HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170914Ehrbar Exhibit 7.pdfON BETIAI.E OE AVISTA CORPORATION DAV]D J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFATRS P.O. BOX 3121 141-1. EAST MTSSION AVENUE SPoKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3121 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4376 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAV] D . MEYERGAV] STACORP . COM ON BETIATF OF HYDRO ONE I.IMITED EL]ZABETH THOMAS, PARTNER KARI VANDER STOEP, PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 EOURTH AVENUE, SUrTE 2900 SEATTLE, WA 981014-1158 TELEPHONE: (206) 623-7580 FACSIMILE: (206) 370-6190 LI Z . THOMASGKLGATES . COM KARI . VANDERSTOEPGKLGATES . COM BEEORE THE IDAHO PT'BLIC UTII,ITIES COMMISSION rN THE MATTER OF THE JO]NT APPLICATION OF HYDRO ONE LTM]TED (ACTING THROUGH ]TS INDIRECT SUBSIDIARY, OLYMPUS EQUITY LLC) AND AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING PROPOSED TRANSACTION CASE CASE NO. NO. AVU-E- 17 -_q_? AVU-G-17-OE EXHTBIT NO. 7 PATRICK D. EHRBAR FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) Avista Utilities Utility Allocator for CD AA (7) Four Factor Allocation for Electric & All Gas For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2016 Total Electric Gas North oreson---- Notesl Direct Non-Labor O&M (Accts 500-894) A&G - ED & GD (Accts 901-935) A&G - CD (Accts 901-935) $72,715,941 43,334,872 4,567,936 $61,020,528 29,783,317 3,141,860 $7,373,519 9,075,029 1,426,076 $4,321,894 4,476,526 (1,2) (2) (2) Adjustments Adjustments Total $120,618,749 100.000% $93,945,705 77.887% $17,874,624 14.819% $8,798,420 7.294%Percentage Direct Labor O&M (Accts 500-894) A&G - ED & GD (Accts 901-935) A&G - CD (Accts 901-935) Total $74,847 ,276 $5s,802,150 $13,705,913 $5,339,2135,876,743 3,640,91 1 291,467 1,944,36511,494,963 7,690,233 3,804,730 - $92,218,982 $67,133,294 $17,802,1 10 $7,283,578 100.000% 72.7980/o 19.304% 7.8980/oPercentage Year End Customers a|12131116 Washington ldaho Oregon Total 406,454 210,653 100,472 247,777 129,508 158,677 81,145 100,472 Percentage 717,579 100.000% 377,285 52.577% 239,822 (5,562.00) 33.421% 100,472 14.002o/o Net Direct Plant (Ending Balance at 12131116)Amount $3,243,965,315 $2,531 ,901,896 78.050% $46'r,825,314 14.2360/o $250,238,105 7.714o/oPercentage100.000% Four Factor Total 400.000%281.312%81.780%36.908% (1) Excludes Resource Costs: Electric - 501 , 547 , 555,557, 565 & Gas 804, 805, 808, 81 1 (2) Excludes Labor Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-_ and AVU-G-17-- P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 1, Page 1 of 3 100Ave Avista Utilities Factor No. 4 - Allocation for Electric For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2016 Direct Non-Labor O&M (Accts 500-894) A&G - ED & GD (Accts 901-935) A&G - CD (Accts 901-935) Net Percentage Direct Labor O&M (Accts 500-894) A&G - ED & GD (Accts 901-935) A&G - CD (Accts 901-935) Net Percentage Year End Customers a|12131116 Amount Washington ldaho NotesTotal Electric $19,878,625 25,456,934 1,706,431 $13,041 ,456 18,532,681 1,240,806 $6,837,169 6,924,253 465,625 (1,2) (2) (2) $47,041,990 100.000% $1 3,1 00, 1 58 674,582 5,657,439 $32,814,943 69.757% $8,869,997 436,117 4,543,331 $14,227,047 30.243% $4,230,161 238,465 1,114,108 $19,432,179 100.000% 377,285 100.000% $13,849,445 71.271o/o 247,777 65.674% $5,582,734 28.7290/o 129,508 34.3260/oPercentage Net Direct Plant (Ending Balance at12131116)Amount $1,072,965,542 $712,213,744 $360,751,798 Total Percentage $1,072,965,542 100.000% $712,213,744 66.378% $360,751,798 33.622% Four Factor Total 400.000%273.080o/o 126.920o/o 31.7.27 (1) Excludes Resource Costs: Accounts 501, 547,555 & 557 (2) Excludes Labor Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-_ and AVU-G-17-- P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 1, Page 2 of 3 Avista Utilities Factor No. 4 - Allocation