HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190521April PGA.pdfAvista Cor?. l4l I East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 May 21,2019 State of Idaho Idatro Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Defenal Accounts for the month of April 2019. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34187 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjushent filing (Case No. AVU-G-I8-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of April, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $8,499. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the arnormt of $69,093. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a surcharge of $851,051 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $568,934 for a total rebate balance of $1,015,779 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at kay lene. schu ltz@avi stacorp. com or (5 09) 49 5 -2482. Thank you ! =r.l, -I --,=fiNt C)rtl ==6E ;C'I j r:,* ",(} =H=FffJC}U'6z. ,W Regulatory Affairs Analyst Regulatory Affairs Enclosures ^ii;,'it,.tsta, N d-€a Ir9(l'Gt(JUgg EEgJZ E55EEea., F ilt, *gf Cg;9 sl i2 r!&ep€ BE e s tsE s EBPEPE dj,5EE rijfrEExrxxE; E E ;.8.E a E E ;.!.8 P e e e 5e E E E e ! c E E E E E € E E € e.(\lIs =o\o.6 61 (\l,l'l ;(wro o\ rf) $B8Era -- ii d, G)>r!an>v)g HI tro.6tIt Gl cl\ (\t a.)oh E'q)c Lo. C., c,o$ \n -atrogs rI Eo EE Ed Ef'o BoU o G'o0GIA ()G'PiE.)tu ru i,}zV 5;FEEE a'=0a 5 A6t=r+ i)too\ oN t'i GIo ol.: (J-(,Erll .T oV S \O F-6(fl \o (\l- 1| f-r -lCFt ra \c) -o\ € GllcOO ia €F-\o arl -rC FI \oqrto\ o\o c{ \o NrnO\ \OOO r-rd:tf .: r-q€ a{ (t- s.\lHil{ \o(J(.tool f-l- \O r (Pt aoq 9 e--r -O\ rio Ft s C!T \o i- rt,) \O(,\ -r\ s (\t tlll - t\l\o r,,r € r-\o \o .vlr,,r C.N .Et e 8;(ll r/r o.) f.rEI 3 E6,ri d..icr\ s = I 0 6' ,o J.T-:JJJJJJJJJJJJJJuflO n o o O a O O O a o O O C O O Hx * * * >* * e e e e e e e e e e I008E'o()E-cCEbeE() =BEEbi€oOtrtro tr46ONeEE=C'X -bEto c,ErEE=oEE dU ,cug? ici=-Ea E "at.. or(EE €Bs'E EeE): o-l "_ Egtr! E E€ rio o o o o o o o o o o o o o o odflo o o (, I o e () () (, (, (, () (, o o6q 6q *O-JO O=O -t?;Er EB$H r,8 *cPeEfi*eprE? 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CorDarfbn IorniEt Plpalh. Corfa.aLon-Aybil. Cdpo.rdon tlo.tlru.lt Plp.$m CorDff.ttcn-tcld( Coonty PlrO Io. t lloitrs.at Plp.lkra Corpodtlooiouf. Erl'iy f.rt.dnt Am.rtcr LLC l|oifu.af Plr.lna CorDo.a$ofr-lcl R.aonrcaa ha. ACCTSP TPORT TPO(T lFOf,I IPORT II'ORI IPORI IPORT tr66.900.87 (sz.s,e20, 33,51'1,539.59 (6r,.30.921,E3) 640e,Ea6.601 (irr7,@9.00, s tt,ro2.72 - s166.90O.87 Tramportstlon AN 83.514.539.59 (tt,'136.021 g"qocz\ ^#vrsrr GD PURCHASE Trenrport Chargec AN Or. fr.n.n!.lon llo.tlru..t Corpcrdon C.. TEntmlrdon }lodrllat Co.por.ion tao.