HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180507Comments (14).pdfDiane Holt
Sent:Monday,May 7,2018 3:03 PM
To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Lisa McCumber
Name:Lisa McCumber
Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 Ñf/V-g /7-4 5
Address:1496 Tanager Ave.
Hayden ID,83835
Name of Utility Company:Avista/Hydro One
Comment:I am stating my objection to this outrageous merger/takeover.Hydro One chargesexcessivefees to the
people it provides for,this is a monopoly beyond even what we are used to.I,in no way,support or as a customer,
agree with the merger of this multi-billion dollar,foreign,company.If there is a formal petition,I would like to add my
name to it.thank you.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Monday,May 7,2018 12:58 PM
To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Donna Hilpert
Name:Donna Hilpert
Case Number:gry-£~-/7-07 AW-é -/7-Ø
Address:3644 N Steven PI
Coeur d'Alene ID,83815
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:I ask you to please disapprove of the sale of Avista that is in progress now.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
From:Jai's Family <jais_fam@outlook.com>
Sent:Saturday,May 5,2018 10:33 AM
To:Diane Holt
Dear Ms.Holt,
Utilities are life necessities.Avista uses our countries resources to provide our power.Utilities have right of
eminent domain on our private propertyand are guaranteed a profit,no matter their expenses.What
happens if and when Hydrocanada sells itself to a different country?Why do we want to have our
utilities under full or partial control of another country?
Please stop this imminent sale.
Jeanette Tallent
Diane Holt
Sent:Monday,May 7,2018 9:27 AM
To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Sandy Dildine
Name:Sandy Dildine
Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 4/V-6 -/7-If
Address:2680 S Slate Creek Way
Meridian ID,83642
Name of UtilityCompany:Mrs.
Comment:Why would we want to give control of our power and our power bills to a foreign government.It looks like
someone we don't know about can vote all the shares.We most definitely shouldn't be paying Global Adjustment Fees
to pay for "green energy"projects that are not cost effective but are politically correct.How does it help Idahoansto
have a profitable company sell to an unprofitableone?Wouldn't some of that new company's problems affect our
power bills?
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Monday,May 7,2018 9:20 AM
To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Neele Johnston
Name:Neele Johnston
Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 4 ~Ô ~
Address:6475 S Hornbeam Place
Boise ID,83704
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:I am writing to oppose the sale of Avist to Hydro One in Canada.This will not benefit anyone in Idaho or
Washington or the Pacific Northwest.This will directly affect the security of our power and our utility power rates,
which can be raised to unaffordable rates at the whim of the new foreign company owners.A foreign owner would be
free to sell our electric supply to any other foreign entity,exposing the region to forseen and unforseen negative
circumstances.Please do not let our resources be dictated by the powers of a foreign government.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Friday,May 4,2018 6:45 PM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Adriaan Vermeeren
Name:Adriaan Vermeeren
Case Number:g/U-5 -/7-0 i Af///~7¯
Address:11 Buckskin Flat Rd.
Priest River Idaho,83856
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:I am against Hydro One a CanadianCompany taking over Avista.This takeover would mean higher rates for
the consumer and more corporate profit and power for Hydro One.Not good for current Avista customers.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Sunday,May 6,2018 9:58 PM
To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Lori Daub
Name:Lori Daub
Case Number:AVU.E.17.09 ÂÚ'U~6 -/7-0
Address:3333 14th Street A
Lewiston ID,83501
Name of UtilityCompany:Avista
Comment:I am 100%OPPOSED to the so-called merger/sale/takeover of OUR (public citizens')public power utility
(Avista)by a foreign country.This public (def."relating to,or affecting a population or a community as a whole:publicfunds;done,made,acting,etc.,for the community as a whole;of,relating to,or being in the service of a community")utilitybelongs to the citizen users.Canada has ample resources,but does not have our permission to take over our
power company;which they intend to operate solely from Canada to benefit Canada.I also question why the CEO and
other top level managers are going to make upwards of millions of dollars for themselves personally from the sale of
OUR PUBLIC UTILITY,formerly Washington Water Power.No.The Post Falls Dam,for which this city is named,began
generating electricity for this region in 1906 under the leadership of Washington Water Power.Today,this dam
produces enough electricity to power more than 11,000 homes in this area.If there's extra,we can sell our power off to
California.But if Canada needs /uses /takes this power from the Post Falls Dam,then where will the power for our
local 11,000+homes come from?This is only a microcosm of what will likely happen to the entire Avista service area,as
well as all to the other power companies the Canadianfirm wishes to gobble up.To what end?Let Canada resource its
own country,and follow its Paris climate accord restrictions;just as every other nation in the world does.We wish to
remain free of ALL foreign government influence in the running of our nation and its resources.DO NOT allow this
travesty to happen to our PUBLIC UTIUTYSYSTEM.Thank you for your time.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Sunday,May 6,2018 5:26 PM
To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Diana Smitheman
Name:Diana Smitheman
Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 ~C 7 0
Address:1119 W Clearview Ct
Hayden ID,83835
Name of Utility Company:Avista Utilties
Comment:I am adamantly opposed to the sale of Avista to Hydro one.First,I don't think that any U.S.utility should besoldtoaforeignnation(even friendly).Hydro One itself has a poor rating among Canadians.How much worse will it befortheNWU.S.if Toronto owns it.Canada has "green"taxes that the U.S.does not have.What kind of service can weexpecttohaveiftheowneriseasternCanada?What happens to our hydroelectric facilities?What happens if HydroOnedecidestosellourutilitiestoamideasterncompanyorRussiaorChina???Utility companies should be U.S.owned.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Sunday,May 6,2018 9:19 AM
To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Michael Mallory
Name:Michael Mallory
Case Number:AVU-G-17-05 ~5~Û
Address:26645 North Bitterroot Court
Athol Idaho,83801
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:I and many of my Citizen brothers and sisters have serious concerns about a foreign entity buying U.S.A.utility company Avista.We have enough issues to deal with when rate request are presented,or service dispute needs a
resolution.Now throw into the mix a foreign entity,what power do we have against a foreign government run utility.
