HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180620Joint Comments.pdfAvista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Oflice ol the Secretary RECEIVED JUN 2 0 20t8 Via Electronic Mail Boise,ldaho June 20,2018 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,lD 83702 RE: Case Nos. AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-05 Enclosed for filing with the Commission are an original and 7 copies of the Hydro One and Avista Comments in Support of the Stipulation and Settlement in Case Nos. AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-0s. Please direct any questions related to the transmittal of this filing to Pat Ehrbar at 509-495-8620. Sincerely David Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs Enclosures AHrtsra CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 20th day of June, 2018, served the foregoing letter and Joint Hydro One and Avista Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement in the Merger Case Nos. AVU-E-17-09/AVU-G-17-05, upon the following parties, by mailing a copy thereof, properly addressed with postage prepaid to: Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, lD 83720-5983 diane.hanian@puc. idaho.qov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N 17th Street Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83720-0A74 brandon. karpen@puc. idaho. qov Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, lD 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com Danielle Franco-Malone Schwerin Campbell Barnard lglitzin & Lavitt LLP 18 W. Mercer St., Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98119 franco@workerlaw.com Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. P. O. Box 388 802 W. Bannock St., Suite 900 Boise, lD 83702 ron@wil I iamsbrad bury. com Larry Crowley The Energy Strategies lnstitute, lnc. 5549 S. Cliffsedge Ave Boise, lD 83716 crowlevla@aol.com Ben Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, lD 83702 botto@ idahoconservation. oro Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, lD 83703 dreadino@m indsprino. com Dean Miller 3620 E Warm Springs Ave. Boise, lD 83716 Paul Kimball Sr. Regulatory Analyst > David J. Meyer, Esq Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF HYDRO ONE LIMITED AND AVISTA CORPORATION FOR APPROVAL OF MERGER AGREEMENT REC E IVED zfifi Jtjtt 20 PH lr: 58 Elizabeth Thomas, Partner Kari Vander Stoep, Par-tner , ,,',.,i!' lii3i,JK&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited Olympus Equity LLC 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-l158 Iiz.thomas@kl gates.com kari. vanderstoep@klgates. com ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AW-E-17-09 AW-G-17-0s AVISTA AND IIYDRO ONE JOINT COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT I Avista Corporation and Hydro One Limited comment as follows on the Settlement 2 Stipulation and Agreement ("Stipulation") filed in this Case on April 13, 2018. The Stipulation 3 was entered into by and among Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One"), acting through its indirect, 4 wholly-owned subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC, and Avista Corporation ("Avista") (sometimes 5 hereafter jointly referred to as "Joint Applicants" or the "Companies"), the Staff of the Idaho Public 6 Utilities Commission ("Staff'), ClearwaterPaper Corporation ("Clearwater"), Idaho Forest Group, 7 LLC ("Idaho Forest Group"), Idaho Conservation League ("ICL"), the Community Action 8 Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI") and the Washington and Northern Idaho District 9 Council of Laborers ("WNIDCL"). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Parties," and l0 represent all of the parties in this consolidated Case. The Joint Applicants urge the Idaho Public AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission") to approve their proposed merger (the 2 "Proposed Transaction") upon the terms set forth in the Stipulation. J 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 I. BACKGROUND .................2 II. APPLICABLE LAW AND LEGAL STANDARD....5 RATIONALE FOR TRANSACTION STIPULATION AND KEY COMMITMENTS.t0 6 7 8 9 .6uI. Iv. V. vI.10 1t SPECIFIC ISSUES RAISED DURING PUBLIC COMMENT HEARINGS ...........I5 CoNCLUSTON ..................29 12 I. BACKGROUND 13 On July 19,2017, Avista and Hydro One announced that they had entered into a merger 14 agreement (the "Merger Agreement"). On September 14,2017, the Joint Applicants filed l5 applications for approval of the merger with the Commission and in the four other states where 16 Avista operates. 17 Avista is an investor-owned utility providing electric generation, transmission, and 18 distribution services to approximately 378,000 retail customers in Washington, Idaho and 19 Montana, and the distribution of natural gas to approximately 342,000 retail customers in 20 Washington, Idaho and Oregon. Alaska Electric Light & Power Company (*AEL&P"), a wholly- 21 owned indirect subsidiary of Avista, also provides electric generation, transmission and 22 distribution services to approximately 17,000 retail customers in the City and Borough of Juneau, 23 Alaska. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS TN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AW-G-17-05 Page 2 I Hydro One is an investor-owned utility incorporated under the laws of Ontario. Hydro 2 One operates a large electric transmission and distribution system in Ontario. Although Hydro One 3 recently became a publicly traded company, Hydro One is not a new company. It has a track 4 record of over 100 years as a utility providing high-quality service to its customers. Hydro One's 5 workforce and senior managers have decades of experience with the industry and extensive 6 experience leading and implementing successful mergers and acquisitions. 7 Although Hydro One's largest shareholder is the Province of Ontario, the Province does 8 not hold or exercise any managerial oversight over Hydro One. For this reason and also due to the 9 independence of the Avista board described below, the Province will not hold or exercise any l0 managerial oversight overAvista. Of Hydro One's l4 directors, all are independent ofthe Province l l and, with the exception of the President and CEO, all of Hydro One's directors are independent of 12 Hydro One within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. 13 The Proposed Transaction has been structured to ensure that Avista's customers will 14 continue to receive the high-quality customer service they have come to know and appreciate from 15 Avista. Post-merger, Avista will be a separate indirect subsidiary of Hydro One, with its own 16 management and its own board of directors, giving Avista a similar look and feel to customers that 17 it has today. Over time, due to the similarities between Avista and Hydro One, the Proposed l8 Transaction will provide opportunities for increased innovation, research and development, and 19 efficiencies by extending the use of technology, best practices, and business processes over a 20 broader customer base and a broader set of infrastructure between the two companies. These 21 benefits will not only be viewed favorably by customers, but also by debt holders and rating 22 agencies. With the agreed-upon commitments described below, the Proposed Transaction clearly 23 results in net benefits to Avista's customers and is in the public interest. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 3 1 All Parties are signatories to the Stipulation. As shown above, the Parties represent a wide 2 range of interests. These constituencies include residential (including low-income constituents), 3 commercial, and industrial customers. 4 In accordance with the procedural schedule adopted at the prehearing conference, all 5 Parties attended the first scheduled settlement conference held in Boise, Idaho, on April 4 2018. 6 Based on discussions at this settlement conference and related communications, the Parties have 7 reached an agreement on commitments attached as Appendix A to the Stipulation (hereinafter 8 "Stipulated Commitments" and individually, "Stipulated Commitment") that provide a basis upon 9 which the Parties recommend Commission approval of the Proposed Transaction in ldaho. l0 All of the Parties fully pamicipated in the settlement discussions, and all are signatories to 1l the Stipulation. The Parties, representing all who have intervened or appeared in this Case, agree 12 that this Stipulation is in the public interest, provides "net benefits" to customers, and should be 13 accepted by the Commission as a full resolution of the issues in this Case. 14 The Joint Applicants supported their merger application before the Commission ("Joint 15 Application") with 7 witnesses and 30 exhibits containing 748 pages of documentation. The 16 Parties have engaged in extensive discovery and have submitted numerous data requests, exploring 17 issues criticalto them regarding the Proposed Transaction. The Parties have sufficiently explored 18 areas of concern, are well versed in the issues, and entered into meaningful settlement discussions. 19 As noted in the Stipulation, the Parties agree that the Stipulation represents a compromise 20 in the positions of the Parties, and that the Stipulation is in the public interest. The Parties agree 21 further that the Stipulation meets the requirements for Commission approval under relevant Idaho 22 Code. As with any settlement agreement, no Party shall be deemed to agree that any provision of 23 the Stipulation is appropriate for resolving issues in any other proceeding, except those 24 proceedings involving enforcement or implementation ofthe Stipulation terms. The Parties agreed AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 4 I to support the Stipulation and recommend approval ofthe Proposed Transaction in this proceeding, 2 subject to the agreed-upon Stipulated Commitments. 3 The Proposed Transaction received approval from Avista shareholders on November 21, 4 2017. The Joint Applicants received antitrust clearance on April 5,2018 after the expiration of 5 the waiting period under the U.S. Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as 6 amended and consent to close their merger from the Federal Communications Commission on 7 May 4,2018. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States completed its review of 8 the Proposed Transaction on May 18,2018, and has concluded that there are no unresolved 9 national security concerns with respect to the Proposed Transaction. More recently, the Proposed l0 Transaction also received approval with conditions from the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on 1 I June 4, 2018 and the Montana Public Service Commission voted in favour of the merger on June 12 12, 2018. Applications for regulatory approval of the transaction are still pending with utility l3 commissions in Washington and Oregon, however all-party settlements have been reached in 14 Washington and Oregon. Hydro One and Avista continue to anticipate closing the Proposed l5 Transaction in the second half of 2018. t6 17 II. APPLICABLE LAW AND LEGAL STANDARI) l8 The Joint Application was filed pursuant to Idaho Code $61-328, which requires authorization by order of the Commission before an electric public utility owning, controlling or operating any property located in Idaho used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power or energy to the public may merge, sell, lease, assign or transfer, directly or indirectly, such property, or the operation, management or control thereof. Accordingly, the Commission has jurisdiction over the Proposed Transaction pursuant to Idaho Code $61-328. This section prohibits Hydro One from acquiring Avista without the written t9 2t 23 AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 5 20 22 24 1 authorization of the Commission. Before authorizing such a transaction, the Commission must 2 findthat: (l) the transaction is consistent with the public interest; (2)the transaction will not cause 3 the cost of, or rates for, supplying electrical service to increase; and (3) that Hydro One has the 4 bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain Avista's operations in Idaho. Idaho 5 Code $61-328. 6 In the Stipulation, as explained below, the Parties have proposed immediate financial net 7 benefits for Avista's customers, as well as presenting the opportunity for longer-term benefits for 8 customers from efficiencies gained through best practices, technology and innovation. It is 9 consistent with the public interest and the Proposed Transaction will not cause the cost oC or rate l0 for, supplying service to increase. Hydro One has the intent and ability to assure that Avista's I I operations in Idaho will be maintained in the best interest of customers. t2 13 III. RATIONALE FOR TRANSACTION 14 Avista's decision to merge with Hydro One was driven by the unique partnership that is l5 possible with Hydro One. The merger with Hydro One will allow Avista and its customers to 16 benefit from being part of a larger organization (the benefits of scale), while at the same time 17 preserving local controlof Avista and the retention of Avista's employees and management team, 18 as well as its culture and its way of doing business. 19 With regard to scale, the number of investor-owned electric and/or natural gas utilities in 20 North America has decreased significantly over the years through consolidation. When comparing 2l the size of investor-owned utilities, Avista is one of the smallest remaining in North America.l 22 The merger of Avista and Hydro One will place the combined company toward the middle of the 'As measured by equity value. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 6 1 range of investor-owned utilities, in terms of size. Through consolidation, larger utilities have the 2 opportunity to spread costs, especially the costs of new technology, over a broader customer base 3 and a broader set of infrastructure which inures to the benefit of customers. 4 Hydro One has more than 1.3 million electric distribution customers, and Avista has 5 approximately 378,000 electric customers and approximately 342,000 natural gas customers. This 6 combination will provide opportunities for efficiencies in the long-term through the sharing of best 7 practices, technology and innovation. The merger will provide benefits to Avista's customers that 8 otherwise would not occur. 