HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181218November PGA.pdflrt i-,'1 lI-tf] F-?!*) c:,3 r=}f-l'l LJ*' r\) cr) December 18,2018 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box $724 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Defenal Accounts for the month ofNovember 2018. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 34187 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-I8-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of November, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate defenal in the amount of $1,587,034. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $304,804. The year to date balance in the defenal account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $6,125,451 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $935,881 for a total rebate balance of $6,325,102 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at annette.brandon@avistacorp.com or (509) 495-4324. Thank you ! Sincerely, /lr,t u bt d',"hr---- Annette Brandon Manager of Regulatory Affairs State and Federal Regulation Enclosures lEvtsra (, Gto A =..i A6A.;eE$€ =I$E8EIr.ud >6b>vtgE& EAo ci cl€o6l oN !(l) tr a. ohgE= ,5 gr &E!ooo>c)e< EE o. oo al o(\l c)clCtA hII EOt, o)@E trtrtrca) a, i;eUsE>!lI6!ath'=oE 5 EqtaE W :oo c.t U (!oo o,a)E EJ g.or1!l =a)EBtroo1, ;€!s ESEE=oEtr8eEgbs>hgE Elo =eb-a?<EeoC)H!E BIeEB=Eoil H €;S..E ptiaE 68.6H B;; ,fr €6H .E'EEa8>d d8B g E u a z * bE EE$$E t trf.l 6l l-Eor- o36LoatoU6rFa, !' g G,Ut) an&x ,(l,F L-o ruExa6Fo 6J! €tO\!oiG\t\ o\oooot (\l lvl E', (J rs(J 0)..''O EEEa,EE EEHEqqt;<<F9XJ,o.q)ccc TLLL 'T E E E E€€€ .EEE,S'S&ee-o06qa*YGl:rscr6idldid.!I(J(JOOFFF E a u€: €.9 -ErsSggggs q) coceox'E- -Q Neeu.ji6AO'EEEEFFE< 6tt\ €.o.Ic\6 tEu .=.3HooE && -. q,OXguc)n)E t! iDt !? 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Papagil, LLC Oort&loa! Effii, Quad] Ap.$r, LLC Gaa Tnnamlaalsr lHtu..l Corrorr[on Ol. Tr]lmhdfi Ia$r6t CorDa.dil O.t fmbdo ilordrEtcaDoo0ofitlcl i6arrc.3 hc. Ioft[afilD.Lt Coosrfl.on flo3rhffi.raD.{n Corpc.0oc{Avl.t Cspmum ]lo.Ghrl Ple{n CdDr.dmrcL.t Cdrily PI.D tao. I ilo.Ors.3t Pb.l]r. Co.partbn..tDufa EnoOU l.lL.lhg Ari.rlcr LLC ttoJlrilnll Plr.tm Co?Do?adcr+lcl iarourr hc. ACCTSP ACCISP TPORT ACCTSP IPORT 'PORTIPORI IPORf IPORT TPORT tr,850.00 tzu,ila"le (silr,000.00) (t3.30t.201 t3,5t5,196.(x (lr,a$.r2r.al) (r[re.E46.501 (3fl7,(H.0(,) (s495.2.) Tr.nsport tlon AN GD AEursrfr Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accoundng llonth: 20l8ll Dlrccdon: ALL Ssrvlce Code: GO Strrtegy: ALL Jurladlcdon: AN Dcal Typc: ALLCounlorPrdy: ALL Ercludc lntra4o Hcal Rrtc: Y Doel Numbr Exclurlonr: t{ ACSIISP TPORT TPORI ACCTGA TPORT TPORT 001€0'[002€D-ANOL TOTALS:6526a.0.) E36,2$.32 $30,96118 { PreG 3Prlnttlrb: l2roa/to 03:ie:lC Pil Od.bGp: NlrCuI ,Der&y!lr{ t28,r3e16 U GD PURCHASE Tranrport Charger All C.r Trmrtrbdon l{ortltrl..l Cooof.tbn Gtl lmnbdm llo.ttmrl Cor?or.don lfoaltr$l Plpclna CorDandolr Ep.ctn Enarfy .lryBi$art Emaly kra 8r.ctr Enr'!, . W.lrcB3t Eh.{y lnc. Tnilkrrd. F6lhlll. Ph. UoB t6. t-cv J 6r.&70) It,25Z7C E28,tS.26 .t -./ ,/ ? ,lrl ( Jv (t532.04) 8.00 t.00 J{sluL'.? knct uh1, t'd I {^1.f flrCU C(ruilTERPARW PRIOR PERDEAL VOLUf,ETYPE T]TBTU CURRETT VOLUilE lri,lBTU (cREDrO DEBrr PRK'R CURRENTPERIOD XOiITH TOTAL usD ES,7tC..{) t.l,38497 faafittiat Flfdh. corPfltfon*XalrtrAlmlnw 3 Ch.mlc.l Corpondorl Xcrfi[at Fl9.U!a Ccrfo..doo..Pug.f tqrtd Enargu, hc. !e.ct Effigy.lur.tsd ln rfy hc tp.!t?. En tly -lV..eo.d Enari, hC' l0.Gfrr Emrey.W.rbo..t !n |tU hc. T7ro.Crr.dr Fodilb ?br Utu Lld, Tt n C.md. Fodrtrbfipa Un . Ud. IPORT ?FORT ACCTGS ACgrsP TPORT ACCTGS IPORT IPOR-r ACCr(Nl 32,192.5S (t 36.s1) s45E2.97 001.80,m01.GO.AI{{)L TOTALS:gi0{1.78 ,2,112,N.7a tz.trn.