HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180531April PGA.pdfMay 3 1,2018 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of April 2018. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 33886 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-17-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of April, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $614,655.16. Dernand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $82,530.78. The year to date balance in the deferral account (includingboth commodity and demand) is a rebate of $7,877,481.81 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $618,723.13 for a total rebate balance of $200,816.15 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at annette.brandon@avistacom.com or (509) 495-4324. Thank you! Sincerely, Awwetl-eBrawdow Annette Brandon Sr. Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation (: rat =(=c? --1U:'h :E}r N I ilt". --{ rn"'ai Cl) L Ji1-; mfEB 5 IIc/)()u, = fJlL)z. Enclosures /)'i-rtsr,a 1* l, )\.! * -"t \t' :rf o-Eo(\r ia =3C-! 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Rflb Ftryt*al aid goord .fm GSAL€SO.trrit EII,tn!" nrw GSLHSI Rffi (Q!xrct, O,r.:7 FAf I CmrBdity rlr Aa.h[qt El. hadeyrLrcnatcr (ml#!d, WArID &MSrl Tffirorr*idt Rr@rrr Dro lr(sgh O, att WA'IO G$ Firds.t ta,n lnr..I[ /.rhrl (Arlruat lolll Corb ,! Oarrnd l.!.lirdhg mt !a! cotr artoL oD Atl 10,i000 GD lll t0a000 GD Air loaoot 60aN t0aa0 60 ax attaoo Go Al{ arta{o co aN r&?30 30 Ar{ "''.1 t \*ff-?-fii-T.nr. b orrrtr Enrry I liF.aC{.t!} Irrul t OLE 9.1..I ltraarlirllrylltGLESthrI ll,le l-L lll lBt tr OLE $br ta.l!l_t{, ut l r00.s3!29 i t9.t0093!:9)t tt-.t!.r{!.fi t fi2.alJ.tat srt T--ffii I tr.ttr.ltolrl rr tsaadaeffiras.rc*uarl w 0 b cdas. rt t/Janlt? }] ru ilurLlr $tmg! &.t. .rpRAlRlAiN -t!o{!a Al#w*rx Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accounttng trlonth: 201804 Dlrecllon: ALL Senilca Codc: GO Stratogyl ALL Jurl*dlctlonr Altl Dcal fypc: ALL Count r Party: ALL Excluds lntra.Co Hoat Rate: Y Deal |,lumber Excloslong: N PRIOR PERDEAL voLUMETYPE MMBTU CURRE}{T VOLUi'E MMBTU (cREOrT) OES]T CURRE}IT MOT{TH fr!6; 2 Fnrd lrrl.r 0&/03/ra l0r58:12 AiIOd&s$: NUCW ypg.rb}!lcd TOTAL COUITITERPARTY PRIOR PERIOO "\ us0 GO PURCHASE ,l r .,-fr(r \'0 :dI tn*f ti4r2,587. Omlnls Enargy &r.rt.r Plp.lls, ILC bmlnlo Enrrgy Oo.rlff Plp.llm. LLC O.r f nn.0lrim Xsthsrt Cdptrrto. G.r f[n]mlrtl6 tlrythErl Cdpsadoo+lcl Rasr€ar lm. ilqrhErt Plp.fila Cqrpo.aldr t{trrhurt Plp.tlrrt Cdrorauon Nstlwrt Flpalloa Cfipantlon$lvlttf Csrofl UM tlrythfrrt Plp!$nr Csps.llon*Clelt C*nty PUO tlo, I tlfilhrtrrt Plpasn! Corporadmi0uL Errgy ltrtluDg Am.lcr LLC NqthEri Plpr{a. Cor?ffrtton.tl(X RruH tr& ACCTSP ,rccTsP TP&T rPORT TPONT ACCTSP IPORT TPORT TPORT IPORT t185.r}{.0. (81r8.201 i3.33t.fl0.00 lr..70.lt (tr,116,510.m1 (t112,587,00) (tr1?,!