ 7,060,917 s 664,381 59,462,902 $ 0 02500 I t,736,573 $ 4,659,964 142.37 $ t52,857 $ 27,337,t12 $ 1,971,065 279,908,956 s 0.02283 $ 6,391,639 $ 1E,974,407 $5E.25 s (2,43t.t44) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ l6 t7 l8 Revenue Reports Page 3 (16) x (17) Revenue Reports $ Revenue Reports $ Revenue Reports Page I S (2llx(22't $ Page I $ (23) x (24) $ (le)-(20)-(23)-(2s) $ (7) - (26\ 410.28r $ 15.306 S 1.207 .37 3 0.02212 $ 93,067 $ 0.0251 I s 105,647 $ 176,26t $ $28.44 14,222 i 6 197 $33.e7 2t0,4E2 $ 6.34 I $34. 2t6,630 $ 4.316 i28.29 t22,946 16,884 s32.58 550,059 l9 20 2l 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 s 399.422 16,046 1.0s2.2e2 0.022t2 90,522 0.025 I I 102.757 t70,09t s26.r3 46,532 l9l,3l0 24.71e I.{t57,:04 0.02500 46,430 0 02445 45,409 74,722 sl7. t9 48,224 201,0& (r76) 1.00o/o I.001.013 96.100 l0,l 56,869 0.02265 230,019 0.02499 253,8 I 3 421,081 $24.94 128,978 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ (l,e6eJ23) $ $ 10,735 $ | 00qo $ (1,959,504) S $ (1.959.504) S 2,952 s $ $ $ $ (230e,r66) $ r2,tt2 34 35 36 37 Cumulative Residential Deferral (Rebate)/Surcharge Prior Calendar Year Subset Interest Prior Calendar Year Subset Balance Current Calendar Year Subset Inlerest $ r9t'206 s Q)o1,7271 (2.499 $ (2,30t,727) lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Electric Deferral Page 1 of 9 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 Avistr Utilities Electric Fixcd Cost Adjustment Mcchanism (Ideho) Dcvclopment of Electric Defcrrels (12 Months Ended Junc 2022) AW-F-19-04 FCA Brse - Rates Effectivel2llt20l9 AW-E-2141 FCA Bese - Rates Effectivc09l0ll202l Line Sourcc Jul-21 (a) Non-Residentiel Group No. Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (l)-(16) Page 3 (s) x (6) (3) - (le) (4) - (20) (2)-(2t) Page I (10)x(ll) (8) - (e) -(12) (7) - (13) Revenue Reports Page 3 (16) x (17) (7\ - (26) (15) + (2E) Rcv Conv Fector Customer Deposit Rate AvgBalancc Calc 25.577 98.853.290 $ 8,36 I .:55 $ 682.274 23,490 $214.33 $ 5,034,595 $ (k) 25,61 I 84.512,973 $ 7,506,58 I $ 680.362 3rd Qurrtcr 2021 Tot l 76,793 278,238,496 s 23,91 l,892 $ 2.042,938 70,957 $19t.76 $ 14.103.636 (i)(b) I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Eristinp Customen 5 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 6 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue p€r Customer 7 Fixed Cost Adjustrnent Rwenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Actual Usage (kWhs) Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Variable Power Supply Rcvenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjustnent Revenue Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received Existing Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) 25,605 94.872.233 8.044,0,{6 680.303 23,466 $199.0 4,670,076 24,001 $ I t3.28 $ 4,398,964 8 9 l0 il l2 l3 l4 t5 $ 8.02t,303 $ $ 649,848 $ 95.1 16.710 $ 0.02212 $ $ 2,103,9t2 $ $ 5,267.473 $ 9224.24 $ (232.t76) $ 7,697,990 647,582 91,057,517 0.02212 2,0t4,192 5,036,216 (366.1 39 2llq $ 107 229,702 $ i46.066 s i2.722 I.8 14.71 6 s 0.02212 s 84,3t2 $ 0.02484 $ 94,758 $ 134.205 $ 95.496 tATs i 7,2t4,315 $ 655,745 E2,096,910 $ 0.02500 $ 2,052123 i 4,s76,147 $190.66 $ (177.114) $ 23,003,608 $ 1.953.175 268,271,136 $ 58.25195 I 2,052,423 $ 14,879,836 $209.70 i (776,200\ l6 l7 t8 New Castoners Actual Customers New Since Test Year Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Actual Usage (kWhs) Load Change Adjustment Rste ($/kwh) Variable Power Supply Revenue Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjustnent Revenue Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received New Customer Defenal - Surchsrge (Rebate) Tdal Non-Rcsidential Defenrl - Surchergc (Rcbatc) Dcfcrral - Revenuc Relafed Expcases Intcrest on Dcftrral Monthly Non-Rcaidcntiel Ilcfcrrel Totrlr Cumulative Non-Residential Defenal (Rebate)/Surcharge Prior Calendar Year Subset Interest Prior Calendar Year Subset Balance Current Calendar Year Subset Interest Total Cumulative Deferral