HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180702Application.pdfAvista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 5 09-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 RECEIVED ttt$ JUL -? AH t0: 02 ATlrEtA Corp. ilTrJll#'J##fo18t'o* June 29, 2018 Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Re:Case No. AVU-G-l8- g3 Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Annual Rate Filing of Avista Corporation Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is Avista's natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) annual rate adjustment filing. This filing consists of an original and seven copies of Avista's Application, Exhibit A (the Company's proposed tariffs), Exhibit B (rate calculation), Exhibit C (2017 deferral), and Exhibit D (customer communications) in support of the Application. A computer readable copy of the Application, exhibits, and workpapers, required under Rule 231.05, are included on an enclosed compact disc. Electronic versions of the Company's f,rling were emailed to the Commission, and the Service List, on June 29,2018. Those documents have also been provided on the enclosed CD. Please direct any questions on this matter to me at (509) 495-8620 or Tara Knox at (509) 495- 432s. Patrick D. Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Enclosures Page 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 29th day of June,2018, served the Application of Avista Corporation - Fixed Cost Rate Adjustment, upon the following parties, by mailing a copy thereof, properly addressed with postage prepaid to: Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, lD 83702 d iane.hanian@puc. idaho. gov Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attomeys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702-0659 karl.kle in@puc. idaho. gov Brandon.karpen@puc.idaho. gov Marv Lewallen 28530 SW Canyon Creek Rd. - South Wilsonville, OR 97070 qary@malewallen.coE Larry A. Crowley The Energy Strategies Institute, Inc. 5549 S. Cliffsedge Ave Boise, ID 83716 crowleyla@aol.com Wendy Wilsons Clean Energy Program Director Snake River Alliance 223 N 6th Street, Suite 317 Boise, lD 83702 wwi lson@snakeriveral liance.org Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdy@hotrnai l.corn Peter J. Richardson Greg M. Adams Richardson Adams 515 N. 27th Street PO Box 7218 Boise, lD 83702 peter(E r i c hard so nadam s. com greg@richardsonsdams.com Dean J. Miller, Lawyer 3620 E. Warm Springs Boise, ID 83716 deanj m i I ler@cableone.net Dr. Don Reading 6070 HillRoad Boise,ID 83703 dreading@m indsprin g.corn Patrick D. Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, lD 83702 botto@ idahoconservation. org 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHTEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVTSTA CORPORATTON L41-L E. MISSION AVENUE P. O. BOX 3727 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 PHONE: (509) 495-431-6, FAX: (509) 495-88s1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 l7 IN THE MATTER OF THE FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM (FCA) ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILfNG OF AVISTA CORPORATION CASE No. AVU-G-18-_q3 APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION t8 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I. INTRODUCTION In accordance with Idaho Code 561-502, Commission Order No. 33437, and RP 052, Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinaf ter "Avj-sta" or "Compdrr!" ) , at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully makes application to the Idaho Publ-ic Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order approving the l-evel of natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (FCA) revenue deferred during calendar year 201-7 and authorizing FCA rates for natural gas service from November 1, 201,8 through October 31, 2079, and to approve the Company's corresponding modifications to Schedul-e !75, "Fixed Cost Adjustment AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD,JUSTMENT FILING PAGE 1 1 tvtechanism Natural Gas" . The proposed FCA rebate raLe for 2 the Residential- croup (schedule 101) is -0.766+ per therm, 3 and -L .067 + per therm f or t.he Non-Residential Group 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2l 28 29 30 31 32 11JJ (Schedules 111 and 11,2). The Residential Group rebate represents a $1.9 million, or 4.23*, to Schedul-e 101 customers, and the Non-Residential Group rebat.e represents a $0.2 mi1Iion, or 5.55?, decrease. The Company has requested a November l-, 20lB effectlve date The Company requests that t.his filing be processed under the Commj-ssion's Modif ied Procedure Rules (RP 201,-204) Communicatj-ons in reference to this Application should be addressed to: David J. Meyer, Ese. Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental- Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 MSC-27 :--4LL E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4316 David . Meyer@avi s tacorp . com Patrick D. Ehrbar Direct.or of Regulatory Affairs Avista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 MSC-27 L4l-l- E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3127 Phone: (509) 495-8620patrick . ehrbar@avj- s tacorp . com AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING PAGE 2 1 II. BACKGROI]ND The purpose of the natural gas FCA is to adjust the Company's Commission-authorized revenues from t.herm saIes, such that the Company's revenues will be recognized based on the number of customers served under the applicable natural gas service schedul-es. The FCA aIlows the Company to: 1) defer the difference between actual FCA-related revenue received from customers through volumetrj-c rates, and the FcA-related revenue approved for recovery in the Company's 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 last general rate case on a per-customer basis; and 2) file 11 a tariff to surcharge or rebate, by rate group, the total 12 deferred amount accumulated in t.he deferred revenue accounts 13 for the prior January through December tj-me period t4 In Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 and AVU-G-15-01, the Commission 15 in Order No. 33437 approved for Avista a Fixed Cost. Adjustment. 