HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190315February PGA.pdfMarch 15,2019 State of Idatro Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of February 2019. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34187 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVLI-G-I8-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of February, commodity costs were higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharge defenal in the amount of $3,563,602. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $828,899. The year to date balance in the defenal account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $4,098,974 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $1,396,843 for a total rebate balance of $2,560,331 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at an nette. brandon(@av i stacorp. corn or (5 09) 49 5 -4324. Thank you ! Sincerely, fur"ul- brrtl*,t Annette Brandon Manager of Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs Enclosures ^/iiststa ta EoorltonE c Cro -l E ttl a: gg{sI - \O fF \t O\ (, -S' tr: ta - lQ)ct\ ti 5 (, l\) - O O O O O <) O O O OllPooooooo F o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oLoooooooooooooooolb'?+6t g f [E gB6a 7.o-=+ 3 =>oYg Io.5 -2p.? r$;1 3qotre= =8 EE88.d.oNOA,= OJ3O^o3.?8E2a('Do.tsEd=6-EcrO Egqa A€EiE:*E=*E=*E=HEo rrr - o - o o tJ - o - o o N, - olno o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o' - ilEHilHE qEgEHHEEEE E*EfrfrCHggHf;HHfrEH EE ElZfiHHfi9HEHH gE EIfiEEfrEEfrEEfi 3,3 HuEI f HuEa V\.,, F () F \r, F ()E i/rQ 'e UaQ iA se8s3ge88838s888H .-cnrE g26=.u,NB.Ei.gs;.-- ;': Y k*gg @E('! fttl0q 0E tlo' D0 hJ{o\hJ\0 \o1-\ot, .1,q, oa(! o -o 5 (!rot,otj N)o \o ot hJ5{E E*a(A<Es< -a!F*o^ AHa.Ei5 \o A !.)EAo- \O* F5{ $$$$3etF$teeH FFtE fE'fPggfr*1F$.E: a**aE $$$$g=EE E*=Ee n .!o $$ o. o. eooF+tr E n :u6,!-s \.,EF(!>3a8t 5\J3. 0a EEEEEEEEEEffTfffF 0u9g(,a(,uu(,0090uoprrFrr-r-r-rrrrrt.F rr,:eo'.) 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Nbos Avlsta Utllltles State of ldaho Summary of Changes Rate schedute 155 - Amorthatlon 11wkd- ['\ q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 20 r, I' h I lnol l"i -\wt[t,, dr t/t i, irSk'^i,y!}1 155 Wthout Rwcnus Srnsltfue Wlth Revenua Sensltlve Present Rate Schedule 101 Rate schedule 111 Rate Schedule 112 Rata Schedule 131 Rate Schedule 132 Rate Schedule 146 (no customers) (no customers) Proposed Rate schedule 101 Rate schedule 111 Rate Schedule 112 Rate Schedule 131 Rate Schedule 132 Rate Schedule 146 (no customers) (no customers) Change RateSchedule 101 Rate schedule 111 Rate schedule 112 Rate Schedule 131 Rate Schedule 132 Rate Schedule 146 (no customers) (no customers) Total Schedule 15O so.o00o0 So.ooooo s0.00000 so.ooo00 So,ooooo 50.00000 s0.00571 So.oorrg s0.00000 so.oo00o So.ooooo So.oorsg s0.00671 s0.00319 s0.00000 so.0oooo s0.00000 50.001s9 Total schedule 150 (s0.08862) (s0.08862) s0.00000 so.o00oo $o.ooooo s0.00000 J s0.0067s s0.0067s s0.00000 s0.00000 s0.00000 So.ooreo,/ s0.09s37 $o.ossrz s0.00000 $o.ooooo s0.00000 so.0o160 Tab: Rate Schedule 155 Change tr;,*;l,iu- Page I of 1 of lw..Irtlgldilsrho or. Go.tt GL A@unl F.b.l9 Cortr .rP lniactofl3 JP Wtll(lrasalr 8ote@oDAx t (1,t54,969.80' _. rolroocoAt{ 3 a.12a.875.