HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181101Final Approved Tariffs.pdfI.P.U.C.No.28 Original Sheet 85 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85 IDAHO SERVICE QUALITY PROGRAM PURPOSE: This Schedule provides general terms and conditions for the Company's IdahoServiceQualityProgram.The purpose of this program is to monitor and measureAvista's performance with respect to customer service and electric system reliability.TheresultsoftheprogramwillbereportedannuallytotheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissionandtheCompany's electric customers. Customer Service Measures 1.The level of Customer satisfaction with telephone service,as provided by theCompany's Contact Center,will be at least 90 percent,where: a.The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respondtoAvista's quarterlysurvey of Customer satisfaction,known as the "Voice oftheCustomer",as conducted by its independentsurvey contractor; b.The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in thesurveywhoreporttheleveloftheirsatisfactionaseither"satisfied"or "very satisfied";and c.The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant surveyresultsforbothelectricandnaturalgasserviceforAvista's entire serviceterritory(Idaho,Oregon,and Washington)for the calendar year. 2.The level of Customer satisfaction with the Company's field services will be at least90percent,where: a.The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respond to Avista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction,known as the "Voice oftheCustomer",as conducted by its independentsurvey contractor; b.The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in the survey who report the level of their satisfaction as either "satisfied"or "very satisfied";and c.The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant surveyresultsforbothelectricandnaturalgasserviceforAvista's entire serviceterritory(Idaho,Oregon,and Washington)for the calendar year. 3.The percentage of Customer calls answered by a live representative within 60secondswillbeatleast80percentforthecalendaryear,where: a.The measure of response time is based on results from the Company'sContactCenter,and is initiated when the Customer requests to speak to aCustomerservicerepresentative;and Issued October 5,2018 Effective November1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities B Patrick Ehrbar,Director of RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary l.P.U.C.No.28 Original Sheet 85A AVISTA CORPORATIONd/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85A IDAHO SERVICE QUALITYPROGRAM (continued) b.Response time is based on the combined results for both electric andnaturalgasCustomersforAvista's entire service territory (Idaho,Oregon,and Washington). 4.The Company's average response time to an electric system emergency in Idahowillnotexceed65minutesforthecalendaryear,where: a.Response time is measured from the time of the Customer call to thearrivalofafieldservicetechnician; b.Response times are excluded from the calculation for those periods oftimewhentheCompanyisexperiencinganoutagethatqualifiesasaMajorEventDay(MED)in Idaho,as defined by the Institute of ElectricalandElectronicsEngineers,Inc.(!EEE)Guidefor Electric PowerDistributionReliabilityindices,Standard 1366.This includes the 24 hourperiodfollowinganMED. c.An "electric system emergency"is defined as an event involvingpolice/fire departments,arcing/flashing wires down,or a feeder lockout. Electric System Rellability Measures 1.The Company will report the frequency of electric system interruptions perCustomerforthecalendaryear,where: a.The interruptionsare measured as the System Average InterruptionFrequencyIndex("SAlFI"),as calculated by lEEE Std.1366; b.The calculation of SAIFI excludes interruptions associated with any MED inIdaho; c.The report will provide a brief description of the predominant factorsinfluencingthecurrent-year results,the previous year's system results,andtheCompany's historic five-year rolling average of SAIFI;and d.The results will be reported on a system basis for Washington and Idaho aswellasforIdahoonly. 2.The Company will report the duration of electric system interruptions per Customerforthecalendaryear,where: a.The interruption duration is measured as the System Average InterruptionDurationIndex("SAIDI"),as defined by lEEE Std.1366; b.The calculation of SAIDI excludes interruptions associated with any MED inIdaho; c.The report will provide a brief description of the predominant factors influencing the current-year system results,the previous year's system results,and the Company's historic five-year rolling average of SAIDI; Issued October 5,2018 Effective November1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Directorof RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary I.P.U.C.No.28 Original Sheet 85B AVlSTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85B IDAHO SERVICE QUALITY PROGRAM (continued) d.The results will be reported on a system basis for Washington and Idaho aswellasforIdahoonly. Customer Service Guarantees Keepina Accointments 1.The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments regarding electricservice,scheduled in the time windows of either 8:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m.or 12:00p.m.--5:00 p.m.,except for the following instances: a.The Customer or Applicant cancels the appointment; b.The Customer or Applicant fails to keep the appointment; c.The Company reschedules the appointment with at least 24 hour notice;or d.The Company is experiencingan MED in Idaho.In such cases,the Company will notify the customer and reschedule the appointment. Restoring Service 2.When the Customer experiences an electric service interruption,the Company willrestoretheservicewithin24hoursofnotificationfromtheCustomer,except for thefollowinginstances: a.During periods of time when the outage is associated with an MED inIdaho; b.An action or event that is outside the control of the Company prevented the Company from restoring supply or accessing the Company's equipment torestoresupply; c.The premise is vacant,disconnected or not receiving service immediately preceding the outage;or d.The customer notifies the Company that service restoration does not require