HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190125December PGA.pdf.i"igtsr,a January 25,2019 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ldaho $724-4074 Annette Brandon Manager of Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs rt/,rfr*b>o,a,*- {i::} L-"t::r f\J(j1 T (, C.)\() :R t rt t, I rl? rn C) RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of December 2018. This information is submitted incompliance with OrderNumber 34187 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustrnent filing (Case No. AVU-G-18-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of December, commodity costs were slightly higher than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a surcharge defenal in the amount of $56,200. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $609,677. The year to date balance in the defenal account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $6,684.243 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $1,198,570 for a total rebate balance of $5,[08,945 (including interest). Per OrderNo.34l87,the Company has included a Quarterly Commodity WACOG Forecast update in this PGA Monthly Activity Report as Attachment A for the period January 2Ol9 - December 2019. Due to its confidential natur€, it will be sent via overnight mail. If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at annette.brandon@avistacorp.com or (509) 495 4324. Thank you ! Sinercrely, Enclosures t\ A! 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LLC Gr Tmambdm llo.drrl.l GorDo?atlm 6- Tmsnbdm lto.dtr.lt Colttot.dmilcl Raaourcaa hrc. tlorlhrrrt Plpdhr Corponlton tlorllni.f ilprllm Gofpontlon+Artt Cc.pondon iatixaal Plp.llra Cor?md6.oClrt Co$ay PUO ilo. i XoitrEl PbaUm CdDorldoa+orrfa EDrfy lrlcdng ADadcr fLC Xairrtlt Plp.lna CorDmllon€lcl Ra.owcaa hc. ACCIsP ACCIEP TPORT IFOFT IPORT rPonr IPORT IPORI IPORT It.650.00 t2si2.729.A ($3,.18..7) 3i1,63t,690.92 6l,,lta.8t9.Z3) (3r2s,50r,04) or21,m230) s4,038.06 tr,038.06 Tranrporletlon AN I JF (w Q.i-t .?J J I AFwsrt Gas by GL Account - Estimate AccounUng llonth: 201812 Olr.cilon: ALL Servlcro Codel GD Strstcgy: AII Jurlrdlc{on: Alil DcalType: ALL Counter Party: ALL Erclude lntra€o H.8t Rd.: Y Daal Numbcr Erclutlont: N Prgo: ! PritrlD.L: 0'lr03rl0 0e37:rE PMD.lrbrx; NUCUI rrpptbrd.d J Cit/ I{ J 7 ( ( \r/ t/J J l uhJ - 4F tt*s ofro,tu PRIOR PERDEAL voLUMETYPE USBTU CURRENT VOLUME [IITBTU (CREDM DEBTT COUNTERPARTY PRIOR PERIOD CURRE}TT itot{TH TOTAL USD GD PURCHASE ttor0tr.