HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190701Application.pdfAvista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 --4F::i* ltr-r (-J, a ri: t\, =\D (-fr rrJrm l(()rn lrs3 llr:(ft*, ;VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL June 28, 2019 Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,lD 83702-5983 RE: CASE NOS. AVU-E-19-0& AND AVU-G-r9-03 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR TIIE EXTENSION OF AVISTA'S ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISMS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is Avista's Application for the Extension of its Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisms. Thc filing consists of an original and seven copies of Avista's Application and nine copies of prefiled testimony and exhibits. A computer readable copy of the testimonies and exhibits, required under Rule 231.05, are included on an enclosed compact disc. Please direct any questions regarding this filing to me at (509) 495-8620 or natrick.ehrbar(0,avistacorD. com. Patrick D. Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs tjl{"SIo A- Enclosures tp ^liivtsta CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 28th day of June, 2019, served the foregoing application, and Avista's Direct Testimony and Exhibits in Case Nos. AVU-E-19-0_ and AVU-G-19-0_, In The Matter Of The Application Of Avista Corporation For The Extension Of Avista's Electric And Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisms In The State Of Idaho, upon the following parties, by mailing a copy thereof, properly addressed with postage prepaid to: Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, lD 83720-0074 d iane.hanian@ouc.idaho.gov Karl Klein Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise,lD 83720-0074 karl.klein@ouc. idaho. gov Larry Crowley The Enerry Strategies Institute, Inc. 3738 S. Haris Ranch Ave. Boise,lD 83716 crowleyla@aol.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise,ID 83703 drgading@.mindspring.com Brad M. Purdy Attomey at Law 2019 N lTth Street Boise,lD 83702 bmourdy@hotrlrail.com Peter J. Richardson Greg M. Adams Richardson Adams 5 l5 N. 27th Street PO Box 7218 Boise, lD 83702 peter@ richardsonadams.com gre g@richardsonsdaml.com Ronald L. Williams Williarns Bradbury, P.C. P. O. Box 388 802 W. Bannock, Suite LP 100 Boise, lD 83702 ron@w i I I iamsbradbury.com Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, ID 83702 botto@ idahoconservation.org Patrick Ehrbar f)irector of Regulatory Affairs 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COTINSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION I4II E. MISSION AVENUE P . O. BOX 3727 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 PHONE: (509) 49s-4316 EMAIL: DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP. COM IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE EXTENSION OF AVISTA'S ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISMS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO RICEIVED i$19 JUL : I AH t0, il ,,lrl?idi fi*l8r,o* BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 18 19 20 ) CASE NO. AVU-E-19-09 ) CASE NO. AVU-G-19-0j, )) APPLICATION OF AVISTA ) CORPORATTON FOR ) EXTENSION AND MODIFICATION ) OF FCA MECHANISMS 2I I. INTRODUCTION 22 ln accordance with Idaho Code $61-502 andRP 052, Avista Corporation, doing 23 business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter "Avista" or "Company"), at 7411 East Mission 24 Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully requests approval of its proposed 25 modifications to its electric and natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisms ("FCA" 26 or "FCA Mechanisms"). The FCA Mechanisms were made effective on January 1, 27 2076 and will expire atthe end of 2019, absent ourrequestto extendthe life of the 28 mechanisms in this proceeding.l The Company requests that the Commission authorize 29 the approval of changes to the Company's electric and natural gas FCA Mechanism I In Order 34085 in Case No. AVU-E-15-05 and AVU-G-15-01, the Commission approved an all-party settlement stipulation which extended the life of the FCA Mechanisms until the end of 2019. AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE I 1 tariff Schedule's 75 and 175, effective January 1,2020. These changes seek to: 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 1) Extend the current FCA Mechanisms through March 31,2025; 2) Modify the upcoming deferral period to be from January 1,2020 through June 30, 2021, so as to better align the deferral periods and the rate adjustments; 3) Implement an annual true-up to the FCA Mechanisms; and 4) Extend the FCA Mechanism quarterly reporting requirement from 45 to 60 days. 13 Avista has provided testimony, sponsored by Company witness Mr. Ehrbar, 14 regarding the FCA Mechanisms history, performance, and proposed changes. He 15 sponsors two exhibits: Exhibit No. 1 is the "Avista Decoupling Evaluation - Final 16 Report" prepared by H. Gil Peach & Associates LLC. Exhibit No. 2 is a copy of the 17 PowerPoint presentation from the FCA Workshop held at the Idaho Public Utilities 18 Commission on March 27,2019. 19 The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's 20 Modified Procedure Rules, through the use of written comments. Communications in 2l reference to this Application should be addressed to: 25 28 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 aaJJ 34 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 MSC-27 l411 E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509)495-4316 Dav id. Meyer@avistacorp. corn Electronically Dockets@Avistacom.com Patrick D. Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 MSC-27 1411 E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Patrick. Ehrbar@avi stacorp. corn AVISTA' S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE 2 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 t4 l5 16 t7 18 t9 20 21 II. BACKGROUND On December 18, 2015, the Commission issued Order 33437 in Case Nos. AVU- E-15-05 and AVU-G-15-01, approving a Settlement Stipulation ("Stipulation"). Included in the approved Stipulation were electric and natural gas FCA Mechanisms, which went into effect on January 1,2016, for a three year term through December 31, 2018. Later, in Order 34085, the Commission extended the mechanisms through December 31,2019, so as to allow "Staff and interested parties additional information and recommendations from the third-party evaluation of Avista's FCA mechanism in Washington along with an additional year of data".2 That third-party evaluation has been completed and appears as Exhibit No. 1. The purpose of the FCA Mechanisms is to decouple the Company's Commission-authorized revenues from energy sales, such that the Company's revenues will be recognized based on the number of customers served under the applicable service schedules. The FCA Mechanisms allow the Company to: I ) defer the difference between acfual FCA-related revenue approved for recovery in the Company's last general rate case; and 2) file a tariff to surcharge or rebate, by rate group, the total deferred amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior January through December time period. III. PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO FCA MECHANISMS As discussed in the direct testimony of Mr. Ehrbar, based on proven benefits to 2 Order 34085, p. I AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE 3 1 both the customer and the Company that the FCA Mechanisms have shown to date, as 2 validated in the Independent Final Report (Exhibit No. 1), and the lack of adverse 3 impacts associated with these mechanisms, the Company's first proposed modification 4 is for the Commission to approve the continuation of the FCA Mechanisms through 5 March 37,2025. By extending the mechanisms and providing some certainty to the 6 Company that it can recover a significant portion of its fixed costs of providing service, 7 the Company is able to maintain its central focus of being a trusted energy advisor to its 8 customers without adverse or uncertain financial impacts from evolving customer 9 choice in the future. The Company believes that the FCA Mechanisms continue to be l0 in the public interest, promote the policy goals of increased conservation, and result in 1 1 fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient rates. 12 Also important to note, is that the Company is not seeking to make the FCA 13 Mechanisms perrnanent. The Company agrees with Commission Staff who, at the FCA 14 Workshop held in March 2019, stated that, for mechanisms like the FCA, having a more l5 regular check-in is desirable, so that modifications, if any, can be made. That would be 16 more difficult if the mechanisms were made permanent. As such, the Company would 17 commit to having a similar workshop by June 30,2024 as was held in March 2019, and 18 would include any proposed modifications stemming from that workshop in a future 19 FCA Mechanism extension request. 20 The second proposed modification to the FCA Mechanisms is related to the 2l timing of the first deferral period, should the Commission approve the Company's 22 request. Presently, the FCA allows the Company to defer the difference between actual 23 FCA-related revenue received from customers through volumetric rates, and the FCA- AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE 4 1 related revenue approved for recovery in the Company's last general rate case, on a per- 2 customer basis, on a calendar-year basis. The Company can then file a tariff to 3 surcharge or rebate, by rate group, the total deferred amount accumulated in the deferred 4 revenue accounts for the prior January through December time period. The filing date 5 for tariff adjustments currently occurs at the end of June, for rate effective dates of 6 October I (electric) and November 1 (natural gas). There is quite a bit of lag between 7 the deferral period, and the rate-effective dates for any adjustment. Therefore, the 8 Company would like to shrink that rate lag by making a one-time adjustment. For the 9 first deferral period post-approval of this Application, that period would be 18-months, l0 or January 2020 through June 30, 2021. The Company would then file a tariff 1 1 adjustment with the Commission by July 31,2021 (and each July 31 thereafter, along 12 with the annual Power Cost Adjustment filing), and would keep the same rate-effective l3 dates of October 1 (electric) and November 1 (natural gas). This change simply reduces 14 the lag between the deferral period and the rate effective period. l5 For the third proposed modification, presently under the mechanics of the FCA 16 Mechanisms, the annual revenue-per-customil is shaped based on the monthly kWh or 17 therm usage from the test year. The mechanisms use the resulting monthly percentage 18 of usage by month and multiply that amount by the annual FCA revenue-per-customer 19 to determine the 12 monthly values. The Company is proposing to add an additional 20 step that would, at the end of a l2-month deferral calculation, take the annual FCA 21 revenue-per-customer (multiplied by the average annual number of actual customers), 22 recompute the deferral, and compare that to the actual deferred revenue for the period. 