HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171128Thackston Rebuttal.pdfREC E IVE D DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEE COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORAT]ON P.O. BOX 3121 ]-41]- EAST MISS]ON AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-312'7 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-43L6 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVT D . MEYERGAVT STACORP . COM ?[i1?{TY 28 AH B: l:",'1I-ic truBLlC r.. i i:.1 ; ll:; 30l,il'4lssl BEEORE THE IDAHO PT'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OE THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORAT]ON EOR THE AUTHORITY TO ]NCREASE ]TS RATES AND CHARGES EOR ELECTR]C AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS ]N THE STATE OF ]DAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-17-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-17-01 REBUTTAL TEST]MONY OE JASON R. THACKSTON FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTR]C ONLY) 1 aZ 3 A 5 6 7 B 9 I. INTRODUCTION A. Please state your nanne, employer and business address. A. My name is Jason R. Thackston. I am employed as the Senior Vice President of Energy Resources at Avista Corporation, Iocated at L4lL East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. A. Have you fiJ.ed direct testimony in this proceeding? A. No, I have not fil-ed direct testimony in this proceeding. A. Dlould you briefly describe your educational and professional. background? A. Yes. I graduated from V0hitworth University in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and an emphasis in Business Management and a Master of Business Administration from Gonzaga University in 2000. I joined the Company in 7996 as a Corporate Treasury Analyst. I have hel-d severa1 different posj-tions at Avista, including roles in Einance and Accounting, Internal Audit, Risk Management, Power Supply, and Gas Supply. I was appointed Vi-ce President of Einance in June 2009 and have since held the roles of Vice President of Energy Delivery and Vice President of Customer Solutions before assuming my current role in January 201,3. The Energy Resources group is primarily Thackston, Di 1 Avista Corporatj-on 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 I6 17 1B 19 20 21, 22 23 1 responsible for producing or procuring the electricity and 2 natural gas to serve our customers' needs, including the 3 construction, operation, and maintenance of our generation 4 facilities and the optimization of those electric and natural 5 gas facilities for the benefit of our customers. 6 Q. 9lhat is the scope of your testimony in this 7 proceeding? B A. My testj-mony answers concerns and recommendations of 9 Sierra Cl-ub witness Dr. Hausman and reiterated by ldaho 10 Conservation League witness Mr. Otto related to the capital 11 expenditures for SmartBurn controls on Units 3 and 4 at 72 Colstrip. I further address Dr. Hausman's concerns about 13 Avista's exercise of its oversight reJ-ating to capital spending 14 at Colstrip, and the Colstrip depreciation schedule. 15 A table of contents for my testimony is as follows: 76 Description Page 71 18 t9 20 2I 22 I. II. II]. IV. Introduction SmartBurn Investments at Colstrip Management of Colstrip Capital Colstrip Depreciation Schedule Are you sponsoring any exhibits? No. 1 3 15 t1 23 a A Thackston, D j- 2 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 II. SMARTBT'RN I}iTVESTIIENTS AT COLSTRIP A. I{hat is SmartBurn? A. SmartBurn was originally developed as the part of Alliant Energy's Combustion fnitiative Program focused on the reduction of nitrogen oxides ("NOx") by optj-mizing the combustion process in coal-fired generation p1ants.1 NOx is a haze-induci-ng pollutant produced during the combustion of coal that is regulated under the Regional Haze Rul-e. SmartBurn uses air staging technology to reduce the amount of NOx that is f ormed by reducing f l-ame temperatures and i-mproving the efficiency of the combustion of coal. The NOx emissions data received from Colstrip Units 3 and 4 after SmartBurn was 13 installed wiII be used to determine 10 11 t2 1,4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 27 needed to address t.he the appropriate next expected size of the technology reduction below. Selective Catalytic Reduction, which step in NOx is described A. What is Selective Catalytic Reduction? A. Selective Catalytic Reduction (*SCR") is a post- combustion control technology based on the chemical reductj-on of NOx into molecular nitrogen (Nz) and water vapor (HzO). SCR typically combines a catalyst with ammonia injection to increase the NOx removal