|t Plfalln. CorFnfbo+ltbr Atur*rm I Ch.mlBa Capondqr, tlorthsll PlF.Una CoQort0ct€Pt[.] lqnd En..S/, lne lpactr Enarw -W.daoarl E lify hc. Sp.cl,r Ertiy .ftdar Enrqy ho 8p..tr En Oy -W..fc..rt En ?fy hc. 8!.ce. En riu -Uhdcod ErrIiU hG Trrucmd. Foothllb Ph. Un.r LU. TilECnd. Foothb AD. Ur.. lld, tilrrc.nrd. [oY. g.r Trrt'.ill'lon LE TPORT TFORT Accrcs ACgtsP TPORT AccrsP ACCTGS IPORT rPORT ACCTGS (r,5sa.76) (s5,431.e3) (t57.1r3.93) t2,1E8,fi3,33 12,110,009.40Ofi{fiOOI.GD.ANOL TOTALS: (3r8,04t..8)(s78,016.a8) (s97,.73..51 (fi,c52.r2t (05r,799.r8) tr7,1er.30 19,5320 5181.000,E9 t378.a56.56 IPOTT ACCTSP TPORT TPORT IFORT 19.00..00 I2r.00?rc 3r0 t.00 5456.&6.60 3.58.006.A,TOTALS:s37.612.16 3re4.4[.76001€04002€D.Ail.DL Varlablc Trrnrport Chrrycr Al{ Oaa Trrllnbahar llornrf,ai Corpo?adqr Iort,lI.rr Ph.Cna Co.Dqrtlon Sp.cltr Enatty . t raatcoaal Ena?ly lna fr..Ic.ildr Footltlb PlFc Lh.. L!d. |{e$lnrtonndiho (-a Coltr GL Acco0nt D.c-t8 Co.tr t{ucl.ul Stor.e. rcd" JPRAIRIEATI .t00a0E JP JP lnlcdirns Withd6wEls to82o0 Go At{ t (r,965,78r.17) r0rr00 6pAr{ I t,39.,260.32Tor.rJp l6al0ocD^ll 0 (561,538.8s) 6ty Ssln (OUESTM) lnj.dlon! to82OSDAr{ $ (a0r,'B2.r7l CLy Errkr (OUESTM) wihdr.walt t0tl00 OD Al{ I 48a,{t7.60 Toi.l Clsy B.rin 131116 OD AA 3 82,985.a3 ToblhtStor.lo(lnl.ctloilywoxtnw.l. rcI / NIrcU?PURCHASES(GLE Um.t R.pon, Commodity Purch!$r Fixcd Dcrnsnd and Capacity Rrbe3rs V.dlbL D.m.nd (fr.mport) Cort! Hldec A.ilvlty Fin.ndal Salt.lnanB lnE co Purcrrrta troflr Thc.mC Coc$nnc Crudlt toa000 OO Alilullltol Go Ail a0tl002 OO AN !oa0t0 0D Afl tOrlCoO OD All toa?to 0I) AN 811000 Go AN 1a,a87,609,20 2,130,669.t10 .r9a,a18.75 7,660..O (r,'t91,698.62) 921.469.r6 (6r.227.73) I t J/,l tI/t, ,/Jlt I A1n*7ouo,iV lnioflnatlon ftom o0rrlourflL .Oahrtd Cortt: wA l-b.hnc.ffiEJ als lD lmbdrno fronr OJ a36 M Chcmloel Accrual Irokar F.a. OJ aTt Miarho Joumd DJ a73 Wolla Frryo Journd DJ 473 lilffir[,rdi.. Proc.dng Fc. tX,t67 wA/lo S.Lr lbr RG3rb PhFEd .od Bol(out -Frsn GSATES Daiarrrd Ed.nea Rava*r GSTTHST Rccon (Qurnrdy) DJ a37 FAFB Co.rmodity ior Andcilon Elrm.ntrryLignailc. (s.mF.nnud) WA/IO Butrs.il T..n$orEtion R.covrrlL pssi lhrol{h DJ 453 WMD G'! 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F!o' -ll=rl:=l l- lnl6t6 l" l,t io cd oiFIQaad oo&co^ EJ-.trto E EIol EI ts6 FN.r- N ro r.oI<, 6roln NN otIcto .t Orut(, lri 8ld6lotEI EIol(JI , f F ?.61 o s slen r-lulh r{lF6 6lmo Nli- * -l: EEs8or otoc,>=J ootv =lEI!lUIol EI -lEI ?lti EIol 6t J4o dd6Cr.