HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190815July PGA.pdf^iiiiirirrtro Avista Corp. 141 I East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 August 15,2019 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Defenal Accounts for the month of July 2019. This information is submiued in compliance with Order Number 34187 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-I8-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of July, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $1,093,823. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge defenal in the amount of $462,418. The year to date balance in the defenal account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $1,260,429 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $202,689 for a total rebate balance of $309,547 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at ka), lene.schu ltz@avistacorp.com or (5 09) 49 5 -2482. Thank you ! Sincerely, Regulatory Affairs Analyst Regulatory Affairs Enclosures nuV"tt' I FI o(\I l.tol)6 o cto a) G' \o (g o\ (:,6l o @ EotrE T I\n dF' * (o. -X-8538o\ 6l :: NVa.u83.EHg.i EEEJts$3€ co hts ,5 g' rla trt6>oP<Eg<Eeroo 3 !q),a, t.)c, 0){)6.4'6 '6>= ot:ly l:';9EtE.E AE€BJu)<.?^o6E!aEO(r=EC'€EEOeq)aEl,>rL Es ES .6Oogo6l e€9c38bg !E .Y Ee€<}A EeE 6x-- o(E = €3='! soh E EE'*fr €E& PaE =E=tc8Se B ,-,'Ei"aE trIrI ql crr o 6 o LcU a, tn EE$eE -I*q \ N o oc)IEa. 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E9 -t(u r!!tCLfo rlt g l ELo .! o3 o,co, coEItoEog. !, .D;LooolECJ =(Eo'tLosogE =o>G Ebl;iE{Eo0,*o.6LtsE.E C'ctoc3lE!!>gE 903.= (,>.(EEsEIEct,5ql9g 9Esd EO.E'EoCLEglxo0,tr>EE E9oo.= totEc >Ebo 9E a3 o,gPsch;r;gEo:ru!,6E P.E 8.8. :!iE* *-EEi9E.8 .E:b_b9!ucLg* E 9rFlsI!BeEEg!-Otl H6Et8E l. lo!,ottos j(, q,E .E "g tr0,6cLfo trlogr6., vtLO6Ctoat2a5Eo9 flrg Ea!6r Arg0Jt-uo U<c o(!a rEoc:9g1 4 ji o Ol (Ea0)c co,, Ep E :rCLg al' n,o \ 8eD 616iFjoo 666 ^rido60 cto +oo -66a6aoGa---------aaaaao-qi:qqr:cooccc a6oooc5-r_qo(6 1?. "|1, , tst-O dte l1* l---qr_Eell _ \r^\odl .i Gil.i E' 1p' . ^\ l-'88 13NO 165; lEi.: lfr --l- !lto j *to d0 o-aaaqqqqqocooo EEE:ESEIererrETETEETIatttttoo.hthoE F Fi' grE iir E !r OE s!E - E- 13,! 6 Ro. 66 >FFN-ft'-RI-O:-Nfloo E*srrf;;f;gf;fisEEaa f E i -66 E I8 d i*!.t8J3 tfi rldttIog to, E E Eoao t-Pl8olo -lo-'lgl!! + 66FO r.gtstso.i' 8E rEr{IIs i E!eE EsSEEOaa 8 E T.3 EEEE c!r!ttsEEo ceu t TEoI.t6<:o!€gi> ET6! t. 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Ito.Orraat Plpallna CorDor.tlonoAvhr CorDo.rdon ilorlhw..l PlD.lln. Corpofrflm€Clart County PUO ilo. I ilo.0ts..l Plpclln. Corpor.llonrout! En rg, ma.tdng Arn rk LLC TPORI TPORT TPORT TPORT TFORT 3i!,831,@0.92 (1r,a84,Er9.23) (s.23,506.0t1) (3r2r.002.s) 53,63r,890.92 Noa0rwosl CorForluor-lBl R.3ou.c.r lnc.127 1?l t $'r\ lHvrsrr Gas by GL Account - Estimate Pao.: 3Prifttofr: Wl19 Oit/llt$e Pilhb...: t{t CUT .rBrrlygLd Accountlng ilonth: 201907 Dlrsc'tion: ALL Scrvlcr Codc: GDStratagy: ALLJurlrdlctlon: ANDealType: ALL CounterParty: ALL Excludc lntra€o Hcrt Ratr: Y Deal l{umbr Excluslonr: N GD PURCHASE Tranrpoft Chrrger AN LorlltEt Ptp.tm Cor?drtlon 8Prcln E't.rlY.Wrborrf Enrrgt lnc. tp.Gfn Er.fU .U,..Ecrt Cn liu lnc, TC Ei.r!, Foodtlh PlD. Ui.. 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