efficiency. The size, scope and amount Thackston, Di 3 Avista Corporation 22 t http : / /www.smartburn. com/background.php 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 B 9 of ammonia used by the SCR is directly rel-ated to the amount of NOx created during the earlier combustion process. Less NOx produced during the combustion phase results in the need for a smaller, and less costly SCR, and less chemicals to operate it. A. Can you provide a schematic showing where SmartBurn and SCR would be located in the coal combustion process? A. Yes. fllustration No. 1 is a schematic showing where SCR (ftem No. 1) would be located in the combustion stream, as opposed to the SmartBurn Technol-ogy which is deployed earfier in the boiler (Item No. 7).2 This schematic, however, differs somewhat from the current configuration at Colstrip, which does not have SCR (Item No. 7) or an electrostatic precipitator (Item No. 4), but it serves to il-Iustrate the point. 2 https : / /www. tilemachinery. com/production-technology/coal-fired-power-p1ant- s cr se I e ct ive -catalyt ic- reduct ion-honeycomb-denitri fi cat ion- cata 1ys t / Thackston, Di 4 Avista Corporation 10 11 L2 13 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 R 9 1 Boiler2 Theraml exchanger3 Air4 electrostatic precipitators SO2 Scrubber6 Heater7 SCR reactora Catalyst ? 3 J 10 s Atomizer t o Amm onia/mixer 1 1 Ammonia storage tank tz Fuel/vapor 12 7 B -,t a'11 I 3 I10 11 72 13 l4 15 16 t1 1B t9 20 21, 22 The SmartBurn technology is applied to the boiler (#1 in above ill-ustration) in order to improve combustion, while the SCR (#"1 in above ill-ustration) is employed at the end of the combustion process to remove additj-onal NOx emiss j-ons. A. How might SmartBurn irryact the later addition of SCR? A. SmartBurn is not a replacement for SCR, but as described above, it prevents some of the NOx from even being produced. The combination of SmartBurn, and assocj-ated measured data, results in the need for a smaller and Iess Thackston, Di 5 Avista Corporation 23 f].lustration 1: Plant Schaqatic v -a [5 = 4-a I#rl..I V,ry dtf 1 aZ 3 4 q 6 7 B 9 expensive SCR to Iimit the amount of NOx produced and to ensure compliance with the Regional Haze Rule. A smaller SCR requires l-ess chemicals to operater so a smalfer amount of injected ammonia is needed, resulting in lower future operating costs. The SmartBurn technology saves future capital expenditures, reduces future O&M expenditures, and provides an ear.l-ier environmental benef it by reducing the production of NOx. Using the SmartBurn technology before the j-nstallation of SCR is analogous to makj-ng a home as energy efficient as possible before adding solar panels, thereby reducing the overal-l- size of the solar array and lowering subsequent cost. The energy efficiency investments do not eliminate the need for the energy produced by solar panels, but it reduces that need 74 and results in a small-er number of panels needed Put differently, 10 11 t2 13 15 t6 to be energypurchased, install-ed efficiency should not 77 does not 18 19 20 2L 22 and maintained. meet 100 percent Is there a ignored altogether simply of needs. specific date when NOx reduction requirements will be made for Units 3 and 4 requiring instaL].ation of SCR? A. There is not a specific date requiring SCR on Colstrip Units 3 and 4 at this time because of the nature of the regulatory program governing NOx emissions. The Regi-onaI Haze Thackston, Di 6 Avista Corporation be because it a 23 1 Program is a somewhat uni-que regulatory approach in comparison 2 t-o the typical environmental regulation where the emission 3 l-imitations and timelines are established at issuance. 4 Regional Haze sets a goal of zero in 2064 and uses a "gli-de 5 path" and reasonabl-e progress goals to define the compliance 6 trajectory. The program uncertainty created by changing 7 administrations and policy disputes concerning Eederal B oversight with State implementation, and various litigation 9 decisions results in anything but a clear roadmap. However, 10 there are expectations about the timing of SCR requirements on 11 Units 3 and 4 that are discussed later in my testimony. 72 A. Do you agree with the assertions of The Sierra C1r:b's 13 witness Dr. Hausman regarding the installation of SmartBurn on 74 Colstrip Units 3 and 4? 15 A. No. Dr. Hausman argues3 that the capital expenditures !6 for installing SmartBurn controls to reduce nitrogen oxides L1 ("NOx") on Colstrip Units 3 and 4 were "wasteful" and 18 "imprudertL".4 He argues that this capital was not spent for t9 reliability or economic purposes. 20 SmartBurn does not otherwise improve rel-iability or extend 27 the life of the p1ant, so it has no bearing on the useful life 3 Direct Testimony of Ezra D. Hausman, pp. 6-35.a Id. p. 5. Thackston, Di 1 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 of the plant or the CoJ-strip owner's decision to operate the plant. What it does do is provide immediate environmental benefits through NOx reduction now (as discussed later in my testimony) and helps mitigate the cost of Iater SCR additions. A. Please describe Avista's capital spending and revenue requirements for the SmartBurn investment? A. Avista's total share of SmartBurn capital spending on Units 3 and 4 was $3,040,933. The Idaho share of this capi-ta] spending is $1,044,727. This includes $685,171 (revenue requirement of $73,635) that was previously incl-uded in Case No. AVA-E-16-03, and $358,950 (revenue requirement of $38,582) in this case. Company witness Ms. Andrews provides additional details about the SmartBurn capital costs and the associated revenue requirements. A. Could you please provide additional background about when and why SmartBurn technology was installed on Colstrip 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 L1 Units 3 and 4? 18 A. Yes. In the 2072 decj-sj-on timeframe, SCRs were being 19 ordered in many surrounding states and the Sierra Club was al-so 20 in litigation against Colstrip to require SCR for alJ-eged "New 2l Source Review" violations.s The owners, therefore, proactively s State of Montana Regional Haze Progress Report, August 20L'7, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, page 2-B to 2-10. Thackston, Di B Avista Corporation 1 decided to install SmartBurn in an effort to manage a future 2 regulatory obli-gation, doing so in a strategic and cost- 3 effective manner. Eurthermore, SmartBurn was the last 4 avail-able, J-ow cost, NOx pollution prevention emission control 5 prior to the expected installation of a very expensive emission 6 controf (e.9., SCR). '7 9. Wtrat was known .l.out NOx emissions requirements for 8 Colstrip Units 3 and 4 when the decision to instalJ. SmartBurn 9 was raade Ln 2OL2? 10 A. There was a continuing expectation that future 11 additional NOx reductions would be required for Colstrip Unj-ts 72 3 and 4. Avista's 2013 El-ectric IRP estimated SCR insta]lation 13 on Colstrip Units 3 and 4 could be required in 202'7, and the 14 Company ran scenarios to understand the j-mplications of the SCR 15 investment at that time. This was based on the Eederal 75 Implementation PIan for the State of Montana, finalized on 11 September 18, 2012, and the expectation of a Reasonable Progress 18 Report in September 2071. 19 A. Since 2OL2, what additional requirements associated 20 with NOx emissions reductions for Colstrip Units 3 and 4 have 27 the Coryany eval.uated? 22 Significant amounts of covered emissions in the attainment 23 area that incfudes Colstrip have also been changing. For Thackston, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a 9 exampl-e, the attainment area for Colstrip was j-mpacted by the closure of the J.E. Corette Coal Plant in 20L5 and will- be further impacted by the closure of Colstrip Unj-ts 1 and 2 by July 2022. As stated j-n the Company's 2015 Electric IRP "... modeling assumes that a default control system of a sel-ective catalytic reduction (SCR) will be required by the end of 2026, but the specific target date or control type is unknown at this time."6 Avj-sta's 2017 El-ectric IRP also plans for SCR on Col-strip Units 10 3 and 4 in 2028. 11 A. Did the owners of Colstrip er<pect SmartBurn to 72 satisfy all future NOx emission reductions on Colstrip Units 3 13 and 4? 74 A. No. The SmartBurn technology reduced the first increment of NOx in the most cost-effective wdy, based on a revj-ew of the technol-ogy and the rel-atively Iow capital cost to instal-I. A1so, the use of SmartBurn technology was determined to be an integral part of any projected future control technology for Colstrip Units 3 and 4. SmartBurn reduces a significant amount of the target NOx reduction for a significantly lower cost than a ful1 control modification approach. The early installation of SmartBurn also provides 15 76 71 18 79 Thackston, Dj- 10 Avista Corporation 20 2L 22 6 Kinney Exhlblt No. 4, p- 72-4- 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 several years of operational- boiler data that al-lows for the design and eventual installation of the appropriately sized SCR or other control technology. SmartBurn also provides an additional- tool to maintain NOx emissi-ons within the current operating requirements, ds the plant ramps more frequently to of vari-abIe generation j-n thesupport region. a. an increasi-ng amount Were there other benefits for the timing of instaJ.ling SmartBurn? A. Yes. The SmartBurn technology was installed on Units 3 and 4 during prevj-ousIy schedul-ed outages thereby reducing implementation costs. If the SmartBurn needed to be added at a l-ater date for more near-term compliance needs, a separate outage might be required in consecutive years - the first outage to instal-l- the SmartBurn technology, and a second outage to install additional plant control-s. Depending on market conditions at the time of the outage, the additional cost of an extra week long outage coul-d be approximately one half the cost of installing SmartBurn itself. EinaIIy, the operational effectiveness of SmartBurn may aflow for a different and more cost-effective technology to be installed in place of SCR, because a lower amount of NOx is being produced by the plant. Thackston, Di 11 Avista Corporation 10 11 l2 13 74 15 16 t1 18 19 20 27 ZZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 A. Did the Colstrip owners' installation of SmartBurn result in verifiable NOx reductions? A. Yes. The installation of SmartBurn has met the guaranteed emission rate reduction specified j-n the contract for this capital investment. The addition of SmartBurn on Units 3 and 4 improved NOx removal from 80 percent to approximately 86 percent, or a 6 percent improvement. A. Has the Sierra Club taken issue with the instalJ.ation of SmartBurn on Units 3 and 4 in other regrulatory venues? A. No. The Sierra Club i-ntervened in the most recent general rate case for Puget Sound Energy (PSE) before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commj-ssion ("WUTC") in Docket No. UE-170033. Dr. Hausman al-so provi-ded testi-mony in that case and does not take issue with the installation of SmartBurn on Colstrip Units 3 and 4 in hj-s 41 pages of testimony in that case, even though PSE has a larger ownership share at 25 percent of both unj-ts and a larger associated cost for SmartBurn on those units. He admits in his testimony in that selectj-ve catalytic reduction on Units 3 and 4 in the mid- Sierra Cl-ub in that same case, 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 71 1B 19 case (Docket No. UE-170033) that 20 or SCR will probably be required for the27 2020s.1 Another wi-tness 22 Mr. Douglas Howefl, also faifs to make any mentj-on of SmartBurn Thackston, Di 72 Avj-sta Corporation 7 Exh. EDH-17 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 or subsequent compl-aints about its application to Units 3 and is no mention in the Sierra Club'sThere4 of Colstrip. testimony in this acceptable to Unj-ts 3 and 4, these costs. Avi-sta proceeding explaining why it was them for PSE to spend capital on SmartBurn for but why they now take issue with Avi-sta including A. Do you have any other comrrents concerning the Sierra Club' s characterization of Sua,rtBurn on Units 3 and 4? A. Yes. It is ironic that the Sierra Clubr dS an 10 environmental steward, takes issue with an investment in 11 1,2 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 27 SmartBurn technology that has actually improved NOx emissions. Dr. Hausman's testimony in this case characterizes SmartBurn spending as "wasteful" (Page 5) and "discretionary" (Page 12) even though it reduces pollutants at Colstrip. This is ironic, given that the Sierra CIub has argued with the Environmental Protecti-on Agency that it had not gone far enough in its Eederal ImpJ-ementation Plan for the Regional Haze Program in the State of Montana and has been arguing for earlier dates for the requirement of SCR on Units 3 and 4 in modeling for Avista's El-ectric IRP. But now they argue against lower emissions. A. Can you please sr:marize your testimony concerning' the SmartBurn investrnent in Units 3 and 4? Thackston, Di 13 Avista Corporation ZZ 1 2 3 4 ( 6 1 9 A. Yes. Avista agreed to invest in SmartBurn technology on Col-strip Units 3 and 4 for the following reasons: 1. The decision to instal-I SmartBurn was made in 2072 for installation in 2016 and 201,1. At the time the decision to install was made, it was believed by the Company, and even by the Sierra C1ub, that SCR would be required on Units 3 and 4 in the 2020s. 2. Avista's share of the capital costs for ldaho was $1,044,721; not the $3,040,933 represented by the Sierra CIub which included Avista's combined Idaho and Washington SmartBurn capital costs. Of the $1,044,121, j-n capital- costs, $ 685 , 1-11 of SmartBurn capital investments are already refl-ected in rates previously approved,' only $358, 950 of remaining investment is at issue in this case ( i . e. , a $38, 682 revenue requirement). 3. SmartBurn wil-I not extend the useful life, or even the reliabi-I j-ty of Units 3 and 4, contrary to the Sierra Club's concerns. 4. SmartBurn, in fact, has produced positive environmental resufts, lowering NOx emissj-ons and providing data useful for designing and selecting the SCR for the next step in NOx reductions expected tn 2028. Thackston, Di 74 Avista Corporati-on 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 t1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 1 ) 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 III. MAIIAGEITIENT OE COLSTRIP CAPITAI A. Do you agree with the Sierra Club's8 assertion that the Cornpany is not actively exercising its ownership interests concerning capital. spending at Colstrip? A. No. Vflhile it is true that the ownership structure and operating agreement for Colstrip do not provide a line item veto of individual capital projects, and Avista has a small enough ownership interest preventing it from stopping capital proj ects, ownership the Company rights while nevertheless actively exercises its 10 proj ects are being discussed. Each year projects for Units 3 and 4, as These projects are reviewed by 11 Tafen proposes a set of capital 1,2 well as f or the plant in common. 13 one or more Avista representatives on an individuaf basis and t4 also as an ownership group. Additionally, Avista and other 15 Company representatives meet with Talen at least every other 16 month to review plant operations including capital projects. 11 Prolects may be added or subtracted throughout the year as 1B appropriate. 19 It should al-so be remembered that the compensation 20 structure for the plant operator is cost based and does not 21, inc1ude a rate of return based on the capital- spending at the 22 plant and there is no incentive to spend fooli-sh1y. fn fact, Thackston, Di 15Avista Corporation B Direct Testimony of Ezra D. Hausman, p-34. 1 2 3 4 tr 6 '7 B 9 quite the opposite is true. The plant operator is an independent power producer that relies on low plant costs to ensure the plant is competitive in the market so there is no financial incentive for them to spend needl-ess capital. The plant operator's financial interests to keep costs as low as possible whil-e meet j-ng al-I regulations are the same as all of the Colstrip owners and their customers. A. How do the owners of Colstrip address regrrlatory and environrmental coryIiancGr obligations? A. The owner's group does not approach its regulatory and environmental- compliance obligations through the narrow perspective described by the Sierra Club and Idaho Conservation League in their testimony. The owners group, and specifically Avista, must always strategically manage the risk to both our customers and sharehol-ders for the known and possible regulatory obligations at both the federal- and state leve1s, while managing reliability and cost of all of our generating resources. The owners do not take this responsibility }iqhtly and exercise careful diligence in gathering information at the point in time when strategic decisions must be made. Thackston, Di 15 Avista Corporation 10 11 1,2 13 74 15 76 l1 1B 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 IV. COI.STRIP DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE A. Does the Company agree with the assertion that the depreciation schedule for Colstrip Units 3 and 4 needs to be shortened to 2O27?e A. No, the Company's current depreciation study for Colstrip goes out to 2034-2036. Ms. Andrews, in her rebuttal testimony, discusses the new study, expected to be compJ-eted in the fj-rst quarter of 2078, and the results are not expected to change this date based on preJ-iminary discussions with the based on a negotiated settlement with Puget Sound Energy (VIUTC Docket No. UE-170033) regarding the depreciation period for that company's 25 percent ownership interest in Colstrip Units 3 and 4. That settlement has not been approved by the WUTC yet and the date is otherwise not supported by a depreciation study. The depreciation schedule for Avista is not otherwise an issue in this case. The appropriate place to raise those concerns about accel-erating the depreciation schedule for Colstrip should occur in the regulatory filing for the updated Colstrip 27 depreciation schedule. e Direct Testimony of Ezra D. Hausman, p. 42. 10 rbid. Thackston, Di 11 Avista Corporation 10 consul-tant performing the study. The shortened period 11 discussed by Dr. Hausman of the Sierra Club1o appears to be l2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 1 2 A. Does this conclude your rebuttal testimony? A. Yes, it does. Thackston, Di 1B Avista Corporation