{F 6olg ,tlo3o cl6I HI.:!lEIOIEI<t 0,oec.e G,!to E EIol!l|'-l ,aE I .o aclOI ol tlolEI<t rtUIGIol>tol EIrutc.t o =lslol>tolEI N{O6Foro('rooctdct Eot -=lEIolElslol !lot col GI3lrl<t UIta -o N Eo =o2-9X 3o6EG^r*. c,rJ6fEEU>rrJ<a itd 8. R. rOat dri 6Fl ?a C,8$ON ll gl (r) ooo=-gl -=lE-cl,H crdoo eEoE EI !o=ag Uo6 Eo ao ctdoo lA d flB Revenue By Rate Schedule Gas for ID DeE Sdne: Hnandd Repodng orb Updabd DiIy Period:z0t,Et,z 3 R.atr schcduh m!.mhtant .ft!g:a!., l*9gv-Ileesl$ IP !,!pc.t lel efgr-l ry. 1 OIOI . FIRIII A'{D GEilERA SEN, ruDCR I5O OIII . FIR!,I.IIRGE GEN SERV ilDM, I5O 01T2. FIRI,I.I.ARGE GEII SERV RIDM, IgI Orr*rl - Ioeal 0 0 0 o $n 2,s{E,t{7 ,f J 0 0 0 0 -887 u,0t5,74) 5,7s9P?J rr,600 t.9112'2 -93 84,'1,13 -93 0 177 0 .9ZO 3,3t%06E -98t Paoe 3 of,t Forrntrnrrutoov I Run DaE: Jil 3,2019 frvtsta Desc Revenue By Rate Sc{redule Gas 0or ID Data Soure: Fnildal Repor0ng D.Er Updltld D.Iy AccounUng Perlod: 2OL8t,2 s RaE SdEduh De3c OTOT . ER'II Al{O GEIICRAL SB, RID€N T55 OIIT . ARII|.LANGE GEI{ SERV RJDER I55 0146 - IM,{SP $/C A,ST G^s RIDTB r55 Or.f -Tot l ird.r Qty tt6/cnue Amt 0 .860,r5s 0 .28r.(l7t o -787 0 -&L5,013 t eters YTD YID navsu.€ Arnt -5,{mJ9t -2,r5&707 -747 -25to,085 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Octcrmlnslrt t rtgc P.qc 3 0,4 FcfntonrrtUnqriy I Run Oat.: ,an 3, 2019 rtvrta li +?} -. >. re|?:, <.J A -J it EEdd U E; EIl,til EEd6 ;t>HL<J r((5-+.rl -(}-fr-1\) It I! 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No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll r2 l3 14 t5 l6 t7 r8 r9 ?0 t8 Seles Thcrmr Amortittlon Salence t 17,93s,7961I (7,703,s961s 17,511,0:t5)I PJrE027)I P,090,1811 = l- l.(roFt,'l.-I ,qq4t5 lntrre3t 1.mx S.ginning Ealerlce Nov.18 Oec-18 ,Bn-19 Feb.19 Mar-19 Apr.19 May-19 Jun-19 lul-19 Aug-19 S!p.19 Oct-19 10,793,407 I 14769,229 3 1tt,17L522 I 10,937,189 s 9,779,919 I 63n,752 3 3,909,8r I 2,502,243 s 2,2E4,583 s 2,286.808 S 2,671.024 3 s (7,q,0.1811 $ (6,210.4461s (5,03,7.51$ (3,84s,08?l I (aes0,8.4) 5 (2,150,820)I 11.629,7021I (1"3r0.2s8l s (L1(r.030' s 1919.{931I {732,617)I (s14,05s1 2,257,3E5 2,260,631 5 2,654,04 s 6,0u,r79 9 23t 714.48 198,898.2r 199,184.19 233,8{?.49 8ts,273.24 1,211,312.16 1.152,34&Z] 897,068.24 802,148.96 522,603.r2 320 557.93 205,233.97 187,38150 187.553.99 219.07739 (6,514) (6,3371 (6,176) 16,001) (5.s4ol ((.6711 (3,6851 (2,8301 (z.r2sl (157s1 (r,2241 (1,0061 (8441 (588' (5191 mtr Schrduh 101, 111 (no curtomcr l3l) Amortlr.Uon R.te I (0.08202, (7,090,1811 lnter.3t Rate s lo.0@291 (24.6601 R.tc 8cforc ncf I (0.082311Trrafffiato t 10.0C2791 (7,11a,84r1 Summary 8.tc Sdrcdul. 