HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180220Comments (9).pdfMatthew Evans From:scubacop@peoplepc.com Sent:Saturday,February 17,2018 4:33 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Daniel Rose Name:Daniel Rose Case Number:AVU-E-17-09&RVL-6 -('t -O§ Email:scubacop@peoplepc.com Telephone: Address:517 Sitting Bull Rd Sandpoint ID,83864 Name of Utility Company:NLI Comment:Avista,a local electric utility supplier,needs to separate from the Hydro-One merger as its'HIGHEST PRIORITYll!Otherwise,Idaho could be snared into partnership with a company whose management in the postMauriceStrongeraissimilartothedeepstateswampconditionPresidentTrumpisattemptingtodrain. Perpetuating the socialist agendaStrong engaged in using climate and environment as the Trojan horse,a conditionIdahoshouldn't be anywhere near.Strong used the U.N.as a platform to sell the global environment crisis and the Global Governance Agenda and Hydro-One is intimately involved to this day in that effort. I implore you visit the article written by David Bolaneus at;http://gemstatepatriot.com/blog/hydro-one-purchase- avista/.Make specific note of the scatterplot graph half way through the article,if nothing else,to understand theanticipatedunacceptableelectricityrateincreasesshouldthismergergothrough.The Obama quote has never left my mind,"Under my plan of a cap and trade system,electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."(B.Obama,January 2008). Some neighbors having Avista and other neighbors having NLI at vastly different rates is problematic to say the least...,and I don't want my NU rates rising to Avista's or Hydro-One!!!! Unique Identifier: 1 Matthew Evans From:Rk@postsustainabilityinstitute.org Sent:Monday,February 19,2018 8:50 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Rosa Koire Name:Rosa Koire Case Number:AVU-E-17-¾g AAL-6 -(»JEmail:Rk@postsustainabilityinstitute.org Telephone: Address: Santa Rosa CA,95402 Name of Utility Company:Avista Corporation Comment:We oppose the transfer of ownership of Avista Corporation to Hydro One,a Canadian corporation.HydroOnehasalonghistoryofrateescalationandmismanagementafterprivatizationin1998/1999.Decades of politicalinfightingandamajorlawsuitwhichstoppedthesaleofHydroOnein2002serveasawarningthatamergerwiththisprivateCanadiancorporationwillentanglecitizensoftheUnitedStateswithaforeignlegalsystem. The globalization of energy reserves and distribution is a threat to national security and sovereignty.The advantage ofthetransferappearstobewhollygroundedinproducingprofitsforaforeigncorporation.United States utility customers will be less able to protest rate hikes and mismanagement to a corporate board located thousands of milesawayinanothercountry.Regionalization destroys our sovereignty and local control.Regionalization when it crossesnationalboundariesprovesthepoint. No sale to Hydro One. Rosa Koire Post Sustainability Institute Unique Identifier: Matthew Evans From:disaster911@juno.com Sent:Monday,February 19,2018 9:42 AMTo:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Marlene Moore Name:Marlene Moore Case Number:AVU-E-17-Î ^AVR -6 --O $ Email:disaster911@juno.com Telephone:208-649-5276 Address:513 Morning Dove Way Marsing ID,83639 Name of Utility Company:Avista Corporation Comment:Our grid should not be allowed to be under internationalauthority! Unique Identifier: Matthew Evans From:w6345789@yahoo.com Sent:Monday,February 19,2018 11:03 AMTo:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Warren Woodward Name:Warren Woodward Case Number:AVU-E-17-RÜÎ ^ÀŸ¾-6 -O -Op Email:w6345789@yahoo.com Telephone: Address: SedonaArizona,86336 Name of Utility Company:Avista Corporation Comment:NO SALE OF AVISTA TO HYDRO ONE! Any such sale is to be in the public interest.The sale of Avista to Hydro One is not in the public interest. Hydro One has the highest utility rates in Canada.We don't need that here. Worse,selling something as vital as our energy supply to a foreign company cannot be in our best national interest.ThelastCanadianenergycompanytobuyanAmericanenergycompanysoldtheirassetstoRussia.See: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/prosecutors-ask-fbi-agents-info-uranium-one-deal-n831436 Unique Identifier: 1 Matthew Evans From:scoutlady99577@yahoo.com Sent:Monday,February19,2018 12:44 PMTo:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Patricia Menough Name:Patricia Menough 0¶VR,-G-D