{!u.rt Ap.lln. CorDol.gon tlort,tlnd Plpr0nr Corpor.llon tFctn EmfrY .W.atco0t En.EU lne lFctn Ensiy -w6tcoEr Emriy lnc, Tnmcro.dr F@ollL PlF. Umr Ltd. \ Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accountlng llonth: 201904 Direc{lon: ALL Servlcc Code: GO Strategy: ALL Jurirdlc{lon: ANDeelType: ALLCountcrPrrty: ALL Exclude Intrr€o Heat Reto: Y Deal Number Excluelong: N TPORT ACCTSP TPORT ACCTSP ACgrcs rPORT rPORT 001€04002€D.ANoL TOTALS: 111.845.10 {s5s3.18} s23,381 19 s.00 s.00 Prga: 3PnntD.L 0a903fl9 Ogs7i'E AllD.Lb.!.: Nt CUf .rpg.lbygl.d 311,Crt5.10 s23.38r.19 Y I (334r.2S1 l3rE,Eoc.35) (Er9.1{0.64) $.,AZ.E'| 115,523,17 COUNTERPARTY PRIOR PERDEAL VOLUTETYPE mmBTU CURRENTvoLuilE tf,tllBTU (CREDTO DEBIT PRIOR CURRENTPERIOD f,OiTTH TOTAL USD iloatllUrl Pl9ah. Corporrdolr+ltlrrrAlw{ilmr a CharDlcrl Corpo.adoo Isttirart PlFtrna Corps.UoniPug.t tourd En rlu, hc. lDactn E'lIiy. lvaaE arl Enrrgy lne tfactra E t rw.ru..Eo.at En riy lnc !D.clr. Effigy. W..tco.al EnaO, lac. IrrlcGfi.da Foootf. Plt lJn e lld. 'FORTrPORT TPORT ACCTSP ACCTCS rPORT ACCTGSI TPORT ACCTCS TOTALS: s231,at7.2. 5434,AzE.m 001{04001-Go.AN{)L $00,r70. 3t5.7C t1z2.a axa.6 frilCf!.d. l{cYl Od t ra.srhalon l.&l fnn Cm.d. Lovl Or T..nrnl.rloil L!d. (s75,528.C6) (194,334.95) tr00,770.10 t9,71t,m - t 94,&!8.20* tue.s 3r4,r10.67 t2,r90.t2020 $tr04.a0.$ t9,71 r.00 t56.76 'talr,tl?.2. : N dd o,oa!c!lft C" O' E'' ED tD E'TCCECCtr ===E==ooooooo-o.(L(Lao-xxx).xxooo0,oozzzzzz ED Or gtECC=== (9(9(9o-o-(Lxxxooozzz o@@oaooFFFfFFooooooqENAq{ FFF-E?\\\\\\FFFEfF?f?FFF CTFCTOOOo6c!€lclutaoGr600?r?ctctctctcrcro600croooooc)6s)g}9}6Y9 N'O(.)tlFrooroNcr6c,cro(tC' C' C'o0a Ot CDEE oo(L& EEooz2 oaoooNq \ !}6(tglqoO tooa@ d0 ooooC' C'T) rotorooo(o(ocaooF-aoF(torotNrt(>ocrcr66cidddc;6OGGO at Gr oo il\ ") 88OBztr ooa oltN CD CI' CD CD CD EIecEccc -====i==ooooooo_(Lo.o-o-o-li'!tllixtiooo0roozz2z2z FGIFFF(OOOFOIar)t -FF-PF eNl.,lN(\l(l)OOFN('!rFFFE?F FF?(a)?Ncr(\l FFFF (oi t(\t;o 9Btrcrl!6o5E =oo 8oo tr ot(, o CD C'I ED C'' E" I'Icttccc =E===5 oooo(9(,o.o.(Lo.o.(Lxxxxxxoooooozzzzzz @@@@@oF-FFFFoooooctqqaQaE F--FFf\\\\\\FFFFFF?er \lr.\\\\\ r\ OtOrOrOOt.o clatdrNroroO N6l6.NOIOls alOOtOllloC,F rrOOOClct cicidciGidcD 60g}y}6g) o lgtrEtro Eoo C"c.= oo.xo2 6oq =Ilo6 (\rrt o Boooo (r, ololql .drU6l:lol EIolcl 6t 6l FIEIolaol>tclolEIs .9lclsl!olcl(, ot EIol EI flr slE EIE *1,5 .> ll,E G'5c,oIDctcoE(,gotr 6 E!, =dtgEIOtrJr 6l=pl6olz -sl o-tE-slu,SllL coaCIE(,ooct o oeo54)(o o,o$t t EIzl o !o!cul oooBEoo oE EIooIJ ot oaoE, eoiE 6@Oooo{{a o,oE E) 6.!llooocccccc--{--CG666octdd,0 (olt(,toNiro c, c, c,OO FFTOTDOOaoaoF!tooooiFoctolg)Facroocroooctci.iciddd06tt o ultt t?auldlEt+taoarttl.I)!