for Gas North For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2016 Direct Non-Labor O&M (Accts 500-894) A&G - ED & GD (Accts 901-935) A&G - CD (Accts 901-935) Net Percentage Direct Labor O&M (Accts 500-894) A&G - ED & GD (Accts 901-935) A&G - CD (Accts 901-935) Net Percentage Year End Customers a112131116 Percentage Net Direct Plant (Ending Balance a|12131116 Net Direct Plant After Adjustments Percentage Four Factor Total Total Gas North Washington ldaho $5,323,361 $3,454,6s9 $1,868,7028,599,184 7,310,016 1,289,168817,261 624,408 192,853 $14,739,806 $11,389,083 $3,350,723 100.000%77.268%22.732o/o Notes 1,2) (2) (2) $9,086,688 225,934 3,013,024 $6,100,791 183,994 2,445,792 $2,985,897 41,940 567,232 $12,325,646 100.000% 239,822 100.000% $428,218,603 $8,730,577 70.833%o 158,677 66.1640/o $286,411,181 $3,595,069 29.167% 81,145 33.836% $141,807,422 $428,218,603 100.000% $286,411,181 66.884% $141,807,422 33.116% 400.000%281.149%118.851% (1) Excludes Resource Costs: Accounts 804, 805, 808, 81 1 (2) Excludes Labor Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-_ and AVU-G-17-_ P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 1, Page 3 of 3 Derivation of Rate Credit Applicable to Services and Jurisdictions Rate Credit s2,650,000 WA, OR,ID Operations l. Spread based on Factor 7 - Allocation of Common Costs for all Services and Jurisdictions Factor 7 Electric Operations Natural Gas Operations (WA & ID) Natural Gas Operations (Oregon) Total 70.328% 20.44s% 9.227% 100.000% sl,863,692 $541,793 $244,5r5 $2,650,000 Electric Operations (Electric Factor 4) Washington Electric Idaho Electric Total 68.270% 3r.730% 100.000% sL,272,343 $591,349 $1,863,692 Natural Gas Operations (WA & ID) (Gas Factor 4) Washington Natural Gas 70.287% Idaho Natural Gas 29.713% Total 100.000% $380,810 $ 160,983 $541,793 Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-_ and AVU-G-17-_ P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 2, Page 7 of 2 WA Electric ID Electric WA Natural Gas Total sl,272,343 $591,349 $380,810 $160,983 $244,5t5 Natural Gas R Natural Gas NI6Nr l;=zFl.?- Ptr E ^u{r€dU>E<qN ot* .-, ol< r l 6ozooU888ooodidiooo 40a@ 6'eodXm60@6@oo69iYhdOY6Crmo 4q40 @ ,H eo ot oqo o .i@u1 NoX60Nooo NNdoootdt od o,q o 0@o4@ 6o)sAG'oN>RNO@6Ho$NNOd@HoONui^ixieddicio@dilYrs@N€,rNO@NNNHd o@o40 qo}€66'oqlR@oooNodrolo-oq@-!!o-e^ldd9oNO€mqo@@Ndoo@@NNN4m+< o@0q4 @oXAA'or*moo660i@@ooooooNdiuicicicir'dcidro(b@4oH{dHdNOooddNm@@ @44@4 ooNUqOJA,"lcooi.oEHqPOEEgEgE=?eFvoesbHtroioh>5iiouc -36ESq-P!@=oUEEA2bFfrsgtrE-agiro_oE=rotai:gr9:;l!oo=x:Es#o*E=@=EX.s*EeE:Ein<i9dz-Esg!!agasooooo9E9-:LOddEOrdu ori 39xtLI< AaorGo600-@ooo::@!<@NAYOO=crr@ mm 406@ GAosGNNON-doo@:,: E R giiCUIU1h6 o4040 No>RaAoNG600NNoN:i@oNmoo@,i,+dYNO:NOg@9Fd=i90NCr@@N@ooooooHdddjo0ooo 6ole6'AoHG600t900-ron6mO-@-ndi+qija.oNAN@oooo@=@-ul!9gqs-o@oor$$sO-NNN m40464 +olS60r60s o6d@N\@-om OU zu dLFO OU ?uETFO6 U @oE!lo !u ()>a ONa;z?o:,rxEV ^uE5uE)U]@O 66AOaaengo!Qo-o-nSHR$doNioi oidd @o4q milo@= 5E3RdoooddNN @o00 NdON- +YdoNYNOYHOrO NN66 @o04 6doN-9004:.6-mm^6YOO=o66 rNo6 moX60m@oNo$Ndo@- $-@h @oSdo@oorr:uir ul '1@oc,d No;Rooo@ooui @- qtN$o- 01oo@d NoX90N.1 0-nodd6NN90Fa .i @ oo>q606hodoo' Gi uiod ui F:r6 FoF o f (El(,l_t6lLI3l 6lzl el 6'oiE9=nobEg OqPEEii.-a:6<vZEEg:o6s>=u?o(JcpS6,3So .. ! tH E EE gE Egro-oEx€.!iEE:Ei o=xcFar0od=6lgPEFTz:.-EEH::E?E*EmH;HApAsF6LEECqO9 ?N?d3+o-x= '-I < to Ps<iodUFh N Zi>3fd-U Ud>o zu 3d XU a i.iz=U](,O(,!9J!ilH UAQ ZNU.(r-.(,(9o Xq <dd:U! =a )a FJz) OUi-UU J F F o fo 9l'=l EI(ul UI el E! c o 6 o a d oLUo 63 l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Sheet 73 Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-_ & AVU-G-17-_ P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 4,Page1 ol2 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 73 MERGER RATE CREDIT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has electric service available. This Merger Rate Credit shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This rate credit is designed to reflect benefits attributable to the merger between Hydro One and Avista. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be decreased by the following amounts::-.:3 i"rt Schedules'l Schedules 11 & 12 Schedules 21 &22 Schedules 25 Schedules 25P Schedules 31 &32 Schedules 41 - 48 0.0220, per kWh O.O24O, per kWh 0.0190 per kWh 0.0120, per kWh 0.0110 per kWh 0.0220, per kWh 0.0890 per kWh ./l ifi::.E C:) TERM: The Merger Rate Credit will be in effect for a ten-year period as provided for in the Joint Application filed in Case No. AVU-E-17-_, but is subject to change upon Commission approval. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Effective (Upon CommissionApproval)lssued TBD Avista AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 173 MERGER RATE CREDIT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This Merger Rate Credit shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, 112, 131, 132, and 146. This rate credit is designed to reflect benefits attributable to the merger between Hydro One and Avista. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be decreased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 & 102 Schedule 111 & 112 Schedule 131 & 132 Schedule 146 $0.00225 per Therm $0.00116 per Therm $0.00116 per Therm $0.00054 per Therm TERM: The Merger Rate Credit will be in effect for a ten-year period as provided for in the Joint Application filed in Case No. AVU-G-17--, but is subject to change upon Commission approval. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 1 58. Effective (Upon CommissionApproval)lssued TBD l.P.U.C. No.27 al Sheet 173 ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-_ & AVU-G-17-_ P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 4,Page2of 2 By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood Date: September 7,2017 To: From: All Employees Kelly Norwood Subject: Protocol for Direct Assignment of Costs Associated with Hydro One's Acquisition of Avista Corp. Accountine for Costs Related to Hvdro One Prior to Closins Prior to the date of closing of the Hydro One's acquisition of Avista Corp, presently anticipated to be in the second half of 2018, all costs associated with due diligence and other activities will continue to be recorded below the line to a non-utility account (FERC Account No. 426500). The following table summarizes the accounting for such expenses: FERC Acct Senice Jurisdicition FERC Acct Descriotion Project Number Pmiect Description Dcbit 426500 ZZ ZZ Miscelhneous Income Deduction 77705316 Hydro One Avista Acquisition XXXX Direct Assienment of Costs to Hvdro One Post-Closinq Following the date of closing, to the extent Avista employees dedicate time and incr.r costs supporting the operation of Hydro One, those costs would be separately tracked and directly assigned to Hydro One.l/ 2 ln the future, if opportunities arise for the consolidation of certain Avista and Hydro One utility functions, where the utilities have an opportunity to benefit &om specialized expertise or to achieve efficiencies, the following situations may arise whereby Administrative Services may be provided between and among the Company and its Utilities, a) the Companies may directly assign or allocate any corporate or administrative costs, common costs, or costs incurred for the benefit of the Utility or Utilities, to a Utility or the Utilities, b) the Companies may procure any I Time and costs incurred include, but are not limited to activities for the following: a) services by the Board of Directors, and executive, management, professional, technical and clerical employees; b) financial and accounting services, corporate governance and compliancc services, legal services, audit services, information and technolog;r services, treasury services, investor