(I,t.s2 (s7t.s28.t6, (s9..:t34.951 i9,7S.40 t70,216,08 trE5,E,5.0c t308.519..7 | ,:- l**st I,orrr GL Accomt Nov-lE Corts tluclanr Stor.g. .cct JPRAlRlEAL .lO0aO0 JP h,.c-lion3 JP Wtlhdr.uds 808200 GD AX 008100 0D Afl (1,244,92r.39) 2,170.t12.21 t $ Tot l JP Clay Berin (QUESTM) ldrcrionr Cby B.rin (QUESTAA) Wrlhdr.ualr 164100 GD All $ 808200 GD All 808100 Go Afl 929,a1a.82 (5+1,692.E6) a1t.760.62 t $ Tot l cby B.ran xt CUT PURCHATES (GL Er0ilt R.port, Cmrrmdity Purtfia.' Flpd Drmend md C.p.a'ty Rd.sr.r V.rl.bb &m.nd Or.mpod) Cdtl Hcde! AcffYily Finrndd Satbacnb lntarto Purdraaa rrom fhamal Cocltrrlc Ctrdil !4lomruon ftocr olhsrloomd3 Orrnr.d Co.t ! relrr6GoAA t (125.8{2.24) a 799,672.6t t0.000 Go An t0a00l Go Artl t0a002 00 Ail 80a0r0 Go All 8011800 GO Atl t0a730 00 Alt !tto00 Go Ail II r2,.:r+2tc,r7 '3 z,1atort.tz >3 !0rsr$ ,t (2Sr09ttl4I 6.*12' !,| 1/,/t.*+6 I t (c7rr3.oe) J I Anq Chcl .t'c tt WA lmbdrncc ftom OJ 436 lO lmb.Lncctrun OJ a36 M ChcmlcrlAccrsrl Bfirttr Fc.. DJ t7t Itli:uho Jqrmd OJ 473W.l. F.Oo Joumd OJ 473Uottfmdir Proctdog FcG OJ.167 WA,lo S!b. fior Rcrb Phytlcd snd Boo*oqt -Froor GSALES Dcfcrcd Edl.ng. Raramrc GST/HST Rcon (Ou.rrcdy) DJ 437 FAFB Commodty for AndrrEn Elcrnlnt]y/Llen lic! ($nI-snn6l) WA/IO Bsy6.t Tr.nrpo.trtt n R*ovtry. prr3 lh,ough OJ aS3 WMD Gar Purfi$cdlgn lnLrr& A.phdt(tunud) Tot l Cort. for mrrrl lncludlng a.t gaa ooata E |T-frlTffifi r/to oererrel entry !04000 00 Atl !0a000 00 Ar{ s4000 00At{ tqor? ooAr t0.l0l, OO All t00r? oo At{ toaort cD Ail attooo&atlaoUtlt37: .t50tt oo^ll t0't000 GO Afl 80.1000 OO AII maool ooafl t0ao00 Go AN E [{.',r) lr06r205q "oo'orr$rt.la 3,040.17 7I57.t3 lrt3.50(rr"l6ittr.El (rrt'om3ol I 3t $t sI 3t 3t a //,//,t 9.8t3,t2t.50 lnputrrcLE S.lr! (rt.88a,0lA30l lnput Ir GLE Sd.r (3,38,0,698,65)lnpul fr GLE S.L. (12.!56,635..51 Joum.l *.l:'0 Entrr Dr.Ce 2321tO72zz.3 23t9.3;3.rE t lntn-Co Tnnlfer Thenne! AN ILOC Purch!3c tt 112160zz.2.t (2.t5t.lGt, 11260072zz.5 $ti.005..167.z.zz 3 t-oot-aar.t6 3 18237a CD AA $Clelr ilnt on FX toi 2 monti3 out42,3 3 :1..r ilTt, on FX lor 2 montft. out a700.ooril 5 a6.aat.zo I't1.Gorll I I $6.AZL ,GD3t{I 7.mo-oo 3 AN Odorlz.tlon ErDentc Accrurl ,72?2 3 5 r.000.AN Odorl4tl,on Exoenre Accrurl .CD-AA 5 I2r2t30zzzz5t 5!028.GO-AX 5 t tt0.00t rr* F.. .CDIA 3 10.00 t rnk Far Tot8l Olh.r A.I t.067.58t.2t 3 (t.057.65t. Totrl t?orn GLE To(.l Ur 4t0 a8t000 GD A1{ 'a8t000 GO Att 483730 GD All t s $ t H:!N.hrd G.t Am('lr,'1olcrt Codt\2010 W l0 Grr Colt.l.ld l8 l2l5mltl1:2( Al, \\ \ oeI \ E \ E s )I sls\ _1" rln r.F'|5 li *l ll $ ldr otho lR' j8lut H=96r I Isl d=dHI IEIEIdsldtEIHIatl fllEtt $ulgt fl,JHI H"]-l u-l fl"1 666t'3 \ lnpld'-ll6G I Il*-l** ld !d160 c E dUId EI El aud d EI EIUI 0tct' Cn E E a 6c $eEEoo oIdq J otUIuldd EIE a HEI B JaC= ct l*** lO r, rO 6Att od\F66o 0- d6€888 66<Q6j Fts ilildci -_l FNtci ah) tq*l: o6{q-d6an ItD6I d E A ooN 'ii=E 6 6 d € o 0 odoo Io6ID o firi'1" ota E-EEou EIhl 5 FI =-?l -JBEI _rl DIcl>l Il EI clotzl g <xatOrldr;660!I T3 o ra I e*<Y6 <6digEEC i-c;=ta>=o<2 H TIH$ slrts dlot t'lr El^_ug!Ftgoc!I!C.30iH-8fi C)ioo E! al -trl3lft<t cI I ttE GOFooooidddo oooo oo6066A6 adc arq ooo da o!6h o \ \ \ t F \ , ts f t 6l8d6tt t,a EIol EI.!l EI<l \ (*ta- -aa2-9_? -) lu-rl ,?- *,* "2r>'a .4. JD a2, J> slh.