9 These benefits of scale will not necessarily occur in the near-term following the closing of l0 the transaction, but are expected to occur over the long-term. After all approvals are received and I I the Companies merge, the Companies will work together to identify, evaluate and execute on 12 opportunities to further reduce costs through, among other things, the sharing of technology, best 13 practices, and business processes. The benefits from these cost savings will be flowed through to 14 customers in future general rate cases. 15 Customers also benefit from other Stipulated Commitments insuring financial integrity, as 16 well as "ring-fencing". Avista will be subject to tighter controls and restrictions than currently 17 exist, such as maintaining a specified equity component of the capital structure as well as 18 restrictions on dividend payments. In addition, the various ring-fencing provisions further insulate l9 Avista from external financial risks. Avista and Hydro One believe that customers are receiving a 20 benefit in this regard. While it may be argued that these Stipulated Commitments merely satisfy 21 a'ono harm" standard, some of them provide customers with protections that do not presently exist 22 (e.g., "financial integrity"), thereby providing benefits to customers. 23 Hydro One's interest in the Proposed Transaction was driven by its desire to diversify its 24 geographic base, its regulatory jurisdictions and the types of service it provides. With Avista, it AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 7 6 7 8 9 I found a merger partner with a similar customer base and a similar culture that could help Hydro 2 One to achieve those goals. Together, both Companies expect to be stronger. 3 At the close of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will continue to operate as a standalone 4 utility in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Hydro One will serve as Avista's 5 indirect parent company through the following post-close corporate structure: ll 12 l3 l4 15 l6 t7 18 Following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, the customers, employees and 19 communities Avista serves will see little or no change in Avista's operations. Avista will maintain 20 its existing corporate headquarters in Spokane, Washington, and will continue to operate as a 2l standalone utility in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and (through AEL&P) Alaska. It will 22 maintain its other office locations throughout its service areas, continue to operate under the same 23 Avista name, and seek to retain its existing employees and management team. All of these elements 24 together with other provisions embedded within the Merger Agreement and captured by the AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 8 l0 Hydro One lnc.2486267 Ontario lnc. Olympus Holding Corp. (Delaware Corporation) Hydro One Telecom lnc, Hydro One Networks lnc. Hydro One Remote Communities lnc. Olympus Equity LLC (Delaware Limited Uability Company) Avista Corporation (Washington Corporation) Avista Corporation Subsidiaries Hydro One Limited (Ontario Corporation) Can Sub (Ontario Corporation) I Stipulation are designed to ensure that Avista's culture and its way of doing business will continue 2 for the long-term. Avista will continue to have a local Board of Directors consisting primarily of 3 either board members chosen by Avista, and/or members who reside in the Pacific Northwest. In 4 addition, a majority of board members will now be independent under the standards established 5 by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Listed Company Manual. 6 Avista and Hydro One believe this preservation of Avista's name, its headquarters, its 7 culture and its way of doing business, among other things, is important to Avista's customers, in 8 that customers can continue to expect and experience reliable service and a high level of customer 9 satisfaction. In addition, customers will see immediate financial benefits in the form of proposed l0 retail rate credits and other contributions beginning at the close of the Proposed Transaction. As I I described elsewhere, the Stipulation substantially increased those Rate Credits from what was 12 proposed in the Joint Application and provides additional shareholder funding of a number of 13 customer-relatedinitiatives. 14 Furthermore, over time the merger will provide increased opportunities for innovation, l5 research and development, and efficiencies by extending the use of technology, best practices, and 16 business processes over a broader customer base and a broader set of infrastructure between the 17 two companies. Through this unique arrangement with Hydro One, Avista's customers can receive 1 8 the benefits of scale that come with joining a larger organization while also avoiding the risk of a 19 potential subsequent acquisition by another party that may not share Avista's culture and values. 20 These immediate and longer-term benefits to Avista's customers are benefits that will otherwise 2l not occur absent the merger. 22 Following completion of the merger, the communities Avista serves will see increased 23 charitable contributions and a continuation of the strong support Avista provides in economic 24 development and innovation. Finally, Avista and Hydro One employees will experience career AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 9 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 l4 l5 l6 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 development, professional employment opportunities and personal growth as the two Companies pursue efficiencies and innovation through the use of technology, best practices and business processes. ry. STIPULATION AND KEY COMMITMENTS Exhibit A to the Stipulation contains the complete list of Stipulated Commitments that the Joint Applicants collectively and individually agree to make in exchange for the support of the Parties in this proceeding. The Stipulated Commitments are comprised of general commitments applicable to all the states in which Avista's service territory extends and Idaho-specific commitments that apply only to the activities and operations of Avista within Idaho. The Stipulation includes a robust set of merger commitments made by Hydro One and Avista to ensure the Proposed Transaction is in the public interest and provides net benefits to Avista's customers in Idaho. The Stipulated Commitments address Avista's post-closing operations, ratemaking and rate credits, corporate structure, governance matters, financial stability and integrity, and ring-fencing. The Stipulated Commitments provide security to Avista's customers in ldaho by, among other things, offering substantial financial commitments to those customers through rate credits and low-income programs. Finally and importantly, the Stipulated Commitments confirm the Commission's ongoing regulatory authority over Avista and its utility operations, including the maintenance of and access to books and records, allocation of costs, ratemaking, and enforcement of the Stipulated Commitments. The Stipulated Commitments are substantially more robust than the merger commitments included in the Joint Application. Although Hydro One and Avista included merger commitments in their Joint Application, the Parties collectively agreed during settlement negotiations upon various changes and additions to those commitments. The result is a group of comprehensive and substantial commitments that provide net benefits to Avista's customers and result in a transaction AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU -E -17 -09 & AVU-G- I 7-05 Page 1 0 1 that is in the public interest. Hydro One and/or Avista have agreed to provide in Idaho a total of 2 $21.1 million in funding over time, none of which will be recoverable from customers. 3 The total level of financial commitments funded by Hydro One and Avista (excluding 4 charitable contributions) in Idaho greatly exceed what was originally proposed in the Joint 5 Application. Approximately $8.9 million (ldaho share) of such commitments were made in the 6 Joint Application. That number has more than doubled to $21.1 million, as a result of the 7 Stipulation, representing an increase of approximately $12.2 million over what was originally 8 proposed. Hydro One and Avista have committed to $5.3 million in funding over a l0-year period, 9 none of which will be recoverable from customers, to fund energy efficiency, weatherization, 10 conservation, and low-income assistance programs. As noted in the table below, if this total 11 funding of $21.1 million in Idaho were to be applied to other jurisdictions on a "most favored 12 nations" basis (see Stipulated Commitment 73), the quantifiable benefits to customers would 13 approximate $78.6 million over the five to ten year period (depending on the specific commitment) 14 after the merger closes. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 11 Benefits Funded by Hydro One and Avista System *Idaho Rate Credit $ 55,067,259 $ 15,811,050 A Total Rate Credit 55,067,259 15,81 1,050 Colstrip $ 4.500.000 $ B Community Transition Fund (SH Portion)4,s00,000 Low-Income, Weatherization, Miscellaneous (total of lines C - J)s 19,049,348 $ 5,308,847 C Professional Home Energy Audits 600,000 D Weatherization 5,275,000 E Manufactured Home Replacement 2,000,000 F On-Bill Repayment Software 65,500 G Renewables (Low-lncome)5,000,000 H General Fund for Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Conservation, and Low-lncome Assistance 5,308,847 5,309,947 I Low-lncome Rate Assistance Program 500,000 J SENDOUT Seats 300,000 Total $ 78,616,607 $ 21,119,897I i' This assumes "most favored nations" (MFN) treatment across all jurisdictions. 2 Avista and Hydro One are also making financial commitments to support charitable and 3 community needs. This is something that Avista is particularly passionate about. Avista's budget 4 will be almost doubled for purposes of charitable giving, with an additional $2 million annual 5 contribution to Avista Foundation - the charitable giving arm of Avista (see Stipulated 6 Commitment I l). On top of that, an additional one-time contribution of $7 million will be made 7 to the Avista Foundation at closing. The Avista Foundation provides funding to non-profit 8 organizations throughout Avista's service territory, addressing the needs of citizens served by 9 Avista. When assessing whether the Proposed Transaction serves the public interest, this 10 additional funding should be recognized. Moreover, the people ultimately benefiting from this 11 funding are largely customers of Avista. Our customers may use services made possible by this 12 funding. Absent a merger, less funding would be available.2 2 As always, any charitable contributions are "below the line" costs and are not recovered from customers. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 12 1 Specific Stipulated Commitments. The Stipulated Commitments fall into several 2 categories. Stipulated Commitments I - 15 involve reservations of authority to the Avista board. These commitments confirm that Avista will retain control over operation of the utility through the retention of executive management, a stand-alone board of directors, and continued authority over other utility activities. They also provide for increased annual charitable contributions and budget. J 4 5 6 7 a a a a 8 9 l0ll a Stipulated Commitments l6-19 relate to customer rates. They provide for Rate Credits totaling approximately $15.8 million to its Idaho customers in the first five (5) years after the merger closes. These commitments also flow through certain merger savings to customers, limit recovery of travel costs and prohibit rate recovery of transaction costs. Stipulated Commitments 20-33 address regulatory matters. They fully preserve the Commission's jurisdiction over Avista; ensure proper allocation of costs; ensure that Avista's cost of capital will not increase due to the Proposed Transaction; and require Avista to retain a common equity ratio of at least 44Yo. Stipulated Commitments 34-41 protect and enhance Avista's financial integrity. o To protect financial integrity, Avista will maintain separate debt to support its utility operations, will continue to be rated by at least one credit rating agency, will notifu the Commission in the event of a ratings downgrade to non-investment grade status, will maintain a sound pension funding policy and will comply with applicable SEC reporting requirements and requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. (Stipulated Commitments 35,36,37,39, 40, & 41.) o To enhance Avista's financial integrity, Hydro One will provide equity support designed to allow Avista access to debt financing on reasonable terms. Moreover, Avista is prohibited from making upwards distributions of dividends under certain circumstances that could be indicators of financial weakness. (Stipulated Commitments 34 & 38.) Stipulated Commitments 42-51ring-fence Avista, insulating it from any potential financial weakness at the parent level. t2 l3 14 l5 l6 17 18 19 20 2l 22 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 o Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy or the inclusion of Avista in bankruptcy proceedings would require the consent of a two-thirds majority of all of its directors, including the affirmative vote of at least one of its Independent Directors. (Stipulated Commitment 43.) Under Stipulated Commitment No. 42, Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy would additionally require the affirmative vote of the holder of the Golden Share. Avista's immediate parent will be a debt-free and bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity. (Stipulated Commitment 45.) o Restrictions are imposed on pledges of Avista's utility assets and on inter-company debt and lending. (Stipulated Commitments 46, 50 & 5l.) AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 13 37 38 I 2 J 4 5 6 o Hydro One will hold Avista harmless for Hydro One's business risks and will notify lenders of the ring-fencing requirements. (Stipulated Commitment 47.) o Avista and Hydro One will provide the Commission with a non-consolidation opinion to confirm that with these ring-fencing measures, a bankruptcy court would not order the substantive consolidation of the assets and liabilities of Avista with its parent companies. (Stipulated Commitment 44.) Stipulated Commitments 52-55 address resource planning. These commitments confirm Avista's continued offering of renewable power programs, its commitment to sound resource planning policies and