HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171103Lobb Direct in Support of Stipulation.pdfBEFORE THE RECEIVED 20ll li0Y -3 Pll 2: Llr IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMIS$A.N TUBLIO LiTlLl i'l[5 COillMlSSlON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN IDAHO CASE NO. AVU.E.17.O1 AVU-G-17-01 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY LOBB IN SUPPORT OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION NOVEMBER 3, 2017 O. P1ease state your name and business address for the record. A. My name is Randy Lobb and my business address is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. O. By whom are you employed? A. I am employed by the Idaho Public Ut.ilities Commission as Utilities Division Administrator. O. What is your educational and professional background? A. I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Idaho in l-980 and worked for the Idaho Department of Water Resources from June of 1980 Lo November of L987. I received my ldaho license as a registered professional Civil Engineer in 1985 and began work at the ldaho Public Utilities Commission in December of 1"987. I have analyzed utility rate applications, rate design, t,ariff filings and customer petitions. I have testified in numerous proceedings before the Commission including cases dealing with raLe structure, cost of service, power supply, line extensions, regulatory policy and facility acquisitions. My duties at the Commission include case management and oversight. of all technical St.aff assigned to Commission filings. O. What is the purpose of your testj-mony in this case? A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe the CASE NOS t1-/03/1,7 AVU- E-:-7 - 0 1 /AVU- G- 1 7 - 0 1 LOBB, R. (Stipl 1 STAFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 proposed comprehensive settlement in this case and explain Staff's support.. O. Please summarj-ze your testimony. A. Based on Staff's review of the Company's application, detailed identification of revenue requirement adjustments, and thoughtful assessment of litigation and settlement alternatives, Staff bel-ieves that the proposed Stipulated Settlement (Settlement; Stipulation) is in t.he public interest, is fair, just and reasonable and should be approved by the Commission. The two-year rate plan will increase base electric and gas revenues by $12.9 million (5.22) and $1.2 million (2.9*), respectively, on January 1, 20A8, and $4.5 mil-lion (1.9%) and $1.1 million (2.72), respectively, on January a, 20l-9. The Settlement includes a two-year rate case stay-out provisi-on, and provides a reasonable balance between the Company's opport.unity to earn a return and affordable rates for customers. Staff support.s the proposed 9.52 return on equity (ROE) and malntalns that, the class all-ocatj-on proposed in the Settlement properly addresses cost of service concerns raj-se by the various parties by equitably distributing the increased costs based on cost causation. Staff further believes that additional cost of service discussion is warranted and supports the stipulated provision to have such discussions. cAsE NOS. AVU-E-L7-01/AVU-G-17-01Lt/03/17 LOBB, R STAFF 25 (stipl 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 L7 l_8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 The proposed rate design includes a 25 cent per month customer charge increase for residential and small- general service el-ectrj-c customers and a $0.75 per month customer charge increase for natural gas customers. Staff believes this properly spreads the j-ncrease between fixed and commodity charges. Fina11y, Staff supports further investigat.ion of low income weatherization funding by agreeing to evaluate existing programs and funding Ievels and submit a funding proposal to t.he Commission by December 31, 20L7. Staff maintains that the Stipulated Sett.lement signed by five of t.he seven parties to the case was arrived at. through hard bargaining during the settlement conference, the result of compromise by all parties and it should be approved wit,hout change by the Commission. The Stipulated Settlement is attached as Staff Exhibit 101. O. How is your testimony organized? A. My testimony is subdivided under the following headings: Background St.ipulation Overview Staff Invest.igation The Settlement Process Settlement Evaluation Revenue Requirement Allocations and Rate Design Low Income Weatheri-zation Page 4 Page 5 Page 8 Page 10 Page L2 Page 13 Page 18 Page 2L CASE NOS 1,1,/03/17 LOBB, R STAFF AVU- E-17 - 01/AVU- G- l-7 - 01 (stipl 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 l_0 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 l-8 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Other Terms and Conditions Page 22 Background O. Could you please provide a Iittle background on Avista's original filing? A. Yes. The Company filed its applj-cation on ,June 9, 20L7 requestj-ng a two-year rate plan for both electric and natural gas service. The Company proposed t.hat electric base revenues increase by $18.5 million or 7.52 on .Tanuary L, 2Ol8 and $9.9 million or 3.72 on January 1-, 20L9. The Company proposed that natural gas base revenues increase by $3.5 million or 8.8? on,January l, 20t.8, and $2.1 million or 5.0? on January 1, 2019. The Company recommended a 7.81-2 overall rate of return and a 9.9* ROE. The Company proposed a 15? move toward cost of service for the varj-ous electric customer classes in year one and a prorated revenue increase for each electrj-c service schedule in year two. Gas service schedules were proposed to move approximately one third toward cost of service in year one with revenues spread to each customer class on a prorat,ed basis in year two. O. How was the case processed after t.he Company's fJ-Iing was received? A. The Commj-ssion issued a notice of filing and granted intervenor status to Clearwater Paper Company, the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI), CASE NOS. AVU-E-]-7-01/AVU-G-17-01 11"/03/17 LOBB, R STAFF (Stipl 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 B 9 10 l_1 12 13 L4 15 L6 17 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 the fdaho Conservatj-on League (ICL), Idaho Forest Group and the Sierra C1ub. A procedural schedule was approved by the Commission and a Settlement Conference was held on September 29, 20a7. A11 parties except the Sierra Club at.tended the Conference. Sierra Club and ICL participated in subsequent set.tlement. discussions, buL no settlement was reached. A comprehensive Settlement was reached by all partJ-es except the Sierra CIub and ICL and the Motion to Approve the Stipulation and Settlement was filed with the Commission on October 20, 2017. Stipulation Overview O. Would you please describe the terms of the Settlement Agreement,? A. Yes. The Settlement provides a two year rate plan for both el-ectric and natural gas service with a two-year rate case stay-out. Under the terms of the agreement, the Company will receive a $12.9 million or 5.22 electric revenue increase effective 'January l, 201-8 and a $4.5 mil-lion or 7.92 increase effective .January 1, 20L9. Natural gas revenues will increase by $1.2 million or 2.92 on ,January 1, 2018 and $1.1 million or 2.7eo ort January 1, 201-9. The Company is precluded from filing a general rat.e case or any other request to defer costs for later recovery except under extraordinary circumstances prior to May 31, 20L9. The cAsE NOS. AVU-E- L7 -01IAVU-G-]-7 -O]- t1-/03/1,7 LOBB, R. (Stip) 5 STAFF l_ 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 parties agreed to a 9.52 ROE with a 50? common equity ratio for an overall return of 7 .612. Key adjustments Eo the first year electric and gas revenue requirement request include a reduction in the Company's requested ROE, a reduct.ion or delay in capital recovery, and removal or delay in a variety of miscellaneous Iabor, inspection, environmental, 1egaI, damages and O&M expenses. The Stipulation also specifies a weather normalization adjustment that increases test year natural gas consumption. The second year electric and natural gas revenue requirement increase al1ows recovery of capital investment not. allowed recovery in year one, targeted capital additions in 2018 using average of monthly average rate base methodology and known expense increase for 1abor, property taxes and equipment inspection. O. What terms are included in the Stipulation for cost of service and rate design? A. The Stipulation accepts the Company's originally proposed 15 percent first. year move toward electric cost of service for al1 customer classes except Schedule 25 and 25P which would receive 75vo of the overall percentage increase. Likewise, the Stipulation adopts the Company's proposed uniform electric revenue increase for al-l- classes in year two. cAsE NOS. AVU-E-L7 -01IAW-G-17-01tt/ 03 /t7 LOBB, R STAFF (stipl 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 l_ l_ 12 l_3 l4 15 t5 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 The Stipulation also adopts the Company's originally proposed natural gas revenue allocation of a 30? move toward cost of service in year one and a uniform increase in year two. The Stipulation does not adopt any specific cost of service study methodology for either electric or natural gas service. With respect to rate design, the Stipulation specif ies a $0.25 mont,hly increase in electric resident,ial and smal1 commercial customer charges in year one. Natural gas cusLomers will see a $0.75 monthly increase in cusLomer charges i-n year one as wel-I. The remainder of the revenue requirement j-ncrease in year one and in year two for both electric and gas service is collected t.hrough Company proposed increases in demand charges and a uniform increase in commodity charges. O. What, other terms are included in the Stipulation? A. The Stipulation specifies t.hat interested parties will convene a workshop to discuss cost of service issues and meet t.o establish appropriate funding Ievels for low j-ncome weatherization. The Stipulation also specifies that interested parties will confer on natural gas service and meter placement ru1es. The Company also commits as part of the St.ipulation to establish service quality/performance measures in Idaho similar to those currently in place in Washingt.on. CASE NOS t1-/03/1,7 LOBB, R. (Stipl 7 STAFF AVU- E-]-7 - 01/AW-G- 17 - 01 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 17 l_8 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Staff Investigation O. Could you please describe Staff's investigat.ion leading up to the settlement conference? A. Yes. Staff's approach prior to the settlement conference was to extensively review the Company's filing, identify adjustments to its revenue requirement request and prepare to file testimony for a fuIIy-litigated proceeding. Three Staff auditors were assigned to t,he case and actually began reviewing 201,5 results of operations before t.he Company f iled its Application in ,fune of 201"7. Af ter the filing, the auditors reviewed the capital budgets, capit.al spending trends, O&M expenses and trends, and verified all of the Company's calculations and assumptions with regards to the overall revenue requirement. The auditors spent two weeks on-site at Avista's corporate headquarters in Spokane, reviewing over 100,000 transactions, selected samples and performed t.ransact,ion testing in accordance with standard audit practices. The auditors reviewed the Company's labor expense, incentive p1ans, and employee benefits including heal-th insurance and retirement to insure an appropriat.e l-evel of expendit.ure. Thirteen other technical staff consisting of engineers, utility analyst, and consumer investigators were al-so assigned to the case and submitted over 110 production requests as part of its comprehensive investigation. Staff CASE NOStL/ 03 / t7 LOBB, R. (Stipl 8 STAFF AVU-E- 17 - 01/AVU-G- 17 - 01 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 t_0 11 12 13 t4 15 1,5 1,1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 reviewed both completed and proposed Company investments, evaluated expenditures including pensj-ons, salaries, and operation and maint.enance, investigated power supply modellj-ng, weather normalization, cl-ass cost of service methodologies and compared rate design alternatives for both el-ectric and natural gas service. Given the Company's two-year rate proposal, Staff also evafuated the merits of using forecasted or budgeted expenses and j-nvestment to set test year annual revenue requirement rather than using an historic test period. O. What type of adjustments to the Company's proposed electric revenue requirement did Staff identify? A. Staff focused on adjustments in four primary areasi 1) rate of return; 2) 2017/201,8 capital investment and O&M expenses; 3) salaries; and 4) miscellaneous test year expenses. St.aff identified 28 individual electric revenue requirement adjustments totaling approximately $9 million or 49* of the Company's original electric revenue requirement request. Staff applied many of the adjustments on the electric side to the requested revenue requirement increase for natural gas. St.aff also identified a gas adjustment associated wit.h weather normalization. Staff's natural gas adjustments totaled approximately $3 million or approximately 8'7eo of the Company's original request. CASE NOS. AVU-E-17-01/AVU-G-17-01- tt/03/t7 LOBB, R STAFF (stipl e 1 z 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 t2 l_3 l4 15 t5 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O. How did Staff evaluate the second year revenue requi-rement request? A. Staff reviewed the capital and expense budget/forecast for 2018 and 2019 as proposed for the second year of the Company's proposed two-year rate p1an. For the second year of the rate p1an, Staff eliminat.ed all of the capital additions budgeted for 20L9 and mosL of the proposed additions j-n 20L8. Staff also removed the requested 20L9 salary increases. The Staff proposed adjustments decreased t,he Company proposed electric j-ncrease by approximately $8 million or 8l-?. Lj-kewise, Staf f adjustments reduced the Company proposed natural gas increase by approximately $1.9 million or 892 for the second year. O. How did Staff evaluate other aspects of the Company's proposal? A. Staff spent considerable time evaluating power supply expenses, weather normalization, class cost of service methodology and rate design by comparing expenses, rates and methodology to those proposed by t.he Company in the last general rate case. Other than the weather normal-ization