HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190927August PGA.pdfAvista Cor?. l4l 1 East Mission P.O.Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 September 27,2019 State of Idatro Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8 Suite 201-A Boise,Idaho 83714 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of August 2019. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34187 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustuent filing (Case No. AVU-G-18-04). This report is being filed in elechonic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of August, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $1,126,286. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge defenal in the amount of $453,358. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $1,936,019 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $198,950 for a total rebate balance of $l 10,947 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at ka.v I ene. schu I tz@.avistacorp. com or (5 09) 49 5 -2482. Thank you ! Sincerely, s(-/) -'+ rTlr$ C)-r i! # IrlEfl C,c'r l,rittrtry,$hfla, Kaylene Schuliz Regulatory Affairs Analyst Regulatory Affairs Enclosures ^lEststa l4;'Vrrtrsrr Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accountlng Month: 201908 Dlrectlon: ALL Scrvlce Code: GD Strat gy: ALL Jurledlctlon: ANDealType: ALL Counter Party: ALL Exclude lntra.Co He.t Rate: Y Deal Number Excluslonr: tl PRIOR PERDEAL VOLUT1;ETYPE MMBTU CURRENT VOLUME MMBTU PRIOR PERIOD (314,$r.47) (3{n5.77) (tr,804.97) tu Tun August 2018 10 of 10 (cREDrD DEB]T CURREItff tt'IONTH (318.048.46) (t07..79./ts) {t10,779.3.} 3S,24.70 l't@.901,00 1230,53!t.35 tl72,46.1.26 (13,076.51) t4rE,155.70 ru.3Printott: 0ry0r19 0234:5e PMDabbelc: NUCUT !rpga!bltl!lt TOTAL usD (S97, s9,77 4.70 tr00.90 r.00 GD COUNTERPARW PURCHASE l{orlh*.stPh.nn.Gorpo..dofi€Krb.rAlumlnumtchanlcdCorporrdon. IPORT Northr..t PlD.lh. Corporr$onoPuget 8o{n., En.rty, lnc, 'FO(TNottrwr.t PlDaIna CorDo.don€Wmllltrr Po[.r ComDrty, lnc. TPORT sFcln En.'ey.W.tE€d Emrgy lnc ACCISP !p.ct r En.riu.t{r.ico..t En.riy hc. ACCTGS EP.dr: Eniiy.W.ttco..t En.rirlnc. ACCfSP 3p.ctnE diy.W.tlsortEn.rgylnc. IPOET TC Enrily Foolhlb Flp. Llnx Ltd. ACCfOS TC Enriy Footru. Plp. Un . Ltrt IPOAT TC Enrrgy Gu TnnEdtdon Nor0rs.3t LLC IPOBT TC En.By GrrfEr3lnlt.lon r{orth[r{ LLC+lGl R.rdtca.lnc. TPORT TC En.rly HOVA CD Tnn..tllt loll Ltd, TPORT TC En.rgy ,{OVA O$T1rn.ilL.lon Ltcl I ACCTGS[ ,.uS OO1€O4OO1€D.AN.