relations services, governmental and regulatory services, human resources services, communications services, payroll processing services, employee benefits participation, procurement and fleet managemenq tax and related services, contract negotiation and adminishation services, insurance and risk management services, environmental services and engineering and technical services; c) the use of office facilities, including but not limited to office space, furniture, equipment, machinery, supplies, computers and computer software, communications equipment, insurance policies and other personal property; d) the use of automobiles, airplanes, other vehicles and equipment; 2 Likewise, if tlydro One employees were to provide support fot Avista's utility operations, such costs would be directly assigred to Avista. The Company expects such assignment of costs, both to Hydro One and from Hydro One, to be relatively small since Avista will continue to operate as a standalone utility. Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17- & AVU-G-17- llPage P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 3, Page I of2 ^/i)liy.lsta corporate or administrative services from a Utility or the Utilities for the Company's benefit, or c) the Companies may procwe any corporate or administrative services from each other or agree to directly assign or allocate common costs to each other.3 With regard to the accounting process for assigning and billing corporate or administrative costs, these employee costs would be charged to suspense accounts (Defened Debit Account No. 186), loaded for benefits, and would then be established as a receivable (FERC Account No. 146) when billed to Hydro One. If other resources are expended during the course of this work, such as travel or consulting services, these costs are also charged to suspense accounts and billed to Hydro One. All colporate services provided, and costs incurred, would be direct billed to Hydro One at cost and no margin or profit shall be included and no assets allocated, provided that any amount billed to Hydro One shall be adjusted to the extent necessary to comply with any U.S. federal or Canadian transfer pricing or similar tax law. Avista will use the same methodology for direct assignment of costs to the proposed Hydro One subsidiary operations, as we currently do for existing subsidiary operations. A summary of the accounting for post-closing costs directly assigned to Hydro One is provided below. Hvdro One Transactions To record transaction when employee charges time or incurs costs related to Hydro One: FERC Pmject llumbcr Preiecl Dc$riplionAcct Scnice .turivlicition t'f.R(l Acct Dcrcription Debit Crcditr86xxx zz ZZ Miscellmeous Defened Debits 777XXXX Sub Billing - Hydro One xxxx To record transaction to establish a receivable from Hvdro One: FERC pmjcct Actt Seraicc .Iurhdicition ff,RC Acc! Dcrcriplion Number Pmiccl Dcscripllon Dcbit Crcdil I46XXX Zz ZZ Accouts Receivable Assoc Compmy - Hydro One 777xfr>< Sub Billing - Hydro One XXXXI86XXX ZZ ZZ Miscellaneous Defened Debits 777ffX)< Sub Billing - Hydro One XXXX To record transaction of a payment made to Avista Corp from Hvdro One: FERC Accl Serrice Jurisdicition Ff,BC Accl Dcrcriplion Prcject Number Ptriccl Dcscrintiqn Ihbil (lrcdil l3 t)o(x l46XXX 7,7. 7":/. ZZ 7.2 Croh AccouB Rcceivsblc Assoc Computy - Hydro Onc 777XX)O< Sub Billing. Hydm Onc xxxx xxxx For questions regarding direct assignment of costs associated with Hydro One or any other subsidiary costs, please contact Jeanne Pluth, Manager of Regulatory Accounting 495-2204, or Jennifer Smith, Senior State and Federal Regulatory Analyst at 495-2098. 3 The Company would file proposals with the Commission as required. Exhibit No. 7 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-_ & AVU-G-17-_ 2lP a ge P.Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 3, Page2 of2