23 The benefit of this calculation is that the method of monthly shaping (i.e., using AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE 5 I test period loads to shape FCA monthly revenues) is not necessarily a perfect 2 methodology. The proposed change in our view puts the actual results more on par with 3 the derivation of the authorized amounts - i.e., authorrzed annual revenue-per-customer 4 as compared to the sum of monthly revenue-per-customer. Mr. Ehrbar provides an 5 analysis showing the modest effect such a modification would have had over the past 6 three years of the mechanism.3 7 Finally, the fourth proposed modification would change when the Company files 8 its FCA Quarterly Reports. The Company currently files quarterly reports related to its 9 electric and natural gas FCA Mechanisms within 45 days of the end of each quarter, 10 pursuant to Section l3D of the Settlement in Case No AVU-E-15-05 and AVU-G-15- 11 01. Throughout the first two years of the FCA Mechanisms, there have been instances 12 where the Company has not released its financial earnings prior to the due date of the 13 quarterly reports. This circumstance necessitates the need to file the quarterly reports 14 confidentially prior to the release of the Company's earnings, and then re-filing the 15 quarterly report again without confidentiality after the earnings release. To alleviate the 16 need to file the quarterly reports twice in these instances, the Company proposes to file 17 the quarterly reports within 60 days after the end of each quarter. 3 Should the Commission approve the modified deferral period for the first "year" of the mechanisms (i.e., January 1,2020 through June 30, 2021),the Company proposes to perform the true-up for the July '1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 anmle,l period, and then for the subsequent July I through June 30 time periods thereafter. Because this is an annual true-up, it would not make sense to compare an lS-month actual time period to an annual base, hence the reason for essentially excluding the first six months from the annual true-up calculation. AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE 6 1 IV. TBSTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF REOUESTED MODIFICATIONS 2 As stated earlier, Mr. Ehrbar provides testimony and exhibits in support of the 3 Company's request. In his testimony, Mr. Ehrbar not only describes the proposed 4 modifications, but also provides further background, and discusses the purpose and 5 benefits to both customers and the Company related to the FCA Mechanisms. He 6 provides an overview ofthe performance of the mechanisms through the first three years 7 of their existence, discusses issues related to risk mitigation, as well as a summary of 8 the independent, third-party analysis conducted by H. Gil Peach and Associates. He 9 also provides information from the Company's return on equity consultant, Mr. Adrien l0 McKenzie, who provides information as to why adjustments to the Company's allowed 11 return on equity should not otherwise be made due to the presence of the FCA 12 Mechanisms. 13 14 V. TARIFF MODIFICATIONS 15 In support of the Company's request, Avista has filed the following tariff sheets 16 for the Commission's approval: t7 l8 t9 20 21 Second Revision Sheet 758 canceling First Revision Sheet 75B Second Revision Sheet 75C canceling First Revision Sheet 75C Second Revision Sheet 175B canceling First Revision Sheet l75B Second Revision Sheet 175C canceling First Revision Sheet l75C 22 Please note that the Company could not hle Sheets 75 and 175 to modify the "TERM" 23 of the mechanisms, as those sheets also contain the "MONTHLY RATE". ln separate 24 filings also made coincident with this Case, the Company filed its annual FCA 25 Mechanism rate adjustments, and on Sheets 75 and 175 are the proposed rates. ln short, AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE 7 I the Company could not file the same sheets, with different modifications, in different 2 proceedings. As such, if the Commission approves the Company's Application, it 3 commits to making a Compliance Filing, prior to January l, 2020, modifuing the 4 "TERM" of the mechanisms to match the term approved by the Commission. 5 6 VI, REQUEST FOR RELIEF 'l'he Company requests that the Commission issue an order approving the extension of the Company's electric and natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisms, effective January 1,2020, along with the following provisions: 1) Extend the current FCA Mechanisms through March 31,2025; 2) Modify the upcoming defenal period to be from January L,2020 through June 30, 2A21, so as to better align the deferral periods and the rate adjustments; 3) Implement an annual true-up to the FCA Mechanisms; and 4) Extend the FCA Mechanism quarterly reporting requirement from 45 to 60 daYs. 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ The Company respectfully requests that this Case be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules through the use of written comments. *? DATED at Spokane, Washington, this]pf?ay of June 2019. AVISTA CORPORATION By: Vice and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs Avista Corporation PAGE 8AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION r--2 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 IOlt t2 l3 t4 l5 16 l7 t8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 VERIFICATION slATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) County ofSpokane ) David J. Meyer, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That he is the Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs for Avista Corporation and makes this verification for and on behalf of said corporation, being thereto duly authorized; That he has read the foregoing filing, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this ? B auy of June 2019,by David J. Meyer L 25 26 27 PUBLIC in and for the State of Waslri residing at Spokane. 