16 Mechanism. On page 10 of Order No. 33437, the Commissj-on 11 stated: The parties have also agreed upon a three-year1 FCA pilot for el-ectric and natural gas operations. The FCA will compare actual FCA revenues to al1owed FCA revenues determined on a per-customer basis. Any differences will be deferred for a rebate or surcharge. There are a number of customer safeguards, including that an FCA surcharge cannot exceed a 3Z annual rate adjustment. Any unrecovered balances will be carried forward to recover in future years. Further, there is no limit to the level On June a5, 20L8, the Idaho Public Utilj-ties Commission approved an Addendum to the Stipulation which extended the term of the pilot for an additional year by Order No. 34085. 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 1 AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD.JUSTMENT FILING PAGE 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of the FCA rebate. As part of the Stipulation, Staff and other interested parties, will review the efficacy of the FCA after its second fulI year to ensure it is functioning as intended. Fixed cost adjustment mechanisms are intended to encourage conservation, and allow customers more control over their bill-s. Further, the proposed FCA will remove any financial disincentive of the Company Lo encourage energy conservation. The Section 13 of t,he Stipulation and Settlement, as 11 amended by Addendum to the Stipulation approved by the 12 Commission in Order No. 34085 on ,June 15, 2018, provided 13 further detaj-l-s, reproduced be1ow, regarding the mechanics of 14 the fixed cost adjustment mechanism. The proposed Tariff 15 Sheet L75 refl-ects the change in the term of the mechanism 16 from three years to four in accordance with the Addendum. 17 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 A. FCA Mechanisms Term. The Parties agree to an initial FCA term of 4 years, with a review of how the mechanisms have functioned conducted by Avista, Staff, and other interested parties following the end of the third full-- year. Avista may seek to extend the term of the mechanism prior to its expirati-on. B. Rate Groups. established for both FCA: Electric Customer Rate Groups:1. Residential Schedul-e 1 2. Commercial- Schedules aa, 12, 21-, 22, Natural Gas Rate Groups: 1. Residential Schedule 101 2. Commercial Schedules 111 and 112 3a, 32 C. Existing Customers and New Customers. The Parties have agreed that revenue related to certaj-n items discussed below woul-d not be incl-uded in the FCA for new customers. The result is that the Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue-Per-Customer for new customers will be less than There will be two rate groups the electric FCA and natural- gas AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING PAGE 4 the Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue-Per-Customer for existing customers. For new electric customers added after the test period, recovery of incremental revenue related to fj-xed production and transmission costs woul-d be excluded from the electric FCA. For new natural- gas customers added after the test period, recovery of incremental- revenue related to fixed production and underground storage facility costs would be excluded. These modifications are included in Appendices B and C to the Stipulation. D. Quarterly Reporting. Avist,a will file, within 45 days of the end of each quarter, a report detailing the FCA activity by month. The reporting will also include information related to the deferrals by rate group, what the deferrals would have been if tracked by rate schedule, use and revenue-per-customer for existing and new cusLomers, and other summary financial information. Avista will provj-de such other information as may be reasonably requested, from time to time, in the future quarterly reports. E. Annual Filings. On or bef ore ,Ju1y 1-, the Company will file a proposed rate adjustment surcharge or rebate based on the amount of deferred revenue recorded for the prior ,January through December time period. The rate adjustment would be calculated separately for each Rat.e Group, with the applicable surcharge or rebate recovered from each group on a uniform cents per kWh or per therm basis. The proposed tariff (Schedule 75 for electric, Schedule L75 for natural gas) incl-uded with that filing would include a rate adjustment, that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve- month period effective on October 1 for electric (to match with Power Cost Adj ust.ment. and Residential- Exchange annual rate adjustments time period) and November 1st for natural gas (to match wit.h t.he annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment rate adjustment timeperiod). The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that, can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under Schedules 75 and !75 would be AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING PAGE 5 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 t4 l5 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rat.e Group by the estimated kwh sales(Electric FCA) or therm sales (Natural Gas FCA) for each Rate Group during the twelve-month recovery period. Any deferred revenue remaini-ng in the balancing account at. the end of the amortization period would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for t.he following year. F. Interest. Interest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in t.he FCA balancing account.s at t.he Customer Deposit Rate. G. Accounting. Avista wil-1 record the def erral- in account 186 - Mi-scellaneous Deferred Debits. The amount approved for recovery or rebate would then betransferred into a Regulatory Asset or Regulatory Liability account for amortization. On the