x2e), (30), (32) line (34)$ (2,082,4s2) $ (2,8e2,263 2.087 $l15.65 241,364 $ 1,6t0 $105.27 169,477 (rE,e74) 387 1.00o/o 5,836 $ t09.76 640,s43 $62. l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Revenue Reports $ Revenue Reports S Revenue Reports Page I $ (21)x(22) $ Page I wtd avg S (23)x(24) $ (le) - (20) - (23) - (25) $ $ 222.265 $ 24.6 t6 2.4 16.063 $ 0.02500 $ 60,402 s 0 02317 $ 55,980 $ il,267 $50.48 $ 88,210 s $ ll9.95i 32,,115 1.736.5 80 0.02212 82,6s3 0.02484 92,Et7 132,058 $63.28 109.306 908,284 89,763 9.967,360 0.02282 227,416 0.02444 243,s54 347,510 $59.5s 293,013 $ $ t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (123,570) s $ 674$ L00o/o $$ $ (122,e4t) $ $ ( r22,e48) $ $ (ttpso) $ (48r,280) (483,r87) 2,5t5 3 (4t1,2t0) $ 34 35 36 37 38 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Electric Deferral $ (2,783,008) Page 2 of 9 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 Aviste Utilities Neturel Ges Fixed Cost Adjustment Mcchanism (Idaho) Devclopment of Neturel Gas Defcrrels (12 Months Endcd June 2022) AVU-G-17-01 FCA Besc - Rates Effective llll20l9, With Sch l72Ttx Reform Adj - Retes Effective llll20l9 AW-G-21-01 FCA Base - Rates Effective09l0lD02l Line Source JuL,2l Aus-21 Sep2lNo. 3rd Quarter 202t Totd I ., 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt t2 l3 l4l) l6 l7 IEtv 20 21 11 23 24 25 26 27 28lv 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 (a) Rcsldcntiel Group Total Actual Billed Customers Total Actual Usage (Therms) Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Exlsflno Caslomers Actual Customers on System During Test Year Monthly FCA Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjustsnent Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Actual Usage (Therms) Customer Fixed Cost Adjusunent Revenue Residential Revenue Per Customer Received Existing Cuslomer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) New Cuslomers Actual Customers New Since Test Year Monthly FCA Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Actual Usage (Therms) Fixed Production and UO Storage Rate per Therm Fixed Production and UG Storage Revenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjus[nent Revenue Residential Revenue Per Customer Received New Customer Defenal - Surcharge (Rebate) Total Residcntial Dofenal - Surcharge (Rebate) Defenal - Revenuc Related E:eenses Interest on Deferral Monthly Rcrldcndd llcferrel Totrb Cumulative Residential Defenal (Rebate/Surcharge Prior Calendar Year Subset Interest Prior Calendar Year Subset Balance Current Calendar Year Subset Interest (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (tl - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) (l l) - (12) {r5) (e) - (r6) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22\x(23\ Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I $ (30) x (31) $ (26) - (27) - (30) - (32) $ (i)0)(k) 78,571 $7.0s $ 554,16r $ 78,5t7 547,662 84,8M $7.s3 $ 638,856 88,760 1.033,766 $ l.0t3.5rs s 534.e84 88,922 I . I 38,852 $ I .0ee.l 8l $ 536,2s I 89, I 76 I .659.697 s 1,200.90e $ s37,lle (q) 266,E58 3,832,3 I 5 $ 3,313,625 $ 1.608.574 241.892 $7.20 $ 1,740,6E6 $ 3,045.217 $ 1,464,238 3,563,992 $ 1,580,e79 $6.s4 $ 159,707 24,96 $6.70 $ 167,208 $ 268,408 $ 144,336 $ 268.323 $ 209,933 $ (1,214) $ 903,398 $ 475,831 924,030 s 990,2s2$ 475,928 1,034,226 $ t.151,567 $ 512,478 t,605.736 $ 427,567 $5.44 $ 126,601 $ 5 t4,323 $6.s $ 33,339 $ 639,089 $7.54 (233) $ 10.189 $6.66 $ 67,843 $ 4,312 $7.06 $ 30,849 10,405 68.515 (e) - (33) $ ll0.l36 $ $ s9.1 53 $ I 09 736 I 08.929 60.123 t04.626 $ 49,342 $ 24.860 53 961 $ 7,6s2 $ (33) l.0U/o $ l7l $ 0 02599 $ 2.852 $ 48,131 $ $4.72 t9,7t2 $ $ 0.0259 $ 7.089 $ 116,982 $4.69 $ s0,22s $ 0 02812$ r,sr 8$ 2296s $5.25 $ 7,E84 o.02599 2,719 45,887 $4.41 22,629 $ 55,968(18)+(3s) $ 146,313 Rev Cmv Factor $ (854) Customer Deposit Rate I o0o/o Avg Balance Calc $ 6l $ 144 $375 t 145520 S S5,7ts $ 7,7t9 $ 2lD'09,f ,((37), (38), (40)) $ r45.520 $ 201,305 $ 209,094 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Natural