>8ld :l: oN 8a' i6r,!ffi+ 6€60cqoo Frtoomoc ar)66 -J=L olrJlJ BIEIEIolL'I ooGcO^EJ toE EI- EISIHoic E\E: I st-oot8g qlb 918 *l- NOats88qqloolrr qE AF ro rO 6rO 6doh dcl6d!lt -a (l .rl oc,6m !t !t6r Otor orct c, FelG6t6l ^tlQdlor6G?a iool ttol(Jld -gl ^BEeiEIol EI<t UIel9lrEl-otEI ol,lclOI>totEI ?. :l BI €l6t tilol =l:lEI5tEI<t taaa 2o s Eo =o -4=<Yct<oddAC'xNdEgHiEt^>to<2 a, Gcc*eI!EoE q Els-ctFI (oron6lO ogl -flE =lslr/|l g !lcl ?l 3l EIJI>tot2t .!4G dt6odF53g5!,.JsI (n(n m8ln odoo a Cldcro Eotoc.!J=!C:) To 6 !a,=!E =tElto = !a,=E od oo Ist rJlrDq ota HN \ Revenue By Rate Scfiedule Data SqJre: Fnandal Reportng Dd. Upd.tsd D.lly Erbd:201811 \ OIOI . R${ AI{DGHTENALSER RIDER T5O Oul - FIRfi{.ARGEGEl{SERV ruOCn 150 0112 - FlRlrt{186E GEt{ SERV RIOB r50 M.T6l 0 0 0 o -t7 0 0 -17 0 0 0 0 {(, 0 0 .60 14 $7,583 5,93r,r79 r$,D3 m,gr5,lu Paqc 3 of 4 FortntamdlraGOnt, I R(n Date: Dcc rt, z)l8 liwrra Gas ,ores+ tleterQty Us.CcQty RoYt,IrArd YTD A'Eragc i,lcE8 YfO U3.gE YTD Rs{€fire lmt Revenue By Rate Schedule cas lorlos{ \ Data Source; Financial Repofiftg De u0da0d Oafty 0l0l - Flnrl OIII . FIRI,I.UNG€GE{ SERI' OI.I5 . In^l.sP S'C q'ST G^s Or.[-Tolrl -tsl,zga ,/ ..-*l I \ 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 49a,*7 0 0 0 0 4,W,17 -t,814,G5 0 4AlS,Or2 RIDER 155 ruDCR 1S5 Prqc 3 of { lrorrntso.lwronlv I Run o.E: Dcc t, 20le livrcta Aacounung Per{od: 2Of8U AvTglle,brs l,T9lB.e.,YIgjg,cnllll, 2017 Excess Deferred - ldaho Gas DFIT EXPEI{SE DR REG UAB. T{ONPIANT EXCESS OEFERRED 410100 GD 254910 GO ID to Gos DATE Debit Credlt Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Accrual 492,9t0.82 lnterest Cumulatlve Bal 410.76 493,321.58 411.10 493,732.68 493,732.68 I LryW C:\Users\bb1098\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary lnternet Files\Content.Outlook\NKWEIRF3\2017 Excess Deferred ldaho Gas lnterest2O17 Excess Deferred ldaho Gas lnterestlD Sch lnterofiice Memorandum Tax Services DATE: TO: FROM: SUB.IECT: November 29,2018 Resource Accounting Megan Kennedy, Tax Analyst ldaho Gas Tax Reform Refund PURPOSE The purpose of this memo is to document the accounting entries to be recorded related to the netting of the tdaho Gas tax reform refund balance with the Purchased Gas Adjustment balance. SUMMARY Effective November 01, 2018, ldaho gas customers have a new rate schedule to incorporate the purchased gas adjustment (PGA) into customer rates. Avista reached an agreement with the ldaho Commission to roll the gas tax reform refund balances in accounts 254910.GD.1D and 229010.GD.1D into the PGA balance instead of refunding to customers under a separate tariff. The electric refund balances in accounts 254910.ED.1D and 229010.E0.lD are being held to offset the future rate impact of Colstrip. ACCOUNTING The 2018 rate change deferral balance, a credit of 51,074,685.16 in account 229O1O.CD.|D, will be reclassed to account 191000.GD.|D during November 2018 close and then amortized monthly through account 805110.GD.1D. The monthly amortization will be recorded by Resource Accountang on DJ 431. The amortization amount varies each month based on customer gas usage for the month. The 2017 nonplant excess deferred balance, a debit of S43Q376.82 in account 254910.G0.10, will also - be reclassed to account 191000.GD.1D during November 2018 close. However, the amortizataon of this n r,t account needs to run through 410100.GD.1D lnstead of 805110 due to the underlying character of the \t$ ' I , balance (revatuation of deferred tax account balances built up through 41O1OO|. The amount amortized " (rt\, , , 'J1ach month to 410100 will be based on customer gas usage and a stand-alone tax reform amortization HUtV^,l$'rate calculated by the Rates Department. The monthly amortization will be recorded by Resource t' . r h 5 Accounting