[)L TOTALS: t230.535.35 s.l12,484.26 s4rE,155.70 (t3,273.91) (s20.368.47) S?.20E,6E{,.99 S2,1t8.3t2.52 a jVariablc Transport Chargee AN I l{offi$rarl PlFlln. Corpmuon SPGctfr En.rgY.W.3tcod Emrgy lnc. SP.cttr En.rgy. W..lco.tl Enargy lnc, E9..fr. En.tiy. $r..fco.d En iry loc, TC En.rly FootNlL PlF Llno. Ltd- TC Encqty Gaa Trsaml3rlm flortlrmal LLC . _yr 't 001€04002€D.AN-OL TPORT ACCTGS TPORT IPOR"T IPORT TPORT 31r,062.0r 311,06i1.01 s6.355.09 (s5,5r9.49) s.o0 t.00 3.00 s6,356,09 TOTALS:{35,5re.49} Nr7,ar8.10 8fi.t0t.81 AWtsrx Gas by GL Account - Estimate IU T\,A August 2018 Pase: ? g Of 10 PnDtO6t : 090i,ro 02:.32:59PM Oatabasr: NUCUT arpga.byCrst Accounting Month: 201908 Dlrectlon: ALL Service Code: GD Stratogy: ALL Jurisdiction: AN Deal Type: ALL Counter Party: ALL Exclude lntra4o Heat Rate: Y Deal Number Exclusions: N GD PURCHASE ! i COUNTERPARW PRIOR PERDEAL voLUMETYPE $MBTU CURRENT VOLUT'lE MMBTU (CREDIT) DEBIT PRIOR CURRENTPERIOD MONTH TOTAL USD Oomlnln Enrrgy Qu.3t.r Plp.lln.. lJ.C NorthwGit Plpallnr Co?poratloo flontwrst Plprllna Corpo3illonrAvlau Corporad,on ilofihs€t Plpclln! Corpontlon-Clrt Counttl PUO tlo. , llortlilaat Plpollno CorDsrdonoouL Enaii, Hrrkrfing Anodct LLC ilorltrsltl Plgrlha Corpontlon+lcl R.rourrar lnc. ACCTSP TPORT TPORT IPOBT lPORT IPORT 637.68 {Et (s1?1 Transportation AN 537"08 $3,63't,a90,9?s3.$r.690.92 (sr.484,8r9.?3) (t123,508.041 (512i,m2.30) I tu run August 2018 8of10 Nuclcu3 Storrgc AN JP.l08 lnpdlont St200 GO Al{ 3 (161,'l63fi} AN JP toE W4hdf.s.rr to81o0 00 Ait I l,/l.e.013.7c TordAr.l JP lcarooooAx t 1.213.55035 ts chy Basn (ouESTM) hilcron3 Clay Basn (OUESIM) Wrtlxdrawals 60t200 00 Ail , oR 808100 60 AN , oR 3 3 Totrl Clsy Ba3ln 1641t5GOAArOR S OR iP {08 h,ectlonl OR JP {0€ wihdrildg art2oo Go oR 808t00 GD oRTor.loRJPofln.d t0atoocDoR I OR JP /a03 ln,cctionr totloo OO OR 3 OR JP 403 Wtvrarsb Altioo OD OR 3 Toi8l OR JP Loased lt4loo GD Oi S ToldN.t8tor.9.(lnl.otlomywtlrdnwr,. @ tt NUCUT PURCHASES IGL Er0m.tr R.Dorr) ConrflDdly Purctrrsa3 Frrod Dsmarxl sDd Capsdty Rais.scr vaflabla Elomarld (Transpofl) co$3lcrtc. Acrv{y Frtlnctal Sattlemrnt3 htraco Ajchlsa trffir Thlrmrl Cochrane Crgdrt t04000 Go Ar r oR t04001 go AN , oR EO'OO2 CD AN ' OR t04010 GD AN ' On EO4TOO OD AN ' OR 8047t0 Go Ail , oR 811000 00 A,l , oR {,t27.91t3.3a ' 2,ltt tt2.62 fi,8rt.6t (3,76a.0s) - 120,ttr,6e - 2'l!,133,12 137,7e9.681 - et.8t . 