HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210830Quarterly Report.pdflistsra Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 August 30,2021 Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83714 RE: AW-E-19-06/AW-G-19-03 Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjusfinent Mechanism Ouarterlv Report Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista's Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Quarterly Report. The report consists of spreadsheets showing the monthly revenue deferral calculations for April, May, and June 2021. Also included in the report are the monthly general ledger balances resulting from the deferral and amortization activity during the 2nd quarter of 2021. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to Joel Anderson at (509) 495-2811. Sincerely, lsl Joe Miller Joe Miller Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs Enc. Ir, . :i. : (li' (:) t .' ..(' C} ,. f1"l r "t Avlsta Utilities Electric Fired Cort AdJustment Mechanism Qdaho) Development ofElectrlc Deferrsls (lt Months Ended June 2021) AVU-E-f9-04 FCA Bsse - Rrtes Efrective 12ll/2019 Lloc No.Source Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 Apr-21 Mry-21 2[d Qusrter Rer ised 2021 Joo-21 Totrl lE Mont 6t30 (a) Reidentirl Grcop Total Actual Billcd Customas Total Actual Usage (kwhs) Total Actual Be l{ate Rwaue Total Actud Fixed Charge Revaue ExiJ,iw Cutuncrs Actul Customs on S}ryt@ Duitrg Test Y@ Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Rwsue ps Customq Fixed Cost Adjustmal Revmue Aclul Be Rate Rw@ue ActMl Fixed Chuge Revmue Actual Uege (kWhs) Load Chege Adjushmt Rate ($ikwh) Viliabl€ Powq Supply Rwmue Customa Fixed Cost Adjustrat Revmue R6idmtial Rflaue P6 Customtr Reived Existing Customtr Deferral - Swchdge (Rebat€) NN Cusoners Actual Custom6 Nw Sb€ Test Yfr Motrthly Fixed Cost Adj. Rw6ue pq Customq Fixed Cost Adjustm@t Rev@ue Actrd Be Rate Revmue Actual Fixed Chage Rwaue Actual Usge (kwhs) had Chilge Adjustm@t Rste ($&Wh) Vaiable Powa Supply Rw@ue Fixed Prcductiotr ild Tmsisio! Rate ps kwh Fixed Production md Tmmision Rwmue Customq Fircd Cost Adjustmat Rwaue Reidmtial Revaue Ps Customfi R@ived Nil Customq D€fmal - Suchuge (Rebate) Total Rc.idcotial kral - Swhrgo(Rrbate) Hcrd - RGMcnuc Rclal€d E (pas Intmst m Dchral MurtU RgldmtLl llcfsnl f otlb o) Revmue Reports R€vaue Repois Revmue R€ports Revaue Repons (r) - (16) Page 3 (5) x (6) (3) - (re) (4) - (20) (2) - (21) Page I (10) x (l l) (r) - (e) {12) (7) - (13) Revaue R€pons Page 3 (16) x (17) Rwaue Reports Rwmue R€ports Revmue Reports Page I (21) x (22) Page I (23) x (2a) (19)-(20)-(23)-(25) (7) - (26) (t, + (2r) Rfl Conv Factor Customs Deposil Rate Avg Balance Calc (r)(s)(r) I l 1.778 92,016,869 8,855,1 r 9 684.903 il 3.7I 81.750.38 I 8.081,55.1 684,80 r 167.52 I 12.017 1.68q,995 0.012 rl 59,503 0.015 I I 6'1,546 10t,445 $19.42 49,60t I t4,017 97,166.95 | 9,191.815 688.659 18.1.388 13,6?8 1,865,605 0.011 l l 63,3E7 0.025 I I 7r,955 l 15,367 $19.41'il,t't6 34t,5 l6 273,034,201 26.232.608 2,058,36,3 1,E5. l'tt $ 10t,372 108,137 10t,072 324,5E1 54.9',1 $ 45.15 $ 44.18 941 .96 5,957,732 $ 4,tt2,33E .3 l,?gqam $ r5,56t,371 $ t,5r5,192 $ 7,816,033 $ 9,009,447 $ 25,340,6'72 S 654,14t $ 652,774 S 654,9il $ r,961,t95 S 88,534,735 il,060,3t6 94,401,346 263,996,467 0.021: $ 