{,2,&) $1,850 m i2.4s5,63 tr,r50.m T6nrportatlon AN I A'Yvtsrtr Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accoontlng Month: 20'l80tl Dlrsctlon: ALL Servlco Codo: GO Stratagy: ALL Jurlrdlcllon: AH Doal fypo: ALL Countor Partyl ALL Excluds lntra.Co Haat Rgto: Y Deal Number Excluslans: Itl PRIOR PEROEAL VOLUMETYPE !,MBTU CURRE}TTvoLuuE MI'BTU P.gr: 3PnilDdr: 0SA3/tt 1&56;l? Art0r.6rr.: NUCUTt'llorlftl6rl TOTAL u39 (GREOTT} OEBTT CURREXT iror.lTll 676,033.69) F9..065.7,.' t1 0,r32.20 382.836,.8 COUNTERPARTY GD PURCHASE t{sthErt ilpaaf,r Corpe.tl6*K.lla, Alrmtnum I Cnam]cd Curora0o.r, Nodn[rt Plprsnt ColPsttlo+Pugal 3{nd 8nr9y. lnc, Sp.clr! EE gy - Wstcqrt €nargy lnq Spcctn Emne, - W6tsst Encrgy lne 9p.ct r Ererty - llrajtsffat Enorgy lns T.mcrnrdr Fsllr{{a Plpa Unat Ltd. f,.nrcanldt Fooiti$a PI?r Unil Ltd. TrrnrCrnrdr ll,on 6rt lrsmlllqn Ltd, Trroicrnrdr ll6fl Ga, lmmlrllon Ltd" 001.804001€0-AH-Dt TOTALS: Variablo Tran3fort Chargos AN G.a Tilntnlaaloil X*thHrl Ctrpor.tlor Od Tnntcltrls ,{&th*a CeDoratlon N6$xrt Ptp.*nr Co.por.tlo. SFctr. Emrg, - W6tcoat Ercrgy lne s!.clrl Entrgy - Wslcst Enrrgy lnc. Irercrnrda Fml*la PlSr Unaa Ltd. 001{04002"G0-AN.DL TOTALS Grs Co$t. FX Hadga AX Avtrlr Corporrlto( 00r{04010€o-AN'oL TOTALS: Gas Financlal Derlvatlves AN Ilruho 3@dil.t Ugl LLC Llruho 3rdr{{6 U3A ILC fal&ho 3rsd{.r U3A LLC Mlruho S@rltlfl U9 L.LC WGllr Fillo 8elrlthr, LtC WGI| f.rgo Slsur{ll*r. LLC W.llt F.r!o S*urltllr, Ll. Wc0r Frrto SErrlllr., Ll.C 001{0460060-All.DL TOTALS: PRIOR PERIOD 5?50.47 15a5,*5 11,20r.68 TPORT TFONT ACCTGS ACCTSP TFO'T ACCTGS IPOE' ACCIGS TPORT TPORI ACCtgp TFORT Acctcs rPOiT IPONI {r i 110.13210 F F ,: tr92,r{3.$4 llOt.{r3.5"a .68 139.r.658,"i4 $3S4.65*. r.r 64,502,?3 l?.r22,t2t0 te.12t.3.49l l6,ara.00 18.0:16,87 tt6,06r.06 lc..1r.s t7!3,8.a tr13,&4 ,t r/ t,00 l,o0 s7t3.8{$r,113.62 53?,r?7.66 t?7.?3a.e0 t?7J34 98 t27.?34.9a t2r.?3{.98 t9.,e56.00t i7,s90.5t (tl0:.003.55! 01r.ea7,601 {t13,161,25) 3.06.e05,69 l! ra,t7r.tro (310"'00.r8) 3?57 (l r r,9t7 {tl !tta.1?r.50 {t 0J09. s705.923.29 t705.923.29 ACCTGS FSWPS asu,ps a8yvps rsurps rs$rPs 8Sr{rPS fsrryps SSl4FS Gas Purchasst AN AnrU CorDqr{ts Gas Slorage lfflthdrawal AN Jek.m Polrl. . Ail Oulrtr. lntrup Stqr0! . Alq 00r -804730-G0.All.0L 1OTALS: 00't-808100€o.AH-oL TOTALS: ttl7.t*.y ti7.786.s4 1717./&i.5. t747,t68.5. ,tso,'r lr.grsrotr sroR ttI,{to 2t0 GA5 5(N,ga1 t0,{.94r lr00.rr2.9r s7r6,20 32t,t?9 (59!,8r5) l?66.?0 1700.8?9.1r 1700,E?s.rt (sE79.535 96) AN 001-808200€D-Ail.DL TOTALS: sroR (59!,8r5)(it79,535.git) J&k!6 Pnlrl. - AN cccooo rEo60.E .U ,Htt€oaoEEEG(o6EEE5ti0!rrglatrla[EEE!-r-36iii555cccccE (tcro(att 'ca, Ec Et5btto!oE SE EicO FEEEE t 6* E;?ca 9S €[€ E2ur><-;: o ., .,l*(O o) llAr(o {+ lr\rr, td le.I \aY d! lN6 dr lat .o F lt\ It^(olr)OOOIFlO {O lFto-cr- l(,)-a, c, l('}(o.o llto(, lNtr Iv I Iorooool<l6 rr) llte{- rO- ldr.? d) lrro u, lroN- r\ l(rr-6r lc.l I I --oool-('t (\J l(ocl-q lN-tIN IF(O !t lc,6F lX f.) r |rt I I Iooooolca(\|(o 16ta F- lt.. d d I'r;coF tlo.g c). 14. l\E,o N l@.Hlttdlcl-!rr-r--OFN.,)(\lETFFF(, g o6 E EE Eoo o f!E=ottE*ltt ET #etEoooE*rOE Ei\)\ tO cr co rt o oJo(o cD d) lcL(o * ? lrD->,rrtod ldN (,, (, lLtO..rr. lq(t r l]\ I I6'6o o ol3l.t ro lNo f\r ld)do lcf(oo l!'c,.c lF.lFlL, I I<rrooooloO rO l\t(\ (o ld)dd ln'tRR lENIN I I --oool-(, r\' l(oco_ or- lN_t?