101 Rate Scheduh Ul Rete Sch.duh 145 Earnlnts lesr/Irx Totrl (0.082311 I lo.0085rl 9 (0.082311 $ p.00.4s1 I- 5 (0.002631 S PG s 5 s 10.090e21 10,fi6761 (0.002631 Tab: Amortlzation Pate; I of 1 i3q !t 6oE rr! N @oN c, ilzl o GoEcut onoc tn6o tc c o(,(, ot =o6ou o ootr (JrtE. *z_ 3elnlrl6lhI6tol 0)lel dAOI FI UIUatl>tcl0rlEIOIot "Uclol>tolold el d ={rt HsaEas 3o oE cco =co o EosFo! =C'ta,toost$l EIol r!lNIEIol EI<t elolclololxll!IFI El6l olot EIolFI el Fo E.c, 3 flEt .goDg ofexooEo 6accooC)o'g(o3(,o Gu,rgorQad o- 5E8lb slE=toel6 nE6 ET6a,C'ItroEo cot n, Ec flEfls edE EIg Eg= filE E 3835E E.9 o. (,6oo sog @oq 6ttN @oE EsoaEc =o!i(4; oloNt? tr o cD cD or at)ccc,t,cc======IE|;IEIETEI= ooooooo-o-o.o.o-o.ri 1t li 1t'lt Ioarooooz zzzzz cnt accc oooo-o-o.!atlrooa,zzz oooo@@FFFf?FctoooooAqENQQFFF?FF\\\\\\ FFFFFF FFFFFE arr F Ct Ct C, Ola66CrCrCtUltDclClOOFrFClCrCtC,croo6cr(,croocroo0oo 6 og) rD !tco66ro6C,FCtcr c,*O ID CD.EEIEE aao- o-!t ,iarozz o(o cl c,qE eooIo O) Boooo (n CD C'I C" C" C't O.E -E .C .E .E .E====== ooooooo-o-o-o-o-o.lilitiIEIooo0,o)ozzzzzz ID C" E' CD CD IDECCCCC======rt r= rE lE rtr rE o(j,oooc,o.o,o.cGGli!itirilti0rararooozzzzzz ooo€oo FFFF-Foooooot!NEEqE??FFFF F?FFFF 600@.ooFTFTFEcrooooo{NANAqFFFFFF\\\\\\FFFFFF FFFFFF olE ocxoz @oN.{rr o(traaocroaeE (r to GlOI\I.CTTANooclC)C'C'dddo46 FF(\IFN(OOrFCr(9!l -FFFFF ?f(('OFrt I o F(\FFF(OOOFAld)r}FTFFFF-GlGrGaN(OOO-Gl('rFFFF?FF -FF(1,FN(ON- -'E $ .9g€ e€o o o(,o g)o(o ttooo o -r>\> > toroglcroctaoroGloclc,FF(OFOOOtOiI\!t()Oct cr c, El c, c,C'OC'OC'C'O'D CO OO \ -';:\ \\ ls OOOllrrOiao art art (,l N al, toC, N.\IG.(\lOC'N C'C'OOI''C'? c?CtaC)C) C' C'CIC'OC'C'u) ,00uoaD lto6 N(t, o GCl!G{OIEEEEE?--€oocoqqC'O3) g) €Fait oNt.o6 C' C)O' Ft\rOUrCrCtao@iiaoctOCt!tFOOototFrroc)ocrcrocroOC'C'C'C'OOO(TOO O aataarla!a+troalttlr)FFOt6aOocloctaac'?FCTFCIOC'OC'CIC'C'OOOOOO roG'tr0 dr} ItItttOOOEEE6EE.(t.o l,ooa,600 !ooooottltttlt (! (!6Et8EEll!llrttrr!ooooo0,606600 Eo .E .N oE JG o,o6 oo- e 3 Gt a{6rt r o Ear!te9BEct LrJ 8E 3o(9 g Ot frwm CorP DATE: 8t14118 TO: Christine Mechado, Resource Accounting FROM: Annette Brandon SUBJECT: $Day Peak Allocator Attached is the latest consecutive S-Day Peak Firm Sales requirement analysis. This analysis develops the three-year sverage percentagc offirm sales gas purchased and delivered for Washington and ldaho. The average is based on the maximum firm sales raquiremenls for five consecutive days for each of the past threc heating seasons. The calculation method used was approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Csnmission in Docket No. U-89,3105. The following new percentages for Washington and ldaho should be used effec-tive November 1,20182 J Washington ldaho Total lf you have any questions about this please call me a|4324. I nteroflics Memorandum Rates and Tadff Adminietration 69.10%.lI30.90% 100.00c/6 - Berg, Jenny