HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180831Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMIS SIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIOI\IER RAPER COMMISSIONER AIYDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: JOHNATHAI\ FARLEY DATE: AUGUST 31,20lE STIBJECT:IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN IDAIIO (CASE NOS. AW-F-I7-0UAVU-G-r ?-0r) COMPLIANCE WITH STIPULATION NO. 20 OT SETTLEMENT AGRAEMENT BACKGROT'ND On December 28,2017, the Commission approved a settlement in the Avista general rate case. Order No. 33952. Part of the approved Settlement Agreement reads: 20. Natural Gas Meter Placement Rules. The Company and interested parties will meet and confer to review its meter placement and protection policies and practices and determine based on the agreement of the parties, what additional steps should be taken to revise the Company's current policies and practices. Any necessary changes requiring Commission approval, e.g., tariff revisions, will be submitted by the Company on or before July 1, 2018. On June 25,2018, Avista frled a motion requesting to extend the filing deadline from July 1, 2018, to October l, 2018, to allow sufficient time to complete the work. OrderNo. 34102. Subsequently, Staffand the Company discussed standards, procedures and implementation plans. Both Staffand the Company agree that no tariff revisions are required. No other parties have expressed an interest in this matter. On August 22,2018, Staffperformed a final review of Avista's written materials and discussed the Company's outreach strategy. IDECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 31,20I8 Meter Placement and Protection The Company and Staffdeveloped written materials outlining the proper placement of gas rneter-sets, [n addition to general placement requirements, the Company developed crileria for mitigating hazards posed by fatling snow and ice in areas with heavy snow loads, The Company's new materials include updated placement standards, design criteria for custom meter protection structures, and designaiions of areas considered to be heavy snow load locales. All materials provided to the Commission Staffhave been placed in the AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G- 1 7-01 case files. Public 0utreach The Company developed an outreach strategy to disseminate the new placement and protection materials. The Company also developed engineering criteria for designing custom meter protection sffuctures. Attachment 2. It created a brochure outlining the new meter placement standards and meter protection requirements. Attachment 1. The Company will make copies of the brochure and design criteria available to the public at each of its Customer Project Coordinator offices throughout its Idaho, Washington, and Oregon service territories. In addition, the Company will include the meter placement and protection brochure and the engineering design criteria on its website. The second piece of the Company's outreach strategy is to contact Avista contractors and vendors. The Company has approximately 27,000 contractors and vendors that operate within its service territories in ldaho, Oregon, and Washington. The Company currently sends out a semi- annual newsletter to contactors and vendors in March and October of each year. The Company has indicated that the October 2018 and March 2019 newsletters will address the new meter placement and protection standards and indicate where to find more information on the subject. STAF'F RECOMMEDATION Staff has reviewed all of the Company's submitted materials and believes they fulfill the requirements of the Settlement Agreement. Staff recommends the Commission accept Avista's submitted materials in compliance with Order No. 33952. 2DECISION MEMORANDUM AUCUST 3I,2OI8 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Cornmission accept Avista's submitted materials in compliance with Order No. 33952? Farley Udmemos/Avista Dec Memo AVU-E-I7 4l AVU-G-I 7-01 3DECISTON MEMORANDUM AUGUST 31,20I8 't 4--) t Avista is committed to the safety of our customers. lt's why we have specific requ i rements concerni ng the location of your natural gas meter. This simple guide shows clearances and other important measures to prevent potential hazards and keep everyone safe. ) Any openlng below the meter rervice regulator vent should be at least 1 foot away (foundation vent wlndow, dryer vent etc.) ) Meter servke regulator vent rhould not be within 3 fuet of lg nition sources, including:. electric