income statemenL, the Company would record both the deferred revenue and the amortization of t,he deferred revenue through Account 456 (Other Electric Revenue), or Account 495 (Other Gas Revenue), in separate sub-accounts. The Company would file quarterly reports with the Commission showing pertinent information regardJ-ng the status of the current deferral. This report woul-d include a spreadsheet showing the monthly revenue deferral cal-culation for each month of t.he def erral period (January - December), as well as the current andhistorical monthly balance in the deferral account. H. 3"6 Rat,e f ncrease Cap. An FCA surcharge, by rategroup, cannot exceed a 3Z annual rate adjustment, andany unrecovered balances will be carrj-ed forward to future years for recovery. There is no limit to the leve1 of the FCA rebate. As detailed above, the Commission approved the following 39 procedural schedule for administering the annual natural gas FCA filings: Jul 1 40 41 42 43 Company filing for prior January period December deferral AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FfLING PAGE 6 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 November 1 natural gas - Commission Order and effective date of FCA rate adjustment III. DRIVERS OF NATURAL GAS FCA SURCHARGES The FCA rebate deferral-s in 2017 were the result of higher monthly use-per-customer than the use-per-customer that was embedded in the 20L4 test year (i.e., the fCA base) . Residential average monthly use-per-customer was higher by 3.5 therms, and non-residential average monthly use-per customer was higher by 94 therms in 201-7. The Company has identified several primary drivers for the change in use-per- customer. 13 First, weather was abnormally col-d during 201-7 giving 14 rise to a weather normalization adjustment2 that required the 15 deduction of 2 million therms to residential usage (z therms 16 per customer) and 0.5 million therms (27 therms per customer) 17 to non-residential- usage. The estimated FCA revenue excess 18 associated with weather was approximately $965, OOO 19 residential and $107,000 non-residential. 20 Natural gas energy efficiency programs were suspended in 2l Idaho during 201,4 and 201-5, then reinstated during 201-6. 22 Consequentlf, while energy efficiency is considered a 2 The 2017 weather normal-ization adjustment was filed in Washington for Commission Basis reporting utilizing the same methodology as IPUC Case No. AVU-G-15-01 in developing the FCA base. AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD.JUSTMENT FILING PAGE 7 I surcharge driver, the impact between the 2074 test year and 2 201-7 appears to be smaII. Estimated savings derived from the 3 201-5 and 201,'7 DSM Annual Reports reduced residential usage by 4 approximately 282,000 therms (0.: therms-per-cusLomer) and 5 non-resj-dential usage by approximately 70,000 therms (+ 6 therms-per-customer) during 20L7. The estimated FCA revenue 7 shortfall associated with energy efficiency programmatic 8 savings is $0. l-3 million residential and $0.02 million non- 9 residential. 10 These drivers account for over half of the residentiaf 11 rebate and about 252 of the non-residential rebate. The 12 "other" drivers are related to items not easily quantifiable, 13 such as the effects of non-programmatic energy efficiency, 14 changes in business cycles, eLc. The following table 15 summarizes the impact of these drivers on the FCA Revenues 16 received from customers in 20L7. t7 18 t9 Residential Group Use-per- Customer FCA Revenue Non-Residential Use-per- Customer FCA RevenueDriver Weather 2.1 $1.00 27 $0.1 1 ($0.02)Enerpy Efficiency (0.3)(s0.13)(4) Other Total 1.7 $0.76 7l 94 $0.29 $0.383.5 $1.6320 21 AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD.JUSTMENT FILING PAGE 8 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 IV. RESIDENTIAL GROUP RATE DETERMINATION The Company recorded $1,636,265 in the rebate direction in deferred revenue for the natural gas residential cusLomer group in 20L7. Last year's surcharge rate was subject to the 3? surcharge limitation with an expected surcharge carry over of approximately $1.2 mill-ion. The proposed rate of -0.766 cents per therm is designed to rebate $455,043, to the Company's resident, j-al- nat.ural gas customers served under rate Schedule 101. The following table summarizes t.he components of the Company's request for rebate: 201-7 Deferred Revenue ($1,636,265) Add: 20L6 Carry over balance $1,199,0L6 Add: Interest through 1,0/3L/20:-9 (#L6 ,2L2) Add: Revenue Related Expense Adj ($1,581) Total Rebate ($45s,043) Customer rebate ($4G5,043) Carryover Deferred Revenue $o 11 12 Exhibit B, page 1 shows the derivation of the proposed 13 rate to rebate revenue of $455,043, based on projected sales 14 volumes for Schedul-e 101 customers during the 15 rebate/amortization period (November 201,8 through October 16 2019). As identified on tariff Sheet 1758 under Step 6 of 17 "Calculation of Monthly FCA Deferra1", interest on the l8 deferred balance accrues at the Customer Deposit Interest 10 AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING PAGE 9 I Rate.: rf the proposed rebate is approved by the Commission, 2 tfre 201-7 deferral balance, plus interest t.hrough October, and 3 tfre outstanding carry over balance approved for recovery in 4 the prior year FCA rate filing (Case No. AVU-G-17-03 Order 5 uo. 3391-9), will be transferred int.o a regulatory liability 6 balancj-ng account. The balance in the liability account will 7 be reduced each month by the rebate received by customers 8 under the tariff. 