0.0r?r: s 0.022l] $ 0.02212 s 1,95t,3t8 $ r,793,056 $ 2,0tE,l5E $ 5,839,602 $ 5,902,663 $ 5,370,204 $ 6,266,30t $ 17,539,175 S $s4.47 $49.66 $s7.98 $54.04 55,069 $ (417,166) $ (1,538,007) $ (1,970,804) $ l1 (: t 9 r0 ll l2 l3 t4 l5 I lt t1: ll l,E0t 3! l2l l6 t1 l8 5..106 $34.46 It6,3l4 $ 5.58.1 $28.30 l5E,O53 i i. 5.945 $27.69ffi#t* $ 16,935 $31.39 531,61 l $ t91,937 $ 96,468 $ 9,037,734 $ 0.022r2 $ 199,9r5 0.0251 I $ 226,938 $ 368,6r7 $ $21.7'1 162,994 $ 9,t54 (?,10s) I9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 2t 29 30ll a1 33 3.10.0:t $ 10.761 $ 3,481. r 14 0.011r : $ 77,025 $ 0.0:51 I $ t7,436 $ 144,804 $ $26;19 41,509 $ 96,579 $ (526) $ t.00% (344) $ $ $ $ s $ $ 4( $ $ s $ (438257) $ (1,,166,131) 2,389 S 7,992 1.0070 1.00o/o (,tE6) $ (t215) $ s 3 (r,807,809)(,t $ c$ E 9170r t (364,929) $ (,r36rs.) 3 (r,49,{r4) t or00,050) J (, (r0r,2r3) $ (2,260,697)34 Cmulative Residmtial Defsml (Rebateysuchilge q(29), (30), (32)) $ lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 Z.OZL / Electric Deferral Avlsta Utlltties Electrlc Flxed Cost Adjustment Mechrnlsm (Idaho) Dcvelopment of Electric Deferrats (lt Months Ended June 2021) AVU-E-19-04 FCA Brse - Rrtes Efrffrtlve l2lll20l9 Llne No. Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 Soucc ADr-Zl M.v-21 2nd QutrtcrRe'ised 2021 Je2l Totrl It Monl 6/30 (a) Non-R6ldcrd.l Grcup I TotalAclualBilledCustomm 2 Total Actual Uege (kwhs) 3 TotalActualBeRateReYmue 4 Total Actual Fixed Chilg€ Rwmue e*@lwwa 5 Actual Customm on Systm Duitrg T€st Ya 6 Motrthly Fixed Cost Adj. Rcvtrue ps CustoEq 7 Fixed Cost Adjustuat Rwmue Actual Be Rate R€v@ue Actual Fired Chage Rwmue Actual Usge (l(Whs) Load Chege Adjustmat Rat€ ($AWh) Viliablo Powtr Supply Rflaue Customtr Fired Cost Adjustmmt Rwaue Non-Residatial Rw6ue Pr Customs Reived Existitrg Customq Defnal - Swhuge (Rebate) o) Rw@ue Reports Rw@ue R€?orts Rwmue R€ports R*aue Repois (l ) - (16) Page 3 (s) x (6) G) 15,540 8 I,t t6,364 6,952.69: 696,621 23,623 $1t4.70$ 4,363,077 $ (s)(r) 2s.381 88,290.900 1,537,21t 68't;729 25,646 10t,216.568 8,461,467 689,407 23,434 23,626 $1il.30 $ltt.69 4,24t,673 mh.rffi 7,294,766 $ 8,177,530 657,928 $ 65E,667 t5,753,1 l4 9t,20E,453 0.0t?lr $ 0.021r: 1.t96.t59 $ 2,t72,37t 4,739,979 $ s,346,492 s202.27 $226.30 (49r,306) $ (902,833) 1.948 $97.83 70,6t3 $l t4.70 $ 13,055,409 $ $ 22,168,909 $$ 1,983,917 $ 262,349,t07 $ 0.02212 $ $ 5,t03,17E S $ 14,3Et,814 $ $203.47 $ (1,326,/105) $ r,57r 13. l: 8r ll( t, 1,53t s $ 76,568 210,623,t32 22,951,39r 2,073,75t t 9 l0 n t2 t3 t4 l5 l6 t1 It (3) - (t9) (4) - (20) (2) - (2 r) Page I (10)x(ll) (8) - (9) {12) $ 6,696,614 $ 667,323 7E,388,239 s 0.02212 $ 1,733,94t $ 4,295,343 $l 8l.t3 s 61,734 $ $ $ 3/ E: llslwscu Actual Customm Nry She T6t Ytr Monthly Fixed Cost Adj . Revmue ps Customs Fixed Cost Adjustmmt Rwaue (7) - (13) Rwmu€ Reports Page 3 (16) x (l 7) Rwmue Repons $ Revmue Reports $ Revmue Reports Page I $(21)x(22) $ Page I wtd avg $ (23\x(24) $ (19) - (20) - (23) - (25) $ reo,5?4 h$iiss@Mi $ $ $ t,gt't $99.66 l9l,05l $ 2,0:0 $r0 r.82 283.918 $ 30,74 I $ 3.008,t t4 $ 0.022 I 2 $ 66,539 $ 0.0248.r $ 74,722 $ I r 1,936 $ $55.41 5,EE5 sl0l.83 599,252 $ 19 Actual Be Rate Rwaue 20 Actual Fired Charg€ Rwaue 2l Actual Uege (kwhs) 22 t ad Ctilge Adjustuat Rate ($AWh) 23 ViliablePowtrSupplyRevmue 24 Fixed Prcduction md Tmuissioo Rate pq LWh 25 Fixed hoduction ild Trilmission Revaue 26 Customo Fixed Cost Adjusutrat Rev@ue 2'l Notr-Residmtial Revmue Pq Customq Reived 28 Nil Customa D€ffial - Smharge (Rebate) Total Noa-Rcstd€otial H6ral - Surhargo (R!Date) Dekral - Raarc trFldcd Expascs lntcred on mral Mo!