immediate attention. Turninq on Power 3.The Company will turn on power the same day the Customer or Applicant requestsservice,except for the following instances: a.The service request is received by the Company after 7:00pm onweekdays,or on a weekend or holiday; b.The Customer requests an alternativefuture date for service connection; c.Construction is required before the service can be energized; d.The Customer or Applicant does not provide evidence that all requiredgovernmentinspectionshavebeensatisfied; e.Required payments to the Company have not been received Issued October 5,2018 Effective November 1,2018 Issued b Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Directorof RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary I.P.U.C.No.28 Original Sheet 85C AVISTA CORPORATIONd/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85C IDAHO SERVICE QUALITY PROGRAM (continued) f.The service was disconnected for nonpayment or theft/diversionof service g.The service cannot be turned on due to an outage;or h.An action or event that is outside the control of the Company prevents theCompanyfromconnectingservice. Providinq Cost Estimates 4.The Company will provide a cost estimate to the Customer or Applicantfor newelectricsupplywithin10businessdaysuponreceiptofallthenecessaryinformationfromtheCustomerorApplicant. Responding to Bill Inquiries 5.The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the initial contact.For those inquiries that require further investigation,the Company will investigateandrespondtotheCustomerwithin10businessdays. Resolving Meter Problems 6.The Company will investigate Customer-reported problems with a meter and/orconductametertestandreporttheresultstotheCustomerwithin20businessdaysfromthedateofthereportorrequest. Notification of Scheduled Interruptions 7.The Company will provide notification to the Customer,through means normallyusedbytheCompany,at least 24 hours in advance of disconnecting service forscheduledinterruptions,except for the following instances: a.The interruption is a momentary interruption of less than five minutes induration; b.The safety of the public or Company personnel or the imminent failure ofCompanyequipmentisafactorleadingtotheinterruption;or c.The interruption was due to work on the Customer's meter. Issued October5,2018 Effective November1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Directorof RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary l.P.U.C.No.28 Original Sheet 85D AVISTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85D IDAHO SERVICE QUALITYPROGRAM (continued) CUSTOMER SERVICE GUARANTEECREDITS For failure to meet a Customer Service Guaranteefor service provided to anelectricCustomer,the Company will apply a $50 credit to the Customer's account.ForfailuretomeetaCustomerServiceGuaranteeforserviceprovidedtoanApplicant,theCompanywillmailacheckfor$50 to the Applicant.Avista will provide the qualifyingcreditorcheckwithoutanyrequirementonthepartoftheCustomerorApplicanttoeitherapplyfororrequesttheapplicablecreditorcheck.AII costs associated with the payment ofCustomerServiceGuaranteesarepaidbyAvista's shareholders,not by customers. Tracking of the Company's performance on the Customer Service Guarantees,includingtheapplicationofcustomercredits,will begin on January 1,2019. ANNUAL REPORT The Company will include the results of its Customer Service Measures,ElectricalSystemReliabilityMeasures,and Customer Service Guarantees in an annual report to befiledwiththeIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissiononorbeforeApril30"'of each year. CUSTOMER REPORT CARD Within 90 days of filing its Annual Customer Service Quality &Electric SystemReliabilityReportwiththeCommission,the Company will send a Service Quality ReportCardtoitsCustomers,which will include the following: a.Results for each of the Company's Customer Service Measures,compared withtherespectiveperformancebenchmarks; b.Report on the Company's Electric System Reliability; c.Results for each of the Customer Service Guarantees,compared with therespectivebenchmarks,the number of events for each measure where a creditwasprovided,and the total dollar amount of the credits paid for each measure;and d.Performance highlights for the year. The Company will issue its first Report Card to customers on or before July 31,2020. Issued October5,2018 Effective November 1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Directorof RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary I.P.U.C.No.27 OriginalSheet 185 AVISTA CORPORATIONd/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 185 IDAHO SERVICE QUALITYPROGRAM PURPOSE: This Schedule provides general terms and conditions for the Company's IdahoServiceQualityProgram.The purpose of this program is to monitor and measureAvista's customer service performance.The results of the program will be reportedannuallytotheIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissionandtheCompany's gas customers. Customer Service Measures 1.The level of Customer satisfaction with telephone service,as provided by theCompany's Contact Center,will be at least 90 percent,where: a.The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respondtoAvista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction,known as the "Voice oftheCustomer",as conducted by its independentsurvey contractor; b.The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in thesurveywhoreporttheleveloftheirsatisfactionaseither"satisfied"or "very satisfied";and c.The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant surveyresultsforbothelectricandnaturalgasserviceforAvista's entire serviceterritory(Idaho,Oregon,and Washington)for the calendar year. 2.The level of Customer satisfaction with the Company's field services will be at least90percent,where: a.The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respondtoAvista's quarterlysurvey of Customer satisfaction,known as the "Voice oftheCustomer",as conducted by its independentsurvey contractor; b.The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in thesurveywhoreporttheleveloftheirsatisfactionaseither"satisfied"or "very satisfied";and c.The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant surveyresultsforbothelectricandnaturalgasserviceforAvista's entire