Gas Deferral Page 3 of 9 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 Aviste Utilitics Naturel Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mcchenism (Ideho) Dcvelopment of Natural Ges Deferrals (12 Months Endcd June 2022) AVLJ-G-I7{!I FCA Bese - Retes Elfectivc llll20l9, With Sch l72Trrx Reform Adj - Retcs Effectivc llll20l9 AVU-G-21-01 FCA Base - Ratcs Effectivc09l0lB02l Line Source Jul-21 Aue-21 Scu2lNo. 3rd Quarter 2021 Totrl (a) Non-Rcsftlential Group Toal Actual Billed Customers Total Actual Usage (Therms) Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Etdstlnp Cuslomen Actual Cuslomers on System During Test Year Monthly FCA Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Acoal Usage (Therms) Customer Fixed Cost Adjusfinent Revenue Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received Existing Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) New Cuslomcn Actual Customers New Since Test Year Monthly FCA Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Actual Usage (Therms) Fixed Production and UG Storage Rate per Therm Fixed Production and UG Storage Revenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received New Customer Defenal - Surcharge (Rebate) Tobl Non-Residential Defenal - Surcharge (Rebate) Defenal - Revenue Related Expenses Intercst on Dcferrd Monthly Non-Rcsldiltid Doferrrl Totds Cumulative Non-Residential Defenal (Rebate/Surcharge Prior Calendar Year Subset Interest Prior Calendar Year Subset Balance Current Calendar Year Subset lnterest Total Cumulative Deferral Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I wtd avg $ 0 02781 $ (30)x(31) $ 1,t40 $ (26) - (27) - (30) - (32) $ 10,832 $ $171.93 $ 1e.286 $ $ 6.615 $ 66. I 3q I 9.661 7.015 65.84 I 0.0278t t,E3l 10,8 t 5 $159. (e) - (33)$ (2,0e2) $ 783 (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (1 ) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (ll)-(12){15) (e) - (16) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22)x(23) (18) + (35) Rev Conv Factor Customer Deposit Rate Avg Balance Calc (i)0)(q) 4,676 3,3 I 3,888 $ 1,046,117 $ 495,191 4,534 $l t l.t9 $ 824,69s $ t,002,8t0 $ 480,314 3,165,985 g 522,495 $t 15.24 $ 302,200 142 $155.6e $ 22,108 $ 43,308 $ 14,877 147,902 $ 0.0278t $ 4,154 $ 24,2t7 $ t 70.97 $ (2.16e) $ 300,031 $ (r,563) 322 $ 29E790 1,554 977.181 s 348.684 $ 165.073 1.573 | .085. I 83s 36e,227$ r67.3 rl (k) 1 549 1.251 524 328.206 I 62.804 $ 99 (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (2E) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll l2 l3l4l) l6 l7 l8t, 2U 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28It,u 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 $ I,491 $ 159.93 $ 238,450 $ 1,505 295,950 I,538 $18E.75 $ 290,29s $ 329,398 $ 158,458 911,042 $ 349,566 $ t60,299 t,019,343 323,846 l6l,5s8 t,235,601 $ $ $ 170,940 $l14.65 $ 67,510 $ 189,267 $125. $ 106.683 $ t62,288 $105.52 $ 128,007 63 $138.72 $ 8,739 $ ll $r 60.97 $ 1,771 68 $r 70 I I,599 $ 65,418 $ $ (3S2) $ l.o0% 27 t07,46 106,937 172,000 4.360 1.241 I 5.e23 0.03034 483 2,630 $239. I 3 (860) r27,147 (554) 1.00% 196 $ 126,790 $ 298,790 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ x37). (3r), (40) $ 65,06:' $ $ 65.061 $ Res line(43) +Non-Res line (43) $ 2l0,st3 $ 373,305 $ s07,8r4 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Natural Gas Deferral Page 4 of 9 Jurisdiction:ID Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 Balance Sheet Accounts FCA Dofaned Rovenuo -t erc Acct Jurisdiction:ID FercAcci Desc Acoorttrtmg Servicc Pcriod 107 108 109 202107 202108 202109 202107 202108 202109 Pdor Yolr FCA rrcgrmtng Balamce -t .21 I Bdance l5 -2.4e9,933.2t 727.40 -l l5 107 -34329t.22 4t8,810.92 t4s,st9.7o 108 19.70 785.34 109 20t .04 7,789.24 .04 .28 .57 -l .80 -122,947.80 -269,382.29 -392,330.09 .35 -l8l 11.27 t6 65 l6 .44 789.58 298,790.02 77 .28 REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED 186328 186338 REG ASSET D DECOUPLING D REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D