on DJ 431. The journal will show the monthly amortization amount on the total PGA balance [r$' ' = ' as a debit to 191OOO and a credit to 805110 and then a separate reclass entry for the amortization of the- 2017 excess deferred balance as a debit to 410100 and a credit to 805110. Note that both entries result in a credit to 805110. The 2017 excess deferred balance for ldaho Gas has a debit balance which is the opposite of the remaining PGA balance representing a refund due to customers for over collection. Excluding the 2017 excess deferred balance from the PGA balance would result in more amortization credited to 805110 each month which is why the reclass to 410100 results in a credit to 805110. The balance of 5430,376.82 in account 254910.G0.10 includes a Bross up amount to account for the income tax consequences of collecting the excess deferred amount from customers and increasing revenues. The credit side of the gross up is recorded in account 190930.GD.10 with a credit balance of Avista Corp, - Confldentlal PaB. I %\Y:v '4 ultlLv Hir frvtsta $gg,zor.gs. rhe 1e0e30 account shourd arso be amortized monthry at a rate of 23.05% ;,J[l.)[-'6 . ,f,*f amortization, the blended federal and state tax rate used to gross up the batance when originally 6drf ' recorded (i.e. 599,201.95 is 23.05% of 543O375.82 and should remain at23.05% as the 254910 balance is amortized). The entry will be a debit to 190930.GD.1D and a credit to 410100.GD.1D. The net 254910 and 190930 balance of5331,174.87 represents the 2017 excess deferred balance before gross up and is the balance that needs to be debited to 410100 over time. The tax department will track the amount amortized through 410100 to ensure that we do not over or under amortize the excess deferred balance. See below for the November 2018 entry to be recorded on the monthly tax reform rate change NSJ and an example of the monthly amortization that will be recorded on DJ 431. Current Balances 254910 GD 2294rc GD Nov 2018 Entry 2549L0 GD 229010 GD 191000 GD ID ID REG LIAB - NONPLANT EXCESS DEFERRED ACCUM PROV RATE REFUND . TAX REK)RM 430,376.82 (1,074,685.16) / 190930 GD ID NONPLANT EXCESS DEFERRED GROSS UP ts+c,losSatr (99,201.951 (430,376.82) 1,074685,16 (644,308.34) ID REG LIAB. NONPIANT EXCESS DEFERRED ID ACCUM PROV RATE REFUND. TAX REFORM ID RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AMORTIZED Avirte Corp. - Confidential Page2 53,692.36 {53,692.36} (35,864.74) 35,864.74 9,256.83 {8,266.83} Example of Monthly Amortlzation Entry: 191000 805110' 805110 410100 190930 410100 GD GD GD GD GD GD ID RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS AMORTIZED ID AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE GAS COSTS ID AMORTIZE RECOVERABLE GAs COSTS ID DFIT EXPENSE ID NONPTANT EXCESS DEFERRED GROSS UP ID DFIT EXPENSE Avlstr Uulldci St tcofldrho tummrryof Cherr|cl RltG Schldulc 155 - Amorthitlon (ov. lrlo lii,l I 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 t7 1E 19 20 20 Toral schedule 150 (so.08862) (s0.08862) s0.m000 so.000m so.00ooo s0.m000 so31693 so.01693 s0.0m 90.0000 so.mpo so.00160 so.lo5ss $0.105ss s0.(xxm s0.00000 so.