practices, its evaluation of the Energy Imbalance Market, and its initiation of a stakeholder process to explore opportunities for transport electrification. Stipulated Commitments 56 and 57 address environmental matters. These commitments confirm Avista's continued participation in greenhouse gas and carbon initiatives and compliance with applicable greenhouse gas reporting requirements. Stipulated Commitments 58-65 provide funding and other forms of support for a number of initiatives. These include: o Approximately $5.3 million in funding over a 10-year period for energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income assistance programs under the direction of a newly-formed stakeholder committee. (Stipulated Commitment 58.) o Support for Clearwater and Idaho Forest Group on certain demand-side management programs. (Stipulated Commitments 59 & 60.) o A $7 million one-time contribution to Avista's charitable foundation. (Stipulated Commitment 61.) o Avista's continued work with low-income agencies to address the needs of low- income customers, and efforts to improve the penetration rate of low-income programs. (Stipulated Commitments 62 & 64.) o Avista's continued offering of the fee free payment program. (Stipulated Commitment 63.) o Avista's outreach to tribal communities. (Stipulated Commitment 65.) a Stipulated Commitments 66-73 address miscellaneous issues. These include: o Confirming that Hydro One's funding commitments are not contingent and are not rate-recoverable. (Stipu lated Comm itment 66.) o Processes for review of Avista's gas service rules and its metering policies and practices. (Stipulated Commitments 67 & 68.) AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 14 7 8 9 l0il 12 r3 14 l5 16 17 t8 19 24 25 26 20 2l a a a 22 23 29 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o A process through which Hydro One and Avista will support, a December 31,2027 end-of-life for depreciation purposes of Avista's l5%o ownership interest in Colstrip Units 3 and 4. (Stipulated Commitment 69.) o Funding for a Colstrip community transition fund. The Stipulation required $3 million for this purpose. Through a proposal to the Montana Public Service Commission, the amount has subsequently been increased to $4.5 million. (Stipulated Commitment 70.) o Avista's participation in regional Colstrip transmission planning efforts. (Stipulated Commitment 7 I .) o Avista's commitment to pay fair and competitive wages, to principles of fairness in bidding and contracting work, and to employ highly skilled and trained workers. (Stipulated Commitment 7 2.) o A "Most Favored Nations" or "MFN" process as described below. (Stipulated CommitmentT3.) 10 1l t2 l3 t4 l5 In addition to benefits under specific Stipulated Commitments, Avista's Idaho customers 16 can expect benefits as a result of the financial and business stability associated with being owned 17 by Ontario's largest regulated transmission and distribution company. Avista's customers will 18 benefit from the backing of another, larger utility with a strong balance sheet, a credit rating higher 19 than Avista's, and a customer base somewhat similar to Avista's. 20 21 V. SPECIFIC ISSUES RAISED DURING PUBLIC COMMENT HEARINGST 22 Foreisn Ownership and Control / Impact of Canadian Politics - During the public hearings 23 held in Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, members of the public expressed concern regarding the fact 24 that the Province of Ontario is Hydro One's largest shareholder. On June 14,2018, the Oregon 25 Commission issued a Bench Request requiring Hydro One to file a report on the following issues: 26 (1) implications of the recent Ontario election for (a) the future management and plans of Hydro 27 One, and (b) Hydro One's acquisition of Avista; (2) a plan for keeping the Commission informed 3 Public comment hearings were held in Moscow, Idaho on June 72,201 8; in Sandpoint, Idaho on June I 3, 201 8; and in Coeur d Alene, Idaho on June 14,2018. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT-AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 15 I on a timely basis as to new developments; and (3) what further measures might be necessary to 2 fully develop the record if material changes are made in Hydro One's management or Board of 3 Directors ("Board"). Hydro One has prepared a detailed report in response to that Bench Request, 4 which provides a through explanation of these issues. A copy is attached at Exhibit A to these 5 comments. 6 Financial / Operating Issues at Hydro One Will Not Impact Avista - During the public 7 hearings held in Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene, questions were raised regarding whether financial 8 or operational changes at Hydro One will impact Avista and its service to customers. This issue 9 was a central theme during the settlement negotiations involving all the Parties in this Case. The 10 Parties developed Stipulated Commitments that ensure Avista will remain a financially healthy, I I standalone utility after the merger regardless of any negative financial or operational changes that 12 could occur at Hydro One, whether the result of the Ontario election or some other event. 13 The Province could trigger the provisions in Article 4.7 of the Governance Agreement to 14 replace Hydro One's Board or the Province's new leadership could introduce legislation for the l5 purpose of dismissing Hydro One's CEO ormembers of the Board. These are just possibilities, 16 but even if they were to come to pass, Hydro One, Avista, and the other Parties in this Case have 17 included governance and financial ring-fencing in the Stipulation that will protect Avista and its l8 customers and bolster the protections already provided by the Governance Agreement: 19 First, as established in the Stipulation filed with this Commission on June 14,2018, Avista 20 will have a nine-member board separate from Hydro One that will govern Avista's management 2l and day-to-day operations, as set forth in Stipulated Commitment 1. Hydro One (not the Province) 22 will select five of Avista's directors. Three of these five directors must be independent under 23 NYSE rules. Further, those three directors must be residents of the Pacific Northwest. As a result, AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 16 1 the Province will not be able to exercise any control over Avista through selection of Avista's 2 board. 3 Second, Olympus Equity LLC's three-member board must include one independent 4 director. See Idaho Stipulated Commitment 43. 5 Third, Avista's executive management will remain in place and must be selected by 6 Avista's board -- not Hydro One. See Idaho Stipulated Commitment 2. 7 Fourth, generally, Avista's employees will be retained. See Idaho Stipulated Commitments 8 2,9,70. 9 Fifth, as part ofthe Stipulation, Hydro One is required to provide Avista with enough equity l0 so that Avista can access debt on reasonable terms. See Idaho Stipulated Commitments26,34. 11 Therefore, the Province cannot deprive Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the l2 Province. 13 Sixth, as part of the Stipulation, Avista will continue to have its own credit ratings. Hydro 14 One is required to provide Avista with sufficient equity to ensure that Avista's credit ratings remain 15 investment grade. See Idaho Stipulated Commitments 36, 37. Therefore, again, the Province 16 cannot deprive Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. 17 Seventh, as part of the Stipulation, Avista will be prohibited from issuing dividends if l8 certain financial metrics relating to the equity floor, credit ratings and debt coverage are not met. 19 Basically, this operates to keep retained earnings at the Avista level where they will improve 20 Avista's financial strength. See Idaho Stipulated Commitment 38. This too prevents the Province 2l from depriving Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. 22 Eighth, as part of the Stipulation, several of the Commitments protect Avista from being 23 drawn into bankruptcy proceedings that are not in the best interest of Avista and its customers. 24 Avista will issue a single share of preferred stock referred to as the Golden Share to an independent AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 17 I third party. The vote of this share will be required to place Avista into voluntary bankruptcy. See 2 ldaho Stipulated Commitment 42. Further, Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy would require 3 the consent of a two-thirds majority of all of its directors, including the affirmative vote of a 4 majority of the Independent Directors at Avista, which would have to include the affirmative vote 5 of at least two Avista-designated Independent Directors. See Idaho Stipulated Commitment 43. 6 Hydro One and Avista must also provide a non-consolidation opinion to confirm the effectiveness 7 of the ring-fencing measures to prevent the substantive consolidation of the assets and liabilities 8 of Avista with those of the entities above it in the corporate chain of ownership. See Idaho 9 Stipulated Commitment 44. The corporate structure also includes Olympus Equity LLC, a l0 bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity that will have no debt. See Idaho Stipulated I 1 Commitment 45. 12 Ninth, as part of the Stipulation, Avista's utility assets can be pledged only for the benefit l3 of Avista, not Hydro One. See Idaho Stipulated Commitment 46. Therefore, the Province cannot 14 strip Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. 15 Hydro One and Avista, along with the rest of the Idaho parties, developed the Settlement 16 Stipulation to ensure that Avista could not be negatively impacted in any way by any of the 17 hypothetical political events described in the previous sections. If any of the above-described l8 hypothetical events were to occur, Hydro One would still be legally obligated to comply with the 19 Stipulation in this Case, the settlements it has reached in Oregon, Washington, Montana, and 20 Alaska, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska's June 4, 2018 order approving this merger, the 21 Montana Public Service Commission's forthcoming order approving this merger, and any orders 22 approving this merger issued by this Commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation 23 Commission, and the Oregon Public Utility Commission. As a result, all of the protections 24 described above that have been built into the Stipulation to ensure that Avista will continue as a AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT-AVU-E-17-09 &AVU-G-17-05 Page 18 1 financially sound, stand-alone utility will bind Hydro One regardless of political developments 2 (e.9., Avista's independent board, financial ring-fencing, capital support). Furthermore, through 3 the Stipulation in this proceeding and the settlements in Washington and Oregon, Hydro One and 4 Avista have committed that none of the commitments in the settlements can be amended without 5 approval from Avista's state regulators. See Idaho Stipulated Commitments 1,30,33, 49. 6 Finally, the Stipulation in this Case confirms that the Commission willcontinue to regulate 7 Avista as it always has to ensure that Avista's customers are protected and continue to pay fair, 8 just, and reasonable rates. See Idaho Stipulated Commitments20-24,30-33. 9 No "Climate Change" aqenda. Some comments expressed concern that Hydro One, or 10 indirectly the Province of Ontario, might somehow seek to impose a climate change agenda on 11 Avista. First, as noted above, Avista is fully protected from any attempt by the Province to 12 influence Avista on policy matters because the merger commitments in this Case vest Avista's 13 own board with decision-making over Avista's operations and management. Second, under the l4 Governance Agreement, the Province has no role in the management of Hydro One. Finally, I 5 neither Hydro One nor the Province of Ontario has any desire to impose a "cap and trade" agenda 16 on Avista or its customers. The prior government under Kathleen Wynne instituted an Ontario- 17 only cap and trade program on January 1, 2017, however, Premier-Designate Doug Ford has l8 announced that it is a priority of his to remove this program. Mr. Ford's "Plan for the l9 People"a includes a proposal for, "scrapping the Carbon Tax and cancelling Kathleen Wynne's 20 cap-and-trade slush fund[.]" Further, even if the current cap and trade program were to remain 21 law in Ontario, it could not be enforced against Avista or have any effect on Avista or its customers. a Available at https://www.ontariopc.calplan_forJheJreople, visited June 19,2018. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E- 17-09 & AVU-G- 17-05 Page 1 9 1 Explanation of "Golden Share". During the public hearings held in Sandpoint and Coeur 2 d'Alene, questions were raised about the provision for a Golden Share. In the context of utility 3 mergers, a Golden Share is an element of ring-fencing designed to help protect the operating utility 4 (here, Avista) from being placed by its parent company into voluntary bankruptcy under 5 circumstances where such a bankruptcy would not be in the best interests of the operating utility 6 or utility customers. The inclusion of a Golden Share provision in the Stipulated Commitments 7 provides extra comfort to state regulators that Avista will not be pushed into a "restructuring" 8 bankruptcy by Hydro One in the event Hydro One was ever to encounter severe financial 9 difficulties. l0 Under Stipulated Commitment No.43, Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy or the I I inclusion of Avista in bankruptcy proceedings would require the consent of a twothirds majority 12 of all of its directors, including the affirmative vote of at least one of its Independent Directors. 13 Under Stipulated Commitment No. 42, Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy would 14 additionally require the affirmative vote of the holder of the Golden Share. The holder of this l5 share must be an independent third party with no financial stake, affiliation, relationship, interest 16 or tie to Avista or any of its affiliates (including Hydro One), or any lender to Avista or any of its 17 affiliates, which insulates Avista from being placed into voluntary bankruptcy by Hydro One or l8 any of its affiliates. Typically, a company (rather than an individual) which specializes in 19 providing independent third party corporate services for ring-fencing purposes serves as the holder 20 of the Golden Share. 