28 29 30 3l I t1'Commission Expires:Z3 Z{ ->a<F -2t- Pugutc , AVISTA'S FCA EXTENSION APPLICATION PAGE 9 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COLiNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 141I EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 -37 27 TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4316 FACSIMILE: (s09) 495-88s I DAVID.MEYER@AVIS TACORP. COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE EXTENSION OF AVISTA'S ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS FXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISMS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-19-0r, CASE NO. AVU-G- 19-03 TARIFF SHEETS FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) l.P.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 75B Canceling First Revision Sheet 75B AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 758 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) Step 7 - Determine the Monthly FCA Revenue per Customer - to determine the Monthly FCA Revenue per customer, the annual FCA Revenue per customer is shaped based on the monthly kWh usage from the rate year. The FCA mechanism uses the resulting monthly percentage of usage by month and multiplied that by the annual FCA Revenue per Customer to determine the 12 monthly values. Calculation of Monthly FCA Deferral: Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month. Step 2 - Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the total Allowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenue included in total actual monthly revenue. Step 5 - For existing customers, multiply actual kWh sales by the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate. The result of this calculation is the total revenue collected related to variable power supply. For new customers, multiply actual kWh sales by both the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate and the approved Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue rate. The result of this calculation is the total revenue collected related to fixed and variable production and transmission costs. Step 6 - For existing customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the variable power supply revenue from the total actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. For new customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the fixed and variable production and transmission revenue from the actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. Step 7 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 6) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the Customer Deposit Rate. Step 8 - At the end of every 12 month deferral period, the annual FCA revenue per customer, by Rate Group, will be multiplied by the average annual number of actual customers). The result of that calculation will be compared to the actual deferred revenue for the same 12 month period. The difference between the actual deferred revenue, and the calculated value, will be added to, or subtracted from, the total deferred balance, by Rate Group. lssued June 28, 2019 Effective January 1,2020 lssued Vgt-t-u Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Second Revision Sheet 75C Canceling First Revision Sheet 75C AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) ANNUAL ELECTRIC FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before July 31 each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior July through June time period (the transition deferral period will be from January 2020 through June 2021). The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve-month period effective on October 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendar year would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated kWh sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule will be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the Customer Deposit Rate. 3% ANNUAL RATE INCREASE LIMITATION: The amount of the incremental proposed rate adjustment under this Schedule cannot reflect more than a 3o/o rale increase. This will be determined by dividing the incremental annual revenue to be collected (proposed surcharge revenue less present surcharge revenue) under this Schedule by the total "normalized" revenue for the two Rate Groups for the most recent July through June time period (the transition deferral period will be from January 2020 through June 2021). Normalized revenue is determined by multiplying the weather-corrected usage for the period by the present rates in effect. lf the incremental amount of the proposed surcharge exceeds 3%, only a 3% incremental rate increase will be proposed and any remaining deferred revenue will be carried over to the following year. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate, and the reversal of any rebate rate would not be included in the 3% incremental surcharge test. Effective January 1, 2020lssued June 28, 2019 By ued by Avi v Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 First Revision Sheet 75B Canceling O+igin€l Sheet 75B AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75B FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) Step 7 - Determine the Monthlv FCA Revenue per Customer - to determine the Monthly FCA Revenue per customer, the annual FCA Revenue per customer is shaped based on the monthly kWh usage from the rate year. The FCA mechanism uses the resulting monthly percentage of usage by month and multiplied that by the annual FCA Revenue per Customer to determine the '12 monthly values. Calculation of Monthlv FCA Deferral: Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month. Step 2 - Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the total Allowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenue included in total actual monthly revenue. Step 5 - For existing customers, multiply actual kWh sales by the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate. The result of this calculation is