The Canadiansbeing more liberal is a big concern on how they will run the company,their interest is not ours.This sale
is not in we the rate payers best interest.I respectfully request you turn down this merger.Thank You,Michael Mallory.
Unique Identifier:
May 2,2018 d«r d,E-/7-0 7 -o
To Idaho Public Utilities Commission
I have been wanting to know who I could write to about this,
and finally got your address.
I am so very concerned about the Avista/Hydro One deal.
Why is this a good idea?
The news is all worried about countries like Russia,China,N Korea,or Iran
etc taking over our power grid.What promise do you have that
Canada will not seII Avista to the highest bidder,such as one of the listed
Canada is part of the Paris Peace accord which means that they could
require us to have solar panels and windmills etc and we as older
Idaho residents cannot afford that.What will that do to our power grid.?
Is the State of Idaho willing to provide those things to its residents if and
when Canada requires this?
Please please,do all in your power to stop this bad deal from taking place.
This will affect each and every Idahoan that lives in this area.We should
NOT be selling our Utilities to a Foreign Country.Canada is a good
neighbor,but they are NOT America.
Susan Mortensen
Coeur d Alene,Idaho
Diane Holt SS NIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission
PO Box 83720
Boise,ID 83720-0074
Dear Diane Holt,
It has come to my attention that it is possibleto raise our voices to contest the sale of
Avista Utilities to Canada (or to the highest bidder,which could include China).
I would like to add my voice to this protest.
Fewer things have more control over a nation than its power source.In an age where
we are desperatelytrying to bring American companies back home and "Buy American"
is somewhat of a battle cry,how is it even possiblethat it would or could be allowed for
this vital necessity be allowed to be controlled by a foreign entity?
I've often thoughtthat China doesn't need to declare war againstus if it can continue to
quietly worm its way into our society and gain control and if it owns our power source,it
has a control that could be catastrophic.
Thank you for taking on this fight,I know you are battlingagainstthe mighty dollar.
Most Sincerely,
Debra Bentley
Coeur d'Alene,ID 83814
8 May 2018
I am writing to express my concern about the proposed
sale of AVISTA public utility to the Canadian firm
This will not benefit the citizens of North Idaho and
Eastern Washington.Losing control of this utility to
Canada will affect the security of our power supply and
could affect the rates now paid by the users of this
energy supply in our state.
Canada will be free to sell AVISTA to any foreign
government and will be free to increase our rates to
cover the expenses of HydroOne as they switch to
alternative sources of energy.
Please stop the sale of AVISTA.
Robert M.Mortensen D.D.S.,Lt.Col.USAR
1036 N Government Way
Coeur d'Alene Idaho 83814-3141
May 3,2018
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
P.O.Box 83720
Boise,Idaho 83720-0074
Attn:Diane Holt
Dear Ms.Holt,
As a resident of the Great State of Idaho,an Avista Utilities user
and Idaho tax payer and U.S.Service Veteran from the Korean War
period,serving in the U.S.Navy,I would like to voice my grave
concern with the Avista sale to Canada's HydroOne.
Along with many other Idaho residents,we are opposed to this
sale of our private utilities to a foreign government and believe that a
sale to any foreign government should be opposed by our
government.We loose total control once this happens and what if
Canada's HydroOne decides to re-sale to another foreign government
sometime down the line.Then,where do we as utility users stand?
Since Canada's utility structure is based on the U.N.'s Paris
Accord on climate change,HydroOne can and will charge us American
ratepayers exorbitant prices under their green-mandated energy laws.
We would then have no say-so since our utilities are no longer under
U.S.laws and is without competition for this required energy.Canada'sHydroOneispresentlymostlydependentonwindmillandsolarpower,
both types requiring extensive maintenance and up-keep.This type of
power is un-reliable and not as efficient as our present hydroelectric
generating dams here in the U.S.We as rate payers and taxpayers and
U.S.citizens are requesting that this sale not be approved by the Public
Utilities Commission of Idaho and turn down Avista's request to sale.
Since all public utilities are a monopoly,any foreign countrywantingtomakeapurchaseintheU.S.A.should be refused under ourgovernmentregulationssinceweautomaticallyloosecontrolofany
changes they might make.
(cont.page 2)
We have been told that the only one's that this sale would
benefit greatly is Avista Utilities and their corporate officials,since
they have advertised that all management under this sale would remain
the same.Canada,our neighbor,is still considered a foreign
government and our associations are mostly on friendly terms,things
could change at any time.Nothing remains the same in todays world.
We are asking that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission take
our request and plea to refuse to approve this sale to HydroOne,and
turn down the Avista request.
William M.Singleton
7507 E.High View Road
Coeur d'Alene,idaho 83814
(copies 5,flie 2)