7.000.00 , 14,880.80 ?,t64.03 t,20t.at t,aaa.ort P,a/+o,5O0.7t1 It7C,00o.00l tt'$a'e7l I 3t 3 3t 3 3 lrromatlon t?om oduloumaL .Drf3rrrd Cadr: WA lmbalenc. ftom OJ 436 tormo GD WA I 'ltzao lO lrYrballncc rrom O.l 4iiat OR lmbalrncr hom OJ 436 M Chamic8l Ac€fud Broklr Farr OJ 471 Ml2uho JoJmd OJ 470 W.llr Fargo Jot.fntl O.l {70 U.adr.ndsc Procasdng Fs€ OJ 467 W&IOOR Sdar lbr Rer.L Phy!*d s,rd Bookout +fom GSALES Nafitd Exdrango Rovo.rlo GST/HST R.coo (Ouandy) D., /l:t7 wMo Buy,scl rranspo(atEn Racoyory. pe3r Grough DJ.l53 Enttlcmarx Panalq Tol.l Costr ,or OaLml lncludlng na gr! coilr Frcilrt.ro D.t.rr.r Enuy c0a@0 GD lD tE0a000GooR s8qm0000AN t80{orTGDAit/oR 380{0t7GoAN'OR 3 80.or7 GD Ar{ ' OR 3So4oltGDAN/OR t 4r300dlo3c00/4t!730 ( t{9602tco4il ttoaooocoA[roR t to.@l GDAN '496000coAN t 03600 00 Arl oR lo3000 Go AN , oR 01730 00 AN , oR 3 (Cl.ttl.oo, lnpdnclE s.rc!3 (3.2r0,rtt,e213 (4,tCCJ2!.1a1 (7,6/O,600.781 lnpqr t GLE S.lcr lnBil Ir GLE Salrr I I I Or.C?.t0a700,G0.Al{ro8(Bookoddoll.rttorsEcR.oorunol I I . t0t7ll.ilo-lll , OP ,g6t6d d6ll.n td BEC n.6rdml I 3 t.ProIld. Eoohout dolt.r. for sEC ..pdt&lgP6dd. eelort dollrB o{ll.{ l{O0O-GD-AN lAi,l Odorlr.llon Era AccMll It ,.000.00 3 AN Odorlrsllon Eroenrt Accrurl.Atril Calch-Uo 232130.22.2. IAN Odorlzetl,on Erc Accurall It 3 r7.000.Atl OdorEltlon Exocnao Accrurl-Aorll Crtch-UD 178719 22 Z.I 25a740 CD AA I I Tod Onh€r Adil 3 Tolrl lrom GLE Tor.l . t{uc (co, ALL| H lrsul GaA6fftr{tc6 Cs12Ol9 WAiO G$ C6hfrlc t9. WA.IO dJ?96.20!97 :' Al' oooo:!.tt o: illFo15 ZRD9EE l(a sL la 8|ilt-ooIvq, .(D c!=!,:(Etooogq) =(Da 8t; 3H EB #F tro3!t IL1Ito g,16 al=g lF' .D16rLa PI;!, lo 816=no) .Df) o,frEtoanq,2tc !L oJooxtco €(DC'o o i'tr olr 5 sl;: 3lF H;B dl8{ =o og ltr, I5,l3 l3lolql€ lcnlol(D IrI5lo.l>tfkcEINIO, lol:hlo lolo1^IU,lf'Itt-lstlgr lEl{tol3IElo t0! 12l{torlxlolol:]lol=t lol>l3lol: tEIE, l9 o@No\(o 5o 3o, 6',5 =o, Jq ao it'€ € o!o og. (D di 3o Jii'goa or oooc5 (o ooooo € ( e9c!O m<)Aq6 O(,_.5 No! oo<)ooo E 5oS E e5o l:troEJE,cr r{ EE;lI<lo''r lStrDE EI9t8,EI lrDsB Ll ET Ho19lD16cr L\ to toknt?li! I.D l9tE BE o,a(.,o vAIo o aooo oo ooo: € oo65' tr,Do lzlml= { ]\,o (o q s, oo I\Jo @ zox !o =tGI coo(rt ooE o @9aooE6 lD !(tl NO'NJOlrrr JJJJJJr(rr19r(rOO)Nt\,NNJ5(.)t\r-Ooo)jJANJ oo r (.)NNAJOo)JJ iJrrjjA(,(.,JJOO'N'J'\'JJ ooatO50oocrocro C'CIJC'*Jooror000ctNlCD\t{otlorolSS5dla.ratD5 PPSTSTP9crcrcrcroc,cros{(o(ooo{}oocr('l{oro,ct o arr tt { { a09Poo,ANro q,{or a0oob'ocoooot -{D-- g 6 €.9 4,6oooooobbbbl:.oot(o(oooOtoNNNN(,t(,lNqr(rG,50gtro(o(o JJJJJJ JJJJJJNI\'NNNNoooooolir@o@@@@ zzzzzzooooooxxxxxx 'o.o!.IrEToooooo =======:f=f3ct (Cl (E! 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