&ry Non-RatdatLt D.ftml TotrL Cuulativc Non-Residmtial Defmal (RebatelSuchuge 156.078 10 104 :.728, I 25 0.022 t: 60,3,16 0.02484 67,767 98,667 241.466 $ 19.80r $ 2,537.786 0.022 I ? $ 56,r36 $ 0.01484 $ 63,039 $ 93,490 $ y7.99 7t2,4& $ t9,t4l $ E,274,026 S 0.02212 $ 183,02r $ 0.02484 S 205,52'7 $ 304,093 $ $5r.67 29s,r59 $ 3! $51.47(71-(26) $ 92,314 $ 97,084 $ 105,69r $ 29 30 3l )2 33 34 35 (15)+ (2r) Ra Cmv Factr Cu$oBq Dcposit Rate Avg BalaocG Calc E((2e), (30), (32)) 160,117 3 (r73) 3 1.00o/o 259a S Q%322') i 2,149 t l.00o/o 2,1yt t $(797,t42t g O,0tlr46) S 4,345 $ 5,621 $ 1.00o/o 2,005 $ 7.O9r S 3 $3 161136 t $ 3,192,209 $ $ 2,r272r0 $ (3t9,576) t 2,802,633 $ 2,001,350 $ (79r!,792) t O,0rt,53t) 0 2,0r 1,84r (24r,ts6)Totat cuulativ€ Deftrnl Res line(34) +Noo-Res line (34) mQid{.irni!#tF.Itil{i80,f*ft ffiilfitri"',':, lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q22O2L/ Electric Deferral Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Ideho) Development ofNatural Gas Deferrals (Calendar Year 2020) With Sch 172 Trr- Reform Adj - Rates Ufrective llll20l9 Llre 2nd Qu.rt , f8.2021 r Apr-21 M.y-21 Jun-21 Totrl 611No.Source I 2 3 ! 6 7 8 9toll t2 l1 l6 t7 l8 l9 2t 22 23 ?! 26 27 28 ?n 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 & 4l 42 43 (a) Resldentlrl Group Total Actul Billed Customm Totsl Actul Usge (Tlms) Total Actul Base Rate Revmre Total Actul Fixed Chrge Revare Wtlww Actual Custome6 on System Duing Test Ycar Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Rwmue pa Cutoma Fixed Cost Adjusment Rcvetue Actul Bas€ Rlte R*cnue Actul Fixed Charge Rwmw Actrul Usge (Thms) Cutomer Fixed Cost Adjustmmt Rflmue Residmtial Revcnue Per Customer Reccived Existing Custom€r Dcferml - Swhrge (Rebate) NfrCuston$ Actul Customm Nry Sine Test Ytr Monthly Fixed CosI Adj. Revenu pr Customa Fixed Cost Adjustmmt RwmE Actul Bas Rate Revmre Actrul Fixed Charge Rwmw Actul Usage (Thm) Fixed Prcduction md UG Stomge Rste per Thern Fixed Prcdudion ud UG Stomge Revmue C6tomer Fixed Cos Adjusuncnt Revmue Residmtial Rwmue Pq Customer Received New Customo Defml - Srchtrge (Rebste) Tdl R€sidcnti.l Dcfarrt - Sueqge (Rcbac) Defcrnl - Rcvcup Rclmd Erpcnscs Intcrc$ on Dcfcrral Mortlly Rcddeltlrl Dcferr.l Totrb Cmulative Residmtial Defml (Rebate/Swharge 95,557 t (s58) s 1.00o/o (,168) $$ (1,160) t (b) Revore Reports Revmre Reports Rev€nue Rcports Revoue Repons (t) - (22\ Page 3 17) x (8) (l l) - (12) -(ls) (e) - ( 16) RsmE Repons Page 3 (22\ x (23\ Rwmrc Reporls RevenE Reports RevenE Reports Psge I $ (30) x (31) $ (26) - (27) - (30) - (32) $ 88.356 2,5 I 8.275 s t.709.012 $ s3 l,620 88,822 t,4q3,8 il $ t.226,612( {1S {1? 