(xxm So.ooreo I Pr6cnt Ch.ntc Propoicd Rate Sdredule 101 Rate sch€duh u1 Rate Schedule 112 Rate Sdrrdule 131 Rste Schcduh 132 Rate Schedule 146 (no customersl (no customersl Rate Schedula 101 Rate fthedule lu Rate Schedule 112 Rate Schadule 131 Rete Sch€dule l3z Ritc schedule 146 Rate Schedule 101 Rate schedule U1 Rate Schedule 112 Ratc Schedule 131 Rate Schedule 132 Rate Schedule 146 (no customersl (no custorn€rs) (no customers) (no customers) Total schedulc 150 s0.010(D s0.01009 So.ooooo 90.00000 s0.fixxn s0.00000 s0.01683 so.o133r So.oomo s0.000(x) s0.00m 90.00rs9 90.m67. $o.ooazz s0.qxro s0.om00 s0.0cxD0 s0.0ou9 Tab: Rate Schedule 155 Change Page I of 1 edule 155Tottl Vyltrout ;lrvcnuo satrltlrr. S'Ith BCVGNUC SanrltlveSummarv ol Chanecs Berg. Jenny From: Sent To: Brandon, Annette Monday, December 03, 2018 8:35 AM Berg, Jenny RE: Amounts to Amortize for PGASubiect: Looks good! Just as an FYI- within the $178,810.35 is a portion of the ldaho earnings test and temporary tax benefits. Doesn't impact the transfers at all - just for own information. From: Berg,.lenny Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 4:43 PM To: Bra ndon, Annette <Annette.Bra ndon @avistaco rp.com> Subject: RE: Amounts to Amortize for PGA Thank you Annette! I just remembered the $65,217.6L portion of the ldaho Gas Earnings Test Deferral. Please see it added below l'll add it to the deferral workbook and also book an entry to move it from the 254229-GD-|D. From: Brandon, Annette Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 10:28 AM To: Berg, Jenny <Jennv.Berg@avistacoro.com> Subject: Re: Amounts to Amortize for PGA Jenny l'm in Olympia today but l'lltake a look first thing Monday morningl Sent from my iPhone On Nov 30, 2018, at 9:46 AM, Berg, Jenny <Jennv.Berp@avistacorp.com> wrote: Hi Annette, Can you please confirm l'm pulling the correct amounts from the rate sheets for my deferraljournal entry? wA- Transfer - (515,619,860.03) / Large Customer Refund - Stg:,q+a.Sg tD- Transfer - (S8,210,680.72) '/ Large Customer Refund - $tZ8,8tO.3S Tax Reform - (5644,308 .3411 / ldaho Gas Earn Test - (565,27L.6L1 / Thank you, I Avlst t tfldct St trofldrho Sunmeryof Chelnrr R.tc tdtcduh 150 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 l0 11 12 13 14 ls 16 t7 l8 19 20 ,l GRF: 0.994t27 1.009E73 Prc3Gnt Ch.ntc Proporad Schedule 132 (no cu5tomersl (no customers) (no cu*omcrs, (no customersf Schedule 101 schedule u1 Sctedul€ U2 Schedule 131 Schedule 132 (no customersl {no customers} Schedule 1Ol schedule 111 112 t3l Schedule 101 schedule 111 &hedule 112 Schedule 131 Schedulc 132 Commodlty Drmand 150 Rate so.26n3 50.26773 50.26n3 so.16276 s0.16276 s0.16926 so.16926 s0.16926 s0.15926 90.16925 so.(Ds84 so.@581 s0rD581 s0.00m0 so.00000 so.25s10 s0.26510 s0.265r0 so.16826 so.16926 so.m6s0 90.m6s0 so.m650 $0.o6so s0.m650 (s0.me13l (9O.m9131 $0g)913, s0.cxxm s0.omo so.00660 s0.m6so s0.ro497 s0.ro497 so.10497 s0.00000 50.000fi) s0.15276 s0.r6275 s0.15276 s0.16276 s0.16276 150 Rate 15() 150DemandCommodlty s0.17025 s0.17025 s0.17025 so.r7025 so.17025 s0.09540 90.@640 so.()9640 so.00000 s0.(xD00 s0.2666s so2566s so.2566s s0.1702s $0.1702s s0.(x)6al s0.00664 50.m651 somesl so.(x)654 (50.0G,18) Ito.mel8l (So.mel8l So.mooo s0lxnn so.00654 50.m654 s0.10558 so.rossS s0.1oss8 s0.00000 so.00000 so.16371 $o.r6371 50.16371 50.16371 s0.16371 so.26929 so.25929 so.26929 so.r6371 s0.16371 Tab: Rate Schedule 150Change Page 1 of t Summarv of Chanees lMthout nerrenm Sanrltln Cnit3 WIth Rerrailrs Scfirltlve Costr Total schedule o ! .a\J,.l- ,t:='s =, <-) .i\ -J E$dc E6g TI 6P st-ET- S>+. .-t-r S-/4.-1\) lr E:c EoI6 I ci tI f, d , T *Peg?g?go?P9!!it!.iitE:'St Eg -c T6 Eu o 8aE-r*!:rctT; u 6GI oIn0 I Ed oQo6$6600060 -6ddcNo6FRia-tst6RR9PPPSEBESi ^dddGidcicid<icidci t 4n h6R66nd6nA{isNq*5p3E38Bt E:p:iHl(f;s.flr:{E:8^otlooohddtd, Io! a6nl666t6ata NdaFno6sa6Fa - i'Jdulrlrlo'ddriiric oaaR66$ahFt!a-dGhdno6diidS =c..a-..a.i'aa oooc60600so9 I F oo600a5506aa il6ditoo6Nd!olaiilr.l.iE'idri.iF E di-ii--dHiHdei--e- anodo-Fnao05n60-r66!61.