serviceterritory(Idaho,Oregon,and Washington)for the calendar year. 3.The percentage of customer calls answered by a live representative within 60secondswillbeatleast80percentforthecalendaryear,where: a.The measure of response time is based on results from the Company's ContactCenter,and is initiated when the customer requests to speak to a customerservicerepresentative;and b.Response time is based on the combined results for both electric and naturalgascustomersforAvista's entire service territory (Idaho,Oregon,andWashington). Issued October 5,2018 Effective November1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Directorof RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary f.P.U.C.No.27 OriginalSheet 185A AVISTA CORPORATIONd/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 185A IDAHO SERVICE QUALITYPROGRAM (continued) 4.The Company's average response time to a natural gas system emergency inIdahowillnotexceed55minutesforthecalendaryear,where: a.Response time is measured from the time of the customer call to the arrival of a field service technician;and b.A "natural gas system emergency"is defined as an event involving a naturalgasexplosionorfire,a fire in the vicinity of natural gas facilities,police/firedepartments,leaks identifiedin the field as "Grade 1",high or low gaspressureproblemsidentifiedbyalarmsorcustomercalls,natural gas systememergencyalarms,or calls regarding carbon monoxide,natural gas odor,runaway furnace,or delayed ignition. Customer Service Guarantees Keeoing Appointments 1.The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments regarding natural gasservice,scheduled in the time windows of either 8:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m.or 12:00p.m.-5:00 p.m.,except for the following instances: a.The Customer or Applicant cancels the appointment; b.The Customer or Applicant fails to keep the appointment;or c.The Company reschedules the appointment with at least 24 hours'notice. Connectinq Gas Service 2.The Company will connect gas service on the same day the Customer or Applicantrequestsservice,except for the following instances: a.The service request is received by the Company after 7:00pm onweekdays,or on a weekend or holiday; b.The Customer requests an alternativefuture date for service connection; c.The Customer or Applicant is not availableat the time of connection; d.Construction is required before the service can be connected; e.The Customer or Applicant does not provide evidence that all requiredgovernmentinspectionshavebeensatisfied; f.Required payments to the Company have not been received; g.The service was disconnected for nonpayment or theft/diversionof service; h.Gas service cannot be connected due to an outage; i.Electric service is not connected prior to connecting gas service;j.When applicable,water service is not connected prior to connecting gasservice;or k.An action or event that is outside the control of the Company prevents theCompanyfromconnectingservice. Issued October5,2018 Effective November1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Directorof Regulatory Affairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary I.P.U.C.No.27 Original Sheet 185B AVISTA CORPORATIONd/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 185B IDAHO SERVICE QUALITY PROGRAM (continued) Providinq Cost Estimates 3.The Company will provide a cost estimate to the Customer or Applicantfor newnaturalgassupplywithin10businessdaysuponreceiptofallthenecessaryinformationfromtheCustomerorApplicant. Responding to Bill Inquiries 4.The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the initial contact.For those inquires that require further investigation,the company will investigateandrespondtotheCustomerwithin10businessdays. Resolvinq Meter Problems 5.The Company will investigate Customer-reported problems with a meter and/orconductametertestandreporttheresultstotheCustomerwithin20businessdaysfromthedateofthereportorrequest. Issued October5,2018 Effective November1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Director of Regulatory Affairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary l.P.U.C.No.27 Original Sheet 185C AVISTA CORPORATIONd/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 185C IDAHO SERVICE QUALITY PROGRAM (continued) CUSTOMER SERVICE GUARANTEECREDITS For failure to meet a Customer Service Guarantee for service provided to a gas Customer,the Company will apply a $50 credit to the Customer's account.For failure to meet aCustomerServiceGuaranteeforserviceprovidedtoanApplicant,the Company will mail acheckfor$50 to the Applicant.Avista will provide the qualifyingcredit or check without anyrequirementonthepartoftheCustomerorApplicanttoeitherapplyfororrequesttheapplicablecreditorcheck.All costs associated with the payment of Customer ServiceGuaranteesarepaidbyAvista's shareholders,not by customers. Tracking of the Company's performance on the Customer Service Guarantees,includingtheapplicationofcustomercredits,will begin on January 1,2019. ANNUAL REPORT The Company will include the results of its Customer Service Measures and CustomerServiceGuaranteesforgascustomersinanannualreporttobefiledwiththeIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommissiononorbeforeApril30"'of each year. CUSTOMER REPORT CARD Within 90 days of filing its Annual Customer Service Quality &Electric System ReliabilityReport,the Company will send a Service Quality Report Card to its Customers,which willincludethefollowing: a.Results for each of the Company's Customer Service Measures,compared with the respective performance benchmarks; b.Report on the Company's Electric System Reliability; c.Results for each of the Customer Service Guarantees,compared with therespectivebenchmarks,and including the number of events for each measure where a credit was provided,and the total dollar amount of the credits paid for each measure;and d.Performance highlights for the year. The Company will issue its first Report Card to customers on or before July 31,2020. Issued October 5,2018 Effective November1,2018 Issued by Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar,Directorof RegulatoryAffairs IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 31, 2018 Nov. 1, 2018 Per O.N. 34181 Diane M. Hanian Secretary