88,394 4,'146,4t8 ) 1)< )11 532,020 265,5',12 8,758,504 5,660,85r t,599,t7',1 I l0l 5( I (3) - (26) (4t - (27) (2) - (28) 78,913 s 2s.87 $ 2,041,450 $ 2,388,346 $ 476,930 4,139,857 $ t,9l1,416 s24.22 $ 130,034 78;154 78,818 14.52 $ 8.95 1,143,886 ! |. (St;,$5 1,510,6,14 g 1,076,475 475,887 $ 477,7t0 2,2tt.252 1,295,100 t,034,757 $ 598,765 $13.14 $7.60 109,129 $ 63,180 0.02599 $ 7,980 $ 134,655 $ $14.02 (2,991) $ 236,485 $16.27 $ 3,847282 $ 4,975,464 $ r,430,526 7,646,209 $ 3,5,14,938 $ 14.99 $ 302,344 $ $ s $ $ $ $42 $56 $4 l0c $43 9,48 | 9,602 $24.42 $13.71 $ 231,548 $ 131,665 ,; l: s 336,88 I $ 198,369 $ s 55,090 $ 55,733 $ 606.561 307,023 10.004 29,087 s8.45 $16.28 lllS;3€r $ 473,st6$4 150.137 s 685,387 $ 57.827 $ 168,650 S 1e8.7il $ I,112,295 $9 0.02599 $ 15,765 $ 266,026 $ $28.06 (34,477) $ 0.02599 $ 5,165 $ 87,146 $ $8.71 23,t57 I 0.02599 $ 28,910 $ 487,827 $ $ 16.77 (14,310) $(9) - (33) (18) + (3s) RwCovFrlor Customs Deposit Rste AvgBalaoe Calc $ $ s $ 106,139 $ (620) $ 1.00o/o (385) t 0 288,03{ t $ (1,682) 3 86,338 (504) 1.00% (306) $ 9453r S $ (515,1 l7) $ 10113{ $ (409,e83) $ t5i52t $ 203,192 $ (324,4s61E((37), (38), (40) lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report QZ 2O2t / Natural Gas Deferral Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechenism (Idaho) Development of Natural Gas Deferrals (Calendar Year 2020) With Sch l72Tr;x Reform Adj - Rates Effectivellll20l9 t8t 6t3No. Llre 2nd Qu.ne, 2,)i21 Apr-21 Mry-21 Jutr-2l Tot lSource I 2 3 : 6 7 8 z ll t2 ll l6 t7 l8 202t 22 23 7! 26 2',t Z! 3l 32 33 34 12 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 (a) Non-R€sidcntlrl Group Total Actul Billed Cutomm Total Actual Usage (Them) Total Actul Base Rate Revenue Total Actual Fixed Charge Revanue BitisrSr&s@ Actual C6tomm on System Duing Test Y@ Month.ly Fixed Cost Adj. Rwmue per Cutomu Fixed Cost Adjutmmt Revmue Actual Be Rate Revmue Acnul Fixed Chrge Revmre Acnnl Umge (Thms) Customs Fixed Cost Adjutrnent Revenre Non-Residmtial Revmw Per Custom Reeived Exbting Cutoms Deferal - Smhtrge (Rebate) tlsg@seq Acnal Customffi New Sinc Test Ya Monthly Fixed Cos Adj. Revmre pa Cutoma Fixed Cost Adjusnnmt Revenue Actual Bas Rate Rwmue Acnul Fixed Chrge Revmue AcnulUsge(Thm) Fixed Prcduction md UG Stomge Rate ps Thm Fixed Prcduction md UG Stomge Revmue Cutoms Fixed Cost Adjutnmt Revmue Non-Residmtial Rwmue Ps Cutoma Received Nw Cutoms Defml - Swharge (Rebste) Total Non-Residenrisl Defrrnl - Surchrge (Rcb*e) Dcfsral - Rsvenuc Related Expcnscs Imercsr on Dcfeiral MoDthly NoD-Reddcntlrl Dcfcrn! To(lls (b) Revmu€ Reports R*mue Rcpons Revenue Reports Revmue Reports (t) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (l l) - (12) -(15) (e) - (16) (9) - (33) (18) + (35) Rw Conv Faclor Cutoms Deposit Rate AvgBdeeCalc $ 393,710 $ s262.30 $ (l 1,516) $ I,475 s204.35 30t,410 I 3 294,224 $ s199.47 7,186 S 209,159 $ s 138.6 l 19,258 $ 897,093 $ 7 s200.02 t4,928 S t,557 1.835,878 578,629 165,468 1,535 I.532,835 4'13,378 I 63.939 I .571 I,150.071 39 1,320 t6'7.0'74 4,663 4,518,784 1,443,32't 496,480 38 ll 2 1,50 I $254.63 382,t94 1,509 4,485 sls7.3l $203.3st&i|.lni el2,02l$? (3) - (26) (4t - (27) (2) - (28) 553,232 t59,522 t,144,274 s s $ 451,936 S 369,198 $ t,3't4,366 157,713 $ 160,038S 477,273 1,457,809 1,070,588 4,272,611 lc 2 3e Revoue Repons Page 3 (221 x (23\ Revfiue Reports Revmw R€ports Revmue Reports Page t ynd avg $ (30) x (31) $ (26) - (27) - (30) - (32) $ 56 $220.86 12,368 S 25,397 $ 5.946 $ 9 t.604 0.02781 s 2,548 $ 16,903 $ $301.85 (4,s35) $ (16,05r) $ 949 1.00o/o (120) $ 60 $t'17.25 10,635 . ! 