meter o eledric outlets o electric sruitches. air conditioner condenser. applaance ventsr combustlon air vents to fireplaces andor heating appliances ) The meter servlce regulator vent must be at least 10 feet from mechanical air intakes. > Mete6 should not be located under any porch, deck patio or similar endorure where regulator venting and accessibillty are limited. MECHANICAL AIR INTAKEs, OPERABLE WINDOWS/DOORS APPLIANCE VENT AIR CONDITIONER ELECTRIC METER I lrt DT : rrNr kit-1J -"* OUTLETS, SWTCHES, MOTORS OR OTHER ARCINGAPARKING SOURCES METER SIRVICE REGULATOR \GNT OPENING BELOW METER SERVICE REULATOR VENT Natural Gas lVeter Location Guidelines IAFvrsra Safe clearances -; rln Oregon, electri( provider PP&L requlreg a 3-foot mlnimum horizontal dirtance to any part of the gas meter. ln all other area3. a 3-foot radiel di3tanc€ from the meter seNice r€gulator vent is required imIlf,TIFI ir'rrai"r lr"ptffi from meter service l I regulator vent ] Gas nreter sheltered belclw forward-sloping roof -l I I I) I FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW i ln areas prone to heavy snowfall (see below), protect the meter from snow and ice by locating it under a roof overhang of at least l2 inchcs from the dripline to the front face of the metcr or on the gable end of the bullding. lf this ls not poslble, a snow shed should be lnstalled. Avlsta-provided snow sheds arc thc preferrud optlon. The customer also may build and installthelr own Avlsta-approved snow shed (see dcslgn details rt myavlsta.cony'safety). PLEASE NOTE| Arcs pron. to hllvylnow'rll lnclud. th! folbrylng courttl$: Eonncr (lD). Boundrry (lD), Kl.mrth (OR), lolcklut (wA, rootcnrl (10). bkr (Oi), Ltdr (lD), Llnroln (wN, Shoshone (lD). Spoklnc (WA), ltaru.ru (wA), Unlon (OR) rnd Whhmrn (WN, i Meter should be located withln 3 feet of where the housc llne enters the bullding, and not typically extend more than 1 foot from the bulldlng. ) Meter should be easlly accessible for readlngs and maintcnance. ) Meter should be protectcd from potentlal damage by a vchicle. (lf th. locrtlon ffnnot provlde thls protectlon, Avlsta wlll lnstall a protectlva barricrde or one or morc bollrrds.) Thank you for bohq our p.rtncr ln rafity. For more information go to myavista.com or catl 1.800.227 -9187. Gas meter sheltered below gable roof frrtsta i IRooFl OVERHANGI I I I I I I ,4 I ?4" Gtlltl CustomqPtovided "Snow Shed' D At Avista, we want our customers to be safe. This is why in areas that have the potential to experience heavy snowfall, the gas meter should be installed at the gable end of the building to protect the meter from falling snow and ice. Areas prone to heavy snowfall include the following counties: Bonner (lD), Boundary (lD), Klamath (OR), Klickitat (WA), Kootenai {lD}, Lake (OR), Latah (lD), Lincoln (WA), Shoshone (lD), Spokane (WA), Stevens (WA), Union (OR), and Whitman (WA). lf the meter cannot be installed at the gable end of the building, a "snow shed" must be installed to provide meter protection if the roof overhang is not sufficient to protect the meter from falling snow and ice. A company provlded snow shed is the preferred option; however, customers may elect to install their own cover. Custorners who opt to use their own snow shed are responsible for its design and construction. Avista requires that a customer provided snow shed has a design that is stamped by a Professional Engineer and approved by Avista. Customer provided snow sheds shall be structurally sound and meet all of the requirements discussed below. For any additional information, please call 7-8OO-227-9187. O ,oo oounds oer souare foot lndicates Perimeter of - - r Snow Shed -t-@ r----l \,e oI @t I ) The snow shed shall be designed to withstand a uniform pressure of 500 pounds per square foot distributed over the top suface of the structure. The snow shed must not deform or fai[ under this design load, The snow shed must cover the entire width of the meter set, with an additional 8" (minirnum) on either side to allow The snow shed must be corrosion resistant, through the use of galvanized metals, paint, or other corrosion resistant materials. lt must also be free standing, and cannot be attached to the meter assembly in any way. The snow shed shall allow natural ventilation to mitigate accumulation of naturalgas. The snow shed must provide a minimum of 8" of overhang, measured from the front face of the meter. A minimum of 12" of clearance between the top of the meter set and the snow shed shall be provided. accessibil for maintenance. ( l_ I I l*+