9 10 V. NON-RESIDENTIAL GROUP RATE DETERMINATION 11 The Company recorded i377,623 in the rebate direction in 12 deferred revenue for the natural gas Non-Residential- Group in 13 20L7, plus interest and revenue-related expenses. Last 14 year's surcharge rate was subject to the 3* surcharge l5 limitation with an expected surcharge carry over of 16 approximately $125,000 (the actual carry over is expected to 17 be slightly less than last year's estimate) . The proposed 18 rebate rate of -L.067 cents per therm is designed to rebate 19 i274,6L7 to the Company's commercial- and industrial customers 20 served under rate Schedules 111 and 112. The following table 21 summarizes the components of the Company's request for 3 The Customer Deposit Interest Rate was 1.00? throughouL 201,7 and remai-ns 1.00? for 2018. The current rate of 1.00? has been used going forward as an estimate for purposes of this rate determination. AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FTLfNG PAGE 10 1 rebate 2Ol7 Deferred Revenue ($377 ,623) Add: 201-6 Carry over balance $108 ,'77I Add: Interest through 1,0/31-/20L8 (s4 ,320) Add: Revenue Related Expense Adj.($L,452) Total- Rebate ($274,61,7) Customer rebate ($274,6L7) Carryover Deferred Revenue $o Exhibit B, page 3 shows the derivation of the proposed rate to rebate revenue of $274,6!'7 based on projected sales volumes for Schedules 111 and 712 during the rebate/amortization period (November 201-8 through October 201,9) . As ident.ified on the tariff Sheet 1758 under Step 5 of "Calculation of Monthly FCA Deferral", interest on the deferred balance accrues at the Customer Deposit Int.erest Rate.4 If the proposed rebate is approved by the Commi-ssion, the 2017 deferral balance, plus interest through October, and the outstanding carry over balance approved from recovery in the prior year FCA rate filing (Case No. AVU-G-L7-03 Order No. 33919), will be transferred int.o a regulatory liability balancing account. The balance in the liability account will be reduced each month by the rebate received by customers under the tariff. Support showing the monthly calculation of the 20L7 4 rbid 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 18 AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD.]USTMENT FILING PAGE 11 1 deferral balances for both the Residential and Non- These 3 calculations were also provided to the Commission in 4 quarterly reports. VI. 3I AI{NUAL RATE INCREASE TEST 5 6 7 8 9 FCA rate adjustment surcharges are subject to a 3? annual rate increase limitation. There is no limit to rebate rate adjustments. As described in Tariff Schedule 1-75, the 3Z annual rate increase limitation will be determined by dlviding the increment.al- annual revenue to be collected (proposed surcharge revenue less present. surcharge revenue) under this Schedule by the total "normaLized" revenue for the two Rate Groups for the most recent January through December time period. Normalized revenue is determined by multiplying the weather-corrected usage for the period by the present rates in effect. If the incremental- amount of the proposed surcharge exceeds 32, only a 3Z incremental rate increase will be proposed and any remaining deferred balance will be carried over to t.he fol-lowing year. Exhibit B, page 5 shows the 3Z test for the two rate groups. As the 201-7 Residential and Non-Residential 10 11 12 l3 t4 l5 l6 17 18 t9 20 22 21 23 deferrals are both rebates, there is no l-imitation. The AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FTLING PAGE 12 2 Residential Groups is provided as Exhibit C. 1 incremental change from t.he existing surcharge to the 2 proposed rebate is a reduction of $1.9 million or 3 approximately -4.22 for the Residential Group and a reduction 4 of $0.7 million or approximately -5.5? for the Non- 5 Residential Group. As both residentj-al- and non-residential 6 deferrals are in t.he rebate direction for 2017, there is no 7 proposed carry over expected due to t.he 3Z ru1e. 8 9 VII. EXISTING CUSTOMERS AI{D NEW CUSTOMERS 10 The Settlement Stipulation approved by t.he Commj-ssion requires that natural gas customers that have been added since the test year are subject, t,o a FCA Revenue-Per-Customer that excludes incremental revenue related to fixed production and underground storage facility costs. Separate calculations for new versus existing customers are clearly identified in the FCA base that was approved in Order No. 33437 (included in this filing as Attachment B, pages 3 through 6). Due to this segregation, Avista tracks the usage of new customers since January L, 2075 as compared with existing customers.s In general, the average usage of new natural gas ll t2 13 t4 l5 16 17 18 t9 20 s "Existing customers" were part of the test year used to set the JanuaryL,2015 rates (201-4 calendar year). "New customers" consist of all new hookups after the test year. The proposed Tariff Sheet 175 replaces the date specific language to state "after the FCA Base test year" as the FCA Base is updated with changes to Base rates and the associated test year. AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD.JUSTMENT FILING PAGE 13 1 2 J 4 5 6 customers is comparable to the average usage of existing customers. Avista will continue to track the usage of new customers over the Fixed Cost Adjustment term VIII. PROPOSED RATES TO BE EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1.20L8 The Company is proposing a per therm FCA rebate rate of 7 -0.766Q for the Residential Group, and a per therm FCA rebate 8 rate of -1-.067Q for the Non-Residential Group, both to become 9 ef f ect, j-ve November 7, 2018. Exhibit B to this Application l0 provides the Residential- and Non-Residential Rate 11 Calculation, and Exhibit C provides the support for the 12 deferrals for the January L, 20L7 through December 3L, 20l-7 13 deferral- period. Attached as Exhibit A is a copy of the 14 proposed tariff, Schedule 1,75, which contains the proposed 15 FCA rates and tariff revi-sions dlscussed earlier in thls 16 Application. Exhibit A also includes the proposed changes to 17 Schedule 1-75 in strike/underline format. 18 Residential customers using an average of 53 therms per 19 month woul-d see their monthly bi1Is decrease from $48.31 to 20 $46.27, a decrease of $2.04 per month, or 4.22. 