$IordJP t3aiOODAll 12.58e,S.00 clryBrJn(c[JEsTM'lrl.cdom lo&trocDAil t (l.2ar,ll7:2]q.v e.!in (OUESTM! W6,rdr.xdr loaloo GO Alt 3 225.$tor.ro8r8.srr lcalltooA^ I (t2ai,0tl'1,09) ilrCUf PUnCH lSEl IOL Edhllb RAod, CmmodtrR.fi.scr Ftrad D.lllrnd md Cap.dty Rd.al.r VrbU. D.lnfrd (Trl{po.t) Co3b lLdorAcilvily F l.ndC S.il.mmbklli€o R dr.ralioor lhGrmd Codr..tcC0dr 804000 0D AN 80a001 oD AN t01002 00 AN t0a0l0 0D At{ 80a400 00 Ail toarso oo Ail lit000 Go tx -l t l.!ilC,t /tIO Y I ! 8,12tlt?1.Ai' t i "'|i:Ii:il 7 2t%tlc^A,.ub, 71,gt2l ,t !.anlr2.w J3 !,rr!,1r0.20 /,r t.a,ralall J 8ftrrI F... OJ 471 taizuho JarnJ A, r73 vv.lrF.rloJoud tua73 U.drardra Rrc.lrhe Fc!DJ a67 WMO SC.. tu ncr$ Ptrrshd.rld B@l(out .F sn OSALES [,.rLr.(' Edrltg. Rrranx OSIT/}{ST R.con (qrrtalrl OJ /('7 FAFB Cottnodry mArxLildr ElanartiryLlen B (tarl-Jrud, WMO At/S.[ fr&rpo.i.lbt R.6y{y. p...lirarfh OJ {53 wMo Gr Ardtu..l licrr hrrarS Arghd ( I|rd, E0r0t, oo A{ t00!7 0D Ar{ t0'Ot7 CO Ax toao[ Go All aatoooAtterq{fl$( 4t50:E CD Ar{ t0a0o0 00 All ma000 0l, All m400t ooAN 20.ir,2.t2 ,l 2,95r.m r'tpt2.a /6,t*.u ,/ Itt.raEaal.trl e/ t37i.BO,@l ,,/ re,ogol / t0a0o0 0(, AN iTTif iTr. ro D.{mr Eruy r atraoo Go Ata at3moGDAN atrr3o 00 Ail t 62!,00,1J2 hputrclE S.i.tt (1r.2!a,tl'l.l!l lnpull?GtE SdG. l_l!,9!!,!9!.3!I k pul r GLE Sdat (r7.3at,ai!,rtl y' Total rrt.lr oLE Tol.t or$0 5 43.261,656/(l t (43,281.65643)3 67.0EO.95t.&l t rt7.0ro.a6r.6al Xrlltd Gil Lartret6G CC\2019 WA lO Oa Co$F.t lt :6,roiefi 07 xl foarl Codr ra Ocro'f.l lncludlng mt gl. coalr & fivlr,ru cgq. DATE: TO: 8t14t18 Christine Machado, Resource Accounting lnteroffice Memorandum Rates and Tariff Administralion 69.10% 30.90% FROM: Annette Brandon SUBJECT: S-Day Pedt Allocator Attached is the latest consecutive 5-Day Peak Firm Sales reguirement analysis. This analysis develops the three.year average percentage of firm sales gas purchased and delivered for Washington and ldaho. The average is based on the maximum firm sales requirements for live consecutive days for each of the pasl lhree heating seasons. The calculation method used was approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Docket No. U-89-3105. The following new percentages for Washington and ldaho should be used effective November l, 2018: ItWashmgton ldaho Total lf you have any questions about this please call me a|4324. 100.00%=),r*0.^L e E'o EteE; troe o;1+lrltts z.YurE,tsEtst >=-n!lC!lxo fnoc€ o,xorDoil No @ d=x3q9 H fr, Hn6g8iisYdEs€)rE$sEtiltn)ogo!:IJ.DGq?agcLCl, -{gE EEaota 5o =J9P P Pdt\, Or €Fglul .ll 'llvft DatsNr-u-o,llFrorvSrDIlooto€o-lJAOIJIJ=C,t-Flrl-r.ooooo- EHFBEIg iiliEEB 6) E o{o*o 5AT\'NN'NEE'IIr.oaocD@9t9!pfie{urt lrr+9Flt)4ur\l\lur(rww2bELidiFr=;i'-r'torotsoll,rotcl ,crD Ic5,.i nlHo9 8u 6toov ss s3 (,o@tOPA\T6\rIr,A'-t aorOO N(rJ!or\l 6I i.rwor(Jl t- ur (, :.t -(,Ol l-+ogJ rrti., btt@ ro crr:.1 :.t5Sol,r5(,rbb N(Jr5+t9rO u,ur (,!' :o oul CNU'(,rl, ut oN(JrrO \l ql ro 5l\JAc'r c'! ch U, Ch N^^u,roL,N\lr-N65Furrr(roat {ot-oo\!ao(n(^,5r,rOtl,(JrOrUrPU,v vvv FHN' N' @ N lotlcn o @ crr u L,\lar l.., lo or (, For6 6 @ tv O O5cri N N ur o'r ur l,i., ;- ;- t^, L b i.,+ (ri @ @ul CD o\ P@o N@ rO@N A N aLrJh, { or lo @@cn u, ts o ro F(E,H S B E 3 XIl :o I t I P!"ts L, L, lr N @{ch u, 1l, @ N 9rO ts AtsN UJ O NHF 6 O l.) O urNaD oi \l (, \t oi \IF U, lr, Cl \l @!5 C' qJ \t ro w5a- o ts a cb crrursr o u, (xl (n 5ul F ro c,r ilH A -L A Crrcto O Oi 5 tr, !