21,442 $ 6,226 $ 75.026 0.02781 s 2,087 g 13,129 S s2 18.82 (2,494\ S 4,692 $ Q7) g 1.00o/o (124) 0 62 $136.45 tqr*t ,) r, 7.035 79.483 t78 s188.37 33,530 $$ $ s s 0.0278r $ 2,211 $ 12,876 $ $207.6't (2,348) $ 16,909 S (ee) $ 1.00o/o (l16) t $ 68,961 S $ 19,207 $ $ 2,16,1 13 S I 0.02781 $ 6,845 S 42,908 S $241.06 (9,378) S 5,550 $ (32) I (360) t30 (16077) $ 4540 0 r669s I s,rsE s CumulativeNon-ResidentialDefml(Rebate)/Swharse ,((37),(38),(40) $ (151,666) $ (147,126) $ (130,431) Total Cmulative Defml Res line(43) +Non-Res line (43)$ (666,783) $ (557,109) $ (454,886) lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2OZL / Natural Gas Deferral Plcere eoe nm 3 h thc ilo&rtabiorthe hlfrlldNted,ello, Jurisdiction:lD Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 Balance Sheet Accounts FCA Oeferred Revenue REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOU DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED ED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED I 86328 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accounting Service Period 104 105 106 104 r05 106 104 105 106 Beginning Balance Monthly Activity Ending Balance 497 8.1 5 651 928.1 5 435,506.78 2t6,421 .37 l8 651 -l 7 -551 1.37 -l -1 .66 -tl6 704.50 -55 l I 1.04 -l 781 .50 883,5 I 4.33 -39 I 7l 492,014.62 -790,382.19 -1,080,009.40 -209,503.21 7.93 103.27 .44 91.22 14.33 67.57 4,492.t7 -205,0r 1.04 -1,065,74/..79 .93 I I .83 l0l104 105 r06 -19s,77s.88 -t3,727.33 -209,503.21 23,499.77 -181,5il.27 REG ASSET NON.RES DECOUPLING D REG ASSET NON.RES DECOUPLING D DECOUPLING D ED REG ASSET NON.RES DECOUPLING D REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D I 86338 Jurisdiction:ID Prior Year FCA REG ASSET. DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE PRIOR YE PRIOR YE REG ASSET. DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE t82329 lerc Acct Ferc Accl Desc Accounting Seruice Period 202104 202 l 05 202t06 202t04 202105 202 l 06 202t04 202105 202t06 Beginning Balance 104 105 106 10.35 .03 704.417 Balance -846.68 -l 51.03 -847.38 -l 704.41 -848.09 -l 't5 30.42 36,530.80 30.44 36,561.24 30.47 36,59 r .7 r 91.33 t,922.3t 2,308,694.26 1,923.91 2,310,618.17 .52 .t4 48.1 6 57 .23 48.20 57 48.24 5'7 Itl4.60 5.916.34 17 t2 2 36.500.38 36,530.80 36,561.24 771.95 18.17 57 789.07 57 7.23 57 .43 7 REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING I 82339 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2021/ Accounting Balances Page 5 of 9 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 Deferred Revenue Approved for Recovery Surcharge REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG - DECOUPL REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG EDI 82328 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accounting Beginning Service Period Balance Monthly Activity Ending Balance 104 8_00 105 106 104 0.00 0.00 0.00 105 0.00 0.00 0.00 106 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t8 104 t0.09 1 66.1 8 105 166.1 8 106 -l I 39.38 104 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 106 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -29,'86.89 ll 767.85 -25 968.72 -27 72 .67 -23 t8 REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING l 82338 Rebate REG LIABILIry DECOUPLING REBAT REG LIABILIry DECOUPLING REBAT LIABILITY T REBAT REG LIABILITY DECOUPLING REBAT REG LIABILITY DECOUPLING REBAT ED254328 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Service