From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Brandon, Annette Wednesday, January 02, 2019 2:41 PM Berg, Jenny Meister, Keri RE: Rate Review - December Thanks for following up! I totally forgot about it. No changes to anything PGA-related for the month of December. From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Wednesday, January 02,2019 2:20 PM To: Bra ndon, An nette <Annette. Brando n @avistacorp.com> Cc: Meister, Keri <Keri. M eiste r@avistacorp.com> Subiect: FW: Rate Review - December HiAnnette, Just wanted to check in with you to see if you've had a chance to review this. I Thank you, Jenny From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 7:56 AM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette. Bra ndon @avistacorp.com> Subject: Rate Review - December Good Morning Annette, Attached is the rates review workbook for December 2018. No changes were needed. lf l've missed anything, please let me know. Thank you, Jenny llcrg. Accoulrting Analystl{ll [: Misston Avc MSC-f]07, S;xrkanc, WA.99201 !r 5r}9495 l63t , l 50q_777 5S7t !L)I\._!ll',a_r:l!!tM'l1l CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended *olely for lhe addressee(s) and may contain 1 ^*ivrsta, 2018 Total DFIT Expense I lrtui:fud ltr,1 fi,ti,rjart V) Electric Gas North Gas South CO.AA CD.AN AftorTrx lrw Che4c Annurl Amourt (4,601,951) (633,133) (235,013) 129ts,7941 14421 Monthly (383,496) (s2,7611 (19,584) .242,9831 l37l 6ross Up 23.O5% (498,370) (68,565) (25,451) (315,757) (48) (8,385,333)(698,861)(908,202) ESNMATE TOTAI. MOirtHS DEFERRAT.AS RECORDED/ RECOEDEOAS DEFERRED OF tur0lts MOr{rH OF ,Iliml,8 rBUE UP 4 (1,955,2181 1424,079l' (1,696,317) (26&901.54)229010 ED 449110 ED 190410 ED 410100 EO 229010 ED /t49110 ED 19U10 ED 4101@ ED 229010 GD 496110 GD 190410 GD 410100 GD 229010 GD 495110 GD 190410 GD 410100 GD 229010 GD 496110 GD 190410 GD 410100 GD 0 MONfitY ENTRY FOR PTA'{T (491,304.61) 491,304.61 103,173.97 (103,173.97) (228,566.171 228,s66.17 47,998.90 (47,998.901 (95,229.901 95,229.90 19,998.28 (19,998,281 (38,233.16) 38,233.16 8,028.96 (8,028.96) (s4,867.69) 34,867.69 7L,522.22 (17,52?.22t. WA WA WA WA ID ID ID ID WA WA WA WA OR OR OR OR ID ID ID ID s (1,142,831) (236,s32) (r,182,5s9) 39,827.e6 4 (380,920) (79,302) (317,2081 153,711.s8) &64a:0.ED.LrR a5qa3o.G,D.IJR (213,505) '.O.Ul { \q 1000.qD. lD s (191,165) (42,7OL1 11 (603,545) 147,3341 1520,677l. (82,873.55) 14,283,6791 (829,948) (3,930,360) (353,319.13)Uab Check (908,201.53) Avista RJ 140 - Tor Depr and DFIT inputs 201812 - new DEC PLANT Tumaround 0 >k a't1r8 f t4 rquC ha"Lav\uJ t()rrqilJ/,trv 1\tt\trfl.. 61i11 l;wV Iv Lvk\ Pase2or. 0)L