the total revenue collected related to variable power supply. For new customers, multiply actual kWh sales by both the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate and the approved Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue rate. The result of this calculation is the total revenue collected related to fixed and variable production and transmission costs. Step 6 - For existing customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the variable power supply revenue from the total actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. For new customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the fixed and variable production and transmission revenue from the actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. Step 7 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 6) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the Customer Deposit Rate. Effective Oetebe+-t-2+t7lssued June€$20{+ By ed by Avista Kell" Nerweed' Viee President' State & Federal Regulatien l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista Corporation By First Revision Sheet 75C Canceling Sheet 75C AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) ANNUAL ELECTRIC FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before July {st each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior January through Dre€embe+ time period. The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve- month period effective on October 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendar yearwould be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated kWh sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule will be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the Customer Deposit Rate. 3% ANNUAL RATE INCREASE LIMITATION: The amount of the incremental proposed rate adjustment under this Schedule cannot reflect more than a 3o/o rale increase. This will be determined by dividing the incremental annual revenue to be collected (proposed surcharge revenue less present surcharge revenue) under this Schedule by the total "normalized" revenue for the two Rate Groups for the most recent Jenuary through Deeember time period. Normalized revenue is determined by multiplying the weather-corrected usage for the period by the present rates in effect. lf the incremental amount of the proposed surcharge exceeds 3%, only a 3% incremental rate increase will be proposed and any remaining deferred revenue will be carried over to the following year. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate, and the reversal of any rebate rate would not be included in the 3% incremental surcharge test. lssued June€0;20{+Effective Oetebe+a;2Ol+ Kelly Nerweed, Viee President, State & Federal Regulatien l.P.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 758 Canceling First Revision Sheet 758 lssued by Avista By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75B FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) Step 7 - Determine the Monthly FCA Revenue per Customer - to determine the Monthly FCA Revenue per customer, the annual FCA Revenue per customer is shaped based on the monthly kWh usage from the rate year. The FCA mechanism uses the resulting monthly percentage of usage by month and multiplied that by the annual FCA Revenue per Customer to determlne the 12 monthly values. Calculation of Monthlv FCA Deferral: Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month Step 2 - Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the total Allowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenue included in total actual monthly revenue. Step 5 - For existing customers, multiply actual kWh sales by the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate. The result of this calculation is the total revenue collected related to variable power supply. For new customers, multiply actual kWh sales by both the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate and the approved Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue rate. The result of this calculation is the total revenue collected related to fixed and variable production and transmission costs. Step 6 - For existing customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the variable power supply revenue from the total actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. For new customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the fixed and variable production and transmission revenue from the actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. Step 7 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 6) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the Customer Deposit Rate. Step 8 - At the end of everv 12 month deferral period, the annual FCA revenue per customer, bv Rate Group, will be multiplied by the averaqe annual number of actual customers). The result of that calculation will be comoared to the actual deferred revenue forthe same 12 month period. The difference between the actual deferred revenue. and the calculated value. will be added to. or subtracted from. the total deferred balance, bv Rate Group. Effective Januarv 1. 