HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190625May PGA.pdfAvista Corp. l4l I East Mission P.O, Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 5 09-4 89-05 00 Tol[ Free 800-727-9170 Jwre25,2019 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Defenal Accounts for the month of May 2019. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34187 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustuent ftling (Case No. AVU-G-18-0a). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of May, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate defenal in the amount of $754,991. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $348,255. The year to date balance in the defenal account (including both commodity and demand) is a surcharge of $445,395 (including interest), The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $299,345 for a total rebate balance of $740,603 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at kaylene.schultz@.av istacom.com or (509) 49 5 -2482. Thank you! Sincerely, Regulatory Affairs Analyst Regulatory Affairs Enclosures ,{}*l (- r-6 =s3*nrr,* = m('fr i\) C)ciI crt mA{l\-ie -?#tr= t>'r (f,(/,C) -9clo- L ^J','igtsta q) (Bo;l-$, .o EC) =0.)'t q,d tuv €€ liLG'dU(J__€f;EEdEE E E E,T.Ttr tr<<FF9t, F q-. &ssegeA=? [e'?Eg58 E, r ? .; E E o r E u E s 'r r r P ,38€EEe!.EEEEE€EEeE.\E^r \r\l\- \o gta;3\ '3X; \ir.fr +Gds.E Eq€. A El{Q9R E-3 S = 'tE Nrrt:l 6t3 o-(\lI!a o.5 Nch|.ro O\9 EBraA \oz €d>!l(Eav)gEE o\o(\t U aoo tU o -rU trl a.\tcr .E o\o(\lhoGo!0, tr o. 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EE 6F J E tt EE EE E9 EEE EEfif!dooo 88io N. ! e 6o 8o 3Idt!9IgaE, aF E.I.oc 5oc, o6 .1. ooe. I88fr Eoo60 F.I ooo o 60ctoo('(' oooooGOFOoooo o tUana E$IIZEtstsItgtEE 8=ds \qo o cGF 88oo (, I CLAEcourt lU ilu6hll| Stor.g. AN JP 408 hFctont AN JP4O8 WtMr.tf,dr tor200 Go AN roar@ Go Afl 3 3 |tr'an,a?o.:nl 6i1tato.6c TddAN JP lSalmoDAN s (4.93,GX1.?3)r'lCbrB.rn(Ou€STA^lrnl.ctonr l08r006OAtlrOR t .O.yBrtnlotEgTAAll/ffi.ld totloo@Ailroi t acryr.@ , .\/ ORJPrcrrjcdlo6 tollo0GOOR 3 - OR JP r08 W0l(r.rd. !01100 GD On 3 -T.a.iORJP laaloooooR I - oRJP4(xll{xrdr aoloocooR t .oRJP4o0wth{hrrd. a0.tcocooi t -Totr.ORJP laatooODoR I ?ot l lld Stor.go (ln.cdoni),Wnhd'rw.lr I t4.882.123.2t1 NUCUI PURCIIA8EI (6L &ffrt.t. i.portl CorilnodyArt,lat.l Foad orrry*, 1r(l Cap.cny Fd.'rt v.fiDh o.m.r€ (Tr.fl.po.0 co.tr Hadga irtott tl Fi.nrcal Sailm6dthbtlo hll|r.tafiomTnaflrl Coctrrr. 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(3le,OOO.Ool -; la!,err..zltcsrp,73i//i.1./ (t6,tl?'@) r'. lgi2t,,o2.@l: AUDI 2015120r6 Tot l Gort to. Olrorn l lficludhl nd gar cotlr lIffilfl.roocrcn tEnlry X ra8ta00 00 AN, oRt$tmoGDAN/OR attTto GD AN, oi 3 (ee,o!6.7r,3 (r,ce2370.6a)l (ls4!t&rrl hput tr GLE S.lGi lnpsl rr GLE SrLr lrput lr GLE sdos ('1.058,230.140) Totrl from GLE Tord - t{UC (GD, ALL, 17 Apd roqp H txdrrlcE^r@ulrytc$ ccEt20l9 wA lo o.r c6rrll.I III?I 6/5120t8{:53 Pll t 3t! 3 3t ^ffivrsrr Gas by GL Account - Estimate P!ea: 2Pri.