HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170611Comments (6).pdfDiane Holt From:Lynnhouse6034@msn.com Sent:Saturday,June 9,2018 7:42 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Lynn House Name:Lynn House CaseNumber:AÑ~6/7-oŸ ÂAV77-G 77'd-> Email:Lynnhouse6034@msn.com Telephone: Address:P.O.Box 813 Middleton Idaho,83644 Name of UtilityCompany:Hydro One Comment:This is the destruction of state and US sovereignty. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:jimhollingsworth@frontier.com Sent:Saturday,June 9,2018 3:01 PMTo:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:James Hollingsworth Name:James Hollin sworth Case Number:AVU-17-09 'É ¯/7 Email:jimhollingsworth@frontier.com Telephone:2087727748 Address:1203 W.Orchard Ave Hayden Lake Idaho,83835 Name of Utility Company:Mr. Comment:Sirs:I have reviewed the material available on the Avista and Hydro-One merger and see no benefits to eithercompany.I am against the merger because I do not believe a Canadian company should own any of our transmissionequipmentincluding: No Hydro Electric generation equipment No Gas fired electric generation equipment No Coal fired electric generation equipment No Nuclear electric generationequipmentNoneofourtransmissionlinesNoneofourtransformers,both major or minor None of our meteringequipment,both residential and commercial I think it would be a huge mistake to allow a foreign government,or a foreign entity to own our own generationequipment. Please do not approve this merger. Thanks so much. Jim Hollingsworth Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:cdajerry@hotmail.com Sent:Sunday,June 10,2018 8:27 AMTo:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Jerry Gross Name:Jerry Gross Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 or AVU-G-17-05. Email:cdajerry@hotmail.com Telephone:2086614137 Address:PO Box 1357 Coeur d Alene ID,83816 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:"I object to the sale listed". History shows that the Customers are the ones to suffer higher rates/bills from similar actions.Despite false assurances,history also shows that the Customers will unjustly suffer from a unwarranted and non-represented PC agendathatdoe's not represent the customers views or desires. This proposed sale will not be good for Idaho or it's customers. Regards, Jerry Gross Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:eirving@outdrs.net Sent:Sunday,June 10,2018 4:26 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Earl Irving Name:Earl Irving Case Number:AVL-G-17-05 77¯UŸ Email:eirving@outdrs.net Telephone:208-691-5736 Address:P.O.Box 584 Moyie Springs Idaho,83845 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:My wife and I strongly urge you NOTto approve the merger of Canada's Hydro One and Avista.RegardlesswhatwhatisbeingofferedandstatedwedonotbelieveitisinthebestinterestoftheconsumerandtheUnitedStates to have our utility company owned by a foreign company with strong ties to their government.What do you do whentheychangetherulesandconditions!Then your in International Court.Pleasedo NOTapprove this merger!! Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:sharondburdick@hotmail.com Sent:Monday,June 11,2018 8:31 AMTo:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sharon Burdick Name:Sharon Burdick Case Number:4VV--T-/7-¤7 4Vf-G -77-W Email:sharondburdick@hotmail.com Telephone:2082904437 Address:Pob61 Kootenai ID,83840 Name of Utility Company:AVUSTA Comment:As a resident of northern Idaho I am in favor of the AVISTA merger because it is supposed to accelerate theendofcoalfiredelectricplants. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:s.montani@gmail.com Sent:Monday,June 11,2018 1:05 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sandra Montani Name:Sandra Montani Case Number:avu-g-17-05 Email:s.montani@gmail.com Telephone:208-263-5618 Address:741 evergreen rd Sand point id,83865 Name of Utility Company:alvista Comment:Do Not want merge to happen ever. Unique Identifier: 1