21 AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING PAGE 14 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IX. COMMI'NICATIONS A}ID SERVICE OF APPLICATION fn conformance with RP 725, t.his Application will be brought to the attention of the Company's customers. First, the Company has served a copy of this Application upon the service list in Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 and AW-G-15-01, the cases that gave rise to the FCA mechanisms. Second, a copy of Company's news release and customer notice is provided as Attachment D. The news release will be issued on July 2, 201-8, and the cusLomer notice will be inserted in customer The Company requests that the Commission j-ssue an order approving recovery of FCA deferrals for the period .Tanuary 1, 20L7 through December 31, 201-7, and approve a per therm FCA 10 bills starting on or about July 9,2018, and run for a fuII 11 billing cycle. 12 13 x REQUEST FOR RELIEF t4 l5 t6 l8 therm FCA rebate rate of -L.067c. for the Non-Residential 17 rebate rate of -0.766+ for the Residential- Group, and a per 19 Group, both to become effective November 1, 20L8. The Company 20 also requests that the Commission approve the proposed tariff 2l modifications to tariff Sheet L75. The Residential Group 22 rebate represents a $1.9 mi11ion, or 4.2%, decrease to 23 Schedule 101 customers, and the Non-Resident.ial Group rebate AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD.fUSTMENT FILING PAGE 15 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 0I represents a $0.7 mi11ion, ot 5.5?, decrease to Schedul-e 111 and L12 customers. The Company requests that the matter be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules through the use of written comments. Dated at. Spokane, Washington this 29L1n day of June 201-8. TION BY Patrick D. EhrbarDirector of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING PAGE 16 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 13 t4 15 16 17 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 VERIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane Patrick D. Ehrbar, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: That he is the Director of Regulatory Affairs for Avist,a Corporation and makes this verification for and on behalf of saj-d corporation, being thereto duly authorized; That. he has read the fo thereof, and believes the s 1ing, knows the contents rue. SIGNED AND SWORN to bef ore me this 29Lht day of .June 20L8, by Patrick D. Ehrbar. \\l1 t ARY Cin or the State of Was , residing at Spokane. Commission Expires:It to be 2 3 -+aF Puguto AVISTA'S NATURAL GAS FCA ANNUAL RATE AD,JUSTMENT FILING PAGE 1.7 ) ) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES CASE NO. AVU-G-18- EXHIBIT A Tariff Sheets - Proposed, Strikethrough and Underline Natural Gas Service June 29,2018 l.P.U.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 175 Canceling First Revision Sheet 175 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS PURPOSE: This Schedule establishes balancing accounts and implements an annual Fixed Cost Adjustment ('FCA") rate mechanism that separates the recovery of the Company's Commission authorized revenues from therm sales to customers served under the applicable natural gas service schedules. TERM: The term of the FCA mechanism is four years, effective January 1,2016 through December 31,2019. APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This schedule shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, and 112. This Schedule does not apply to Schedules 1311132 (lnterruptible Service), Schedule 146 (Transportation Service For Customer-Owned Gas) or Schedule 148 (Special Contracts). Applicable Customers will be segregated into two (2) distinct Rate Groups: Group 1-Schedule 101 Group 2 - Schedules 111 and 112 Note - the recovery of incremental revenue related to fixed production and underground storage cosfs will be excluded for new naturalgas cusfomers added after the FCA Base test year. MONTHLY RATE: - ($0.00766) per therm - ($0.0t 067) Per therm Group 1 Group 2 lssued June 29, 2018 Effective November 1,2018 By Vgk-u l.P.U.C. No.27 First Revision Sheet 175 Canceling Original Sheet 175 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS PURPOSE: This Schedule establishes balancing accounts and implements an annual Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") rate mechanism that separates the recovery of the Company's Commission authorized revenues from therm sales to customers served under the applicable natural gas service schedules. TERM The term of the FCA mechanism is three years, effective January 1,2016 through December 31,2018. APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This schedule shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, and 112. This Schedule does not apply to Schedules 1311132 (lnterruptible Service), Schedule 146 (Transportation Service For Customer-Owned Gas) or Schedule 148 (Special Contracts). Applicable Customers will be segregated into two (2) distinct Rate Groups: Group 1-Schedule 101 Group 2 - Schedules 111 and 112 Note - the recovery of incremental revenue related to fixed production and underground storage cosfs will be excluded for new naturalgas cusfomers added ,11", Janaarylr4l$. MONTHLY RATE: Group 1 - $0S2466 per therm Group 2 - $0316[5 per therm lssued June 30, 2017 Effective November 1,2017 By ed by Avista Kelly Nonruood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Second Revision Sheet 175 Canceling First Revision Sheet 175 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS PURPOSE: This Schedule establishes balancing accounts and implements an annual Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") rate mechanism that separates the recovery of the Company's Commission authorized revenues from therm sales to customers served under the applicable natural gas service schedules. TERM The term of the FCA mechanism is four years, effective January 1,2016 through December 31,2019. APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This schedule shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, and 112. This