adjustment that increases test. year gas consumption, St.aff identified no other adjust.ment or modificat.ion to rates or methodology. Settlement Process O. Could you please describe the sett,lement process? cAsE NOS . AVU-E- 17 - 0l-IAVU-G- L7 - 01 LL/ 03 / t7 LOBB, R STAFF (stipl 1o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 1-4 15 t-5 17 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A. Yes, the Settlement workshop was held on Sept.ember 29, 2017, wit.h all part.ies except the Sierra Club in attendance. Negotiat,ions began with each intervening party ident.lfying their j-ssues of concern and what t.hey expected to achieve through settlement or litigation. Issues raised included cost of service, 1ow income weatherization funding, rate case stay-outs and issues related to Avj-sta's ColsErip generating station. Staff then presented its investigative results with a step by step discussion of each of the 29 first year ident,ified revenue requirement adjust.ments. The presentatj-on included rational for each adjustment and a proposal for the second year of the rate pIan. Staff also provided a proposal for gas service ru1es, a proposal- for electric service standards and a statement of support for Company proposed cost of service and rate design positions. After a lengthy discussion of the various revenue requirement adjustments and identified issues, the Company developed a count,er proposal and presented it to the parties for discussion. Staff evaluated the Company proposal based on previous dj-scussion and an assessment of how successfully an adjustment might be defended at hearing. Staff then developed and presented a counter proposal. The parties conLinued to negotiate on individual adjustments and what revenue should reasonably be colIect. in the first. and second cAsE NOS. AVU-E- t7 - 0L/ AVU-G-17-01 1-t/03/17 LOBB, R STAFF (Stipl 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 15 1"7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 year of a rate p1an. The parties ultimately reached compromi-se and settled on a tentative agreement. O. Was that the end of settlement negotiations? A. No. Additional conference calls and email discussion continued on cost of servj-ce details, Lerms of a rate case stay-out, 1ow j-ncome weatherization funding, and costs associated with the Colstrip coal fired generating p1ant. The Stipulated Settlement was then filed with the Commission on October 20, 2017. A. Was settlement reached by all parties on all issues? A. No. The part.ies could not reach agreement on issues relating to Colstrip. Consequently, neither ICL nor Sierra Club are part.ies to the Settlement. Settlement Evaluation O. How did Staff determine that the overall Settlement was reasonable? A. In every settlement evaluation, Staff and other parties must det.ermine if the agreement is a better overall outcome than could be expected at hearing. SLaff looked at each revenue requirement adjustment for both electric and natural gas service and determined that the overall agreement for a two-year rate plan with stay-out provisj-ons was as good as or bet.ter than what could be achieved through litigation this year and next. Other parties, made up of customer CASE NOS. AVU-E-17-01/AVU-G-17-01 1-1-/03/17 LOBB, R STAFF (Stip1 t2 groups and 1ow j-ncome representatives agreed with Staff in support of t,he Settlement. In addition, Staff evaluat.ed t.his case by identifying the issues that have driven the last several rate filings. In those cases and this one, capital investment is t.he prj-mary driver of increased revenue requirement requests. While the increase proposed for year one is somewhat higher than annual elect.ric increases of the past, Staff maintains that the overall increase of 7 .L* and 5.5? for electric and gas service, respectively, over a two year period is reasonable. These capital driven increases are approximately 632 of t,he Company's electric service request and approximately 47* of the Company's natural gas service request. Revenue Requirement O. Please explain why Staff believes the 9.5* Ret.urn on Equity and capital structure with 50? equity and 50? debt are reasonable. A. The Stipulat,ion reflects a ROE of 9.5+ based on a capital structure of 50? equity and 50? debt. Staff believes a 5OZ/50e" capital structure is represent.at.ive of Avista's actual equity ratio of 49.92 as of December 31, 2016, and as projected at December 31, 20L7. Staff maintains t.hat the 9. 5? ROE is consi-stent with the most. recent Commissi-on Order No. 33757 issued April 28, 2017, for Intermountaj-n Gas CASE NOS L1,/03/1,7 AVU- E-1-7 - 01/AVU-G- 17 - 01 (Stipl 13LOBB, R STAFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t_ L2 13 L4 15 15 t7 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 25 l- 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 1,2 13 l4 15 t_5 l7 1B 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 Company. It also is consistent with authorized returns granted for electric and gas utilities operating in the Northwest. The 9.52 ROE a1Iows Avista to maintain its financial viability so it might attract new capital from the market to fund new capital investments and refinance maturing debt i-ssuances. O. Could you please describe Staff's other proposed revenue requirement adjustments? A. Yes. Besides the adjustment for ROE, Staff identified 28 other individual adjustments that reduced first year revenue requirement by approximately $6.4 million or 40% of the Company's request. These adjustments included elimination of 2018 proforma expense increases, reduction or elimination of improper test. year expenses and reduction/eliminatj-on of test year capital additions. Staff's proforma expense adjustments tot.aling about $2 million included a 2018 property tax increase, 201-8 salary increases, and budgeted expense for underground equi-pment inspection. Improper test year expenses totaling about $1.8 mill-ion incl-uded adjustments to executive pay, advertisj-ng, 1ega1 , environmental , and O&M expenses . Capit.al adj ustment.s tot.aling approximately $3.1 million in revenue requirement included removal of meter data management, prepaid pensions, website investment, Tech Refresh, and Tech Expansion. These adjustments, when combined with reduced ROE reduces the LOBB, R STAFF CASE NOS 1-1-/03/1,7 AVU-E- 17 - 0r-IAVU-G- 17 - 01 (Stip1 L4 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 1,2 13 l4 15 L6 77 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 requested first year increase by about 489<. With the exception of the weather normalizing adjustment., Staff's proposed adjustments to nat.ural gas revenue requirement in the first year were an allocated portion of the adjustments proposed on the electric side. Weather normalization reduced the required revenue increase by about $1.17 million and when combined with the other adjustments decrease the Company's proposed increase by approximat.ely $3 mj-I1ion or 872. O. Why does Staff support the first year revenue requirement increase specified in the Settlement? A. Staff supports the first year revenue requirement increase because it represents a reasonable compromise of adjustments Lhat may or may not have been accepted at, hearing. Staff believes the $5.7 million or 31? reduction in t,he proposed increase comes relatively close to what Staff believes could be achieved at hearing. The largest single adjustment conceded by Staff for purposes of sett.l-ement was a $1.2 million adjustment removing prepaid pension from working capital. On this adjustment, Staff believes it would have been difficult to prevail at hearing. However, Staff recognizes t.hat. customers could benefit from prepaid pension i-n the future. O. Why does Staff support a second year revenue requirement increase as specified in the Settlement? CASE NOS . AVU-E-]-7- 01/AVU-G-17-01 1-1"/03/17 LOBB, R. (Stj-p1 15 STAFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 A. Staff believes there is benefj-t to a two-year rate plan for customers by phasing in an increase over a longer period of time. Staff also recognizes the efficiency gained for customers, the Company, and the Commission by reducing general rate case filing costs. Staff maintains that. the t.wo-year rate plan results j-n a lower increase for customers than could be achieved through two separate rate filings. Fina11y, Staff believes that the rate case st.ay-out has real value to customers by prohibiting Company requests for regulat,ory assets or expense deferrals during the stay-out period. This assures that base rates will not increase afLer the stay-out period ends due to cost incurred during the two- year rate p1an. O. How can Staff support a revenue requirement increase in year two without allowing forecasted expenses and invest.ment? A. Staff has a long history of rejecting forecasted/budgeted t,est year expenses and investment in favor of hist.oric test years wit,h limit.ed proforma adjustments. In t.his case, Staff agreed t.o five expense and investment it,ems that would be allowed for recovery in year two. Three of these items were removed from revenue requirement in year one but allowed in year two because they were relatively known and measurable. These are property taxes, a non-executive Iabor salary j-ncrease of 3Z and CASE NOS t1-/03/17 LOBB, R. (Stip1 LG STAFF AVU- E-L7 - 01/AVU-G- 17 - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l_0 11 t2 13 l4 l-5 16 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 expenses for safety related underground equipment inspection. Investment allowed for recovery in year two was narrowly focused to include investment in meter data management previously removed from year one. While Staff maintains that the investment is somewhat premature given the status of Avista's AMI program in fdaho, the investment is compatible with existing Idaho metering facilities and needed t.o al1ow meLer facilities upgrades in Idaho. The other investment allowed in the second year is for several specific hydropower relicensing, safety and reliability projects. The projects include Little Falls, Clark Fork and Spokane River on the e1ectric side and A1dy1 A pipeline replacement on the natural gas slde. Alt.hough t,hese proj ects are included in second year revenue requj-rement, they are only partially allowed for recovery by applying an Average of Monthly Averages (AMA) to est,ablish rate base. This raLe base calculation aIlows t.he investment. Lo earn a return and be incl-uded in the revenue requirement for only part of the year based on when a project goes on line rather than included in rat,e base as if it were in service for the fuIl year. Staff maintains that. t.his limited t.reatment of j-ncreased expenses and new investment in year two represenLs a reasonable compromj-se between forecasted/budgeted t.est years and the value of multi-year rate p1ans. CASE NOS 1-1-/03/17 LOBB, R STAFF AVU- E-1-7 - 01/AVU- G- t- 7 - 0l-(stipl 1,7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 l-3 L4 15 15 77 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Cost, Allocation and Rate Design O. Why does Staff support the St.ipulation provisions addressing class cost allocatj-on? A. The class cost of service study provided by the Company in this case applies the same methodology used by the Company in its last general rate case, Case No. AVU-E-15-03. In fact, Staff has had the opportunity to review all aspects of Avista's cost of service many times over the last few years. While aLtempts have been made to gradually move classes more ful1y to cost of service, the results have been mixed and progress sIow. In this particular case, the large industrial parties questioned t.he process of partial movement to cost of service and the appropriate underlying methodology that has been employed. The Company has historically used a 12 monthly coincident peak (l-2CP) cost of service methodol-ogy to allocate costs to the various customer classes. Avista indust.rial customers believe that a seven monthly coincident peak methodology (7CP) is more representative of how cost are incurred and how they should be allocated to high load factor customers. Staff agrees that movement toward fu11 cost of service over the years has been slow and disagreement sti1I remains over the most approprlate cost of service methodology. Consequently, rather than the Company proposed CASE NOStL/ 03 / t7 LOBB, R STAFF AVU- E-17 - 0 1 /AVU- G- 1 7 - 0 1 (stip) 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 L7 18 L9 20 21" 22 23 24 25 movement of 15? toward electric cost of servj-ce, Staff supports the set.tlement compromJ-se to increase Avista Schedule 25 and 25P by 75? of the overall revenue requi-rement increase each year as specified in the Stipulation. This provision decreases the amount. allocat.ed to the industrial customers who are above cost of servi-ce and increases the amount allocated to residential customers who are below cost of service. Staff also recognizes the potential impacts of a 7CP cost of service approach and supports a workshop for interested parties to further discuss the merits of various cost of service methodologies. O. What impact does this settlement provision have on t.he revenue reguirement increase for each customer class? A. St,aff Exhibit 101, pages l-3 and 14 show t.he relat.ive impact on each customer class in each year of the t.wo-year rate pIan. While the overall electric increase in year one is 5.22, it is 5.72 for t.he residential cl-ass and 3.92 for Schedules 25 and 25P. In year two, the overall increase is l-.8? or L.9Z for the residential class and 1.3? for Schedules 25 and 25P. The year one increase under Lhe Company's original allocation proposal (and t.he stipulated revenue requirement increase) would have resulted in a 5.4* increase for the residential class , d 4.85? increase for Schedule 25 and a 4.52 increase for Schedule 25P. Second year increases would CASE NOS 1-L/ 03 / 1,7 AVU-E- 17 - 0I/AVU-G- 17 - 01 LOBB, R. (Stipl t9 STAFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 have been !.77eo, 1,.6* and L.5? for residential, Schedule 25 and Schedule 25P, respect.ively. Staff belj-eves this modest adjustment in allocating the revenue increase is a reasonable compromise for the purpose of this case. A11 part.ies supported the Company's proposed class allocation of t,he natural gas revenue requirement increase but no agreement was reached on the appropriate electric or gas cost of service methodology t,o be used in future rate cases. O. Why does Staff support an increase in the resident.ial customer charge? A. Staff supports t.he $0.25 and $0.75 