{O.t: 06&5/!9 0tr'a0:56 PltDrt.br..: mrcUT arpg.rtygE l Accounting lrlonth: 201905 Dlrectlon: ALL Servlce Code: GD Strategy: ALL Jurirdletlonl AN DeelTyper ALL Countcr Partyl ALL Excludc lntrs€o Hc.t R!te: Y Deel Numbsr Exclualonr: N GD PURCHASE miao \ PRIOR PERDEAL voLUMETYPE i,MBTU CURRENT VOLUME MMBTU (CREDIT) DEBIT COUNTERPARTY PRIOR PERIOD CURRENT MONTH TOTAL uso oomnon En Iiy Qu..t r Plgdan , LLC G.a Tm;Uralo0 Xqffif,rt Cs?ffrdm 6aa Tru3'trLdon l{du.3l Co.Do.adon olcl naaqrca. lnc. tlor0rilt Plp.0n. Corpa.tl€n fio.Ailrart Plp.llna Corpontloai l{o.{rfil Plp.lan. Corpor.tlo.€Avlrt Co:Do,.llon tlorl,lr..t Plp.[n. Corporrtbnocll.t County PUO tlo. I rcCTSP rPORT IPORT ACCTGS TPORI IPOM TPORT TPORT TPORI s4,41..56 (8r.356.U0)(t7 s3,631 LLC Transporlatlon AN Iorlhs..l Ph.lln. Corpor.tborDul En rly X..t.tng RClourcat lnc.Xonhr.3r Pip.lln. 34,.14.56 3172..6..26 {t3,07E.5r1 1172,'a5a.26 (s3.07E.sr) t3,631.690,92 (31,'lE4,Er9.?3) (s423,50E.0.) ($r2r,002.s, ^#vrsrr Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accountlng ilonth: 20lS)5 Dlrcc,tlon: ALL Scrvlce Code: GD Shategy: ALL Jurlrdlctlon: AttDcelTypc: ALL Corntor Prfi: ALL Ercludr tntre€o Heet R*e: Y Deal Numbsr Exclueione: N TPORI ACCTSP TPORT IPORT ACgTGS IPOAI 001{M002.GD-AN.I)L TOTALS: GD PURCHASE Tnnaport Chargea AN Gr Tmrmbam Iodh[lt Col?o.rion Gr. Tnnrrrlt.lon ]Io.fhratt Corpora{on tto.tltuill PlF.lh. CotDo..tlon 8D.ch En liY.Sr.ltEout En..gy hc, Sfach EmrBy . W.ttco{t En.ryy lne Trr6c.nrdr Foothlll. Plp. Unll Ltd. s5.0r!.28 (3St?.osi 131,C36.091 I S1E.6{E 3513.oo I ss9,65!r.t7 3577t4,69, (s677.03) s1E,0@.35 sr8,r31.3? s5,0rE.2E t04,635.09 s.00 ) '{$/ PRIORPERDEAL VOLUIIETYPE ilMBTU CURRENT VOLUME MIIBTU (CREDIT} DEBIT COUNTERPARTY PR]OR PERIOD CURRENT MONTII TOTAL U8D llor0imtPlp.Im CorFofrddrjlot .rAurdnun 3 Ch.mkd Corpondm, lbtfrrrraf PF.fa. Cor?ordoo..tPug$ Sorrnd E r.rgu, hc. EP.ct EilE -W..toodEn fBrlrc, tg.ctra En Cy. ULtEo[l Ett.|iy hc, tprch Endgy. W.stco..r Enaffy lnc. SFGI.. En {Ey.W..!cor.t En t0r tnc. TPORI IPORI ACSTSP TPORT ACCTSP ACCTSS ACCTSP ACCTGS TFOET ACCTOS TPORT (t7E,0.6.a8) {E97,470.'r5) 59.6:10.@ 390,E5.t0 (3rE.r5t.t0) (3.rr.02! (tr0,930.!0) 6t.37323) s220.c14.t1 (t2,15,.10) 3ril7.942.go TOTALS:(s36,409.9r) 52,217,12121 32,1C0,7r7.36 (12,575.46) 001{04001€o-AN-DL 678.(xE.46' (tcr.tu9.45, 30,620.00 t09,625.80 TEnacanrd. Foothlh Plpc Unrr Ltd. Ttrntcrn.dr Foolhlb np. Unaa Ltd. Trrnrc.nrda llovl era Tran.mlslon Ltd. Tnmcrhada ilova C[ Trr ilmlslon Lt r. s329,644.81 $4r7,042.9E (tr8,t06.801 (3.1r.92) (tt0.0{i0.t8) (8r873.23, I G'r: .\ p.gp: 3 Pnnt Orb: olict 19 01:tl0:50 PM Odrb.t.: NTCUT rrpgffbytLtt (9'"\r\b?"K Colre4, FEtr Silr .lr.drf{n D.bf Ctld OrqsAlcndorAcca,|thg TrrnactonPe,bd Ddei-,tErs tns 201ffi algr Z}IEE yTtaE wta$ '5t7tzJ\9 ),'r'?t?0lt i5t7txlg 6ia?.El 10.916-S ilz132E fi.Era1$20r6 J[o-err'o@"aux,..v GO -Cr lhd On.Oogdr 10.s15.30 GsvHsT AtDtT 111$2016 Hefty, Chris Subiect Frcm: Selrt To: Denbc Bumc Carh tanrgoment Analyst Bumt Denise Tuesday, April30 2019 10:16 AM Hefty, Chris