Schedule does not apply to Schedules 1311132 (lnterruptible Service), Schedule 146 (Transportation Service For Customer-Owned Gas) or Schedule 148 (Special Contracts). Applicable Customers will be segregated into two (2) distinct Rate Groups: Group 1-Schedule 101 Group 2 - Schedules 111 and 112 Note - the recovery of incremental revenue related to fixed production and underground storage cosfs will be excluded for new naturalgas cusfomers added after the FCA Base test year. MONTHLY RATE: Group 1 - ($0.00766) per therm Group 2 - ($0.01067) per therm lssued June 29, 2018 Effective November1,2018 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES CASE NO. AVU-G-l8- EXHIBIT B FCA Rate Calculation November 1,2018 - October 31, 2019 Natural Gas Service June 29,2018 Avista Utilities Calculation of Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) Surcharge or Rebate Amortization Rates Effective November 1,2078 - October 3L,2019 15 Annual Total 16 lncremental Rate to Recover Estimated Interest t7 Estimated Rate to Recover Deferral Balance 18 Rate before Gross-up for Revenue-related items 19 Times: Gross-up for Revenue-related items (3) 20 Preliminary Proposed FCA Rate 2t 3%oTest Rate Adjustment (4) 22 Final Proposed FCA Rate 23 Adjusted for Revenue Related Expenses 24 Estimated Carryover Balance due to 3% test (5) Forecast Usage 7,479,864 LL,04L,248 10,46s,583 8,184,125 7,159,800 4,608,906 2,729,737 1,501,881 7,269,456 7,106,725 1,434,843 3,728,406 (s1,s3s)60,7t0,567 (so.oooo3) (so.0o7se) (So.oo752) 1.005812 (so.oo766) s0.00000 (S0.00766) Rebate Rate (S0.00762) Amortization Rate So Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 t4 Notes (1) Date Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 ldaho Residential Natural Gas Unamortized Balance (1) lnterest (2) -0.00759 !.o00/o (s460,e36)(s404,s07) (saoo1(s32o,e8o) (s302) $247,7s6], (s234) $L7e,7ssl (s175)(s12s,s62) (5t271(sso,66o) (sso)(s70,002) (ssz1(5s8,6s2) (Ss+1(s4s,ose) (s4s)(s40,6s4) (s:21(s2s,82s) (s2s)($1,s3s) (s13) Deferral balance at the end of the month, Rate of -50.00759 to recover the October 2017 balance of -5460,936 over 12 months. See page 2 of Exhibit B for October 2018 balance calculation. (2) lnterest computed on average balance between beginning and end of month at the present IPUC Consumer Deposit rate. The IPUC Consumer Deposit rate is updated annually. http ://www. puc.idaho.sov/sas/33936.pdf (3) AVU-G-15-01 conversion factor, see page 7 of Exhibit B. (4) See page 6 of Exhibit Bfor 3% test adjustment calculations. (5) See page 2 of Exhibit B for estimated carryover balance calculations. EXHIBIT B Page 1 of I Line No. 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tt t2 13 1,4 15 76 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 (s1,364) (s1,35s) (s1,366) (s1,357) (s1,368) (s1,35e) (s1,370) $t,372) (s1,373) (s1,374) Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 prior year carryover Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 ldaho Residential Natural Gas Calculate Estimated Monthly Balances through October 2018 Consumer Deposit Ending Balance lnterest Rate Amortization t.00o/o (S1,636,265) (51,637,6291 ($1,638,ss3) (s1,640,3se) $L,547,726]' (s1,643,094) (s1,644,463) (s1,64s,834) ($1,547,zosl (s1,648,s78) (s1,549,952) S 1,189,01G (s405,323) (s321,s38) (s242,070]| $179,9L7l| (s125,517) (Sso,soz1 (s6s,78s) (ss8,40o) (548,777]t (s40,386) l$zs,4871 ($1,105) (s1,3s1) (S303) (s23s) (s176) $727) (Ssol (s67) (Sss1 (s4s) (Sazl (s2s) (s13) $76,2t21 (ss6,e5s) (S84,087) (s7e,703) $az,zza\ $s4,s27l, (s3s,100) (s20,78e) (s11,438) (Ss,ooal (Sa,+zs1 (Sro,szzl (s28,3ss) (s462,3s5)Total Summary 28 2017 Deferred Revenue 29 Add Prior Year Carryover Balance 30 Add lnterest through tOl3Ll20L9 31 Add Revenue Related Expense Adj. 32 Total Requested Recovery 33 Customer Rebate Revenue 34 Carryover Deferred Revenue (s1,535,26s) s 1,199,016 $t6,2t21 (s1,s81) (5465,043) (s46s,043) So EXHIBIT B Page 2 of 8 Avista Utilities Calculation of Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) Surcharge or Rebate Amortization Rates Effective November 1, 2018 - October 31, 2019 Line No. 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 Notes (1) (2) Date ldaho Non-Residential Natural Gas Unamortized Balance (1) lnterest (2) -0.01057 7.00% (5272,004) $237,!e7l (s212)(s1s7,e7s) (s181)(s1s8,962) (s14s)(s12s,s87) (s120) (s102,3s3) (ssz1(s83,829) (s78) $77,4241 (s5s)(560,907) (Sssl(ss0,22s) (s46) (S37,7e0) (Saz1 .s24,7s7) (s26)(Sr,oze1 (S11) Forecast Usage Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 3,313,543 3,727,981 3,705,939 2,753,064 2,620,719 7,763,946 1,179,900 1,000,362 L,015,L27 1,180,083 1,236,18L 2,241,175 15 Annual Total 16 lncremental Rate to Recover Estimated lnterest 17 Estimated Rate to Recover Deferral Balance 18 Rate before Gross-up for Revenue-related items 19 Times: Gross-up for Revenue-related items (3) 20 Preliminary Proposed FCA Rate 2L 3% Test Rate Adjustment (4) 22 Final Proposed FCA Rate 23 Adjusted for Revenue Related Expenses 24 Estimated Carryover Balance due to 3% test (5) (s1,076)25,737,3?0 (so.ooo04) (So.o1os7) (so.o1o61) 1.005812 (So.o1o67) s0.00000 (SO.OrO0z1 Rebate Rate (SO.OfOSfl Amortization Rate So (3) (4) (s) Deferral balance at the end of the month, Rate of -50.01057 to recover the October 2018 balance of -$272,004 over 12 months. See page 4 of Exhibit B for October 2Ol8 balance calculation. lnterest computed on average balance between beginning and end of month at the present IPUC Consumer Deposit rate. The IPUC Consumer Deposit rate is updated annually. http://www. puc. ida ho.eov/eas/33936. pdf AVU-G-15-01 conversion factor, see page 7 of Exhibit B. See page 6 of Exhibit B for 3% test adjustment calculations. See page 2 of Exhibit B for estimated carryover balance calculations. EXHIBIT B Page 3 of 8 Line No. ldaho Non-Residential Natural Gas Calculate Estimated Monthly Balance through October 2018 Consumer Deposit Ending Balance lnterest Rate Amortization L.00% l$377,6231 (S377,938) (S378,2s3) (s378,s68) (S378,883) (s37s,1ee) ($azs,srs1 (Sazs,aarl ($380,148) (S380,46s) (Saao,zazl LOB,778 (s237,ls6) l5te7,78sl (s1s8,624) (s129,538) (s101,83s) (s83,20s) {.570,752]| (Soo,rss; $49,471], (536,989) (S23,soo) (s13s) s 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Dec-L7 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 prior year carryover Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 (s3Is) (Sars1 (Sars1 (Ssrs1 (Sare1 (S:to1 (Satol (Ssrz1 (s317) (S:rz1 (S:oa1 (s181) (Sr+a1 (Srzo) (Sso1 $77l' (s64) (Sss1 (s46) (s35) (s2s) (s10) (s4,320) (S:s,rsr1 (Srs,sas1 (S3s,314) (Szs,zos1 $27,79s]l (Sra,zrrl (s12,s17) (s10,612) (s10,76e) (s12,s1s) (s13,114) $23,77s) (s273,030)Total Summary 2017 Deferred Revenue Add Prior Year Carryover Balance $ Add lnterest through t0l3t/2079 Add Revenue Related Expense Ad Total Requested Recovery Customer Rebate Revenue Ca rryover Deferred Revenue (Sztt,ozz1 708,778 (s4,320) (s1,4s2) $274,6L7]l $274,6171 So EXHIBIT B Page 4 of 8 Avista Utilities Decoupling Mechanism Prior Surcharge or Rebate Amortization Effective November t,2Ot7 - October 31, 2018 Residential Natural Gas Surcharge Line No. Date Regulatory Asset Beginning Balance I nte rest 52,tL4.67 s1,931.34 S1,731.93 S1,549.03 s1,380.37 5L,254.45 5L,188.22 S1,156.66 s1,128.55 5L,106.42 s1_,081.s0 s1,028.58 Regulatory Asset lnterest Amortization Ending Balance Rate June - October Forecast Usage Line No. Date 5 2,626,654.00 s 2,450,677.5O s 2,t86,468.0L 5 t,97L,896.78 5 1,747,335.10 5 1,,s66,944.13 $ 1,444,980.76 5 1,407,923.79 s 1,369,205.85 s 1,340,436.60 5 7,376,077.87 s 1,280,605.39 Regulatory Asset Beginning Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-L8 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 s s s s s 5 s s 5 S s s (178,O91.17l, (256,140.83) (216,303.16) (226,1.1O.71l, (1.81,777.341 (L23,217.82l, (38,245.19) (39,874.59) (29,897.81) (25,465.1,5) (36,553.98) (92,518.33) 5 2,450,677.50 s 2,186,468.01 s 1,,971,,996.79 $ 1,,747,335.tO s 1,566,944.13 5 7,444,990.76 5 !,407,923.79 s 1,369,205.86 s 1,340,436.60 5 7,3L6,O77 -87 S 1,280,605.39 S 1,189,015.G4 460,366.51 404,O43.73 359,965.40 309,835.82 267,109.72 234,708.O5 21.6,378.75 199,097.65 182,585.34 163,102.63 144,548.83 1o8,777.54 1,626,2O7 1,279,323 1,039,546 t,49O,782 3,777,256 June - October Forecast Usage 1,083,071 1,038,062 1,,222,O85 7,763,258 2,233,923 1,.00% t.o0% L.OO% L.OO% t.o0% t.oo% L.O0% L.OO% t.oo% L.OO% L.OOo/o L.O0% 1,.00% L.00% 1,.00% 7.OO% L.OO% L.OO% L.00% 1.00% 7.00% 1,.00% 7.OO% 7.OO% Non-Residential Natural Gas Surcharge I nterest RegulatoryAsset lnterest Amortization Ending Balance Rate 13 1.4 15 16 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 S soo,zsg.oo s 460,366.51 5 404,043.73 s 359,965.40 s 309,835.82 5 267,1O9.L2 s 234,708.05 s 216,318.75 s 199,097.65 s 182,585.34 S rog,roz.eg s 144,548.83 s400.0e s s36o.o2 s s318.20 s 5278.s7 S 5240.2e S s20s.00 s s187.8s s 5773.o2 S S1s8.s7 S s143.e8 s s128.13 s s1os.s1 s (40,286.58) s (s6,582.80) s (44,396.53) s (s0,408.ss) s (42,966.99) s (32,610.07) s (r,8,577.15) s (77,394.721 5 (16,671.28) s (19,626.69) s (18,581.93) s (3s,876.80) s Jul 18 18 18 18 Aug sep- Oct- EXHIBIT B Page 5 of 8 Avista Utilities Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) 3% Test 2017 ldaho Natural Gas Deferrals Line No Residential Non-Residential Total Revenue From 2OL7 Normalized Loads and Customers at Present Billing Rates (Note 1)s46,440,055 512,433,282 s58,873,337 2 November 2018 - October 2019 Usage 60,7L0,567 25,737,32O Proposed FCA Recovery Rates Present FCA Recovery Rates -s0,00756 -So.orooz So.oz+oo s0.0161s lncremental FCA Recovery Rates -So.oazaz -So.ozosz I ncremental FCA Recovery (s1,962,166) (s690,275) (5Z,SSZ,++01 lncremental Surcharge %-4.23%-5.55% 3% Test Adjustment (2) 9 3% Test Rate Adjustment s0.00000 so.ooooo 10 Adjusted Proposed FCA Recovery Rates -So.oozss -s0.01057 11 Adjusted lncremental FCA Recovery (s1,962,166) (s0SO,ZZS1 (52,652,440) t2 Adjusted lncremental Surcharge %-4.23%-5.55% Notes (1) Total 2017 weather normalized billing determinants priced at the billing rates effective 06/ot/20L8. (2) The carryover balances will differ from the 3% adjustment amounts due to the revenue related expense gross up partially offset by additional interest on the outstanding balance during the amortization period. 1. 3 4 5 5 7 8 SoSoSo EXHIBIT B Page 6 of 8 Line AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Natural Gas System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2OI4 Description Revenues Expense: Uncollectibles J 4 5 Commission Fees Idaho State Income Tax Total Expense 6 Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal Income Tax@35% 8 REVENUECONVERSION FACTOR AVU-G-15-01 Settlement Conversion Factor Gross Up Factor No.Factor l.000000 1.000000 0.003407 0.003407 0.00237 t 0.002371 0.048695 2 0.054473 0.005778 0.945527 0.994222 0.3309347 9 0.614593 0.994222 1.005812 EXHIBIT B Page 7 of 8 oo o 00obood srJlul ra NooNrricf)sf N {> xrc)n<t $oro-irn$oirJ) <t> >R;S>erooo4gqr)00 r\(o GI 00r)r/) ol* ao= rn3b fi -.:6Yotdge.g(o(ooJLLOE E*E Hootr;ioO;EFoi<q!o:Ef;#S},!E!vPU[i.9dooobdPo=6=o.olr]5co-cu-oP =E= gE EsEgaOo-0JOa-oo-oL 6^-6*o* oJE&. \oNO\NNd ''{<, sf Fl stff}qcoNsl {r} !2OFlEoff)Esstct rr1(o 4., NNoo6(o r.oc{Nqqoo <r> <.rt NooN crirrl<t N Fl <-ft <.f, Itt T\N@(oooqqoo ooNrn aro.j rnlnooslst(osf {.4 Nlr'')Nrnqo a @@NoqoE coFeIxIJ r\Fll.o+r\N r.nNNdo)(O @rJ1(o t/) Flst o(oq 01(nN .n> o$s-Nu)(O a.,l' 1,' o6F N Flo).i {r> o {,}(,, rn r\sf Flolo6+a(oNVslN 1t> A C> (olJ1(or\FINr{OC(ool o) to Fl <J> <J> 1r> o) ".r c.r Ir(f)>\\s :Pb s Hcc*EEP9d ': ="EPbE(5=xJlL! 0).9toa (! ocoo (E oorJ){.o 'riHst {> <t> ln l/) Fl Flro (o HFIqqoo <r> {> (Y) f..t Fl Fa O)+- Fla rOt.o c!qo <r> r\r€)lndFlr\d(O o o ro o o oNrnrianN t/)N r\oooot-'sf$(o @ z FanFr)N 6 o -ofql fo (9 G.=c OJp OJd. coz 6oF Pgcbojg.= b(u=>i.op (ots<u;'i o oo E(o6UGELOIs 3g!!oc.) BdE ^- o) m!coJ(u=l?OCXfoJ=o>yu0.) ^-od boEIC(u3;.poo -Ouo&Eo oo.. c o)fil'doO>LU(Uo-oEo 00ti .cb sg3d.ea-do uo? =oo!Oc.