per month increase in customer charges for residential electric and natural gas servj-ce, respectively, for several reasons. The first reason deals generally with the large amount of fixed costs incurred by the Company relative t.o the smal1 amount of fixed costs collected by the Company through rates. This mismatch in how costs are incurred and how they are collected can result in an under collect.ion of fixed cost needed to support Company operations. The second reason St.aff supports a smal1 customer charge increase j-s based on the results of a 1ow income consumption study conducted by the Company showing t.hat low income customers use more energy on average than other residential customers. A modest. increase in the customer LOBB, R STAFF CASE NOSLt/a3/fl AVU-E- 17 - 0 r-IAW-G- 17 - 0 1 (stipl 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l_0 11 L2 13 l4 15 15 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 charge reduces the necessary increase j-n commodity charges. Thus, many 1ow income customer bills will be slightly lower than they otherwise would be. Fina11y, the increase in the cusLomer charge will reduce t.he 1eve1 of fixed costs that are subject Lo recovery through the Company's fixed cost adjustment mechanism (FCA) . Staff maint.ains that collecting fixed cost through individual customer charges may be more equitable than collecting fixed costs through FCA commodity charges. O. Does Staff support the other aspects of the stipulated rate design? A. Yes. In addition to supporting the first year residential customer charge increases, Staff also supports the various customer and demand charge increases originally proposed by the Company in year one wit,h remaining revenue requirement in year one collected from increased commodity charges for both gas and electric service. Staff further supports increasing only the commodity rate for al-1 electric and gas service schedules in year two of the two-year rate p1an. Low Income Weatherization O. What does the Stipulatj-on specify in t.erms of l-ow income weatherization and what is the basis for Staff's support? A. The Stipulation specifies t.hat interested parties cAsE NOS . AVU-E- 1-7 -01lAW-G- 17 - 01 t1-/03/1,7 LOBB, R STAFF (Stip) zt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 1"4 15 !6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 will conduct a workshop to discuss the status of Avista's low income weatherization program, how t,he money is currently spent and whether additional funding is needed and available. Staff recognizes that the issue of adequate funding for these programs has not been addressed for several years and believes that it. is appropriate to do so now. Due to the time constraints inherent in sett.lement negotiations, and because funding comes from Avista's electric and gas energy efficiency tariff riders, Staff believes that a more thorough but. expedJ-ted post-settl-ement. review will allow Avista, Staff, CAPAI and other interested parties the opportunity to research, review and dj-scuss these programs and determine whether funding should be j-ncreased. Avista will make any necessary filings resulting from this effort by year end 20L7 . Staff further maintains that Commission Order No. 32788 specifies the conditions upon which additional low income funding should be considered. The workshop will provide all parties the opportunit.y Lo make that assessment. The December 31, 2017, deadline will also a1low CAP agencies to plan their programs for calendar year 2018 with known fundj-ng 1eve1s. Other Terms and Conditions O. Could you please describe the servj-ce quality performance standard provision in the Stipulat.ion and the CASE NOS. 1,1,/03/L7 LOBB, R STAFF AVU- E-L7 - 01/AW-G- 17 - 01 (stip1 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 l_1 1,2 13 l4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 basis for Staff's support? A. Yes. Avist.a has est,ablished Service Quality Performance Standards, Customer Guarantees and a Service Quality Measure Report. Card for its cusLomers in Washington. The Company has agreed to work with Staff and other interested parties to develop similar performance standards, guarantees and report.s for its Idaho customers. Staff notes that, the Commission approved a simj-lar program for Rocky Mountain Power, whJ-ch brought service quality into sharper focus and resulted in measurable performance improvements. Avista has agreed to submit any necessary changes requiring Commission approval by July 20L8. O. What does the Stipulation provide with respect to natural gas rules and why is the provision supported by Staff ? A. Avista committed to work with Staff and other interested part,ies to review the Commission's Service Rules for Gas Utilit,ies as well as the Company's meter placement and protection policies and practices. The Gas Service Rules include service standards (pressure, heat content and measurement of gas) as wel-l- as provisions for meLer testing and maintaining records and maps of transmission, distribution and storage facilities. Avista has adopted meter placement and protection policies to ensure the safe delivery of gas and electricity to its customers. Staff cAsE NOS. AVU-E-17-01/AVU-G-L7 -01- 11-/03/17 LOBB, R STAFF (stip1 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1l- L2 t_3 t4 15 76 77 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 25 anticipates that, these reviews will identlfy ru1es, policies and practices that need to be revised. Avista has agreed to submit. any necessary changes requiring Commission approval by July 201-8. O. Does this conclude your testimony in this case? A. Yes, it does. cAsE NOS. AVU-E-17-01/AVU-G-17-01- 1-t/03/1,7 LOBB, R. (Stipl 24 STAFF David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Afthirs Avista Corporation 141I E. Mission Avenue P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-43 16, Fax: (509) 495-885 I Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0312, Fax: (208) 334-3762 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA ) AVISTA UTILIT]ES FOR AUTHORITY TO ) TNCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS ) SERVICE IN TDAHO ) BIIFORE TIIE IDAHO PURLIC UTII,TTIES COMMISSION CASE NO AVU-E-t7-01 AVU-G-17-01 STIPULATION AND SB,TTLEMENT This Stipulation is entered into by trnd among Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater"), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("ldaho Forest"), and the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"). These entities are collectively refered to as the "Settling Parties". The Idaho Conservation League ("lCL"), and the Sierra Club, do not join in the Settlement Stipulation. The Settling Parties understand this Stipulation is subject to approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission"). Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff 11103117 Page I of 55 Page ISTIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E.I7.OI & AVU-G.17.41 I. INTRODUCTION l. The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Settling Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of all the issues raised in the proceeding, is in the public interest and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolution of the multiple issues identified in this case. The Settling Parties, therefore, reconrmend that the Commission, in accordance with RP 274, approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions without niaterial change or condition. II. BACKGROUND 2. On Jurne 9,2017, Avista filed an Application with the Commission fbr authority to increase revenue eft'ective January I , 2018 and January I ,2A19 for electric and natural gas service in ldaho. The Company proposed a Two-Year Rate Plan with an increase in electric base revenue of $ 18.6 million or 7 .57o for 2018, and $9.9 million or 3.7Va for 2019. With regard to natural gas, the Cornpany proposed an increase in base revenLle of $3,5 million or 8.87c for 2018 (5.TVo an a billed basis), and $2.1 million or 5.07o for 2019 (3.3Vc on a billed basis). By Order No. 33808, dated June 3A,2017, the Commission suspended the proposed schedr-rles of rates and charges for electric and natural gas service. 3. Petitions to intervene in this proceeding were filed by Clearwater, Idaho Forest, CAPAI, ldaho Conservation League, and the Sierra Club. The Commission granted these interventions through IPUC Order Nos. 33804, 33815 and 33829. 4. A settlement conference was noticed and held in the Commission offices on Septemher 29, 2017, and was attended by the Settling Parties to this case. I As a compr"omise of I The .sierra Club was unable tt.r attcnd thc settlement conlere nce . STIPULATION AND SETTLEMEN'I'_ AVU-E.I7.OI & AVU-G-I7.OI Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Stafflll03ll7 Page 2 of 55 Page 2 positions in this case, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Settling Parties agree to the following terms: III. TERMS OF THE STIPUT,ATION AND SETTLEMENT 5. Overview of Settlemeqt and Revenue Requirement. The Settling Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to implement revised tariff schedules designed to increase annual base electric revenue by $ 12.9 million, or 5.2%, (on a billed basis the increase is 5,lVo), effective January l, 2018, and increase base revenues by $4.5 million, or l.9Vo (on a billed basis the increase is l.7Vo), etfective January l,2Al9. For natural gas, the Settling Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to increase natural gas base revenue by $1.2 million, or 2.97o (1.97o on a billed basis), effective January l, 2018, and $ l.l million, or 2.77c (1.870 on a billed basis), effective January l, 2019. 6. Two Year Stay-Out. The Parties agree thert, in recognition of the two-year rate plan covered by this Stipulation (January 1,2018 - December 31,2019), Avista will not file another electric or natural gas general rate case to increase base rates befbre May 31,2019, and any such rates will not go into efl-ect prior to January l,2A?0. This does not apply to tariff filings authorized by or contemplated by the terms of the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA), Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), the Purchased Gas Adjustment tariff (PGA), or other miscellaneous annual filings, Avista agrees that thc base rates established by this Stipr-rlation will, in conjunction with the PCA, PGA, and DSM Rider, provide Avista with the opportunity to recover all foreseen and unforeseen costs for the period January l, 2018 through December 31,2019 (the "Stay-out Period"). Accordingly, Avista agrees that it will not file deferred accounting requests or requests to create a regulatory asset during the Stay-out Period, except in extraordinary circumstances. For purposes of this paragraph extraordinary circumstances will not include changes in inter-jurisdictional allocation ?? ..,r- l-- (r) qi tY c. =-rJ ()">>E 99d1<sdz f .ic*.?z 5<ll o q91Ea *YE.]U r',- STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I7-OI & AVU-G-I7-OI Page 3 nrethodology, accoLrnting changes, or costs related to the Company's participation in Energy Irtrbalance Markets. 7 . Cost of Capital. The Settling Parties agree to a 9.5 percent return on equity, with a 50.0 percent common equity ratio. The capital structure and resulting rate of return is as set forth bclow Component Capital Structtue Cost Weighted Cost Debt Common Equity Total 5Oo/c 5Ac/c 5.720k 9.5070 2.86Va 4.7 5Vc IOAVI 7.617o A. ET,ECTRIC REVENUE REOUIREMENT 8. Overview of Electric Revenue Requirement (January l. 2018). Below is a sunrmary table and descriptions of the electric revenue requirement components agreed to by thc Settling Parties cffcctive January l,2018: Table No. I -i*?? '.,t\ tt- r) ++ s ^)) v">>ts 9p.<<sdo:az 3 .ir--.72 5<r':: o qe E 6 J!ix(n-:q.] o d, - a.) b.) c.) SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTIVIENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 20I8 (000s of Dollars) Re ve nue Requirement Rate Base Amount as Filed: Adjustments l Cost of Capital Company 2017 Nct Rate Base Updates Msc c lla ncous Conrpany U pdates : Regulatory A mortizat ion, Uncollcc tiblcs, Maintenance and IS/IT Ex1rcnses. Remove OlTicer Incen(ivcs and Reduce Non-Oflicers Inccntives Reduce Oft'ice r Labor Expcnses Rcducc 2017 IS/IT Capilal Projects Delay Meter Data Managcment Prtlject Rccovery to January l. 2019 Remove 2018 Expense: Delay Recovery to Janaury l,2019 i.) 2018 Lahlr Increase ii.) 2018 Undcrground Ecluipment Inspcction ExSre nsc M isc c lla nc ous A djustme nts : B oard ol' Direc tor Expc nses, Injuries ancl Darnage s. Lcgal and Environrne ntal Exlrnscs, Removal of Expiring Lcasc Expense and Inclusion of O&M Savings Adjusted Amounts Effective January l, 2018 18,571 $ 796,609 ( I,926) $ 12,890 $ 786,087 $ $ $ S $ $ $ S $ $ $ (2,6e{) 58$ tt2 (393) (11-5) (276) $ ( 1,07s) $ (447) (270) (67r) (1,762\ (6,834) d.) e.) f.) 8.) h.) i.) STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT * AVU-E.I7.OI & AVU-C.I7.OI Page 4 a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 7 above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $2.604 million. b. Company 2017 Net Rate Basc Updatcs. Reflects adjurstments to net ratc basc to update information related to 2017 capital additions, including related depreciation expense, as well as the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes, to reflect balances as of December 3 I ,2017 . This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $58,000 and rcduces net rate base by $1.926 million. c. Miscellaneous Company Updates. Reflects adjustments to expenses to update information related to removal of the expiring Colstrip credit umortization, uncollectible expense, maintenance expense associated with the Company's Colstrip generation plant, and annualized incremental Information Service/Information Technology (IS/IT) labor positions added in 2017. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $l12,000. d. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives. Reflects the removal of all officer incentives. This adjustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officers to a lO}Vo payollt ratio. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $393,000. e. Reduce Officer Labor Exoenses. Reduces officer labor expenses to an agreed-upon level. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $l15,000. f. Rcduce 2017 IS/IT Capital Projects - Reduces certain capital investments related to IS/IT refresh and cxpansion projects planned during 2017. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $276,000, and reduces net rate base by 51.762 million. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E.I7.OI & AVU.G.I7-OI Page 5 ?? ..,F- t-' inq'4q ; E33u S.<<sdoaz 3 ;'r-.E7 q; x (! ,itr.lO &- g. Delay Meter Data Management Project Recovery to January 1.2019. Removes lhe Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in 2017. This system is delayed for recovery untiI January 1,2019. This adjustment decreases the overall revenLle requirentent by $ 1.075 million, and reduces net rate base by $6.834 million. h. Bemove 2018 Expense: Delay Recovery to January 1. 2019. i. 2018 Labor Increase. Removes the 2018 incremental non-executive labor increases, and includes them with the January 1,2019 rate change. This adjurstment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $447,000. ii. 2018 Underground Inspection Equipment Expense. Removes the 2018 underground equipment inspection costs, and includes them with the January l,2Ol9 rate change. This adjustnlent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $270,000. i. Miscellaneous Adjustments. Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to: 1) removing requcsted additional Board of Director expenses ($270,000); 2) removing legal expenses allocated to Idaho electric in error ($a2,000); 3) removing cxpcnses associated with certain leases expiring during the 2018 rate year ($192,000); 3) removing certain 2016 environmental cleanup costs allocated to Idaho electric in error ($48,000); 4) inclusion of the O&M savings associated with the Company's new website application ($23,000); 5) reducing the six-year average of injuries and damages ($ I 1,000); and 6) the net effect of removing certain other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($85,000). The net effect of this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $671,000. Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03/17 Page 6 of 55 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 6 9. Overview of E,lectric Revenue Requirement (January l. 2019). Below is a summary table ancl descriptions of the incremental Electric revcnue requirement componcnts agreed to by the Settling Parties eff'ective January 1,2019: Table No.2 a. Add Meter Data Management. Adds the Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in October of 2017. This system is included for recovery efl'ective January 1,2019. This ad justment increases the overall revenue requirement by $1.075 million, and increases net rate base by $6.834 million. b. Add 2018 Expenses. i. 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis. Includes certain 2018 capital additions on an AMA basis. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $1.938 million, and increases net rate base by $2.011 million. ii. 2018 Property Taxes. Includes property tax expense associated with 2018 capital additions. This adjustment increases the overallrevenue requirement by $613,000. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I7-OI & AVU.G-I7-OI Page 7 r r f,r-- F* r) ll:?Y N ^JJ O=>>ts 9p^{(Sol-76.72 5= = ", o6&6!UXcdsl o /,= SUNIMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO EI,ECTRIC REYENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY I, 2OI9 (000s of Dollars ) Revenue Requirement Rate Ilase Ratc Ilase Amount Efl'ective January l, 20lll Incremental Revenue Adjustment ttl January l, 201[t Rate Change (see 'Iabel No. l): a.) Add Metcr Data Managctne nt Project b.) Add 2018 Related Capital and Ex;renses: i. 2018 Capital Additicxrs on an AMA Basis ii. Propcrty'l'ax Expcnsc on 2018 Plant Adclititrns iii. 2018 Annualized Lakrr Increasc iv. 2018 UndcrEound Eqrripmcrrt Insl^-ction Ex;r,ensc January 1,2019 Increntental Revenue Adjustrnent and Rate Base Amount (ahove January 1,2018 Rate Change - see Table No. l) $ 786,01t7 $r,075 $ 6,834 $ $ $ $ 1,938 6r3 618 270 $ 2.071 $ 4,544 5 794,992 co r-. llt IV 2018 Annr-ralized Labor Increase. Includes the 2018 annualized non- executive labor increases. This adjustrnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $648,000 2018 Underground Inspestion Equipment Expense. Includes the 2018 underground equipment inspection costs. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $270,000. B. NATURAL GAS REVENUE REOUIREMENT 10, Overview of Natural Gas Revenue Requirement (January l. 2018). Below is a summary table and descriptions of the natural gas revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Parties effective January l, 2018: a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 7 above). This adjustnrent reduces the overall revenue requirement by $470,000. llr- C- tlIr.l Orl =>>E.<<s9.tf) '.93'EZ -o!A;-O:EaiXcdrr.l U d SUNIi\{ARY'I'ABT,E OT ADJUSTI\,IENTS TO NATURAI, GAS ITF]VENUE REQUIRENIENT EFFECTI\E JANUARY 1, 20 I8 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Ilase Amount as ['iled: Ad.iustments: Cost of Capital Cornpany 2017 Nct Rate Base UJxlates Mlsce llaneous Company U6date s : Uncollcct iblc s ancl ISIIT Ex;re nses. Adjust Wcathc r Norntalization Renmve Ot'trcer Inccntives and Re clLrce Non-Oltreers Incentives Reduce Ot'trce r Laklr Expcnscs Reducc' 2017 IS/lT Capital Pro|:cts Remove Metcr Data Management Project: Dclay Recovcry to January 1,2019 Rcmovc 20ltt Lahrr Expr:nsc: Dclay Rccovcry to Janaury 1.2019 Misccllancous Adjuslrnints: Board of Director Expcnses. Iniurics antl Damages, Advertising Exgrnses, Legal ExJrcnscs, Renxrval of Expiring l-casc Ex;rnse ancl Inclusirur ol O&M Savings/Ex;rnscs. Ad.iusted Amounts Effective January l, 2018 ( $ S $ $ $ s $ $ $ 2,t99 ,) (214 (l $ 1,180 $ I b.) .) (4'70) 374 $ 20 (1,r62) ( r0_5) (29) (43) $ (415) $ (r20) (300) h.) i.) $ 3,480 $ 144,8117 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT * AVU.E.I7-OI & AVU.G-I7-OI Page 8 b. Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects adjustments to net rate base to update information related to 2017 capital additions, including related depreciation expense, as well as the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Def'erred Federal Incorne Taxes, to reflect balances as of December 3 I ,2017 . This adjustment increases the overall revenLle requirement by $324,000 and increases net rate base by $2.199 million. c. Miscellaneous Company Updates. Reflects adjustrnents to expenses to update information related to uncollectible expense and annualized incremental IS/IT labor positions added in2017. This adjustrnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $20,000. d. Adjust Weather Normalization. Reflects a natural gas weather normalization adjustment, which increases test year billing determinants, thereby increasing test year (present) revenue. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $1.162 million. e. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives. Reflects the removal of all officer incentives. This adjustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officers to a 1007o payout ratio. This adjustment. decreases the overall revenue requirernent by $ 10s,000. f. Reduce Officer Labclr Expenses. Reduces officer labor expenses to an agreed upon level. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $29,000. g. Reducc 20l7IS/IT Capital Projects - Reduces certain capital investments related to IS/IT refiesh and expansion projects planned during 2017. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $43,000, and reduces net rate base by $214,000. ?? ,.,F- l.- r)+r+q ; E33q B,.<<.:o.o.az8 ;r-EZ €S.-u *(€irJJo &- STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E.I7-OI & AVU-G.I7.01 Page 9 h. Delay Meter Data Management Project Recovery to January l. 2019. Removes the Meter Data Managenrent Systern expected to go into service in 2017. This systern is delayed for rccovery until January l,2Al9. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirenrent by $415,000, and reduces net rate base by $1.860 million. i. Re move 2018 Labor Exlrstss Delav Recoverv to Januarv 1. 2019. Rcmoves the 2018 increnrerrtal non-executive labor increases, to be included with the January I , 2019 rate change. This adjustrnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 120,000. j Miscellaneous Adjustments. Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to: l) removing requested additional Board of Director expenses ($70,000); 2) removing legal expenses allocated to ldaho natural gas in error ($3,000); 3) removing expenses associated with certain leases expiring during the 2018 rate year (S53,000); 3) removing advertising expenses allocated to Idaho natural gas in error ($25,000); a) inclusion of the O&M savings associated with the Company's new website application ($6,000);5) reducing the six-year average ofinjuries and darnages ($127,000); and 6) the net effect of removing certain other miscellaneous A&G expenses (S16,000). The net eff'ect of this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by 5300,000. I l. Overview of Natural Gas Revenue Reouirement (January l,2019). Belorv is a summary table and descriptions of the incremental Natural Gas revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Parties elfective January 1,2019: Exhibir No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff I l/03/17 Page l0 of55 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I7-OI & AVU-G-I7-OI Page l0 a.) b.) i. ii. iii SUNII\,IARY'I'ABLE OF ADJUSTI\IENTS TO NATURAL GAS RE\tsNUE REQUIREN'IENT EI'I'ECTIVE .IANUARY I, 2OI9 (000s of Dollam) Revenue Requircment Rate Base Ilate Base Amount Effective January 1, 2018 Incremental Revenue Adjustment to January 1,2018 Rate Change (see Tabel No. I): Acld Metcr Data Management Pro.iect Add 20ltl Rclatcd Capital and Expenscs: 2018 ClapitalAdditions on an AMA Basis Propcrty Tax Expcnsc on 2018 Plant Additions Annr-ralizccl 201 tJ Labor Increasc January l, 2019 Incremental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (atrove January 1,2018 Ilate Change - see I'able No. l) $ 144,932 4l_5 $ r,tt60 $ (8,52) _$_____lJ!3_$ 145,940 .$ $ $ $ 4t4 t22 r8l Table No.4 a. Add Meter Data Management. Adds the Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in October of 2017. This system is included for recovery efI'ective January 1,2019. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by 5415,000, and increases net rate base hy $1.860 million. b. Add 2018 Related Capital and Expenses. i. 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis. Includes certain 2018 capital additions on an AMA basis. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $414,000, and decreases net rate base by $852,0002. ii. 2018 Property Taxes. lnch.rdes property tax expense associated with 2018 capital additions. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 122,000. iii. 2018 AnnLralized Labor Increase. Includes the 2018 annualized non-executive labor increases. This adjustrnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 181,000 2 Rcnroving the impact of 20l8 capital additions, as wcll as removing the impact on accumulated depreciation and accurnulated delerred feclcral incorne taxes on total net plant during 2018, has thc result ofdecreasing overall nct ratc base. hYY .n f= F- (Hotl H \-/ =JJ c)">>E 9i).<<Ea-o.(nz 3 .iF-.zz 5= 'il o q9! EIO d,- STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E.I7.OI & AVU.G-I7.01 Page I I C. OTHER SETTLEMENT COMPONENTS I l. PCA Authorized Level of Expense. The new level of power supply revenues, expenses, retail load and Load Change Adjustment Rate resulting from the January l,2018 settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the rnonthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in Appendix A. 12. Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisms Aurthorized Base. The new level of baseline values for the electric and natural gas fixed cost adjr-rstment mechanism (FCA) resulting from thc January 1,2018 and January 1,2019 settlement revenue requirements are detailed as follows: . Appendix B * 2018 Electric FCA Base. Appendix C - 2019 Electric FCA Base. Appendix D - 2018 Natural Gas FCA Base. Appendix E - 2019 Natural Gas FCA Base D. COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN/LOW INCOME 13. Cost of Service/Rate Spread (Base Rate Changes). The Settling Parties do not agree on any particular cost of service methodology. In recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are generally above their relative cost of service or could be with modest modifications to allocirtion methodology, the Settling Parties agree that Schedules 25 and 25P should receiveT5o/o of thc overall percentage base rate changes for the January l, 201 8 and January 1,2019 increases. All other schedules, except Schedule [, should receive a pro-rata allocation of the Company's origtnal reqLlest. The remaining revenue requirement should be spread to Schedule l. For natural gas, the Settling Parties agreed to a pro-rata allocation of the Company's original request for base rate changes on January 1,2018 and January l, 2019, but with restated present base revenue reflecting the eff'ects of the agreed-upon natural gas weather normalization adjustment.Fq Bf- f- (!otrrlO Nlr=)) () =>>E 9p d 1<,fi dz 8 j'F-..aZ .o <! -- 06 E a !!,x(girr.lU d- STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I7.OI & AVU-G.I7.OI Page 12 14. Rate Design. The Settling Parties agree to the rate design changes proposed by the Cornpany in Mr, Ehrbar's direct testimony for both the January 1,2018 and January 1, 2019 base rate increases.3 For the electric Residential Basic Charge (Schedule l), the Settling Parties agreed that it will increase from $5.75 per month to $6.00 per month effective January 1, 2018, an increase of $0.25 per month. For the natural gas General Service Basic Charge (Schedule l0l), the Settling Parties agreed that it will increase from $5.25 per month to $6.00 per month effcctive January l, 2018, an increase of $0.75 per month. For the rate changes effective January 1,2019, the base revenue increases would be collected through the volumetric energy rates, with no changes to the basic cliarges. Appendix F provides a sumn"rary of the current and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) fbr electric and natural gas service. 