HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170728Comments (7).PDFDiane Holt
Sent:Thursday,July 27,2017 8:08 PM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Halt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Miranda Johnson
Name:Miranda Johnson
Case Number:AVU-E-17-04 M V9 I 7 3
Address:53 Krystle Loop
Sagle Id,83860
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:I have to live within my monthly budget.It I don’t work enough hours to cover my expenses than I go withoutthingsinmyhousehold.I pay my bills on time and do the best that I can to live within my means.However,AVISTA hasstatedthattheirfixedcostswerehigherthanexpected.This to me is a budgeting issue.And one that I should not havetopayanincreasedfeeforatthistime.As it stands,my Aviata costs are high enough to impact quality of life.Pleaseconsiderwhatthisdoestofolksonafixedincome,it is impossible to continue to pay increasing costs on something thatweallneedinordertoliveaproductivelife.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 10:42 AM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:MIKE NEHER
CaseNumber:AVUE17O4 —AVU_G!70J
Name of Utility Company:AVISTA
Comment:I oppose the proposed rate increase because it will result with a combined Avista Electric+NG rate increase of16.3%within 2 years,whereas the CPI has been and is projected to continue at around 1%.Avista is aiming to pump itsrevenuetojustifyitsmergerpriceof$53.I also oppose the merger with foreign company HydroOne.There are water
resource treaties with Spokane Tribe and the USA at stake.There is something WRONG that needs to be investigatedwhenconsumerconservation(to save expense)becomes a reason for Avista to raise energy pricing.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 10:42 AM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Shaunna Silvey
Name:Shaunna Silvey
Case Number:AVU-E-17-04 —A V(J I -
Address:2073 Cruze St
Post Falls Idaho,83854
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:I do not support this rate increase,as rates are already ridiculously high.It seems as if every six months,Avista is jacking up prices and making it impossible for its customers to pay their bills.Even on comfort level billing,I still
pay $150 per month for electric (a $50 increase from last year)-without comfort billing its almost $250 per month.As asinglemomwhoworksfulltimeandgoestoschoolfulltime,my funds are extremely limited already.Instead of
increasing prices,why doesn’t Avista cut their CEO’s salaries in half and recoup the money that way.Any good businessownerwilltakethathit,before screwing over their customers and employees.Avista only gets away with this because
they are the only option for power,that the majority of us have.Which brings me to my next topic -those of us who areintheAvistaregion,only have the choice of using avista.We are force to use a company that we do not agree with.Thatrobstheircustomersandlaughswhiledoingit.Something needs to change!
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 11:44 AM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:Paula Hannon
Name:Paula Hannon
Case Number:AVU-E-17-04 PVVO 11 Q
Address:4463 N Echo Glenn
Coeur d Alene ID,83815
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:Regarding Avista asking for a rate increase to collect for fixed costs in the amount of 9.6 million in 2016 due
to decreased consumption which they encourage all of us to do.Therefore we decreased the amount of our bills so nowwewillbepenalizedfornotusingenoughenergy.What?Avista reported a 14 million dollar profit in 2016 and Scott
Morris,CEO earns 4.5 million in 2016 in “performance based incentives.”His performance isn’t very good if he couldn’t
foresee this happening as far as I’m concerned.Why is it whenever companies don’t budget their money they look to
the consumer for a handout.Where should the senior citizens or others who are struggling go for a handout?
Also how come Kootenal Electric has excess money from Fema to upgrade their infrastructure,but somehow Avistadoesn’t?
For what it’s worth,I very strongly oppose a rate increase.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 1:53 PM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:John Kinyon
Name:John Kinyon
Case Number:AVE-E-17-04 —k1U 1 if
Address:4865 S.Greensferry Road
Coeur d Alene Idaho,83814
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:This rate increase is a travesty for the customers of Idaho.The cost of Scott Morris’severance will be more
than the rate increase that Avista is seeking.When companies merge,there are synergie in doing so.Those cost savings
should offset the rate increases now being asked for?Why aren’t they?The cost of power in Canada is twice what it
costs in the US.This is a ponzi scheme to steal away our cheap power for Canada and reduce costs in Ontario.The
merger shouldn’t happen and nor should the FCA or other increase being asked for.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 10:46 AM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:MIKE NEHER
Case Number:AVUG 1703
Name of Utility Company:AVISTA
Comment:I oppose the proposed rate increase because it will result with a combined Avista Electric+NG rate increase of16.3%within 2 years,whereas the CPI has been and is projected to continue at around 1%.Avista is aiming to pump itsrevenuetojustifyitsmergerpriceof$53.I also oppose the merger with foreign company HydroOne.There are waterresourcetreatieswithSpokaneTribeandtheUSAatstake.There is something WRONG that needs to be investigated
when consumer conservation (to save expense)becomes a reason for Avista to raise energy pricing.
Unique Identifier:
Diane Holt
Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 1:45 PM
To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans
Subject:Case Comment Form:R Cole
Name:R Cole
Case Number:AVU -E -17-04 and AVU -G -17 -03
Rathdrum ID,83858
Name of Utility Company:Avista
Comment:With regards to Avista’s request to raise rates due to a warmer than usual winter,which caused a shortfall in
their revenue -As a stay-at-home mother,the reduction in our usage and,thus,our expenses was a blessing!If Avista
needs to fund a shortage in their fixed costs,have them do a journal entry and move money from their bloated salary
line item to the fixed expenses account.Customers shouldn’t have to float a company if mother nature sides with us for
a change.I should pay a reasonable fee for usage -nothing more!
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