\F6?NOOO6lOlrOClFFCt?OO(rocroooGl,OT}U}C} aoar)!t.DIoU> o ooooo ol olJId g .9 .ENEoEI(!Eooo o(L o E .Cl tt.o r!.o !!rooooo60000cl t tt.cl0roc,606 Frl\FN(OOFFd)(r)!tF-(OoFt lr!ooooo.cllt-o .o oor 0r at o>>60cl0 - - olttrIlIltt0rarooorD6060a6Hie Ea-e g eEaoEEuo o o(,o rOo€ 3.c a,&. co g ,9 (E Eo .Eaog ot0,t oro(\lto clol stEIol EI<tol olEIflrl .BIFI zl EIolcrj EIolFI el r,)lrr)l -el(,lol olol GIEIelol aElNI EIol EI<tdtl.!l EIolcll .61 EIEIol EI EIOIol el =(9 fo =8le el""t EIE: EIE E el6 6 o o.clo3ofo-;toc(, EetrGoot)c6Eoo a!tr E8EI CL 5lE6lslrl ogE .=0d6 aal6l:lolarrl olol rElEI EI lEINIrlol EI<lElEIlEl EIoIol oal>l tlol EI EIolol<l =t r}t6itl(' @6.O@@€FFF-fFooooooN6IG,INNN F-FFFF\\\\\\FFTFFF -FfF?- Aulr,tacd| lnteroffice Mernorandum Ratas and Tarlfi Admlnlstralion DATE: U14118 TO: Chrietine Macfiado, RcsourceAccountirp FROM: Annette Brandon SUBJECT: $Day Ped< Allocator Attached is the lalest conseculive $Day Peak Flrm Sales requirement analysis. Thls analysls develops the thre+year average percentage of lirm sales gas purchased and delivered for Washington end ldaho. The average is based on lhe maximum firm sales requirements for five consecutive days for each of the past three heating seasons. The calculatlon method used was apprcved by the Washington Utilities and Transportatbn Gqnmission in Docket No. U{9-3105. The follorving new percentages for Washington and ldaho shoutd be used effeclive November 1, 2018: L-, ,-,(lrysnrrglqr ldaho Total lf you hoe any queations about thls pleac call me at 4324. 30 90ei, 100.00% - $*and.- 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Itl 15 15 77 18 19 20 20 Avlrt Utllttlci strtc of ld.ho Summrryof Chrqcr Rrtc Sdrcdrdc 155 - tunodih.don Summary ofChanSes WlthoutRelreilE SrrElth,! WlthRavlilre SGnrlthre Pr.s!nt Rrtc Sdrcdulc 101 R.tG Sch.dule tu R.tr Sdredult U2 Brte Sdtcdulc 131 RatG Sdrcdulc 132 R.te Schcdutc 146 (no customcrs) (no customcrsl Proposcd Rate Schcdulc 101 R!t! schcdule 111 R.te Sdredula 112 R.tc Schcdulc 131 Rate Schcdulc 132 Rat€ Schedulc 146 (nocusmmcr) (no customersl Ch.ngr Rate Schcdulc 101 Ratc $hcdule 111 Rate Sdedulc 112 Rate Schcdulc 131 Rate Schedulc 132 Retc Schcdulc 145 (no curtomers) (no customcrs) Total schcdulc 150 50.00000 s0.00000 s0.000m So.q,om s0.00000 s0.00000 So.mezr 90.00319 s0.0m0 so.(m s0,00000 s0.m$9 s0.m67r so.oo319 $0.0(m0 s0.00000 s0.0m00 $0.00159 Total Schcdula l50 (fo.os2l 60.088621 s0.00000 90.mom s0.00000 50.00000 I so.