15. Rcsulting Percentage Increase by Electric Servicc Schedulc. Thc following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule for electric servicc: Effective January l,2018 Incn:asc in Base Rates Incrcase in Billing RatesRate ResidentialSchedule I GeneralService Schedules I l/12 l,arge Ceneral Service Schedules 2 | 122 Extra l,arge GeneralService Schedule 25 Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P Pumping Service Sctrcdules 3 l/32 Street & Area Lights Schedules 4l -48 Overall 5.7Va 5.07o 5.4Vc 3.970 3.970 5.9Vo 5.ZVo 5.9Vo 5.27o 5.7Vo 4.77a 4.8%o 6.lVo 5.1Vo 52%- 5.6% t'Ihis includes the proposed rcmoval ol'High-Pressurc Soclium Vapor Iighting options and thc customcr area light calculationnrcthodttlogydescrihcdinthcdirccttestimonyofCornpanywitnessMr.Ehrbaronpp.22-23. Inaddition, rhc.sortling Parties agree with Mr. Ehrbar's proposal to ofl.set thc culrcnt Schcdulc 97 (Electric Earnings Test De t'erral) rebate ol'$2.7 million, which cxpircs on Deccrnber 31,2017 (as outlined on pp. [i-9 ol'his direct tcstinrony), with $1.5 million relatcd tt> tho electric carnings test lirr calendar year 2015 . STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 13 r)YY r)c-- F-' q< r:.]o co -JJ O =>>t 9p.<<sde(n76H o xF--='7 ; -= ". Oc.i 5 JQ I!U d- Effective January L2Al9 Rate Schedule ResidentialSchedule I GeneralService Schedules I l/12 Lrrge General Service Schedules 2 l/22 Extra Lzrrge GeneralService Schedule 25 Clearwater Paper Schedurle 25P Pumpin-e Service Schedules 3 l/32 Street & Area Lights Schedules 4l-48 Overall Increase in Base Rates Increase in Billing Rates I I I I I B+ Rf- f- (H;J : ;:- tEiiu &d1<#dz 3 .irr-iz 5<E g SBx (! .=rr.l (-) d - t.9va 1.7Va l.8Vc l.3Vc t.3vo 2.}o/c 1.87o 2.3%, 2.17o 2.37c 2.2Vo 2.ZVo 2.4Vo 1.97o 16. Resulting Percentage Increase b), Natural Gas Service Schedulc. The following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule for natural gas service: Effective January 1,2018 t3% ze% Increase in Base Rates Increase in Billing RatesRate Schedule General Service Schedule 101 Lrrge General Service Schedules 1 1 I/ I 12 Intemrptibh Service Schedubs l3l I I 32 Trarxportation Service Schedule I 46 Special Contracts Sclpduh I 48 Ovemll Effective January l, 2019 Rate Schedule General Service Schedule l0l l;rrge General Service Schedules 1 1 I I I l2 Intemrptible Service Schedules 1 3 I I I 32 Tran.sportation Service Schedule I 46 Special Contracts Schedule 148 Overall 3.2%o 1.47o A.}Va 3.}Vc 0.Uvo 2e% Incrcase in Base Rates 2.ZVc 0.77c 0.AVc 3.47c O.AVa !s% Increase in Billing Rates 3.070 1.37a 0.jvc 2.77c 0.0%; 2J_% 2.lVc O.77c o.o%c 2.7% 0.09o 1.8%_ STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I7-OI & AVU.G-I7.OI Page 14 11. Electric Cost of Service Workshop. The Settling Parties agree, prior to the Company's next general rate case filing, to meet and confer regarding the Company's electric cost of service study. The purpose of the workshop will be to discr"rss the merits of diff'ering cost of service methodologies. Based on the inpr"rt front the workshop, the Cornpany agrees to provide, at a minimum, three cost of service studies reflective of the these difl'ering rnethodologies in its next general rate case. The Company will provide available information, studies and data requested by any of the Scttling Parties so as to enable meaningful workshop participation and discussion of issues. Unless it decides to do so, a Party shall not be bound by workshop discussions and may contest cost of service arnd rate spread issues in subsequent proceedings. 18. Collaboration on Low Income Issues. The Company and interested parties will meet and conf'er to consider whether the Low lncome Weatherization Program and Energy Conservation Education Program funding should be increased frorn the cument Commission- approved levels of $700,000 and $50,000 respectivcly. Discussion topics will include the need fbr additional funding, how additional funds will be used, how much additional funding will be necessary, and what impact the increase will have on thc energy efficiency tariff rider (Schedules 9l and l9l ) balance. If participants agree that a funding increase is necessary, the Cornpany agrees to nrake any necessary filing(s) with the Commission on or before December 3l ,2017 . 19, Natural Cas Service Rules. The Company and interested parties wilI meet and corrfer to review the Cornrnission's Service Rules for Gas Utilities (IDAPA 3 l.3l .01) to determine which provisions should be retained andlor modified, and, if the participants agree, incorporate those changes into the Company's tariff. Any changes requiring Commission approval, e.g., tariff revisions, will be submitted by the Company on or before July l, 2018. 20. Natural Gas Meter Placement Rules. The Company and interested parties will meet ancl confer to review its meter placement and protection policies and practices and determine, STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page l5 hYY rrf- f-. (* El O t')Jr =-JJ a.l =>>ts qpd1<sdz 8 d'r-'-=Z b< =,, o..)eA Js>x(6:I!O &- hased on the agreement of the parties, what additional steps should be taken to revise the Company's currcnt policies and practices. Any neccssary changes rcquiring Commission approveil, e.g., tariff revisions, will be subrnitted by the Company on or before July l, 2018. 21. Service Ouality/Performance Measures. Avista has established Service Quality Performance, Customer Guarantees and a Service Quality Measure Report Card for its customers in Washington. The Company and interested parties will work to develop similar performance standards, customer guarantees and a reporting rnechanism for its ldaho customers. Following those discussions, the Company will file its proposal with the Commission requesting inrplementation on or before July I , 201 8. IV. OTHER GENERAL PROVISIONS 22. The Settling Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Settling Parties in this case. As provided inF.P 272, other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipr,rlation, and except to the extent necessary for a Settling Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all statements nrade and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be adrnissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding. 23. The Settling Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. Settling Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Conlnission, and no Settling Party shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulation. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the StipLrlation, the Settling Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testimony, cross- examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement terms embodied :^hYY \^F- t-- (HA tI] (t \o '-iE33u S.<<sdoaz 3 d'r-Ez € =.ru *cd-lr!O il,- STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7-01 & AVU.G.I7.O1 Page 16 in this Stipulation. Notwithstanding this rescrvation of rights, thc Settling Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 24. lf the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Settling Party reserves the right, upon written notice to lhe Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within l4 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. In such case, no Settling Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terrls of this Stipulation, and each Settling Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, file testirnony as it chooses, cross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. In such case, the Settling Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of a prehearing conference for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule fbr the completion of thc case, in accordance with law. 25. The Settling Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable, 26. No Settling Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipr"rlation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Settling Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deerned to constitute an acknowledgment by any Settling Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Settling Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page l7 55 r.)rrf)t-- t-- qr rrvElo F- ^-)) O=>>tr 9p,((Sd >a -a r-'=Z -o= =,. odiE6 JOx(!r!U d,= 27. 'l'he obligations of the Scttling Parties undcr this Stipulation arc subject to the Conrn'rission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conciitions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, i{'any, by a court of competent jurisdiction, 28. 'l'his Stipulation nray be executed in counlcrparls and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document, DA'|ED tnisQfioy of Octobe r,2017. t) Avista Corporation J. Mcycr Attorney for Avista Corporation Cllearwater Papcr Corporalion By Peter Richardson Attorney fbr Clearwatcr Paper Idaho Public tjtilities Commission Staff By Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney Gcncral Idaho Forest Croup fly: Ronald Williams Attorney lbr Idaho lorest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho By: Brad Purdy Attorney lor CAPAI Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lllO3l17 Page l8 of 55 STIPT]I-ATION AND SI]'|TLEMIINT - AVU-E-I7.OI & AVU.G-I7.01 I'age I 8 27. The obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counteryans and each signed counterpart shall constitlrte an original document. DATED tnis Mvof ocrober, 2017 Avista Corporation ities sion Staff By:B David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation General Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Group B By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho By: Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17_01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03/17 Page I9 of 55 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I7-01 & AVU-G-I7-OI Page 18 I I 27. T'he obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation arc subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordancc with its lerms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED ,Ni?,)day of October, 2017. Avisla Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: By: David J. Mcycr Attorney for Avista Corporation Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Brandon Karpen Deputy Anomey Gcncral Idaho Forest Group Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC By: Community Action Patrtnership Association of Idaho By Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Pagc 18 Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lll}3llT Page 20 of 55 SI'PULATION AND SETTI,EMENT _ AVU-E-I7.0I & AVU.G.I7-01 27. 1'hc obligations o[ the Scttling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to thc Commission's approval ol'this Stipulation in accordance with its tcrnts and conditir:ns and ttpott such approval bcing uphckl ein appcal, if any'. by a court olcontpctcnt.iuriscliction. 28. 'l'his Sripulation nral' bc cxcculed in countcrparts and each signed counterpart shall conslitule an original clocttnrcnt. -\n l)n l'[t) this A " da]' of Octobcr. 201 7 Avista Corporation Idaho l)ublic LJtilitics Conrnrission Stall' Iil'L] i' l)avid J. N'lc1'cr Attomei' for Avisla Corporation Cleanr ater Papcr Corporation l3i': Pctcr Richardson Attorrrcy for Clcarrvater I)apcr Brandon Karpcn Deputl' Attorncl' Gcncral Idaho Fo4st (iroup Art4 IIll Ronald Willirnrs Attorncl, lirr ltlaho lrorest Group l.l.C Conrnrunity Action Partrtersltip Association ol- ldaho B)': Brad Purdy' Attornc.r' lor CA['i\l P:rgc lll Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-0r R. Lobb, Staff lll03l17 Page2l of55 S'f ll'(iLA'f ION AND Sl)'l"l'l.t1MI:N'l'* AVU-[-I7-0I & AVtI-(;-I7-0I l l 27. 't'he obligations of the Settling Pa(ies under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, ifany, by a court ofcompetentjurisdiction. 28. 'l'his Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DAI'ED this *-_ day of October,2017. Avista Corporation Idzrho Public Utilities Commission Stall By:Ilv David J. Meyer Attomey lor Avista Corporation CI earwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attomey fbr Clearwater Paper Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho -.r' Brandon Karpen Deputy Atlomey General Idaho Forest Croup Ronald Williams Attorney Ibr lddro Forest Group Ll,C Brad Purdy Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff ll103/17 Page22 of 55 Attorney for CAI'AI APPENDIXA Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lll03ll7 Page 23 of 55 o 0ooI {l 3EI R EI .,!8l tsel N!l R olzt Esl :-€l &ot BB EI Ha 3t N g$ ao.ol !,l oEl N cc+t 33 r oto Noo- tg_ O NNG6 FN ilEd EEocEg 3B oao|oCEo!EEo(,E!iaooJJ€o o9 ( EtE o'o Go =Got & F g s]?I6t -l ttolzl6l!l;l .!l ol trl3 <l(,A 6@@O?606r- 6- 9- O_@OFO6600oErNq;--6 6600lF6@606N ot'No@o6@ts{NNd;-o sa@oN6rOo. o- o- o-iqoo6NFO6{ONd----q FOOO !. 1 N. r.tsNNO6NN6o!oN ---;6 ooooFOe0o6666;dat6@io€!oNfi,i-'a oo@9ooNo@, N" O. 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Lobb, Staff lll}3ll7 Page24 of 55 oontsklrrts€Xl6,N.o.ocl t-OC!t600N9l <vo@E6-cioG6lq6oc 6F6(NFFI@ooi9l '6-N{iNFd5lo-{-o-(<l FN@s"6564 3Nm!ETdNFN9l eNooEl isN;t(l o_ o- o- qtriloN@q6l o66s o600!,6r@QI NNO@:l ^iN@NCl NNrOQl 6Da{;ldiN@(Zlooo@ @r@q660@!ro@@N,ild6-ocEl N@o@ili,oi@GXl 6'oidG64qq @NFUON6N@CEeasr;lt-r:6-c@N0!AAOs oooc@oocQo.o"trqr6@oscl 6loclfotsu10;-A0004 oooG dca---o.evoo@(tl 6!o6<l v6!ar rS6964 e@@qN+ON6NNIEtoo_acil 6004dfo.o-@-cN?NS60qq ooocoro?TtFFEl js$:clo!0C =l o.irG060c oooc660C416,N-o-csl RsES.61 6- t- r- EOl oNo[l -66C :-€For{(alo-N_FeqgHERrgl -al o'N'eo3l 46a01 El -@o.rl{Oo@ F@OFEl-.deio'r6ldlo*ordl6i6.o-o.^IFIONOF.il 6d6A;l 0o64ol elold ?lE $ e.c586:5?l ts*d,{il EHs!El df 28Nl ,El NNol 60r!El 6ho{:l ;-EEE<l lra-6l Etgl og(!o (! o&t,cG iEgE9; E. 'r-:3EE e+ b !,qF€ E otr.tiZEi<."i?He APPH,I{DIX B Exhibit No' 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. 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Lobb, Staff lll03ll7 Page 27 of 55 I t, fn (U ao(Ea B- @xozt!a- zoF3 =o- ts(rt FztfJ ]JJ Elfl f.io F-FI LU:) ciz LI,lth L) 8:&:-ts 8-; 7_ R. *, tl^ 8J 4-O6r.Orl dvio sndal --d { 4 6 AEat{{ q,oo-o6F E 6 O,F r O 0J 6ftFF-.46lEF,o9d-l ir..r-r,h-dl ddeiardJl ! r{ 63 : e .t 9 9U: lial * f :; $r j ; .; J s:' : n = = 9 q !: € '1 t : )t 4 I q a ) *, a.$g' q 3d E s IA Ia: E s 6?a i!l.-, t il Xl:t E II|1idli? Et , in e3 i I!_t61': flsii H{I }a d'. it gq ! 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E -a o I 6t d Srmcosr AVISTA UTILITTES &ona.:o AVU€-1 7{1 SoltJcmoit Case Revoruo lo Cost by Functi0oal Comrcn0nt Slmmry Lotd F actar Psak C(0dn fo. Us Tffilve Mtrttrs Endsd )ocorbs 3 1, 2016 Transrnission gy oemmd'12 CP(b) {c) (d) (e) (q (d 0} (i) Rssrdslial G€reral Large G6n Syslom Soryico Serubo Serylco O0sciption Tolal Sch 1 S.i 11-12 sch 21.?2 Funcllon.l Cort Componanta tt Curarl Rclun by Schrdul! Prcducton 115.411,512 45.46{,829 15,3{3,{32 ?5,763,208 Trensn;s3icn 25,526,273 10.215,328 3.733,760 5,84.797 Dstrburlon 60,065,371 29,117,877 11,03{,603 i3,010.e82 Common 15.579,841 2{,192,956 7,200,206 7,466,312 Tolsl C!treni Rats Rovonu6 246,583,000 108,901,000 37,3r?,0C0 52,070,C00 13,916,C00 19 14s.0C0 5,1S1,C00 3,625,00C ldaho Jurisdclion Eletic tiilit/ 0 (i) lrua taryo Ertrr Lrgs Gs ssNics So&ice CP Sch 25 Scl 25P (t) Pmp'n! SsMco Sch 31.32 0912911 I (m) Suesl f, ArEa Lglts Sch 11.49 12,799,054 13,503,398 2,123,r35 2,{93,976 2,816.620 38s.214 t,952,773 334.898 2,0{0.469 2,700,197 2.490,084 937,183 {11.!57 51,570 2,566,07C 594895 6 7 8 9 10 ErpF66od rs $/kyvh PrcdJctron TrSmmisslon Dislribr tion Common Totsl Curront Meldod Rales Erpross8d as $^Wt Prcdrclion TrSnsmission 0,shbution Comon Tob Cunonl Unifom Molded Ratos $0.039t1 $0.04137 $o,ol!?c s0.00055 $0,00997 50.00010 50,02031 $0.02/80 t0"02480 ,0.01550 $0.02223 i0.0,751 $0.03E62 $0.00Ets $0.01873 $0 0110a $0.036r6 $c.c0715 $0 00560 s0.00765 t0.03503 00.00671 $c.035r4 t0.01592 $c.03093 $0.00382 s0.19021 $!.04116 $0 039cE $0.m864 90.02014 $0.03970 $0.00092 t0,025{3 s0.04202 90.01023 $0.03022 $0.03969 to.0iEg0 s0.02c04 $0.03724 s0.00/i / $0.0c0!2 s0.03516 30.00638 s0,03392 $0.03106 s0,0038{i t0.19229 $0.03582 t0.00698 $0 c0547 90.015{3 $0.02113 50.01972 $0011s0 $0.00756 $0.00687 $Q.01552- $0.0{113 $0.08350 $0.0951e $0.10219 $0.08021 $c,05583 t0.05?8{ t0.09097 $0 27161 F!0ction!l Co!t Compqnmtr ,t Unllom Cunlnt Rltum 11 Produclion 115,20{,615 17,371,556 13,947,?15 25,073,652 12,919,313 13.316,3i8 2.163,751 112,i99 12 Trsmmission 25,514,027 11,11/,236 2,95S,025 5,138,615 2,556,208 2,716,8C0 {05,1C2 5'1,04213 r)isurbuuon 60,06r,042 31,838,559 9,C51,3i4 12,161,159 ?,000,226 322,864 2,146,369 2,538,391 14 Comm1n 45,i /2,3J6 25,155,191 6,393,?50 7,'19j,497 2,/34,355 2,{44,313 961 109 589,30115 TolalUnilomCutrentCcst ?{6,583,000 115,002,641 32,353,861 49.867,923 20,210,102 1S,8m,l0li 5,676,630 3,591,534 0 17 18 19 20 $0.03673 t0.00749 t0.000e9 $0.c0671 21 R.v.nu.io Corl R.tlo d Cor.trt R.td ,0.083s0 1.00 $0.10137 c.94 $0.06861 t0.07682 30.05657 $0.0s185 10.09{C0 t0.26913 1.15 1 04 C.99 1"02 0 97 1.01 23 24 25 25 Funclonal Corl Componantc d Propoald Rclum by Schtdul. ProdJction 1 19,320,105-rssmission 27,842.892 Distribuuon 64,757,699 cqmmn 47,592.m4 r7,123,397 11,260.910 31,48{.74E 2s,290,94s 15,667,164 \n24,562 11,n7,868 7,603,085 26,${3,703 6,329,347 14,095,542 7,813,406 13,1 55.1 1 I 2,6i0,256 2,093.288 ?,80'1,337 13.9t 1,500 3,03{.,005 361.1s3 2.589,941 2,195.408 120,007 2,222,692 sc 294 423,015 51,60,0 2,722,388 613,193 Total P,oposed Rats Rovsnuo as 0bhhrion Conrm Iohl Proposod Moldsd Rates 259.473,00C 115,160,000 39.173.000 5{.882,000 20,728.000 19,897.CC0 s,613CCo 3.814,000 t0,016i2 $0.02209 50.020s5 $0"012c4 s0.00784 $0.00714 $0.016?3 t0.0ds9s $0.08707 30.10057 S0.1072S $C.08454 $0.05001 $0.05408 t039635 $0.20580 30 31 32 "i1 -16 37 3t 39 40 4',t 42 funcdorrl Coal Corpon.nll at Unllom R.qutttad Rilum Produclion 119,115,638 Transmission ?7,829.000 obrribut n 64,726,473 48,992,167 12,438,891 3{.151,369 11,421,358 3,i23 810 9,i11 157 25,931,438 5,925.28? .,3,218,At2 $0.0399. s0.00913 $0r2036 $0.0116c 13.361,291 2,784.94t 2.174,641, $0.c3710 $0,00779 $0.006c9 $0.008cc 13,171,888 2,959,909 352.t72 2.231,77r 441,352 2,324,810 $0.03705 $0 c0731 $0 c385C $c_01665 426.922 55,609 2,771,282 $0.03199 $0.00417 $0,207m $c 04645 Conron Totsl Unilom Cc6t 47,77C.E86 26,s28,0,t{ 5,669 C29 7,532,64i 2,859,896 2.555,782 1.0C5,564 619.932 259,{73,0C0 122,110,472 34,048 35"1 52,6C7.404 21,180,775 19,639,751 6.009.500 3,876,7{5 Erprss6id s! $/kwl Producton lBnsmissron 0isribution Common Iolal Unilom Meld€d R8t6s $0.0{035 $0 c09{2 s0.021 92 s0 c1618 t0 0{27a t0.01086 $0.0?e8? $0.02317 $0 c37s8 g0 c081 5 50.0c097 $0.00705 s0.01951 $0 00883 $0.0:665 $0.01827 $0 c8?87 Rrvrlua lo Co.t R.tlo .l P6po..d Rd..1.00 43 Clr.nt Rdr[!. tc Pm9o..d Cott Rdb 0.t5 44 Tu{il Rryln!. lncr.rr. 12,8!0,000 Iil€i AVU.E-17"0'U lCEl€c S0tlemrr( COS LF PC Ll€lhod/ SJf,costElhibits $0-10663 0.9{ 0,09 rt,120,000 $0.093fi s0.0810{ $0.05e28 1,15 1.0{ 0.90 i,10 0.99 0,9{ (3161,000) ,t7,000 r,231000 201 I Rste Y€ar $0"05417 1.01 0.97 {95,000 $0.09951 0.9/ 0.91 515,000 $J.29C5C 0,98 0.91 252,000 Pag6 2 ol 4 Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03117 Page 29 of 55 20 TrrnrmLrlon CASE NO. AVU-E-17.01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B I 3 { 5 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2015 Line No.FactorDescription 1 Revenues 2 Expenses; Uncollectibles 1.000000 0.003563 1,000000 0.003s63 0.00227s 0.00s838 3 Commission Fees o.002275 4 ldaho lncome Tax 0.051264 Total Expenses 0.057102 Net Operating lncome Before FIT 0.942898 Federal lncome Tax @ 35%0.330014 REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.612884 5 6 7 8 0.994162 Revised per Staff*PR_079, Attachment A Page 5 - Rev Conversion Factor Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17_0t/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff 11103117 page 30 of 55 CASE NO. AVU.E.17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B APPENDIX C Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01i AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lll}3ll'7 Page3l of 55 CJ.gE lo co rl q)bon,o- IxozUJoo zo Fs-)o-F(h Fz IJJ LUJ EL! rlo r-.r-{ l! f ozt! IJ Exhibir No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17_01/ AVU_G-17_01 R. Lobb, Staff I I /03117 Page 32 of 55 o,Enode.ra-vr6sor? v} \'o" q ci5?a€ONo_EN6r-6 o \oolN = +oi cz ho€60ho+r^6€onc{,i r6a€9 -oN$h,g--^h-N- =6r-6s€ o I I.5J oEo9^ v=dT E"E3 &"? 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I r,,).E9rlr=).eH<L.-iE e= frl - E s UAt i f ! oU'If,o.xII N qJ o0 G'o- aFo s o6 oo qrj E.ioTE dzie7. (.)xozt!o-o- zotrs3o-Ftrt F.zt! lalJ FUVI FIor\rl IIJJI:) dzt! (J Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03117 Page 33 of 55 80 6hG o^6.r 66 6q 66 jF-e+rroro sa:&g= IE l--le$::l*E=.ld 5A ! Bd. ! "TI! E gu :tEi Ei!l i EEg€Ea!af ts E -r .3.5 E.?a<diltaoUF I lPE5i.r!<TEl< EI -a' lsEIEEtoctn5I(JUdl-u-uX l-uoerei| 6 E i i E 6 j le-,& E i E i j s I tl c : E qE i E ] SI s* E €" U'a e € =El < .1 < El< a < I Bs ! € g{ i s fi]; r ; $l# I ; ! N11-fratz ooc'o (,lJ .c,|,n (n (u oo(oor'l a -, ]: ,l: =1, I' x.8i- 8. ......,..*l8;.q{3:-8jo6d&.,dhl -l I6a66.oFI eqo,\16"6J dpr'o;m-1-l ^--...^-l9rd-ad.rt.tl o-ar-holad-dqti-l I a ; l*: !l;i ; i3, :l- l-l*l5l-i l; l* 1fl. lill;i t; lit6 t: tvtl3t- I" li lrl- ItrlaI:. lr lt.t; t;ll E,E :.: &x FTFF ,:_ t :. $ii{ , nr sd ; ;li g s a ';- ,; :{ e E d :] A (; !'-n r:I I Z u t_- ar !i!l Ee ili I fll3II , E{i8:; g: e^, s{ t g €9 r d t 5 :l' s _!:, t-!!q: f,gsi 6 .; { ai J t ! t) ri -dF6oNJ I ts iF-vle--.qaoFoa-o ;F--o'orl ;l;:lesRla4r6.r!Fl.i" -d- iJ;.u.i3.vqtl I *---.*olov,o6d-61 d;o';.id6:1*.3. i: r i. B.l 'o..{.r.r I I 6d-eOH-l a,^6da I --*FoF6l6O,h.l 2G-rnqr-,-.--4!7=!3=8 . .i ; d r a 6i d.oooo-61siqo-":c.oJ -{too-6 ;".'ddr n-l l d s.: e 3 s G 3 c (J xoz1!Lo- zaF33dFtlFzlrJ =UJJ Et!vl t-{o N r'.1 rrJ f o4lr,V' L) 9^: *. }R * -9EE IU!i ri 9*tbE? i.!; aa6 3 ritts ?t/. {r:a ^S a 5t;ti3i,e!i€#ris Tiji3,l,tr!, a -z o b *q -r HXd-!l Hr ?3J$irE;Z -g q 3,9.r.rrr r4 .!st3!!!eI i;E,r ;i i{ I { I g:iEI; !&,55I":dA3ats .civ,.r€-l -.u.1-"aa.ol aoea<,.a| nnt"o-F-o--jtsl-r,;.r651 :I -iY'A; ., *1 .,5*; - 4; d slu,a5!,,l i ? IIEI -!E{li rlf,Ei lEEg i iilfl {}rilul I tdll ; €frldE; t:I il;; 1 .t:I,IT EEEIt B? xilr ir flra, 9s 9FD, b( h(Ee Ir ii1! 45 j.J{! u {I €Irt g rE niU8+ fl 3; il8t.$i! BeiS $llBii qgii }lii Y€FQtO-.r-t,ort*n, i -F6.,-i6h * v { { ? tr t ! Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos' AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lllO3llT Page 34 of 55 . E FoF Z B a:oN z>. id ? (1 Yr :J>j 'c ta Eeo! ,Y! ,= !>o&gE; =EE:iE;J ;.=-n tE',E€i !o r.l.5 lr uo E Eoo 9 ?t 3i Sumcost Scsnrh: AVU-E-17-01 S6tJ0mont Caso 201 9 Lo.d frdfi Poak Credal Trenomigsion EyDomand l2 CP {b) {6) (d) (o)0 Sysl€m oosanp$on Tclrl Functlotrrl Cost Componrntr at Cuftanl Rrtlm by Scitdul!prcdrctcn 11t,646,270 Trmsmissioo 25,C55.123 Dtshbution 59,195,490 common {7,685,117 AViSTA UTILIIIES Rorenuo b Cmt by Furc[orrlCompononl Sunnry for hc Tw.lvo Monti! End.d orc!tr$€. 3J, 20'16 ldaho Jurisdctio. El6ctb Utlity (s) Ros;don[.1 S6ryica Sch'1 (h) Gon6rtl Sgilica Sch 11-'12 0 Largo Gon Smico Sch 21-22 (1j Pumpiig SsMco Sch 31.32 0919/1? (n) Sxorl & Arm !i9hb 9cr 41'19 0 (r) fxt a Lsrgo €rua Largo Gon Soaico Soryico CP Scn 25 Sch 25P 15,111,6{3 9,976.6{7 20,634,910 25,267.800 't5,228,972 3,671,250 10,E53.569 7.550,209 25 609,640 5,739,727 r2,665,976 7,834,655 12,t3{,393 2,{57,988 1,932,5.10 2,821,060 r3,438,695 2,78C,200 32s.E7E 2,600,221 2.109,604 37e,13{ 2,023,619 982,6{3 1r3,323 51.17'1 2,539.997 620.509 6 7 E 9 ,0 11 12 13 14 15 Total Cuf,€nl Rate R6v,nue Exp{.sssd s $il'vlh Produc!cn Trahrmissioi D6tibutrcn Cmmon Totll Cwsnt Llelded Rates Funcllonrl Cosl Comgortntt .l Unilom Cun.nt R!tum ProCuclion 111,41E,171 17,010,238 13.852,0{1 Trongmission 25,065,275 11,203,251 2,903,566 Orshbrtjon 59,191,896 31,371,7?C 8.917.{60 Common 17,907,35E 26,666,191 6.692,331 Tolrl LJnrlom Cutr6otCo6t 246.s83,000 10E.991,000 37,312,000 52,070,000 19.946,0C0 19,1{5,000 5,494,000 3.625.000 90.038E2 tC 03939 t0.04171 t0.0394$ $0.0356,r S0.03706 $0,03{93 t0,03097 t0.00848 lc.oc8il !0.01006 $0.00E84 $c.00638 $0.0076/ s0.0c626 t0r0303 s0.02c05 tc.0250'r $0.02973 t0.019Es 10.005{r t0.00090 s0.03351 $0.19033 s0.01615 $C.02207 t0.02070 90.01207 90.00790 90.00717 90.?1627 90.01650 $0.cm50 $c.09510 50.t0219 30.08021 t0.05583 t0.05280 90.09097 $0.27161 24,902553 1t,03',153 5,336 683 2,508,299 r2,017 365 1.9r0,9r5 1q4.ry 2,8!q.7i? 13,225.{59 2 665,081 312,054 2,543,950 ?,148.905 397,509 2,118,079 .r,008,t14 409,90J 50,085 2,464,302 612.700 2{6,583,m0 r16,209,450 32,365,101 49,789.8s7 20,161,119 r8,i17,Ji1 5,672,688 3,557,130 t6 11 18 19 20 ExDrsss.d as iltwh Produclion Iransmissior Oslributon Comnon Total Curenl l,Jnllo'm Mddad Ralss t0.0379d $0.00795 $c"02412 $0.01E33 $0 03836 30 00822 $0.0165.| s0.0r160 $0.03591 $0.0070? $0.005s2 $0.00798 $0 c3648 30 c0735 $0.000e6 50 007c? ;0,)3558 $0.00658 $0.03s07 $0.01669 s0 03075 tc 00849 $0,02004 $c 01622 $0.04109 t0.0c97a $0.02740 $0.c2329 $0.030r2 $0.0c375 t0.1 8316 $0.04592 21 Rlvanuoto Cott Rrtlo rt Clmrt R.t!! $c.083s0 t.00 00.101ss s.0006. 0,94 1.15 s0.07670 1.05 50.09393 0.9i 30.0s'7'l t.02 $0.26655 102 22 24 ZD Funcilorrl Coil Componlrts rt Proporad Ralum by Echldrl. Prodlc1;oo 1 19,869,116 Ttansmission 28,1r'1,199 Dist buljm 65.{27,760 Commcn 50,0C0,925 17,326,710 i 1,319,584 3:,765,345 26,067.26r 15,929,577 4,061,885 11,638,7{7 7.99E.791 13,981,081 3 C71,456 361,096 2,743.5€7 2,2t6,571 42s,815 2,2,e ,221 r.045.363 {25,923 55,265 2,750,0/6 6{9,737 26,789,546 13,208,909 6,412,321 2,704,137 t4,335.517 2,1N,t51 6,33r.610 2.966.537 Tolal Proposed Rala Rrvsnuo as $*Wh Exprcssed ar $itWh37 Pmdclion 36 Trammission 39 DEtibuton40 Conmon 41 Totsl Unilom Moldod Rrs 264.01?,000 117,339.000 39,629,000 5s,3rs.000 21.001.0C0 20 tirS,ccc 5.934.000 3,8E1.000 i0.01711 t0.02J{t t0.0219r t0.01284 tC C0030 10.00757 $0,01i31 30.04669 t0 0s870 s0.05560 3c.09i26 s0.29082 IJ 30 31 32 i1 34 35 36 Colmcn Tolor Propos€d Meldsd Rotes $C 08911 $0.1C217 10.10909 t0.0e€07 Func{on.l Cosl Coopor.nb .t Unitom R.quctt.d Rdum Prodtrcton 119,686,479 49,214,476 14,4E9,011 26.049,106 Iraflsmilsion 20,135,0{3 ',2,575,124 3,259,169 5,990,272 Disribufon 65,38t,51C 34,{33,061 9,E11,2e6 13,125,932 Cormon 5C.810,969 28,230,352 7,093,10? 8,021.905 TolalLlnrlorm C6t 13,{21,919 2,015,d93 2,105,212 3,031,01 7 13.83,t,3e0 2 992.17{ 351,53{ 2,101,613 2,247,926 {46,1 92 ?.355,4?1 \.c'?2,112 428,859 56,219 2,799,020 656,517 261,01/,000 124,153,?19 34,656,6e8 53,187.C)4 21,ti4,57i 19,862931 6 12'1,653 3,940,651 $0.04053 $0.04298 t0,03969 S00{013 $0.03757 $0.03816 $A.Ay22 $0.03211 lc.@e53 60.0,098 $0.00893 30.00923 s0 c0788 10.00025 $0.00739 10.00{21$0?214 30.03007 tro 02688 s0 02068 s0.c0617 $0.0c097 $0.039{0 s0.2097{ 30.0172r $0.0?465 3001043 f0.01236 50,00819 $0.007!6 t0.0'775 $0.01920 t0.08941 $0.1c86e 5c.09{!2 $0.cE239 50.06010 $0.05181 tr0.10136 $0.2952S 42 R.v.no. !o Co.t R.tlo .t PFporad Rttat 1.00 0.94 1.15 104 0.98 101 097 c.90 {3 cumrn Rmnv. to Prcgo.ld c6t R.tlo 0.9! 0,tt l.0t 0.9f 0.t3 0.36 0.90 0.92 44 llm.l Rdtfli l.cnr!. 1r,t14,000 td{61,000 (2,65tr000) '1,{'17,000 1,529,000 730,000 62d,000 316,000 File: AW€-17'011 l0El6c S€Uensnt CoS LF PC Motrod/ Sumccst Er hibit! 201 I Rats Yoar Page 2 of 4 CASE NO. AVU-E-17-01 STTTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibir No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lll03ll7 Page 35 of55 28 JI t0.03192 t0.009st 4 1 3 4 5 t0.056{3 0.99 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2016 Line No,Description Factor 1 Revenues 1.000000 Expenses: U ncollectibles 0.003s63 3 Commission Fees 0.00227s 4 ldaho lncome Tax 0.0s1264 5 Total Expenses 0.0s7102 6 Net Operating lncome Before FIT 0.942898 7 Federal lncome Tax @ 35%0.330014 8 REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.612884 Revised per Staff_PR_079, Attachment A 2 1.000000 0.003563 0.00227s 0.00s838 0.994L62 Page 5- Rev Conversion Factor ExhibitNo. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff 1l/03117 Page 36 of55 CASE NO, AVU-E-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C I I APPE,NDIX t} Exhibit No. lol Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-r7-01 R. Lobb, Staff 11rQl/17 Page 37 of 55 0) .Eo C,co rl OJoo(! ox5zL! 6- zoF5f tr(n t-- LTJ: IJJJFFlrJVI rioIF-el I:) Exhibir No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lll03l17 Page 38 of55 oao-E-66roVn-\OrtF- -f-olO^i.:--a{rC:rhFFb qr: s€ t,-,6N o*, oz {!dOr^O<)r,r-*o\O \5 rf N .-i*\CO\mGA -rnn<l,E _- \O- O\E oh ro'ao& a.t * U: t) a2o,69y,Lcqo99I.J -q : o Qa dzf EIceo' il lJ oc.(J= v b o0s = .. ^ 6b;.;rb>trd5><<ou< d6t6\o rt .t t-- Nal€O.tN\:, 6t d c.iFq\9. o"st.-NN C1 V, sG 6 00 N \o <1"=thO-C)m\OrmO=or6l\0ri ,ri oi d --i ai cio -h \O Q{d 6- o\ $ o\t-.6i --ici d nij.sff6n 9a =oqx-{ i5L,/9HUir o9F aOo*cqr J<'r v= OO 90 UU&d oo €'€' ooUUrr!ooxx, a- n \4,rr I'- rOo" ni clreol\ V, V) hoo.+ord.t*6ah O\ .O- J * -cA6lu -u^=)- liJ od=flu 9 6 .v- &, =IL ilq*! !E!oo+E EUO ur9=i-<!.rvar- €o.= Et!3!Ev! !.I,3!tr< Os6OtO t-- \o C,*oo\ f\ q)6t F-.+ .l !LGi6 LJq dLJo-/a o9F \o J \o \o JJ JJ E3oo-o -o0a 'r €a- d r- C)FN6.t -i9+ \o o\\o€hOtI@Yovl G Aq {rq eA aq v, ee I VcaLL('o coa6aaOL) ot,zzU ! uo^ooc0-n E IgcP LdJcr) ad* o E9r E EaY - ) 2hni ''1 c ug;; *' H E.{ ES -EL-Y>''-Huora d& c cEC!!?3.EeEFHqgU9EXdTF€.-vokLLEo=a- *p.E!'HI*i7., > tL d,* g.' oi t..\c, I c.l c\l€ N 6c, (r\ rc'l al n6lF-O-- C)nnnO\!t \o F- o(>ooooooo$ri<iO\f-F-<>al oooooo.tOalhooo\O*oO I trIodha odt- ..tdOJNc =0dcdvEuuo6? Esizee,9u !eDd<&&h-eoE8s6Ea 8E3l-qt4 a d r\ a :E>oF a( tr.l(rt:*v, L)a .J4)N (!l til -zg> \u4(JXLh J 5 <Ul,i ril > ,Jzeo(J) Lr.l lr.lacnSO(/) J F F c Etr z!'r!0 3E 432'EsR : (!\ -l-gE\6J"x =68r?Egq.:ocE.= tr Qt-E;AE3 =il utc)iq=si:; El ce\0),>=ts<5;5u '1*!ttH,!:+EL,>i,-Yr-c!lJt-rh 4vE\ -ocX (lOZ- OJ o. E o $n\O L) EL&; fE oL) !o.xI N (U@(E oxozllJa-o- zo F-3 o-tr FzIL, ElllJ Fl! FIor\f{I(9 3 v7 ..l .{- t"6l c.l @ tt\q $:fc.t l<6) troaaO l.{C)O" c) I G)& tro .J1 €' IAo(-) "oC)X 14 cn c\l+ $ \o€r- d C) 0) o (AkiJ o v) (-) +r c.)! 3zk q) v)()3 C\ ao ar1N @$\od @ $rt^ No\ r-N v7 (.) bo o c) C)d' dt El\l r bl 6!l dsl ;kl _apt :sl eel E l-C) Eoa Q t< C) o C) od q) a .2o(.) Eox en a..lt .f, \o oof-- .0 (o o I o tl)Hdl Eo v7 Qqro Fr(.) '.otr z () a F c.l $c.tr.- a.lo\(\ t/.) q anlr) O \o ooa.l v9 () bo o .o a.t d (h() ().(ov) l+ HI4c)*sl t:I Hgt t;tlfSI E- EI ; s{ EEl o.3I Hql 'fi Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Stafflll03ll7 Page 39 of 55 ?!*68 .=5Q=eiiedaz tro o6) 1)CJL a 0 C! ? a clz I o() 6t: EQmoL*'=croAr.Q.l:o)-a(J=--:4)--E9y 8 E &,'E'!vO#F!G.5 trEq'g;;ortrlDALi,,'.E+.q)g: iE'iazZ \_v 9;* E-Qd,E:+lf6)Flk#F.;-1\J-c!daLEItrE<Z,* Eq) o. 6 (D e)c,]z \o,ar) cna.l\a.) @ ooq ca\oco g c.l OD ,go-oE, I an c)D'a!o- oxoz LLJo-o. zo F Jfo-trtnFz LIJ UJJ ELI' oINrit,:) Exhibir No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU_c_17_01 R. Lobb, Staff lll03l17 Page 40 of 55 s a n S; d ,rs-tl::S ia 3 !:3 5 E -:--_.q t- o fel{{{i!ixilii},E:lr{t} rEir{l! [= !!1831i i!lsFii i3l t: li"lr "l= a rhdld ^tli ;l; ,l, ,1, sln ;l; 'l;ul- "rl a =l* 3t: el* ;l; el4 rli t ;,: ;t i -'j q S -ry 8.{ 3. t: g. €. t! I 3 3a; t d a5 1a €ie -o -9 -ali. E!. Er.tt tI n!s! .t 6trtr b.g rxHf ;f IEt E ir ed.,gi ei.,i!!it! il t:. gE:3iE $ !? {t!?s,it 6l EE itE>$II gIiII XIEE:l rlgT, ]l?? i:laitix[3titi I 8rt Y ni, *3 t: c a F 7 n 3 -3 r; r6 5$ 4 .pr i] (tYrlt IBI E:t t[ rl 36iI Ltril!t Er'u,ll I Jgfl iEgil ilqrl Er! fliigf { e{ ;e st n vrI *ii ! -*$.( 5f --1 e{i" 1 3[. ts ri6.i)p- Ial E' I ! aI 6 EzF .ll-,,iE:,i E +-if!!t.;l, *; 5 s2 :o ;f, x2 !rj ti ii:9! i 8,3 j I g , E I !!.c !,! a -rzq!iEt Egi! & e ,{ e. FI t zz I .!; a'i- \ i9ze!sisg9- i :;s =qo -:6.1 :.9118'EEEts 1.1 E *G! 9; E l.1E ti8<=9Ei .!oQ: E$ i I2"< a!!oEE!E.-, ,:o Egc I AVISTA UTILITIES Cmpany Settt6mont Summary by Function wilh Margin Analysic Ca56 201 I Revoru6 Fot lho Yoar Endod Oecetnbor 31, 20t6 (b) (c) (d) (o) (0 Systom Lins Ogscrlptlon Total (s) Rosldenlial SBrvl€ Sch l0'l Nalural Ga! Utilaty ldsho Jurisdiclion (h) Largo Firm Ssille Sch 111 U) lntsnupt Seruic, Sch t31 (k) Transport Serulca Sch 146 Functlon.l Cort Compononte tt cunont Rtlrt 1 Production2 und€rgrcund Stuage3 Oisldbutim4 Common5 Tolal cuqont R.to navonuc6 Excluoe Costot GaE w/ Revenue Exp. 7 Totrl U(giln R.vlnur al Clmnt Ralts fulrrgin p€r Thom el Curenl Ralts I ProducllonI Und.rltound Sto.agr10 0islnbutionll Common'12 Tolll Cutrent Mrrgin M6ldgd Rst€ per Them F!ncllon.l Cort Compon.nir ll Unllonn Cudanl Rolum 13 Prcduclion 14 Undorground Stryage 15 DrslnbulEn 16 Cornmon17 Totsl Unifom Curonl Cosi18 Excludo Colt ol Gas w / Rcvtnuo Exp,19 Tolal Uilifom Curcill Margin Mar0ln per I nsm at Unilom Cutronl Rotum Prod{clion Undergrqund Stysgs Orrtrbul6n Comgn Total Cqronl Unifcm Matgn Meldod Ral€ per Thom Uargln to CGt Rrtlo al Cufi3nt Rrtar 313.065 1,143,425 21,849,t21 9.850,686 123,15.1 512,561 t,825.616 t,489,089 37,966 264,2U s2,1 79 439,4S3 t.693,05? 28,983,600 11,431,954 c 0 0 0 40.6,a9,00o tl.190,tg7 c,960,,t21 c 0 0 {01,88' 000 '40,64t,000 t1,196,197 C,960,.121 0 i10t,083 t0 00515 $0.01 985 $0.31027 $0.13399 $0.0c529 $0.01933 $0.37003 $0.16652 $0.cc52s $0.02203 10.20737 t0.06399 s0.000c0 $0.00000 50.00000 $0.00c00 $0.001 't3 $0,01 3l 3 $0.0s279 $0.03180 30.47528 10.t6!17 to.2t!87 10.00000 t0.1t894 430.4S3 '1,647,826 26,939,2{9 11,522,432 31 3.065 'l 218,829 22 869.870 t0 1c8,759 123,1-.4 391,188 3,802,038 1.32 1,64e 3.273 37.809 267 ,341 32,024 0 0 0 d0,,,19,000 3,1,610,52{ 5,838,029 0 0 aao,47 0o0 'o,149,000 14,510,t24 6,038,02s o a00,47 20 21 24 25 t0.0051 5 t0.01931 50.31 5/5 30.13505 t0.00529 $0.02060 ,0.38680 t0.1 70a8 s0.00528 $0.01881 $0.18338 t0.05679 $0.0c000 s0.00@0 t0.00000 $0.00000 t0.00r 13 $0.01 308 00.c9247 t0.03i83 t0.a752C 1.00 t0.6E338 0.9t 10.212?8 Lt3 10.00000 0,00 l0.l3t6'l 1.00 Funcllon.l Co.t Compomdtr !t PrcpotGd nrtct 28 Pbduotlon 27 Undor0round Storsge 28 Olllrlbullor 29 Common 30 Totrl Propor.d R!1. R.v.nut 31 Excludo Cosl ot cee w/ Rovonue Exp. 32 Tot.l Mrrgln Roysnue rl Prcpolcd Rltct el Rat€s Common Total Unitom Propcsed Cost Ercludo Cgst of Gas w / Rovanuo Exo. Tolal Unitom Propcssd Margln Mr.gin per Tlem al Unilom P@porcd Retum FEducllon Underground St0rsge Drslnbutlon Commoo Tolsl P.oposod Unfom Msrgin Msldod Ral6 por Thom Mrrgln te Corl Rrllo rt Ptoloted R.lra Currnl ilrr0h to Propot.d Corl Rillo {39,486 1,765,868 27.867,327 r 1356,320 31 3,060 1.205,02S 22,690.377 r0.06t.43c 3,273 39,4S9 217.230 1?3,152 521,34S 4.699,720 1,501.200 0 0 o 0,fi,729,000 34,259,097 7,016,121 0 0 o ,11!,683 c0 41,728,000 t4,26r,097 7,016,121 0 {11,683 $0.32663 $0,13662 0 0 0 0 37 38 40 41 42 ,t3 4,1 45 {6 n8 49 51 Total Pr@caad Mangin Meldoc Ral. perThom Fuocdon.l cort Cmponantr al Unitom Prcpolod Ratum Productlon Undorgrqund Slorsqo Oishbu'Jon Comron l0 17008 $0.06451 00.m000 00.032.11 t0.aEt09 t0.57931 t0.30275 t0.00000 30.1/uxtt 439 486 1,723,320 27,826,314 1 r ,739,880 31 3,06C 1.274,669 23.595,605 10.299,777 123,152 400.J 1 0 3,e53,112 1.346,360 3S,642 217,537 93.742 ,l'1,720,000 0 36,'lt!,111 0 6,ttt,79t 0 0 ata,oEa 0,11,729,000 36,'18!,11 1 5,t3t,7t5 0 41,1,09r! $0.00515 $0 02c20 $0.326r4 $0.13760 ,0.00529 40.m155 30.39987 10.17411 50.00529 $0.01758 $0.16987 t0.0576f $0.0000c $0.00000 t0.00000 60.00000 $0.001 r3 $0 0r368 s0.00s00 so.03242 t0.ate0t 1.00 0.97 10.,0t02 0.87 0.94 10.2t060 1.21 1,1s 30.00000 0.00 0.00 Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU_G_17_01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03/17 Page 4l of 55 t0.00616 10.00000 34 t0.02037 AVU.G.].7-01 SETTLE M ENT STIPULATION APPENDIX D lo. ra32J 1.00 0.97 0 0 !ov(Jotj. .9 o oL) tn OJbooa- \o .f q l.nr\Nr{oqo lrrol/.}rnoq O oooC)oq fi vo (a..) c\o\ooc.l 'f r- s N qo .-.e.lal O rco Ogou6lt* c) oxozLrlco- 2otr3fd FvlFzt! lrlJ FL!tn Fi? r{I(, f €00a.l \o c OJ EE(,)(,P oiNC) Id,o-*trl-(! tt, G.,o.E(,., oG, &oFU t&zoa& z U F]pzt! I! \o (.I c)x t-q) a EoEou" F. f!o 0) o o 00 toq)o.o C)z !) oaxql F- x({Fo ooc o Gao€ o(Jtri o tr (-) g ! 69g:EOtD() H- t, q) o E! a 0 \oH N -?a)-flHL aE6sE=AHEtrE tr 6'9EEaEF'Ieatr{r=cJ5:UoloEZFU-Etdaota-aF5rE 1U=F* zaZdEc'G 2 H .lf.l BF $ taro .l Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff Itl03l11 Page 42 of 55 aOt-c-lo7 lgl APPENI}IX E, Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff I I l03l17 Page 43 of 55 q) EqJ (1,6 r-l qJ on 11,CL E ,FuE sQ! r.!r-lrr<H ct .t*r- oooo 6e.l_oaO*-a.ltJ.n o *ur6v1 € t'-r a.lt! rJ a,.. UJ =>cF cl tr.loir^F t) -H-or6tF-@UNiihi - * - r <> .:.=---tsO:rhN@6a5 6-'6 r'lUdcz .+.+OhCOmr-=tO\5 \O * Gl .;€\DO\6?,-rhh<-s _\Oo\E oiri6hp a2 6C*€-oo- ro" C'{ r,a{ t--o\o f- € c.l F-O- & Or)or '+ \Oao€ f- \O oooo OnO\r+hO\ear) \o r- g\ \O nro: o\ r-a{ cl .+ \o o\ oO\hc\ ON6O.\oo O\€6tN n(><>\tOl.-N.:+oO\ 6 .O" O\O(> rC o a.lO\nalF er94.Ae roOoc rNo\*OCa.lm-..nmm a.A a va €-r+ \cooa6\O(r- .f a.l 6l 0,ovIor.+-r 6l \o (>*(>- al .t< a-loto ei v, s, v7 rt O\ro\Orr!'c.l &NN C.l€al ooooc.lOOol \O--5O*-Gl 9A699X-{ a=U9H6o.>?, 0vF o-a{:59 -?cU9AO).i F @@ I >r>t tJ r!, 6ALLoo oo.nq (JQ oo'2. 2.U U J dd Cr.rFaa6XC) J <-r!d=ct!a)2&ALd Uj r!\2csi.Ja t!xozLI o- zotrI3dtrth F trl ElrJJ FlrlVIrl() Nr{(, 3 ciz trlUI u J t-oF 0 ? 6tzQ,EOc!;5Ei 8.2:ex ht-9F\Cl-H -h>.o y a!95.9EEB.: tr qJl-Jt!-€oq]H) =d qor,i<Es izEi IJ E.I E!,*9(rli-t1i& o .:, a--L(!\J/9.c{ -oF.5 =H Z- €, q) q) @Vrgrsl 6l €o "i o 96,i{)ov2dn CLau( T-.9 U = b Xox gZE E;CA{)' tt E oo!? \J E bO6 5,, - Ob E.;; b>tr6Cr><<c0u< i-J ri 99 OCJoo&l o.J :o- A QOUU'6 rooo,<t q\ J ooc=61;'i 03i So 3u 9\.J! oa 9l =t&boP-!: o o*.tr qvo oD;= o5b.x(JU)rL 60\3 ca ,] @\O .lJ JJ oo33 AC) rN* 00^u000-hl I9c9 9r{J(, aE* c 'u0+Ctr ^9: ? 2Hij6 *)-.! o ii i -d r.o =o x EcC L.Y>J'YE&,E EEC! 9*r\ocC+ 0 v'5 F'=t-2qUfioEr3€f€.;voqLq "ouAt{o-EiEX€n7.r>EcliI q) 0 o h6"o-:R9l o o-i -dd-HU0=ubbSTES E E g g=bEETz?.tbBei r JUOO !cE6<Jg9dt+.EtjoE3# H(h-ctCQsaEs,o .o .u _o -^,{-d6-+h\o<in€\o \o Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03117 Page 44 of55 {J &. P ! P oL) E0l.xl! Nooo al,o- t!xo2l!o-o zotrs otraFzUJ lrJJ Elr,ltt r{() Nr-loIf oz lr, U Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff lll03l17 Page 45 of 55 c.i -d (d (r,o 0) oa ,f -q o\coN ral @ tl-- r.) 4 N Ho a ULc) 0) o C)& q) IA3€' </) U!0)X t& af) c.l$ * \o oor- N q) !) o& v)tio V) qrokC)s z L c) t,c)F .\t r- \0trlIt\o !f, @ .+o\ c.io\ odc! IA (.) b0 o o c) *lOat E&l P bl '5 sl < Sl u 31 3 !t ; rl r oo\r+tftr- aa @ \oo\\oc-.a.l v1 c\l L(, th Q l-c) o (, O& o a €' aoQE0)X a?l C!d- $ \o^ oor= (! (Bo() d() o (r) liq)tr Ia Uqr Ho-o z l<(rd C) aot-* N @@oo NNra q (> cotndan o\c.l @ C)b0(! o) (J C()*sl Itl H!l Etl 5sl €'3l <ul 6d,q.Et :.hl s.l fil ,i "o o -o ?!*x0e6) ,= .1 &iiaz c( to aq) e)aL oa q) rJ thd GL (qz , oq) ct:E; EUo.u,t--'=o6Eo.c:E()n(,5\o)EFr--.z;; .EE&E!a!E =trEra-.!;9rd D=Ea.E-C)c(E0? .E < E#iEi=U;I 'E -o rlo9.L 'ItYEh C)'a2 rZg,:lriv- GUriEFHE<Z,* trq) EA o o z oo 'a(!Etn cn OJb, G,o- tifr ^i cl ET ^q s3 4 UPiB :J.l 2 a ; !J 1 E .tI ! li : s ,J d d I d J f : 9- €. <9 8S.5 *? B:; 3F j s3 ? x-:. 1B x, iI sf 3 qd 1- s! *. :. cddi n fi s .: "l r 9: 3 E i ?:: ? 8. il 78t9' F P 3 I 3 ltJxoz UJo-6- zotrs:)CFaFzl! LUJFFLlJa eloIr\ F{ 0 :) ciz UJtt I :*J3 ?B ;t 8 xr$- ' t E 8. f, tt<_ tr- !r8: B>++EIE { ..:a E ::*;5Y: r ! { t!lltltt:: ,}*tI =r-E5iIEF {t x& 4L",t d EJ t: a r6 ,_ It HEilIat t&!Et3i! qr : a:l8tq5 8J!lf ? ?{' I HI,TTnc ;$,3f?! EE d ir {$ii E l8- IEre !! -*; {.I : ;13 Estd >{r rg! I{l < <iJ, i]4t il:tt _!? HEu gt{ delt {t,lst !d'g{$i 1fl sbfllt i j 3ll$ir !!z E& E E fripilf"{i i!i; IIItaaE It-s l3 Hsii ti' E lrslf a 5 "= i; I r { E{ii;{st ri##p:It i {i{ it*l tT ! T E ! T-: E,'-="s ; B;:A:n*EXA ! Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17_01 R. Lobb, Staff lll03l17 Page 46 of 55 I 'r- 4 !E asEYa'.g i= =trEt != : t.t i T g!E - -ri E r_).1 E ?rr'!!.E-<+X ti8<=v ! ",:. .5=9:,ra j o >< i!,Ei> r E g q EI A Id !r AVISTA UTILITIES Compsny Sstllement Summ8ry by Function wlti Margin An8lysli Cas8 2019 R6vanue For thc Ygar End8d Dacember 31, 2016 Natural Gas Utility ldaho Jurisdicllon (h) Large Fim Servico Sch 111 0) lnlcrrupt Sarvlca $ch 131 (k) Transport Sarvlce sch'140 (b)(c) (d) (e) (0 (g) ReBidontlalSystem ServicaTotal Sch 101l-lne Description Funqlloo!l Colt Compoo.nt ll Cutr6nt Rrlol Productian Undergrc!nd Sto6gs DiElribution Common fot.l Curcnl Rrta R.vanue Exclude Cosl or Gsr w / Rovenue ExP. Total Mrreln Rrvonur al Cumot R.te! Margln por Th€m al Curent Rat€E I Prcductimg Underground Storage 10 0rslnbqtlon 1 'l Common 12 Tolsl Cuflsnt Ma.gin MBlo€c RatB p€r tham Functlonrl Cost Componsnl$t Unlrom Cumnt Ralum Pmduction Undorground Storaga Dl!lribution Comon Tolal Unifm Cursrt Cost Exclld. Cqll ot Gar w / Rovgnue Exg. Iotal Unitom Cumnt llla.gin Margin por ThBm at Uoirom Curont Rctum Productim Und.rground Storags 0rslnbution Comon Total Cur€nt Uni'om Margrn Melde6 Rats por ThBm ttllrgln to Cotl Rltlo.t Cumr* R.ts! 445,533 '1,842,040 26,376.438 12,083.990 3.326 37.348 264,058 96,950 40,549,0{X' tf,19t,897 G,r50.42,t 0 401,88300000 31 8,080 1.039.594 21,361,097 10,,118_1 26 5J5,097 4,751,283 1,568,914 0 0 0 0 40,6'4t,000 33,198,897 6,950,421 0 401,G81 30.47t26 10.15117 t0.2i867 t0.00000 t0. t3894 t0.m523 s0.01925 t0.30915 sc-14163 00.00538 $0.0r859 $0 36109 t0.1761 | s0.00538 $0.02170 10.20417 $0.067,r2 t0.00000 t0.00c00 t0.00000 $0 00000 s0.0cl 15 $0.01292 t0.091 33 $0.03353 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 t3 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 445.533 1.593.144 26.324.087 't2.185.236 3r8,080 1,178,383 22,372,220 10.704.143 125 121 378.207 3,092 422 1,354,S68 3,326 38,555 259,144 96,125 40,tr49,000 J4,572,12t 0 5,t80,72t 3r5,450 40,549,000 J,r,r72,820 6,680,721 0 39t,/tt0 s0"00523 3C.Cl 867 tc 3085{ t0.1 4282 s0 0c538 s0.01992 s0.3781s $0.18095 10.00538 s0.01625 t0 156A7 $0.05951 s3.00c00 to 0cc00 t0.00000 $0.0000c i0.001 1 5 t0.01264 30.08974 $0.03325 t0.4762r 1.00 l0.6t4al 10.23981 10.00000 30.lt6rt 0.96 ,t 25 0.00 i.02 Funcllonal Cort ComponGnt! rl ProgoEad Ratat 26 PrcAtctlon 27 Undgrground Storage28 0rrtrbqtron29 Common30 Totrl Propoa.d R.to Rrvrnus3'l Exclude Cost oI Gat w / Rgv6nuo Exp,32 Totrl Mrrgln Rryaf,u! rt Propotld R.toa Them at Rates Common Dislnbutloh Comson To18l Unilom PBpo$d Cosl Exdudg Cosl ot Gar w I Revgnur Exp, Tolal unilem Proposad lrargia 125.124 522,'147 4,893,541 1,593,609 3,320 ao,277 281.087 416 522 1,781.8a7 26,073.873 12.546 718 318,412 1.).9.484 22,899,245 10 853 1r8 0 0 0 0 42,849,000 35,2E9,897 7,151,421 0 0 424,663 0 0 t2,t t,000 39,29e,09? 7,131,a21 0 421,!0t 0 s0 14706 $0.18346 s021c28 $0,c6846 $0.00000 s0.00000 $0.09/22 50.03459 0 0 0 0 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 i5 46 n7 {8 19 50 Torel ProEosod Margin M€ldsd Ral. per Thsm Funcllonil Coat Conponanb rt unltom propotc, R!lum PrcdJclion Und€rground Slorago t0.60222 10.te866 l0.t0r6a t0.00000 t0.1a888 3,326 39,925 219,442 99,628 446,522 1,7 dO.A42 ?8.028.889 12.633,5.{7 31A.0t2 1,287.037 23,766,435 1 1,098,{1 I 125.124 413,C80 3,983,412 't,435,500 42,14r,000 18,,a69,r6300 0 12't,t21o0 $o00523 $0.02039 30.32852 $0.14807 $0.0053s $o.021 76 s0.401 /5 t0.1676r t0.00538 10.01 775 t0.171 17 t0.0616S 30.c0cc0 t0.c0000 90.0ct00 $0.0c000 t0,001 I 5 80.013E 1 I0.00652 t0.03,a46 6,957,1rt 042,t40,000 36,469,tat 6,967,116 0 421,921 Maron por Th.m st Unilom Propo68d R6turn Producllon Undg.ground Siorage Oictbqllm Comms Tol.l Proposod Unrom Ma.gin M€tdod Rslo po. Them ,0.&222 t0.61660 10.2519e p.00000 to.laEtl Mr.gln to Cott Rrtlo .l Propor.d R.l.t 1.00 O.t7 1.20 0.00 t.ol Cur.nt irrrgln to irropo.ed Cort Rrtie 0.9t 0.91 l.l? 0.00 0.t6 CASE NO. AVU-G-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX E Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibit No. l0t Case Nos. AVU_E_17_01/ AVU_G_17_01 R. Lobb, Stafftt/03/17 page 47 of 55 l3 lra Productlon t0.00000 t0.020Ee 10.0208t t0.07241 o (J(!LLc .90LqJ Co(J I tJ) o, AD(!L UJxozlrJo-o- zotr S3o- FLr't FzllJ IrJJ E[, r-.1or\r-l(, 3 cjz LLIt1 U v m C)\o vo\q \l(Drnd)oqo oooooq FI r- 00N!fqa-. o 3(\ q $\ooO O*a!tt lnr\NNoqo c.c.le.l o CJ Es,o(o oiFo Id.o-*t.l-.l] (uo.roo'to& (JFU Azoa& z(JO rlr za a ra a) 6Fq) Eoo d() orrr F Ir.o .o {)@o oon b0 d q)o.o oz o 0 x F ><dFo Eoo () rd C) 1, oOq. o o.o g: ()(J xf,H o o c)& H \oI N ?oilEl!EFq9;E;t ':' >r ii!-(r:zbEgXiEs;Ftu=lrl 40zzriucrrd'avZrn -attti)EIr!