Accountlng Period 104 106 tseglnnlng Balance Monthly Activity Ending Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -14 I .92 t9 73 73 75 75 104 106 0.00 0.00 0.00 ll 3 -73,3t4.22 .70 .70 67 gt 0_00t04 106 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 721.53 30,721.5:l 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6t,092.82 -61 0.000.00 .66 82 16.l I 42,854.13 REG REG REG REG REG 25433 8 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 lOZL / Accounting Balances Page 5 of 9 Jurisdiction:ID Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adiustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdictlon Quartedy Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 Accumulated Oefiarred lncome Tax Fcrc Aoct Juridiction:ID Ferc Acct Dcsc Aoconrdng Service Pcriod lncomc Statemcnt Accounts Defierred Rernnue Bcdnding Balanoe 21 791.09 796.90 17.t8 1.52 5.30 l.09 753.52 8 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 283328 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 45632E NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 456338 RESIDENTIAL DEGOUPLING DEFERRE RES]DENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 495328 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NOI.I-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING OEFERRED RE 495338 FCrc Acct Dlrc Aooomting Scrvioe Perid Bcgtutriry BalaneAcct 7tl Balence -2 .71 .81 -88 1.57 301 341 It.t2 82.93 8.12 -t104 106 104 t0s 106 104 105 106 104 105 106 l5 -881 I 1.57 17.o5 14.53 t8.t2 Amort of Prlor Perlod Deferred Revenue .52 19.01 75 AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE 456329 AMORT]ZATION NONRES DEGOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON.RES DEGOUPLIN AMORTIZAT]ON NON.RES DECOUPLIN 455339 AMORTIZAT]ON RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE 495329 AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON.RES DECOUPLIN 495339 F6c Aost Accounting Pcriod Beginning Bahnco 104 .59 105 r06 104 105 s6.56 106 12.46 104 10s 06 -l 705.45 703.90 .42 12.56171.24 .17 .87 78 47 M 05 05 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q22021/ Accounting Balances .06 7! Page 7 of 9 Jurisdiction:ID Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 lnterest Expense/lncome INTEREST INCOME - DECOUPLING., INTEREST INCOME - DECOUPLINGl NTEREST INCOME . DECOUPLINGL ] NTEREST INCOME . DECOUPLING I INTEREST INCOME - DECOUPLING] INTEREST INCOME - DECOUPLING] 4t9328 Ferc Acct Service Accounting Ptriod Beginning Balance -257.89 -343.23 421.87 2,s3s.80 3,3 82.48 10.83 BalaneFerc Acct Desc I 328 INTEREST EXPENSE - DECOUPLINGT I Jurisdiction:lD 202t04 20210s -12 202106 -15 202t04 202t05 106 104 202 105 202106 Financia! Reporting Contra Asset Accounts 82.48 847.3 8 4,229.86 .63 5,495.49 77 5.82 2,8 I 0.83 7 t3.82 3,524.65 594.81 19.46 5,Orl4.l4 -t2 -15 -17 -85.34 -78.64 -78.7t -242.69 -8,5/+9.88 846.68 -343.23 421.87 -500.58 104 105 106 L] lt EXPENSE -t-l CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 2533 I I Ferc Ferc Acct Desc Service Accounting Beginning 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104 105 0.00 106 104 0.00 105 0.00 t06 0.00 104 0.00 r05 0.00 r06 0.00 202104 0.00 202 I 05 0.00 202106 0.00 Monthly Activity Ending Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104 105 106 104 105 106 