2O2Olssued June 28, 2019 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Requlatorv Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 75C Canceling Sheet 75C AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) ANNUAL ELECTRIC FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before July 31 each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior Julv through June time period (the transition deferral period will be from Januarv 2020 throuqh June 2021). The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve-month period effective on October 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendar year would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated kWh sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule will be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the Customer Deposit Rate. 3% ANNUAL RATE INCREASE LIMITATION: The amount of the incremental proposed rate adjustment under this Schedule cannot reflect more than a 3oh rale increase. This will be determined by dividing the incremental annual revenue to be collected (proposed surcharge revenue less present surcharge revenue) under this Schedule by the total "normalized" revenue for the two Rate Groups for the most recent July through June time period (the transition deferral period will be from Januarv 2020 throuqh June 2021). Normalized revenue is determined by multiplying the weather-corrected usage for the period by the present rates in effect. lf the incremental amount of the proposed surcharge exceeds 3%, only a 3% incremental rate increase will be proposed and any remaining deferred revenue will be carried over to the following year. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate, and the reversal of any rebate rate would not be included in the 3% incremental surcharge test. lssued June 28. 2019 Effective Januarv1.2020 By Avista Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Requlatorv Affairs l.P.U.C. No.27 Second Revision Sheet 1758 Canceling First Revision Sheet 175B AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1758 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS (continued) Calculation of Monthly FCA Deferral Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month (see Note 1 below). Step 2 - Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the total Allowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. For new customers only, also multiply actual therm sales by the approved Fixed Production and Underground Storage Cost per Therm to determine actual revenue collected related to fixed production and underground storage costs. Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenues included in total actual monthly revenues. Step 5 - Subtract the basic charge revenue (Step 4) from the total actual monthly revenue (Step 3). For new customers, subtract the basic charge revenue (Step 4) and the fixed production and underground storage revenue (Step 3)from the total actual monthly revenue (Step 3). The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. Step 6 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 5) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the Customer Deposit Rate. Step 7 - At the end of every 12 month deferral period, the annual FCA revenue per customer, by Rate Group, will be multiplied by the average annual number of actual customers). The result of that calculation will be compared to the actual deferred revenue for the same 12 month period. The difference between the actual deferred revenue, and the calculated value, will be added to, or subtracted from, the total deferred balance, by Rate Group. lssued June 28, 2019 Effective January 1, 2020 orporation By c 7ghfi-L Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.27 Second Revision Sheet 175C Canceling First Revision_Sheet 1 75C 7 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT IVIECHANISM - NATURAL GAS (continued) ANNUAL NATURAL GAS FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before July 31 each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior July through June time period (the transition deferral period will be from January 2020 through June 2021). The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve- month period effective on November 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendar year would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated therm sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule will be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the Customer Deposit Rate. 3% ANNUAL RATE INCREASE LIMITATION: The amount of the incremental proposed rate adjustment under this Schedule cannot reflect more than a 3o/o rate increase. This will be determined by dividing the incremental annual revenue to be collected (proposed surcharge revenue less present surcharge revenue) under this Schedule by the total "normalized" revenue for the two Rate Groups for the most recent July through June time period (the transition deferral period will be from January 2020 through June 2021). Normalized revenue is determined by multiplying the weather-corrected usage for the period by the present rates in effect. lf the incremental amount of the proposed surcharge exceeds 3%, only a 3% incremental rate increase will be proposed and any remaining deferred revenue will be carried over to the following year. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate, and the reversal of any rebate rate would not be included in the 3% incremental surcharge test. Effective January 1, 2020lssued June 28, 2019 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by Avista Corporation By First Revision Sheet 175B Canceling 1758 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175B FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS (continued) Calculation of Mo lv FCA Deferral: Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month (see Note 1 below). Step 2 - Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the total Allowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. For new customers only, also multiply actual therm sales by the approved Fixed Production and Underground Storage Cost per Therm to determine actual revenue collected related to fixed production and underground storage costs. Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenues included in total actual monthly revenues. Step 5 - Subtract the basic charge revenue (Step 4) from the total actual monthly revenue (Step 3). For new customers, subtract the basic charge revenue (Step 4) and the fixed production and underground storage revenue (Step 3)from the total actual monthly revenue (Step 3). The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. Step 6 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 5) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the Customer Deposit Rate. Effective ltevemge+-l-+Of+lssued June€Oreg+Z ie+ l.P.U.C. No.27 First Revision Sheet 175C Canceling 175C AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS (continued) ANNUAL NATURAL GAS FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before July lst each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior January through Deeember time period. The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve-month period effective on November 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendar year would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated therm sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule wlll be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the Customer Deposit Rate. 3% ANNUAL RATE INCREASE LIMITATION: The amount of the incremental proposed rate adjustment under this Schedule cannot reflect more than a 3% rate increase. This will be determined by dividing the incrementalannual revenue to be collected (proposed surcharge revenue less present surcharge revenue) under this Schedule by the total "normalized" revenue for the two Rate Groups for the most recent Janua+y through D€€emb€+ time period. Normalized revenue is determined by multiplying the weather-corrected usage for the period by the present rates in effect. lf the incremental amount of the proposed surcharge exceeds 3%, only a3o/oincrementalrate increase will be proposed and any remaining deferred revenue will be carried over to the following year. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate, and the reversal of any rebate rate would not be included in the 3% incremental surcharge test. lssued Jsne€o,2o47 Effective Nevember42€{+ By ued by Avista Corporation Kelly Nerweed, Viee President, State & Federal Regulatien LP.U.C. No.27 Second Revision Sheet 175B Canceling Sheet 1758 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175B FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS (continued) Calculation of Monthlv FCA Deferral: Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month (see Note 1 below). Step 2 - Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the total Allowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. For new customers only, also multiply actual therm sales by the approved Fixed Production and Underground Storage Cost per Therm to determine actual revenue collected related to fixed production and underground storage costs. Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenues included in total actual monthly revenues. Step 5 - Subtract the basic charge revenue (Step 4) from the total actual monthly revenue (Step 3). For new customers, subtract the basic charge revenue (Step 4) and the fixed production and underground storage revenue (Step 3)from the total actual monthly revenue (Step 3). The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. Step 6 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 5)and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the Customer Deposit Rate. Step 7 - At the end of everv 12 month deferral period. the annual FCA revenue per customer, bv Rate Group. will be multiplied bv the averaqe annual number of actual customers). The result of that calculation will be compared to the actual deferred revenue for the same 12 month period. Thediffer@ldeferredreVenue,andthecalculated value. will be added to, or subt from the total deferred balance bv Rate Group. Effective Januarv 1, 2020lssued June 28, 2019 lssued by By Corporation Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Requlatorv Affairs Second Revision Sheet '175C Canceling First Revision Sheet 175Cl.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by Avista Corporation By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS (continued) ANNUAL NATURAL GAS FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before July 31 each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior Julv through June time period (the traLtsition deferral period will be from Januarv 2020 throuoh June 2021). The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve- month period effective on November 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendar yearwould be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated therm sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule will be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the Customer Deposit Rate. 3% ANNUAL RATE INCREASE LIMITATION: The amount of the incremental proposed rate adjustment under this Schedule cannot reflect more than a 3o/o rate increase. This will be determined by dividing the incremental annual revenue to be collected (proposed surcharge revenue less present surcharge revenue) under this Schedule by the total "normalized" revenue for the two Rate Groups for the most recent Julv through June time period (the transition deferral period will be from Januarv 2020 throuoh June 2021). Normalized revenue is determined by multiplying the weather-corrected usage for the period by the present rates in effect. lf the incremental amount of the proposed surcharge exceeds 3%, only a 3% incremental rate increase will be proposed and any remaining deferred revenue will be carried over to the following year. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate, and the reversal of any rebate rate would not be included in the 3% incrementalsurcharge test. lssued June 28. 2019 Effective Januarv 1, 2020 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Requlatorv Affairs