(\r lN(oT lorOr lN(, F lit I I .,no-ool-Gr (o {r! lGrt\_ F-_ r'_ l(,t_ln o) t? lotao t',- ct 1(},c) c) lNd ci ld; I I I .D ro rtrto {ola!t ototf, art(\l saft f,,olq a.,ro rt (\. a\a f)(, r.i l(Dt& l6 t:l(ol@-ltq loIOt lroIv-t(ot? 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GI.HlslolEI<l EI(gl EIOIol .51 EI EI EI EIolot<, =t c, c,l cn or (,) crlEECCCC =EE===oooooo(Lo-cL0-6-6. kxxxxxclodror@ozzz2z2 lsF-F.rF,..F-Fr-r(3oooo(tNNNNNN FFTFFF r?FTFf -FFFET t ', l -1 1\a{ura'l6t{+on+laFr..€t(\l(tcroororo(3FTOFOOdciddcjo96466U 66l,t??tlEtsaDtatrr,@.too1l)rtoNNrrFoqrriqqqocroooo,|0969l, .=.= -=; E -=.ct.o.cr.ooo6rrDOrDOOoooooo F Gl 6l (\l all (OOOTN('T*rt rFFrAt{a ->.)E(atr tUtlc(!to gEIx aea) ulS El"EIX {lP eEl: Elg &bl: el6 eEl,' ,{l E E'lE elE GSl* fls E (,? .E oo_ 5t(,z (}(,(1(oN tort!tao c;a 6 6ac;aa .=oo6 (\t(rt o \e =ooo t3 gl f!1tl co oNd(, 4O (o o(\ (l 6 ol 3l*lol slolol €l<tel 6l EI UIotol clol EI 3l olEIol 8l ot ol it olEIrl BtTUIzl olJIot C, d, oczt, o 6o!ct, o a!o ,Ec,,(,o c0 :ouU{ouL,oooE o ootr o-o=oEg8Eas sc€GOE, C,oa c o(,(, Jo co CL t,66)o Srrrr:lW lnteroffice Memorandum Rales and Tariff Adminislration DATE: 5t17t17 TO: Christine Machado. Resource Accounling FROM: Annette Brandon SUBJECT: S-Day Peak Allocator Attached is the latest congecutive $Oay Peak Firm Sates requirernent analysis. This analysis dev€lops the three-year average percefitage of firm saleg gas purchased and delivered for Washington and ldaho. The average is basad on the maximum firm sales requirernents for five consecutive days far each of the pa8t three heating $sa$on$, The calculation method used was approved by the Washington Utilities and Transpoftation Commission in Oocket No. U-89-3105. The following new percenlages for Washington and ldaho should be used effective Nov*mbar't, ?017:l\\Washington ldaho Tolal lf you have any questions about this please call me a|4324. 69 06% 30 $3s" 100.00% Berg, Jenny Fronr: Sent: To: Subject: J N0 rirte changes in April. Thanksl From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Monday, April 30,2018 2:25 PM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com> Subject; Rate Review - April Hi A,nnette, Attached is the rates review workbook for April 2018. No updates were needed in April except for the quarterly FERC lnterest Rate. lf l've missed anything, please let me know. Thank you, Jenny Berg Resource Accounting Analyst ^*Tvrxrra Brandon, Annette Tuesday, May 01, 2018 11:31 AM 8erg, Jenny RE: Rate Review - April rp{rpr*ril, plosts noldy lhe $eft}er arrd dolete lhls aillail tront yorrr tyitem Thar}t }tu CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. The contents of lhis email rnBssaga and any altachrnents a.€ intendad solely for ths addr6sscc(s) and may conlain contidanlial andisr privilogad informalion and may ha logally protected from discl**ure l{ you are not thi inlended recipient of lhis m8ssage 0r an agenl of the intended recipient, or if this message has been addressed to you in enor. pbase immediately ated the sender by reBly email and then delete this inessage and any attachments. 1