@67s 90.o67s s0.m00090.m s0.00000 s0.00r60 s0.09537 s0.09s37 s0.000m s0.00000 s0.000m s0.6160 Tab: Ratc Sch'idule 155 change I '. Page I of 1 lwarhineton/ldehorO.egon G.s Cortc Apr.lg CLAccount WA OR l{uchur Stongr AN JP {06 lnjcctirnr AN JPa08 wl0rdrrr.lt 608200 GD AN 10u00 GD AtJ tt (2,3ta,7+a.6tl ttt60,r84.t2 TdaIAN JP rc4r00 co Ail E (2,t7s,1EO.s7l i Clay Brsin (QUESTAA) lnicctions Clav Easlo (QUESTAA) Wlhdrawals t08200 GD Ar{, oR E0E100 GO Aa{ ' OR 3 E B,r$r4l I 2,6t5,72t.01 $ lrta.orltoa#t7.8t ToblCley Bain 1641150DAArOR I 2,633.588.17 I 003,803.94 l212,lttaol20,cttta OR JP 408 lnjcclions OR JP 406 Wthdrawals 008200 GD oR 808100 GD OR st s 3 TOITI OR JP 16.100 GD oR I t 3 s (221,193.69) (28Ir0.171OR JP 403 lnieaions OR JP 403 Wilhdrawals t08200 GD oR to8r00 Go oR tt Tolal OR JP 16a100 GD OR E t (28.510.37) Tot l il.t SE .gr (lnJ.cdontlrw&dnyv.b NUCUI PURCIIASES (GL E dmlr R.port, Commottity Pun*resc Fixed Dcmend end C.p&ity R.lr.!at V.ri.U. O.mJd (Tran3port) Costr Hcdgr Adhrfy Fin.ncid Sdtrmsfitr lnlc.co PurchllG from Th€rmd Coctlranc C.!d,l t0.@0 GoAN, oR t0ao01 co Ar{ , oR toloo2 GD AN ' OR tO.OtO GD AN ' OR tO.G@ GD AN ' OR t0.3700 GD AN , OR Elt000 GD Al{ , oR "/( rlJv c,06r,r!e.ec t z3o1110.96 t 16,t23.17 t6,,at,:t,tl t 0.4,$!.acl t.l3el{B.et I(ror.trrl t r,c33lta.c2r,rtzrtt.trtrtt.tat8{ta 20t,t t.ca t,oac,tr0tt fla/al0rtl lnfome@0 from othor JoumrE :qq&rr.!!lge!E WA lmbalanca ftom DJ a36 toa@oooAil ! v tt0,0tt.7t I . lD lmbd.nc.lto{fi DJ 438 OR lmbrlanc! rrom OJ 436 M Chsnlrd Acc,rJd Brd(.r Fcc. DJ rt71 Miarho Jo0md DJ 473 Wrtra F.r!o Joum.l DJ rl73 MrrchandBc Prcoordng Fce DJ tl67 WATIOTOR Sd.. br Re..b Phylid md Bookout -Frffi GSALES D.htt dErcflrr8rR.w'ru. GST/HST Racon (Ou.rtdly) OJ 437 WA/ID Buy/Scn Trrnsportdion Recov.ry- p.!l lhrough OJ t353 Totrl Coat3 ror O.f.m! lncludlng n tg.. co.t3 a0a@000Ail tt04000000R 3t0a00000An tt0a0t?GoAtt,oR 3toaorrcoAilroR ItoaorTGoAt{,oR atoaortGoAraroR t '6li000rat3C00rat!730 I I4e$2t GDAr I t0.000 coA}{roR t t0400t GDAN I 4 a\qrr,as r' ,,ooo.oot !crr&7.{ l,3Et.caI ttTttof to,tult( -llst1fi1.uly' Frcroo.oo, (r,ue$a:21 l+ttt0t6 78r.71 4at.7t 2,,a80.te 12,',,23O4211 ( toO.tlml Entry a83to0 GO AN ' OR $!000 Go Ar{ , oR 'rE!7t0 GD A1{ ' OR 3t 3 (r0.r20.00f 3 fl,ec3,.62.84 a Itr03.790.r7t 3 60.043J0 lnpul tr GLE SaLi (2'.l67,eaa-0al lnpul tr GLE S8L3 l2&r,309.171 lnpul tr GLE SalGs(3,t71,1E1.041 12,662,20{.211 Joumrl fl /t30 Entn Or.Cr.Dr.Cr. 804700.GOrN, OR lBookout dollara for SEC Roportinsl e 3 3 t 8tN7tl.GO.AN , OR Bookout dolhrs for SEC Roponinsl t 3 t 3 E&O0o.GDAN (Afl OdorL.tion Exp Accruall t 7,000.00 t t t 232130 7r.r, lAtl Odorizrlion Ero Accurall 3 3 f7.000.00t 3 3 Totsl o(h.rAdi 3 7,000.tx)3 (7.000.001 3 3 Tot lftomcLE Tor.l. t{uc (GD TALLI H W.lrrl Gar Acoor$!figrcrs Costi\2019 WA lO CJ.r C6t AF 19 5/U20r82 16 PM tt 3tttt t stt 3 att 3t