GST HL We recelved cAD $135745.19 rate ls o.745451 US $ 101191.39. Thank you 4 AknsrA 1411 E Mlcsion MSC - 19 Spokaru , WA 99220 P 509.495.472s F 509.777.51€ Dcnlcc.bums@evbircom.com *.t i-) -r CONFIDENTIAUTY NOTICE: Thc conbnE of thb ornail mctcego md rny rttrclrmcnb rn m.ldcd rolely br tho rddmcc(r) and mry conbln oonfldcnthl and/or prMlcgcd lnfonnafon .nd may bc lcgally ptobcbd fiorn dirdoeuc. ll you aro nd thc lnbndcd ,ldplcnt of thb mos.g. or rn .gpnt of thr lnbndcd redt bnt or tf thb mccrga hls bccn addrcrrcd to you in .nor, pLttc immcdlrtrly elcrt ths scndcr by ttply cmeil rnd Ucn drlcb thb mt.s3go rnd any d.dmantB. 1 ,) ;, @6AOO6qca!gqo5E6N*N86036F_ !t- O_ a o. N_tstNaOFl6rtNrrrr, ONIOF-OOI.-N6lri6iaicio-NrOO)O66NOOo d rt.\i N-(qC,QtsN FNd, 6 leoNa'{r, (,|nNNociatooh r-' aD 6,cr c,ft ltoo ott o66()l\ts (ni f,i ciF.?oooNr\-r\.6 ooof!qqottG,OFo-6!hl\Fl,tt +! cio66o. o-@o 66riaIt66dt .to-N ail G6rt?r!qqllooctCtrOoo. o- g!- o.6666 FOor?.otoooGtOGqG3 gr??nlqqoctdtr66-66drtd rOoFatlNtlft6?o?orr-dNFE o c)6! tq b ts6O GN.ti Gl dN G.Y onl'lacc?Ntto6aO(o. F. N-Nis octooa9 dIl\Fo-oo.ia6o tf c\tGIN q8 ul ro3- i.oro o€toood o- aa-OE o66@oocroai ct; Jatclngtqo-i^f..o@.o(0NFF? cro!) 6'66N"lo€o€ ocrcr600FOAFOOoaattfaOl?OOmN16AA60NGl?FFN ooooo-errCt?FOiFoodroo6laN(D?!aN-r? e Eultt ?o eF o =PBlsItn -ctC)oooC?FF?O:EE8t5X6-NaFEtrN-l (,Elrllt I d N.oo oodroc,oo6rici6j-cioo609t@o(rlora66rOOootsooFNc oIo3oo Eo)O'qqr! F6dN(')ol.,ioo @60066NN -;.idOOF-N- N- 3\l N-tstsNNNNOC) 6Fla006(!'oN\|:qqcOOFOoeNO?tsOOO@o@oloNNcrl'-'c\id-Nt-NNCtoNotoqcr.t6Ne oq oo*N!t oo ohl- IoFoo.€@@ oul N o'N rv' oq, aalo-o6N- @ Eola friof)- (O(OalroFOlOrO!.!rqoolq!f? -NN@6lNoOots6FaONoN- o_ -- $- o- !r- - !)- OONFTONFoo6NNOOOc)ar@evN(oo lsNGOtriOotlF:Foo 6Cl\nlO-at, ta(')o O, I!t dlN NT\oaofttoctt- l-Nh(oo E ooo(oooooFoo ?66?O =ooOdhNOF5NOCO66NOlll6atI)@6(!ti,FLFFNGIC{N!a a6Ft) a I e tli?e IIEEigg gEgiiEE EgEiEEE ;IEEEr;:ie;;Ea,-!OCr049'o5o,9Eo F#frEegE 6 N.Nh o6 ro o ? h o o oNN O O O O e dl ait;oj q ci r oi i - t50 6, N N N O r (ooa N o o 6 6 N o!O! O O ? Cl aO ol Odrrt @ @ o N 6 ()Nv - O O - ,aG o F N o e o rDNCr ! Ol t o o 6 c,dri ci d n ci ri 'ri t,ro o ! h N o o FO- F- dl. @. a q Cr. o_ o-Fo F ts N O 6 O Nrrro N N O lo O E NFGNF 6fo!orc,O!t-NONoaiNoiciricidtsmoI'loNa\t\NIOO-dl 0(o()r'rjut-€IOetrohO rorqq.NE6N@c\i cl o 6o,ioF.o TE IA tao.9 e8 e8 & oog6t\- t qEqlooc,OEFooo6 rr' c,iONN FOO oooNtsNonu',Jdd(qe NNNN\\q.!NF6ln@(Drr dd$i0iOONN NT@tc)NNNtsOFUl ts.\l|cido*hitsri!6F(OO@(oo!NroFF o'ro'oo-ooaraoNooooNNt_tF(t? o6(,66 6'o nl @ o. oro()NdriotF_ o_ o rrt FSqqN!tONro. r:tr)NN- ooq\s!lNCIN! -'dooo dro\qrrtONtN- OFo00 6FooNoPooo EEt Gl otsu,E Q65 E>E-iEc:1 5$5 {Al!o=ExsgE?ET B3 EE#rEogA<fo9=EgtExBurE2,.E6EE.B;T aooN G .coox6F :gul(,.QEIrf EREE 4E *ll' a Eat Ir UJI5It Berg, Jenny From: Sent: To: Subject: Aftachments: Slgned By: Kennedy, Megan Thursday, May 30,2019 11:38 AM Berg, Jenny FW: Rate Change DeferralAFUDC Equity 201812 AFUDC Equity Deferral Rate Change Adjusted.xlsx Megan.Kennedy@avistacorp.com