\lN, a! (, c, or 55cn ctr @ o o lr0 ro ctr cD (n o ooolD F N 'lo ur Sr! lW P aNF A \l 6 514,t^, 5 (, 6 O tlr+.: i, ts F { lrrloral (l' ll' 5 lo u, ulu, @ 5 Crr 5 rt)tsah N, 6 0 ro {|v5 rO \t \l Ur SrO Fwl,,\I C'5{(,ltsolJ'| @5 NNcr'r oi ro ro NTNCOCOOTC,TNN55\otorJ rr (, (rJor or (, uJ lrlJO CD @ C'T 556;-;- b(rlro cnoioo(r(oGO@@OTCAN NNPA5]- HFAAoo@cE, NN@@ot cr! ch orHl-ChOrio io b, b,iOTOPP 5(,rO@N'iO (,ur5oowN, t\, tl,ur(,6(h CD i,ASrO RF{s- Hs\<F* *RiF. \\ s 3 1888888888888tt88t-ir r :. F t- F ?. t- F - !. t- f- !- !- !- !- P tb66b600600b000Qoo5 IEETEEEsEEEEBEEEEEilii h ii a 6 a 6 a 6l a 6r o at o O 6r a Uloo9oa999000099o0ol!!:L!::LLLLl:'199999999999999999tIPPSPPPPePEFPEFFPPB I It------ EEEEEEEEETET€EEEE g TIBdBBBBBTUBEBBBBBB'I16CtooooDo6looa-ool^ . - r | - D i l r a . L r L a AloLoooouooQEbooous166666&66o56666590I"'6llEFF1.iDFPFFFF ITEEiT€E€EE€EEEEEEgto6000000000000000,luss:dBtsdBBBBugugal IBEsTEE:TEEiEEEEEEiroooo90qoo00tr90090rcEcecctccgcccccGct646d6666U606q5565rooooooo9000990999 I ItSStSSiSSSfSSSfffrr liiEiriEEEEiiIirEEil I lesseeessssss=""tt$[IEBtstsBBtsBBBBEBBBBB-. lEErr:EEHEEEHEEEEEiI [_ g I Eg , r tlsiitEll$$trlglis| 'i iItr ri I IItg lr. iEEBgEEEEEEEEEEEEEgS rt EI-is BFEHEEFEEEEEEEEEEEE 6ruE----t.5-ci-sE-r-E.EsEs.sp-{6{{O6uuO lo{o6tsooroclHbiBhi:t!iths l.E -3 9r }BB 222 EAEtt6 tsBB {{li ii69C9t I ll cgcl D>>> > >1r59t 888?. !" !' ttBhhiDqoo!!L999900 a a6l ,orl ,,rlo o ol I ---l- '"1 B ., in .o iD! t o 6 Ne-\ =s_sEFsE.t -\<^ -Nt FL -a-'\c -f,6ar tI o tr,a riti-r 60 Ei I o 6>c T Berg, Jenny From: Sent: To: Subiect: No PGA Changes. / You know, the purpose for this rates check being monthly was really because of the unbilled section (things which changed more often) which was subsequently not even used. I wonder if we even need tlris anymore since PGA's usually only change annually? And if there is an out-of-cycle, it's a big deal and I seriously doubt it would get overlooked. Why don't you see what John thinks, but this seems like overkill to me. l'm happy to keep doing it, but maybe it is not needed crfllrYrot€. From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 7:53 AM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com> Subject: Rate Review - February Good Morning Annette, Attached is the rates review workbook for February 2019 No changes were made. lf I have missed anything, please let me know, Thank you, Jenny Berg, Accounting AnalystlJll li Missron Avc MSC-0(,7, SJmkar**, WA. t)t)2(tl P 50e495.2ri31 | F -509 777 5571 rr rt r\ |lt-\ il\'tjld c0nl CONFIDENTIALIW NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any aRachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged informalion and may be legally protecled from disclosure. lf you are not the rntended recipient of this message or an agent of the intended reciprent, or if lhis message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any atlachments. Brandon, Annette Thursday, February 28,201912:17 PM Berg, Jenny RE: Rate Review - February Alruts7,t 1