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRA OECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE PLED DEFERREO REVE PLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERREO REVE 253312 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 4563 l I CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 4953 I I lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2OZL / Accounting Balances 0.00 Page 8 of 9 NOTES Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2021 1) The following table shows how the decoupled revenue per customer has tracked with use per customer for each quarter of 2O2L. The similarity of the percentage change indicates that the mechanism is working as intended. The slight differences in the Change in Revenue per Customer vs. the Deferral per Customer is due to a customer true-up recorded in June 2021. Summarized Quarterly and Year to Date Use per Customer and Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer. Change versus Authorized YTD wtd Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Average oA Electric Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer Electric Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer 1777!. -s28.72 Sza.tz 321 S40.2s -Sao.ar Natural Gas Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer Natural Gas Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer 19 s7.38 -s7.38 208 Snqts -Snq.ts (71 -Ss.ae s3.2s (2s) -Sz.go Ss.sz .722l, -s4.e2 s4.e2 255 s1s.66 -s1s.88 132 Sro.z+ -S11.01 (4s5) s11.s3 -s72.O2 11 Ss.gz -s4.oe 179 s115.8s -s121.33 2.4% 3.Oo/o -2.1% !.to/o 2.8o/o 2.O"/o 2.7% 6.50/o 2) The contra asset accounting shown on page 8 is for financial reporting purposes only. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles allow revenue recognition from alternative revenue programs up to the amount expected to be collected within 24 months following the end of the annual period in which they are recognized. Due to the 3o/o annual rate increase limitation a portion of a 2OZL surcharge may not be fully recovered bV L213L12023 and therefore would not be recognizable as income for financial reporting purposes in 202L. The income statement impact of any contra deferral entries will be eliminated for normalized ldaho results reporting. 3) The "Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue" on the Electric and Natural Gas Deferral tabs were adjusted in June 2021. As approved by Order No. 34502 in Case No. AVU-E-19-06, the Company will include a true-up to calculate Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) revenue using annual average customers compared to what was recorded using monthly customer counts, and record the difference so that the annual FCA revenue is based on annual average customers. The Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue was adjusted as follows: Electric Residential Existing Customers -545,918.15 Electric Residential New Customers 522,599.75 ElectricNon-ResidentialExistingCustomers -514305.89 Electric Non-Residential New Customers S11,959.16 Natural Gas Residential Existing Customers -543,613.06 Natural Gas Residential New Customers 525,760.07 Natural Gas Non-Residential Existing Customers -58,958.23 Natural Gas Non-Residential New Customers 52,067.79 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q22O2L / Notes Page 9 of 9