21 The sole purpose of the Golden Share is to provide this independent third party with veto 22 power over Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy even if the Avista Board voted, as described 23 above, in favor of such a filing. No dividends are paid on the Golden Share and the holder of the 24 Golden Share does not participate in shareholder activities unrelated to bankruptcy. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS TN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 20 I Hydro One and Avista commit to identify the holder of this Golden Share prior to any 2 action taken by this Commission to approve the Proposed Transaction. We will notify the 3 Commission and all parties when this occurs. 4 How will S5.3 million of fundine for Enerey Efficiency. Weatherization. Conservation. 5 and Low-lncome Assistance be distributed? Hydro One and Avista have committed to $5.3 6 million in funding over a l0-yearperiod, none of which will be recoverable from customers, to 7 fund energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income assistance programs. The 8 funding will be disbursed as directed by the Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Conservation, and 9 Low-Income Assistance Committee ("EWCL"), a new committee of stakeholders tasked with 10 determining which existing or new programs should receive this funding to address energy 1 1 efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income needs in Avista's Idaho service territory. 12 The committee will initially consist of a broad cross-section of representatives from the following l3 stakeholders: Avista, Staff, Lewiston CAP, Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Forest Group, and l4 Clearwater. The Committee may add members at its discretion. The EWCL will consider the 15 needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursements. The EWCL will 16 convene within 90 days after the close of the Proposed Transaction, will present a 1O-year funding 17 plan to Avista by June 1,2019, and will revise this plan periodically as needed. Additional public 18 involvement may be called for, as and when needed. 19 Cost Allocation Methodoloeies are alreadv in place. A theme that was discussed by several 20 commenters at the Public Hearings was related to the rates charged by Avista, and how those rates 2l might increase because Hydro One's retail rates are significantly higher than Avista's. Quite 22 simply, it is not Avista, nor Hydro One, that sets rates for Idaho customers; rather, the Commission 23 sets ldaho retail rates. Those rates are developed based on a thorough and substantial evidentiary 24 record of expert written and oral testimony, exhibits, and work papers that include detailed AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page2l 1 accounting and cost allocation records, which relate only to the cost to provide service to Avista's 2 Idaho jurisdictional customers. 3 Costs related to Avista providing service in other jurisdictions served by Avista, which 4 include Oregon, Washington, Montana and Alaska, are not included in Idaho retail ratemaking. 5 Likewise, Avista and Hydro One would never seek, nor would the Commission ever allow, the 6 inclusion of Hydro One's utility costs in Idaho rates, nor would the Commission meld or somehow 7 average Hydro One's retail rates with Avista's jurisdictional rates. To do so would depart from 8 the very essence of cost-based ratemaking. 9 In addition, all costs associated with evaluating and executing on the Proposed Transaction 10 are being separately tracked and recorded below-the-line to a non-operating account, using a 11 "Direct Assignment Protocol" (the "Protocol"), attached as Exhibit No. 7, Schedule 3 to Mr. 12 Ehrbar's direct testimony. The Protocol addresses the accounting for costs both prior to the closing 13 of the transaction, as well as the accounting for costs following the closing. To the extent Avista 14 employees dedicate time and incur costs related to the operations of Hydro One, those costs will 15 be directly assigned and billed to Hydro One, and would not be borne by Avista's customers. 16 Likewise, should Hydro One employees dedicate time and incur costs associated with Avista's 17 operations, such costs would be directly assigned and billed to Avista. If a Hydro One employee's l8 time and costs are related to Avista's regulated utility operations, the costs would be subject to l9 review and approval by the Commission prior to being recovered in retail rates. Avista expects 20 such assignment ofcosts, both to Hydro One and from Hydro One, to be relatively small, especially 21 in the near-term, since Avista will continue to operate as a standalone utility. This methodology 22 has been used since 2014, when Avista acquired Alaska Energy and Resources Company, 23 including AEL&P, which provides electric service to customers in the City and Borough of Juneau, 24 Alaska. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS TN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 22 I 2 J 4 5 At this point in time, there are no plans to combine any specific utility operations. In the future, however, if opportunities arise for the consolidation of certain Avista and Hydro One utility functions, where the utilities have an opportunity to benefit from specialized expertise or to achieve efficiencies, it may be appropriate to develop additional or different direct assignment or allocation protocols, as has been committed in Commitment 24 provided below: Stipulated Commitment 24 Cost Allocations Related to Corporate Structure and Afliliate Interests: Avista agrees to provide, and Hydro One agrees Avista will provide, cost allocation methodologies used to allocate to Avista any costs related to Hydro One or its other affiliates and subsidiaries, and commits that there will be no cross-subsidization by Avista customers of unregulated activities. The cost-allocation methodology provided pursuant to this commitment will be a generic methodology that does not require Commission approval prior to it being proposed for specific application in a general rate case or other proceeding affecting rates. The cost- allocation methodology provided pursuant to this commitment also will establish a procedure for ensuring that additional costs or revenues resulting from changing currency exchange rates will not be reflected in rates charged to Idaho customers. Avista will bearthe burden of proof in any general rate case that any corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodology is reasonable for ratemaking purposes. Neither Avista nor Hydro One or its afTiliates and subsidiaries will contest the Commission's authority to disallow, for retail ratemaking purposes in a general rate case, unreasonable, or misallocated costs from or to Avista or Hydro One or its other affiliates and subsidiaries. With respect to the ratemaking treatment of affiliate transactions affecting Avista, Hydro One, and Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, as applicable, will comply with the Commission's then-existing practice; provided, however, that nothing in this commitment limits Avista from also proposing a different ratemaking treatment for the Commission's consideration, or limit the positions any other party may take with respect to ratemaking treatment. Avista will notifythe Commission of any change in corporate structure that affects Avista's corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodologies. Avista will propose revisions to such cost allocation methodologies to accommodate such changes. Avista will not take the position that compliance with this provision constitutes approval by the Commission of a particular methodology for corporate and affiliate cost allocation. Avista will noti$ the Commission priorto the implementation of plans by Avista or Hydro One or any of Hydro One's affiliates: AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS TN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT-AVU-E-I7-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page23 6 7 8 9 t0 1l t2 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3t 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. To form an affiliate for the purposes of transacting business with Avista's regulated operations; b. To commence new business transactions between an existing affiliate and Avista; or c. To dissolve an affiliate that has transacted substantial business with Avista. Finally, Avista will commit to preparing a Master Services Agreement (MSA), itemizing and explaining corporate cost allocation methods used to set rates. The MSA will be fully described and supported in testimony and workpapers in Avista's first general rate case submitted after the Joint Application is approved by the Commission. Thereafter, the MSA will be filed along with any general rate case filed with the Commission. This filing will capture, highlight and explain allchanges since the MSA was last provided to the Commission. The entirety ofthe MSA and its components are subject to review and approval by the Commission in subsequent proceedings before the Commission to confirm that cost drivers, accounting methods, assumptions, and practices result in fair, just and reasonable utility rates. No loss of "critical infrastructure" to foreign ownership. During the public comment process, some of those testifying expressed a concern over "foreign ownership" (Canadian) of Avista and its facilities. The Joint Applicants respectfully respond as follows to those concerns: I ) After consummation of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will not be owned or controlled by the Province of Ontario; instead it will be owned by Hydro One, which is no longer a "Crown Corporation". At present, and following the merger, Hydro One will be majority-owned by a much broader base of individual or institutional shareholders (As at June 12, 2018, the Province owned 282,412,648 common shares of Hydro One, representing approximately 47.4o/o of the common shares. Following conversion of the convertible debentures issued to finance Hydro One's acquisition of Avista, the Province will hold less than 43Yo of Hydro One's outstanding stock.) Those shareholders may freely exchange their shares over time on the Toronto AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS TN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page24 l0 il 12 13 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 l3 t4 15 16 17 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Stock Exchange, in much the same manner as do current shareholders who trade shares of Avista on the New York Stock Exchange. 2) Any concern about yielding "critical infrastructure" to foreign ownership was squarely resolved through the filing made by Avista for approval of the transaction by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). Section 721 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (section 721, codified at 50 U.S.C. $ 4565), authorizes the President of the United States, acting through CFIUS, to review certain mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers which could result in foreign control of any person engaged in interstate commerce in the United States. On May 18, 2018, CFIUS informed Avista that it had reviewed the information provided to it regarding the transaction. It concluded, "based on its review, and after full consideration of all relevant national security factors, including the factors enumerated in subsection (F) of section 721, CFIUS has determined that there are no unresolved national security concerns with respect to the transaction that is the subject of the notice." 3) In reaching its conclusion, CFIUS was required to consider the plans of the foreign person (Hydro One) for the U.S. business with respect to: a. Reducing, eliminating, or selling research and development facilities; b. Changing product quality; c. Shutting down or moving outside of the United States facilities that are within the United States; d. Consolidating or selling product lines or technology; e. Modifring or terminating ceftain contracts; orf. Eliminating domestic supply by selling products solely to non-domestic markets. There are no plans to carry out any of the aforementioned activities. Following closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista's customers and the communities Avista serves are expected to see little or no change in Avista's operations. Avista will maintain its existing corporate headquarters in Spokane, Washington, and will continue to operate as a standalone utility in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, , and Montana. Avista's subsidiary, AEL&P, will continue to operate as a AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 25 I standalone utility in Alaska. Avista will maintain office locations throughout its service areas, 2 continue to operate under the same Avista name and seek to retain its existing employees and J 4 5 6 7 8 management team. Hold Harmless Provisions. Hold harmless provisions protect Idaho customers from all business and financial risk exposures of Hydro One and its affiliates. During public comment hearings, it was suggested that Avista's customers would only be "held harmless" from the unregulated activity of Avista or Hydro One. This is a misreading of Stipulated Commitment 47 (a.), which quite clearly states: a. Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista will hold Avista customers harmless from any business and financial risk exposures associated with Olympus Holding Co.p., Hydro One, and Hydro One's other affiliates. (emphasis added) The commenter apparently misread Commitment 47(c.)i, to limit any hold harmless protection only to the unregulated activities of Avista and Hydro One only.s Quite the opposite is true. This sub-part was added to the blanket "hold harmless" commitment in 47(a) (supra) to expand that protection to cover the qqregulated activities of Avista and Hydro One as well. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Commission will have continuing, ongoing jurisdiction under Idaho Code $61-328 to regulate any subsequent transfers of Avista's property to Hydro One or others. Indeed, Idaho Code $61-328 forms the very basis for Commission jurisdiction over this transaction. ln short, the Commission's ongoing jurisdiction will form the bulwark against any transfers that are not in the best interest of Idaho customers. Provisions of Idaho Code $61-328 have been satisfied. The provisions of Idaho Code $61- 328 are satisfied by the proffered Stipulated Commitments. Idaho Code $61-328 provides that, 5 Commitment a7(c)(i) reads: "Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista commit that Avista's regulated utility customers will be held harmless fiom the liabilities of any g4regulated activity of Avista or Hydro One and its affiliates." (emphasis added) AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 26 9 l0 ll t2 r3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 1 before authorizing the Proposed Transaction, the Commission must find that: (l) the transaction 2 is consistent with the public interest; (2) the transaction will not cause the cost of or rates for 3 supplying electrical service to increase; and (3) that Hydro One has the bona fide intent and 4 financial ability to operate and maintain Avista's operations in ldaho. It was suggested during the 5 public hearings that the Stipulation does not satisfr the requirement that the "cost of and rates for 6 supplying service will not be increased by a reason of such transactions." (Idaho Code $61-328 7 (3)(b)) 8 The following commitment provides assurance that costs will not increase. Commitment l7: a. Costs associated with the Proposed Transaction will be separately tracked as non-utility costs with no charges, either allocated or direct, to be recovered from Avista customers. After the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, any remaining transaction costs or other costs of Olympus Holding Corp. or Hydro One will not appear on Avista's utility books, i.e. such costs will be recorded as non-utility. Avista shall furnish the Commission with journal entries and supporting detail showing the nature and amount of all costs ofthe Proposed Transaction (including but not limited to management time, BOD time, in-house and outside counsel time, any consultants engaged, etc.) since the Proposed Transaction was first contemplated, as well as the accounts charged, within 120 days of a Commission order in this docket. b. Avista will exclude, and Hydro One agrees Avista will exclude, from Avista general rate cases, or any other method of cost recovery, all costs related to the Proposed Transaction including but not limited to: (i) all legal work from in-house counsel and outside counsel; (ii) any financial advisory fees associated with the Proposed Transaction; (iii) the acquisition premium; (iv) costs related to M&A consulting and advice (v) preparation of and materials for presentations relating to the Proposed Transaction (vi) any senior executive compensation or any Avista board of director time tied to a change of control of Avista; and (vii) any other costs directly related to the Proposed Transaction. c. Technology expenditures and investments related to software and hardware compatibility issues between Avista and Hydro One and its affiliates shall not be recovered from Idaho ratepayers except to the extent such costs are offset by savings over time. Finally, some commenters suggested that this merger Case is the place to review and determine whether costs will increase as a result to the Proposed Transaction. It is to be AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STTPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 27 9 10ll l2 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 remembered that no "costs" ofthe merger could ever find their way into rates outside ofthe context of a general rate filing -- and this is not that filing. The Commission will have ample opportunity, in Avista's next Idaho general rate case filing, to review all costs that make up the revenue requirement and assure itself that Avista has lived up to its Stipulated Commitments discussed above, that exclude all such merger-related costs. Idaho Code $61-327 is not an impediment to this transaction. A few individuals commented that the provisions of Idaho Code $61-327 somehow prohibit the Proposed Transaction with Hydro One. The language (indeed the very title of the section) belies any such interpretation: 6l-327. Electric utility property - Acquisition by certain public aeencies prohibited. No title to or interest in any public utility . . . shall be transferred or transferable to, or acquired by, directly or indirectly, by any means or device whatsoever, any government or municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental or political unit, subdivision or corporation, organized or existing under the laws of any other state; . . . There is no direct or indirect transfer of ownership to a "public agency" in the Proposed Transaction. Hydro One is not a "public agency'., and is not a "government or municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental or political unit, subdivision or corporation, organized or existing under the laws of any other state; . . ." Instead, Hydro One is a publicly-traded corporation governed by its own Board of Directors, as is Avista, as is Mid-American Holdings (which received approval to purchase PacifiCorp's Idaho properties in Case No. PAC-E-05-8), and as is Montana-Dakota Utilities (which acquired Intermountain Gas6). 6 The Commission took up the MDU Resources/lntermountain Gas Transaction at its August 25, 2008 regularly scheduled Decision Meeting. The Commission did not exert jurisdiction over the purchase transaction. AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page2& l0 11 t2 r3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 2t 23 25 20 22 24 1 VI. CONCLUSION 2 All Parties to this consolidated Case have agreed that the Stipulation is in the public 3 interest, that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable, and that the Joint 4 Applicants have satisfied the standard under Idaho Code $61-328 for approval of the Proposed 5 Transaction. Avista and Hydro One respectfully request that the Commission issue an order 6 approving the Joint Application and the Stipulation. 7 8 DATED this 2}thday of June,2018, HYDRO ONE LIMITED AVISTA CORPORATION By: Elizabeth Thomas, Partner, K&L Gates LLP Kari Vander Stoep, Partner, K&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited and Olympus Equity LLC By Attorney for Avista Corporation AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT * AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page29 -.%\ 47r*ox By: Elizabeth Thomas, Partner, K&L Gates LLP Kari Vander Stoep, Partner, K&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited and Olympus Equity LLC David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation AVISTA AND HYDRO ONE COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 29 1 vI. CONCLUSION 2 All Parties to this consolidated Case have agreed that the Stipulation is in the public 3 interest, that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable, and that the Joint 4 Applicants have satisfied the standard under Idaho Code $61-328 for approval of the Proposed 5 Transaction. Avista and Hydro One respectfully request that the Commission issue an order 6 approving the Joint Application and the Stipulation. 7 8 DATED this 20th day of June, 2018. HYDRO ONE LIMITED AVISTA CORPORATION /2 I AVISTAAND HYDRO ONE JOINT COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT EXHIBITA BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF OREGON uM 1897 HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JI.]NE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST 2 Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One") provides the following response to Administrative Law Judge Patrick Power's Bench Request issued on June 14,2018. I. BENCH REQUEST The Bench Request requires Hydro One to file a report on the following issues: (l) implications of the recent Ontario election for (a) the future management and plans of Hydro One, and (b) Hydro One's acquisition of Avista; (2) a plan for keeping the Oregon Public Utility Commission ("OPUC" or "Commission") informed on a timely basis as to new developments; and (3) what further measures might be necessary to fully develop the record if material changes are made in Hydro One's management or Board of Directors ("Board"). II. BACKGROUND Hydro One provides the following information as context to the specifics of its response to the Bench Request. A. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO'S ROLB AS HYDRO ONE'S LARGEST SHAREHOLDER Until 2015, Hydro One Inc. was owned by the Province of Ontario and referred to as a Crown Corporation. Hydro One, a new holding corporation, was incorporated by the Province HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2OI8 BENCH REQUEST - 1 501608826 v8 3 4 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 1 of 13 In the Matter of the Application of Hydro ) One Limited (acting through its indirect ) subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC) for an ) Order Authorizing Hydro One Limited To ) Exercise Substantial Influence Over the ) Policies and Actions of Avista Corporation ) I -t of Ontario on August 31,2015, under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). On October 30, 2015, Hydro One's articles of incorporation were amended to authorize the creation of an unlimited number of Series I preferred shares and an unlimited number of Series 2 preferred shares, with the Series 1 preferred shares to be issued to the Province. On October 31, 2015, all of the issued and outstanding shares of Hydro One Inc. were acquired by Hydro One from the Province in exchange for the issuance to the Province of common shares and Series I preferred shares of Hydro One. On November 4,2015, the articles of Hydro One were amended to authorize the consolidation of its outstanding common shares such that 595,000,000 common shares of Hydro One were issued and outstanding. The preferred shares continue to be outstanding. On November 5,2015, Hydro One completed its initial public offering ("lPO") on the Toronto Stock Exchange by way of secondary offering of common shares by the Province of Ontario, with the goal that, over time, approximately 60Yo of Hydro One would be held by private investors. Today, Hydro One is a public company traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "H." As at June 72,2018, the Province owned 282,412,648 common shares of Hydro One, representing approximately 47.4% of the common shares. Following conversion of the convertible debentures issued to finance Hydro One's acquisition of Avista, the Province will hold less than 43o/o of Hydro One's outstanding stock. The 2015 amendments to the Ontario Electricity Ac\ 1998 restricts the Province from selling voting securities (including common shares of Hydro One) if it would own less than 40%o of the outstanding number of voting securities of that class or series afterthe sale. If as a result of the issuance of additional voting securities of any class or series by Hydro One, the Province would own less than 40Yo of the outstanding number of voting securities of that class or series, 6 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 2 of 13 HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 2 501608826 v8 7 then the Province shall, subject to certain requirements, take steps to acquire as many voting securities of that class or series of voting securities as are necessary to increase the Province's ownership to not less than 40Yo of the outstanding number of voting securities of that class or series. In order to assist the Province in meeting its ownership obligations under the Electricity Act, 1998, under the Governance Agreement with the Province, Hydro One has granted the Province a pre-emptive right to subscribe for and purchase up to 45o/o of any proposed issuance by Hydro One of voting securities or securities that are convertible or exchangeable into voting securities (other than certain specified excluded issuances). Any offered securities not subscribed for and purchased by the Province pursuant to its pre-emptive right may be issued to any other person pursuant to the proposed offering. Hydro One's Board consists of Hydro One's CEO and, in addition, 13 independent directors who must be, and are, independent of both Hydro One and the Province of Ontario. The Governance Agreement ensures autonomous commercial operations, with the Province of Ontario limited to acting as an investor and not a manager. B. GOVBRNANCB AGREEMENT BETWEEN HYDRO ONE ANDPW The Governance Agreement between Hydro One and the Province of Ontario (Attachment A to this Response to Bench Request) is a binding contract that was a pre-requisite for Hydro One's IPO. The Province of Ontario understood that Hydro One would not succeed as an investor-owned utility and would lose the trust of its investors if the Province were to meddle in the running of Hydro One's business. As a result, the Province entered into the Governance Agreement to provide the investment and financial communities the assurance that Hydro One HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 3 501608826 v8 8 9 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 3 of 13 10 t2 will operate like any other investor-owned utility, even though the Province will likely continue - strictly as an investor - to own at least 40%o of Hydro One's shares. The Hydro One Board, and not the Province, is responsible for supervising the management of Hydro One's business and affairs. (Governance Agreement ("GA") 2.1.2 and 2.3) The Province is involved in Hydro One as an investor and not as a manager. (GA 2.1.3) The Province has no role in the processes of appointment, removal, replacement, and compensation relating to executive officers or related succession planning. Hydro One neither takes direction nor seeks consent for its operations from the government of Ontario, outside of the defined regulatory and oversight authority that the government has over the electricity sector. (GA 2.1 .3; 2.2) While a 40%o or more shareholder of a corporation under most circumstances could control the entire composition of the corporation's board, the Governance Agreement prevents the Province from exercising similar influence over Hydro One. A Nominating and Governance Committee nominates directors and advises the Board regarding its stewardship role in the management of Hydro One. (GA 3.5). The Board consists of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 members and is comprised as follows: (i) the CEO is proposed for election, (ii) the Province nominates 40%o of directors (or its proportionate share, whichever is less) proposed for election,l and (iii) the Nominating and Governance Committee nominates the remaining directors proposed for election. (GA 3.3. I ; 4. I . I ) Other than the CEO, each director must be independent of Hydro One and the Province. (GA 4.2.2; 4.2.3) Directors must be high-quality, reputable, experienced leaders with the I If the Province is diluted below 40%o, there will be a minimum 24-month "cure period" before any reduction in its permitted number of nominees occurs. (GA 4.8). In any event, these directors must be independent of the Province and Hydro One. HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,20t8 BENCH REQUEST - 4 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 4 of 13 t3 t4 requisite skills, board experience, time, and motivation for an operation of Hydro Oneos size and scope. Directors are also chosen in light of Hydro One's core operating principles. (GA 4.2.1) Directors must meet the requirements of applicable securities and other laws and any stock exchange on which Hydro One securities are listed. (GA 4.2.4) The Governance Agreement limits the Province's shareholder rights. The Province cannot initiate fundamental changes to Hydro One described in Part XIV of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (e.g., amendment to articles, continuance, arrangements, and amalgamations). (GA 2.5) The Province may vote its shares as it sees fit in the event a fundamental change is initiated by another shareholder. (GA 2.5) The Province cannot solicit (either on its own or acting with others) any person to exercise rights as a shareholder in a manner that the Province would be prohibited from doing directly. (GA 2.6). The Governance Agreement may be terminated only with the mutual agreement of both parties. (GA 8.4) C. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION COMMITMENTS: snranarB AVISTA FROM HYDRO ONE Hydro One, Avista, OPUC Staff the Citizens' Utility Board, Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers, and the Oregon and Southern Oregon District Council of Laborers (collectively, the "Parties") filed a Settlement Stipulation on May 25, 2018. The Parties negotiated numerous commitments designed to provide governance and financial ring-fencing between Avista and Hydro One. Certain of these merger commitments were developed to ensure that Avista cannot be subjected to political interference or influence by the Province of Ontario and bolster the protections already provided by the Governance Agreement. First, Avista will have a nine-member board separate from Hydro One that will govern Avista's management and operations. Three of the five Avista directors selected by Hydro One HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 5 501608826 v8 15 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 5 of 13 t9 20 t6 17 18 22 (not by the Province) must be independent under NYSE rules. Further, those three directors must be residents of the Pacific Northwest. Two of the four directors selected by Avista must be independent under NYSE rules. See Stipulation Commitment No. 5. As a result, the Province will not be able to exercise any control over Avista through selection of Avista's board. Second, Avista's CEO must be selected by Avista's board -- not Hydro One or the Province. See Stipulation Commitment No. 4. Third, Olympus Equity LLC's three-member board must include one independent director. See Stipulation Commitment No. 6. Fourth, Avista's executive management will remain in place and must be selected by Avista's board -- not Hydro One. See Stipulation Commitment No. 4. Fifth, Avista's employees will be retained. ^See Stipulation Commitment Nos. I l, 12,79, 80. Sixth, Hydro One is required to provide Avista with enough equity so that Avista can access debt on reasonable terms. See Stipulation Commitment Nos. 44, 47. Therefore, the Province cannot deprive Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. Seventh, Avista will continue to have its own credit ratings. Hydro One is required to provide Avista with sufficient equity to ensure that Avista's credit ratings remain investment grade. See Stipulation Commitment Nos. 45, 48. Therefore, again, the Province cannot deprive Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. Eishth, Avista will be prohibited from issuing dividends if certain financial metrics relating to the equity floor, credit ratings and debt coverage are not met. Basically, this operates to keep retained earnings at the Avista level where they will improve Avista's financial strength. HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLINE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 6 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 6 of 13 z5 )/ See Stipulation Commitment No. 50. This too prevents the Province from depriving Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. Ninth, several of the Stipulation commitments protect Avista from being drawn into bankruptcy proceedings that are not in the best interest of Avista and its customers. Avista will issue a single share of preferred stock referred to as the Golden Share to an independent third party. The vote of this share will be required to place Avista into voluntary bankruptcy. See Stipulation Commitment No. 55. Further, Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy would require the consent of a two-thirds majority of all of its directors, including the affirmative vote of a majority of the Independent Directors at Avista, which would have to include the affirmative vote of at least two Avista-designated Independent Directors. See Stipulation Commitment No. 56. Hydro One and Avista must also provide a non-consolidation opinion to confirm the effectiveness of the ring-fencing measures to prevent the substantive consolidation of the assets and liabilities of Avista with those of the entities above it in the corporate chain of ownership. See Stipulation Commitment No. 57. The corporate structure also includes Olympus Equity LLC, a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity that will have no debt. See Stipulation Commitment No. 58. Therefore, the Province cannot obtain Avista's capital and assets through a bankruptcy proceeding unless that would be in the best interests of Avista's customers. Tenth, Avista's utility assets can be pledged only for the benefit of Avista, not Hydro One. See Stipulation Commitment No. 59. Therefore, the Province cannot strip Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit ofthe Province. IIL RESULTS OF ONTARIO ELECTION On June 7,2078, voters in the Province of Ontario elected a new government that will be led by the Progressive Conservative Purty, replacing the Liberal government led by Kathleen HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLTNE I4,2OI8 BENCH REQUEST - 7 501608826 v8 25 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 7 of '13 t t 26 27 28 Wynne. The Premier-Designate is Doug Ford. The Ontario Premier is the equivalent of a state governor in the United States. The new government will be sworn in on June 29,2018. Mr. Ford has suggested that he is going to call the provincial legislature back into session during the month of July to address several priority issues that arose during the campaign. Normally the provincial legislature would not reconvene until fall. On Friday, June 15,2018, Mr. Ford stated that his top priority is to dismantle Ontario's cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions and repeal the carbon tax. Mr. Ford also wants to pass legislation that will end a strike at Toronto's York University. During the campaign, Mr. Ford stated that he wanted to remove Hydro One's CEO Mayo Schmidt and some orall of the members of Hydro One's Board of Directors. On Friday, June 15, 2018, Mr. Ford made a statement reiterating his intention to remove Mr. Schmidt. We do not know whether or how Mr. Ford will attempt to follow through on these statements. During the campaign, members of the New Democratic Party stated that they would try to "bring Hydro One back into public hands" by buying back some or all of Hydro One's shares held by entities other than the Province; the precise mechanism by which this would be accomplished was never revealed. The New Democratic Party did not win enough seats to control the provincial government, nor offset the majority of seats now held by the Progressive Conservatives in Ontario's Legislative Assembly. Even if a party were to attempt this in the future, the Governance Agreement would make this more complex than simply buying back shares, as it prevents the Province from buying any additional shares if it owns more than 45%o of Hydro One. Mr. Ford and other members of the Progressive Conservative Party have not suggested that they will pursue a policy of returning Hydro One to Crown Corporation status and HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,20t8 BENCH REQUEST - 8 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page I of 13 , 29 30 3t had made statements throughout the campaign generally supportive of privatization in Ontario's energy sector. IV. PROCESS FOR REMOVAL OF HYDRO ONE BOARD ORHYDRO ONE CEO If Mr. Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party wished to seek to remove some or all of Hydro One's Board and its CEO, they could accomplish these objectives in one of two ways: (l) procedures established by the Governance Agreement, or (2) legislation. As explained above, the Governance Agreement establishes an independent Hydro One Board with the following features: the CEO is selected by the Board (not the Province), the Province nominates 40o/o of the Board's directors (or its proportionate share, whichever is less) proposed for election, the Nominating and Governance Committee (now known as the "Governance Committee") nominates the remaining directors proposed for election, and other than the CEO, each director must be independent of Hydro One and the Province. The Province has no role in the processes of appointment, removal, replacement, and compensation relating to executive officers or over related succession planning. In order to remove the Hydro One Board, the Province must follow the procedures in Article 4.7 of the Governance Agreement: (l) serve a RemovalNotice on Hydro One requesting the removal of Hydro One's Board at a shareholder meeting (the Removal Notice does not apply to Hydro One's CEO even though he is a Board member; the Province also can exempt the chair of Board from its Removal Notice) (GA 4.7.1); (2) the chair of the Board will establish a committee comprising representatives of Hydro One's five largest shareholders, except the Province (the "Ad Hoc Nominating Committee") (GA 4.7.2); (3) the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee and the Province will work together to develop a slate of new Board members to be considered at an upcoming shareholder meeting (the "Removal Meeting") (GA a.7.3); (4) once HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 9 50 1 608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page I of '13 JZ 55 34 the slate of new Board members is established, the shareholder Removal Meeting must be held within 60 days (GA a.7.D; and (5) at the Removal Meeting, the Province must vote in favor of the slate of new Board members established by the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee and the Province (GA 4.7.6). Under the Article 4.7 procedures, Hydro One's shareholders must remove the entire Hydro One Board; they cannot remove just certain Board members. (GA 4.7.1) Further, the Board cannot be replaced with any board members who were part of the previous Board. (GA 4.7.3) All nominees must be vetted by the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee and must meet the stringent qualification standards set in the Governance Agreement. (GA 4.7.3 and 4.3) Article 4.7 does not permit shareholders to hire or fire Hydro One's CEO or other members of its management team. (GA 4.7.1) Article 4.7 simply provides a process by which Hydro One's shareholders can install a new Board. Although the Province cannot remove the CEO, presumably the new Board installed pursuant to Article 4.7 procedures could take steps to consider removing the CEO if the Province triggers this process. As an alternative to following the Article 4.7 procedures in the Governance Agreement, Mr. Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party could attempt to pass legislation during the upcoming legislative session that would give the Province the authority to remove and replace the Hydro One CEO and/or its Board. We do not know whether Mr. Ford and his party will pursue such legislation, and we do not know what provisions and procedures would be included in that legislation to effect the removal of the Hydro One CEO and/or the Board. HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 10 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 10 of 13 35 36 V. REPORTS ON FUTURE POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN ONTARIO Hydro One's plan for keeping the Commission informed on a timely basis as to new developments in Ontario and the management of Hydro One is as follows. Hydro One respectfully requests that each report filed pursuant to the plan described below be included as part of the record in this docket. Hydro One will file reports in this docket (until the docket is closed) whenever a significant event occurs or statement is made by the Province's new leadership that provides funher new insight regarding the future of Hydro One's executive leadership and/or Board. The next scheduled significant event would be the convening of the provincial legislature in July if Mr. Ford follows through on his proposal to reconvene the legislature before the regular session this fall or any media statements in the interim period containing new and significant insight into the government's plans with regard to Hydro One. Hydro One will file reports regarding any legislation that is proposed or statements made prior to or during that session regarding Hydro One's executive leadership and Board. Further, Hydro One also will file reports on any significant public statements made by the Province's new leadership that provide new insight regarding the future of Hydro One's executive leadership and Board. Finally, Hydro One will file reports on any efforts made by the Province to trigger the procedures in Article 4.7 of the Governance Agreement to replace Hydro One's Board. VI. CONCLUSION The Province could trigger the provisions in Article 4.7 of the Governance Agreement to replace Hydro One's Board or the Province's new leadership