REG ASSET NON.RES DECOUPLING D REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D ':a i :;r,*TS#ESS ...l-:d,-ir1il.ffi,l#l&i.,i:il :, ;. ;t;,. .,f .';:r. j.i..le$'.8&-hil"i=ii:*:i"erF,Affi Fr',i REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PR]OR YE YE REG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET. DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG . NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. .206,1 REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING 182329 I 82339 Fcrc Acct Acct Accounting Period Bcgindtrg Balanoc 202107 -l .06 202108 -2262,581.06 -l,885.4r 202109 -t .06 202107 7t -361 17 .75 726.04 202108 :270.61 202109 :324,996.65 -270.83 :i25,267.48 202107 .69 74 202108 l3 t1.74 .93 195.67 202109 15,195.67 1,679.33 2,016,875.00 202107 57 .67 202108 -l 30,539.36 202109 -l l4 .50 -t Balanoe -108.78 -l t4 -108.87 -t 757.01 -l lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Accounting Balances Page 5 of 9 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 Deferred Revenue Approvcd for Recovery Surcharge REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG r 82328 Ferc Acct Ferc Accl Desc Service Accounting Period '107 108 109 107 108 109 t0't 108 109 107 108 109 Beginning Balance Ending Balance t890 .17 2.603.',|'r -27 10 -24,984.70 -t9,889.10 44,873.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 48,s39 38 -10,774.64 37 .? 64.7 4 37 7 64.7 4 27 16.16 27 16.16 193.t2 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 -30,348.26 0.00 REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING G REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING I 82338 Rebate REG LIABILITY DECOUPLING REBAT REG LIABILITY DECOUPLING REBAT REG LIABILITY DECOUPLING REBAT REBAT REG LIABILITY DECOUPLING REBAT REG LIABILITY DECOUPLING REBAT 2s4328 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accounting Service Period 109 Beginning Balance Monthly Activity Ending Balance 107 0.00 0.00 0.00 t08 000 0.00 0.00 109 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 t01 -73.314.22 8,005.48 {5.308.74 108 74 85 109 -56.445.85 12.895.30 43.550.55 107 0.00 0.00 000 r08 0.00 0.00 000 109 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107 42,854.13 6,641.23 -36,212.90 108 2.90 -28.830.7 I 7 l9 7l 8,521 .2t -20,303.50 22,550.63 REG LIABILIry NON RES DECOUPLI ED REG LIABILITY NON RES DECOUPLI REG LIABILITY NON RES DECOUPLI GD lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Accounting Balances Page 6 of 9 Jurisdiaion:ID Avista Corporation Flxed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 Accumuhbd D€fer.d lncom. f.r Frm Acct Jurisdic-tion:ID Acoo@tng Pcdod lncomc Statcment Accounts Dafia,rod Revenuc 72J02.85 -37 BogiErng Bdoco 481 ll 451 481 1.56 .52 702.t5 t8.76 AOF]T OECOUPLING DEFERRED RE\/ ADF]T DECOUPLING DEFERRED REv ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REVffi ADFIT DECOUPL]NG DEFERRED RE\/ ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE\/ ADFIT DECOUPUNG DEFERRED RE\/ffi 283328 Fcng Acct Dalc AooMrtrg Itqvioc Pidod Bcgilnitrg Bdiloc .ut l3 13.t2 78 .37 73 8.31 It5.85 Behocc .t9 .13 .67 .68 .88 .41 .09 2l 157 .89 .s2.52 -t -l JI Amort of Prlo, Pedod lreier.d Revenue RESIDE]iITIAI DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTNL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 156328 NON.RES DECOUPL]NG DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NOT{.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 4s633t RESIDENTTAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTI/AL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 495328 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERREO RE 49533t AMORTTZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE 456329 AMORTIZATION NON.RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NOil.RES DECOUPL]N - AIIORTIZATION RES DECOUPLTNG DE AIITORT]ZATrc)N RES DECOUPLING DE ATilORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AITIORTIZATKIN NO}*RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NOTCRES DECOUPLIN Ferc Acct D6ac Aocofiing BcgilDiEg BdfiocPcdod tt2.56 .51 27 t5 t72.23 107 197.73 108 1.89 :l 109 107 108 109 107 108 t09 107 108 109 73 6-l Balmcc 2t 7.st 89,310.36 .89 l7 .45 .05 .:307 -l.67 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Accounting Balances Page 7 of 9 Jurisdiction:ID Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 lnterest Expense/lncome INTEREST INCOME - DECOUPLING INTEREST INCOME . DECOUPLING INTEREST INCOME - DECOUPLING INTEREST INCOME . DECOUPLING INTEREST INCOME . DECOUPLING 4 I 9328 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc I 328 INTEREST EXPENSE - DECOUPLING Jurisdiction:lD Accounting Service Period Monthly Activity Ending Balance Begrnning Balance 202107 202108 202109 202107 202 108 202109 202107 202108 202109 202107 202108 202109 Financial Reportlng Contra Asset Accounts -l t0,76t .67 -l,698.33 42 -11 .03 727.56 -19 6.59 -l 9.056.59 -1.705.08 :20.761.67 .00 130.97 -500.58 -87 .7 |-588.29 -588.29 :243.t9 -E3l .48 -831 48 -367 0l -l 198 49 +97.9t 5,495.49 {,EzE.EE 2,760 91 8,256.40 966.74 l2 l4 t4 .87 0l 11 .52 19.46 480.00 .46 4.599.46 4s7 19 5.056.65 44 t .81 46 12,386.52 INTEREST EXPENSE . DECOUPLING EN EXPENSE. DECOUPLING INTEREST EXPENSE . DECOUPLING INTEREST EXPENSE . DECOUPLING Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Seruice Accounting Period 202107 202 I 08 202109 202107 202t08 202109 202t07 202 108 202109 202107 202 I 08 20210e 202107 202r08 202109 202107 202108 202109 'TIi:: Monthly Activity Ending Balance 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 25331 I CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE 2533t2 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 1563 I I CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 4953 I I lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Accounting Balances Page 8 of 9 NOTES Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2021 1) The following table shows how the decoupled revenue per customer has tracked with use per customer for each quarter of 2O2L. The similarity of the percentage change indicates that the mechanism is working as intended. The slight differences in the Change in Revenue per Customer vs. the Deferral per Customer is due to a customer true-up recorded in June 2021. Summarized Quarterly and Year to Date Use per Customer and Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer. Change versus Authorized YTD wtdq1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Average Electric Residential Change in Use perCustomer (L221 255 293 427 Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -$q.gz 515.55 550.23 531.08 Deferral per Average customer s4.92 -s15.88 -s20.23 -s31.28 Electric Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer (7771 321 (158) (607) Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -528.72 540.25 518.88 530.87 Deferral per Average Customer 528.72 -$40.41 -518.88 -530.96 19 s7.38 -s7.38 208 St24.7s -5L24.7s (71 -S3.+e s3.2s (4) -$2.36 s2.36 7 s1.s1 -S1.71 (313) -s7s.85 S71.43 % s.s% 6.L% -t.9% L.8% L.6% o.7% -23% -3.2o/o Natural Gas Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer Natural Gas Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer (2s) (4so) -s7.90 -sL92.4e s3.s7 stgz.+g 2) The contra asset accounting shown on page 8 is for financial reporting purposes only. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles allow revenue recognition from alternative revenue programs up to the amount expected to be collected within 24 months following the end of the annual period in which they are recognized. Due to the 3% annual rate increase limitation a portion of a2O2L surcharge may not be fully recovered bV 1213t12023 and therefore would not be recognizable as income for financial reporting purposes in 2021. The income statement impact of any contra deferra! entries will be eliminated for normalized ldaho results reporting. lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2021/ Notes Page 9 of 9