HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191108Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEI\IORANDUM COMN{ ISS ION I.]R KI F]I,I,ANDER CONIN{ISSIONER RAPER CON{MISSIONER ANDERSON CONINIISSION SECRE'IARY CONIMISSION STAFF LtrGAL I.-R0NI:NTAT'I'HT]NTER DEPTITY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: NOVUNIIiIiRT,2019 IN TIIE NIATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S APPLICATION FOR A DT]'I'ERMINAI'ION OF' 2016.2017 ELECTRIC ENERGY EFIIICIENCY EXPIINSIIS AS PRUDTI,NTLY INCURRED; CASE NO. AVU-F],-18-12. Commission Staff requests the deadlines for comments and reply comments set in Order Nos. 34444 and 34446 be extended for an additional threc weeks to tacilitate settlement negotiations between Commission Staff and Avista Corporation ("Company"). BACKGROUND On September 17, 2019, the Commission issued notices of Modified Procedure for Case Nos AVU-E-18-12 and AVU-G-18-08, setting identical deadlines for comments and reply comments in both cases. Order Nos. 34444 and 34446. The comments deadline is November 18, 2019, and the reply comments deadline is December 3,2019. On November 5, 2019, Commission Staff began settlement negotiations with the Company at the request ofthe Company. Staffnotified the Commission Secretary ofthe settlement negotiations on October 29, 2019, as required by Commission Procedural Rule 272, IDAPA 3l.Ol.0l .272. The settlement negotiations concern how the Company will improve documentation and reporting for its energy efficiency programs. DECISION MEMORANDUN{ TO: STIBJECT: IN TIIE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S APPLICATION FOR A DE'I'I.]RMINATI0N OF 2014-2017 NATURAL GAS I'NI'RGY EFFICIENCY EXPIINSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURREDT CAStt N(). AVtl- (;-18-08. STAF}'RECOMMENDATION Staff recornmends the Commission extend the deadlines for comments and reply comments in both cases by an additional three weeks. This will give Staff and the Company time to negotiate towards a possible settlement. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to extend the deadlines for comments and reply comments in Case Nos. AVU-E- l8- 12 and AVU-G- 18-08 for an additional three weeks-for a new comments deadline of December 9.2019, and a new reply comments deadline of December 23, 20t9? Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General I \ttgal\CAS\AVU-G- 1S-0lt\l\'l ENTOS\{VUC 1908 dcc mcmoS D$.doc\ ')DECISION N{ENIORANDL:}{