-.1^1.rc!al!q\.tq ! aal6ooooNffd, I.8- o60s50o60069 o 3 66dait66aLal66a6 1g$Bg$ran$fis o69060060064 EEI8PStB9E86ua-oFlGonrq,q "sfrCSS*JSrSFida.AOaiA-6a6oFO5 O 9' y[ j j.r d ni ri Gi ri.i dE+,3 E e 6' + F{ E E Ea h606006noioadGi^aioffnod-r .1l.tlo-ff-O-o. r. o.g. n a! dddddddddN.'a!cGE660rtatsFtargoE6Raa6-H-45a drd< ;G6EEOA6inhhda6ftoaooa6d66EOAddFO. F6-F-ts-6xdnOGf 60i6A6ACEannt-60ai?h-F9166fsdd.il.lri6'nl;jj-ivi6i o6006G666000 ci EIo q ci { a-aanEaStaoa8'NEtrNR'hTRE- o'oi 6i iiri rl dri d d.iri! do-ooifidnad-!=dd 6-Hnd- 6 oooo 66046605 866-n665d-ddo-6i6466 -r606tsFfii6660I_$JrtrfEs'fE'$f"r"r!.llc^E-clortF..--EI I .rrir I C U Ei EItl I$I C U Ei IE! IEittl ts dc8 H = o $r TO TTffII aria ! I T I T6 z{ I s TE I{ E= T Eu € .$ s ! i u Une No. 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 I L2 13 14 15 r6 t7 18 19 20 18 Avlt'o tftllhlrs ldeho Ges OpcraUou Oevclopmcnt of &iortLadon RatG Retc Sdrcdrdcr t0l-till B.l.nc.Jun :10,201t Jul-18 Aug-18 Sctr18 Oct-18 Beglnnlng Balance 9 Nov-18 l0 Dec-18 U Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 lun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Scp19 Oct-19 Summary Rat. Schrdulc 101 Rate Schedule lu Rate Schedule 146 futu,tw . 0u'ny'{ritnw7^tW Sales Thenns Amortiratk n Salance s 0,93s,7951s (7,703,5961S (zs11,o3s)s (7"318.027) s (7,0!,0,1811 =;l- t,uoft,'l = ,r?E4/b lnterert 1,mx 2,257,385 2,260,631 $ 2,654,fi0 5 6,011,179 s 238,714.48 198898.21 199,184.19 233,97.49 885,2t5.24 t211,372.15 1,162.348.23 897,68.24 802,1.18,96 522,693.r2 320,667.93 205,2?1.97 187,381.50 187,563.99 2L9,O77.39 (6,s141 (6,337) (6,1761 (5,0011 (s.s40) (4,6711 t3,68sl (2,E30) 12,t?sl (1,s7sl lL,224l {1,0051 (8441 (6881 (s1s) LO,793,407 L4,769,229 14,17t,s22 10,937,18!' 9,779,919 6,372,752 3,909,631 2,ilz,243 2,284,5&l 2,286,808 2,67L,O24 s p,0!,0,1811 s (6,210,416) s (5,003,7451 s (3,841082) $ (2,950,8441 s (2,150,8201 I (1,629,702) s (1,310,2s8) I 11,106,030)s (919,493) s 032,617|$ (s14,0s9) sI $ s $ s s s s s s Ratc Sdrc&h 10L 111lno ortomcn 1311 Amortlzadon Rate I (0.08202) (7,090,1811 lnterest Rate S (0.mO29) {24,6601 RateseforeRcF S (0.08231) Ieriff Rate $ (Oczzgl 17,Lt4,uLl PGA s sI EarningsTest/Tax Total (o.o8231l s {0.00851} s (0.(ts2311 s (0.00445, s- s (0.00263l s {0.090921 (0.08676) (0,002531 RCF:1.( Tab: Amortieation Page: 1 of 1 FGAAMI Avista utilitles State of ldaho Schedule 155 - Temporary Refunds/Charges Amortization Acct 191fi)0 Est, Balance Ar 6/30/18 Une No, Current Deferrals (tuct 191010) At 6/30/18 15,621,e72.971 {2,4r0,659.84) (175,147.911 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Amoftlzation Only Large Customers ldaho Gas Earnings Test Defenal' 6130120t8 (44,182.351 (18,145.511 (s87.441 0,00 0.00 0.00 (2,3s6.311 Temporary Tax Eenefits' 6130l2Ot8 Total for Amortlzation (s,9s1,668.s9) 12,44r,848.nl (17&810.35' 0.00 0.00 0.00 (8,150.411 s (8,401.667.77)s 1178,810.3s1I (r,s80,478.12) 1 Schedule 101 2 Scheduh 111 3 Schedule U2 4 Schedule 121 5 Schedule 122 6 Schedule 132 7 Schedule 146 8 Total 192,503.11 82,501.33 (120.0r) 0.00 0.00 0.00 {475,116.38) (95,5'f4.75) (2,9s4.99) 0,00 0.m 0.m (s,794.101 J9 10 'the balance remaining in the ldaho Eamin8s Test Defenal and the Temporary Tax Benefits at 10/3U2018 will be tranfened lnto account 1910q). lnput - Amortization Ealances PaEe: 1 of 1 2O,j,, I mt.4 ldaho Earnlngs Test Based on ldaho Case No. AVU-E-14-05 and AVU€-14{1 Be!€d on ldtho Casc No. AVt.FE-lS"{rs and AVU€.15{1 Rcplaclng 1.7t6 PGA Deferral Credit natural gas rdredule 197 Amortlzatlon over a 2 year period beginnlng Jan. 1, 2015 ldaho Eernlngs Test Amorthatlon ldaho Earnlngs Dcfcrral /o7zx, GD tD 254229 6D rD Crcdlt Deblt DAIE $ l,or{,417.