could introduce legislation for the purpose of dismissing Hydro One's CEO or members of the Board. These are just possibilities, HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14, 2018 BENCH REQUEST - I I 501608826 vB 37 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 11 of 13 38 39 but even if they were to come to pass, Hydro One, Avista, and the other Parties in this docket have included governance and financial ring-fencing in the Settlement Stipulation that will protect Avista and its customers. Even if Hydro One's CEO and Board are replaced, that would not change anything with respect to Avista as established by the Parties in their Settlement Stipulation. Even if Mr. Ford succeeded in removing Hydro One's CEO or Board, such actions would not diminish Hydro One's deep and highly experienced management and its ability to successfully operate Hydro One's business and be an owner of Avista. Furthermore, as described above, Avista will be governed by its own board and operated by its own management after the merger. Hydro One and Avista, along with the rest of the Oregon Parties, developed the Settlement Stipulation to ensure that Avista could not be negatively impacted in any way by any of the hypothetical events described in the previous sections. If any of the above-described hypothetical events were to occur, Hydro One would still be legally obligated to comply with the Stipulation in this docket, the settlements it has reached in Washington, Montana, and ldaho, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska's June 4, 2018 order approving this merger, the Montana Public Service Commission's forthcoming order approving this merger, and any orders approving this merger issued by this Commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, and the Idaho Public Utility Commission. As a result, all of the protections described above that have been built into the Stipulation to ensure that Avista will continue as a financially sound, stand-alone utility will bind Hydro One regardless of political developments (e.g., Avista's independent board, financial ring-fencing, capital support). Furthermore, through the Stipulation in this proceeding and the settlements in Washington and ldaho, Hydro One and HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 12 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 12 of 13 I 40 Avista have committed that none of the commitments in the settlements can be amended without approval from Avista's state regulators. See Stipulation Commitment No. 2. Finally, the Stipulation in this docket confirms that the Commission will continue to regulate Avista as it always has to ensure that Avista's customers are protected and continue to pay fair, jusf and reasonable rates. ,See Stipulation Commitment Nos. U-71,1l0-l 14. DATED: June 19,2018. K&L GATES LLP on Behalf of Hydro One Limited and Olympus Equity LLC AVISTA CORPORATION //2 47orrax Elizabeth Thomas, Partner (admitted pro hac vice) Kari Vander Stoep, Partner (admitted pro hac vice) 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-l158 1., iz. thom as(g) k I gates. com kari.vanderstoep@k I sates.conr David J. Meyer, OSB No. 086383 Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Ave., MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-372? Dav id.mcyer@av istacorp.conr rryDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14, 2018 BENCH REQLIEST - 13 501608826 vB Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 13 of 13 ry EXHIBIT A AVISTAAND HYDRO ONE JOINT COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF OREGON uM 1897 In the Matter of the Application of Hydro ) One Limited (acting through its indirect ) subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC) for an ) Order Authorizing Hydro One Limited To ) Exercise Substantial Influence Over the ) Policies and Actions of Avista Corporation ) HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14.2018 BENCH REQUEST 2 Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One") provides the following response to Administrative Law Judge Patrick Power's Bench Request issued on June 14,2018. I. BENCH REOUEST The Bench Request requires Hydro One to file a report on the following issues: (l) implications of the recent Ontario election for (a) the future management and plans of Hydro One, and (b) Hydro One's acquisition of Avista; (2) aplan for keeping the Oregon Public Utility Commission ("OPUC" orooCommission") informed on a timely basis as to new developments; and (3) what further measures might be necessary to fully develop the record if material changes are made in Hydro One's management or Board of Directors ("Board"). II. BACKGROUND Hydro One provides the following information as context to the specifics of its response to the Bench Request. A. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO'S ROLE AS HYDRO ONB'S LARGBST SHAREHOLDER Until 2015, Hydro One Inc. was owned by the Province of Ontario and referred to as a Crown Corporation. Hydro One, a new holding corporation, was incorporated by the Province HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLrNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - I 501608826 v8 3 4 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 1 of 13 I 5 of Ontario on August 31,2015, under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). On October 30, 2015, Hydro One's articles of incorporation were amended to authorize the creation of an unlimited number of Series I preferred shares and an unlimited number of Series 2 preferred shares, with the Series I preferred sharesto be issued to the Province. On October 31,2015,all of the issued and outstanding shares of Hydro One Inc. were acquired by Hydro One from the Province in exchange for the issuance to the Province of common shares and Series I preferred shares of Hydro One. On November 4,2015, the articles of Hydro One were amended to authorize the consolidation of its outstanding common shares such that 595,000,000 common shares of Hydro One were issued and outstanding. The preferred shares continue to be outstanding. On November 5,2015, Hydro One completed its initial public offering ("IPO") on the Toronto Stock Exchange by way of secondary offering of common shares by the Province of Ontario, with the goal that, over time, approximately 60%o of Hydro One would be held by private investors. Today, Hydro One is a public company traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "H." As at June 12,2018, the Province owned 282,412,648 common shares of Hydro One, representing approximately 47.4Yo of the common shares. Following conversion of the convertible debentures issued to finance Hydro One's acquisition of Avista, the Province will hold less than 43Yo of Hydro One's outstanding stock. The 2015 amendments to the Ontario Electricity Act, 1998 restricts the Province from selling voting securities (including common shares of Hydro One) if it would own less than 40%o of the outstanding number of voting securities of that class or series after the sale. If as a result of the issuance of additional voting securities of any class or series by Hydro One, the Province would own less than 40Yo of the outstanding number of voting securities of that class or series, HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 2 501608826 v8 6 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 2 of 13 7 then the Province shall, subject to certain requirements, take steps to acquire as many voting securities of that class or series of voting securities as are necessary to increase the Province's ownership to not less than 40%o of the outstanding number of voting securities of that class or series. In order to assist the Province in meeting its ownership obligations under the Electricity Act, 1998, under the Governance Agreement with the Province, Hydro One has granted the Province a pre-emptive right to subscribe for and purchase up to 45o/o of any proposed issuance by Hydro One of voting securities or securities that are convertible or exchangeable into voting securities (other than certain specified excluded issuances). Any offered securities not subscribed for and purchased by the Province pursuant to its pre-emptive right may be issued to any other person pursuant to the proposed offering. Hydro One's Board consists of Hydro One's CEO and, in addition, 13 independent directors who must be, and are, independent of both Hydro One and the Province of Ontario. The Governance Agreement ensures autonomous commercial operations, with the Province of Ontario limited to acting as an investor and not a manager. B. GOVERNANCE AGREBMENT BETWEEN HYDRO ONE ANDPW The Governance Agreement between Hydro One and the Province of Ontario (Attachment A to this Response to Bench Request) is a binding contract that was a pre-requisite for Hydro One's IPO. The Province of Ontario understood that Hydro One would not succeed as an investor-owned utility and would lose the trust of its investors if the Province were to meddle in the running of Hydro One's business. As a result, the Province entered into the Governance Agreement to provide the investment and financial communities the assurance that Hydro One HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 3 501608826 v8 8 9 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 3 of 13 t0 12 will operate like any other investor-owned utility, even though the Province will likely continue - strictly as an investor - to own at least 40%o of Hydro One's shares. The Hydro One Board, and not the Province, is responsible for supervising the management of Hydro One's business and affairs. (Governance Agreement ("GA") 2.1.2 and 2.3) The Province is involved in Hydro One as an investor and not as a manager. (GA 2.1 .3) The Province has no role in the processes of appointment, removal, replacement, and compensation relating to executive officers or related succession planning. Hydro One neither takes direction nor seeks consent for its operations from the government of Ontario, outside of the defined regulatory and oversight authority that the government has over the electricity sector. (GA 2.1.3; 2.2) While a 40o/o or more shareholder of a corporation under most circumstances could control the entire composition of the corporation's board, the Governance Agreement prevents the Province from exercising similar influence over Hydro One. A Nominating and Governance Commiffee nominates directors and advises the Board regarding its stewardship role in the management of Hydro One. (GA 3.5). The Board consists of a minimum of l0 and a maximum of 15 members and is comprised as follows: (i) the CEO is proposed for election, (ii) the Province nominates 40o/o of directors (or its proportionate share, whichever is less) proposed for election,l and (iii) the Nominating and Governance Committee nominates the remaining directors proposed for election. (GA 3.3.1 ; 4.1 .1) Other than the CEO, each director must be independent of Hydro One and the Province. (GA 4.2.2; 4.2.3) Directors must be high-quality, reputable, experienced leaders with the I If the Province is diluted below 407o, there will be a minimum 24-month "cure period" before any reduction in its permitted number of nominees occurs. (GA 4.8). In any event, these directors must be independent of the Province and Hydro One. HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLINE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 4 501508826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 4 of 13 13 14 requisite skills, board experience, time, and motivation foran operation of Hydro One's size and scope. Directors are also chosen in light of Hydro One's core operating principles. (GA 4.2.1) Directors must meet the requirements of applicable securities and other laws and any stock exchange on which Hydro One securities are listed. (GA 4.2.4) The Governance Agreement limits the Province's shareholder rights. The Province cannot initiate fundamental changes to Hydro One described in Part XIV of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (e.g., amendment to articles, continuance, arrangements, and amalgamations). (GA 2.5) The Province may vote its shares as it sees fit in the event a fundamental change is initiated by another shareholder. (GA 2.5) The Province cannot solicit (either on its own or acting with others) any person to exercise rights as a shareholder in a manner that the Province would be prohibited from doing directly. (GA 2.6). The Governance Agreement may be terminated only with the mutual agreement of both parties. (GA 8.4) C. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION COMMITMENTS: GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL RING-FENCING SEPARATE AVISTA FROM HYDRO ONE Hydro One, Avista, OPUC Staff, the Citizens' Utility Board, Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, and the Oregon and Southern Oregon District Council of Laborers (collectively, the "Parties") filed a Settlement Stipulation on May 25, 2018. The Parties negotiated numerous commitments designed to provide governance and financial ring-fencing between Avista and Hydro One. Certain of these merger commitments were developed to ensure that Avista cannot be subjected to political interference or influence by the Province of Ontario and bolster the protections already provided by the Govemance Agreement. First, Avista will have a nine-member board separate from Hydro One that will govern Avista's management and operations. Three of the five Avista directors selected by Hydro One HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLINE 14,20I8 BENCH REQUEST - 5 501608826 v8 t5 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 5 of 13 t6 t7 18 t9 2t 20 (not by the Province) must be independent under NYSE rules. Further, those three directors must be residents of the Pacific Northwest. Two of the four directors selected by Avista must be independent under NYSE rules. ,See Stipulation Commitment No. 5. As a result, the Province will not be able to exercise any control over Avista through selection of Avista's board. Second, Avista's CEO must be selected by Avista's board -- not Hydro One or the Province. See Stipulation Commitment No. 4. Third, Olympus Equity LLC's three-member board must include one independent director. See Stipulation Commitment No. 6. Fourth, Avista's executive management will remain in place and must be selected by Avista's board -- not Hydro One. See Stipulation Commitment No.4. Fifth, Avista's employees will be retained. See Stipulation Commitment Nos. I l, 12,79, 80. Sixth, Hydro One is required to provide Avista with enough equity so that Avista can access debt on reasonable terms. ,See Stipulation Commitment Nos. 44, 47. Therefore, the Province cannot deprive Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. Seventh, Avista will continue to have its own credit ratings. Hydro One is required to provide Avista with sufficient equity to ensure that Avista's credit ratings remain investment grade. See Stipulation Commitment Nos. 45, 48. Therefore, again, the Province cannot deprive Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. Eiehth, Avista will be prohibited from issuing dividends if certain financial metrics relating to the equity floor, credit ratings and debt coverage are not met. Basically, this operates to keep retained earnings at the Avista level where they will improve Avista's financial strength. HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,20r8 BENCH REQUEST - 6 501608826 v8 22 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 6 of 13 z5 See Stipulation Commitment No. 50. This too prevents the Province from depriving Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit of the Province. Ninth, several of the Stipulation commitments protect Avista from being drawn into bankruptcy proceedings that are not in the best interest of Avista and its customers. Avista will issue a single share of preferred stock referred to as the Golden Share to an independent third party. The vote of this share will be required to place Avista into voluntary bankruptcy. See Stipulation Commitment No. 55. Further, Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy would require the consent of a fwo-thirds majority of all of its directors, including the affirmative vote of a majority of the Independent Directors at Avista, which would have to include the affirmative vote of at least two Avista-designated Independent Directors. See Stipulation Commitment No. 56. Hydro One and Avista must also provide a non-consolidation opinion to confirm the effectiveness of the ring-fencing measures to prevent the substantive consolidation of the assets and liabilities of Avista with those of the entities above it in the corporate chain of ownership. See Stipulation Commitment No. 57. The corporate structure also includes Olympus Equity LLC, a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity that will have no debt. See Stipulation Commitment No. 58. Therefore, the Province cannot obtain Avista's capital and assets through a bankruptcy proceeding unless that would be in the best interests of Avista's customers. Tenth, Avista's utility assets can be pledged only for the benefit of Avista, not Hydro One. See Stipulation Commitment No. 59. Therefore, the Province cannot strip Avista of its capital and assets for the benefit ofthe Province. III. RESULTS OF ONTARIO ELECTION On June 7,2018, voters in the Province of Ontario elected a new government that will be led by the Progressive Conservative Party, replacing the Liberal government led by Kathleen HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,20r8 BENCH REQUEST - 7 501608826 vB 25 Page 7 of '13Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement 26 27 28 Wynne. The Premier-Designate is Doug Ford. The Ontario Premier is the equivalent of a state governor in the United States. The new government will be sworn in on June 29,2018. Mr. Ford has suggested that he is going to call the provincial legislature back into session during the month of July to address several priority issues that arose during the campaign. Normally the provincial legislature would not reconvene until fall. On Friday, June 15,2018, Mr. Ford stated that his top priority is to dismantle Ontario's cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions and repeal the carbon tax. Mr. Ford also wants to pass legislation that will end a strike at Toronto's York University. During the campaign, Mr. Ford stated that he wanted to remove Hydro One's CEO Mayo Schmidt and some or all of the members of Hydro One's Board of Directors. On Friday, June 15,2018, Mr. Ford made a statement reiterating his intention to remove Mr. Schmidt. We do not know whether or how Mr. Ford will attempt to follow through on these statements. During the campaign, members of the New Democratic Party stated that they would try to "bring Hydro One back into public hands" by buying back some orall of Hydro One's shares held by entities other than the Province; the precise mechanism by which this would be accomplished was never revealed. The New Democratic Party did not win enough seats to control the provincial government, nor offset the majority of seats now held by the Progressive Conservatives in Ontario's Legislative Assembly. Even if a party were to attempt this in the future, the Governance Agreement would make this more complex than simply buying back shares, as it prevents the Province from buying any additional shares if it owns more than 45%o of Hydro One. Mr. Ford and other members of the Progressive Conservative Party have not suggested that they will pursue a policy of returning Hydro One to Crown Corporation status and HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 8 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joinl Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page I of 13 29 30 3l had made statements throughout the campaign generally supportive of privatization in Ontario's energy sector. IV. PROCESS FOR REMOVAL OF HYDRO ONE BOARD OR HYDRO ONE CEO If Mr. Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party wished to seek to remove some or all of Hydro One's Board and its CEO, they could accomplish these objectives in one of two ways: (1) procedures established by the Governance Agreement, or (2) legislation. As explained above, the Governance Agreement establishes an independent Hydro One Board with the following features: the CEO is selected by the Board (not the Province), the Province nominates 40Yoof the Board's directors (or its proportionate share, whichever is less) proposed for election, the Nominating and Governance Committee (now known as the "Govemance Committee") nominates the remaining directors proposed for election, and other than the CEO, each director must be independent of Hydro One and the Province. The Province has no role in the processes of appointment, removal, replacement, and compensation relating to executive officers or over related succession planning. In order to remove the Hydro One Board, the Province must follow the procedures in Article 4.7 of the Governance Agreement: (l) serve a Removal Notice on Hydro One requesting the removal of Hydro One's Board at a shareholder meeting (the Removal Notice does not apply to Hydro One's CEO even though he is a Board member; the Province also can exempt the chair of Board from its Removal Notice) (GA 4.7.1); (2) the chair of the Board will establish a committee comprising representatives of Hydro One's five largest shareholders, except the Province (the "Ad Hoc Nominating Committee") (GA 4.7.2); (3) the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee and the Province will work together to develop a slate of new Board members to be considered at an upcoming shareholder meeting (the "Removal Meeting") (GA a.7.3); (4) once HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - 9 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 9 of 13 32 33 34 the slate of new Board members is established, the shareholder Removal Meeting must be held within 60 days (GA a.7 .9; and (5) at the Removal Meeting, the Province must vote in favor of the slate of new Board members established by the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee and the Province (GA 4.7.6). Under the Article 4.7 procedures, Hydro One's shareholders must remove the entire Hydro One Board; they cannot remove just certain Board members. (GA 4.7.1) Further, the Board cannot be replaced with any board members who were part of the previous Board. (GA 4.7.3) All nominees must be vetted by the Ad Hoc Nominating Committee and must meet the stringent qualification standards set in the Govemance Agreement. (GA 4.7.3 and 4.3) Article 4.7 does not permit shareholders to hire or fire Hydro One's CEO or other members of its management team. (GA 4.7.1) Article 4.7 simply provides a process by which Hydro One's shareholders can install a new Board. Although the Province cannot remove the CEO, presumably the new Board installed pursuant to Article 4.7 procedures could take steps to consider removing the CEO if the Province triggers this process. As an alternative to following the Article 4.7 procedures in the Governance Agreement, Mr. Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party could attempt to pass legislation during the upcoming legislative session that would give the Province the authority to remove and replace the Hydro One CEO and/or its Board. We do not know whether Mr. Ford and his party will pursue such legislation, and we do not know what provisions and procedures would be included in that legislation to effect the removal of the Hydro One CEO and/or the Board. HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLrNE 14,2018 BENCH REQUEST - l0 501608826 v8 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 10 of 13 35 36 V. REPORTS ON FUTURE POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN ONTARIO Hydro One's plan for keeping the Commission informed on a timely basis as to new developments in Ontario and the management of Hydro One is as follows. Hydro One respectfully requests that each report filed pursuant to the plan described below be included as part of the record in this docket. Hydro One will file reports in this docket (until the docket is closed) whenever a significant event occurs or statement is made by the Province's new leadership that provides further new insight regarding the future of Hydro One's executive leadership and/or Board. The next scheduled significant event would be the convening of the provincial legislature in July if Mr. Ford follows through on his proposal to reconvene the legislature before the regular session this fall or any media statements in the interim period containing new and significant insight into the government's plans with regard to Hydro One. Hydro One will file reports regarding any legislation that is proposed or statements made prior to or during that session regarding Hydro One's executive leadership and Board. Further, Hydro One also will file reports on any significant public statements made by the Province's new leadership that provide new insight regarding the future of Hydro One's executive leadership and Board. Finally, Hydro One will file reports on any efforts made by the Province to trigger the procedures in Article 4.7 of the Governance Agreement to replace Hydro One's Board. VI. CONCLUSION The Province could trigger the provisions in Article 4.7 of the Governance Agreement to replace Hydro One's Board or the Province's new leadership could introduce legislation for the purpose of dismissing Hydro One's CEO or members of the Board. These are just possibilities, HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JUNE 14, 2018 BENCH REQUEST - I I 501608826 v8 37 Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 11 of 13 38 39 but even if they were to come to pass, Hydro One, Avista, and the other Parties in this docket have included governance and financial ring-fencing in the Settlement Stipulation that will protect Avista and its customers. Even if Hydro One's CEO and Board are replaced, that would not change anything with respect to Avista as established by the Parties in their Settlement Stipulation. Even if Mr. Ford succeeded in removing Hydro One's CEO or Board, such actions would not diminish Hydro One's deep and highly experienced management and its ability to successfully operate Hydro One's business and be an owner of Avista. Furthermore, as described above, Avista will be governed by its own board and operated by its own management after the merger. Hydro One and Avista, along with the rest of the Oregon Parties, developed the Settlement Stipulation to ensure that Avista could not be negatively impacted in any way by any of the hypothetical events described in the previous sections. If any of the above-described hypothetical events were to occur, Hydro One would still be legally obligated to comply with the Stipulation in this docket, the settlements it has reached in Washington, Montana, and Idaho, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska's June 4,2018 order approving this merger, the Montana Public Service Commission's forthcoming order approving this merger, and any orders approving this merger issued by this Commission, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, and the Idaho Public Utility Commission. As a result, all of the protections described above that have been built into the Stipulation to ensure that Avista will continue as a financially sound, stand-alone utility will bind Hydro One regardless of political developments (e.g., Avista's independent board, financial ring-fencing, capital support). Furthermore, through the Stipulation in this proceeding and the settlements in Washington and ldaho, Hydro One and Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 12 of '13 HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JLTNE 14,20I8 BENCH REQUEST - 12 501608826 v8 40 Avista have committed that none of the commitments in the settlements can be amended without approval from Avista's state regulators. See Stipulation Commitment No. 2. Finally, the Stipulation in this docket confirms that the Commission will continue to regulate Avista as it always has to ensure that Avista's customers are protected and continue to pay fair, jus! and reasonable rates. ,See Stipulation Commitment Nos. 64-71,1l0-l 14. DATED: June 19,2018. K&L GATES LLP on Behalf of Hydro One Limited and Olympus Equity LLC %Lowax AVISTA CORPORATION By Elizabeth Thomas, Partner (admitted pro hac vice) Kari Vander Stoep, Partner (admitted pro hac vice) 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-l158 I., iz. thorn as(rD.k I gates. com kari.vanderstoep@k I sates.corn HYDRO ONE LIMITED'S RESPONSE TO JI'rNE 14,2OI8 BENCH REQUEST. 13 501608825 v8 David J. Meyer, OSB No. 086383 Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Ave., MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 David.mcyer@av istacorp.corn Exhibit A to Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Page 13 of '1 3 /n ry