= oE iE-g6 0.,o o- =0)69(l)F a2 bgo';OL>0)ta bo .siI t/)Nd 0,,, ! OJ5q,69! uo).Yc=3.E=ofiEE:3'E'= F e;:dE?:oo= A€RE BEFORE THE, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA UTILITIES CASE NO. AVU-G-I8- EXHIBIT C FCA 2017 Deferred Revenue Calculation Natural Gas Service June 29,2018 t 0.,) OJo (U(,'i; (oz (o o r-l o)bo(oo-(JF d) Ixlrl ti II t^ l=t_ | {j- 6_ at_ I I t_ t^ l- it- t^ l1t- I t-t- t^ l= t^ IB lit- l- tr t-, = 5; "1 r, 1 !!q$. Gt ^l H go d O e a e!d'; =& 90 gssf- *iEoti 9N! 6s3" sBn f.iS = -.!o€ux. o c.i ri o. o. N. E F 9 & (,t& aa o96 ;Ag :*sj3; -P-g38 hasN"3 d9a .*; cq =E3e. F.nd. or- ^lFt -R- .3-t.S;. ^R-En$. -94 ^s- -9o ts6;l -ge F63 r3e -i d93d i; -' rod rod a" o- 6" JJ 6o.i -;* -.d.go. 6. F_ r_ O- .ij o.t:t i:-j r c d E d ? d E F o"-"oa: -i --- :*.": 6--- rJ-i *:": :- ":l 6-6-o1l3-,9si I o-l ^"^l 1 00_l --l a--Piq:naf a--9- 3=;3s a-*E^ 3.Gsa aaoFo t!J-is+ A6ioer '!jd66 ana9o i-aas oo-!o t!-'ds6 3dr6! aoat= 8663o 9o d dt Ee69 Y 9 hE,e&tE 9rE0i 55EEI!E;gbE E.o;'b5 5tC:' q EE Arro z q1-..,9- j€ro j E I C -96-"s6"8i"s EEE &&&999 &d& E&: 9Exid- d 8: o :d a 99998.8.ee&&&c9999 &cdd -So6,s6. r^ o3o O"HN" N" =l3s935 e & 6 E 3€JE,Ed a>E3 Q;d .9a ? tox 'dgs E 3EUst* LslE:, 9seE*l?yIZ;E bu 5E!?B V< EEdT:E ! d Eg I ad 9bXoaril e =?9E!; 9da ; EEiga,9 'a r adEyeia9m UA t.;Ed s0i trrif ,b slts -Els"3 ;la i c$E#;El e -d.31 ,6 9', z,.fl5;E ,=L 3 5?ExsE 9 E;6& -g;rz So9E.eFuuSO -E ss E afor FFFF & -d6s6er669=9!::9X=9RESRXRR 66rtnt€OO-2 i5 az I 9 F-=EN,^€;= c.) 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No -dd-.^d-JY J4 "o:g=Elif" - o € 3 *).r?== 9-E E- zV!-,2?iP. >OO P i g BE9H5sE+x4r=E!E =E g0b F 8ztr E Q = s O=c@)-tayoozt- 6i o -U b< l-l r- o -sl < !dl Er :t -::l 6 E*l .r:;l r 2il 6 Aql == <t o !U ;< -O !t -x!l u r!l .o> UI US -61 sr2<l :oo\l*: =lil iNNtd Eo EU i,9 ;< -a ":E,i Prir!*.x€;rzqE= ']F F z v aq€< z -9!E v,iEYei'=&= = o\E=>.H o -.6z a;E- 2;',..e 6: EE E E= > .1E s EGE='-'!= , .= c!.z * z'4Z-a1-UEI' Er-\ii:ov!2.!eQ v--^ !r! 2= trESo' E q9.E a 2. .l AVISTA UTILITIES Company Settlement Summary by Function with Margin Analysis Case For the Year Ended December 31 , 2014 (c)(d) (e)(b)(s) Residential Service Sch'101 Natural Gas Utility ldaho Jurisdiction (h) Large Firm Service Sch 1'11 (i) lnterrupt Service Sch 131 (k) Transport Service Sch 146Line Description (f) System Total Functional Cost Components at Curent Rates 1 Production 2 Underground Storage3 Distribution 4 Common 5 Total Curent Rate Revenue 6 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. 7 Total Margin Revenue at Curent Rates Margin per Them at Current Rates I Production I Underground Storage 10 Distribution 1 1 Common 12 Total Curent Margin Melded Rate perThem Functional Cost Components at Unifom Cunent Retum 13 Production 14 Underground Storage'15 Distribution 16 Common 17 Total Uniform Curent Cost 18 Exdude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. 19 Total Unifom Curent Margin Margin per Them at Unifom Curent Retum Production Underground Storage Distribution Common Total Cunent Unifom l\ilargin Melded Rate per Them Margin to Cost Ratio at Cunent Rates 340,452 36,173,000 29,139,824 6,525,127 57,596 340,452 337,031 1,746,1 1 I 24,249,668 9,840,181 235,91 I 1,'135,497 1 9,367,003 8,401,406 97,171 561,698 4,61 4,046 1,352,211 r eoo 5,600 46,393 14,204 2,542 43,324 222,226 72,360 36,173,000 0 29,1 39,824 0 6,525,',t27 0 67,596 0 0 $0.004'13 $0.021 37 $0.29681 $0.12044 $0.00423 $0.02038 $0.34761 $0.15080 $0.00423 s0.02448 s0.201 07 $0.05893 $0.00423 $0.01 69s $0.14042 $0.04299 $0.00094 $0.01600 $0.08207 $o.02672 40.44275 t0.52303 30.28870 30.20459 30.12574 337,031 1,689,279 24,223,976 9,922,715 235,918 1,231,419 20,296,739 4,625,255 97,'t7'l 416,370 3,685,561 1,215,502 1,399 44,149 '13,913 2,542 JO,ZCC 197,526 68,045 36,173,000 30,389,33t 5,414,605 000 64,716 304,348 36,173,000 30,389,33'1 5,414,605 64,716 304,348 00 20 21 22 24 $0.00423 $0.022'10 $0.36430 s0.'15481 $0.00423 $0.0'1814 $0.16061 $0.05297 $0.00423 $0.015s0 $0.13363 $0.0421 1 $0.00094 $0.01 338 $0.07295 $0.0251 3 so.44275 1.00 30.54545 t0.23595 t0.'r9587 t0.11240 0.96 1.22 1.04 1.12 Functional Cost Components at Propoaed Rates 26 Production 27 Underground Storage28 Distribution 29 Common 30 Total Prcposed Rate Revenue 31 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. 32 Total Margin Revenue at Proposed Rates Them at Rates 35 Distribution 36 Common 37 Total Proposed Margin Melded Rate per Them Dastibulion Common Total Unifom Proposed Cost Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. Total Unifom Proposed iilargan Margin per Them at Unrfom Proposed Retum Production Underground Storage Distribution Common Total Proposed Unifom Margin Melded Rate per Them Margin to Cost Ratio at Proposed Rates Curent Margin to Proposed Cost Ratio 38,673,000 31,370,424 00 337,031 '1,95'1,059 26,1 1 4,616 10,270,295 235,918 1,306,768 21,O27,O55 8,801,083 97,171 59',t,232 4,402,732 1,379,992 '1,399 6,200 50,288 14,709 2,542 46,859 234,541 74,511 6,471,127 0 72,596 358,452 00 38,673,000 31,370,424 6,871,127 72,596 358,452 15221 $0.1 2571 $0.15797 $0.06014 $0.04452 $O.O2752 $0.47335 s0.55307 $0.29942 $0.21973 t0.13238 0 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Functional Cost Components at Unifom Proposed Retum Prcduction Underground Storage 337,031 1,903,251 26,093,052 1 0,339,666 235,918 1,387,397 21,808,556 4,949,242 97,171 469,1 1 0 4,O22,507 1,265,112 1,399 5,920 48,472 14,474 2,542 40,a25 213,5't7 70,838 38,673,000 t2,421,113 0 5,853,900 70,265 0 127,722 00 38,673,000 32,421,113 5,853,900 70,265 327,722 $0.0041 3 $0.02330 $0.31 938 $0.12656 $0.00423 $0.02490 $0.391 44 $0.161 35 s0.00423 $0.02044 $0.17529 $0.0551 3 $0.00423 $0.01792 $0.'1467'1 s0.04381 $0.00094 $0.01 508 $0.07886 $0.0261 6 $0.47335 30.58192 t0.25510 10.21267 30.12104 1.00 0.94 0.97 0.90 't.03 0.96 1.09 1.04 Stipulation and Settlement case No Avu-E-1s-oiill,iYi;l,.:ii 30.02345 30.02576 t0.01876 30.0134s0.02388 EXHIBIT C Page 6 of 5 1.17 1.13 $0.0041 3 $0.02068 $0.29650 $o.12145