&t 818,750.61 851,803.61 727,532,61 63823s.61 576,718.61 5'01,572.61 513.850.61 t182108.61 4t7,605.61 404630.61 320,il14.61 150,638.61 2l!r,2r1.00 369150.6r 254248.61 t25397,6L 202,793.61 1&t/19r.61 t75,7?0..6L t67,78i2.5L 161,019.61 151,793.61 !08,219.61 138,371.61 fiuB68.61 !r0r94.61 65,675.61 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-l5 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 Jan-16 Feb-15 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aut-15 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 s 175,ffi7.22 s 46,947.00 s 124,51.00 s 89,317.00 s 51,517.00s 35,146.00 s 27,722.@s 31,s42.00 s 34,703.00s 42,975.00 s 84,s05.00 S 169,486.00 Botonce Moved from 2290@ s 115,602.00 s 28,851.00 s 22,604.00 s 17,296.(n s 9,767.00s 7,948.00 s 5,753.00 S 6,225.00 s 6,554.00s 9,868.00 S t6,4o3.oo S 31,474.@ s 24,819.q) s 404.00 J U&l ,'r Aql:l?'1 H:\Regulatory\ldaho Earnlngs Test Amoftizatlon\Natural Gas-Amortlratlon Schedule_l.1.15 - no longer applicableNatural 6as_Amortizatlon Schedule_l,1.15 - no longer applicablesheetl email fiosr Annette artr Tara, thb lrlamofttsed amqrnt wlll be tsansfiened irtu the PGA Jcnny: Not, lst. s.*t a(o(r, t @os r) N a.L azl -)-JCS a€oo- @onl QN 6oE 3rOa!F c,=o-t(n; @o ttN Ctlq oo- x 2 6o{ aoo C', .oa)6 N(r, o Boooo o, 3etolol slJIolOIolcl<ld d FIdot6l>Icl0}l EI 8lol EIel>tOI01 elel EIol!tEI $;s io'toE ->sco =c.9o Eoc Eos E')Itt @o(\t clolErl stttol EI<I elolclol6lxlr!ll-l El EI 8l EI1-l el rol6I -l-elol CIolot6ldl EI -91 IINIrlol EI<tulclolEIol6lol El EI EI EIol(,I el =o o.c. 3 8le flEE EIE E el6 t .goIl 3o:)q vooE(, -alEIcc(o 6oCtlcocuooE, erBaBl o.9EJll soto slE =l itel6 o GtrDtra! Eoa fli EIE .EIEOIEot: $5 ee6fE'oa, PoEC'g(!tr 0d,os iil IElo5rol=Pl6otz El<-l fltr co a. (,6oo .,t CD CD CD C'I 'Dcrcccc====== oo(9(9(9(9o-o-o-o-o-o.,i ti 'li ti li tiooooQrozZZzZZ CD C'' C"e,cc tE.- rE oooo- 0. o.TE roarozzz o@(o.o@o??FFF?crooooor!c!NN(N\\\\\\?fFFF-FFFFFF C)CIC'O600u,CIOOrooooC' CI C' C'Gtdcic;y}g}g|O O a',to arl c) c)C' C'OO Nro(r,O, !r aaorot\l6!6C,qqqoooOOO roQodt6raaOo?oC'Oa0 EI CDtc==|E(= c,c,oo.,: ,:arozz C" CD CD C" C'I CTeeectEEEEEEE c,ooooo(LOI(LO.Gri ri lt l 'liarooooa,2zZZZZ $s. IC't (D CD CD ED C'ICECCEE ooooooo-o-o.o.GoriritiriEti2222*.2 - ,>\ \ rolotocrctc,aotoG.ocro??(OI\ClC,O6rrtCtOCI CI CI C' C' C'ddddddattg}l,}g}g} )\\ \. \ \ 6!CrOtlOOtar, (r! art N g' ra)clNNNarrc)c, ct cr arr to orqqqqqctcrcrct(roOCOOOO .o !ttladlot1., +{aoFt!tro!t FFott.\lO,b crCttrOt0Or qqq.iqqc, oooocrot) 0,4000o FNN(\IOalOOOFN(.,F FFF!a)rN(')N?FFF 6t o@@crooNQA --Ee- Eooat6qgootlo ao t\llo,G.!t@6 OC'0,; FF.r'ttoo66hA6Ct60thooarrant\tOOoooooodddcicictc000.,0 rFN?(!G,OFFfirCrtlFFTFFF -e(DOF!toaN!,i)e oo ge€a50G,8 th eooc, rOoGO Eo(9oc,o o) trIo(,(, (9 @oooNE o60600FFFFFEocrc)(rooNNNSNEF?FF!?\\\\\\FIFF--F??F-F 600060FFF??FcroooooqqQEEq FFF?FF\\\\\\ FFfFGF 6oa o oao Ert oao Eoo.a a,c EIooa, ot:'o6oa .Eoat 6GiGG6EEEEEE:>:: \ FNFFF(OOOFN(.ItFIFfTF c.o 6NtoE J.!!to !,o oo.o E lr lt lr tr .o rtarooooro60cl000 Ilt.oEE6ooEEr!ltltlt o rEt6EEE".CtoIlaottoooooa,oooooo eo0clt o) EIctoa6zanG.ollJ Foo5E Carp, lnteroffice Memorandum Rates and Tariff Administration DATE: W14118 TO: Christine Machado, Resource Accounting FROM: Annette Brandon SUBJECT: $Day Peak Allocator Attehed is the labst consecutive $Day Peak Firm Sales requirement analysis. This analysis develops the three-year average percentage of firm sales gas purchased and delivered for Washington and ldaho, The average is based on the maximum firm sales requirements for five consecutive days for each of the past three heating seasons. The calculation method used was approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Cornmission in Docket No. U€9-3105. The follonring new percentiages for Washington and ldaho should be used effective November l, 2018: 69.10olo ,/Washington ldaho Total lf you have any questions about this please call me a|4324. 