HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181012Comment.pdfDear Commissioners Mrs.Kristine Raper and Mr.Eric Anderson, My name is Mark Ehlinger and I am writing this email in relation to Hydro One's acquisition of Avista Corp. Although I believe the Idaho PUC has been diligent in their assessment of the potential governance policies that will be enacted by Hydro One,I believe there may not be an adequate appreciation of the fact that the Province of Ontario,through its ownership of Hydro One,has already disregarded many of the existing governance policies by firing the CEO and Board of Directors of Hydro One.Furthermore, new Ontario Premier,Doug Ford,spoke at an event called "Hydro One Accountability and Transparency" and effectively stated he will violate governance policies as he sees fit. "Q:Loriggio:You've said many times -this is for the Premier -that you are pro-business and pro-market but you've now proven that you are willing to interfere quite dramatically with a private company.Is that the message you are sending to private business?They will be taking a strong arm approach for the next four years? Premier Ford:Let's be very clear.Hydro One is not a private company.We are the largest shareholder and our responsibility and the Minister's responsibility is to stand up and speak out for the shareholders. And that is exactly what we have done.As they continue to increase their salaries and people are struggling to pay their hydro rates and as we criss-cross this province and we talk to residents and we talk to business owners the number one issue was hydro rates.It made us uncompetitive in business.People were struggling to pay their hydro bills.As I said,they were choosing between heating and eating.And we made the appropriate changes.This is going to be great for the rate payers,business and residents across this province.There is going to be a lot more transparency and accountability.There is not going to be any more backroom deals that the compensation gets doubled,the compensation increases.Those days are done.The last cheques of the Wynne Liberals are done.There is a new day has dawned on Hydro One,as I said,and we are goinq to move in a positive direction and we will never forget to respect the taxpayers." Link to event:https://news.ontario.calopolen/2018/08/ontario-acts-to-improve-accountability-and- transparency-at-hydro-one.html Link to tweet:https://twitter.com/bowker john/status/1041473437179539456 To be crystal clear,Premier Ford is looking out for Ontario ratepayers and will have absolutely zero regard for Idaho ratepayers.If he needs to raise rates for Idaho ratepayers to subsidize Ontario ratepayers,he will clearly not hesitate to do so.Having Premier Ford in control of an Ontario owned public company that will also own a Idaho state utility company is dangerous for Washington ratepayers. This transaction is not in the best interest of Idaho ratepayers and could lead to disastrous consequences down the road should you approve the transaction.I urge you,for the sake of Idaho ratepayers,to reject this transaction. Respectfully, Mark Ehlinger