Hi Jenny, I will be recording an adjustment for May that will impact your reg amortization journal. Please let me know when you have a few minutes to discuss. Thanks, Megan Kennedy, Tax Analyst 1411 E Mission Ave MSC-29, Spokane, WA, 99202 P 509.495.8144 | F 509.777.54t9 www, myavista.com From: Kennedy, Megan Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 11:12 AM To: Pluth, Jea nne <Jeanne. Pluth @avistacorp.com> SubJect: RE: Rate Change DeferralAFUDC Equity Hi Jeanne, We discussed early last month a true up entry for the Dec 2018 AFUDC Equity rate change deferral. This wasn't recorded in April so I was going to record the attached adjustment entry in May, Just wanted to check with you to make sure recording in May wouldn't cause you any issues. Thanks, Megan Kennedy, Tax Analyst 1411 E Mission Ave MSC-29, Spokane, WA, 99202 P 509.495.8144 | F 5O9.777.5419 www. myavista.com From: Kennedy, Megan Sent: Wednesday, April3, 2019 1L:57 AM AiwstA ^4ivtsta 1 To: Pluth, Jeanne <Jeanne.Pluth@avl > Subiect: Rate Change DeferralAFUDC Equity Hi Jeanne, l'm going to be recording an NSJ in March to record the AFUDC Equity Flowthrough deferral for the quarter. As a result, I was looking at the adjustment we recorded in December to account for the fact that we were still collecting at 35% for part of the year. I have updated the December calculation to calculate the gross M Adjustment and then take 35% of that, grossed up at the new rate of Z3.OSYo, see attached. lt might be easier to discuss over the phone. The result is a true up entry of S343k for all the states. This is shown on the "adjusted" tab with the "as recorded" tab showing what was recorded in December. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the update and on whether we should record the adjustment now, wait for the 2018 return to be done and record with the ARAM true up, or pass on the adjustment. My thought would be to true up with the ARAM adjustment in September and that would also give us time to review the theory and make sure the calculation doesn't change again. Feelfree to call me to discuss. Thanks, Megan Kennedy, Tax Analyst 1411 E Mission Ave MSC-29, Spokane, WA, 99202 P 509.495,8144 | F 509.t77.54t9 www.myavista.com Aiiivtsrla 2 ccc.o.9.o oa0(E.N.!.!lEEEoooEEEa!ooEEE,13ooocl ar. cLEEEgE.3 (!a!t6:r35cc,cg-cc, 800o.rt ay) 1,E6 Eoa6 Eo EEoo o&oo58OG9.HEEJOOE oarodiat,ct X (\rqoNt- o Eco o.N oEo .EEIo ol !,oo3 o,ooooo OL oz a\a\lOOt\(\lor ro;€@@(\i; t'EE'o€E9EE!o E€9o 6€tEoooE9o6oot E€oxFO looaoP>.c, .lr't at Eg€Eb9 EBE., EE<got([5 e.Eotr fi€ EEF.= !,oo5 CL 8oo6c .E -o\\\ 2 [$Soooooo(ooJic"i@ ao cl) r.i -' |r)0(,(o a,t\(t,. c) ?oNo-oNtJ ooo Groit-'lO cO. croct (ao(oi- FF\N @oN(o- o:ol\_t (o(,lcroort ao6C'e rr'6?FC2 lrtGl. taE l16 l-C' t3ld Ittli 1...Itsla INlohjlolql.o lao lc..6lrglc)o; GItaO-o(\!I o) rO. o)rO u)(orl)d lO @ry (oN.rt cr6(D0oroo)r, at (otrtdroO) (O rla.l - \(r) ooo Io_(r)o oo o(',ooolo (o(o- rt-tt ra,6-Fct (\looNtt- a{tt u)(). 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