30.9006 100.00% - livtsra Berg,le!!4y Frunr: Scnt: To: Brandon, Annette Thumday, November 29,2018 1237 PM Berg, Jenny RE: Rate Review - NovemberSubfect: Looks good From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 10:50 AM To: Bra ndon, Annette <Annette. Brandon @avistacorp.com> SubJecE Rate Review - November HiAnnette, Attached is the rates review workbook for November 2018. All changes have been highlighted in purple. lf l've missed anything, please let me know. Thank you, Jenny Berg Resource Accounting Analyst ^frvtsra reciprenl. pleaEe noliry |he sender and delele this email lrom your Sy$em Thanl you CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and mey contain confrdential and/or privileged information and may be legally protecied from disclosure lf you are not the intended recipient of this messag€ oI an agent of the intended recipient, or it this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately ale,t the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachmenls. 1 At/l5tAUfttfE; SchdulG lhrmmilo t SftorrcutrStlrolldrho.GuELclhcE Novqrbf,,2018 Scrt drr. 111 - Lril Gartrd Scryica lf con&mptlon l. l.3l llt.n or.qrd to 200 liarflt.!Mi*nrndrrgcof < 3102.73 PGA PGAWICOG Amodilo.r TuR.trm FCA DSfaR'E RiC RA! R'i! R,.sdrlso SlLllt Bchlz2 &tr.Ut $[111 8ac Blu 36.003 0.4e[3 I 026C6s t (0.09t.5) 3 (0.fiI5.8) 3 (0.0766) 3 0.0r8r8 3 3 hdd.. dlcctot 8clr.dul.. tto,1i3,17e. 176 rnd let Totrl 480 O.GBT' 201{ Rrosc R,! Sdr t07 t 0.26665 t (0.09t'15) 3 P.0r85a) 3 (0.01067, 3 0.0097t i 3 3rGr73o.lxn 20t-1.000 thGflni !,00r.10.@0t!flr Orc, to.ooolltatr! $!h.d.l t3l - h€rrl|blr SryicrPstlum Anrud ilHmrr cft.no.l! 250,000 Per lhcrmAflrrd i/hrnua!draflr i!dnaslct lrrrrrdutagrc 3 0.51365 I3 0.32220 3t 02p8r 33 0.18$4 3 t 0.5r:t65 33 0.:t2220 3I 023981 33 0.18534 3 0.26665 I028665 t 0.26665 30r066ti I 0.00878 t 0.0(B7a 3 0.00078 30.0tr8 t 0.@{l o.17tst 03e6680.3{It 31@.73o201a o7dt87 0.589{20.{tut 0.4&6€ t 03rr5t a 0rr75t 12t0,0! 0.1te06 0.26665 I 0.26665 3026865 $ 026C65 3 3 0.26665 3 (0.0l8al) (0"0r8!r) (0.018 r) o.0r854) (0.(Br{5) {0.0er45){0,(pfls) (0.09ra5) G.0l8al)(0.018$) p.or83r) (0.0r8fl) 0.0G78 3 0.0(p78 3 0.qp78 3 0.00978 I t P.0r86'l) t O.0i(,07, 3 0.q878 3 3t 3t 3 Ett 3 3 3 E (0.01067) (0.01067) (0.01067) o.0r064 3t 3 3 0Itt 3 IIIt Sdld.l l12 - Lrrm G€ffid SaruEa It cooaumptbn lr Llt thrn or.$nl to 200 limna:Mrtrrmclrgcol - t102.73 It tt 3t (0.0r0671 (0.0r067) (0.0r067) (0.01067) It 3t gdral|r i3l- h.flr+tblFSnrPrttum E 022600 3 0.t7@5 3A,nd iltrnrndtIgcb 250.00mhrr.cilCmdrnqrltrr|.r t OZXIIJ Sctrt-- l.S - Trmdrltdr gn lo ra ClaErrf Oyrad Gr8llcchrg. 4a50.0 0.r7025 i t (0.01854) t (0.018ar) t 022600 I 3 022609 3 0.1302 3 335,G93 3 0.flp8 3 3 0.00s78 3 t 3 2{tr 3 0.t5571 3t@.73 r,000 3 0.{77E 3:Br310,0q, 3 0.3056t 3120.68ovc 3 o.3attt t865tt t Ovc, I 0.38758 10.00 I Ov.r I 038758 30.00 0t Ihcril3 E!adc I 20r 1.(xlr r0,00r 0orr 3 0.6IlE7 36.(n 36.00 I 20r io0r r0.00r zfi to24m r.000 I 0.s69.2 10.000 I 0.a87Govs 3 0.1&156 3r02.73 t3829 t120.68 t66s.38 Ph. t ol lrsma saar limar coormpdoa b g1trt.ffnlrFhmh.ms 201-l,000lhumr t,001-10,m 0r.rmr ot1cr l0,mitrru 2O0lho.nr: Ech.drl r0l - Gmd Sdi:.BaicCh!O. Prftturn t (0.00a65) 3 (0.0(876)