HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170623Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANIDUM TO COMMISSIONER ISELLAIIDER COMNIISSIONER RAPER COMMIS SIONER AI\DERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:BRANDON KARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: JIII\E 21,2017 STJBJECT: AVISTA GENERAL RATE CASE _ ELECTRIC AT\ID GAS CASE NOS. AW.E.17.01 AND AVU.G.17.O1 On June 9,2017, Avista Corporation filed an Application seeking authority to increase the Company's general rates for electric and natural gas service in Idaho. Avista has proposed a two-year rate plan that would increase annual electric billed revenues by $18.6 million (7.g%) on January L, 2018, and by $9.9 million (4.2%) on January l, 2019. The plan includes an increase in annual naturalgas billed revenues by $3.5 million (5.7%) on January 1, 2018, andby $2.1 million (3.3%) on January 1,2019. THE APPLICATION Avista is a public utility engaged in the generation, tansmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas. Avista's service area includes eastem Washington, northern ldaho, and parts of southern and eastern Oregon. Avista's existing base rates and charges for electric and natural gas services were approved by the Commission in December 2016 for electric service, and December 2015 for gas service. Order Nos. 33682 and33437. In its Application, Avista claims its existing rates are not fair, just, and reasonable, and that it must increase them so it can earn a fair return on its investment. Application at 5. Avista plans to notiff its customers about the proposed rate increases by distributing bill stuffers over the June 2017 billing cycle, and through news releases. Id. at Exhibit B. Avista attributes the increase in its rates primarily to capital inveshnents in infrastructure, system maintenance, and technology and increased power supply costs. The DECISION MEMORANDUM I Company's proposal includes a stay-out period where Avista would not file a new general rate case for a new rate plan to be effective prior to January 1,2020. Avista's evidence in support of its requested rate increases is based on a l2-month test year that ended December 31,2016. Id. at5. Avista requests an overall rate of return of 7.8lyo, which includes a 9.9o/o return on equity. Avista asserts that the proposed rate of return and capital structure reasonably balance safety, reliability, customer satisfaction, and economy. Id. at7. The proposed rate increases would impact customers' as described below. 1. Electric Service With regard to electric services, if Avista's Application is approved, a residential customer using an average of 910 kilowatt hours (k\Yh) per month could expect to see a bill increase of $7.03 per month in 2018, which includes a basic charge increase from $5.75 to $6.00 per month. For 2019, the same customer could expect an increase of $4.02 per month. Avista's proposed electric rate increase would impact customers' electric bills by schedule as follows: Proposed Electric Increase Service Schedule Proposed 2018 Billing Increase Proposed 2019 Bi[ine Increase Residential Service Schedule I 8.lo 4.30 General Service Schedules 1l & 12 7.s%4.lvo Large General Service Schedules 2l &22 8.2%4.4% Exta Large General Service Schedule 25 7.7%4.3o/o Extra Larse General Service Schedule 25P 7.2%4.1% Pumping Service Schedules 3l &32 8.8%4.6Yo Street & Area Liehtine Schedules 4l-49 7.s%3.8% Overall Increase 7.90 4.2o/o See Application Exhibit B. 2. Gas Service With regard to gas services, if Avista's Application is approved, a residential customer using an average of 6l therms per month could expect to see a bill increase of $3.37 per month in 2018, which includes a basic charge increase from 55.25 to $6.00 per month. For 2019, the same customer could expect an increase of $2.07 permonth. Avista's proposed natural gas rate increase would impact customers' gas bills by schedule as follows: DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 Proposed Natural Gas Increase Service Schedule Proposed 2018 Bi[ing Increase Proposed 2019 Billine Increase General Service Schedule 101 6.6%3.8% Large General Service Schedule lll & ll2 2.2%r.3% Intemrptible Sales Service Schedules l3l &,132 0.0%0.0% Transportation Service Schedule 146 (excluding natural gas costs) 9.2%s.0% Overall Increase 5.7o/"3.3o/o See Application Exhibit B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff notes that Avista's proposed tariffs speciff a July 9,2017, effective date, but Avista asks the Commission to suspend that effective date until January l, 2018. Staff thus recommends that the Commission issue a Notice of Application that suspends the July 9, 2017 , effective date until January 1,2018. See Idaho Code $ 6l-622(4). Staff further recommends that the Commission set a l4-day intervention deadline, and direct Staff to informally confer with the parties about scheduling. Finally, Staff recommends that the Commission direct Staff to convene an informal prehearing conference for the parties to discuss scheduling of discovery, testimony, technical hearings, and other matters that may arise. COMIVIISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application that suspends Avista's proposed July 9, 2017, effective date to January l, 2018, establishes a l4-day intervention deadline, and directs Staff to infomrally confer with the parties about scheduling? General M:AVU-E- I 7-0 l_AW-G- I 7-0 l_bk aJDECISION MEMORANDUM