c5CaseNumber:Case Number:AVU-E-17-)(J.Utility Company:Avista C Email:scoutlady99577@yahoo.com Telephone:2089834392 Address:PO Box 357 Elk City Idaho,83525 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:As a senior citizen on a fixed income,I have read about the rate increased imposed by Hydro One on itscustomersinCanada.I worry that such might happen to us here in the United States. More importantly is the purchase of an American electric company by a foreign entity.I do not feel this is in the bestinterestsoftheAmericanpeople. Another worry is the possibilty the new owners will be conservationists and want to destroy the dams that currentlyprovidethepowerwenowenjoy.Ifthat happens,how is Hydro One going to provide power to Avistas customers? These are my concerns.Although not a serious concern in the entire scheme of things,they are worries from a user ontheAvistasystem. Unique Identifier: 1 Matthew Evans From:fsnuxoll@gmail.com Sent:Monday,February19,2018 1:17 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sheryl Nuxoll Name:Sheryl Nuxoll case Number:AVU-E-17-A<10 ¶^U-Ô --o 9 Email:fsnuxoll@gmail.com Telephone:2089627718 Address:PO Box 187,805 N Maple Cottonwood ID,83522 Name of Utility Company:Utility Company:Avista Corporation Comment:Prohibit the sale or management of Avista to including six hydroelectric facilities on the Spokaneand Clark rivers to Hydro One,a Canadian utilitycompany.Idaho Code 61-328b requires that the sale be in the public interest.This is not in the public interest to sell out to a foreign nation.It is not within their jurisdiction,it will raise prices,and could be sold to other nations. Unique Identifier: 1 Matthew Evans From:kareshan@mindspring.com Sent:Monday,February 19,2018 8:08 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Karen Schumacher Name:Karen Schumacher Case Number:AVU-E-17-Rж<gyg .(-.,g Email:kareshan@mindspring.com Telephone: Address:6812 View Lane Nampa ID,83704 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:The Hydro One,Avista deal cannot be approved.Hydro One has a long record of financial mismanagementandskyrocketingrates.How can this deal go through when the US Senate is responsible for all transborderagreements?Relinquishing Idaho sovereignty to a foreign government clearly violates our Constitution,let alone thefactitputsIdahounderaforeigngovernment.How can you possibly even consider an approval for this action?Your Job is to protect Idahoans,not approve acquisitions by foreign governments.Do not approve this deal. Unique Identifier: 1 Matthew Evans From:info@wbidaho.com Sent:Tuesday,February20,2018 8:25 AMTo:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Wendel BERGMAN Name:Wendel BERGMAN Case Number:AVthetM1 '$''¾A VL-Q -D 4 9 Email:info@wbidaho.com Telephone:208 263-2975 Address:218 W Main HOPE ID,83836 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I am a customer of Avista Utilities in Hope,Idaho.I strongly object to this proposed merger of Avista with aCanadiancompany.As an Idahoan,I believe we must retain 100%ownership of our water resources in Idaho &Washington including water rights and hydropower dams.One only needs to review the history of the Montana Power Co sale that was enabled by the Montana Legislature in 1997.The investor stockholders who funded the building of thatcompanyovermanyyearslostvirtuallyalltheirinvestmentsbecauseofthissale.In addition,the customers of MontanaPowerweresubsequentlysubjectedtohugerateincreases. Reference the following link for the history of this debacle: montanariveraction.org/sorry.saga.mpc.html First and foremost,the Idaho and Washington utility commissions must answer all the questions raised by this pastdebacleinMontanatopreventthesamefromhappeninghereinIdahoandWashingtonbythepurchaseoftheAvistapowercompanybyoutsideCanadianinterests. Unique Identifier: 1 Matthew Evans From:Robindehunt@hotmail.com Sent:Tuesday,February20,2018 7:57 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Robin Hunt Name:Robin Hunt Case Number:(/A ~ѯ('l-Q ¶ *ýŸ¾G -("-0 § Email:Robindehunt@hotmail.com Telephone:2082650404 Address:813 main st Sandpoint ID,83864 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:Please stop the sale of avista electric to canada.If this sale goes thru I feel we will lose control of our dams and cheaper electric rates.we need to keep companies governed by the United States not other countries or regulation. Unique Identifier: