HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171020Motion for Approval of Stipulation and Settlement.pdfBRANDON KARPEN, ISB No. 7956 Deputy Attorney General State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-001 4 Telephone: (208) 334-03 57 Facsimile: (208) 334-37 62 brandon.karpen@,puc. idaho. eov IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCRE,ASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN IDAHO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NOS. AVU.E.17.O1 AVU-G-I7-01 MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT The Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff hereby moves the Commission for an Order accepting the Settlement Stipulation filed herewith. See Commission Rules 56,276 and274. l. On June 9,2017, Avista Corporation filed an Application seeking authority to increase the Company's general rates for electric and natural gas service in Idaho. Avista proposed a two-year rate plan that would increase annual electric billed revenues by $18.6 million (7 .9%) on January 1, 2018, and by $9.9 million @.2%) on January 1,2019, and increase annual natural gas revenues by $3.5 million (5.7%) on January l, 2018, and by $2.1 million (3.3%) on January 1,2019. The Commission suspended the proposed effective date to January 1, 2018. OrderNo.33808. 2. Clearwater Paper, Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Forest Group, the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, and Sierra Club intervened as parties. MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- I r -: r: i\lF ["r 3. A settlement conference was noticed and held in the Commission offices on September 29,2017, and further discussions ensued. 4. Based on settlement discussions, the Parties whose signatures appear on the Stipulation have agreed to resolve and settle all of the issues in the case (hereinafter "Parties"). A copy of the signed Stipulation evidencing that settlement is enclosed as Attachment 1. Sierra Club and the Idaho Conservation League opposed the proposed settlement. 5. The Parties recommend that the Commission grant this Motion and approve the Stipulation in its entirety, without material change or condition, pursuant toP.P 274. 6. The Parties respectfully request that the Commission consider the Motion, the Stipulation, and the pre-filed testimony in support of the Stipulation at the time of the technical evidentiary hearing scheduled in this docket for December 8, 2017. A customer hearing could occur at a date and time to be set by the Commission. The Parties request an Order allowing for the implementation of new rates, as per the Stipulation, on January l, 2018. 7. As noted in the Stipulation, the Parties agree that the Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties respectfully request that the Commission issue orders in Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01: l. Granting this Motion and accepting the Stipulation (Attachment 1), in its entirety, without material change or condition; 2. Authorizing the Company to implement revised tariff schedules designed to recover the additional annual electric and natural gas revenue from Idaho customers consistent with the terms of the Stipulation; and MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT- 2 3. Authorizing that revised tariff schedules be made effective January 1, 2018, consistent with the terms of the Stipulation. Respectfully submitte a *is' fiauyof October, 20 17 . OFFICE OF THE A GENERAL Attorney for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff l:\Legal\LNOTICE\AWEI 70 I _AVUGI 70 l_bk_Motion.doc MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT.3 MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT CASE NOS. AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 ATTACHMENT 1 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation l4llE. Mission Avenue P.O.Box3127 Spokane, Washingto n 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff P.O. Box 83120 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0312, Fax: (208) 334-3162 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA ) AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO ) INCREASE MS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS ) SERVICE IN IDAHO ) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.AVU-E-17-01 AVU-G-17-01 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT This Stipulation is entered into by and among Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater"), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("Idaho Forest"), and the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Settling Parties". The Idaho Conservation League ("ICL"), and the Sierra Club, do not join in the Settlement Stipulation. The Settling Parties understand this Stipulation is subject to approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission"). STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-l7-OI Page I I. INTRODUCTION 1. The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Settling Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of all the issues raised in the proceeding, is in the public interest and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolution of the multiple issues identified in this case. The Settling Parties, therefore, recommend that the Commission, in accordance with RP 274, approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions without material change or condition. II. BACKGROUND 2. On June 9,2017, Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority to increase revenue effective January 1,2018 and January l,2Ol9 for electric and natural gas service in Idaho. The Company proposed a Two-Year Rate Plan with an increase in electric base revenue of $ 1 8.6 million or 7 .5%o for 20 1 8, and $9.9 million or 3 .J Vo for 2Ol9 . With regard to natural gas, the Company proposed an increase in base revenue of $3.5 million or 8.8%o for 2018 (5.7Vo on a billed basis), and $2.1 million or 5.OVo for 2Ol9 (3.3Vo on a billed basis). By Order No. 33808, dated June 30,2017, the Commission suspended the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric and natural gas service. 3. Petitions to intervene in this proceeding were filed by Clearwater, Idaho Forest, CAPAI, Idaho Conservation League, and the Sierra Club. The Commission granted these interventions through IPUC Order Nos. 33804, 33815 and33829. 4. A settlement conference was noticed and held in the Commission offices on September 29,2017, and was attended by the Settling Parties to this case.l As a compromise of I The Sierra Club was unable to attend the settlement conference. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page2 positions in this case, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Settling Parties agree to the following terms: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT 5. Overview of Settlement and Revenue Requirement. The Settling Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to implement revised tariff schedules designed to increase annual base electric revenue by $ 12.9 million, or 5.2Vo (on a billed basis the increase is 5.17o), effective January 1, 2018, and increase base revenues by $4.5 million, or I.9Vo (on a billed basis the increase is 1.7%o), effective January 1,2019. For natural gas, the Settling Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to increase natural gas base revenue by $1.2 million, or 2.9Vo (L.9Vo on a billed basis), effective January 1,2018, and $ 1. 1 million, or 2.J Vo (I.8Vo on a billed basis), effective January 1, 2019. 6. Two Year Stay-Out. The Parties agree that, in recognition of the two-year rate plan covered by this Stipulation (January 1, 2018 - December 31,2019), Avista will not file another electric or natural gas general rate case to increase base rates before May 31,20L9, and any such rates will not go into effect prior to January 1,2020. This does not apply to tariff filings authorized by or contemplated by the terms of the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA), Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), the Purchased Gas Adjustment tariff (PGA), or other miscellaneous annual filings. Avista agrees that the base rates established by this Stipulation will, in conjunction with the PCA, PGA, and DSM Rider, provide Avista with the opportunity to recover all foreseen and unforeseen costs for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31,2019 (the "Stay-out Period"). Accordingly, Avista agrees that it will not file deferred accounting requests or requests to create a regulatory asset during the Stay-out Period, except in extraordinary circumstances. For purposes of this paragraph extraordinary circumstances will not include changes in inter-jurisdictional allocation STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-l7-OI Page 3 methodology, accounting changes, or costs related to the Company's participation in Energy Imbalance Markets. 1 . Cost of Capital. The Settling Parties agree to a 9.5 percent return on equity, with a 50.0 percent common equity ratio. The capital structure and resulting rate of return is as set forth below: Component Capital Structure Cost Weighted Cost Debt Cornrnon Equity Total 50Vo 5j%b 5.72Vo 9.50Vo 2.86Vo 4.157o 100Vo 7.6lVo A. ELECTRIC REVENUE REOUIREMENT Overview of Electric Revenue Requirement (January 1.2018). Below is a summary table and descriptions of the electric revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Parties effective January 1,2018: Table No. 1 8 a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f.) c.) h.) i.) SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Amount as Filed: Adjustments: Cost of Capital Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates Miscellaneous Company Updates: Regulatory Amortization, Uncollectibles, Maintenance and IS/TI Expenses. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officers Incentives Reduce Officer Labor Expenses Reduce 2017 IS/IT Capital Projects Delay Meter Data Management Project Recovery to January 1,2019 Remove 2018 Expense: Delay Recovery to Janaury 1,2019 i.) 2018 Labor Increase ii.) 2018 Underground Equipment Inspection Expense Miscellaneous Adjustments: Board of Director Expenses, Injuries and Damages, Legal and Environmental Expenses, Removal of Expiring Lease Expense and Inclusion of O&M Savings Adjusted Amounts Effective January 1, 2018 18,571 $ 796,609 (1,926) $ 12,890 $ 786,087 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (2,6M) s8$ tt2 (3e3) (1 l5) (276) $ (1,07s) $ (447) (270) (671) (1,762) (6,834) STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 4 a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 7 above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $2.604 million. b. Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects adjustments to net rate base to update information related to 2017 capital additions, including related depreciation expense, as well as the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes, to reflect balances as of December 31, 2017. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $58,000 and reduces net rate base by $1.926 million. c. Miscellaneous Company Updates. Reflects adjustments to expenses to update information related to removal of the expiring Colstrip credit amortization, uncollectible expense, maintenance expense associated with the Company's Colstrip generation plant, and annualized incremental Information Service/Information Technology (IS/IT) labor positions added in 2017. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $112,000. d. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives Reflects the removal of all officer incentives. This adjustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officers to a l$OVo payout ratio. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $393,000. e. Reduce Officer Labor Expenses. Reduces officer labor expenses to an agreed-upon level. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $115,000. f. Reduce 2017 IS/IT Capi - Reduces certain capital investments related to IS/IT refresh and expansion projects planned during 2017. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $276,000, and reduces net rate base by $1.762 million. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 5 1 Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in 2017. This system is delayed for recovery until January l, 2019. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $1.075 million, and reduces net rate base by $6.834 million. h. Remove 2018 Expense: Delay Recovery to January 1. 2019. i. 2018 Labor Increase. Removes the 2018 incremental non-executive labor increases, and includes them with the January l, 2OI9 rate change. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $447,000. ii. 2018 Undereround Inspe . Removes the 2018 underground equipment inspection costs, and includes them with the January l,2Ol9 rate change. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $270,000. i. Miscellaneous Adjustments. Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to: 1) removing requested additional Board of Director expenses ($270,000); 2) removing legal expenses allocated to Idaho electric in enor ($42,000); 3) removing expenses associated with certain leases expiring during the 2018 rate year ($192,000); 3) removing certain 2016 environmental cleanup costs allocated to Idaho electric in error ($48,000); 4) inclusion of the O&M savings associated with the Company's new website application ($23,000); 5) reducing the six-year average of injuries and damages ($1 1,000); and 6) the net effect of removing certain other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($85,000). The net effect of this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $671,000. ob'T)clqrr lVleter I)ctn lvlanase.ment P cnnrrcnr toJ qr\/,nl o Removes the STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 6 9. Overview of Electric Revenue Requirement (January 1.2019). Below is a summary table and descriptions of the incremental Electric revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Parties effective January 1,2019: Table No.2 a. Add Meter Data Management. Adds the Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in October of 2011. This system is included for recovery effective January I,2019. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $1.075 million, and increases net rate base by $6.834 million. b. Add 2018 Expenses. i. 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis. Includes certain 2018 capital additions on an AMA basis. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $1.938 million, and increases net rate base by $2.071 million. ii. 2018 Propertv Taxes. Includes property tax expense associated with 2018 capital additions. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $613,000. SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY I, 2OI9 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Rate Base Amount Effective January 1, 2018 Incremental Revenue Adjustment to January 1, 2018 Rate Change (see Tabel No. 1): a.) Add Meter Data Management Project b.) Add 2018 Related Capital and Expenses: i. 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis ii. Property Tax Expense on 2018 Plant Additions iii. 2018 Annualized Labor Increase iv. 2018 Underground Equipment Inspection Expense January lr2019 Incremental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (above January 1,2018 Rate Change - see Table No. 1) $ 786,087 r,075 $ 6,834$ $ $ $ $ 1,938 613 &8 n0 $ 2,071 $ 4,S44 $ 794,992 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-l7-OI PageT iii. 2018 Annuahzed Labor Increase. Includes the 2018 annualized non- iv executive labor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $648,000 2018 Underground Inspection Equipment Expense. Includes the 2018 underground equipment inspection costs. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $270,000. B. NATURAL GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT 10. Overview of Natural Gas Revenue Requirement (January 1. 2018). Below is a summary table and descriptions of the natural gas revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Parties effective January I,2018: Table No.3 a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f.) c.) h.) i.) j.) SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Amount as Filed: Adjustments: Cost of Capital Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates Miscellaneous Company Updates: Uncollectibles and IS/IT Expenses. Adjust Weather Normalization Remove Offrcer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officers Incentives Reduce Officer Labor Expenses Reduce 2017 ISIIT Capital Projects Remove Meter Data Management Prolect Delay Recovery to January 1,2019 Remove 2018 Labor Expense: Delay Recovery to Janaury 1,2019 Miscellaneous Adjustments: Board of Director Expenses, Injuries and Damages, Advertising Expenses, Legal Expenses, Removal of Expiring Lease Expense and Inclusion of O&M Savings/Expenses. Adjusted Amounts Effective January 1, 2018 $ 3,+80 $ 144,807 2,199 _$.__LEg_$ 144,932 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (470) 324 $ 20 (1,162) (105) (2e) (43) $ (415) $ (r20) (300) (2t4) ( 1,860) a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see ParagraphT above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $470,000. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 8 b. Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects adjustments to net rate base to update information related to 2017 capital additions, including related depreciation expense, as well as the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes, to reflect balances as of December 31, 2017 . This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $324,000 and increases net rate base by $2.199 million. c. Miscellaneous Company Updates. Reflects adjustments to expenses to update information related to uncollectible expense and annualized incremental IS/IT labor positions added in2017 . This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $20,000. d. Adjust Weather Normalization. Reflects a natural gas weather normalization adjustment, which increases test year billing determinants, thereby increasing test year (present) revenue. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $1.162 million. e. Remove Officer lncentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives. Reflects the removal of all officer incentives. This adjustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officers to a lo07o payout ratio. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $105,000. f. Reduce Officer Labor Expenses. Reduces officer labor expenses to an agreed upon level. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $29,000. g. Reduce 2017 IS/IT Capital Projects - Reduces certain capital investments related to IS/IT refresh and expansion projects planned during 2011. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $43,000, and reduces net rate base by $214,000. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 9 h. Delay Meter Data Management Project Recovery to January 1. 2019. Removes the Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in 2011. This system is delayed for recovery until January l, 2019. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $415,000, and reduces net rate base by $1.860 million. i. Remove 2018 Labor Expense: Delay Recovery to January 1. 2019. Removes the 2018 incremental non-executive labor increases, to be included with the January l,2OI9 rate change. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $120,000. j. Miscellaneous Adjustments. Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to: 1) removing requested additional Board of Director expenses ($70,000); 2) removing legal expenses allocated to Idaho natural gas in error ($3,000); 3) removing expenses associated with certain leases expiring during the 2018 rate year ($53,000); 3) removing advertising expenses allocated to Idaho natural gas in error ($25,000); a) inclusion of the O&M savings associated with the Company's new website application ($6,000); 5) reducing the six-year average of injuries and damages ($127,000); and 6) the net effect of removing certain other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($16,000). The net effect of this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $300,000. 11. Overview of Natural Gas Revenue Requirement (January 1. 2019). Below is a summary table and descriptions of the incremental Natural Gas revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Parties effective January 1,2019: STIPULATTON AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-l7-OI & AVU-G-I7-01 Page 10 Table No.4 a. Add Meter Data Management. Adds the Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in October of 2017. This system is included for recovery effective January l, 2019. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $415,000, and increases net rate base by $1.860 million. b. Add 2018 Related Caoital and Exoenses i. 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis. Includes certain 2018 capital additions on an AMA basis. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $414,000, and decreases net rate base by $852,0002. 2018 Property Taxes. Includes property tax expense associated with 2018 capital additions. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $122,000. 2018 Annualized Labor Increase. Includes the 2018 annualized non-executive labor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $181,000 2 Removing the impact of 2018 capital additions, as well as removing the impact on accumulated depreciation and accumulated deferred federal income taxes on total net plant during 2018, has the result ofdecreasing overall net rate base. 1l 1ll. a.) b.) SUMMARYTABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTM JANUARY t,2019 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Rate Base Amount Effective January l, 2018 Incremental Revenue Adjustment to January 1,2018 Rate Change (see Tabel No. 1): Add Meter Data Management Project Add 2018 Related Capital and Expenses: 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis Property Tax Expense on 2018 Plant Additions Annualized 2018 Labor Increase January lr 2019 Incremental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (above January 1, 2018 Rate Change - see Table No. 1) $ 144,932 415 $ 1,860 $ 1,132 $ 145 $ $ $ $ t.414 122 181 $ (ssz) ll. lll. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 11 C. OTHER SETTLEMENT COMPONENTS 11. PCA Authorized Level of Expense. The new level of power supply revenues, expenses, retail load and Load Change Adjustment Rate resulting from the January 1, 2018 settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in Appendix A. 12. Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adiustment Mechanisms Authorized Base. The new level of baseline values for the electric and natural gas fixed cost adjustment mechanism (FCA) resulting from the January 1, 2018 and January 1,2019 settlement revenue requirements are detailed as follows: . Appendix B - 2018 Electric FCA Base . Appendix C - 2019 Electric FCA Base. Appendix D - 2018 Natural Gas FCA Base. Appendix E - 2019 Natural Gas FCA Base D. COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN/LOW INCOME 13. Cost of Service/Rate Spread (Base Rate Changes). The Settling Parties do not agree on any particular cost of service methodology. In recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are generally above their relative cost of service or could be with modest modifications to allocation methodology, the Settling Parties agree that Schedules 25 and 25P should receiveJ5Vo ofthe overall percentage base rate changes for the January 1, 2018 and January l,2Ol9 increases. All other schedules, except Schedule 1, should receive a pro-rata allocation of the Company's original request. The remaining revenue requirement should be spread to Schedule 1. For natural gas, the Settling Parties agreed to a pro-rata allocation of the Company's original request for base rate changes on January 1, 2018 and January l, 2019, but with restated present base revenue reflecting the effects of the agreed-upon natural gas weather normalization adjustment. STTPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 12 14. Rate Design. The Settling Parties agree to the rate design changes proposed by the Company in Mr. Ehrbar's direct testimony for both the January 1 , 2OI8 and January 1 , 20 19 base rate increases.3 For the electric Residential Basic Charge (Schedule 1), the Settling Parties agreed that it will increase from $5.75 per month to $6.00 per month effective January 1, 2018, an increase of $0.25 per month. For the natural gas General Service Basic Charge (Schedule 101), the Settling Parties agreed that it will increase from $5.25 per month to $6.00 per month effective January 1, 2018, an increase of $0.75 per month. For the rate changes effective January l,2Ol9, the base revenue increases would be collected through the volumetric energy rates, with no changes to the basic charges. Appendix F provides a summary of the current and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) for electric and natural gas service. 15. Resulting Percentage Increase by Electric Service Schedule. The following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule for electric service: Effective January 1,2018 Increase in Base Rates Increase in Bilting RatesRate Schedile Residential Schedule I General Service Schedules 1ll12 l-arge General Service Schedules 21122 Extra [-arge General Service Schedule 25 Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P Purrping Service Schedules 31132 Street & Area Lights Schedules 41-48 Overall 52% 5.6% 5.7Vo 5.0Vo 5.4Vo 3.9Vo 3.970 5.9Vo 5.ZVo 5.97o 5.2Vo 5.7 clo 4.7Vo 4.8Vo 6.17o 5.l%o 3 This includes the proposed removal of High-Pressure Sodium Vapor lighting options and the customer area light calculation methodology described in the direct testimony of Company witness Mr. Ehrbar onpp.22-23. In addition, the Settling Parties agree with Mr. Ehrbar's proposal to offset the current Schedule 97 (Electric Earnings Test Deferral) rebate of $2.7 million, which expires on Decemb er 31, 201'l (as outlined on pp. 8-9 of his direct testimony), with $ I .5 million related to the electric earnings test for calendar year 2015 . STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 13 Effective January lr20l9 Rate Schedule Residential Schedule I General Service Schedules I l/12 l-arge General Service Schedules 21122 Extra Large General Service Schedule 25 Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P Punping Service Schedules 31132 Street & Area Lights Schedules 41-48 Overall Incrcase in Base Rates Incrrase in Biling Rates 1.970 l.l7o t.8vo l.3Vo t.3vo 2.OVo l.8Vo 2.3Vo 2.7Vo 2.3Vo 2.ZVo 2.ZVo 2.4Vo 7.9Vo 16. Resulting Percentage Increase by Natural Gas Service Schedule. The following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule for natural gas service: Effective January L,2018 l.9Vo 2.3Vo Increase in Base Rates Incrcase in Biiling RatesRate Schedule General Service Schedule 101 Large General Service Schedules llllll2 Intemrptible Service Schedules 13 I I 132 Transportation Service Schedule 1 46 Special Contracts Schedule 148 Overall Effective January l, 2019 Rate Schedule General Service Schedule 101 L-arge General Service Schedules IIIlll2 Intemrptibb Service Schedules 13 | I 132 Transportation Service Schedule 1 46 Special Contracts Schedule 148 Overall 3.27o l.4Vo 0.l%o 3.UVo 0.07o 2s% Increase in Base Rates 2.2Vo o.tvo 0.070 3.0%o 0.OVo ts% Increase in Biling Rates 3.OVo l.3Vo o.Uvo 2.77o 0.07om 2.tvo O.7Vo O.j%o 2.1Vo O.OVo t8% STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-I7-01 Page 14 17. Electric Cost of Service Workshop. The Settling Parties agree, prior to the Company's next general rate case filing, to meet and confer regarding the Company's electric cost of service study. The purpose of the workshop will be to discuss the merits of differing cost of service methodologies. Based on the input from the workshop, the Company agrees to provide, at a minimum, three cost of service studies reflective of the these differing methodologies in its next general rate case. The Company will provide available information, studies and data requested by any of the Settling Parties so as to enable meaningful workshop participation and discussion of issues. Unless it decides to do so, a Party shall not be bound by workshop discussions and may contest cost of service and rate spread issues in subsequent proceedings. 18. Collaboration on Low Income Issues. The Company and interested parties will meet and confer to consider whether the Low Income Weatherization Program and Energy Conservation Education Program funding should be increased from the current Commission- approved levels of $700,000 and $50,000 respectively. Discussion topics will include the need for additional funding, how additional funds will be used, how much additional funding will be necessary, and what impact the increase will have on the energy efficiency tariff rider (Schedules 9 I and 19 1 ) balance. If participants agree that a funding increase is necessary, the Company agrees to make any necessary filing(s) with the Commission on or before December 3l,2OI7 . 19. Natural Gas Service Rules The Company and interested parties will meet and confer to review the Commission's Service Rules for Gas Utilities (IDAPA 3 1 .3 1 .01) to determine which provisions should be retained and/or modified, and, if the participants agree, incorporate those changes into the Company's tariff. Any changes requiring Commission approval, e.g., tariff revisions, will be submitted by the Company on or before July 1, 2018. 20. Natural Gas Meter Placement Rules. The Company and interested parties will meet and confer to review its meter placement and protection policies and practices and determine, STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 15 based on the agreement of the parties, what additional steps should be taken to revise the Company's current policies and practices. Any necessary changes requiring Commission approval, e.g., tariff revisions, will be submitted by the Company on or before July 1, 2018. 21. Service@ures Avista has established Service Quality Performance, Customer Guarantees and a Service Quality Measure Report Card for its customers in Washington. The Company and interested parties will work to develop similar performance standards, customer guarantees and a reporting mechanism for its Idaho customers. Following those discussions, the Company will file its proposal with the Commission requesting implementation on or before July 1, 2018. IV. OTHER GENERAL PROVISIONS 22. The Settling Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Settling Parties in this case. As provided in RP 2J2, other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Settling Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be admissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding. 23. The Settling Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. Settling Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Settling Party shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulation. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Settling Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testimony, cross- examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement terms embodied STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I7-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 16 in this Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Settling Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 24. If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Settling Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within 14 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. In such case, no Settling Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stipulation, and each Settling Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, file testimony as it chooses, cross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. In such case, the Settling Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of a prehearing conference for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the completion of the case, in accordance with law. 25. The Settling Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 26. No Settling Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Settling Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Settling Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Settling Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 17 27. 'I'he obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction, 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED tnir&uy of Octobe r, 2017. By: Avista Corporation Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Forest Group B Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC STIPTJLATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I7-01 & AVU-G-I7-01 Page l8 27. The obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this%Vof October ,2017 Avista Corporation sraff By:By: David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation General Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Group By:By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho B Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 18 27. The obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED thi?"A day of October,2017 Avista Corporation Idatro Public Utilities Commission Staff By David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Forest Group Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association ofldaho B Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-17.01 & AVU.G.17-01 Page 18 27. The obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval ol'this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appcal, if any, by a court of compctentiurisdiction. 28. This Stipulation nray be executed in counterparts and cach signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this 10 day of october.20l7. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Stalf David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation C leanvater Paper Corporation By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Papcr Brandon Karpcn Deputy Attorney General Idaho Fo4st Group fi,r'14 IB Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho B1' Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Ronald Williams Altorney lor ldaho Forest Group [,1.C STIPULATION AND SI]TTLEMEN'T * AVU-E.I7.OI &, AVL'.C-I7-OI Pagc lll a 27. The obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this _ day of October,Z}l7. Avista Corporation David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attomey for Clearwater Paper Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho Brad Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Brandon Karpen Deputy Attomey General Idaho Forest Group Ronald Williams Attomey for Idaho Forest Group LLC Attorney for CAPAI APPENDIXA o oootr El .: EI R OIol 8l L- El hotzl EI Btrl@EI Rd 3t $ 9l ut9x<t E E {ig Eo aots GoF (,: o otoUId oz EEr :-€l & OI o@@oioooa @" V- o-@oFoQDAQo$eNa;'ig o@ootFno60@Nsi ?' ts' o'6d66N{NN$i-'o 0660NOFOo- o_ o_ o_t!too@NFO@toNcn'j--6 @ NOOONOFo!-arYN-NNNO6NN6otoN 'j-''j@ ooooFOFOa- a_ @- o_6FOO@@to@toNO----O @o@oooNo6NOO@odoNNOO{+{Not-''jo xo =UJo-o. zotrJ o. @F2IIJ =ul E UJ 1r, I IIIJaf o2 luo o i.esY oEoq Eoxo o coE, d G E,e QooE Eli-gEq NoE'o-EO@EP;s& EE,EEEOECOg59E:^ooiRoN=;t>o40oE EHEOE5EPto*e E9EE5E @No-,N 5l N 6oFgl Hat ooooNONOi: N- o- N- -OOONFOOatoN@-rjo@ o o tI 6l F =l N ooooN600O_ O_ !t_ o_ NOOOoNooOt+NNo;;ee G @ f.. oFl 6_.-l N 6600€FOOoooNc,i ot -- at<tto(r)sFN o---tja NN Er tt- !l k d55l EOI NolLI NO60@oFoa4tsFO{@_NOF@FOOtFNo'-';9 @9FOFOO@o- o- a. 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Cort Compon.nt d lrnilorm Rcqucatid Rctrm $0.10057 $0.10729 $0.08454 $0.05801 $0.05488 $0,09635 $0.28500 119,145,838 27,829,800 64,726,473 17,770.888 48,992,167 14,424,358 25,931,438 12,438,891 3,223 810 5,925,282 34,151,369 9,731 157 13,21E,042 26,s28,014 6,669,029 7,532,641 13,361,291 2,184,941 2,174,641 2,8s9,896 13i?1,888 2,959,909 x52,172 2,555,782 2,237,774 441,352 2,324,810 1,005,564 426,922 s5,609 2,774,282 619,932 259,473.000 122,110,472 34,048,3s3 52,607,404 21 180,775 19,639,751 6,009,500 3,876,745 $0.04035 $0.00942 $0.02192 $0.01610 $0,04278 $0.01086 $0.029E2 $0.02317 $0.03951 $0.00883 $0.02665 $0.01827 $0.03994 $0.00913 50.02036 50.01160 $0.03740 $0.00779 $0.00609 $0.00800 $0 0s798 $0.00816 $0.00097 $0.00705 s0.03i05 $0 00731 $0 03850 $0.01665 $0.03199 $0.00417 $0.20789 $0.04615 Rlv.Dua b Cotl Ratlo atPrcpo..d Rttt! 43 Cureil Rfluua to Pmpor.d Cod R.tlo 14 TugdRry.nu.lnor€u€ t2,890,0q1 13,120,000 (1,201,000) Filo: AVttE-17-01/ IDE!€C Ssttoment COS LF PC tlohod/ SumcostExhibits $0.08787 1.00 0.t5 $0.10663 0J4 0.69 $0.09325 1.'15 l.{0 $0.0541 7 1.01 0.9, 195,000 $0.0995'l 0.97 0.9! 515,000 $0r9050 0.98 011 252,000 Page 2 ol 4 $0.08104 $0.05928 1.04 0.98 0.99 0.94 !t7,000 1,235,000 2018 Rate Year $0.001092t T6nrmhsion $.01102 10.00975 CASE NO. AVU-E-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 4 - Cost of Service Line No. AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3L,2076 Description Factor 1 Revenues 1.000000 Expenses: Uncollectibles 0.003563 Commission Fees 0.002275 ldaho lncome Tax 0,0s1264 Total Expenses 0.057102 Net Operating lncome Before FIT 0.942898 Federal lncome Tax @ 35%0.330014 REVEN U E CONVERSION FACTOR 0.6L2884 2 1.000000 0.003563 o.04227s3 4 5 6 7 8 0.00s838 0.994L62 Revised per Staff_PR_079, Attachment A CASE NO. AVU-E-17.01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 5 - Rev Conversion Factor APPENDIX C 0, .Eo (! co Ir{ OJu0(go- Os!tr-99 ErEE ,5;;.;tr<td r N ?q (\oa-r{N € r-o\ \d<>6l r t'- r^N-roAO\h c.l -itfo o\oo\f'. O \Oa." 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F3 q It .la 6 er* di i ?rFE E.- :E OB t-- EE Hsg* sS r o e c a 4 d I I.{ 3 ; 3' 6' ; I s d J R .J O! E o F" () xoz IJ.Jc4 zaF5f CL F-lr',Fzl! lrlJ FtrJth FloIr\t-lIl!Il ciz lrJah L,) d s. a d6 hA f SA i 6F E li? > .,? sEIE;{t? !{tt i il? T I I *66FF6F S6- o6---6ol 6N I -l 6-f---61Oa- +-l oN I -no--aal 6rl I o dT^3px46. 5F .? gl ,8' flYElrul!t Br fl u {i g{i jE JlI TE Elfl=39 SilglF € 4es^Ed *g * E9 EINN 1C :6. o IEEq:E?q"! !tE#fti$En;?.IYYdTE ; E *,8 5.T?r ?€EEE,gEgEi $ao5;;e;3 sErt $$q!#EE!,I;i*#88!$nt{#!.ESiE; i;*s$38*t+E E E,g S EEiEJ35,T,5EEt2Eg6ssxnSEg Is ,9 HEigAE E.J BE 48B!<T u3 t $3 Etts o ili F 3 J I a a b EEt? Ex.5tOEbd $*8i3E $ gE u v? HsE ErlHi T b E E-aBiE36B s.trgsBi d.3 r-n Jg!E 99 onaa9:!!:!9 Oo-d6+rOre6**!qntrnr<6hhr J ts F e z x aEnr N EE hlI 6qi F htp>,!<a E 3 .E i.l o o23 t-b 6-.a=EE !>oEr>!E: OEEE =E;,t.1 -E lE'.E E-<<.t3BOUE B,EXlrrr ir.9! UO -2 o Eoo ;l z (0 Systom Doscripton Total Func{onrl CostComponenlr.t CuEont Rdum by Schodule Pmduclion 1'11,646,270 Tran6mission 25,055.123 Dietibulion 59,196,430 Common 47,685,117 Sumcost Sconario: AVU{-I7{l Sottement Cage 2019 Load Fact6 Poak Crodit Transmission By Demand l2 CP(b) {c) (d) (e) Total Curent Rstr Rovonue Exp(ess€d as $/tU,ltr Produc{ion Transmission oi8tribu0on Common Total Cur6nt Meldod Rates Expr€sssd as t/kwl Production Transmission Distibution Common Total Cunent Unlform M0ld6d Rates Rryanuoto colt R.tlo rt Cumnt R.lor ldaho Jurisdicljon ElBclric Utility 09n9t17 (i) 0) $) (r) (m) Largo Gon Exta Largo Extrs LargB Pumping Streot& Soryice GonSoruics SsMceCP SsMce ArsaLighb Sch 21-22 Sch 2s Sch 25P Sch 3132 Sch 41-49 (s) Residenlial Soryico Sch 1 (h) G€noral S€rvica Sch 11-12 45,111,643 9,976,647 20,634,910 25,267,800 15,228,912 3,671,250 '10,853,569 7,558,209 25,609,640 5,739,727 12,885,978 7,834,655 12,734,393 2,457,988 1,932,538 2,821,080 r3,438,695 2,780,206 325,878 2,600,221 2,109,604 378,134 2,023,619 982,643 113,323 51,171 2,539,997 620,509 246,583,000 108,991,000 37,312,000 52,070,000 19,946,000 '19,145,000 5,434,000 3.625,000 6 7 II 10 't6 1l 18 19 20 21 $0.03882 $0.00848 t0.02005 50.03875 $0.00849 $0.02004 $0.01622 $0 03939 $0.00871 $0.02501 $0.04't09 $0.00978 $0.02740 $0,02329 s0.04171 $0.01 006 $0,02973 $0.03794 $0.00795 $0.02442 $0.01833 t0.03836 s0.00822 $0.01851 $0.01 160 $0.03591 $0.00702 $0.00552 $0.00798 80.03706 $0.00767 $0.00090 s0,03648 s0.00735 $0.000E6 $0.00702 $0.03558 $0.00658 $0.03507 $0.0'1669 $0,03097 $0.00303 $0.19033 $0.03072 $0.00375 $0 10616 $0.0{592 $0.03945 $0.00084 $0.01905 $0.03564 $0.006s8 $0.00541 $0.03493 $0.00t26 50.03351 $0.01615 $0.02207 $0,02070 $0.01207 $0.00790 $0.00717 $g.q'r"9.27 $0.04650 $0.08350 $0.09518 $0,10219 $0.08021 $0,05s83 $0.05280 $0.0909i $0.27164 Functlonal Cost Componcnlr d Unilom CumntRdum11 Produclion 111,418,471 47,048,298 13,852,011 24,902,553 '12,831,153 13,22s,4s9 2,1{8,985 409,98312 Transmission 25,065,275 1 1,203,251 2,903,566 5,336,683 2,508,299 2,665,881 397,509 50,08s13 Dishihrtion 59,191,0$ 31,371,120 8,91i,460 12,017,365 1,970,915 312,054 2J18,079 2,484,30214 Common 47,907,358 26,666,191 6,692,334 7,s33,256 2,810,752 2,543,950 1.,008,114 612,76015 TotalUniformCurontcost 246,583,000 116,209,460 32,365,{01 49,789,857 20,161,119 18,747,344 5,672,688 3,557,130 $0.08350 1.00 00.101s5 0.94 $008864 $0.07670 $0.0s643 $0.05171 50.09393 $0,26655 1.15 1,05 0.99 t.02 0.97 1.02 22 23 24 ?( 26 Funcllonsl Cost Componcnts rl Proposed Rclum by Schtdula Produclon 119,869,116 Transmission 28,111,199 oisribulion 65.427.760 Common 50,608,925 47,326,710 1 1,379,68{ 31,765,345 26,867,261 15,929,577 4,061,885 11,838,747 7,998,791 26,789,546 6,412,327 1{,335 517 8,337,610 13,208,909 2,744,731 2,12{,757 2,966,537 13,981,881 3,071,456 361,096 2,743,567 2,246,571 42s,815 2,256,221 1,045,363 425323 55,265 2,150,076 619,737 Tolal Proposed Rato Rsvsnus Common Tobl Proposed Moldod Rater Tolal Uniform Cost Expressed ae $/tffi Productlon Transmission 0i6tibuton Common 264,017,m0 1 17,339,000 39,829,000 55,875,000 21,001.000 20,158,000 s,931,000 3.881,000 $0,01714 $0.02346 $0.02191 $0.01284 $0,00830 $0.00757 $0.01?31 30.04869 $0.089{1 $0.10247 $0.10909 $0.0€607 $0,05078 $0.05560 $0,09826 $029082 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 Funcllonll Cost Componlntr rt Unilorm Rcqucrt d Rrlum Producton 1 19,686,479 Transmission 20,135,043 Dlstdbution 65,384,510Common 50,810,969 49,214,476 14,489,E11 26,049,106 13,421,919 12,515,324 3,259,169 5,990,272 2,815,493 34,{33,067 9,814,286 13,425,932 2,205,242 28,230,352 7,033.102 8,021,995 3,031,917 13,834,380 2,992,374 351,534 2,704,643 2,247,92A 446,192 2,355,421 1,072,112 428,859 56,219 2,799,028 656,547 264,017,000 124,453,219 34,656,668 53,487,304 21,174,571 19,882,931 6,121,653 3,940,654 $0.040s3 $0.00953 $0,02214 $0.01721 $0.04298 $0.01098 $0.03007 $0.02465 $0.03969 $0.00893 $0.02680 $0.01943 $0,04013 s0.00923 $0.02068 $0.01236 $0.03757 $0,00788 $0.00617 $0.00819 $0.03816 $0.00825 $0.00097 $0.00746 $0,037?2 $0.00739 $0.03900 $0.0rr/5 $0.03214 $0,00121 $0.20974 $0.04920 Tohl Uniiom Moldod Ral6s $0.08941 $0.10860 $0.09492 $0.00239 90.06010 $0.05184 $0,10136 $0.29529 4? Rlv.nuctoco.tRr{o.tPrcporodRit r 1.00 0.94 1.15 1,04 0.98 1.0'1 0,97 0,98 43 Cur.il Rmnu! to Prcpoud Cort Rrllo 0.93 O.Et l.0E 0.97 0.93 0.96 0.90 0,92 44 r.r!.tRilw.trom.lo 17,1tr1,000 15,401,000 (2,651000) 1,41I,000 1,54,000 ,3C,000 62t,000 316,000 File: AWE-17{1/ loElec Ss$6n6nt COS LF PC Motod/ SumcostExhibits 2019 Rete Y6ar Paga 2 ol 4 CASE NO. AVU-E-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C Page 4 - Cost of Service 27 2E TranrnlBaior AVISTA UTILITIES Rovonuo to Cost by Funclional CompnentSummary For he Tryslvo Monfis Endod oocsmb€r 31, 2016 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Line No.Description 1 Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Factor Commission Fees o.oo227s ldaho lncome Tax 0.0s1264 Total Expenses 0.0s7702 Net Operating lncome Before FIT 0.942898 Federal lncome Tax @ 35%0.330014 REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.612884 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.000000 0.003s63 1.000000 0.003563 o.oo227s 0.005838 0.994762 Revised per Staff_PR_079, Attachment A CASE NO. AVU.E.17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C Page 5- Rev Conversion Factor APPENDIX I} o.g oU'oco I !i @oo(oil x-EEE€UE E g5;rr<E c^l .+oot-. ooo h a{ r-.<)iF tm\.\N6O\ \tN\Orr tf, F-6\OrlF- \oo" oi '{['-oN \ oo\oo\o!f,r)<)+oo<tt'.- \O or-. oF-nNJYt+O\O o\ r-c{ e.l oooooo on|.lrlo\$o\o\o t- r- l.l.+ o o-h-Oi\Otto\rN-\OhF. --l-a.l<3^i.i:--olt--Ots FnH-b .j\ s ! .ii'6 c.l C)& oz $.+Or|<3omr-+o\o \o rt a.l ..Ioo \o o\ .n €A -rhh*.E -€orE oirionp o& AEA6 AQ 6 6eq s4{,4 g sq .+ \o.d oi tc*\o c.l e* oa (n.., rrlf;8i:E>Ot-E!t]"auU) -.1 EoIZQ--oa-Hqrt(J (' r\&d J O 3pstn>-)2.&Airi LQ trlaal(Ja oxozLlJo-o- zotrIfo-trvlFz t-rJ LIJJ Fl-rJtll el?r\F,lI(, I3 @4 tn$vI +"o a-.1-O\\oo oO l-a.l a.l eq4 hoo<<)F61 ,:< c.l O\=tn6 -O- (,gs4 C)HO-oo\ f-hc{\+al Gs4 \o o\\o6hoAodoh GG6 oooooc) F-6OO\ c- c-:Ocl @sa .++\o c-,a-.t \orq <>ot6Fr mr\ c- N \oo\ e4 4 C)Ho-trl c.l -l oi< c.t @6@ oooooo alo(\lhooo\o:oo OrH.+$ @@ 9A'59 -4J92H(Jo->a ovF ea4 9G =o4N.,< E1., IH6o->6 o9F Y\ gq 4q >rxoodaLLooEEoo a6atOO 'Boc)zzv I *@G @6 c.l e.t a-l-l F F 0Grh 3 €EzQrEq)6r= E1 U ll 96ov)r =sH= G> -,FcJl{{\o-FtE5gat 9'ts E E E#E;AEC a4 o'.Eg)giES T-Eg!e,a* E E.F{ n-<.1E A'i ,-YI\(n\JraOo{ F.5irr GlOZ*E0) trrsa) 0)e c-t ooo ;i o 9aYEFe9-3I E&.,o?5 E t,H'AzE E;ca8o; O E 30N=,\46bd';sb>trd3><<c0u< C-l 6 i+ r, \O ^o is v=/()o oooo&& oodE €'€' oo()U 1, iorDOxx F< r& < J* co C,56ig s?-.id= 3a Ii'-t 0e9e = ,rr b0H+!LE!:Io0+E EL'o o€ -{ c} .2l)u)h ooo,= E\ocJ \o \o J.l JJ ddoo-o -oaa .F\ ^80 80-'r,-E Egcg ecq F.l c/) cn&+ o r.(i-f, E I BE 5 E E>.H o d 5 EE FE Elill >, /\zH Qr Ea-6X tr qtrceNGqEr,qboE# o v'E H'EFEcPE9Ef,i€F€,-vokLh?o60. r{!- E 3 E E gE .+r,\o g € Ico o&haortx oiF>.'o cts=Eotc(rvH O rrELX2Ei)Eedaee39c)5'6 H<&il EHHA EA-o-8EEl-al1 :N?n a (J CL& E' oL) E'o.xlJ- Nooooc + Or-N cn C\-l<t oxozlJ.JAd zotrs =dtrahFzl! trlJ Fl4Jti oI r..lIIIl c.tcoN @ =1,\o+ a :f-t: o.lo\ f\N a ()bo(u O{ \o\n ao C.lF cn a ooq co\ocn N.t $O\o^ oor- vaaf- No\oI(a e c.ltat O \o ooN e C)bo(\,A () o H() o& tr ilt E bl 5sl <sl u sl E il p <! rJ. a c{ HC) Eo v) UtrC) ()- c) ()& *l o ts .n €' IaoU€ox frr co d 6a G) tro (.)d V)'.o) tro a/) =O+.o F.(.)-o zLrcl() U)o)t-. N c.i t cl rr)q.) NJ0) oU) .lF trd) Ho+,v))(J tC)o{q) =tro o)& (D E ah,€' v)o().d o)Xt\ cn .r)l.rotr o V))() +ro ()p tz do U)o)F- C.l H G)aa)9 'rl Pd HI E !l Esl=sI€,tl; s{8El r ,xl E a c-\o+.+ CN "+\o oor-- e c-l G, clo C)atrC) or'. E!*g-s.=501 EEA.)=az 6l Aq) U)Ofr (l)IL a e() 6lL cl 4 oq)€ErE i=l{0v!'EUa E*s9 5>6)irE 8E&EEHi#.E;9r4DZEr)s?E!it:;U;"1E-9i,fr:+l= (l) !'r 6E?r6lGt=Lr!*5zy E{) Eao (l) 6) ti s: boc'a .! lr1 I(n ouo(! CL -^te- F.l .i di ii t* tn t;t;l!t-' t,lilc' t; IJ ln l= l" ld t: lI t, l$ l= lF t; li t: IF t-lrl* I r:.II l=l= l9 t, IF -t rij €l e'l ;: -l.Jj i.., hl ex1E r J -xo. F. ; B. vi" a* rN 9a It$a a6 3.H ; 8- +S j 1 3r* 8F 6 IgIT J q { I' ei ,d d q qs F dE R d g j_" rlI oxozl!o-o. zotr J -1o-tranFzul LrJJ ELU FtoIt-rJI(, IJ s. e !6Bott Be?<_ !:EEfg#,88Fqz Ea c 3 I .9 3E B23 ts )! F .fi? z T H iitEfr*EdgBgEEJE {?E{ HE E IJSFO s:l:$ s E :-o-,,1 IiEIBh EsttiE EPi{E-! !{ sEi E I ss E #E E ****1"*l 6' ^9 ^E -3 ^€9x Px P, Bxda aa ea de B NE 3 P E ."t Il {l,BI JI B.J HclHgE EE EI 5E gE 5r gr fl", Fq Bq E& E& flIl S; sE 3; 3A flf,$EggE$fEnfE 3ilE$$ ll$i flgqs $Ii :t!:!9r:9RFSFiFEE*A g 3 r'eB FE a-.!!g ?E t*tE EgisEdl 1 o-Nr.{9F,69 o A Ea I P6<((J Ea2eiaoEEtc elg9* 4.9 dEEAH€ ii E t.l s f E;E-s.iE;d!'3! .E 1.ar 5d 8<=.oEfr6i-!a(fH 95 !3ii>.9 2'<It ,E 4-E L E E gio a 3 a e AVISTA UTILITIES Company Settlement Summary by Funollon with Margin Analysis Case 2018 Revenue For lhe Year Endod Decembar 31, 2016 (c) Line Desqiptlon (b) Natural Gas Utility ldaho Jurlsdicllon Functlon!l Cost Compononts rt cunent Ratet 1 Production 2 Ljnderground Storags3 Dislributlon 4 Common 5 Tohl Curont Rrl6 Rovenue 6 Exclud€ Cost ot Gas w / Revonus Exp, 7 Totll Urrgln RevGnuc rl Curcnt Ril€s Margln p€r Them at Curenl Rates I Productlon I UndcErcund Storage 10 Dislribution 11 Common 12 Total Curont Margin M6ld6d Rato porThom 40,649,000 t1,196,097 6,960,421 33,'6,150,,121 439,493 1,690,952 26,983,600 11,431,954 313,065 1,145,425 21,855,72'l 9,850,686 123,154 512,681 4,825,616 1,489,089 0 0 0 0 3,273 37,966 268,244 92,179o 401,683 0 401,063 s0.0051 5 $0.01985 $0.31627 s0,13399 $0-00529 $0.01933 $0.37003 s0.16652 $0.00529 $0.02203 $0,20737 $0.06399 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.001 13 $0.01313 $0.09279 $0.03188 10.47520 10.66ti7 10.20067 30.00000 10.13894 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 Func{on.l Cort Compomntr al Unlform Cumnt Rotum Pmduction Undorgrcund Stffige Dislrlbuuon Common Totsl Uniform Cunenl Cost Excludo Cost of GaB w / Rev6nu6 Exp. Total Uniform Cur€nt Margin Margln per Th6m at Unitom Curent Retum Produclion Underground Storsge Oistribulion Common Totel Cunont Uniform Margin Meldod Rats psr Them 25 Margln to Cost Rrtlo Et Curonl Rats /o,519,000 u,510,524 5,638,029 430.493 't,647,826 26,939,249 't1,522,432 313.065 1,218,A29 22,869,870 10,108,759 't23,1 54 391,188 3,802.038 1,321,649 0 0 0 0 37,809 267,U1 92,O24 '10,540,000 3/t,110,624 0 0o0 5,638,02S 0 100,u7 0 $0.005't5 $0.01931 s0.31575 $0.13505 s0.00529 $0,01681 s0.16338 s0.05479 $0.00529 $0,02060 00.38660 30.170A8 s0.00000 s0,00000 E0.00000 $0.00000 0 400,4,17 $0.001 13 s0.0'1308 80.09247 so.o3i s330.4752C 30.eS$0 to.21228 1,23 30.00000 0,00 30,1CC6,t 1.000-96'1.00 Functlon!l Corl Componants 8t Proposod Rrl€! 26 Produclion 27 Undorground Storago 28 Dist.lbutlon 29 Common30 Totrl Propo8cd Rrle Rsvenuo 31 Excluds Cost ot Gas w/ Revonue Exp, 32 Tot.l Margln Reyonuo rt Propored Rrtet Distributlon Common Total Unttom Proposed Cost Excludo Cost of Gas w / R€v€nuo Exp. Tolal Unitorm Prcposed lllargin Msrgin per Thsm at Unlform Proposed Retum Production Undergrcund Stomgo Distributlon Common Total Prcposod Unifom Margin M€lded Rat€ p€r Thsm 50 Utrgln to Colt Rrllo il Prcposed RaloE 41,720,000 34250,09700 439,486 1,755,668 27,86'1,32"1 'I 1,656,320 313,060 1,205,029 22,690,377 10,06'1,430 123,152 521,349 4,899,720 1,501,200 0 0 0 0 3,27X 39,489 277,230 93,690 ?,0*,121 ! 0 4't3,303 00 Rales 35 Distdbution 36 Common37 Total Proposed Marpln Meldsd Rat6 per Thcm Functlonrl Cost Compon€nt8 at Unllom Propo3ed Rotum Pruduction Undorground Storage 41,729,000 34,269,097 1,015,121 0 413,C03 $0,13662 i0.17008 $0,06451 S0.0O0OO $0,03241 30.4E908 10.5793't 30.30275 30.00000 30.141t00 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 439,486 1,723,320 27,826,3't4 I 1,739,880 313,060 1,274,669 23,595,605 10,2$r,777 123.152 409,1 10 3,953,172 1,346,360 0 0 0! 3,273 39,542 277,537 93,742 4,t,729,000 36,483,1fi 683,t,706 0 41a,094 00000 $0.005'15 $0.02020 $0.32614 $0,13700 t0,00529 s0,021 55 $0.39887 30.1741 1 t0.00529 s0.0'1758 $0.16987 t0.05786 s0,00000 $0.00000 $0,00000 00.00000 $0,00r 13 $0.01368 $0.09600 t0.03242 f0.59982 30.25060 $0.00000 t0.ta323 0.97 1.21 0.00 0.94 t.t9 0.00 t0./o909 1.00 0.t7 1.00 0.97 Page 4 - Cost of Service 34 30.02070 to.o2o37 51 Cur.nt ilrrgln to Propolsd Cotl R.tlo AVU-G-17-01 SETTLE M ENT STI PU LATION AP P E N D IX D (d) (e) (f) (s) (h) O (k) Resid€ntial Large Firm lntenupt TransportSystem Servlce Servica Service ServlceTotal Sch 10, Sch 111 Scfi 131 Sch 146 00000 Lo UolJ-c.9 q, coL' I l,)obo!! CL \o <fo\qo r-Or00N$o\ sfrolnrooqo oc)oooq Fl coo c-rnqo o oxoz]rJo-4 zoF3lrtrthFzl-rJ l!J FIJtn F{oI r{I(, I J cam00c.l 9o .o\oc.l ci r--clc\ -i \t\orn(r)Oo oc)oOoq li I tu Pco EE(,(! ch o IE CL*t .Evt oCL€c,.9 oE * FU trrz cn& 14 zo(J HzI! I!il \oo\ aa G)xd F-o ootr GItrq)€o Ptr F f!()L€(l) mo Eo() 00tr GIli(Do.o oz a() tr0)o.xH cloF Xfitt" C) ot) (.) (!ao€€ a()il)tr{ Ho EEo(.) o€..E09a*EOooci(!a -l o(u (D 0)& o o L ge :eGIj(ailH E EE E,i BEEEeEH'EenFo=fr)DiEElOE'Za9.Er-1(r) oAal-5rHv-BeHa >.azeEg H Flfr] BF cn\t|.l\oF6oE Fi c.l lgl t.rt (\lNoqo ,l APPE,T{DIX E, o.g6UIoco IFIoOD{!EL EEE€OE E.g.EXIr<I.l e.l6doO\ oc>oo <)ooohtNHoOOdFNr,n 6@ otoorho\o c.toO\ oi odsl 6l 6e rar()Ortor\a{ .-l -tc4 O\<lnO\ \O @@ o<tO\ootltOGIO\n?.1 t- 4@eea aaaeo^ o^ o^ o-F.'ciOQo\r\No1-O<>6.1ma-n66 ge, OOd $\ooooh\o(l.-.+ c.l c.l00 ciF. r- c.l o\oo\ @4 o+oo\OH-foic{ cino{c{ <)<$ @suva4 oooooooo NOOc.ltat 0a (\l n\O-EO\O:i(\-f i+ 64 9A69 .EEQ2 al(JfaEZovF 694 EAx()85v9E()o->6 o9t-" aa G xx oo6ALLoc) oo99(J9B}o0)aa 6e4@4 \o 0.,r El8pdts>at- & lJ)oH5 a o. .H-O'6tr'.€Va.lHHr- -.+HHo..l.I-<-tsOts r-\EH-6 .!€- @! .aH,dN 0)d o .++or)oOoF$O\o \o + at .;oo \D O\ ao eq -rhh+-E F\Oo\ 6h 0)d €a- €Fco \oc{rol t"c?l \o F- oO C-l l-.Q- oo OoOF-<l' \Oc.l oO C'- \O o€ t--t-- 6lt! 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C) o&€g()t a €' aoU€ox tri c-l =fo\o oor- (E (u o) co 0)& (n ()Fo U)a(Jqi Lrop E z c6() anoF (\l r- \o tarr-\o$ 6 $o\o\6io\o ooc\ 4 oooclA o7trlIp, ill E bl 6sl <SI U st 6vl cileel ii oo\ =fsfq co a \oo\\o cr.cft e C\l (.)troIU) C) HoAo o) C)& () V) €' U)oU.(, (,)X frr ca .+ \o oor- oooooo c\lc.Icn(n e+ ca\aocft\o o\c\I q e o (g+l a C) HG) G)r', obI)dA p U)Lro EoIU) U(+ro tsro)-o H zk(d0) U)0)t- c\l H() CC)*sr E,\l 9LIEsl Esl 5Sl t- 6l ; sl s EI E EE*!loi€ EEi9daz ct (DE v1q) q)c,L oa k(J GI E6lz ^loe)€EEj= -UIv=EUa, Ers'95>(l);.{il .gE&EEEEE5EE?g i.i5'l s 'ii'E<_3<=9RT. t,Q;i,H:+ 5EE GAtrE E5Z .+to Ec) Egoo (Da ii o0 .Ea-.!Etn I(n 0)ao(oo- 88 _.,r: .r.J 8A 68 i i8.I sg 3 c.I .i d" jL = ^tE B I.i !Yi : 6 ;j ri F;oi ri 1 i.d I 6b- 6 j f a .a d x= 3[ s tl 6IE E"'€ I t ot I EEft{8€8>{!r EAAFlZ I q= dci a I Y c d I s a q 8 d sI = IJ.lxoz TUo-o- zotrJ:)CLtrVIFztrJ LI'J FlrJth rloIt\ F.{ I(, If, dz lrlttl (J Lo" -s 8* $"q; I ilIE E+5 e 3 c IE lrlF t: l'l= 0 E 9d9E T=s EEa:i+sd {EX3{ 3*t{{ s E Ei .E E F}d EI EEBgrBEEoJEFdSz? s?;! $ $:"dEBi?lfj*i;***siEi iiE??{}!.r: E E a3 dff pza6|g,,d!s*EAai; EEE!BEEEgEgE -a _u -o -o$r Hr $r Er66 06 dB 66x, Etr Ei r,trll fi$ Hs Hs Hrtnl -gE -gg -6E -sErt *o? ts fu r! s!xl sg Hs! s 8E llr5il Xg H}E $ IE !]EE tlBIE $r+ fl5i+ $rE re6 !oE E Et_s lEc_,* E H${ i i-lUI &t 'J g (j rl itEI;l at 8I ii 5l I Ib E E HE e.JE!{r 5gtx fl! 3 r(*rteFo69=J J!< o Ee BZ a ra<((J 2= ^o 5EE?^ 5.9 i=EtrF€ 3<O EF<9& -.:6.: ig ETE - 5.-ii?6!'3E .E 1+r "'d 8<=v !rl!,:* -EaOr.9:J ! c9-I x(ia,E!=z* Ec E Ecc?r EI; AVISTA UTILITIES Company Setllement Summary by Funclion wlti Ma.gin Analysis Case 2019 Ravenue For the Year Endsd December 31, 201 6 NaturalGas Utillty ldaho Jurisdiction (b)(c) (d) (e)(0 (s) Resld6ntlalSyslem ServiceTolal Sch 101 (h) Large Firm Service Sch 111 0) lnl6rrupt Seruice Sch 131 (k) Transport Soryica Sch 146Lln€ Description Functlmil Cort Componcnlr rt Cumnt Ralca1 Production 2 Undergrcund Storags3 Distributlon4 Common 5 Totrl Curront Rato Revanuo 0 Excludo Cost of Gas w / Revonue Exp. 7 Total lr.ryin RivBnus at Curent Ratsr Dlstdbution Common Totsl Ljnifom Curent Cost Exclude Cost of Gas w / Rsvonua Exp. Total Unifom Cumnt Majgln Margin per Thorm at Unifom Curent Relum Production Undorground Storago 0istribution Common Total Cun€nt Unifom Margin M€lded Rate psr Thom 25 Margln to Cost Rillo !t CumDt Rals 445,533 318.080 125,127 0 3,326 1,642,040 1,099,594 505,097 0 37,348 26.376.438 21,361,097 4,7il,2$3 0 264,058 , 12.083,900 10,418,126 1,568,914 0 96,950 t10,5t19,000 33,198,897 6,910,421 0 40t,683 o0000 40,6'19,000 3t,t98,t97 8,050,421 0 401,683 $0.00523 $0.01925 s0.30915 $0.14163 $0.00538 $0,01859 $0"36'r0s s0-1761 r $0-00538 90.02170 $0.20417 $0.06742 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 s0_00000 $0,001 15 s0.01292 $0.091s3 $0.03353 30.,t7t26 30.66fi7 30.29867 10.00000 10.,r38e,r 00 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Funcuon.l Cost Compononlr rt Unllorm curcnt Rctum Production Undergound Sto€ge 446,533 1,593,144 26,524.087 12.1 85.236 318,080 1,178,383 22,372,220 10,704,143 125,127 378207 3,492 422 1,384,968 0 0 0 0 3,326 36,555 259,444 96,125 40,649,000 34,5r2,E24 5,680,72t 0 o 395,450 no 40,549,000 34,572,828 6,680,72C 0 396,450 $0.00523 $0.01 867 60.30854 $o.'t4282 t0.00538 $0.01992 90,3781s $0.18095 $0.00538 s0.01625 00.1s887 $0.05951 s0.00000 $0.00000 s0.00000 $0,00000 $0.001 1 5 $0,01264 $0.06974 $0.03325 10.41526 $0.5e4t3 0,96 t0.13678 1.O2 t0.23981 1.25 t0.00000 0.001.00 Funcllond Cosl Cmponcntr !t Proporad R.t.r 26 PrcftElion 27 Undorground Storage28 Distnbutlon29 Common30 Total Proposod Rate Rrvcnu€ 31 Excluds Cost of Gas w / Rovonus Exp, 32 Totrl Uargln Rryonu. rt PropGod Rator 12,546718 10,853,'116 1,593,609 , .""" 0 99,99342,&t9,000 35,289,8s7 7,1t4,421 0 424,683 00000 42,8,19,000 35,209,097 7,13/,121 0 424,C83 $0.14706 $0.18346 S0_06848 50.00000 S0.03459 10.50222 $0.69861 10.30858 30.00000 so.l,OEg 446 522 1,7U AA7 28,073 873 446,522 1,740,442 28,028,889 12.633.547 3',t8,O72 1,215,64 22,899,245 318,072 1,287,037 23,766,435 tl.098.418 125,124 522,147 4,893,541 0 o 0 3,320 40,277 281,097 36 37 38 39 & 4't 42 43 44 A5 (6 47 48 49 Common Total Prcpos€d Msrgin M€lded Rate psr Tmm Functlon.l Colt Componantr rt Unlfom Prcpo3ld Rclum Production undergrcund Storage Distributiil Common Total Unifom Prcposed Cosl ExcJude CGt of Gag w / Rovsnue Exp, Total Unitom Prcpossd Margin Msrgin p€r Th6m at Uniform Proposed Retum Productlon Und€rgound Slorags DistrihJllon Common Total Pmpo66d Unifom Margin Moldod Rats p€r Thm a2,Et9.000 3G,io9,963 125,124 4't3,080 3,983,412 1,435,500 0 0 0 0 3,326 3S,925 279,042 99,628 6,957.1',t6 0 0 0 121,921 i12,ta0,000 36,469,963 5,967,116 0 421,921 000 50 Margln to Cost Rrtlo 6l Proporod Ratr! 51 Cur.nt Margln lo Propolod Cost R.tio $0.00538 $0.01775 t0,'171 t7 $0,14807 t0,18781 ,,, ,$0.06169 $0,00000 s0,03.r46lo.Eo222 30.61660 f0.25690 10.00000 30.14;e{ 1,00 0.96 1.20 1-17 0.00 '1.01 0.00 0.96 $0.00523 $0"02039 $0.32852 $0.00538 $0.02176 t0.4017s $0,00000 $0,00000 $0.00000 t0.001 15 t0.01381 $0.09652 0.97 0.tt 34 $0,020E9 CASE NO. AVU-G-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX E Page 4 - Cost of Service Margln por Them at Curant Rateag Productiong Undsrground Storage10 Distributlon 11 Common 12 Totsl Cutrent Margin Meld€d Rate perTh€m Lo (J(!lJ-c.oIALo troL) I Lr) OJ UrO(E CL EEu'lelr lrJxozl!o-o- zotrs Jo-trtt\Fzl-rl EIJ ELr.tln rloI FlI|oIf cjz t-rJvl U co€ooN 9 v c)cono tr-o\cool\lqo crto t--raqo \oc.l rqo t-c.tNOq O '+\o ci<) o o Oooqo 6lh c(lJ EEC., rE oi o I&, CL*tq- (DPar1 oo. !lo.9 o&. &oFO I!zoa&F] z U H zril rrl/. \06\ra)ro CIrF 6)cot) G'Lc) oIri F Aok€(l)Eo Eoo ao oa oz q(l)qtro)o.xI! o F. xctF C) EoIJ () fit(/) (l oc)C)Ir o O G) E gEEOooo.cED q!)t o {l)& o a (J a)A EoN-ra &Hlrr:Eau=v)9;AiE fi AiiHErEF'EenHO=EIpzi:a1d EzdUSrrlQhOAAF=tr+(ZEgF-l?zEEE H EIH Btr \OF-o(\l c.r $oc: Fl tnoz APPE,NI}IX F (o o ()(,)(' 0- qo 3< <l-o-€;TELt!e>E tIJOJOLELgir,' aE5oi =F.EFor4 [,lJo)i>b< E e-E E$ a5OF Uo EF ,TE.4, .85fis SPIoto EEEE<EEEg? 5bE! -oE O*R.EiE o.o.H (/, EE tbadoY' -AEt!E,I st* Hrl= aEl5 a'tc < OE iioEoao EoEI b-No E co pq o dtEI =lol rJJl sssssssl s"1':d?.!.!aqledNNNdNFld ooo@to@t @6NONN@NIO*oOoo-ol Oooo@$lNN{ONNOgtsEaaoqB sssssssl stlt9qololq.!lqoccccoolo OO6OFOFI FN6NF6O4FoFoF?o{6qo09-_ O@OOFOtsliFOOFO-@tiF@@NNFdo N-ooooo.r'qq FTNON+{l@6d6N6l@nFt600lo6-0@oodoldF*@N?@dOF6OAeAqa *XSSSrt:q:roF600cDlo ?NeI O@OOFOFItNOON@F@l+F@ONN-qoci66q66oA ooN@tso{to@FONO-Flts--€.F-@-o.€J{-66{OO60l 6FOONF946F66OqNoo NN.NO---N-I?tso-1:F'-nE5 OOOF@{rl FoNNO606lo-@-@-o-lo-@Jo-FO6-OOOltrOONN@d@ -gOOeN@@ R Ee+'" 9t8,9bm-E c:) rgBgEE EEs EcB Eg**od* - E9B EsEE 9ii-ssEge6 EtsF6a f;goU .Eg6OELOo ootrin53EaiPet gEE q- Fe oo.E sB'rEg,oo-.4gE.E H;. EpE H S53E EH;6 q E 30.g E gE E 3F.e85,XSi E FNOto@ts@ z E:E, od e&gocl oEoo&o o 8. F oc: cn oNJaa! co tl, Et)otut EH Eo EE -E6 :r:llt:eS;llq.qqt:dlc?o!\:l ?l :eSSiBie**l*ONtstsOFdOdo6ricio'ld N{NONtTl €666N6N616_ D_ F_ r_ 6^ O- OJ O-60@oo@ol @r{ONFeq@e66b6Nqq :cSr!Sre:R:q:s!aq\q.q-l cooo6000lo o666000tFD@{INAtFNFFON6qoq0- slrssrr:es:(ECrtolo!q.Yqh6o6oDolD ooN@Fott o@F@NOFrl F - r-: 6_ F_ @- @_ @J i.60{ooool oroON?q5oF6OAAqa6 OFFNNOOI O@@-@AN@l @e@@FtsOsl @to';.i66Aola,iaq@6 -66?61 +ortsi*6Nl d@.o.o-O-lt-@J6.6tsNOOOOI@OOOFeOq*F6@@6No@ NN.NO FN"o* EEE EE6t-Es -E6F3aX€Ef,* -69sEsOE Pd.O.EE# 6otsF 6PoEoUJ oFFNNOOI O@@F@6N@l OF66FNOFIO@--_.i&ooa.rt9o6? 6tA@F$Ol A{d@+GFol60@oo@Ft oN_ooooo_D01-_r6o-?OAo?aOODNqo EoEeIJco, o! 3(gtf 5;tei.ur6;TNr8;,igf;^goE. tFZUJr - iuIE=ZtiuoE EgfiHg*89P u6' EH*=o-K. _6aboc'o 60c =JO6EE E adPat gEE tsE:ge Nd6- E_o6 F$ Eao8o'rE9gE.g Hi,EE.EEgEq€EEEo.5E.H..!6lla=+6B 5 HK.U E Ed/.j-lrdoIa -NOqn€F@ EIoNJaG co.a o oo lu o ocJ EpEo fls.6 ;e:r:ere*:!rElqq.!cq\ql0{o{{ool AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU.E.I7.OI PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COiiIPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2018 Residential Service - Schedule I Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 600 kwhs All over 600 kWhs Base Tarlff Pr€sent Present Scfr. Rate CIharAdi.(l| Billino Rate(b) (c) (d) $s.75 $5.75 (a) General Rate lncllDecr) (e) $0.25 $0.00486 $0.00543 $1.00 $0.00513 $0.00192 no charge $0.25lkw $0.00340 $0.00290 $25.00 $0.25lkw $0.00200 $0.00r69 $500 $0,2Slkva $50o $0.25lkva $0.25/kva i1.00 $0.00sss $0.00473 Schedule 97 Earnings Test lncrease (0 Proposed Billing Rgtq (s) Proposed Baee Tariff Rate (h) $0.0E935 $0.09977 $0.t0217 $0.07408 no charge $6.00/kw $0.06662 $0.05686 $425.00 $5.so/kw $0.201kw s0.05499 $0.046s6 $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.20/kw $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.20/kw $0.r0160 00.08660 $6.00 $6.00 General Servlces - Schedule ll Basic Charge $12.00 Energy Charge: First 3,650 kWhs $0.09704 All over 3,650 kWhs $0.07216 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge Over 20 kW $5.75/kW Larua Gansnl Servlcs - Schedulo 2l Energy Charge: First 250,000 kwhs $0.06322 All over I (2) lnctudes all preser $0.05396 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $400.00 Over 50 kW $5.25lkw Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW Extra lame Gqnbral Servlce - Sshedulo Zi Energy Charge: First 500,000 kWhs $0.05299 All over 500,000 kwhs $0.04487 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $13,500 Over 3,000 kva $4.75/kva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20/kW Annual Minimum Present: $0.08449 $0.09434 $13,s00 $4.75/kva $2.25lkva $0.2o/kw Present: $0.00267 $0.00267 $0.08716 $0.09701 $0.0004'l $0.00041 $0.00041 $0.00041 $0.00041 s0.0004t $0.00041 $0.00041 s0.00041 $0.00041 $0.09243 $0.102E5 $0.{0595 $0.07786 $6.0o/kw $0.06953 60.05s77 s425.00 $5.5o/kw $0.2o/kw $0.05428 $0.04s85 50.10507 $0.09007 $0.00337 $0.00337 $0.002s0 $0,00250 ($0.001 12) ($0.00112) $12.00 $0.10041 $0.07553 no charge $5.7slkw $0.06s72 $0.0s646 $400.00 $s 25lkw $0 20lkw $0.05187 $0.04375 $13,500 $4.7S/kva $0.20lkw $13.00 $13.00 Clearwatar - Schedule 25P Energy Charge: all kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva PrimaryVolt. Discount Annual Minimum Pumolno Sewlce - Schedule 3l Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kWkwhs All additional kWhs $704,290 $0.04308 ($0.00128) $0.04180 $0.00t44 i0.0004t $0.04305 s0.04452 0l{,000 $5.00/kva $0.20ftw Proposed: $730,740 Proposed: $l4,oo0 $5.0O/kva $2.5O/kva $0.20/kw $657,720 $13,500 $4.75lkva $2.25lkva $0.20/kw $63s,880 $10.00 $0.09605 $0.08187 $0.00306 $0.00306 $10.00 $0.09911 $0.08493 $fi.00 $1r.00 (1) lncludas all present rate adjustments: Sch€dule 59 - R€sidential & Farm Energy Rate Ad.iustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment, and Schedule 97 - Earnings Test Deferral Appendix F - 2018 Electric AVU-E.1 7.01 SETTLEMENT STIPUI-ATION Page 2 of 6 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU-E-17-O{ PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPO}IENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2019 Besidential Service - Schedule I Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 600 kWhs All over 600 kWhs Base Tariff Present Sch. Rate OtrerAdi.(l}(b) (c) $6.00 (a) Present Billing Rate (d) $6.00 $0.09243 $0.1 028s General Rate lncl(Decr) (e) $0.00 $0.00{ El $0.00202 $0.00 $0.00218 $0.00079 no charge $0.00r 55 $0.00r 32 $0.00 $0.00087 $0.00074 s0.00 s0.00208 $0.00r77 Schedule 97 Earnings Test lncreage (0 Proposed Billing Rate (s) Proposed Bage Tariff Rate (h) $0.091{6 $0.'10179 $0.10435 $0.07487 no charge $6.00/kw $0.06817 $0.0sEi8 $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.20/kw $0.0s586 $0.04730 $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.2olkw $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.20/kw $0.10368 $0.08837 $6.00 $6.00 General Services - Schedule 11 Basic Charge $13.00 Energy Charge: First 3,650 kWhs $0.10217 All over 3,650 kWhs $0.07408 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge Over 20 kW $6.00/kW Letue Gsnsrel Sorvlce -.Sciqlule 21 Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWhs $0.06662 All over I (2) lncludes all preser $0.05686 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $425.00 Over 50 kW $5.50/kW Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW Exta Lar?a Qenaral Servlce - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: First 500,000 kWhs $0.05499 All over 500,000 kWhs $0.04656 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $14,000 Over 3,000 kva $5.00/kva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20lkw Annual Minimum Present: $0.08935 $0.09977 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.20/kw Present: $0.00308 $0.00308 $0.00050 $0.00050 $0.00050 $0.00050 $0.00050 t0.00050 $0.00050 $0.00050 Proposed: $0.000s0 $0.000s0 $0.09474 $0.1 0s37 $0.r0863 $0.07915 $6.00/kw $0.07r58 $0.06r 59 $42s.00 $s,5o/kw $0.20lkw $0.0s56s $0.04709 $r4,000 $5.00/kva $0.2o/kw $739,660 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.5O/kva $0.2olkw 0665,640 $0.r0765 $0.09234 $0.00378 $0.00378 $0.00291 $0.00291 ($o.ooo71) ($0.00071) $13.00 $0.1 0595 $0.07786 no charge $6.00/kw $0.06953 $0.05977 $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.20/kw $0.05428 $0.0458s $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.2o/kw $13.00 $13.00 Cleanrater - Schedule 25P Energy Charge: all kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Pumolno Servlce . Scheduls.iJ Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kWkWhs All additional kWhs $730,740 Proposed: $0.04452 ($0.00087) $0.04365 $0.00072 $0.00050 i0.04487 $0.04524 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.2o/kw $657,720 $11.00 $0.1 01 60 $0.08660 $0.00347 $0.00347 $11.00 $0.1 0507 $0.09007 $r r.00 $r r.00 (1) hdudog all present rate adjustments: Scfiedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 65 - Temporary Power CostAdjustment, Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustrnent, and Schedule 97 - Earnings Test Deferral Appendix F - 2019 Electric AVU.E.1 7.01 SETTLEMENT STIPUI.ATION Page 3 of 6 @ orfoo)(DL ooN330K3lh-3 S o 3 i,) 30a.' NI-t^tDt =tdltl oJCo ()g. ooI-ga;aio@3EEI. 6._NI b o s 8t *es,"361 3rA@g Ee!eS*SSqqq\qr G,FONON o-NR i s K 8t B3 h 3 3;1 $o0 oo3-Bs;a:-o6B$ g' gr a $;l i NN -;ooo+$ 6oF zotr5l(L FaFzlrJ =I,IJJ FIUa ?N (, Il rtaHO E;ET Ef .D3o! 067;E6EC 3E PE"9oteE E,q Eii9o EE 8E E!Pb"sE2Ro=-as{8uox ,MTvo E_ BHp6 o.d ia* :€ EE8E Sl srxl El EIEI30 E EEs t E$sl"go.6cEt $ E E E|.aol; o ol'o-cl Ic!u9E EeSnr^ cEEEleofod).o EEs gC-ocEBS= t€f;H"d)-o E*' i5 oL' E -€lo8it 88EgE 6E2ie?H gcEEB- E8l $$1" o)oN (! =trG-,o.:(,o lIJ Eoo o-o(l,oE lr .xI'cq)oo. }SA;s:3:eNOtsOoicto.io EEsl= PolJzl :s:e:e}eISs!\qqqNOOOO Es, E! E= .EEE OFNI b o:31 g+ s s 3 El B606 N ostou (oo}#aia:o6E $E' oooENo83l N5IeSa6@o@ >s:R:sre:e;QN!t(!OOOniedcictri o.^NN x o:8t 3SD-,"3El E oos Ffi BiE: @oBgc NSIFd '-;@6.ol o\\t{ rO 0ifEo od 6 toF 44 EseiEi-88 o606 Eti9b5E96 g=u1IfrE qs Eis! Ed P,E€-:9bEC96-a:9 ii.-:< Es .frr E;p5di g* gc .EE .63) $l er sl El30 E gEo E EETqt! or inFtrftdF HEE$u"tt g " gI EO96c l+o Eeie' "EEo 5Bs-uraoI(|'{ +88 eiHHe **;Es TsHEEE[Eg' 3EE-Xcr E-N^N3 H o s 81 3BiqEAe@-.@ (, =oclE>o-'tr o o:-cdOJ! sisqE=*#d)! E* i5 HsH69 T frE E fEEEEE b8 $Eq @oNJ Er!:, =G o.I (,oEUJ OLi# E2 .te o AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU.G.{7.01 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SGHEDULE Effective January 1,2018 Tvoe of Servicg (a) General Service - Schedule 10'l Basic Charge Usage Charge: Alltherms Present Base Present Distribution Billing PresentRate RateAdj,(1) Fjlfine.R*p(b) (c) (d) $s.25 $0.47746 $0.27421 $5.2s $0.75167 General Rate lncrease (e) $0.75 $0.00617 $0.00990 $0.00266 $0.00198 $0.00153 $1.98 $25,00 $0.00337 Proposed Billing Rate (f) Proposed Base Distribution Rate (s) $6.00 $0.48363 $0.51365 $0.32220 $0.23981 $0.18s34 s102.73 $0.00000 $250.00 $0.13077 Larss General Servlcs - Schedule {l{, Usage Charge: First 200 therms $0.50375 200 - 1,000 therms $0.31954 1,000 - 10,000 therms $0.23783 Allover 10,000 therms $0.18381 Minimum Charge: per month $100.75 per therm $0.00000 Traneoortatlon Servlce - Schedule'146 Basic Charge $225.00 Usage Charge:AllTherms $0.12740 lntenuptlble Servlce - Schedule 131 Usage Charge:AllTherms $0.21972 $0-14814 $0.36786 $0.00637 $0.37423 $0.22809 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.76956 $0.58535 $0.50364 $0.44962 $6.00 $0.75784 $0.77946 $0.58801 $0.50562 $0.45115 $102.73 $0.26581 $250.00 $0.{3077 $100.7s $0.26581 $0.26581 $225.00 $0.12740 (1) lncludes Schedule '150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment, Schedule 155 - and Gas Rate Adjustment, Schedule 191 - DSM Appendix F - 2018 NaturalGas AVU-G-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Page 5 of 6 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU.G.17.O1 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2019 Tvoe of Service (a) Genera! Service - Schedule 101 Basic Charge Usage Charge: Alltherms Present Base Present Distribution Billing PresentRate Rate Adi.(1) Billinq Rate(b) (c) (d) $6.00 $0.48363 $0.27421 $6.00 $0.75784 General Rate lncrease (e) $0.00 $0.01724 $0.01725 s0.00{82 $0.00136 $0.00105 $3.45 $0.00 $0.00364 Proposed Bllling Rate (0 Proposed Base Distribution Rate (g) $6.00 $0.50087 $0.53090 $0.32402 $0.24117 $0.18639 $'t06.18 $0.00000 $250.00 $0.13441 Leme General Servlce - Schedule 1{l Usage Charge: First 200 therms $0.51365 200 - 1,000 therms $0.32220 1,000 - 10,000 therms $0.23981 Allover 10,000 therms $0.18534 Minimum Charge: per month $102.73 per therm $0.00000 Traneoortation Servlce - Schedule I46 Basic Charge $250.00 Usage Charge:AllTherms $0.13077 lntemrotlble Serylce - Schedule 131 Usage Charge:AllTherms $0.22609 $0.14814 $037423 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.77946 $0.58801 $0.s0562 $0.45115 $6.00 $0.77508 $0.79671 $0.58983 $0.50698 $0.45220 $106.18 $0.26581 $250.00 $0.13441 $102.73 $0.26581 $0.26581 $2s0.00 $0.13077 $0.37423 $0.22609 (1) lncludes Schedule '150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment, Schedule 155 and - Gas Rate Adjustment, Schedule 191 - DSM. Appendix F - 2019 Natural Gas AVU-G-17{1 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Page 6 of 6