{ &so a, H Jri 'F. o Fl Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff 1ll03l17 Page 48 of 55 00l--\ota..l2 lEll lgl I APPEI{I}IX F Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff IIl03t17 Page 49 of 55 @ o c)o6o .lss**$$l .rr! i G? .! (.! 'q oll fl NNNNdNrld ooo@{o6l @EN6NN@NI E.f- o- 6- 6- o- ?- oJ o-doo@vl NNt6NN94N;0669N60 ;!*;!:l:lrsltl*ulv?@.6.qq{l qooccoool o 6ehOFONl tsNF6EdF6?0-?0t096-O-'ro 60 o@oo?oFl {F60F@e@l{-@oNNFq6d'66OOOiAq NON{<I@6d6A6l6_ 6- ts- r- O. O- Ol O_60600@ol aFiON?4q@F6666N6o :{)rS:a:e:trtl:t oo6lo-;---.i;l; 6600-6El! F6oNNFgD.\i.96q06-a FO*t O6ts-l Fots@@@l I6a{oo60'lo--ONr66O-6660NqO NN.NAr-.N.{lBo-1:&'-N55 9 C d 3 ingo E aI0- od,(, Eo=6 noF oq c U !9 crtr E;ob Ep c-oh EsE PN3Egc , E E 6nE-ge i:l ,qFYa3tLUJ.>E IIJ8.C ,9 u.r,<nE:8+o)<.>E< g PE p8 a?3qF ug) oEcu.4.E56+ se13gEr". E9 3BgP6bE! -;a 6gF Eo.ll (/) EE g IF Tb-,s rfr.xnBEtl o oJt= oEl5 oct I < ird .9636o 09H -E6LPat EEI ooaf@tfl FO600to-oaO-r_o-@19- FoOFOOOI *F66NN64Or666tN0Q 8 EPB'" 9&g"€ :) I E o c 3a g co Ea !tlt UI ots{tozb u .,6gH.i E; ",lPEb$gEE F d 5 E g{ E E $$5 qs dc-.luooq a- pg 5sg' oL #&ff) o Eco o,g) gt oNJ FG c(,-,o':IJotlrJ o EBF Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU_G_17_01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03117 Page 50 of55 5&go Etd=-b EEII$5$ N*N6N{tt @6d6d@t6- 6- F- $- 6. O. O] O. 60@oo@ol @F<6N-65@ -6566N66 *S)!S*Sn:rolt!l:ieirJq666llo91 6 :lS*ASS.ll*!.qu1 \q!rl ulooooolo 6O@60OqFF00!{N*16N*ooq6; 6?-NN60t O6GF66NOl @-66FFOFl @ o -_ ai 6 6 O d N'66-E F@6lOl ior\{{ONl 6O-o.O-o-F{@lq.doooot @60-Od+F6OqoN66 NN.NO -a.!!r*eY; N '' o l olc c g co d ES! Ee@d! s*€-EEH6kaaE^e9tr: E(JuEi6,iE# ENF sp ,[ 6rrNN9Ol OO@Fe6N@l er6OFtsO-l @d-sj9o66Gjoaod olO€-tOl @aN6{6F@lo- 6- o- o- o- @. rl olo6000t-doF?6hA?6666Nqo xa6ocEO :ela:etrf*rel:ln:q.qqqqc{.!6ooooo6l o gsE688EAeedE $E$ ood@Fo{66r€NOrrFa-6FQ6€i60?ooaeo F6666q06 8 Esg' o!3"t5 .gesE'tE9 erfiH S5iilotq3 E g s HE E€ Et B *s E qe coJuod6 FNOSQOts6 5 :H:-rN18j .igH_go&= PF2UU - EUIEE 6sHEE.EgT= Eoi Ee: d 8n $f; oEE!BFbdEEx3aEl l9 Ea osts ot o o(\t J a.GIc(,-t o t)o UJ :e:{:qSSS:llqqt:cqhqlotolloal r&3o EUE6 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU-E.17.01 PRESEHT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2018 (a) Residenlial ServicB - Schedule I Basic Charge Energy Charge: Firct 600 kwhs All over 600 kWhs Base Tariff Presont Presont Sch. Rate OtherAdj,(1) Billino Rale(b) (c) (d) s5,7s s5.75 General Rato Inc/{Docr} (e) t0.25 $0.00486 t0.00543 $1.00 $0.00513 $0.00192 no charge $0.2Slkw $0.00s40 $0.002s0 $25.00 $0.2s/kw t0.00200 $0.00r69 t500 $0.25/kva $500 $0.25/kva $0.25lkva tl.oo $0.00555 $0.00473 Schedule 97 Earnlngs Test lnc,oa6o (0 Proposed Billing Rats (s) Proposed Eage Tariff Rate (ht $0.08935 $0.09977 $0.1021 7 $0.07408 no charge $6.001kw $0.06662 $0.05686 t425.00 $5.50/kw $0.20/kw t0.05499 $0.04656 $14,000 $5 00/kva $0.20/kw $.t{,000 $5.00lkva $2.50/kva $0.20tkw $6.00 $6.00 Goneral Services - Schedule l1 Basic Charge $12.00 Energy Charger First 3,650 kWhs $0.09704 All over 3,650 kWhs $0.07216 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge Over 20 kW $5.75/kW Leroo General Servlce . Schedule 21 Energy Charge: First 250,000 kwhs $0.06322 All over i (2) lncludes all preser $0.05396 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $400.00 Over 50 kW $5,25lkw Primary Vollage Oiscount $0.201kW Extra Laroe Geooral 9ervlce - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: Firsl 500,000 kWhs S0.05299 All over 500,000 kwhs $0.04487 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $13,500 Over 3,000 kva $4.75/kva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20/kW Annual Minimum Present: s0.08449 $0.09434 $1 3,500 $4 75/kva $2.25lkva s0.2o/kw Present: $0.00267 $0 00267 $0.08716 $0.09701 $0.00041 $0.00041 s0.0004{ $0.00041 $0.00041 $0.00041 $0.00041 s0.00041 Proposed: $0.00041 $0.00041 $0.09243 $0.1 0285 $0.r0595 $0.07786 $6.00/kw 30.06953 $0.05977 $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.20rkw t0.05428 $0.04s8s t14,000 $5.00/kva $0.20/kw $730,740 $1,1,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0,2o/kw $657,720 $0.10507 $0.09007 $0.00337 $0.00337 $0.00250 $0.00250 ($0.001 12) ($0.001 12) $1 2.00 $0,1 004 1 $0.07s53 no charge $5 75/kW $0.06572 $0.0s646 $400.00 $5,2s/kw $0 20/kw $0 051 87 $0.04375 $13 500 $4.75/kva $0.2olkw $13,00 $13.00 9learwater - Schedule 25P Energy Charge: all kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Pumolno Servlce - Schedule 3{ Basic Charge Energy Charge: First't65 kWkWhs All additional kWhs $704,290 Proposed: $0.04308 ($0 001 28) $0.041 80 s0.00144 $0.00041 $0.04365 $0.04452 $13,500 $4.75/kva $2.25lkva $0 20/kw $63s,880 $10 00 $0.09605 $0,08187 $0.00306 $0,00306 $10.00 $0.0991 I $0.08493 $1'r.00 $11.00 i0.r01 60 $0.08660 Page 2 of 6 Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU_G_17_01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03/17 Page 5l of55 (1) lncludes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment, and Schedule 97 - Earnings Test Delerral Appendix F - 2018 Electric AVU.E..1 7.01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELEGTRIC, CASE NO. AVU.E.17.OI PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2019 Reeidential Service - Schedule 1 Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 600 kWhs All over 600 kWhs Base Tariff Present Present Sch. Rale OtherAdi.(1) Billino Rate(b) (c) (d) $6.00 $6.00 (a) General Rato lncl(Dgcrl (e) Schedule 97 Earnings Test lncreaae (0 Proposed Billing Rato (s) Proposed Baso Tarlff Rato (h) $0.09{ I 6 $0.1 0179 $0.10435 $0.07487 no charge $6.00/kw $0.0681 7 t0.0581 8 $425.00 $5.50/kw $0 20/kw $0.0s586 $0.04730 $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.20lkw $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.2olkw $0.00 s0.001 8t $0.00202 $0.00 $0.0021 I $0.00079 no cha196 $0.00r 55 $0.001 32 $0.00 $0.00087 $0.00074 t0.00 $0.00208 $0.001 77 $6.00 $6.00 General Serviceq - Schedule 11 Basic Charge $13 00 Energy Charge: Frrst 3,650 kwhs $0.10217 All over 3,650 kWhs $0.07408 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge Over 20 kW $6.00/kW Lame General Ssrvlce - Schedpls 21 Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWhs $0.06662 All over i (2) lncludes all preser $0.05686 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $425.00 Over 50 kW S5,50/kW Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW Extra Larqe General Servlce - 9qhedule 25 Energy Charge: First 500,000 kwhs $0.05499 All over 500,000 kWhs $0.04656 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $14,000 Over 3,000 kva $5.00lkva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20/kW Annual Minimum Present: $0.08935 $0.09977 $14,000 $5,00/kva $2,50/kva $0.2o/kw Present: $0.00308 $0.00308 $0.09243 $0.1 028s t0.000s0 $0.00050 $0.00050 t0.00050 t0,00050 $0.00050 $0.00050 $0.00050 Proposed: $0.000s0 $0.00050 $0.09474 $0.1 0537 $0.10863 $0.0791 5 $6.00/kw $0.071 58 s0.061 59 $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.2orkw $0.05565 s0.04709 $14,000 $5,00/kva $0.2o/kw $739,660 sr4,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.201kw t665,640 $0.1076s $0,09234 $0.00378 $0.00378 $0.00291 $0.00291 ($0.00071 ) ($0.00071) $13.00 $0 1 05s5 s0 07786 no charge $6 00/kw $0.06953 $0.05977 $425.00 $5.sorkw $0.20/kw $0.05428 $0.04585 $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.201kw $r3.00 $r3.00 Cleanrvatsr . Schedule 25P Energy Charge: all kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary Volt. Di$count Annual Minimum Pumolno Sewlce - Schedule 31 Baslc Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kwkwhs All additional kWhs $730,740 Proposed: $0.04452 ($0 00087) $0.04365 $0.00072 80,00050 $0.0,t4E7 $0.04524 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.2o/kw $6s7.720 $11,00 s0.1 01 60 s0.08660 $0.00347 $0.00347 $'t 1.00 $0.1 0507 $0.09007 $r1.00 $r1.00 $0.r0368 $0-08837 Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff I I l03l 17 Page 52 of 55 Page 3 of 6 (1) lncludw all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schadule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustrnent, and Schedule 97 - Earnings Test Deferral Appendix F - 2019 Electric AVU.E.1 7-0,1 SETTLEMENT STIPUTATION ;s:e:{:eX:e.l':\C\9.9NOONOF c,. ;6 :l E *;l (o o$oO)(Do- Zol- 5fo.tral-zul =UJJl- I,IJU) It.- (, l !(oo o-ao(,t IL .x!cooo Exhibir No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU_G-17_01 R. Lobb, Staff ll/03117 Page 53 of 55 rteua E; gE EE EE.6 06 E=79 aa E-$9oeE9ao,x EE9oPdEY,h3 .dEtrE 3V E-f Azo39od3 EI ii€ad:r3 :s EEtt d, Sl rrxt Elil !l fiet CC ooN330R31h.8 r € s a 3@@o ig a;a; or!!I5 0 s 3l vgt'@8;lE A@@ ;3:esle:e}eqc?qtq\nrqNoN o-NRi3R8i3.3 r: 3 3 A$aAv'g o()3gB;aia@ R i o P 8r $ sdoaaE NN ;@@O\\+t 8uEPE, €EaEfiu$BEEB NI ol ;.1ol(i _pBl $HEle'(rcl g 3 Eo ;*#*lopd6trt --- c 6l E t 3 8lcdi r 3 bt--o-El I = !Ec{.rQs tr B El ^sEtElso:o.€E b 3$El" gC-ocE>O-'c o olto d lD.JFcdg16 fl€*$l-(o€ E*'-sl.9o o-, E €la8il ts8tqiloFal Polazl o o)co oooF o) C'N o:'tr{E-'(, o(, UJ Es3A E;eiEiT5-,4.d .6 EEcc{ 1; <&o_:6=(di Sqgd Esel Eio+ i;9bEC a2 E-$ 8J *odE Eg.EEst ^-frd. -:.9i; #iOY!9 ,3 ic Sliirxl !l6t:rxt 9tut:{a8 AFN(oN+oroo€o;ol TSl'3;l 3oo6 oo!fiBla:@o o@oE I o I3l RtsqBA6600 :3:es*;lbtNlooooFi-cir;ciri R I o s 8: $ilbs'3;; ooN6^Noe:gB;Er:.a€ N^NP r o 8 81 3 E8o3aB NN ;o@O\\St 88Hgi"gts2"E8HTE5 seEEEF N o 'a:,1 otr E $E' EsEo6EEsra - >:gqo or 660.frdF $EEEe,*t E olcE =93'io96d Yo sEtE'er6foo€E o EEfiFaP[-: rufc-OEL>o-'E O o:-rE&glatoo-yqB=9.9roa E* 5 os-o;6-6 Eelt5 b8 &8CI*U' oz o o.E ofc() 0ttt)F @ oN e(!,co-,q,.: .J 0,Eu, 5ts -lrJboINi8EourE-l(JuEEEEaF :UrUJ ofo(,o=E=}Hds?uEI tBgEs 9;t 8HE H* :qS;{S:sAn\qqqalNAoio? 39 "ott 5ov c -E!:=9=*trO- AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU.G-I7.01 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SGHEDULE Effective January 1, 2418 Present Base Distribution Tvoe olService Ratg(a) (b) General Service - Schedule 101 Basic Charge $5.25 Usage Charge:Alltherms $0.47746 Lame General Servlce - Schedule lll Usage Charge: First 200 therms $0 50375 200 - 1 ,000 therms $0,31954 1,000 - 10,000 therms $0.23783 Allover 10,000 therms $0.1838'l Minimum Charge: per month $100.75 per therm $0 00000 Traneportation Servlce - Schedule 146 Basic Charge $225.00 Usage Charge:AllTherms $012740 PresentBilling Present Rate Adi.(1) 9illino Rate(c) (d) lnterruptlbls Esrvice - Schedule 131 Usage Charge:AllTherms $0.21972 $0.14814 $0.36786 $0.00637 S0.37423 $0.22609 $0.26581 $0.26s81 $0.26581 $0.26s81 $0.769s6 $0.5853s $0.50364 $0.44962 $6.00 $0,75784 $0.77946 $0.58801 $0.50562 $0.4s115 $102.73 $0.26s81 $250.00 $0.13077 s100.75 $0.26s81 $0.26581 $225.00 $0.12740 $5.2s $0.7s 80.27421 50.75167 $0.00617 Proposed Base Distribution Rate (s) $6.00 $0.48363 $0.51365 $0.32220 $0.23981 $0.18534 $102.73 $0.00000 $250.00 $0.13077 Page 5 of 6 Exhibit No. l0l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU-G-17-01 R. Lobb, Staff l1l03l17 Page 54 of 55 Gsnoral Rate lncrease (e) $0.00990 $0.00266 $0.00198 $0.00153 $1.98 $25.00 $0.00337 Proposed Billing Rate (0 (1) lncludes Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment, Schedule 155 - and Gas Rate Adjustment, Schedule 191 . DSM Appendix F - 2018 Natural Gas AVU-G-I7-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU.G-17-01 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2019 Present Base Distribution Tvpe ol Service Rate(a) (b) General Service - Schedule 101 Basic Charge $6.00 Usage Charge:Alltherms $0.48363 Larse Gsneral Seruice - Schedule 111 Usage Charge: First 200lherms $0.51365 200 - 1,000 therms $0.32220 1,000 - 10,000 therms $0.23981 Allover 10,000lherms $0.18534 Minimum Charge: per month $102.73 per therm $0.00000 Transportatlon Servlce - Schedula 146 Basic Charge $250 00 Usage Charge:AllTherms $0 13077 PresentBilling Present Rate Adi.(1) Billinq Rate(c) (d) $6.00 $0.27421 $0.7s784 lnterruotlble Service - SchEdule 131 Usage Charge:AllTherms $0.22609 $0.14814 $A.37423 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.77946 $0.58801 $0.50562 $0.45115 $6.00 $0.77508 $0.79671 $0.58983 $0.50698 $0.45220 $106.18 $0.26581 $250.00 $0.13441 $102.73 $0.26s81 $0.26s81 $2s0.00 $0.1 3077 $0.37423 $0.22609 General Rate lncreage (e) $0.00 $0.01724 $0.01725 s0.00182 $0.00136 $0.00105 $3.45 $0.00 $0.00364 Proposed Bllllng Rate (0 Proposed Base Dlstrlbution Rate (s) s5.00 $0.s0087 s0.53090 $0.32402 $0.24117 $0.18639 $106.'t 8 $0.00000 $250.00 $0.13441 (1) lncludes Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment, Schedule 155 and - Gas Rate Adjustment, Schedule 191 - DSM. Page 6 of 6 Exhibit No. l0 | Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01/ AVU_G_17_01 R. Lobb, Staff lll03l17 Page 55 of 55 Appendix F - 2019 NaturalGas AVU-G-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 3RD DAY OF NOVEMBER 2017, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY LOBB IN SUPPORT OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT, N CASE NOS. AVU-E-I7-OI/AVU-G.17-01, BY E-MAILING AND MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: KELLY O NORWOOD VP STATE & FED REG AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE W A 99220-3727 E-MAIL : kelly.norwood@avistacorp.com avistadockets@avistacorp.com PETER J RICHARDSON GREGORY M ADAMS RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL : peter@richardsonadams.com gre g@,richardsonadams.com ELECTRONIC ONLY CLEARWATER PAPER CORP. carol. hau gen@clearwaterpaper. com marv@malewallen.com j ohn j acobs@clearwaterpaper. com david. wren@ clearwaterpaper. com nathan. smith@clearwaterpaper. com RONALD L WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY PO BOX 388 BOISE ID 8370I E-MAIL: ron@williamsbradbury.com LARRY A CROWLEY THE ENERGY STRATEGIES INSTITUTE 5549 S CLIFFSEDGE AVENUE BOISE ID 83716 E-MAIL: qarryleyla@aol=@E DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: david.meyer@avistacorp.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreadin g@mindspring.com BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N ITTH ST BOISE TD 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy@hotmail.com ELECTRONIC ONLY DEAN J MILLER 36208 WARM SPRINGS BOISE ID 83716 E-MAIL: deanjmiller@cableone.net EMILY MATTHEWS E-MAIL: ematthews@idfg.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE MATTHEW A. NYKIEL ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE PO BOX 2308 102 S EUCLID #207 SANDPOINT ID 83864 E-MAIL: mnykiel@idahoconservation.org BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N. 6TH STREET BOISE TD 83702 E-MAIL: botto@idahoconservation.ors TRAVIS RITCHIE SIERRA CLUB 2101 WEBSTER ST., SUITE 13OO OAKLAND, CA 94612 E-MAIL: travis.ritchie@sierraclub.org SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE